Local Services If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, this leaflet will help you find out more about the local services that are available to help you manage your diabetes. If you would like this information in an alternative format, for example large print or easy read, or if you need help with communicating with us, for example because you use British Sign Language, please let us know. 0800 852 7460 Dedicated Free Support line email: spirit.empowerlincolnshire@nhs.net CLI4239AUG22
As well as looking after yourself, you will have an annual review meeting with your GP or nurse. This is where you can discuss your personal targets and agree a plan of action to help you reach them. Areas of care you should think about and discuss with your GP or nurse at your next review can include: (foot care)
GP and nurse support
Setting personal goals and taking better control of your diabetes
Having the right care is important in helping you to manage your diabetes.
• Diet • Medication • Exercise
Thank you for attending an EMPOWER course. You are now part of a group of people from your local area who have shared experiences and learned about: and lifestyle changes
The information in this leaflet will help you find out more about the local services that are available to help you manage your diabetes. Find out more www.empower-diabetes.co.ukat:
Always supporting you
• Podiatry
• Eye screening • Stopping smoking • wellbeingEmotional • Diet support • managementWeight • Exercise schemes • Alcohol awareness
One You Lincolnshire – Move More Their team of physical activity coaches will get you moving more and achieving the recommended 150 mins of physical activity a week! They offer a mix of 1-to1 and group sessions to suit everyone. How they help: • Weekly support in 1-to-1 sessions Bespoke resources to help reach your goals Tailored support for over 55’s seeking support to stay active and mobile
NHS Healthy Living
Healthy Living is a free online NHS service for people living with Type 2 diabetes. It provides knowledge and information that will support you to manage your condition. This includes: • Information about Type 2 diabetes and its treatments Advice on emotional and mental wellbeing • Advice with adopting and maintaining healthy behaviours with food and exercise. If you need help with joining or using the Healthy Living programme, comhealthyliving@support.changinghealth.email: for further support. If you would prefer to speak to one of the team, call 0191 249 7801. Their support team are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
• Make
• Online gym membership - yoga, HIIT, armchair aerobics and more • Personalised sessions in a gym or leisure centre • Free exercise and workout plans to improve your fitness
Online referral: bit.ly/one-you-lincolnshire
• Feel
• Meet
Social prescribing is a way of enabling people to make positive changes in their lives and within their communities by linking people to activities, voluntary and community groups and public services. These activities can help you to: Link worker support to make target and achievable goals more involved in their community new people some changes to improve health and wellbeing ask Care Navigators and practice staff at your registered surgery for a referral into Social Prescribing.
Email: Phone:hello@oneyoulincolnshire.org.uk01522705162
One You Lincolnshire – Smoking Cessation
Follow up appointments are 15 minutes either weekly or bi-weekly depending on client preference. They provide 12-weeks’ worth of Nicotine Replacement Therapy or prescribed medication. Contact: One You Lincolnshire, Smoking Cessation Support Telephone: 01522 705 162 Email: Website:hello@oneyoulincolnshire.org.ukwww.oneyoulincolnshire.org.uk
Notes: Office opening hours are: MondayThursday 9am - 8pm. Friday 9am - 5pm.
This is a FREE service commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council for anyone wishing to quit smoking from the age of 12+.
12-week intervention programme
Referrals will receive an initial appointment which will last for up to 30 minutes and during this time the Stop Smoking practitioner will gain some background information on smoking history, habits, motivation, challenges and work towards setting a quit date.
Smartphone apps
There are lots of other apps available that can help with diet and exercise. These should be used in line with your diabetes management programme. For any additional help, please speak to your GP or nurse who will be able to guide you.
ONEYOU have a series of apps that help you to track the amount of alcohol you consume, cook easy meals and a Couch to 5k app to help you keep moving. Also, there is a SMOKEFREE app that can help you stop smoking by providing daily support and motivation.
There are many health apps that can help you manage the type of foods you eat.
The Change4Life Smart Recipes app is a great, free way of helping everybody eat tasty, healthier meals. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to cook or have new meal ideas. Remembering ingredients and keeping track of calories can also be a hassle. Don’t worry – the meal mixer takes care of it!
The Change4Life Sugar Smart app is designed to show quickly and easily how much total sugar is in the things you are buying, eating and drinking. This can help you spot it more easily so you can make healthier choices and reduce your sugar intake.