Tales of Rodentia part 1

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Tales of RodentiA part i

forgive me for being so rough

I have an illness

you see..., people who prey upon the weak, (bandits such as you, for example)

just riles me up!

nephew, is it safe to carry on our journey?

yes, quite safe uncle

praise Draco! let us then march onwards! for His glory!

the village of marmot awaits our Lord’s embrace!

sigh... how much further?

we’ll get there before sundown

hurry, quietly, this way!


carcass orchids!

we’re here, uncle marmot village...


pastor, welcome! met no dangers on the road, I hope?

draco protects His children, sergeant His impregnable shield is worthy of our faith! uhm, yeah...

of course! This village is thirsty for Draco’s word

so, you’d be wantin’ to set up your tent right now?

this way then, we prepared the village center for your tent

I can sense it in the air!

after you!

so, sergeant how many attacks so far?

two attacks this past month

most recent was last week

one whole family killed and eaten

that is such a shame... but now that we are here... Draco’s presence will protect this village!

aah.., this is the place? wonderful! LET us make haste to set up the holy tent!

whoever is there, come out now

mister, are you here to kill the monsters?

all sentients are Draco’s children, kid

did the villagers fight the monsters?

we don’t kill unless forced to

uh - uh

we have no weapons mister


kid, I’ll see what I can do meanwhile, you should bring your family to the church’s event later

what about the soldiers? were they there?

come ye all sk who wouldlobvae! in Draco’s

welcome! welcome! your hearts must be heavy due to recent circumstances... thus I would like to start by delivering this most precious message:

DraCO Loves you!

can you imagine that?

Draco, ruler of this world and the heavens, utterly and completely in LOVE with you?

hard to swallow, yes?

but if you open your hearts to the message, you will find this truth at the roots of all logic!

at sentience’s beginning, there was draco the first to create, and the first to enjoy wise, powerful, complete, his passion was creating things that reflect his goodness he was nevertheless alone, for he was the only one of his kind he thought it good to ‘wake’ all the lesser animals, so they too can create and enjoy goodness...

fully aware that the lesser animals are prone to selfishness, he nevertheless lent his sentience to all his lesser brothers

and alas, it was with full grace and understanding that he let the animals to eventually murder him on the spike because he knew that the love he has for them will empower his return!

draco now lives in the heavens, also in the hearts of those who has received his forgiveness

his spirit, ever-roaming our world, sending miracles to souls upon which his ever-patient hands are knocking...

souls such as our newest brother here...

share with us your story, brother anto!

one night I came home from chopping wood, a bloodthirster came upon me it chased me into a cave, a narrow one...

I was a goner everybody, even me would know so!

but I SUrvived!!! The monster suddenly left!

and in the morning, just outside the cave... I saw the visage of DRAco, scratched upon the cave door... DRACO saved my life, I should be dead But I’m ALIVE...



praise draco amen, yes!

that’s right! you heard what Draco has done for Brother Anto, who at the time

SURE YOU CAN BlEprotect il that he w calls him o h w e thos


an unrepentant

it’s the elder!



yeah! finally! he looks angry too! heh heh..

wha? uhm...

the elder seeks an audience with your honor of course! please, step in

well, elder how may the church serve you?

is the church going to stay? where is your army?

pastor, please cut the charades and masquerades

we- we are stayin until the cats dissapear

CATS?? they are the least of-

why are you-

as for an army, our faith is morethan suffice, elder-

put your cat-game in the box, pastor there is a change coming onto rodentia that is bigger than anything elder, since the kingdom’s I assure you conception

the CATS will attack again, Draco has informed me-

my gosh...

you have no idea, ...do you?

a new power is garnering strength at an unprecedented rate, even as we speak now

and when it’s wave is unleashed, every sentient on this continent will have to pick a side, for it or against it

and bloody will be the war that follows...

take this warning as a parting gift, pastor return to your city and warn the church of this, to be caught in the middle is certain doom heh, to think that I thought the church came here to offer an alternative

it seems we overestimated by a long shot

what in damnation’s name is he blabbing about?? was he bluffing? or simply crazy?

gah, crappit!

p-please don’t go! draco’s protection is most dependable, we assure you!

don’t you want His protection against the monsters?

how did it go, elder?

bah! they’re clueless! go and prepare the people for tonight go home and pray with your family, tonight will be the last night of bloodthirster menace!

though what comes the days after that, we are still unsure

uncle! the villagers all left, and none of them joined our family!

sentients have free will, nephew we can’t force them to accept Draco’s love...

then shouldn’t we show draco’s love by defending them? even if draco cannot use his magic directly on them, I think He would still want us to protect them!

draco cannot extend his power over those that refuse him

...I’m not sure if that is not the same as overstepping Draco’s will

if the church then forces its power over those people...

stay in your room, nephew and pray! pray for the villagers mind to be open to draco’s light

fww hp! prayer’s the best thing we children of draco can do, in any case!

evenin’ gov’na

and the rats still have no clue that this is the last time


‘course! got’em?

uh, hey boss.. since this is the last time...

don’t mess with the bloodthirsters



tch! we leave’em their share, as per usual



mo! miny

r cowar ds!


you! find bag! no eat other house!

momma, i’m scared...

hush child..

found! come!

rowrr.. yes, I know

so, this is house?

knock - knock!

is this house of draco or draco family?


no? then you dinner!

here, rat

we need go home

you grab bag


where are you going? what have you done??

uncle, I have to do this this is draco’s will for me, I can feel it in my marrow!

what am I to tell my brother if you die??

to be continued

nephew! don’t go!!!

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