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WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 3

Advertisement. Abridged from ‘A Fish Doesn’t Know He’s Wet’. NEAA Online Press. September 2007. Vol. 5, Issue 2. Reprinted with permission. The New England Alphabiotic Association.

Professionals In Focus (The Sequel. The Remarkable New Findings. Answering The Critics.)

Neal Robert Smookler


t feels quite freeing within seconds; an immediate and tangible change, say Neal Smookler. What Smookler is describing is a fascinating method that resets and refreshes the brain back to it’s youth. It seems as if you are growing younger; that was dumbfounding back then, still is today.” “Inside your head is a physical triggering mechanism that enables the brain to reboot itself as you’d reboot your home computer. I want to be very clear; it’s not there by accident. You’re hard wired by Mother Nature that way. I was trained twenty years ago to know where the mechanism is located, and exactly how to activate it.” There is an adulation you hear in Smookler’s voice for the profession he so adores — Alphabiotics, that onomatopoetically constructed word that reflects the actual process. “I’m more excited today — as the message is now pregnant with possibility. It’s a message that I adore with all my heart and being, as it’s such a blessing. It demonstrates not only a Virgil Chrane’s brilliance and insight, but God’s loving kindness.” If words like adoration and love seem a bit strange in discussing one’s profession, we need only take a few steps back to understand. Smookler has spent the better part of the last two decades helping Dr. Virgil Chrane bring forth a remarkable new profession. Smookler’s work is cutting edge and old-fashioned. Profound, yet essentially simple. Complete and still evolving. This is the dichotomy Alphabiotics presents upon even the most casual of observation. Every so often a person brings forth new information that completely transforms all those who hear it. Alphabiotics is not widely known by virtue of its radical simplicity. As long as the world adores complexity

4 Spirit of Change Change || WINTER WINTER 2011 2011

and revels in figuring out the secrets of the universe, this message will be dismissed as pedestrian by many and only heard by a few. “It’s also incredibly easy to do — as there are no rigid protocols nor special rules to follow. That’s a refreshing new wrinkle for most”, quips Smookler. “I once overheard an acquaintance state that the entire profession is nothing more than another ‘California fad’. To this very day that observation befuddles me. I see that more and more people are ‘waking up’. Thirty years ago the number one bestsellers in bookstores were cookbooks. Today, it’s books about significance and meaning. There’s an awareness surfacing today within so many. A genuine shift is occurring.” When the cover story of the May 7, 2001 Newsweek is ‘God And The Brain. How We’re Wired For Spirituality’ — we can be relatively certain the phenomenon isn’t just another burgeoning fad. “This is a message that comes out of a mystery. But there’s no need to flower up the mystery — it’s a mystery that works. So I’ll state the core message to those who will hear it. Alphabiotics is a simple way to address any limitation. The Alphabiotic method triggers a fundamental shift which results in an major and massive release of unconscious cumulative shock — resolving vastly complex challenges with stunning simplicity.” A huge grin spreads ear to ear as Smookler recalls a symposium he attended over a decade ago. “Throughout the weekend the instructor kept referencing this brain ‘refresh’. As that was not the focus of the seminar, his ongoing detour into that concept was beginning to wear thin. Before going home he invited anyone who wanted the experience, the opportunity to receive just that.” “I lay down while nervously awaiting my turn, all the while trying not to knock over the bowls of hard candy and pitchers of ice water. (We were in a hotel conference room). It was kind of comical. Then, without so much as an explanation, the instructor performed the ‘refresh’. No warning. No preparation. No primer. It was very brief, so brief in fact that I wasn’t sure what to make of it.” “I got up and I was, uh ... humming; vibrationally humming. I was literally resonating at a different frequency — what I can only describe as an insulated cocoon of warmth, openess and peace. It was as if the heaviness of my life lifted. Do you know what I mean? I seemed to shift out of ‘brown out’, no longer waiting for the proverbial second shoe to drop. I seemed to go from a state of absolute chaos to one of order. I actually felt as if I was growing younger — that was cool.” “I felt like my brain, my entire body had been somehow re-set, providing me with a clean slate. Boy, it was like nothing I had ever known. It was a lovely experience, but what was most surprising was I had no idea I had been in that limiting state — as I had no other perspective of reference. It really opened my life, like nothing I had ever known.” “This is different. This is different. This is different. That’s all I could think. I couldn’t wrap my educated mind around the depth of what had just transpired.” “It’s peerless. No-one else was doing this type of work — that was such a revelation.” (A statement that, in the years ahead would become painfully apparent for me personally). In December of 1971 Dr. Chrane made a profound discovery. With a simple hands-on process he was able to restore whole-brain function. “His discovery has to rank amongst the most important of this century.

Additional content was excerpted from alphabiotics.newengland.home.comcast.net, alphabiotics.co.uk, spirittechnologyassociation.com and ehealing.us

Neal Robert Smookler

To r c h b e a r e r F o r A P i o n e e r i n g N e w F i e l d .

Quite a statement, I know. Through his breakthrough he knowingly gave the world a gift beyond measure. He unknowingly gave me, but all my life.” “It’s based upon the same fundamental principle as rebooting a computer”, explains Smookler. With the participant lying face up on a specially designed table, a trained facilitator (alphabioticist) performs a unique movement of the head, alternately from each side of the table (to address both hemispheres). Gently, the participant receives a high level, but non-threatening (that’s key) sensory input. (“It sounds dramatic, but there aren’t any jolts or zings as there are no machines or instruments used. It’s totally hands-on. Very low tech. It’s really quite pleasant and refreshing and not the least bit scary”). Using sophisticated equipment, the research by Dr. Marc VanCraeyenest suggests this sensory input appears as a *piezoelectric potential (a conceptual spark) which originates near the corpus callosum (the thick bundle of nerve fibers located between and connecting the two halves of the brain). We know that this sensory communication immediately results in an electric potential — first in the corpus collosum which then spreads throughout the brain into the neocortex (what anthropologists refer to as the higher human or spiritual brain). *In physics, a piezo-electric effect is a current which flows as the result of an applied pressure (the alphabiotic method) on a crystalline structure (conjectured to be the pituitary gland or the corpus callosum). In theory, the pressure causes the crystalline structure to deform, resulting in a voltage (the conceptual spark). In mere nanoseconds, a web of neurons begins to fire (one participant says it this way; ‘my whole body and brain buzz as if the synapses are firing away and resetting themselves’) spreading the potential throughout both hemispheres causing the brain to perform a systems check — in much the same way that a computer defragments and resets itself back to its original functional condition. “And no, you don’t lose memory, personality etc. You’re still you — just a more authentic version. It’s kind of like returning home.” “The process gently facilitates the ‘refresh’. It’s really an extraordinarily positive and invigorating communication that encourages the wisdom of the body to ‘override’ the daily ‘emergency stand-by’ mode, kind of like an ‘all clear’ signal. The internalized stress response (fight or flight) which is really a very low level state of alarm or shock that most adults are in — is neutralized and released, instantly.” “Now, this is not the traditional medical-emergency-room definition of shock. It’s not that theatrical. What I’m talking about is a very subtle, complex and subjective one. Micro-emotional-life shocks, if you will. Basically, a state of unrelieved stress morphs into a state of imperceptible shock. Understanding that stress not dealt with turns into shock — is so big.” “When sleep is no longer rejuvenating; that’s a sure sign you’re in shock.” “The drain of power from our system is stunning, as the wisdom of the body is swiftly diverted to address the shock. It just hemorrhages — but instead of blood, you’re bleeding ‘intelligent, informationexchanging energy.’ “As long as this goes unchecked all other priorities such as healing, thinking, joy and growth — are relegated to ‘back-burner’ status. I hope


you can fathom the heart of what I am saying (remember, it’s ridiculously simple and easily overlooked) — as it’s considerable.” According to William Emerson, PhD, the majority of Americans are operating in varying degrees of shock. “If you saw the movie ‘Ray’ (The Life of Ray Charles) starring Jamie Foxx — the beginning of the movie is a perfect example of this very concept.” Dr. Ryke Hamer, a German physician, believes the true cause of all disease, including cancer, is an unanticipated biological shock trauma. This shock conflict triggers the body to turn on a specific emergency program. Dr. Hamer asserts that cancer is not cured by drugs, natural foods, traditional psychiatry or a healthy lifestyle. The ill person needs to turn off the shock-conflict. “I personally disagree that all disease is ever caused by one thing. But most will agree that this low level state of shock that adults (and children) function within results in diminished potential — read that, limitation.” “What I believe the alphabiotic method is accomplishing — is bringing a person out of shock by lifting the consciousness up from the lower reptilian brain stem (an emergency ‘override’) to the more highly evolved neocortex (a safety ‘override’.)” “This is a proven way to stop today’s debilitating stress from needlessly draining your system of it’s precious energy, reserve and resource.” “What’s so striking is that the ‘refresh’ looks like a simple stimulusresponse mechanism, but there’s an added bonus as it carries within it the potential of touching an ineffable core within you. Electro-encephalographic studies have shown the ‘refresh’ to shift brain waves into the delta frequencies. Some say delta is our connection to the Infinite, coincidentally, it is the vibrational resonance of the heart. “Our magnificent brain has great power. Interestingly, the heart produces five-thousand times more electrical energy than the brain. When the magnificent brain is calmed through the alphabiotic approach, it no longer overpowers the compassionate heart. We move from the constricted path of the head to the expansive path of the heart. The heart comes into it’s own so to speak.” “In fact, after the ‘refresh’ you are also in an alpha brain wave (the relaxation response) which is our natural idling frequency.” According to most mainstream scientific studies — alpha can only be maintained with eyes closed, after the ‘refresh’ alpha is present with eyes wide open. It’s a unique state which can last for days. You are literally utilizing energy more efficiently. That’s so big as energy previously diverted towards protectionism is refocused back in. In recent years there have emerged various critical articles on the internet about Alphabiotics. “I think when anything new comes on the scene, especially something that really delivers — yet is so almost incomprehensibly simple; it tends to meet with resistance.” A final thought. One thing that can be absolutely said is — it’s here to help. So, I’ll repeat the core message one more time to those who will hear it — a message that sits as comfortably in holistic circles as it does in the corporate world ... this is a simple way to address any challenge or limitation. Smookler’s work has been featured on WBZ, WZBC & WATD. Today, he spends his professional time in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. He is entering his twentieth year as an advocate of this ‘California fad’ that has since spread to continents across the globe. (508) 625-1170.

WINTER 2011 2011 || Spirit Spirit of Change 5 WINTER



Cover Stories Features

Winter 2011 • Vol. 25, No. 118



28 Alternative Medicine and the Treatment of Cancer by Dr. Joseph Mercola 30 Winter’s Holistic Medicine Chest by Rosemary Gladstar 34 Gateway to the New Earth: The Time Is Now by Peggy Kornegger 36 How Do You Measure A Year? by Patricia Burke 38 How Shamans Dream the World Into Being by Alberto Villoldo 40 Visionary Solutions to Current Earth Changes by Vywamus as channeled through Andrea Seiver

Departments 38

8 Musings by Carol Bedrosian 10 Letters and News 14 Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast by Eric Linter 20 Healthy Cooking: Calm A Craving by Michelle Hirsch 22 Earthtalk: Q&A by the Editors of E/Environmental Magazine 24 Feng Shui for Everyday: Recuperating at Home by Lynn Taylor 44 Book Reviews by Gail Lord 45 Music Reviews by Jason Victor Serinus



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Books – Gail Lord E-mail: SOCBookReviewer@gmail.com Send review copies to 51 North Street, Grafton, MA 01519 Music – Jason Victor Serinus E-mail: jserinus@planeteria.net Send review copies to 2749 E. 17th Street, Oakland, CA 94601

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6 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011


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WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 7

Musings Living In

The Age of Aquarius By Carol Bedrosian


ongratulations! You’ve won the lottery! More than one contemporary writer describes living in this era — the magic, much prophesied dawning of the golden Age of Aquarius — like winning the lottery. Despite the seemingly random measures of comfort and chaos doled out to people around the world, all seven billion of us here on Earth are lucky ticket holders to what may possibly be humanity’s most shining evolutionary moment. Over 2100 years ago, sophisticated Maya astronomical calculations identified December 21, 2012 as the date when the winter solstice Sun would align with the bright band center of the Milky Way galaxy, a fact scientifically catalogued today as part of the 26,000year cyclic procession of the equinoxes. Spiritually the Maya conceived of this alignment as the union of the great cosmic mother Milky Way with the great cosmic father Sun. They foresaw in this auspicious event — which happens to coincide with the end date of the Maya Long Count calendar, just one of many calendars created by the Maya — the end of a decaying, corrupted cycle of human activity and the emergence of a new human era of galactic proportions, however, not without the death and rebirth that accompanies such glorious transformation. It’s not surprising many folks are contemplating doom and destruction scenarios heading into 2012. We have much to be gloomy about: serious threats to our ecosystem, looming food shortages, climate catastrophes, economic collapse, social chaos and worldwide political instability, and a plethora of daunting acronyms: GMOs, EMFs, IEDs, PCBs, GOPs and STDs, just to name a few. Today’s gross imbalance in the distribution of global resources is both brutish and unsustainable. “We strive for larger televisions, DVD screens in our cars and the perfectly grilled tender steak while billions die for a glass of clean water or a bowl of rice,” writes former head of Greenpeace Paul Gilding in his latest book, The Great Disruption: Why the Climate Crisis Will Bring On the End of Shopping and the Birth of the New World (see review this issue). Planetary alignments, ancient prophecies and current events all suggest that if ever there was a time for humanity to shape up or ship out, that time is now. While the convergence of celestial signposts with increasing planetary chaos may be creating a sense of doomsday urgency, it is also triggering an evolutionary response in humanity. Whether this is genetically en8 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

coded in our DNA, written in the stars or a conscious choice of free will, we are discovering our multidimensional nature allows us to heal our own bodies, readily access higher intelligence and plug into the power of group consciousness, the touchstone of what it means to be fully human. Intuitively we know we are endowed with these greater abilities to learn, heal, communicate and create beyond what today’s limited science and reason tell us is possible, but first we must be willing to think differently about ourselves. In “Visionary Solutions to Current Earth Changes” this issue, Vywamus, a teacher of higher consciousness says, “Humanity’s great challenge now is to learn to receive into your everyday reality the help you are always getting from your larger selves and from other beings at higher dimensions of reality. This will help you move easily through the current time of transition. You must go to the numinous [spiritual] level of your larger selves in order to deal with the changes that are occurring now. There is no other way for you to survive.” Astrologer Eric Linter notes that Neptune re-enters Pisces on February 3, 2012. The mysterious planet will remain in the sign of The Fishes until 2026. During these years we can expect advances in healing and medicine, expanded social consciousness and greater spiritual awareness, so the timing is right for this quantum leap in evolution. Will it be ecstasy or apocalypse? Birth requires the ending of one cycle and the beginning of something new, often a traumatic process. How ready are we to abandon cherished beliefs and institutions in science, commerce, religion and education that have been the

bedrock of our lives but have divided humanity against itself? The struggle to let go will be as defiant as Earth’s bedrock itself, requiring a powder keg large enough to blast through to a new awareness. A serious disruption to our power grid is a likely source for such a spark; Aquarius is said to rule electricity. Writing in The Great Disruption, Paul Gilding notes: “We are an extraordinary species, and we are capable of great things. History is full of evidence that when our backs are against the wall, all the great qualities of humanity — our compassion, our drive, our technical brilliance, and our ability to make things happen on a massive global scale — come strongly to the fore. We will change at a scale and speed we can barely imagine today, completely transforming our economy, including our energy and transport industries, in just a few short decades.” With so much cosmic excitement on the horizon, don’t forget that winter is the season of turning within, contemplation, healing and quiet nurturing. Relax into your own inner medicine and follow herbalist Rosemary Gladstar’s excellent advice in “Winter Medicine Chest” this issue: “Whenever you get confused, unsure of what step to take next, just pause, relax, and sit down for a moment. Put your bare feet on the ground consciously connecting with the heart of the Mother. Breathe in and out until you feel the earth answering your questions. It will tell you which medicines to use, how and when. This winter listen to your body.”

Carol Bedrosian is the publisher of Spirit of Change holistic magazine. Visit www.spiritofchange.org.



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WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 9


Dear Carol, Just a note to thank you for printing Patricia Burke’s letter “Drones and Cellular Phones” and the article “Dolphin Survival” in the fall Spirit of Change. I just wanted to add that another danger, probably the most deadly, to dolphins and whales is the increased use of military sonar in the ocean. Just imagine what it must be like for creatures whose very lives are based in sound, both for communication and orientation, to be continually bombarded with ear-splitting waves that sometimes cause them to beach themselves to escape it. Many of the beached whales and dolphins have suffered trauma such as bleeding around the ears and brain. The NRDC took the U.S. Navy to court in 2008 in a case that went all the way to the Supreme Court, but the justices ruled in the navy’s favor, leaving only a few safety measures in place. For further information, visit the NRDC website. It’s up to the public to speak out against the proliferation of environmental hazards such as military sonar and wireless technology. — Peggy Kornegger, Living with Spirit, Journey of a Flower Child For additional information on this topic read “EarthTalk: Navy Sonar” (Spirit of Change, Fall 2009; http:// www.spiritofchange.org/green-living-environment/ earthtalk-navy-sonar) — Editor

Dear Carol, Although we are sad when we hear of such good people passing away (“Musings,” Spirit of Change, Fall 2011) knowing them is a treasure that we have gained. Then reading about them also gives you a feeling of being connected to that good person and promotes an aura of peace. Another such person was Hrant Dink, an Armenian journalist who was assassinated in front of his newspaper’s office in Istanbul. Hrant had compassion for all people and it was evident when two hundred thousand people walked for hours during his funeral cortege. We strive to promote the legacy of Hrant with Turkish and Armenian dialog, lectures and seminars. Rest in peace Jerry Bagdasarian and Grandfather William Commanda; you did your share to make this a better place to live. Keep up your wonderful work with the magazine. — Harry Parsekian

Dear Spirit of Change, I work for Nonotuck, a small company that promotes shared living for individuals with developmental and/ or physical disabilities. One of our services is to look for caregivers who want to share their home life with others requiring special care. We recognize that each and every individual has value and something to share regardless of their disability and can offer friendship and other gifts to their care provider. In addition, we offer services to families who choose to keep their loved ones at home instead of employing a group home or skilled nursing facility to provide for their care. This way we are able to keep this unique population in a family setting and active in the community where they can prosper and lead lives that are worthwhile. I thought your magazine based on spirituality might 10 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

be a great venue for us to spread the word about our Adult Family Care program because of the spiritual connectedness that one has with the people they share their lives with. Our agency is based on the L’Arche community concept that Jean Vanier founded in 1964. He lived in a small village in France and found that his life was more worthwhile when he chose to share his home with two developmentally disabled men that once lived in an institution. In addition to following this concept, Nonotuck is sometimes able to issue a stipend to caregivers to help fray the cost of living because they work so hard to care for the participants of our program. For more information please visit www.nonotuck.com, email bernard@ nonotuck.com or call 508-947-8513 x112. Warm regards, Brenda L. Bernard, RN

Dear Friends, For years John and I have been embarrassed to have accounts at Bank of America, considered changing banks for years, but were too lazy and uninformed to make the switch. Happily, the momentum of recent events has offered the perfect impetus to gather information as to how to make the best possible decision to finally make the jump. Yesterday, we did the deed, are pleased and feel slightly empowered. So I’d like to share what I learned — the informative articles, resources, and such — with all of you. Listed below are helpful news articles and useful tools so that you might make the best possible move. Next, are sites for you to locate banks or credit unions in your area. I hope if you’re interested in making the move this stuff might get you started! ­— Janice INFORMATION ARTICLES •F ive Credit Union Myths Busted https://www.patelco.org/five_myths_aboutcreditunions.aspx

• Two articles from KSBW regarding Move Your Money http://www.ksbw.com/money/29686424/detail.html http://www.ksbw.com/money/29684543/detail.html • Huffington Post: Move Your Money Activists Prepare for Bank Transfer Day http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ • SiliconValley.com: More Consumers Leaving Big Banks for Credit Unions http://www.siliconvalley.com/news/ci_19258967 LOCATE BANKS OR CREDIT UNIONS IN YOUR AREA • Find a local bank: http://moveyourmoneyproject.org/find-bankcredit-union (does not offer credit union information) • Locate a credit union: culookup.com • Locate a bank: ICBA.org/consumer/banklocator • Banks or credit unions in your area: http://www.asmarterchoice.org/

Wasting Water Is Weird A new survey finds more Americans would choose providing clean water for the world than accepting $1 million for themselves. More Americans, however, would take the $1 million rather than single-handedly stopping global warming, rescuing the world’s rainforests or saving the world’s endangered species, the survey found. “Americans say clean water is important enough that they’d sacrifice $1 million to ensure the entire world has it,” said Suzanne Shelton, President and CEO of Shelton Group, which conducted the survey. “Yet our survey also found that many Americans don’t make daily sacrifices to conserve water.” The poll, which surveyed 1,013 adults, found only 26 percent had replaced toilets or showerheads with low-flow alternatives, and only 6 percent had planted continues on page 12

Winter Workshop Series With Dr. Judith Swack Healing from the Body Level Up™ is a unique and effective way to get unstuck and eliminate struggle by clearing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success, so that you can finally achieve your goals! The originator of this holistic mind/body therapy system, Dr. Judith Swack, has demonstrated her amazing phobia cures live on WCVB Channel 5 News, on TBS Superstation’s Worst Case Scenario, and on New England Cable News. She is a respected healer, teacher of healers, author, and major presenter at national and international conferences. Dr. Swack is available for private sessions in person or by phone. Call now for a free introductory 15 minute consultation: (781) 444-6940 or visit www.hblu.org

1/20 — Dating, Engaged, or Wedded Bliss: Satisfying Unions at Any Stage Discover Judith Swack’s secrets to entering and maintaining successful relationships. Learn how to choose and keep your ideal mate, especially the three minimum criteria for creating a successful, happy marriage. Come away with a better understanding of your romantic relationship and discover the surprisingly simple measures of a satisfying marriage. 7-9:30pm. Sponsored by The Boston Center for Adult Education. Call 617-267-4430 to register or register online at www.bcae.org 1/25 — Emotions and the Immune System Have you ever noticed how when you’re overstressed, you’re more susceptible to catching a cold? Or how when you’re physically sick, you also feel miserable, sad, or irritable? This is all due to the link between emotions and the immune system. We’ll explore ways in which emotions affect our immune system and how we can work with our emotions and bodies to improve our health. 7-9pm. At Newton Community Education, 617-559-6999. 2/3 — Flirting: The Psychology of Instant Sexual Attraction Whether you’re single or coming out of a relationship, it’s always fun to learn or refresh those flirting skills. Come join us for an exciting fun-filled evening. Learn what’s sexy, the difference between flirting and seduction, and how to connect easily, and how to followup! 7-9:30pm. Sponsored by The Boston Center for Adult Education. Call 617-267-4430 to register or register online at www.bcae.org. 2/8 & 2/15 — Introduction to Mind-Body Healing In this fascinating seminar participants will learn powerful, yet easy to use, techniques for communicating directly with their unconscious minds, bodies, and souls and releasing unwanted emotions and self sabotaging behaviors. 7-9pm. At Newton Community Education, 617-559-6999. 3/7 & 3/14 — Instant Intuition: Use & Trust Your Psychic Ability Now Everyone has some degree of psychic ability, but most people ignore these subtle signals. Learn how to see auras, read people’s minds, feel people’s energy fields and distinguish real intuition from irrational, emotional reactions. 7-9pm. At Newton Community Education, 617-559-6999. 12/2, 12/16, 1/6, 2/10 — Judith to appear as a regular guest on News for the Soul Radio ”the #1 Life Changing Talk Radio Show in the world”. Point your browsers to www.blogtalkradio. com/soulnews from 7-8:30pm to listen live. You canlisten and/or participate by phone by calling (646) 595 4274. Listen to Judith’s previous broadcasts here: www.newsforthesoul.com/hblu.htm

Healing from the Body Level Up™ I Training Learn How to Rapidly Transform and Heal Your Clients and Yourself Healing from the Body Level Up™ (HBLU™) is a unique mind-body therapy system that: · Finds the answers to life’s challenges by accessing the soul’s deepest wisdom to guide the healing. · Bridges the conscious mind with the unconscious mind, body, and soul. · Teaches you exciting new techniques from the field of Energy Psychology including EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). · Is fun for both therapist and client, helping to eliminate therapist burn-out! · Consistently produces rapid, powerful and lasting results, even when other methods have failed. Developed and personally taught by Judith A. Swack, Ph.D. HBLU™ integrates the best of biomedical science, psychology, spirituality, applied kinesiology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, and energy psychology techniques, along with original research.

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Questions? (781) 444-6940 or visit www.hblu.org www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 11

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low-water landscaping. As for Americans’ daily habits: only 61 percent turn off the water when brushing their teeth, and just 53 percent run their dishwasher only when it’s completely full. “Our survey shows Americans know we need to conserve water, so we don’t have an awareness problem,â€? Shelton said. “Our nation has an action problem. We can’t get people to move.â€? That’s why Shelton Group, in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSenseÂŽ program, created a national campaign called Wasting Water is Weird. It’s sponsored by Bosch home appliances, Kohler, Lowe’s and Procter & Gamble.  The campaign seeks to shift Americans from automatic behaviors — such as running the water while brushing their teeth — to conscious decisions — such as taking a shorter shower. The 30-second spots deliver an “ahaâ€? moment via Rip the Drip, a humorously “weirdâ€? character that turns up whenever people start wasting water. After they’ve realized they’re using more water than they need — and that Wasting Water is Weird — they stop. The campaign also incorporates video PSAs, a website, social media, and outdoor and online advertising. “Our research shows you cannot just tell people to stop wasting water or try to guilt them into making a change. It doesn’t work,â€? Shelton said. “This campaign is designed to make people think, or better yet, to cringe when they find themselves wasting water.â€? Clearly, America doesn’t need an awareness campaign, Shelton said. Americans already know the importance of clean water. The survey asked Americans: “If you could only choose one of these, would you rather‌â€? and then gave a list of choices. The results: • 35 percent chose “ensure the entire world has clean water.â€? • 28 percent selected “be given $1 million.â€? • 17 percent picked “single-handedly stop global warming.â€? • 11 percent chose “save the world’s rainforests.â€? • 9 percent selected “save the world’s endangered species.â€? For more information on the national campaign, visit www.wastingwaterisweird.com.

Paramahansa Yogananda author of

Autobiography of a Yogi

( 7 8 1 ) 8 9 4 - 9 6 6 4 • w w w. B o s t o n M e d i t a t i o n G r o u p . o r g

12 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

Letters and News continued from page 10

Caring For Our Planet Cool Pavement, a product developed by the Scottsdale, AZ company Emerald Cities, USA, may be the solution cities are seeking to solve the problem of the extreme heat produced by black asphalt. In cities such as Phoenix, parking lot temperatures average between 150-160 degrees and freshly poured asphalt reaches temperatures upwards of 200 degrees. The surface not only feels extremely hot to your feet, but also retains heat, which contributes to increased smog and carbon emissions. Cool Pavement changes the surface color. Existing asphalt does not need to be removed as Cool Pavement is sprayed or rolled on and dries within two hours. It is available in earth tone colors and costs $1 per square foot. Added benefits of reducing surface temperatures include the reduction of air conditioning costs for neighboring buildings, lowering electric bills and CO2 emissions. According to the US Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu, “Changing surface colors in 100 of the world’s largest cities could save the equivalent of 44 billion tons of carbon dioxide — about as much as global carbon emissions are expected to rise by over the next decade.� For information visit www.emeraldcoolpayments.com. — “Curriculum of Hope for A Peaceful World,� Summer 2011





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s winter’s cold settles across New England, overhead the stars portend change. The precarious state of many governments, institutions, corporations and households confirms life is indeed a delicate proposition. While chaos may be knocking at the door, uncertainty also affords the freedom to make extraordinary choices. Let’s look at the promise of these months. The ongoing square between Uranus and Pluto is at its widest separation in more than a year. Even weakened, this aspect is currently astrology’s big player, by design meant to upset the apple cart. Uranus has retrograded back to the first degree of Aries, the position it held during the catastrophic Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown of last March. Threat levels are again elevated during December, but the stars are not as ominous as they were last spring. Still, it is wise to take precautions. What to do? Be prepared. Have stockpiles of water, food, flashlights, batteries, etc., ready in case a major storm or other emergency causes problems in your neighborhood. Most fortunately, Jupiter’s early December position, in trine to Venus, Pluto and Mars, suggests challenges can be faced and mastered. At times during these months it will feel as if there is a rush to get things done. Resolute Saturn is also in a fine trine to idealistic Neptune. Here’s an invitation to turn your dreams and ideals into something real and meaningful. Networking with those people who share in a common cause is empowering and satisfying. Thanks to today’s technology it appears as though populist movements, Occupy Wall Street and the like, will continue to gain followers and momentum.

mber 20 e c

On the morning of the 1st, loving Venus is conjunct Pluto. At the same time the Aquarius Moon, following a predawn conjunction with Neptune, travels void-ofcourse. The pairings of the two feminine planets with far away “transpersonal” planets stir vivid feelings and memories. Bouts of remorse and pining for more from life and love can be expected. Moods are brighter during pr ic o an r n D e c 2 2 -J the second half of Thursday. The night is fabulous fun but Friday the 2nd sees more nettlesome alignments in the heavens. The first quarter Moon in Capricorn sets Friday off on shaky ground. Emotions remain volatile. The Sun’s square to Mars necessitates care and patience during the morning commute. A lengthy void-of-course Pisces Moon period begins shortly after lunch and lasts well into the weekend. Try to take care of important business matters Friday morning and then relax for a couple of days. A sea change occurs Saturday night. The Moon arrives in Aries where high-strung Uranus awaits. The adventurous pairing encourages spontaneous excursions. A friend’s house, nightclub, political or other gathering could be on the agenda. The Sun and Mercury then form a conjunction early Sunday morning while both are in square to Mars. Nerves remain jittery throughout this period. Watch your temper. More harmonious energies arrive Sunday night and remain in place through Wednesday the 7th. By midweek the Moon is waxing, and nearly full. Activity levels peak as the weekend approaches. Uranus resumes forward motion just after midnight on Saturday. Later continues on page 16



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WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 15

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ary 201 nu

Happy New Year! We’re off to a rockin’ start with the previously mentioned squares spicing up the first few hours of New Year’s Day. The late morning is far more relaxed as the Aries Moon aligns with loving Venus. The waxing Moon lights the way through the first week of the year. The days pass by, smooth and productive. Minds become hyper-alert as the weekend of the 7th ua e b and 8th sees excitement build. Sunday plans may be subject to riu F s J an 2 0 last minute changes. Leaps of consciousness and large amounts of optimism make this an enjoyable period.            The full “Wolf � Moon in Cancer is exact at 2:30AM EST on Monday January 9th. Striking a balance between family obligations and professional demands is a traditional theme of this full Moon. However, this time around the fortuitous placement of Mars, in hard-working Virgo, suggests that humility and attention to detail can enable a person to manage both areas of life and thrive. Loving, angelic forces are also very much in evidence in the full Moon horoscope. Monday night, fatigue can be formidable. Slow down. A couple of quiet days are followed by a spate of celestial activity later in the week. On Thursday the 12th a Sun / continues on page 18


“ The brilliance of this path is that once you learn to use the map, the way home is lovingly put into your own hands� — Martha Harrell, MSN, Ph.D.

that morning, at 9:36AM EST, the full “Cold� Moon flies high in the sky. This is a lunar eclipse, the earth blocking the light of the Sun from the Moon’s face. The Moon stands close by her own south node, a theoretical point in space symbolizing karma and the past. If ever there was a sign from above to let go of worn out attitudes and thinking, this is it. Looking ahead to the future is easier after mental Mercury resumes forward motion on Tuesday the 13th. Following some confusion and lethargy earlier in the day, minds are reprogrammed and running clean and fast Tuesday night. Intuitive faculties are also sharp. Give your body and perhaps a significant someone a healthy amount of TLC over the weekend of the 17th and 18th. Partnerships require periodic maintenance. With proper care and responsiveness, romance blossoms Saturday night, even as Venus tests Saturn the next day. By Sunday morning a financial concern can weigh heavily. Prospects seem much improved on Monday. Professional and personal interests benefit from a solid Sun/Saturn angle. As the week unfolds, seasonal socializing is in full swing. Tuesday the 20th is especially busy and pleasant. Be receptive to invitations and welcoming towards newly arrived faces. One word of caution; keep tabs on your spending, as Venus’ square to Jupiter has been known to bust many a budget. The excellent vibes hold strong and true right into winter solstice, Thursday the 22nd. A splendid trine from the Sun, freshly arrived in Capricorn, to Jupiter in Taurus represents a celebration of earthy delights. The happy mood dissipates later in the day when the Sun reaches a square aspect with unpredictable Uranus. The risk of an earthquake, political upheaval or manmade disaster is high. Be extra careful if you are driving. As fate would have it we are near the end of the lunar cycle, so tensions are somewhat ameliorated. We have turned a corner and the hours of daylight now get longer. The new moon in Capricorn is exact at 1:06 PM EST, on Saturday the 24th. The Moon, Sun and Pluto are together in the sign of the goat. The trio is at odds with Uranus and in a gracious trine with fertile Jupiter. If faced with uncertainty, finding something to be grateful for is always a gift. Inspiring words may also comfort and calm jittery nerves. Plan now for the coming fortnight and the New Year. It’s time to plant seeds. A cosmic Christmas gift is presented at dusk on Sunday the 25th. Jupiter comes out of retrograde and resumes forward motion. Plans and projects on hold since late summer get a boost. The last week of 2011 has no retrograde planets. It’s all systems go! The final notable aspect of the year occurs during the early morning hours of Thursday the 29th. The Capricorn Sun is conjunct Pluto. During an otherwise mellow week, the alliance calls for an inquiry into abuses of power and mismanaged resources. Expect more purging and revelations in the near future. For those souls intent on welcoming in the New Year in either elegant or raucous fashion, the stars comply but also urge restraint. New Year’s Eve partygoers revel under a couple of taut alignments. Mercury is square Mars and the Moon is square the Sun. If not handled maturely, the motivating but stressful energies carry a warning. Celebratory moods can abruptly turn hostile. Celebrate in the spirit of fun.


The (W)hole Point Institute, LLC

Starspeak | continued from page 14


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Starspeak | continued from page 16

Circles of Wisdom

Mars trine forms as the Virgo Moon makes a series of engaging aspects. This is a busy, high-energy day, excellent for holding strategy sessions. The action continues to be brisk on Friday. Early in the day Mercury is conjunct Pluto while Venus joins Neptune in Aquarius. The Moon harmonizes with the Sun. Thoughts are deep. Love is sublime. Creative possibilities are captivating. A weekend getaway may be hard to resist. On Saturday Venus enters tender Pisces where she is in sextile to Jupiter the same evening. The afternoon and dinnertime mood is excellent. Hearts are happy and heads are entertained by lively conversation. Gadding about, shopping and travel are great fun. Sunday brings a less demanding schedule. Be tactful late that night. The slowdown phase lingers into the coming week. The Sun’s approaching square with Saturn magnifies worries but may also intensify commitments. The square is exact on Thursday the 19th, a day of big decisions, some necessitated by dwindling resources and/or the need to get back on track. The next day marks the Sun’s arrival into Aquarius. The future beckons. The newly minted Aquarius Sun is a busy bee, squaring Jupiter and Saturn and in sextile to Uranus. Choose ease. Avoid getting boxed into a corner, caught up in stubborn thinking or extremist positions. Few options may seem palatable but a friend’s suggestion, out of the blue coincidence or psychic impression can lead to a whole new way of looking at challenges. Saturday night, the 21st, is excellent for joining with friends, political allies and fellow spiritual seekers. Energy levels may sag on Sunday as the lunar cycle runs its course. The Aquarius new Moon is exact at 2:39AM EST on Monday the 23rd. Mercury’s trine to Mars says all systems are go, but there is a catch. The red planet turns retrograde Monday night. Plans may take longer than expected to pan out. Nevertheless, we are in a building cycle and the time has come to move forward. Stay open-minded. Mercury’s square to Saturn on Friday the 27th could require a compromise be made around that date. The waxing Moon reaches the tense first quarter phase late Monday night, the 30th. Walk softly if you wish to avoid a confrontation. Social and financial matters are much more agreeable Tuesday evening.

uary 20 r b




18 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011


Venus stands opposite Mars as the new month begins. As with every opposition, the range of possible effects is enormous. Couples may share a famously amorous is c r 2 day, or decide to separate. Rees Fe b 1 9 - M a gardless, passions are high. A nice angle between the Moon and Uranus points to most folks keeping their relationships on friendly terms. The good feelings spill over into Tuesday the 2nd, Groundhog Day. This is this single day of the year that honors an animal. Our fellow creatures on this earth are surely worthy of the day’s splendid starry alignments. Neptune re-enters Pisces on Friday the 3rd. The mysterious planet will remain in the sign of the fishes

until 2026. During these years we can expect advances in healing and medicine, expanded social consciousness and greater spiritual awareness. Home is a good place to be over the weekend of the 4th and 5th. Increasing in size daily, moonlight floods the night sky. The full “Snow” Moon is exact at 4:54 PM EST on Tuesday the 7th. The full Moon horoscope suggests that significant changes, affecting a range of friendships and partnerships, are under way. With Mercury too close to the Sun for clear-headed thinking, I would advise against impulsive decisions and purchases. Wait a couple of days for things to calm down. New options soon present themselves. A Wednesday evening lunar aspect to Jupiter opens some doors and the next day, Venus overtakes Uranus. Somewhere around the world, a lottery winner is celebrating, a couple is falling deliriously in love and a marvelous new friendship is beginning. Count your lucky stars Thursday night. Friday the 10th sees disruptive energies. Evening plans may crumble. The weekend is quieter, a good period for giving serious thought to ambitions. Hearts flutter as Valentine’s Day nears but expectations exceed realizations. Tuesday the 14th sees a string of testing aspects, including the noon hour’s stressful last quarter Moon. It makes more astrological sense to celebrate love the night before. Partnerships bear up under great pressures on the 15th. Venus is at odds with Pluto. Power, money and control issues are likely to surface at this time. The 16th through the 19th see repeated chances to mend fences and restore trust. Healing and uplifting influences dominate these days. On Sunday the 19th the Sun enters Pisces and conjuncts Neptune. Mystical and artistic interests blossom. This is a good day for joining like-minded friends. Seasonal rains, snowfalls and floods may make news. The Pisces new moon occurs on Tuesday the 21st. The Sun, Moon and Neptune are harmoniously aligned with Jupiter and Saturn. This is a fortunate omen for businesses as well as Mardi Gras celebrants. Around this time surprisingly imaginative solutions will resolve many problems. On Thursday the 23rd Mercury’s opposition to Mars is a reminder to think carefully before speaking or taking action. Drive safely during the morning commute. A change of scenery can be enticing on the 24th. Travel indicators are good over the weekend. Solid career gains are made on Monday the 27th. The Sun is nearing a sextile with Pluto. Decisions and insights are sound. Trust your instincts. The waxing Gemini Moon reaches the first quarter stage just hours before February ends. Indecision can be nerve-wracking. Cut yourself and partners some slack. Change is the only constant. In a few days time, decisionmaking will be easier, and with hints of spring beginning to appear, hope springs eternal. Keep looking up!

Eric Linter offers a complete range of astrological services including readings, classes and his “On Top of the Stars Monthly Guide” for making inspired career and personal decisions. Consultations are available in person, by phone and on CD. Contact Eric at stars@ericlinter.com or (508) 541-4115. Visit www.spiritofchange.org and read Eric’s daily forecast on New England’s premier holistic magazine website. Keep looking up!

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WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 19

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24 7


Healthy And Delicious Ways To Calm A Craving


et’s face it, there are times when we all need to satisfy a craving or two, especially during holiday season, family celebrations or the end of a stressful day at work. Luckily, there are great choices that not only hit the spot, but offer some nutritional advantages as well. Most of us either have a weakness for sweet or salty foods, sometimes alternating between the two. In fact, excess consumption of one will usually create a craving for the other. It’s the body’s way of trying to achieve balance. Whatever your pleasure, you can give in as often as you like if you follow a few simple rules. 1. Work snacks into your daily food plan. When an unexpected craving hits, don’t make the food “in addition to” planned meals or you’re likely to pack on the pounds regardless of how healthy the choice. 2. Make smart choices. You don’t have to sacrifice; in fact your taste buds will thank you for choosing higher quality and bolder flavors and you’ll likely eat less due to increased satisfaction. 3. Be prepared. Sometimes we’re looking for immediate gratification; other times investing a little prep time is OK. Be prepared for both. 4. Pay attention to what cravings may be telling you. They may be triggered by nutritional deficiencies. Lack of vitamins and minerals triggers the body to crave what it’s missing. Well-balanced meals will greatly reduce cravings for salty, sweet and fatty foods. 5. Have some fun trying new foods and creating new, favorite “go to” choices.


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SNACK PANTRY BASICS Dates. They’re not referred to as nature’s candy for nothing. About as sweet as you can get, they’re packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, even some protein. All that and a good source of fiber, too. The most common varieties available are the Deglet Noor and the Medjool. Opt for the Medjool whenever possible. They’re larger and richer in flavor and well worth searching for. The Deglet Noor are not as moist, so they’re less sticky and easier to chop (great for adding to baked breads and cookies). I store my dates in a covered container in the refrigerator. Chocolate. Select the best 70% chocolate you can find. The darker the chocolate, the richer in flavonoids. Cocoa powder (unsweetened). Studies show it may help lower blood pressure and support a healthy cardiovascular system due to flavonoids. Avoid Dutch processed cocoa; the processing destroys the health benefits.

20 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

Nuts. A great way to add healthy fats to a diet and they’ve been shown to help satisfy appetites and reduce overeating at mealtime. I always have almonds, walnuts, cashews and pistachios on hand and store them in airtight containers in the freezer. I also love eating them straight from the freezer. Potatoes. One of the ultimate comfort foods, potatoes can also be a healthy choice. When not prepared or served loaded with fat, potatoes provide fiber, vitamins and minerals, and they’re very satisfying. Buy organic whenever possible as potatoes are labeled one of the “Dirty Dozen” for pesticide contaminated produce.

SWEET CRAVINGS You can’t go wrong with any of these. I always keep them around for a teatime treat or to toss into a lunch box. Need a hostess gift or small take-home party favor for dinner guests? Make an assortment of treats, place each in its own paper liner and pack in colorful candy boxes. Homemade treats are always appreciated. And, there’s no need to worry about most food allergies. All are gluten free and nuts are easily controlled if that’s an issue.

Energy Cookies

Easy to make, a healthy choice and guaranteed to satisfy a sweet craving like no other. Using dates, raisins, apricots, etc., as the base for this cookie really boosts nutrition and ease of preparation. Have the kids help and once you’ve mixed everything together, it’s easy for them to help. These are baked, but I have to admit that sometimes they never see the inside of the oven. We eat them as fast as we scoop them. 1/2 cup pitted dates or apricots 1 medium banana 1 cup coconut, shredded (look for brands with no added sugar) 1 teaspoon candied ginger, minced fine (use larger pieces if you enjoy the burst of ginger flavor and add after processing) Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Toss all ingredients except the ginger in the food processor and process until a smooth consistency. Place in a small bowl and stir in the ginger. Spray baking sheet lightly with olive oil and drop dough by the teaspoon. Bake about 15 minutes; check after 12 minutes. Chocolate Alternative: In the mood for chocolate? Just a few adjustments to this recipe and no baking required! Toss it all in the food processor and form into walnut sized balls. For these, you need a one to one ratio of the

fruit to the combination of everything else you add. 1 cup dried fruit (raisins or dates are best; choose one or a combination) 3/4 cup nuts (cashews, walnuts, pistachios) 1/4 cup cocoa powder

Stuffed Dates

Have some fun with this one and vary the stuffing and coating. I like to place each date in an individual small paper liner and keep them on hand for the holidays. Select your favorite ingredients and play around with different combinations. Just determine how many dates you want, have the same number of nuts to stuff them with and place a variety of coatings in individual, small custard cups. Some of my favorite ingredients are almonds (raw, smoked, roasted/salted,) walnuts, peanut butter (piped into the date), coconut flakes, cocoa, melted dark chocolate and finely crushed nuts. Slit the dates lengthwise and remove the pit (if unpitted). Place a nut in each and squeeze the date closed. Next, either roll in coconut, cocoa, crushed nuts or dip in melted chocolate first (using two forks) and then into another coating. Store stuffed dates in the refrigerator in a covered container. Note: if using peanut or other nut butter, just place it in a plastic bag, snip off a corner with scissors and squeeze into the center of the date.

SALTY CRAVINGS Opt for something other than popcorn when hungry for a movie night snack. Oven fries are one of my favorites. Turn it into a light meal by including a piece of All Veggie Quiche. The quiche holds up really well and is a good choice for potluck dinners. It’s grain free so anyone who’s gluten-free can indulge. For soy allergies, it’s possible to substitute eggs or egg whites for the tofu.

Oven Fries

Use both sweet potatoes and Yukon Gold for these. Cut the potatoes according to your preference. If you like steak fries, cut in thick wedges. If you prefer thin fries, cut them smaller. Either way, they’re delicious. All you need to do is adjust baking time. 2 large potatoes cut in wedges Olive oil spray Sea salt Freshly ground pepper, garlic powder, thyme, chili powder (spices optional) Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Lightly spray a baking sheet with olive oil. Arrange potato wedges in a single layer and lightly spray with olive oil. Sprinkle with desired seasonings and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, turning over after 15 minutes.

Crispy Chips

Bake these in the oven and munch away guilt free. Start with some luscious Yukon Gold potatoes and then branch out and try other root vegetables. They’ll keep a day or two if tightly sealed. You’ll need a sharp chef ’s knife or a mandolin vegetable slicer to get the slices no more than an eighth of an inch thick. www.spiritofchange.org

1 large potato, sliced very thin (or sweet potato/ root vegetable) Olive oil spray Sea salt Freshly ground pepper, cayenne pepper, nutritional yeast (optional) Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Slice potatoes and lightly coat each side with olive oil spray and season with salt and pepper or other seasonings. Lightly spray a baking sheet with the olive oil spray and arrange seasoned slices in a single layer. Bake for 20–25 minutes, or until crisp. Remove from oven and cool.

All Veggie Quiche

This is my favorite quiche and I usually make it at least once a week. I slice a thick wedge to pack for lunch the next day and serve it with a crisp chopped salad. I’ve included my favorite veggies in the recipe, but it’s easy to swap out your favorites or add a few more. Adjust seasoning amounts and choices to your personal preferences. It’s also a great way to use up leftover vegetables. Just roast the cauliflower and fill with any veggies you have on hand. 1 large cauliflower, chopped 1 large stalk broccoli, chopped 1 large onion, sliced one-inch thick 1 large portabella mushroom, chopped 2 cloves garlic, roasted 1 package silken tofu 1 teaspoon turmeric 1/2 teaspoon sea salt Freshly ground pepper to taste Dash of hot sauce (optional) Olive oil spray Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place chopped cauliflower in a single layer on one baking sheet. The broccoli, onion, mushroom and garlic will cook up faster, so placing them on another sheet ensures best results. Roast the veggies until browned, about 40 minutes for the cauliflower and 30 for the other veggies. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly. Reduce oven temp to 350 degrees. Lightly spray a 10” pie pan with olive oil and place the cauliflower in the pan (reserve a half cup of cauliflower). Using your hands or a large spoon, press the cauliflower along the bottom and sides of the pan to form your pie crust. Arrange remaining vegetables in the “crust,” except for a few rounds of onion and the garlic cloves. Your vegetables should fill the pan. Place the tofu in a blender or food processor. Add the reserved cauliflower, onion and garlic, turmeric, salt, pepper and hot sauce, if using. Blend until smooth and creamy. Pour tofu mixture into veggie filled pie pan, swirling pan as needed to ensure equal distribution. Bake until nicely browned, about 30 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool slightly. Cut into wedges and serve.

Michelle Hirsch lives in southern NH and teaches whole foods cooking throughout New England. She is a graduate of the world-renowned Kushi Institute where she also worked developing curriculum. Michelle is the author of Venturesome Vegetarian and can be contacted at mphirsch@yahoo.com.

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WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 21

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Green Benefits of Legalizing Green Bud Dear EarthTalk: I heard someone say that legalizing pot — as Californians considered doing last year — would benefit the environment. How would that be? — William T., Portland, OR It is well known that legalizing pot could have great economic benefits in California and elsewhere by allowing the government to tax it (like it now does on liquor and cigarettes), by ending expensive and ongoing operations to eradicate it, and by keeping millions of otherwise innocent and non-violent marijuana offenders out of already overburdened federal and state prisons. But what you might not know is that legalizing pot could also pay environmental dividends as well. Nikki Gloudeman, a senior fellow at Mother Jones magazine, reports on the change.org website that the current system of growing pot — surreptitious growers illegally colonizing remote forest lands and moving pesticides, waste and irrigation tubes into otherwise pristine ecosystems — is nothing short of a toxic scourge. Legalizing pot, she says, would clean things up substantially, as the growing would both eliminate the strain on public lands and meet higher standards for the use and disposal of toxic substances. Legalization would also reduce the environmental impacts of smuggling across the U.S./Mexico border, says Gloudeman: “Cartels routinely use generators, diesel storage tanks and animal poison to preserve their cache, when the border area is surrounded by more than 4 million acres of sensitive federal wilderness.” Also, legalizing pot would move its production out into the open, literally, meaning that growers would no

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22 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

Legalizing pot would eliminate many negative environmental impacts associated with clandestine growing and illegal smuggling.

longer need to rack up huge energy costs to keep their illegal indoor growing operations lit up by artificial light. This means that the energy consumption and carbon footprint of marijuana growers would go way down, as the light the plants need for photosynthesis could be provided more naturally by the sun. Yet another green benefit of legalizing marijuana would be an end to the destructive eradication efforts employed by law enforcement at bust sites, where the crop and the land they are rooted in are sometimes subjected to harsh chemical herbicides for expedited removal. The legalization of pot in the U.S. would also likely open the door to the legal production of hemp, a variety of the same Cannabis plant that contains much lower amounts of the psychoactive drug THC. Proponents say hemp could meet an increasingly larger percentage of our domestic fiber and fuel needs. Cannabis, the plant from which marijuana and hemp is derived, grows quickly without the need for excessive amounts of fertilizer or pesticide (it’s a “weed” after all) and absorbs carbon dioxide like any plant engaged in photosynthesis. The fiber and fuel derived from hemp would be carbon neutral and as such wouldn’t contribute to global warming — and in fact could help mitigate rising temperatures by replacing chemical-intensive crops like cotton and imported fossil fuels like oil and gas. CONTACTS: Change.org, www.change.org; Drug Policy Alliance, www.drugpolicy.org.

Dear EarthTalk: Some drycleaners I’ve seen offer “wet cleaning” as opposed to dry cleaning. What’s the difference? Is it better for the environment? — Elizabeth Connelly, Tampa, FL The dry-cleaning industry has come under attack in recent years for its use of perchloroethylene (“perc”), a noxious chemical solvent that does a good job cleaning and not damaging sensitive fabrics but which is also considered a hazardous air contaminant by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a probable human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Also, exposure to perc can irritate the skin and has been associated with central nervous system disorders. Drycleaners are required to reuse what perc they can and dispose of the rest as hazardous waste, but there are still concerns about contamination at and around sites that don’t follow best practices. California has banned the use of perc by drycleaners beginning in 2023, and several other states may follow suit. Given the issues with perc — and the fact that most of the nation’s 34,000 commercial drycleaners still use it — many consumers are demanding greener ways to get their fine clothes and fabrics clean. So-called wet cleaning — whereby cleaning professionals use small amounts of water, non-toxic detergents and conditioners (instead of perc and other harsh detergents) inside specially designed machines to get fine garments and other fabrics clean — is one of the most promising alternatives. “The garments are agitated in the computerized wet

Let Me Read You,Then Heal You Ross J. Miller has been giving psychic and past-life readings and healing sessions worldwide for over 25 years. During a reading he communicates telepathically with his numerous angels and spirit guides who read and interpret the client’s aura (the spiritual light surrounding one’s physical body). Ross also communicates with the client’s own angels and spirit guides (most people have several of each). These angels and spirit guides then convey the information that is most needed or desired by the client. All of Ross’s readings are positive and constructive in nature. In addition to answering all of your personal questions pertaining to love, health, relationships, soulmates, business, career, relocation, dream interpretation, parents, children, and pets, he covers topics as diverse as: your life’s purpose, your undiscovered talents, as well as your past incarnations and how they relate to this life.

Some cleaning professionals are moving to greener and safer methods, including the use of pressurized carbon dioxide, and “wet cleaning,� which uses water, non-toxic detergents and conditioners inside specially designed machines.


EarthTalk is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E—The Environmental Magazine (www.emagazine.com). Send questions to: earthtalk@emagazine.com. Subscribe: www.emagazine.com/ subscribe. Free trial issue: www.emagazine.com/trial. www.spiritofchange.org

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CONTACTS: Earth911.com, www.earth911.com; Design for the Environment Garment and Textile Care Partnership, epa.gov/dfe/pubs/projects/garment/; Corry’s CO2 Cleaners, www.corrysco2cleaners.com.

Ross J. Miller

Ross is well-known for healing people of migraines, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety attacks, anger, grief, abuse trauma, drug and alcohol abuse, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, phobias, ADHD, anorexia, bulimia, PTSD and more.


cleaning machine just enough to extract the dirt and grime, but not enough to alter the structure, size or color,� reports the website Earth911.com. “The garments are then transferred to a high-tech drying unit that [that] automatically stops once the prescribed level of moisture is reached.� Earth911.com adds that after drying, wet cleaned garments are pressed, hung up and bagged for pick-up by or delivery to customers — just like at the drycleaners. The EPA is encouraging drycleaners to make the switch to greener solvents through a cooperative partnership with the professional garment and textile care industry. The agency’s Design for the Environment Garment and Textile Care Partnership recognizes the wet cleaning process as “an environmentally preferable technology that is effective at cleaning garments.� Another green alternative to perc is also starting to catch on: using pressurized carbon dioxide (CO2) to get fabrics clean. CO2 exists as a gas at low pressure but turns to liquid at higher pressure and can serve as a solvent in tandem with non-toxic soap to get materials clean. “Clothes are placed in the dry cleaning machine drum and cool CO2 is pumped in until, at high pressure, [it] becomes a liquid,� reports Corry’s, a leading drycleaner in the Seattle area. “After the wash cycle is complete the CO2 is filtered, and the pressure is released spontaneously converting the CO2 back to a gas from a liquid. The CO2 then goes back into the holding tank. The clothes are left clean, smelling fresh, cool and perfectly dry.� There are other greener processes out there as well. If a new cleaner opens up in your neighborhood, chances are they are using something cleaner than perc. Or they should be. So make sure to go in and ask.

Ross can also help you to identify and communicate with your own guardian angels and spirit guides. After your psychic or past-life reading, Ross can then heal the various issues that come up during the reading.




Contact The Wellness Roundtable facilitator: Marilyn Taylor, LMT, Life/Wellness Coach at marilyn@confident-directions.com.

WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 23


Feng Shui For Your Recuperation At Home Hi Dear Lynn, I need back surgery that will require an extended recuperation time at home. Is there any feng shui advice you can give me to turn my bedroom into a more healing environment? I have a supportive husband at home, so that is a help. — SJ, Beverly, MA

Dear SJ, Our backs. Oh the burdens they carry! Spinal surgery is an opportunity to free yourself from burdens that may not even be yours to carry, where your long-held stories — karmic stories — are given their opportunity to transform and do their actual job. You have an inner medical team directing the surgery; open yourself to those beings. One of the best preparations for preparing your healing space is that which evolves from your anticipatory attitude. It will shape some of your indoor environmental choices so they will not just help to support you, but will carry you faster into the new part of your future. The word “journey” is used frequently these days as a life path description. Defined that way, undergoing surgery — especially spinal — would be a transitional corridor, a blending of enticing, mysterious and most definitely, of promise, in the passage. This is an excellent time to re-invigorate the recognition of your home as a body. For example, windows = eyes; doors = mouths, birth canals; hearth = heart; and framework = your skeletal structure. Having a “house with good bones” is always advantageous and desirable — really it’s basic — and so is your back. Your home’s structural aspects also provide “back-up” support in your life. In the time prior to your surgery and with the best possible use of your financial resources, assess your home’s condition with an eye towards strengthening what you have. Repair what you observe to be deteriorating, maybe something only beginning to show signs of rot, and continue with fortifying and buttressing whatever is called to your attention. Coupled 24 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

with appreciative satisfaction in the doing, this reverberates through your own physical body. As a less “dis-jointed” patient, more healing is available to you. Start on the immediate exterior (the body of your home) and work your way inward (your body). These structural inspections and upgrades where possible will support you; indeed, I believe they will provide you with access to specific diagnostic and remedial information about both your body and your home so you can get busy being the doctor! This will feel good whether or not it precedes surgery and may indeed prevent such future needs before drastic intervention must be employed. You may have transition time in a rehabilitation facility whose environment you have little influence on. Knowing your home base is in good shape and optimally prepared to receive you will provide a certainty and stability that you have a strong, solid space to return to for your recovery. The next structure to secure? Your network of loved ones: friends, family, neighbors. Making people aware of your circumstances gives them an opportunity to discover ways that are most suitable for them to help you. It could be shopping or doing errands or sitting by you, answering the phone, cooking or cleaning. Get clear and activate these “helpful people” sectors in the front right quadrant of your house or room (see bagua diagram). This would be a good place to hang some chimes or create an altar — it must please you! — but leaving it open is also fine as long as it is neat and tended to. Pay special attention to the love and marriage sectors of the rooms in your home as well. This area also sup-

ports relationships beyond the one of formal marriage and includes the females in your life such as mother, sister, co-worker, neighbor, etc. It’s the essence of closeness and tenderness. Notice that this sector has three “open” lines on the bagua. While some call these “broken” I do not perceive them that way. The bagua is the I Ching applied to structure and three open lines is the symbol of feminine energy. Lovingly tidy up this area of your home and place a special token of your affection to honor these women in your life.

Using a bird’s eye view, position the bagua over your house so the career sector aligns with your front door.

For your homecoming after the surgery, I recommend two places to recover, perhaps designating one as headquarters. In one space create a place of embrace; this can be simple. It is the ideal bedroom nest. Be sure that you’ll have access to much light in both recuperative areas that you can switch to easily when you’re unable to walk. As you pay attention to and bring greater health to your home, especially bedroom and living room, tend to them as you would like to be tended. It may be too much of a stretch, but build a halo — yes, a halo —above each room and in your home in its entirety. Give it energy. You can’t buy it; that’s not what I’m talking about. Infuse this halo from the healthiest energy within you. Give it further development by transforming it at will to a rainbow. If you can envision it, it exists. In this halo and in the recuperative areas of your home introduce colors you love the most even if they are already fully present in your decor. This exaggeration of your favorite color spectrum will add to the healing tone you are preparing. A pillow, candle set, flowers, blanket or throw rug will delight you and move that healing process right along. Comfort and beauty in prominent views from each of your favorite perches will all contribute to this healing zone. Introduce sound — maybe just open a window and listen! Music, CDs of guided imagery, water sounds — a fountain (no feeble trickling and no gushing geysers). Stock up on foods and drink that you enjoy the taste of. Give each of your sensorial departments a present. Where does the healing begin? On the outside? On the inside? They hold hands. Dear Lynn, I love the ideas and advice you print each month in your column! Do you have any ideas for indoor winter pick-me-ups? Although I love the starlight and crisp, clear air of winter nights, the reality of all those long, cold, dark months ahead is not too far away! — Winter Is On The Way

Dear Winter, Each of the elements have their own primary season and for water it is the deep, primordial interior of winter. We don’t have to get down and actually be primordial during the season, but you will want to be near a fire of any scale — candle to bonfire — when blanketed by the depths of winter. The nature of water is to seek the lowest level, moving or not moving. While fire is comprised of energies that want to move upward — its nature is to burn bright and go higher — water wants to go deep. Think hibernation, yours or a bear’s. Combine this with a strong presence of white in the snow-covered New England winter landscape (white = metal, water’s mother), and you will understand why the water/metal dominance of winter’s elemental features need a good dose of balance in this season. Pick-me-ups are the presto! of balance. For winter, more wood and more fire offset the seasonal imbalance that makes you need a pick-me-up in the first place. Since water puts out fire, balance needs to be well-supported and evident. Representative colors for these elements are black and deep blue for water, the red spectrum for fire and green for wood. To add more “wood� to your interiors try plants, flowers, books, growing indoor bulbs (amaryllis, etc.). Consciously select green and blue hues to add to your rooms and anything column shaped. A didgeridoo is a column and the sound made when it’s held and used is like sparkling pebbles. Decorate tree-like floor plants with twinkling lights and strands of popcorn. To add more fire to your home, try sparkling! Indoor and outdoor lighting and decorations are part and parcel of the holidays. Red taper candles are an excellent wood/fire expression, as well as any candles or fires you may wish to tend. Red pillows and accessories, throw rugs — Orientals even — seasonal red plants, poinsettias and roses. Maybe some pink slippers! Trying painting something red — one of your bathroom walls? Reward yourself by planting narcissus, hyacinth bulbs and others that “break ground� as we move into the next season.

Lynn Taylor is a senior feng shui practitioner who teaches and consults in the United States and Mexico for both business and home environments. She has been featured extensively on television, radio and in print. Send questions for this column or contact Lynn at lynntaylor@bostonfengshui.com or (617) 924-4205. www.spiritofchange.org

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MASSACHUSETTS Bedford Serenity Yoga Center, 363 Great Road, Bedford, MA 01730. Kripalu-affiliated studio. Spacious new studio, fully equipped. Daily classes: beginners to experienced. www.serenityyoga.com 781-275-4092

Bridgewater Maha Yoga Center, 992 Bedford St. (Rt. 18), Bridgewater, MA 02324, 508-697-3273 www.mahayogacenter.com. Yoga all levels, Hatha, Ashtanga, meditation, massage. Yoga teacher training (YA).

Brighton Ayurvedic Rehabilitation Center, 103 Bennett St., Brighton, MA 02135. 617-782-1727. Loretta Levitz, Dir. Yoga, all levels (including disability), Ayurveda, teacher training, private or small groups.

Holden Opening Lotus Yoga. An eco-green studio. www.openinglotusyoga.com • 508-829-7435 456 Main St., Holden, MA, 01520. Beginner-advanced. Gentle-vigorous. Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin and more.

Millis Yoga at the Ashram. 368 Village St. Kundalini, Vinyasa, Hatha, Pilates, Kids Yoga, Tai Chi. Gong Meditations, workshops, retreats and teacher trainings. First class free. 508-376-4525. www.yogaattheashram.org. The Yoga Studio. Experience a tranquil and welcoming environment to practice yoga amid calming music, soft lighting and a peaceful, restorative atmosphere. Beginners welcome! www.theyogastudiomillis.com. 508-376-8508.

26 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

Quincy Real Life Yoga. Hot power yoga and beginners hatha yoga. 101 Adams St. Plenty of parking. $12/class. Bring a friend for $6 • www.reallifeyoga.com 617-285-5219.

Uxbridge State of Grace Yoga and Wellness Center. Adults/Kids Yoga, belly dance, massage, facials, hair removal, Reiki training, reflexology, energy healing, mentoring, workshops. www.StateofGraceYoga.com. 508-278-2818.

Wellfleet Iyengar Yoga with Zack Dixon, Quiet Mind Studio, 95 Commercial Street, Wellfleet. Also offering simple, clear podcast instruction for one hour home practice. www.quietmindstudio.com • 508-349-2429.

Westborough Westborough Yoga for healing, transformation and health. www.westboroughyoga.com. Offering Svaroopa Yoga, meditation, private yoga therapy and embodyment, prenatal and gentle yoga. Contact Michelle Gross: 508-341-6424.

Worcester Amethyst Point. 232 Chandler St., Worcester. Hatha/Iyengar yoga, meditation and tai chi/qigong. All levels. Monday-Saturday. 508-753-3975. www.amethystpoint.com. Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti. Two Worcester locations. 27 years teaching experience. Trained in India by B.K.S. Iyengar. 508-829-6300.

Include your studio in this yoga practitioners directory. The next ad deadline is February 1, 2012. Call (508) 278-9640 or email advertise@spiritofchange.org

RHODE ISLAND Cranston Bikram Yoga @ Yoga Concepts, Cranston, RI. Mary Ann and Donna Nassa, 23 years. Master certified instruction. Bikram method, beginner to advanced levels. 401-461-8484 www.bikramyogari.com

Cumberland A New Day Yoga. Gentle, mixed/hatha and evening flow yoga classes. Shake Your Soul® workshops and yoga teacher trainings offered. 508-596-2974 www.anewdayyoga.com

Wakefield All That Matters. Largest center in NE offering 65 yoga classes weekly with awesome instructors, Yoga teacher trainings, store, comprehensive workshops and healthcare team. 401-782-2126 • www.allthatmatters.com.

MULTIPLE LOCATIONS Conscious Being Yoga. Yoga in your own home or office. Individual and group classes available for all levels. Call 802-371-8745 or visit www.CBeingYoga.com for more information. Open Doors Yoga Studios, 15 locations in MA. 781-843-8224. Hot power yoga and gentle yoga — all levels. 200 & 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training. www.OpenDoors7.com. YogaFamily.com is the world’s largest free online yoga directory connecting teachers, students and community. Yogafamily.com also offers yoga resources and healthy living products. Spirit of Change’s Online Alternative Health Directory offers over 100 New England yoga studios. Search by keyword or town to find your studio. Visit www.spiritofchange.org/directory.

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE and the Treatment of Cancer Was there another option for Steve Job’s cancer? By Dr. Joseph Mercola


teve Jobs died at 56 years old from complications of pancreatic cancer. Steve was the charismatic pioneer and innovative co-founder of Apple who transformed personal use of technology as well as entire industries with products such as the iPod, iPad, iPhone, Macintosh computer and the iTunes music store. Steve’s premature passing was clearly a profound tragedy but we can use it to take to heart some of the wisdom he lived his life by and possibly improve our own life. continues on page 28

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28 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011


What Did Steve Jobs Die From? Pancreatic cancer is one of the faster spreading cancers; only about 4 percent of patients can expect to survive five years after their diagnosis. Each year, about 44,000 new cases are diagnosed in the U.S., and 37,000 people die of the disease. Although cancer of the pancreas has a terrible prognosis — half of all patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer die within 10 months of the diagnosis; half of those in whom it has metastasized die within six months — cancer in the pancreas is not necessarily a death sentence. The pancreas contains two types of glands: exocrine glands that produce enzymes that break down fats and proteins, and endocrine glands that make hormones like insulin that regulate sugar in the blood. Jobs died of tumors originating in the endocrine glands, which are among the rarer forms of pancreatic cancer. Unlike pancreatic cancer, with neuroendocrine cancer, if you catch it early, there is a real potential for cure. His cancer was detected during an abdominal scan in October 2003, as Fortune magazine reported in a 2008 cover story. It is widely believed in conventional medicine that surgery can lead to long-term survival. Despite the expert consensus on the value of surgery, Jobs did not elect it right away. He reportedly spent nine months on “alternative therapies,” including what Fortune called “a special diet.” But when a scan showed that the original tumor had grown, he finally had it removed on July 31, 2004, at Stanford University Medical Clinic. He underwent an operation called a modified Whipple procedure, or a pancreatoduodenectomy, which removes the right side of the pancreas, the gallbladder, and parts of the stomach, bile duct, and small intestine, which was a strong suggestion that his cancer had spread beyond the pancreas. Within five years, it was clear that Jobs was not cured. In April of 2009 Jobs flew to Switzerland and underwent an experimental procedure called peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT). It involves delivering radiation to tumor cells by attaching one of two radioactive isotopes to a drug that mimics somatostatin, the hormone that regulates the entire endocrine system and the secretion of other hormones. This treatment apparently failed, as shortly after that he had a liver transplant at Methodist University Hospital in Memphis. This is likely because the cancer had spread from the pancreas to his liver. Liver transplants are a well-established treatment for tumors that originate in that organ but it is very uncommon to remove the liver for metastatic cancer. This is not routinely done for two primary reasons. The first is that it in no way, shape, or form addresses the original cancer, and it can easily spread to the new liver. But more importantly, he had to be placed on large doses of drugs to suppress his immune system so he would not reject his new liver. Tragically this is the very system your body uses to help control cancers. The liver has enormous regenerative capacity, and if they only removed the portion of his liver that contained the malignant cells, he would not have to take those dangerous anti-rejection drugs. Conventional cancer experts disagree with the approach that was taken for Steve. With a liver transplant, “the overall costs and complications ... override its benefits, especially when compared with partial [removal of the liver]. Indeed, liver transplants for metastatic cancer have been largely abandoned,” says John Chabot, MD of Columbia’s Pancreas Center, because the immune-suppressing, anti-rejection drugs lead to such a high recurrence rate.

Celebrity, Oncology and Alternative Medicine Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez is widely known for his work with pancreatic cancer and has been involved in the natural treatment of cancer for over 25 years, offering innovative therapies for this devastating disease. He’s known internationally for his expertise on pancreatic cancer specifically, but his therapies have wider applications and can be applied to all forms of cancer. Many of his pancreatic cancer patients are still alive and well today, having survived up to 20 years. Using the best conventional therapies we have, the typical survival rate for a pancreatic cancer patient is about 12-18 months.

Dr. Gonzalez’ program consists of three basic components: • Individualized diet based on nutritional (metabolic) typing • Individualized supplement program, which includes vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and pancreatic enzymes • Detoxification, which includes coffee enemas and colon cleanses

According to Dr. Gonzalez, Jobs was seeing an acupuncturist who was very anxious for him to contact Dr. Gonzalez for advice, like other celebrities have done. “Michael Landon actually did consult with me,” Dr. Gonzalez says, “but he never did the therapy. His press agent, Harry Flynn, became a very good friend. As soon as a celebrity gets cancer, the conventional predators come out of the woodwork and say that alternative doctors are sitting there like predators, trying to lure unsuspecting cancer patients into their lairs. “What I do see is conventional doctors doing exactly what they criticize in alternative doctors. Landon was treated by an ‘eminent oncologist’ from Cedars-Sinai, who held a press conference. The first thing conventional doctors do when they get a celebrity is to hold a press conference. This is even if they know they can’t do anything. He gave Landon an experimental chemo, but he was dead in three months.” As Dr. Gonzalez points out, conventional doctors can fail miserably and still be considered heroes. Alternative doctors, even the most successful ones, are still looked upon with great suspicion if not disdain. Upon Landon’s death, his oncologist held another press conference, and Landon’s widow was impressed with how “hard” his doctor had worked to treat her dying husband. “When a conventional oncologist loses a celebrity patient, they portray him as a hero fighting this terrible disease against the enormous odds, working late into the night trying to keep the celebrity alive,” Dr. Gonzalez says. “But when an alternative practitioner loses a patient, they consider him a sleazy quack getting money from unsuspecting cancer victims. “The same thing was true, more recently, with Patrick Swayze. He had a very aggressive pancreatic cancer. Stanford oncologists doing his treatment held press conferences routinely... filled with this kind of joyful optimism that ‘they’re going to help.’ He was gone in 18 months. Friends of his are actually patients of mine, but he absolutely had no interest in alternative medicine. He was very conventional – used ‘the best doctors’ from Stanford. “Conventional oncologists lose patients every day, and no one says they’re murdering anybody. Instead they’re considered heroes for trying so hard. It’s not even a double standard; it’s like being in an alternative universe. If you’re a conventional oncologist, you can do no wrong, you’re lauded as a hero despite your failures, and you make a lot of money making them. Meanwhile, alternative practitioners may succeed again and again, and still be considered dangerous quacks. This is a mindset that has absolutely nothing to do with scientific validity, objectivity, or evaluation of data. It really falls into a category more reminiscent of religious fervor.”

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Conventional Medicine as a Religion So, how did we get to this point? Why does this situation exist when it’s so illogical? “The way you have to look at medicine,” Dr. Gonzalez says, “is not as a scientific profession, but rather a religious profession...It has its irrational beliefs. It has its own special language. It has its tools, it has its rituals....The fact that they don’t make us better is ignored. Landon died, Patrick Swayze died, Linda McCartney died. I could list 20 celebrities who are dead because they went the conventional route. Why didn’t they do my therapy? “Because I don’t have a temple. I don’t even own a white coat...Michael Landon picked that up right away. So he went to the priesthood. He went to Cedars-Sinai.” But, it’s important to stress that this is not a conspiracy. The physicians who promote the conventional approach do so because they truly believe it’s the right thing to do, the only thing that has any chance of working. Healing cancer with foods and coffee enemas seems ludicrous when compared to the most advanced drug cocktails. If the most potent toxins can’t kill the cancer, how in the world could you get rid of the cancer with nutrients? They’ve bought the conventional paradigm hook line and sinker, and they promote it not just for their patients, but for themselves and their families as well. And they suffer the same consequences as their patients. However, there are signs that the tide is slowly about to shift. “We get calls from doctors now, asking us about nutrition and what supplements they should take,” Dr. Gonzalez says. “There’s been a big change in the last few years. Fifteen years ago it didn’t happen, and now it’s starting to happen.”

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Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of the world’s most visited natural health web site, www.mercola.com. For more information about Dr. Gonzalez and his practice call 212-213-3337 or visit www.dr-gonzalez.com. www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 29



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By Rosemary Gladstar


’ve spent many winters of my life in the cold, rainy regions of northern California. There was always a wood fire burning and the soft sound of rain. Those long peaceful nights and short silver days were great for “burrowing in.� Reading, writing, dreaming, working with the herbs were my favorite winter activities and kept me busy until spring. My herb shop, too, was always busiest in the winter as people succumbed to the dilemma of winter’s health problems. The nature of winter, Saturn’s season, is a test of both physical and emotional strength for many people. Over the years, I’ve listened to folks tell me what herbs and remedies worked for them for these woes of winter. There was a marvelous sharing of information in those 15 years of listening “over the counter� to people’s favorite remedies. All are “simplers’ ways,� bits of earth wisdom that, when used, work. Most of what I know is of such simplicity: eat the abundant autumn harvest; be thankful for life’s gifts; use a cold water shower; play in the winter weather; drink warm herbal teas; dress for the weather. Nothing complex or profound here, but it works. 30 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

Foods and Tonics

Nature provides all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy immune and respiratory system for winter health. The seasonal harvest, both wild and cultivated, provides exactly what the season demands — foods high in vitamins A, C, and bioflavinoids. Walk in the garden in fall, take a stroll in the woods or even your local market. You will find: winter squashes, rosehips, persimmons, root crops, peppers, dandelions, elderberries, sumac berries, citrus fruits, and seaweeds and the brassica family (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc), also high in trace minerals, iron and calcium. In most areas in the United States after the first fall rains, many of the early spring wild herbs poke up again for a few short weeks. They are a special gift from nature — vitamin laden, fresh, wild greens rich with a spirit energy that nourishes us deeply. Get out there and use them! There are far more than just vitamins and minerals in those fresh tender young greens; there is life and more.

Winter foods should be warming and building to the body. Plan meals around soups, stew, steamed greens, grains, root vegetables, hot teas. Always eat a warming, nourishing breakfast as it will be the foundation of your day’s energy.

Miso Tahini Paste is a delicious standby winter time condiment in our household. We spread it on toast, eat it with rice and steamed veggies, and mix it with hot water for soup. It is a great nourishing meal when ill and good to take to prevent ill health. This is one of my basic “do as you please” recipes. Adjust the flavors according to your taste. Mix 1 part miso to 1 part tahini. Then add fresh chopped or grated garlic, ginger, horseradish, nutritional yeast, spirulina powder and cayenne powder. Store in a bottle in the refrigerator. It will last for months.

Hot Curried Onions serve both as a remedy and a food. The onions and garlic

are rich in sulphur, allium and mucilage. The curry herbs, such as ginger, cayenne, tumeric, coriander and cumin, are highly medicinal and provide warmth, energy and circulatory heat to the system. They will also clean your intestines out as an added benefit, so be prepared! Use the freshest and best quality hot curry blend you can find. The fresher, the better. Peel and slice several large onions into “moons.” Chop garlic. Saute the onions and garlic in a bit of olive oil and soy sauce until golden and transparent. Serve on toast, rice or just by itself.

Medicine Broth Soup is extremely easy to digest and highly nourishing — a

perfect food for when you have the flu. Visit your local herb shop at the beginning of winter and stock up on an ounce or two of each of these dried root herbs (or use fresh if you have them; you can also mix fresh and dried herbs together). To make this broth, cook dandelion root, burdock root, astragalus root, fo-ti root, ginseng root and ginger root in simmering water for half an hour. Use just a little of each dried herb to make your broth. When you have a good strong tea, strain, and to the liquid add miso, cayenne and garlic to taste. Save the herbs after they are cooked. You can reuse them several times or add just a little fresh herb with the cooked when making a new batch. This makes an incredibly nourishing and tasty broth and serves as both medicine and food.

Keep the tea kettle on the stove filled with your favorite winter tea(s). When off to work or journeys, fill your thermos with tea and take it along with you. For a tonic or building tea to be effective it is necessary to drink 3-4 cups daily. To ease winter symptoms, stock your herbal pantry with: • Slippery elm bark, licorice root, comfrey root and leaf for sore throat and mucus inflammation • Echinacea root, goldenseal root, fresh garlic, propolis (fresh or in tincture) for strep throat

• Elder, yarrow, catnip for fever •G inger, cayenne, horseradish to warm up and get circulation going

Hot Gingeraide creates heat and warmth in the body, thus helping to eliminate

congestion and the yin (cold) types of imbalances such as colds, flus and sore throats. It can be used as both a preventive and remedial, and is a children’s favorite. Grate about an inch of fresh ginger root, add to boiling water and simmer over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat and add fresh squeezed lemon and honey. Sprinkle with a few grains of cayenne.

Fire Cider is a warming, decongesting tonic that can be taken daily to aid digestion, warm the system and clear the sinuses. It can also be taken in concentrated doses for sore throats, colds and flu. Great as a salad and steamed greens dressing too! Grate and chop: ¼ cup fresh horseradish, 1/8 cup garlic, ½ cup onion, ¼ cup ginger. Place in a glass jar and add cayenne to taste. Add just enough apple cider

continues on page 32


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vinegar to cover all the ingredients by an inch or two. Let sit 4 weeks. Strain out the herbs and sweeten the cider with honey to taste. Store in the refrigerator and take 1 teaspoon every half hour or as often a needed.

Hot Lemonade can be so refreshing and nourishing when sick with the flu. Through acidic in taste, it leaves an alkalizing ash in the system, thereby helping to neutralize the excess acids that contribute to illness. Use fresh squeezed lemons; do not boil the lemon juice but add the juice to already boiled water. Sweeten with honey and sprinkle a grain or two of cayenne into the drink. Drink as much of this refreshing drink as desired. Note: Avoid orange juice with the flu. Through a kissing cousin of lemons, and without doubt, delicious, oranges are very high in sugar and are very acidic to the system. The high sugar content signals the body to produce more mucous, which contributes to congestion. Save the orange guide for when you are feeling great.

Flu and Cold Symptoms

For many people, the very term “flu� is synonymous with winter. There are many people who suffer one bout after another of colds and flu, generally because the inner strength or “chi� is weakened. If one is vital, strong and active, the chances of “catching� the current flu are slim; and if one does contact it, recovery is usually quick and complete. Attention to our general health and the early symptoms of the flu is each person’s responsibility. When I worked at the herb shop, each winter I would see some of the worst cases of the flu. Sometimes I would feel tired, worn out and susceptible, so I would take these extra precautions: for my immune system I would take echinacea tincture 3-4 times daily; I would rub resins on my skin, those same resins that have been used for centuries to cleanse and purify the temples: myrrh, sage and amber; I would drink tonic herbal soups to strengthen my whole system; and I would wear some of the old protective herbs in a small pouch around my neck or in my pocket: Chinese star anise, sage, sweet grass, osha. If you do contract the flu, there are several measures you can take that will help it pass quickly and completely. It is often difficult to care for oneself during a flu as there is very little energy left for making teas, soups, even getting up at all. So if at all possible, it is good to allow yourself to be taken care of. Keep goldenseal and echinacea tinctures by the bedside, as well as a thermos of herbal tea. Eating is not important but fluid intake is essential. Three to six quarts should be consumed daily, more if there is high fever and profuse sweating. If a person won’t or can’t drink, water can be administered by a warm, gentle catnip enema. This simple home treatment is not very popular anymore, but is one of the most effective methods for lowering fever and getting necessary fluid into the system. If an enema is out of the question, try a tepid bath. It, too, will help get the needed fluid into the system and help lower a fever. Be sure there are no drafts in the room and as soon as person has completed the bath, wrap them snugly and hurry them back to bed. Purify and disinfect the air by burning sweet grass, myrrh, sage and/or frankincense. It is good to open a window to air out the room once in a while, but be sure not to create a draft. Change the bed linens frequently. For sinus congestion and head colds, freshly grated horseradish is your medicine. Store bought horseradish has lost much of its potency and is not as strong as that you grate yourself. Chances are your sinuses will be clear by the time you’ve finished grating the root. Eat on toast, with soup or on rice. You could also try an herbal decongesting steam by placing a drop or two of eucalyptus, sage or pine essential oil into a large pot of boiling water. Remove from heat and place a large towel over your head and the pot. Breathe in deeply for 10 minutes. Treat ear infections at the very onset of the condition and always treat both ears. Jump into a warm snug bed at the first sign of infection, 32 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

as resting allows the body’s energy to be used where it’s most needed. Make warm garlic oil by covering chopped garlic with a thin layer of olive oil and warming over very low heat until the oil smells very strongly of garlic. Strain well and place a drop or two of warm (not hot) oil in each ear and cover the head with a cap. Repeat every hour during acute stages of infection. Hot salt packs are also useful in treating ear infections. To make a salt pack, heat salt (the larger the grains, the better) in a skillet. When the salt is very hot, wrap it in a cotton cloth and hold over the ears (you may need to let the salt cool somewhat or hold it further from the ears). Leave on for 30 minutes. Keep salt packs hot by placing towels over the packs. Work with a health care professional if you are unsure what to do or if the infection is at an advanced stage as ear infections may lead to permanent hearing damage.

Hot, Cold and Just Right

Dress for winter. Heat will leave the body rapidly through the hands, feet, the top of the head, nape of the neck and the kidneys. It is essential to protect and warm these areas should you be prone to winter illness or depression. In Japan, a simple but very effective technique used to keep heat in the body is to take a long, soft wool fabric and wrap it snugly around the belly and kidney area (lower back). This will warm your whole body and is especially useful for those who suffer from kidney and bladder infections, lower back pain, emotional instability, and depression. Best of all, it feels good. One of the oldest and most effective forms of natural therapy is cold water bathing. It has been used effectively for centuries for poor circulation, sluggish digestion, building chi/energy and for various health problems. This is the time of year to enjoy your cold water showers as never before. Our body has its own natural thermostat. It is located at the nape of the neck. The body’s thermostat atrophies through lack of proper stimulation, i.e., overheated houses, too much clothing, over use of hot water, not enough exercise. By properly stimulating the body’s thermostat, we can naturally regulate our body temperature. Begin in autumn to acquaint yourself with cold showers. Start with a regular warm water shower. Then slowly or quickly — whichever is your style — begin to turn the water to cold. Stand under it as long as possible, at least 20 seconds, being sure to expose all parts of your body. If you have problems with circulation, are always cold and don’t tolerate temperature changes easily, consider introducing this ancient health practice into your daily routine. Set up an exercise program for yourself over the winter and abide by it. Be sure it includes some time each week outdoors. Don’t lose touch with winter or you’ll lose touch with what is most magical about the cycles of life. Keep the essence of winter bundled snugly, close to your heart. If you live in the city or a very cold climate, exercise can be done on a regular basis in your home or gym, but still plan to include time out of doors. There is magic and mystery out there that ignites the heart. Whenever you get confused, unsure what step to take next, just pause, relax, sit down for a moment. Put your feet on the ground, barefoot if at all possible. You will be amazed at how centered and connected you will feel after a few minutes moments with your bare feet consciously connecting with the heart of the Mother. Breathe out and let the earth answer your questions. On the inward breath, let those answers permeate. Breathe in and out until you feel the earth answering your questions. It will tell you which medicines to use, how and when. All that herbology is, is old and wise, filtered through eons of human experience. It is in us, encoded in our genetic memory banks. This winter listen to your body.

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Rosemary Gladstar is one of the leading herbal authors and teachers in North America. Founder and president of United Plant Savers, cofounder of Sage Mountain Herbal Retreat Center and Native Plant Preserve in E. Barre, Vermont and creator of the Science and Art of Herbology home study course from which this excerpt is reprinted, Rosemary also hosts the International Herb Symposium and the Women’s Herbal Conference. Visit www.sagemt.com or call 802-479-9825 for more information. www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 33

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34 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

These days are the days we have waited for.... This time in history is the time that every experience, each relationship, within every lifetime has prepared us for. Without doubt, without hesitation, the events occurring now, within these days, are the reason that we have come to this world. We are living and witnessing a rare event by any standards, the birth of a New World. The events of our lives are the labor that is enabling this birth. — Gregg Braden, Awaken


uch has been written about the times we are living through, a period that signals the end of one era and the beginning of another, according to many spiritual teachers. Astrologers and visionaries alike point to the cosmic significance of these days, when the Earth aligns with the center of our Milky Way galaxy for the first time in 26,000 years. We are in the midst of an extended span of spiritual awakening and global transformation that will continue for many, many years. This “Shift of the Ages” offers human beings the possibility of living in peace and harmony as conscious spirit in physical form but also brings with it sometimes tumultuous transitional changes. Though not the fearful apocalypse that Hollywood makes films about, it is definitely a time of planetary cleansing and renewal. The Maya elders tell us that humans have an opportunity to change now, to choose life-affirming actions instead of destructive ones. It is what we do, one to one, moment to moment, that will define our future. As the alignment of the Earth, sun, and galactic center unfolds, we are seeing stronger and stronger evidence that powerful forces are at work. Contemporary thinkers such as Gregg Braden, whose work bridges science and spirituality, describe “massive magnetic fields” radiating from the galaxy’s core, which increasingly affect both the planet and all beings that live here. The galactic energy that is reaching us more and more directly is having profound effects on every level, particularly within the last decade. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions constantly shake and reform our planet. Cosmically, we are seeing an increase in solar flares and other “space weather,” which can affect both the Earth’s natural electromagnetic grid and our own internal mental/emotional grid. Collective human consciousness and individual behavior may be influenced positively as well as negatively by energetic surges of varying intensity on Earth and in the galaxy. Positive human change is visible in events such as the overthrow of dictators in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia and growing political movements for freedom and economic

equality throughout the world (e.g., Occupy Wall Street). The burgeoning alternative health movement is providing people with positive options that do not involve medication or surgery — for example, acupuncture, chiropractic, and organic vegetarian diets. Individuals are also learning to make “green” and sustainable choices in all areas of life, from food to clothing to travel. The resurgence of spirituality beyond the confines of traditional religion is a heartening sign, too. Meditation and yoga are now common practices among people from vastly diverse backgrounds in countries planet-wide. Spiritually focused events and webinars, such as Barbara Marx Hubbard’s “Conscious Evolution Training” and the Global Coherence Initiative’s “Globally Connecting Hearts and Minds,” are multiplying online. People everywhere, moved by the expansive energy of the shift, are both standing up for their rights and creating countless pathways to positive transformation. On the negative side, years of human disregard for the environment, including pesticide use, oil spills, the proliferation of wireless technology, and military sonar in the oceans, have led to escalating pollution and health problems, species destruction, and global warming. Our planet now faces polar meltdown as well as increases in severe weather. Strong hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods leave huge populations struggling to survive. Yet, catastrophes such as these have often brought out the best in people, with individuals and groups around the world donating money and services to help those in need. Volunteers work tirelessly to rescue people and animals and restore the damaged environment. The grace, courage, and community spirit of the Japanese people in the wake of a devastating 9.0 earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 has been an inspiration to the world. Anne Thomas, an American living in Japan, eloquently described her experiences there: “During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes.... If someone has water running in their home, they put out

a sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.... Old men in green hats go from door to door checking to see if everyone is OK.... People keep saying, ‘Oh, this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another’.... Somehow at this time I realize from direct experience that there is indeed an enormous cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment.... I feel a part of something happening much larger than myself. This wave of birthing (worldwide) is hard, and yet magnificent.�* No doubt about it, it is a time of great challenges, both personal and planetary. Yet, seen from a higher perspective, these world events have much in common with our own physical/psychic changes. Mother Earth and we her children must shake off old ways that are not grounded in the oneness of all peoples (war, nuclear power, dictators, extreme wealth and poverty, environmental destruction) and open ourselves to a new world based in compassion, harmony, and balance. We humans have the opportunity to ride the waves of change together into a transformed future. We stand at the gateway to a new Earth, centered in respect for mature, loving kindness for all beings, and gratitude for the gifts of life—if we so choose. Earth is not alone in this process. Since the universe is made up of energy and we too are energy, there is an energetic web that connects us all. What happens here affects all energy everywhere, and what happens anywhere in the galaxy affects us. There is so much yet to be learned about this time we are living through and about the universe that cradles us. The human-created Internet daily demonstrates in physical reality the “invisible� connections that translate as oneness in spiritual terms. Slowly, we are reawakening innate telepathic abilities that eventually will allow us to communicate mind-to-mind long-distance without technology, as some people who are trained in this skill do now. And as more and more of us open to an inner sense of universal interconnection, we can make decisions in our human communities that are informed by a wider vision that encompasses all beings everywhere. Ultimately, what we are looking at is a potential global change in consciousness that would in turn change everything else: sharing instead of greed; mutual aid and service to others instead of self-centered pursuits; love instead of violence. Political and social systems will shift because of these changes in consciousness. As we come to recognize the power of thought, emotion and intention to shape events, we can make conscious choices about holding positive thoughts and feelings of trust instead of negative ones of fear and anger. Each of us holds a key to all present and future possibilities. Together, we can manifest in physical reality our individual and collective dreams for a more peaceful, harmonious world. My own vision and hope for the times ahead is that they will be open-ended, soaring on the energy of the present moment to that magical place over the rainbow that so many of us grew up hearing about. It was a tornado that brought Dorothy to Oz, and I believe that the whirlwind of change we are now experiencing will ultimately carry us to a better future, an emerald-green world where head and heart are balanced, and our cherished home is not one state or country, but Earth, the cosmos. We who came of age in the late 1960s and 1970s had a vision of this world, where “peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars.�** That dream is not old, not dead. We are living it now. May the dawning of a new Sun and the Age of Aquarius fill our hearts with light. * from Anne Thomas’s blog: http://www.odemagazine.com/blogs/readers_blog/24755/ ** “Aquarius,� from the 1967 musical Hair

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RECOMMENDED READINGS • Carlos Barrios, The Book of Destiny, HarperCollins, 2009. • Gregg Braden, Awakening to Zero Point, Radio Bookstore Press, 1997. (His more recent books are also excellent.) • Ken Carey, The Third Millennium, HarperCollins, 1996. • D. B. Ashuah, Conversation with Angels, And So Be It, Vol. I and II, Monkfish Book Publishing, 2009–10. • Martine Vallee, ed., The Great Shift, Red Wheel/Weiser, 2009. • Channeled messages online from Tom Kenyon (http://tomkenyon.com/hathors-archives) and Steve Rother (http://lightworker.com/beacons); blog and global webcasts by Panache Desai (http://panachedesai.com/).

Peggy Kornegger writes of her own life experiences during the Great Shift in Living with Spirit, Journey of a Flower Child, available from Amazon.com and other online booksellers. Her website is http://spiritflower.wordpress.com. www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 35

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n the tale of the birth of Jesus, three wise men follow a star to Bethlehem. By studying patterns in the cosmos, they anticipated the beginning of a new era in the Age of Pisces, heralded by the birth of Christ. Over 2,000 years later, a new era dawns with the Age of Aquarius. Many cultures around the world have anticipated this period as a critical juncture in history. Information from the Mayan calendar and the writings of Nostradamus have been interpreted with foreboding, predicting that nature will inflict massive suffering on powerless individuals. Kate Rafferty teaches Ageless Wisdom at the Theosophical Society in Arlington, MA, and has studied Transformational Kinesiology extensively at the Polaris Institute in Denmark. She gives voice to a viewpoint echoed by many mystery schools. Souls clamored to be born during this evolutionary window corresponding to the changing of the ages, and those who incarnated at this time “won the lottery.” The course corrections necessary at this time offer unprecedented opportunities for individual soul evolution. A significant aspect of humanity’s realignment pertains to time itself. The ancient Greeks recognized two aspects of time: chronus and kairos. Chronus encompasses quantitative clock and calendar measurements while kairos refers to a qualitative, opportune moment. In her book Jump Time (Tarcher-Putnam, 2000), describing whole-system evolutionary leaps, Jean Houston writes, “Kairos is the potent time for fortuitous happenings. In an-

cient Greek, kairos referred to that moment when the shuttle passes through the openings in the warp and woof threads. In the loaded time when such things happen, the new fabric can take form.” (p.16) The emphasis of chronus in the West’s concept of time has resulted in a loss of connection with kairos and the underlying rhythms of the cosmos and the heart of the Mother. Infants in the West, for example, are perceived arriving early or late against a due date. The birth process is often subjected to extensive technological intervention in cultures where the predictability and control of chronus predominates.

Natural Law

As humanity has evolved globally, our own schedules and calendars have been imposed over time, which is no longer bound to natural law. Prior to the birth of Christ, rulers of the land were the official calendar keepers both for tax collection purposes and to measure the length of their term in office. They could adjust the calendar at will. Over 2,000 years ago, Julius Caesar decreed the year length fixed at approximately 365 days — a solar year. The months were forever separated from the moon’s natural rhythm of marking time and the seasons, and demarcated by political whim instead. It was no longer possible to look skyward to know the date; one had to use a calendar. The advent of nighttime television also distorted humanity’s relationship with natural law. According to the meridian flow wheel of Oriental

medicine, the human body is primed for the absorption of hormones through physical touch and intimacy between the hours of 7 to 9 pm. When passive television entertainment eclipsed the human capacity for healing and aura exchange, it also disrupted the basis of vitality for family and community. Likewise, the meridian that mediates the fight-orflight mechanism, called Triple Warmer, is at high tide from 9 to 11pm. When the body is at rest during this time, Triple Warmer nurtures the immune system through tissue repair and cell growth. However, if the body is alert watching “breaking news� or suspense, sex and violence, the primal energy of the body is diverted to neutralize stress rather than build immunity and health. This compounds the difficulty that the body experiences shifting into resting mode, fueling the demand for sleeping pills. Daylight Savings Time and the establishment of artificial time zones, first created in the US and Canada during the 1800s to coordinate railroad schedules, have imposed additional barriers to our experience of natural time. Each perceptual shift has insidiously impaired our ability to recognize humanity’s natural relationship with the cosmos encoded in our sensory and cellular biology.

Three Things Cannot Long Be Hidden: The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth. — BUDDHA

Contrasted with the West’s cumulative disconnection from the cosmos, ancient devotional cultures in China and India developed vast schools of wisdom concerning natural law. Both societies recognized that the angles of the sun’s rays over the course of the 24-hour day choreograph the energy flow through the primary organs, in relationship with the moon phase and sign. Activities ranging from awakening to eating to intimacy to healing were linked to recognition of right times and cycles. Yoga and chi gong were practiced to enhance the assimilation and distribution of chi, or prana, in the body. In the West, an instinct-injured individual noticing increased body odor is encouraged to buy mouthwash, toothpaste, aftershave and stronger deodorant, not cognizant that on the day of the new moon, the body’s detoxification capacity is at its peak. This lack of awareness renders the mass culture vulnerable to marketing campaigns for products that suppress the body’s natural healing rhythms. In addition to a daily 2-hour high tide, each of the 12 organ meridians has an amplified tide in a twelve-month and a twelve-year cycle. Patients subject themselves to invasive and expensive medical testing because they are unaware that the cycle of full and new moons over the course of the year illuminates underlying strengths and weaknesses in the relationship between the twelve meridians. For example, in a Large Intestine year, unsuspecting individuals may subject themselves to colonoscopies when they notice changes in elimination. Electromagnetic frequencies encoded in glands, organs, and meridians express individual constitutional strengths and weaknesses. Illuminated by the dance of the lunar rhythm with the sun, they reveal wisdom that forms the true cornerstone of free universal health care. www.spiritofchange.org

The Dao of Divine Feminine

Jeffrey Wolf Green is a renowned American astrologer who returned from the Vietnam War coping with the influences of Agent Orange poisoning as well as the ability to understand Sanskrit following studies in a Vedantic monastery and matriarchal temple in Nepal. In his book Pluto Volume 2, The Soul’s Evolution Through Relationships (Llewellyn Publications, 1997), he wrote: “From the point of view of past lifetimes and evolution, it is remarkable that‌almost all‌people on the planet today have had past lifetimes exactly when the original matriarchy was in place, and lifetimes when the transition between the matriarchy and patriarchy began and picked up momentum. â€œMost of us have lived at least a few lives within tribes, cultures, or societies that were defined by how the matriarchy lived, in a state of absolute balance with natural laws and Nature‌From this original spiritual root, the very nature of how we interpret phenomenal reality will also change because the nature of our beliefs will become realigned with Nature and natural laws.â€? (pp. 387-388) As humanity rebalances, technology will be embraced only to the extent that it reveres the Dao, divine creative intelligence. The technological revolution has given individuals unprecedented abilities to manipulate energy at the tip of a finger. To meet the demands of humans in motion, handheld wireless technologies have dominated the air with the element of fire. Most consumers do not realize the extent to which humanity has filled the electromagnetic spectrum with artificial frequencies, nor are they aware of the damaging impact these frequencies are having on the ecosystem. Prophecies concerning 2012 were based in part on a hard angular relationship between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Electricity under the domain of Aries, the God of War, is in conflict with the Divine Feminine and Earth. The United States, which ranks 38th in the world for life expectancy, has lost the War on Poverty, the War on Drugs, and the War on Cancer. It is winning the War on Women. The Dao only recognizes itself, and that which honors the creative force of life. The sun’s rays interacting with the phase of the moon mirror the eternal dance between masculine and feminine, yin and yang, and shakti and shiva, as well as the integration of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Rebalance will unfold when women’s menstrual cycles naturally realign with the body’s peak detoxification capabilities at the time of the new moon. Without undue influence from external authorities, artificial chemicals and harmful electromagnetic frequencies, the paradigm shift will occur from the bottom up, and not from the top down, as women, supported by conscious men, reconnect to their roles as direct conduits of the Dao. As prophesied, time will not end, but humanity’s relationship with time will be restored to natural law supported by the humanitarian ideals of the Aquarian Age.

Patrician Burke is a meridian yoga teacher and writer in Gloucester, MA. This article is excerpted from the full length version available at www.theceresinitiatives.com.

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?R`a\_V[T @]NPR a\ ;Nab_NY 9Nd “Please take all your poisonous . . . microwave radiation away.� Photo by Lori McCray See more at www.flickr.com/ photos/wingthing/ We are only now beginning to see How delicate the balance of nature can be The limits of her ways have been defined And we’ve crossed that line I know that lives are at stake Yours and mine and our descendants in time There’s so much to gain, so much to lose Every one of us has to choose. —from “Power� by Peter, Paul, and Mary

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WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 37

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How Shamans Dream the World into Being By Alberto Villoldo, PhD

We are what we think. Everything we are arises from our thoughts. With our thinking we create the world. — Buddha —

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hether you realize it or not, we are all dreaming the world into being. What we’re engaging in is not the sleeping dream we’re familiar with, but the waking dream we craft with our eyes open. When we’re unaware that we all share the power to cocreate reality with the help of the universe itself, that power slips away from us and our dream turns into a nightmare. We begin to feel we’re the victims of an unknown and frightening creation that we’re unable to influence or change. Events seem to control us and trap us. The only way to end this dreadful reality is to awaken to the fact that it, too, is a dream, and recognize our ability to write a better story, one that the universe will work with us to manifest. As soon as you awaken to your power to dream, you begin to flex the muscles of your courage. Then you can dream bravely: letting go of your limiting beliefs and pushing past your fears. You can begin to create truly original dreams that germinate in your soul and bear fruit in your life. Courageous dreaming allows you to create from the source, the quantum soup of the universe where everything exists in a latent or potential state. Physicists

understand that in the quantum world of the universe’s smallest, elemental parts, nothing is “real” until it is observed. But quantum events do not occur in the laboratory only. They also happen inside our brain, on this page, and everywhere around us. When you observe any part of this dream, the great matrix of energy, you can change reality and alter the entire dream. Modern physics is describing what the ancient wisdomkeepers of the Americas have long known. These shamans, known as the Earthkeepers, say that we are dreaming the world into being through the very act of witnessing it. Scientists believe that we are only able to do this in the very small, subatomic world. Shamans understand that we also dream the larger world that we experience with our senses. Like the Aborigines, the Earthkeepers live in a world where the dreamtime has not been pushed into the domain of sleep like it has for us. They know that all of creation arises from, and returns to, this dreamtime. The dreamtime, the creative matrix, does not exist in a place outside of us. Rather, it infuses all matter and energy, connecting every creature, every rock, every star,

and every ray of light or bit of cosmic dust. The power to dream is the power to participate in creation itself. For the Earthkeepers, dreaming reality is not only an ability, but a duty, one we must perform with grace and love so that our grandchildren will inherit a world where they can live in peace and abundance. Shamans of the Andes and the Amazon believe that we can only access the power of this force by raising our level of consciousness. When we do so, we become aware that we’re like a drop of water in a vast, divine ocean, distinct yet immersed in something much larger than ourselves. It’s only when we experience our connection to infinity that we’re able to dream powerfully. In fact, it’s our sense of separation from infinity that makes us become trapped in a nightmare in the first place. To end the nightmare, to reclaim our power of dreaming reality and craft a better reality, we need to have a visceral understanding of our dreaming power in every cell of our body and stop feeling disassociated and disconnected. If we don’t get beyond mere intellectual understanding of this concept, we’ll end up lowering the bar and creating a far less glorious and beautiful experience of the world than we’re capable of crafting. It takes courage to taste infinity. The Earthkeepers believe that the world is real, but only because we are dreaming it into being. When we lack courage, we have to settle for the world that is being dreamed by our culture or by our genes — the nightmare. To dream courageously and be empowered, you must be willing to use your heart and make a conscious decision to dream a sacred dream of joy, peace, glory and having the life you want. Excerpted with permission from Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream The World Into Being by Alberto Villoldo, PhD. (2008, Hay House)

Alberto Villoldo, PhD, is a medical anthropologist and psychologist who has studied the spiritual practices of the Amazon and the Andes for more than 25 years. Author of numerous best-selling books, including Shaman, Healer, Sage, The Four Insights, Courageous Dreaming and Power Up Your Brain. Alberto is the founder of The Four Winds Society, and instructs individuals throughout the world in the practice of energy medicine. Visit www.thefourwinds.com.



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WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 39


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Visionary Solutions TO CURRENT EARTH CHANGES By Andrea Seiver

Information channeled from ascended master Vywamus, a teacher of higher consciousness.


t this time in your reality, the evolutionary energies are very active. The next evolutionary shift of your species, your transition to numinous (multidimensional) consciousness, will take place in three stages:

1. An early stage where you will experience: a) A greater and greater resonation with the numinous energies; b) An overall speedup of your energy frequencies; c) A breakdown of your current familiar forms, identities and reality structures.

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2. An intermediate second stage marked by experimentation with new forms including physical healings, telekinesis, teleportation and conscious travel to alternate realities with all the learnings you can gather from such travel. 3. A third stage of integration, a flowering of a new kind of human, and a new, larger reality where multidimensional consciousness will be a fact experienced by all and the shift in your collective human energy fields will be complete. Even now, at the earliest stage of this shift, the energy in your bodies, as well as in your emotional and mental fields, is already speeding up and will continue to do so. With the speedup of frequencies that is occurring, more happens and it happens faster. The high stress level many of you feel today comes from many sources: your environment and its physical stresses, the increasing number of other humans around you and their demands for your time and energy, the need to adjust to a faster pace of change in job, relationships, in circumstances around you, the need to coordinate so much information, and your own emotional and physical reactions to this overload.

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”


— Albert Einstein

The speedup of frequencies and the crisis of having so much data to know and experience is causing some interesting changes in you. You’re taking the first steps toward multidimensional consciousness. Your individual mental and emotional energy fields are responding to the need to process so much information by beginning to move at a higher average frequency. As your physical frequencies are drawn more into harmony with your higher etheric frequencies and become more responsive to them, it will mean that you can heal faster. Healing done in the etheric body is quicker and more effective for the physical body. As you look around your world, you easily see that old forms and systems are breaking up. Your economy, for instance, and the economies of many countries have been shaken up, and even, for some, severely disrupted. While you may be deeply disturbed right now by the state of the economy and your own finances, it may help you to know that this situation is temporary, and also to realize it’s part of a larger picture: the breakdown of forms that no longer work, and the laying of groundwork for the new forms that you need. How long your current period of turmoil continues will depend on one thing: how soon you recognize and manage to ally yourselves with the tremendous creative energy, hope, and passion for growth that are also being unleashed at this time. While these positive forces do not make as many headlines, they’re crucial in your survival and in your progression to the next phase. The general acceleration of energies in your reality, and its resulting breakdown of forms and release of wild and chaotic energies, is like winning a fortune. You are much richer. Suddenly you have much more energy at your disposal. You can use it to manifest what you wish. If you enlarge your framework of beliefs to encompass this new richness, you will not feel threatened so much as excited and challenged by the new possibilities and opportunities this freeing up of energies offers to you. Gradually all of humanity will pass through all stages of the transition and begin to enjoy living in the reality of numinous consciousness.


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Earth Changes And Humanity Many of you are very concerned over the warming of your planet now taking place, and over possible earth changes you’ve heard or read about. So many contradictory and disastrous scenarios for Earth’s future have been presented that it can be quite confusing and disturbing. In actuality, all of the scenarios you hear about are true, and many others as well. In all the possible alternate realities that exist, all possible futures of Earth will occur — somewhere. Many of those who have written about future disaster have tuned in to realities where such disasters are indeed true. Your concerns can be succinctly expressed in three questions: 1. Long before other disasters can occur, will humans, with the weapons you have now, destroy each other and the planet? 2. Will you make Earth uninhabitable for humanity by human-caused global warming, pollution, and depletion of the resources? 3. And finally, will there be earth changes not caused by humans, and beyond human control, such as collision with an asteroid, a dramatic polar shift, or Earth’s own rhythmic warming and cooling, which will put an end to human life here?

Will You Blow Yourselves Up? In this particular reality in which you’re reading this book, there is still a chance that human activity can bring about the kind of confrontation that so many of you fear — a showdown between nations that could destroy your planet and your physical selves. I’d like to emphasize, however, that the probability of that particular outcome occurring in this reality is not nearly as great as it was even a decade ago. Many beings, of human and other species, many of us at our levels, and Earth itself, have been working with great good will and dedication toward a more constructive outcome, a reality within which evolution, rather than being abruptly ended, continues forward into a blossoming of the potential of all the beings in your universe. continues on page 42 www.spiritofchange.org

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WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 41

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VISIONARY SOLUTIONS TO CURRENT EARTH CHANGES continued from page 41 It’s now much less likely that a totally disastrous conflict on the physical level will occur, although at the emotional/astral and mental levels you may still be in for much disruption and suffering. Until you fully access the powerful harmonizing and healing influences of your numinous [spiritual] energies, however, you have to depend primarily on your physical, emotional, and mental abilities to solve the problems you’ve created within your species and on Earth. You’ve done this up to now, but these abilities can only take you so far. It will only be after you’ve consciously integrated the incoming numinous energies that you’ll be one hundred per cent free of the fear of that planetary scenario of human-caused physical destruction, war, and chaos. Before that, the probabilities will seesaw back and forth at times, although they’re unlikely ever to reach their former levels. You must reach a higher level of functioning to heal the problems at the lower levels. And this is beginning to happen.

Damage Control And Healing Earth


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42 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

Unfortunately, some of your shortsighted actions over the past two hundred years have depleted many of Earth’s resources and helped bring about continuing climate change, some of which is impossible to reverse using your current levels of knowledge and technology. I don’t say this to frighten you, but because it is a fact. If you continue on as you are, or even if you stop all unwise environmental practices immediately, Earth may well become a place where only small numbers of humans can survive. Something more is needed to slow and then possibly reverse climate change — your active involvement, and involvement at a level that you’ve rarely tapped before. Fortunately, that is possible. For one thing, Earth has its own ability to evolve in positive ways — far more ability than you dream of. Moreover, Earth has many caretakers in addition to humanity. These include other species and biosystems on your planet, and we at our level, who offer our support and our powers to the extent that we may. You can be of some help to Earth’s own evolution and self-healing by simply restraining your potentially harmful activities (carbon emissions, air, water, and soil pollution, destruction of forests and other natural habitats and of other species, and so forth). This will be giving your planet the time and space it needs for healing. You also need to help as much as you can to repair the damage — clean up, replant, preserve endangered species, and so on. This is within your ability even now and you don’t even have to make the shift into numinous consciousness to do it. If you do not help out, or if you do not help out in time, Earth will probably still survive, but may very well evolve in such a different way as to make life here very difficult or impossible for humanity in your present physical form to survive. As you evolve yourselves, you will be able to establish a deep and clear bond with Earth, to listen to and understand its needs. Rather than making choices for it, you will collaborate with it in its healing and evolution.

Moreover, you’ll be able to use your multidimensional abilities to take a more direct approach to environmental problems and find less exploitative and more cooperative ways to relate to Earth and the beings on it. In fact, some of these new ways are already coming to your attention and can be put into practice very quickly. If, as a species, you choose to ignore your own powers, and let whatever evolutionary changes Earth makes occur with no conscious influence from you, then there’s certainly some chance of the annihilation of many or most of your species. If you rise to numinous consciousness, however, you’ll raise your chances of survival. Access to information from alternate realities and from the energy fields of all beings, for instance, could greatly increase your chances of making the technological advances you would need, if necessary, to evacuate Earth. Another possibility is that you could create a reality in which you had the help of beings on the higher levels, of guides and guardians of your planet and your species, to mitigate earth changes so that humanity and other species could better survive. The vast powers of your own multidimensional Selves can work directly with Earth. If enough of you have even partially reached the level of numinous consciousness, then you will have the option, if you wish, of entering into a collaboration, at the mass consciousness level, with Earth, with all the beings in and on it, with other parts of the solar system and galaxy if need be, and with us and others at the higher frequency levels who wish to assist you. In this collaboration you would be able to play a very active role and have a great deal of influence on Earth’s evolution. If you use common sense, and employ the new abilities you’re developing, the most likely future need not be a devastating nuclear war, a downward spiral of global warming and depletion, a dramatic polar shift, or anything else that would wipe out the beings on Earth’s surface. And if you work with each other and with your planet, you’ll be assisted by the efforts of your brothers and sisters, the other species on Earth.

Finding Your Priorities It’s important to remember one major effect of this period of transition you are undergoing at present. It will bring to the foreground the question of what really matters to you. Shaken out of the security and sometimes ignorance and complacency that you formerly enjoyed, you now will be forced by circumstances to really look at and define what is precious to you, what to save, what to create, what to let go. Because old forms and structures are breaking down, you won’t be able to depend on them as you did in the past, and so you’ll have to depend more on yourselves. When crises arise, you won’t always be able to wait for the government or someone in an official capacity to act, as this will be a time when all such agencies are somewhat overwhelmed and disabled. In terms of your own values, if, for example, you don’t want to see babies dying for lack of food and shelter, or disease rampant, or old people terrorized by crime, or men and women killing each other with bombs and smothering the planet with industrial and auto emissions, then it will be up to you to take action. And your action will depend on what you care about. In some ways, this transition period will teach you about what you love. As individuals and as a species, your

“The vast human energy field is bursting with creative solutions to be used in dealing with your current problems of global warming, pollution and depletion. The current environmental crises you face are spurring you into your next phase of evolution.” —Vywamus

best course, rather than fighting against changes or against each other, is to firmly commit yourselves to preserve or to create what you love, and to change what needs to be changed. Each of you will need to first find out what it is you love. Then act on it. Don’t even stop to think whether you will be successful, or whether someone else could do better. You are needed to do whatever you see around you that needs doing. Craft your action the best way you can, and then go on and do it. Not everyone will be loving the same things in the same ways, of course. Some of you will be educators or healers, or makers of new forms, or creators or preservers of the arts, or parents, or environmental activists, and so on. Between you and among you, however, you’ll be able to cover all that’s worth saving in your current cultures and begin to create new forms that fit your species better and bring you into the next stage of the shift. The vast human energy field is bursting with creative solutions to be used in dealing with your current problems of global warming, pollution, and depletion. The current environmental crises you face are actually helping, in fact spurring, you into your next phase of evolution. Even with all your creativity and technology, your problems of climate change and the depletion of Earth’s resources will not go away unless you approach them in a new way. This means you must begin to think and act in a more global way, set aside the old model of separateness, and take into account your connectedness with Earth, with each other, and with all that exists. In the long run, there is no other way for you to survive. Humanity’s great challenge now, and your own great challenge as a human individual, is to learn to receive into your everyday reality the energy and help you are always getting from your larger Selves and from other beings at higher dimensions of reality. This will help you move easily through the current time of transition. I cannot say it too often — you must go to the numinous level of your larger Selves in order to deal with the changes that are occurring now, in you and in your reality. Go to the I AM level, where you yourself are infinitely large, and there reach out for that gigantic collaboration that is the mass consciousness of all beings. Bring the problem there. You will find there all you need.

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Excerpted from The Next Big Bang: The Explosion of Human Consciousness (2011, Heart Light Resources Publishing) and reprinted with permission of the publisher.

Andrea Seiver is a conscious channel for ascended master Vywamus and offers classes in channeling and spiritual development as well as private readings. For information about The Next Big Bang: The Explosion of Human Consciousness or to contact Andrea visit www.andreaseiver.com or call 617-332-1541. www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 43

Book Reviews

Amy Walker, Editor

dosha utilizes the rules in different ways. For example, excess vata types are best hydrated not by drinking water but by calming the vata forces with high water foods such as veggies, soups and stews. Genuinely useful as a holistic skin guide, Beauty Pure and Simple is an exceedingly articulate health primer filled with natural remedies and care routines that support wellness inside and out.

The ‘12 Lunar Calendar: Dedicated to the Goddess In Her Many Guises

New World Library, Novato, CA, 2011

Kristen Ma

Beauty Pure and Simple: The Ayurvedic Approach to Beautiful Skin Trumpeter Books, Boston MA, 2011

Beauty Pure and Simple is truly effective skin care. Using the wisdom of Eastern medicine, Ayurvedic skin care advocates beauty (and healing) from a balanced way of living. Knowing your skin dosha is important. The personal energies (or doshas) are pita — heat energy; kapha — water and earth energy; and vata — air and space energy. When skin conditions (or illness) erupt it’s a warning sign that these energies are unbalanced. To stay balanced, follow the golden rules for healthy skin: maintain hydration, protect yourself, be gentle, calm down and decongest. Each 44

Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

the knowing is more subtle, but if you call her “she will be there, as best you can comprehend her.”

Nancy FW Passmore, editor

On Bicycles: 50 Ways the New Bike Culture Can Change Your Life Urban biking is flourishing. It’s emission-less, cheap, readily accessible transportation that improves health and brings together communities. And it’s fun! On Bicycles shares inspiring essays by enthusiastic cyclers who believe in the transformative power of biking. Whether it’s to turn back the clock on aging as described in “Youth, Sex and Cake; the Physical Gifts of a Bicycling Lifestyle” or to explore the culture of artisan bike builders in “The Art and Craft of Handmade Bicycles,” each chapter celebrates the bicycle as an “incredibly simple and revolutionary technology that can quite radically transform our lives.” The freedom we find on a bicycle is the freedom we find from leaving our possessions behind. “Less is More.” Through bicycling we physically interact with our environment, connect with others and move at our own pace in a way that affords us the opportunity to be grateful for what we have.


Luna Press, Boston, MA, 36th edition

Clarissa Pinkola Estes Untie the Strong Woman

Sounds True, Boulder, CO 2011 Mama, Madre, Maji, Mutter. Known by so many names all over the planet her heart name is the first utterance of all of humanity. She is known as the Universal Mother. Though she’s been lost to many for far too long, Clarissa Pinkola Estes reconnects us with the strong nurturing force of the Holy Mother in Untie the Strong Woman. The Strong Woman, The Universal Mother is “no demure little cabbage...Quite the contrary. Blessed Mother, she who is renowned as the one able to wear the flaming, exploding firelakes of the Sun...She has dirty hands from growing things earthy.” Estes, a beloved “cantadora” — keeper of the old stories in the Latin tradition and author of the 1990’s wildly popular Women Who Run With the Wolves — uses poetry, art, blessings and consummate storytelling to celebrate the Blessed Mother who is Asian, African, Celt, Inuit, and all others, a mother without racial preference who inspires us to develop “the grace to embrace.” Abre la puerta, invites Estes; open the door, and be blessed. Estes tells “How the Great Woman Was Erased” and how she could be found by praying nine days straight if the mind didn’t wander. Luckily for Estes her grandmother shared a shortcut. “Need.” The Universal Mother goes where she is called, “anywhere you see compassion, you are seeing Holy Mother.” She is not elusive, “The Great Woman Appears to Us Daily.” She is communicating with you when you receive a sudden knowing, when you quickly change your mind or suddenly find the strength to go on. Sometimes her message is very down-to-earth. “Go here. Speak to so-and-so. Don’t go. Listen to this person. Bypass that. Bless this one.” Sometimes

The ‘12 Lunar Calendar is a wonderful tribute to the Mother of Nature and to the first calendar makers, women. Noting the relationship between fertility cycles and the phases of the moon, women have been tracking the lunar cycles for over 50,000 years. Now celebrating its 36th edition, The Lunar Calendar honors a sacred tree for each of the thirteen lunations. The lunar year starts with The Birch, the tree of inception whose message is “You may begin.” Each month illustrates the moon’s changes and features inspired artwork and poetry. A wonderful learning tool, astronomical and astrological moondata are included, as is “How to Use Your Lunacy!” a complete instructional guide that moves step by step through a sample lunar month. A moon gardening chart and a complete year at a glance are also included. The ‘12 Lunar Calendar is a delightful moon-loving alternative to the standard solar calendar!

Paul Gilding

The Great Disruption: Why the Climate Crisis Will Bring On the End of Shopping and the Birth of a New World Bloomsbury Press, New York, 2011

We’ve taken our planet to the limit, physically and economically. To those who say it’s simply too late to save the world from collapse, sustainability expert Paul Gilding offers The Great Disruption. Missing from Gilding’s work is the doom one might expect from a leading environmental activist who, among so many others, has been alerting the

masses for years about a coming crisis. The Great Disruption includes no finger wagging, no “I told you so’s.” Instead, Gilding is remarkably optimistic. He focuses on, and believes in, the power of humanity to act after it wakes from its self-deluded slumber (with the help of an ice cold bucket of water to the face!) Scientific experts conclude there are “tipping points where the global ecosystem takes over and acts on such a scale that nothing we do can have any influence.” Gilding is confident we’ll respond before “tipping,” but just before. With our backs against the wall, we will finally act. The “disruption” started with escalating oil and food prices and dramatic environmental episodes in 2008. The culminating crisis event that will force humanities response will occur within the next decade. This great awakening will bring challenge and hard work. The logical sciencebased “what is necessary” for life to exist on a crowded planet is to have global warming reach less than one degree above preindustrial levels. A massive industrial and economic shift is required to achieve the reductions, but it is a completely achievable solution and certainly an acceptable one compared to the alternative. A sampling of necessary changes include: rationing electricity, creating huge solar and wind farms, and stranding half of the world’s aircraft. Gilding doesn’t believe there will be universal global agreement on creating this one degree reality; instead he feels a small number of powerful countries will launch a rapid response, and others will follow. The growth-based economy is finished, “at least in its current material form and indeed in any form for some decades to come.” Once the great disruption is realized, old economy thinkers will fight for survival of the old system of growth, consumerism and greed. But Gilding is realistically hopeful. “To argue we are naturally greedy and competitive and can’t change is like arguing that we engage naturally in murder and infanticide as our forebears, the chimps, do.” Yes, humans have certain genetic tendencies, yet we also have the unique capacity to make conscious decisions to overcome those tendencies. “We are still capable of evolution, including conscious evolution. Like climate change, economic change will hit hard and fast. It will affect people directly so denial will evaporate overnight. As a species, we’re good in a crisis.” The disruption will be colossal, but civilization won’t collapse; it will transform.

Gail Lord is a freelance writer living in Massachusetts. Please send book review copies to 51 North Street, Grafton, MA 01519 or email socbookreviewer@gmail.com.

Music Reviews

Maria Callas

The Callas Effect

EMI 50999 0 84356 2 (2 CDs plus DVD) From the mid 1950s through her death in 1977, soprano Maria Callas was as notorious as Lady Gaga is today. When she began her professional career in 1947, at the age of 24, she was an overweight young woman with an astounding, if unruly, voice and remarkable innate theatricality. Initially considered a dramatic soprano, her astounding agility soon found her singing Wagner one night, and the lighter, high-flying bel canto operas of Bellini the next. No one in the 20th century had ever dared do such a thing, let alone pull it off with such consummate musicianship and riveting stage presence. Callas performed wonders with a voice that ravished some and sent others running. As her fame spread – cover stories in Life and Time, rare TV appearances, opening nights at the world’s greatest opera houses, and a following whose enthusiasm matched that of Marilyn Monroe’s fans – she lost a large amount of weight and transformed herself into an extraordinary beauty. The greatest stage designers and directors of her day – Visconti and Zeffirelli – mounted elaborate productions for her, and the finest conductors – Serafin, Karajan, and Bernstein – worked with her in performances that have never been equaled. Then came the unraveling. First, a series of increasingly publicized scandals that culminated in Callas’s infamous 1958 opening night walkout at Italy’s La Scala that left the President of Italy high and dry. Then, in 1959, when signs of vocal deterioration became increasingly evident, she and her husband joined Greek shipping billionaire Aristotle Onassis, Winston Churchill and others on a highly publicized cruise on Onassis’ yacht, Christina. By the time the yacht returned to port, Callas had dumped her husband and begun an affair with Onassis. Her performances became fewer and fewer, as she traded the stage for high society. Finally, after a series of fabled albeit flawed operatic appearances in 1964 and 1965, she called it quits. The final blow came when Onassis, whom she had hoped to marry, dumped 45

Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

her for Presidential widow Jackie Kennedy. Devastated, she appeared as a non-singing Medea in a film by Pasolini, taught a series of master classes at Juilliard that later became the subject of a play by Terence McNally, and undertook an ill-advised concert tour in 1973-1974. Her last years were spent as a virtual recluse in her luxurious Paris apartment, where she became increasingly addicted to sleeping pills. At age 53, her heart burst. EMI has assembled a handsome package that includes 29 great arias; an informative, introductory DVD that purports to set the record straight but omits most of the scandals; a small collection of photos; and a valuable career overview by critic, opera director, and former drag diva Ira Siff. Although exact recording dates are not supplied, the bel canto aspects of Callas’ career are shortchanged – there’s nothing from her live Lucia or Sonnambula, for example – and the only live excerpt, from the famed “Lisbon Traviata” that was the subject of another McNally play, carefully omits a rocky high note that gave evidence of the denouement – this music will seize your heart, shake you to your foundation, and make clear what the tragic genius named Maria Callas was all about.

Charles Lloyd/Maria Farantouri Athens Concert

ECM CD: B0015878-02 A likely Grammy winner, should a category for such eclectic, pan-cultural music-making still exist, this remarkable live concert pairs venerable jazz saxophonist Charles Lloyd with the great Greek vocalist Maria Farantouri. The culmination of an eight-year relationship between Lloyd and the woman whom many have long considered the soul of Greece, this two-CD set, recorded in June 2010 at Herod Atticus Odeon in Athens, reveals both artists transcending artistic boundaries to find a common language. Lloyd shows total respect for Farantouri’s legacy as the contralto who joined Mikis Theodorakis’ ensemble when she was 16, then kept his music alive during the seven years that Greece’s military dictatorship banned its performance. Both artists are

By Jason Victor Serinus

masters of the slow lament and emphatic outburst; Lloyd’s flights and original melodies seem right at home alongside centuries old Greek songs. Listen, for example, to Lloyd and his band swing their hearts out at the end of “Yanni mou,” a traditional song from the Epirus region (with added piano by Takis Farazis). Then marvel at the exquisite refinement of pianist Jason Moran’s introduction to Lloyd’s “Prayer” (Prosefhi). From first track to last, this extraordinary melding of jazz riffs with traditional and modern Greek songs sings with great beauty.

recorded, the 43 tracks on this two-CD set show her holding nothing back. Even when she was in fragile health, as she was before the 1964 sessions, Garland gave her all. From “Over the Rainbow” and “San Francisco” to “Stormy Weather,” sometimes in never-released alternate takes or rare piano-accompanied recordings, it’s all here to revel in.

Ma, Duncan, Meyer and Thile The Goat Rodeo Sessions Sony Classical 88697 84118 2

Judy Garland

The London Studio Recordings 1957-1964 First Hand FHR12

Within a year after I joined New York’s Gay Liberation Front in 1970, I received a coming out letter from one of my former fraternity mates at Amherst College. When we finally reconnected, he confessed, “Since I was a kid, the music I’ve loved the most has been opera and the songs of Judy Garland. How come I never figured out I was gay?” With her penchant for parading her pain before the public, Judy Garland was America’s white version of France’s Edith Piaf (Billie Holiday was the black version). An extraordinarily gifted singer and actress, the woman born Frances Ethel Gumm became addicted as a teenager to the amphetamines and barbiturates that MGM fed her as she sang and danced her way through one film after another. By the time that her fans realized that Dorothy’s yellow brick road in The Wizard of Oz had been paved with uppers and downers, Garland’s life had become a roller coaster ride of failed marriages, suicide attempts, crashes and comebacks. I’ll never forget her final appearance on The Tonight Show, when she was so wrecked that she could hardly hold her head up. Attempts to settle her down by bringing on Margaret Hamilton, who played the Wicked Witch of the West, resulted in Garland’s slurred comment, “Who cares about the Wicked Witch?” What we do care about is Garland’s extraordinary vocalism. Newly remastered at Abbey Road Studios where they were

God bless Yo-Yo Ma. Rather than stick solely to classical repertoire, the lovable cellist has spent the last 15 years collaborating with musicians from other genres. Even though he does not improvise, as do many of the bluegrass, jazz, and Silk Road musicians with whom he works, he has found a way to join with them that elevates their music-making. On The Goat Rodeo Sessions, Ma lends his cello to the bluegrass strains of Stuart Duncan’s fiddle (and, on “Here and Heaven,” banjo), Edgar Meyer’s bass (and, on two tracks, piano), and Chris Thile’s mandolin. Everyone save for Ma occasionally switches instruments. On “Here and Heaven,” Duncan trades fiddle for banjo, Meyer trades banjo for piano, and Thile joins gifted singer Aoife O’Donovan on mandolin, gamba and vocals. Meyer, in turn, mixes bass with gamba. On “Where’s My Bow?”, Thile and Duncan both play fiddle. All this multi-instrumentalism makes for vibrant colors and contrast, and adds variety. The album’s 11 tracks variously rock, charge forward, and settle back. Meyer, Thile, and Stuart, who wrote all the songs (with help from O’Donovan on “Here and Heaven,”) are sophisticated musicians with infectious energy. Although the album’s title signifies a lack of order, the musicianship is all of one piece.

Jason Victor Serinus is a holistic author, bodyworker, whistling virtuoso and music critic (www.jasonserinus.com) who resides in Oakland, CA. Please send music review copies to Jason at 2749 E. 17th Street, Oakland, CA 94601 or email jserinus@planeteria.net.

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11/25-27 — THANKSGIVING WEEKEND SALE. Some Enchanted Evening, 234 Main Street, Spencer, MA. Friday and Saturday jewelry and fairies 30% off. Sunday calendars and datebooks 30% off. (508) 885-2050. www.someenchantedevening.webs.com

12/2-4 — READ AND PLAY MUSIC IN A WEEKEND! World famous Understanding of Music Seminars (www. understandingofmusic.com) turns beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. 169 Mass Ave, Boston. (781) 599-1476. sallee@dlorien.com or http://www.signup.understandingofmusic.com.

12/3 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Wilton, NH. Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or visit www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 12/4

12/3 — THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF SELF-TRANSFORMATION. A retreat with Andrew Vidich, PhD., author of “Light Upon Light.” 10:30am to 2:30pm. Welles Turner Library, 2407 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT. Relax, let go of old habits and awaken your mystic nature. Includes meditation, workshop, Q & A, and veggie lunch. Free. Please register: (860) 487-3597


12/3-12/4 — REIKI 1 CERTIFICATION at the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing in Jaffrey, NH. Awaken your healing skills! Two days of learning, hands-on practice and no cut corners certifies you immediately to work on yourself, others and pets. Notebook and certificate awarded. 12.0 CEUs Visa/MC. Call or go online to sign up now and receive a 15% tuition discount. (603) 899-3288 www.learnreiki.org

12/7 — AWARENESS MEDITATION: A PROCESS OF SELF-INQUIRY. Let yourself be fully present in this moment. 7–8pm, $10. Providence Institute, 18 Imperial Place, Providence RI. Contact Julianne at (860) 463-5576. julenlo@hotmail.com. www.holistichealthctr.com

Setting New Year’s Resolutions that will happen! Time: 7-9pm. Location: Solstice Healing Arts, 163 Main St., Suite 6, Medway MA, 02053. www.solsticehealing.com. www.rhysmethod.com

6:30-8:30pm. Levels Reiki l and ll. $10 cost. 122 West Emerson Street, Melrose, MA. Call Beth (781) 367-1519 to register. www.zuzusbeads.com

12/9 — BE THE MEDICINE CIRCLE. 7-9:30pm. Located at centeratwestwoods.com. Living our soul’s truth is the new paradigm for our time. Come with an open heart and mind. Each month you we will focus on something new and you can expect to receive profound healing, teaching and experience. Be ready for adventure and discovery and movement. StraightArrow’s depth of knowledge will be shared each month teaching new tools from many traditions. Janet’s circles are always filled with love, laughter and wisdom. $35. Sign up at Janet@bethemedicine.com. (973) 647-2500. Bethemedicine.com

12/10 — ZUZU’S HEALING ARTS HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE. 10am-5pm. Storewide sale, free and refresh-


12/10 — REIKI MASTER TRAINING. Wilton, NH. Libby

46 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011


12/7 — REIKI SHARE at ZuZus Healing Arts, Wednesday,

Shamanism is an ancient way of accessing spiritual guidance for life. Come to discover practices and learn to journey for spiritual help for yourself. 10am-4:30pm, Natick, MA. $70-85. Call Starr Potts, MSW (508) 655-8331 Family Constellation Method to experience healing with one’s family of origin, current family and present relationships. Seminar participants may have an opportunity to “set up” a constellation, to “stand in” as representatives for members in others’ constellations, and to observe the constellations of others. Saturday: 9:30–6, $140. To register: www.ConstellationApproach.com


ments, Reiki and chair massage 15min/$20, psychic readings. Details www.zuzusbeads.com Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or visit www.reikienergy.com. Reiki Master Teacher Training: 12/11

1/14 — Carolyn Roman (left), Native American Sacred Path card readings and Janet Kessenich (right), sound and LuMarian healing will be at the 6th Annual Day of Healing and Insight at The Theosophical Society in Boston. See January listing or visit tsboston.org

1/7-8 — GETTING THE LOVE YOU WANT TWO-DAY WORKSHOP. Offered by C. Sue Mautz, LICSW, BCD, MSW and Bill Mautz, PhD. Restore your connection. Turn struggles into opportunities. Safe, comfortable and relaxed environment. Portsmouth, NH. Register today at csuemautz.com. (603) 431-1769

1/8 — THE ECLECTIC INSTITUTE OF AROMATHERAPY AND HERBAL STUDIES offers teachings with Linda Patterson. 1/8: Introduction to Aromatherapy in Hamilton, MA. 1/14: Level II Aromatherapy in Somerset, MA. 3/25: Herbal Certification Program in Somerset, MA. See details www.aromatherapyandherbalstudies.com

1/9 — BOUNDARY-JITSU WITH A RESOLUTIONARY TWIST TELE-CLASS. Trouble saying no, feel under appreciated, trapped in a job or relationship, give away time or money you don’t have? Learn to set boundaries without hurting feelings with Trish Whynot, 8-10pm. Details at www.TrishWhynot.com.

1/9 — DEVELOP YOUR INTUITION. Get a deeper understanding about how you are intuitive through an experiential approach. Learn exercises to help translate your insights to your life. 3 sessions. 6:30-8:30 PM, end date 1/23. To register contact Martha Angelini at (508) 308-2560 or mla.mindbodyconnect@me.com

1/14 — SIXTH ANNUAL DAY OF HEALING AND INSIGHT at the Theosophical Society in Arlington. Sign up with top practitioners and intuitives. Sessions are $20 each. Call Janet at (617) 926-4155 to schedule. Info at www.tsboston.org

1/14 — SHAMANIC JOURNEYING FOR SELF, OTHERS AND MORE. Know basic journeying? This day strengthens your practice and teaches journeying on behalf of others and the earth. Start the new year with experiential, fun and enlivening support of spiritual guidance. 10am-4:30pm. Natick, MA. $70-85. Call Starr Potts, MSW (508) 655-8331.

1/14 — JOY OF OVERCOMING INSOMNIA NATURALLY. Small groups. Includes logs, references and resources. 10am-5pm. Details and to register: Catherine DeLorey at Women’s Health Institute (617) 739-2923.

Develop and expand psychic mediumship abilities. Fun, relaxed, safe, supportive. 6 Wednesdays: 1/18 through 4/4. 7pm-9pm. Belmont, MA. Pre-register by 1/10. (617) 489-7717. www.gaylekirk.com/messages/index.php

1/18 — DIDGERIDOO CHAKRA CLEARING. Clear out energetic/emotional stagnation from each of the major seven energy centers of the body through a meditative journey with a collection of concert quality didgeridoos. 7pm. $25. Unity of the Seacoast, Rollinsford, NH. (603) 742-0282. www.DidgeTherapy.com

1/21 — I.D.E.A.L. PROCESS MODULE 4: Create Life Ideals and Develop Tools for Manifestation and Protection. Prerequisites: Modules 1-3. Learn the street-smart tools you need to reach your full spiritual, mental and physical potential! www.TheWayToBalance.com; (978) 834-0341.

1/21 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH provides the Family Constellation Method to experience healing with one’s family of origin, current family and present relationships. Seminar participants may have an opportunity to “set up” a constellation, to “stand in” as representatives


1/28 — Learn practical strategies for re-integrating natural law into daily life in “Timepeace for 2012, Year of the Dragon” at Earthlands in Petersham, MA. See January listing or visit www.theceresinitiatives.com. for members in others’ constellations, and to observe the constellations of others. Saturday: 9:30–6, $140. To register: www.ConstellationApproach.com

others and pets. Notebook and certificate awarded. 12.0 CEUs Visa/MC. Call or go online to sign up now and receive a 15% tuition discount. (603) 899-3288 www.learnreiki.org


1/24 — SPA TECH OPEN HOUSE. Ipswich School of

performs gong concerts at 7pm and 9pm. The gongs can open frequency domains seldom experienced and lead the listener to reorganize their entire being. Private sessions available 1/20, 21 and 23. www.circlesofwisdom.com Andover, MA. (978) 474-8010

Massage, Polarity and Aesthetics. 7:00PM. (978) 356-0980 www.spatech.edu.

1/21 — PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT, PAST LIVES AND ANGEL COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP with Ross J. Miller, psychic healer, medium, regression therapist. In this unique, experiential workshop you’ll learn how to identify your guardian angels and spirit guides by name and receive their guidance, healing and inspiration; discover your soul’s life purpose; experience two of your past lives and heal the residual karma from them; give psychic readings to others in class and more. Saturday, 10am-5pm, Newton, MA. To register for the workshop or to schedule a psychic or past-life reading or healing session in person or over the phone, visit our website www.TheMysticWay.com or call Ross J. Miller (617) 527-3583

1/21 — CELEBRATE YOU! HOLISTIC HEALTH AND WELLNESS FAIR. 9-5pm. $3 admission. Leap into healthy living! Come experience the joys and wonders of the world of natural healing. Location: The Regatta Banquet and Conference Center; Eliot, ME. Vendor application and event details at www.magneticmoon.com

1/21-22 — REIKI 1 CERTIFICATION at the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing in Jaffrey, NH. Awaken your healing skills! Two days of learning, hands-on practice and no cut corners certifies you immediately to work on yourself,

1/24 & 1/31 — GETTING UNSTUCK with Kathryn Deputat, Clarityworker and Reiki Master. 6-9 p.m. in Jamaica Plain. Get to the source of non-beneficial patterns and release them. Info www.claritywork.com or (617) 522-2737 1/25 — EMOTIONS AND THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. Have you ever noticed how when you’re overstressed, you’re more susceptible to catching a cold? Or how when you’re physically sick, you also feel miserable, sad, or irritable? This is all due to the link between emotions and the immune system. In this ground-breaking seminar, Dr. Judith Swack, will explore ways in which emotions affect our immune system and how we can work with our emotions and bodies to improve our health. 7-9pm. Newton Community Education, (617) 559-6999. Learn more www.hblu.org.

1/28 — ECOLOGY AND HEALTH: TIMEPEACE FOR 2012, YEAR OF THE DRAGON. The full and new moon phases reflect the human energy field through the meridians. Learn practical strategies for re-integrating natural law into daily life. See “How Do You Measure A Year” on page 36. 9:30am-6:00pm at Earthlands Institute, Petersham, MA, www.instituteforenvironmentalawareness. org/earthlands. $90/sliding scale. Please call (413) 527-4313 evenings or visit www.theceresinitiatives.com continues on page 48

WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 47

CALENDAR | continued from page 47



Center in Medfield, MA. Duncan Sings-Alone integrates spiritual practices from Native American and Zen Buddhist traditions to deepen interconnectedness with the sacred. www.harmony-center.org. (508) 359-8056

healing training with medical intuitive and master healerteachers Sue and Aaron Singleton. Unique energy and integrative therapies improve range of motion, lymph/blood circulation, posture. Protocols for energetic tractioning/ stretching, strain-counterstrain, bolster/wedge techniques specific for body regions. Incredible results “wow” experienced practitioners, empower laypeople. 9.6 contact hours. www.TheWayToBalance.com. (978) 834-0341

1/28 — JOY OF OVERCOMING INSOMNIA NATURALLY. Small groups. Includes logs, references and resources. 10am-5pm. Details and to register: Catherine DeLorey at Women’s Health Institute (617) 739-2923

1/29 — ADVANCED HERBAL TRAINING PROGRAM BEGINS January 29 and meets for seven weekends. This intensive program has three components: diagnostic classes, weekend seminars, and the herbal clinic. We teach facial, tongue, pulse, and nail diagnosis and advanced formulation. Boston School of Herbal Studies, Arlington, MA. (781) 646-6319. bostonherbalstudies.com

1/29 — RINGS OF ODEN MODULE 3 OF 3. The ultimate journey in connecting to source! Most extensive supplement/collection of sacred geometry configurations, over 190 new formations. Better to facilitate physical healing; assist light-body transformation; enhance meditation; optimize release of illness; sacred sites/temples, ancient technologies from Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria, etc. Powerful configurations for groups, meditation circles, and more! 7.2 contact hours, prerequisite Modules 1-2. (978) 834-0341. www.TheWayToBalance.com.

1/31 — SPA TECH OPEN HOUSE. Plymouth School of Massage, Polarity and Aesthetics. 7:00PM. (508) 747-4333. www.spatech.edu.

FEBRUARY 2/4-5 — GETTING THE LOVE YOU WANT TWO-DAY WORKSHOP. Offered by C. Sue Mautz, LICSW, BCD, MSW and Bill Mautz, PhD. Restore your connection. Turn struggles into opportunities. Safe, comfortable and relaxed environment. Portsmouth, NH. Register today at csuemautz.com. (603) 431-1769.

2/11 — I.D.E.A.L. PROCESS MODULE 5: Intuitive Discernment — The Real Quantum Leap to A Successful and Fulfilling Life. Prerequisites: Modules1-4. Activate your own sacred heart, discover its wisdom and power. www.TheWayToBalance.com. (978) 834-0341

2/17-2/19 — RHODE ISLAND MEND’S GATHERING. Friday evening-Sunday lunch. Our 20th gathering! A winter weekend retreat for men 18+, in beautiful West Greenwich, RI. Includes meals, lodging, participant-lead workshops, conversation, relaxation. www.rhodeislandmensgathering.org

2/18 — CABIN FEVER PSYCHIC FAIRE! Some Enchanted Evening, 234 Main Street, Spencer, MA. Gary McKinstry, Melissa Nelson, and Terri Jessen. No appointment necessary. $20/20 minutes. 508-885-2050. www.someenchantedevening.webs.com

2/21 — HERBAL APPRENTICESHIP. Start of a ten-month herbal apprenticeship program guiding you into the very heart of herbalism, using as its base curriculum written by Rosemary Gladstar. Meets one Sunday a month. For more information contact Linda Russell at Scentsibilities, (508) 869-3300. www.scentsibilities.com

2/25-2/26 — FREEDOM FROM TMJ, CARPAL TUNNEL, TENNIS ELBOW, thoracic outlet syndrome and other dysfunctions! Radical hands-on healing training with medical intuitive, master healer-teachers Sue and Aaron Singleton. Protocols for evaluation and treatment including energetic and manual therapies. Learn evaluation techniques to identify root cause of many dysfunctions! Understand that medical diagnoses and root cause are totally unrelated, see the body with “new eyes” during live demonstrations. Open to laypeople/practitioners. 19.2 contact hours. www.TheWayToBalance.com. (978) 834-0341

2/25-26 — REIKI 1 CERTIFICATION at the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing in Jaffrey, NH. Awaken your healing skills! Two days of learning, hands-on practice and no cut corners certifies you immediately to work on yourself, others and pets. Notebook and certificate awarded. 12.0 CEUs Visa/MC. Call or go online to sign up now and receive a 15% tuition discount. (603) 899-3288 www.learnreiki.org.

2/25 — Join Lourdes Gray, PhD for a two-day Reiki 1 certification at the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing in Jaffrey, NH. See February listing or visit www.learnreiki.org. 3/15 — CRYSTAL BOWL LAW OF ATTRACTION SERIES: Attracting Your Life Purpose! Time: 7-9pm. Location: Solstice Healing Arts, 163 Main St., Suite 6, Medway MA, 02053. www.solsticehealing.com. www. rhysmethod.com

3/23 — MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN. Professional psychic and medium Gayle Kirk offers messages from heaven and/or psychic guidance. 7-9 pm, $45. Warren Recreation Building, Wellesley, MA, (781) 235-2370 or http://www.gaylekirk.com/classes-events/index.php

Massage, Polarity and Aesthetics. 7:00PM. (508) 366-8437 www.spatech.edu.


3/24 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Wilton, NH. Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or visit www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 3/25




Attracting the Love of Your Life! Time: 7-9pm. Location: Solstice Healing Arts, 163 Main Street, Suite 6, Medway MA, 02053. www.solsticehealing.com. www.rhysmethod.com

complete course in practical herbalism for beginning and intermediate students. Body systems, medicine making, formulation, wildcrafting, and more. Meets one weekend per month, March to November. See www.commonwealthherbs.com for info

Messages and psychic guidance for some as directed by Spirit. You will be amazed! 7-9pm. Bedford, MA. Pre-register by 4/2/12. (800) 818-3434. www.gaylekirk.com/ classes-events/index.php

3/10 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Concord, MA. Libby

Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or visit www.reikienergy.com. Reiki Master Teacher Training: 4/15.

2/7 — SPA TECH OPEN HOUSE. Westboro School of

2/8 & 2/15 — INTRODUCTION TO MIND-BODY HEALING. You’ve heard of mind body healing. You even believe in it, but you don’t really know what it is. In this fascinating seminar participants will learn powerful, yet easy to use, techniques from Dr. Judith Swack for communicating directly with their unconscious minds, bodies, and souls and releasing unwanted emotions and self-sabotaging behaviors. 7-9pm. At Newton Community Education. (617) 559-6999. Learn more: www.hblu.org

48 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or visit www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 3/11

4/14 — REIKI MASTER TRAINING. Wilton, NH. Libby

4/22 — VOICES OF BOYS AND MEN: A BENEFIT CONCERT FOR BOYS TO MEN NEW ENGLAND. Scullers Jazz Club. 400 Soldier’s Field Road, Boston, 7-9:30pm. Boys to Men is a mentoring program where young men and mentors come together to support each other, do community service work and have fun. Tickets are $50. Contact Linda Marks at lsmheart@aol.com or (617) 965-7846. www.boystomennewengland.org.

4/25-4/29 — JOURNEY TO SEDONA WITH MYSTICAL HORIZONS. Trip includes airfare, hotel (double occupancy) transportation to, from, around Sedona. Includes Lynn Merritt’s personal work with group: readings, meditations, healings. Cost: $1500. Call Lynn for information. (860) 572-9191.

6/6-6/12 — AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS 52ND ANNUAL CONVENTION. Lyndonville ,VT. Join us for a week of workshops and classes with world renowned teachers including keynote speaker Michael Tallinger author of “Temple of the African Gods”. Learn to dowse, not just for water, but also for health, well-being and much more. Explore this ancient art to inspire and deepen your own practice in the fellowship of like minds. Early registration discounts. www.dowsers.org. Headquarters (802) 684-3417.

Ongoing CLASSES IN CHANNELING AND SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION with Vywamus, a teacher of higher consciousness, channeled by Andrea Seiver. Have a personal reading, enjoy 2012 Evenings with Vywamus April 12, May 3, June 7, July 5. (617) 332-1541. www.andreaseiver.com.

MIND AND BODY STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP in Brookline, MA, based on the Alexander Tech-

MONTHLY REIKI CLINIC. Brenner Reiki Healing, Newton, MA, provides Reiki treatments the first Friday of each month, 7-9pm ($10 to cover expenses). Additional services include Reiki classes and private treatments. Elise Brenner, Ph.D., Reiki Master Teacher, can be reached at (617) 244-8856, eliseb@rcn.com, www.brennerreikihealing.com. Give yourself the gift of Reiki!

PROVIDENCE ZEN CENTER. Free walk-in instruction, Wednesdays at 6:15pm. 99 Pound Rd, Cumberland, RI. (401) 658-1464. Pzc@kwanumzen.org. www.providencezen.org.

MEDITATION EVENINGS. Wednesdays, 7 to 8:30 PM, Advaita Meditation Center, 28 Worcester Lane, Waltham, MA. Open to all. Evening includes a brief discussion or presentation, as well as refreshments afterward. www.advaitameditation.org; 781-647-0020.

GUIDED MEDITATION WITH CHRIS SHININGBROOK. De-stress, explore and expand at The Holistic Center, West Brookfield, MA (TheHolisticCenter.net), Wednesdays, 7-8pm, $20/class or $60/4 classes paid in advance. Pre-registration required. Contact Chris: (508) 414-9377 or ShiningBrook@hotmail.com.

THE WELLNESS ROUNDTABLE HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS NETWORK. Join us at our monthly meetings (Sept-June) dedicated to inspiring, educating and supporting wellness practitioners/providers. Building collaborative relationships to encourage thriving practices and global wellness. Contact marilyn@confident-directions.com.

THE ECLECTIC INSTITUTE OF AROMATHERAPY AND HERBAL STUDIES offers teachings with Linda Patterson. 1/8: Introduction to Aromatherapy in Hamilton, MA. 1/14: Level II Aromatherapy in Somerset, MA. 3/25: Herbal

Certification Program in Somerset, MA. See details www.aromatherapyandherbalstudies.com

SHAMANIC DRUMMING CIRCLE founded 1993. Usually second and fourth Fridays of every month. 7pm. Quaker Meetinghouse, Cambridge, MA. Open to all, instruction available on website www.cambridgeshamaniccircle.org. Terrence (978) 952-2704 or Emily (781) 641-3980.

FREE HOME BUYERS WORKSHOP. Meet with industry experts that will help you find a home. Every third Saturday from 1-3pm at the Taza D’oro Cafe, 35 Solomon Pond Road, Northboro, MA. RSVP adasilva@kw.com or (508) 709-0069.

FREE SELF-HELP STUDY GROUP on advanced energy healing, conducted by Dr. Kusmis, ULCS Clinic. (603) 286-8191. Ongoing, 3rd Tuesday each month, 6-9pm. For directions and to reserve a seat, RSVP at www.meetup.com/Advanced-Energy-Healing.

TAI CHI CLASSES in W. Hartford, CT. Mondays, 6-7pm, $60/month (4 classes). Saturdays, 9-11am, $80/month (4 classes). Or $100/month for both weekly classes. Led by Ming Wu, Ph.D, doctor of Chinese medicine, herbalist, tai chi master. Free qi gong class on Mondays, 5-6pm with Erik Harris. 45 South Main Street, Suite 100, West Hartford, CT. Call (800) 990-9332 or visit www.wuhealing.com.

SUNDAY PACIFIST SERVICE. 10-11am at the Peace Abbey, 2 North Main Street, Sherborn, MA. Call (508) 655-2143 or visit www.peaceabbey.org for more information.

TAI CHI AND QI GONG CLASSES at Emerson Hospital, Concord, MA, led by Dr. Ming Wu. $98 for 8 weeks. Tai Chi class is 9:30am-10:30am. Qi gong class is 10:30am11:30am. Visit www.wuhealing.com or call (978) 461-2168.

nique. December 17, January 14 and February 18. Introduces other modalities such as meditation, nutrition, safe exercising and some other ways to support optimal health. Contact Cecile Raynor at alexandertec.com or call (617) 359-7841.

COMMUNITY AS HEALER WORKSHOPS with Linda Marks, MSM. Sundays once a month from 1-4 pm. Be part of a healing community where when anyone has a turn, everyone has a turn! For more information, contact lsmheart@aol.com. or (617) 965-7846. www.healingheartpower.com.

SHOP MAGNETIC JEWELRY FROM MY WORLD OF MAGNETS at 12/03: Primrose School PTA Holiday Show, Somers, NY. 12/04: St. John’s Lutheran Church, Christmas Bazaar in Stamford, CT. 12/10: Pace University, Holiday Bazar, Pleasantville, NY. For more details visit our website myworldofmagnets.com.

BOSTON SCHOOL OF HERBAL STUDIES. Arlington and Lincoln, MA. Affordable, evening and weekend classes, aromatherapy intensive, herbal apprenticeship programs and advanced training. Call (781) 646-6319 or see bostonherbalstudies.com.

PRANIC HEALING FULL MOON MEDITATIONS. December 8, January 12, February 9, plus weekly meditations. Miriam G. Smith, C/MCKSPH. (978) 683-6129. mgsenergy@comcast.net. www.PranicHealingNE.com.

2/17 — Start something new for yourself this year at the 20th annual Rhode Island Men’s Gathering winter weekend retreat. See February listing or visit www.rhodeislandmensgathering.org. www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 49

new england’s

Holisticdirectory winter 2011

Categories • Acupuncture and Asian Medicine . . 50

• Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

• Consciousness Transformation . . . . 55

• Holistic Medical and Dental . . . . . . . . 61

• Animal Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-51

• Children's Health and Services . . . . 53

• Counseling and Therapy . . . . . . . 55-57

• Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-62

• Astrological Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . 51

• Chiropractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

• Healing and Bodywork . . . . . . . . . 57-59

• Retreats and Retreat Centers . . . . . . 62

• Ayurveda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

• Classes, Certifications & Schools . . 53-54

• Healing: Combined Modalities . . . . 59-60

• Spiritual Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

• Bookstores and Gift Shops . . . . . 51-52

• Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

• Herbs and Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

• Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness . . . . . . . . . . 62

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Holistic Health since 1974

Dr. Yvonne Chen, Lic. Acupuncturist One of the first practicing acupuncturists in the United States, Dr. Yvonne Chen began her acupuncture practice in Washington, D.C. in 1973, moving to Worcester one year later. Trained in China as a medical doctor, Dr. Chen’s years of study and research included in-depth work with both traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Her approach to health incorporates keen knowledge on the nature of disease, use of

50 Spirit of Change |

Canine Behaviorist

Lisa Nobrega

I look forward to alleviating your suffering. Whether your issue is chronic pain, allergies, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, plantar fascitis, golfer’s elbow, infertility, uterine fibroids, menopausal symptoms, insomnia, a compromised immune system, or a host of other problems, I can help you. Call for a free “meet and greet” appointment. 259 Mass Ave., Arlington, MA Free parking in rear. www.anappleadayacupuncture.com 781.648.0911

Acupuncture of Worcester

Animal Services

energy balancing, nut­ritional counseling and the promotion of spiritual well-being. Acupuncture is especially effective in the treatment of: • Pain: migraine headaches, stress relief, tendonitis, arthritis, lower back pain, neuralgia, whiplash, accident and trauma injuries and TMJ syndrome • Improving bodily functions: respiratory ailments, insomnia and impotency • Nervous system disorders: Bell’s Palsy, paralysis, multiple sclerosis and stroke recovery • Behavioral changes: weight control and smoking cessation. Located at 110 June Street, Worcester, MA 01602. For an appointment or for more information, please contact Dr. Yvonne Chen at 508-755-5557.

Behavioral Consultations These in-your-home sessions bring forth enlightenment, knowledge and the skills to honor your dog’s needs. Understanding language and energy cultivates a solid foundation for a true dog/man partnership. Respect for your dog’s perspective ceases problematic behaviors. Madeira Park Farm R 508-995-6822 www.artofdogmanship.com

Dr. Howard Goldberg has been in chiropractic practice for 28 years in Massachusetts. As a chiropractor and an avid animal lover, he has always found his own animals respond very well to Chiropractic care. We specialize in correcting subluxations in dogs and cats to help: R Enhance longevity and quality of life for older animals R Neck, back, leg and tail pain R Disc/joint problems, limping/muscle spasms R Injuries from slips, falls and accidents R Jaw, TMJ problems, difficulty chewing and nerve problems R Event or sports injuries, behavior, mood changes R Conditions not responding to traditional care

Dragonfly Animal Intuitive Services

If you are concerned with your pet’s health and wellbeing, please give us a call for a free consultation. Howard Goldberg Doctor of Chiropractic Certified Animal Chiropractor 508-429-PETS(7387) R Holliston, MA www.baystateanimalchiropractic.com Also available for lectures and demonstrations.

Jeanne Lareau Animal Communicator/Intuitive Connect with Lost Pets Understand an Animal’s Point of View Connect with Sick Pets and Animals Who are Ready to Pass Over Connect with Animals Who Have Passed Over Energy Work dragonfly.lareau@gmail.com 978-732-0040 T www.jeannelareau.com

Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton Integrative and Conventional Veterinary Medicine

www.mashvet.com Here at MASH we offer conventional veterinary medicine and alternative therapies in a balanced, whole health approach to your pet’s healthcare. Our goal is to support your pet’s vital energy for good health and self-healing. We use nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, and traditional diagnostics, along with a caring, compassionate staff to optimize your pet’s health. We are now also offering ozone therapy.

We recognize that your pet is an important member of your family. From well visits to chronic disease, we offer medicine that respects the integrity of your pet’s mind, body and spirit. In addition to the services offered by our doctors, we have practitioners ready to provide chiropractic, cranial sacral, Reiki, massage, physical therapy, or polarity therapy for your pet. These are offered in our unique Holistic Care Center for Companion Animals, attached to our hospital. We are now offering client education classes, please call for more details. Dr. Margo Roman, Veterinarian and Practice Owner – Classical Homeopathy, Acupuncture, NAET, Cancer Therapy, Nutrition, Herbal Remedies, General Medicine and Surgery 72 W. Main Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748 (Exit 21A off of Route 495) 508-435-4077 www.drdomore.org www.IHPE.info

Astrological Consulting Joseph Crane

Practical Astrology

Joseph Crane has been a consulting astrologer since 1988. He is Co-Director of the Astrology Institute and author of numerous articles and three books: A Practical Guide to Traditional Astrology (1998) and Astrological Roots: The Hellenistic Tradition (2007) and forthcoming Between Fortune and Providence: Astrology and the Universe in Dante’s Divine Comedy.

Joseph uses astrological consultations to help people understand and work better with their lives. Natal astrology helps determines patterns and possibilities for you in this lifetime. Predictive astrology examines situations and their meaning within larger contexts and their probable outcomes. Horary astrology casts a chart for the time of asking an important question; Electional Astrology gives the best time for a new undertaking. Consultations are in Rhode Island or over the phone. All sessions are recorded.



Esoteric Psychology Monique Pommier, M.A., Ph.DE

Astrology illuminates one’s psychological landscape and journey. It times life developments and reveals their designs for the soul. I offer astrological services and ongoing psychospiritual counseling with astrology, Jungian and esoteric psychology as a comprehensive ground of exploration and guidance


Questions? Astrologer Eric Linter has answers. Changes in relationships, career, health, finances or spiritual practice are inevitable. Eric’s clarity will help you stay on the right path. His insights help you better understand and appreciate life’s challenges. His clients say Eric Linter is “profound and enlightening” and “one of the best astrologers on the East Coast.”

Empowered Living

Alexis Smith, Astrologer For 13 years, I have been applying psychological astrology from an evolutionary and spiritual perspective. My approach reveals the conscious and unconscious perspectives and motivations which shape your life as you experience it, providing the necessary insight to understand the circumstances and events of your life as well as the way to address them.

For more information and upcoming workshops: www.TheAstroMuse.com


stars@ericlinter.com X 508-541-4115 X

“I learned more from one session than I did from 5 years of analysis.” - J.G., Cambridge, MA

Wellness Consultations with Vaidya (Ayurvedic expert) — Traditional Ayurvedic pulse assessment and recommendations for healthpromoting diet, daily routine, exercise and herbal supplements. Day Spa — A revitalizing escape! Select from a variety of soothing, stress-melting options.

679 George Hill Road, Lancaster, MA 01523 info@lancasterhealth.com v 978-365-4549 www.lancasterhealth.com

Astrology for

Eric, a professional astrologer for 25 years, works with individuals, couples and businesses. Specialties include career moves, personal creativity and karmic relationships. Consultations are available in person, by telephone, or on cassette. Eric also offers classes, lectures and appearances at parties and special events. For more information and to schedule a private session, contact Eric by email or call:


Visit our website for further information and our monthly newsletter. josephcrane@verizon.net s 401-527-2035 www.astrologyinstitute.com

Together, we will focus on how to make your life work in a practical way that is in line with the trajectory of growth and evolution necessary in this lifetime. Whether your questions revolve around relationships, vocation, finance, personal and spiritual growth, life direction or current decisions and crises, we will focus on solutions that are personally correct for you to create a happy, meaningful life from the inside out. I offer consultations in Cambridge, MA or over the phone for individuals, couples, and families.

on current issues and lifelong questionings. By accessing the deeper order of your life, you gain transformative insights into the evolutionary meaning of particular challenges and new perspectives to direct your choices. My background includes an MS and PhD in Esoteric Psychology and Philosophy. Jungian psychology, Eastern and Western Traditions are key foundations in my approach. I have been in practice for 25 years. U Astrological Consultations U U Psychospiritual Counseling U www.astrologicalpsychology.com 617-524-7072

Panchakarma — In-residence 3-7 day cleansing program for deep physiological balance and rejuvenation. Package prices include wellness consultation, 2-3 hours a day of luxurious Ayurvedic herbalized oil applications, private room, organic cuisine.

Bookstores and Gift Shops Crystals G Books G Jewelry G Statuary Incense G Gifts and More! Psychic Readings G Reiki G IET Chair Massage G Classes Workshop and Events

Metaphysical Shop

122 West Emerson St., Melrose, MA www.zuzusbeads.com G 781-665-8844

774-270-0003 Bookstores and Gift Shops continued


WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 51

Bookstores and Gift Shops continued new age gift shop

Books and music @ Aromatherapy and tools Incense and candles @ Cry­stals and jewelry


Learning Center

Workshops @ Reiki Training @ Readings Yoga @ Gaidon Heart @ Bellydance Psychic Development

We are a nonprofit center dedicated to teaching meditation and exploring the tradition of Advaita. Our aim is to guide you to the experience of happiness and unity in everyday life.

Holistic Healing Center

Usui and Karuna Reiki @ Hypnotherapy Reflexology @ Massage @ Crystal Healing Inner Child Healing @ Body Talk™ Hours: Mon–Fri 10 am-8 pm, Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun noon-5 pm. Gift Certificates available. 118 Washington St., Rte. 138, N. Easton, MA www.womenofwisdominc.com 508-230-3680

Wednesday Evening Open Meditation Meditation Workshops Classes and Study Groups

To learn more about us, go to our website or visit us at our lovely, historic house in Waltham.

28 Worcester Lane, Waltham, MA 02451 www.advaitameditation.org G 781-647-0020

Ample parking and wheelchair accessibility.

Witch Owned and Operated

Bodywork and Readings

Ritual Supplies G Crystals G Gemstones Jewelry G Incense G Candles G Gifts

Massage Z Cranial-Sacral Z Reiki Z Polarity Full Spectrum Healing Z Angel Readings Spiritual Counseling Z Psychic Readings

Mediums and Spiritual Counselors on staff Various classes and workshops!

Classes and Workshops

78 N. Washington St, N. Attleborough, MA Hours: Tue, Wed, Fri: 12-6; Thurs: 12-7 Sat: 10-4 G Sun. and Mon.: Closed

Yoga Z Tai-Chi, NIA Z Journey Dance Qi Gong Z Crystal Bowl Workshops Psychic Development Classes Z Meditations Healer Training Programs

508-643-3400 G 877-33-WITCH andromedasalley@aol.com www.andromedasalley.com

Host your event here!

163 Main St., Suite 6, Medway, MA 02053 solsticehealing@yahoo.com

The Silver Willow

Large selection of bulk herbs The Silver Willow’s own herbal tea blends Handmade herbal products for you and your whole family, including your pets Crystal Balls n Tarot Cards n Pendulums Incense n Ritual Tools n Statues Challis’s n Reiki Treaments The largest selection of New Age books in the entire area!

An Herbal, Metaphysical & New Age Gift Shop for all your herbal and ritual needs

Classes in Aromatherapy, Astrology, Tarot, Wicca, Herbs and more

Home of the Celtic Cricket Psychic Reader... What’s in your Future? Readings available in person or over the phone

Tue-Sat 11:30-7, Sun 12-5 pm., Mon-Closed, 54 Fall River Ave. (Rt. 6), Rehoboth, MA www.thesilverwillow.com n 508-336-8813

Business Services TrueNorth

Business Consulting To help you understand how to make legal decisions Specializing with Health & Wellness Professionals Consultations by Phone or In Person ~ Workshops ~ Call today! ~ 781-729-0481

52 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

TrueNorth Business Consulting empowers you to take control of your legal decisions by providing unique legal coaching that focuses not just on the law, but also on insurance, marketing and project management. truenorthbusinessconsulting.com Introducing the Institute of Integrative Business Studies online business classes for health and wellness practitioners. Sign up today at: integrativebusinessstudies.com

508 533-0669 Z www.solsticehealing.com

Our two gorgeous workshop rooms are available for rent by the hour and the day. Charming, light filled practitioner rooms are also available for rent. Reasonable rates!

Growing Ourselves Program Deepen your connection with nature, honor the sacred and reclaim wholeness. This program includes psycho-spiritual explorations, herbal studies, nutrition, ongoing meditation and yoga. WORKSHOP SCHEDULE

Nature Nurtures, Education Empowers

Jan. 7 – Making Herbal Medicines Feb. 11 – Path to Deeper Spirituality Mar. 3 – Herbs for Seasonal Allergies & More

Harmony Center’s unique sacred space – surrounded by nature – fosters physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth.

See our full schedule online: www.harmony-center.org Medfield, MA ◆ 508-359-8056


Largest New Age Store in New England

Hot Power Yoga and Gentle Yoga Classes YOGA TEACHER TRAINING

200 & 500 Hours u 14 Yoga Studio Locations Dorchester, Roslindale, North Cambridge, Easton, Westwood, Canton, Braintree, No. Attleboro, No.Scituate, Duxbury, Hingham, Weymouth, Hanover, E. Bridgewater

Private Readings Tarot, Psychic or Mediumship Telephone Readings or Walk-Ins Huge selection of health-related products, jewelry and metaphysical needs 395 Washington Street, Braintree, MA Store open daily, 9 am-10 pm, 7 days a week www.OpenDoors7.com u 781-843-8224

Intensive Apprenticeship begins April ‘12

Children’s Health & Services engaging creativity ...an inspired approach to autism for children, teens & their families

t t t t t t t

Sandy Blackman, M.A. Holistic Autism Specialist Instead of merely correcting the behavior on the outside, we strive to recognize the light within each individual and help to bring it to its fullest realization. We work with children, families and schools to most effectively and sustainably meet behavioral as well as social-emotional goals with a commitment to improving the overall mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of your child and, by extension, your family.


Individual therapeutic sessions Parent and sibling coaching Community-based mentoring School consultations/visits Drama therapy Social skills groups Intuitive parent consultations Energetic healing therapies

Sandy received her Master’s Degree in Expressive Therapies and Mental Health Counseling from Lesley University. She has trained in various energy healing modalities, possesses a strong performing arts background and has over ten years of experience. She offers a highly intuitive approach specific to each child, family, and situation. Serving the greater Boston area www.engagingcreativity.org t 301-318-6936

Chiropractors H o l istic H e a ling C en ter Dr. Jennifer Lees Network Chiropractor Imagine feeling more ease in your body. Imagine more joy and serenity in your life. Sometimes our capacity to heal may be overwhelmed by the stress of life. Our body

tends to lock up and mold to the stress. After a while we may find ourselves sick, tense, symptomatic or simply just wanting more out of life. I specialize in gentle techniques that unwind these tension patterns. It is my goal to help you move through life’s stresses with more grace and ease. Healing is possible... and it can be easy. Dr. Jennifer Lees 410 Boston Post Road #26, Sudbury, MA 978-443-3248

Classes, Certifications & Schools ChangeYour Life Workshops with Ed Langan

These leading-edge workshops are taught by Ed Langan, author of Creating with the Law of Attraction: 10 Principles that will Change Your Life. “Ed was very good at explaining the key points and keeping it simple. It was very positive and uplifting.” — D.A.

Learn how to use the Law of Attraction to create whatever you desire: Attract money F Improve relationships F Achieve better self-esteem F

Ready to Change? For times, dates and descriptions of the workshops South of Boston visit: www.BeYourBean.com

Herbs to nourish and heal each organ system Instruction on how to make herbal tinctures, teas, salves, oils, flower essences, herbal baths, etc. F Plant identification with medicinal plant walks F Plant Journeying F F

12 Pelham Terrrace, Arlington, MA 781-646-6319 www.bostonherbalstudies.com

The (W)hole Point Institute The heart of The Wisdom WAY™ is the point at which our psychology intersects with our spirituality. This point is the space in which we awaken — for real. Alaya Chadwick has drawn on her 28+ years of experience to develop The Wisdom WAY™, a personal, practical, self-sustainable map and method for personal and spiritual growth. Found in The Wisdom WAY™ are the tools you can use to Walk Awake saying Yes to life. Oftentimes we feel like we are simply sleepwalking through life. We find ourselves responding to people and experiences as if we are on “auto pilot.” We can feel like we have little energy or joy in our lives. We may wonder, “How do we wake up?” The Wisdom WAY™ is the skeleton found inside most healing modalities, including conventional therapy and alternative practices. What makes this WAY different is that you are the expert. By following the map using your own life experiences, you unravel the mysteries of yourself and reveal the wonder you truly are on all levels — emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies Instructor Linda Patterson offers over 20 years of experience in the science, art and principles of herbalism and aromatherapy.

Advanced Herbal Training begins Jan. 29 focusing on consultation skills: facial, pulse, tongue and nail diagnosis. We also offer affordable evening and weekend workshops and Aromatherapy Certification.

The (W)hole Point Institute offers a wide range of self-development experiences, healing opportunities, and empowerment trainings for individuals and couples or partners. These workshops are both experiential and educational and are offered in group and/or one-on-one settings. Additionally, there are intensive apprenticeship programs which offer personal in-depth study. 2-Day Intensive (W)hole Workshops Learn practical tools to reveal your own unique pathway to (W)holeness. 2-Day PAIRing™ Workshops (People Activating Intimate Relating™) Open to couples and singles, this workshop is for those who wish to bring their relationships to a deeper level of self-appreciation and intimate union. One-on-One (W)hole Life Coaching Relationship Intensives for Couples Awakening Divinity Apprenticeship Reiki Level I and II classes Learn this ancient healing art to support yourself and those around you. …and much, much more! NASW-approved CEU’s available “Alaya Chadwick is able to put ‘hands and feet’on extremely complex concepts in a way which connects them to the living reality of everyday life.” — Martha Harrell, MSN, Ph.D. Elizabeth “Alaya” Chadwick M.Div., MSW., L.I.C.S.W., Reiki Master,

Author of: Wake up to your (W)hole Life Raymond, NH www.wholepoint.us r 603-895-4530

Ongoing certification courses offered throughout the northeast including: ✴ 7-Month Herbal Certification ✴ 4-Month European-Based Aromatherapy Introduction ✴ 4-Month Advanced Aromatherapy Course ✴ 3-Month Conscious Nutrition Course ✴ Palmistry a tool of diagnoses www.aromatherapyandherbalstudies.com 978-297-4502

Ed is also available for coaching. Classes, Certifications, & Schools continued


WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 53

Classes, Certifications, and Schools continued

The Way to Balance,® LLC Center for Advanced Healing and Training Aaron & Sue Singleton, Founders

The Energy of Life® (EOL) Process Educational Programs complement all medical and holistic modalities, and empower practitioners and laypersons. EOL I.D.E.A.L. Process for Creating a

Life You Love! Workshop Series A totally unique intuitive and healing process that transforms lives, whether you are a healer, doctor, executive, or full-time parent. Use the EOL process alone, or to enhance Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc. The EOL Process for Discernment and Intuitive Accuracy within this series is prerequisite for Medical Intuitive training with Sue Singleton. EOL Visionary Acupressure System

Workshop Series This fusion of ancient and modern techniques makes a quantum leap to address trauma and illness, without relying solely

• 200 and 500 Hour Classical Yoga Teacher Training • Meditation Training • Yoga classes offered daily • Monthly Workshops • Yoga Therapy Training (beginning in January)

The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. Saturday Seminars are open to all who wish to experience and learn about the Family Soul. Participants may have an opportunity to ‘set up’ their family constellation, to ‘stand in’ as representatives for family members in other’s constellation and to observe the constellations. Saturday Seminars

EOL Rings of Oden™

New Technology for Quantum Healing Revolutionary “Net-Neutral Ionic Energy” technology embedded into The Rings of Oden accelerates light resonance and provides modulating energy frequencies for healing. Users report rapid resolution of chronic pain, injuries, glaucoma, chronic emotional patterns and illnesses. The Rings combine Sacred Geometry, Crop Circles, and DNA Holographic Re-Patterning to create specific vortices and frequencies for various conditions. Powerful for self-healing, as well as helping others.


Other Workshops Radical Hands-On Healing Light Therapy: Healing at the Speed of Light Sound Therapy: Healing with Resonance Introduction to Medical Intuition, etc. 21 Water St. Amesbury, MA 01913 www.TheWayToBalance.com 978-834-0341

Join our yoga community as we study, practice and share the transformative benefits of Yoga. All levels of ability and experience are welcome to an environment that is safe and open to diversity in body, mind and spirit. Therapeutic, scientific and heartcentered in our approach, we unite in our desire to understand and live Yoga’s five branches. Julie Rost, Director 8 Clifford Street, Exeter, NH

• Weekend Intensives

9:30 am-6 pm $140

www.yogalifenh.com v 603-479-3865

who has a serious interest in embarking upon a personal journey of transformation in relation to the fundamental aspects of their family lineage. Each weekend is a complete immersion into your Family Soul, which creates space for positive change and healing to occur. This program is also the foundation for anyone who wishes to incorporate the Constellation Approach into their profession. Weekend 1 Weekend 2 Weekend 3 Weekend 4 Weekend 5 Weekend 6

Family of Origin Father and his Lineage Mother and her Lineage Sibling Relationships Effects of Illness, Disease, Death Couple Relationships

Weekend 7 Effects of War, Immigration & Religion

Dec. 3 ~ Jan. 21 ~ Mar. 3

Certificate received upon completion. Private constellation sessions also available.

The Immersion Learning Program is underway and will begin again in Oct. 2012 through May 2013. Appropriate for anyone

Jamy Faust, MA and Peter Faust, Mac www.ConstellationApproach.com 617-484-4325

54 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

This is an amazing personal growth program! Many of our students take the program just to get the personal transformation. And we also will provide you with the best, cutting-edge healing technology there is. Our program offers:

on linear meridian techniques. Learn unique protocols for deeper, more rapid release of the Root Cause. Our easy to learn 60-point numbered system includes detailed diagrams: no prior acupressure experience or knowledge required.

Advanced energy anatomy Full Spectrum healing techniques F Understanding yourself and your clients through the Profiles F A deep bond with your classmates and the healer community of the school F

New England’s premier 3-year

Energy Medicine Practitioner

Certificate Program

The Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine is New England’s premier three year Energy Medicine Practitioner Certificate Program designed to take your journey as a healer to the next level. This is the next level for anyone who has stepped on a healing path, medical career, or a path of personal growth and inner transformation.

Chaplaincy Institute of Maine


Classes start in October and run through June, meeting six weekends over the year. Payments plans available. For more information: Rhys@RhysThomasInstitute.com rhysthomasinstitute.com F 508-740-3038 Interfaith Spiritual Growth and Ordination as an Interfaith Minister First Year: The Way of Contemplation Second Year: The Way of Action Campuses in Portland, ME and Amesbury, MA

World Religions T Art as Meditation Creation Spirituality T Interfaith Worship Spiritual Practice T Community Service

Massage | Aesthetics Polarity | RYSE Ipswich • Plymouth • Westboro You deserve an education that honors who you are and who you are becoming. A great education is spiritually transforming: You overcome your limitations and realize your highest potential, at the same time you learn the foundation and skills to succeed. Excellent education is not by chance; it comes from years of listening to employers, graduates and students to find the best way to teach the most valuable information to make you successful. As a leader in energy medicine and

New England Institute of Reflexology & Universal Studies v Professional Reflexology Certification and Approved Continuing Education in Reflexology, Massage, and Reiki v Integrative techniques give students a strong foundation and create a balanced treatment style v Students qualify as professional therapists upon completion

ChIME T P.O. Box 3833 T Portland ME 04104 chimeadmin@gmail.com www.chimeofmaine.org T 207-347-6740 energy based education since 1980, Nancy Risley recognizes that your education is a transformational healing process. As a successful therapist, author and teacher, her vision is to help you realize your dream of work that is creative and supports all aspects of who you are. Whether you work in a spa, clinic, or have your own business, you gain the required skills to create satisfaction as well as increased flexibility, control and income. The next step to fulfilling your future is to call for a no obligation, information interview with our Career Advisor. We look forward to meeting you and learning about your future. Programs take from 4 to 12 months, depending on your schedule: Full-time, mother’s hours or part-time evenings. Accredited. Licensed. Financial Aid available for qualified students. 800-262-8530 v www.spatech.edu

v Courses meet state and national standards; CE’s approved from ARCB and NCBTMB. School is licensed by Commonwealth of MA, Dept. of Education Our goal is to act as a bridge between complimentary and conventional medicine through the training of qualified holistic practitioners. Join us! ~ Now teaching Reflexology at ~ All That Matters in Wakefield, RI Cortiva Massage School in Watertown, MA www.walkinbalance.com v 508-317-3044 v

Coaching Heart Centered Coaching

o Access your heart’s wisdom and guidance

Manage depression and anxiety o Lose weight o Improve test performance o Manage high blood pressure o Overcome subconscious scripts o

Live the life you wish to live

Nickola Turner

Licensed Heartmath™ Provider

nturnercoach@gmail.com www.nickolaturner.com o 617-680-1134

Benefits of the Sedona Method®

Cheryl Wright

Life Coach Use day to day, moment by moment, in real life situations Face whatever happens with a new feeling of inner strength, ease and confidence. Coaching Using the Sedona Method® What is the Sedona Method®? A simple, powerful, easy-to-use technique that shows you how to tap into your natural ability to let go of any uncomfortable or unwanted feeling in the moment.

Eliminate your stress, fears and tensions Improve your relationships G Be radiantly healthy G Have financial security G Drop addictions and bad habits G Gain emotional wellness and intelligence G Have lasting inner peace, joy and happiness G G

Coaching available by phone or in person Introduction and Support Groups monthly Offices in Watertown, MA & Providence, RI Cheryl@WrightHereNow.com 617-448-8749 G www.WrightHereNow.com

Andrea Seiver, Ph.D. Channeled Readings Classes Have you spoken with an ascended master recently? Vywamus, channeled by Andrea Seiver, is a master and teacher who is working to help all humans make the shift into the higher levels of consciousness. Readings with Vywamus cover your life work, relationships, past lives, and other

Transformational Healer


Spiritual Teacher Kristin Kirk After experiencing a dramatic shift in consciousness, Kristin began healing within the multidimensional soul and universe. She works in unison with a team of spirit guides to transform the soul by releasing layers of density, old trauma, and conditioning, that have hindered a brighter and clearer expression of the Radiant Self.

issues with his characteristic warmth, humor, and practical advice. Channeled Classes and Spiritual Tutoring help you personally evolve and begin to live in a state of higher consciousness. Evenings with Vywamus: Vywamus shares his energy and discusses your questions on topics of general interest. Donation $10. Other Classes: Learn to Channel • Advanced Channeling For information, contact Andrea at 617-332-1541 • www.andreaseiver.com Available Now! The Next Big Bang: The Explosion of Human Consciousness A Vywamus Book Read more at www.andreaseiver.com

This may occur as soul clearing, past life and current life healing, emotional and mental release, balancing of subtle energetic anatomy, integration of multidimensional consciousness, embodiment support, and channeled guidance. With 20 years in practice, Kristin offers healing sessions, both long distance, and locally, for individuals, couples, groups, pets, loved ones, and those who have passed on. She also offers ‘Journey Into Awakening’, a transformational and educational series to support and facilitate the awakening process. www.kristinkirk.com



Counseling and Therapy Advanced Mind Guide

ACHIEVE control over your life and your health. LEARN to manage your emotions, pain and stress. ELIMINATE negative relationships and habits,

fears and addictions. G G G

Advancing your Physical, Emotional, and Financial Wellbeing Stella Posternak, MS

Techniques Life Coaching Neuro Linguistic Programming Business Coaching Free initial consultation

1693 Beacon St, Brookline, MA G 617-959-4411 www.advancedmindguide.com

Consciousness Transformation Matrix

Energetics Dr. Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, teaches Matrix Energetics,© a consciousness technology for insight and spiritual growth — and living a life unbound by the limits we have been trained to believe in. Join Dr. Bartlett in a freewheeling, playful

and possibility-expanding journey that will shatter preconceptions about the seemingly “solid” universe we live in — and how unlimited our potential to change it truly is. If you are ready to embrace a reality where anything goes, miracles happen and nothing is beyond your reach, then you are ready for Matrix Energetics.© For more information and pre-registration seminar discounts, please visit our website. www.matrixenergetics.com

Weekly Group and Various Workshops Offered

Glenn utilizes heart-centered therapeutic techniques, and at times powerfully combines hypnosis and psychotherapy. This method is safe, effective and faster than using only talk therapy. The results will amaze you! You’ll notice a huge change in your life as he works with you to make your goals a reality. Don’t wait! Call now to set up your FREE initial consultation. It’s time to create the change you desire.

Conveniently located near the commuter rail in Needham. Just a short drive from Rte. 128/I-95

www.GlennBigonet.com 617-462-6642

Helping People Live Better Lives Glenn Bigonet, M.A. Mental Health Counselor Clinical Hypnotherapist

Massachusetts Society of

Bioenergetic Analysis “Bioenergetics is the vibrant way to health and the way to vibrant health.“ ~ Alexander Lowen, MD, Founder Integrated mind-body therapy, combining talk therapy with guided body movements and expressive exercises. The

work focuses on increasing aliveness and self-respect through body-oriented psychotherapy. It helps people resolve emotional problems and release chronic tensions to become more relaxed, and ultimately to maximize their potential for intimacy and joy in life. Visit our website or call for more information and to be added to our mailing list. Training Group, Ongoing Workshops, Exercise Classes, Individual Therapy www.massbioenergetics.org 617-876-3652 Counseling and Therapy continued


WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 55

Counseling and Therapy continued

Barbara Madden Johnson M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C. Do you have a belief that, inside of you, you have the potential that yearns to be released? For most, a fleeting glimpse is all they’ll ever have. For others, there is a way. Just imagine…releasing your true potential. Work­ing together, one-on-one, you can over-

Holistic Counseling Concepts Trish Whynot, D.C.Ed. Doctor of C.O.R.E. Education “What im­pres­sed me about Dr. Trish was her natural ability to see through the chaos of life’s web and identify the root cause of problems.” — Bob Olson, Editor, OfSpirit.com Offering a variety of techniques, including: ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling, Meditation, Energy Work, Crystals, and Aromatherapy

come problems that have kept you from achieving your goals and desires. Unlock your potential! Restore inner bal­ance! Come alive! Barbara Madden Johnson, M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C., a certified master practitioner and licensed trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, has over 25 years experience helping individuals with: u Career and identity is­sues u Immune and autoimmune illnesses u Chronic fatigue syndrome u Depression u Learning disabilities and ADD u Relationships u NLP Certification Training Program u Bel­mont, MA. Some insurance accepted. For an appointment, call 617-484-1716.

Eliminate the root of physical, social, and financial problems: Unresolved issues stored in our physical and energy bodies can manifest as pain, illness, or mediocrity. Discover, address, and release issues block­­ing health and wealth. View obstacles, relationships, and illness as opportunities for growth and change. Experience resonance-changing techniques that get to the root of problems. Open to an array of extraordinary futures. Private Appointments, Phone Sessions & Workshops Middleton, MA u Trish@TrishWhynot.com www.TrishWhynot.com u 978-314-4545

Healing from the Body Level UpSM A new mind / body / spirit healing methodology for the 21st century

Announcing hbluSM A breakthrough new therapy that can change your life, even when other therapies have failed! • Do you have fears, anxieties or phobias that get in your way? • Are your relationships frustrating, painful, or unsatisfying? • Are you feeling unfulfilled with your career, current income, or just life in general? • Do you constantly struggle to achieve and maintain your ideal weight? • Are you being weighed down by chronic health problems? • Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again? When you’ve done your best to solve these problems, but find that they are not

HEALING traumatic loss & grief

Body-Centered Psychotherapy Listen to your body…follow your heart. The heart is the first organ to form in the body, and is the organizing factor for physical formation, including brain formation. Trauma, deprivation or neglect creates heart wounds, which keep us from accessing our deepest selves. Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) facilitates an emotional, energetic rewiring, helping us activate and express the power of the heart. Emotional safety,

words, touch, meditation, movement, presence and silence facilitate verbal and non-verbal expression. Meaningful work, fulfilling relationships, self-esteem, purpose and passion, love, intimacy and sexuality follow. Straight, GLBT and poly-friendly. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups Sunday nights in Newton. Apprenticeship training. Books: Living with Vision, and Healing the War Between the Genders Blog: www.heartspacecafe.com/blog

“There is no greater pain in life than losing a child, a battlefield buddy, or a spouse of many years and feeling disconnected, forever…Now, we [have the means to dramatically] heal this deep pain…resulting from the loss.” — Dr. Allan L. Botkin

Mediation for couples and families. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups. Apprenticeship training.

As a psychologist and psychotherapist for 30 years, and one who carries my own family legacy of loss from the Holocaust, I

Newton, MA www.healingheartpower.com LSMHEART@aol.com 617-965-7846

Life Coaching

Improve motivation, accomplish tasks & more

Holistic Psychotherapy & Life Coaching Lori Miller-Freitas, LICSW

Holistic Psychotherapy/Clinical Consultation

Using extensive professional experience to resolve issues related to: Trauma, Grief, PTSD, Anxiety and Phobias, ADD.

Get to the core — Transform your life! You are on this earth to be happy and realize your true potential.

Certifications: LICSW, EMDRIA Approved Consultant, National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. Visa/MC acccepted.

EMDR R TAT R Hypnosis R Reiki I use a combination of traditional, body centered and energy therapies to increase the speed and deepen the level of holistic healing.

294 Pleasant St. R Ste. 103B R Stoughton, MA

56 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

Eugene L. Pogany, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

www.eaglespirittherapies.com 781-297-2003

Help Me Help You

Violet C. Morin As children we all felt, at times, a powerful sense of wonder and magic. How easily that magic is lost in growing up. To successfully grow through sudden losses and distractions in our lives, to regain delight in living, we need to understand this: Either we are accepting what is or we are resisting what is. Paradoxically, mastering acceptance is the key to change!

under your voluntary control, you are experiencing unconscious self-sabotage. Healing from the Body Level UpSM (hbluSM) is a unique and effective way to get unstuck and eliminate struggle by clearing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success, so that you can finally achieve your goals! The originator of this holistic psychotherapy system, Dr. Judith Swack, has demonstrated her amazing phobia cures live on WCVB Channel 5 News, on TBS Superstation’s Worst Case Scenario, and on New England Cable News. She is a respected healer, teacher of healers, author, and keynote presenter at major psychology conferences. Dr. Judith Swack and her associates Nicole LaFrance, MA, and David Danzig, LICSW, are now available for private sessions in person, or by phone. “This work gave me back my life.” – Susan S., Writer, Boston, MA “I’ve made more progress in the most important areas of my life in just a few sessions than I did in 5 years of traditional therapy. This woman is amazing! I’ve already referred – Jane U., Teacher 10 clients to her.” For a free information package and to book appointments, call 1-800-310-6549 or 781-444-6940, or visit www.hblu.org.

have continually sought ways to alleviate grief that can linger for a lifetime. Out of this search, I have learned that there can be no greater incentive to live life more fully than to realize in a profoundly direct and natural way that beyond our sadness, our departed loved ones are alright and that most of all they want us to continue living. With a modified version of EMDR, I help clients, following a particularly painful loss, experience a profoundly peaceful and enduring reduction of grief, often accompanied by a felt reconnection with their deceased loved one. Please see my recent article: “Until We Meet Again…” featured in earthstarmag.com, April/May ’11. elpog@aol.com Newton, MA V 617-969-1104

Help me help you to master your resistance, and in transforming it to creative acceptance, find the wonder and magic of recovery…we can SMILE again! Individual/group/family/couple counseling Trauma/Survivor Therapy ✴ Addictions ✴ Thinking Errors/CBT Work ✴ Inner Child Growth Therapy ✴ Sexual/Gender Identity ✴ Womens’ Issues ✴ ✴

All health insurances accepted Violet C. Morin, M.Ed, LMHC, LMFT Licensed Therapist in RI and MA Harvard graduate with 30+ years experience Wellcare Inc., Johnston, RI 401-272-8773 ✴ vmhc@cox.net

Stop Smoking In One Session

Lose Weight Naturally Dr. George W. Mephis, Ph.D., BCH, is a world-renowned Russian healer and spiritual teacher, with 25 years of experience in helping people stop smoking, lose weight and achieve freedom from addiction slavery. He has been called The Miraclemaker for his phenomenal ability to cure incurable diseases. He is the founder of the HypnoEnergetic Movement. This powerful technique stimulates the brain to produce more pleasure hormones, naturally creating a positive state of consciousness and at the same time erasing the negative memories related to addictive behavior.

Center of the Heart Whole Health Integration

Joan Holzman, Psy. D. Lic. Psychologist, Lic. Marriage and Family Therapist Dance/Movement Therapist From the time we are very young we take life’s experiences to heart. Over time we may forget our core, hurts and feelings, but they remain with us. Our heartfelt experiences help shape our sense of self and our interactions with others.

Stephen-Wolf Foster, Psy.D.  “The only time is now. The only way is before us.”

- -Shiva K’Ryl Aristos

Authentic Conversation: An Existential approach to psychotherapy, coaching and clinical supervision. In these difficult and dangerous times, many of us are realizing that something isn’t right in our personal or professional lives. We might feel particularly alone, discouraged or lost. We might feel disconnected from ourselves, or paralyzed by trauma, depression, anxiety, or some repetitive selfsabotaging habit that keeps us captive. Our concerns might be about our work, our relationships, our own body. We might not even know exactly what it is, just that our life doesn’t seem right.

Mr. Mephis helps people quit smoking in one session, lose weight and control their appetite, eliminate pain, stress, anxiety, depression and various other physical disorders including cancer in a unique and miraculous way. u

Stop Smoking in One Session


Lose Weight


Eliminate Pain


Stress, Anxiety, Depression


Substance Abuse


Addictive Behavior


Self Destructive Behavior


Cancer Patients Support


Enhance Spot Performance

George W. Mephis | Market Street Health 214 Market Street u Brighton, MA02135 617-507-1991 www.hypnoenergetic.com

I offer a variety of modalities such as: EMDR, Sandtray Therapy, Relaxation Techniques, Therapeutic Movement & Psychotherapy to help heal our core issues and attain a more integrated sense of health and well being. I look forward to meeting you. Client Comments: s Sandtray – “Sand tray therapy helped me see my life more clearly.” s EMDR – “I had insights I never had before.” s Therapeutic Movement – “It was great to feel the freedom in my body after working with you.”

Compassionate Psychotherapy & EMDR Barbara Gangemi, LMHC We are each endowed with an enormous capacity for self-healing, and often what’s needed is a wise and experienced guide to show us the way through darkness. Barbara’s style of compassionate psychotherapy, combined with a number of highly effective stress reduction techniques as well as the rapid and profound healing effects of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can lead to new levels of physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well being. Maybe you are having trouble maintaining relationships or employment in the present. Perhaps you remember childhood

mistreatment, medical procedures that were frightening and painful, accidents, illnesses, even natural disasters. Many people today experience a pervasive feeling of “being stressed.” Whatever the source of your distress, this combination of therapies can bring deep and lasting healing to your body, mind, and spirit. As a licensed mental health counselor and a fully certified EMDR practitioner, Barbara has been practicing psychotherapy for more than eighteen years and EMDR for thirteen years. She considers the opportunity to assist clients to be a sacred trust, and she moves toward the path to healing with the knowledge that, in a safe and supportive therapeutic relationship, we can heal what has been too daunting to face alone. Some insurances accepted. Call for further information or to schedule an appointment. BarbaraGangemi@aol.com West Roxbury • 617-553-0714

Healing and Bodywork Nakri HEALING CENTER

Nadsa de Monteiro Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master & Teacher Offering small Reiki classes with personal attention, mentoring and guidance; Reiki shares to provide the opportunity to come together, practice, learn and grow in a sacred, serene and safe space.

Healing sessions with Nadsa focus on the individual needs of each person to heal on every level. Using the healing power of crystals, the guiding insight from aura readings and Akashic records, Nadsa’s Reiki sessions are uniquely her own in her approach to healing mind, body and spirit. Nakri Healing Center ✴ Dorchester, MA nadsa@nakrihealing.com www.nakrihealing.com ✴ 617-285-1056

42 Thoreau Street, Concord, MA 01742 978-369-6138 Experience colon hydrotherapy in a safe, relaxed environment using state-of-the-art FDA registered equipment.

My name is Dr. Stephen Wolf Foster. Since 1985 I have been helping individuals, couples and other therapists to navigate through difficult times. With an attitude of “no shame; no blame”, we may engage in “Authentic Conversation” wherein you distinguish your true voice, your true vision and your very real possibility of Transcendence. This freedom allows us to reclaim our authentic sense of vitality, purpose and personal power. As we gain liberating insight, aided by practical skills, we are best able to move beyond the problems and toward the life we would choose for ourselves.

Cleansing for the body, the mind, the spirit

With offices in Cambridge and Amesbury, I serve clients from the North Shore to the metropolitan Boston area. For information on how I conduct my work, or to make an appointment, call or visit the website.

Divine Intervention

Whether you engage my counseling services or those of someone else whom you feel might fit you better, remember this: There is no later. Your only time and place of personal power is here and now. www.swolffoster.com v 617-413-3712

Stephanie Dumas I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Owner

Lexington Medical Building 16 Clarke Street, Lexington, MA healthyspirit@verizon.net 781-860-5116

Divine Intervention is “Where the Impossible Becomes Possible.”

Spontaneous Remission Advanced Energetic Hands on Healing from the Mayan Lineage. Miraculous Healing for all issues that require attention.

Rev. Claire Luft is a Master Healer and Master Teacher of Divine Intervention Healing. This healing technique is sacred, powerful, and produces Physical Plane Results. Heart’s Singing Healing Center Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 u www.heartssinging.com

Healing and Bodywork continued


WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 57

Healing and Bodywork continued Pre-Ancient Energy Healing Secrets

Reflexology Wellness Center

Amy Kreydin, NBCRT, BD Board Certified Reflexologist

women’s lifecycle health. G Menstruation G Fertility G Pregnancy G Postpartum G Menopause G Weight Management G Autoimmune Appointments are customized according to your needs, wellness goals and health history.

Experience deep relaxation and wholebody healing with Reflexology, Clinical Aromatherapy and Metamorphosis in our family-friendly space. Amy specializes in working with pediatrics, chronic health conditions and

Patricia Warren Reiki Jin Kei Do

The Barefoot Dragonfly A Reflexology Wellness Center 370 Main St, Suite 202, Stoneham, MA www.thebarefootdragonfly.com 617-794-4755

Union, returning 13 times, as well as to thousands of people in medical, religious and educational settings throughout the Caribbean, Europe and Middle East since 1989. ✦


✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

New Englands most InternationallyExperienced Reiki Master since 1989 Patricia has taught healing techniques of Buddhist, Sikhs and Christians for over 25 years. She is the appointed East Coast representative of Reiki Jin Kei Do ~ Buddho Healing, authentic and advanced teachings of Usui Reiki in the lineage of Buddhist Monk Seiji Takamori. Patricia was the first woman to teach Reiki in the former Soviet

The John Harvey Gray Center for

Reiki Healing

Lourdes Gray, Ph.D. Awaken your healing skills immediately and be a powerful channel for Reiki energy! The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing was established by John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray in 1996 to empower and develop a student’s capacity for healing. The Center offers the most thorough Reiki healing training available, ‘with no cut corners’, as it was taught by Mrs. Hawayo Takata. John Harvey Gray received his entire Reiki training from Hawayo Takata. He was one of the original 22 Reiki Master Teachers trained by her. He was also the longest-practicing Reiki Master Teacher in the Western Hemisphere until his passing into spirit on January 12, 2011.

58 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

✦ ✦ S

All Levels of Reiki Jin Kei Do Training Buddho Healing (advanced Reiki classes) “His Garments Hem” Christian Healing Touch Gung Fu Chinese Tea Ceremonies Past Life Regression Justice of the Peace Spiritual Director S













48-Strand DNA Activation

FREE meetups tell how: www.meetup.com/

Advanced-Energy-Healing Aalia Kusmis, MS, PhD, ND, DD MCEO Level IV Ordinate Consummate


16 Center St, Suite 514, Northampton, MA


S Reiki Jin Kei Do Level 1 CD S

Reiki Jin Kei Do CD $16 S















Patricia Warren, Reiki Master Teacher 508-528-5888 ✦ warrenhealing@gmail.com www.patriciawarren.com

Lourdes was initiated by John Harvey Gray as a Reiki Master Teacher in 1996 after intensive one-on-one training by John Harvey Gray. As a Reiki Master Teacher, Lourdes has taught over 700 Reiki workshops and trained more than 8,000 Reiki students to date and serves as the director of the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. Each workshop consists of two full days of learning and hands-on practice. You will immediately be able to effectively channel Reiki healing energy for yourself, others and pets. In Reiki First Degree you will: ✴ Quickly and easily develop your natural,

intuitive powers. Within minutes, be able to scan and feel a person’s aura and chakras for analysis. ✴ Effectively treat any condition with Reiki energy— physical, emotional or spiritual, chronic or acute. ✴ Immediately be an effective Reiki healer, confidently bringing comfort and calm to family, friends, clients and pets ✴ Receive a training manual & certificate. The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing P.O. Box 696, Rindge, NH 03461 Visa/MC Accepted See Full Class Schedule: www.learnreiki.org ✴ 603-899-3288

Discover our hidden history and the TRUTH about 2012. Learn what is encoded in your DNA and how to preserve it, as necessary to PROTECT YOUR FUTURE!


Libby Barnett, MSW, RMT Awaken Your Healing Touch Libby is a gifted, knowledgeable Reiki Master with 32 years experience. Libby learned Reiki from John Harvey Gray in 1979, and is the longest practicing Reiki Master Teacher on the East Coast. Her book, Reiki Energy Medicine, Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice has sold over 70,000 copies in five languages. Use Reiki to create more joy, ease, and happiness. Let Libby’s warm, heart-centered approach help you take your next step toward self-love and inner peace. Reiki brings balance and harmony, supporting you doing the work you were born to do. Reiki facilitates transitions, promotes creativity and wisdom, and accelerates spiritual growth, helping you manifest your magnificence. Libby has been teaching Reiki at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for 14 years. She has taught medical and nursing students at Harvard, Brown, Tufts, and Yale, as well as staff at Mass General, Brigham and Women’s, Beth Israel, Mt. Auburn, Emerson, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Southern New Hampshire, New York Columbia Presbyterian hospitals, and social workers at the University of Maryland. Libby was featured in a Reiki segment for the PBS nationally televised series, Body and Soul. “Libby has a beautiful way of teaching and creates a perfect atmosphere for healing and learning.”

ULCS Clinic www.ulcsclinic.com 603-286-8191

I’ve offered flower essence therapy internationally for over 16 years. I offer sessions by phone and in my Northampton office. I work with clients on a broad range of issues and develop a flower essence formula specifically for each session. Call me if you want compassionate and powerful support for healing into a more gracious and empowered life. 413-667-8820 j www.foxmountain.net

One of Libby’s passions is teaching hospice staff and volunteers. Fueled by Reiki energy, their healing touch is enhanced, creating greater effectiveness in calming agitation, soothing pain and providing comfort. In class, a powerful slide presentation captures the essence of Reiki and highlights the latest research. Reiki stories from Libby’s extensive experience will uplift and inspire you, showing how anyone can learn Reiki. You receive attunements and practice giving and receiving Reiki. You leave class with an illustrated notebook, certificate, and Reiki pin, fully trained and certified to do Reiki on yourself, family, friends, and animals. “Hands on, Reiki’s on.” "My commitment to teach the Usui System of Reiki Healing in the authentic, traditional manner inspired me to visit Japan to retrace the roots of Reiki. I am dedicated to teaching this sacred healing art to promote health and conscious living on the planet. I invite you to give yourself the gift of Reiki. It is an easy, effective self-care tool to love, heal, and empower yourself. I look forward to meeting you and sharing Reiki.” Reiki I, Boston Area Classes: Newton, MA: Mar. 3 Concord, MA: Mar. 10 Reiki I, Wilton, NH Classes: Dec. 3 or Mar. 24 Reiki II Class on day folowing Reiki I Class Reiki Master, Wilton, NH Class: Dec 10 or Apr. 14 Advanced Reiki Techniques: Concord, MA: Apr. 28 Prerequisite: Reiki II with any Reiki Master All credit cards accepted. Social Work, Nursing and Massage contact hours/CEU’s available. Reiki Master Teacher Training info available on request. To register or for more information: www.reikienergy.com reiki@reikienergy.com • 603-654-2787

Daniel Sharp

Licensed Massage Therapist Reiki Master/Teacher Certified Infant Massage Teacher Certified ChildLight Yoga Instructor 126 Prospect Street, Cambridge, MA www.sacredcirclehealing.com 781-412- 4325

22-Strand DNA Activation

Bring your Divine Blueprint into Physical Plane Manifestation and experience greater empowerment, improved health (mental, emotional physical and spiritual), increased utilization of your brains potential, greater creativity, and increased energy and clarity.

Combining his experience, training and passion, Daniel skillfully crafts individual and group healing sessions to empower, open, and encourage the deepest healing possible. If you’re looking for creative, compassionate, gentle care for you and your loved ones, Sacred Circle Healing has the right healing sessions for you! Find peace of mind, growth and true healing from the heart in any of Sacred Circle Healing’s services. Reiki Healing Sessions and Certification Classes F Therapeutic Relaxation Massage F Crystal Healing Sessions F Infant Massage Instruction F

Also, bring forth your greatest talents and abilities, clear many karmic and genetic patterns, hold greater amounts of light in your physical body, and much more. Great for those who feel ready to shift out of those “stuck” areas into tremendous empowerment, improved health on all levels, and living your higher destiny agreements and highest potentials.

for pain-free neck, shoulders, back and joints Cécile Raynor Certified Thai Yoga Therapist Alexander Technique Teacher With the Alexander Technique, a mind/ body method, learn to activate your postural reflexes so you can stop creating excess tension as you go about your daily activities. As a result, gain inner confidence, greater ease of movement and improved postural balance! When you receive Thai Yoga, a healing practice, you enjoy the benefits of a Yoga practice, while the therapist does all the work! It relieves muscular tension, improves circulation, boosts the Immune System, and ba-

Elaine Read-Cole


◆ ◆ ◆

Neck and Shoulder Release Massage for Cancer Patients Body Mind Visualization Self-Care Instruction Reiki

“I help my clients improve their body awareness, develop good body habits, and learn to relieve problem areas with self-care techniques that fit easily into their lives. I teach people how to listen and respond to the wisdom of their bodies so that they can relieve pain and maintain balance and comfort.”

Readings Private & Group Sessions Workshops

665 Franklin Street, Framingham MA mla.mindbodyconnect@me.com

www.mindbodyconnect.net • 508-308-2560






In-Vizion® Intuitive Councilor certified by Colette Baron-Reid Advanced Angel Therapist® certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD Founding Member of Wings™ Paranormal Research Reiki Master/Teacher





Seven Arrows Farm Offering Holistic Services mairead ann hartiman, lmt

Hot Stones and Crystals ◆ Positional Therapy (Fully Dressed) ◆ Heated Herb Infused Oils ◆

Martha Angelini, LCMT Reiki Master

For more info on monthly workshops & private sessions, call Cecile @ 617-359-7841


Watertown, MA 617-254-4088 ◆ www.rezakkah.com

Martha is a Reiki Master, Licensed and Certified Massage Therapist, CranioSacral Practitioner and Full Spectrum Energy Healer. By combining her skills in both body work and energy work, to help you connect and integrate your physical, energetic and mental/emotional fragments, Martha is able to help with acute issues and assist in a longer term path of wellness.

After a three-year professional training in Paris, Cécile has been teaching students ranging in age from 7 to 87 for almost 20 years. She taught at Lesley University and presented the Alexander Technique as a Stress Management tool in several major medical institutions. Many with medical or chronic conditions find her work extremely helpful in reducing or eliminating discomfort or pain. Cécile has a unique style developed by her enthusiasm for her work, her compassion for her students, and her ability to communicate with clarity, both through verbal and hands-on guidance.

We are surrounded, at all times by Angels, Spirit Guides and Loved Ones. All we need to do is listen and the guidance is there.

Healing: Combined Modalities mindbody connect

lances the natural flow of energy of the body. Combos sessions are also available!


Heart's Singing Healing Center, Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 v www.heartssinging.com

Rezakkah draws on 20 years of experience to create a customized massage that relieves pain while relaxing body and mind.

Postural Health

Rev. Claire Luft Master Teacher/Master Healer Ancient Mystery School Guide & Ritual Master

Relax, Relieve, Renew


Every session is unique. Mairead intuitively weaves a diverse array of techniques to soothe the physical and subtle bodies. Clients are offered helpful tips for sustaining the sensation of well-being through breath and other techniques. Contact Mairead directly for an appointment 401-225-3055 ◆ Mairead357@gmail.com


Hypnotherapist (specializing in Past Life Regression) Founder/Facilitator of “Wings of Light™” Educational Courses and Certifications Ordained Minister (servicing Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals and more) Shaman Healing Energy Yoga Instructor Medium – “Conversations with Heaven” Meditation Facilitator Artist Owner of Favorite Things Studio Ah, Relax, Restore, Renew 479 Center Street, Pembroke, MA 02359 For more info and gallery hours, visit: www.favoritethingsstudio.com www.elainereadcole.com 781-294-7360

linda m. haczynski

Celtic Reiki Treatments Elemental Crystal Readings ◆ Combination of Both ◆ ◆

Linda’s style of readings and treatments combines her childhood gift of intuition, introspective and compassionate communication. As a certified Celtic Reiki Realm Master, Linda links into wisdom from many civilizations, Neo and Megalithic societies, Ancient Egypt, Native American, Nordic and Shinto view of Ki, to name a few. Contact Linda directly for an appointment elemental.crystal.readings@gmail.com 401-595-3363 SEVEN ARROWS FARM

346 Oakhill Ave, Attleboro, MA 02703 www.sevenarrowsfarm.com 508-399-7860

Healing: Combined Modalities continued


WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 59

Healing: Combined Modalities continued v

The Way to Balance,® LLC

Intuitive Hands-On Healing R Hypnosis Thetahealing R Reconnective Healing® The Reconnection®

National Guild of Hypnotists

True wellness occurs when all parts of ourselves have released and healed. Healings address everyday problems whether they are physical, emotional, mental, behavioral or spiritual. By resolving negative issues and patterns, clients will experience renewed opportunities to live the life of their dreams.

283 Main Street, Kingston,MA 02364 www.newdayhealing.com R 508-280-1523

Awaken your dreams for yourself and for the life you want.

Nora V. Helbich, CCH

Eye of the Eagle Center for Spiritual light

Leontine Hartzell is a trained shamanic practitioner and counselor, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, certified therapeutic ener­gy healer, crystal and sound therapist, plant spirit medicine practitioner, psychic channeler, and legally ordained minister. With the help of her spirit guides,

intuitive HEALING

Wendy Marks

M.Ed, C.A.S., FAPA R Medical intuitive sessions, energy heal-

ing and integrative therapy

Leontine uses soul retrieval, removal and healing of energy blocks, chakra balancing, intuitive counseling, guided imagery, and energy healing methods to heal posttraumatic stress and related disorders, depression, chronic pain and illness, anxiety, grief, and addictive behaviors. Past life issues and current life traumas that affect the client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health are healed to allow the client to move into a life of joy and fulfillment. Private Sessions Long-distance Healing r Phone Readings Workshops and Classes Andover, MA r info@eyeofeagle.org www.eyeofeagle.org r 978-475-1268

spiritual health R Works with individuals to develop their own intuitive skills “As a healer, I work with individuals in a way that consciously promotes a peaceful and healthy planet. Our healing work takes place despite the conflicts that wash over us in our daily lives. By healing ourselves we create changes that have a ripple effect on the world around us.” www.wendymarks.com R 781-449-5368 wlm922@wendymarks.com

complementary healthcare

Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki ® Master Interfaith Minister

Betty Solbjor has been practicing and teaching Reiki since 1996. In 2002 she became a Karuna Reiki® Master, a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, and was ordained an interfaith minister. She has extensive experience using Reiki on both people and animals to gently treat many illnesses and emotional problems. Reiki brings about a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace. Combined with

60 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

Aaron & Sue Singleton, Founders

Resolve WHY you are sick, or feel unfulfilled! We combine Medical Intuition, Massage/Integrative Bodywork with many more modalities. v

Magnified Healing, crystal singing bowls, guided meditation, a session can help to restore balance and harmony to body, mind and soul. Services offered: w Reiki treatment sessions and training for all levels of Reiki and Karuna Reiki w

ach Flower Essence® consultations and B creation of custom formulas


Weddings and other ceremonies

Member, International Association of Reiki Professionals and Better Business Bureau,® Serving Eastern Massachusetts. MA w

Waltham, betty@reikiflowers.com www.reikiflowers.com 781-258-7712

Medical Intuitive Readings that get to the Root Cause of why you are ill, or as a means of prevention.

v Trauma Release Modalities for bone, mus-

cle, nerve, organ issues. Years of pain gone in just a few sessions, or even just minutes. v

The Rings of Oden™ for the release of X-Ray, MRI, chemo, EMF’s, antibiotics, vaccine and other drug residues, environmental pollutants, petroleum, plastics, and more. 21 Water St. Amesbury, MA 01913 www.TheWayToBalance.com 978-834-0341

The greatest peformance art being, of course, life itself! Whatever it is that you do, you’re at risk for overuse, underuse, or mis-use syndromes, due to repetitve movements and postural challenges. For nearly 30 years I’ve been developing THE NOBLE METHOD. I’ll examine, assess, and address the unique specificity requirements of each individual client, with an emphasis on structure, function, compensation patterns, and balance.

THE NOBLE METHOD Therapeutic maintenance massage for massage therapists and other performing artists.

A Higher Balance

R Improve your physical, mental, and

R 25 years of experience in traditional and

Betty L. Solbjor, BFRP,

Center for Advanced Healing and Training

Visionary Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Sound and Light Therapy, and Hypnotherapy to address issues of anxiety, overwhelm, loss, resentment, and more.

Healing Center Heart-centered healing and gatherings for body, mind, soul Judy Christine Copp, M.Ed, RPP, RMT Healing Sessions

Polarity V RYSE V Rising Star The Reconnection V Holistic Massage Sound Healing V Reiki V Combo Sessions

Mark Noble, LMT

AMTA professional active member #16866 MA Licensed Massage Therapist #8907 www.TheNobleMethod.com

Intuitive readings included with most sessions. Gift certificates and distance healing available. Gatherings for Personal & Soul Evolution Monthly RYSE Clearings V Angel Circles Weekly Kriya Meditation V Soulcollage® Mediumship Events V Consciousness Studies The Energy System V Yoga V Soul Cinema Usui Reiki Certification V And much more! Guest Presenters Talented guest presenters visit often and are always welcomed to teach programs. Downtown Salem, MA V 781-639-1236 www.AHigherBalance.com

Mark Levin specializes in: Hypnotherapy W Reiki W Polarity Therapy White Light Healing W Remote Healing

able to create very powerful healing processes for hundreds of satisfied clients both within the physical confines of his office, and remotely throughout the entire world. There are many clinically documented cases of spontaneous healing performed by him. Located at 121 B Tremont Street, Suite 19, Brighton, MA 02135. For those who are unable to come to my office, home or hospital visits are available. Major credit cards accepted.

By combining traditional healing methods such as Reiki, hypnosis, and polarity therapy with his original white light healing therapy, Mark Levin was

For an office appointment or to place a remote healing request, please call: 617-233-3986 www.transcendentalhealing.com

Devoted to helping you feel better. Energy Healer Reiki Master Certified Hypnotherapist

In-Person, Telephone, Skype

Herbs and Gardens

s tie


sibili t n

An Herb and Aromatherapy Shop Common and unique herbs for your herb garden. Scentsibilities also carries herbal products including herbal teas,

books, potpourri, candles, incense and skin care products. Dried herbs are available for making your own herbal teas. We carry a full line of essential oils, oil diffusers and related aromatherapy products including carrier oils and colored bottles for your mixes. Workshops are offered at the shop in herb garden design and planning, herbal topics and aromatherapy. We are glad to fill special requests. Sign up for the monthly email newsletter by emailing us at Linda@scentsibilities.com and receive updates on products and workshops. 750 Main Street, Boylston, MA 01505 508-869-3300 a www.scentsibilities.com

Holistic Medical and Dental Natural Family Health & Integrative Medicine Dr. Jody E. Noé MS, ND Dr. Jody E. Noé, MS, ND is a Licensed, Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, fulltime, academic and clinical faculty at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine, and is a published natural medicine researcher. Dr. Noé has been in practice for over 15 years and is a specialist in Integrative Medicine, and Naturopathic Oncology.

Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) are trained at accredited naturopathic medical schools, which are 4-year post graduate medical schools accredited by the US Dept. of Education. These medically-trained Naturopathic Doctors are trained as primary care doctors where they can order labs, diagnostics and diagnostic imaging, perform physical examinations, and refer to specialists when indicated. A naturopathic doctor uses natural complementary and alternative therapies, in conjunction with, or in place of, conventional medicine, based on the individual. 58 High Street, Westerly, RI www.drjodyenoe.com v 401-596-1770

Dr. Iontcheva-Barehmi is an accomplished dentist and specialist in Periodontics and Implants (DMD, D.Sc. in Periodontology and Oral Biology and M.S. in Public Health), with holistic approach to medicine and dentistry.

Dr. Iveta Iontcheva-Barehmi DMD, MS, D.Sc. 1842 Beacon St. Suite 302, Brookline MA www.bostondentalwellness.com


Intuitive Guidance for Your Life

Internationally known for her work with people via phone, in person, and radio, Jocelyn has been helping and guiding others for over 24 yrs. Known for her ability to “cut to the quick” Jocelyn gives you information you can use for all aspects of your life.


TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines










Gretchen’s Spirit Connection

Gretchen Giuffre is a family intuitive — a non-traditional medium who focuses on connection and healing at the deepest emotional and spiritual levels. Specializing in communicating with loved ones who have passed, as well as with divine guides and Archangels, Gretchen receives affirming, comforting messages that can lay unsettled matters to rest. Clients often say she has the most loving “mom energy” and brings forth these messages in a tender, nurturing way. Messages G Reiki G Healing Touch www.gretchensspiritconnection.com 617-694-8326

Healing communications with loved ones who’ve crossed over

Sessions with Gretchen are about: G a healing connection G the benefits of reiki G a warm, supportive environment G peace and relaxation


Alicia is a warm and professional psychic reader with 10 years of experience who guides people through relationship and family issues, personal transitions, career concerns and more. The tools most often used include tarot, astrology, palm readings, crystal ball, spirit guides and more. Alicia will share direct advice and messages and healing energy. Getting a good reading is useful when you are stuck, and need some clarity.

with Alicia

Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner Reiki Level 2 Practitioner Phone Readings Private & Corporate Events Credit Cards Accepted

www.aliciapsychicreadings.com 617-447-4132

See pricing on website

To schedule your comprehensive exam and share the excitement of a healthy smile, call: 617-868-1516 See our display ad in this issue to learn more.



Private, Groups, Classes, Events


~ Nancy Johansen,



If you are ready to take a journey into yourself and hear your story with fresh ears, you will come out with options, tools, and choices you may not have seen on your own. All sessions are recorded on audio cassette. ~ $25 off your first session. ~ For more information, call or email Jocelyn, Intuitive Consultant jocelynintuitive@hotmail.com 978-694-8946

Nancy Christie Johansen is a psychic intuitive medium and certified ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER® having studied under Doreen Virtue and James Van Praagh in California. Among her credentials, Nancy is also a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Shamballa Master and Usui Reiki Master. In addition to her own business, Angeltouche, she is currently working as a Registered Nurse and works in a busy emergency room. Private sessions in person or distance by phone or e-mail

Angel Readings S Reiki S Mediumship Hypnotherapy S Past Life Regression Ongoing Classes & Workshops

Nancy@Angeltouche.com North Attleboro, MA www.Angeltouche.com S 508-577-4552

Readings continued

WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 61

Readings continued

Readings are our Specialty With the Love of Angels Rev. Barbara E. Szafranski Spiritual Counseling  Trance Channeling Med­iumship  Psychic Readings Tele­phone Readings  Tarot Readings Aura Photos: Face and Chakra Body Astrological Charts  Angelic Healings Reiki  Polarity and Energy Work angelicaofsalem@aol.com www.angelicaoftheangels.com


Gifted Psychic, Medium and Channel A renown intuitive advisor for the past 24 years, Emma is a gifted psychic, medium, and channel and has worked for the corporate sector with a highlight including helping an oil tycoon land a multi-million oil

Psychic Readings Energy Healings Reiki Classes

Angelica and Angels Landing offer a wide variety of both metaphysical and new age gifts. Browse around, enjoy the softness of the Angelic energy. Feel the magic that Angelica of the Angels and Angels Landing will bring to you. We have a knowledgeable staff to answer any and all questions. We also offer: classes, workshops, lectures, parties, weddings and healings. A reader is on hand at all times. By ap­pointment: Rev. Barbara E. Szafranski Classes Ongoing Weekly: Meditation & Focus on Psychic Development Open Monday through Sunday Angelica of the Angels 7 Central St., Salem, MA  978-745-9355 Angels Landing 131-1 Essex St., Salem, MA  978-744-0170

deal! Tarot, numerology, Runes, the I Ching, crystals, palmistry, scrying, and tea leaves can be used to help you gain a better understanding of yourself and the world. Receive a reading for relationships, fertility, finding a job, investment strategy, and just about anything! Psychic Readings in person or phone: 30 min = $45 * 1 hr = $70 * $1.99/min. Mediumship Readings in person or phone: 1 hr = $110 * 30 min = $65 To schedule an appointment, or for directions, call or visit Emma online. Friend Emma Tracey Phaneuf on FaceBook! EmmaPhaneuf.com v 401-305-7702

Need insight and clarity?

A soul reading can help! By speaking directly to your guides, we will examine your life from a spiritual perspective to discover your life’s purpose and resolve issues about relationships, health, finances and career. Lisa Campion also teaches Psychic Development and Reiki Classes. Offices located at Solstice Healing Arts Center, Medway MA.

Are you in the middle of a change, crisis or transformation?

lisa@lisacampion.com www.lisacampion.com c 508-473-0609

Lisa Campion

Retreats and Retreat Centers The Gathering Inn at Daydream Farm

Women’s Spiritual Center and Retreat House Women Helping Women Reconnect to their Spiritual Center Cozy! Affordable! Welcoming!

62 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

Spiritual Practices The

Open Door Mission

Pastoral Care, Addictions Counseling, and Spiritual Guidance ~ by appointment Marriages, Baptisms, and Other Sacraments - upon request

The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism embraces a religious and spiritual belief blending ancient wisdom with contemporary thought. Conveniently located off Watertown Square at the Masonic Center, 32 Church St, services are held at 10:30 am every Sunday, with mediumship, live music, inspirational talks, and healing by the laying on of hands.

Contact Pastor Carol: 617-650-6497 OpenDoorCapeCod@aol.com www.TheOpenDoorMission.Org

As an evolving spiritual community, The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism offers weekday evening classes in mediumship, healing and meditation; Medium’s Day the 4th Saturday of every month; plus seminars and workshops throughout the year. For a detailed brochure, a listing of upcoming events, or to speak with the Pastor call 617-923-4334, or visit our website at: www.GreaterBostonChurchofSpiritualism. com. An affiliate of the American Federation of Spiritualist Churches and the International Spiritualist Federation.

Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness

Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation The oldest Tai Chi school in New England, the Gin Soon Tai Chi Club was founded in 1969, authorized by Grandmaster Yang Sau Chung to propagate Classical Yang Family Style Tai Chi Chuan in North

Offering rest and renewal for individual women and small groups through day-long or overnight retreats, nurture, stillness and meditation, as well as gathering spaces for Yoga classes, holistic workshops and transformative programs. See full schedule online. Nourishing meals available on site. Enjoy our Labyrinth, Meditation Garden, and Medicine Wheel.

America. Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, founder, received a deep and well-rounded training from Master Lai Hok Soon in Hong Kong and then as a disciple of Yang Sau Chung, first-born and heir of the legendary Yang Cheng Fu. The school has attracted many students from around the world with its traditional approach to training: individual attention, emphasis on correct forms, personal development, repetition, mutual respect, hard work, and integration of body, mind, and qi. All instruction is by Grandmaster Chu and his sons Master Vincent Chu and Gordon Chu. Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation 33 Harrison Ave., 2nd fl, Boston, MA 02111 617-542-4442 • www.gstaichi.org

Improve your Health Relieve Sress Improve your Circulations Exercise your Mind and your Body Studios located in Shrewsbury and Sutton. Call for more information.

“All roads lead to the same Truth” 82 Healdville Road, Hubbardston, MA www.gatheringinn.org g 978-820-1139

centering Prayer

at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Saturdays 4-4:45 pm 3055 Main St. (6A) Barnstable, MA 508-362-3977

Tai Chi Arts Association

508-842-1236 www.tai-chi-arts.com



Ross J. Miller, psychic. Meet your angels and spirit guides. Visit www.The MysticWay.com. 617-527-3583

Home and Business. A blend of the best of feng shui traditions. LynnTaylor@bostonfengshui.com. 617-924-4205.


The New England School of Feng Shui. 203-266-4211 www.newenglandfengshui.com.

Sharon R. Doolittle, DVM, Inc. Holistic. Smithfield, RI. 401-349-2668. www.holisticanimalvet.com

Urban Eden. Transform and empower your home/work spaces. karenfeldmanurbaneden.com. 401-351-5632.

Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton (MASH). Dr. Margo Roman. 508-435-4077. www.mashvet.com.



From Your Home/Aura. Ross J. Miller, psychic medium, healer. Call 617-527-3583. www. The MysticWay.com

Elizabeth Rozan, transformational development. www.naturalrhythmsconsulting.com. 781-862-5104.


The Planet Whisperer™. deb@liberationastrology.com.

BODYWORK Bodywork for the Soul. Suzanne Devereaux, LMT. 25 years experience. Intuitive shiatsu, CST. Reiki. 860-523-8930.

CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS Hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki, IET and crystal healing. 508-539-2885. www.capecodcenterforwholehealth.com.

COLON HYDROTHERAPY Genesis Alternative Health. 28 years of experience. I-ACT certified instructor. NBCHT. (978) 463-8800. Body Balancing Center. I-ACT and National Board certified. (508) 797-5057. www.bodybalancingcenter.com. Lisa Hansen. Divinely guided. Intuitive and gentle. Hudson, MA. 774-249-8208. colonichealing@gmail.com Constance Jones. Since 1980. I-ACT/NBCHT certified. cleanmycolon.com. 860-287-4558. CT. Revitalive Health & Wellness Center, Newburyport, MA. 978-462-1488. www.revitalive.com

COUNSELING AND THERAPY Rev. Carol W. Bolstad, LADC I. Specialties: addiction disorders and pastoral care. 617-650-6497. Shawna V. Carboni, LICSW, DCSW. Experienced psychotherapist. 617-782-5020. lifechangeboston.com. Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D. Licensed 35 yrs. Stress, anxiety, relationships. Stow: 978-897-7979. Putnam: 860-928-6619.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Lelia Joseph, Ed. D., RCST. Craniosacral polarity. Fluid biodynamic style. 508-460-7038. 802-453-7088.

DENTISTS Newton Dental Wellness, Dr. Michaela DeSantis. Integrative dentistry. 617-244-2997. newtondw.com.

DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY TREATMENT Healed in 2 Hours. Ross J. Miller, psychic healer. 617-527-3583. www.TheMysticWay.com.

Holistic Specialities DIRECTORY

Forest Circles, retreats, programs in a magical Maine forest. www.forestcircles.com

HYPNOSIS Shawna V. Carboni, LICSW, DCSW. Experienced psychotherapist. 617-782-5020. lifechangeboston.com. Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy, 20 years experience. Call now: 617-964-2446. www.laurieharris.net Journey of the Mind. Kathryn McGlynn, Certified Hypnotist. 781-340-2146. www.hypnosis.ws.

MEDICAL INTUITIVE Sue Singleton. 20+ years accurately finding Root Cause. 978-834-0341. TheWayToBalance.com Elizabeth Thorson RN, Certified by C. Myss and Norman Shealy, MD. elizabeththorson.com. 207-712-9495.

NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING Holistic Nutrition Services, Southboro, MA. 978-340-0448. www. HolisticNutritionServices.com. Transform your health! Shari Solomon, Cocoa Plum Nutrition. Health, with you in mind! 781-454-7960. cocoaplumnutrition.com

PAST LIFE THERAPY Ross J. Miller. Relive past lives and release blocked energy. 617-527-3583. www.The MysticWay.com

REIKI Libby Barnett, MSW, Reiki Master Teacher. 603-654-2787 www.reikienergy.com. CEU’s. Essence of Healing. Reiki sessions and trainings. Essencehealing.net. 508-843-1638 Florence Whipple and Kristin Webb, Reiki Masters. Reiki classes. 978-777-5732. www.reikiprofessors.net. The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. 603-899-3288. www.learnreiki.org. Reiki training. Reiki, Polarity and Herbalist: Brenda Legere, Reiki Master. theoffseason.net. 978-688-6181.

VISION IMPROVEMENT Rosemary Gaddum Gordon, MA. Cambridge, MA and Portsmouth, NH. www.visioneducators.com.

DETOXIFICATION Revitalive Health and Wellness Center. Newburyport, MA. 978-462-1488, www.revitalive.com.

Add your business to this directory by emailing advertise@spiritofchange.org or call (508) 278-9640. Next deadline: Februray 1, 2012. www.spiritofchange.org

WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 63



Online Reflexology Courses Includes National Certification, DVD and all materials. Earn up to $60/hour.

Foot Reflexology www.Reflexologyonline.com

FENG SHUI Clutter? Furniture fatigue? Is your living space stopping you from living? Or is it your workspace that’s not working? Feng Shui can deliver you from chaos and clutter and create comfort in your environment. Contact lynntaylor@bostonfengshui.com.


Body Reflexology www.BodyReflexology.com

AURA PHOTOGRAPHY See your aura/chakras live on screen! Includes two large color photos and 20-page analysis. Private aura and Reiki sessions by appointment. Reiki classes, all levels. Full Circle Aura. (617) 620-0888. www.FullCircleAura.com

BETTER HEALTH Herpes — No more — Guaranteed. Call 1-800-605-9001 or visit online: herpescoldsorekiller.com.



Are you a Reflexologist, but not nationally certified? www.TheRCB.com

Cleanse Your Body

Questions: (508) 987-0178

CLASSES Upper Cape Tech in Bourne, MA near Cape Cod Canal offers culinary, computers, health careers, nail tech, woodworking, reflexology, intuition, Yogabelly, guitar, Spirit Horse, Find Your Heart’s Desire and more. Visit www.uppercapetech.cc or call (508) 759-7711, ext. 211 for details.

COUNSELING & THERAPY Holistic Counseling. Mind-body approach for healing and discovery. Personal/spiritual growth based on mindfulness and self-compassion, to increase our connection to ourselves and to others. Counseling for pet loss also available. www.nataliefemino.com. (978) 745-8311.



64 Spirit of Change | Winter 2011

Peace of mind here and the hereafter! Reduce stress at a most stressful time — the death of a loved one. The Peace Abbey is a multi-faith retreat and peace center in Sherborn, MA that offers the opportunity to preplan and prepay for you and your loved ones’ final arrangements ahead of time. Contact chaplain Dot Walsh dwalsh@peaceabbey. org or call (508) 655-2143 for details. Visit www.peaceabbey.org.

Hands-on Courses www.AcusageAcademy.com

Turn key. Longest-standing Cape Cod multi-dimensional complementary health center/yoga studio. Includes 6 treatment rooms, 2 waiting areas and a studio space. Current practitioners include acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, yoga and more. Investment returned in three and a half years or less. Incredible opportunity for growth! Arthur (508) 360-3287.

Care for the caregiver. Education and guidance in all areas of caregiving and in creating a more balanced life. Individual sessions and support groups. Lynne VanDerhoof, caregiver consultant. Newport, RI. (401) 849-1492. lynnevan@verizon.net.


All About Dowsing. Through dowsing discover more about yourself and your health. Self-instructional DVD’s, books, instruments. (805) 649-5721. www.dowsing.com. Catalog: PO Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.

COMPLETE HEALING Healing with the power of the mind to a body that wants to be healed.

FRANK ST. MARTIN Commissioned Healer, Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist

Miracles Do Happen! I Believe I Can Help You!

Plymouth, MA


(774) 773-9153


Have more energy, better sleep and add overall health and wealth to your life with Nutritional Cleansing, cellular replenishing and youthful aging systems. Interested in weight management and optimal health? Contact me and I can help!

Donna Heinback L.P.N. Health and Wellness Coach www.seedonnah.isagenix.com www.facebook.com/isadifference 570-809-4282

PYRAMIDS All About Pyramids. Wellness, meditation/experimental tabletop models. Worldwide research. (805) 649-5721. www.dowsing.com. Catalog: P.O. Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.

READINGS Eternal Life Readings. High spiritual and practical answers for life’s questions. By appointment only with Donna Sprague. (508) 954-7191.


Medium. With over twelve years of service available for phone, gallery style, and home readings. Also house clearings. Testimonials upon request call for pricing. (413) 325.5650.

Start Saving Money Today! Update your credit card processing merchant account services with the lowest fees, one single statement, reliable insider advice and prompt customer service.

READINGS Famous psychic Michelle answers all questions on love, divorce, marriage, business. Specializing in healing past hurt issues, anxieties. Information on past lives, present life and future results. Free 15 minute sample reading to first time callers: (718) 300-3530.

RETREATS Emerging Retreat Center

Rustic accommodations for up to 20


SKIN CARE Chemical Sensitivity? Heal your body with our Castile soaps


www.alcasoft.com/soapfact 3 Burlington Rd. Bedford, MA 01730 1-888-CASTILE

SPACE AVAILABLE For Rent: Furnished Psychotherapy Space in my Newton Center office suite for licensed counselors and/or masters degreed clinicians with part time practices. $12/hour, $85/day, $320/ 1day/wk ongoing. Full time option also available. Warm, inviting environment includes shared clerical space, bathroom and large waiting room. My website is www.crossroads-counseling-services. com. Psychotherapists with Buddhist/ Course In Miracles perspective will be a particularly good fit. Clinical supervision and private practice development coaching offered separately. Contact Chris Gruener at (617) 9656552 or imagine@ourworldunited.net for more information.

VACATIONS Immerse in the foliage at East of the Sun, West of the Moon in Moody, Maine. Immaculate, spacious 3-bedroom beach cottage unit. Enjoy the natural beauty and tranquility of the marsh, yet be across from six miles of flat sandy beaches of Maine (Moody and Ogunquit). View brilliant sunrises and spectacular sunsets. Ideal venue for walkers, runners, kayakers and birdwatchers. Nearby: quaint shops, fine restaurants, museums, Portsmouth tugboat alley. The Old Port of Portland, Kennebunkport. $950/week. Call Joy (781) 910-8697 or foridame@comcast.net.


Volunteers Needed: Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Music, Pet Therapy & More

Care Alternative is recruiting volunteers to work with terminally ill patients and their families throughout Massachusetts. Volunteers receive training and continuing education related to hospice and the support of the Hospice staff.

For information about classes and volunteer opportunities, please call 508-229-8390.

ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS FOR: • Credit/Debit Card Processing • Gift Card Programs • Credit Card Terminals • Virtual Terminals • eChecks • ATMs

Merchant Services Consulting Group is a trusted business partner of Spirit of Change Magazine and the Natural Living Expo. Call Brudner at at CallStephen Steven Brudner 508.720.1514 203.653.3604 oremail email s.brudner@bankcard.net s.brudner@bankcard.net or to start start saving saving money money today! to today!


Classified Line Listings Flexible Volunteer Hours with Special Needs. Fun work, mentally challenged, no experience needed. Call today for information and to get started (860) 208-4437 or deannakoko@yahoo.com.

WILD DOLPHIN SWIMS Swimming with Wild Dolphins. The ultimate human-dolphin connection. Meditative, healing Caribbean Island retreats. Yoga, healthy food, Atlantean legends. www.wildquest.com. 1-800-326-1618.

4$1.50 per word, $35 minimum 4Add a box around your ad for $10 4Word count: 10-digit phone number is one word. Email and website count as 2 words each. All other words, initials, dates or numbers separated by a hyphen, slash or space count as one word each.

Classified Display Ad Send us your PDF ad file or we will design your ad for a fee. 1” high — $80 2” high — $120 3” high — $160 All ads are 2.25” wide.

Spring issue deadline is February 1, 2012. All ads and listings must be prepaid. Check, MC, VISA and Discover accepted. Credit card payments may be processed online at www.spiritofchange.org/payments. Send payment and listings to: Spirit of Change, PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569. Fax: 508-278-9641. Email advertise@spiritofchange.org

Questions? Call 508-278-9640. www.spiritofchange.org

Winter 2011 | Spirit of Change 65

WINTER 2011 DISPLAY & DIRECTORY ADVERTISER INDEX A Abra Therapeutics........................................... 27 Acupuncture of Worcester............................. 50 Acusage Academy............................................ 64 Advaita Meditation Center............................. 52 Advanced CellTraining................................... 20 Advanced Mind Guide.................................... 55 Alternatives for Health.................................... 33 An Apple A Day Acupuncture....................... 50 Andromeda’s Alley.......................................... 52 Angelica of the Angels.................................... 62 AngelsTeach........................................................3 Annie Appleseed Project, The........................ 28 Aquarius Sanctuary......................................... 25 Nancy Slonim Aronie...................................... 22 Arvigo Massage................................................ 39 B Back to Balance Acupuncture Center........... 50 Susan Barbera.................................................. 34 Barefoot Dragonfly, The.................................. 58 Libby Barnett.................................................... 58 Kathrin Woodlyn Bateman............................ 58 Glenn Bigonet.................................................. 55 Bone Fide.......................................................... 32 Boston Brain Works........................................ 27 Boston Health Kinesiology, LLC................... 11 Boston Meditation Group.............................. 12 Boston School of Herbal Studies, The........... 53 Brain Awakening............................................. 12 David Brown.................................................... 20 Robert Brown................................................... 14 Patricia Burke................................................... 37 C Nancy Canning................................................ 25 Care Alternatives Hospice.............................. 65 CHIME............................................................. 54 Jonathan Chisholm.......................................... 12 Circles of Wisdom........................................... 18 Clarity............................................................... 36 Commonwealth Ctr for Herbal Medicine.... 30 Conscious Being.............................................. 21 Constellation Approach.................................. 54 Cornerstone Academy.......................................7 Joseph Crane.................................................... 51 Crystal Cave, The............................................. 35 D Dark Moon Tarot............................................. 43 DaSilva Homes................................................. 30 Developmental Alphabiotics......................... 4,5 Sharon Doolittle............................................... 20 Down to Earth................................................. 43

66 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2011

E Julianne Eanniello........................................... 38 Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies, The....................................... 53 Charles Edgarton............................................. 64 Enchanted Fox................................................. 14 Engaging Creativity......................................... 53 Exceptional Dentistry..................................... 33

L Langan Creative Arts, LLC............................. 54 Dr. Jennifer Lees.............................................. 53 Mark Levin....................................................... 60 Light Unlimited............................................... 17 Eric Linter......................................................... 51 Living Earth, The................................................7 Claire Luft................................................... 57, 59

F Favorite Things Studio.................................... 59 Devorah Feinbloom...........................................2 Stephen-Wolf Foster........................................ 57 Fourwinds Society, The................................... 11

M Judith Mabel..................................................... 21 Magnetic Moon............................................... 36 Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center.............. 51 Market Street Health....................................... 39 Linda Marks40, ............................................... 56 Wendy Marks................................................... 60 Zayne Marston................................................. 16 MASH............................................................... 51 MA Society of Bioenergetic Analysis............ 55 Massage School, The....................................... 67 Matrix Energetics, Int’l................................... 55 Sue Mautz......................................................... 41 Sam McCartin.................................................. 36 George Mephis................................................. 57 Ross Miller............................................ 14, 23, 40 Lori Miller-Freitas........................................... 56 Mind Body Connect........................................ 59 Violet Morin..................................................... 56 Mystical Horizons........................................... 41 My World of Magnets..................................... 13

G Barbara Gangemi............................................. 57 Gathering Inn, The.......................................... 62 Kate Genovese.................................................. 21 Arthur Gertler.................................................. 22 Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation............ 62 Gretchen Giuffe............................................... 61 Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism........ 62 Groton Dental Wellness Spa.............................9 H Harmony Center.............................................. 52 Harmony Fund................................................ 18 Leontine Hartzell............................................. 60 Healing from the Body Level Up. Inc.11, .... 56 Healthy Spirit................................................... 57 Heart Based Bookkeeping.................................3 Donna Heinback.............................................. 64 Elaine Hewitt.................................................... 30 Holistic Globe Radio....................................... 15 Holotropic Breathwork................................... 19 Joan Holzman.................................................. 57 I Inner Traditions............................................... 19 Integrative Animal Health Care Center........ 15 Internal Wellness Center................................ 19 Iveta Iontcheva........................................... 13, 61 It’s My Health................................................... 34 J Jakeman’s Confectionary Ltd......................... 31 JHP Studios...................................................... 15 Jocelyn............................................................... 61 Nancy Johansen............................................... 61 John Harvey Gray Ctr. for Reiki Healing..... 58 Barbara Madden Johnson............................... 56 K Gayle Kirk......................................................... 61 Kristin Kirk...................................................... 55 Aalia Kusmis.................................................... 58

N Nakri Healing Center...................................... 57 New Day........................................................... 60 New England Clinical Thermography.......... 28 New England Inst. of Reflexology................. 54 New England Spas........................................... 29 New Life Homeopathy.................................... 33 Newton Dental Wellness................................ 19 Nexus Healing.................................................. 62 Dr. Jody Noe............................................... 42, 61 Noble Method, The.......................................... 60 Rezakkah Norins............................................. 59 O Open Door Mission, The................................ 62 Open Doors...................................................... 52 P Emma Phaneuf................................................ 62 Eugene Pogany................................................. 56 Monique Pommier.......................................... 51 Providence Zen Center................................... 34 Putnam Loft........................................................7 Pyramid Books................................................ 13

R Cecile Raynor................................................... 59 Revitalive Health & Wellness......................... 29 Rhys Thomas Healer Training................... 3, 54 S Sacred Circle Healing...................................... 59 Sacred Song Reiki............................................ 25 San Francisco Herb & Natural Food Co....... 32 Scentsibilities.................................................... 61 Schworer & Company Landscaping, Inc.........9 Science of Spirituality...................................... 28 Andrea Seiver42, ............................................. 55 Seven Arrows Herb Farm............................... 59 Shaman’s Heart Healing & Hypnosis............ 38 Chris ShiningBrook......................................... 42 Silver Hawk...................................................... 35 Silver Willow.................................................... 52 Alicia Sinicrope................................................ 61 Alexis Smith..................................................... 51 Miriam Smith................................................... 35 Soap Factory, The............................................. 65 Betty Solbjor..................................................... 60 Solstice Healing Arts....................................... 52 Some Enchanted Evening............................... 35 Spa Tech...................................................... 54, 68 Spirit Nature Healing Arts.............................. 32 Frank St. Martin............................................... 64 Still Waters Pond............................................. 65 Janet StraightArrow......................................... 41 Studio 6................................................................9 T Tai Chi Arts Associates................................... 62 Lynn Taylor...................................................... 25 Theosophical Society Boston......................... 38 Elizabeth Thorson............................................ 16 TrueNorth Business Consulting.................... 52 Nickola Turner................................................. 55 V AnnValiante..................................................... 38 W Pat Warren........................................................ 58 Way to Balance, The.................................. 54, 60 Kristin Webb/Florence Whipple................... 40 Wellness Roundtable, The.............................. 23 (W)hole Point Institute, The..................... 16,53 Trish Whynot................................................... 56 Woman of Wisdom......................................... 52 Cheryl Wright.................................................. 55 Wu Healing Center.......................................... 19 X-Y-Z YogaLife Institute............................................. 54 Yoga Studio, The.............................................. 40 Zuzu’s Beads..................................................... 51

The Massage School

(Total tuition after scholarship = $4,800) As we go into our eleventh year providing massage education, we are very pleased to once again be able to offer these scholarships to all students admitted to the program starting in January. These scholarships are part of our ongoing fight for social and economic justice. How can we afford to offer these huge scholarships? It’s very simple. Because we are a small independently owned school, we don’t have the overhead and profit pressures of the larger corporate schools. We don’t have highly paid executives, outside investors, or external corporate owners to pay dividends to. The owners of The Massage School are the main teachers and the administrators of the school. We care about the healing benefits of massage and have fought hard behind the scenes to keep it accessible to all people. In this era of high unemployment, our mission is more important than ever: to make the best massage education accessible for working people and single parents. We work extra hard to be able to offer these scholarships, so that you can spread healing to a world that needs it now more than ever.

Free of charge for all graduates of our 800-hour Massage Therapy program which starts in January We started The Massage School 10 years ago with a simple idea – wouldn’t it be great to build a massage school that taught modern massage technique, with a hands-on approach to learning, at an affordable price and with a simple, practical, and flexible schedule. Compare our school with programs that cost $12,000, or more! We have 2 locations in Massachusetts: Easthampton, and Acton. The next class begins January 23rd, in Acton, and January 24th in Easthampton. Call us today at 413-529-2900, or print out the application from our website, TheMassageSchool.Org, and mail it to us. There is no fee to apply.



WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 67

Your Success Quality of Your Education. he Depends on t

top 10 Reasons why people choose Spa tech institute: REputatioN: Simply put, many employers prefer Spa Tech graduates, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.

Quality of EduCatioN: You learn from successful working professionals teaching a well developed and supported curriculum.

flExiblE SChEdulE: You can choose from day, evening or mothers hours programs.

CoNvENiENCE: You can find a Spa Tech campus near you in Ipswich, Westboro and Plymouth, MA as well as Portland and Westbrook, ME.

SuppoRt: We aren’t satisfied until you have a successful career. Employers are constantly looking for Spa Tech graduates. CoNSiStENCy: You know exactly what you will learn and have the educational support system to make it easy to get consistent, high quality results. advaNCEd topiCS: As a graduate you get a 20% discount on future programs and classes, making it affordable to get dual licenses, the latest industry trend. iNNovatioN: Experience unique, energy based education that enhances your learning ability and increases your perception, retention and performance. NEtWoRk: As a Spa Tech student and graduate you are surrounded by people who care about quality. Success oriented people make the best network. fiNaNCial aid: We help you find all sources of available funding including Section 30 and Federal Student Aid for qualified students.

For over 30 years Spa Tech Institute has been graduating top level practitioners in the healing arts field in New England. As

First time clinic clients only




Massage, Polarity or Aesthetics in Instructor Supervised Student Clinics

By Appointment Only:

Cannot be used with any other coupons or offers. No cash value. Must be used before April 1, 2012.

MaSSagE aNd polaRity: Ipswich, MA 978-356-0980 x 215 Plymouth, MA 774-773-7135 Westboro, MA 508-366-8437 aESthEtiCS: Ipswich, MA 978-356-0980 x 215 Plymouth, MA 508-747-4333 Westboro, MA 508-366-8437

the area’s only accredited energy school offering Therapeutic and Holistic Massage, Polarity Therapy including RYSE and Natural Skin Care, Spa Tech graduates have a reputation for being well prepared both personally and professionally. There are lots of schools and programs to choose from but very few that have been in the business for over 30 years and are still run by the founder and owners. To find out why this makes a difference, we encourage you to visit the school before you make your decision.

Now Enrolling for Winter and Spring Classes! Reserve your seat now while there is space.

www.spatech.edu / 800-262-8530

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