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Vol. 17 Issue 4 April - May 2018

MCI (P) 023/04/2018 PPS 1669/08/2013(022992)

[COVER] E&E Plays Key Role STORY

At MGM COTAI's Dynamic Theater

* Vector Lights on Auckland Harbour * AV in the Worship Sector * Bringing Smooth Talking to Enterprise Comms

Fast Growth for HARMAN Pro in APAC

The AWC Advantage to AV Industry

beyerdynamic Speaks in New Avatar

w w w. s y s t e m s i n t e g r a t i o n a s i a . c o m

CONTENTS Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

ClearOne: Clearly One!

Steering from front, Zee Hakimoglu










Getting More with Less



50 52





AVID Technology Practitioners



70 77

HARMAN PRO Grows Fast in APAC beyerdynamic Speaks in New 'Avatar'






New Kid on the Block – Gillys Redened


COVER STORY - Asia's First Dynamic Theatre


Vector Lights on Auckland Harbour


Generating Revenue Out of Thin Air




Network Effect at ISE 2018


Bringing Smooth Talking to Enterprise Communications



PALM EXPO 2018: Know What to Expect from it

ConnecTechAsia 2018: See the Merger of Three Big Techies


The AWC Advantage to AV Industry






ISE 2018: Show of Strength (Audio-Visually)


AV in the Worship Sector


Mapping OR Crea ng the Need PUBLISHER / EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Thomas Richard Prakasam

“Is AV technology domain changing faster than the human comprehension and necessity? or is human genius turning more demanding than ever and required?”

DANIEL NGIAM MEDIA Rep for Spinworkz Pte Ltd Tel: +65 84410258 

I posed this ques on to a top-echelon CTO, some five years ago. The technocrat, mildly surprised and pa ed me for the query, felt 'while it can be safely said it is the market that fuels any work dynamism, it can also be said that human genius ought to explore newer domains and possibili es. I had a second ques on 'does it mean technology is caught between requirement and compe on? Doubly surprised (gave me a double pat J ), the CTO said “as a technocrat, I feel excited with any new technology coming to marketplace, while as a human, I feel every innova on should have some contribu on to improve human life experience, and not just for the heck of it.” I culled this out, with regard to my experience at the recent ISE. It was largerthan-life for most, while it was 'crazy' to an even number. For me, it appeared for a minute, a subtly scaled ba le field- Gigabyte war; 4k-8k-16 resolu on war; Micro LED and transparent OLED war; AV over IP/IoT war; Lasers and DLPs war, and what not!

ART / LAYOUT Shankar Venugopal



It is interes ng to see that despite technocrats and analysts unequivocally voicing out that human eye cannot make difference between a 2k and 4k, the industry went agog on 4k, and even before that got se led, started running for 8k and now it talks about 16k! For whose experience riches? Lasers and DLPs are in the same league. The Gigabyte war, one single proposi on now stands to threaten a big market, and the other side didn't sit quiet either. While the GB-size ba le goes on, there may be a big chunk of industry in ambiguity. What's the gain and whose? 'Pixel' pitched ba le? The essence is same. Even the most acknowledged consultant tends to grope, and the most discerning AV buyer tends to drag on for want of the fanciful solu on or re-invest heavily to replace the exis ng with the fancied new. Now we have also come to see voice-obeying projectors, while the gesture-controlled systems are s ll luring to invade human gestures. Now, did the market demand such exploits is the big ques on. Is there anybody mapping what exactly the market needs, and what it should be fed with? I think we all need to ponder over this.

Disclaimer: Systems Integration Asia is published 6 times a year. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine is to be reproduced, whether mechanical or electronic without the prior written consent of the publisher. Views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reect those of the editor or the publisher. Unsolicited contributions are welcome but the editor reserves the discretion to use them. Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy and honesty in both editorial and advertising content at press time, the publisher will not be liable for any inaccuracies. Please be informed that products and company names mentioned in this publication may be protected with tradenames, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Our non inclusion of such symbols is not an indication of us not recognising the copyright but rather to have a common look across our articles. Misuse of tradenames, trademarks or registered trademarks is strictly prohibited. It is the obligation of our readers to check if company names and products are protected with tradenames, trademarks or registered trademarks.



Big Initiative by AVIXA In India

CTS Certication Gets NABET Accreditation

QCI Secretary General Dr. Ravi P. Singh handing the accredita on document over to AVIXA Gaurab Majumdar, Regional Director-IMEA INDIA: In what can be taken as a very decisive, futuris c ini a ve towards developing 'cer fied talent pool' in India, AVIXA (formerly InfoComm Interna onal) got its premier Cer fied Technology Specialist (CTS) programme – a globally acknowledged benchmark for any aspiring AV professional – now accredited by India's Na onal Accredita on Board for Educa on and Training (NABET), the cons tuent Board of Quality Council of India (QCI)- which is a Government of India ini a ve with industry representa on. A signed document (Memorandum of Understanding) to this effect has been presented by QCI's Secretary General Dr. Ravi P Singh to AVIXA's Regional DirectorIMEA Gaurab Majumdar at a special programme organized at NABET premises in New Delhi recently. NABET works to develop qualified personnel and credible voca onal training courses in various industry sectors. To earn accredita on, an organiza on must demonstrate effec ve management and delivery of a holis c educa on program aimed at overall development of students. By means of this accredita on, AVIXA has apparently broken a new, big ground towards expanding the CTS programme to the wider countryside of India thereby strengthening the much needed cer fied talent pool for the demanding audio-visual industry as well as associated industries. That NABET, under the auspices of QCI, has its ac vi es aimed at improvising quality standards across a wide range of industry

segments such as healthcare, infrastructure, environment protec on, educa on and social sectors, the CTS training and cer fica on programmes can now be promoted and implemented with more authen city and applica on. “It's very beneficial for both organiza ons to come together for a common cause of crea ng wider talent pool for the industrial sector,” said QCI Secretary General Dr. Ravi P. Singh. “We will help support the CTS programme across the member ins tu ons and enterprises in India. Together, we will herald a new era of competent and cer fied professionals for the country's excellence in business.” Vanita Yadav, Director, and C S Sharma, Deputy Director at the QCI, along with their team explained how QCI and NABET work and how their accredita on process helps industry upgrade and maintain sustained quality standards. They hoped that together, QCI and AVIXA can herald a new era competent and cer fied genera on for the country's excellence in business and life streams. AVIXA, as it is, has been very proac ve in its remodelled format, making its training and cer fica on programmes affordable to larger sec ons of the industry. Its reduc on of requisite fee for taking CTS training and examina on by half for Indian aspirants has been received with great apprecia on by Indian AV industry ranks.

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

“With a growing Indian AV market, there is a large pool of professionals in demand,” said Gaurab Majumdar. “This announcement is an extension of AVIXA's commitment to India's rapidly expanding AV market,” he said. “This cer fica on, now recognized by NABET, will help Indian students pursue a career path in this industry. As the CTS programme con nues to be adopted in India, it will become the gold standard by which qualified AV professionals are dis nguished.” AVIXA, already has two significant ini a ves in place in India- with BECIL (Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited), and Computer Society of India (CSI). Now, the coming together of AVIXA and NABET stands elevate the ini a ve further, and can be as decisive as remodelling the cer fied talent pool for a vastly expanding urban Indian economy, par cularly with regard to the Smart Ci es Mission ini ated by the Government of India. The ambi ous programme intends to build 100 Smart ci es over the next decade across the country, with a whopping alloca on of $15 billion. That the programme involves a huge scale of residen al, commercial and infrastructural projects with many a smart technology solu ons, it stands create oceanic opportuni es, if not demand for audio-visual industry contribu on. That apart, upgrades, and steady growth within India's TV and film sectors all serve to reinforce the overall beneficial effect the Indian economy is having on the AV sector. According to AVIXA's Industry Outlook and Trends Analysis (IOTA), the Indian economy grew by 7 per cent in 2016 and is likely to maintain a yearly growth rate of more than 7 per cent through 2019. Kuldip Kamat, Managing Director of AllWave AV Systems, and member of AVIXA's India Advisory Group observes: The Indian AV market is poised to grow very well over the next decade in various technology applica ons around unified collabora on and entertainment; the need for a young, vibrant workforce with creden als has never been higher. “The ones who skill and re-skill themselves with an eye on the future will walk away with the rewards,” says Kuldip. “NABET recogni on will



mo vate the young genera on to choose AV as career.” “It is indeed heartening to see the strides made by AVIXA in a very short span of me to uphold the quality standards and be recognised by premium ins tu ons and accredita on bodies like NABET; We wish AVIXA well for all the future accredita ons as well and these are steps in the right direc on,” says Vineet Singh, Managing Director of HMPL Consul ng. “We at HMPL Consul ng congratulate the AVIXA team, specially the Indian team to achieve this milestone and we shall con nue to contribute to the successful evolu on and journey of AVIXA in the region.”

The QCI/NABET accredita on: Authen ca on of Quality QCI is a joint ini a ve by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India and three premier industry associa ons- Associated Chambers of Commerce (ASSOCHAM); Confedera on of Indian Industry (CII), and Federa on of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). Set up in 1997, the QCI is mandated to lead a na onwide quality movement in India in industrial sector by involving all the stakeholders for emphasis on adherence to quality standards. The QCI, with its standards cons tuent body NABET, authen cates quality standards in diverse segments of life and business, as mandated by ISO/IEC 17025:2017. However, it does not accord its endorsement by any normal choice but by stringent evalua on and audit of the company's opera onal processes before giving its stamp of quality accordance. For AVIXA's CTS training and cer fica on ini a ve, QCI team comprising Vanita Yadva, C S Sharma, Shivani Mishra and others visited AVIXA's headquarters in Fairfox, USA, and audited their opera onal and training process before finding a compelling reason for according its accredita on. That speaks of the quality adherence AVIXA brings to its programmes.

Dan Dugan Celebrates with Yamaha at ISE Dan Dugan – the inventor of the automa c microphone mixer – is celebra ng his 75th birthday this year on with a speciality. It's his 50th year in business, and 35th year of his laboratory on Napoleon Street, San Francisco. Since 2011 Dan Dugan Sound Design technology has been a key component in Yamaha's digital mixing systems, so the company invited him to a surprise celebra on on its stand at ISE 2018.

Dan Dugan being presented with the cake (le ); Dan Dugan answering a query during the interac on on the occasion. INTERNATIONAL: Nowadays, inventors of key developments in the modern pro audio industry are recognised as pioneers, visionaries, even 'living legends'. Significant anniversaries arrive with increasing frequency, but not many enjoy three at the same me! Dan Dugan has spent his en re life involved with audio although, ironically, his first job in the produc on industry was as a ligh ng designer. It was when designing the audio for an early 1970s produc on of the musical Hair that he saw the need for an automated solu on to control mul ple microphones. Being both resourceful and determined, he set about inven ng one. The rest, one could say, is history. Throughout the early 2000s, there were increasing calls from Yamaha US customers for Dan's automated mic mixing technology to be made available in the company's digital consoles and DME series digital mixing engines. Posi ve discussions between Dan and Yamaha's Marc Lopez, Ma Hasegawa and Hiroshi Hamamatsu resulted, in 2011, in the Dugan-MY16 automa c mixing controller card. This enabled a wide range of Yamaha digital mixing products to add up to 16 channels of automated microphone mixing. With the launch of Yamaha's CL series digital mixers, the company's Masaaki 'Mick' Okabayashi and Dan discussed the possibility of incorpora ng the technology within the CL opera ng system itself. Finding it was possible to achieve using Yamaha DSP, Dan


Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

and the Yamaha development engineers worked closely to implement it. Since then, the technology has been incorporated into Yamaha's en re current range of digital mixing consoles - from the flagship RIVAGE PM10 system right through to the entry-level TF series - as well as the MTX/MRX series of matrix processors. This means that all of these products now feature cu ng-edge, automated mic mixing as standard. “Dan's technology has made a massive difference to a wide range of produc ons from theatre shows to corporate conferences, broadcast debates and many others. We are very pleased to be able to celebrate these three significant milestones with him at ISE 2018,” says Nils-Peter Keller, Senior Director Pro Audio & AV Group at Yamaha Music Europe GmbH. “As a fellow pioneering audio company, it is both appropriate and gra fying that we have been able to work closely with Dan for a number of years, allowing Yamaha users to embrace the many benefits of his automated mic mixing technology.” “Working with Yamaha has been wonderful because I've provided the idea, but they've provided a red hot team of engineers to realise it in their own DSP, which is pre y extraordinary,” adds Dan. “It's been a very posi ve, deligh ul rela onship and I hope it will last for a long me.” S I A



Community Celebrates 50 Years at 2018 INTERNATIONAL: Even as Community Professional Loudspeakers celebrated its 50 years of offering innova ve loudspeaker solu ons on the pla orm of ISE 2018, what remained constant through all those years is what really sets the company apart. Founded by Bruce Howze in 1968 to develop concert-worthy loudspeakers that were both powerful and lightweight, Community is now a worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of professional loudspeakers for installed applica ons. As the company evolved its market focus from tour sound to MI and now to install, Howze's technical leadership has been the one constant throughout. About those early days, Howze recalls, “everyone was making horns from wood, sheet metal or cast iron. We thought fiberglass would be an ideal material for small runs. It was lightweight, strong, portable and rela vely easy to mould to shape. We could make horns that were far more accurate to mathema cal equa ons, without the imperfec ons of wood, and with far less weight.” “At the me, touring systems were mainly comprised of large folded bass horns, topped with mul cellular high frequency horns,” he explains. “There was nothing that could do 500 Hz well, which le a big hole in the midrange. Midrange is where voice intelligibility lives, and to my mind is the most important aspect of a loudspeaker – to communicate. We focused on that midrange right at the outset, and it con nues to be paramount in everything we do.” Even today, performance and intelligibility con nue to be Community's top priori es. “There's been a trend among loudspeaker manufacturers to overlook intelligibility in favor of the 'wow' factor of big bass,” Howze observes. “That sort of misses the point that all the cri cal informa on is in the midrange. If you don't get that right, the rest of it doesn't mean a thing.”

design of the new symbol and logotype suggests precision and elegance, two important a ributes of their products and engineering.

Over the years, Community's developments in horn designs, enclosures and transducers, combined with detailed performance measurement and documenta on, have achieved an outstanding list of “firsts”, par cularly in the areas of large-scale systems, extreme all-weather capability and solu ons for difficult acous c environments. The company's list of references is equally impressive, from Elvis Presley touring with Community's Leviathan in the '70s to public address for the largest annual gathering of mankind on earth in Mecca. Whole ci es like Venice rely on Community to provide audio flood warning and, at countless Olympic and world-class stadia, millions of people enjoy their sport with “loud and clear” communica on from Community systems. Steve Johnson joined Community as CEO in 2013. An experienced audio industry veteran, Johnson brought substan al sales, marke ng and commercial exper se to the company. In 2014, Community unveiled an updated corporate brand iden ty. The

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

In 2015, Audioprof Group Interna onal acquired a majority share in Community, strengthening the brand and ensuring its future. Audioprof is a holding company established to develop and build strong audio companies with a focus on specific niches in the audio industry. Through the acquisi on, Community became a member of their installed audio por olio along with European-based Apart Audio. What's up in 2018: Community begins 2018 with the European launch of its new IV6 Modular Ver cal Array system at ISE. The newest member of the highly successful I SERIES family, IV6 is aesthe cally designed for installed indoor or outdoor applica ons. Incorpora ng physical- and acous c-shaping tools that allow designers to tailor an array to the needs of any venue, the IV6 Modular Ver cal Array system provides uniform coverage in short- or long-throw applica ons. Community's exclusive Passive Acous c Op miza on module within EASE® Focus 3 quickly calculates the ideal passive array parameters for each loudspeaker, resul ng in unmatched SPL and frequency response consistency throughout a listening area without requiring addi onal amplifiers or DSP channels. “As we aspire to exceed the industry's expecta ons and provide excep onal customer service, we will con nue to innovate with new products like the IV6,” said Johnson. “Community was founded by Bruce Howze all those years ago because he believed there had to be a be er way to make loudspeakers. I see the IV6 with its unique array shaping tools as proof that innova on is alive and well at Community and will con nue to define Community long into the future.” S I A



AV Stump Opens Ofce in China; Eyes Chinese Market

our family name is also the company name, we wanted to wait for the right moment and the right partner to expand our ac vi es in mainland China. “We believe the right me is now and that Francis Lee and his great team are perfect for the job,” said Fabian. “Their extensive AV industry experience and deep understanding of media server applica ons makes us confident that AV Stumpfl China will be a highly successful company.”


CHINA: AV Stumpfl, a leading Austrian developer-manufacturer of AV technologies from projec on screens to servers and control systems, has officially announced the opening of AV Stumpfl China. The AV Stumpfl office will operate with the aim to develop and expand AV Stumpfl's presence in the Chinese mainland's AV market. Headquartered in Shanghai, the hand-picked team consists of experienced system engineers, as well as AV and marke ng experts. “We are seeing a lot of growth poten al when it comes to AV Stumpfl's importance in mainland China. The company is completely independent and family owned, has a very good reputa on, award winning products and an incredibly enthusias c team,” said AV Stumpfl China CEO Francis Lee, Announcing the ini a ve. “Our own AV Stumpfl China team will be able to supplement this great founda on further by providing direct technical training, product support and maintenance services,” he said. “As a first step, we will be focusing on a number of key markets, including theme park a rac ons, museum installa ons and live-events."

Atlona Conducts Roadshow in Three Indian Cities INDIA: AV and IT distribu on, connec vity solu ons provider Atlona has recently conducted a roadshow across three major Indian ci es towards further promo ng its solu ons through Indian market. The ini a ve began with New Delhi, and travelled to Bangalore, followed by Mumbai. The Zero to 60Hz training sessions focused on educa on and pain points for AV professionals aiming to keep pace with the latest industry trends. Each day-long event offered focused segments on AV over IP, BYOD-powered collabora on, and networked control from Atlona Academy trainers, followed by an open house period for networking, hands-on product trainings, and personalized Q&A opportuni es. “We've reached a cri cal point in me where end users in corporate, higher educa on and other facili es are confident and ready to move forward with

Hardik Mehta of Atlona leads an AV over IP presenta on in Delhi transi oning their AV opera ons to the network,” said Sanket Sawant, Atlona's Director of Business Development, Middle East, India and Southeast Asia. “With be erthen-expected turnout of more than 60 a endees at each stop, these sessions were built to help our partners accelerate these transi ons from systems design and integra on perspec ve.”

Sanket Saweet of Atlona offers a hands-on demo on Atlona products to a endees Parallel to each event, the Atlona Academy team conducted specialized trainings for regional dealers. This included Atlona Level 100 and 200 cer fica ons for sales and technical teams, as well as InfoComm RUs that can be leverage for CTS cer fica on renewals. Specific demonstra ons of Atlona's OmniStream AV over IP pla orm, Velocity networked control solu on, SW510w BYOD presenta on switcher, and HDVS-300 so conferencing codec were also made available to all a endees.

The establishment of a permanent office in China follows a 12-month period in which AV Stumpfl has ac vely expanded its interna onal distribu on network to include partners in the US, Canada and Japan, with a par cular focus on media servers. Commen ng on the strategic significance of the Chinese market, AV Stumpfl CEO Fabian Stumpfl explained: "It is not a secret that the Chinese market is of great importance to most interna onal AV manufacturers. Since The gathering of Partners and a endees at the Delhi Atlona On-Tour event Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



Paul Peace Appointed Green Hippo Lights Up AUE Ceremony as Community Pro's Sr Director of Engg INTERNATIONAL: Community Professional Loudspeakers announced the appointment of Paul Peace as Senior Director of Engineering. Peace has three decades of experience in the pro audio industry, including the design and development of loudspeaker systems and real-world handson experience as a systems installer. He comes to Community from Harman/JBL Professional where he was Senior Manager in Systems Engineering. Previously, Peace has also held technical leadership roles at Renkus-Heinz and IMAX. He has a Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics from Georgia Ins tute of Technology and is currently pursuing a Masters in Acous cs from Penn State University. Leading all engineering efforts at Community, Peace will oversee product development, produc on engineering, product management and vendor research, while direc ng research in advanced direc vity control, equaliza on techniques and loudspeaker specifica ons. Community's CEO, Steve Johnson, commented on Peace's coming on board Community, “we're really happy to extend a warm welcome to Paul. In addi on to his extensive research and development exper se, he has the innova ve approach to development that forms a core philosophy of Community. Paul will be a key member of Community's leadership team, providing valuable input for our future success.” Paul Peace added, “this is an exci ng me to join Community, a well respected company with an impressive product line-up that is celebra ng its 50th year anniversary. The longevity of the company means something, that it embraces agility, crea vity and innova on. I'm looking forward to leading the engineering efforts with one of the most dynamic teams in professional loudspeakers.” S I A

MIDDLE EAST: The American University in the Emirates (AUE) has held its seventh Commencement Ceremony at Dubai World Trade Centre in Dubai, with dignitaries in a endance including His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, United Arab Emirates Cabinet Member, Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development. The AUE invited Dubai-based Fountains Interna onal Events to cra a video and ligh ng show befi ng the pres gious event. Led by Pavel Pashkovskiy, Fountains Interna onal Events has extensive experience in the region, and for the AUE gradua on ceremony the company designed and produced content with a total size of approximately 10,000 x 4,000 pixels. Using a pair of Hippo zer Karst Media Servers, Pavel operated a special Art-Net meline-based controller from Syncronorm, sending layers, and star ng triggers to the Karsts. Pavel calls this technique ‘Art-Net mecode’, and the Art-Net meline triggered all of his other devices, including lasers, light controllers, Special FX, and water fountains. Each Karst ran a separate screen area, offering blending as well as hardedge joining. The Hippo zer Karsts received an externally-sourced live feed via Datapath capture cards, and eight spli ers – four from Datapath and four from FX – spliced the Hippo zer 2K and 4K outputs. The signal was then sent to video projectors through fibre op cs. Fountains Interna onal Events managed installa on, projec on works, show crea on, and synchronisa on and the Green Hippo tech delivered exactly what it needed

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

for the mul faceted show. At only two rack units high, the Hippo zer Karst is remarkably compact for such a comprehensively equipped machine. It’s super flexible, too, offering a host customisable and capture op ons. "We are always crea ng complex shows, where too many components are involved! Green Hippo guarantees the flexibility required to enable us to successfully deliver these live events,” Pavel Pashkovskiy said. “Hippo zer Media Servers also give amazing system stability in very difficult preprogrammed shows, where we require powerful eternal control.” Formed in 2000, Green Hippo is a leading player in the field of scenic video. The Hippo zer range, now in its 4th genera on, provides real- me video playback for events including Eurovision, the Academy Awards, and Super Bowl hal ime shows. Theatre spectaculars, such as the West End’s Love Never Dies and Broadway’s American Idiot rely on the system’s flexibility during produc on periods, and concert tours for ar sts such as Beyoncé, Jay Z, and Madonna a est to Hippo zer’s on-the-road reliability. Hippo zer Media Servers now reside in the inventory of the major video playback equipment rental companies worldwide, alongside an ever-growing set of global owner-operators. S I A



Digital Projection has a New BDM for Middle East

Abdulrahman Aladawi greeted by Ma hew Horwood MIDDLE EAST: Digital Projec on announced the appointment of Abdulrahman Aladawi to the posi on of Business Development Manager for Middle East. Based at the Bri sh projec on specialist's Dubai Experience Centre, Aladawi joined the company in November, bringing first-hand experience of every aspect of the channel to the company as it strives to further grow its burgeoning business in the region. Abdulrahman joins Digital Projec on from Casio Computer Co where he was Regional Sales Manager MENA for the Digital Signage and Projectors division over a four-year period. Prior to that, he was Technical Sales Engineer for AV/Broadcast with system integrator Oasis Enterprises LLC. In addi on to his experience garnered on the manufacturer and system integrator side, he also worked for broadcast company Media City Dubai as Transmission Engineer – providing him with a solid grounding in all aspects of the channel from end to end. In this new role, Abdulrahman will oversee the development of the business across the Middle East region; a key strategic posi on given Digital Projec on's plans for growth in those markets. Raising awareness of the company's products and technology, he will focus on further building rela ons with distributor and system integrator partners – introducing them to new opportuni es and applica ons to maximize the use of the excep onal range in the AV and broadcast industries. As the company con nues with its ambi ous plans to bring its innova ve technologies to the region in response to market demand, Abdulrahman will seek to

cement Digital Projec on's posi on and reputa on in the market, making it synonymous with top quality professional projec on systems. Ma hew Horwood, General Manager Middle East at Digital Projec on, adds: “We're delighted to welcome Abdulrahman to the Digital Projec on team; his appointment reinforces our commitment to suppor ng growth in the Middle East region. Abdulrahman brings extensive experience of the region and the Audio Visual channel, and will focus on further increasing the support to our partners.” “I'm thrilled to join Digital Projec on – a company with such a strong presence and trusted for its reliability and innova on in the projec on industry,” said Abdulrahman, on his new role. “With some years of experience in this fast-growing region, I wanted to work for an industry leader with a history of technological innova on and success stories in complex projects worldwide for my next career move; somewhere I could keep learning and facing new challenges,” he adeed. “In my opinion, Digital Projec on represents exactly this kind of place and I'm excited to be a part of such a dynamic organisa on and team.”

across the full range of professional and commercial sound applica ons. “In crea ng this posi on, we are pu ng a 'boots-on-the-ground' factory representa ve in this cri cal region,” says John Moni o, Director of Business Development for Meyer Sound. “And we couldn't have found a be er person to fill the boots than Chris D'bais. He comes fully prepared with an in-depth knowledge of the technologies, the Meyer Sound product line, the markets and the key players in the region. From day one, he is ready to work with customers to develop comprehensive solu ons across the full range of audio applica ons, no ma er how large or challenging the project.” Chris brings to his new posi on more than 16 years of experience in audio produc on and technical management, most recently as sales and business development manager for Meyer Sound's former distributor for Australia. Prior to that post, D'bais served in technical and venue opera ons management posi ons at events, arts and cultural centers in Australia and the UK, including venue opera ons manager for the Arts Centre Gold Coast. His extensive training encompasses technical produc on, ligh ng and rigging, and also includes cer fica on as a Meyer Sound SIM and CueSta on operator.

www.digitalprojec S I A

Meyer Sound Appoints Chris D'bais as BDM for Oceania, SEA INTERNATIONAL: Meyer Sound appointed Chris D'bais to the newly created posi on of Business Development, Oceania and Southeast Asia. D'bais will be based in Brisbane, Australia and will serve as a direct factory representa ve for Meyer Sound across Oceania (Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands) mainland and mari me Southeast Asia, as well as in Taiwan and Hong Kong. In his new capacity, D'bais will represent Meyer Sound by building direct rela onships with architects, consultants, sound designers, AV integrators and end-users

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

“I'm humbled and excited at this new opportunity,” says D'bais. “I've always admired Meyer Sound as an extraordinary, solu ons-based company. The people here know how to listen to customers, to understand all the issues, and then to forge comprehensive solu ons that are o en well beyond the capacity of other loudspeaker makers. It's not about pushing boxes out the door; it's about doing the best for every customer and constantly pushing the envelope of audio technology.” D'bais plans to contribute to what he sees as a me of significant growth poten al for Meyer Sound across the region. “The installa on market offers tremendous promise for the expanding line of IntelligentDC products,” he says. “Customers in this region are looking for higher quality sound in all public spaces – from restaurants and art galleries to showrooms and cinemas. I also expect to see many more Constella on [ac ve acous cs] installa ons, not just in performance halls but also in educa onal, corporate and hospitality projects.



Holovis Secures Multi-million Investment

worldwide. As an affiliate, the HDBaseT Alliance will work closely with Worlddidac to promote the most suitable audiovisual infrastructure for the classrooms of today and the future.

William Zen, Chairman of Road King, and Stuart Hetherington, CEO of Holovis in a handshake during the occasion. HONGKONG: Holovis, a creator of transforma ve, mul -sensory immersive experiences and new technologies for the Enterprise, Entertainment, Museum and Simula on sectors, has announced a mul million dollar minority investment in the company by Hong Kong listed corpora on Road King Investment and Asset Management Group Limited. Established in 2004, Holovis currently has 110 employees with its head office in central UK, as well as innova on centres in Mayfair London, Shanghai China and Orlando USA. “This significant investment will allow Holovis to grow more strategically, par cularly in the Far East, whilst maintaining our market leadership posi on in delivering unique, innova on-led solu ons for our global clients,” said Holovis CEO Stuart Hetherington. “With Road King's backing we will accelerate our development of immersive, mixed reality solu ons, tailored to specific market applica ons in the enterprise, entertainment, museum and simula on sectors, including rolling out our exci ng, market-defining ExtendedExperience augmented and mixed reality technology pla orm,” he elaborated. “We will also be deepening and extending our innova on pipeline bringing new and exci ng products to market in the next 12 months. With our new partner investor, our Far East opera on will also significantly expand across all market sectors, as well as integra ng Holovis experiences into Road King's exis ng and new real estate projects they own and operate across China.”

Road King has expanded its investment division's focus to bring together specialist technology companies such as Holovis, to work alongside other complimentary businesses within their por olio to leverage the synergies and opportuni es this new mul disciplinary group can now deliver across China. Says William Zen, Chairman of Road King: "This partnership with Holovis, along with our other technology investments, brings a unique capability to Road King's vision and strategy in designing and building the nextgenera on of visitor a rac ons and public venue experiences in the Far East. This investment also supports and underpins Holovis and Road King's plans to expand into the Chinese Enterprise and Simula on markets, which are both showing strong year-on-year growth opportuni es.” S I A

HDBaseT Alliance Becomes Afliate of Worlddidac INTERNATIONAL: The HDBaseT Alliance, the cross-industry group tasked with promo ng and advancing the HDBaseT standard, has become an affiliate of Worlddidac, the global trade associa on dedicated to the development of educa on

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

HDBaseT is a standard for the transmission of audio, video, Ethernet, USB, controls and power, over the same category cable, for up to 100m/328 . It simplifies installa ons and op mizes the distribu on of content for a be er user experience. As today's classrooms increasingly rely on technology to educate the future genera ons, the HDBaseT standard, with thousands of products in the market from more than 200 AV manufacturers, is the enabling solu on that is easy to install, maintain, and operate. Worlddidac works on all educa on sectors, in all countries, and with the relevant na onal associa ons. It is the only global associa on dedicated to the development of educa on worldwide, crea ng value for all. Worlddidac members are manufacturers of educa onal materials, dealers, distributors, interna onal associa ons, governmental ins tu ons, schools, universi es and private entrepreneurs working in educa on business at all levels and in all fields. “HDBaseT is the obvious choice for the audiovisual needs of the classroom of today and tomorrow,” said Ariel Sobelman, President of the HDBaseT Alliance. “It brings a clean, clu er-free solu on, giving our educa onal professionals more opportuni es without the usual technical challenges. We are excited to work with Worlddidac.” Says Danny Gauch, Director General of Worlddidac: “We are confident, that this coopera on is highly beneficial for the members of our associa ons. Together with our members and partners around the globe, we create one of the world's leading business forums specifically for the promo on of trade and investment within the educa on market worldwide.” S I A



Meyer Sound Strengthens Partners in ANZ, Sun Infonet to Distribute Meyer Appoints Audio Brands, Pacic AV Sound in India

From le to right: Antonio Zacarias, Vice-President of Global Customer Engagement, Don McConnell and Jeff Shoesmith of Audio Brands Australia, John McMahon, Vice-President of Solu ons and Strategy AUSTRALIA: Audio Brands Australia has been named as the exclusive Meyer Sound distributor for Australia, with the appointment extending to New Zealand through a partnership with Pacific AV. Effec ve immediately, Audio Brands Australia will be responsible for sales, technical support and service of Meyer Sound products across all markets, including touring and AV rental, performing arts venues, houses of worship, hospitality, cinema and studio. “In Audio Brands Australia, we have found an ideal partnership for strengthening and extending the Meyer Sound presence 'down under',” says Antonio Zacarias, Meyer Sound Vice-President of Global Customer Engagement. “Audio Brands Australia has a solid, strategic approach in the product lines they represent, as well as a proven track record of responsive service and support. The company principals have a close collabora ve rela onship with the consul ng community, which aligns with Meyer Sound's growing emphasis on commercial installa on. At the same me their personal experience in live performance and touring will connect with that key market.” For Don McConnell, Founder-Director of Audio Brands Australia, the appointment represents a significant step forward for the company. “With this appointment, Meyer Sound has recognized our company's passion for audio and our demonstrated success with other product lines,” says McConnell. “We certainly

share Meyer Sound's commitment to product quality and customer support, and we have everything in place to take Meyer Sound to a wider audience in Australia and New Zealand,” he said. “We sell solu ons, not boxes. Customers know they can rely on us from ini al design proposals through ongoing technical support a er the sale.” “We are excited to have Audio Brands join as our distributor for the important Australia and New Zealand markets,” says Helen Meyer, Meyer Sound Execu ve Vice President. “We welcome Audio Brands to the Meyer Sound family.” Over the decades, Meyer Sound products and technologies have earned widespread acceptance in Australia and New Zealand, with a number of cu ng-edge systems installed in recent years. Examples include the Telstra Customer Insight Centre in Sydney, Hamer Hall at Arts Centre Melbourne, Bee Gees Way in Redcliffe, Soundfirm cinema post in Melbourne, and the ASB Theatre in Auckland. “Meyer Sound is highly regarded as the pres ge, innova ve brand,” observes McConnell. “We're enthusias c about building on this reputa on among exis ng users while at the same me introducing a new genera on of Meyer Sound products to a wider audience of audio professionals.” S I A

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

INDIA: Leading Indian Pro Audio distributor Sun Infonet Pvt. Ltd. has been named exclusive distributor of Meyer Sound products for the professional and commercial sound market ver cals in India, including the sound hire, commercial installa on and live entertainment business sectors. Sun Infonet was selected on the basis of the company's broad marke ng experience, proven technical exper se and extensive connec ons to the Indian pro audio community. Established in 1999, the company has been the exclusive distributor of Shure microphones in India since 2003. “Sun Infonet has a fantas c team,” says Sandeep Braganza, Meyer Sound Sales Manager for India. “They are known for their integrity and for their dedica on to the brands that they represent. Also, with mul ple offices spread across India, they will provide Meyer Sound customers with mely postsale service and support.” Headed by Director Neeraj Chandra, Sun Infonet Pvt. Ltd. was first established to distribute and service stateof-the-art radio and data communica ons equipment. Following its appointment as Shure distributor, the company further expanded its por olio to include Allen & Heath mixing consoles and DIS conferencing systems, among other product lines. “Over the past nearly fi een years, working with Shure and other brands, we have developed close and construc ve rela onships with consultants and system integrators throughout India,” commented Neeraj Chandra. “This groundwork will enable us to work quickly and effec vely in bringing more Meyer Sound solu ons into the high-end market for auditoriums and large venues. We have earned the trust of our collaborators with our proven record of technical exper se and prompt customer support.” S I A



Analog Way, Cosmo Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center Shines with dnp Supernova, Wincomn Takes Honors Sign in Distribution

CHINA: dnp China partner, Wincomn, has designed a stunning display built around bright, high-contrast dnp Supernova Infinity Screens. Their solu on delivers a cap va ng experience to viewers at one of the world's leading ophthalmic ins tu ons. The challenge for the AV designer was to create a new display system for the academic lecture hall that had a spherical shape, that also offered outstanding image quality and ability to be viewed from varying angles. Devoted to studies of the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center is located in Guangzhou, China. Unlike the tradi onal rectangular layout, the academic lecture hall has spherical propor ons, similar to the shape of the eye itself. This puts physical limita ons on the display system, and makes it harder to achieve the goal of superior visual performance. In an environment subject to high levels of ambient light, the new system was required

to display the whole range of presenta ons, demonstra ons and other video func ons. Wincomn lived up to the task with its stunning solu on - an arc-shaped display featuring 18 dnp Supernova Infinity Screens. The dnp screens were recommended due to their high contrast and excellent colour reproduc on in the bright ambient light in the lecture hall. dnp Supernova Infinity Screens also successfully meet the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center's requirements for large, high-resolu on images.

INTERNATIONAL: For more than 30 years, Cosmo Pro AV's mission and objec ve has been to supply professional audio visual products and to provide expert rental and staging services. Cosmo offers a full range of top audio visual brands from all over the world, bringing the latest technology advancements to Hong Kong and Macau. With its highly-skilled team, showroom and studio premises, Cosmo is well equipped to provide top-notch project design assistance, demonstra on of equipments and opera onal trainings to all customers.

Wincomn's 18-screen design is impressive not only because of its scale, but also because viewing angles are improved over a very wide area, with each seat now offering a much more impressive viewing experience. Complemen ng the visual excellence of the screens are projec on from Chris e Roadster S+ 22k-j projectors.

France-based Analog Way is well known for its leading-edge offering of AV converters and presenta on switchers. Analog Way recently drew a lot of a en on with its new range of heavy-duty media servers engineered for the support of massive installa ons and events from a single server unit. The powerful 4K mul -output seamless switchers and video wall processors of the LiveCore series remain the flagship of Analog Way's offering and are commonly used for live high-end presenta ons and to create massive video canvases involving great numbers of video outputs.

Adrien Corso, CEO of Analog Way, comments «The proven experience and field knowledge of Cosmo's teams will be a major asset for our growth plans in Hong Kong and Macau. We look forward to frui ul collabora on and are convinced that our customers in rental and staging as well as in fixed installa on markets will benefit from the best support possible.” Effec ve March 1st, the agreement covers the en re range of Analog Way's products. h p:// S I A

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



Taking the 'Microex Advance' to Indian Pros Sun Infonet Conducts Training, Certication in Benglauru, Mumbai; Plans Roadmap for More day two and three programming was themed on MXA Cer fica on, and meant exclusively for the technical personnel.

INDIA: Delhi-based Sun Infonet, one of the leading audio distributors, and exclusive Master distributor for ShureMEA in India, ini ated an ambi ous programme of promo ng the popular Microflex range systems from Shure in the country. The programme, aimed at impar ng necessary skills in MXA range of systems to both technical and pre-sales professionals, was first conducted in Bengaluru, followed by Mumbai within a space of six weeks. “It is a na on-wide programme; we intend to travel to important ci es across the country,” informed Hemant Gaba, Senior Manager at Sun Infonet. “The next event would be in Gurgaon, some me in April,” he said. “The programme beyond that would be mapped as we proceed.” The three-day each programmes were conducted by Shure MEA's Technical Support Engineer Moswain Welsh Antao who was flown in from Dubai for the purpose, with Sun Infonet providing necessary system setup in associa on with the local partners in the South and West. The programmes in both the ci es had about 20 par cipants from the respec ve regions, and comprised both technical and marke ng professionals.

The sessions for technical personnel included applica ons in mee ng room environments, and related user problems; Shure solu ons plus suppor ng technologies; system design and installa on; and MXA best prac ces and voice li , besides a thorough hands-on session. Microflex Advance – as the MXA 910 ceiling array microphone, and the MXA 310 table top array microphone are together referred to – was the focus of the programme, besides the P300 IntelliMix audio conferencing processor forming part of the training. “The programme is really good; we honestly did not know it involves so many nuances,” said Umesh who had come from Coimbatore. “We now feel much be er informed and much confident going to install sites.” According to him, the young aspirants today take to AV profession out of excitement and opportunity, but struggle on site due to inadequate exposure to some cri cal aspects. “It is through programmes like these we gain deeper and be er understanding of systems,” felt Sundareshan from Banglaore.

Of the three-day programming, day one was exclusively for the pre-sales team and the a endees were taken through the sessions on System Overview and Sales, and Digital Audio Network, while Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

“These programmes allow us to spend some good hands-on me with systems as well as know some cri cal aspects which otherwise are not possible.” The trainer was visibly happy with the levels of enthusiasm shown by the par cipants. “They are willing to learn,” Moswain said. “That's a good plus, and almost all of them showed good skills too; a li le more exposure like this can make them good professionals in this par cular ac vity.” The purpose of the whole ini a ve is to disseminate as much knowledge as possible about the new systems and solu ons that are launched by Shure from me to me, explains Hemant Gaba. “These systems are very sophis cated in their technology and applica on; it is important for the professionals – both on the sales side and the installa on side – to know their unique features and the kind of experience they bring to the user spaces,” he elaborates. “It is keeping this in mind, we, ini ated this programme, in associa on with ShureMEA.” The Sun Infonet exec thanked ShureMEA for the commendable support the manufacturer had been lending all through. The success of the ini a ve has as much to the support of ShureMEA as much to the enthusiasm from the local partners and par cipants, he added. S I A



StarVR Powers Emaar Entertainment's VR Park End-to-end VR location-based entertainment solutions enable ultra-high resolution experiences and ultimate immersion at the VR Park at The Dubai Mall the boundaries of innova on for the industry and invi ng visitors to ChallengeReality with our entertainment des na ons.”

Visitors ba le bots atop a towering building in APE-X as a massive weaponized cyberne c ape MIDDLE EAST: Dubai-based entertainment solu ons provider StarVR Corpora on announced a major deployment of its loca on-based VR entertainment solu on at Emaar Entertainment's VR Park at The Dubai Mall, one of the world's largest indoor VR theme parks. Working in tandem with Starbreeze Studios, the park's leading content partner, StarVR is providing end-toend VR loca on-based solu ons with highlycustomized hardware, onsite installa on, operator training and a er service for the majority of Starbreeze's a rac ons. "We're proud that StarVR loca on-based entertainment solu ons are powering the majority of the experiences at the newlyopened VR Park in Dubai," said Bo Andersson Klint, Chairman of StarVR Corpora on. "With an industry-leading resolu on and 210-degree field-of-view designed specifically for professional use, visitors can be immersed in premium VR experiences that are way beyond what's available at home.”

The Dubai Mall, the world's largest shopping and entertainment des na on, is part of Downtown Dubai, Emaar Proper es' flagship mega-development and at 12 million square feet, the mall's total area is equivalent in size to 200 soccer pitches. Now home to Emaar Entertainment's 75,000 square feet VR Park, the entertainment des na on spans two levels of The Dubai Mall and is the largest highquality indoor VR theme park. At launch, visitors will be able to enjoy a variety of popular Starbreeze VR content in 5K ultra-high resolu on and 210-degree field-of-view that only StarVR headmounted displays (HMD) can deliver. They can step into the world of the Walking Dead where the apocalypse has hit in OVERKILL's The Walking Dead -Outbreak, ba le bots atop a towering building in APE-X as a massive weaponized cyberne c ape, play the legendary assassin John Wick in John Wick Chronicles, or experience an exci ng and pivotal scene from Universal Studios' 2017 film, The Mummy, as a Prodigium Agent tasked with capturing the ancient princess Ahmanet in The Mummy Prodigium Strike.

"VR Park is the latest revolu onary experience to be The StarVR delivered by solu on boasts Emaar a premium VR Entertainment, HMD built from offering cu ng the ground-up edge experiences for enterprise alongside Entrance of Emaar's VR Park Dubai and partners professional including entertainment use with its 5K resolu on StarVR," said Damien Latham, Chief and 210-degree field-of-view, offering Execu ve Officer of Emaar Entertainment. experiences above and beyond home "As we con nue to deliver unprecedented environment setups. The solu on features a entertainment experiences, we're pushing Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

StarVR Corpora on Chairman Bo Andersson Klint (Le ) and Vice Chairman Jerry Kao (Right) high speed op cal tracking system that can accurately track mo on at scale to provide an ultra-immersive VR experience for LBE (Loca on-Based Entertainment) operators. StarVR Corpora on offers end-to-end solu ons featuring the StarVR HMD, customized hardware op ons, onsite installa on services, operator training and a er service. Aiming to be the leading solu ons provider of B2B Virtual Reality services, StarVR Corpora on innovates the head-mounted display market through its 210-degree, 5K resolu on VR headset. StarVR Corpora on is a joint venture between Swedish entertainment content creator, publisher and innovator Starbreeze Studios, and Acer, one of the world's top ICT companies with a presence in over 160 countries. The joint venture designs, manufactures, promotes, markets and manages sales and support of StarVR solu ons to the professional, enterprise, and loca onbased entertainment market. Headquartered in Taipei, StarVR Corpora on also has presence in Los Angeles, Paris and Stockholm. S I A



ASIIS Lights Up GBI Keluarga Allah Church

ARX Names P.T Rhema as Exclusive Distributor for Indonesia INDONESIA: ARX announced the recent appointment of Jakarta-based P.T Rhema Mul Perkasa as the new and exclusive distributor of the ARX product range in Indonesia. With a growing por olio of signal processing products designed for applica ons including installa on, studio, broadcast and sound reinforcement, it was important that the distributor chosen by ARX in this region had an established network in mul ple markets.

INDONESIA: It is very fi ng that GBI Keluarga Allah (Family of God) Church has designated 2018 the “Year Of Great Harvest.” Since its start in 1989 as a sevenmember prayer group, this Pentecostal charisma c church has been gathering people from throughout the world into its ever-growing community of worshippers. In addi on to the 30,000 congrega on members at its main campus, the church reaches worshippers in Japan, Korea, Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, and other na ons through its television and radio broadcasts. To keep pace with its expanding ministry, GBI Keluarga turned to its long me and trusted vendor ASIIS to design a ligh ng system that created an engaging atmosphere inside the church while also looking good on camera. ASIIS delivered this package with a system that includes over 70 CHAUVET Professional fixtures. “We have been supplying the church for over 10 years with quality products that reflect our own core values,” said Andy Mulya Su kno of ASIIS. “This is a beau ful new building, and we wanted to match it with ligh ng that reflected the fine features of the surroundings. We also wanted ligh ng that was bright and colorful enough to support the musical parts of services. At the same me, we needed our lights to have color temperatures that made different skin tones look natural on camera.” A collec on of Rogue moving fixtures was used to create exci ng looks at appropriate points during services and to downlight people on stage in so color washes. The ASIIS team installed six Rogue R2 Wash, six Rogue R2 Spot and 16 Rogue R2 Beam

fixtures on mid-stage and downstage truss, as well as on the stage deck. “The Rogues produce very li le noise, which allowed us to posi on them on stage without worrying about having them distract from recorded services,” said Andy. “As for the quality of their light, it fit perfectly with the sophis cated camera equipment used by the church.” Also suppor ng the quality of the broadcast services are the 16 Ova on F-165WW Fresnels that were hung on pipe in front of the stage. Backligh ng was provided by three Ova on C-640FC lights and 12 COLORband PiX units from CHAUVET DJ. Color plays an important role in crea ng an immersive atmosphere at the church. To colorize the room in a range of hues, ASIIS posi oned 20 COLORdash Par-Hex 7 fixtures throughout the worship area. “The church relies on color to change the whole mood in the room,” said Andy. Another func on of ligh ng at the church, aside from crea ng an immersive mood, is to make worshippers feel welcome. This is especially important, given the number of newcomers who visit this rapidly growing house of worship. ASIIS contributed to this invi ng feeling by installing four STRIKE 4 mul -forma ed fixtures as house lights. With their intense output, the 100-wa COB LED fixtures are able to fill the room with warm white light that makes every visitor feel right at home.

'P.T Rhema Mul Perkasa has been handling many corporate clients for years, focussing on their professional audio needs both in sound reinforcement as well as system integra on. ARX previously worked with Eric for many years when he was at P.T Citra In rama, our previous distributor. It's fantas c that we're able to con nue our rela onship and friendship.' 'Eric and his new team with their years of experience in the industry, are the ideal partners to further grow the market and user base for ARX's digital and analogue product range in Indonesia,' says ARX MD, Colin Park.P.T Rhema Mul Perkasa will handle the full ARX range including the AudiBox Series, with new models such as the 'USB DI PLUS' second genera on USB 'Plug and Play' digital to analog pro audio interface, as well as a new range of Dante enabled interface products. The ARX line up will add a choice of unique signal processing tools to a distribu on por olio that also includes Mar n Audio and Adam Hall.

“The light of the STRIKE 4 welcomes people,” said Andy. Given how this dynamic church has grown, many more visitors are likely to be greeted by its invi ng glow in this “Year Of Great Harvest.”

'ARX fits perfectly into our new Companies product por olio. Having known Colin, Duncan & David at ARX for more than a decade, I truly enjoy the working rela onship and friendship that formed the solid founda on of the business. I'd like to take this opportunity to also thank the whole ARX family for their trust and faith in me to carry on representa on of the ARX brand in Indonesia. ARX is a well established marque both interna onally and in the Indonesian Pro Audio industry. Hence, I look forward to con nue building its por olio for many years to come', says P.T Rhema Mul Perkasa's Managing Director Eric Haslim.

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S I A Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018




Sennheiser Appoints Arif PK for UAE, Qatar MIDDLE EAST: Audio specialist Sennheiser announced the appointment of Arif PK as its new Area Sales Manager for the System Solu ons Channel in the UAE and Qatar. Arif's role is to primarily focus on working with distribu on partner Venuetech in the UAE to con nue to grow Sennheiser's footprint, especially in the Business Communica ons, System Integra on and Broadcast segments. He will also leverage his extensive experience in Qatar to deliver new business across all ver cals and further strengthen the exis ng customer network. Arif will report directly to Mig Cardamone, Director of Sales and Marke ng at Sennheiser Middle East. “We feel that the Middle East- with special focus on Qatar and the UAE, given the upcoming major events- con nues to prove very crucial market with a demand for high quality Audio equipment and interna onal exper se,” said Cardamone. “With over a decade of experience in large scale AV projects specifically in those key markets, we feel it is a great synergy to have Arif join our team and build momentum for Sennheiser.” As a part of his sales strategy, Arif will focus on growing Sennheiser's footprint in the UAE and Qatar through direct connec ons, while bolstering the brand's reach through its distributor and system integra on partners as well. His skills and experience having worked for system integrators will be integral to ge ng Sennheiser's products into some of the most exci ng projects taking place in the region in the coming months and years. Prior to joining Sennheiser, Arif was the Country Manager in Qatar for Mayflex/Excel Networking, a Converged IP Solu ons provider. He has also held senior sales posi ons in CGC (Qatar) and Pixel Projects AV, a regional System Integrator for quality AV solu ons, where he managed the en re GCC region. With this experience, he brings a wealth of knowledge on the processes and problems faced by SIs and is well posi oned to help Sennheiser partners overcome these challenges for mutual success.

Commen ng on his new posi on, Arif said, “it is a privilege to part of a brand like Sennheiser – with over 70 years of legacy in the Audio industry. My focus is to build rela onships in the region based on our brand's core values of innova on and excellence. I will be working to strengthen es with our exis ng customers and partners, while making headway into new avenues in the UAE and Qatar.” Arif holds a bachelor's Degree in Informa on Technology, and has achieved several cer fica ons from vendors including Extron, Crestron, Wolfvision, Barco, Sharp, LG, and InfoComm. S I A

Vega Global Appoints Karri Ahde for Vietnam VIETNAM: Vega Global has announced the appointment of Karri Ahde as the new Country Manager for Vega Vietnam with effect from January 2018. In his new role as Country Manager, Karri will leverage his extensive background to execute and advance the business strategy of Vega Vietnam. He will be responsible for managing the overall opera ons and establish the brand's broader goals and objec ves focusing on core business innova on and increasing offerings to both new and exis ng clients. “We are very pleased to have Karri on board to lead our Vietnam Office; his unique perspec ves on both local and interna onal markets is definitely an asset and will be invaluable to our clients,” said Vega Global Managing Director Laurie Chow. Prior to joining Vega, Karri worked in senior management roles within the manufacturing industry. His career started in project management and progressed to global sales and business development. Karri has an extensive experience in Southeast Asia, with a deep understanding of doing business in Vietnam where he has been based for the majority of his business career. Says Ma hew Deayton, Business Development Director of Vega Global

commented: “we see Vietnam as a key forward-thinking country, with plenty of local companies leading the way on technology adop on. Karri's strong management experience and a proven track record in global business development will bring great value to help us further develop our market leading posi on in Vietnam.” Karri Ahde commented on his appointment “Vega has a combina on of strong client base, leading solu ons and services in the AV industry, talented people, and dedica on to technology innova on. I am very honoured to join the global management team and looking forward to expanding Vega's business in Vietnam.” Vega Vietnam's new office facility will open in the country's largest city and main business hub, Ho Chi Minh City. S I A

NMK Wins Williams Sound Award for 2017 MIDDLE EAST: Williams Sound, global designer and manufacturer of wireless communica on technology, celebrated its 2017 interna onal sales award winners at ISE 2018 in Amsterdam. Dubai-based audio distribu on major NMK Electronics has been honoured with the company's 2017 Interna onal Distributor of the Year Award was NMK Electronics. Headquartered in Dubai, NMK has been William Sound's exclusive distribu on partner in the Middle East since 205. “The en re NMK team did an outstanding job on several significant projects in 2017, covering most of the Middle East,” noted Per Persson, Director of Interna onal Sales for Williams Sound. “Not only have they drama cally increased sales numbers, they have also raised brand awareness in the region by hos ng educa onal and networking efforts such as the NMK Academy. NMK is well posi oned for future growth, and I am excited to con nue working with them as we expand our offerings.” Adds Persson, “Congratula ons to NMK on their achievement. We at Williams Sound are very fortunate to have such talented people to work with around the world.” S I A

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



Systems Integration Asia Co-organises First Smaart Training in the Philippines a log and be er monitoring which certainly helps us with our work.”

Delegates of the first Smaart Training in the Philippines PHILIPPINES: Systems Integra on Asia together with Marci Sang-Olan brought the first Smaart training to the Philippines on 13 and 14 of March 2018. The training was spearheaded by Chris Tsanjoures from ra onal acous cs and was held at the Holiday Inn Manila Galleria. A total of 30 delegates a ended the paid for training. “Marci had approached me last year and felt that a Smaart training was required in the Philippines. So we partnered him to bring the training. Marci did put in a lot of effort in spreading the word and ge ng the commitment from companies to send the delegates. We were pleasantly pleased with the turnout as the training fees were higher than usual for the market,” said Thomas Prakasam, Publisher of Systems Integra on Asia magazine. The training saw a mix of delegates from the rental&staging, SIs, a church, an educa on facility and a hospitality organisa on. Thomas, Chris and Marci

Jus n Santos of Forscink Inc comments, “We have been using Smaart for 2 years now. I am pleased that I came to the training as it gave me the opportunity to understand the updates be er. The SPL feature was especially useful as it provides

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

Noel de Brackinghe of Soundcheck felt that the training was definitely helpful. “We have been using Smaart and most of the knowledge we have gathered has been third hand. So it was good to hear straight from the developers and Chris explained many of the features well. We mostly handle the foreign shows and with their exac ng requirements, the li le ps and tricks that Chris shared with us offered us clarity on why we need to do some of the stuff to help us with our work be er.” Concurring that the training was useful, Elizer Ylanan of Stagecra Interna onal adds, “The first day training on the op misa on process was very helpful in understanding the so ware be er. I certainly benefited from the knowledge gained in terms of how to be er calibrate and on frame alignment and so forth.” Co-organiser Marci Sang-olan concludes, “With the rise of hotels, resorts and the increasing numbers of foreign acts here in the Philippines, the bar for technical standards must be at par with other countries. Understanding the so ware enables the user to be more consistent in frequency response & sound level from one show to another. I strongly suggest that everyone involved in audio who would want to take their skills to the next level SHOULD a end the course. We are glad with the turnout and we hope to do more trainings in the near future. Systems Integra on Asia would also like to acknowledge the support of AVLS, AVSC and Beyond The Blue for their technical support. www.systemsintegra S I A



Control Logic Systems Integrates PA System at Jurong Point 1 top level with a high ceiling. It also has a food court which means there are also exhaust fans in opera on that generally feature 98db SPL. "The Cornered Audio speakers offer 105db SPL. However, the current situa on is that the number of CiV4 is not enough and may require another 11 units because the ambient noise is too high and the moun ng height is another problem for the desired SPL to be reached at the listening height," said David. Altogether the PA system has been divided into 24 zones. David highlights that the RCF solu ons especially the power amplifiers have also saved the mall rack space in the control room as they take up less space compared to the old system.

(L-R) Mohammed Asnor and Vincent Lim from Jurong Point 1 with David Seow and Joseph Chee of CLS SINGAPORE: The Jurong Point shopping mall located in the west of Singapore is a huge shopping mall that has a newer annex a ached to the older mall (Jurong Point 1). The newer annex (Jurong Point 2) has been in opera on for a few years now. Retails shops, Knowledge Enrichment facili es, a supermarket, a cinema, banks and a large range of F&B outlets enjoy brisk business at the malls. The mall management felt that the old PA system at Jurong Point 1 needed an update and approached Control Logic Systems, for a solu on that would meet their needs. “We looked at their requirements and what was in place and suggested a full digital system to be installed,” said David Seow of Control Logic Systems Pte Ltd. The heart of the system features one unit of RCF MU 5100 8 IN/24 OUT Digital Matrix

187 units of Merlaud FP 1512 6W ceiling speakers are installed across the Jurong Point 1 Mall

complemented with three units of RCF MT 5078 8 Channels Automa c Amplifiers Changeover and Speakers Line Surveillance modules. Also installed at the control room was one unit of RCF MS 1033 CD/Tuner/USB Player and two sets of RCF BM 5804 Master Paging Console + 3 x BM 5808 8 Zones Selec on Module. “We also installed Class D power amplifiers from RCF. These comprises of four units of UP 8501 500W Single Channel Class D power amplifier, 10 units of UP8502 2 x 250W Dual channel Class D amplifiers and two units of UP 8504 4 x 125W 4 Channel Class D power amplifiers. All without transformers. The Class D amplifiers offer power efficiency and that is important for mall opera ons. The amplifiers drive the 187 units of Merlaud FP 1512 6W ceiling speakers, 39 units of CLS full range box speakers that have been installed at staircases and 18 units of Cornered Audio ViV4 full range speakers that have been installed at level 3 of Jurong Point 1. The Cornered Audio ViV4 speakers were specially chosen as they needed to not only blend into the design but be powerful enough to ensure any cri cal announcements are heard. Level 3 is at the

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

Vincent Lim, head of security at Jurong Point 1, comments, “The new system installed is straight forward and user-friendly. It is easy for us to operate as it offers flexibility be it in opera ng background music or needing to do announcements or emergency opera ons. We do not need to fiddle around with se ngs. If we use the paging system, it automa cally over-rides all the other audio. Of course the support from Control Logic Systems has been great with all the workings of the systems clearly explained to us.” David highlights, “The Matrix has a back-up microphone and the UPS offers four hours of back-up should there be any electrical outage.” The mall management and especially the security officers are pleased with the new digital solu on that has enabled them to be more produc ve and effec ve in doing their job.

RCF BM 5804 Master Paging Console



NeuroMem Technologies Teams Up with FiberOne for AI Dr. Manan Suri, Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Ins tute of Technology-Delhi (IIT-Delhi) and a member of the Steering Commi ee at NeuroMem Technologies. Dr. Suri used his personal experience with projects he has been working on in facial recogni on and medical applica ons to help the FiberOne team make the best use of the neuromorphic memory capabili es of the Neuromem chips. SINGAPORE: NeuroMem Technologies Pte Ltd, a pa ern recogni on technology company focused on the use and benefits of neuromorphic semiconductor components, teamed up with FiberOne Asia to demonstrate the prac cal use of ar ficial intelligence (AI) at EmTech Asia 2018, the annual global emerging technologies conference hosted by MIT Technology Review.

Johnson Mutaya, CEO at FiberOne, said, “This is an exci ng new journey for us and we are pleased to be working with the team at Neuromem who have not only one of the most effec ve technologies in the AI space but have provided us with the support and resources to make this happen. It has been my ambi on for FiberOne to get involved in AI and hopefully become a game changer within the AV industry.”

FiberOne, one of Singapore's most forward looking audio visual (AV) system integrator, is leveraging Neuromem's disrup ve, neuromorphic AI technology to create a facial recogni on solu on that would create a more interac ve experience for the hospitality, construc on and audio-visual sector. The team tapped into Neuromem's ecosystem of engineers, designers and experts including

One of the key highlights for Mutaya was the fact that Neuromem's neuromorphic AI technology consumed less power and was not dependent on cloud services. “The fact that it does not rely on the cloud or an Internet connec on, means that our technology can be deployed anywhere and is completely secure because it is localized to the applica on and yet

dynamic enough to deliver what we need,” added Mutaya. “We are truly excited. I am already working on some proof of concept using the technology and so far the response has been very posi ve,” said a pleased Mutuya. This project will help Fiber One Asia's con nued efforts to provide out of the box and crea ve solu ons in the AV sector with plans to expand into the construc on and hospitality sectors looking to adapt future technologies. Pierre Brunswick, CEO of Neuromem Technologies, commented, “We are delighted with the results of this project with the FiberOne team. This solu on has so many applica ons not just in the AV sector but also for the tourism, construc on, hospitality and, of course, security and surveillance sectors. Our demonstra on at EmTech Asia will showcase the versa lity of our technology and we hope that we will soon have more prototypes in several other sectors.” S I A

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



Barco India Launches wePresent Solution

Professional visualiza on and networking solu ons major Barco launched wePresent WiPG-1600W, the latest itera on of its cu ng-edge cross-pla orm BYOD presenta on solu on. Aimed at enabling a more seamless and interac ve experience for classrooms, lecture halls, and huddle spaces, the wePresent WiPG-1600W builds on the best features of its preceding models with greater networking flexibility. The launch once again underlines Barco’s technological and market leadership in the collabora on and networking space, and highlights how it is redefining tradi onal mee ng spaces with its cu ng-edge solu ons. “In our increasingly digital-first world, adop ng technological solu ons to drive more effec ve, interac ve, and efficient opera ons is no longer a luxury, but an urgent necessity,” said Ramya Cha erjee, Director – Sales (Visualiza on & Entertainment) Barco India. “Barco wePresent is aimed at empowering users to adapt their training and mee ng spaces to the evolving requirements of their par cipants. The mul ple access features on the WiPG-1600W allow for greater networking flexibility, while its BYOD-led approach enables a more interac ve, seamless, and collabora ve mee ng environment which drives be er outcomes and enhances produc vity.” A Gateway to Collabora on in the Classroom: wePresent WiPG-1600W enables users to intui vely write and draw on the interac ve touch display connected to wePresent. It integrates with touchscreen displays and smartboards to allow wireless control of any user device. Interac ve touch displays allow users to remotely access features such as On Screen Annota on. With interac ve whiteboards becoming more available and widely used in different educa onal ins tu ons, users can have control of wireless presenta on which is a must-have requirement in today’s digital classrooms.

Cross-pla orm, cross-func onal: Redefining learning spaces: Armed with mul ple network access solu ons such as wired LAN, wireless LAN, and wired LAN + wireless LAN, the wePresent WiPG-1600W allows users to switch between various networking solu ons to meet the specific presenta on requirements for different use-cases. It also comes equipped with several interac ve features such as USB media/document player, on-board video player, on-screen annota on, and interac ve whiteboard, which enable seamless sharing of informa on over a networked environment with just a few clicks. The solu on can also auto detect HDMI resolu on and allows presenters to share content on a display with wePresent while viewing different content, making for a more personalized and seamless experience. Moreover, it has the capability to mirror Chromebooks as well as iOS devices through Apple AirPlay. The Power over Ethernet (POE) feature further allows the wePresent WiPG-1600W to ditch the power cord. This cross-func onal approach makes the WiPG1600W one of the most comprehensive, technologically-advanced, and customizable collabora on solu on for learning spaces such as college lecture halls, keynote speeches, and student huddles. Safe, secure, and seamless: The WiPG1600W features a 64-user capacity with moderator control and advanced security, including enterprise-level encryp on, gatekeeper se ngs, and 4-digit access codes. Mul user queues allow moderators to manage how connected par cipants can share their content, while 1 to Many Distribu on allows presenta ons to be displayed simultaneously to mul ple network-connected wePresents in larger groups. USB Guest Access allows guest presenters to quickly connect and display their device in as li le as 5 seconds, while guest users can also download a simple executable file and connect straight to the specific wePresent, without installing the so ware on their device. This provides moderators complete control over their networked environments and allows them to keep it secure, focused, and produc ve.

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

Crestron Introduces New Remote Controls Crestron announced introduc on of the HR310 Handheld Remote and TSR-310 Handheld Touch Screen Remote. They combine all the best elements of the previous genera on of Crestron remotes with even more advanced func onality and superb ergonomic design, incredible bu on feel, voice control, custom engravable bu ons, movement sensor, profiles se ngs, mul color bu ons, and more. “Our previous genera on of HR and TSR handheld remotes was ergonomically designed and ultra-reliable, but we felt we could do even be er,” said Doug Jacobson, Director, Residen al Technology at Crestron. “The HR-310 and TSR-310 are Crestron handheld remotes reimagined.” Precision cra ed and perfectly weighted, the new Crestron handheld remotes bring control to a luxurious new level. Ruggedized for durability and wrapped in a sa ny smooth easy-grip housing, they deliver excep onal comfort and ergonomics for hours of one-handed use. HR-310: The HR-310 features: backlit tac le bu ons; long ba ery life u lizing standard AAA ba eries; nine custom engravable bu ons to display the most frequently used func ons; and ultra-reliable Crestron infiNET EX wireless gateway. TSR-310: The TSR-310 features: a built-in 3" touch screen display; stunning resolu on; a rechargeable ba ery that lasts 3 – 4 days between charges; incredible processing power; Wi-Fi connec vity for highbandwidth communica ons; voice control; and an elegant, discreet charging sta on. The new Crestron HR-310 and TSR-310 handheld remotes raise the bar for advanced func onality and beau ful ergonomic design. Visit the product pages for more informa on including specifica ons, photos, pricing, and accessories.



AD 17



Extron Launches New Wallpate Transmitters

management, monitoring, and control of AV devices over a standard network infrastructure, while built-in control func onality eliminates the need for addi onal equipment. Add an Extron ShareLink wireless collabora on gateway to support BYOD – Bring Your Own Device environments, where users can share content from a wide variety of personal mobile devices for effec ve collabora on.

Extron Electronics introduced the HC 403, an affordable and easy-to-use AV system for professional and educa onal spaces. The system features built-in control capabili es and connects with occupancy sensors to automate display power and source switching for an intui ve, effortless user experience. Created for professional integra on, the HC 403 wallplate transmi er blends with surrounding décor and the HC 403 receiver can be discreetly mounted beneath a table or behind a display. HC 403 systems work seamlessly with GlobalViewer Enterprise, providing a networked AV system management solu on to monitor and support all of your collabora on spaces throughout the organiza on. "For customers searching for a powerful and cost-effec ve collabora on solu on that works right out of the box, the HC 403 with Decorator-style transmi er delivers," says Casey Hall, Vice-President of Sales and Marke ng for Extron. "The HC 403 is a highly reliable AV system solu on that automates common func ons and empowers users to collaborate effec vely, sharing content from a wide variety of mobile devices.” The HC 403 wallplate transmi er and scaling receiver work together to extend video, audio, and power up to 230 feet over a single CATx cable for maximum performance and reliability. It features one HDMI input and one VGA input at the transmi er and one HDMI input at the receiver. Advanced Extron scaling technology in the receiver ensures excellent image quality with maximum detail and color accuracy. Ethernet connec vity facilitates


Extron New 4K/60 HDMI Distribution Ampliers

Extron announced the immediate availability of the new DA HD 4K PLUS Series HDMI distribu on amplifiers for signals up to 4K/60 @ 4:4:4 chroma sampling. The DA HD 4K PLUS Series are HDCP 2.2 compliant, and support data rates up to 18 Gbps, HDR, Deep Color up to 12-bit, 3D, and HD lossless audio formats. They also include integrator-friendly features such as automa c input cable equaliza on, automa c color bit depth management, and selectable output mu ng via RS-232. The DA HD 4K PLUS Series distribu on amplifiers are available in two, four, and six output sizes, and are ideal for applica ons that require the distribu on of a 4K/60 HDMI source signal to mul ple displays. "We are excited that the next genera on of Extron HDMI distribu on amplifiers are now available to address the ever increasing need for 4K video distribu on," says Casey Hall, Vice- President of Worldwide Sales and Marke ng for Extron. "Suppor ng HDMI data rates up to 18 Gbps, the DA HD 4K PLUS Series offers the performance required to distribute 4K/60 signals at 4:4:4 chroma sampling, ensuring the the highest performance for the most demanding applica ons."

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

To enhance and simplify integra on, front panel indicators provide easy monitoring and troubleshoo ng. Outputs can be muted independently via RS-232, allowing content to be previewed on a local monitor. Also featured are Extron EDID Minder and Key Minder technologies to maintain con nuous EDID communica on between connected devices, ensuring simultaneous distribu on of HDCP-encrypted source content. Each output on the DA HD 4K PLUS Series provides +5 VDC, 250 mA for powering peripheral devices. The DA2 HD 4K PLUS is housed in a 1" (2.5 cm) high, quarter rack width metal enclosure that can be mounted in a rack or discreetly installed beneath a desk. It includes an external, universal power supply for worldwide power compa bility. The DA4 HD 4K PLUS and DA6 HD 4K PLUS are housed in 1U high, half rack width metal enclosures, are rack-mountable, and are equipped with internal universal power supplies. S I A

Luxul's Built-In Domotz Remote Management

Luxul, the leading innovator of IP networking solu ons for AV integrators, announced that several of the company's popular gigabit routers will soon be available with built-in Domotz remote


SOLUTIONS UPDATE Meyer Sound's New Ceiling Loudspeakers with Ashby

management technology. For integrators, this addi onal func onality saves me and money by allowing them to remotely manage and support their customers' Luxul networks. Integrators u lizing Luxul routers with Domotz technology will receive alerts when network issues arise — allowing them to take immediate ac on — and can share device informa on with Luxul's support team for swi and easy troubleshoo ng. The routers also eliminate the need to purchase a separate Luxul Domotz Pro for remote management. This lowers network costs and speeds setup, improving the bo om line for integrators while providing a be er experience for their clients. "With more connected devices joining the IoT, it's important for integrators to be able to remotely manage networks," said Mike Grubb, vice president of marke ng at Luxul. "Our routers with Domotz technology will allow our dealers to respond to problems in real me, while providing a simple pathway for accessing Luxul's support resources. This translates into more efficient opera ons, a be er customer experience, and the opportunity to expand their client base." Luxul routers incorpora ng Domotz technology include the wireless Epic 3 and wired Epic 4 Series now shipping, with integra on into the Epic 5 Series coming soon. The award-winning Luxul Epic Series routers have recently been recognized with a TechHome Mark of Excellence Award, presented by the Consumer Technology Associa on (CTA) at CES, for Networking Product of the Year. At the ISE, the Epic 3 Router showed with CEPro Top New Technology (TNT) award in the residen al home networking device category.


pin Phoenix connectors. Cable lengths of up to 450 feet (127 meters) are accommodated with no more than 1 dB loss using 18 AWG wire, and longer runs are possible using heavier gauges. In addi on, remote monitoring of individual loudspeaker status on a Windows or Mac computer is available with the addi on of the op onal RMS module, RMServer and Compass so ware. Ashby loudspeakers provide an op mal solu on when uncompromising audio performance must be combined with discreet, flush-mount installa on. Typical applica ons include restaurants, hotels, airports and other transit terminals, corporate board rooms, and high-end retail loca ons.

Meyer Sound announced the introduc on of the Ashby Series self-powered ceiling loudspeakers, the latest addi on to a growing family of installa on products incorpora ng the company's exclusive IntelligentDC technology. The two new Ashby loudspeakers join seven surface mount models in the exis ng IntelligentDC line, all of which offer the inherent sonic advantages of self-powered systems along with the installa on ease of distributed lowvoltage systems. The Ashby Series comprises two flush-mount models: the Ashby-5C with a 5-inch low-mid cone driver and the Ashby-8C with an 8-inch low-mid driver. Both employ a concentric 0.75” metal dome tweeter and are housed in integral, quick-mount metal backcans with Phoenix connectors for fast, simple installa on in new or retrofit systems. The innova ve dual-driver concentric design provides a uniform 100-degree dispersion pa ern, allowing use of fewer speakers to cover a wide listening area. As with other IntelligentDC models, Ashby loudspeakers connect to a remote MPS488HP rack-mount unit that supplies both balanced audio signal and 48V DC power for the amplifier. Connec ons are made using a single 5-conductor cable, and because no conduit is required by fire codes in most jurisdic ons, the cables can be placed in open troughs with quick termina on on 5-

“The Ashby loudspeakers are a long-awaited addi on to our IntelligentDC line,” says Pablo Espinosa, Meyer Sound's vice president of R&D and chief loudspeaker designer. “Now integrators can combine both surface-mount and flush-mount models in the same installa on using the same power supply and signal distribu on units. This allows complete freedom for architects and consultants in system design, while also simplifying installa on and reducing rack space requirements.” In addi on to the two Ashby models, the IntelligentDC line includes five full-range loudspeakers (MM-4XP, UP-4XP, UPM-1XP, UPJunior-XP, UPJ-1XP) and two subwoofers (MM-10 and UMS-1XP). Ashby IntelligentDC ceiling loudspeakers are making their European trade show debut at ISE in Amsterdam, February 6 through 9. “Ashby will be a featured part of our ISE booth, with displays of open product for detailed examina on as well as ac ve Ashby loudspeakers installed overhead for audi oning," con nues Espinosa. "Even in the commo on and high ambient noise of a trade show – and perhaps because of that distrac on – we are confident Ashby's sonic superiority will be clearly audible.”

S I A Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



Navori Updates QL Digital Signage Engine That app then triggers the corresponding content for delivery to QL Player using web sockets. And with dynamic HTML5-driven access and retrieval of data and graphics, Tizen users can easily create more sophis cated layouts using HTML5 instead of standard template and cker designs. Navori introduced several new enhancements for the three main elements that comprise the QL digital signage engine: QL Player, QL Network Manager and QL Server.

The QL Content Manager is the core of Navori QL's mul -user, mul -tenant exibility, with a dynamic HTML5 user interface and a straigh orward workow with dynamic design tools, mul -lingual support, performance analy cs, content scheduling and Navori demonstrated its special QL Player for network monitoring tools among other Samsung Tizen opera ng systems at ISE a ributes. New tools packaged into the QL 2018. Now shipping, the new QL Player Content Manager include: essen ally comes with a remote content Condi onal triggering, which allows users to triggering, which automates delivery of high- select media in Content Manager's library, and priority content, and access and retrieval of specify a value that will automa cally trigger data feeds, which synchronizes data feeds that content on QL Player when matched with for playback within HTML5 anima ons. data from an RSS, XML or other feed. In the case of mul ple matches, all triggered content With remote content triggering, QL Player is played in succession. Automa c playlist forwards important content to QL Server and switchover in succession of priority, following its integrated QL Remote Controller app. completed of the preceding playlist.

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

Audio content playout inside ckers on QL Player for Windows, Android or Tizen networks. QL's Ticker Designer tools support drag-and-drop func onality for audio clips and playlists, with op ons to pause and resume content with one-second fadeouts as new media or playlists are added to and programmed within the scheduling grid. As the backbone of Navori QL, the QL Server is responsible for centralizing all content and players, providing a robust and redundant delivery architecture, and securing networks through access control and other administra ve features. Navori demonstrated new administra ve func onality that strengthens network oversight, including dynamic retrieval and storage of Microso Exchange user and resource calendar informa on within QL Server. This ensures that data feeds from the current day, or a predeďŹ ned date range, can be quickly recalled and presented for development, tes ng and other administra ve projects.

SOLUTIONS UPDATE New AOC Cables from SOMMER CABLE SOMMER CABLE released their latest highlightthe innova ve AOC cables for the long-distance transmission of AV signals via HDMI 2.0a and DisplayPort 1.4. Thereby the manufacturer of professional cable and connec on technology once more demonstrates his technological competence. The cables are said to meet the most challenging demands, par cularly in the fields of live entertainment and installa on. The HDMI 2.0a version achieves 18 Gbit/s of bandwidth and the DisplayPort 1.4 variant even 25 Gbit/s. This makes them superior to copper cables, especially when using a passive connec on, and also other ac ve solu ons and extender systems. Because in the new AOC glass fiber hybrid lines the required electronics is already built into the connector shell. This facilitates the handling in the professional area and, due to their compact size and the waiver of a separate

power supply, makes installa on easier as well. Moreover, they convince by a high flexibility and break resistance. No ma er if 4K resolu on at 60 Hz with a 4:4:4 scan or HDR 10 – the new AOC cables support the most recent standards including the HDCP 2.2 copy protec on. As of now the HDMI 2.0a variant is available in lengths of up to 100 m [328 .], the DisplayPort 1.4 in lengths of up to 50 m [164 .].


1.0km (3,280feet) over two (2) duplex LC single-mode fibers or 300m (985feet) over two (2) duplex LC mul -mode fibers. Designed for high resolu on performance, it guarantees lossless image quality and no frame dropping to deliver perfect graphic data transmission up to WUXGA (1920x1200) at 60Hz.


Optics' New Dual-head Optical KVM Extender Dual-head DVI op cal KVM extender, KVMX100-TR is designed to extend Dual DVI outputs with keyboard, mouse and bidirec onal audio. But the key feature of 2:1 KVM switch func on inside KVMX-100-TR enables users to select one PC between two (2) PCs as a host. KVMX-100-TR transmits DVI, USB HID, RS232 and bi-direc onal stereo audio signal up to

It provides Auto-mix EDID programing feature that reads EDID informa on from both local and remote side displays and then determines the lowest resolu on of them. It makes the installa on of KVMX100-TR easy and flexible at any variable resolu ons. Convenient remote console switch for selec ng local control or remote control can be provided op onally. www.op S I A

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



RTI Acquires Miravue, Adds VoIP Advantage RTI announced the acquisi on of Miravue video-over-IP distribu on solu on from the company of the same name. Con nuing its efforts to provide dealers with a comprehensive, end-to-end solu on, RTI will offer the RTI Miravue VIP-1 video-overIP system for powerful, scalable AV distribu on over Ethernet, coax cable, and wireless networking. For the ul mate in flexibility, the VIP-1 acts as a transmi er, receiver, network switch, and wireless access point, drama cally lowering AV distribu on costs by reducing cabling and installa on me. The unit supports HDMI/HDCP 1.x and 2.x video sources with ultra-low latency. In addi on, non-HDMI sources such as mobile devices, network video streams from IP cameras, and networka ached storage may be viewed without the need for addi onal equipment. The VIP-1's built-in scaler matches the displays' maximum resolu on, while automa cally providing

stereo downmixing and lip-sync adjustment. Perfect for new and retrofit installa ons, the VIP-1 delivers high-quality HD video over Ethernet, coax cable, and wireless networking. Due to its low bandwidth usage, it does not require any specialized networking gear, instead needing only an unmanaged network switch for Ethernet installa ons. The video over IP system also acts as an extension of the RTI control ecosystem. When combined with an XP processor, it is capable of delivering IR and twoway RS-232 control to connected devices, allowing users to control them with the RTI interface of their choice. “Acquiring the Miravue video-over-IP solu on is a key step toward our goal of providing integrators with everything they need to automate any environment,” said Ed McConaghay, CEO of RTI. “We are thrilled that RTI has become the home of our Miravue video-over-IP system,” said Robert Bishop, CEO at Miravue. “Both companies have long histories of developing innova ve and forward-thinking solu ons, and bringing our products together into one control and automa on ecosystem will deliver an incredible amount of power and flexibility for dealers.” www.r

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018


Sennheiser Unveils New Evolution G4 Sennheiser launched evolu on G4, the fourth genera on of its most popular product family. Major upgrades to the G4 line-up are userinspired features such as mul channel capabili es, single click scanning and set-up, frequency agility, as well as longer range, ba ery life and reliability. With four product series in the range- the 100, 300, 500, and IEM series- evolu on G4 is ideally suited to meet the needs of the Live Performance, Broadcast and Film, as well as the Business and Educa on market segments. “Whether it is in the corporate world, live entertainment, theatre or broadcast, the evolu on wireless series has long been the professional's choice for the widest range of applica ons,” said Mig Cardamone, Director of Sales and Marke ng at Sennheiser Middle East. “We have set the precedent of introducing an ever-evolving feature set with each itera on and ew G4 is no excep on,” he added. “With many user-driven improvements and features, it is the culmina on of sixty years of exper se in analogue wireless design.”

SOLUTIONS UPDATE Set, a Headmic Set and two Lavalier Sets with either the ME 2-II (omni) or ME 4 (cardioid).

The evolu on wireless G4 maintains the compelling pricing of the preceding genera on and its compa bility with all previous genera ons of evolu on wireless safeguards customers' investments. Expansion of the Series: In addi on to the familiar 100, IEM, 300 and 500 sub-series, this latest itera on includes some important addi ons: There are brand-new professional sets for ENG and film work in the 500 series, three new Base Sets in the 300 series, as well as upgraded Vocal Sets and a new Combo Set in the 100 series. Live Performances: The evolu on wireless G4's 100, 500 and IEM Series offer flexibility, versa lity and easy setup, making them the ideal solu on for live stage, house of worship and theatre applica ons. The 100 series comprises Vocal Sets that include the acclaimed capsules of the evolu on e 835, e 845, e 865, e 935, and e 945 microphones. Also available are an Instrument

The ew G4 500 series offers the added benefits of greater range, more spectrum flexibility and the control op ons offered by the Wireless Systems Manager so ware. Available systems include Vocal Sets with e 935, e 945 and e 965 capsules, an Instrument Set, a Lavalier Set with professional MKE 2 clip-on, as well as individual receiver and transmi er units. The IEM series has had its RF output power increased to 50 mW, and its bodypacks now come with ever be er protec on from humidity and moisture. Individual units are available, as are a single and a Twin IEM Set. Broadcast and Film: Sennheiser has designed its 100P Series around the needs of mobile journalism, ENG and documentary film makers while introducing the 500P series for professional film. The 100P G4 series includes the ew 135-p G4 Portable Handheld Mic Set, two Portable Lavalier Mic Sets, the 112-p G4 (omni) and the ew 122-p G4 (cardioid), as well as the ENG Combo Set, which combines the camera receiver with a plug-on transmi er and a bodypack transmi er with omni ME 2-II clipon.


Complemen ng the G4 100P sets are brandnew 500P series PRO Sets for ENG work and general filming needs. Systems include the ew 512-p G4 Pro Portable Lavalier Mic Set, the ew 500 BOOM G4 Pro Portable Boom Set and finally the Pro Film Combo Set, which includes both transmi er types, the camera receiver and accessories. Business and Educa on: Targe ng users in corporate, hospitality and educa on se ngs, the ew G4 300 series comprises a Vocal Set with an e 865 microphone head, a Lavalier Set with the ME 2-II clip-on, and a new Headmic Set which includes the SL HEADMIC 1, the pro's choice for speeches and lectures. Also new in the series are the Base Sets, which provide a cost-efficient way to update or expand exis ng evolu on wireless systems. Control Cockpit: Sennheiser has coincided the launch of the ew G4 with the announcement of a new version of Sennheiser Control Cockpit. This so ware enables users to centrally and remotely control their wireless systems in real- me via a web browser on their smartphones, tablets or laptops. Sennheiser Cockpit Control will not only work with SpeechLine Digital Wireless and the new G4 systems but also with Digital 6000. S I A

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



TASCAM CD-400U Media TASCAM Introduces Two New Professional Mixers Player Hits the Mark for Audio Professionals

Long known for its versa le professional media players for the professional integrator and pro audio markets, TASCAM has introduced its CD-400U media player. Combining a slot-loading CD player, AM/FM tuner, stereo SD recorder, and Bluetooth wireless and USB connec vity, the CD-400U offers audio playback in real me or from reliable fixed media. The unit also can record from CD or the AM/FM source to CD or to USB media. The CD-400U provides professional-class XLR balanced outputs, RCA unbalanced main outputs, and a second set of RCA unbalanced outputs dedicated to the AM/FM source. An 1/8-inch auxiliary input admits audio from a variety of external sources, combining with the Bluetooth wireless input to accept sources such as smartphones, tablets, and more. A highquality ¼-inch stereo headphone output enables quick and easy silent monitoring and confirma on of opera on. Once configured, a Panel Lock func on can disable the panel bu ons to avoid unauthorized opera on or programming. A Power on Play func on automa cally starts playback upon power-up. These features combine to ensure tamper-proof, foolproof, automa c opera on. A standard RS-232C terminal enables external remote control. An op onal IFE100 Ethernet card will provide IP control over Ethernet in a future release. A two-line backlit LCD displays the se ngs for easy programming and opera on. TASCAM has managed to concentrate all of these media sources, recording features, and professional connec vity in a spacesaving 1U rack design with an understated black facade. Its combina on of form, features, and easy, reliable opera on makes the CD-400U a terrific choice for ins tu ons, music venues, retail, schools, restaurants, and more.

Con nuing its long legacy of high-quality professional mixers, TASCAM has introduced the new MZ-223 and MZ-372. Both rackmount analog mixers offer flexible inputs, mixing, and rou ng that makes them well suited for installs in small to mid-size venues such as restaurants, hotels, ballrooms, mee ng rooms, and schools, as well as residences. The compact, 2U rack-mount TASCAM MZ223 offers five audio channels, each with a dedicated Gain poten ometer and two stereo sets of RCA line-level inputs (ten RCA inputs, total), that can be mixed, segregated, and routed to three independent zones or des na ons. Channels 1 and 2 can also accommodate phono-level signals for use with a turntable, making the MZ-223 suitable for DJ and residen al applica ons. Two convenient front-panel, balanced XLR inputs handle microphone signals. Each of the MZ-223's three stereo output zones present balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA line-level outputs, enabling long cable runs or connec on to residen al power amplifiers or powered speakers. A slider switches the RCA outputs between 0.75V and 1.5V. The MZ-223 also provides stereo unbalanced RCA master Record outputs, switchable for use with or without microphones, that enable recording the main mix to an external recording device for capturing events. With the MZ-223's flexible design, for example, you could route music to Zone 1, ambient noise or natural sounds to Zone 2, and a separate music track or a voice announcement to Zone 3. The front panel also includes a ¼-inch stereo headphone output with level control. S I A Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

A generous assortment of front-panel volume sliders, rou ng switches and bu ons, EQ knobs, and mute bu ons enable simple, fast setup and opera on. A Talkover func on automa cally lowers other source levels when microphones are in use. The 3U rack-mount MZ-372 enables audio signals to be mixed, muted, and routed to 2 redundant outputs or des na ons. Each of its 6 audio channels has a n independent volume control and features 2 stereo sets of unbalanced RCA line-level inputs (12 RCA inputs, total) and 6 balanced XLR mic/line (switchable) inputs on the rear panel, plus a mic-level XLR input on the front panel. Channels 1, 2, and 3 can be switched to accommodate phono-level signals for use with a turntable. A pair of unbalanced RCA Booth outputs provide an addi onal feed with independent control for monitoring and can be switched between stereo and mono opera on. Each of the MZ-372's dual outputs offer balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA jacks, enabling long cable runs or connec on to a main mixer and monitor mixer, professional power amplifier, or residen al power amplifier or powered speaker. A Talkover func on automa cally lowers other source levels when microphones are in use. A separate pair of unbalanced, line-level RCA recording outputs make it simple to capture events. Like the MZ-223, the MZ-372 employs frontpanel volume sliders, rou ng switches and bu ons, EQ knobs, and mute bu ons for simple, fast setup and opera on. The front panel also includes a ¼-inch stereo headphone output with level control.



Burst Mode Power Ampliers: Getting More Out Than What You Take In by Martin M. Bonsoir

output power ra ng is one of the first items designers look at (quickly followed by price). But alas, as many things in the AV industry, system designers are faced with the task of comparing apples to books. Power ra ngs are at best unclear, some mes misleading, and always rela ve. Even though the industry has agreed on using a single unit of measure—the Wa (and this is a major win)—audio power amplifier manufacturers are usually maligned for the way they rate their product. Methods used to describe the way output power is measured include “average power”, “peak power”, “RMS power”, “con nuous power”, “program power”, “peak momentary power” and indeed, “burst power”. And clearly, different measuring methods produce different results. In their defence, I agree that measuring the capabili es of a power amplifier is complex, as different design philosophies produce devices with varying capabili es. The real culprit for the confusion is the audio signal: it just won't stay steady over me. Juan Manuel Fangio, arguably one of the finest racing drivers of all mes, is accredited to have said that the secret to success in motorsport was to win going as slowly as possible. Some a ribute that saying to Niki Lauda, arguably one of the finest racing driver of all mes. Regardless of who originally coined the saying, I do believe it is arguably one of the finest phrases of all mes. I first heard that axiom as an inquisi ve teenager and, over the years, I reverse-engineered it to what I believe was meant: There's no point going flat out all the me if the environment doesn't require it. What one must do, is to master your resources and have them in sufficient supply to meet demand when the me comes. I always thought that very wise. And as it happens, it is the philosophy behind burst mode power amplifiers. Show your Strength A power amplifier, colloquially known as an amplifier, or amp to some, is a device capable of increasing the power of a signal. This feature has varied uses in many fields, and power amplifiers are found in the most diverse of environments. In the audio industry, amplifiers are used to increase audio signals (usually a voltage or current that varies with me) from a smaller to a larger level. These applica ons include going from microphone level to line level, or from line level to speaker level. Of course, when specifying amplifiers to convert line level signal into something powerful enough to drive one or more speakers, the Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

Most audio content can essen ally be reduced to two component types for amplifica on purposes. There is con nuous program informa on, which maintains a reasonably steady RMS output level over me (think sine wave, or noise), and peak program informa on, which is defined by nearly instantaneous transients or spikes within the material. Transient levels vary depending on the content, but for most applica ons the peaks can be up to 24dB above the con nuous level. This last type of audio content is by far the most common in the audio industry, as it includes music and human speech. Now, the first law of thermodynamics is absolute: the energy of a closed system is constant—it can't increase. Regardless of the measuring technique used, no manufacturer is exempt from that. The maximum amplifica on power can never exceed the total amount of energy available. In other words, an amplifier can never deliver more power than that it can draw from its supply…or can it? Tradi onal power amplifiers are designed to increase the audio signal by the maximum amount of power they can get from their supply, be it direct mains or indirect sources, like PoE or PoE+. There're varia ons on how long the amplifier can deliver maximum power for, as economics dictate that building an amplifier capable of performing at its peak for extended periods of me is o en overkill (remember that the peaks of signals more commonly reproduced are only temporary?), but if the supply provides 100w, for example, the maximum theore cal available power from the amplifier is 100w. End of story. No more energy available.



However, some clever amplifiers are designed to store (reserve) energy during the 'quiet” moments, and deploy it when required as an addi onal boost to what they are currently ge ng from the power source. This, in a nutshell, is burst mode power opera on. The ability to stockpile power and deliver it when needed and thus achieve capabili es beyond those of the power source. Of course, the stockpile, or energy reservoir of burst mode amplifiers is limited. Managing strategies for that reservoir vary from the rather crude cu ng of audio playback, to rather elegant applica on of varying degrees of compression and limi ng, achieving thus a more transparent performance without ever deple ng the reserves nor draw more power than that available. This prevents tripping the fuse on the mains supply, or causing the switch providing the PoE to shut down the port. Brave new World Choosing the right amplifier for a job is tricky. It is a very commodi sed and price-sensi ve sec on of the market and o en newer technologies are overlooked or dismissed in favour of a tried and tested method. But that can result in over-specifying and thus unnecessarily increasing the overall cost of the design, without providing advantages to the user. A system designer will do well to understand what different technologies can bring to the table and use that knowledge to make informed decisions. A er all, neither Lauda nor Fangio enjoyed the most outright powerful car all of the me. Yet, they won.

Mar n M. Bonsoir, MInstSCE, is the Interna onal Applica ons Engineering Manager at Biamp Systems, overseeing technical opera ons globally outside of the Americas. With more than 23 years of industry experience, Mar n's passion for people and all things audiovisual con nues to add richness and insight to his work every day. S I A

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



PALM Expo 2018: What to Expect from India's Largest Pro-audio, Lighting and Audio-Visual Trade Show PALM Expo 2018 opens its doors to visitors in less than two months from now and the excitement and energy among the global pro sound and light manufacturers and Indian distributors of top brands is on a high. Hosted in Mumbai – India's entertainment capital and city of Bollywood, the expo will take place at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai from May 31st – June 2nd.

Hustling and bustling of the visitors and exhibitors on the PALM Exhibit floor at PALM Expo 2017 The Indian market continues to mature at a rapid pace. The entertainment event industry has seen phenomenal growth in the last decade with music festivals becoming a youth culture. The demanding concert riders of these international artists, has made it obligatory for rental companies and suppliers in India to invest in state-of-the-art equipment and has led to an improved industry setup.

up to a massive sound reproduction gear driving events across verticals. Top-end set-ups from premium brands would account for 10% or 50,000 DJ set-ups.

The events industry in India is expected to cross Rs 10,000 crore mark by 2020-21, as per an EY-EEMA (Event and Entertainment Management Association) report. The industry, which was at Rs 5,631 crore in 2016-17 overall, has been growing at a 16% CAGR, even overtaking the Indian media and entertainment (M&E) industry, which is growing at 11-13% CAGR, the report called '#Experience_Next' said. Another report by Futuresource predicts audio market growth by $1 Billion in 2018 covering touring, rental and portable audio markets. Estimate of 5 million DJ set ups in India per annum is guidance on the value of the market. Controllers or consoles and CD players or Media players, mixers, speakers and ampliers works Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

11 year old – DJ – ATOM Bass Boy proves that music knows no bounds at the PALM DJ Championship stage in 2017



necessarily attending PALM each year for sound and light solutions demand display and projection solutions integral to their project implementation. Audiovisual exhibits have been prominent at PALM as the preferred destination for latest LED displays, Videowall display and projection systems. PALM 2018 focus on Audiovisual is a game changer for the AV industry in India. For the rst time the AV industry will have a real opportunity to reach the potential market in exhibiting to over 21,000 unique visitors, directly or indirectly involved in AV technology.

Padma Shri Dr. Resul Pooku y , Oscar winning Sound Designer at the PALM Conference and Seminar stage in 2017 The PALM Expo now in its 18th edition will propel this growth by encouraging connection between manufacturers, distributors, dealers and end users. New products and technology at PALM will impact Indian, as well as international markets and business in the coming year. PALM delivers an invaluable and privileged opportunity to meet all major distributors and importers and equally important top sound & lighting engineers and designers and AV consultants and systems integrators.

Cinema Sound and Digital projection and display is also a special focus in the 2018 edition. PALM 2001 was the birthplace of digital cinema in India and this dynamic tech space is evolving rapidly today. In its 18th consecutive edition PALM has brought back this segment in force. PALM features:

In the last 17 years the PALM expo, true to its mantra - “putting technology in place and motivating the market”, has built brands in the Indian market, as it is where Indian professionals visit to acknowledge new technology and product and trends and techniques. New technology and solutions at PALM The PALM Expo 2018 is all geared up to welcome 25,000 visitors over three days attending Exhibit Halls and features covering 27,000 sqm. The range of exhibits will showcase over 500 brands from over 200 exhibitors representing the best technology and products in sound and light, cinema, and systems engineering & AV from USA, Europe, China and India. This will be a great show for product buyers as major pro audio brands display an endless slew of pro-audio, lighting and AV products and turnkey solutions that include high-end professional speakers, line arrays, ampliers, woofers & subs, mixers, consoles, patch panels, cables, connectors, mics, headphones, extended racks, stage lighting, lasers, smoke & fog machines and more. Hall 1 is the pro audio, no-sound hall. This hall maintains a business atmosphere, as AV Consultants, Systems Integrators and dealers and distributors from across the country account for a major percentage. Hall 5 will showcase the best brands in Lighting and Laser while YAMAHA showcases and entire range of pro audio and backline equipment in its own independent hall – hall 2. This last lap into the show is already abuzz with excitement among exhibitors on the next killer product from their own portfolio which they hope to bring to the expo oors. PALM's evolution in providing total solutions in event entertainment technology has witnessed the largest gathering of system integrators than at any other expo in India. AV consultants

Winners of the pres gious PALM Sound & Light Awards 2017 PALM has a very strong philosophy and belief in the assets it creates, their utility and purpose, contribution to evolving the industry to high professionalism, greater talent and better business. It is this sense of purpose that drives the 10 dynamic PALM features namely – PALM Conference & Seminar Programme, PALM Soundscape, PALM DJ Championship, PALM HARMAN Live Arena, PALM Lighting Design Showcase, Indoor Compact Line Array Demo, 3D Immersive Projection & Mapping, Indian Recording Arts Academy Awards, PALM Sound & Light Awards and Live Rigging Workshop The Dynamic features are truly Fantastic gatherings each year, proving beyond doubt the PALM is the most important platform in Asia, and among the top three pro sound and light platforms in the world. The three days of the show will witness the top honchos and tech gurus in the event, entertainment venue and music production business. The PALM Expo has always been a major “not to be missed event” marked on the calendars of the Indian pro audio, lighting, AV Install & integration and music recording industry. Each year the organizers have upped their game and this year too the expo's energy is all set to get more effusive with all the opportunities for business planned out at the venue.


Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



ConnecTechAsia: The New Mega Technology Event Three Legacy Events Merge into a Holistic Technology Tradeshow Platform Contributing to Asia’s Growing Economy

ConnecTechAsia, combining the strengths of industry stalwarts CommunicAsia, BroadcastAsia, and newly launched NXTAsia, is the region's latest Mega Technology event, and will stage its inaugural edition from 26-28 June 2018, in Singapore. With legacy events CommunicAsia and BroadcastAsia having served the telecommunications and broadcast media sectors respectively for nearly 40 years, the new NXTAsia builds upon this to bring new technologies that are shaping Asia's increasingly innovation-driven economy. With the advent of the Industry 4.0, ConnecTechAsia will present a holistic ecosystem of infrastructure,

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

technology, and services that businesses and governments in Asia need to thrive in this new era. “As Asia pursues digital transformation at an accelerated pace, it is critical that the event evolves alongside the dramatic shifts happening in the spaces we serve,” said Mr Victor Wong, Project Director, UBM, organiser of ConnecTechAsia. “The new event reects the pulse of Asia today, and is the only business platform covering the converging ecosystems of communications, broadcasting and emerging technologies connecting the physical and digital worlds.”


Plenty of lights, camera and ac on at BroadcastAsia


CommunicAsia – making everything smarter broadcasting industries and enterprises to enable a digitalised future. The three-day summit comprises three tracks – NetworkComms, BroadcastMedia and EmergingTech – that will drive business growth and sustainability. 5G, Network Virtualisation, Satellite Communications and Network Slicing will be the main topics in the NetworkComms track, while The Future of Television, Monetisation Strategies, Social Video, IP Broadcasting, 4K, AI and Immersive technologies for broadcasting will feature in the BroadcastMedia track. Topics of the EmergingTech track will include: Articial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Blockchain Technology, Cybersecurity, IoT, Data Analytics, Seamless Commerce/Digital Payments, Connected Industries, IoT, Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality, and Smart Cities.

Get immersed in latest VR breakthrough At NXTAsia, industry professionals will catch the newest innovations and thought-leadership in areas such as Articial Intelligence (AI), Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR), Cyber Security, IoT, Robotics, Cloud and Data among others. NXTAsia will host promising start-ups, and the Singapore-leg of renowned start-up competition SeedStars, at tech showcase Disrupt+. CommunicAsia, Asia's most established international industry event for the telecommunications sector, will focus on Network Infrastructure/FTTx, satellite communications and telecom software and services - the latest technologies to help companies and governments in Asia prepare for the coming of 5G and maintain a competitive edge in the communications and digital world. With on-demand and streaming services surging in popularity, BroadcastAsia will shine a spotlight on the future of broadcasting, exploring how we have consumed news and entertainment over the past decade, and the challenges and opportunities this creates for traditional broadcasters and OTT players. BroadcastAsia will highlight technologies that are reshaping the value chain, such as the latest innovations in UHD/HDR, IP Broadcasting, Live Production, Content Media Security, OTT and Alternative Content Platforms. ConnecTechAsia Summit - Digital Business Transformation The ConnecTechAsia Summit this year centres on Digital Business Transformation, covering the hottest trends across ICT,

Key speakers include: Ÿ Professor Howard Michel, CTO, UBTech Ÿ Jassem Nasser, Chief Strategy Ofcer, Thuraya Telecommunications Company Ÿ Ajey Gore, Group Chief Technology Ofcer, Go-Jek Ÿ Geert Warlop, Chief Operating Ofcer, TrueMoney International Ÿ Rene Werner, Chief Customer Service & Customer Experience Ofcer, Celcom Axiata Berhad Ÿ Leah Camilla R. Besa-Jimenez, Chief Data Privacy Ofcer, PLDT Ÿ Ian Yip, Chief Technology Ofcer - Asia Pacic, McAfee Ÿ Arvind Mathur, Chief Information Technology Ofcer, Prudential Assurance Ÿ Bill Chang, Chief Executive Ofcer - Group Enterprise , Singtel Ÿ Parminder Singh, Chief Commercial and Digital Ofcer, Mediacorp Ÿ Sanjay Aurora, Managing Director - Asia Pacic, Darktrace “Presenting a holistic ecosystem of digital convergence and a platform for the discovery and understanding of new frontiers of innovation to elevate the global standing of Asian business and governments sits at the heart of what ConnecTechAsia stands for,” adds Mr Wong. “Continuing the 40 year legacy of CommunicAsia and BroadcastAsia, the new ConnecTechAsia will continue to serve Asia as we embark on the journey of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” S I A Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



ISE 2018: Show of Strength, Audio-Visually In what is an apparent show of strength and reinforcement of global AV industry's focus, ISE 2018 – held at the RAI Amsterdam from 6-9 February 2018 – demonstrated all that it is known for, and more. The 'more' included not just more floor space, more numbers and more technologies but also more subjects to debate about. An SIA exclusive:

By Ram Bhavanashi Fi een years into leading the global audio-visual industry's congrega onal events from its tradi onal home RAI Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2018 did live up to its reputa on- of be ering its own record of numbers. As many as 1296 exhibitors, including a good 294 new entrants, spreading over 53,000 sqm floor space that was flooded by a whopping 80,923 visitors over four days, with a swelling of 10.3 per cent over 2017 event stats state the status of the technically con nental event. While as much as 30 per cent of the total visitors were said to be first mers to the event making a new benchmark for the show, that the 2019 edi on is reported to have already outsold at 103 per cent of the floor space taken this year stands to speak about the expanding ground of the event. The event, much in line with its tradi on, has also played pla orm for launch of a whole big mass of new products and system solu ons, making it prac cally impossible to visit every single new product, let alone ge ng to know how and why they are all significant. “It's crazy place here; it's something for everyone, and everything for someone,” observed a Mexican journo from the Press Room. “At the same me, it can be overwhelming for most and people are spoilt for choices,” the journo felt. “One only has to figure out what one wants and figure just that out.”

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

Having said that, there have indeed been some very fascina ng technologies, trends, products and presenta ons, seminars and webinars, and compe ons and contraries- all making up the dis nctly dynamic that epitomizes the event. Some of the most no ceable trends of product/system presenta ons on the Show Floor included commercially viable, professional grade virtual, augmented, and mixed reality – named XR Technology – solu ons; projec on mapping; networked audio and collabora on suite; minutely pitched pixel LED displays; plug-n-play digital signages; 4K and even 8K resolu on; smart home and smart city solu ons; increased focus on IP and growing immanence of IoT, besides crossover technologies between broadcast and AV. Getting Bigger And Better Some of the truly fascina ng exhibi on scenarios included an elevated level of LED experience where almost every LED manufacturer sought to show a virtual 3D-effect demo. A case in a point was the LANG booth. Unilumen and SiliconCore sought to demo the next level. Mitsubishi Electric, a er a long wait and curiosity, finally launched its

Ma hew Benne , Managing Director, B-Tech AV Mounts: ISE is ge ng bigger and be er. This year is the best ever. With an increase of almost 30 per cent, we welcomed a new record of unique leads to our stand.

EXHIBITION REVIEW 'made-in-Japan' DirectView LED video wall VS15NP 160 even as it also debuted its WE-120 DLP video wall for control room environments. Unilumin pitched its 1.2 mm pixel, flagship LED solu on Upanils that was shown in 8K resolu on, with bezel free technology that allows deployment on large video walls such as mission-cri cal defence/security or educa on campus applica ons. SiliconCore too, while pitching its popular 1.2mm pixel Lavendar LED solu on, also highlighted its Z.A.C.H. Driver technology claimed to further sharpen the cu ng-edge LED technology.

diverse applica ons across the ver cals. With its ability to fit any area or contour, it's taken to be truly futuris c.

Trends Noted at ISE 2018 Ø XR Technology

(Commercially viable, professional grade augmented, virtual and mixed reality)

The centerpiece of their booth, however, was the 55inch OLED signage. Not only does it display boast razor-thin bezel and an elegant form factor, the compelling proposi on is its transparent OLED display. Opportuni es abound, imagina on, just the limita on.

Ø Networked AV Ø Collabora on/UC Ø Minute pixel pitch LEDs Ø Plug-n-play digital signage

However, a great deal of the limelight from the LED display league was perhaps taken by two Korean Professional display majors Samsung and LG. Samsung, arguably hogging it to a greater deal, created a record of sorts by literally cra ing a Wall made of a poten ally revolu onary self-emi ng Micro LED pixel modules. While the Wall measured 146 inches in a stunning peak brightness of 1600 nit with 'near infinite contrast ra o' (according to the Samsung Exec on the booth), its modular design allows installers to add or remove unlimited LED screens to downsize upscale the video wall as required. The self-emi ng MicroLEDs produce excep onally bright images without the need of colour filters or backlight. More, they light up a peak brightness of 1,600nit, with “a near infinite contrast ra o.”

Ø Laser projec on Ø 8K resolu on Ø Smart Home/City Ø AV Over IP/IoT Ø Crossover between

broadcast & AV

Acer's yet-to-hit-market V6820i 4K UHD projector is said to be among first of its kind to 'act in compliance' with Amazon Alexa. It is said to take voice commands such as “Alexa, turn on the projector,” “Alexa, select HDMI as the projector source,” or “Alexa, change projector display mode to bright.”

LG, on the other hand, sought to steal the show by means of its what it called the Canyon A ractor at the entrance to the hall, as well as an incredibly a rac ve, transparent OLED signage solu on. While the Canyon A ractor – “breath-takingly futuris c” as it was hailed –was made of 60 Open Frame OLED displays in convex and concave configura ons. Ideal for large scale video installa ons, the Canyon A ractor's customisable form factor and outstanding image quality enables it useful for


Projec on manufacturers such as Barco, Benq, Chris e, Digital Projec on, Epson, InFocus, NEC, Optoma, Panasonic, Sony and ViewSonic tried to dis nguish from one another with their own array of solu ons- some of them presen ng truly stunning product/system demos. Chris e sought a cut above sort with a vast suite of projec on solu ons including what it called a complete na ve 4K 4:4:4 content delivery system solu on Chris e Terra – from player-to-display – facilita ng full leveraging of AV-over-IP systems. While Digital Projec on celebrated its 10th anniversary ou ng at ISE with the launch of what it called the world's first 8K laser projector INSIGHT Dual Laser 8K, LCD projector major Epson unveiled what is hailed as world's first 12,000 lumen na ve 4K 3LCD laser projector, besides a new Compact 20,000 Lumen WUXGA Model.

While NEC debuted its latest 4K UHD projector PX1005QL that claimed to combine 'pixel-free' image quality with low life me cost, Acer made a record of sorts with a preview of its 4K UHD projector V6820i gree ng the ISE audiences with “vocal projec on.” The projector is said to be among the first of its kind to support Amazon Alexa. The yet-to-hitmarket projector obeys voice commands such as “Alexa, turn on the projector,” “Alexa, select HDMI as the projector source,” or “Alexa, change projector display mode to bright.”

The two Korean display solu ons majors Samsung and LG took the ISE audiences by amazement. A wall-making MicroLED, and a transparent OLED signage

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

56 EXHIBITION REVIEW Different Strokes: ISE 2018, as usual, is characterised by many unique things. Here, it is Sony's Crystal LED Display Wall System (top); beyerdynamic in its new 'avatar '(middle), and LANG, conven onal display wall looking stunning, like a 3D (bo om)

Sony awed the global audiences of ISE with the boas ul 16K Crystal LED Display System brought straight from InfoComm 2017. The ultra-thin, bezel-less wall is powered by two 8K Controllers that offer upto 180-degree viewing angle and unique scalability. BenQ, on the other hand, showed its efforts to break the prohibi ve price barrier with the launch of cost-effec ve, 4K interac ve flat panel display solu ons as also what it called one of the slimmest bezels video walls in the world with PL553 video wall solu on. FROM THE AUDIO FRONT, while there has been a drove of product showcases from EV to Mar n OHM to Sennheiser to Shure, beyerdynamic and Harman appeared standing out by the very nature of their product showcasing, beyer in par cular. The German audio major presented itself to the world in a completely new mould, in terms of its product nomenclature as well as their orienta on. There is a new 'story-telling' emo onal connect now with every beyer product, including an in-house built Apppowered, personalized headphone solu on. (Read feature on beyerdynamic; p77; From Being Conven onal to Emo onal Appeal) Harman, while presen ng itself in a very refreshingly new, fashionmode stylized showcasing of its vast ranges, introduced what it called the world's first 4K60 4:4:4 Video over IP Windowing Processor by AMX (N2400 Series). The audio leader also launched some focused products at defini ve markets. Kramer sought to take the AV/IT experience to the next level with what it claimed some path-breaking solu ons blending innova on and aggression. The transceiver league included Atlona, Wyrestorm, Key Digital and more.

‘Busy'ness of AV Professionals:

The overall conven on highlights included an Opening Address by famed architect Carlo Ra exploring the evolu on of smart building and 'Senseable Ci es' (held on 5 Feb); nine focused B2B conferences addressing a broad spectrum of AV subjects ranging from design innova on to night- me theme park spectacles, Tech Tours to three high-profile AV deployments, and best design awards for exhibitor stands, besides a thoroughly professional development programming designed and conducted by AVIXA, along with its event partner CEDIA. Amongst a host of interes ng tech debuts was the World Masters of Projec on Mapping compe on, an ISE joint venture with Amsterdam Light Fes val that had projec on mapping shows by some of the leading trade exponents onto the EYE Filmmuseum in the heart of Amsterdam.

Jim Wickenhiser

Glenn Bailey

Glenn Bailey, Sr. VP (strategic ini a ves) & Jim Wickenhiser, VP-APAC, SiliconCore: ISE is always busy and big, and it's ge ng s ll bigger. So many interes ng products and solu ons all around to see! and steady flow of people, it is all the more busy. Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

All said, ISE 2018 did have its own dosage of debates, characterized by the 1:10G ba le. Raised by Crestron which pitched its Digital Media NVX against compe ng pla orms such as AVB, HDBaseT, IPBaseT, SDVoE, and SVSi the network control automa on major apparently fuelled a storm among the 10G players- so much so that the compe ng solu on providers jumped into counter statements and arguments. The debate now appears will feed the market players for a long me to come, and open up new mind games.

EXHIBITION REVIEW Other subjects of debate – though not as vocal as the gig-dig – included the LED pixel-pitch war; 4k-to16k resolu on war; and AV over IP posi ons.


Crystal LED Wall and Laser Projectors

While the ISE is all the more overwhelming with 'beyond defini on' sort products and solu ons, an honest, if not innocent wonderment is- is anyone mapping what the industry exactly needs, rather than ge ng lost in the race for one-up posi on?

Cheeky Advertisements by Lightware Wins Our (SIAsia) Award at ISE! INTERNATIONAL: Okay! We do not really have an award for this! We are not sure how many visitors no ced the tonguein-cheek adver sements by Lightware that were strategically placed at the ‘Gents’ facili es. Here is a sampling.

Narendra Naidu

Gopi Ram Mailik

Gopi Ram Mailik, Managing Director, AV Science Technology: Concept or solu on wise, I felt the Sony 4K Crystal LED Wall incredible for the sheer experience it offers to users and opportuni es it provides for design/integra on professionals. Product wise, I felt the DPI's 8K Laser Projector as a compelling unit. However, I don't know if the 8K model can sustain the currents of resolu on ba le. Narendra Naidu, Managing Director, Rhino Engineers: Rather than products, I liked the XR Summit the most; it appears to touch prac cally every field of human ac vity, and even robo cs and geospa al domain. I suggest every single AV professional must take a serious note of it, and try knowing it be er. S I A

Maverick KVM: World's First USB 3-2-1, 4K60 Compression Icron Technologies Corporation, a leader in USB and video extension technology, and intoPIX, an innovative provider of video compression technology together showcased a live demonstration of Icron's Maverick KVM platform with ExtremeUSB-C extension technology at the ISE.

In addition to UHD 4Kp60 video and USB extension, the Maverick includes the ExtremeUSB-C suite of features such as transparent USB extension supporting USB 3, 2 and 1, true plug and play (no software drivers required) and compatibility with all major operating systems: Windows, macOS, Linux and Chrome OS.

The Maverick KVM platform is the world's rst integrated extension solution combining Icron's proprietary ExtremeUSB-C USB 3.1 Gen 1 and USB 2.0/1.1 extension technology with TICO lightweight video compression from technology partner intoPIX. TICO enables 10 Gbps extension of Ultra High Denition (UHD) 4Kp60 4:4:4 video and all type USB peripherals over a single CAT 6a cable up to 100 meters.

“Our TICO technology pushes the boundaries of video compression to provide state-of-the-art lossless 4Kp60 video quality, without giving in on latency,” said Jean-Baptiste Lorent, Director of Marketing and Sales at intoPIX. “Coupling TICO with ExtremeUSB-C technology turns Icron's Maverick platform into a unique and powerful 4K + USB 3.1 extension solution specically designed for ProAV,

broadcast, medical and industrial applications.” “Maverick combines Icron's USB 3-2-1 extension capabilities with UHD video using TICO lightweight compression from intoPIX resulting in a USB and video extension solution unlike any other product available in today's market at a competitive price,” said Tom Schultz, Product Manager at Icron. “Maverick is truly a breakthrough platform that will soon be available for OEM customers to customize for their own solutions.”

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

58 EXHIBITION REVIEW A War of Gigabyte Size: What does it mean to industry? company showed the tes ng and performance results on the booth in terms of quality test, latency test and environmental effect test. While the results did show Crestron solu on performed be er, it led to a debate on the show floor itself- 1G can never perform be er than 10G unless the associated devices used for 10G were low-end, or earlier versions of low performance.

The ISE 2018 pla orm for a change, presented a stage for debate between 1G-10G-and more! Automa on control solu ons major Crestron, as part of its product presenta on, took on the '10G and more' no on in its own inimitable style by seeking to demonstrate on booth-tes ng-and-results scenario. Trying to highlight the DM NVX Difference to the install site, the company sought to prove that the DM NVX works with standard offthe-shelf 1Gb Ethernet Switcher, and performs be er than the compe ng SVSi, and HDBaseT pla orms that take 10Gb Ethernet. The

A prominent exhibitor occupying the floor space adjacent to Crestron took objec on to the way the company sought to demonstrate the process. “We offered our latest products to test and prove; they refused,” he said, adding “we did take the point to the a en on of the organizers, and we feel it is important for industry and users to know what is what. Else they are not only misled, but end up with contemptuous solu ons.” Another prominent advocate of HDBaseT went ahead issuing counter news, asking “let them prove.” The company also sought to present the cri cal difference between 1G and 10G, and the ul mate performance or advantages that the 10G network brings to place. “We wouldn't' say much on this; everyone would have their own business strategy, but that should benefit the industry, NOT mislead it,” said another exhibitor in the SVSi band wagon.

Some Glimpses into Those That Glittered at ISE Getting Bigger Andfrom Better That it is prac cally impossible to review every product the oceanic spreads of the 1200+ exhibitor booths, SIA has reviewed through its enewsle ers over the past few weeks some of the products it felt have maximum reach across the industry spectrum. While avoiding all that repe on, SIA presents some of the important products from the remaining lot. Here we go:

Atlona 'ACT': First 4K HDBaseT Receiver Solution

Atlona introduced the AT-HDVS-SC-RX, its first HDBaseT receiver with Atlona CrystalScale Technology (ACT), a 4K scaling and video wall processing engine at ISE 2018. The HDVS-SC-RX carries over the most per nent features of its 1080p-only predecessor, the HDVS-200-RX, including image adjustment capability, audio deembedding, and the ability to automa cally match incoming signals to the display's na ve resolu on.

engine to fully op mize image quality and switching performance. This includes new features to support mirror/flip and 90° image rota on, mo on-adap ve video deinterlacing, 3:2 pull-down, aspect ra o control, and internal test pa ern genera on. The HDVS-SC-RX integrates cleanly with the HDVS-200 Series of switching transmi ers (standard or wall plate) as well as Atlona matrix switchers and distribu on amplifiers with HDBaseT outputs. When used with Atlona distribu on amplifiers, customers can cost-efficiently scale the output architecture to support video walls of any size. The HDVS-SC-RX can be remotely configured, managed and monitored over the Internet via the free Atlona Management System (AMS 2.0) network so ware pla orm, and integrates seamlessly with Atlona's recentlyrelated Velocity control system.

For the first me, Atlona has engineered CrystalScale, the core signal processing Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018


Barix Bridges the 'Great Divide' with New IP Audio

Audio over IP pioneer Barix evolved its market-leading innova on in SIP (Session Ini a on Protocol)-based paging and intercom solu ons with its new SIP Zone Paging firmware. Debuted at ISE, Barix's latest solu on for SIP architectures fully and more efficiently integrates audio and paging capabili es with IP-based telephone systems in a seamless, firmware-based approach. The new Barix SIP Zone Paging firmware runs on exis ng Barix hardware, including Exstreamer decoders and Annuncicom twoway audio devices, and enables systems

EXHIBITION REVIEW integrators to implement a zone-supportable paging solu on without the need to designate a SIP client for each individual paging point. Page rou ng and communica on is instead accomplished na vely in the Barix SIP paging gateway. Configura on for this capability is required only once within the client port gateway firmware, overcoming the problem of prohibi ve implementa on costs for SIP solu ons and need for individual client licenses. As an example, a person will use the SIP phone and dial the gateway number, selec ng the zones which are designated to carry the message to mul ple loudspeakers at once. The SIP phones can dial into the paging system without a dedicated paging microphone sta on. The new SIP Zone Paging firmware represents Barix's latest approach to SIP and Paging integra on.


Bosch Launches Latest PAVA System PRAESENSA

Bosch launched its latest, full-featured, IPconnected Public Address and Voice Alarm System PRAESENSA. All components of the system are networked, thereby ensuring the highest flexibility and scalability from small centralized to large decentralized systems. The system comes with Bosch OMNEO IP architecture that supports Dante audio networking, AES67 and AES70 protocol. The innova ve mul -channel amplifier architecture with intelligent power alloca on makes effec ve use of power, regardless of the loudspeaker load in each zone, thereby reducing the number of required amps, and thus saves up to 50 per cent on space, energy and backup ba ery power. All this accrue to a very compe ve cost of ownership.

PRAESENSA is a comprehensive system that is compliant to the evacua on standard EN 54-16 and adapts easily to changing needs. It offers full sound control per zone to create the right atmosphere with background music and to meet speech intelligibility requirements for business and emergency opera ons, making it a fit-forpurpose solu on for consultants, installers and building owners alike.


Also interes ng on the booth was Chief's line of height adjustable display mounts is expanding to include electric solu ons. The new cart, floor-support and wall mounts bring higher weight capaci es to support larger interac ve displays, and also give an op on to users who may simply prefer an electric solu on over non-motorized. S I A

The PRAESENSA Public Address and Voice Alarm System will be available from July 2018 onwards.

ClearOne Brings Up Native Skype for Business


Chief Debuts Impact On-Wall Kiosk, TiLED Mount AV moun ng solu ons leader Chief debuted several new solu ons at the ISE. The solu ons included the Impact On-Wall kiosk; TiLED modular LED moun ng system; and Electric Height Adjustable mount. The Impact On-Wall Kiosk brings a new level of flexibility to the digital signage enclosure market, while maintaining a sleek aesthe c to complement a variety of environments. A depth-adjustable exterior frame allows for a variety of display sizes. Reversible hinges help to avoid installa on and service obstruc ons, and our exclusive design keeps the display mounted to the frame when opened, providing unparalleled service and maintenance access. Integrated engagement latches can be secured with tamperproof hardware to protect equipment. Mul ple storage op ons can be added to mount components in-wall and/or on-wall leveraging Middle Atlan c's Lever Lock technology. The TiLED Series is a modular, LED moun ng system designed to support crea ve video wall configura ons. The system can include any of three mounts suppor ng 1, 2 or 3 LED displays that connect together to form a seamless video wall.

Audio conferencing major ClearOne announced its launching the na ve Skype for Business through its CONVERGE Pro 2 (CP-) Series. The solu on is compa ble with CP-2 products Pro 248V, 128V and 128VD DSP mixers to support built-in Skype for Business client for installed audio conferencing applica ons. The Skype for Business solu on, which was already available on ClearOne’s COLLABORATE Pro, is now added to the recently launched CONVERGE Pro 2 bringing in more op ons needed for demanding conferencing environments. Skype for Business with CP2 allows for pointto-point as well as mul -party audio conferencing, and access to a complete call history, meaning recording and streaming too. It comes with beam-forming microphone and dedicated ClearOne DSP, in addi on to a separate CP 2 dialer applica on (for Skype for Business) on Android and Touch-Panel Controller. The Integrator can choose to configure the CP2 units for regular SIP-based VoIP conferencing or Skype for Business conferencing. More, the solu on allows for a free upgrade for the so ware and firmware, and doesn’t require any changes to the hardware. The CP2 is taken to be the industry’s most advanced professional audio DSP pla orm for conferencing and sound reinforcement applica ons. The pla orm is op mized to work with the new Beamforming Mic Array 2, the new DIALOG 20 two-channel wireless

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



microphone system and the new USB expander units through na ve connec ons. Three models, the 48V, 128V and 128VD, feature built–in VoIP and provide highquality VoIP conferencing. Further, ClearOne also introduced a new addi on to its ceiling microphone array line up — the ClearOne Ceiling Microphone Array Analog X. The new model joins the original ClearOne Ceiling Microphone Array and offers systems integrators more op ons in their system design. All ClearOne Ceiling Microphone Arrays feature three wide-range microphones that are mounted together into a single unit array to provide the rich sound of three individual unidirec onal microphones while maintaining full 360degree coverage. The Analog X features numbered micelements for easy iden fica on, an LED indicator for On/Off/Mute, and the ability to daisy chain up to four ceiling microphone arrays to make twelve microphone systems. What's more, the DSP-brand-agnos c unit is also fully shielded from any interferences, and features a higher signal-to-noise-ra o, the ability to be installed anywhere from 0feet to up to 7-feet from the ceiling, and op mized for speech intelligibility. S I A

DisplayNOte Upgrades Montage to Next Level

DisplayNote Technologies announced the most significant update to Montage which sees the product available as a so ware only solu on. This update includes a new streaming protocol, a cloud-based management portal, and enhanced security and network features. Designed for the mee ng spaces of large enterprises, Montage allows mul ple users, whether they're in room, remote or on separate networks to wirelessly cast content from their device to a main mee ng room

screen without the need for addi onal hardware. Available as Windows or Android so ware, Montage can now be deployed securely onto hardware that typically exists mee ng spaces, such as Mini PCs, Compute S cks, Fixed PCs, or Flat Panels. If no hardware end point is available Montage can be deployed and delivered on its own hardware. Users can connect with any device with client apps for Windows, Web, iOS, Android and Airplay support. On the deployment and management aspect, IT admin will be able to manage all their Montage solu ons from the cloud. Montage can also provide its hosted service either as dedicated service on its own server or deployed onto the client's server. Both op ons facilitate the management of mee ngs and connec vity of devices.

uncomplicated repor ng. System administrators can simply log in, specify global or room-specific view, and be able to view various parameters like system use on me, or even resolu ons most used within the organisa on. Voice Command: iMAGsystems' Ligh ng AVover-IP product was one of the first to leverage the power of the AptoVision BlueRiver chipset when it launched in 2016. Now the Australian innovator is one of the first to implement voice command AV systems control. S I A

intoPIX, Macnica, Xilinx Revolutionize AV Over IP S I A

iMAGsystems Launches iPress Control Solution iMAGsystems has again proven its innova on creden als with a growing suite of features for its Lightning AV-over-IP products including a single bu on control tool, a new analy cs engine and voice command control.

intoPIX, provider of innova ve video compression technologies, and Macnica Technology, a leading supplier of video over IP technologies, in associa on with Xilinx Technologies, have demonstrated best-inclass AV over IP enabling a safe stream of High Quality 4K60P video over IP in 1GbE and 10GbE networks.

The new iPress Lightning control tool responds to user demand for a 'no brainer' control mechanism in spaces that don't require the complexity of a dedicated control system. The wireless, customisable bu on offers a single-op on means of ini a ng Lightning's key purpose in a par cular room, with colour LED feedback. Hi ng the bu on ini ates a command or macro-programmed series of commands via wifi – it could be a room bootup, for example, or a par cular mul view configura on. Nothing could be easier.

Using TICO, known as SMPTE RDD35 and now in its final stages of the ISO JPEG-XS standardiza on process, and ultra-lowlatency JPEG 2000 compression, AV installers can easily support super high resolu ons (4K, 8K, …) while guaranteeing lossless quality, reducing both power and bandwidth consump on for live streaming. Using the new SMPTE 2110 standard, AV installers can also gain the full benefit of a standardized approach to efficiently connect, share and manage AV content over IP.

Analy cs Engine: A new analy cs engine backend feature provides organisa ons with valuable administra on data on system usage. The dashboard-style user interface is easy to navigate and provides

By providing this solu on in the future, intoPIX and Macnica will save their clients the need to invest in major IT infrastructure extension projects, without sacrificing neither quality nor latency.

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

EXHIBITION REVIEW Elsewhere on the show floor, in Hall 10, booth H-120, intoPIX Technologies made addi onal demos of their new offerings. It also hosted an educa onal presenta on on AV over IP and the new JPEG-XS standardiza on at the Unified Communica ons Theatre through up the thoughts on future possibili es in TICO compression/JPEG-XS technology. S I A

installed, Switch Please gives installers and end-users the ability to use Image Pull for live video preview, custom name their sources and displays, and show/hide displays and sources on the app interface.


The incredibly flexible, award-winning 3G+4+ Tiling Transmi er can be applied to any size residen al installa on requiring mul view func onality, providing video support for resolu ons up to full 4K and HDR compa bility. It enables users to simultaneously watch four video sources in mul ple formats, including single-screen, video wall, or led video. It gives integrators the power to create up to four customizable windows with easy presets, picture in picture or picture over picture, and adjust transparency of images for mul -layered, dynamic display. J+P also demonstrated its Switch Please web applica on. Op mized for both desktop and mobile, the applica on allows for matrix switching of all J+P 2G and 3G devices from any web browser. Easy to set up and free of charge, the system is dynamically generated based on the switch configura on. Once

Available in passive and ac ve cooling op ons, the latest Mura IPX cards feature two full- System builders now have an easy op on to sa sfy the increasing requirements of mul -4K60 content—pixel for pixel—and can con nue to mix and match from a wide selec on of Matrox video wall cards to construct scalable, highdensity, low-footprint video walls.

Matrox Unveils Monarch LCS Radar Application

Just Add Power Demos Advanced Video Solutions Just Add Power (J+P), the leader in Ultra HD over IP, showcased a host of switching and scaling solu ons to at ISE 2018. The J+P demos included its award-winning 4K network video ler; the 3G+4+ Tiling Transmi er; the Switch Please web applica on, which allows for matrix switching of J+P devices from any web browser; the Plug-Play-Present firmware; and a new rackmountable version of its popular 3G transmi er.


Matrox Video debuted at ISE its Monarch LCS Radar, a centralized monitoring applica on that provides a streamlined overview of mul ple Monarch LCS lecture capture appliances. The easy-to-use web applica on allows IT administrators to monitor the status, health, and ac vity of all encoders from a single dashboard. Overseeing the cri cal func ons of every single encoder simplifies the maintenance and upkeep of the Monarch LCS devices, ensuring smooth day-to-day opera ons, whether for installa ons of one or more departments or deployments spread across mul ple campuses. Accessible via any web-browser-enabled device on the same network environment, Monarch LCS Radar features a color-coded dashboard for simple, at-a-glance monitoring. Administrators can easily iden fy anomalies, while also allowing the user to access the current status of video and audio inputs, schedules, events, and produc on modes for individual Monarch LCS appliances. Matrox Graphics debut DisplayPort 1.2 IP encode/decode card: The new dual DisplayPort 1.2 capture boards feature 4K60 full color support, providing systems integrators and OEMs the ability to seamlessly capture, encode, stream, record and decode demanding 4K60 content—including fast-moving video content and high-frequency desktop graphics and text.


Mersive Debuts Latest Solstice Solution

Leading wireless content sharing and collabora on solu ons provider Mersive Technologies debuted at ISE a new cloudbased room monitoring and mee ng analy cs service. Mersive also unveiled room scheduling, expanded language support and further new features to its Sols ce Pod wireless collabora on solu on. Mersive Sols ce brings unlimited collabora ve content sharing to ordinary mee ng and educa on spaces, transforming how top organiza ons work and learn. Mersive newest addi on its Sols ce product line, Sols ce Kepler, provides alerts, realme statuses, usage data, and other valuable mee ng analy cs for the Sols ce deployment. The new service facilitates the day-to-day management of Sols ce deployments and can inform the organiza on's workplace technology and space planning decisions. In addi on to Sols ce Kepler, Mesive's latest 3.1 version of Sols ce adds new features for mee ng collaborators, including room scheduling via calendar integra on, expanded in-product language support, a

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



fully redesigned welcome screen and more. The room scheduling feature integrates with Microso Exchange and Office 365 to automa cally maintain an updated room calendar and can support other 3rd party calendar systems via the Sols ce OpenControl API.

technology as well as the newly developed parallel and bridged parallel opera on modes. VLD technology (IPX5:4 and IPX10:8) allows the available output power of 1,250 wa s per channel to be used at either 4 or 8 Ohms, or via 70V or 100V lines in direct drive mode.

Interes ngly Sols ce also supports five languages as of now- French, Spanish, Italian, German, and tradi onal Chinese.

The integrated OMNEO interface with a primary and secondary port allows the flawless use of eight channels from a Dante audio network, while remote and supervision parameters run on OCA protocol (AES70), open for third-party integra on. S I A

Dynacord Releases New IPX Ampliers

Crea ng industry leading solu ons for installa on projects of all sizes, Dynacord followed its successful premiere of C Series amplifiers with the new, unprecedented standard for sound system amplifica on in mid- to large-sized permanent installa onsthe IPX series mul -channel power amplifiers incorpora ng OMNEO IP networking architecture. IPX Series embodies several proprietary amplifier technologies developed by Dynacord engineering, one of the most experienced research teams in the audio industry.

Advanced power management: The new Eco Rail technology developed by Dynacord enables the IPX amps to reduce overall power consump on up to 50 percent, both protec ng the environment and significantly lowering the total cost of ownership, while maintaining high-quality audio and opera onal safety at all mes. Sophis cated DSP set-up: The IPX series offers advanced 96 kHz high-resolu on digital signal processing for the highest performance, internal analogue-to-digital conversion with ultra-low latency, and a superior signal-to-noise ra o. The three DSP blocks are split into user, array and speaker processing controls, each featuring a wide range of equaliza on, delay, level op ons and even asymmetric filters to adapt to almost any applica on.

ONELAN also con nues its drive into the QSR space delivering a unique failover solu on for Samsung Tizen and LG WebOS SOC screens which ensures business cri cal informa on such as menu boards, pricing and calorific values are always available for customers, without the need to invest in a redundant network of mul ple back-up players, dual output players, or screens. S I A

Renkus-Heinz Expands ICONYX Series Ranges S I A

ONELAN Upgrades Reserva Room Signage

The new IPX Series comprises three 4channel models and one 8-channel model, offering a power density of 5 kW, 10 kW and even 20 kW from a single amplifier with all channels driven. They are ideal for a wide range of demanding fixed install venues, from concert halls, art centres, theatres, and houses of worship to distributed sound systems in stadiums and entertainment centres. High installa on flexibility and IP network integra on: IPX Series offers high flexibility for a variety of installa on scenarios, ensured by several power drive op ons u lizing Dynacord's patented VLD (Variable Load Drive)

The new Reserva features mean enterprise users will be able to interact directly with the room signs using their NFC/RFID iden ty cards. Ini ally via the ONELAN NFS Rendezvous Workspace connector, with check-in support for Exchange and Office 365 support to follow, the benefits for an enterprise include enforcing restric ons on who may check-in to or change room bookings, thereby maximizing the use of valuable room resources. Using Ac ve Directory authen ca on, only a validated card holder may book a mee ng; they will then automa cally be set as the host of the mee ng. Furthermore, only a endees may check-in, shorten, extend or end a mee ng.

Renkus-Heinz has significantly expanded its family of acclaimed ICONYX-series digitally steerable column arrays, introducing the new IC8-HD, IC Live X, and IC Live XL. The IC Live X and IC Live XL deliver even higher SPL than the current ICLive's, while the IC8-HD is Renkus-Heinz' highest-defini on array ever.

ONELAN, a global leader in digital visual communica ons brought to ISE this year a number of new releases that are highlighted by card check-in for Reserva Room Signage and enhanced features for ONELAN's SOC solu on.

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

As with other ICONYX-series arrays, the new models deliver digital beam-steering technology that precisely aims the sound at the audience and away from walls and ceilings. This combina on of Renkus-Heinz technologies enables systems that cover even the most problema c spaces, while the slim enclosures remain ver cal and inconspicuous.

EXHIBITION REVIEW Renkus-Heinz' new IC8-HD combines precise beam steering with the finest audio performance using 32 discrete amplifier/DSP channels to control its 24 high-frequency drivers and eight 4-inch lowmid woofers. The IC8-HD is compa ble with all ICONYX Gen5 modules. The new ICLive X features individually controlled and amplified two eight-inch woofers and six one-inch high-frequency compression drivers. Its compact cabinet can be mounted on a tripod stand, polemounted above a subwoofer, or installed in tall, con nuous arrays. Presets allow for point-source use, with so ware-adjustable ver cal coverage angles. Create an even more flexible and wideranging system with enhanced low-mid direc vity and sound pressure level by adding the new Renkus-Heinz IC Live XL, which employs four eight-inch woofers. The IC Live X and IC Live XL can be combined to maximize scalability and flexibility. S I A

Shure Unveils Microex Complete, Axient Wireless

The system speeds setup in dynamic mee ng spaces or at temporary mee ngs in hotels and conference centers, and overcomes cable limita ons in historic buildings or rooms with flexible sea ng. The system comes with a robust AES-128 audio encryp on providing enhanced privacy. Its MXCWAPT access point can control up to 125 wireless delegate units without addi onal so ware or licenses. The units u lize gooseneck microphones with Microflex capsules and CommShield Technology to deliver excep onal sound quality and RF immunity. Also on show was Microflex Advance- a por olio of premium networked ceiling and table array microphones and control so ware for enhanced A/V conferencing that integrate seamlessly into premium mee ng space aesthe cs. The other important exhibit on show was the Axient Digital Wireless System- the new premier wireless solu on suited for the most demanding corporate events and installa ons. The Axient Digital receiver is compa ble with two transmi er offerings: the AD Series transmi ers delivers excep onal RF performance, digital audio, and networking while the ADX Series transmi ers incorporate ShowLink, which provides real- me control of all transmi er parameters and facilitates automa c interference detec on and avoidance. S I A

Stewart Filmscreen's New Versatile Screens Audio major Shure unveiled itself on the ISE show floor this year with a whole big range of solu ons that were highlighted by the debu ng of Microflex Complete Wireless conferencing system and Axient Digital Wireless, besides others such as Intellimix audio conference processor, and ANIUSB Matrix. The Microflex Complete discussion and conference system is a range of portable and flush-mount conference units that can be easily integrated into boardrooms, parliament or council chambers, and formal mee ng spaces. The system's contemporary styling matches any room, and the intui ve user interface allows users to easily vote, view the agenda, and select interpreta on.

Stewart Filmscreen unveiled their newest innova ons at ISE 2018 that comprised the dual-roller Gemini ElectriScreen; the newly enhanced Balόn Borderless; and the highly demanded Cascade models. In addi on, the


Phantom HALR returned to show a endees what's possible with two-piece projec on in commercial and residen al environments. Gemini ElectriScreen is a dual roller system, allowing viewers to choose the best screen material for their unique applica on, bringing professional quality imagery to any environment. ISE 2018 also marked the interna onal debut of Stewart's sophis cated Balόn Borderless, a new fixed-frame projec on screen system that provides a contemporary “floa ng image” appearance. Balón Borderless now also includes a LED Light Kit that provides integrators the op on of a aching LED lights to the metal extrusion for backligh ng and enhanced room ambiance. Balόn Borderless u lizes Stewart Filmscreen's EZ-Mount Bracket System to streamline installa on and ensure a consistently level image. Flexible moun ng op ons include both, EZ Mount and Telescoping Wall Mounts, adding to Balón's unique versa lity. At only 0.97-inch (25 mm) thick, or 1.10 inches (28 mm) thick -if back bracing is required - and with a completely smooth side profile (no puckering or scalloping) the borderless design focuses the audience's a en on on the high fidelity image presented on the screen's surface for a more immersive entertainment experience. The new Cascade large ElectriScreen system is elegantly engineered to fit in ght spaces and areas where access or ceiling height is a challenge. Installers will enjoy Cascade's ease of installa on, while customers will love the clean, contemporary look. Phantom HALR, on the other hand, is a high ambient light rejec on screen material, which represents the culmina on of decades of engineering exper se and a precise delivery of what the marketplace now demands. This highly differen ated 1.0 gain flexible front projec on screen material leads the category in both feature and benefits. Phantom HALR can be rolled for motorized ElectriScreen configura ons, and can also be perforated for acous c transparency applica ons using Stewart Filmscreen's exclusive Cinemaperf or Microperf X2 THX Ultra op ons. www.stewar S I A

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

64 EXHIBITION REVIEW tvONE Launches CORIOview, Upgrades CORIOmaster

Holovis Does XR Technology Zone, Simulate Experiences

and driving the real thing. Users wear a virtual reality headset with surround audio, special effects and hand tracked interac vity. At crucial mes of the experience, the simulator moves in synch with highly realis c visuals that are accurate 1:1 scale and rendered using real- me media, so they behave exactly as they would in the real world.

tvONE, a leading designer and manufacturer of cu ng-edge video and mul media processing equipment, debuted at ISE its CORIOview, the fastest, most intui ve 4K mul -window processor with up to 8 sources. Among other interes ng demos from tvONE included 4K mul -format AV matrix routers and an HDMI 4-port output module for CORIOmaster. A first for ISE, is the new tvONE CORIOview, the fastest, most intui ve 4K mul -window processor with up to 8 sources. This easy to use, plug and play solu on features autolayout func onality which automates your preset selec on, making usability a breeze. The new CORIO matrix (4RU) and CORIO matrix mini (1RU), are ultra-flexible, modular, mul -format AV matrix routers with 4K capability. Also new at ISE, the new MX-6588 4K60 HDR 8x8 HDMI Matrix. A 1RU matrix router that supports 4K60 4:4:4 and HDR along with 7.1 digital Audio. Also on the stand, the all new HDMI 4-port output module, which supports 1080p60 on each port, providing the 4RU CORIOmaster video wall processor with up to 56 outputs. Come and see tvONE simulate various unique applica on examples using each of the three CORIOmaster video wall processors, the CORIOmaster (4RU), CORIOmaster mini (1RU) and CORIOmaster micro (1/2RU). The always popular tvONE ONErack, a universal racking moun ng solu on with power and cooling is also featured on the stand. tvONE's patent pending design converts randomly sized, externally powered devices from ANY manufacturer into slide-in modules that can be installed quickly, cleanly and serviced easily. ONErack now features dual redundant power supply capability.

Holovis, a Bri sh experien al design company specialising in crea on of immersive and mixed reality, created a specialty XR Technology Zone at the ISE this year to showcase an array of emerging technology solu ons and demonstrate how they can be implemented to solve different sectorial business challenges. Key themes of the Holovis centrepiece included applica ons for training and simula on, architectural design, collabora on and virtual manufacturing. Visitors were able to understand how concepts and complex data sets can be visualised as immersive and interac ve models, incorpora ng real world, real- me data and simultaneous mul -person engagement. LearnView, a proprietary so ware suite from Holovis, was presented a free roaming and networked VR experience with high levels of immersion that went beyond just the vision to also include audio and interac vity, where they could move and change things in the virtual world. LearnView also featured an architectural design experience that let guests swipe through a meline and see the building being constructed around them, with all the different phases and elements falling into place. This demonstrates a completely new way of engaging with construc on designs, will speed up the process for the master contractors and advance the way the industry currently views project plans. Another popular experience was the Fa gue Simulator, the latest in the 'Near Miss Simula on' range from Holovis. This wakes drivers up to the dangers of falling asleep at the wheel and delivers the most effec ve health and safety training yet. The mul sensory simulator is made from real vehicle components, with a driver seat and steering wheel, so it's just like si ng in

S I A Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

The scenario that unfolds is driving down a dark road at night and experiencing hazards and distrac ons, from the ability to change the radio sta on to a phone on the passenger seat ringing, other vehicles and even wildlife running into the road. As the experience con nues the user's vision clouds and their hearing starts to distort as the effects or microsleeps are simulated before the moment of truth… S I A

ZeeVee Packages Simplied Meeting Room in a Box Video and signal distribu on technology solu ons provider ZeeVee brought to ISE 2018 its complete starter kit to allow the pain-free installa on of an AV over IP solu on. Compared to cumbersome and meconsuming matrix switch deployments, customers can distribute uncompressed, zero latency, 4K video with minimal installa on and configura on me. This starter kit leverages ZeeVee's Zyper4K AV over IP signal distribu on solu on, ideal for corporate environments who want to take advantage of all the benefits that AVoIP offers— right out of the box. “The ZyPer4K mee ng room starter kit is ideal for first- me organiza ons looking to deploy an AV over IP solu on,” ZeeVee CEOb Bob Michaels said. “There is no need for a 2-day training course as the ZyPer4K solu on is virtually plug-n-play,” he said. “What's more, a complex control system is not required because the ZyPer MaestroZ interface allows control from any device on the ZyPer network and includes admin rights; up to three sources can be switched to two screens and expanded up to eight more devices.”



'AVID' Technology Practitioners Bengaluru Firm Making it Big, Building AV/ICT Architecture for Almost Every Space Since the earliest mes in the audio visual in India, there had been some amazing stories of success, inspiring models of entrepreneurism, and a prideful number of rewarding recogni ons. However, here is a story that 'integrates' all these factors so seamlessly, and 'distributes' the joys of proceeds to all its stakeholders, as it grows from simple to sublime status in rela vely no me. AV Integra on and Distribu on (India) Private Limited – AVID, as they are fondly called – appear pre y much true to their name, as it all came to manifest on the big stage when it celebrated its 10th Anniversary recently in Bengaluru. Taka a peep into what makes them so. Managing Director & CEO

In the current days of complex currents characterizing every day challenge, one hardly needs to be told about how difficult it is to ideate a start-up, nourish it by capitalzing opportuni es, catalyze it with spirited guidance and strong back-up, and lead it to frui on on compara vely faster rate than the most inspiring compe tors around. Bengaluru-headquartered AV Integra on and Distribu on (India) Private Limited is one stakes its claim to be one, quite AVIDly! Consider this: Ÿ

An AV enterprise (the only so far) that has won as many as 30+ Awards and recogni ons – both on the na onal and interna onal pla orms – within ten years of its incep on


A company that has an install base of over 6000, with 1800+ customers being served through 200 skilled personnel


A company that is the industry's first to have a 1800 toll free number with a Ticket-based Call and Incident-based Support Helpdesk. The cke ng system is a device-independent tool and operates across various pla orms of mobility, telephony and eMail.


An AV enterprise that has a pan-India office presence and panAsia foot print of pres gious projects


An AV enterprise that shot up into the league of 100 SMEs within eight years of its business journey

That is, probably, suffice to vouch for its impressive march unto excellence. That is AVID. Founded in 2008 by Kaushik Mukhopadhyay – of IAV fame – along with his wife Mahua, AVID India is perhaps the most award winning AV Systems Integrator in Asia with numerous flagship projects to its credit in the last 10 years of its existence. By the me the Mukhopadhyays were contempla ng se ng up a company of AVID's nature, Kaushik had already travelled a substan al distance of entrepreneurship with IAV. Why did he, or they need to set-up one more? “In the days of increasing complexity in maintaining an AV infrastructure, there is need for specialized services in the area that forms the base pla orm for all AV infrastructure outsourcing,” says Kaushik. “With sophis cated equipment and system solu ons coming into easy access, IT and Facility Managers of business firms have realized that they needed to provide add-on and value-added services that are "over and above" the basic services they normally provide to their users,” he explains the reasoning. “AVID has taken this service very seriously and began inves ng heavily in se ng up a robust infrastructure in place.” According to him, project-based recruitment solu ons offer an outsourced approach to op mise clients' talent acquisi on and

AVID Bengaluru Office

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

PROFILE manage mul ple hires within a specific meframe. AVID's consultants use proven methodology to deliver seamless, workflow-driven talent acquisi on strategies that can help the customer secure the right talent, quickly and effec vely.

enterprise, Avinash Nichani con nued to focus on expanding interna onal sales, and Manoj Kumar and Umesh Pashan have put in their skills to grow na onal sales. They all have had their roles and tasks cut out, and went about them assiduously.

With Kaushik conver ng the idea into reality and spearheading the company, Mahua leading the Opera ons and Execu on while Avinash Nichani designing solu ons and ensuring sales growth, the story of AVID's successful roadmap is encapsulated in the individual journeys of each of its clients, people and partners. As their customer base grew, they worked with their people, and as they created new opportuni es with their partners, AVID's story took a very uniquely inspiring script.

“This, obviously was not possible without having systems and processes in place which further enhanced the overall experience of a smooth project execu on,” recounts the AVID chief. Thoroughly exposed to the tenets of trade, the AVID project team always ensured that it was proac ve with its assignments, and with the foursome of Keshava Rao, Suresh Kumar, Naveen Kumar and Venkataramu GB leading the execu on and deliverables of their projects.

In a rapidly evolving Asia, like reckoned earlier, there have been many strong currents of both opportuni es and obstacles that needed a very cau ous and conscious naviga on. “There was always a journey that had to be undertaken, to achieve the desired success,” Kaushik recalls.

Being in technology business, AVID claims it is commi ed to ensure that their domain knowledge on integra on is always in-depth and current. That mo vates the teams involved in each assignment to see beyond the obvious and implement the best solu ons for clients. Understanding the importance of skills upgrada on, and widening the talent pool, AVID top management proac vely invests in training and cer fica ons for their employees. Training is mandatory and an integral part of AVID's rou ne.

While the Core Team worked on strategies to make AVID a quality conscious and profit making

Recent and Noteworthy Awards Ÿ

2015 - State level Karnataka SMB Award in 2015 for Innova on


2016 - Inaugural Systems Integra on India Award (Best Indian Corporate Systems Integrator Award) in 2016 (under the Premium Category)


2016 - Na onal India SME 100 Award in (Ministry of Commerce, Government of India; ranking 7th amongst 49,023 companies)


The AV Awards 2016 in London (of 430 total Global Entries, the only Systems Integrator in Asia to have ever won the AVAward),


The InAVa on Awards 2017 for InfoComm Standards during ISE 2017 (the first and only Systems Integrator globally to have done so)


The SEBA Award in 2017.


2017 - AVIXA (formerly InfoComm Interna onal) AV Women of the Year for Mahua


2018 - Woman Leader of the Year (na onal) for Mahua.

“The company believes in peer to peer training, thereby ensuring the team got the right knowledge to support clients,” asserts Kaushik. According to him, AVID's team collec vely have 430+ Cer fica ons and coun ng. AVID's programming teams are always advised to lay op mum focus on customizing the designs they create, par cularly while designing control systems- due to the high degree of cri cal factors and requirements as such. More, their focus has always been on func onality with aesthe cs. The programmers spend a lot of me to ensure every design created is not only unique but also relevant; we thus push their crea vity beyond boundaries,” vouches Kaushik who stays central as a guiding factor in most endeavours. “This only proved me and again on the commitment level each individual has in the growth of the organisa on.” An independent Audit team keeps a constant eye on the quality of installs while a dedicated Health and Safety team ensured minimal risks at site. “The strength of AVID has always been in people orienta on,” asserts Mahua, Kaushik's partner in life and business. “That the company is genuinely put in people-oriented approach, it helped a great, loyal employee base, that in turn helped the company keep the customer happy.”


“We have created an Equal Opportunity Workplace in the organiza on for all to operate on a level-playing field.” - Mahua Mukhopadhyay

“The strength of the company lies in the commitment level of each individual to provide the best of services to our customers.” - Avinash Nichan Sr. Vice President (Sales)

“AVID Team always believes that quality stays at the heart of every individual, and in everything they do. It symbolizes the innova ve technology solu ons that are connec ng organiza ons, their people and partners- no ma er where they are in the world.” - Suresh Kumar, Sr. Regional Project Manager

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



According to her, with a very high E-SAT (Employee Sa sfac on) and a rou nely monitored high C-SAT (Customer Sa sfac on Index), AVID had been able to ensure that it stays one happy family!

“AVID is truly a mel ng pot of technologies dishing out solu ons as a harmonious whole with a common offering of quality services marked by unmatched customer support and technical services.” -Kaushik Mukhopadhyay

workflow, efficiency, produc vity, experience and also save on energy costs.”

Core Competency: Building Quality With AVID spreading across the AV spectrum, horizontally, and ver cally, claiming exper se in mul -disciplinary endeavours, name and fame have been there in a quite sizeable fashion. But what's the Core competency that radiates all through from the centre? Assert the Mukhopadhyay couple: “AVID has been a strong process-driven company with the core competency being in building quality installs and systems. Whether it be design or drawing, details or accuracy, the culture of perfec on is what has set us apart.”

According to them, the approach has resulted in many bankable experiences, and elevated AVID's status and rela onship with many clients across its spread- which is why, the company today has an install base of over 6000 with 1800+ customers served through over 200 skilled employees. Support Make-in-India

In an apparent advocacy to the Government India's Make in India ini a ve, and strong support to India being a global manufacturing hub, AVID strongly AVID's interna onal Office in Dubai, UAE. The encourages procurement While the experience and company exports projects to customers in Asia of equipment that is exper se of many years, who seek offshore billing and import benefits. Made in India. “This is coupled with strong skills something we strongly obtained through trainings and cer fica ons have prac ce and recommend too for all to take,” determined an 'AVID' approach to create state-ofKaushik asserts commitment. the-art design and deliverables, a carefully AVID also runs a strong and commi ed created hierarchy of internal checks makes Corporate Social Responsibility ini a ve and doubly sure that the deliverable is simply topraises funds or promotes causes that they class and sa sfies the customer. choose to contribute to. “We feel obligated to giving back to society, and therefore drive our “AVID is much more than an integrator of audioown Corporate Social Responsibility ini a ves. visual and collabora on solu ons,” emphasize All this gives us a sense of happiness and the Founder couple. “We also play the customer's fulfillment and that for us, is true success!” strategic partner, like one who can guide them through the process of workplace transforma on,” they explain further. “This will help mul ply our value-adds to increase

Solu ons for Every Space AVID India has designed and provided technology services for Network Opera ng Centres, Customer Experience Centres, Collabora on Centres and Distance Learning facili es. The client base ranges from oil & gas to search engine giants, FIs to broadcast studios, so ware bellwethers to hardware manufacturers, healthcare to retail and infrastructure to hospitality. AVID u lizes years deep experience to develop custom solu ons for customers, and meet the industry demands. Powered by a team of experienced professionals, AVID provides sophis cated and innova ve solu ons for AV design, integra on, installa on and maintenance.

“Rou ne trainings in AVID have increased my knowledge base and skillsets to contribute to smarter solu ons to customers.” -Umesh Kumar Pashan, Regional Sales Manager

Honours of Different Kind

“My habit now is so enculcated that I ensure we be er our systems and processes con nuously." - Keshava Rao, General Manager – Systems Projects Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



An AVID Connect with Industry Spectrum The AV Solutions Major Celebrates 10th Anniversary Amid Pomp and Gaiety Celebra ons are not new to industry fraterni es. Neither it is for audio-visual industry ranks. However, it was a dis nctly different experience for the AV diaspora that had gathered on a surprisingly rainy evening in mid-March, at the Galaxy Hall of the premium resort des na on Clarks Exo ca outside Bengaluru. The 10th Anniversary celebra ons of the Bengaluru-headquartered audio-visual solu ons major AV Integra on Distribu on (AVID) – for which the Galaxy Hall played venue – were reflec ve of is name in every sense. An 'avid' snapshot.

It was a perfect se ng, or so it appeared, on the mid-March late a ernoon me at the Galaxy Hall on the premises of the premium resort des na on Clarks Exo ca, on the outskirts of Bengaluru. The sunny morning suddenly turned cloudy that burst into some heavy down pour as if giving a blessing gesture to the event that was to unfold on the evening. As the clouds cleared and opened up the sky, it gave an illusion of stars descending to their spots 'in the Galaxy.’Naveen Sridhar, Bharat Kumar, Mahesh Kumar, AK Harish, Chetan Patnaik, Puneet Sethi, Chetan N Sanghavi, Rajesh Mi al, Rishubh Nayar, Sanket Sawant, DV Prakash, Saugato Siddhanta & Harris Mohammed, and Gaurabh Majumdar, along with Jonathan Seller…and more…all came one a er to be part of the party that had many things to share – professionally – even as it reveled to scin lla ng sound and light that gli ered even brighter on the large screen as well as the signage displays all over the hall.It was the se ng chosen by Bengaluru-based AV Integra on Distribu on (India) Private Limited – popularly known as AVID – to celebrate its tenth anniversary in front of such gathering. Everyone thee knew what the event was about, though. What they didn't have a clue to, was how it was being unfolded- thanks to Ankit Piplani, the metallic voiced anchor from Mumbai – who claimed having been complimented as the big A of achoring by none other than

the illustrious Big B – who conducted the proceedings of the event in a fashion that kept the guests guessing in curiosity all the while. The event, of course began with a prayerful performance in praise of God of Obstacles (Ganesha), followed by ligh ng of the lamp by Kaushik Mukhopadhyay, MD-CEO of AVID, Mahua Mukhopadhyay, his wife, and Co-Founder of AVID, and Avinash Nichani Senior Vice-President-Sales. The AVIDity with which the event connected with the industry spoke many things: One - it exemplified – by means of a presenta on – how it made ten successful years business in AV Two - it was an occasion that AVID conceptualised to recognise and reward the people who made its success so much fulfilling- its meritorious and industrious, and benefi ng employees. Three - its Partners in the industry, the OEM galaxy that comprised Asian Electronics, beyerdynamic, Chris e, Crestron, Epson, Extron, Kramer, LG, QSC, Samsung, Sanghavi Impex, and more...besides distribu on majors like EIS Techinfra, and Consultants like Invincy Solu ons Four - the industry channels that contribute to the common cause with a larger interest: AViXA, and, of course, systems integra on Asia (SIA)

Five - projects, that were so pres gious to the AVID exper se on a na onal and interna onal scale. While the event honoured almost prac cally everyone who contributed to AVID's success, it popped up - at every occasion - three names: Kaushik - the chief architect of the evening programme; Mahua Mukhopadhyay, Kaushik's "partner" in life and business; and Avinash Nichani, the energy, and strength with the two Mukhopadhyays in everything they do in AV. The gli era , and the gathering of the event had just one unequivocal expression: “They haven't been to an event of this nature.” The innuendo was obvious. The event knew its purpose, mapped it with precision and executed to perfec on. It was interlaced with some scin lla ng musical performances. Foot tapping could hardly be resisted. All the entertainment of the evening was made resounding with Ankit Piplani, and the Eventex event management. The venue of the event shone in the brilliantly radia ng lights while it also reverberated with defea ng BGM. An outlining video about AVID's journey through the decade with success stories also characterised the event.

AVID Honours its partners: (From L - R) Naveen Sridhar-beyerdynamic, Chethan Patnaik-Crestron, Mahesh Kumar-Extron, Hemendu Sinha-LG, Puneet Sethi-Samsung Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



Fast Growth for HARMAN Professional Solutions in APAC - by Thomas Richard Prakasam

SI Asia had the pleasure of catching up with Ramesh Jayaraman, VP & GM, HARMAN Professional Solu ons, APAC recently. It has been 17+ months since Ramesh came on-board, coinciding with the inaugura on of the company's first Experience Centre in Singapore. During the inaugural speech, Ramesh made it a point to highlight that HARMAN Professional Solu ons is transi oning from a product centric to a solu ons centric approach with a focus on end customers. Over the months, there have been several movements within the Division in terms of personnel as well as a restructuring of how the business is to go forward. Not to forget there was also the BIG announcement of Samsung acquiring HARMAN. Our catch-up with Ramesh is thus mely as we get his views on how the company has progressed since then. An SI Asia Exclusive.

solu ons to customers, partners and their clients, as well as the system integrator community - building our business and keeping the trac on going. HARMAN Professional is in a unique posi on in terms of the full line of technologically–advanced, end-to-end AVLC solu ons we offer.

The impact of the Experience Centre In brief, the Experience Centre has allowed us to engage more closely with people. It gives us a facility to demonstrate our complete JBL EON ONE PRO Launch in Singapore Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



Product training at the Experience Centre

Why is the Experience Centre essen al? The Experience Centre helps us showcase to our customers the full capability of our products and solu ons within a single loca on. It is a testbed for our customers, consultants and partners to work closely with our technical experts to try various solu on sets and have a be er understanding of how HARMAN Professional can elevate experiences for their customers. With a wide range of product sets and solu ons, it is important for our customers to understand what is best for them in a real life scenario. The Experience Centre helps us bring ideas into reality. Progress of the Experience Centre

There's a shi from being a 'product-centric' organisa on to a 'solu on-centric' one. For example, many of our customers know that AMX solu ons are known for their advanced technology combined with great versa lity, security and reliability. When our corporate customers visit the Experience Centre they not only see AMX Solu ons, but we can also showcase how AMX technology combines with other audio and ligh ng brands from HARMAN Professional and offers them a complete solu on to cater to their wider needs from a single provider.

“When you think big, you deliver big, and this approach is at the heart of our thinking.”

The Experience Centre has been a nerve centre for our ac vi es in the region. To date we have had more than 150 end-user visits, 200 training sessions, 500 demonstra ons, and many celebrity visitors and media interac ons as well as product launches. The concept is proving successful and being replicated around HARMAN Professional globally. Other Experience Centres have opened in Los Angeles, London and China. Our partners in Asia Pacific are also developing their own Experience Centres based on our concept and with four of these centres in Mongolia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand opera onal; and others are planned for Indonesia, Myanmar, Korea and Australia. Market remains but thinking has changed

We are taking a 'Customer First' approach and new technologies are helping us provide be er solu ons and experiences to our customers.

Thinking out of the box

When an end-user visits the Experience Centre, they understand the depth of our solu ons and o en leave thinking about what else HARMAN Professional can provide to them. Recently we had a large Cinema customer at our Experience Centre. Apart from taking a tour of the facility, they were also able to experience our mee ng room solu ons first hand. This happened during their interac ons with us in the board rooms and le them with a posi ve impression of our offerings. As a result HARMAN Professional was able to provide them with solu ons not only for their cinemas, but also for their corporate office. As a team, we know how our solu ons work in all kinds of spaces and the Experience Centre gives us an opportunity to demonstrate that. As the end users and industry evolve we are bringing in the ability to create complete solu ons for our markets. That's driving growth at our company, as is our ongoing innova on which is driven by our commitment to con nuous evolu on of cu ng edge technologies.

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



Change is exci ng

Solu ons/”Customer First” approach

Change is constant, but how we ride the change helps us grow and make a difference. Being a transforma on leader all my life, I like challenging the norm and drive unconven onal thinking. There is definitely a pain involved ini ally, but we are slowly beginning to see the results of the change in the thought process. Changing to a solu on centric approach and posi oning ourselves as a total solu ons provider has allowed us to achieve growth in APAC region. This difference in thinking is what gets me excited not just for now, but also for the future. Realignment for growth Our restructure of global opera ons means we are now perfectly placed for growth, and we're already seeing that happen. The business is now be er-posi oned to meet its customers' needs. We are also able to increase our speed of new product development; improve the supply chain; op mize sales, support and corporate func ons; and accelerate investments in IT, infrastructure and marke ng. On top of this, the changes also mean it's going to be easier for us to leverage synergies with other divisions of our parent, HARMAN, as well as with Samsung. Our associa on with our business partners is me tested. We have had long me partners with 40+ years of associa on with HARMAN in our region. Our partners have been very suppor ve of our realignment. In 2017 we worked with them on market mapping and aligning them to our ver cal based customer focused strategy. What we're asking them to do is take a new approach and we have them completely on board. We are commi ed to working closely with our partners, succeed and grow together. When I see how it leaves us posi oned today, I get excited. The future is very bright for HARMAN Professional in APAC Building the region / Inch-wide, Mile-deep My approach to market is “Inch-Wide, Mile-Deep”. We have a great team that handles the region and as we explore each individual country level strategy, market segments and ver cals they present an opportunity for growth. All the ver cals that we operate in offer us some growth opportunity, with some may be be er than others depending on the market. It is important for us to iden fy within each country, the ver cal we are strong in, how we can build our business in those ver cals with support from our country partners, and achieve market leadership. This helps us to focus our energy on growth opportuni es and pursue them be er.

The Harman Acendo Core and Vibe As you might have no ced, I have explained why and how we are doing a be er job for our customers, and how we can look beyond what we're currently doing in each sector. This all es back to our solu ons-based approach. To give you a prac cal example of what I've been talking about, consider the Corporate Segment and how we serve that with our AMX solu on. Previously, much of our focus was on execu ve boardrooms. But in most offices, there's a ra o of one execu ve boardroom to 7 or 10 huddle spaces. So with our new approach to our business and our customers, the obvious ques on was - why don't we do huddle spaces? With this thought as a star ng point, we've now built a product that leverages AMX, JBL and AKG technology. The product [called AMX Acendo] incorporates AMX control technology, JBL speakers and AKG microphones that incorporate echo cancella on. We offer three versions and now as a company we can help our customers with solu ons that go beyond execu ve boardrooms, again providing a more complete service. (Editor's note: This interview took place before ISE. At ISE, HARMAN Professional Solu ons introduced among others, AMX Acendo Core, AMX Acendo Vibe 5100 and 2100 models. All offering different levels of connec vity in a huddle room or small mee ng room space) All these leads back to our “Customer First” approach. With the Acendo solu ons, We offer all the intelligence from Outlook in one system with wireless connec vity and integra on with any pla orm be it WebEx, Zoom, BlueJeans, Skype etc. Expanding our solu ons from execu ve boardrooms and huddle spaces to the lobby area, recep on area and other spaces we can offer further solu ons within the same market segment.

Partnership is key Our business development teams focus on end customer engagement. But as I men oned earlier, it's important that this happens in close collabora on with our partners. Enhanced engagement, communica on, sharing of technical knowledge and trainings help us approach the customer together, offering solu ons according to their requirements. We do it together - partners are happy, and customers see that the manufacturer is also deeply involved, which helps build confidence. JBL PRO Sound Bar Solu ons for the Hospitality Sector Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

INTERVIEW Another example is Hospitality, where our business development is set-up, we are now very end customer-focused. We have recently introduced a JBL Sound Bar solu on for the hospitality segment with a straigh orward and easy-to-use design that does not have Bluetooth nor WiFi, but offers our world renowned sound quality and volume control in a single touch opera on. This solu on was developed in consulta on with leading hospitality chains as per their requirement for a simple opera onal system that provided their customers with world class audio. In my opinion, It is all about ge ng to know your customer be er, and leveraging technology to offer them a reliable solu on to help them achieve their objec ves. The next big step will be all about so ware. It will become more and more cri cal. Ar ficial Intelligence will also change what we are doing. For us as a manufacturer, bringing futuris c needs to meet customer needs is where we will be heading.


We need to be BIGGER, BETTER and BOLDER. That is the ethos of the business and I want to make it happen. We need to change our mind-set not only as HARMAN, but as an industry. We need to plant that vision now for a be er future. In APAC, Over the past 17 months, we have planned strategies and invested me to dig deeper into the countries and ver cal segments we serve. Our investment in business development; focus on specific ver cal markets; and training and engagement with our partners has helped us deliver a customer first approach. This has enabled us to grow significantly in several industry ver cals and we can now start building customers and solu ons in newer ver cals. Our total solu on offering will help us consolidate our market posi on and explore newer growth opportuni es, not only in developed markets, but also in emerging markets. Final thoughts

Samsung and unfounded fears

I love the passion, energy and the strong team that we have put together. Many of the teams within our business have been 10+ Samsung completed its acquisi on of HARMAN last year and is very years and with new leaders, we bring in a great mix of thought bullish on the future of HARMAN Professional Solu ons and its AV process to the brands. We see a huge synergy table. In fact, we working together have doubled the in the B2B number of staff in segments, APAC! There is so represen ng a much diversity in huge opportunity the team now, for both Samsung which I am and HARMAN confident will Professional help build the Solu ons. Samsung business. sees real value in the brands of We cannot go far HARMAN without our Professional partners. For that, Solu ons, so with I am grateful to Samsung's full them. I am support, we have excited that they Customer engagement at Experience Centre some very exci ng are pu ng in the mes ahead effort to make the changes in their own companies to align with our strategies. Over I have been very energized as it allows HARMAN Professional the months, I have seen our teams and partners energised. The Solu ons to play in a larger sand-box and the associa on has been collabora on and posi vity has built-up and that's even being felt very frui ul. where it ma ers the most – the end users. Strong growth takes a Goals and objec ves concerted effort, focusing on our strengths, crea ng a new way of thinking and pursuing it with all our energy. While industry sta s cs give us an idea of the growth opportuni es available, we prefer to think in terms of accelerated growth. When With the team and our partners coming together with a renewed you think big, you deliver big, and this approach is at the heart of the mind set, I am confident that we can achieve greater heights thinking of the APAC team. We can achieve this by mul ple ways: together. We will definitely be BIGGER, BETTER, BOLDER, in the offering be er Customer Experiences; providing our partners and coming years. the SI community with tools that will make them successful in installing and commissioning HARMAN products and solu ons; and h ps:// by ensuring we remain the preferred employer of choice. We need to keep pushing boundaries, se ng new goals and higher ambi ons for ourselves. S I A

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018


INTERVIEW ClearOne: Clearly One!

Serving ProAV with Solutions Seamless Small is big, they say! They also said 'great things come in small packages!' Perhaps, one of the best interpreta ons for these expressions in ProAV relevance is talking about ClearOne- the audio-visual conferencing and collabora on solu ons developer. Humbly sta ng itself as a small company, with not so much of market buzzing budgets, the technology-focused enterprise from Salt Lake, Utah, is clearly staking its claim to be 'One' with nerve and verve. Steering its ini a ves from front is its President, CEO & Chairperson of Board Zee Hakimoglu. Interac ng with Ram Bhavanashi on the show floor of ISE 2018, Zee expounds her vision for an apparently, clearly one industry posi on. Read on:

SI Asia: It appears, there is a new found dynamism from ClearOne in terms of product innova on and market approach…

manufacturer offers such a broad microphone por olio complementary to DSPs as ClearOne.

ZEE: I don't necessarily think it is a new dynamism; ClearOne does a lot of work in the background. We made significant investments and technology strides, basically 2009 thru 2014-15 very frui ul years. They were fundamental investments in video technology, and not outright products ready for the market; they were technology acquisi ons done with a view to developing innova ve products for ensuing markets. So, we put in a lot of money, me and effort to acquire technology and team competence, at the front end to build and sustain the development of innova ve products. When the products are finally ready for roll out, we then create excitement in the market about the arrival of these innova ve products.

We recently introduced Converge Pro-2 (Cp2)- a completely new DSP pla orm, a fourth genera on mixer pla orm which offers the world's best audio signal processing for professional audio. It stands up against any audio processor on the market today. Also, at ISE, we announced a na ve Skype for business so ware upgrade for enterprises that want the ul mate in audio and their familiar Skype interface for their Skype sessions.

SI Asia: How would you characterize this journey of innova on? What breakthroughs? ZEE: We made tremendous breakthroughs on the audio side to begin with. We came out with the world's first beam-forming microphone product. That wasn't an easy task; we understood the market need, took a chance, spent a lot of money on R&D, and came out with an extraordinarily innova ve product that the market absolutely appreciated. We didn't want to celebrate with just that. We have always wanted to develop a total solu on of the audio processing chain. Your readers may not know or remember, ClearOne was the first company to invent the first distributed echo cancelling mixer for conferencing. We introduced addi onal audio innova on- we acquired a company called Sabine, who was the second in the market to introduce professional wireless conferencing microphone systems. When we acquired this wireless technology, we needed to do further development to raise the products to the standards that ClearOne stood for. And before that, we launched our own line of ceiling mic arrays to complement our DSP mixers including the most recent, the Ceiling Mic -X introduced last month. No other mixer Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

A li le back in me, even as we were making our strides in audio, we thought why not add video solu ons as well. Here again we acquired companies with core differen ated technologies having advanced so ware-based video but their products were not mature. One company focussed on collabora on so ware-based roombased solu ons and the other focussed on cloud collabora on solu ons. We correctly projected where the video market was heading and successfully intercepted it. We also invested in video in terms of streaming Video over IP, and came out with one of the most powerful, flexible, and scalable systems for AV over IP which is called VIEW®. These video and audio has innova ons have spawned over a 100 patents, and patent-pending innova ons. With all these acquisi ons and technology investments, we work hard to balance our other needed investments, such as marke ng. As a public company as opposed to one that is VC funded, we build value thru core assets such as technology, products, and channels rather than heavy marke ng. We recently introduced the ClearOne Connec on touring trailer- a 36-foot touring trailer, with all ClearOne solu ons working live criss-crossing the United States stopping at end-users and partner loca ons. The touring trailer gives us the opportunity to visit with consultants, integrators, end users for them to conveniently see and experience the ClearOne advantage. It has generated tremendous excitement since we launched it early this year.



SIA: Is this the same as the ClearOne University ini a ve? ZEE: No. Our latest ClearOne University ini ate aims to bring technical training to our partners in mul ple formats based on their level of experience, cer fica on desires, and me and travel constraints . We have doubled the number of training events and now offer training in many different formats or venues to to make it convenient and less burdensome to the integrator. We offer live hands-on training, live webinar trainings, and customized teach-in trainings at partner loca ons, as well as live hands-on webinar trainings. These classes offer various levels of cer fica on and CTS credits . SIA: It's a long travel through technology and idea on trail. How about the travail then? ZEE: Of course yes. First thing to note is that while ClearOne is a publicly-listed enterprise, we are neither founders, nor owners; we are professional managers and technologists tasked to bring maximum value to partners, shareholders and stakeholders. We are prudent on how we invest and spend money; we balance between the budgets for sales and marke ng, and budgets for product development and opera ons. It is definitely a challenge when you are a rela vely small company to grow and invest without fund raising. But I think we have done a good job. We made it all by means of our small but thoroughly focussed teams accross the company. Our differen ated solu ons in the market are the result of strategic decision making talking to our partners and understanding their needs. To some extent, the products speak for themselves. What we believe as our purpose in the market is to work hard, innovate and develop solu ons that create value to the eco-system while driving rich experience through products. SI Asia: Innova ng a solu on in the lab is something, and driving the same on the market is the other. How smart you think you have been in that? ZEE: It is possible, we have not put as much emphasis as needed on marke ng early on. We were more cau ous and expecially with the new video products, we wanted to be certain that these were ready for prime- me with the right features, performance and pricing before heavily promo ng them. However, we are crea ng a larger buzz now; we are involved a lot of public rela ons ac vi es towards promo ng what all we have created for the market.

ClearOne's newest Ceiling Microphone: Most advanced trielement ceiling microphone array Analog X for perfect conferencing and sound reinforcement applica ons. The biggest challenge, I think, is that ClearOne is known to be an audio company. Due to that, it takes more me, effort and a consistent communica on mechanism to have our video solu ons recognized with a total value crea on for the eco-system. Like I said, it takes me. SI Asia: Having taken the decisive direc on, what is the most exci ng thing from ClearOne now? ZEE: One of the most exci ng things is how we have maximised our audio solu ons to work with our video solu ons. There is no one today at the (ISE) show here that has the breadth of media collabora on solu ons coupled with audio. There are some companies that look very great, making a con nuous noise. But the market has changed now; it is looking for cost-effec ve, easily-used, common user-interface solu ons, and not a collec on of separate boxes, with separate func onality, with separate user interfaces. We have designed our solu ons so that they offer maximum func onality with common user interfaces, offered at right price. There is no reason to buy your audio conferencing DSP endpoints from one vendor, your microphones from another vendor, your cloud video or video room appliances from another vendor, and your wireless presenta on from another vendor for example. ClearOne has designed its solu ons to be complete and highly innova ve and future-proof standalone offerings reducing investment cost, maintenance, training and support. I would like to say that ClearOne is the IKEA of the Pro AV market. What does that mean? In a conven onal situa on, the designer/integrator may source their speaker, mixer, mic, video etc. for different spaces from different vendors; does the job; gets paid, but not every me sure is fully smooth and secure. He or she doesn't want to be called back by the End User for a node in the system not working, and thereby affec ng their name or profit. With ClearOne, which I said the IKEA of Pro AV world, you can get your ceiling mic, your mixer, your speaker, your video, and more. They are offered together, designed to work seamlessly together at the factory, and they all work together. The integrator as well as the end user is assured of their working in tandem with one another with assured interoperability, and minimal points of failure and support. SI Asia: Doesn't it mean that you may be throwing a gauntlet for the audio and video companies with independent solu ons? ZEE: Absolutely. We absolutely are. In fact, others are trying to copy us. A er we introduced our own ceiling mic, other DSP manufacturers announced partnerships to try to associate themselves with mic companies . As well, microphone companies have recently announced DSP solu ons. But I vouch- they will never match ClearOne's innova on and quality. We introduced AV over IP solu ons and other DSP companies followed our lead and themselves recently introduced the same. But again – I don't think Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



they are going to compete with our total solu on quality and proposi on. Not only is there but the channels are also undergoing innova on. It both these aspects of business, then the en re ecosystem is rendered easy- to appreciate, design, build, operate, maintain and drive profits, besides pleasing the customer. Ten years ago these systems were very expensive, but today price points are lower, func onali es are higher, user interfaces are easier making a common user experience as a key driver. ClearOne drove this trend and con nues to do so in the Pro AV market. SI Asia: These are the days AV over IP/IT and even AV over fiber. What's ClearOne's (s)take? ZEE: I said earlier, ClearOne is one of the earliest adopters of AV over IP, and we, in fact, have the US trademark AVoIP®, when we introduced in 2009 our AV over IP technology. It was sort of a push to get the integrators to open up to the need to be in the knowhow with the trend. Today, we are a very compelling solu on. Again here, our AVoIP solu on, VIEW Pro and VIEW are very unique in their ability to create digital walls, display composi on and other func ons without the use of addi onal hardware. Our encoders and decoders connect thru ethernet cable to standard managed ethernet switches which can be daisy-chained thru fiber for very large systems. As men oned earlier, our video collabora on solu on is almost all so ware centric at its core. Our solu ons can be available thru the cloud living on public or private servers, or can be had in simple and economic room appliances opera ng on enterprise networks. These are not hardware based solu ons with sta c func onality. Our solu ons offer rich func onality on an as you need basis with so ware licenses to add features when you need and if you need. Within our collaborate solu on, we offer func onality including of video conferencing, wireless presenta on, whiteboarding, recording, streaming and chat. We also offer na ve Skype for Business compa bility so ware upgrades for enterprise who wish to enrich their Skype for Business applica on. Our so ware based solu ons are targeted to meet the demands of any device, any applica on, any me. Only so ware and networked solu ons can meet these goals. SI Asia: Doesn't it support the no on that ProAV industry is moving from a firmware-based business to so ware-based domain? ZEE: Yes, in fact, I had a situa on recently where this no on came to the fore. I actually feel the Pro AV industry needs to change its nameit doesn't mean anything in the current standing. In my view, the term Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

ProAV diminishes the technology, the opportunity and the possibili es that this industry domain can scale. For example, what we are doing here at the ISE- it's Networked AV. The term needs to be replaced by the term Networked. As you can see, today it's all about how we connect-communicate- collaborate with one another through so ware-driven networked applica ons for audio, video and content thru group and personal appliances and endpoints including mobile devices and room systems; there are so many user interfaces that connect these endpoints by means of networks and so ware. The industry has evolved so much in the last ten years, that it doesn't just isn't reflected in the name ProAV anymore. The industry is in the process of reinven ng itself; those who bring value will survive including both the manufacturers and its sales channels. In fact, the channel may be among the most ripe for change by adap ng to accommodate how end-user make buying decisions and purchases. SI Asia: Having travelled thus far, what brand value, you think ClearOne has created for itself? ZEE: Building ClearOne value is an incremental process. It is like climbing a mountain, you would have made some good, big strides, but you will have an odd suffering or two. ClearOne, along the way of its climbing the mountain, has made some great successes like the beamforming mic, ceiling mic, AVoIP VIEW and our Video Collabora on solu ons offered in the Cloud and in low cost room appliances or both. At this point, I think we have a great recogni on by our partners, and we are seeing more opportuni es. In the transi on of our CP1 (Converge Pro 1) pla orm to CP2, we did not appreciate the challenge the transi on process would be. We underes mated how comfortable our Partners had been with CP1, and the longer learning/training curve partners would need to adopt Cp2. Some mes, we take two steps forward with one back. That is reality. Having said that, what I can vouch for now is that ClearOne is very well posi oned for a very strong future. SI Asia: Do the ini a ves, vision and focus have something to do with the name ClearOne? ZEE: Aah, I think ClearOne as a brand is a fantas c name; it's been associated with audio, clear audio but I think since we introduced our video solu ons, the brand extends beau fully to video- clear video. Now the ClearOne brand is evolving and will be associated with its total audio and video solu ons- the clear one choice in the AV market to which to go. In fact, as a measure of es ma ng our progress of our brand to include audio and video, we plan to exhibit in the UC sec on of ISE 2019, next year. SI Asia: How far or near do you see ClearOne from the peak of the mountain you said? ZEE: We have done a lot of hard work both on all fronts of the business; we made strategic bets on the market, made significant investments on our bets, and rolled out some very innova ve solu ons. At this point we have reached a spot where we do believe we will reach our goal as we educate and advocate our unique vision and solu ons. Stay tuned to InfoComm 2018. S I A

INTERVIEW beyerdynamic Breaks Out from Orthodox Identity

From Being Conventional to Emotional Appeal German audio solu ons major beyerdynamic is breathing new winds. From tradi onal to experimental; from conserva ve to progressive; from modest to outreaching; and from demure to dynamic! Audio-visual industry buffs who have seen them presen ng themselves to audiences at the ISE 2018 last month in Amsterdam, must have taken the experience of the new mould beyerdynamic. The Heilbronn-headquartered company – while it hasn't done any aberra on from its trusted technology tenets – has visibly made a refreshingly new, and 'emo onal appeal' to the global audiences from the ISE Show Floor. Now, the 94-year-old audio pioneer has a new iden ty that is characterised by new 'nomenclature' and novel approach. An SIA perspec ve:

The Se ng At the ISE 2018 event last month, those who visited or passed by the beyerdynamic booth, were in for a different experience. A new, emo onal connect with the company! While the very appearance of the booth was a sort of a very modern ambience, done in some fanciful if not ar s c colour themes, the products and technologies demonstrated thereon did not have their conven onally known alpha-numeric iden ty. They rather had names to call with. While there was a FOX – beyerdynamic's first USB-sta c, desktop microphone with professional studio-grade recording quality – making its entry to interna onal markets straight from NAMM 2018 – the mic's named connect with the audiences was further elevated with the showing of a few more very dis nctly devised systems. Take a look: Ÿ

PHONUM- an intelligent audio solu on for modern mee ng culture, with highly compact, stylish and portable design, featuring beyerdynamic's Voice Compass Technology, and capable of conver ng almost any environment into a conferencing set


UNITE- a new tour guide system bringing in for the first me the talkback func on; and more, a base technology pla orm for many more next level communica on products to come in the months come


AVENTHO- a next-level, Tesla Technology-powered, wireless Bluetooth headphone with sound personaliza on; acous cally adap ng to the user's personal sense of hearing

“Our products and technologies are no longer called with jargonised alpha-numerics,” informed Anita Aufrecht, Marke ng Communica ons Manager at beyerdynamic. “They are now called by specific names,” she explained. “It's not just names; each of them seek to connect with the users in a story-telling mode, with an emo on of its own.” That was a remarkable observa on, if not a change. Something unheard before! “We are changing,” said Anita, “in a very refreshing way; in our strategy, market approach, communica on methodology, and product orienta on as well,” Anita elaborated. “The focus is directed at the people who use the products, rather than the products itself- for example, the ar sts and recording professionals in Pro Audio environments and mee ng professionals in corporate and conferencing environments. That's one big change.” The beyerdynamic marcom execu ve directs the a en on to the styliza on with which the booth was erected. “As you can see the booth styliza on with a rac ve colours and design theme, we seek to present the solu ons in a very refreshing and invi ng environment,” she con nued. “The idea is to make it less technical and more emo onal, by showing the products in their own environment and storytelling se ng, appealing directly to the target audiences.” According to her, while the products are anyway unique for their technology, beyerdynamic now intends to bring in a new dynamism now- to blend it with an emo onal appeal so that the users get connected with the products/solu ons more in mately.



Edgar Van Velzen: the Ini ator of Change If there are a few business houses that have a rich history of over 90 years with many 'firsts' in technologies, and con nued to flourish with their innova on on a global scale, and yet maintained a very tradi onal iden ty, German audio major beyerdynamic takes a pole posi on among equals. Founded in 1924, the Heilbronnbased beyerdynamic made its name on two basic tenets: sheer engineering brilliance in product development yet promoted by family-driven, conserva ve methodologies. While the company grew from strength to strength in terms of its product innova on, market size and geographical spread, it's been quite conserva ve in its marke ng and promo onal strategies all through its decades of growth. Straight, so and sober even as it grew in sophis ca on on the global stage of compe on. While the products and solu ons are liked, loved and owned by millions world over, beyerdynamic has been a quite hidden enterprise all through, ll recently- un l the new addi onal Managing Director Edgar van Velzen took over the company reigns in June 2017. The new MD – charisma c as the 51year-old Dutch entrepreneur with large consumer electronics exper se is – who took over recently as the full-fledged CEO, following the re rement of the company's long standing MD Wolfgang Luckhardt, is now breathing new winds of change into the company. It's not just nomenclature and product presenta on that are in for change; there are more fascina ng aspects than one would imagine. Stay tuned for the weeks and months to come! That's a big change.

That's a big change that is ini ated by the new management.

PHONUM:Meet the modern mee ng intelligence

For a company that is known for its conserva ve approach to business, par cularly when it comes to marke ng and promo onal strategies, this is certainly a remarkable devia on. Refreshing though, it is a sizeable surprise at least for those who followed and known the company closely.

“Take PHONUM, as a case in a point here,” says Edgar. “It combines the both prosumer and consumer. If you look at it from the consumer side, it is a Bluetooth speaker with great sound and a great working microphone; if you see from professional side, it is a conferencing system with a fantas c system of three microphones including 360-degree beam-forming and beam-steering,” he explains. “The system suits the needs of diverse fields of ac vity involving individuals and groups from both consumer and professional segments. It is one best answer/solu on for both the segments.”

The Story “It is a well-thought out corporate decisionto speak to the market in a language that people who use our products speak, and want to iden fy with,” came the explana on from Anita. “We have long been talking about technology and all that jargon, which perhaps not fully taken by the users who are not always technical. So, this is an ini a ve to connect the products with the users in a way they can iden fy themselves with, in an emo onal binding.” That's the new beyerdynamic approach to market. “What we are seeing now is in part what we spoke last me (in Orlando),” recalled beyerdynamic's CEO Edgar van Velzen. “It is part of our vision for expansion in the conferencing domain, Pro Audio and prosumer markets, as well as consumer domain,” Edgar explained. “Like I said in our previous discussion, the borders between pure B2B and B2C segments are fading away rather fast and a whole new and sizable interes ng market is growing; both sides need to act swi ly now, understand what their respec ve user wants, and make products that suit their target buyers,” he detailed. “At the end, they all are buyers looking for ease of use, ease of install, appealing to their emo ons and their user experiences, and best all of this simultaneously working. This is what we are working on.” One important measure towards this vision is to bring new technologies to the market and name the products with a specific name that is easy for the users to connect, remember, iden fy with, and ask for it. That's how the FOX, PHONUM, and UNITE have come to beckon the beyerdynamic product lovers. All of this, without denying the manufacturer's original DNA; professionals in audio, for many years.

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

More, each of this new genre of products seek to connect with the users in a nice story-telling mode, with an emo on of its own. If the USB-sta c FOX microphone can excite anyone with a musical mind but not necessarily tech professional, the PHONUM is taken to excite the conference geeks due to its ability to break free from cable/power connec ons and more. “It can facilitate conferencing anywhere, even from a garden,” explains Anita detailing the rich features of the modern day mee ng device. The UNITE, on the other hand, apparently takes the tour guide experience to an altogether new level of sophis ca on with precision. According to the marcom exec, it can be a fascina ng leading light for segments like museums, educa onal exhibi on venues or campuses etc. “It would be hard to resist the emo onal connect with UNITE, once the users experience the benefits of mul -way communica on it brings to them.” Says Edgar: “The Tour Guide is just the start; this technology is the base for a lot of addi onal product possibili es in the months and years to come.”

INTERVIEW The Sophis ca on Extreme Now, perhaps, the most interes ng, the headphones! beyerdynamic goes one step further, with a revolu onary scale of personaliza on- emphasizing an 'it's all about you' emo on. In a first-of-its-kind technology exploit, the audio major worked on a very novel applica on to bring an extremely personalized feature to the new headphone series star ng with Aventho, Amiron and Xelento. What might look like a 'normal' medical hearing test one undergoes for pu ng in a hearing aid, the customiza on involves a six-minute test, by means of Make it Yours App – developed for the first me by beyerdynamic, and in-house – which does a three-minute each test for the le and the right ear. The profile is then sent to the headphone where it is embedded in the CPU of the headphone. The CPU is rendered strong with lot of memory capacity built-in, and aided by a powerful DSP. Once fed with the profile, the CPU memorises the same, and from then onwards, it is absolutely personal. Whatever the user listens to through the headphone, it's the person's own intelligible audio, purely personalized to the user, absolutely independent of the source. That's truly phenomenal in consumer/pro electronics. According to the beyerdynamic chief, the audio major, in associa on with the Berlinbased Mimi Hearing Technologies, over a million ears were tested worldwide before they gave final shape to the Make it Yours App and its func onali es.

so ware side and invested in me and people to have the App developed to precision.”


connects an audio buyer be er, he decided to bring all that to beyerdynamic to help it reach its audiences in a manner that addresses both.

The App has just three features now, with many more said to be in the offing. It has a Sound Profile adjustment tool; it has a Tracking tool, as it tracks how long and how loud the user listens, and warns if the user is listening past the limita ons of length and decibels. Furthermore, there is a tool to change the sensi vity of the touch panel on the headphone's right ear shelve. Individuals can do their own tes ng and set up their own personalized configura on. They just have to follow the direc ons as per the App. The system helps the user do his/her own analy cs and set the frequencies that give an op mum hearing level. “The ini a ve is to offer the customers from both consumer, and pro sides a system that liberates them into a whole new domain of audio experience,” Edgar explains. “Like I said earlier, the boundaries between the B2B and B2C are fading fast; we needed to have a system that plays both, suits both.” According to him, the future of headphones is in making them extremely personal. “So much personal that it is like your personal eye glasses; it's like glasses for your ears.” From a sound point of view, it is one's personal headphone; only that person can listen from it the way (s)he wanted. The Sequence

Interes ngly, the sequence of this fascina ng change over apparently began over a year ago, even before the change of guard happened at beyerdynamic, with the “The ini a ve current MD formula ng is to offer the “As a manufacturer of his value adds to the headphones, we have a company even as he was customers from both responsibility of s ll contempla ng coming consumer, and pro sides a protec ng the users' on its board. According to system that liberates them ears,” he vouches. “We him, it began as soon as into a whole new domain he started thinking about focused our work to not of audio experience.” beyerdynamic (some 12 only make hearing be er, -Edgar Van Velzen it is also less fa guing, and months ago, about four protects the user from months before joining the listening too long and too company) on how he loud,” he elaborates further. “We invested could make the company truly dynamic with heavily into developing this App in-house. its market approach. That he had a good mix While we are anyway strong on the of consumer and professional aspects of the hardware side, we added new talents on the business, and a perspec ve on what

The Dutch audio business leader had held high profile posi on on consumer side at Sony, and on automo ve side at Harman. That made a good mix. “At Sony, there were a lot of touchskills between the consumer and broadcast side of the business, and at Harman there are a lot of touch skills for the Pro side as well; and the last five years I served as CEO of a wellknown German Audio maker based in Berlin,” Edgar recalls, “I looked at beyerdynamic's product por olio, and found it has a great opportunity on both the sides. While beyerdynamic has been very strong on conferencing- and Pro Audio side, it hasn't been so much on the Consumer side. But consumers who knew beyerdynamic well are fans and were always looking for more. So, my opportunity is to bring it all together and create new markets for the brand.” The direc on taken is proven right in the form of numerous innova on and design awards won over the last few months. Se ng the Agenda for the Market! Whether it is passion-triggering FOX, or break-free PHONUM or liberate communica on- UNITE, what beyerdynamic brought to the fore appears truly dynamic and opens a new dimension – perhaps not just for the audio giant, but also for the whole industry. Does it set an agenda? “We are one of the ini ators,” says the beyerdynamic CEO. “It is the result of years of constant interac on with our customers, and figuring out what we needed to do to meet the market expecta on and requirements for the future- bringing the best user experiences in whatever we do and produce.” Apparently charged up with the experiences of his first 12 months with the company, the beyerdynamic chief is buoyant. “We are working hard on new ideas and opportuni es; we will con nue to invest in opportuni es, innovate in technologies and in our way communicate this to the markets.” The market is open for all that.

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018


HIGHLIGHT The AWC Advantage to AV Industry Mahua Mukhopadhyay, the 'rst lady' of the AVID family, brings many such things to AV Indian AV is some story today. Of success and accomplishment. Having travelled the ini al mes of uncertain es, tes ng and endurances, it made its own script on the global stage of recogni on. Interes ngly, the creden al – pres gious as it is – has an important stakeholder on its journey to reckoning. Represen ng that stakeholder community at the highest level is Mahua Mukhopadhyay, the 'first lady' of the AVID family, who is going places with AV. An SIA perspec ve.

'Women hold up half the sky!’

integra on and management.

Those famous words by Mao Zedong, perhaps, have manifested in very many ways the world over, to echo the pride and place that female genius deserved in an unfoundedly male-dominated human ac vity!

So, an AVID enthusiast as well can construe that even as InfoComm ins tuted an instrument of AV entrepreneurial excellence, it took its seeding in India. Ten years of determined business exper se persuasion, and it found coveted glory. Almost a crowning glory in the form of Women in AV Award from the apex ins tu on of the industry!

Audio-Visual industry might not be the first one to understand and imbibe this exalted phenomenon into its ranks and ini a ves, and India can be no excep on too. In about 40 years of known history of the Industry, there haven't been a handful of examples of 'women holding up half the (AV) space,' or even less than that. Like all other industries, AV industry too had been taking its strides and retreats with its dominant gender stakeholders, almost all through. However, that's only – probably the generic – side of the story. There had been some specifics, taking roots some me ago, and it all began flowering recently though gradually.

What's more, it came at me when the AVID family began planning their 10th anniversary celebra ons. It couldn't have go en be er! “Perhaps, our perseverance and performance spoke for it,” quips an exultant Mahua, even as she was busily engrossed in finetuning the prepara ons for Anniversary celebra ons. A science Graduate, and a Post-Graduate Diploma holder in Systems Management, Mahua spent many years in IT industry – with a so ware technology major, and leading the North America alliance and channels team – before taking to AV industry. With over a decade of experience in the AV/IT services industry, Mahua, along with her husband Kaushik Mukhopadhyay, Co-Founded AVID India in 2008.

The most asser ve proposi on came into reckoning almost nine months ago – in June 2017, with Mahua Mukhopadhyay, the CoFounder and Director of AV Integra on Distribu on (India) Private Limited was honoured on the floor of InfoComm Interna onal (now Set-up with an objec ve of offering trusted exper se and AVIXA)* in Orlando with the 'InfoComm 2017 Women in AV' Award. The Women in AV Award recognizes and rewards female AV deliverance in the domains of AV/IT services to the industry in India professionals who represent a strong entrepreneurial spirit and and outside, the company rapidly grew to be among the top AV excellence in technology systems integrators in Asia, management. Created by gaining form strength to InfoComm in 2008 to raise strength- so much so that it awareness of the growing role of there have been a mul tude of female professionals in the maleawards and honours of Ÿ Started in March 2016 with member mee ng at Bengaluru dominated field of audiovisual excellence. In what might be a Ÿ 1st Forum held at InfoComm Show at Mumbai during technology, the Award also seeks very envious dis nc on in their September 2016 to contribute the genius women class, Mahua and her company Ÿ Core Group formed at Bengaluru bring to AV technopreneurship at have won over 30 awards for Ÿ Regional Core Group formed with members at Bengaluru, the highest level. their commendable work New Delhi & Mumbai na onally and interna onally, In a very strange coincidence, in and have been featured in both Ÿ Regional mee ngs held at Bengaluru & New Delhi during the same year as InfoComm print and electronic media March 2017 ins tuted the Award, Mahua Cofocused on the trade. Ÿ 2nd Forum held at InfoComm Show at Mumbai during Founded AVID, along with her September 2017 with par cipa on of 60 members husband Kaushik Mukhopadhyay, While each of those awards Ÿ Celebrated Women's day at Bengaluru, New Delhi & Mumbai already a renowned name in the have been special in their own on March 8, 2018 industry, having set-up Integrated right and significance, three Ÿ AVIXA's 1 day class at Bengaluru on “Essen als of AV Audio-Visual (IAV) India- four years five honours have been Technology” on March 16, 2018 before AVID, backing up on years par cularly characterizing: of proven exper se in AV

The AWC Journey

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018


2016- India 100 SME, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India (ranking 7th amongst 49,023 companies)


2016- Inaugural Systems Integra on India (best Corporate AV install under Premium Category)


2016 - The AV Awards in London (out of 430 Global Entries for AV Projects and the only Systems Integrator in Asia to have ever won the AVAwards)


2017 - The InAVa on Awards for InfoComm Standards (the first and only Systems Integrator globally to have done so)


2017 – InfoComm Woman in AV

Even as this piece was being scripted, we are informed that the AVID family's first lady has been a prideful recipient of Women SME Entrepreneur Leader of the Year 2018 Award. So, in essence, it's like ge ng three honours every year. While it looks absolutely commendable in terms of success parameters – if one were to judge success in terms of shelf-adorning trophies and shields – it also indicates the amount effort that went into shaping and steering the company to that level, and the extremely commi ed and spirited approach to the business. “I don't think we really did anything extra or special,” says Mahua, the person of equal humility as she seems she is with determina on when it comes to goal se ng and achieving. “I just go about the job task the way it should be,” she asserts. “In the process, create value that stands the company, and the brand among the best on market.” Mahua is a Cer fied Internal Auditor and has a Quality Cer fica on in ISO. She is also the CSR Lead for AVID India's Corporate Social Responsibility. Understandably, all this exper se blends with the diligence with she goes about task, and no wonder it reflects in scorning one laurel a er the other. Apparently, she is one woman in AV industry with so much making up the person, which is why she has been leading Women in InfoComm (WIN)* - this has recently been renamed as AVIXA Women's Council (AWC), following the rebranding of InfoComm as AVIXA – since its incep on in 2016. As part of the task, she has been a presenter and guest speaker at various AWC events. The AWC ini a ve aims at providing a community with connec ons, resources, educa on; recognizing excellence; promo ng leadership and iden fying opportuni es for the advancement of Indian female execu ves in AV/ICT industry.


working in AV and technology industries.” According to her, the forma on of AWC was simply because 'it was needed.' While the erstwhile InfoComm, even as it had been honouring women with outstanding contribu on in AV every year since the ins tu on of the Award 10 years ago, it did not have any programme specifically aimed at women in the industry. “A endance at the annual AV congrega ons was only about 10 percent women,” Mahua recounts. “There was a desire among the AVIXA Board of Directors to cul vate more women in leadership; but they did not have a volunteer rela onship with a good number to support,” she explains. “Frankly, and finally, the industry needed to grow its workforce. It needed to show students and young professionals that AV is an exci ng, viable career for women, who earn more than 55 percent of college degrees.” So were they, going about organizing programmes of diverse nature to get the message across the community. So, is it a journey like from 'holding half the Collegiate degrees to holding up half the sky' of opportuni es? “It can as well be,” feels a resolute Mahua. Given the dynamism and ac vism displayed by Mahua, and her supporters, it did not take long for the WIN-turned-AWC to a truly winning formula. Even as they began to taste the early fruits of success, the representa ve body went on organizing large-scale events at Integrated Systems Europe, Tecnomul media Brazil, Tecnomul media Mexico, Integrate in Sydney, Australia, and InfoComm India etc. Says Mahua, charged up with the cause: “It's a great ini a ve for current and future women professionals. What we have learned is that women will par cipate in industry events with zest and zeal, if they are made to feel welcome. Women hos ng an educa on session, ac ng as a webinar panelist or serving as an industry leader, or sharing ideas and exper se in design, and seeing them implemented on field- all will happen if they are made to feel included.”

Mahua is happy that the dominant part of society appears to have realized this to a large extent. She hoped the realiza on spreads “It's not just about gathering at tradeshows,” says Mahua. “We faster and allows more and more young women to seek careers in AV. conduct many smaller Happy “One best way to address the Hour events regionally and challenge of shortage of skilled AV regularly towards taking the “Women will par cipate in industry events talent, across the geographies, is to cause further,” she explains. “It's with zest and zeal, if they are made to feel encourage young girls to seek careers about connec ng a global welcome. Sharing ideas and exper se in in AV. There are aplenty.” community of AVIXA members design, and seeing them implemented on and other professionals (both field- all will happen if they are made to So, a movement began to hold up men and women) suppor ng feel included.” half the sky? the empowerment of women Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



AV in the Worship Sector

Nafiri Discipleship Church at Baywalk Jakarta featuring LED screens installed by V2 Indonesia

The AV requirements within the Worship sector has seen a sisme c shi in what is now installed. Audio has and will always be a prime considera on regardless of religion. Temples, Mosques, Synagogues and Churches have a common thread and that is to ensure that their worship and preaching is audible and intelligent. Audio technology has improved by leaps and bounds, that has enabled houses of worship to improve the audio reach and intelligibility and even have the ability to have speakers blended into the architecture and design. What is becoming more prevalent is the integra on of visual technologies. One main purpose is to allow over-crowded spaces to have a visual connec on to what is happening in the main prayer hall. However, Digital Signage is also making inroads into the worship space to not only offer direc on but to keep worshippers informed of ac vi es. There is also the influence of video produc on and streaming being ac vely engaged at houses of worship as well. Some churches are also beginning to put emphasis on ligh ng be it architectural or for within the sanctuary. Churches in the region seem to be the most ac ve when it comes to deploying all aspects of AV solu ons. SI Asia thus spoke to a few professionals involved in the Church segment about what they are seeing as a trend in the Worship Sector where AV is concerned.

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

Robert Soo: Consultant, Cogent Acous cs, Singapore Are you as a consultant seeing any major technology shi in terms of requirement in Houses of Worship? If yes what are they? For sound requirements, I do not see major shi s but there is a strong con nuing trend in migra ng analog to digital across the board, from mixing consoles to infrastructure, as users begin to understand the benefits it brings to produc vity, control, flexibility, ease of implementa on, quality and in many instances, cost efficiency. Thus, when Houses of Worship (HoW) need to replace their aging sound systems, it's almost a no brainer for most to make the migra on. Dante is one example of a media networking solu on that has seen a fast growing acceptance and implementa on within the HoW community. As for video, most HoW are usually slower in keeping up with industry standards and prac ces, though they are gradually progressing along, because unlike the audio universe where most things analog from decades ago are s ll run and supported today, video formats and standards progress and get obsoleted quicker, so everything in the signal chain need to step up, with infrastructure suppor ng up to 4k. However, I do see an increase in the demand for live video streaming over the net (as more are reaching out to the greater masses via their website or YouTube, etc.) as well as distribu on of AV over IP.

FEATURE Systems providing video coding format such as H.264-encoded stream that are compliant with protocols such as RTSP/RTMP/HLS are finding its way into HoW. With more engaging in performing arts, HoW today are gradually incorpora ng professional stage ligh ng systems, par cularly with LED fixtures, moving heads and ligh ng controllers. Though this is really nothing new in the entertainment industry, it is actually a very major shi in HoW requirements where stage ligh ng is rarely included or even considered previously. What in general are the AV challenges faced in a Houses of Worship integra on and installa on? Challenges and issues are usually easier managed when working on new worship venues, as structural, infrastructural and power requirements for AV can be communicated and coordinated with the building designers during the early stages. It's working on exis ng or old construc ons that are more challenging, as many were designed and built without any provisions or considera ons for integra ng modern AV systems. Can't really blame anyone there since professional AV wasn't a thing in the past for most HoW. I had the opportunity to work on several worship venues that are gaze ed by the authori es as historical monuments where most parts of the interior have to be preserved and le untouched. Requests for appropriate installa on loca ons and infrastructure routes are o en turned down, so inevitably some design changes and performance compromises have to be made. Cost may be affected as well. The long RT60 mes o en associated with these spaces also remained as a result of the preserva on, albeit the need for shorter reverbera on when worship styles have transited from tradi onal to modern contemporary.

Though professional stage ligh ng systems have seen a steady rise in HoW implementa on over the last 10 years, it However remains the least in demand by comparison. Budget plays a big part as well, as HoW with limited budget, or are more tradi onal in se ng will mainly channel their funds more towards audio and video systems rather than on stage ligh ng. What are some of the key criteria one has to consider when designing and integra ng AV solu ons in Houses of Worship? Every HoW project is unique. What works for one project space may not work or apply for another, so we cannot simply apply what I call “solu on templates”. Even when they belong to the same HoW denomina on, differences in requirements, preferences and issues abound. There are just so many considera ons. We have to consider the hall shape, size, structural issues, sight lines, availability of space, acous cs, ambient ligh ng, infrastructure suitability, power requirements, and so forth. For opera ons, we have to consider the user experience and skill level, type and style of programs they support, HoW much flexibility in changes are needed between programs, etc. For the decision makers (who o en may not be the AV operators), we have to consider HoW the AV affects the hall aesthe cs, whether it pose maintenance issues, HoW it's future proofed against growing requirements at least for the next 5 years, worshippers' expecta ons, and very importantly, cost. Any other comment? Perhaps if I may offer offer some advice to HoW who are embarking on AV upgrading projects Ÿ

Work on a realis c budget. A budget based on exis ng systems done 10-20 years ago is usually way below what is needed for AV systems today, as requirements back then were much lesser and simpler. In addi on, manpower cost that has risen substan ally over the years. HoWs are encouraged to visit recent projects of similar scale to get a more accurate gauge of costs involved.


When it comes to selec ng AV systems –

Specific to the Singapore and Malaysia market, has there been a significant increase in the demand for higher quality AV in the segment? If so which areas is the demand mainly for - audio, video, ligh ng, broadcas ng? There is a fair share of increased demand for higher quality between audio and video. These stem from evolving HoW program needs as well as what leaders and members get exposed to from elsewhere. Consumers today enjoy high quality video in everyday life, from entertainment centres to within their own homes on their UHD TVs, and even on their personal mobile devices, so naturally similar high quality is expected in HoW systems. HD is the bare minimum today, with plans to go 4K. This leads to a need to upgrade video capture and display devices, switchers, infrastructure, etc. LED video wall which is seeing a steady rise in popularity and demand in HoW installa ons have also gone from pixel pitch P6 down to P4, and even P2.5 for projects with bigger budgets. The use of mul ple larger and higher resolu on video displays is increasingly common, fuelled by the implementa on of advanced song display so ware, image magnifica on (IMAG), and environmental projec on. From the very same exposure, HoW are looking into improving the sound experience for their worshippers. Loudspeakers, in my opinion, can bring about a big improvement in sound quality when compared to the other devices in the audio chain, so HoW seeking be er sound o en first focus on upgrading their loudspeaker systems before looking into the other audio equipment.



Find that balance in matching equipment and system design to the users' capabili es, capacity, HoW programs, etc.


Do not be too quick to jump onto market trends and new technology bandwagons, as they may not always be suitable.


Always ensure that the desired equipment have good a ersales support in your region.


Engage an independent AV & acous c consultant from the very start of the project. It can actually save you money and headache from poten al mistakes. I stress on the term “independent” because a true and objec ve consultant has no vested interest in specific products, manufacturers, whatsoever, otherwise a bias solu on will not protect the sole interest of the client.


Finally, invest in user training, so it should be factored into the budget as well. Training should not only touch on basic equipment opera on but also on developing crea ve skills, understanding signal flow, troubleshoo ng techniques, preven ve maintenance measures, etc. all which are extremely cri cal for produc ve and effec ve support for programs.

Robert Soo can be contacted at cogentacous

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018


FEATURE Mike Pedero: Consultant, Tracks Acous cs, Philippines

Rudi Hidayat: Owner, Systems Integrator, V2, Indonesia

Are you as a consultant seeing any major technology shi in terms of requirement in Houses of Worship? If yes what are they?

As a systems integrator are you seeing any major technology shi in terms of requirement in Houses of Worship?If yes what are they?

We are seeing the more ac ve use of video in the sermon por on of the worship. Phrases from the Bible and quotes from Chris an authors are flashed for addi onal impact on teachings. We see a lot more crea ve use of lights in the music por on. Furthermore, more wireless controls are becoming popular for ease of use. What in general are the AV challenges faced in a Houses of Worship integra on and installa on?

Pierre Budgets are primary problems. They wouldSamson, always want Vice of Sales, the best systems for a small amount ofPresident money. What we APAC, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise do is discuss and allow expansion or addi on in the systems when the budget would be available in the future. Specific to the Philippines market, has there been a significant increase in the demand for higher quality AV in the segment? If so which areas is the demand mainly for audio, video, ligh ng, broadcas ng? Yes. Mainly on all. Streaming is becoming more popular, thus HD broadcasts are becoming more of a norm. Sound and video resolu on follow this need. Ligh ng has to be improved with lots of flexibility as viewing via the net is becoming popular especially for Church members who are abroad. What are some of the key criteria one has to consider when designing and integra ng AV solu ons in Houses of Worship? Flexibility, budget constraints and expansion for the future or future proofing are main ma ers to consider in designing for Churches nowadays.

In Indonesia Houses of Worship, the major technology display shi is from High Brighness Projector to LED Display. And the pixel pitch trend now is P2.6 and P3.9 pixels. The other trend is Digital Signage. The HoW are trying to go paperless, so all informa on will go through Kiosk Signage and also Mobile Apps. What in general are the AV challenges faced in a Houses of Worship integra on and installa on? In replacing their display, we also need to ensure the change at all FOH Sources. For example, previously they use projector and most of them s ll using VGA and analog Camera, and we must get them to change to PC, HD-SDI Camera, Digital Video Mixer etc. And of course there is always budget considera on especially if they want to install LED systems. The other situa on, is that the churches are not ready to prepare the structure wall or ceiling to accommodate LED as currently they use screens. So we need to help them with special structure to help them prepare. Specific to the Indonesian market, has there been a significant increase in the demand for higher quality AV in the segment? If so which areas is the demand mainly for audio, video, ligh ng, broadcas ng? Video and Broadcas ng. They are more focused on high resolu on images and video, changing to be er resolu on camera and HD-SDI connec on. That actually is the reason they are also changing from projectors to LED.

Any other comment? Churches have become complex edifices, not only in terms of the physical arrangements but in crea vity, opera on and future proofing. It is the center of audio visual ac vity; that all elements of audio, acous cs, video and ligh ng must e in to create an experience for the Church goer. It should have a few surprises, so Church worshippers feel a different experience each me they come to Church. The teaching should be aided by media so it becomes effec ve. Today's world is mul media. The Church should be one as well to a ract a endance and effec vely teach the Word. Mike Pedero can be reached at tracksacous

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

What are some of the key criteria one has to consider when designing and integra ng AV solu ons in Houses of Worship? It is important that the solu ons are User Friendly and that Maintenance is minimised and where LED and video is concerned that it is easy to develop contents. Rudi Hidayat can be contacted at: S I A




The New Kid on the Block Grooves in Well with RCF and DiGiCo

J Davis Prosound Does Energizing Sound n Lights at Gillys Redened

One of Bengaluru's most classy resto bar Gilly's Redefined now has the ho est new entrant in the city's clubbing scene- Fandom. This sprawling party venue is spread over 4000 square feet approx, and includes a dance floor and VIP area. The venue has everything you need- great food, high spirit drinks and of course highly explosive music. The management recently installed a new sound reinforcement system at the club. To ensure the best possible audio performance, RCF loudspeakers were deployed by Bengaluru based professional – J Davis Prosound & Ligh ng. Since live performances will be the major a rac on, the sound system for the stage was well-planned out by J Davis Prosound & Ligh ng experts. A proper graphic simula on was created prior to the installa on for proper understanding of coverage and requirement. New Delhi based India distributor of RCF and DiGiCo, Hi-Tech Audio Systems Pvt.Ltd. Supplied the RCF PA system as well as DiGiCo S21 for the venue installa on. “We have equipped the stage with RCF HDL 20, 4 per side as the FOH system with 4 Sub 8006AS at centre below the stage. On the mezzanine floor we have installed 4PRO series Point source speakers with Sub 8004AS & 8005AS. For complete sound reinforcement management, the en re audio system is controlled by a BSS Blue 103 DSP. Addi onally Digico S21 with D-rack is deployed in this inventory. Now the venue can handle any genre of live music with the installed set-up,” explains Santana Davis, Managing Director & Chief Sound Engineer of J Davis Prosound & Ligh ng.

From day one of it's opening, Fandom le an impact on the guests. The opening was on 26th Jan and the venue organized a Bacardi House Party with DJ Anish, one of the top electronic ar sts of Bengaluru. The second day on 27th Jan had a different flavour of live music. The country's most electrifying band –Pentagram headlined the Budweiser gig at the venue. Fali Damania, one of the best Live sound engineers who managed the band's mix says, “The clarity, punch, low end capability, and defini on produced by the RCF PA are really impressive. Pentagram is very professional with their acts and they prefer top notch audio quality. These loudspeakers delivered the best. There is more than enough headroom to cover any genre of musical live concert. Moreover I was using DiGiCo S21 with D-Rack, a marvel in itself. Team Hi-Tech did a great job and it is always amazing to work with them.” “Being a concert venue for DJ and live music ar sts, it was vitally important that the sound be big and full throughout the venue. A er carefully listening to the expecta ons of our client and observing what actually takes place inside the venue, we elected to use line array technology of RCF”, says Kallol Nath, Senior Applica on Engineer from Hi-Tech Audio Systems. “We have strategically posi oned the RCF HDL20A line array system and thus the audience can experience the direct sound flow without any reflec on.” The Ligh ng comprises of Silverstar MX Prime Washes LBT Moving Head Sharpy, LBT LED Pars, SGM Color Labs. Avolites 2010 Console.

S I A Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018




[COVER] E&E Plays Key Role Integrating the Audio and Visual Systems

MGM COTAI Presents Asia's First Dynamic Theater MGM COTAI, a HK$27 billion integrated resort opened in February 2018, crea ng first-of-its-kind entertainment experiences in Asia through the MGM Theater, Asia's first dynamic theater. Designed by Scéno Plus, a world leading performance arts and entertainment design firm, the MGM Theater is the world's first theater to offer 28 million pixel of viewing pleasure to its audience by u lizing a giant 900-square-metre 4K (or ultra HD) LED screen, which is the size of three tennis courts combined and is now the world's largest permanent indoor LED screen. Through u lizing ultra-high-resolu on live video system, the Theater is able to capture the audience's reac on and virtually reflected at real life size onto the LED wall, giving the public an impression of looking into a mirror.

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018


INSTALLATION Over two years in the making, the MGM Theater is an engineering and architectural masterpiece which can accomodate up to 2,000 people in more than 10 different configura ons. Every detail has been carefully selected to ensure the greatest entertainment experience for all guests. The reconfigurable sea ng was developed by GALA Systems, the world's largest manufacturer of understage equipment and the leader in automated mul purpose halls, and will deliver prime sightlines for every guest. The seats are designed and manufactured by Poltrona Frau, one of the most esteemed Italian furniture makers with over 100 years of experience and the seat maker for Ferrari cars. Empowered by the latest in technology and engineering, the MGM Theater team can create custom arrangements for special events, from a tradi onal concert, fashion show or movie premiere layout to a 360-degree configura on for talk shows, product launches and interna onal DJs. “The MGM Theater at COTAI brings the future of events to Macau, today,” said James Murren, Chairman & Chief Execu ve Officer of MGM Resorts Interna onal and Chairperson & Execu ve Director of MGM China Holdings Limited. “MGM is synonymous with entertainment and we have taken our deep knowledge and incorporated it with cu ng-edge technology to create a se ng that will redefine and elevate the way our guests experience entertainment.” “The intricacy of the MGM Theater is one of the most complex in the world and we have invested in training our local staff to learn how to use this leading entertainment technology. We sent a group of 10 local team members to Hollywood for an intensive two-week training program, helping them to familiarize themselves with the entertainment technology they will operate at MGM COTAI. The group has visited VER, the crea ve experience company that supplied the LED panels on the giant wall totalling 28 million pixels,” said Murren. MGM Theater is home to three resident shows with two launching first, The Experience and Des ny. The Experience, inspired



by the soul of Macau, is a 10-minute mind-bending and harmonious technological symphony that showcases the Theater's engineering and architectural dexterity. Meanwhile, Des ny is an electrifying, ac on-packed immersive theatrical produc on that is inspired by the concept of TV game shows and adventure video games. Through the Theater's various configura on capabili es, guests can experience mul ple types of entertainment events at the same loca on.

E&E plays its part Electronics & Engineering Pte Ltd (E&E), the Singapore based systems integrator was awarded the contract to integrate and commission the audio and video systems that included Intercom systems, Loudspeakers, Audio signal processing systems, Wireless microphone Systems, Audio Console, Video media player systems, Video mixing system and Cameras. E&E worked with Canadian consultant Scéno Plus to install and commission the audio system. The system was to adapt to various sea ng configura ons and provide adequate coverage in each scenario. In order to achieve this, E&E installed 6 clusters of LAcous cs speakers excluding 4 sound effect speaker zones. The system was op mized by Andre Piche e, the L-Acous cs Head of Applica ons, Install, USA. The loudspeaker system configura on is as follows: Ÿ

Main Le , Right & center cluster each consists of 12 X L'acous cs Kara with 4X L'acous cs SB18.


Upstage Le & Right cluster each consists of 12 X L'acous cs Kara with 4X L'acous cs SB18,while the upstage centre cluster consist of 8X L'acous cs Kara.


In-a-round speakers consist of 6 units of L'acous cs ARCS II


Ground floors subwoofers consist of 12 X L'acous cs SB28

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018




Balcony Rear Channel clusters consist of 8 X L'Acous cs 8XTI


Orchestra Channel Cluster consist of 8 X L'acous cs 12 XTI


Stage monitors consists of 8 X L'acous cs 115XTHIQ


SFX Le & Right Clusters each consist of 8 X L'acous cs Kara-i and a L'acous cs Arcs II


All speakers are powered by 46 units of L'acous cs LA4X & 3 units of L'acous cs La8

E&E also installed the Meyer Sound D-Mitri system which performs audio rou ng, show cues and features the innova ve SpaceMap so ware. The system allows the sound designer to save scenespecific parameters and allows these scenes to be recalled automa cally over me code. The SpaceMap so ware allows the sound designer to dynamically pan sound effects throughout the theater affording the designers unparalleled flexibility. The Meyer sound D'mitri systems consists of one unit of Meyer DCP, Meyer DWTRX, Meyer DAIO, Meyer DGPIO and three units of Meyer DDIO. Scéno Plus specified a Digico mixing system featuring 4 consoles, 2 Units of Digico SD 10 and 2 units of Digico SD11 and 6 remote input and output nodes connected in a ring topology. 4 Units of Digico SDrack and 2 Units of Digico SDmini. The set-up features signal redundancy and over 300 simultaneous channels of processing. The video LED wall which spans 70 by 12 meters at 5.33333mm pitch size is one of the key features of the theatre. The video wall consists of movable parts, which allows it to transform into mul ple configura ons and at the same me display a Background layer covering the en re wall and having mul ple PIPs on it. The video Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

system had to achieve a resolu on of 16384 x 2160 @50p resolu on and the design called for various rou ng and cable infrastructure. E&E provided the video backbone to support these configura ons consis ng of disguise media servers and Barco E2s for video wall management. Four units of disguise 4x4pro media server were installed to feed the full Background layer to the video wall with enough redundancy and load balancing to sustain the heavy processing required to achieve the output resolu on. Two Barco E2s were installed in order to manage the 4x4pro content as well as to allow other video sources to be displayed. This is the first install where 2 Barco E2s were linked together in order to achieve the canvas resolu on for the LED wall. Up to Mark “The theater was designed so that it can be configured for different purposes and layouts, from concerts, fashion shows and movie premieres to talk shows, product launches and interna onal DJ sessions. The challenge was in ensuring whatever the sea ng configura on, the audio and video systems must perform to its op mum ensuring a great experience for the audience,” said Gary Goh, Deputy Managing Director, Electronics and Engineering Pte Ltd. “We are elated and pleased that we were able to be involved in this unique project and together with the other key companies and people involved, delivered to MGM COTAI what they had envisioned,” added Gary.





Mandylights Transforms the Waitemata with 90,000 Martin LEDs

Vector Lights on Auckland Harbour Bridge

On Auckland Anniversary Weekend, on Saturday 27 January, Auckland Harbour Bridge was transformed by the launch of Vector Lights – featuring a ground-breaking renewable energy technology powered light show that ignited imagina ons and demonstrated a smarter way to power the city. The cu ng-edge installa on was designed, managed, installed and programmed by interna onally-acclaimed Mandylights, vividly demonstra ng the new ligh ng capabili es and a smarter way to power Auckland as part of a ten year smart energy partnership between Vector Limited and Auckland Council. The audio-visual performance is made up of three chapters – the first references Tama-Nui te Ra (the sun), the original source of energy, and the second Hikohiko (electrical energy) represen ng it as energy and technology, and the final Hei te Ao Marama (the future world of light) as an acknowledgement to the diversity and culture in Auckland. The pitch The tender for this long term project was won by Sydney-based design and produc on company, Mandylights. “We approached this architectural project in the same way as we approach any light artwork, concert tour or special event design” said Richard Neville, Managing Director of Mandylights. “Put simply, we want to make it look cool. Our design, pitch and a tude has always been to eschew the tradi onal mathema cal, paint-by-numbers

architectural ligh ng design approach in favour of coming up with a highly spectacular design that turned the bridge into its own unique light show.” Vector were looking for a way to illuminate the Harbour Bridge in a highly energy efficient manner. The design had to be sympathe c and able to communicate New Zealand ideals and values. “We needed to be able to show how we would communicate Maori designs and tradi onal pa erns through whatever we did on the bridge,” added Richard. “Another important crea ve element was to emphasize the connec on to the water. The bridge sits very low down to the harbour which is unusual. Of course, it had to be cost effec ve too.” Mandylights spent a lot of me looking at the physical architecture of the bridge, in fact one of the first things Richard did was to fly to Auckland to spend a night si ng in various loca ons around the city simply taking in all aspects of the structure. He imagined ways to accentuate what is already there, especially the unique structure of girders that sit under the road. “There's a fascina ng level of detail in all the girders beneath the road deck so we were quite keen to light that up,” he said. “We had to consider that people can get very close to the bridge and can see into all the gantries just si ng beneath the road deck, so that meant mul ple views. Close up and personal, or from Waiheke Island 30 kilometres away, you can s ll see the ligh ng. It was a big challenge to come up with something that had mul ple levels of engagement and offered viewers a unique experience at different sites.” Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018





Fixture choice

Environment was probably the biggest challenge for Mandylights, located in the middle of the harbour with the crew ge ng blasted by winds in excess of 70 Km an hour. Add to that salt spray and in some loca ons the fixtures are only six metres away from the water.

From the beginning Richard was clear that he wanted to light the Bridge with three types of LED fixtures in three very definite styles. A wash light was required to light the internal structure of the Bridge, a linear strip to outline the en re exterior perimeter of the structure and finally, an LED dot fixture for the 170 diagonals and ver cals under the Bridge.

“There was constant hammering from water and wind plus Auckland has temperatures well into the 30 degree Celsius range so you need UV protec on,” commented Richard. “Also, the installa on has to last for ten years so exposed cables was a massive considera on as well. On top of that, the Bridge is constantly moving with the vibra ons from traffic.” The outside lanes of the bridge were added a er the main structure was built in 1959, with the four clip-on lanes added in 1969. In a ma er of seconds, this road deck can move by up to a metre as the load on the road decks above change.

“We wanted to highlight the internal structure of the Bridge by ligh ng the girders and also poin ng some lights down to reflect off the water,” explained Richard. “We wanted the most amount of colour and reflec on we could, off the water to emphasize the connec on with the water. With the linear strips we wanted to outline the road deck and the arch as I don't think people realise what an arced, sweeping shape it has. Finally, we used LED dots to turn the outer girders of the bridge into what is effec vely a low res video surface, made out of the bridge architecture itself.” Mandylights looked at a few varia ons of applicable LED fixtures but found they gravitated towards Mar n due to the reliability of product and the incredible support offered by their Australian and New Zealand distributor Show Technology. Over the years, Mandylights has worked with Show Technology many mes and cannot fault their service. Show Technology's Michael Gearin looked a er Mandylights from the technical and sales end. “We worked extremely closely with Mar n on this project as there were many custom components needed, including a 505mm pitch on the VC dots to allow for thermal expansion in the hot months,” commented Michael. “Altera ons were needed for the steel to expand and contract without ripping the ribbon tails out of the fixtures on a hot day. A similar customiza on was needed for the 1,990mm Exterior PixLines to lower fixture count and make them a prac cal size for the treacherous install; also considering thermal expansion of course. Mar n were really suppor ve and fantas c to deal with on such a massive undertaking, it was their largest LED installa on to date with over 90,000 LEDs installed. Simply put, there wasn't much that was off the shelf and they helped to tailor their reliable products to meet our specific needs.” “The fact that Show Technology has an Auckland office and were able to support the project locally, was very important to us,” explained Richard. “We had a very ght window for pitching this project and to present the ini al crea ve response, and the fact that we were able to turn up to the first pitch mee ng with actual working samples of the products was really beneficial.” Installa on process

Accessibility was difficult and crew had to be on top of their game as environmental condi ons were also in play Other technical challenges were access and many of the places where lights were installed were incredibly difficult to get to. Rise Pacific, a specialist rigging company from Sydney, designed and built a completely unique access system to get the Mandylights crew specifically to where they needed to go. Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

Show Technology worked alongside Mandylights throughout the en re installa on period allowing them to warehouse and prep the fixtures in New Zealand and offer ongoing technical consults throughout the project. The installa on process took just over five months and Richard commented that there were a lot of Work Health and Safety restric ons to overcome. Due to high winds on the bridge there were even a few weeks when the crew were unable to work because some of the necessary equipment for the installa on on the Bridge would not be safe over certain wind speeds.



During the ligh ng installa on, the whole Bridge power system was being reconfigured to run the Bridge off the solar and ba ery grid.


you move back to say one kilometer away, your eye doesn't see the distance between the dots and the dots appear as solid lines. They deliver two different viewing experiences.”

Mar n Exterior Wash 200 Control Mar n Exterior Wash 200 were chosen for wash ligh ng with Richard describing them as incredibly bright and versa le. The Exterior Wash 200 is a powerful, compact and energy-efficient LED ligh ng fixture designed to illuminate mid-sized structures and building facades. A discreet, op onal snoot integrates seamlessly with the slick design of the fixtures. It has built-in display for ease-of-use, a wide selec on of beam angles and is fully IP-rated for permanent outdoor use. The Exterior Wash 200 is designed for narrow beam applica ons and is based on separate LEDs for red, green, blue and white. “We tested these several mes in our office and then again on site, and we found them to be simply perfect,” said Richard. “They have really good colour range – especially in the deep blue ranges and importantly, a really easily interchangeable system of fros ng so we were able to use the same fixtures all the way across the Bridge. In many places they're throwing 10 or 20 metres with 60° diffusion on but then the same fixtures are throwing nearly 150 metres across the main naviga on span to under-light the road deck.” Mar n P3 System Controller

Mar n Pixline Mar n's Exterior PixLine is a linear LED video fixture for media facades and crea ve installa ons. The Exterior PixLine can be combined with a wide variety of lenses and diffusers for the right look for every applica on. The fixtures can be fully customized in terms of length and colour to match every installa on requirement, while the power source is hidden. “Mar n were very accommoda ng crea ng a custom length PixLine for us which is longer then their usual fixtures,” said Richard. “We designed a custom moun ng system to clamp them to the Bridge, so the whole installa on sits very smartly with the profile of the road deck.” Discussing the fixtures' installa on, Richard described the process of installa on as being remarkably smooth and with Mandylights' Technical Designer Clint Dulieu mastering the system's P3 controllers, they had the fixtures running their content within hours of them being hung. Mar n VC-Dot 9 Mandylights also worked closely with Mar n customizing the moun ng system for the VC-Dot 9 whilst at the same me designing a series of brackets to hold the VC-Dots to the Bridge. VC-Dot 9 is a lightweight string of individually controllable, bright Dots useful in crea ng customized LED video solu ons with maximum ar s c flexibility and a minimum of effort. Mapping video onto VC-Dots is quick and intui ve via the P3 System Controller. VC-Dot 9 contains nine LEDs and is available in an RGB colour mixing version. “For this project, the VC-Dot 9's have custom spacing and there are over 10,000 on the Bridge,” Richard elaborated. “The VC-Dots are cool crea vely as when you're really close up to the Bridge you can see these dots that are installed at 500mm spacing and the Bridge looks like it's covered in thousands of coloured do ed lights. Then as

A total of 90,000 Mar n LEDs were used on the Bridge marking Mar n's largest ever architectural LED installa on. All of the Mar n equipment runs off the Mar n P3 System Controller which is fed video by two media servers. However the en re system is controlled by an MA2 network so at every distribu on board installed on the Bridge by Mandylights, there's an MA2 4Port Node. Addi onal Nodes are in the control room. “We wanted to put an industry standard control system in place so if we decided to do something different, such as add searchlights for NYE, we have distributed DMX points all across the Bridge that are ready to go,” added Richard. “Similarly, if we need to integrate the Bridge with other projects in the city it can all jump on one huge citywide network and essen ally there's no reason why a waterfront concert can't integrate the Bridge too.” The Bridge ligh ng can be remotely managed by Mandylights who are able to design custom content for special events such as Chinese New Year and Waitangi Day. “Clint Dulieu worked very closely with Vector to get the whole system online so it can be remotely managed,” explained Richard. “We can conduct maintenance, get feedback on any malfunc ons, upload new content and reprogram the Bridge from our Sydney office ….. or basically anywhere in the world that we might be working.” In between the special events, the ligh ng is used to subtly frame the architecture of the Harbour Bridge each night. Power The Bridge is the first main bridge in the world to have all its ligh ng needs fully met by solar and ba ery technology. The project integrates a mix of leading technology, using the latest solar, ba ery

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018




AV over IP solution helps achieve objectives

Adventist Hospital Fights Cancer with AV Strengths

and peer-to-peer systems to deliver stored energy to the bridge. By using peer-to-peer technology, it is possible to virtualise the connec on between the ba ery and the bridge and therefore balance the energy being used and discharged at any me. Energy generated by the solar panels, situated in Wynyard Quarter, is stored in Tesla Powerpack (a ba ery). Currently there are 248 solar panels providing energy for the bridge with more to follow bringing the total to 600. Smart meters situated at the ba ery installa on and on the bridge will relay data between each other every 10 seconds. This means that the amount of energy Vector Lights uses at any one me will be relayed back to the ba ery which will then release this amount of energy back into the grid – ensuring a constant balance

By using solar and ba ery to power Vector Lights, as opposed to tradi onal means, 13.6 tons of carbon is prevented from going into the atmosphere each year. When the addi onal solar panels are installed and ba ery to power the street lights on the bridge, the carbon avoided each year will increase to 27 tons. Vector Lights is part of a wider 10-year smart energy partnership between Vector and Auckland Council, with the Vector Lights project being delivered in collabora on with the NZ Transport Agency.

Mandylights Personnel Richard Neville Jean Pierre Jammaers Kate Chalker Clint Dulieu Shane Radclie Beth Iverson Evere Lawrence Evere Josh Neusinger Ben Trowell Adrian Franulovich Ian Neville Nick Sheen


Ligh ng Designer / Managing Director Project Manager General Manager Technical Designer Construc on Manager Produc on Assistant Install Technician / Rope Access Install Technician / Rope Access Install Technician Network Support Project Support Project Support

Photos courtesy of Jean Pierre Jammaers, Richard Neville, Hamish Mortland S I A Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018




Digital Place Solutions Awe Audiences with Advanced NanoLumens LED Displays

QICGRE Malls Generate Revenue 'Out Of Thin Air'

The NanoLumens LED display at Canberra Centre measures 3.3528m by 2.7432m and weighs 952.44Kg QICGRE, a major operator of retail shopping centers around the world, recently created brilliant new high-tech revenue streams at two of its Australian loca ons with the help of Digital Place Solu ons' (DPS) expert digital display integrators u lizing NanoLumens cu ngedge LED displays. According to DPS Director Stephen Rubie, installa ons such as these are breathing new life into the in-person shopping experience and allowing owners to capitalize on every possible adver sing loca on — even the open air above shoppers' heads. “Large, innova ve digital display installa ons excite customers and provide new revenue streams for retail loca on owners,” Rubie said. “With NanoLumens' lightweight and easy-to-install LED displays, we can mount them virtually anywhere a client wants. Our two latest installa ons at QICGRE's Canberra Centre and Westpoint Shopping Centre show exactly how versa le the technology is, with each double-sided ver cal display hanging from the ceiling without any addi onal infrastructure support. These installa ons would simply not be possible with any other display technology.” The display at Canberra Centre, measuring 11' by 19' (3.3528m x 2.7432m) and weighing 2,100 pounds (952.44kg), and the display at Westpoint Shopping Centre, measuring 9' by 16' (2.7432m x4.768m) and weighing 1,540 pounds (698.53kg), provide incredibly bright, large, crisp imagery with their 4mm pixel pitch designs. Freed from

the constraints of heavy, unwieldy mul -panel video walls, DPS was able to suspend the NanoLumens displays from each loca on's glass atrium high above shoppers, requiring no major construc on or support infrastructure. “We are thrilled with Digital Place Solu ons' installa on of the NanoLumens displays,” said QICGRE's Head of Commercial Dennis Michael. “The vibrant, oversized double-sided displays are a new point of interest for shoppers that allow us to u lize space that previously was impossible to mone ze. Think about it: with DPS able to hang huge NanoLumens displays above busy foot traffic corridors, we are basically crea ng marke ng solu ons for retailers and brands out of thin air. Addi onally, the DPS team was exemplary in their conduct and professionalism, and worked closely with our mall opera ons team to deliver an outstanding product without impac ng the mall's day-to-day opera ons. We would be delighted to work with Digital Place Solu ons on further deployments.“ DPS knew right away that, to deliver what QICGRE requested, NanoLumens was the only choice. As is common in large shopping centers, both loca ons are subject to strong sunlight, so the displays needed to be incredibly bright in order to be visible in all condi ons. They also needed to be lightweight enough to safely

Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



The Westpoint Shopping Centre NanoLumens LED measures 2.7432m by 4.8768m and weighs 698.53kg hang from the ceiling without requiring customer interrup ons and heavy construc on. “As the principal contractor overseeing all of these projects, Digital Place Solu ons is proud to have delivered them all on me and on budget,“ DPS Director Gerry Thorley added. “Our team has the exper se to deploy displays without bulky cables or any adding any addi onal structure to the mall. The result is a super thin display that appears to float in the space and enhances the environment that mall owners are delivering to consumers. Digital Place Solu ons understands the opera ng requirements of retail space and despite complicated access and installa on environments we were able to seamlessly deploy these magnificent displays in just a few shi s.” Lastly, QICGRE required a certain level of performance guarantee, which NanoLumens delivered with its unrivalled six-year, down-tothe-pixel warranty. Between the warranty and the innova ve Nixel-

based design, by which the display is comprised of small individual LED panels that snap together seamlessly, any future repairs can be done quickly without impac ng the mall's opera on. “Working with NanoLumens display technology has allowed us to deliver 100 percent sa sfac on to retail mall owners through unique, eye-popping installa ons,” Thorley added. “Whether used to create revenue with adver sing or provide informa on and announcements, the displays demand the a en on of every shopper. It's a great feeling to be able to listen to what our clients want, no ma er how bold, and tell them 'yes, we can do that.' With NanoLumens, we can.” Commen ng on the installa ons and the success of the rela onship with both DPS and QICGRE, NanoLumens Vice President of Sales East-US and Interna onal Almir DeCarvalho stressed the values shared by each partner. “A transforma ve business outcome can only result from a team that is commi ed to excellence in every phase of the project,” he said. “NanoLumens provides one very important component of the successful rela onship — world class LED-based visualiza on solu ons in any size, shape or curvature a client desires — but it is s ll only one piece of the equa on. It requires the vision of the customer, QICGRE, and the commitment to excellence by our installa on partner, DPS, to bring it all to life in a way that generates a more complete customer engagement solu on. We look forward to many more projects with DPS and QICGRE!” www.digitalplacesolu

S I A Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



Audinate Lauds Network Effect at ISE 2018 Audinate's message at ISE was that the scale and power of the network has considerable poten al for growth and value — for systems integrators, IT professionals and end-users. Audinate, whose mission is to simplify and advance the deployment and opera on of sophis cated, powerful AV networks, had two major introduc ons at ISE, each addressing cri cal areas of evolu on for the prototypical AV Network. First, Audinate offered the Dante AVIO line of adapters that are essen ally simple, super-cost-efficient on- and off-ramps for analog, broadcast and IT technologies onto a Dante network. Second, the company announced the immediate worldwide availability of Dante Domain Manager, its award-winning network management pla orm. Each Dante AVIO adapter acts as a completely independent Dante network device, allowing legacy audio products to seamlessly transmit high quality, uncompressed AVIO 2CH Analog-In connectors audio streams over long distances without the noise and ground issues common to analog connec ons. Being part of a Dante system also allows for nearly unlimited scalability while providing incredibly low latency and easy configura on. Dante AVIO adapters enable audio professionals to extend the value of their non-networked equipment, making it interoperable with any of the more than 1300 Dante-enabled products on the market. Star ng with a list price of only $129 USD, the Dante AVIO Series includes line-in and line-out analog adapters, a bi-direc onal AES3/EBU adapter and a bi-direc onal stereo USB adapter. “Among the most compelling features of the AVIO line is the price,” noted Joshua Rush, Audinate Vice President of Marke ng, stand-side at ISE. “It's stripped down in feature-set and price to serve a market that was not being served and enable systems integrators, IT pros and end-users who had no viable access to Dante.” In adding the AVIO line, Audinate complements the offerings of OEM partners across a number of AV and IT product categories and, according to Rush, expands the scale of the network to the common advantage. “The power of a network is in its scale and universality,” he notes. “With the AVIO line, we've added a sub-layer on the cost/volume con nuum that grows the universe of Dante-connected devices. This, in turn, makes every device on the network more useful!”

Also new and cri cally important at ISE, was the introduc on of Audinate Dante Domain Manager. Dante Domain Manager is an award-winning network management pla orm that sits on top of the Dante network and provides enterprise-grade system administra on and security to the AV universe. Dante Domain Manager makes AV networking more secure, scalable and manageable and enables AV and IT professionals to define specific AV device groupings by room, building and site, through the crea on of independent Dante Domains. Each domain has mul ple access levels to improve network security, and enables scalability by allowing audio rou ng across mul ple IP subnets. Dante Domain Manager applies the domain concept pioneered by the IT industry to differen ate and manage mul ple private networks within the same infrastructure. Audinate is applying this same approach to AV, while customizing the features to the needs of AV professionals and end-users. Available in three edi ons, Dante Domain Manager can be tailored to meet user needs and budgets. The Silver edi on is ideal for installa ons that primarily require user management, such as smaller houses of worship or schools, with a maximum of two domains and 10 audio devices. The Gold edi on includes integra on with Ac ve Directory and is suited for many mid-sized business environments, suppor ng up to 10 domains and 50 devices. The Pla num edi on covers management needs of large-scale installa ons and expands support to up to 50 domains and up to 250 devices. This edi on includes SNMP aler ng and a fully redundant “high availability” op on for mission-cri cal systems. “AV networking just moved beyond connec vity and control,” Rush explains. “Dante Domain Manager is the next great advance of AV and I am confident that it will provide systems integrators, IT pros and end-users with a host of advantages — not least security.” Rush notes that security has become a must-have in AV networking over a very short period of me. “When we envisioned Dante Domain Manager, security was a very important considera on. Now it's tablestakes. It's for this reason that Dante Domain Manager is such a cri cal success here at ISE. Integrators are approaching us with specific projects in mind —churches, schools, enterprise and government jobs where a bid will not be considered without comprehensive security. Dante Domain Manager delivers, comprehensively! Now is an extremely exci ng me for Audinate. AV networking has hit an inflec on point wherein it's providing greater value, applica ons and protec ons everyday. We're right there at the cu ng edge — expanding the sub-layer to be more inclusive and adding a top-layer of func onality and security. In doing so, we're working with our OEM partner community and teams of hardware and so ware developers to innovate and deliver the very best networking technologies, and we've had a phenomenal response here at Integrated Systems Europe!”

Dante Domain Manager network security monitoring

S I A Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



How New Approaches can Bring 'Smooth Talking' to Enterprise Communications Without Breaking the Budget by Moussa Zaghdoud Enterprise communica ons are struggling to meet the needs of modern workplaces which are becoming more flexible, collabora ve and mobile than ever before. When you then add more connected devices, the rise of bots, advanced analy cs, focus on regulatory security and privacy concerns, you have a communica ons landscape that is rapidly growing in complexity. Moussa Zaghdoud, Senior Director and Head of Cloud Business Unit at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprises looks at a new Enterprise Unified Communica on and Collabora on (UC&C) Survey from Wainhouse Research, to explore the trends and preferences in business communica ons and the technology that is available to enable organiza ons to deal with the growing complexity. The transi on to a new era of communica on technology is not always plain sailing, and most organiza ons currently find themselves trapped somewhere between the legacy world of on-premises and some cloud-based services – siloed and not truly connected. A rise in environmental complexity New Wainhouse research shows the majority of businesses use mul ple vendors for telephony -with some 75 per cent using two or more vendors, and 21 per cent with three or more. Alongside this, 33 per cent have two or more Unified Communica ons (UC) vendors, with some using as many as five to deliver addi onal services. With so many moving parts it’s no wonder that it’s difficult to deliver a consistent and unified enterprise-wide communica on experience to the end user. With flexible working and teams opera ng remotely, a fixed point of collabora on isn’t enough to sa sfy the communica on needs of businesses. We need mobile enabled collabora on tools. So, the challenge today... is to unify on-premises PBX telephony with the benefits of providing universally accessible Unified Communica on and Collabora on (UC&C). Enter hybrid solu ons The answer lies in hybrid communica on solu ons that have been developed to give IT departments the op on to integrate cloud-based UC&C – offering key services such as presence, messaging, web conference, video, files and applica on sharing – with the exis ng PBX hardware. This allows businesses to protect and op mize previous investments. This also allows for a gradual approach to cloud adop on, so as business requirements shi , more services can be moved to the cloud. The deskphone – it just won’t go away This integra on is important, because for the me-being, the deskphone is here to stay. According to the Wainhouse Research survey, it remains the most common communica on device used today with almost 85 per cent using one for business communica ons. But – and it’s a big but – most users do not use just a single device. The research showed upwards of 70 per cent of end users leverage a combina on of a deskphone, PC and mobile device, and with new end user technologies such as VR, wearables and Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

personal assistants coming to market, the number of us leveraging mul ple devices is only likely to increase. Managing a mul -device mash-up – it’s hybrid again Business technology procurement needs to recognize this, but business opera ons tend to evolve gradually and don’t just jump from one technology to the next. A pla orm that provides equal support to “tradi onal” and next-genera on communica ons is the ideal solu on. If a business was to jump and solely use the latest technology, it risks aliena ng users and disrup ng business in addi on to losing value from its exis ng investments. Here again it is hybrid cloud deployments which are removing these risks by augmen ng the exis ng with the new. It also has the benefits of being easier to deploy, support and maintain – removing the burden of complex so ware or hardware management. “Good enough” not good enough – vendors need to open up End users no longer accept “good enough” quality from collabora on solu ons. Wainhouse Research found quality to be the top end user requirement with 90 per cent ra ng it as highly important. However, a true quality pla orm should also encompass the other four top requirements iden fied in the survey – workflow integra on (70 per cent), borderless communica ons (63 per cent), mobility (54 per cent) and global access (39 per cent). Open architecture pla orms make it easier to integrate collabora on tools into business processes and systems. A connected communica ons pla orm can do this, bringing together HD voice, video and workflow integra on delivered across devices via the cloud, allowing users to work together and collaborate seamlessly – regardless of loca on or device. To get the quality users want, unsupported tools are out and enterprise-grade is in. Businesses without borders – Bridging vs. Peer-to-Peer Calling Teams in businesses aren’t just opera ng within the business borders. Not only are they o en located across mul ple countries, but can encompass internal employees, external team members, partners and contractors, or customers. The idea of the borderless enterprise is gaining momentum within the business world, but the tools and services need to be in place to support this. Loca on, device type or domain can’t get in the way. Rethinking the PBX The research found that on average, 40 per cent of enterprise voice traffic ends up in a group conference call, and this percentage increases for larger organiza ons. Conferencing and group collabora on is becoming the de facto way work gets done for many, and this requires a rethink on how a business views its PBX. Communica ons pla orms that provide mul ple func ons such as voice, video and document sharing can become an extension of the PBX to support peer-to-peer and group collabora on. This then equally blends both individual and group collabora on features seamlessly, without the need to immediately replace exis ng hardware.



The Bell Curve reigns supreme – mee ng user wants and needs The majority of users aren’t early adopters of technology. When asked how far along the technology curve their personal communica ons environments are, 34 per cent of par cipants replied early adopters, 44 per cent middle of the curve, and 22 per cent comfortably content to wait un l they absolutely have to change it. As organiza ons embrace new technologies and provide more connected workflows, they need to weigh up the advantages of new disrup ve trends and technologies with the benefits of maintaining exis ng communica ons pla orms. IT teams that engage their user community at every stage of the development lifecycle will find they reduce support costs and increase user adop on. Knowing end user preferences is key to delivering the right mix of services, and a pla orm that retains support for legacy users will ensure a smooth transi on without leaving behind slow adopters. The communica on con nuum In today’s business world, nothing is sta c. A flexible communica ons pla orm that can extend its capabili es is essen al to meet con nually changing business requirements. A number of communica on vendors provide open API access to communica ons features like voice, SMS and video, suppor ng the integra on of collabora on tools for a growing mix of external team members, contractors, and partners. They provide a set of cloudbased services, implemented as an overlay solu on with essen al collabora ve capabili es. These are simple for companies to deploy and users to adopt, regardless of their exis ng communica ons systems. For enterprise communica ons to stay ahead, using disrup ve technology without the business disrup on will be key. About the Author Moussa Zaghdoud, as Senior Director and Head of Cloud Business Unit at ALE, is responsible for the end-to-end cloud strategy, solu on defini on, offer management and business model defini on for the Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow Cloud Service Offer. Moussa joined Alcatel as a mul media expert to define the ALE web business portals. Previous posi ons with the company include: IT project and program manager, product line manager bringing new UC and mobility services to the market, director for innova on with the inven on of the first Rainbow kernel. In parallel, Moussa has created two Cloud startups providing virtual call center services and predic ve rou ng services to enterprises. Moussa holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Sciences and Automated systems from Louis Pasteur Universality, Strasbourg – Franceand a degree in Physics. He also took 1st prize in the French na onal physics compe on. h ps://

Wainhouse Research Enterprise Unified Communica on and Collabora on (UC&C) Survey The ar cle contributed by Moussa Zaghdoud, Senior Director and Head of Cloud Business Unit at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprises is based on the above men oned Wainhouse Research survey. The Paper's Premise Enterprise Communica ons is rapidly evolving. Understanding where we have been, the current state of the market, and where we are headed is cri cal to a successful strategy. The paper provides details on several fundamental trends impac ng the enterprise communica ons industry, including observa ons of best prac ces found within enterprises on the leading edge of this transi on. All observa ons are supported by survey data, vendor feedback, enterprise briefings, and independent market insight gathered by Wainhouse Research – an independent analyst and research firm focusing specifically on the Unified Communica ons and Collabora on (UC&C) market. “Our world was much simpler, just 10 years ago” could not be a more appropriate – and common – quote for those managing enterprise communica ons. The fact is, enterprise communica ons have been in a constant state of change since the introduc on of the telegraph in 1837. However, it wasn't un l the introduc on of digital communica ons in the 1990s that the pace of change became challenging. Today, we're experiencing an explosion of collabora ve tools and services that promise increased produc vity and an enhanced user experience. The result for many IT decision makes (ITDMs), however is o en a growing wave of risk, uncertainty, and complexity. You can read the full report via: h ps://www.ibainterna

S I A Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018



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Vega Global, the leading solu on provider of superior AV technologies to many mul na onal companies, has once again been recognized by AVIXA as AV Provider of Excellence Company for four consecu ve years

Beijing InfoComm China Summit is Asia's biggest learning classroom for AV and IT professionals working in various industries as well as entrepreneurs, business leaders and decision-makers. This year, a endees can look forward to close to 60 free-to-a end learning sessions being held from 11 to 13 April

Independent analysts praise Yamaha CS-700 as 'Huddle Room Powerhouse' Report from UC analyst ďŹ rm Wainhouse Research evaluates all-in-one system's performance, quality, and ease of use

Mar n Audio has appointed Al Isteklal T.C-IAC Qatar as its new distributor in the State of Qatar. IAC Qatar was set up in Doha in 2004, and developed by the founder Akram Hamada and cofounder Ayman Hamada

Riedel acquires shares in GuestOne a company that is an expert in guest management and crew accredita on. The aim of this investment is to set new standards for visitor and event security with customized solu ons, all from a single source.

Visit WWW.SYSTEMSINTEGRATIONASIA.COM to Subscribe Systems Integration Asia Vol. 17 Issue 4 ~ April - May 2018

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