Making money with Twitter

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Making money with Twitter!! Success Secrets To Increase Your Profits and Sales Using Twitter Business Strategies

Table of Contents 1

Copyright notes ...........................................................................................................................3 1.1

Notice of rights ....................................................................................................................3


Notice of Liability .................................................................................................................3


Prelude .......................................................................................................................................4


The Golden Rule ..........................................................................................................................4


How are you going to make money with Twitter?........................................................................5


Is this going to cost you a lot of time? .........................................................................................5


Why do I write this eBook?..........................................................................................................5


This is what you need to start earning money .............................................................................6 7.1

Twitter Account ...................................................................................................................6


Account .......................................................................................................................6


Notices ........................................................................................................................6


Picture .........................................................................................................................6




PayPal Account ....................................................................................................................7


RevTwt Account...................................................................................................................7


Tweetlater Account .............................................................................................................7


Hummingbird ......................................................................................................................8

7.5.1............................................................................................................................................8 7.6

TweetDeck ..........................................................................................................................9

7.6.1............................................................................................................................................9 8

What to do next? ........................................................................................................................9


Last notes.................................................................................................................................. 10


Copyright notes

Copyright © 2009 1.1 Notice of rights All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 1.2 Notice of Liability The information in this book is distributed on an “As Is” basis without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the book, neither the author nor the publisher shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this book or by the products described in it.



Hi this is my First eBook and I hope you‟ll enjoy it. I‟ll try to write this as short as possible with a minimum of bullshit but still easy to understand. If you read this eBook and follow it step by step you should be able to get ten thousands of followers and make lots of money with the ads you send to then.


The Golden Rule

If you are a spammer and spam your followers, you will FAIL. Period. Ok, with that out of the way, let's talk about Twitter for a second. Twitter is about opt-in relationships between people. No one is under any obligation to follow you, or listen to what you say. And they won‟t, unless you are adding value to their feed in some way.

4 How are you going to make money with Twitter? - First of all you need a lot of followers - When you have enough followers, you need to send them ads, they click on it and you‟ll start earning money, that‟s all!


Is this going to cost you a lot of time?

Not at all! I tested this method for you and I found the best and fastest way to earn money with Twitter. So all you have to do is follow this instructions. At First, it‟s going to take some time to create and manage all the accounts, but at the end all you have to do is write some tweets every day, it takes about 5 minutes, that‟s all!


Why do I write this eBook?

I am also using this method and I‟m earning a lot of money with it. Now I want you to give you this info so you can make money too and I can make even more money! This eBook if free so in return I just ask you to create a RevTwt account via this link. ( When you start earning money on this site, I receive 20% on top of your income. Once you‟ve created your own account, go to the „Referrals‟ tab and you get your very own link that you can give to other people and receive 20% on top of their earnings!


This is what you need to start earning money -

Twitter account ( Paypal account ( RevTwt account ( Tweetlater account ( Hummingbird TweetDeck

7.1 Twitter Account Logon to your Twitter account and change these „Settings‟: 7.1.1Account - Name, Username, Email - Time Zone: Take a time zone between GMT -08:00 and 05:00 because most people who follow me are from the United States (Can be different for your situation!) - More Info URL: Here you can promote your website - One Line Bio: This is also important, just write something about yourself - Location and Language 7.1.2 Notices Uncheck „Email when someone starts following me‟, because over 10.000 people are going to follow you from you, so that‟s a lot of spam. 7.1.3 Picture Make sure you add a picture of yourself (or just get a picture on the internet from someone you like).

7.1.4 Design Change the design so you don‟t have the boring standard design or go to and create something nice. You can start with one Twitter account, but to grow fast you‟ll need 10 accounts. It‟s better to start with one account and see how this is going for you and create the other accounts later. 7.2 PayPal Account This is simple, create an account and verify you credit card or top up your account. 7.3 RevTwt Account This is the site you‟ll need to start earning money. Don‟t forget to sign up with my link, thanks! ( Go to „Twitter Accounts‟, add your twitter account(s) and Auto Post 2 Ads/Day. Click „submit‟ to save your changes. This site will now automatically post 2 ads each day so all you have to do is sit back and earn money. 7.4 Tweetlater Account Create an account and go to „Account‟, „Add Accounts‟ and. Check „Automatically send a welcome message to new followers‟ and in the „Send This Message:‟ box you write something like: Thanks for following! I am making money on twitter, you can too! Also check „Auto Unfollow‟.

7.5 Hummingbird Their sales page is this: But you can download it for free @ warez-bb: Just install it following the instructions and replace the original .exe with the crack. With this software you can add a lot of followers, very fast. 7.5.1 Log in with you Twitter Account and go to „Tools‟, „Find Targeted Followers‟. Go to „Find suggested users‟, „select all‟ and click „Follow‟. Then do this again but stay on the „Find on Twitter‟ tab. Search on a keyword like Twitter, website, marketing, woman, … Click on an account that has between 1000 and 2000 followers. Click on „Followers‟ or „Following‟, wait a few seconds and click on „Follow All‟. Now Hummingbird starts following them all, this can take a while. You can follow 2000 people max, this is a limit on Twitter and you can only break it by getting more Followers. Now you‟ve followed 1000-2000 people. Wait 48 hours and let them follow you back. This is how you get followers! Once you have as much followers as people following you, you have to „flush‟ the people that you are following, but don‟t follow

you back. So click on „following‟ and click the bottom right corner button labeled „Unfollow All‟. But do NOT do a "mass unfollow" of thousands at a time. You are sending a red flag and an increased chance of your account getting suspended. Repeat from step 7.5.1. Keep doing this to get as much followers as u need. 7.6 TweetDeck At this point, we are sending 2 ads to our followers each day. Most people see this as spam and they will unfollow you. You need to tell them something interesting. I you only have one Twitter account you just send some Tweets every day and skip this step. But if you have multiple accounts and you have to write Tweets for all of them, it can take you a lot of time! So that‟s why you have to download this program and you can Tweet to all your Twitter accounts at the same time! Go to and install the software. 7.6.1 Launch it, add all you Twitter accounts, click „Tweet‟ (upper left), select all you Twitter accounts and Tweet something. Now you are Tweeting to all your accounts at the same time!


What to do next?

Repeat step 7.5.1 every 48 to 72 hours and step 7.6.1 every day.


Last notes

Thank you for reading this tutorial. I know it will work for you. Please donâ€&#x;t forget to sign up @ RevTwt with my link. ( I you see any spelling errors, just let me know (It will probably be full of it).

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