3 minute read
rick rusaw
Enough has been said, written, blogged, and regurgitated about the change our world has been through the past few years. Unprecedented, Overwhelming, Radical, Disruptive, Accelerating and a long list of descriptors have been uttered so many times they almost are meaningless. The reality is leading, ministering, the past few years has placed you in a unique position to lead in a time of disruption, a time when the world has changed, a time of both challenge and opportunity. There are no roadmaps, no google assist, no experts on what to do or how to do it. Therein, lies the challenge and the opportunity. The apostle Paul who lived and led in “unprecedented” times gives some sage advice to navigate this climate change.
Ephesians 5:15-16 “Be very careful then how you live-- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”
Paul was saying to the Ephesians the days are dangerous, the climate has changed, the world is not the same so . . . Be Careful, Be Wise, Be Judicious
As you lead be careful, pay attention, keep your eyes open. The first time I was driving with my Driver’s Ed teacher, I was approaching a stop sign and I am assuming a bit faster than he wanted me to- he yelled for me to stop. When he yelled, I panicked and hit the gas and blazed right through the intersection. I don’t remember much about him, but I do remember him saying to me, “Rick, pay attention to the intersections because good things or bad things can happen at the intersections.
Are you paying attention to the Intersections? There’s a long list but here’s a few:
The intersection of what we were doing before the pandemic and what we are doing now.
Many of the ways we led the church before the pandemic are still needed and necessary, yet many of those things are no longer useful or productive. How are you evaluating, measuring- who are you leaning on for insight and guidance?
The intersection of the backstage and the front stage.
Are you taking care of the backstage “you” or are you allowing your public presence to get disconnected from who you are in Christ. The stress and strain of ministry is tremendous and long before a leader’s fall becomes front stage it was happening backstage in small, incremental ways.
The intersection of the main thing staying the main thing and the distraction of all the shiny new things.
There are so many options available today to “do” church, so many opportunities to increase influence of our ministry, yet it’s possible we lose sight of helping people discover grace, grow in grace, and live gracefully. As we embrace all the new opportunities and technologies let’s do so with a heart for lost people.
The intersection of culture wars
In a world that has grown increasingly polarized and more complex in the way issues present themselves in culture, your voice matters. You’re engaging in the issues of the day with grace and truth is critical. Doing that is incredibly challenging today, biblical wisdom is needed and necessary.
The intersection of choice
Leaders have the weight and responsibility of choice. Choosing what is a priority and what isn’t. Choosing what strategies to engage in. Choosing who and who not to invest energy in. Choosing what gets your attention and what doesn’t. As a leader you can either Act or React. Be judicious with your time, your investment of energy, with your choices.
In 1904 there were only two cars in the entire state of Kansas, and they ended up in a wreck! Intersections are dangerous but they are also where all the opportunity is. Paul’s encouragement is to make the most of every opportunity as you lead, just be careful, be wise and be judicious.
For more than 28 years, Rick Rusaw served as Lead Pastor at LifeBridge Christian Church in Longmont, Colorado. Rick has assisted churches and denominations worldwide in developing an external focus to ministry and has authored several books and resources including the best-selling missional-book Externally Focused Church, as well as Life on Loan, Externally Focused Quest, 60 Simple Secrets Every Pastor Needs to Know, The Neighboring Church and The Neighboring Life.
Rick currently leads the Spire Network, a national digital engagement platform, conference and innovation community focused on equipping and inspiring Christian leaders. Rick also serves on the executive team at Gloo, a Boulder, Colorado data and technology company.