Process of Working the Word

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Process of Working the Word MEDITATION -Confession

1st type gets it INTO our spirit 2nd type declares it FROM our spirit

-Contemplation The difference between successfully walking on water and drowning lies in the thoughts and imaginations. Peter started walking on water based upon the spoken Word of Jesus but when he saw the waves, he was afraid and began to sink. It was not what took place outwardly that determines the miracle of walking on water but it was what took place inwardly- the thoughts and imaginations! “Holy Spirit- give me Your pictures of this Word… in my life! Make it come ALIVE!” HEBREWS 11:13

1) SEE it from afar-VISUALIZATION Understand what the promise says. Using the imagination to see it happening. 1st TYPE OF CONFESSION- talk it out to yourself! Speak with conviction- as the oracle of God- Sow to your spirit… “Yes, I can see that promise- I clearly understand what it means to me”

2) ASSURED of it- ASSURANCE of FAITH Convinced that it is true in the face of contrary circumstances. Using the imagination to overlay the promise into the midst of contrary circumstances. Giving Voice to the Word with conviction in the circumstances -still speaking to yourself- (being filled with the Holy Spirit) “I am experiencing the confidence within my spirit that God will make this happen for me- no matter what”

3) EMBRACED it- EMOTIONAL OUTFLOW Seeing ONLY the victory of the Promise in the Word coming to pass –rejoicing etc- the natural has become an illusion. Experiencing the excitement and emotions involved and physically preparing to act on what you feel. First step- you hold the vision. This 3rd step- the vision holds you!! “My heart is pumping, I feel the unction upon me, I KNOW I can do it! My emotions are completely feeling the victory in this situation” Being assured speaks of the confidence received without feelings. Faith does not follow feelings but feelings are to follow faith! God’s emotion is motivated by the truth in His mind. His emotion means that He is about ready to ACT! Your emotion means YOU are ready to act!

4) CONFESSED you are…-DECLARATION If you haven’t gone through the first 3 steps, this part is hard. If you have gone through them, this 4th step is easy. “Calling those things which be not- as though they were.” Calling the dead back to life, stopping the rain, calling down fireThese are all easy. Not one doubt that these things you declare will come to pass. Your words leave a permanent mark in the spirit realm. The natural realm is forced to respond accordingly. 2nd TYPE OF CONFESSION- decree it from your spirit to the heavens and the earth. “This is how it is going to be- and I don’t mean maybe. My thoughts are settled- as if it was already done.” The spirit realm relies on the thought realm. Jesus leaves us no doubt to the fact that what goes on in the thought life is of great importance to the successful receiving and performance of miracles.

Never forget- the Holy Spirit reacts to words. Guard your thoughts- and aim your words from your spirit carefully. If this process is followed carefully and completely- no promise from God for you shall be unfulfilled in your life.

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