I say quit your job, but i know you won't and your boss knows it too(1)

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Exhaust i on,depr essi on,f at i gueandwor stofal l l ackofi nspi r at i onbecauseyouwer en' tbor nt o doi t .Unf or t unat el yt hecomf or tofj obsecur i t y al l owsyout owast eyear sdoi ngsomet hi ngt hat youwer en' tcutoutf or ,yourchar act erwasnot i nser t edi nt ot hatbodyj ustt osi tf or8hour si n t heof f i cebutyetyoungmanyouf i ndyour sel f waki ngupi nt heear l yhour sofever ymor ni ng chasi ngherdr eam.Herconf i dencebaf f l esyou, ent husi asm i nmeet i ngsandyouaskyour sel f buthow?Wher edoesshegett hatdr i ve?


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