Message Series —
Join us in the month of October for our new message series, “Rollercoaster: Ups and Downs.” This series is all about the faithfulness of God through every season and circumstance. We hope it will bless and encourage you, no matter where you are in your walk with the Lord!
Growth Track —
If you’re interested in becoming a member, learning more about what we believe, or serving on a SpiritTEAM, this is the class for you! Join us for Growth Track on Sunday, October 1st, at 11 am. This class teaches you more about who we are, how we do ministry, and the many ways YOU can be a part of what God is doing here. If you would like to attend, please sign up on our website
SpiritGROUP Leader Meeting -
If you are a SpiritGROUP leader, please make plans to join us for a leader meeting on Wednesday, October 4th, at 5:30 pm before our First Wednesday experience. Dinner will be provided, and Pastor Robyn will share all of our updated information as we kick off the fall semester!
First Wednesday —
Join us on Wednesday, October 4th, at 7 pm for First Wednesday! On the first Wednesday of each month, we gather together to spend time seeking the Lord and His presence as a church family.
Child care will be provided for birth-5 years old, but your older kids are invited to join us in the Worship Center. Don't miss it!
Family Fall Bash -
We are so excited for this year’s Family Fall Bash! Mark your calendars for October 15th, from 5-7 pm, and make plans to join us for this fun night of hayrides, pumpkin painting, a petting zoo, free food, and a trunk or treat. We are also hosting a chili cook off! If you’re interested in participating, please visit for more information. There will be no Awana or SpiritYOUTH that evening, so spend this time at the bash together as a family! Make sure to bring your own pumpkin to paint, and we’ll see you there!
Pastor Appreciation —
The month of October is Pastor Appreciation, and we will be celebrating our amazing Pastors on Sunday, October 22nd. Pastor Jason and Robyn give and sacrifice so much for our church family and community, and we want to show them how much we love them! On this day, our deacons will receive a special offering for the Fullerton family. If you would like to contribute, you may give in the offering that day, or you are welcome to bring a card to offer words of encouragement and appreciation for their service to us. Thank you for loving our Pastors well!
New People Party —
Are you new to SpiritCHURCH? We would love to meet you! Join us for our New People Party on Sunday, October 29th following our 11 am worship experience in the Cafe. Meet our staff, learn more about our church, and enjoy FREE lunch on us! Sign up to attend at
SpiritYOUTH Fall Fiesta —
SpiritYOUTH is hosting a Fall Fiesta on Sunday, October 29th, at 5:30 pm! All 6th-12th graders are invited to join us for this fun night of friends, food, and games! This will include a FREE nacho bar and fiesta style games. We’d love for your students to join us!
2121 S. Madison Blvd. Bartlesville, OK 74006
918.336.1131 |
Sharing the love, joy, and peace of Jesus Christ with the least, last, and lost.