PortBook Annapolis & Eastern Shore 2023-24

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Annapolis & Eastern Shore

po r tb o ok . c o m

Publisher: Mary Ewenson mary@portbook.com

Production: Zach Ditmars

Distribution: Beatrice M. Roderick beatrice@portbook.com

Accounting: Brooke King brooke@portbook.com

Advertising Sales: Chris Charbonneau and Eric Richardson

Cartography: Elizabeth Fisher

All contents of this publication are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or part. PortBook Annapolis/Eastern Shore is published annually by SpinSheet Publishing Company, 612 Third Street, Suite 3C, Annapolis, MD 21403. 410-216-9309 | info@portbook.com

PortBook is distributed free through advertisers. Mail copies are available for $4 each. Requests should be sent with payment to the Annapolis office. It can also be found in its entirety at portbook.com Call PortBook at 410-216-9309 or email info@portbook.com for advertising rates and information for the 2024-25 edition.

PORTBOOK® is the registered trademark of SpinSheet Publishing Company.

PORTBOOK is a compilation of information provided by the advertisers themselves. The accuracy of the statements contained therein is neither verified or guaranteed by the publishers and no responsibility will be taken for false or misleading statements. The maps are intended purely as an aid in locating the businesses listed in the directory. Therefore many streets are omitted and the scale may be altered. They should never be used as a navigation aid.

3 www.portbook.com ..................... 2023-24 How to Use PortBook ....................................................................... 4-5 EmErgEncy/Official/VisitOr infOrmatiOn Coast Guard, Hospitals, Customs & Border Protection, Marine Police, Police & Fire 6-7 thE DirEctOry List of Business Categories 4-5 Businesses listed by Service Provided 8-44 Businesses listed Alphabetically 50-86 lOcal infOrmatiOn Bridge Openings 91 Calendar of Events 47-49 Dog Parks 89 Maps ................................................................................... center insert Medical Services .............................................................................. 7,91 Playgrounds ........................................................................................ 89 Transportation .................................................................................... 90 Boat Ramps ......................................................................................... 45 MEMBER MTAM Marine Trades Association of Maryland
Table of ConTenTs
Photo by Haven Harbour Marina Resorts

Find the ServiceS

• Select the service you need from the LIST OF CATEGORIES below. Turn to the page number listed to the right of the Category. That directs you to the page in the Categorized Index for that category of services.

• There you will find a quick reference to all the businesses offering that service and the page on which you can find their DIRECTORY LISTING in the second half of the book.

On The BOaT On The ShORe

4 portbook.com PORTbooK
ElEctrical/ElEctrOnics Alarm Systems 8 Appliance Repair 8 Audio/Visual Services ...................8 Autopilots/Windvanes 8 Batteries/Chargers 9 Communication Systems 10 Computer Service/Parts 10 Electrical Services ..........................10 Electronics - Sales/Service/ Installation 11 Generator Sales & Service ............11 Solar Panels/Wind Generators 12 EnginEs/mEchanical Air Conditioning Sales & Service 12 Alternators/Starters .....................13 Davits/Outboard Hoists/ Boat Lifts.........................................13 Engine Parts/Filters/Hoses 14 Engine Sales & ServiceInboard 14 Engine Sales & ServiceOutboard 14 Hardware 16 Heads - Sales & Service ................16 EnginEs/mEchanical (continued) Heating Systems 16 Hitches / Tow Packages ..............17 Hydraulics - Sales & Service 17 Plumbing ........................................17 Propellers - Sales & Service 17 Refrigeration Sales & Service ......18 Shaft Alignment & Stabilizers 18 Tank & Fuel Cleaning 19 Transmissions - Marine 19 Watermakers/Desalinators 20 Winch/Windlass Sales & Service 20 hull & tOpsiDE Boat & Hull Cleaning/Detailing 20 Boat Builders 22 Boat Yards ......................................22 Bottom Painting/Blister Repair 22 Carpentry/Cabinetry/ Wooden Boat Repair 23 Carpet/Tile/FlooringSales, Cleaning, Installation 23 Diving Services 24 Electrolysis/ Corrosion Consultants 24 Fasteners/ Boat Building Supplies 24
BOat salEs, chartErs & managEmEnt Boat Rentals 34 Boat Rentals: Canoes/ Kayaks/SUPs 34 Boat Sales: Brokerage 34 Boat Sales: New - Power ..............34 Boat Sales: New - Sail ...................34 Boat Sales: Small Boats/ Dinghies/Inflatables 35 Charter Management 35 Charters - Fishing/Diving 35 Charters - Power ...........................35 Charters - Sail ................................35 Corporate Team Building 35 Deliveries 35 Documentation Services 35 Financing/Refinancing 35 Insurance ........................................35 Surveyors/Appraisers..................36 Yacht Management & Concierge Services 36 Dining anD prOVisiOning Caterers 36 Grocery Stores ...............................36 Liquor Stores 36 Provisioning Service/ Take Out Food 36 Restaurants and Bars ....................38 marinas & transpOrt/stOragE DOcks/pilings Condominum Slips 38 Dinghy Dockage ............................38 Dry Storage 38 Fuel Docks 38 Marinas 39 Moorings –Sales/Service/Rentals ..................40 Property - Marine Commercial 40 Pumpout Stations –Mobile & Fixed 40

• In the DIRECTORY LISTING section you will find detailed contact information on each company and a complete description of the services they offer. All Listings appear alphabetically.

• FOR MORE INFORMATION and links to the business’s websites, visit portbook.com.

• KNOw OF A buSINESS that should be in PortBook? Drop us an email at info@portbook.com.

hull & tOpsiDE (continued)

5 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK you
marinas & transpOrt/stOragE DOcks/pilings (continued) Self Service/DIY-Permitted Marinas 41 Trailers 41 Trucking/Boat Transport 41 shOps & attractiOns Books/Publications – Marine 42 Clothing & Boating Gear .............42 Engraving/Monogramming/ Embroidery ....................................42 Excursion Cruises 42 Museums/Attractions/Tours .....42 Plaques/Trophies 42 Souvenirs ........................................42 Specialty Stores/ Galleyware/Gift Shops 42 Used Equipment/ Consignment Shops 42 VisitOr & lOcal infOrmatiOn Accommodations 43 Aerial/Drone Services 43 Bicycles Rentals .............................43 Boat Shows 43 Bus Service 43 Fitness/Exercise Centers..............43 Hair Salons/Facials/Skin Care/ Massage Therapists 44 Laundries 44 Medical Services ............................44 Real Estate - Sales & Rentals 44 Taxi/Limo Service 44 Visitors Information Center...........6 Water Taxi/Ferry/Launch 44 yacht cluBs & assOciatiOns Boat Clubs 44 Boat Donations ..............................44 Yacht Clubs & Associations 44
Fiberglass/Carbon Fiber/ Composite Repairs 24 Galley Equipment/Repairs 25 Glass Installation/Repair 25 Inflatable Boat Repair ...................26 Interior Design/Decorators .........26 Marine Lumber 26 Marine Supplies & Accessories 26 Metal Fabrication & Pulpits/ Arches/Railings 26 Naval Architects/ Yacht Designers .............................26 Plastic/Acrylic Fabrication ..........26 Shrink Wrapping...........................27 Structural Repairs & Modifications 27 Welding/Machine Shops 28 paint/cOatings Boat Names 28 Boat Wraps 28 Graphic Design & Marine Artists 28 Metal Finishing/ Powder Coating 28 Painting/Spray Painting 28 Sandblasting/Soda Blasting 29 Varnishers/Refinishers 29 rigging & canVas Canvas Shops/Repairs 30 Furling Systems 30 Mast/Spar Fabricators 30 Rigging Hardware 30 Rigging Shop/Riggers 30 Sail Cleaning 31 Sail Measurers 31 Sailmakers/Sail Repairs 31 Sails - Secondhand 31 Upholstery 31 safEty & instructiOn Boat Handling Instruction 31 Captain Certification Courses 32 Charts 32 Compass Adjusting/Repairs 32 Fire Equipment/Extinguishers 32 First Aid Kits 32 Life Raft Inspection /Repack/Repairs 32 Life Raft Sales/Rentals 32 Marine Consultants 32 Marine Trades Education/Training 32 Navigation Aids/Instruments 32 Safety Equipment/Training 33 Sailing Schools/Instruction 33 Survival Equipment 33 Towing & Salvage 33 Weather Forecasting 33
On The ShORe
On The BOaT
6 portbook.com PORTbooK Use PORTbooK online www.portbook.com Visitors information Visit annapOlis & annE arunDEl cOunty Map a, Ef-6 26 West Street 410-280-0445 Annapolis, 21401 info@visitannapolis.org visitannapolis.org Visit Annapolis can help you discover the complete Chesapeake experience. Explore our restaurants, pubs, and boutiques, along with the origins of our county and the traditions of the Naval Academy. Discover art galleries at every step and a variety of nightly entertainment. Visit our seasonal kiosk at City Dock or the West Street Visitors Center for additional information. Visit us online at visitannapolis.org and find everything at your fingertips. Open: 10am-5pm daily. Phone: 410-267-8681  Fax: 410-268-6528 Toll Free: 800-456-9151 Accessible from the Harbor by Annapolis City Bus Service Your Single Source for the Highest Quality Products, Best Selection and Most Knowledgeable Staff Now conveniently located near Back Creek Marinas 919 BaY Ridge Road  Sailboat Hardware  Anchorage & Docking  Electrical  Technical Clothing/ Safety  Plumbing Visit us online at: Fawcettboat.com  Boats & Engines: Sales & Service  Rigging Supplies & Cordage  Navigation & Publication  Annapolis Inflatables  Chesapeake Marine Fasteners
7 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK Escape, Relax, Enjoy! chesapeakeyachtclub.org • Slips for up to 70 foot boats, including catamarans • 30 minutes from the Beltway • Centrally located on the Bay • River view pool and award winning dining • Boating and non-boating memberships available! Join Chesapeake Yacht Club and enjoy the tranquil waters and spectacular sunsets on the West River. Call 410-867-1500 or email Membership@chesapeakeyachtclub.org to learn more about CYC! State-Of-The-Art Floating Slips Visitors information MaRIne - eMeRGenCY & InFORMaTIOn Harbor Master: Annapolis 410-263-7973 Cambridge 410-228-4031 Maryland Marine Police: Emergency ............................................................ 410-260-8888 General Information 410-260-8880 United States Coast Guard ........................................... 410-267-8107 Department of Natural Resources: Licensng and Registration 160 Harry S. Truman Pkwy, Annapolis ........... 410-260-3220 Toll Free: ................................................................ 866-344-8889 State Highway Administration: Bridge Openings 410-841-1009 U.S. Customs & Border Protection 410-962-2806 Reporting Station: Annapolis Dockmaster GeneRaL eMeRGenCY nUMBeRS Annapolis Police Department 410-268-9000 For emergencies only in all Anne Arundel Co. ....................... 911 Fire, Ambulance, Rescue .............................................................. 911 Hospital - Anne Arundel Medical Ctr. ....................... 443-481-1000 Maryland Poison Center ............................................ 1-800-222-1222 EastErn shOrE Police, Fire, Ambulance: For all areas ........................................ 911 Hospitals: Memorial Hospital, Easton 410-822-1000 Dorchester General, Cambridge 410-228-5511 UM Shore Emergency Center, Queenstown .. 410-827-3900

Businesses Listed By serVice

Businesses are listed alphabetically, followed by their Phone Number and the Page # of their detailed listing in the back half of the book. For links to their websites, please visit portbook.com. Batteries for Ever y Need – Fast

On The BOaT

8 portbook.com PORTbooK
ElEctrical / ElEctrOnics alarm systEms Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Electronic Marine Annapolis.........................................410-268-8101 ... 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 appliancE rEpair Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) ..........................410-268-6977 ... 85 auDiO / Visual sErVicEs Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Electronic Marine Annapolis 410-268-8101 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 autOpilOts / WinDVanEs Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Electronic Marine Annapolis 410-268-8101 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) ..........................410-268-6977 ... 85
Ser vice 8220 Ritchie Highway Pasadena, MD 21122 410-544-2441 1900 Forest Drive Annapolis, MD 21401 410-267-0799 3003 Mountain Road Pasadena, MD 21122 410-360-0676 3 Store Locations To Ser ve You! Open 7 Days a Week
s teve nsba tte r y . co m STEVE N S W ARE H O U S E BATTER Y
9 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK BattEriEs / chargErs Annapolis Cruisair, Inc ..................................................410-224-0970 ... 52 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 The Best Battery Co., Inc. ............................................. 800-638-BEST ... 58 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) .........................410-268-6977 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Electronic Marine Annapolis.........................................410-268-8101 ... 66 Fairview Marina ..............................................................410-437-3400 ... 66 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 K&B True Value 410-268-3939 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Marine Electric Systems, LLC 410-263-0807 76 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Stevens Battery Warehouse, Inc ...................................410-267-0799 ... 82 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) 410-268-6977 85 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 Service@ c he S apeakeDock S i D e.com Chesapeake Dockside Services On-Site, All Points Boat Repair 410-268-6977 On-site, on-time Marine Repairs, Installation, & Services right to your boat throughout Anne Arundel County 7416 Edgewood Rd. • Bldg. 7401 • Ste. 1 • Annapolis, MD 21403 Yacht Electronic Systems • Electrical & Electronic Systems • Engine Maintenance & Repairs • Systems Installation & Repairs • Commissioning • Winterization ABYC Certified Master Technician Electrical, Systems, & Engines Certifications
10 portbook.com PORTbooK cOmmunicatiOn systEms Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ...................410-267-8181 ... 55 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Electronic Marine Annapolis.........................................410-268-8101 ... 66 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Marine Electric Systems, LLC .......................................410-263-0807 ... 76 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) ..........................410-268-6977 ... 85 cOmputEr sErVicE / parts Electronic Marine Annapolis.........................................410-268-8101 ... 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 ElEctrical sErVicEs Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) .........................410-268-6977 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Electronic Marine Annapolis 410-268-8101 66 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Lunbar Marine .................................................................410-990-0970 ... 75 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Marine Electric Systems, LLC 410-263-0807 76 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Stevens Battery Warehouse, Inc 410-267-0799 82 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) 410-268-6977 85 Yacht Maintenance Company .......................................410-228-8878 ... 86 Use PORTbooK online www.portbook.com
11 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK ElEctrOnics - salEs / sErVicE / installatiOn Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard ........................................410-268-0092 ... 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales 410-226-5592 60 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Electronic Marine Annapolis 410-268-8101 66 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 K&B True Value 410-268-3939 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Lunbar Marine 410-990-0970 75 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Marine Electric Systems, LLC 410-263-0807 76 Marine Services LLC ......................................................410-533-8752 ... 76 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) ..........................410-268-6977 ... 85 gEnEratOr salEs & sErVicE Annapolis Cruisair, Inc 410-224-0970 52 Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 AR Marine Diesel Service LLC 410-867-0685 56 Bay Bridge Marina ..........................................................410-643-3162 ... 58 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales ...............410-226-5592 ... 60 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) .........................410-268-6977 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Cypress Marine Inc. ........................................................410-647-7940 ... 64 Full Keel Marine Services ..............................................410-246-1666 ... 67 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 357 Pier One rOad • Steven S ville, M d 21666 Premier Marina | Minutes From annapolis located at the Base of the Bay Bridge State-Of-the-art Floating docks 30 and 70 ton lifts Full Yacht Yard & Marine Services Marina: 410.643.3162 Free dockage While dining restaurant: 410.604.0999 Ba Y BridgeMarina.c OM Come
for the Sunset, Stay for the Season

gEnEratOr salEs & sErVicE (continued)

12 portbook.com PORTbooK Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Vosbury Marine and Recreation, Inc 410-757-3844 83 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) 410-268-6977 85 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 sOlar panEls / WinD gEnEratOrs Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ...................410-267-8181 ... 55 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Lunbar Marine 410-990-0970 75 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Marine Electric Systems, LLC .......................................410-263-0807 ... 76 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) ..........................410-268-6977 ... 85 EnginEs / mEchanical air cOnDitiOning salEs & sErVicE Annapolis Cruisair, Inc 410-224-0970 52 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ...................410-267-8181 ... 55 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales 410-226-5592 60 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Fairview Marina ..............................................................410-437-3400 ... 66 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Lunbar Marine 410-990-0970 75 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) 410-268-6977 85 Air-Conditioning: Cruisair, Marine Air & Dometic Marine Refrigeration: Adler Barber, Waeco & Vitrifrigo Generators: Kohler & Fisher Panda Icemakers: U-Line, Eskimo & Raritan Cabin Heaters: Espar diesel fired, Aux. electric heat & heat pumps Air Purification Systems 410-224-0970 annapoliscruisair.com 212 Renard Court, Annapolis, MD 21401 fax: 410-224-0050 W A t ER M AKER s
13 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK altErnatOrs / startErs Bay Bridge Marina ..........................................................410-643-3162 ... 58 The Best Battery Co., Inc. 800-638-BEST 58 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Marine Electric Systems, LLC .......................................410-263-0807 ... 76 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Vosbury Marine and Recreation, Inc 410-757-3844 83 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) 410-268-6977 85 DaVits / OutBOarD hOists / BOat lifts Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 KATO Marine 410-269-1218 73 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Use PORTbooK online www.portbook.com
14 portbook.com PORTbooK EnginE parts / filtErs / hOsEs Bay Bridge Marina ..........................................................410-643-3162 ... 58 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) .........................410-268-6977 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Full Keel Marine Services ..............................................410-246-1666 ... 67 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Vosbury Marine and Recreation, Inc 410-757-3844 83 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 EnginE salEs & sErVicE - inBOarD Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ...................410-267-8181 ... 55 AR Marine Diesel Service LLC .....................................410-867-0685 ... 56 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales 410-226-5592 60 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) .........................410-268-6977 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Full Keel Marine Services 410-246-1666 67 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South ....................................................410-778-6697 ... 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Vosbury Marine and Recreation, Inc 410-757-3844 83 Yacht Maintenance Company .......................................410-228-8878 ... 86 EnginE salEs & sErVicE - OutBOarD Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard ........................................410-268-0092 ... 54 Annapolis Inflatables......................................................410-800-4443 ... 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales 410-226-5592 60 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) .........................410-268-6977 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Chesapeake Whalertowne 410-267-9731 63 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Use PORTbooK online www.portbook.com
7340 E dg e wood R oad, A nn apo lis , M D 2140 3 Lo c at e d in Ber t J ab ins Ya ch t Ya r d 410.280.275 2 ww w .Mya ch t services . ne t Rigging and Fabrication Carpentry · Paint · Fiberglass Marine Systems
16 portbook.com PORTbooK harDWarE Bacon Sails & Marine Supplies .....................................410-263-4880 ... 57 Bogley Marine Service ....................................................410-491-2885 ... 60 Chesapeake Marine Fasteners, Inc. ..............................410-267-8681 ... 62 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 K&B True Value 410-268-3939 72 KATO Marine 410-269-1218 73 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Maritime Fabrication 866-397-2540 77 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 hEaDs - salEs & sErVicE Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 hEating systEms Annapolis Cruisair, Inc ..................................................410-224-0970 ... 52 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) .........................410-268-6977 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 K&B True Value 410-268-3939 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Lunbar Marine 410-990-0970 75 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) ..........................410-268-6977 ... 85
17 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK hitchEs / tOW packagEs Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 hyDraulics - salEs & sErVicE Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 plumBing Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard ........................................410-268-0092 ... 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Marine Fasteners, Inc. ..............................410-267-8681 ... 62 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Fairview Marina 410-437-3400 66 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 K&B True Value ..............................................................410-268-3939 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Lunbar Marine 410-990-0970 75 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Marine Services LLC ......................................................410-533-8752 ... 76 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) ..........................410-268-6977 ... 85 prOpEllErs - salEs & sErVicE A Diver Down/Lee Powers ..........................................443-995-4326 ... 50 Annapolis Diving Contractors ......................................410-251-6538 ... 53 Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) .........................410-268-6977 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62
18 portbook.com PORTbooK Fairview Marina ..............................................................410-437-3400 ... 66 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Harbor Diving & Salvage, LLC 410-991-7767 68 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 rEfrigEratiOn salEs & sErVicE Annapolis Cruisair, Inc ..................................................410-224-0970 ... 52 Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard ........................................410-268-0092 ... 54 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales 410-226-5592 60 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Lunbar Marine 410-990-0970 75 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) 410-268-6977 85 shaft alignmEnt & staBilizErs AR Marine Diesel Service LLC 410-867-0685 56 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Cypress Marine Inc. ........................................................410-647-7940 ... 64 Fairview Marina 410-437-3400 66 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Yacht Maintenance Company .......................................410-228-8878 ... 86 • Fiberglass/Gelcoat • Brightwork • Awlgrip • Bottom Painting • Shrinkwrap • Winterizing • Detailing • Electronics Call Today! 410.491.2885 bogleymarine@comcast.net Quality Mobile Repairs At Competitive Prices! www.bogleymarineservice.com prOpEllErs - salEs & sErVicE (continued)
19 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK Use PORTbooK online www.portbook.com tank & fuEl clEaning Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 transmissiOns - marinE AR Marine Diesel Service LLC 410-867-0685 56 Bay Bridge Marina ..........................................................410-643-3162 ... 58 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) .........................410-268-6977 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Full Keel Marine Services ..............................................410-246-1666 ... 67 Haven Harbour South ....................................................410-778-6697 ... 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Vosbury Marine and Recreation, Inc 410-757-3844 83
20 portbook.com PORTbooK WatErmakErs / DEsalinatOrs Annapolis Cruisair, Inc ..................................................410-224-0970 ... 52 Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Lunbar Marine 410-990-0970 75 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) 410-268-6977 85 Winch / WinDlass salEs & sErVicE Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard ........................................410-268-0092 ... 54 Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. ........................................................410-647-7940 ... 64 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Marine Electric Systems, LLC .......................................410-263-0807 ... 76 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) ..........................410-268-6977 ... 85 hull & tOpsiDE BOat & hull clEaning / DEtailing A Diver Down/Lee Powers 443-995-4326 50 Annapolis Diving Contractors 410-251-6538 53 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ...................410-267-8181 ... 55 Blue Planet Dive Services/Sally & Robert 410-980-2803 59 Bogley Marine Service 410-491-2885 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Clean Bottoms LLC .........................................................410-271-4800 ... 63 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Eastport Yacht Center (EYC) 410-280-9988 65 Fairview Marina 410-437-3400 66 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Queen Anne Marina 410-643-2021 79 Red Sky Professional Detailing 443-336-8595 29
Formerly m aritime Plastics Specializing in Custom FabriCation oF plastiCs, wood, metal, and Glass Hatches, Portlights, Skylights, Instrument Panels, and more! + Removal & Installation 410.980.5423 maritime F abri C ation. C om Fully insured to work in all marinas!
22 portbook.com PORTbooK BOat
Annapolis Gelcoat and Restoration .............................410-263-8980 ... 54 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales 410-226-5592 60 Chesapeake Marine Fasteners, Inc. 410-267-8681 62 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. ........................................................410-647-7940 ... 64 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Seattle Yachts Annapolis 410-397-7323 81 BOat yarDs Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. .............................................410-268-9667 ... 58 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales ...............410-226-5592 ... 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Eastport Yacht Center (EYC) .........................................410-280-9988 ... 65 Fairview Marina ..............................................................410-437-3400 ... 66 Generation III Marina, LLC 410-228-2520 67 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Haven Harbour South ....................................................410-778-6697 ... 70 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Marine Services LLC ......................................................410-533-8752 ... 76 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Queen Anne Marina .......................................................410-643-2021 ... 79 Yacht Maintenance Company .......................................410-228-8878 ... 86 BOttOm painting / BlistEr rEpair Annapolis Gelcoat and Restoration .............................410-263-8980 ... 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Bogley Marine Service ....................................................410-491-2885 ... 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Eastport Yacht Center (EYC) 410-280-9988 65 Fairview Marina 410-437-3400 66 FAST SERVICE - Shipments made same day or within 24 hours. SPECIALS - Non-Standard fasteners are our specialty. Call for hard-to-find or custom items. COMPETITIVE PRICING - Give us a call! No minimum order! PERSONALIZED SERVICE - When Service, Price, and Quality count! Open M o n - F ri 8:30 A M - 5 P M | 9 1 9 B ay R i d g e Roa d , A nna poli s, M D fa w cettb o at.co m CAN’T FIND THE RIGHT FASTENERS? 410-267-8681 800-456-9151 info@fawcettboat.com CM F CHESAPEAKE MARINE FASTENERS INC. NUTS - BO LTS - SC R E W S

BOttOm painting / BlistEr rEpair (continued)

23 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Shipwright Harbor Marina ............................................410-867-7686 ... 82 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 carpEntry / caBinEtry / WOODEn BOat rEpair Annapolis Gelcoat and Restoration .............................410-263-8980 ... 54 Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Bogley Marine Service ....................................................410-491-2885 ... 60 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales ...............410-226-5592 ... 60 Chesapeake Marine Fasteners, Inc. 410-267-8681 62 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. ........................................................410-647-7940 ... 64 Fairview Marina ..............................................................410-437-3400 ... 66 Generation III Marina, LLC 410-228-2520 67 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Maritime Fabrication ......................................................866-397-2540 ... 77 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Yacht Maintenance Company .......................................410-228-8878 ... 86 carpEt / tilE / flOOring - salEs, clEaning, installatiOn Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Red Sky Professional Detailing .....................................443-336-8595 ... 29
24 portbook.com PORTbooK DiVing sErVicEs A Diver Down/Lee Powers ..........................................443-995-4326 ... 50 Annapolis Diving Contractors 410-251-6538 53 Blue Planet Dive Services/Sally & Robert 410-980-2803 59 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Clean Bottoms LLC .........................................................410-271-4800 ... 63 Harbor Diving & Salvage, LLC 410-991-7767 68 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 SeaTow Central Chesapeake .........................................410-267-7650 ... 80 SeaTow Northern Chesapeake......................................410-885-5044 ... 80 ElEctrOlysis / cOrrOsiOn cOnsultants Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Marine Electric Systems, LLC 410-263-0807 76 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) ..........................410-268-6977 ... 85 fastEnErs / BOat BuilDing suppliEs Chesapeake Marine Fasteners, Inc. ..............................410-267-8681 ... 62 K&B True Value ..............................................................410-268-3939 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 fiBErglass / carBOn fiBEr / cOmpOsitE rEpairs Annapolis Gelcoat and Restoration 410-263-8980 54 Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard ........................................410-268-0092 ... 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ...................410-267-8181 ... 55 Bogley Marine Service 410-491-2885 60 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales 410-226-5592 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Cypress Marine Inc. ........................................................410-647-7940 ... 64 Fairview Marina 410-437-3400 66 Generation III Marina, LLC 410-228-2520 67 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South ....................................................410-778-6697 ... 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 K&B True Value ..............................................................410-268-3939 ... 72
25 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Osmotech Annapolis, Inc ...............................................410-280-9704 ... 78 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Yacht Maintenance Company .......................................410-228-8878 ... 86 gallEy EquipmEnt / rEpairs Annapolis Cruisair, Inc ..................................................410-224-0970 ... 52 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Maritime Fabrication 866-397-2540 77 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) ..........................410-268-6977 ... 85 glass installatiOn / rEpair Annapolis Gelcoat and Restoration 410-263-8980 54 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Fairview Marina 410-437-3400 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Maritime Fabrication ......................................................866-397-2540 ... 77 410.267.6860 info@prestigeyachtmanagement.com prestigeyachtmanagement.com Washing & Waxing Bottom Painting Custom Painting Oil Changes Bilge Cleaning Canvas Cleaning Teak Re nishing Cabin Detailing Transport Mechanical Services Engine Repair Customization Boat Delivery Gel Coat Repair & Re nishing Winterization Shrink Wrapping DEKit Nonskid Foam Decking Servicing Annapolis and Surrounding Areas fiBErglass / carBOn fiBEr / cOmpOsitE rEpairs (continued)
26 portbook.com PORTbooK inflataBlE BOat rEpair Annapolis Inflatables 410-800-4443 54 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Maritime Fabrication 866-397-2540 77 intEriOr DEsign / DEcOratOrs Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cover Loft ........................................................................410-268-0010 ... 64 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 marinE lumBEr Chesapeake Marine Fasteners, Inc. ..............................410-267-8681 ... 62 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Maritime Fabrication 866-397-2540 77 marinE suppliEs & accEssOriEs Bacon Sails & Marine Supplies 410-263-4880 57 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. 410-268-9667 58 Chesapeake Marine Fasteners, Inc. ..............................410-267-8681 ... 62 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 K&B True Value ..............................................................410-268-3939 ... 72 KATO Marine ..................................................................410-269-1218 ... 73 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Stevens Battery Warehouse, Inc ...................................410-267-0799 ... 82 Weems & Plath ................................................................410-263-6700 ... 84 mEtal faBricatiOn & pulpits / archEs / railings Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Eastport Spar & Rigging (ESR) 410-867-6633 65 Fairview Marina 410-437-3400 66 Full Keel Marine Services ..............................................410-246-1666 ... 67 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 KATO Marine 410-269-1218 73 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Maritime Fabrication ......................................................866-397-2540 ... 77 naVal architEcts / yacht DEsignErs Seattle Yachts Annapolis ...............................................410-397-7323 ... 81 plastic / acrylic faBricatiOn Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Fairview Marina ..............................................................410-437-3400 ... 66 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Maritime Fabrication ......................................................866-397-2540 ... 77 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79
27 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK shrink Wrapping Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard ........................................410-268-0092 ... 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Bogley Marine Service ....................................................410-491-2885 ... 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Fairview Marina 410-437-3400 66 Harbour Cove Marina ....................................................301-261-9500 ... 68 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Whistle Yacht Sales .........................................................410-570-9150 ... 85 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 structural rEpairs & mODificatiOns Annapolis Gelcoat and Restoration 410-263-8980 54 Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Bay Bridge Marina ..........................................................410-643-3162 ... 58 Bogley Marine Service 410-491-2885 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Fairview Marina ..............................................................410-437-3400 ... 66 Generation III Marina, LLC 410-228-2520 67 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 YAC HT MAINTENANCE COMPANY The facilities of a shipyard. The low cost of a neighborhood boatyard. The quality craftsmanship of a custom builder. YACHTMAINTENANCECO.COM 101 HAYWARD ST. CAMBRIDGE, MD 21613 | 410.228.8878 Storage & Hauling Emergency Repairs Gas & Diesel Engine Repair Electronic Installation Painting Carpentry Welding Fiberglass Repair Railway & Crane Service
28 portbook.com PORTbooK WElDing / machinE shOps Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Eastport Spar & Rigging (ESR) .....................................410-867-6633 ... 65 Generation III Marina, LLC ...........................................410-228-2520 ... 67 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 KATO Marine 410-269-1218 73 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 paint / cOatings BOat namEs Accent Graphics, Inc. ......................................................410-268-6411 ... 50 Bogley Marine Service ....................................................410-491-2885 ... 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 BOat Wraps Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 graphic DEsign & marinE artists Accent Graphics, Inc. ......................................................410-268-6411 ... 50 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Maritime Fabrication ......................................................866-397-2540 ... 77 mEtal finishing / pOWDEr cOating Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Yacht Maintenance Company .......................................410-228-8878 ... 86 painting / spray painting Annapolis Gelcoat and Restoration .............................410-263-8980 ... 54 Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard ........................................410-268-0092 ... 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Bogley Marine Service ....................................................410-491-2885 ... 60 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales ...............410-226-5592 ... 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Fairview Marina 410-437-3400 66 Generation III Marina, LLC ...........................................410-228-2520 ... 67 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 K&B True Value 410-268-3939 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74
29 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Maritime Fabrication 866-397-2540 77 Osmotech Annapolis, Inc 410-280-9704 78 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 sanDBlasting / sODa Blasting Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Generation III Marina, LLC ...........................................410-228-2520 ... 67 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 VarnishErs / rEfinishErs Annapolis Gelcoat and Restoration 410-263-8980 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ...................410-267-8181 ... 55 Bogley Marine Service ....................................................410-491-2885 ... 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Fairview Marina ..............................................................410-437-3400 ... 66 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Maritime Fabrication 866-397-2540 77 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management ....................410-267-6860 ... 79 Yacht Maintenance Company .......................................410-228-8878 ... 86 • • • • • • • • • • • painting / spray painting (continued) Use PORTbooK online www.portbook.com
30 portbook.com PORTbooK
canVas shOps / rEpairs Annapolis Custom Yacht Canvas 410-263-6006 53 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cover Loft 410-268-0010 64 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 furling systEms Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 mast / spar faBricatOrs Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Eastport Spar & Rigging (ESR) 410-867-6633 65 Generation III Marina, LLC ...........................................410-228-2520 ... 67 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 rigging harDWarE Chesapeake Marine Fasteners, Inc. ..............................410-267-8681 ... 62 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 rigging shOp / riggErs Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Eastport Spar & Rigging (ESR) 410-867-6633 65 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Haven Harbour South ....................................................410-778-6697 ... 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79
rigging & canVas
31 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK sail clEaning Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 North Sails........................................................................410-269-5662 ... 77 sail mEasurErs Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 North Sails 410-269-5662 77 sailmakErs / sail rEpairs Bacon Sails & Marine Supplies .....................................410-263-4880 ... 57 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 North Sails........................................................................410-269-5662 ... 77 sails - sEcOnDhanD Bacon Sails & Marine Supplies .....................................410-263-4880 ... 57 uphOlstEry Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 safEty & instructiOn BOat hanDling instructiOn Atlantic Maritime Services, LLC...................................443-333-3511 ... 57 Captain’s Yacht Service 410-757-2851 60 Chesapeake Area Professional Captains Association 410-267-7651 61 Chesapeake Boating Club ..............................................410-280-8692 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB) 410-266-5722 63 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 SeaTow Central Chesapeake 410-267-7650 80 SeaTow Northern Chesapeake......................................410-885-5044 ... 80 410.280.2752 7340 Edgewood Road, Annapolis, MD • www.myachtservices.net • F URL ING S Y S TEM S • FABR I C ATI O N • CO MMI SS I O NIN G • R IGGIN G • S PA R S • IN S P EC TI O N
32 portbook.com PORTbooK captain cErtificatiOn cOursEs Sertified., LLC 443-239-6995 81 charts Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 cOmpass aDjusting / rEpairs Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 firE EquipmEnt / ExtinguishErs Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 K&B True Value ..............................................................410-268-3939 ... 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 first aiD kits Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Keep the Beat CPR/FA Training ..................................410-758-2022 ... 73 lifE raft inspEctiOn / rEpack / rEpairs Vane Brothers Marine Safety & Services 410-631-5167 83 lifE raft salEs / rEntals Annapolis Inflatables 410-800-4443 54 Vane Brothers Marine Safety & Services .....................410-631-5167 ... 83 marinE cOnsultants Captain’s Yacht Service ..................................................410-757-2851 ... 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 Jack Martin & Associates 410-626-1000 72 M Yacht Services & Rigging ..........................................410-280-2752 ... 75 Marine Electric Systems, LLC 410-263-0807 76 SeaTow Central Chesapeake 410-267-7650 80 SeaTow Northern Chesapeake......................................410-885-5044 ... 80 marinE traDEs EDucatiOn / training Marine Trades Association of Maryland (MTAM) ....410-626-1940 ... 76 naVigatiOn aiDs / instrumEnts Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) 410-268-6977 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Electronic Marine Annapolis.........................................410-268-8101 ... 66 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. 410-263-0054 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Marine Electric Systems, LLC 410-263-0807 76 Weems & Plath ................................................................410-263-6700 ... 84 Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) 410-268-6977 85
33 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK safEty EquipmEnt / training Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Gowrie Group.................................................................. 410.364.7710 ... 67 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Keep the Beat CPR/FA Training 410-758-2022 73 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Sertified., LLC ..................................................................443-239-6995 ... 81 Weems & Plath ................................................................410-263-6700 ... 84 sailing schOOls / instructiOn Atlantic Maritime Services, LLC...................................443-333-3511 ... 57 Chesapeake Area Professional Captains Association 410-267-7651 61 Chesapeake Boating Club 410-280-8692 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB)........410-266-5722 ... 63 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Herrington Harbour South 410-741-5100 71 Keep the Beat CPR/FA Training ..................................410-758-2022 ... 73 surViVal EquipmEnt Annapolis Inflatables......................................................410-800-4443 ... 54 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Keep the Beat CPR/FA Training 410-758-2022 73 Vane Brothers Marine Safety & Services .....................410-631-5167 ... 83 Weems & Plath 410-263-6700 84 tOWing & salVagE Blue Planet Dive Services/Sally & Robert 410-980-2803 59 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Generation III Marina, LLC ...........................................410-228-2520 ... 67 Harbor Diving & Salvage, LLC 410-991-7767 68 SeaTow Central Chesapeake 410-267-7650 80 SeaTow Northern Chesapeake 410-885-5044 80 TowBoatU.S. Annapolis .................................................410-263-1260 ... 83 WEathEr fOrEcasting Electronic Marine Annapolis.........................................410-268-8101 ... 66
34 portbook.com PORTbooK
BOat salEs,
BOat rEntals Chesapeake Boating Club ..............................................410-280-8692 ... 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 BOat rEntals: canOEs / kayaks / sups Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 BOat salEs: BrOkEragE Annapolis Sailyard .........................................................410-268-4100 ... 55 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Atlantic Cruising Yachts 844-567-3087 57 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. .............................................410-268-9667 ... 58 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales ...............410-226-5592 ... 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Crusader Yacht Sales 410-269-0939 64 Harbour Cove Marina ....................................................301-261-9500 ... 68 Haven Harbour South ....................................................410-778-6697 ... 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Sail Annapolis, Inc. .........................................................410-280-8878 ... 79 Seattle Yachts Annapolis 410-397-7323 81 Whistle Yacht Sales 410-570-9150 85 Yacht Sales International @ Martin Bird .....................410-268-1086 ... 86 BOat salEs: nEW - pOWEr Annapolis Sailyard .........................................................410-268-4100 ... 55 Atlantic Cruising Yachts ................................................844-567-3087 ... 57 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales 410-226-5592 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Chesapeake Whalertowne .............................................410-267-9731 ... 63 Crusader Yacht Sales ......................................................410-269-0939 ... 64 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Sail Annapolis, Inc. .........................................................410-280-8878 ... 79 Seattle Yachts Annapolis 410-397-7323 81 Yacht Sales International @ Martin Bird 410-268-1086 86 BOat salEs: nEW - sail Annapolis Sailyard 410-268-4100 55 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables 410-267-8181 55 Atlantic Cruising Yachts ................................................844-567-3087 ... 57 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Crusader Yacht Sales 410-269-0939 64 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Sail Annapolis, Inc. 410-280-8878 79 Seattle Yachts Annapolis 410-397-7323 81
On The ShOre
chartErs & managEmEnt
35 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK BOat salEs: small BOats / DinghiEs / inflataBlEs Annapolis Inflatables 410-800-4443 54 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ...................410-267-8181 ... 55 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Chesapeake Whalertowne .............................................410-267-9731 ... 63 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 chartEr managEmEnt Atlantic Cruising Yachts 844-567-3087 57 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Seattle Yachts Annapolis 410-397-7323 81 chartErs - fishing / DiVing Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Herrington Harbour South 410-741-5100 71 Queen Anne Marina .......................................................410-643-2021 ... 79 chartErs - pOWEr Atlantic Maritime Services, LLC. 443-333-3511 57 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 chartErs - sail Atlantic Maritime Services, LLC...................................443-333-3511 ... 57 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Haven Harbour Marina 410-778-6697 69 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Seattle Yachts Annapolis 410-397-7323 81 cOrpOratE tEam BuilDing Atlantic Maritime Services, LLC. 443-333-3511 57 DEliVEriEs Atlantic Maritime Services, LLC. 443-333-3511 57 Captain’s Yacht Service 410-757-2851 60 Chesapeake Area Professional Captains Association 410-267-7651.. 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Maritime Fabrication ......................................................866-397-2540 ... 77 DOcumEntatiOn sErVicEs Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ...................410-267-8181 ... 55 Harris Marine Financing ................................................410-643-7097 ... 69 financing / rEfinancing Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ...................410-267-8181 ... 55 Harris Marine Financing ................................................410-643-7097 ... 69 Jack Martin & Associates 410-626-1000 72 insurancE Gowrie Group 410.364.7710 67 Jack Martin & Associates 410-626-1000 72
36 portbook.com PORTbooK surVEyOrs / appraisErs Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Independent Marine Survey, LLC 410-221-1108 71 Jack Martin & Associates ...............................................410-626-1000 ... 72 Kevin White Marine Survey, LLC 410-703-2165 73 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Marine Electric Systems, LLC 410-263-0807 76 Osmotech Annapolis, Inc ...............................................410-280-9704 ... 78 yacht managEmEnt & cOnciErgE sErVicEs Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 410-268-0092 54 Captain’s Yacht Service 410-757-2851 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 J. Gordon & Company, Inc. ...........................................410-263-0054 ... 72 Jack Martin & Associates 410-626-1000 72 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 M Yacht Services & Rigging 410-280-2752 75 Dining & prOVisiOning catErErs Bay Ridge Wine & Spirits ..............................................410-268-1961 ... 58 Chesapeake Grille & Deli 410-257-7757 62 Fairview Marina ..............................................................410-437-3400 ... 66 Queen Anne Marina 410-643-2021 79 Whole Foods Market ......................................................410-573-1800 ... 85 grOcEry stOrEs Bayside Market 410-639-2552 58 Chesapeake Grille & Deli 410-257-7757 62 Giant Food Bay Ridge 410-267-0228 67 Graul’s Market Annapolis 410-269-5103 68 Graul’s Market St. Michaels 410-745-3537 68 Green Valley Marketplace 410-757-0505 68 Leeward Market Café & Grocery 443-837-6122 74 Oxford Market & Deli 410-226-0015 78 Sam’s Market Deli & Grill 410-798-8001 80 Whole Foods Market 410-573-1800 85 liquOr stOrEs Bay Ridge Wine & Spirits ..............................................410-268-1961 ... 58 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. 410-268-9667 58 Mills Fine Wine & Spirits...............................................410-263-2888 ... 77 Oxford Market & Deli 410-226-0015 78 prOVisiOning sErVicE / takE Out fOOD Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. .............................................410-268-9667 ... 58 Chesapeake Grille & Deli 410-257-7757 62 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Giant Food Bay Ridge 410-267-0228 67 Green Valley Marketplace .............................................410-757-0505 ... 68 Leeward Market Café & Grocery 443-837-6122 74 Libbey’s Coastal Kitchen + Cocktails ..........................410-604-0999 ... 74 Oxford Market & Deli 410-226-0015 78 Sam’s Market Deli & Grill .............................................410-798-8001 ... 80 Whole Foods Market 410-573-1800 85
38 portbook.com PORTbooK rEstaurants anD Bars Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. 410-268-9667 58 Boatyard Bar & Grill 410-216-6206 59 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Leeward Market Café & Grocery 443-837-6122 74 Libbey’s Coastal Kitchen + Cocktails 410-604-0999 74 Shipwright Harbor Marina 410-867-7686 82 marinas & transpOrt / stOragE cOnDOminium slips Piney Narrows Yacht Haven 410-643-6600 78 Dinghy DOckagE Annapolis City Dock 410-263-7973 52 Hartge Yacht Harbor 443-607-6306 69 Shipwright Harbor Marina 410-867-7686 82 Dry stOragE Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. .............................................410-268-9667 ... 58 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales ...............410-226-5592 ... 60 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Cypress Marine Inc. 410-647-7940 64 Eastport Yacht Center (EYC) .........................................410-280-9988 ... 65 Fairview Marina ..............................................................410-437-3400 ... 66 Generation III Marina, LLC 410-228-2520 67 Harbour Cove Marina 301-261-9500 68 Hartge Yacht Harbor ......................................................443-607-6306 ... 69 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 Queen Anne Marina .......................................................410-643-2021 ... 79 Shipwright Harbor Marina ............................................410-867-7686 ... 82 Yacht Maintenance Company 410-228-8878 86 fuEl DOcks Annapolis Yacht Basin 410-263-3544 55 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Harbour Cove Marina ....................................................301-261-9500 ... 68 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Herrington Harbour South 410-741-5100 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Piney Narrows Yacht Haven.........................................410-643-6600 ... 78 Queen Anne Marina .......................................................410-643-2021 ... 79 Sandy Point State Park 410-974-2149 80 Use PORTbooK online www.portbook.com
39 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK marinas 222 Severn/W & P Nautical ..........................................410-268-7700 ... 50 Annapolis City Dock ......................................................410-263-7973 ... 52 Annapolis Yacht Basin 410-263-3544 55 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. .............................................410-268-9667 ... 58 Campbell’s Boatyards/Custom Yacht Sales ...............410-226-5592 ... 60 Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum 410-745-2916 61 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Chesapeake Yacht Club .................................................410-867-1500 ... 63 Cypress Marine Inc. ........................................................410-647-7940 ... 64 Eastport Yacht Center (EYC) 410-280-9988 65 Fairview Marina 410-437-3400 66
40 portbook.com PORTbooK Generation III Marina, LLC 410-228-2520 67 Hartge Yacht Harbor ......................................................443-607-6306 ... 69 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Herrington Harbour South ............................................410-741-5100 ... 71 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Marine Services LLC 410-533-8752 76 Piney Narrows Yacht Haven 410-643-6600 78 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Sandy Point State Park ...................................................410-974-2149 ... 80 Shipwright Harbor Marina 410-867-7686 82 Yacht Haven of Annapolis 410-267-7654 85 mOOrings - salEs / sErVicE / rEntals A Diver Down/Lee Powers 443-995-4326 50 Harbor Diving & Salvage, LLC.....................................410-991-7767 ... 68 Hartge Yacht Harbor ......................................................443-607-6306 ... 69 prOpErty - marinE cOmmErcial 222 Severn/W & P Nautical ..........................................410-268-7700 ... 50 Annapolis Yacht Basin 410-263-3544 55 Bay Bridge Marina 410-643-3162 58 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. .............................................410-268-9667 ... 58 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Eastport Yacht Center (EYC) 410-280-9988 65 Hartge Yacht Harbor 443-607-6306 69 Herrington Harbour North ...........................................410-867-4343 ... 70 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. ..........................................410-269-1990 ... 78 Yacht Haven of Annapolis 410-267-7654 85 pumpOut statiOns - mOBilE & fixED Annapolis City Dock 410-263-7973 52 Annapolis Yacht Basin 410-263-3544 55 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. .............................................410-268-9667 ... 58 Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 Harbour Cove Marina 301-261-9500 68 Hartge Yacht Harbor 443-607-6306 69 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 marinas (continued)
41 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour South ............................................410-741-5100 ... 71 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 Piney Narrows Yacht Haven 410-643-6600 78 Queen Anne Marina 410-643-2021 79 Sandy Point State Park ...................................................410-974-2149 ... 80 Shipwright Harbor Marina ............................................410-867-7686 ... 82 sElf sErVicE/Diy-pErmittED marinas Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. .............................................410-268-9667 ... 58 Eastport Yacht Center (EYC) .........................................410-280-9988 ... 65 Shipwright Harbor Marina ............................................410-867-7686 ... 82 trailErs Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Chesapeake Whalertowne 410-267-9731 63 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Harbour Cove Marina 301-261-9500 68 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis ...........................443-951-4380 ... 71 trucking / BOat transpOrt Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis 443-951-4380 71 Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 410-267-6860 79 TowBoatUS Annapolis Don’t Leave The Dock Without Us! CALL 410-263-1260 OR VHF 16 Ask about our Unlimited Gold National Membership and never pay for on-the-water towing services again! • 24 Hour Service • Towing • Jump Starts • Groundings • Fuel Drops • Salvage • Prop Disentanglement • USCG Licensed & Insured Scan Here To Join Now! pumpOut statiOns - mOBilE & fixED (continued)
42 portbook.com PORTbooK shOps & attractiOns BOOks / puBlicatiOns - marinE Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 FishTalk Magazine 410-216-9309 67 PropTalk Magazine 410-216-9309 79 SpinSheet Magazine .......................................................410-216-9309 ... 82 clOthing & BOating gEar Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. .............................................410-268-9667 ... 58 Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC ..........................................410-267-8681 ... 66 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour South 410-741-5100 71 Piney Narrows Yacht Haven 410-643-6600 78 EngraVing / mOnOgramming / EmBrOiDEry Cover Loft 410-268-0010 64 Kompletely Kustom Marine ..........................................727-902-3313 ... 74 ExcursiOn cruisEs Chesapeake Nautical Cruises ........................................410-353-4850 ... 62 musEums / attractiOns / tOurs Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park .........................410-295-0104 ... 54 Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum ............................410-745-2916 ... 61 Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park and Visitor Center 410-221-2290 68 Sandy Point State Park 410-974-2149 80 United States Naval Academy (USNA).......................410-293-8112 ... 83 plaquEs / trOphiEs Maritime Fabrication ......................................................866-397-2540 ... 77 Weems & Plath ................................................................410-263-6700 ... 84 sOuVEnirs Harbour Cove Marina ....................................................301-261-9500 ... 68 Herrington Harbour South 410-741-5100 71 Maritime Fabrication 866-397-2540 77 spEcialty stOrEs / gallEyWarE / gift shOps Fawcett Boat Supplies, LLC 410-267-8681 66 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 K&B True Value ..............................................................410-268-3939 ... 72 usED EquipmEnt / cOnsignmEnt shOps Bacon Sails & Marine Supplies .....................................410-263-4880 ... 57 PORTBOOK.c O m You’ll find all the businesses in this directory and more with direct links to their websites and geolocations. Use PORTBOOK online! Scan this code with your smartphone so you can navigate directly to them.
43 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK VisitOr & lOcal infOrmatiOn accOmmODatiOns Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Haven Harbour South 410-778-6697 70 Herrington Harbour South 410-741-5100 71 aErial / DrOnE sErVicEs Maritime Fabrication 866-397-2540 77 BicyclE rEntals Shipwright Harbor Marina 410-867-7686 82 BOat shOWs Annapolis Boat Shows 410-268-8828 51 Harbour Cove Marina 301-261-9500 68 Bus sErVicE Annapolis Dept. of Transportation 410-263-7964 90 fitnEss / ExErcisE cEntErs Annapolis Athletic Club 410-990-1095 51 Herrington Harbour South 410-741-5100 71 hair salOns / facials / skin carE / massagE thErapists Annapolis Athletic Club 410-990-1095 51 Herrington Harbour South 410-741-5100 71 EXPLORE. ENGAGE. EDUCATE. ANNAPOLIS MARITIME MUSEUM & PARK 723 Second Street • Annapolis, MD • 410.295.0104 • amaritime.org BECOME A MEMBER Support our mission and enjoy great member benefits. •FREE Museum Admission • Discounts •Day Docking •Much more! BOAT DONATION PROGRAM All proceeds from the sale of your boat support our mission. • New and Used Boats • Power or Sail •Tax deductable

For a complete directory of all Chesapeake Bay sailing and boating clubs, visit spinsheet.com or proptalk.com

44 portbook.com PORTbooK
launDriEs Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Inc. .............................................410-268-9667 ... 58 Harbour Cove Marina 301-261-9500 68 Haven Harbour Marina .................................................410-778-6697 ... 69 Herrington Harbour South 410-741-5100 71 Piney Narrows Yacht Haven 410-643-6600 78 Shipwright Harbor Marina ............................................410-867-7686 ... 82 mEDical sErVicEs Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center.........443-481-1000 ... 75 rEal EstatE - salEs & rEntals Piney Narrows Yacht Haven.........................................410-643-6600 ... 78 taxi / limO sErVicE Kompletely Kustom Marine 727-902-3313 74 WatEr taxi / fErry / launch Chesapeake Nautical Cruises 410-353-4850 62 Port Annapolis Marina, Inc. 410-269-1990 78 yacht cluBs & assOciatiOns BOat cluBs Annapolis Boat Club 443-261-0741 51 Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association (CBYRA) 410-990-9393 . 61 Chesapeake Boating Club 410-280-8692 61 Herrington Harbour North 410-867-4343 70 Severn Sailing Association (SSA) .................................410-268-8744 ... 81 Singles on Sailboats (S.O.S.) 410-798-4098 82 BOat DOnatiOns Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum 410-745-2916 61 Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB)........410-266-5722 ... 63 yacht cluBs & assOciatiOns American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) ....................410-990-4460 ... 51 Annapolis Yacht Club (AYC) 410-263-9279 55 Back Creek Yacht Club 57 Cambridge Yacht Club ...................................................410-228-2141 ... 60 Chesapeake Area Professional Captains Association 410-267-7651 61 Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association (CBYRA) 410-990-9393 61 Chesapeake Boating Club ..............................................410-280-8692 ... 61 Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB) 410-266-5722 63 Chesapeake Yacht Club 410-867-1500 63 Eastport Yacht Club (EYC) ............................................410-267-9549 ... 65 Herring Bay Yacht Club (HBYC) 70 Kent Island Yacht Club (KIYC).....................................410-643-4101 ... 73 Magothy River Sailing Association (MRSA) ........................................ 76 Marine Trades Association of Maryland (MTAM) 410-626-1940 76 Miles River Yacht Club ..................................................410-293-5600 ... 77 Nanticoke River Yacht Club ..........................................302-628-3187 ... 77 Rock Hall Yacht Club 410-639-2182 79 Seafarers Yacht Club, Inc. ..............................................410-533-4210 ... 80 Severn Sailing Association (SSA) 410-268-8744 81 Singles on Sailboats (S.O.S.) 410-798-4098 82 Tred Avon Yacht Club (TAYC) ....................................410-226-5269 ... 83 West River Sailing Club (WRSC) 410-867-9772 84


410-263-7973, VHF Ch. 17 harbormaster@annapolis.gov



Call “Annapolis Harbormaster’s Office” VHF Ch. 17

Please do not dock without direction and permission from the Harbormaster.

• Our downtown dock provides the best position to enjoy All Things Annapolis : You can see and walk to the Naval Academy (ID required), St. John’s College, the Annapolis Maritime museum and the best shopping, restaurants, and bars. Stay overnight in Ego Alley, or come for just a few hours. We also have 76 moorings with available water taxi.

• Dinghies (max 17’- max 90hp) may be docked at Kunte Kinte-Alex Haley Memorial Park at the foot of Main Street.

• We have prepaid reservation space available but most slips and moorings are on a first come first serve basis.

• Upon arrival, contact the Harbormaster to get a designated space to dock: VHF 17 or 410-263-7973.

• Sorry, rafting up is not permitted on moorings.

• Moorings can hold a vesselwwith a maximum boat length of 55 feet except moorings in St. Mary’s Cove under Spa Creek Bridge where the maximum boat length is 35 feet.

• Boaters: Hot showers; water; electricity & laundry.

• Commercial WiFi is available by an outside provider.

• Water taxis available in season (Call on VHF-68).

• Pump-Out boat provides boat side service anywhere on city waters. Hail them on VHF 17. $5 per tank.

• Winter dock space available for greatly reduced rates.

• Have a problem or concern about the Annapolis waterways? We take great pride in providing a safe, clean and orderly harbor. Please call us if we can help or if something needs our attention. It’s our job!

• Reservations available at Annapolis.gov/Harbormaster

45 The Marine s ervices Directory PORTbooK BOat ramps a nn E a run DE l c O unty Sandy P oint State Park Chesapeake Bay 410-974-2149 Carrs Wharf Rhode River 410-222-7317 Fort Smallwood Park .................... Patapsco River ....................... 410-222-0087 Solley Cove Park Curtis Creek 410-439-003 9 Truxtun Park Spa Creek 410-263-7973 Tucker Street Weems Creek 410-263-7973 c al VE rt c O unty Rod N’ Reel Marina West Fishing Creek 301-855-8450 Solomons Fishing Pier .................. Patuxent River ....................... 410-326-3899 q u EE n a nn E s ’ s c O unty Centreville Landing Corsica River 410-758-0835 Deep Landing Chester River 410-758-0835 Goodhands Creek Landing ........... Goodhands Creek .................... 410-758-0835 Kent Narrows - Landing Kent Narrows 410-758-0835 Little Creek Landing ..................... Little Creek ............................ 410-758-0835 Matapeake Fishing Pier Chesapeake Bay 410-758-0835 Shipping Creek Landing Shipping Creek 410-758-0835 Southeast Creek Landing Southeast Creek 410-758-0835 Thompson Creek Landing Thompson Creek 410-758-0835 Unicorn/Millpond Lake ............... Unicorn Branch ...................... 410-928-3643 Wye Mills Lake Wye Mills Lake 410-928-3643 t al BO t c O unty Claiborne Landing Eastern Bay 410-770-8050 Covey's Landing Tuckahoe Creek 410-770-8050 Dogwood Harbor Dogwood Harbor 410-770-8050 Kingston Landing .......................... Choptank River ...................... 410-770-8050 Miles River Bridge Landing Miles River 410-770-8050 Neavitt Landing ............................. Balls Creek............................. 410-770-8050
Ramps &
Info visit: portbook.com/ramps-annapolis
city DOck M ap B, fB-1
410.267.8181 AnnapolisYachtSales.com

To find a business on these maps, use the map code to the right of the business name in the directory listings, which begin on page 51. A business listed as Map A, Bc-123 would be located on Map A, in the section marked by B across the top and c down the side, and the number 123 on the map. To tell what business is located at a particular number on the map, see the list on the blue page of this insert.

A a B C D E F G f h i b d e g 450 178 Trout Bestgate Jennifer Rd. T o Solomons Island Rd. Admiral Hudson RivaRd. Chinquapin GeorgeMargaret c Legion Lincol n F orest Driv e SpaRoad TaylorAve. ForestHill Bay Ridge Rd Bembe Beach Awald.Rd Bay Ridge Ave Severn Chesapeake Chester Severn River Spa BackCreek MainEastSt . MarylandAve. Kin g Georg e CollegeCreek R owe Blvd . WeemsCreek Melvin Ave. Ridgely A ve Farragut Ave Riverview 50 See Map B CedarPark 52 53 54 59 U.S.N.A. 6 5 43 40 41 42 46 62 50 48 State Circle Cathedra l Va.St 63 Annapolis Mal 9 7 HilltopLane TylerAve . Academy Bridge SevernRiverBridge Creek Giddings 450 Church Circle Duk e of Glouceste r Russell West Marine Fawcett Boat Supply ArisT.AllenBlvd. ForestDr . Edgewood L M H H M Hillsmere = Movie Theaters = Hospital = Information & Restrooms L L = Librar y B B = Car Top Boat Launch C = Boat Ramp R = Water Taxi W = Annapolis Transit Bus Stop i Chs St Shaw West Street DNR 70 MorelandPkwy . 57 Bacon 2 665 C C R R = Fuel F F F F i i Map A A nn A polis o verview P o r t B o o k M A P s 2 0 2 3 A B C D E F G H a f h i b d e g c UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY 1 150 2 5 3 Randall St. Market St. CompromiseSt. Conduit Shipwright St. SpaCreek Burnside Walton State Washington Lockwood Creek Drive Windsor BayRidgeAve. AmericanaDr. Eastport Shopping Center Post Office Market Space Chesapeake Ave. 6th Srreet 5th Srreet t e e r r S h t 4 t e e r r S d r 3 Severn Chester 2nd Srreet 1st Srreet Eastern Ave. BembeBeachRd. Awald Road ElizabethRoad 40 43 44 41 34 35 36 9 25 A B C C B D E 16 17 22 26 12 SSA k c o D y t i C Duke of Gloucester Street Boucher Back Creek Severn River 18 Ave. Severn Ave. 28 29 38 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard Annapolis Landing Marina Port Annapolis Yacht Haven Eastport Yacht Club 222 Severn Annapolis Yacht Club Annapolis Yacht Basin Eastport Yacht Center B B B B B B B B B B B Main St. USNA Visitors Center Green St. W W W W W i B C C C C C C C F F F i Harbormaster’s Office USNA Visitors Gate Spa Creek Marina
Map B e A stport

Over 60 years moving sails from boat to boat around the world. Largest, most extensive selection of new & used sails and marine hardware. For sail listings, Go to baconsails.com or call if you need assistance or to order. Can’t nd one? Go to BaconSailQuoter at baconsails.com and price a new one!

The Voice of Boating in Maryland

For dependability, integrity, and expertise, utilize our members all listed on mtam.org.

To join, visit mtam.org or call 410-269-0741 today!

To find a business on these maps, use the map code to the right of the business name in the directory listings, which begin on page 51. A business listed as Map A, Bc-123 would be located on Map A, in the section marked by B across the top and c down the side, and the number 123 on the map. To tell what business is located at a particular number on the map, see the list on the blue page of this insert.


Patapsco R 8 MilesR . K ent N arrows 85 445 GreenLn. Swan C r Rock Hall Harbor Rock Hall Chesapeake B a y 445 110 Chesapeake Ave. CoveSpringRd. Haven Rd. Rock Hall Ave. Bayside Ave. Lawton Ave. 20 288 Munic pa Marina CYC 141 CedarSt. 50 High St. Cambridge Cambridge 50 140 Yacht Maintenance Generation III Choptank Rive Dorchester Maryland Hayward Mill St. N H a r borRd F G H i j Main St. Trenton OBY/Mears 111 E ASTERN & W ESTERN S HORE O VERVIEW Rock Hall to Solomons Miles Rive MARITIME MUSEUM St. Michaels 33 Talbot Street East Chew Ave Mulberry Carpenter Ra i lroad Ave 33 101 102 E Chestnut Ave 100 2 50 33 50 2 648 50 214 2 97 468 2 2 2/4 343 20 446 289 301 50 16 50 213 33 408 259 258 261 260 ROCK HALL Pasadena ST. MICHAELS ANNAPOLIS Magothy R CAMBRIDGE Wes R GALESVILLE ROSE HAVEN DEALE SOLOMONS PatuxentR Barren Is. Litt e ChoptankR Choptank R CENTREVILLE OXFORD TILGHMAN ISLAND KENT IS. EASTON GIBSON IS. SevernR SouthR C h e s a p e a k e B a y Knapps Narrows 256 Owensv e Rd 76 74 73 70 79 71 84 86 83 82 94 95 93 92 200 199 198 201 105 103 96 A B C D E a b c d e f g h David Taylor Center TAYC Oxford Th e S trand 333 138 135 137 Tred Avon R ver Bonfield Ave. S. Morris St. BachelorPt.Rd. t S e t n e C MorrisSt. Campbell's Bachelors Pt. Harbor Campbell's Town C eek Tilghman Market Bank Mil 202
S Bu S ine SS e S By Lo C ation 1 Harbormaster’s Office, Annapolis City Dock, Annapolis Visitors Center Kiosk 2 Annapolis Yacht Basin 3 Mills Fine Wine & Spirits 5 Chesapeake Whalertowne, Annapolis Boat Shows 6 Annapolis Visitors Center 9 Annapolis Yacht Club 12 222 Severn 12B 222 Severn/W&P Nautical, Annapolis Inflatables 12C Lunbar Marine 16 Yacht Haven of Annapolis 16B Sail Annapolis, Inc. 16C Accent Graphics, Annapolis Sailyard, Seattle Yachts, Yacht Sales International @ Martin Bird 16E Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard 17 Atlantic Cruising Yachts 18 Cover Loft 22 Boatyard Bar & Grill 25 Eastport Yacht Center, J. Gordon & Co. 26 Leeward Market 28 Weems & Plath 29 J World Sailing School, Chesapeake Boating Club 34 North Sails, Seafarers Yacht Club 35 SpinSheet, PropTalk, FishTalk, PortBook, Start Sailing Now 36 American Boat & Yacht Council 38 Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park 40 Annapolis Boat Club, Port Annapolis Marina, Crusader Yacht Sales 41 Bert Jabin Yacht Yard, Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables, Electronic Marine LLC, M Yacht Services & Rigging 42 Chesapeake Dockside Services, KATO Marine, Yacht Electronic Systems 43 Annapolis Custom Yacht Canvas 44 Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB) 46 K&B True Value 50 Fawcett, Annapolis Inflatables, Chesapeake Marine Fasteners 52 Full Keel Marine Services 53 Steven’s Battery Warehouse 54 Annapolis Dept. of Transportation 57 Bacon Sails & Marine Supplies 59 Jack Martin & Associates 62 Bay Ridge Wine & Spirits 63 Annapolis Cruisair 70 Hinckley Yacht Services, Kevin White Marine Survey 71 David Taylor Center, Vosbury Marine 73 Sertified., LLC 74 Fairview Marina 76 Cypress Marine 79 Sandy Point State Park 82 Whistle Yacht Sales 83 Osmotech 84 Chesapeake Yacht Club 85 Hartge Yacht Harbor, Eastport Spar & Rigging (ESR) 86 Marine Services LLC 93 Keep the Beat CPR/FA Training 94 Bay Bridge Marina, Libbey’s Coastal Kitchen + Cocktails 95 Harris Marine Financing 96 Queen Anne Marina 102 Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum 103 Piney Narrows Yacht Haven 110 Haven Harbour South 111 Haven Harbour Marina 135 Oxford Market 137 Campbell's Boatyard 138 Campbell's Boatyard 140 Yacht Maintenance Co. 141 Generation III Marina 150 U.S. Naval Academy 198 Harbour Cove Marina 199 Shipwright Habor Marina 200 Herrington Harbour North, AR Marine Diesel 201 Herrington Harbour South 202 Crusader Yacht Sales
Promoting & Growing Recreational Boating

2023 C alendar of e vents

April 14-16 BAy Bridge BoAt Show

Bay Bridge Marina, Kent Island


Hours: Fri. & Sat. 10am-6pm, annapolisboatshows.com

Sun. 10am-5pm

Climb aboard hundreds of powerboats and shop the latest in marine gear, equipment, and accessories. An exciting number of educational opportunities and on-board activities will also be offered for all boaters to experience.

April 28-30 AnnApoliS Spring SAilBoAt Show

City Dock, Annapolis


Hours: Fri. & Sat. 10am-6pm, annapolisboatshows.com

Sun. 10am-5pm

Climb aboard hundreds of sailboats, as well as shop the latest in marine gear, equipment, and accessories. An exciting number of educational opportunities and on-board activities will also be offered for all boaters to experience.

April 30 AnnApoliS Crew pArty

Eastport Yacht Club, 4-6 pm spinsheet.com/crewparties

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to sailing or you’ve been around boats your whole life—SpinSheet’s Crew Party is for anyone who’d like to connect with other Chesapeake Bay sailors and sail more often.

MAy 6 BoAtyArd BAr & grill roCkfiSh tournAMent

Boatyard Bar & Grill, Annapolis boatyardbarandgrill.com

Catch and release rockfish tournament to benefit the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Coastal Conservation Association Maryland, and the Annapolis Police Foundation’s Youth Fishing Camp. Party and awards ceremony at the Boatyard Bar & Grill.

MAy 5-7 helly hAnSen SAiling world regAttA SerieS

Annapolis Yacht Club sailingworld.com/ regatta-series-annapolis

Three days of one-design sailboat racing off of Annapolis presented by Helly Hansen and Sailing World.

MAy 20 ewe Spirit Cup

Annapolis ewespirit.org/ewe-spirit-cup

The regatta is open to any wind powered vessel and will be sailed around three government marks off of Annapolis. Racers may sail the course in either direction and with as many crew as they like. Proceeds benefit the EWE Spirit Foundation. Hosted by the Sailing Club of the Chesapeake.

MAy 20-21 CAMBridge ClASSiC regAttA

Cambridge cpbra.com

The oldest powerboat racing event on the North American continent.

June 3 MArylAnd MAritiMe heritAge feStivAl

Wilmer Park, Chestertown


An annual boat festival dedicated to showcasing the legacy of traditional Chesapeake Bay working, sailing, racing and recreational boats.

47 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

2023 C alendar of e vents

June 8-10 potoMAC JAzz & SeAfood feStivAl

Leonardtown potomacjazzandseafoodfestival.com and St. Clement’s Island Museum

Held along the shores of the beautiful Potomac River and in the charming Town of Leonardtown in St. Mary’s County, MD, this festival will feature fantastic jazz artists during the three-day jazz weekend. Main event is Saturday at the St. Clement’s Island Museum.

June 16-18 35th Antique & ClASSiC BoAt feStivAl

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum cbmm.org


Over 100 antique boats on display ranging from runabouts to cruisers. Hosted by the Chesapeake Bay Chapter of the Antique & Classic Boat Society.

June 24 SuMMer SAilStiCe summersailstice.com

A worldwide celebration of sailing on the weekend closest to the summer solstice.

July 8 eASt of MAui CheSApeAke ChAllenge

Eastport Yacht Club eastofmauiboardshop.com SUP paddleboard race.

AuguSt 19 CrAB Cup

Eastport Yacht Club crabsailing.org/crabcup

Pursuit style sailboat race and fundraiser to benefit Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB).

AuguSt 19-20 MArylAnd SeAfood feStivAl (tentative at time of print)

Annapolis City Dock abceventsinc.com

A tasty and entertaining tradition, with music, great food, exhibits, arts and crafts, and more!

SepteMBer 2 AnnApoliS lABor dAy regAttA

Annapolis annapolisyc.org eastportyc.org

Hosted by Annapolis and Eastport Yacht Clubs.

SepteMBer 2 ChArity BoAt AuCtion

Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum cbmm.org

The live auction begins at 11am along CBMM’s waterfront campus, where boats—ranging in size and performance from sailing dinghies to cabin cruisers, and everything in between—will be auctioned off to the highest bidders.

SepteMBer 16 hoSpiCe Cup

Annapolis hospicecup.org

An annual sailing regatta to raise funds and awareness of participating local non-profit hospices.

SepteMBer 23 BAy Bridge pAddle (tentative at time of print)

Sandy Point State Park abceventsinc.com

Paddle races for all levels at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

48 portbook.com PORTBOOK

2023 C alendar of e vents

oCtoBer 5-8 AnnApoliS powerBoAt Show

City Dock, Annapolis


Hours: Thu.-Sat. 10am-6:30pm, annapolisboatshows.com

Sun. 10am-5pm

Features in-water display of a large fleet of powerboats and shoreside exhibits of small boats, equipment, services, and accessories.

oCtoBer 12-15 AnnApoliS SAilBoAt Show

City Dock, Annapolis


Hours: Thu. - Sat. 10am-6:30pm, annapolisboatshows.com

Sun. 10am-5pm

Features cruising, racing and one-design sailboats displayed in the water and ashore, hundreds of exhibits of boating equipment, services and accessories, and Vacation Basin – a huge assortment of charter boats and companies.

oCtoBer 12-15 CruiSerS univerSity




Classes range from general cruising topics, such as Crossing the Gulf Stream, Proper Provisioning and Cruising with Children, to master certification courses in Diesel Maintenance, Modern Navigation, and Electrical Systems Design. Classes taught by subject-matter experts from respected institutions. Packages range from one-day to four-day programs.

oCtoBer 27-29 SultAnA downrigging feStivAl

Chestertown sultanaeducation.org

Visitors to the festival can expect to see a waterfront packed with ships, schooners, and wooden boats; performances by worldclass musicians; lectures by nationally recognized authors and filmmakers; plenty of opportunities to go sailing as part of a fleet of “Tall Ships.”

noveMBer 4 fiSh for A Cure (f4AC)

Annapolis fishforacure.org

Fundraising fishing tournament benefiting the Geaton and JoAnn DeCesaris Cancer Institute at Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center.

noveMBer 10-12 wAterfowl feStivAl

Easton waterfowlfestival.org

World class paintings, sculpture, carvings and photography. Collectible decoys, sporting gear, calling contests, stunt dog demos, retriever and fly-fishing demos, kids’ activities. Great food, beer & wine tasting, and music.

deCeMBer 9 eAStport yACht CluB lightS pArAde

Annapolis eastportyc.org

An Annapolis holiday tradition. Parade of decorated lighted boats around Spa Creek and Annapolis Harbor. Viewing possible from City Dock, Annapolis, and USNA seawall.

49 The Marine
Directory PORTBOOK
spinsheet.com & proptalk.com for-up-to-date calendar listings

222 Severn Avenue 410-268-7700

Annapolis, 21403 info@wpnautical.com


Offices, slips, maritime storage and light manufacturing space for rent on Spa Creek in Eastport, across from Annapolis City Dock. On site parking is included. Short and long term leases and dockage are available. Easy walk to downtown.

A diver down/lee powerS

P.O. Box 3634 443-995-4326

Annapolis, 21403 lpowers134@hotmail.com

A certified professional diving company serving the Chesapeake Bay area including private residences and moored boats. Specializing in direct, personal service. Services include hull cleaning and inspection accompanied by a detailed report of the physical hull condition, zinc inspection and replacement, thruhull cleaning, in-water propeller service and mooring inspection. All operations are fully insured and comply with government regulations and industry standards. 24-hour service available.

ACCent grAphiCS, inC.

326 First Street, Suite 402 410-268-6411

Annapolis, 21403



Boat names and graphics have been an Accent Graphics, Inc. specialty since 1979. We offer services ranging from 22K gold lettering, registration numbers for your boat or inflatable, hull striping, life rings, signs/banners, vehicle graphics, logos, stickers, custom design work, and even large hull graphics as seen on several showboats at the Annapolis Boat Shows. Visit us at Accentgraphics.com to see examples of our work and start an order. We are conveniently located in Eastport across from the Chart House restaurant.

AMeriCAn BoAt & yACht CounCil (AByC) M ap B, E F -36

613 Third Street, Suite 10

Annapolis, 21403



The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) is a non-profit, member organization that develops voluntary global safety standards for the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of recreational boats. ABYC also has a long-established commitment to providing technical education, training, certification, and professional development. Our seminars, workshops and technician certification courses are instrumental in increasing the level of knowledge and professionalism throughout the boating industry. Inquiries from all boating interests invited. Call for membership information and technical assistance.

Angel’S food MArket

4681 Mountain Road


410-255-6800 Pasadena, 21122

Call us for all your catering, beer, wine and liquor needs!

50 portbook.com PORTBOOK
222 Severn/w & p nAutiCAl
ap B, F d -12B
ap B, F d -16B
ire C tory l istings

AnnApoliS AthletiC CluB

1031 Bay Ridge Avenue

Annapolis, 21403

Located in Eastport Shopping Center.



AnnApoliS BoAt CluB M ap B, C i -40

7074 Bembe Beach Road

Annapolis, 21403




Annapolis Boat Club, located in Port Annapolis Marina, is boating made simple and easy. Whether it’s spending time with your family, out with friends or hosting business associates, our club features top-tier watercraft for you to choose from. Port Annapolis Marina is a beautiful resort style marina with wonderful amenities. Located on Back Creek just off the Severn River with a pool, cafe, clubhouse, workout room and more great amenities your entire family will enjoy.

AnnApoliS BoAt ShowS M ap B, E a -5

110 Compromise Street

Annapolis, 21401




A premier event management company located at City Dock in Annapolis, Annapolis Boat Shows has been producing in-water boat shows since 1970. Offerings include the Annapolis Sailboat Show, Annapolis Powerboat Show, Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show, Bay Bridge Boat Show, Cruisers University, Take the Wheel, and First Sail Workshop.

Look for this symbol to locate Clean Marinas. These marinas meet the rigorous pollution prevention standards established by the Maryland Clean Marina Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. The operators have voluntarily adopted measures to control pollution associated with marina operations. Supporting these businesses helps protect our waterways.

Scan this code with your smartphone so you can navigate directly to them.

51 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK
directory and more
to their
geolocations. Use PORTBOOK online!
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with direct links
websites and


Call “Annapolis Harbormaster’s Office” VHF Ch. 17

Please do not dock without direction and permission from the Harbormaster.

• Our downtown dock provides the best position to enjoy All Things Annapolis : You can see and walk to the Naval Academy (ID required), St. John’s College, the Annapolis Maritime Museum and the best shopping, restaurants, and bars. Stay overnight in Ego Alley or come for just a few hours. We also have 76 moorings with available water taxi.

• Dinghies (max 17’- max 90'Hhp) may be docked at Kunte KinteAlex Haley Memorial Park at the foot of Main Street.

• We have prepaid reservation space available, but most slips and moorings are on a first-come, first-served basis.

• Upon arrival, contact the Harbormaster to get a designated space to dock: VHF 17 or 410-263-7973.

• Sorry, rafting up is not permitted on moorings.

• Moorings can hold a vessel with a maximum boat length of 55' except moorings in St. Mary’s Cove under Spa Creek Bridge where the maximum boat length is 35'.

• Boaters: Hot showers; water; electricity & laundry.

• Commercial WiFi is available by an outside provider.

• Water taxis available in season (Call on VHF-68).

• Pump-Out boat provides boat side service anywhere on city waters. Hail them on VHF 17. $5 per tank.

• Winter dock space available for greatly reduced rates.

• Have a problem or concern about the Annapolis waterways? We take great pride in providing a safe, clean and orderly harbor. Please call us if we can help or if something needs our attention. It’s our job!

• Reservations available at Annapolis.gov/Harbormaster

AnnApoliS CruiSAir, inC

M ap a , B a -63 2124 Renard Court


410-224-0970 Annapolis, 21401


Distributor for Cruisair and Marine Air air-conditioning, Sentry battery chargers, Dometic, Adler Barber, Waeco & Vitrifrigo cold plate marine refrigeration, and Spectra Watermakers. Installation and service of marine refrigeration systems. Sales, service and parts for Kohler, Fisher Panda generators, U-Line, Eskimo & Raritan icemakers, and cabin heaters: Espar diesel fired heaters, auxiliary electric heat and heat pumps, SeaXchange water makers and Spot Zero, Breathe Easy air purification systems. Over 50-years experience.

52 portbook.com PORTBOOK AnnApoliS City doCk M ap B, F B -1 1 Dock Street 410-263-7973, VHF Ch. 17
Annapolis, 21403
Use PORTBOOK online www.portbook.com

AnnApoliS CuStoM yACht CAnvAS

980 Awald Road, Suite 102

Annapolis, 21403

Annapolis Custom Yacht Canvas voted Best of the Bay 2019 & 2018 is conveniently located at the Annapolis Landing Marina. We offer open-minded, creative designs of dodgers, bimini, enclosures, cockpit cushions and all exterior canvas. Timely repairs, in shop frame design and bending. Members of the Chesapeake Marine Canvas Fabricators Association and Eastport Business Association. Contact Dan Oldale or Donna Milliman.

AnnApoliS dept. of trAnSportAtion

Chinquapin Round Road

Annapolis, 21401

Annapolis Transit offers:

• 8 fixed-route buses, daily service in the greater Annapolis area and Parole.

• Connection information in regard to connector routes reaching PG County, New Carrollton Metro Station and Washington, DC.

• Over 250 bus stops located on the major local roads.

• Annapolis Transit route maps also available at the Visitors Center, public libraries and the Harbor Master's office.

• Most buses are equipped with racks holding up to two bikes at no extra charge.

Annapolis Transit destinations of special interest to boaters:

• Marinas & boating stores: Fawcett's, West Marine, Bacon

• Grocery stores: Giant, Safeway, Whole Foods, Graul's, Lidl, Trader Joe's

• Laundries & Cleaners: Bay Ridge Laundromat

• Visitors Center, West Street

• Post Offices (Eastport, Annapolis, West Annapolis, Edgewater)

• Annapolis Harbour Center, Annapolis Town Center, & Westfield Shopping Mall (Annapolis Mall)

• Eastport/Hillsmere and West Street Public Libraries

• Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center

• Bay Forest Shopping Center, Bay Ridge Shopping Center, Clock Tower Place

• K&B True Value Hardware Store

• US Naval Academy, St. John's College, Anne Arundel Community College

AnnApoliS diving ContrACtorS




Based in Annapolis and Queenstown, MD. for over 35 years, Annapolis Diving Contractors, LLC (ADC), a veteran-owned business, has provided professional, fully insured dive services throughout the Greater Annapolis and Eastern Shore regions. ADC specializes in: hull cleaning & inspection and Zinc/ Anode service. Our expedient service and first-class customer communication is unsurpassed in the area.

53 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK
M ap a
, F h -43
annapoliscanvas@comcast.net annapolis-custom-yacht-canvas.com
transit@annapolis.gov www.annapolis.gov/159/Transportation
ap a , C E -54 308

AnnApoliS gelCoAt And reStorAtion

7416 Edgewood Road, Bldg. 7404


Annapolis, 21403 info@annapolisgelcoat.com


Since 2001, we provide the highest quality structural and cosmetic repairs for your vessel's gelcoat, fiberglass, and painting needs. No job too small or too large - gelcoat nicks and dings, paint scratches, blister repairs, big or small collisions. Visit annapolisgelcoat.com for examples of our beautiful Awlgrip hull painting projects! Now offering complete restoration services through our family of highly skilled tradesmen. Free estimates provided. Mobile service available.

AnnApoliS hArBor BoAt yArd M ap B, F d -16E

326 First Street, Suite 500


Annapolis, 21403 service@annapolisharbor.net


Located at Yacht Haven on Spa Creek. Complete repair services for power and sail including: Carpentry, Mechanical, Electrical, Fiberglass, Gelcoat, Painting, Plumbing and Rigging. Two indoor paint facilities, brokerage storage and survey hauls. 35-ton Travelift and 30-ton Crane. ABYC Certified. On-The-Water and Emergency Service available for transients. Call 410-268-0092.

AnnApoliS inflAtABleS M ap B, F d -12 a , C i -50 919 Bay Ridge Road 410-800-4443, 410-267-8681

Annapolis, 21403 info@annapolisinflatables.net


We specialize in inflatable boat sales and service. To view our comprehensive selection of inflatable boats, parts, and accessories, visit our showroom located at 306 Second Street, Annapolis, MD 21403 or our website annapolisinflatables.net. Our repair and service work is guaranteed and completed in a timely manner in our facility at our Fawcett Boat location at 919 Bay Ridge Road, Annapolis, MD 21403. We maintain a stock of used boats and motors. Yamaha, Torqeedo, Tohatsu, Honda, and Suzuki outboards. We offer outboard repower services, ACR beacons. We are a Viking life raft dealer. Pickup available from area residences and marinas. Winter storage available. Annapolis Inflatables is a Fawcett company.

AnnApoliS MAritiMe MuSeuM & pArk

Annapolis, 21403


M ap B, F g -38 723 Second Street



Located in the historic McNasby Oyster Company building, the Annapolis Maritime Museum & park features state-of-the-art exhibits celebrating the area’s rich maritime heritage and ecology of the Chesapeake Bay. Our waterfront Museum Campus also hosts public concerts and special events throughout the year. Experience Annapolis like never before with a tour aboard the historic skipjack Wilma Lee - indulge in a heritage cruise, specialty cruise, or private charter. Visit and enjoy walking trails along the shore of Back Creek at our 12-acre Park Campus year-round. Support our mission and become a member or participate in the boat donation program. For information and directions, visit amaritime.org. Hours are 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Tuesday through Sunday.

54 portbook.com PORTBOOK

AnnApoliS SAilyArd M ap B, F d -16C

326 First Street, Suite 405 410-268-4100

Annapolis, 21403 cary@sailyard.com sailyard.com

Assisting buyers and sellers for nearly five decades. Proudly representing Tayana Sailing Yachts and Northwest Yachts, trawlers built to meet any cruising dream. The Sailyard is experienced in helping broker sailboats and power boats for the Chesapeake Bay, ICW, and beyond! Whether buying or selling, the Annapolis Sailyard is your full-service brokerage center. Please contact one of our full-time yacht sales professionals to discuss your goals. Members: YBAA, CPYB, YACHTWORLD.

AnnApoliS yACht BASin M ap B, E B -2

2 Compromise Street 410-263-3544

Annapolis, 21401 yachtbasin.com

A 107 slip marina with permanent & transient dockage offering 30 amp, 50 amp and 100 amp power, plus 3 phase 100 amp electric. Facilities include 89 octane gas and branded diesel fuel, dockage, block and cube ice, laundry, showers, cable TV and wireless internet. Marine waste pump-out. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover.

AnnApoliS yACht CluB (AyC) M ap B, E C -9

2 Compromise Street 410-263-9279

Annapolis, 21401



The Annapolis Yacht Club (AYC) is one of the oldest yacht clubs in the country and is internationally recognized with its long history of sailboat racing and world-class events since it was founded in 1886. Membership opens the door to the many sailing, cruising, and social events that occur throughout the year. AYC has three facilities including a main Clubhouse, sailing center which houses the Junior Sailing and One Design Sailing programs and an activities center.

AnnApoliS yACht SAleS & AyS inflAtABleS M ap B, a i -41 7350 Edgewood Road 410-267-8181 Annapolis, 21403 info@annapolisyachtsales.com annapolisyachtsales.com

Annapolis Yacht Sales (AYS) has been serving the Chesapeake Bay and boaters in our area for over 70 years. Our service department is mobile, continues to grow, works year-round no matter the weather and we offer over-the-road service so our certified technicians can come to you. Our crew can work on most makes and models of power or sailboats. We provide winterization and spring commissioning services, fiberglass repair, rigging, engine repair, electrical upgrades/repairs, engine repower and more! In addition, AYS Inflatables has a huge showroom and Williams Jet Tender Certified Service Center. We stock a full line of dinghies and RHIB’s, as well as Mercury Outboards.

Look for this symbol to locate Clean Marinas. These marinas meet the rigorous pollution prevention standards established by the Maryland Clean Marina Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. The operators have voluntarily adopted measures to control pollution associated with marina operations. Supporting these businesses helps protect our waterways.

55 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

Ar MArine dieSel ServiCe llC

389 Deale Road, Bldg. 11 410-867-0685

Traceys Landing, 20779

Serving the greater Annapolis area. Owner, Scott Segal, aka "The Diesel Whisperer" has been serving the Chesapeake Bay area for over 35 years. Providing a worry-free experience for your power/ sailboat, diesel engine or generator. Routine maintenance, major/ minor repairs to all major brands. Authorized Beta Marine Dealer for engine and parts sales. Specializing in engine alignments, injector testing/rebuilding, and engine/generator installations. This mobile unit will find any problems at the dock before your day out on the water in the greater Annapolis area. Insured. ABYC certified in Diesel engines. Fisher Panda Generator Sales and Service. Payments available by Cash, Check, and Credit Cards. Shop located at Herrington Harbour North Marina, 389 Deale Road, Building 11, Tracys Landing, MD 20779.

Look for this symbol to locate Clean Marinas. These marinas meet the rigorous pollution prevention standards established by the Maryland Clean Marina Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. The operators have voluntarily adopted measures to control pollution associated with marina operations. Supporting these businesses helps protect our waterways.

56 portbook.com PORTBOOK
M ap C, a E -200
armarinediesel@verizon.net www.armarinediesel.com

AtlAntiC CruiSing yAChtS M ap B, E d -17

312 Third Street, Suite 102


Annapolis, 21403 kris.vereen@atlantic-cruising.com


Located in the International Marine Center. On the harbor since 1972, we specialize in offering a variety of new yachts specifically designed for both offshore sailing and excelling at inland and coastal cruising. Representing Jeanneau monohulls and Fountaine Pajot fine cruising catamarans. We offer the best prices guaranteed, world class engineering systems-approach to commissioning and service, and superior financing services. Offering Business Yacht Ownership program to reduce the cost of yacht ownership, boats can be placed anywhere in the world including the Bahamas and the Caribbean. Brokerage house for thousands of previously owned yachts. Also offering a Yacht Management Services program with our sister company Waypoints Annapolis.

AtlAntiC MAritiMe ServiCeS, llC.


CaptainPhil@AtlanticMaritimeServicesLLC.com atlanticmaritimeservicesllc.com Atlantic Maritime Services, LLC. provides: Onboard Vessel Instruction, Yacht Delivery, and Charter Services for both power and sailing vessels. Sailing charters aboard SV ‘PINTITA’. Improve your skill sets and enjoy your yachting experience with confidence. Centrally located on the Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis, Maryland, Atlantic Maritime Services, LLC. is veteranowned and provides maritime services in the Chesapeake Bay, the mid-Atlantic region, and beyond.

BACk Creek yACht CluB

P.O. Box 3029 bcycmembershipinfo@gmail.com

Annapolis, 21403 backcreekyc.org

Annapolis's virtual yacht club, focused on cruising. Land and sea events year-round. Welcoming new power & sail members.

BACon SAilS & MArine SupplieS M ap a , C E -57 116 Legion Avenue


Annapolis, 21401 info@baconsails.com baconsails.com

Over 60 years moving sails from boat to boat around the worldlargest, most extensive selection of New & Used sails and marine hardware - Call, write or email us with your size needs for listings

- Can't find one? Go to BaconSailQuoter at baconsails.com and price a new one! Dealers for Ronstan - Lewmar - SpinlockAncor - Johnson - Forespar - New England Ropes - Interlux

-Harken - Schaeffer - Mas and West System Epoxies and more. Visit baconsails.com for featured consignments and full line of marine hardware and accessories. Accessible from the harbor by Annapolis City Bus Service.

57 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK
Use PORTBOOK online www.portbook.com

BAy Bridge MArinA M ap C, C C -94

357 Pier One Road

Stevensville, 21666


frontdesk@baybridgemarina.com baybridgemarina.com

Bay Bridge Marina, located on Kent Island, is the premier destination on the Chesapeake Bay. Featuring state-of-the-art floating docks with slips from 30'-70', and dockage up to 130'. We offer annual, monthly, and transient slip rentals. Enjoy amazing food and incredible sunsets at Libbey's Coastal Kitchen + Cocktails, with ample free dockage for diners. Our full-service yacht yard provides everything needed to keep your boat in tiptop shape.

BAy ridge wine & SpiritS M ap a , C i -62

111 Hillsmere Drive


Annapolis, 21403 info@bayridgewine.com bayridgewine.com

Bay Ridge Wine & Spirits is so much more than just a liquor store. As the Annapolis area's largest purveyor of beer, wine, and spirits, if we don't stock it chances are nobody does. Need cups for your beer, corkscrew for your wine, cocktail onions for your Gibson, ice, cheese, prosciutto, or crackers? We have those, too, and much more. Having a large gathering? Talk to our catering department. One bottle or 500, local delivery available - to your boat, house, boathouse, or houseboat.

BAySide MArket

21309 Rock Hall Avenue


Rock Hall, 21661 baysidemarket@outlook.com

Bert JABin yACht yArd, inC. M ap a ,E i -41

7310 Edgewood Road


Annapolis, 21403 bjyy.com

Located on Back Creek with over 200 well protected slips from 25' to 65', transients welcome. Floating and fixed piers. Complete marine service with a 75-Ton, 50-Ton and two 35-Ton travelifts, largest most extensive service and storage operation in the Annapolis area with over 25 marine contractors located on site, or do-it-yourself working yard. We offer extensive dry storage for winter storage and drysail programs. Boatel operation for power and sailboats, up to 36'.

the BeSt BAttery Co., inC.

4015 Fleet Street

800-638-BEST Baltimore, 21224 sales@bestbattery.com


The Best Battery Company, Inc. has been a regional force in the Battery Distribution and Electrical Rebuilding industries for three generations. We deliver a full range of BEST marine batteries: flooded, AGM and gel, as well as brands like Trojan and Optima to customers all across the Mid-Atlantic. We are also electrical specialists offering expert rebuilding for starters, alternators, motors and carburetors since our founding in 1953.


58 portbook.com PORTBOOK
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Blue plAnet dive ServiCeS/SAlly & roBert



Blue Planet has been working on sailboats and power boats in the Chesapeake Bay region for nearly 20 years. Services offered include hull maintenance and cleaning, zinc replacement, prop work and recovery/salvage/inspection/emergency assistance. Monthly, weekly and one time scheduling are available, and we work at marinas as well as private residences. You will receive friendly and thorough service, with a detailed report after each dive. Transients and racers welcome! Call us to keep your bottom clean, protect your paint and get the most from your boat and your time out on the water.

BoAtyArd BAr & grill M ap B, E E -22

400 Fourth Street

Annapolis, 21403




The Boatyard is where local sailors, fishermen and lovers of the Chesapeake enjoy pint drinks, great crab cakes and the freshest local seafood. Awards include Best Crab Cakes, Best Raw Bar, Best Sailing Bar & Family Friendly.

Look for this symbol to locate Clean Marinas. These marinas meet the rigorous pollution prevention standards established by the Maryland Clean Marina Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. The operators have voluntarily adopted measures to control pollution associated with marina operations. Supporting these businesses helps protect our waterways.

59 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

Bogley MArine ServiCe

Pasadena, 21122




Our business is located in Pasadena, MD. We are a fully mobile service and offer a variety of marine services. We specialize in Awlgrip marine finishes. Whatever your needs, from hardware replacements to full restorations. We can service your boat at your slip or at any of the local boat yards. We perform the highest quality repairs at a competitive price. Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.

CAMBridge yACht CluB

1 Mill Street

Cambridge, 21613




Private club with dockage, for members and guests. Visitors welcome. Race organizers.

CAMpBell’S BoAtyArdS/CuStoM yACht SAleS M ap C, F i -137, g j -138

26106A Bachelor Harbor Drive

Oxford, 21654






Three Locations in Oxford, Talbot Co., MD, and BACHELOR POINT – 410-226-5592, 80 slip marina offers 9' water depth. Fullservice yacht maintenance, repowers, and repairs. Large outdoor and indoor boat storage space available for winter storage. Certified Cummins dealer and Yamaha dealer. Offering services to include haul-out, mechanical, carpentry, varnish, Awlgrip paint jobs, fiberglass repairs, and more. Transients welcome. Campbell's Yacht Sales office is at our Bachelor Point location. They offer sales of used power and sailboats, as well as the broker for Campbell Custom Yachts, phone number

410-829-5458. TOWN CREEK –

410-226-0213 (Map# 138) – 42 slip marina. This shop specializes in custom boat building. Transients welcome. JACK’S POINT – 410226-5105 – (Map #138) - 59 slip marina. Two docks were recently upgraded to new floating docks! Full-service boatyard. Transients welcome.

CAptAin’S yACht ServiCe

1156 Ramblewood Drive

Annapolis, 21409



"For the best results, have the Captain take care of her." Yacht management, weekly and seasonal upkeep and maintenance. Mechanical repairs and underwater maintenance. Deliveries and Powerboat Instruction. Captain Bill Bew, Licensed USCG, Bonded and Insured.

60 portbook.com PORTBOOK
Use PORTBOOK online www.portbook.com

CheSApeAke AreA profeSSionAl CAptAinS ASSoCiAtion (CApCA)

P.O. Box 3067

Annapolis, 21403




We’re a professional organization for Coast Guard-licensed captains, and we operate a free, online clearinghouse for captain’s jobs, from private delivery captains to skippers of charterboats, tourboats, towboats, water-taxis and larger vessels. We also provide instruction for recreational boaters. Our members enjoy networking opportunities, continuing education classes, professional mentoring, discounts on marine goods and services, guest speakers, special events, and up-to-date information. Visit our website or e-mail us at info@capca.net

CheSApeAke BAy MAritiMe MuSeuM M ap C, F d -102

213 North Talbot Street


St. Michaels, 21663 havefun@cbmm.org


This 18-acre complex of restored buildings and new structures houses exhibits that trace the history of the Bay and its traditions in boat building, commercial fishing, yachting, waterfowling and navigation. Major features include a 100-year-old "screwpile" lighthouse, a restored log-bottom bugeye, a skipjack, a racing log canoe and many small Bay craft. Summer: Open 10-5 daily. Winter: 10-4 daily and weekends (November through April). Become a member and receive marina benefits. Call for our calendar of Special Events. For dockage contact our Dockmaster on VHF Ch. 16 or call 410-745-4946.

CheSApeAke BAy yACht rACing ASSoCiAtion (CByrA)

P.O. Box 5405


Annapolis, 21403 office@cbyra.org


CBYRA coordinates sailboat racing events on the Chesapeake Bay.

CheSApeAke BoAting CluB

213 Eastern Avenue

Annapolis, 21403




Let us help you experience the thrill of boating at a fraction of the cost of ownership. We offer annual memberships to meet every boater’s need. Choose Sail, Power, or a combination - and have unlimited use of our fleet of boats ranging from 19’-35’. Low annual fee – we take care of maintenance, repairs, and slip expenses. You get rid of the hassles and keep all of the fun! Training available for all levels.

CheSApeAke doCkSide ServiCeS (CdS)

Annapolis, 21403


M ap a , E i -42 7416 Edgewood Road, Bldg. 7401, Ste. 1



Chesapeake Dockside Services (CDS) is a veteran-owned and ABYC Certified Master Technician operated business based out of Annapolis, Maryland. We are ABYC and NMEA certified to provide Marine Repairs, Installation, and Services on your boat throughout most of Anne Arundel County. In 2020, we merged with Yacht Electronic Systems LLC (YES) to increase our electrical systems capabilities and set up a permanent on-site presence, located at 7416 Edgewood Road, Bldg. 7401, Ste. 1, Annapolis, MD 21403. Please see our YES listing on page 86 for more capabilities.

61 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

CheSApeAke grille & deli

7150 Lake Shore Drive

North Beach, 20714



CheSApeAke MArine fAStenerS, inC. M ap a , C i -50

919 Bay Ridge Road 410-267-8681, 800-456-9151

Annapolis, 21403



Chesapeake Marine Fasteners has been a quality distributor of standard and special fasteners in stainless steel, silicon bronze, brass, aluminum steel and galvanized for over 30 years. We also offer a wide assortment of fastener related items. Have a difficult project? Call us to locate the exotic and hard to find and to receive expert advice. We ship worldwide, offer import services, bulk orders and custom packaging. Full line of Fein Tools, Fuller countersinks and drill bits, and West System and supplies.

CheSApeAke nAutiCAl CruiSeS





A mobile service for the Chesapeake Bay region, Chesapeake Nautical Cruises is more than just luxury yacht charters; we provide mobile yacht services, yacht management, and captain services as well as yacht sales. Our services include detailing, routine maintenance, installations, repairs, bottom work, spring commissioning, winterization, pump outs, haul outs, shrink wrapping. Whatever your boat needs, we can make it happen! Captain Steve also provides deliveries, instruction, sea trials, towing, and charters. We provide luxury yacht charters aboard USCG certified yachts for any group size.

Look for this symbol to locate Clean Marinas. These marinas meet the rigorous pollution prevention standards established by the Maryland Clean Marina Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. The operators have voluntarily adopted measures to control pollution associated with marina operations. Supporting these businesses helps protect our waterways.

62 portbook.com PORTBOOK

CheSApeAke region ACCeSSiBle BoAting (CrAB) M ap B, E h -44

7040 Bembe Beach Road

Annapolis, 21403




CRAB has provided the thrill, freedom, and therapeutic value of learning to sail on the Chesapeake Bay for people with disabilities, recovering warriors, and local children from underserved communities for over 32 years. More than 150 volunteer skippers and crew support CRAB's mission and programs. Boat donations to CRAB fund our sailing programs that are offered free of charge to 25 nonprofit organizations. CRAB will open the premier Adaptive Boating Center in Annapolis in 2023. To learn more about CRAB, volunteer, or make a donation go to www.crabsailing.org!

CheSApeAke whAlertowne M ap B, E a -5 110 Compromise Street 410-267-9731, 410-827-8080

Annapolis, 21401 www.whalertowne.com

Chesapeake Whalertowne is currently the world’s largest independent, exclusive full line Boston Whaler dealership. Building upon more than a half century of experience, they are recognized as a NMMA and Brunswick “Master Platinum Dealer," excelling in both sales and service. As one of Boating Industry’s “Top 100” Dealers nationwide, they are headquartered in Grasonville on the Eastern Shore (Rt. 50 east, exit 45) and on “Ego Ally” in historic Annapolis (110 Compromise Street). Stop into one of our locations and see why Boston Whalers are “The Unsinkable Legend” and a Chesapeake tradition! Annapolis is “WHALERTOWNE."

CheSApeAke yACht CluB M ap C, a d -84

4943 Hine Drive 410-867-1500 Shady Side, 20764

office@chesapeakeyachtclub.org membership@chesapeakeyachtclub.org chesapeakeyachtclub.org

Chesapeake Yacht Club is 30 minutes from the Beltway and centrally located on the Bay. The Club offers brand new stateof-the-art floating docks with 45-70 foot slips, as well as fixed docks with 35-70 foot slips. Amenities include an award-winning restaurant, river-view pool, onsite fuel dock, junior fleet activities, social events throughout the year, and reciprocity with clubs nationwide. Contact us to learn more about boating and nonboating membership opportunities.

CleAn BottoMS llC

P.O. Box 468

Millersville, 21108


CleanBottomsUMS@gmail.com facebook.com/CleanBottomsUMS

A certified, reputable and fully insured diving company offering timely response in a professional and friendly manner serving the mid Chesapeake Bay Region. Services include but are not limited to hull cleaning, zinc replacement, item retrieval, running gear de-fouling and emergency services. We provide our customers with detailed inspection reports about the hull & zinc condition and provide photos if needed. Veteran & First Responder locally owned family business. “Everything Performs Better With A Clean Bottom”

63 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

Cover loft

Annapolis, 21403


M ap B, E E -18 412 Forth Street




Annapolis's oldest and best full service canvas loft. We offer custom design and fabrication of biminis, dodgers, enclosures, awnings or any other cover! We use American made 1" - 1 1/4" stainless steel in our framework and recommend Sunbrella fabrics. We offer a variety of isinglass including Strataglass and Makrolon. We customize interior and exterior cushions as well as pillows and berths. We offer a rapid repair service of all kinds. Within walking distance of the Annapolis harbor. Special consideration for transients. We are open on Saturday, but please call to make an appointment.

CruSAder yACht SAleS

Annapolis, 21403


M ap B, C i -40 7078 Bembe Beach Road



Located at Port Annapolis Marina with a satellite office in Solomons, MD. Crusader Yacht Sales (CYS) carries Jeanneau, Excess, Tartan and Legacy Yachts and provides a full-service brokerage for quality used power and sailboats. For more than 40 years, CYS has provided professional and friendly sales & service. Whether buying or selling, give our Professional Yacht Brokers a call and experience the CYS “Gold Standard" firsthand. We are active members and contributors to many Industry Associations including: YBAA, CPYB, MTAM, ASIA & EBA. We have a parts & service division for new boats, headed by Mathias Capurro. Our Brokers - Mike Titgemeyer - Rod Rowan - Dave van den Arend

- Dave Townley - Erin Townley - Dan Bacot - Gordon Bennett

- Jeff Jordan - Rob Summers. (Solomons office: Spring Cove Marina, 455 Lore Road, Solomons, MD 20688, 443-906-0321 office, 443-771-4467 cell.)

CypreSS MArine inC.

M ap C, a a -76 730 Cypress Road


410-647-7940 Severna Park, 21146


Take care of your boat with personalized attention from talented staff to make your boating experience safe and fun. With a 50-year tradition of fine boatbuilding and repair under the same family leadership, Cypress Marine offers the full spectrum of boat and yacht repairs and maintenance. A 50-Ton Travelift, a complete 13,500 square foot climate-controlled shop and longterm employees who can give you the service and repairs needed on today's complex boats. A deep draft approach offers haul outs of boats up to 9' draft. Fiberglass and gelcoat repair specialists, carbon fiber and Kevlar repairs, cruising and racing bottom painting, diesel and gas engine, outdrive and outboard repair and replacements, electrical and electronics service, repair and installations, hull cleaning, compounding/waxing or refinishing, mast removal and installation, rigging repair, fine woodworking and cabinetry are just some of the services we offer. Structural repairs coming from our boatbuilding experience have made us a favorite repair shop for insurance companies. A 40-slip marina in a safe, protected creek off the Magothy River has made it a favorite hurricane harbor for many years.

64 portbook.com PORTBOOK

eAStport SpAr & rigging (eSr)

M ap C, a d -85

4883 Church Lane 410-867-6633, 410-808-7380

Galesville, 20765



Located in the Hartge Yacht Harbor complex in Galesville, Eastport Spar and Rigging (ESR) offers in-shop and mobile service for spar rigging and fabrication work for sail and power boats. Pulpits, rails, towers, and arches and general custom fabrication. We build and refurbish spars and provide Awlgrip painting. Installation, service and supply of rigging, hardware, winches, furling systems, halyards and standing rigging. Dealers and distributors for major marine manufacturers. ESR also provides architectural fabrication and installation on site for commercial and residential projects. Contact John Callewaert or visit our website eastportrigging.com.

eAStport yACht Center (eyC)

726 Second Street

Annapolis, 21403

M ap B, F g -25




Located on the Bay at the mouth of the Severn River and Back Creek makes hauling and launching at Eastport Yacht Center (EYC) convenient from anywhere. Historic Annapolis is a short walk or water taxi ride away. EYC is a full service marina, with 106 slips (to 60’) and space for winter land storage, and 35 ton lift. 12 slips with lifts, accommodating powerboats to 40'. Many contractors located on the premises providing a full range of services. A cheerful staff takes care of your needs with the attitude that only an unpretentious operation can provide. Transient slips available. On-site amenities include a new bathhouse with showers and washers & dryers. Fixed and floating slips available, for annual, monthly or transient rental. Free wifi.

eAStport yACht CluB (eyC)

317 First Street

Annapolis, 21403




Private club with local and out-of-town memberships. Members, guests and reciprocal members of corresponding yacht clubs only.

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eleCtroniC MArine AnnApoliS M ap B, a i -41

7330 Edgewood Road, Bldg. 4, Bay 5

Annapolis, 21403




Electronic Marine is a full-service dealer providing premier sales, installation and service of quality marine electronic and electrical equipment for over 75 years. Our office is conveniently located at Bert Jabin Yacht Yard near the Back Creek Cafe. Factory trained by leading manufacturers, our ABYC and NMEA Certified staff will guide you through the process of outfitting a new vessel or retrofitting your existing yacht. “Around the Bay or around the world, Electronic Marine for all the right connections.” Please visit our web store at ElectronicMarine.com.

fAirview MArinA M ap C, a a -74

1575 Fairview Beach Road 410-437-3400

Pasadena, 21122



At Fairview Marina, we are proud to be one of the most pristine marinas on the Chesapeake Bay. We offer protected, deep watercovered, open, and transient slips for boats up to 80 feet. As a fullservice marina, Fairview can expertly handle most of your service and repair needs. Family owned and operated, our team takes pride in the quality of our craftsmanship and attention to detail.

fAwCett BoAt SupplieS, llC M ap a , C i -50 919 Bay Ridge Road 410-267-8681, 800-456-9151

Annapolis, 21403 info@fawcettboat.com


Welcome to our shop! We are a locally owned shop staffed by boaters who love the sport. Our staff is standing by to help you with top brands such as Lewmar, Harken, Schaefer, Ronstan, Vetus, West Systems, and Blue Seas to name a few. We can help you outfit a new boat or rehab an older one. Extensive inventory of boating hardware and supplies, safety gear, apparel, books and charts from more than 1000 manufacturers. We are dealers for ACR, Crewsaver, Mustang Survival and Spinlock Deckwear. Extensive inventory of inflatable boats, Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Tohatso and Torqeedo outboards. We are also home to Chesapeake Marine Fasteners. We also maintain a state of the art, climate-controlled service facility at our Fawcett Boat Supplies location with factory trained technicians. Parts, repairs and warranty services for all major inflatable manufacturers and outboard engines located at our 919 Bay Ridge Road location. Winter storage and spring commissioning programs. Pickup and delivery available. Our Annapolis Inflatables show room located on 306 Second Street in Eastport has an extensive inventory of inflatable boats, Honda, Suzuki, Tohatso and Torqeedo outboards. Ample Free parking at both locations. Serviced from the waterfront by Annapolis transit bus service.

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612 Third Street, Suite 3C

Annapolis, 21403




Rudow's FishTalk magazine and its accompanying website, fishtalkmag.com are the go-to sources for the most accurate, timely, how-to, where-to fishing information for the Chesapeake and Mid-Atlantic region.

full keel MArine ServiCeS M ap a , C E -52

1048 Turkey Point Road

Edgewater, 21037




Located in Annapolis, MD, Full Keel Marine Services is a leading provider of mobile-marine service solutions, including diesel engines and power generation systems, to the recreational and commercial marine markets. With over 30 years of experience, our factory-trained technicians represent industry-leading brands including Volvo-Penta, Seven Marine, and Phasor Generators. For more information please visit our website. Member ABYC.

generAtion iii MArinA, llC

205 Cedar Street 410-228-2520

Cambridge, 21613



A new 50-slip, deep water marina and full service boatyard, located at the head of Cambridge Creek. Showers/restrooms, power & water at each slip - permanent & transient dockage. 50 ton travelift. Emphasis on major refits and high quality marine joinerwork: Custom built teak accessories, interiors redesigned and fabricated, canvas decks repaired or replaced, wooden spar builder. Blister and f/glass repairs. Bottom & topside spray painting. Aluminum and S/S fabrications. Crusader marine engine sales and service (all makes).

giAnt food BAy ridge

948 Bay Ridge Road

Annapolis, 21403

gowrie group



410.364.7710, 410.364.7706




Gowrie Group, a Division of Risk Strategies, is one of the nation’s leading marine insurance agencies. Our portfolio of marine insurance solutions includes risk management services, safety services, marine/crew medical insurance, and insurance for boats, yachts, classic yachts, worldwide cruisers (Jackline Program), race boats, yacht clubs (Burgee Program), and commercial vessels. We also offer insurance solutions for homes, coastal properties, autos, horses, businesses, flood, employee benefits, and more. Gowrie Group's insurance specialists serve clients across the country and around the globe from regional offices in RI, CT, MA, and MD. Risk Strategies has offices across the nation, with a team of more than 2,000 insurance specialists. Connect with Gowrie’s Annapolis based insurance specialist Scott Stusek, from our Annapolis office, for all your marine, yacht, and individual insurance needs at scotts@gowrie.com or 410.364.7706.

67 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK fiShtAlk MAgAzine M ap B, E F -35
ap C, g h

grAul’S MArket AnnApoliS

607 Taylor Avenue 410-269-5103

Annapolis, 21401 annapolis@graulsmarket.com graulsmarket.com

grAul’S MArket St. MiChAelS

1212 S Talbot Street 410-745-3537 St. Michaels, 21663 stmichaels@graulsmarket.com graulsmarket.com

green vAlley MArketplACe

1238 Bay Dale Drive 410-757-0505 Arnold, 21012 comments@greenvalleymarketplace.com greenvalleymarketplace.com

hArBor diving & SAlvAge, llC

P.O. Box 3160 410-991-7767 Annapolis, 21403 mike@harborsalvage.com harborsalvage.com

Harbor Diving & Salvage, LLC provides underwater inspections, Search & Recovery, raising sunk boats, helical, mushroom and pyramid mooring systems sales & service, propeller removal / repair. Owner has been providing underwater services since 1987. Servicing all areas of the Chesapeake Bay. Please call or fill out a scheduled service request on our website harborsalvage.com. Contact Mike

hArBour Cove MArinA M ap C, a E -198 5910 Vacation Lane

Deale, 20751

The closest full-service marina to the Washington, DC Metro Area. With 90 fully enclosed racks, 80 covered racks and 65 wet slips. Our facilities include a fuel dock, pumpout station, fish cleaning stations, work racks with electric and water available, a clubhouse with a pool table, fuzzball, kids playing area, lounge with cable, vending machines, swimming pool, lockers, showers, and a picnic/grilling area.

hArriet tuBMAn underground rAilroAd StAte pArk

And viSitor Center

4068 Golden Hill Road

410-221-2290 Church Creek, 21622 htursp.dnr@maryland.gov


“Underground Railroad 'conductor' Harriet Tubman was born in Dorchester County probably in the 1820s. At this small museum in downtown Cambridge — just a few miles from where she grew up — learn of the strength, courage, and determination of this remarkable woman.” Hours of Operation: Tuesday - Sunday, 10am - 4pm.

Look for this symbol to locate Clean Marinas. These marinas meet the rigorous pollution prevention standards established by the Maryland Clean Marina Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. The operators have voluntarily adopted measures to control pollution associated with marina operations. Supporting these businesses helps protect our waterways.

68 portbook.com PORTBOOK

hArriS MArine finAnCing

203 Romancoke Road, Suite 50

Stevensville, 21666

M ap C, C C -95




Refinancing & Financing of dealer, broker, and private boat purchases. Confidential, seamless, and stress-free financing and licensing for clients on the entire East Coast. Call us for rates & any information. For Maryland state boat and trailer plates and USCG Documentation, email questions to robin@thedonedeal.com, or call or text us at the above phone number. We can do initial or transfers, deletions, file lien satisfactions or mortgages, etc. Put the HARRIS TEAM to work for you, whether for financing, refinancing & state or federal licensing, and always with a smile.

hArtge yACht hArBor

4883 Church Lane

Galesville, 20765

M ap C, a d -85




Visit Historic Hartge Yacht Harbor in Galesville, MD. Centrally located on Maryland’s western shore in the protective serenity of the West River, Hartge’s is a full-service marina featuring 270 slips, covered slips, mooring balls, modern amenities, family friendly events, marine services, and secure land storage. Hartge’s mid-Bay location provides quick access to popular Chesapeake Bay destinations and activities. Nestled in the quaint village of Galesville, waterfront restaurants and unique shops are only a short walk from the marina. Slips are available from 30’ to 70’. Mooring Balls for up to 65’.

hAven hArBour MArinA

20880 Rock Hall Avenue

Rock Hall, 21661

M ap C, g C -111




Haven Harbour Marina is a 200-slip facility and full-service yachting center located on Swan Creek in Rock Hall, Maryland. On-site amenities include two swimming pools, fully-stocked marine store, Passages Bar & Grill, private heads and showers, guest lounge, fitness center, recreation areas, grills, fuel dock with pump-out, ice, free Wi-Fi access and laundry facility. Schedule service to your vessel at our complete yachting center, boasting experienced in-house technicians, 50 MT travelift, crane, hydraulic trailer, Yamaha outboard dealership and more. Book a stay at our nearby five building, 19-room Inn at Haven Harbour and enjoy complimentary continental breakfasts and pet-friendly suites.

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hAven hArBour South

21144 Green Lane 410-778-6697

Rock Hall, 21661

email@havenharbour.com havenharbour.com

Haven Harbour South is a 150-slip facility and full-service yachting center located on Rock Hall Harbor in Rock Hall, Maryland. On-site amenities include the Admirals Club Beachside Bar, swimming pool, fully-stocked marine store, private heads and showers, guest lounge, spacious grounds, recreation areas, harborside beach, grills, dockside pump-out, ice, free Wi-Fi access and laundry facility. Schedule service to your vessel at our complete yachting center, boasting experienced in-house technicians, 35 MT travelift, Yamaha outboard dealership, dry storage and more.

herring BAy yACht CluB (hByC)



The Herring Bay Yacht Club (HBYC) is based out of the Herrington Harbor North & South Marinas (Friendship and Deale, Maryland). Originally formed in 1979, the Herring Bay Yacht Club boasts over 150 Members & Mates (both Power and Sail). Our members reside in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and beyond. HBYC sponsors an array of land and cruise events throughout the year as well as educational, safety, legislative advocacy, and philanthropic activities, benefiting boaters and the neighboring communities. HBYC is a member of the Yachting Club of America and the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Clubs Association. The Yachting Club of America offers members reciprocal agreements to gain access to participating yacht clubs all over the world. Memberships can be submitted through our website, www.HBYC.org.

herrington hArBour north M ap C, a E -200 389 Deale Road 410-867-4343

Tracey’s Landing, 20779 hhn@herringtonharbour.com


Consistently named Best Marina Resort and Best Overall Marina on the Chesapeake Bay, Herrington Harbour North combines the relaxation of a marina resort with the convenience of a fullservice Yacht Center for the complete boating experience. Here you will find 600 protected boat slips surrounded by the beautiful countryside, a waterfront saltwater pool, picnic areas equipped with grills, waterfront restaurant, pool bar, customer lounges, fitness center, climate-controlled restrooms, laundry, and Wi-Fi. Complimentary family-friendly events include catered gatherings, parties at the pool, live music, outdoor movie nights, fitness classes, kayak tours, boating seminars, and more. Relax while we take care of all your boat’s needs in our Yacht Center, the most comprehensive boat repair and maintenance facility on the East Coast with first class haul-out services, 19 on-site marine contractors to maintain, repair, and upgrade your boat in one convenient location, and secure and accessible land storage. Located 25 minutes from the Washington, D.C. beltway and centrally located on the Bay, Herrington Harbour North is the perfect place to spend time on the water with your friends, family, and nature.

70 portbook.com PORTBOOK
M ap C, g C -110

herrington hArBour South M ap C, a F -201 7149 Lake Shore Drive 410-741-5100

North Beach, 20714

hhs@herringtonharbour.com herringtonharbour.com

Herrington Harbour South is centrally located on the Bay with a multitude of exciting destinations within easy reach. The 1,500' Entrance Channel, maintained at a minimum 7' MLW, quickly takes you from the protected harbour to deep open water. Lounge on the private beaches, swim in the Olympic-size pool, dine at Ketch 22, enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner at Chesapeake Market & Deli, grill in the picnic areas, play tennis/pickleball, and relax on your boat. We have a host of complimentary events for slipholders such as bonfires on the beach with drinks and live entertainment, a 4th of July Fireworks Celebration, free kayak/paddleboard use, and more. Everything you need is on-site, including a full-service Fuel Dock, Free WiFi, Cable TV, Pump-Outs, Private Bathhouses, Fitness Room and Sauna. Naturally preserved shorelines around the marina basin are home to an array of wildlife. Annual and transient dockage is available. Only 20-minutes from the beltway to the bay. The Marina Office is open daily from 9am - 5pm.

hinCkley yACht ServiCeS - AnnApoliS M ap C, B B -70 1656 Homewood Landing Road

Annapolis, 21409




Did you know Hinckley Yacht Services - Annapolis services outboards and offers mobile service? Our certified outboard and inboard technicians can service any brand including Yamaha, Mercury, Seven Marine, and Yanmar. We are an authorized Seakeeper sales and service center. We specialize in outboard service and repowers, Seakeeper and electronics upgrades, and full refits. We are a full-service sport boat and Jet boat yard with all technical and non-technical trades in-house.

independent MArine Survey, llC

5715 Ross Neck Road

Cambridge, 21613



Richard Levy, SAMS Accredited Marine Surveyor #647. Prepurchase, condition & valuation for insurance and financing, appraisal, and damage report surveys for pleasure and work boats. Over 40 years building, maintaining, modifying, and repairing pleasure, passenger, and work boats. Member, American Boat and Yacht Council, certified in Standards and Practice.

Look for this symbol to locate Clean Marinas. These marinas meet the rigorous pollution prevention standards established by the Maryland Clean Marina Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. The operators have voluntarily adopted measures to control pollution associated with marina operations. Supporting these businesses helps protect our waterways.

71 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK
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J. gordon & CoMpAny, inC. M ap B, F g -25

726 Second Street 410-263-0054

Annapolis, 21403 jgordonco@aol.com parts@jgordonco.com


Designing, installing, interfacing, refurbishing, refitting or repairing, J. Gordon performs all in house with slips available. Over 40 years in business. Systems include: watermakers, wind generators, electronics, electrical*, plumbing, VacuFlush, climate control, refrigeration, navigation, and communication. Services include: custom woodworking, f/glass, varnishing, painting, collision/damage repair, and insurance work. Factory-trained dealers and warranty repair centers for major manufacturers including: Furuno, Garmin, Raymarine, Icom, KVH Sat systems; Simrad, B&G, Dometic, Webasto A/C; Frigoboat, Seafrost, refrigeration; Spectra, Blue Water, Echo-Tec; Em-Trak AIS; D-400 wind generator; SeaLand VacuFlush; Panda generators; SidePower, Vetus bow thrusters; Webasto heaters, Espar heaters. Distributors for Mastervolt, Spectra, D-400. Authorized repair center for Alden, Hatteras, Hylas, Legacy, Ocean, Sabre, Saga, Tiara, Valiant, Viking, and more. *ABYC certified for electrical systems, NMEA certified. Member: ABYC, ABBRA, NMEA, MTAM.

JACk MArtin & ASSoCiAteS

M ap a , B d -59

135 Old Solomons Island Road 410-626-1000, 800-497-5804

Annapolis, 21401



Jack Martin & Associates, Inc., in business for over 80 years, specializes in boat, yacht and commercial marine insurance. We are committed to developing strong relationships with both our clients and more than 20 insurance carriers worldwide. We provide the best in service excellence because we value our customers and care about providing you the best product, at the best value for your specific needs. Jack Martin agents are boaters themselves, so for personalized service, call today. An Avon-Dixon Agency affiliate.

k&B true vAlue M ap a , C i -46

912 Forest Drive 410-268-3939

Annapolis, 21403 jared@kbtruevalue.com


Think of K&B True Value first for your boating and hardware needs to take advantage of our low prices on marine paint, fiberglass repair and boat cleaning products, and stainless steel fasteners. Plus, pick up your everyday needs like household cleaners, electrical and plumbing supplies, garden hoses and accessories, hand and power tools, and paint products - including Benjamin Moore paint! Visit the "Best Hardware Store" as awarded multiple times by The Capital and Bay Weekly. Or visit us online at www.kbtruevalue.com, where you can browse or shop online for pickup or delivery within 5 miles of the store, which is FREE for True Value Rewards members on purchases of $50 or more!

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kAto MArine

M ap a , E i -42

7416 Edgewood Road 410-269-1218

Annapolis, 21403



Conveniently located on Back Creek, Kato Marine offers complete stainless steel and aluminum fabrication services. Included: design and manufacture of bow roller units, arch systems, chainplates, deck hardware, instrument mounts of many configurations, etc. Stop into our facility Monday-Friday during the hours of 8:00am-5:00pm to see Kato's complete line of dinghy davits for both power and sail boats. Also on display is the Pole Solution for mounting radar, satellite communications and/or a wind generator.

keep the BeAt Cpr/fA trAining

M ap C, C C -93

119 Dudley Avenue 410-758-2022

Queenstown, 21658 caitlin@ktbtraining.net


Providing US Coast Guard approved CPR AED and first aid certification training. Sales and maintenance for all major AED (automated external defibrillator) brands. We offer public classes 2-3 times each week or we can schedule on-site training for your staff. You can view and register for all upcoming classes on our website, ktbtraining.net. Contact: Caitlin Brenner, caitlin@ ktbtraining.net.

kent iSlAnd yACht CluB (kiyC)

117 Yacht Club Drive 410-643-4101 Chester, 21619 kiyc@kiyc.org


With the Chester River to the north and Prospect Bay to the south, casual boaters and cruisers find a tranquil, hospitable haven easily accessible from the Chesapeake Bay.

kevin white MArine Survey, llC

M ap C, B B -70 1656 Homewood Landing Road 410-703-2165 Annapolis, 21409 kevin@kevinwhitemarinesurvey.com


Marine surveys of sail and power yachts including pre-purchase, condition and value, damage assessment and consultation services. Extensive experience in marine repair and ship's systems allows us to provide valuable information to boat owners, prospective purchasers, insurers, and others. ABYC Standards certified, prompt response and service. Contact Kevin White at 410-703-2165. Located at Whitehall Marina.

Look for this symbol to locate Clean Marinas. These marinas meet the rigorous pollution prevention standards established by the Maryland Clean Marina Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. The operators have voluntarily adopted measures to control pollution associated with marina operations. Supporting these businesses helps protect our waterways.

73 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

koMpletely kuStoM MArine

Pasadena, 21122




Based in Pasadena, MD & National Harbor, MD. 24/7 @ 727902-3313. Kompletely Kustom Marine (KKM) is a mobile marine servicing company that offers complete mobile service and management to the MD, DC, DE, and Northern VA areas. We have a Full-Service location at Atlantic Marina Resort. We offer full sales and service on Westerbeke, Tohatsu, Webasto, Cruisair, and Marineair. Our services include, but are not limited to: Seasonal Services, Gas/Diesel Repair & Generator Repair, Custom Carpentry & Metal Fabrication, HVAC Sales, Service, & Repair, Complete Electrical Service, Repair, & Upgrade, Complete Plumbing Service, Repair, & Upgrade, Complete Cleaning & Detailing Services, Complete Canvas & Upholstery, Fiberglass & Gelcoat Repair, and much MORE!!! Whatever your marine service needs may be, KKM has you covered. We can be reached 24/7 and are committed to 100% customer satisfaction.

leewArd MArket CAfé & groCery

M ap B, F F -26

601 Second Street 443-837-6122

Annapolis, 21403 leewardmarketcafe@gmail.com


Eastport's Best Kept Secret! Located within walking distance from all the Eastport Marinas, Leeward Market offers made to order breakfast and lunch sandwiches, fresh bagels, Chesapeake Bay Roasting Co. coffee, thin crust pizzas and gourmet salads. Call ahead for pick up orders or enjoy our casual indoor and outdoor dining atmosphere. We are your one stop shop for crew meals, beverages, ice and snacks. In town for a race? Just email your order in and we will have it ready for you, leewardmarketcafe@ gmail.com.

liBBey’S CoAStAl kitChen + CoCktAilS

357 Pier One Road

Stevensville, 21666

M ap C, C C -94




Experience waterfront dining that boasts the best sunset views on the Chesapeake Bay. Libbey’s Coastal Kitchen + Cocktails offers casual, relaxed indoor and outdoor dining with a menu rich in Eastern Shore tradition and hand-crafted cocktails. New in 2023 is our covered upstairs outdoor dining. Come join us for spectacular views and catch some shade! Libbey’s features “Dock & Dine," a full carry-out menu with ample free dockage for diners.


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luMiniS heAlth Anne Arundel MediCAl Center M ap a , C C - h

2001 Medical Parkway


Annapolis, 21401 luminishealth.org

Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center (AAMC) has a state-of-the-art emergency facility complete with a stand-alone pediatric emergency department. The physicians and consulting specialists provide 24-hour complete medical care from scrapes and bruises to devastating illness. Ask AAMC: 24-hour Nurse Advice line: 443-481-4000 or 1-800-MD-NURSE, Patient Advocacy line: 443-481-6890.

lunBAr MArine M ap B, F d -12C

222 Severn Avenue, Bldg. 7, Ste. 15


Annapolis, 21403 info@lunbarmarine.com


Our Lunbar Marine mobile service technicians are highly trained and knowledgeable in all ship’s systems, and we are proud of our exceptional reputation and 15 years of excellence. We specialize in installation and service of all systems, especially for offshore cruising vessels. We are NMEA, Garmin and ABYC Certified Technicians as well as dealers for Frigoboat, Vitrofrigo and Dometic refrigeration, Cruisair, Mase generators, Victron, and Garmin, Raymarine, B&G and Simrad electronics.

M yACht ServiCeS & rigging M ap a , E i -41

7340 Edgewood Road


Annapolis, MD steve@myachtservices.net



M Yacht Services is the largest full-service repair facility in Annapolis, conveniently located in Bert Jabin’s Yacht Yard with service slips available in the marina. Our services include complete electronic, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems maintenance and upgrades, carpentry, fiberglass, gelcoat and Awlgrip. M Rigging, a division of M Yacht Services, specializes in standing and running rigging upgrades and replacement with an extensive inventory of wire and cordage. Our services also include custom stainless steel and aluminum fabrication and machining. ABYC Certified technicians on staff. Visit our website for full details.

75 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

MAgothy river SAiling ASSoCiAtion (MrSA)




Founded in 1974, MRSA is a sailing club open to everyone who is sailing and boating on the Chesapeake Bay. Year-round club activities provide members the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of social events, weekend cruises and Wednesday night racing. Our Junior Training Program is instructor-led and supervised by parents during the two-week training course. For more information on membership, contact us at membership@ magothysailing.org.

MArine eleCtriC SySteMS, llC

326 First Street, Suite 400

Annapolis, 21403




Marine Electric Systems specializes in electrical and electronics installations and repairs. Our techs are NMEA and ABYC certified keeping them at the forefront of industry standards. We are the premier installer for major brands such as Victron, Balmar, Simrad, B&G, Raymairne, Garmin and KVH. We also have extensive knowledge and experience with power generation and storage systems to include lithium battery banks, solar panels, wind generators, hydro generators and Inverter/chargers. Marine Electric Systems broad knowledge allows us to do complete system refits, to adding new components to existing systems safely and efficiently.

MArine ServiCeS llC M ap C, a d -86

3365 Pocahontas Drive


Edgewater, 21037 cruisers202@msn.com info@pocahontasmarina.com pocahontasmarina.com

50-slip marina and boatyard located off the South River on Pocahontas Creek. Full-service yard, wet slips, land storage, 25-ton travel lift, marine railway and trailer storage. New docks and bulkhead. Full-service marine repair department specializing in electronic installations, plumbing, mechanical repair, bottom paint, compound/wax, structural fiberglass repair, new boat commissioning, wood and classic glass restoration, deliveries and boat sales. ABYC Standards Accredited. Contact Hank Reiser.

MArine trAdeS ASSoCiAtion of MArylAnd (MtAM)

P.O. Box 3148, Port Annapolis Marina

Annapolis, 21403




The Marine Trades Association of Maryland (MTAM) is a nonprofit dedicated to promoting the recreational marine industry and waterway preservation. Founded in 1972, MTAM now comprises 400+ marine related businesses.

Look for this symbol to locate Clean Marinas. These marinas meet the rigorous pollution prevention standards established by the Maryland Clean Marina Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. The operators have voluntarily adopted measures to control pollution associated with marina operations. Supporting these businesses helps protect our waterways.

76 portbook.com PORTBOOK




Maritime Fabrication (formerly Maritime Plastics) specializes in removal, fabrication & Installation of all Plastics, Metal, Glass & Wood on all vessels. We are masters in the following: Creative Design & Engineering, Thermoforming Plastics, 3D Printing, Digital Scanning, CNC & Laser Cutting & Engraving, Metal & Glass Engraving & Cutting and all woodwork. We are Custom Fabricators with 33 years of experience. Don’t have your marina or best friend try it. Let us do it right. Call Today.

MileS river yACht CluB

24750 Yacht Club Road

St. Michaels, 21663


mryc@milesriveryc.org milesriveryc.org

Private club for members and guests only. Affiliated yacht club members welcome. Home of the Log Canoes.

MillS fine wine & SpiritS M ap B, E a -3

87 Main Street


Annapolis, 21401 jerry@millswine.com millswine.com

Mills delivers a broad variety of wine, spirits, and beer to piers and homes throughout Annapolis. We carry ice, coolers, juices, sodas, and mixers. Boat-friendly products include boxed wines, canned products (champagnes, Dark and Stormys, and beers), plastic and acrylic drinkware. Don't hesitate to call with special provisioning requests. Prompt, friendly service. Free delivery on purchases exceeding $50. Mills: an Annapolis tradition since 1946.

nAntiCoke river yACht CluB

30 South Market Street

Blades, 19973




Beautiful location on the Nanticoke River with the Marina next door. The main purpose of the Nanticoke River Yacht Club is to promote safe boating and socializing.

north SAilS M ap B, E F -34

317 Chester Avenue

Annapolis, 21403


annapolis@northsails.com northsails.com

North Sails offers the most comprehensive facility for service on the Chesapeake Bay. We provide pick up and delivery to all clients in the Chesapeake Bay area. Our full-service loft can fulfill all your needs from re-cuts, retrofits, washing, repair, regatta overnight service to winter storage. We are the world's leading sailmaker, offering performance racing and cruising sails manufactured from the most sophisticated design and production technology in the world. Use PORTBOOK online


77 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

oSMoteCh AnnApoliS, inC M ap C, a d -83

3864 Old Birdsville Road


Harwood, 20776 osmoyacht@gmail.com


Blister repair with vinylester. Gel-coat and laminate peeling. Fiberglass repairs. Awlgrip spray painting. Patent holders and manufacturers of Gelcoat peeling equipment. Restorations Nautor’s Swan: Teak deck replacements, interior restorations, hardware replacements and electronic equipment upgrades. Our team of highly skilled craftsmen will be glad to assist you. Contact Marty

oxford MArket & deli M ap C, g i -135 203 Morris Street

410-226-0015 Oxford, 21654 theoxfordmarket.com

All of your provisioning needs are here. Groceries, beer, fine wine, homemade baked goods, breads, pies, cookies, brownies, fresh muffins every morning, full deli subs, homemade soups and salads, crab cakes, cold cuts, frozen meats, chicken, NY strips, filets, pork chops, lamb racks, Delmonicos, ground beef, fresh seafood, crab meat, rockfish, scallops, tuna, steaks, shrimp, oysters, boars head cheese and meat, hand dipped Hershey's ice cream, propane, shirts, and hats. Call ahead for quicker service. Delivery is available when possible.

piney nArrowS yACht hAven

M ap C, C C -103

500 Piney Narrows Road


410-643-6600 Chester, 21619


Monitoring VHF Ch. 16. A 278 open and covered slip marina located in Kent Narrows. Condominium slips for sale and lease. Transients welcome. Facilities include gas & diesel fuel, free pumpouts with fuel purchase, ice, ship's store, gated community, heads & showers, club lounge, laundromats, designated parking, winter bubbling, yacht repair service & canvas shop on site. Nearby, easy access to restaurants, parks & trails, marine supply stores, golf, etc.

port AnnApoliS MArinA, inC.

M ap B, C i -40 7074 Bembe Beach Road


410-269-1990 Annapolis, 21403


A deep water 245-slip marina, with a full-service boatyard facility. Ample dry storage for self-service customers and winter storage. 50- and 75-ton Travelift with haulout capacity to 65’ long and 26’ wide. Pumpout station. Services include: carpentry, engine work, installations, rigging, repairs and maintenance, fiberglass repair, Imron spray painting, and much more. Large brokerage display area. Newly remodeled clubhouse facility, café, laundry, and pool house areas. Swimming pool, playground, store, and ice for marina patrons. Transients and clubs welcome. – Scott Tinkler, General Marina Manager

78 portbook.com PORTBOOK
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preStige detAiling & yACht MAnAgeMent

P.O. Box 3171

Annapolis, 21403




Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management is a family-owned and operated business since 2003. We are the area’s leading professionals, offering mobile detailing and mechanical services. We also provide boat detailing, washing and waxing, interior cleaning, isen-glass treatment, bilge cleaning, scheduled maintenance plans, hull cleaning, bottom painting, teak refinishing, canvas cleaning and water proofing, gel coat repair/ restoration, electronic installation, haul out, storage, and local transport. We continue to strive to provide you with a better than expected job, every time. Our fleet of vehicles are equipped with work floats that allow us to come to you for added convenience. Prestige is committed to excellence; we make customer satisfaction our top priority.

proptAlk MAgAzine

612 Third Street, Suite 3C

Annapolis, 21403

M ap B, E F -35




PropTalk magazine is the largest powerboat, fishing, and watersports magazine on the Chesapeake Bay. Pick up a copy at over 800 locations on the Chesapeake or visit proptalk.com for the best boating resource out there.

queen Anne MArinA

M ap C, B d -96

412 Congressional Drive


410-643-2021 Stevensville, 21666


Queen Anne Marina is located on Price's Creek in Stevensville, Maryland directly across from Thomas Point Lighthouse. Features including floating piers and boat lifts with electric, water and Wi-Fi connections at all slips. Gas and diesel fuel are located onsite as well as a travel lift. Services include dry storage, hauls, launches, pressure washing and pump outs. Charter fishing businesses are onsite as well.

roCk hAll yACht CluB

22759 McKinleyville Road

Rock Hall, 21661




The Rock Hall Yacht Club offers membership at an extremely reasonable rate. Members are entitled to reciprocity with other clubs of the Yachting Clubs of America.

SAil AnnApoliS, inC. M ap B, F d -16B

303 Second Street, Suite C

Annapolis, 21403




Your Mid-Atlantic full-line stocking dealer for new Catalina Yachts 14' - 55'. Dealer for True North Power Yachts 34' - 50' and Com-Pac Yachts 14' - 35'. Full-Service Sail & Power Brokerage. We take trades & service what we sell, either on-site or mobile. Inventory subject to availability and prior sale. Member YBAA, MTAM & Yachtworld.com MLS. CPYB endorsed brokerage with over 50+ years-experience Sail Annapolis is your choice! Open Mon. - Sat. Appointments are suggested.

79 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

SAM’S MArket deli & grill

949 Central Avenue 410-798-8001

Edgewater, 21037 samsmarketmenu.com

SAndy point StAte pArk

1100 E College Parkway

M ap C, B B -79


Annapolis, 21409 sandypoint.statepark@maryland.gov


This 786-acre Maryland State Park is located along the northwestern shore of the Chesapeake Bay. The park’s beaches and picnic areas are well known for their breathtaking scenic water views that overlook the Bay. The park offers a marina store and boat rentals. Sandy Point State Park offers accessible food and beverage concessions, fishing, picnic areas, shelters, bathhouses and playgrounds. The park is open year-round.

SeAfArerS yACht CluB, inC.

M ap B, E F -34

301 Chester Avenue 410-533-4210

Annapolis, 21403 info@seafarersyc.com seafarersyc.org

The Seafarers Yacht Club, Inc. is an organization whose mission is to encourage and promote yachting, to include: the science of navigation and seamanship; water safety; the more extensive use of our waterways; and to provide for the recreation of its members.

SeAtow CentrAl CheSApeAke

410-267-7650, 800-4-SEATOW apeyreigne@seatow.com



SeaTow Services, Your Road Service at Sea®, provides towing, salvage, and diving services 24 hours a day. SeaTow members receive unlimited FREE towing for just $199/year, including $5,000 per incident out-of-area coverage. Currently running 9 boats from Annapolis, Kent Narrows, Bohemia, Sassafras, Fairlee Creek, Middle River, and Baltimore. Contact SeaTow on VHF Ch. 16, or the numbers listed above, or through the Coast Guard, and look out for our distinctive yellow boats! Dealers - Ask about our free 95-day program for new boats. Download our free app on the app store. Contact Captain Alex Peyreigne.

SeAtow northern CheSApeAke

P.O. Box 384

410-885-5044, 800-4-SEATOW Galena, 21635 northernchesapeake@seatow.com



SeaTow Services, Your Road Service at Sea®, provides towing, salvage, and diving services 24 hours a day. SeaTow members receive unlimited FREE towing for just $199/year, including $5,000 per incident out-of-area coverage. Currently running 9 boats from Annapolis, Kent Narrows, Bohemia, Sassafras, Fairlee Creek, Middle River, and Baltimore. Contact SeaTow on VHF Ch. 16, or the numbers listed above, or through the Coast Guard, and look out for our distinctive yellow boats! Dealers - Ask about our free 95-day program for new boats. Download our free app on the app store. Contact Captain Gary O'Reilly.

80 portbook.com PORTBOOK
Use PORTBOOK online www.portbook.com

SeAttle yAChtS AnnApoliS M ap B, F d -16C

326 First Street, Suite 16

Annapolis, 21403


annapolis@seattleyachts.com seattleyachts.com

Seattle Yachts Annapolis is a full-service Dealer/Broker of Power and Sailboats. We have three offices on the Chesapeake Bay, with our main Chesapeake location at Yacht Haven (near the Chart House). We are dealer for world-class brands including: Nimbus Boats, Nordic Tugs, Hampton/Endurance Yachts, Regency Yachts, Tartan, Legacy, Freedom, Northern Marine, Alaskan Yachts, Northwest Yachts, Ocean Sport, and Bullfrog Boats. We have a parts & service division for new boats, headed by Mathias Capurro. Our Brokers: Dan Bacot - Jeff Jordan - Mike TitgemeyerRod Rowan - Dave van den Arend - Gordon Bennett - Dave & Erin Townley - Rob Summers.

Sertified., llC M ap C, B a -73

26 Magothy Beach Road


443-239-6995 Pasadena, 21122


Are you looking to take your First Aid/CPR/AED certification, so you are able to obtain your Captain's license? Look no further!

Sertified., LLC provides the American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED training in a way that is convenient and worthwhile for you. Attend one of our blended-learning trainings anywhere in the DMV area. To enroll, visit our website at www.sertified.me. We want to help you get one step closer to becoming a Captain, today!

Severn SAiling ASSoCiAtion (SSA)

311 First Street

410-268-8744 Annapolis, 21403

office@severnsailing.org severnsailing.org

Severn Sailing Association (SSA) supports one-design sailing and racing, provides safe and fun lifelong learning for juniors ages 5-18 and at all sail levels. Members also enjoy year-round social and educational events.

Look for this symbol to locate Clean Marinas. These marinas meet the rigorous pollution prevention standards established by the Maryland Clean Marina Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. The operators have voluntarily adopted measures to control pollution associated with marina operations. Supporting these businesses helps protect our waterways.

81 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

Shipwright hArBor MArinA M ap C, a E -199

6047 Herring Bay Road


Deale, MD 20751 info@swhmarina.com


Shipwright Harbor Marina is a family-friendly marina centrally located on the Chesapeake Bay in Deale, MD. Just 25 minutes from the Capital Beltway, Shipwright is one of the closest Chesapeake Bay marinas to Northern Virginia and D.C. Shipwright features 250 protected deep-water slips with resort amenities and haulout services. Deale is a friendly fishing town offering waterfront restaurants and every service and amenity a boater would desire. We can accommodate everything from 15’ Center Consoles to 60’ Hatteras’ to 45’ Catamarans! Our helpful and friendly staff makes your experience pleasant and convenient.

SingleS on SAilBoAtS (S.o.S.)

P.O. Box 5708 410-798-4098

Annapolis, 21403 info@singlesonsailboats.org


S.O.S. welcomes single sailors and skippers with all levels of experience. Join us for day and weekend sails on the Chesapeake Bay, charter sails abroad, and social and educational events.

SpinSheet MAgAzine M ap B, E F -35

612 Third Street, Suite 3C 410-216-9309

Ananpolis, 21403 info@spinsheet.com


The only sailing publication on the Chesapeake Bay, SpinSheet is the magazine by, for, and about Chesapeake Bay sailors. It features sailing news, stories and personalities, brokerage and classifieds, Chesapeake Bay events, Racing, Cruising, Special Events, and Crew Listings. Pick up a copy for free at one of over 750 locations on the Bay or visit spinsheet.com for up-to-date information about sailing on the Chesapeake.

StevenS BAttery wArehouSe, inC M ap a , B E -53 1900 Forest Drive 410-267-0799, 410-544-2441 Annapolis, 21401



For all your battery and battery accessory needs, Stevens Battery Warehouse is just 8 minutes from the Annapolis Harbor. Also in Pasadena at 8220 Ritchie Hwy., or 3003 Mountain Rd. Our batteries are fresh from the manufacturer to you. We stock all the newest types of batteries, including flooded lead acid, AGM, Gel cell, and spiral AGM. Our manufacturers include: Lifeline, Deka (East Penn), Exide, Optima, Trojan, Crown, and more. Specializing in DEKA marine batteries. Delivery and installation are available. Hours of operation: Mon-Fri: 8 - 7, Sat: 9 - 4, Sun: 10 - 1.

Use PORTBOOK online

You’ll find all the businesses in this directory and more with direct links to their websites and geolocations, so you can use your smartphone to navigate directly to them.

portbook.com PORTBOOK

towBoAtu.S. AnnApoliS

410-263-1260, 800-391-4869


TowBoatU.S. offers 24/7/365 emergency services including salvage and marine towing. Our National Unlimited Membership means you will never pay out-of-pocket for towing, fuel drops, ungroundings or jump starts. For just $165/year, our red tow boats give members priority service and offer better coverage and more boats in Annapolis, the Chesapeake and throughout the U.S. than any other company. Our memberships include national coverage on any boat you own, borrow or charter. For more membership information or immediate service call TowBoatU.S. Say you saw us in PortBook and get a discount on your membership! We also monitor VHF Channel 16.

tred Avon yACht CluB (tAyC)

101 West Strand

Oxford, 21654




Private club for members and guests only. Visiting reciprocal yacht club members welcome.

united StAteS nAvAl ACAdeMy (uSnA) M ap B, g B -150

121 Blake Road

Annapolis, 21402




You and your family are encouraged to tour the United States Naval Academy (USNA) any time of the year during regular visiting hours (9 am to 5 pm, daily). You can take a guided tour with a commercial service in Annapolis or through the Academy's own Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center. Access to the Academy grounds is limited. Please check the current security restrictions before planning a visit. All visitors over the age of 16 must have a valid picture ID.

vAne BrotherS MArine SAfety & ServiCeS

2100 Frankfurst Avenue

Baltimore, 21226




Specializing in Life Raft inspection, sales, service and rentals. Marine Safety Equipment also available - EPIRB's, harnesses, Survitec, Mustang, lights, etc. Available 24 hours a day in Annapolis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Delaware, Norfolk and Oriental, North Carolina. MasterCard and Visa welcome. Servicing the marine community since 1898.

voSBury MArine And reCreAtion, inC M ap C, B C -71 303 Greenlee Road, Bldg. 171

Annapolis, 21402




Established in 1974, Vosubury Marine is a family-owned company specializing in Marine Engine Repair, Replacement, and Engineering. Large extensive Volvo Penta diesel inventory of new and used parts. Volvo auxiliary 3- to 13-liter parts and repairs. Volvo reverse gears, saildrives, and IPS service. Parts and service for Onan and Westerbeke generators. Also servicing Universal diesels and Atomic Four engines. Our warehouse is located at 303 Greenlee Road, Annapolis, MD 21402 and our mailing address is P.O. Box 841, Annapolis, MD 21404.

83 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK

214 Eastern Avenue 410-263-6700

Annapolis, 21403



Eastport is home to world renowned Weems & Plath, Manufacturer of Fine Nautical & Weather Instruments since 1928. Visit our website or call us Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5pm. We offer over 500 products including navigation tools, time & weather instruments, binoculars, charts, and lighting. Check out our new OGM Series of LED Navigation Lights - some of the most robust navigation lights on the market! Talk to our experts, utilize our repair service, and ask about our engraving services for recognition awards & commemoratives.

weSt river SAiling CluB (wrSC)

4800 Riverside Drive 410-867-9772

Galesville, 20765



WRSC is a private club for members and guests only.

84 portbook.com PORTBOOK Use PORTBOOK online
& plAth M ap B, F F -28
www.portbook.com weeMS

Edgewater, 21037

Whistle Yacht Sales is happy to offer a unique brokerage experience and has the track record to prove it. We pride ourselves in getting your boat sold quickly. We often buy boats directly from our customers for an even easier experience. Please let us know what kind of boat you have, and we can discuss the best approach. We also offer Wash/Wax/Detail/Shrink Wrapping services to get your boat ready to list.

whole foodS MArket

200 Harker Place

Annapolis, 21401

yACht eleCtroniCS SySteMS llC (yeS)

, E i -42 7416 Edgewood Road, Bldg. 7401, Ste. 1

Annapolis, 21403

Yacht Electronics Systems LLC (YES) is based in the Bert Jabin's Annapolis Maritime Commerce Center. YES specializes in electrical and electronic systems work, including alternative energy management solutions for long-range sail and power cruising boats. We design and install comprehensive systems including AC and DC panels, inverter/chargers and monitors, high-output alternators, solar panels, and custom wiring, all with an eye to dependability, safety, and ease of operation. In 2020, YES merged with Chesapeake Dockside Services, a veteran-owned and ABYC Certified Master Technician operated business specializing in mobile marine repairs, installations, and services. This merger significantly broadens the available services for our clients. Check us out on page 61.

yACht hAven of AnnApoliS M ap B, F d -16

326 First Street, Suite YH-1

Annapolis, 21403




Keep your boat where you work! Office Suites from 300 sq. ft. and up, and annual or monthly slips from 30' to 60' directly across from the Annapolis City Dock - We have spectacular views, the Bread & Butter Kitchen serving breakfast and lunch, Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard on site, an easy walk to downtown, convenient access to DC and Baltimore, and an owner managed, friendly atmosphere. No transient dockage available.

85 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK PORTBOOK.c O m You’ll find all the businesses in this directory and more with direct links to their websites and geolocations. Use PORTBOOK online! Scan this code with your smartphone so you can navigate directly to them. whiStle
ryan@whistleys.com whistleys.com
yACht SAleS
a C -82
Edgewater Drive
ap a
yachtes@verizon.net yachtelectronicssystems.com

yACht MAintenAnCe CoMpAny M ap C, F g -140

101 Hayward Street


Cambridge, 21613 yachtmaintenanceco.com

The Yacht Maintenance Company has an expanded yard with the capacity to handle any size pleasure craft and commercial vessel with a 200-ton railway and 60-ton travel lift. Extensive workshops for ship's carpentry, fiberglass repairs, engine service and installations, machining, sandblasting, spray painting and is certified for welding in all materials. Over 30 years experience in scientific repair of bottom blistering. Dealer for Northern Lights generators, Westerbeke, Sealand & Yanmar. Controlling depth alongside 14 ft. Monitors Ch.16.

yACht SAleS internAtionAl @ MArtin Bird M ap B, F d -16C

326 First Street


Annapolis, 21403 info@yachtsalesinternational.com yachtsalesinternational.com

New Boats – Brokerage – Import/Export – Wholesale – Service

YachtSalesInternational.com@ Martin Bird, formerly Martin Bird and Associates, is one of the oldest and most recognized Yacht Brokerages in the Mid-Atlantic. Located on Annapolis Harbor, we have helped buyers and sellers alike for over 40 years. Our extensive online presence with additional offices in Florida and Chicago gives us the ability to showcase your boat to millions of prospective buyers and find you the boat of your dreams. YachtSalesInternational.com is a worldwide leading dealer and supplier for Greenline, ALVA, Fjord, RYCK, and Lion Yachts.

Where do I get my cool sticker?


The EWE Spirit Foundation’s mission is to honor the legacy of Geoff Ewenson by helping those facing immediate hardship bridge financial and social support gaps through mentorship, outreach and financial assistance, thus creating a kind world where everyone has the resources, assistance and opportunity to live with dignity, hope and joy.

In memory of Geoffrey Ewenson | 1970-2020

86 portbook.com PORTBOOK
Photo by Dan Nerney

Salutes The Outstanding Marine Wizards

An outstanding Marine Wizard is someone who demonstrates extraordinary skills in the marine trades and is considered to be the ‘the best of the best’ in the industry.

2022 outstanding Marine Wizard Winners

Tarn Kelsey • Kelsey Marine Survey

Marshall Larner • J. Gordon & Company

Anna Maddox • M Yacht Services & Rigging

Dave Martin • Diversified Marine Services

JJ Williams • Osprey Marine Composites

2020 outstanding Marine Wizard Winners

Greg Clarence • Annapolis Boat Service

Mary Heinritz • Hei-Tide Marine Detailing

John Kubilus • Port Annapolis Marina

Mark Sims • True North Yachting

2018 outstanding Marine Wizard Winners

Austin Angermier • Full Keel Marine Services

Tripp Ewers • Trippe Creek Yacht Service

Michael Johnson • Port Annapolis Marina

Mark Miller • Ferry Point Marina

Matt Weimer • Annapolis Yacht Sales

2016 outstanding Marine Wizard Winners

Peter Carrico • United States Naval Academy

Jay Herman • Annapolis Rigging

Ryan McQueeney • Marine Technical Services

Mike Morgan • Chesapeake Blasting Service

Mike Sells • Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard

The next class of Marine Wizards will be named in 2024. Tell us who you think should be recognized for their expertise in their trade as well as their service to their customers.

87 Spon S ored
To Nominate A Wizard Visit: eycfou N d AT io N .org
88 portbook.com PORTBOOK Want to be listed in PORTBOOK? email info@portbook.com or call 410.216.9309 for advertising rates. We’ll put your listing online immediately & include you in the 2024-25 book
Use PORTBOOK online www.portbook.com
Photo by Will Keyworth

P laygrounds


Newman Street Playground

Corner of Compromise Street and Newman Street - Basketball court, slides, play equipment for toddlers and older children.

Eastport Elementary School

Corner of Severn Avenue and Fifth Street - Fenced area with playground equipment and large open field.

Rev. Joseph J. Turner Park

Corner of Chester Avenue and Third Street - Small playground with slides, swings, and climbing equipment geared toward young children. Basketball court. CAMBRIDGE Sailwinds

d og P arks

You’ll find all the businesses in this directory and more with direct links to their websites and geolocations.

Scan this code with your smartphone so you can navigate directly to them.

89 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK
Park............................................................ 200 Byrn Street
Hill Park ........................................... 1130 Sudlersville Road
Oxford Town Park ............................................... 104 S Morris Street ST. MICHAELS Perry Cabin Park & Sports Complex 710 Talbot Street N STEVENSVILLE Batts Neck Park 415 Batts Neck Road Mowbray Park ................................................. 629 Romancoke Road Old Love Point Park ................................. 300 Old Love Point Road
ANNAPOLIS Dog Park at Quiet Waters Park 600 Quiet Waters Park Road Broadneck Park.................................................. 613 College Parkway OXFORD Play Ball Dog Park 103 J.L. Thompson Drive ST. MICHAELS Muskrat Park 207 Willow Green Street STEVENSVILLE Island Dog Park...................................................... 306 Church Street Matapeake State Park 1112 Romancoke Road PORTBOOK.c O m
Use PORTBOOK online!

t rans P ortation


AnnApoliS dept. of trAnSportAtion

308 Chinquapin Round Road

410-263-7964 Annapolis, 21401 www.annapolis.gov

Annapolis Transit offers:

• 8 fixed-route buses, daily service in the greater Annapolis area and Parole.

• Connection information in regards to connector routes reaching

• PG County, New Carrollton Metro Station and Washington, DC.

• Base fare is $2.00. Seniors, students and Medicare card holders with valid ID ride for 1/2 price.

• Over 250 bus stops located on the major local roads.

• Annapolis Transit route maps also available at The Visitors

• Center, public libraries and the Harbor Master’s office.

• Most buses are equipped with racks holding up to two bikes at no extra charge.

Annapolis Transit destinations of special interest to boaters:

• Marinas & boating stores: Fawcett, West Marine, and Bacon Sails

• Grocery stores: Giant, Safeway, Whole Foods, Grauls, Lidl, Trader Joe’s

• Laundries & Cleaners: Bay Ridge Laundromat

• Visitors Center, West Street

• Post Offices (Eastport, Annapolis, West Annapolis, Edgewater)

• Annapolis Harbour Center, Annapolis Town Center, & Westfield Shopping Mall (Annapolis Mall)

• Eastport/Hillsmere and West Street Public Libraries

• Anne Arundel Medical Center

• Bay Forest Shopping Center, Bay Ridge Shopping Center, Clock Tower Place

• K&B True Value Hardware Store

• US Naval Academy

a CCESS a nna PO l IS

Download the apps and find details about routes and stops at accessannapolis.com.

• The Free Magenta Shuttle runs from the West Street corridor to downtown. Service hours: Monday through Thursday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., Friday through Saturday: 7 a.m. to 12 a.m., and Sunday from 8 a.m.to 8 p.m.

• The Annapolis Current 10 Minute Trolley is free and travels a pre-determined route including Calvert Street at Northwest Street, West Street, Church Circle, School Street, Maryland Avenue, Prince George Street, College Avenue, and St. Johns Street. The route will begin and end on Calvert Street in front of the Gotts Garage. Service hours: Friday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

• Annapolis Go is the city’s on-demand, shared-ride service. Use the Annapolis GO app for ride-sharing services to get to or from any destination, including Park Place, Knighton, Gotts to locations throughout Downtown and Eastport. Service hours: Monday through Thursday from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m., Friday: 3 p.m. to 11 p.m., Saturday from 12 p.m. to 11 p.m., Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

• Bird electric bike and scooter rentals are available through the Bird app 24 hours a day.

90 portbook.com PORTBOOK

B ridge o P ening s C hedules

SpA Creek Bridge

Eastport to downtown Annapolis


May 1 to October 31, Monday through Friday: Opens on signal on the hour and half hour, except from 7:30am to 9am and 4:30pm to 7:30pm. There can be one opening at 6pm and 7pm for vessels waiting to pass.November 1 to April 30, Monday through Friday: Opens on signal from 9am to 4:30pm & 6pm to 7:30am. Weekends and Holidays year round: open on the hour and half hour. Closed July 4 from 8:30pm to 11pm.

weeMS Creek Bridge

Ridgely Avenue


May 1 to September 30: Opens on demand from sunrise to sunset. All other times by appointment with 5 hours notice. Call to schedule an appointment Monday-Friday between 8:00am - 4:30 pm.

kent nArrowS drAw Bridge

Kent Island to Eastern Shore


May 1 to October 31: Bridge opens on signal on the hour and half hour from 6am to 9pm. Nov. 1 to April 30: Opens on signal from 6am to 6pm, 7 days a week.

knAppS nArrowS

Tilghman Island

410-886-2588 24-hour service on demand.

M edi C al s ervi C es


Health Anne Arundel Medical Center (AAMC) has a state-of-the-art emergency facility complete with a stand-alone pediatric emergency department. The physicians and consulting specialists provide 24-hour complete medical care from scrapes and bruises to devastating illness. Ask AAMC: 24-hour Nurse Advice line: 443-481-4000 or 1-800-MD-NURSE, Patient Advocacy line: 443-481-6890.

91 The Marine Services Directory PORTBOOK
e ntertain M ent
vents Annapolis Streaming..................................annapolisstreaming.com A good source for local live music schedules. Visit Annapolis........................................ visitannapolis.org/events For Downtown, don’t forget Main Street, Dock Street,
............................ stmichaelsmd.com/events/calendar Easton.......................................................discovereaston.com/events
443-481-1000 Annapolis,
All bridges monitor VHF Ch. 13
/ e
& West Street!
* Dont forget to check the Calendar of Events on page 47 luMiniS heAlth Anne Arundel MediCAl Center M ap
, C C - h
Medical Parkway

O From simple repairs to complicated problems, from emergency work to long term projects, we do it all, in-house!

O Marine systems sold, designed, installed, repaired, with most parts in stock.

O Dealers for many marine systems: electrical, electronics, climate control, refrigeration, generators, plumbing, navigation, and watermakers.

General repairs to complete refits to refurbishing (all systems to carpentry). Insurance work. Custom woodwork. Hull repairs. Painting. Rigging. Compass refurbishing. Brightwork refinishing. General maintenance cleaning, waxing.

Complete BoatingService, Sales, and Parts for Vessels of All Sizes

40 Years

92 portbook.com PORTBOOK
ndex to
is P lay
Accent Graphics 13 Annapolis Boat Club 17 Annapolis Boat Shows .......................................... 37 Annapolis Cruisair 12 Annapolis Inflatables Back Cover Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park 43 Annapolis Yacht Sales & AYS Inflatables ............ 46 Bacon Sails & Marine Supplies Map Page Bay Bridge Marina 11 Bogley Marine Service 18 Chesapeake Area Professional Capt Assoc ......... 16 Chesapeake Dockside Services 9 Chesapeake Marine Fasteners 22 Chesapeake Yacht Club 7 EWE Spirit Foundation 86 Eastport Yacht Center 23 EYC Foundation Marine Wizards 87 Fairview Marina..................................................... 19 Fawcett Boat Supplies 6 FishTalk Magazine 81
a dvertisers
D I st RIB uto R s F o R D-400 wind generator, spectra, Mastervolt, Em-trak AIs J. Gordon & Company 92 Kompletely Kustom Marine 10 Leeward Market Cafe & Grocery 40 M Yacht Services & Rigging 15,31 MD Clean Marinas ............................................. 24,75 Maritime Fabricaton 21 Marine Trades Association of MD Map Page Port Annapolis Marina Inside Cover, 2 Prestige Detailing & Yacht Management 25 PropTalk Dock Bar Guide 84 PropTalk Magazine ................................................62 Red Sky Professional Detailing ............................29 Sea Tow 39 SpinSheet Crew Finder 59 SpinSheet Magazine 33 Start Sailing Now 56 Stevens Battery Warehouse 8, Inside Back Cover TowBoatUS............................................................. 41 Yacht Maintenance Company............................... 27
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