Mixture- the Danger of Strange Fire

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08-07-2009 01:05 PM

Mixture - The Danger of Strange Fire - Oct 2008 Mixture - The Danger of Strange Fire - Oct 2008 by Curry R. Blake Num 26:61 And Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered strange fire before the LORD. KJV I have been studying healing and the power of God for over 30 years. One of the reasons for this pilgrimage was the birth of my first daughter with a large hemangioma tumor in her tongue. I was not just "after power" or just "interested in healing". I had to have answers that worked. What I found initially, worked "pretty good", which means every now and then. Which, for the father of a sick child, that's not good enough. I often got into trouble in the church (and churches) I was in, for asking the questions everyone wanted to ignore. I was the guy that brought up the Scriptures that shot holes in the popular theology of the church and then was ostracized because I was saying, "The emperor is naked" when everyone wanted to act like everything was fine. My search led me to the giants of the faith including Wigglesworth, Lake, and others. Eventually, through my contact with Gertrude and Wil Reidt, (Lake's daughter and her husband) I eventually came across the info that Dr. Lake used to train his Divine Healing Technicians. This was the information that allowed them to experience over 100,000 healings in a five year period and almost a quarter of a million healings within a decade. Because of the need to experience healing on a regular basis rather than the hit and miss basis everyone seemed to be used to and satisfied with, I have studied EVERY form of healing I could find. Due to my involvement in the martial arts for most of my life, I also trained in Herbalism (both Chinese and Native American), and in acupressure and tienshue - Chinese pressure point manipulation (usually used for fighting). I am including this so that you will understand that I am not just some "narrow-minded fundamentalist preacher that is against everything". I have also studied (in detail) every type of so-called "Christian Healing" that has been introduced to the body of Christ for the last thirty years. Most of these studies were before I actually found what I believe and practice today which has become known as the "JGLM message of healing". I have studied the "Inner Healing" method of healing, the "Spiritual Roots" method of healing, the "Generational Curse" method of healing. I have also investigated the "Theophostics" method of healing as well as many others. I am writing this article to answer a very important need in the church today. I understand people that want to find something that works. But as we have just seen in the "Revival" realm, just because something "appears" to work, it does not mean that we should run after it. We (the Body of Christ) must come to our (spiritual) senses and love the word of God and truth as much as we love the moving of the Spirit. If we do not come back to an even keel, we are in danger of moving gradually but steadily into becoming spiritualist rather than Christian. Over the last several years, I have noticed a very progressive move away from Scripture towards a religion of experience at the expense of Bible doctrine. The areas where this is possibly the most noticeable …lifeteamsintl.org/printthread.php?t=3…



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has been in the "Revival" camp, the "Healing" camp and the "Prophetic" camp. Things have kept getting wilder and wilder. Now we have to deal with the latest situation that took place with the "Lakeland Revival". Maybe now, people will be ready to get back to Scripture. In the opening Scripture there is a term that used to be used all the time, but is seldom heard today. That term is “strange fire". When this term is used in the Bible, it is always used in a bad connotation. We don't hear it much anymore, now it has been replaced with a new term and used in a new way. Now we hear the term, "New Thing" as in "God is doing a new thing". Now we have even started saying that this "new thing" is a good thing. I am saying to you (I believe, by the Spirit of God) that this new thing is nothing but an old thing that used to be known as "strange fire". In the Old Testament reference to "strange fire" it says that Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered strange fire before the LORD. Apparently The Lord takes offering strange fire pretty seriously. Maybe we should too. We will come back to strange fire shortly, but first let's look at the "new thing" that everyone says God is doing. The "NEW THING" of the Bible. Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. KJV This is pretty clear. According to God there IS NO NEW THING under the sun. That means that God is not doing a new thing. Usually when we hear this term used, it has to do with some new thing that is happening that people want to pass off as God. God is the same, Jesus is the same. They are the same and they are doing the same. So let's see what this "new thing" is that God mentions in Jeremiah 31:22. Jeremiah 31:22 - 33 22 How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? for the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man. 23 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As yet they shall use this speech in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring again their captivity; The LORD bless thee, O habitation of justice, and mountain of holiness. 24 And there shall dwell in Judah itself, and in all the cities thereof together, husbandmen, and they that go forth with flocks. 25 For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul. 26 Upon this I awaked, and beheld; and my sleep was sweet unto me. 27 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast. 28 And it shall come to pass, that like as I have watched over them, to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down, and to destroy, and to afflict; so will I watch over them, to build, and to plant, saith the LORD. 29 In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. 30 But everyone shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge. 31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. KJV It is plain here that the "new thing" God was going to do (and the only new thing) was to set aside the old covenant (the old thing) and establish a new thing (the new covenant). The only "new thing" God said He was going to do, He did, 2000 years ago when He instituted the NEW COVENANT through Jesus Christ. God IS NOT doing any "new thing" today. Instead, people are doing a "new …lifeteamsintl.org/printthread.php?t=3…



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thing" by introducing "strange fire". As I mentioned previously, many of the current teachings on healing are nothing but strange fire. That is one reason that they get so little results. God is not validating the teaching. I will mention another reason that people fail to get results later on in this teaching. Because of my research in the various healing methods and my background in the martial arts (which I do not practice anymore), I know (notice the use of the intensive word "know") I don't just think, I know the New Age aspect of almost every prominent teaching that is currently accepted by the church. Personally, I should not care what anyone else teaches or believes, I should just concern myself with my doctrine and make sure that what I teach is accurate. I have tried to convince myself that I should just ignore everything else and just focus on preaching the truth. But since I have not and cannot do that, I have asked the Lord why I must address these things. Believe me, we would do much better financially and socially, if I could just go along with these other teachings. If I started teaching the Generational curse teaching, I could make a fortune, I could write book after book on how and why you are under a curse and what you must do to break it. Even though there are many books already out there on the subject, people would buy mine, because the last one they read didn't work so they are still looking for the answer and they would think it might be in mine. They have already bought into the generational curse teaching so instead of questioning the teaching, they will just think that there is something wrong with them and they have not found out yet what it is. The basic problem with that teaching is that Jesus (our example) DID NOT DO IT!!! Another basic problem with that teaching is that the Apostle Paul TAUGHT AGAINST IT!!! He said, "forgetting those things that are past" He said," Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith. 1 Timothy 1:4 In Titus 3:9, Paul said:"But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain. Even in Jeremiah 31:29to32, God states the same thing He told Ezekiel in Ezekiel 18 that the idea of generational curses WILL NOT BE SPOKEN OF AGAIN. Why did He say this, because of the institution of THE NEW (THING) COVENANT, where people would no longer have a past generation, they would be BORN AGAIN. They would have a new Father, and their past sins would no longer be remembered. They would not have generational curses, they would have GENERATIONAL BLESSINGS because their generation would only go back to Jesus (who was made a curse for us) so that we might be made the righteousness of God. This very verse tells us that when this NEW (THING) COVENANT was installed, GOD Himself would be our Father and we will be HIS people. ANY PERSON that teaches generational curses to Christians DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE NEW BIRTH OR THE NEW COVENANT!!! Every teaching I mentioned earlier denies the New Birth and the New Covenant. You cannot teach the reality of the New Birth/New Covenant and teach "inner healing" (the way it is taught) or any of the other myriad of teachings that causes the sick to look at themselves rather than looking at Jesus. This "new thing" teaching is nothing but an "old thing" dressed up and sold to "Christians" to make money for the "hireling charlatans" that promote it. Most of the "new thing" teaching is nothing more than a Trojan Horse used to bring "strange fire" "New Age" teaching into the church. …lifeteamsintl.org/printthread.php?t=3…



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And the church is buying it hook, line, and sinker. So why are they buying into this stuff? I will give three reasons but there may be more. Reason number 1: As the pulpit goes, so goes the pew. The church reflects the spiritual temperature of the people in the pulpits. The pulpits reflect the spiritual temperature of the current superstar preacher on TV because the "little guys" all want to be like the "big guys" and they believe that if they do what the big guys do they will become the next "big guys". The church swallows whatever they are fed rather than searching the Word of God to find out if what they are being taught is true. So really, those that are being mislead, have only themselves to blame. So why can' I just let it go? The only answer I can give is that when God called me and placed His Spirit in me, He also gave me a heart like Paul's that actually hurts over seeing God's people spiritually lied to and starved and abused and left oppressed. The one thing that actually keeps bothering me is to see wolves devouring the sheep. I hear the cries of the sheep that are begging God to deliver them, not knowing that He has already declared and decreed their freedom, yet they are not being told they are free, but rather to cry louder and longer. So why won't the pulpits declare the truth that sets men free rather than being the advertisers of their newest books that tell why they are not free? Because they would rather preach the newest self-help book they have read rather than going back and reading the self-death book that points to life. Many times the reason for the church receiving regurgitated sour milk is because the preacher has run out of fresh milk and has to go to a store instead of going directly to the dairy. Instead of digging out the truths of the Word of God, it is often easier to say the same thing that has just been preached at some mega conference. Many preachers do not want to preach "the same old thing", but the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:1, "Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. Reason number 2: People do not want to grow and become like Christ. That would require them to put their lives second place and the lives of others first place. They would rather exist on the leftovers of their leaders than manna of their master. They would rather be the multitudes being fed the loaves and fishes than to be the disciples in whose hands the loaves and fishes are multiplied. The life of the delivered deliverer is better, regardless of how demanding physically it might be, than the life of a bound beggar. Note: What we (JGLM) teach is the true "old-time" gospel of grace and mercy. What is taught today is the "new thing" teaching (which Paul warned against) of mixing works and law in with a little grace. Basically what is taught is: Saved by grace, but once saved, everything else is by works. This is the basis of the inner healing, generational curse, and theophostic teaching. Many people that hear our message believe it to be a "new" teaching, but this was taught from the days of the Apostles until the early 1940's. What people consider the "old" or "traditional" teaching was not taught until the 1960's (except in New Thought, New Age, and Christian Science (circles). In this next section when I refer to "new teaching" I am referring to the typically taught teachings of generational curses, theophostics, inner healing, etc. When I refer to "old teaching", I am referring to what we teach. It is really rather arrogant to think that just because someone hasn't heard of something before, that it must be new, as though anyone could know and have heard of everything that is being taught. ‌lifeteamsintl.org/printthread.php?t=3‌



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Reason number 3: Mixing in strange fire. Usually, when I teach a Divine Healing Technician Training School, the people that attend are immediately convinced of its truthfulness and accuracy. When they return to their church they begin putting into practice what they have learned and see an immediate increase in results. Then they are usually confronted by those that teach the "new teaching". To keep peace and "unity" the JGLM taught believers try to work with the other teachings. But the gospel never allows for compromise. You cannot mix the JGLM teaching with other healing teachings. They won't mix. They are mutually exclusive. One problem today is that Christians think that everything must work together. They believe that everything that calls itself "of God" is of God. But neither Jesus, nor John the Baptist, nor the Apostles thought this way. They ALL said the same thing: There is one way, one gospel. Paul even said that there were gospels being preached that were not gospel. (See Gal. 1:6 -11) Usually what happens is that after the people compromise to fit in with other teachings in the church, they notice that even the results they used to get aren't there anymore. The reason is simple, they are trying to mix two totally different teachings together. God confirms His Word (Mark 16:18-20). When you try to mix God's Word with man's traditions, God cannot confirm half truth. Psychology is man's attempt to fix man's mind and bring deliverance. It does not truly fix man. God fixes man in the man's spirit. Then man must have his mind renewed with God's Word, not man's word. It is the same in healing. We must rely on God's power not on man's psychological attempts to fix himself. Every person that relies on the common teachings of inner healing, generational curses, and theophostics is admitting that they are not like their Master, simply bringing deliverance to the captive by the word of His power, but are in reality powerless blind leaders of the bound. They are saying they cannot truly help anyone. They are saying, "We have found a man's method whereby you can help yourself. But we cannot help you as Jesus did." No person that has power from God will ever try to put the responsibility of healing on the sick person. If you truly believe the Scripture (Acts 1:8) that says that you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and you truly believe that you have received that power, then you could never revert to telling a person to "save yourself". That is what the heathen said to Jesus. Instead you will say, as your Master said, "Be healed!", "Receive your sight." If you want to be a specialist, a consultant, or counselor, then go get a degree and find your place in the world business system. But if you want to be a deliverer like your Master, then get saved, get filled, and get busy. There is a world of hurting people that are waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, not a manifestation of your worldly wisdom. Let's put the "strange fire" out once and for all. 'Till next month, To all JGLM Enlisted Personnel, Everywhere we go people are astounded with the JGLM message. the usual reaction we get is "where has this been all my life?" Most recently, our General Overseer of JGLM, Curry Blake, ministered to the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa which totals 1800 churches. This is the same Apostolic Faith Mission started by Dr. John G. Lake during his initial five years in South Africa. Admittedly, they had "fallen away" from the initial message, but were immediately drawn back to the truth of "the Gospel That Works." This is the Gospel that Jesus preached. It is the Gospel that Dr. Lake preached and it is this same Gospel that is rekindled and taught by Curry Blake to and by all JGLM personnel. Our motto is "if Jesus did it, then we do it. If He didn't do it or say it then we …lifeteamsintl.org/printthread.php?t=3…



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don't either!" Now the reason for this letter is to remind you of our duty to keep this message pure. We know this seems like a simple request, but there are those that have either deviated from the message or who have not yet really grasped the message. They have added such antidotes as inner healing, theophostics, and generational curses to name a few to their tactics of setting the captives free. We at JGLM are adamantly opposed to such false doctrines. We are also adamant about having faith for others and knowing that the anointing abides continually and are ready at all times to minister life to anyone. In a nutshell, when all is said and done, it comes back to us getting the job done with the faith and power given to us by none other than Jesus Himself. It is imperative that all JGLM Regional Directors, State Directors, Healing Room Directors and teams, Life Team Leaders and teams and all DHT's adhere to the JGLM message. If at any time you feel you are unable to do so please contact us. We are requesting that also if you are aware of any that are carrying the JGLM name or misrepresenting this ministry by teaching or ministering otherwise or wrongly using the JGLM name without permission, that you contact the home office. We are more than grateful for your continued support and commitment to this message and ministry. You are vital to JGLM in what you do to expand the kingdom of God for His glory. Let's continue to go forth in excellence with the power of His Word and anointing of the Spirit to demonstrate Jesus Christ to the world in the same simplicity and power that He did. Sincerely in Christ, JGLM Doctrine, Ethics, and Procedure Committee


12-04-2009 02:25 AM


The areas where this is possibly the most noticeable has been in the "Revival" camp, the "Healing" camp and the "Prophetic" camp. Things have kept getting wilder and wilder. Now we have to deal with the latest situation that took place with the "Lakeland Revival". Maybe now, people will be ready to get back to Scripture.

Not sure this can be correct. To me rather it seems things are getting milder and milder. Looking at people like John Lake and Wigglesworth they were very wild, Paul was a wild man, Jesus was probably the wildest man they had seen in their day. I think the church has become too conservative if you ask me for the sake of "political correctness", and other things. Even Todd Bentley is mild when measuring up against some of the things Smith Wigglesworth did. I have no doubt that the Lakeland revival was a move of God.


12-25-2009 08:51 AM

This is absolutely beautiful as it is so needed.

Kim Perrine

12-26-2009 12:26 AM

I think Bro. Curry is saying that the church is getting wierder and wierder in these movements, and are gravitating away from scripture. I saw this in the last church I attended, and left when I recognized it. Jesus, Paul, Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake adhered stringently to scripture.




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