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If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, this leaflet will help you find out more about the local services that are available to help you manage your diabetes. Dedicated Free Support line
0800 852 7460 email: empower.ntccg@nhs.net
If you would like this letter or information in an alternative format, for example large print or easy read, or if you need help with communicating with us, for example because you use British Sign Language, please let us know. CLI3800MAY21
Always supporting you In attending this EMPOWER course, you are part of a group of people from your local area, together sharing experiences and learning about: • Diet • Exercise and lifestyle changes • Medication • Setting personal goals and taking better control of your diabetes Find out more at:
GP and nurse support Having the right care is important in helping you to manage your diabetes. As well as looking after yourself, you will have an annual review meeting with your GP or nurse. This is where you can discuss your personal targets and agree a plan of action to help you reach them. Areas of care you should think about and discuss with your GP or nurse at your next review can include: • Podiatry (foot care) • Diet support • Eye screening • Stopping smoking • Emotional wellbeing
• Weight management • Exercise schemes • Alcohol awareness
Stop smoking North Tyneside Smoking cessation services are available throughout North Tyneside, supported by the local council. The service provides smokers in North Tyneside with expert support to help them quit smoking. This is a completely free service for smokers in North Tyneside. Visit the link below to find out more:
my.northtyneside.gov.uk/ category/597/quitting-smoking
Active North Tyneside Active North Tyneside will help you get active and feel the benefits of living a longer and healthier life. The service offers activities for families, adults, teens and children. Activities include a ‘Run for Fun’ 10 week programme, free of charge Walking Football games and more! Find out more at:
www.activenorthtyneside.org.uk Active North Tyneside can also help you to lose weight by giving you advice on your diet. The service offers advice on growing your own vegetables and other healthy choices you can make. Find out more at:
www.activenorthtyneside. org.uk/health-eating
Drugs & alcohol services - North Tyneside There are multiple services available to you if you feel you require additional support to stop or reduce the amount of alcohol you drink or drugs you take. All services are discreet and can offer different levels of support to meet your needs. North Tyneside Recovery Partnership is a dedicated service for anyone in North Tyneside experiencing problems with drugs and alcohol that can offer the following support: • Harm reduction • Abstinence programmes • Medical support • Psychosocial interventions • A dedicated Recovery Co-ordinator • Recovery support You can contact the North Tyneside Recovery Partnership by calling 0191 240 8122 to talk to a Recovery Co-ordinator. PROPS – Positive Response to Overcoming Problems of Substance Misuse. PROPS is a North East based support service for individuals, families and carers of those living with alcohol and substance misuse. The PROPS services have developed in response to the needs of the local community and include one-to-one support, counselling, training for families and professionals and volunteers, a confidential out-of-hours helpline and, where appropriate, respite breaks. You can contact PROPS by calling
0191 226 3440
North Tyneside Social Prescribing Service The Social Prescribing Service has been set up for anyone in North Tyneside who would like to get fit, join in activities, be included in their community, find a new hobby or meet new people. Some examples of the activities available through the Social Prescribing Service: • Talking therapies
• Seated Exercises
• Walking and Strolling
• Strength & Balance
• Dancing • Beauty Therapy • Yoga and Tai Chi • Keep Fit Exercises
• Art • Computer Skills • Counselling • Basketball • And more!
By joining in on some of the activities you can expect to improve your fitness and mobility, reduce anxiety, help manage depression, learn new skills and create long lasting friendships! Find out more at:
www.socialprescribing.org.uk or call 0191 432 4829
Smartphone apps There are many health apps that can help you manage the type of foods you eat. The Change4Life Sugar Smart app is designed to show quickly and easily how much total sugar is in the things you are buying, eating and drinking. This can help you spot it more easily so you can make healthier choices and reduce your sugar intake. The Change4Life Smart Recipes app is a great, free way of helping everybody eat tasty, healthier meals. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to cook or have new meal ideas. And remembering ingredients and keeping track of calories can be a hassle. Don’t worry – the meal mixer takes care of it! ONEYOU have a series of apps that help you to track the amount of alcohol you consume, cook easy meals and a Couch to 5k app to help you keep moving. Also, there is a SMOKEFREE app that can help you stop smoking by providing daily support and motivation.
There are lots of other apps available that can help with diet and exercise. These should be used in line with your diabetes management programme. For any additional help, please speak to your GP or nurse who will be able to guide you.