Holistic New England
Protecting Our Food Supply No loss may be greater than the food supply of tomorrow
4 4 4 4
What You Should Know About GMO Do-It-Yourself Food Safety Picture a World Without Honey Bees The Start of Universal Healthcare
THE REJUVENIZER Phyllis Light, Ph.D & Telepathic Healer
One of the first differences I noticed was I wasn’t worried about problems anymore. I felt more confident and optimistic. I haven’t been sick since I have been wearing my Rejuvenizer. This is the best investment I have ever made.
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D.H., North Carolina
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(from computers, cell phones, microwaves, TVs, satellites, wireless internet, etc.)
• Combat fatigue, headaches, and eyestrain
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This woman had only a few hours sleep the previous night and felt exhausted at the time this photo was taken.
immune system
• Uplift you spiritually
and more!
After wearing the Personal Rejuvenizer for only 20 minutes, she reported feeling more awake, energized and refreshed.
Light Unlimited 2 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
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The Massage School
(Total tuition after scholarship = $4,800) As we go into our eleventh year providing massage education, we are very pleased to once again be able to offer these scholarships to all students admitted to the program starting in January. These scholarships are part of our ongoing fight for social and economic justice. How can we afford to offer these huge scholarships? It’s very simple. Because we are a small independently owned school, we don’t have the overhead and profit pressures of the larger corporate schools. We don’t have highly paid executives, outside investors, or external corporate owners to pay dividends to. The owners of The Massage School are the main teachers and the administrators of the school. We care about the healing benefits of massage and have fought hard behind the scenes to keep it accessible to all people. In this era of high unemployment, our mission is more important than ever: to make the best massage education accessible for working people and single parents. We work extra hard to be able to offer these scholarships, so that you can spread healing to a world that needs it now more than ever.
Free of charge for all graduates of our 800-hour Massage Therapy program which starts in April We started The Massage School 10 years ago with a simple idea – wouldn’t it be great to build a massage school that taught modern massage technique, with a hands-on approach to learning, at an affordable price and with a simple, practical, and flexible schedule. Compare our school with programs that cost $12,000, or more! We have 2 locations in Massachusetts: Easthampton, and Acton. The next class begins April 23rd, in Acton, and April 24th in Easthampton. Call 413-529-2900 today, or print out the application from our website, TheMassageSchool.Org, and mail it to us. There is no fee to apply.
www.TheMassageSchool.org www.spiritofchange.org
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 3
Cover Stories Features
Spring 2012 • Vol. 25, No. 119
26 Mentoring Boys To Men by Linda Marks 28 Picture a World Without Honeybees by Patricia Burke 32 Do-It-Yourself Food Safety: An Interview with NOFA’s Julie Rawson by Carol Bedrosian 38 Wholesale Approval of Genetically Engineered Foods by Mark Kastel 40 Seeding Our Future by Lesley Irene Shore, Ph.D. 42 Back to Walden by Charles Creekmore
Departments 38
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6 Musings by Carol Bedrosian 8 Letters and News 12 Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast by Eric Linter 18 Healthy Cooking Timesavers by Michelle Hirsch 20 Earthtalk: Q&A by the Editors of E/Environmental Magazine 22 Feng Shui for Everyday: Bedroom Doors Open Or Closed? by Lynn Taylor 50 Book Reviews by Gail Lord
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4 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
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SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 5
Musings By Carol Bedrosian
Protecting Our Food Supply “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” — Ann Wigmore
nown as the “mother of living foods,” Ann Wigmore was an early pioneer advocating holistic health remedies and a whole foods diet. A Lithuanian immigrant arriving in America in 1925, Ann settled in Massachusetts, eventually marrying and raising her family here. By 1955 and in poor health, she began using plants and wheatgrass to successfully heal herself of her ailments, and spent the next 35 years promoting natural healing through her famous Boston Hippocrates Health Institute and Ann Wigmore Foundation. Yes, it is true. Food is medicine and your diet can kill you or cure you. According to TheCancerProject.org, a project of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, “what we eat and how we treat our bodies on a daily basis have a very powerful effect on our health and quality of life.” Numerous studies, most notably The China Study (2005, BenBella Books) by nutritionist Dr. T. Colin Campbell, which produced 8000 statistically significant associations between various dietary factors and disease, document the superpowers of very ordinary foods to reverse and heal even so-called incurable diseases and conditions. According to Dr. Campbell, we all have cancer cells that surface in our bodies from time to time. Consuming lots of animal protein (meat, eggs, dairy) alters the mix of hormones and enzyme activity in our bodies, causing inflammation and an acidic environment — the ideal conditions for cancer to thrive. Eating a plant-based diet provides loads of antioxidants that are crucial for neutralizing cancer-causing free radicals in the body. Despite the irrefutable conclusions of these studies and the mountains of anecdotal evidence supporting the common sense “miracle” of healing through food, conventional medicine continues to offer only one route for disease treatment — drugs, radiation and surgery, along with their unpleasant and potentially lethal side effects— while ridiculing alternative treatment options as wishful thinking. In fact, a living food diet regimen along with prescribed cleansing treatments and nutritional supplements can not only reverse disease, but actually strengthen the body in the process. While no treatment works for everyone, every time, most diseases are problems of toxicity in the body and malnutrition. The overall health of Americans would improve dramatically, tens of thousands of lives could be saved, and billions of dollars could be invested in boosting the health of people instead of fighting disease if nutritional cures became our first line of defense and treatment in healthcare, rather than drugs and surgery.
hile Americans have only begun to grasp the significance of the diet-health connection, a more ominous threat to our health lurks in the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that have already flooded our food supply. Almost all soy and corn is now genetically modified and GM alfalfa was just approved by the government for wholesale, unrestricted use. Since alfalfa is a main source of feed for cows, eventually most dairy and eggs will be genetically modified as well. All our supermarket-bought meat is raised on GMO feed. According to herbalist Guido Masé of the Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, a recent article in The Atlantic1 confirms the worst suspicions that have surrounded GMO foods from the start. 6 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
“The central dogma of biology has always taught that information flows only one way from DNA to RNA and eventually creates our physical beings. We are now finding that this flow of information is actually a two-way street: material from food can affect whether pieces of our DNA are active or not. “About ten years ago, researchers discovered small pieces of RNA, known as microRNA, which bind to, and potentially disable genetic instructions. Interestingly, the binding site is on areas that don’t hold instructions for making protein, but rather on areas researchers have called “junk” — sequences that might actually be finely tuned receptors for information from food. What this means is that what we consume can affect our genetic expression in unpredictable ways and these changes can be passed on to our offspring.” Just ask the honeybees. In 2007 the term Colony Collapse Disorder was coined when honeybees in 24 U.S. states began disappearing and worker bees failed to return to the hive. Scientists have scrambled since then to analyze the problem and find a solution. Most signs point to pesticide use as the most likely culprit, particularly a group of pesticides called neoniconotinoids, many of which are banned in Europe, but used extensively in the US on genetically engineered corn. While GMO-industry leader Monsanto’s website claims “There is no need to test the safety of DNA introduced into GM crops,” a good look at what’s happened to the honeybees should be warning enough about the recklessness of this assumption. Suffice it to say that virtually everything you put into (or onto) your body can either help or hinder your genetically encoded instructions for health and healing. Like anything, you get what you pay for. Good food, healthy food, food free of pesticides and GMOs is more valuable and costs more to produce than industrial farmed produce, meat and dairy. Is the extra cost of high quality food worth the price of good medicine? The choice is yours. Imagine how healthy we’d be as a nation if government subsidies went to organic farmers working to ensure a healthy food and soil supply for their local communities, rather than to agribusinesses pumping out the biggest profits for themselves. In the meantime, I’m taking the advice of organic farmer Julie Rawson to learn more about growing food in harmony with nature and get to work growing it in my own backyard.
Carol Bedrosian is the publisher of Spirit of Change holistic magazine. Visit www.spiritofchange.org. 1. “The Very Real Danger of Genetically Modified Foods,” by Ari LeVaux, www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/01
onLine LocaL guiDes
Visit the Local Guide Channel at www.spiritofchange.org/local-guides for information and tips on your favorite holistic topics and expanded profiles for local experts. Help us create a new local Guide on your area of expertise. Submit articles and get listed as a Local Connection. Email Michella@spiritofchange.org or call (508) 278-9640 to get started!
Dowsing Dowsing, also called “divining,” is the ability to locate underground water, oil and mineral veins, lost objects, missing persons or anything that is lost, by tapping into the subtle energies all around us. Answers and information about anything can be obtained through dowsing as long as the questions are correctly framed. Read “The Beginning Dowser” column series for everything you need to know to get started.
reaD: Dowsing The Spirit of Place by Susan Meeker-Lowry
LocaL connection American Society of Dowsers Join us for a week of workshops and classes with world renowned teachers at the 52nd Annual American Society of Dowsers Convention, June 6-11, Lyndonville, VT. Learn to dowse, not just for water, but also for health, well-being and more. www.spiritofchange.org/asd
reaD: The Dowsing State of Mind by Greg Storozuk
HoListic career eDucation Midlife? Unemployed? Dissatisfied? Maybe it’s time to look for new career opportunities more aligned with your values. Holistic education offers unique career programs for training holistic counselors, alternative medicine practitioners, healing professionals and artists.
reaD: What is EMDR? reaD: Career Education: A New Generation of Bodywork Practitioners by David Conti, LMT
PsycHic MeDiuMs & reaDings Seeking guidance and clarification? Readings come in many forms. They may include the use of divination tools such as cards, stones or palms, or they may be readings of information perceived directly through etheric fields including psychic, auric and mediumistic readings. Mediums have fine-tuned their perception to interface with beings in other dimensions and can pass on communication received mentally and through their senses. These beings can include angels, spirit guides, and most frequently, those who have passed away. Communication through mediumship and readings can offer guidance to ease spiritual, mental or physical disease.
reaD: Advice From A Psychic by Ross Miller reaD: FAQ: Answers to Link Us With the Beyond by John Holland
LocaL connection Salve Regina University Are you drawn to a holistic worldview? The Holistic Graduate programs at Salve Regina University in Newport Rhode Island offer a unique blend of three programs: Holistic Counseling, Holistic Leadership, and The Expressive and Creative Arts Programs. www.spiritofchange.org/salveregina
www.spiritofchange.org/psychic-mediums-readings LocaL connection Carole Lynne Meet Carole Lynne, internationally recognized, credentialed accurate and compassionate psychic medium, award-winning author, spiritual teacher, public speaker and media spokesperson with over 20 years experience. www.spiritofchange.org/carolelynne
LocaL connection Diane Lewis Gifted from childhood and aware of the invisible world around her, Diane Lewis is a psychic, spiritual healer and medium who offers private intuitive life readings, medium readings and healing sessions. www.spiritofchange.org/dianelewis
A P R I L 21, 2012
Spiritual Leader, Author and Conduit for Healing
have transformed many thousands around the world. In addition to the Light Transmission offered at the free April 21st program, Mirabai will be hosting a workshop one week later entitled “Graceful Awakening�. This will be a perfect opportunity for those new to Mirabai’s work to delve deeper. Please visit our website for details.
OME CELEBRATE with Mirabai Devi, internationally revered spiritual leader, teacher, author and conduit for healing. Mirabai empowers people by awakening them to the Light within, through the gift of Light Transmission, facilitating a direct experience of their own Divine Nature. Her programs FREE PUBLIC PROGRAM
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Program includes: Spiritual teachings, collective prayer for Mother Earth, guided meditation, devotional singing ( kirtan) and Light Transmission. Light Transmission helps awaken your Divine Nature, accelerates the soul’s evolution and transmutes karma — so we can be of service in love, grace, peace and JOY. All are welcome. No registration necessary. For complete details on upcoming events, visit our website. Questions? Please contact Sandy Blackman: sandy@mirabaidevi.org or 301-318-6936.
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8 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
America the Beautiful Dear Carol Bedrosian, Many thanks for your sustaining hand in publishing the Spirit of Change! Here is my letter to the editor. Serve my beloved homeland America! What if America were truly America? Our gross national product would reflect our total gifts, talents, virtues, highest values and sheer potential — our combined happiness. Serve all America inclusively. We the People, sharing, caring, helping would put every American on the payroll. Each and every American would be part of a grand solution to full employment, housing, healthcare and education through ethics and ecology. Wheeling, dealing and competition would be combusted into cooperation. In our real essence our nation is an extended family with intermingling bonds of affection and outstretched community, unity and oneness. In our true essence we are governed by higher principle, higher purpose and a higher power! The bottom line would be a fair, just, equitable and merciful system that would work and evolve for every American. Money and materialism would never rule and be exalted. In America the Beautiful the profit motive would be transmuted to the prophecy motive. This is my America. This is my vision and hope. Serve my beloved America! Richard Baydin Roxbury, MA
Full Scholarships for Veterans at the Massage School The Massage School, with two locations in Acton and Easthampton, MA, is offering full scholarships to veterans returning from active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Massage therapy is a growing field, an alternative form of healing that has gained wide appreciation for its success in combating stress, tension, and a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, as well as PTSD. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, massage therapy has been shown to reduce anxiety, lower the secretion of stress hormones, and break the cycle of PTSD hyper-arousal, a condition afflicting many returning veterans. Massage therapy has also been shown to stimulate immune systems that have been compromised by chronic muscle pain. Valerie Hood and Alexei Levine, co-directors of The Massage School, explained their reasons for offering these scholarships. “This is a group of men and women who have stepped up and put themselves at unimaginable risk to preserve the safety of our country,� said Alexei. “We know they are coming back to a very challenging job market, and we wanted to help in some way. We want to say thank you for their service by offering scholarships to those who would like to begin a new career when they come home.� “And for returning servicemen and women, it has the potential to be healing on many levels,� added Valerie. “There is a profound psycho-social aspect to this work. Going to massage school, you receive a lot of bodywork, which is healing in itself. And from ten years of teaching massage, we have learned that giving massage can be just as healing as receiving it. So to be able to provide this service for your fellow soldiers, to be a part of their healing, as one who knows and understands what they have experienced over there...I can see this as being truly transformative.� The Massage School’s program is 800 hours, part time, and takes about a year to complete. They have two locations: one in Acton, the other in Easthampton. For more
information, interested veterans should call 413-529-2900 and ask to speak to Valerie Hood or Alexei Levine or visit http://www.TheMassageSchool.Org.
Instrumental Partners Program Announced Worcester Public Schools and WICN 90.5, the NPR jazz station in Worcester, MA announce a collaboration called Instrumental Partners. The program collects used musical instruments from Central New England residents for the benefit of public school students. “Our first focus will be the South High Community School Marching Band,” said WICN General Manager Gerry Weston. “They have been chosen to represent Massachusetts in the Washington, D.C., July 4th parade.” All instruments will be accepted: brass, wind, string, percussion, acoustic and electric. Worcester Public Schools Performing Arts Liaison Lisa Leach said, “We are very excited about this collaboration and its possibility of putting instruments in the hands of young people who are unable to purchase or rent them, but still have the desire and work ethic to make music an integral part of their developing lives.” Check your attics, closets and basements for instruments no longer used. “One instrument placed in the right pair of young hands could mean everything to that student’s future,” Weston said. The drop off points for the instruments will be the Hanover Theater on Main Street in Worcester and the WICN studios in the Printers Building, 50 Portland Street. David French Music Company has agreed to help with repair of instruments in need. Visit www.wicn.org/instrumental-partners for more information or call (508) 752-0700.
East Coast States Join Together To Curb Greenhouse Gases Given the lack of federal action to curb greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S., several East Coast states joined together in 2008 to form the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), committing to a market-based system to cap carbon pollution and lower energy bills while creating more green jobs. Under RGGI, the 10 participating states — Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont — agreed on a region-wide greenhouse gas emissions limit, enforced through the sale of pollution permits to large fossil fuel power plants there. The utilities that run the plants purchase the right (at quarterly auctions) to emit certain capped amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). The money raised is in turn invested in local businesses throughout Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states that promote energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. RGGI’s overall goal is to reduce CO2 emissions from the power sector in the states involved by 10 percent by 2018. The program was conceived in 2008 by then New York governor George Pataki based on a similar federal program launched by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 that successfully curbed emissions of other pollutants that led to acid rain. While RGGI had strong bipartisan support at launch, changing priorities have since forced some states to reconsider their commitments. According to RenewableEnergyWorld.com, New Jersey is likely to back out, while factions in New Hampshire and Maine have also called for a withdrawal. “The political tides have turned significantly since the program was started, and many legislatures are now dominated by a new crop of lawmakers looking to cut spending in cash-strapped states,” the website reports. Environmentalists and many business owners have banded together to try to save RGGI in the face of economic threats to its viability. Last July some 200 Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic businesses signed on to an open letter urging the governors of the 10 participating states to keep up with the program so that it can achieve its goals. “The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative shows that market-based programs can reduce greenhouse gas emissions while boosting our economy and improving energy security, and we encourage you to support and strengthen RGGI going forward,” the letter states. The letter goes on to cite research showing a $4-6 increase in economic output for every $1 invested in energy efficiency programs in the RGGI states. “Even better, these market-driven investments create jobs in the clean tech sector — one of the most dynamic segments of our state economies.” Perhaps more important, RGGI “serves as a powerful model for what a comprehensive national energy policy should do” says the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a leading environmental group. Whether or not the economy will improve enough or climate change will become dramatic enough for Congress and the White continues on page 10 www.spiritofchange.org
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 9
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10 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
LETTERS AND NEWS continued from page 9 House to take federal action to limit greenhouse gas emissions across the board is anybody’s guess. In the meantime, keeping alive programs like RGGI might be the best we can hope for. — Source: E-Magazine.com, January 15, 2012
Seed Libraries Utne Reader (www.utne.com) reports that a small number of public libraries around the country are beginning to do for seeds what they have long done for books. Free vegetable seeds are now shelved at the public library in Richmond, California, where patrons can check out tomato and lettuce seeds alongside the latest Stieg Larsson novel. Come harvest time, participants are encouraged to practice the centuries old art of saving seeds and return a few to the library’s shelves. Seed-lending programs have taken root in at least three other public libraries in California and one in Fairfield, Connecticut. Richmond offers a wealth of seed saving resources on their own website www.richmondgrows.org, including recommended books, what types of seeds to save and tips for starting a library in your town. Source: Utne Reader, Sept-Oct 2011
Universal Healthcare in Vermont Deb Richter, MD, resolved to fix the health care system almost as soon as she began practicing medicine more than two decades ago in inner city Buffalo. “I was very naive, I guess,� recalls Richter. “A lot of my patients didn’t have insurance. I would prescribe medicines for patients but they wouldn’t be able to afford them, and then they would just get sicker. I was mortified.� It was the tragedy of a brother and sister who had been diagnosed with juvenile diabetes that brought things sharply into focus. “They kept up with their insulin and needles, but they often couldn’t afford the 50-cents-apiece test strips when they didn’t have insurance,� says Richter. By the time they became her patients, the sibDr. Deb Richter believes the likeliest lings were in bad shape. The boy lost his vision, route to a national single-payer system his health declined, and he died at 21. His sister is state-by-state. had a fatal heart attack at 25. Richter realized that she was facing a turning point. “I didn’t want to change where I practiced just so I wouldn’t have to witness this. I knew I couldn’t continue to practice if this situation continued. I didn’t want medicine to just be for wealthy people.� Instead of hanging up her stethoscope, she joined Physicians for a National Health Program, a leading doctors’ group that advocates for universal health care coverage with just one insurance provider —the government. “What they had to say made sense to me —24 percent of health care was spent on paperwork and transaction costs. Other countries didn’t spend that.� She eventually served as the group’s president. Richter became convinced that the likeliest route to a national single-payer system would be state by state. She and her husband and two young boys moved to Vermont in 1999, where they bought a house just two blocks from the statehouse in Montpelier. It suited a physician-activist who was raising a family. “I could testify before the legislature and walk home to do the laundry.� Richter kept up her medical practice three days a week, while lobbying for a singlepayer system the other two days. She cornered politicians, wrote editorials, spoke to Rotary clubs, and gave hundreds of talks. In 2005 the legislature passed a major health care reform bill, but the governor vetoed it. “That was one of my lowest points,� recalls Richter. Work and advocacy were taking up all her time. “I was hardly seeing my family. If we couldn’t get it done in Vermont, where was it ever going to work?� Then Vermont voted in Governor Peter Shumlin, who recognized that skyrocketing health care costs had reached a crisis point for businesses and the middle class. The iconoclast Vermont politician Bernie Sanders moved from the U.S. House to the Senate,
and was in a more powerful position to clear roadblocks at the federal level. Grassroots advocates focused their energies, as did Richter. In May 2011, Vermont became the first state in the nation to pass a single-payer health care plan. Richter is proud of the achievement, even though she concedes that Vermont’s health care bill is not quite comprehensive and could still get derailed before it’s fully enacted over the next six years. She continues giving public talks, shepherding the Vermont bill and lobbying for a national health care plan, as well as practicing medicine. “This will be an enormous change for people without insurance,” says Richter of the Vermont bill, which will guarantee every resident an essential health benefit package from birth. “Now that we have this in Vermont, we need to make sure it happens everywhere.” Source: Daniel Fireside wrote this article for the YES! Breakthrough 15, the Winter 2012 issue of YES! Magazine. Daniel Fireside is the Capital Coordinator at Equal Exchange.
Avoid These Mercury-Laden Fish Mercury in the fish we like to eat is a big problem in the United States and increasingly around the world. Human industrial activity (such as coal-fired electricity generation, smelting and the incineration of waste) ratchets up the amount of airborne mercury, which eventually finds its way into lakes, rivers and the ocean, where it is gobbled up by unsuspecting fish and other marine life. Once this mercury gets into the marine food chain, it “bioaccumulates” in the larger predators. That’s why larger fish are generally riskier to eat than smaller ones. Those of us who eat too much mercury-laden fish can suffer from a range of health maladies including reproductive troubles and nervous system disorders. In partnership with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the EPA issues determinations periodically in regard to how much mercury is safe for consumers to ingest from eating fish, posting advisories on its website at www.epa.gov. Concerned consumers can click on a map of the states to find out which advisories may be in effect in their area. As for which fish to avoid, the non-profit Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), which runs the handy Seafood Selector website (http://apps.edf.org/page. cfm?tagID=1521), reports that people with mercury concerns should steer clear of bluefin tuna, walleye, king mackerel and marlin. Bluefish, shark, swordfish, wild sturgeon, opah and bigeye tuna carry a proportionately large mercury burden as well. Also of concern, but to a slightly lesser extent, are orange roughy, Chilean sea bass, blue crab, lingcod, Spanish mackerel, spotted sea trout, wahoo, grouper, snapper, halibut, tilefish, rockfish and sablefish, as well as blackfin, albacore and yellowfin tuna. Representatives from 140 countries signed on to reduce global mercury pollution at a 2009 United Nations Environment Program’s Governing Council meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. The agreement commits signatory countries — including the U.S. — to cutting back on the use and emission of mercury. A legally binding treaty mandating just how much each country will have to cut back mercury emissions takes hold in 2013. Source: E-Magazine.com, December 11, 2011 www.spiritofchange.org
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SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 11
Reconnective Healing: This is a state of being. Healing can take place within minutes, for both people and pets. Quantum Healing Hypnosis: This past life regression session heals on a deeper level.
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Atlantean Healing Wands: Used for manifestation...the possibilities are endless. Orgone Devices: Heal planet from electro-magnetic frequencies (EMF’s).
Book an appointment with Tania Iagallo: www.merlinsoracle.com t
Connect to SPIRIT this Spring! MAY 14: Channeled Messages for the Soul with Roland Comtois. 6-8pm. Tickets $60. April 19: An evening with TJ Bartel, a master Tantric educator and healer. 7-9pm. Cost: $25. April 21: The Tantric Art and Skill of Energetic Awareness with TJ Bartel. 1-5pm. Cost $65. April 13-15: Speaking Archetypes Fluently with Jim Curtan. Cost $300.
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The Cosmic Forecast for Spring 2012 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Earth laughs in flowers.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ralph Waldo Emerson
hat a strange winter weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had in southern New England! I cannot recall another one quite like it. Aside from long, dark nights and the angle of the Sun in the sky, a brief cold snap now and then has been the only evidence of winter. Most of the time it just did not feel like New England. As I write this in late January Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve lost count of how many people have been out and about in shorts and t-shirts! A hardy perennial ground cover sprouted pretty pink flowers in late November and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve hung on gamely ever since. Even so, it is a long wait between autumn and spring. Yet happily, here we are, on the cusp of the new season! The springtime celestial influences are sure to keep us busy. There are plenty of planets shifting gears. We begin the forecast period with Mars and Saturn retrograde. On March 12th, mental Mercury will join them. Mercury completes its retrograde on April 4 and then Pluto turns retrograde during the second of week of April. Just a few days later Mars returns to forward motion. Venus will retrograde this May 16. The comings and goings are enough to make me dizzy. I believe retrogrades are neither inherently good nor bad. They just are. Those of you knowledgeable in astrology realize that in fact, they are an illusion. Planets do not actually turn around and move backwards. The phenomenon is due to the relative positions of planets as seen from Earth. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever taken an express train and passed a slower moving train, you know what I mean. Viewed from the express, the slower train, even though traveling in the same direction, appears to be moving backwards. How we use this energy is the important thing and that is up to each one of us. Periods of time when planets retrograde are often helpful for reflecting on recent events. These weeks or months, depending on the planet in question, can represent a second chance at something or an opportunity to clean up unfinished karmic business. For example, the retrograde of Mars could occasion a change in strategy or tactics. Retrograde planets may actually breathe new life into a stalled project. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all part of the natural rhythm of the cosmos. Use the illusion of retrograding planets to your advantage!
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12 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
 An earthy grand trine, a great triangle in the heavens, thought by astrologers to be one of the most auspicious of celestial configurations, graces the heavens as March gets under way. Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn are the potent trio. They are a powerful force for sustainable economic wellAr being. The alignment gives many reasons to be optimistic, 1 ie s M a r 2 0 - A p r but principal among them is the belief that problems are opportunities waiting for solutions. Use discipline and ingenuity to put your financial affairs in order. Many folks will be anxious to take action during the first few days of March. The Pisces Sun opposes Mars the afternoon of Saturday the 3rd. At almost the same time Venus is moving into an opposition with Saturn. Financial pressures may necessitate making sacrifices in order to return to solvency. Relationships can also be strained. The waxing Moon, in Cancer for most of the weekend, is emotionally charged and makes us prone to overreact.
arch 201
Akashic Record Readings: Offer answers from light-beings. Healing takes place while in the Records.
continues on page 14
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STARSPEAK continued from page 12
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The cosmos has good news for April fools and merry pranksters. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a jolly, quirky joie de vivre afoot on Sunday the 1st. The theatrical Leo Moon is in harmony with eccentric Uranus during the afternoon and anything goes. Moods remain generally light-hearted into the early part of the week. The retrograde of mental Mercury ends during Wednesday morning, the 4th. ur y Because the Moon is nearly full, life is proceeding at great us a A p r 1 9- M speed this first week of the month. It may take a little extra time to thoroughly sort out facts, digest material, send or receive messages or finalize decisions. Plan accordingly. Take care. Venus tests Neptune the night of the 5th. The aspect is the stuff of tender-hearted saints, and pie-eyed lovers. Betrayals, thefts and other scandals may come to light. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t pummel yourself if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re faced with a loss. Resolve to learn from the experience and do better the next time. The full, Libra â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pinkâ&#x20AC;? Moon is exact at 3:19 PM on Friday the 6th. Our lessons lie in
ril 2012 p A
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Some partnerships have simply reached an end. Listen to your intuition. Change is for the better. Tackle household chores and commence pet projects. On Monday the 5th humanitarian causes and artistic endeavors receive a boost from Mercuryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brilliant conjunction with Uranus and Venusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sextile to Neptune. Both the 5th and 6th are great days for networking. Use technology to your advantage. The waxing Moon now steps up the pace. After an exciting, fruitful, and at times hectic Wednesday, the full â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wormâ&#x20AC;? Moon in Virgo is exact at 4:39AM on Thursday the 8th. Fiery Mars joins the Moon. Those born under earth and water signs feel especially motivated. Anticlimactic Thursday plays out under a void-of-course Moon. Set your own house in order before criticizing anotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Full Moon â&#x20AC;&#x153;falloutâ&#x20AC;? piles up, thick and deep. Inner growth work and creative processes generate good results. However, short attention spans and lack of focus can lead to unforeseen delays. Friday the 9th is more energetic and the morning may bring a preview of things to come. The Libra Moon opposes the Uranus/Mercury conjunction and squares Pluto during the afternoon. Partners can be hard to handle, compromises hard to come by. If a relationship feels stuck, turn your attention to other responsibilities, hobbies and pleasures over the weekend. Healing vibrations arrive with the new working week. On Monday the 12th Mercury turns retrograde. Curiously, Jupiter is in exact trine to Pluto that night. A change of heart or mind could inadvertently lead to a wonderful new opportunity. Tuesday the 13th is a fabulous time to launch a new campaign or project. As if by magic, all the pieces seem to fall into place. The fruitful trends spill over into Wednesday but strains may test a partnership under the nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last quarter Moon. Expect a difference of opinions. Keep your momentum going on Thursday. Extra effort can yield big payoffs. After several days of non-stop excitement, Friday is strangely quiet. Get together with friends over the weekend of the 17th and 18th. Other than a low-key spell Saturday morning, moods are sociable and many eyes are on the future. Stay open to new and possibly shocking ideas. Talk of challenging the status quo is sure to be on the rise. The Sun reaches Aries and Spring officially begins with the Vernal Equinox on Tuesday the 20th. A seismic shift is under way. When the new Moon in Aries occurs on the morning of the 22nd, Mercury and Uranus join the Sun and Moon in the early degrees of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sign of Beginnings.â&#x20AC;? The stellium packs a tremendous wallop. The four planets are within four degrees of each other. They each challenge Pluto. Around this time the risks of political, financial and geological instability are raised. Global markets are likely to fall back. Set out on a new adventure but be prepared to change course. Do what you can to maintain stability in your own life. Self-absorbed behavior can be detrimental to various relationships. Be ready with kind words and a warm smile, especially on Thursday the 29th when the Sun is in an exact square to Pluto. Work with partners. A pleasant, co-operative demeanor goes a long way towards defusing potential confrontations.
continues on page 16
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SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 15
STARSPEAK continued from page 14
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16 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
Merry May always seems to launch the riotous growth associated with spring. On the 1st the waxing Moon is in earthy Virgo, from where she harmonizes em n in i M a y 2 0 -J u with Pluto and the Taurus Sun. This is another fertile day, ideal for gardening and planting as well as conducting other important business. The Moon is once again growing full but spends most of the 2nd void-of-course. The waxing Moon’s momentum carries us through Wednesday but I advise against making major elective decisions or purchases. There are more auspicious moments coming later in the week. The full Moon in Scorpio is exact at 11:35 PM on
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cooperation this weekend. Venus and Mars are also at odds. Maintaining harmonious relationships is the mark of an advanced soul. Moods are more thoughtful as the Moon arrives in Scorpio Saturday morning but a series of constructive lunar aspects keeps almost everyone from sinking into a funk. Sunday morning’s lunar opposition with Jupiter is a cosmic pick-me-up. Monday the 9th is blessed by Venus’ sextile with Uranus. The amicable pairing induces giggles, flirtations and more than one new friendship. It also facilitates networking and travel. Take steps to avoid an afternoon misunderstanding. Harmony returns after sundown. Be ready for surprises. Pluto retrogrades on the 10th and Mars is again on a forward track Friday night. Pluto’s direction change sends shockwaves through world financial markets. Leaders could fail to respond swiftly. The Aries Sun opposes Saturn on Sunday afternoon, the 15th. Spurred by dissatisfaction, many of us are making decisions with long lasting consequences. Equity in collaborations is a major concern. Keep personal as well as partnership goals in mind when making choices. The Sun enters Taurus just after noon EDT on Thursday the 19th. The time for planting is upon us and Saturday’s new Moon in Taurus is one of the most fertile omens in all of astrology. Let the planting begin! If you’re in a chilly zone, at least begin to prepare garden beds. The Sun aligns with mystical Neptune on Sunday the 22nd. Mercury is conjunct Uranus. This is Earth Day and celebrations are sure to combine heartfelt appreciation for Mother Earth and large amounts of political theater. The fertility quotient remains especially high through the early Sunday afternoon. Over the final week of April the stars support us in handling mundane tasks. The Sun is in trine with Mars and Pluto. Everyday chores as well as complex business maneuvers can be successfully completed. One hiccup is mental Mercury’s Wednesday morning square to Pluto. Make sure your tongue doesn’t get you in hot water. A gaffe in front of a boss could prove costly. A lunar trine to Saturn later that afternoon enables the mending of fences through dedication and hard work.
Saturday the 5th. This is sometimes called the “Flower” full Moon or Buddha full Moon. In India it is associated with the holy Wesak festival, during which the spirit of Buddha is said to return to Earth. Whether your interests are spiritual or material, a Mercury/Saturn opposition warrants a very serious approach to life. Don’t let emotions get the better of your reasoning abilities. The week following the full Moon is comparatively quiet. Venus is slowing as she prepares to retrograde. Saturday the 12th has intriguing social possibilities but the evening runs out of steam well before midnight. A conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter embellishes Mother’s Day, the 13th. The pairing puts everyone in a happy state of mind. Mercury’s trines to Mars and Pluto help advance negotiations and planning. Mars follows with a trine of his own to Pluto on Wednesday the 16th. It is time to be decisive. Venus has begun her retrograde. She’ll continue to backpedal until June 27th, long enough to occasion many happy reunions. The Sun enters Gemini on Sunday the 20th and immediately sets off fireworks. The Sun is eclipsed by the new Moon at zero degrees of Gemini. Invisible on the eastern seaboard, the eclipse shadow portends potential problems in China and the western states of the U.S. Past misdeeds are likely to come back to haunt political figures. Hopes are high on Monday the 21st as Mercury aligns with Uranus and Jupiter but care should be taken during the evening commute. The Gemini Sun and Mercury are both at odds with nebulous Neptune the second half of the week. The risk of fraud or theft is elevated. Take steps to safeguard your valuables. The Friday evening square between Mercury and Neptune elicits great fantasies and possible lapses in judgment. Thoughts of a dream getaway may well become reality for vacationers. Again, extra caution is advisable for motorists. Pay attention. The Leo Moon thirsts for holiday weekend fun while on the 27th the Sun and Mercury’s conjunction in restless Gemini stimulates wanderlust. Both the Sun and Mercury are also in sextile to freedom-loving Uranus. This is a marvelous configuration for putting on miles, attending seminars, workshops or a clan gathering. Camaraderie is palpable. Intuitive faculties are topnotch. Heed the callings of your spirit. The post holiday weekend scene through the first half of the week is fairly mellow, although things heat up considerably Wednesday afternoon. Mercury tests fiery Mars. Impatience and irritability are on the rise. The waxing Libra Moon challenges Uranus and then Pluto. Confrontations are intense but short-lived. Things calm down just before midnight and the month at last concludes in a more peaceful mood.
Eric Linter offers a complete range of astrological services including readings, classes and his “On Top of the Stars Monthly Guide” for making inspired career and personal decisions. Consultations are available in person, by phone and on CD. Contact Eric at stars@ericlinter.com or (508) 541-4115. Visit www.spiritofchange.org and read Eric’s daily forecast on New England’s premier holistic magazine website. Keep looking up!
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SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 17
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Healthy Cooking Timesavers
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f you’ve been struggling with a hectic schedule and find yourself reaching for takeout menus more often than you’d like, try some of these quick and easy meal prep ideas that have worked for me. As great as fresh, whole ingredients are, sometimes corners have to be cut and timesavers are a must. Here’s my list of go-to ingredients and tips that help me survive hectic weekday nights without sacrificing taste, nutrition or cost.
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including greens, usually kale and collards, in most meals for the past 20 years. I’ve always bought several bunches of each and washed and cut them as needed for each dish. About six months ago I discovered containers of baby cooking greens in the produce department and resisted the urge to select my usual greens and give these a try. I have to say, they are amazing! I now buy containers of baby cooking greens and mixed baby kales each week. Both are organic (kale is on the dirty dozen list for pesticide use, so always opt for organic), and incredibly tender, sweet and ready to use. Having baby greens on hand means no excuses for not including this nutritional powerhouse in meals. Gone is the excuse of no time to prep because it’s ready to go no matter what you’re making. And there’s no waste. • Toss raw mixed baby kales into a salad. I love chopped salads and when I serve it, even the veggie resistant don’t realize they’re eating greens. • Add to a stir fry. Toss in at the end since these greens are so tender they cook in no time.
Spray olive oil 1 package broccoli slaw Salt and pepper to taste Assorted leftover vegetables (I roast veggies each day and usually have an assortment of leftovers in the fridge; my favorite combination is fennel, onion, mushroom, cauliflower and eggplant) 1 teaspoon chives 1 package tofu, pressed 1 teaspoon turmeric 1/3 cup nutritional yeast 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon thyme 1/2 teaspoon oregano 1/2 teaspoon sea salt Dash hot sauce Freshly ground pepper to taste 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly spray skillet with olive oil and add package of broccoli slaw. Season lightly with salt and pepper and sauté until softened. Lightly spray a large pie pan with olive oil and press the cooked broccoli slaw into the pan forming the crust for the quiche. 2. Fill the crust with any leftover roasted veggies. If you don’t have any, you can omit them or quickly sauté or microwave some frozen mixed veggies and use those. Sprinkle the chopped chives over the veggie mixture. Or, try using two bags of broccoli slaw and filling the pie pan with that.
• Use instead of lettuce on a sandwich.
3. Add remaining ingredients to a blender or food processor and mix until smooth and creamy. Pour over the veggie mixture. Bake until set and golden, about 35 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes before slicing.
• Add to a quiche or tofu scramble.
• Add towards the end of cooking in soups and stews.
BROCCOLI SLAW This is another product that I never
purchased, preferring to prep my own veggies as needed. I tried these on a whim and now usually have a bag or two on hand. A tasty mixture of shredded broccoli, cabbage and carrots, my favorite use lately is as a crust for a quiche. I make this for dinner at least once a week and save a big wedge for lunch the next day. I can quickly and effortlessly create a great soup, stir fry or quiche in no time. Try adding to a salad, for making an almost instant miso soup or in your next tofu scramble. 18 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
Veggie Crust Quiche
natural thickeners that you’ve likely been consuming all along. Open your cupboards or freezer and read the product labels on items you buy. Chances are you’ll find at least one of these ingredients. Xanthan gum makes things thicker and guar gum makes things creamier. A little goes a long way and half a teaspoon thickens a cup of liquid. I rely on these to make my own instant pudding and to thicken smoothies, dressings and sauces.
Salad Dressing
Egg Replacer
I enjoy thicker salad dressings. I like the way it looks and prefer the mouth feel it provides. Use your favorite vinaigrette recipe using the guidelines below or try the one I frequently make. I use stevia as a sweetener, but substitute your favorite if you don’t use it.
Use this mixture any time your recipe calls for an egg or egg white. Chia seeds gel beautifully. If you use egg replacer frequently, you may want to make enough to last you a week or so. Just store the gelled mixture in a covered container in the fridge.
1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon stevia 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder Freshly ground pepper to taste 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon prepared mustard, any flavor 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 teaspoon xanthan gum Place the first five ingredients in a blender or jar and mix well. Add the mustard, vinegar and oil and mix well. Add the xanthan gum and blend well. Store prepared dressing in a covered container in the refrigerator. I also like to make this a day ahead to allow the flavors to develop, although I’ve also used it shortly after preparing and it’s fine.
CHIA SEEDS Yes, it’s the same seeds you see advertised
as Chia pets. Cheesy commercials aside, these are really great to have on hand. They don’t interfere with the flavor of anything you add them to, they replace eggs in most recipes and deliver a wealth of health benefits. Chia seeds are packed with antioxidants, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Use them whole if you enjoy added crunch or grind them in a coffee or spice grinder if you prefer a smooth texture. Sprinkle in salads, soups, stir fry, oatmeal, pancakes, etc., or toss a few tablespoons into cake or cookie batter to boost nutrition. Choosing white chia seeds over the darker variety ensures they add no flavor and are not visible in your final product.
Chocolate Protein Pudding This is a fast, easy meal replacement option for hectic days. Toss in a handful of baby greens or spinach and you have your serving of veggies included. It’s also a great way to ensure nonveggie lovers get a full serving without them even realizing it. Leave out the protein powder and you have a fast, easy dessert. Turn it into a smoothie by increasing the amount of liquid. 1 cup almond milk (or your favorite non-dairy milk) 1 scoop protein powder 1 tablespoon cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon guar gum 1 tablespoon ground chia seeds 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon Place all ingredients in small blender and whirl until blended and thickened. Place in serving container and chill for 10 minutes. www.spiritofchange.org
3 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon ground white chia seeds Place water in a small cup or bowl. Add the ground chia seeds and mix with a fork. Wait about 5 minutes and give it another mix. It should be the consistency of a raw egg white. If you’re in a rush, use warm water and you’ll save a few minutes.
LOW COST/LITTLE EFFORT NON-DAIRY MILKS Making your own non-dairy milks is easy, fast and wallet friendly. The most time consuming is soy milk since it requires bringing the soaked mixture to a boil and simmering for 20 minutes. Since the focus in this column is easy, time saving and low cost, I won’t include instructions for soy milk. Try mixtures that include your favorite nuts and seeds.
Nut or Seed Milk The process is essentially the same no matter which nut or seed you choose. I prefer almonds. Some people soak the nuts/seeds, but it’s not necessary. The first two steps are for the soaking method; if you’re not doing that, just add the raw nuts/seeds to fresh water and liquefy. 1. Soak one half to one cup of raw almonds overnight (or at least six hours) in the fridge 2. Pour off the soaking water 3. Place almonds in a blender and add one quart cold, fresh water (chlorinated water will give you an “off ” flavor) 4. Liquefy the nuts 5. Place a fine mesh strainer over a large pot or bowl, line it with a layer or two of cheesecloth (or use a nut milk bag) and strain by gently squeezing all the remaining liquid from the pulp 6. Store strained milk in a covered jar or pitcher and store in the fridge for up to four days. Note: If you prefer sweetened almond milk, add your sweetener while liquefying. You may want to add dates, sugar or whatever your preferred sweetener. I always make mine unsweetened. Don’t toss that almond pulp. Store it in the fridge and add it to smoothies, oatmeal, cookies or just about anything you can think of for additional fiber and nutrition.
Michelle Hirsch lives in southern NH and teaches whole foods cooking throughout New England. She is a graduate of the world-renowned Kushi Institute where she also worked developing curriculum. Michelle is the author of Venturesome Vegetarian and can be contacted at mphirsch@yahoo.com.
24 7
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20 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
Pharmaceutical drug contamination in our groundwater, rivers, lakes, estuaries and bays is a growing problem. Millions of us are flushing unused medications down the toilet and discharging them in our body waste — even though sewage treatment plants and septic systems were never designed to deal with such contaminants. Additional discharges by healthcare facilities exacerbate the problem. As a result, researchers have identified traces of pharmaceutical drugs in the drinking water supplies of some 40 million Americans. A nationwide study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1999 and 2000 found low levels of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, hormones, contraceptives and steroids — in 80 percent of the rivers and streams sampled. According to Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE), the effects of constant, low-level exposure of pharmaceuticals on ecosystems and humans are uncertain, though “possible health concerns include hormone disruption, antibiotic resistance and synergistic effects.” And antidepressants, says CCE, can “alter the behavior and reproductive functions of fish and mollusks.” CCE cites a recent Stony Brook University study showing that some fish species in New York’s Jamaica Bay are experiencing “feminization” — the ratio of female to male winter flounder was 10 to one in the studied area — likely a result of flushed pharmaceuticals that can act as “hormone mimics” and cause such effects. New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation concurs, citing a number of other studies underscoring the impacts on aquatic life. What irks CCE about the problem is that almost all known sources of drugs in the environment first pass through wastewater treatment plants where they could be filtered out, but these facilities are not required to be equipped with pharmaceutical filter devices. In light of the problem, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in 2007 established its first set of guidelines for how consumers should dispose of prescription drugs. First and foremost, consumers should follow any specific disposal instructions on a drug’s label or the patient information that accompanies the medication — and shouldn’t flush the drugs down the toilet. If there are no disposal instructions, the FDA recommends finding out from your municipality if any take-back programs are in place. Also, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration sponsors National Prescription Drug Take Back Days across the country at various sites a few times a year. “If no instructions are given on the drug label and no take-back program is available in your area, throw the drugs in the household trash, but first take them out of their original containers and mix them with an undesirable substance, such as used coffee grounds or kitty litter,” says the FDA. This will make them less appealing to children, pets or people who may intentionally go through your trash, says the agency, which adds that a final step is to put the medication into a sealed bag or other container to prevent leaks.
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EarthTalk is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E - The Environmental Magazine ( www.emagazine.com). Send questions to: earthtalk@emagazine.com. Subscribe: www.emagazine.com/subscribe. Free Trial Issue: www.emagazine.com/trial.
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Head and Neck Pain Management Scenar, a non-invasive tretment device, is the only real time biofeedback device that will find what is wrong with your body and stimulate self-healing through electrostimulation and â&#x20AC;&#x153;conversationâ&#x20AC;? with the control systems of the body (CNS). Invented by Russians for treatment of astronauts in space 20 years ago. FDA approved for pain relief of any origin. The only technology that helps with getting to the root/ cause of the disease and not treating just the symptoms.
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Metal-free Solution to Titanium Implant If you are allergic or sensitive to metal or you do not want metal in your mouth. Bio-ceramic (zirconia) implants might be an option for you. Dr. Iontcheva-Barehmi is certified to place zirconia implants, you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to travel to Europe anymore.
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SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 21
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Bedroom Doors Open or Closed? Dear Lynn, Is there any feng shui advantage to keeping bedroom doors (or other rooms) closed or open when not in use? I like to keep doors open but my husband likes doors closed. I appreciate any insight you can provide. — Open and Shut Case, Baltimore, MD
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22 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
Dear Open One, Getting full closure on this topic may not be possible. Here’s why: Feng shui roughly translates as the words “wind” and “water.” These signify flow and containment, respectively. Some areas are governed by flow, such as transition areas and hallways, where the ideal flow is not too fast, not too slow, but just right. Other areas — bedrooms especially — are energy containers where energy (chi) can collect and maintain a reserve for nourishment of its occupants. This is really the chief function of a bedroom, so keeping the door open or closed, depending upon individual circumstances, is very important for it to act as a vessel of good energy with as few compromises as possible. On the plus side of keeping doors open during the day, fresh air, light and vibration are all food for the bedroom and it deserves an open aperture, such as a door, in addition to windows. So why not keep the door open? Privacy? Houseguests? Pesky or incontinent pets? Roaming 2-year olds? A room in cohousing shared with undesirables? Or very desirables? This is where flow comes in. The location of the bedroom in the overall layout of the house is important. If it’s at the front and facing a street or public area, for example, a sense of closure may be more important than if it were at the end of a hall. And if it were at the end of a hall that funneled too much energy directly towards the bedroom, keeping the door closed would help mitigate that excess. If the bed is right inside the door within a few feet it may just be more comfortable to keep the door closed and maintain a more specific boundary. If no particular circumstances dictate, then deciding to close the door may up the cozy index and perhaps enhance a sense of intimacy. For general purposes closing the door will shrink the room a bit and an open door enlarges it to the senses. As a control issue a closed door is an implicit “do not disturb or even enter without an invitation” statement. I certainly wouldn’t breach a closed door, but to those with a bolder, more inquisitive nature it may be an irresistible invitation! In a business environment it implies status with the one who enters not at the top of the important category. The occupant is entirely in control. Want to take a little nap? Close the door and you will still seem important. Your bedroom however, should be a container for you, gathering and holding and condensing beneficial chi to envelope and embrace you, allowing you to truly rest. It should render you off the “to do” grid. The door is an important control valve that allows you to regulate if you are energized or depleted and your ability to flow with ease.
Dear Lynn, I own an L-shaped ranch. I was thinking of building up with a second floor, but maybe I should build wide to close in the “missing” piece of the house inside the L. Are there any general guidelines on this? — Linda
Hi Linda, Yes there are. I wonder, though, without seeing your house and the property, why you want to go up instead of fill in the open space horizontally on the ground level? Certainly it would cost less! I advise you not to build up. The L-shape is already a bit of an imbalance and to add a second floor to that will compound the issue. L and T-shaped homes can destroy family life. Everyone feels disconnected and separate. You could even use the word dis-membered. T-squares create somewhat of a truncated set of runways. People will not share, much less coalesce around plans, goals and larger visions. Everyone is at arm’s length, creating a stilted lifestyle at home or at work. On the outside, the form needs to be completed to create a square, rectangle or balanced overview shape, as balance is the master healer. You can do this in a variety of ways including planting trees, bushes or a garden, installing a gazebo, gateway, patio, pool or lighting and pathways, perhaps guided by solar light. Consider a strong and significantly sized sculpture or stonewall. The goal is to create parameters that suggest inclusion — indeed existence — of that missing area. Dignify, beautify and simply pay attention to these outdoor areas, and when possible, unify them thematically so they are easy to recognize and made to feel a part of the house. Inside your house, identify the “missing” sectors of your home from the outside applying a bird’s eye view of the bagua, and pay special attention to strengthening these areas in each individual room. Is your self-cultivation/knowledge area missing? Is love/ partnerships a gaping hole? Find those sectors in each room of your home and enhance them energetically in ways that are very pleasing to you and amplify their positive aspects. While outdoor work might seem more important to balance missing sectors of an L-shaped home, indoor work is also an absolute must. If space permits and you are lucky enough to be able to build and expand on the first level to complete the form, go for it!
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Dear Feng Shui Expert, I have an urgent question for you. The house I intend to buy has a major problem: the front door opens directly onto the staircase leading straight up. I’ve read that this means the house chi will always fall out the front door or zoom up the stairs. Would it be better to move and relocate the front door over a couple of meters? Or is it best just to use the side entrance and never to use the front door again? Or simply look for a better house? Thank you in advance for your advice. — Beatrice
Dear Beatrice, If you didn’t really love this house I don’t think you would have written to me. This staircase situation is very common in New England homes, both Victorian style and Cape Cod styles. Do not do any of those elaborate changes to try to mitigate whatever problems the staircase location may or may not present. If your principle concern is that energy will go up the stairs instead of circulate throughout the home, make the entrance very grounded and a space all its own by installing an umbrella stand or shelf abutting the hall, a mirror reflecting the larger rooms near the front door area, artwork that is perfectly arresting in its beauty or uniqueness or whatever is a strong attention-getting piece. Forego worries about practicality and place an oriental rug just inside the door. In short, make this tiny area just inside your front door compelling and the energy going up or going down that stair will diminish.
Lynn Taylor is a senior feng shui practitioner who teaches and consults in the United States and Mexico for both business and home environments. She has been featured extensively on television, radio and in print. Send questions for this column or contact Lynn at lynntaylor@bostonfengshui.com or (617) 924-4205. www.spiritofchange.org
Feng Shui Feng shui is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics used to create an environment in harmony with nature and flow of energy. Let feng shui deliver you from chaos and clutter and bring serenity into your surroundings. I have provided the best of feng shui solutions in homes and businesses from Nantucket to Paris for 20 years.
For a house call, contact me:
Lynn Taylor
617-924-4205 lynntaylor@bostonfengshui.com SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 23
MASSACHUSETTS Bedford Serenity Yoga Center, 363 Great Road, Bedford, MA 01730. Kripalu-affiliated studio. Spacious new studio, fully equipped. Daily classes: beginners to experienced. www.serenityyoga.com 781-275-4092
Bridgewater Maha Yoga Center, 992 Bedford St. (Rt. 18), Bridgewater, MA 02324, 508-697-3273 www.mahayogacenter.com. Yoga all levels, Hatha, Ashtanga, meditation, massage. Yoga teacher training (YA).
Brighton Ayurvedic Rehabilitation Center, 103 Bennett St., Brighton, MA 02135. 617-782-1727. Loretta Levitz, Dir. Yoga, all levels (including disability), Ayurveda, teacher training, private or small groups.
Cambridge Kundalini Yoga Boston, 186 Hampshire Street. Transformative yoga and meditation open to all levels. $25: 2 weeks unlimited yoga. Concerts, workshops, training and art gallery. 617-868-0055 www.kundaliniyogaboston.com.
Holden Opening Lotus Yoga. An eco-green studio. www.openinglotusyoga.com • 508-829-7435 456 Main St., Holden, MA, 01520. Beginner-advanced. Gentle-vigorous. Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin and more.
Millis The Yoga Studio. Experience a tranquil and welcoming environment to practice yoga amid calming music, soft lighting and a peaceful, restorative atmosphere. Beginners welcome! www.theyogastudiomillis.com. 508-376-8508. 24 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
Millis Yoga at the Ashram. 368 Village St. Kundalini, Vinyasa, Hatha, Qigong, Kids Yoga, Tai Chi. Gong meditations, workshops, retreats and teacher trainings. First class free. 508-376-4525. www.YogaAtTheAshram.org.
Quincy Real Life Yoga. Hot power yoga and beginners hatha yoga. 101 Adams St. Plenty of parking. $12/class. Bring a friend for $6 • www.reallifeyoga.com 617-285-5219.
Uxbridge State of Grace Yoga and Wellness Center. Adults/Kids Yoga, belly dance, massage, facials, hair removal, Reiki training, reflexology, energy healing, mentoring, workshops. www.StateofGraceYoga.com. 508-278-2818.
Wellfleet Quiet Mind Yoga with Zack Dixon, 95 Commercial Street, Wellfleet. Also offering simple, clear podcast instruction for one hour home practice. www.quietmindstudio.com • 508-349-2429.
Westborough Westborough Yoga for healing, transformation and health. www.westboroughyoga.com. Offering Svaroopa Yoga, meditation, private yoga therapy and embodyment, prenatal and gentle yoga. Contact Michelle Gross: 508-341-6424.
Worcester Amethyst Point. 232 Chandler St., Worcester. Hatha/Iyengar yoga, meditation and tai chi/qigong. All levels. Monday-Saturday. 508-753-3975. www.amethystpoint.com. Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti. Two Worcester locations. 27 years teaching experience. Trained in India by B.K.S. Iyengar. 508-829-6300.
RHODE ISLAND Cranston Bikram Yoga @ Yoga Concepts, Cranston, RI. Mary Ann and Donna Nassa, 23 years. Master certified instruction. Bikram method, beginner to advanced levels. 401-461-8484 www.bikramyogari.com
Cumberland A New Day Yoga. Gentle, mixed/hatha and evening flow yoga classes. Shake Your Soul® workshops and yoga teacher trainings offered. 508-596-2974 www.anewdayyoga.com
Wakefield All That Matters. Largest center in NE offering 65 yoga classes weekly with awesome instructors, Yoga teacher trainings, store, comprehensive workshops and healthcare team. 401-782-2126 • www.allthatmatters.com.
MULTIPLE LOCATIONS Open Doors Yoga Studios, 15 locations in MA. 781-843-8224. Hot power yoga and gentle yoga — all levels. 200 & 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training. www.OpenDoors7.com. YogaFamily.com is the world’s largest free online yoga directory connecting teachers, students and community. Yogafamily.com also offers yoga resources and healthy living products. Spirit of Change’s Online Alternative Health Directory offers over 100 New England yoga studios. Search by keyword or town to find your studio. Visit www.spiritofchange.org/directory.
Include your studio in this yoga practitioners directory. The next ad deadline is May 1, 2012. Call (508)278-9640 or email advertise@spiritofchange.org
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The Wellness Roundtable
A Professional Community of Practitioners in Massachusetts CONFIDENT DIRECTIONS
Life Coaching for Lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Journey .BSJMZO 5BZMPS -.5 -JGF $PBDI t DPOĂśEFOU EJSFDUJPOT DPN Welcome a powerful new direction, harnessing your insights with right action. Coaching workshops/private sessions for personal/professional development.
$ $PMPOJBM %S 8FTUCPSP ." t XXX TUBSTFFEEBZTQB DPN Offering a constellation of services including QPMBSJUZ 3FJLJ 3BJOESPQÂĽ 5IFSBQZ IPU TUPOF pregnancy, blended massage, facials and PCA peels, waxing and nail care in a peaceful setting.
4ISFXTCVSZ ." t XSJDF !IPUNBJM DPN XXX IPMJTUJD TQJSJUVBM DPVOTFMJOH DPN Holistic spiritual counseling, stress management, tuning forks, sound table, toning, Reiki, crystal healing, Family Constellations.
t XXX TQJSJUPGDIBOHF PSH New Englandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest free alternative health magazine in print and online.
Lisa Borchetta, MACP, CMC, ACC 8FTUCPSPVHI ." t www.firebirdlifecoaching.com *OEJWJEVBM (SPVQ 4FTTJPOT t *O QFSTPO 5FMFQIPOF Reconnect with your values and passions, and leverage your strengths to realize your personal and professional goals.
Ancient Wisdom Healing Arts #PTUPO 3E 4PVUICPSPVHI ." t XXX BXIFBMJOHBSUT DPN Chinese and Japanese style acupuncture, Reiki and energetic bodywork. Specializing in treatment of kids and those who BSF OFFEMF TFOTJUJWF
Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spiritual center and retreat house. )VCCBSETUPO ." t www.gatheringinn.org Quiet, cozy, affordable. Individuals and small groups. Yoga classes, holistic workshops, nutritious food. Labyrinth, meditation garden, medicine wheel.
t .FUSPXFTU "SFB www.MindfulBodyCenter.net Release tension. Embrace energy. Welcome balance. Alan Krentzel, Certified Instructor. MBSR trained at UMass Medical Center. Specializes in helping people mange ADHD, back/neck pain, anxiety, stress and balance.
Dr. Karen Moriarty & Dr. Casey Gauthier /PSUICPSP ." t www.northborochiropractic.com Offering healing and wellness through chiropractic care, naturopathy, holistic OVUSJUJPO NBTTBHF UIFSBQZ &'5 ZPHB BOE European thermography.
)PMJTUJD 'JOBODJBM $POTVMUBOU t www.sageconsultingresource.com Registered Representative, Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisor Representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor.
$BSPMZO 8BJUF $4:5 t 8FTUCPSP ." t XXX ZPHBXJUIDBSPMXBJUF DPN SvaroopaÂŽ Yoga classes for groups and private instruction, suitable for beginners to advanced students. Yoga for your body, mind and spirit.
8PSDFTUFS 3E 3U 'SBNJOHIBN t XXX EBSZOCPXFSNU PSH Deep tissue techniques, postural analysis, warm TUPOFT QSF BOE QFSJOBUBM NBTTBHF JO BO JOWJUJOH and relaxing studio with a spa atmosphere.
Detox your body, rock your life! t XXX HVMJDLIFBMUIDPBDIJOH DPN Nutrition counselling to take you from sick, tired and overweight to lean, fit and energized. Raw & cooked food classes, wellness workshops.
Wellsprings Acupuncture 4VNNFS 4U 8FTUCPSP ." t XXX XFMMTQSJOHTBDVQVODUVSF DPN Empowering your source of health and XFMMOFTT XJUI 5SBEJUJPOBM $IJOFTF .FEJDJOF herbal medicine and nutritional counseling.
This is a partial list of our members; we have many talented people in our network to learn with. Meetings are held monthly on the second Wednesday from 9-10:30am, in Northboro, MA.
The Wellness Roundtable members gather monthly with the intention of creating collaborative relationships and building professional community with one another. Our meetings are opportunities to be inspired, stimulated and educated for the greater good of our respective professions. Together, we join to increase the level of well-being, body, mind and spirit, for ourselves, our clients, our communities and our world.
Contact The Wellness Roundtable facilitator: Marilyn Taylor, LMT, Life/Wellness Coach at marilyn@confident-directions.com. SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 25
Mentoring Boys to Men By Linda Marks
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healthwisdom@me.com www.TeamNorthrupBoston.com Father-son musical duo Jesse Liam and Jack Gauthier are Rhode Island’s own Jesse Jack’son band. Jesse grew up in a household filled with music, mentored by his accomplished performer and recording engineer father Jack. “He always has an ear, listening musically and relationally,” says Jesse of his dad. Playing professionally together for the past 5 years, Jesse and Jack are featured at the Boys To Men benefit April 22.
he teenage years are both challenging and developmentally critical for teens as well as the adults in their lives. It is a time when boys look within to ask “who am I?” and look outside to explore “what does it mean to be a man?” Teenage boys look for role models to help them figure out what “being a man” actually means. “Boys need good men in their lives as role models,” notes Boys to Men Mentoring Network founder, Craig McClain. “They need men who care about them, will accept them for who they are and where they are. Rather than telling them to do things differently, they need men who will listen to them and just be there for them, and accept their journey — the faults, the grace and the glory.” Boys to Men is an international non-profit educational organization, with a local chapter here in New England, that provides boys/young men a safe place to talk about who they really are and to gain some tools to further them on their path towards becoming a mature man. Sadly, in our crazybusy culture, having the time to just be with other people becomes an increasingly rare experi-
ence. According to statistics gathered by the Boys to Men Mentoring Network, a teenage boy spends an average of 30 minutes of focused time each week with the male in his house, but 40 hours of time with video games. “Even having a parent at home does not mean you get focused time with that parent,” reflects Boys to Men New England founder, Dave Bolduc. “If a father comes home from a long day’s work, if he hates his job, if he is tired, he just wants to sit in front of the TV and chill.” If there is no father at home, there may be no steady male for focused time. “Boys need a man in their lives,” continues Bolduc. “They need to connect. My father never came to a ballgame of mine. I didn’t hold it against him, but I wanted him to come see me and be proud of me. If parents are not aware of the moments that have emotional meaning in a boy’s life, like a ballgame, and if a parent/father is too busy to take time for these key moments, the boy feels a gap and a yearning.” “Society has missed this, saying that boys will figure things out on their own,” acknowledges McClain. “I have
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men” — Frederick Douglass
26 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
asked thousands of boys what kind of man they want to be, and no one has said â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;a drug dealer,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;a bum,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;a wife beaterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; or â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;a gang memberâ&#x20AC;Ś[however] boys take the choices that are available to them, if they are not given another choice.â&#x20AC;? The space of mentoring has been lost in our society. When we lived in more of a village atmosphere, and even earlier in the 20th century when boys apprenticed, mentorship was present. As society evolved, mentorship got lost. Boys have a mentorship need. Adult men have a place inside where they yearn to mentor. Today, there is a void around the mentorship need and no clear place to fill the void. Boys look to each other, to television, to video games. Men are disconnected from each other. One unique aspect of the Boys to Men program is that it is not just one man being a role model for one boy. It is a community of men and boys aged 11 to 90+ years old that allows us to return to a way of being where we are collectively raising our young. Boys (called Journeymen) and men (called Mentors) support one another in weekend trainings and in regular meetings called â&#x20AC;&#x153;J-groupsâ&#x20AC;? that work to build emotional intelligence. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is really important for men to teach boys emotional intelligence,â&#x20AC;? underscores Bolduc. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Boys need to learn how to be able to show their feelings, how to put words to feelings and to be able to value and trust people. We as men learn how to tell the truth, to be who we are, to be vulnerable. We learn how to be healthier men, including with the women and children in our lives.â&#x20AC;? And the boys get a healthy emotional role model of what it means to be a man and how men are constantly growing, evolving and healing in the journey of life. When mentors work with teenage boys, they get a lot of healing for their own time as a teenager. Teenage years are often filled with pain, and most men donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wish to revisit that pain ever again. In the J-groups, mentors discover that their tough times as a teenager can help them provide an emotionally meaningful space for young men. One man called it the â&#x20AC;&#x153;mentoring bone;â&#x20AC;? once awakened, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a drive to do it. This applies both to men who have been successful fathers and to men who arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fathers. Both want to be useful to other people, and feel a common calling and desire. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is in menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s DNA to protect their family and be good men,â&#x20AC;&#x153; reflects McClain. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Society has gotten away from it. Families donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do it. We want schools, television and the media to do it. They donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do it. So we do it and become better men ourselves.â&#x20AC;? When boys engage with authentic and vulnerable men, it catalyzes the spark of brilliance, genius and ingenuity that lives inside them. One Boys to Men leader observed that a switch goes on and even hardened boys come back to life. The boys experience an opportunity to become who they really are and not who society is telling them to be. Boys to Men can create a generation of authentic, grounded, emotionally literate men. And ultimately, this will create a different world than the one we are living in now. In order to bring the spirit of their adult-teen mentoring work to a larger community, Boys to Men New England is organizing its first benefit concert on Sunday, April 22 from 7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;9:30 pm at Scullers Jazz Club in Boston. The theme of the concert is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Voices of Boys and Men.â&#x20AC;? A wide range of musical performers and speakers have been selected to provide â&#x20AC;&#x153;voices.â&#x20AC;? Musical features include nationally known singer/songwriter David Roth, Rhode Island father-son duo Jack and Jesse Gauthier, cabaret singer Jay Uhler, poet/musician Remon Jourdan and award winning barbershop group Sounds of Concord. Barbershop singing provides a community experience of mentoring and music. Just like a sport, barbershop is a process where the more you learn and get coached, the more fun it is when you actually get on stage and perform. The group encourages high school music teachers to contact them for support in helping students sing at their schools. Youth barbershop G20 will also be performing that the benefit. A featured speaker that evening will be Kim Odom, whose son Steven was tragically murdered three years ago at age 13 walking home from a basketball game. Hosted by Magic 106.7â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tina Gao, the centerpiece of the evening will be a film clip featuring the Boys to Men program, showcasing the spirit, work and mission and Boys to Men. For tickets to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Voices of Boys and Menâ&#x20AC;? Benefit at Scullers Jazz Club in Boston, contact Linda at LSMHEART@aol.com or (617) 913-0683. Tickets are $50 and include appetizers from Scullersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Fusion Lounge. To learn more about Boys to Men New England visit www.boystomennewengland.org.
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Linda Marks, MSM, has practiced EKP, a heart-centered method of body psychotherapy for 27 years with individuals, couples, families and groups in Newton, MA. Linda is the author of 2 books and hundreds of articles about creating healthy relationships. She is the mother of a 16-year old J-man, and serves on the board of Boys to Men New England. Visit www.healingheartpower.com. www.spiritofchange.org
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 27
D L R WO s
e e A b E y R e n U T o C H I n the
P thout greater thwa Wi s may be tomorro Naturally made beeswax comb at Gold Star Honeybees in Bath, ME. Photo: Christy Hemenway
n 2007, the term Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) was coined when honeybees in 24 U.S. states and four continents began disappearing. Worker bees failed to return to the hive, leaving the uncapped brood abandoned. Normally, honey scavengers including wasps and bees from other hives rob a failing bee colony. But in the startling case of CCD, the hives were left untouched. Honeybees are not native to the United States, arriving instead on ships with the European colonists, but they now dominate the pollination industry in the U.S. According to the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), bee pollination is responsible for $15 billion in added crop value annually.1 Honeybee pollination is essential to the food chain. California’s almond industry is 100% dependent on honeybee pollination, provides 80% of the world’s crop, and employs half or more of the country’s commercial beehives during the two-week flowering season.
In The Land of Milk and Honey
Previously, a multitude of pollinating species foraged the land. Because honeybees are cavity nesters and don’t create their own homes (contrasted with wasp nests), herbalists and farmers kept honeybees by providing shelter, such as round straw bee skeps. Gardeners tended honeybees as part of a unified diverse ecology and only truly excess honey was harvested. With the commercialization of beekeeping in the 1920s, honeybees became a commodity managed for both honey production and pollination. Unnatural practices were introduced that weakened the vitality of the honeybee species, making it more susceptible to parasites, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. In 1923, in a series of lectures presented at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, Rudolf Steiner — the founder of Anthroposophy, Waldorf education and biodynamic agriculture — predicted that the honeybee would be in dire straights in 100 years. Translated from German in 1998 by the Anthroposophic Press, Bees is a transcription of these lectures in which Steiner describes the spiritual wisdom inherent in the bee, wasp and ant kingdoms, as well as their role in maintaining formic acid levels, which are crucial to Earth’s ecosystem. Specifically, Steiner warned against the long-term effects of sugar feeding and artificial queen breeding, practices developed to boost productivity in commercial beekeeping. In 28 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
s f No lo supply o food
By Patricia Burke
years of heavy spring rain, flower nectar is scarce. Beekeepers responded by providing sugar syrup. This practice became the industry standard when both sugar and corn syrup were found to boost honey production. Steiner noted that the unnatural diet was over-stimulating, and altered the bees’ digestive juices and blood, wherein the vitality of a species is held. As for the queen, biodynamic farmer Gunther Hauk of Spikenard Honeybee Sanctuary in Floyd, VA, writes in Toward Saving the Honey Bee, “The queen of the honeybee hive produces hundreds of thousands of offspring. On a good day in May or June, she can lay several thousand eggs — a marvelous feat for her metabolism. Certainly the queen bee has an intimate and deep relationship with the workers. All of them are her progeny and she is the one that gives them a sense of belonging, the individual smell of the colony.”2 In nature, new queens develop within existing hives, resulting in swarming. In May the colony is in a peak state of abundance, and, continues Hauk, “a remarkable event occurs. A few days before the new queen (usually more than one) emerges from her cell, on a fair day in the late morning, the old queen and approximately one half of the workers, as well as a number of drones, leave their beloved hive. The swarming begins!” Within days, the refugee community must find a new home. In nature, like Winnie the Pooh’s beloved Hundred Acre Woods, hives settle into old tree hollows. Today, natural beekeepers catch swarms and provide safe new habitats, bear-proof and protected from the elements. To make handling more convenient and cost efficient for most of today’s commercial beekeeping enterprises, rectangular painted wooden houses have replaced round straw skeps, and plastic foundations, which may contain the carcinogen benzene, have replaced part of the honeycomb. In addition, queen breeding is accomplished mainly through artificial grafting of worker larvae. To further boost production, queens are replaced every year. In Queen of the Sun, What Are the Bees Telling Us (2011, Clairview), contributing author Horst Kornberger explains that when the old queen is taken away, orphaning the hive into a state of survival stress for several days, it boosts their acceptance of a new artificial queen. Gunther Hauk provides an apt metaphor: the assumption is that the queen can be replaced like an automobile spark plug, without recognizing the deep and living intimacy of the queen with her colony. The life expectancy of queens is halved. continues on page 30
Greenspirit Counseling
Spring Workshop Series With Dr. Judith Swack Healing from the Body Level Upâ&#x201E;˘ is a unique and effective way to get unstuck and eliminate struggle by clearing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success, so that you can finally achieve your goals! The originator of this holistic mind/body therapy system, Dr. Judith Swack, has demonstrated her amazing phobia cures live on WCVB Channel 5 News, on TBS Superstationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Worst Case Scenario, and on New England Cable News. She is a respected healer, teacher of healers, author, and major presenter at national and international conferences. Dr. Swack is available for private sessions in person or by phone. Call now for a free introductory 15 minute consultation: (781) 444-6940 or visit www.hblu.org
3/7 & 3/14 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Instant Intuition: Use & Trust Your Psychic Ability Now Everyone has some degree of psychic ability, but most people ignore these subtle signals. Learn how to see auras, read peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s minds, feel peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s energy fields and distinguish real intuition from irrational, emotional reactions. 7-9pm. At Newton Community Education, 617-559-6999. 3/16 & 5/4 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Relationship Success Series Part I Flirting: The Psychology of Instant Sexual Attraction Whether youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re single or coming out of a relationship, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always fun to learn or refresh those flirting skills. Come join us for an exciting fun-filled evening. Learn whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sexy, the difference between flirting and seduction, and how to connect easily, and how to followup! 7-9:30pm. Sponsored by The Boston Center for Adult Education. Call 617-267-4430 to register or register online at www.bcae.org.
Doctor of Psychology, Doctor of the Sacred While the Western world slumbered in its coma of materialism and the Catholic Church struggled to reinvent itself, a new spiritual paradigm was born. Through the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and later in the work of cultural historian Thomas Berry, this paradigm developed and continues to evolve in the work Berryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s student, Dr. Albert J. LaChance. This transmission can be described as a Third Covenant with Earth. It represents a new understanding of Western traditions and a new embrace of the Eastern, Indigenous and scientific traditions as well. The Third Covenant represents a revealed, comprehensive and authentic vision of the Global Spiritual Treasury of Earth. Dr. Albert J. LaChanceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eloquent and prophetic work reconciles the often fractured fields of Global Spirituality, Ecology and Psychology by grounding all human experience in its ultimate context, an expanding universe. Weaving delicately through countless disciplines, including cosmology, spirituality, human cultures, psychology, addiction recovery, poetry and beyond, Dr. LaChanceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unitive vision remains simultaneously grounded in the work of his teachers and predecessors, yet transcends it to new applications for service of the human soul.
For talks, seminars, counseling and therapeutic friendship and for information on Third Covenant Fellowships please visit the New England Center for Unitive Psychology at www.necups.vpweb.com.
3/30 & 5/11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Relationship Success Series Part II Dating, Engaged, or Wedded Bliss: Satisfying Unions at Any Stage Discover Judith Swackâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s secrets to entering and maintaining successful relationships. Learn how to choose and keep your ideal mate, especially the three minimum criteria for creating a successful, happy marriage. Come away with a better understanding of your romantic relationship and discover the surprisingly simple measures of a satisfying marriage. 7-9:30pm. Sponsored by The Boston Center for Adult Education. Call 617-267-4430 to register or register online at www. bcae.org 4/11 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Introduction to Mind-Body Healing In this fascinating seminar participants will learn powerful, yet easy to use, techniques for communicating directly with their unconscious minds, bodies, and souls and releasing unwanted emotions and self sabotaging behaviors. 7-9pm. At Newton Community Education, 617-559-6999. 3/2, 4/13, 5/18 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Judith to appear as a regular guest on News for the Soul Radio â&#x20AC;?the #1 Life Changing Talk Radio Show in the worldâ&#x20AC;?. Point your browsers to www.blogtalkradio.com/soulnews from 7-8:30pm to listen live. You canlisten and/or participate by phone by calling (646) 595 4274. Listen to Judithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s previous broadcasts here: www.newsforthesoul.com/hblu.htm
Healing from the Body Level Upâ&#x201E;˘ I Training Learn How to Rapidly Transform and Heal Your Clients and Yourself Healing from the Body Level Upâ&#x201E;˘ (HBLUâ&#x201E;˘) is a unique mind-body therapy system that: ¡ Finds the answers to lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s challenges by accessing the soulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s deepest wisdom to guide the healing. ¡ Bridges the conscious mind with the unconscious mind, body, and soul. ¡ Teaches you exciting new techniques from the field of Energy Psychology including EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). ¡ Is fun for both therapist and client, helping to eliminate therapist burn-out! ¡ Consistently produces rapid, powerful and lasting results, even when other methods have failed. Developed and personally taught by Judith A. Swack, Ph.D. HBLUâ&#x201E;˘ integrates the best of biomedical science, psychology, spirituality, applied kinesiology, Neuro Linguistic Programming, and energy psychology techniques, along with original research.
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( 7 8 1 ) 8 9 4 - 9 6 6 4 â&#x20AC;˘ w w w. B o s t o n M e d i t a t i o n G r o u p . o r g SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 29
What’s Good For The Hive Is Good For The Bee
Photo: Lori McCray
30 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
An ARS steering committee is coordinating a comprehensive effort to research factors contributing to CCD, focusing on three major possibilities: • Pesticides may be having unexpected effects. • A new parasite or pathogen may be attacking honeybees. • Environmental stresses may have unexpectedly weakened colonies. According to the ARS, “Stress, in general, compromises the immune system of bees and other social insects, making colonies more susceptible to disease. These stresses could include high levels of infection by the varroa and tracheal mites; poor nutrition due to apiary overcrowding; pollination of crops with low nutritional value or pollen scarcity; exposure to limited or contaminated water supplies; and migratory stress brought about by increased needs for pollination.” In addition, anecdotal studies from India and the UK reported on CNN and elsewhere report that direct cell phone activity near hives ceases the production of honey, decreases egg laying by the queen and dramatically reduces the size of the hive.3 While EMF waves have often been suspected of contributing to CCD, questions linger about the safety of cumulative EMF exposure for all living beings. Migratory stress also takes its toll on the bees. Beginning in January in the U.S., honeybees are trucked up to 100,000 miles per year because intensive pollination is necessitated by industrial mono-crop farming methods. ARS statistics note the number of managed honeybee colonies has dropped from 5 million in the 1940s to only 2.5 million today. At the same time the call for hives to supply pollination service has continued to climb, meaning bee colonies are trucked further and more often. Industrialized agriculture has attempted to counter the loss of honeybee populations by genetically breeding new bees immune to predators, the development of stronger antibiotics that mask weaknesses in the bee’s immune system, and eradicating whatever appeared to breech the integrity of the hive last year through the broad application of poisons the next year. Experience has demonstrated that new pesticides breed stronger, more resistant strains of whatever they seek to destroy. “We are inching our way toward a critical tipping point,” said Steve Ellis, secretary of the National Honey Bee Advisory Board (NHBAB) and a beekeeper for 35 years, “and we believe pesticides play an important role in what’s going on.” Of particular concern is a group of pesticides called neonicotinoids (neonics for short), many of which are banned in Europe and other countries. Instead of being sprayed, neonics are used to treat seeds using time-release technology, transforming plants themselves into poison factories. As the pesticides are absorbed by the plant’s vascular system, they attack the central nervous systems of bees collecting pollen. Virtually all of today’s genetically engineered Bt corn is treated with neonics. Corn does not require honeybee pollination, but research shows that bees forage in corn. They also have multiple other routes of exposure to neonics.4 Dr. Vandana Shiva is the founder of Navdanya, an organization that helps preserve and distribute native seeds to farmers. Her organization has been working in the Punjab region of India, which was transformed into a toxic wasteland by the use of pest-vulnerable, nonrenewable GE hybrids that required intensive irrigation. “The beauty of the seed is that out of one you can get millions,” she writes. “The beauty of the pollinator is that it does the work of turning that one into a million. And that’s an economics of abundance of renewability, an economics of mutuality that to me is the real economics of growth…We must recognize, as its says in one of the Upanishads, that everything is food; everything is someone else’s food, and the highest sacred duty is to provide food in abundance and bounty and safety to all beings in your sphere of influence. Not just your child, but all beings in your sphere of influence.”5 A new generation of green beekeepers is using holistic approaches for pest control. Christy Hemenway of Gold Star Honeybees in Bath, Maine is a leading proponent of virgin wax production. “The pesticides that have been used in beehives to treat for varroa mites are what we call ‘wax-soluble,’” notes Hemenway. “This means they literally dissolve into the bees’ wax honeycombs. And not only do bees live on this wax, but they store their honey in the wax comb cells, and they raise the baby bees there. So when those pesticides dissolve into the wax, they affect everything the bees do.” Individuals can support bees by planting beneficial herbs and wild flowers and elimi-
nating the use of all pesticides. The Queen of the Sun website lists 10 things you can do to help the bees, such as planting plenty of the same type of bloom together as bees like volume of forage, supplying a little water basin, and enjoying your lawn full of clover and dandelions, a haven for honeybees.6 There are many similarities between the corrections necessary to address the disappearance of the honeybee and the deep challenges facing mankind. Both human and honeybee health has been eroded by poor nutrition and an unnatural lifestyle. Perhaps the most significant gift honeybees offer humanity at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius is the ideal of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;group soul,â&#x20AC;? where the instinctual behaviors of each organism alchemize for the good of the whole. Without pollinators, no loss may be greater than the food supply of tomorrow.
Let Me Read You,Then Heal You Ross J. Miller has been giving psychic and past-life readings and healing sessions worldwide for over 25 years. During a reading he communicates telepathically with his numerous angels and spirit guides who read and interpret the clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aura (the spiritual light surrounding oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s physical body). Ross also communicates with the clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own angels and spirit guides (most people have several of each). These angels and spirit guides then convey the information that is most needed or desired by the client. All of Rossâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s readings are positive and constructive in nature. In addition to answering all of your personal questions pertaining to love, health, relationships, soulmates, business, career, relocation, dream interpretation, parents, children, and pets, he covers topics as diverse as: your lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s purpose, your undiscovered talents, as well as your past incarnations and how they relate to this life. Ross can also help you to identify and communicate with your own guardian angels and spirit guides. After your psychic or past-life reading, Ross can then heal the various issues that come up during the reading.
Patricia Burke is a writer and meridian yoga teacher in Gloucester MA. This article is excerpted from the full length version available at www.theceresinitiatives.com NOTES 1. www.ars.usda.gov/news/docs.htm?docid=15572 2. Hauk, Gunther, Toward Saving the Honey Bee, Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association, 2002. 3. http://articles.cnn.com/2010-06-30/world/bee.decline. mobile.phones_1_bee-populations-cell-phoneradiation-ofcom?_s=PM:WORLD 4. Atkins, David, â&#x20AC;&#x153;More Proof the System is Broken: Bee Colonies Are Collapsing Left and Rightâ&#x20AC;?, http://www. alternet.org/newsandviews/article/762545/more_ proof_the_system_is_broken%3A_bee_colonies_are_ collapsing_left_and_right/#paragraph4 5. Shiva, Dr. Vandana, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Web of Being,â&#x20AC;? The Queen of the Sun, What Are the Bees Telling Us? Clairview Books, 2011. Documentary film by the same name released 2011. 6. http://www.queenofthesun.com/get-involved/ 10-things-you-can-do-to-help-bees/
Ross J. Miller
Psychic, Medium Healer
Ross is well-known for healing people of migraines, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety attacks, anger, grief, abuse trauma, drug and alcohol abuse, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, phobias, ADHD, anorexia, bulimia, PTSD and more.
Ross is available for psychic and past-life readings as well as healing sessions in person or over the phone.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit my website at www.TheMysticWay.com or call (617) 527-3583 1075 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02465
To learn more and schedule your private session, contact one of these Arvigo Practitioners today.
Photo: Lori McCray
Tamara M. Krenn, LMT Arvigo Practitioner $PODPSE /) t tmkrenn@gmail.com
Christine Lee, RNCS, Lic. Ac. Certified Arvigo Practitioner & Self Care Instructor 'SBNJOHIBN ." t acuchrisrn@aol.com
Chaya Leia Aronson, RN, BSN Certified Arvigo Practitioner & Arvigo Community Educator /PSUIBNQUPO ." t www.purplerosehealingarts.com
Kathleen McGilvray, BS, LMT Arvigo Practitioner $BNCSJEHF ." t kathmcgilvray@yahoo.com
John Rosario, Jr., LMT Arvigo Practitioner Osterville Massage and Wellness 0TUFSWJMMF ." t www.muscularmassageinc.com
CONNECTICUT Erica Grossman, LMT Arvigo Practitioner Outer Peace Wellness & Massage 4PVUI 8JOETPS $5 t www.outerpeacewellness.com
MASSACHUSETTS Bernadine Croteau, OTR/L CLT Arvigo Practitioner NRHN Cedardale )BWFSIJMM ." t bcroteau@northeastrehab.com
Diane Mullee, CMT Arvigo Practitioner -JUDIĂśFME $5 t dmullee@yahoo.com
Sheila A. Fay, Lic.Ac.* Arvigo Practitioner 8BUFSUPXO ." t acufay@yahoo.com
Rebecca R. Susi, LCMT Arvigo Practitioner #PMUPO ." t rebecca@rebeccasusi.com www.wellnessinbloom.net
NEW HAMPSHIRE Diane MacDonald, MSN, ARNP Certified Arvigo Practitioner, Self Care & Professional Care Instructor "OUSJN /) t office@arvigotherapy.com
Susan Cotta, MSPT, CST Certified Arvigo Practitioner -BGBZFUUF 4USFFU 4XBOTFB ." t suecotta@verizon.net
Noreen Cerqua, LCMT Certified Arvigo Practitioner & Arvigo Community Educator 8BMQPMF ." 3* t www.WombCareAndConnection.com
*Works with women only
Darrah Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor, LMT Arvigo Practitioner Holistic Wellness Center, LLC .FEĂśFME ." t www.holisticwellnesscenter.net VERMONT Alissa Fromkin Arvigo Practitioner ,JOH 4USFFU #VSMJOHUPO 75 alissafromkin@gmail.com
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 31
“Feed the biology and they will feed us.” — Julie Rawson
An Interview with NOFA’s Julie Rawson
Do-It-Yourself Food Safety by Carol Bedrosian
ulie Rawson is the executive director of the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) Mass Chapter, a position you might say she has held since the day she walked in the door in 1984. “I went to a meeting and they put me on the Board — which is often the case with non-profits, right? — and I just started doing things for the organization. I think I officially took on the title, I don’t know, maybe five or six years ago.” For close to three decades, Rawson has not only farmed the land, but cultivated a rich network of farming community resources, information and programs that are available to the public and more valuable now than ever before. As the food supplies for both wealthy and developing nations have become increasingly mass-produced using chemical pesticides and GMO-tweaked seeds, questions about the safety of our current and future food supply demand immediate attention. Corporate agriculture believes it has learned to control nature and make a nice tidy profit in doing it; everyone on the planet must eat. Consumers love the year round variety of perfect produce at relatively cheap prices. Organic farmers know that while chemicals provide immediate growing results, they also slowly — or in some cases very quickly — kill the land and poison its food. NOFA is a regional community of farmers, gardeners, landscapers and consumers working to educate its members and the general public about the benefits of local organic systems. The seven state chapters include Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. NOFA/Mass, headquartered in Barre, offers programs in organic lawn care and organic accreditation, advanced grower seminars, a soil building workshop series, a food self-reliance workshop series, cheesemaking workshops, an organic food guide, a raw milk network, a bulk order program, wild edible walks, beekeeping, community dinners,
32 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
policy work around GMOs and other issues, referral directories, extension programs around the state and region, and many other services and events including major winter and summer conferences each year. Anything you’d like to know about organic farming and sustainable living is available through one of its members. Rawson’s Massachusetts chapter hosts the NOFA annual conference at UMass Amherst each year in August featuring over 225 workshops on organic farming, gardening, land care, draft animals, homesteading, sustainability, nutrition, food politics, activism and more. Now in its 38th year, the event is affordable, family friendly and a fun place to learn hands-on about gardening and sustainable living. I contacted NOFA to learn what we — everyday eaters — should know about protecting our food supply today and into the future. Even though we may not all be farmers or food growers, we are all consumers. As down to earth, salt of the earth and Mother Earth as they come, I learned from Julie that the best thing I can do is just dig in. Carol Bedrosian: Few of us grew up believing we’d ever have to wonder about the safety of food in our grocery stores. How did we get here? Julie Rawson: When the organic movement started there was a lot of concern about pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, all the “cides” out there killing things. The forerunners of the organic movement were about making things happen in a way that’s in cooperation with nature as opposed to coming in and being a big bully and pushing our weight around. You know, human beings having dominance in nature as opposed to human beings in collaboration with nature. But, since the early ‘90s maybe, when genetic engineering came in and Monsanto first came out with some of their genetically modified organisms, now that stuff ’s ubiquitous with the acceptance by the federal government of GMO alfalfa. continues on page 34
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Grandchildren Sammy and Anya Kittredge mind the Many Hands Organic Farm table at the Barre Farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market. The certified organic 160-person CSA operated by Rawson and husband Jack Kittredge sells vegetables, chicken, eggs, turkey, pork and beef they have raised.
DO-IT-YOURSELF FOOD SAFETY: INTERVIEW WITH JULIE RAWSON continued from page 32 Alfalfa is a main source of food for all your ruminants. So now all of our milk is in danger of being genetically modified. And sugarbeets can cross with vegetables â&#x20AC;&#x201D; they can cross with regular beets and with Swiss chard â&#x20AC;&#x201D; sugar beets have been added to the list, so now youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re talking about garden vegetables being genetically modified unwittingly. The GMO thing is really closing in on us. Even if people strive very hard not to have genetically modified crops in their diet there are less and less things available for us to be sure of. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very hard right now to raise corn not genetically modified because corn pollen is very promiscuous. It will travel as far as 60 miles. Soy beans, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not so true; they pretty much stay at home. Although most soy is genetically modified, you can certainly raise a non-genetically modified soybean without much problem. All the stuff in the beet family is like a quarter of a mile or something for pollination purposes. Things scatter and it transfers very quickly. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s almost impossible getting canola thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not dangerous for you at this point in time. Carol Bedrosian: Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a lot of discussion lately about GMOs, some people saying that it hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been proven to be harmful and other people saying that even if we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the proof that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s harmful, we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take the risk that it might not be harmful. Julie Rawson: Well, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of proof in other countries. The fact is that in this country itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s illegal for anybody to do any research to see if there are any problems with it because they have patented seeds. So itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all locked up. However, there have been many studies done in other places that show that genetically modified organisms are very dangerous for the health of beings that ingest them. On the NOFA Mass website we have an entire genetic engineering news section, including non-GMO food guides. If people want to go there and do some reading, we have a lot of information up there for teaching people about where GMOs are in your food and how to avoid them. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a new campaign called Just Label It, which Stonyfield is really behind and other organizations including the Non-GMO Project, that came out of an organic summit back in June. There is more and more call to actually pressure the government, although they have done nothing. We watched Obama roll over and play dead on that. The corporate connection to government is too entrenched at this point to be able to expect anything from the government. But, you know, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always hope that where thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s democracy thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;Ś [laughs]. Carol Bedrosian: Well, if we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t expect the government to take the lead, what can individuals do? Julie Rawson: I think what NOFAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all about and other organizations like us, is about either raising your own food or buying it locally and knowing your farmer. Living a real local culture.
But there’s plenty of local GMO food being grown in this state. A lot of people say, “I can’t afford organic feed so I’m going to buy conventional feed, but my animals are free range.” But they’re still getting the GMO organisms in their feed, and so it passes through to the meat of the animal and the milk and the eggs. These dangers are worse than when we were just dealing with pesticides and chemicals. Because we’re still dealing with chemicals, but now we have added this GMO thing on top of it. Carol Bedrosian: Don’t GMO crops need specific pesticides to grow in? Julie Rawson: Well, if they’re being grown in dead soil or on unhealthy soil they will need pesticides in order not to be attacked by pests. But it’s our experience that when you have your soil microbiology and your soil mineralization in appropriate quantities so that things are healthy….I mean, the world lived without chemicals for many, many, many millions of years. But the fact is that chemicals are easy and people can hire up people to work for them and can remove themselves from having an active hand in creating a healthy ecosystem for plants to grow in and animals to grow in. One of the major things that NOFA does is to help reteach people about how to raise really healthy food in a balanced system. You know it’s not terribly easy, but there’s certainly a lot of templates out there that work. Carol Bedrosian: What are some of the most important features of growing healthy food in your soil? Julie Rawson: This really goes hand in hand with stopping global warming also. There’s something interesting I learned at the Acres Conference about a month ago. That’s an organization that’s as old as NOFA — NOFA is 40 years old in the region — and they come from the Texas area. This organization is more large-scale, Midwest and Western farmers, and they have really come to the same place that NOFA has. We’re coming together after all these years. Many of those people were conventional agriculture people but they’ve really moved into organic. What we learned from them is this confirmation about the biological nature of farming and how, with proper mineralization, it’s really all about feeding the microbial life in the soil and keeping them happy. When you keep them happy, they’re the ones that are going to provide adequate food for the roots of the plants, which are then going to grow better and be stronger and resist insects and disease. Carol Bedrosian: How do you feed the microbial life of your soil? Julie Rawson: They like minerals. Their job is to chew up minerals and feed them back to the roots so that the roots can utilize those minerals; they need them in micro-amounts. So we add minerals with some sort of carbohydrate — and the sun is our great friend in this because the sun provides an engine to produce carbohydrates — which go down into the roots of the plants, the plants then feed those carbohydrates to the microbial life, and then they give back the chewed up minerals for the plants to uptake to build itself. So it’s a very nice cycle. And then you have nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere, so there’s no need for you to have injections of nitrogen into your soil system, and you have this nice wonderful loop going using photosynthesis. That’s the initiator of all this so that the plant and the microbial life can work in conjunction with each other to survive. Carol Bedrosian: How do you know what your soil needs? Julie Rawson: Before corporations took over agricultural research in universities back in the ‘30’s and ‘40’s, there was a lot of good research done on understanding how to raise crops without chemicals and about plants’ basic needs: how much calcium they need, how much phosphorous they need, all of the various nutrients and micronutrients, not only in this country but in other places, too. Tuning in to that kind of information, and then making sure that those things are in balance is going to provide what you need in your soil. But there’s another piece to it, too. Even if you really didn’t know all that stuff, if you hadn’t done the research or known that you want 75% base saturation of calcium, for example, in your system; if you look at a natural growing system as something where you want to put back in more than you’ve taken out, for starters — which is good with all relationships, right? — you’re going to have better relationships if you give more than you take — then watch how nature does its job with the soil. If you go into the woods, you see layers and layers of mulch made up of leaves and downed branches and all those things, and you have animals coming through and dropping their manure. Then it mixes up there and composts at some level, and that feeds the roots, which feeds the microbes in the soil. So using nature as an example, you keep your soil clothed at all times. That means having a cover crop on it, or any kind of mulch like leaves or hay or straw or seaweed, depending
continues on page 36 www.spiritofchange.org
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DO-IT-YOURSELF FOOD SAFETY | continued from page 35 on where you are. Cornstalks. Gathering up perennial leaves and using it as mulch because when you cover that soil you enhance the conditions for the soil’s microbial life. And it’s not just the microbial life but also the earthworms. If you run a system that is earthworm friendly, that’s probably the best thing you could ever do. There’s some amazing figure, which I can never remember the stats for, but worms will rototill your soil several times over in a year. What they do is they go up above the soil and pull things down. They pull leaf litter down into their holes, chew it up, digest it. They’re in a symbiotic relationship with the plants and microbial life. They break things down and then the microbial life can break it down further and proliferate. Carol Bedrosian: What can you do to make your garden more earthworm friendly besides mulching it? Julie Rawson: You could get a soil test done. Usually in this part of the country calcium is much lower than it should be. There’s a real fear of putting calcium limestone in the soil because people are afraid they’re going to up the pH to a place where nutrients aren’t going to be available to the plant. A lot of what we’re learning is that you do need 70-75% base saturation of calcium in your soil. If you don’t have calcium, then your cell walls are not going to be strong, just like people whose bones won’t be strong. So plants, like a tomato, will get blossom end rot or black spots and will almost implode. You need to build that cell wall strength and you need a good strong percentage of calcium. One of the things that NOFA does for small gardeners is a bulk order in January each year. You can order small amounts with a group of people together and get a decent price on some of these mineral amendments that you need for your system. Carol Bedrosian: What an excellent service! Julie Rawson: We do a lot of education for people about how to raise better food. One of our members has this little tag line on his email that says, “NOFA Mass: Not just for farmers.” NOFA is for farmers and homesteaders and gardeners and consumers and landscapers and activists, too — people who are interested in fighting GMOs, for example. Anybody who’s really interested in their food and where it comes from. We hold many on-farm workshops. They’re scattered throughout the region and the state, all throughout the year. And of course the biggest thing that happens each year is the summer conference at UMass Amherst. That’s open to anybody. And there’s a ton of stuff on our website. Carol Bedrosian: Can you talk a little bit about raw milk? Why all the controversy? What are the benefits? Julie Rawson: The sad thing is that this is part of that mindset that you either figure that nature is your friend and that you’re a part of nature or that nature is dangerous and it’s out to get you. The fact is that raw milk is real milk, and pasteurized milk is milk that has had all the digestives enzymes that were present there for calves to digest, killed by the pasteurization process. So in a lot of ways it’s kind of a dead food and anything that’s dead is not going to be nutritious because we need enzymes in our food to help our own enzymatic reactions happen appropriately so we can digest. So what we’re looking for is live food that can be health-giving food.
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Carol Bedrosian: What is the legal status of raw milk in Massachusetts or New England? Julie Rawson: If you have a face-to-face relationship with the farmer you can buy raw milk on the farm in Massachusetts. You can’t buy it for your neighbor and you can’t buy it in the store. Carol Bedrosian: You can only buy it directly on the farm. Julie Rawson: Yes, it’s different in every state. Some states it’s completely illegal, some states you can buy it in the grocery store, it’s variable all over the country. We have the NOFA raw milk network for two reasons — because it’s healthful for people and also because it helps farmers to actually stay in dairy. I’m sure you know that huge numbers of dairy farmers have gone out of farming. They’ve had to give up their farms because they couldn’t afford it. But raw milk farmers can ask for a better price for their milk and they can pretty much stay in business. Carol Bedrosian: Because it can’t be sold in stores. Julie Rawson: And because people have learned to pay for good food. Carol Bedrosian: I see a lot of similarities to the legalization of marijuana. Raw milk is a naturally occurring product, unadulterated, and it’s the same thing with marijuana. It’s a plant that grows.
Julie Rawson: Except cocaine is naturally occurring tooâ&#x20AC;Ś Carol Bedrosian: But itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not. Cocaine is processed and refined. Raw milk and marijuana are not refined. How can the possession or sharing of naturally occurring substances be illegal? Julie Rawson: These things more often have less to do with food than not being able to make money on them. But there were times in the urban areas where people were actually getting quite sick from raw milk. The animals never saw the light of day and were being fed food not appropriate for cows. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s when the whole public health thing came up back in the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;teens and such. Carol Bedrosian: The animals werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t being properly cared for. Julie Rawson: Right, urban milk was not healthy. But that can be true of anything. Carol Bedrosian: Can you also speak a little bit on bees? Julie Rawson: A lot of our bee activity is in Boston. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been doing a lot of organizing around bee issues in Boston and the Boston area. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re actually going to have an organic bee school this year. I think a tour of the hives will be in the summer time. But we also always have bee workshops at the conferences. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not the expert on bees â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the colony collapse disorder, for example â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but a lot of that was, again, connected to pesticide use. It really lowered the immune system of the bees, such that they were taken over by mites. Bees, along with anybody else, have to be strong and healthy in order to survive and not contract these diseases. The use of pesticides and chemical agents is very hard on bees. They visit the plants, get pollen from the pesticide-laden plants on their feet and they bring it back to the hive and infect the whole place.
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Carol Bedrosian: Is this going to be an ongoing problem or do you think the danger has passed? Julie Rawson: No, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to go away until we get rid of the chemicals. Carol Bedrosian: Is it possible that we could lose all of our pollinators? Julie Rawson: Who knows whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to happen. Are we going to befoul our nest completely? Or are we going to wise up, wake up and start realizing that we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t throw everything around without killing ourselves. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a question for society. What NOFA tries to do is to provide alternatives that work. What theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re saying â&#x20AC;&#x201D; it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t work; what weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re saying â&#x20AC;&#x201D; it does work. Working with nature does work and it can happen this way. Carol Bedrosian: Are you hopeful for the future of our food? Julie Rawson: Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing to do but to work hard and hope because we could all hang ourselves now or we could just get out there and fight the good fight. So, I raise all my own food, teach other people how to raise their own food and make sure that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s as organic as it can be. I trust the earth to cleanse itself when given a chance. The take home is feed the biology and they will feed us. Not only will they feed us, they will re-carboinate our soil such that we have less carbon dioxide and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going back into the soil. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sequestering carbon instead of expending it. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re keeping our field covered in the winter time and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re building organic matter and humus rather than squandering it. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of normalization that can happen; nature can clean herself up very quickly given the chance. Yeah, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m imminently hopeful. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s this great book out there now called Earthing; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about electron exchange and how as electrical beings we really need electron infusions. Walking barefoot in the dirt is one of the best ways to make that happen. So not only are we raising good food and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re out in the garden, but weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re actually rejuvenating ourselves. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a farmer because I like to play in the dirt. I wish that for everybody, to be able to take that advantage. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a wonderful thing to do with your family, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a wonderful thing to do for your own therapy, it saves money in the long run. When you put healthy food in your body youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to have a healthier system, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to be more energized and excited about life and possibilities. So I would say do everything you can to get yourself near a piece of dirt and get out there and play in it.
For more information about NOFA/Mass or the summer conference call 978-355-2853 or visit www.nofamass.org. Contact Julie Rawson at Julie@nofamass.org. Carol Bedrosian is the publisher of Spirit of Change holistic magazine. Visit www.spiritofchange.org. www.spiritofchange.org
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SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 37
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Wholesale Approval of Genetically Engineered Foods By Mark Kastel
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ver the 2011 holidays, the United States Department of Agriculture announced its approval of a novel strain of genetically engineered corn, developed by Monsanto, purportedly being “drought tolerant.” Despite receiving nearly 45,000 public comments in opposition to this particular genetically engineered (GE) corn variety (and only 23 comments in favor), the Obama administration gave Monsanto the green light to release its newest GE corn variety freely into the environment and American food supply, without any governmental oversight or safety tracking. President Obama and Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack just sent a clear message to the American public that they do not care about our concerns with genetically engineered food and their questionable safety, adverse environmental impacts, and detrimental effects on farmers, especially organic farmers. In addition to its announcement approving Monsanto’s newest GE corn variety, the USDA also opened a 60-day public comment period for two additional petitions: one for Monsanto’s GE soybean containing higher levels of an omega-3 fatty acid that does not naturally occur in soybeans, and the other from Dow AgroSciences for corn that has been genetically engineered to better resist the poisonous herbicide 2,4-D.
GE Crops Produce Crop of Superweeds While the USDA attempts to assure the public that 2,4-D is safe, scientists have raised serious concerns about the safety of this herbicide, which was used as a key ingredient in Agent Orange, used to defoliate forests and croplands in the Vietnam War. 2,4-D is a chlorophenoxy herbicide, and scientists around the world have reported increased cancer risks in association with its use, especially for soft tissue sarcoma and malignant lymphoma. Four separate studies in the United States reported an association with chlorophenoxy herbicide use and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The concern is that, just like Monsanto’s genetically engineered corn that is resistant to RoundUp™ (glyphosate) herbicide, the approval of a cultivar resistant to 2,4-D will cause an exponential
increase in the use of this toxic agrichemical. Research by the EPA found that babies born in counties with high rates of 2,4-D application to farm fields were significantly more likely to be born with birth defects of the respiratory and circulatory systems, as well as defects of the musculoskeletal system like clubfoot, fused digits and extra digits. These birth defects were 60% to 90% more likely in counties with higher 2,4-D application rates. The results also showed a higher likelihood of birth defects in babies conceived in the spring, when herbicide application rates peak. In its petition, Dow AgroSciences states that 2,4-D is increasingly important for chemical farmers because of the presence of weeds that have developed resistance to glyphosate, as a result of the widespread use of Monsanto’s genetically engineered glyphosate-resistant crops. When Monsanto introduced glyphosate, it was touted as a safer and less toxic alternative to herbicides like 2,4-D. Now, an emerging body of scientific literature is raising serious concerns about the safety of glyphosate as well. The concern that the use of GE crops, which are resistant to particular herbicides, leads to the creation of “superweeds” is now shown to be valid and serious, as even the chemical companies now recognize and admit this is a problem. “In 2012 the USDA is proposing approving a new GE corn variety that is resistant to a different toxic herbicide, escalating the toxic treadmill in chemical-dependent agriculture,” said Jay Feldman, Executive Director of Beyond Pesticides. “This is nothing more than a band-aid solution to a serious problem, and will only give rise to more superweeds, more herbicide pollution in our environment, more herbicide poisoning, while likely leading to the need for even more toxic herbicides a couple of years down the line. This foolish circle has to end,” Feldman said. Farm research groups like The Cornucopia Institute are also concerned with the impact of genetically engineered crops on organic farmers, whose organic crops are already at risk of contamination from Monsanto’s unnatural DNA, from pollen drift. In its Environmental Assessment of the “drought tolerant” Monsanto corn,
the USDA conceded that gene flow of corn pollen is likely to occur. It is well-established that corn pollen travels, and pollen from genetically engineered plants will contaminate natural corn plants. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The irony, of course, is that organic fields and crops are much more drought tolerant, because common sense and field trials show healthy and biologically active organic soil retains moisture much better than tired and depleted soil on conventional monoculture farms, and organic crops are healthier and more robust than conventional crops,â&#x20AC;? said Charlotte Vallaeys, a researcher at Cornucopia. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But Monsanto cannot profit from healthy soil and healthy organic crops, while they can profit from genetically engineering, patenting, and owning new life forms,â&#x20AC;? Vallaeys continued. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unfortunate that the Obama administration is equally misguided by supporting Monsanto and Dowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s petitions and ignoring citizensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; demand for an immediate end to approving these genetically engineered crops in our food supply.â&#x20AC;?
Empty Nutritional Promises The newest genetically engineered soybean petitioned by Monsanto is one of the first to claim a public health benefit, since it has been engineered to contain higher levels of an omega-3 fatty acid, stearidonic acid. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Genetically engineering a ubiquitous monoculture crop to contain higher levels of just one particular nutrient will not solve our public health crisis, and might even exacerbate it, since a healthy diet is about much more than simply increasing the levels of one particular omega-3 fatty acid,â&#x20AC;? said Vallaeys. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s another band-aid solution that will do little to address the root of the problem with our nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nutrition problem, which is people eating too many processed foods containing corn and soybean derivatives, and not eating a varied diet of nutrient-rich wholesome foods.â&#x20AC;? The USDA surveyed 43 foods and compared their nutritional content in 1999 to original testing that took place in 1950. Half of the nutrients measured declined by 6 to 38%. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Industrial agriculture, as compared to organics, has relegated our diets to a lot of empty calories,â&#x20AC;? Vallaeys added. On the campaign trail in 2007, the President said that genetically modified foods should be labeled because Americans â&#x20AC;&#x153;should know what they are buying.â&#x20AC;? Despite promises of change, Mr. Obama appointed former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack as USDA Secretary, who had gained notoriety in agricultural circles after being named Governor of the Year by the Biotechnology Industry Organization. Obama subsequently appointed two pro-GMO agrochemical company lobbyists to powerful positions in his administration. Michael Taylor, a former Monsanto lobbyist, became food czar at the Food and Drug Administration. Islam Siddiqui, a lifelong pesticide lobbyist and GMO advocate, was appointed Chief Agricultural Negotiator. These appointments revealed the tight grip that Monsanto and other biotech corporations have on elected officials, and raised further doubts regarding the promises for change by the current administration. Adding insult to injury, the Obama USDAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s timing for announcing notices related to genetic engineering mirrors the Bush administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approach of burying the news and actively discouraging public participation. The FDA declared GMO salmon was safe, on the Friday before the long Labor Day weekend in 2010. Then the USDA made their highly controversial decision to deregulate GMO alfalfa during the busy holiday season of 2010. Their decision is being challenged by The Cornucopia Institute, Beyond Pesticides, Center for Food Safety and scores of other plaintiffs in federal court. More recently, the announcement that Monsantoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s newest genetically engineered corn had been deregulated, and that Monsanto and Dow had petitioned for additional approval of GMO corn and soybeans, came the week between Christmas and the New Year Day holiday. When attempting to bury controversial news, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not uncommon for the government to issue press releases on days when the public isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t paying attention and the news media is on vacation. The Bush administration did the same thing when announcing that bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) had entered the domestic food chain. Citizens can comment on the proposed approval of Dowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2,4-D tolerant corn and Monsantoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stearidonic acid soybeans until February 27, 2012. A request by public interest groups to extend the public comment period is being considered by the USDA.
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Science of Spirituality is a multi-faith,nonprofit organization dedicated to love, unity, and peace, under the direction of H.H. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.
Mark A. Kastel is a senior farm policy analyst with The Cornucopia Institute, an organization working to empower farmers and consumers through research, advocacy and economic development. Visit www.cornucopiainstitute.org. www.spiritofchange.org
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 39
SEEDING Our Future by Lesley Irene Shore, Ph.D.
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any years ago my husband decided that he wanted to live on a farm. So we began the search that led us to 23 acres of undeveloped land in Medfield, Massachusetts. We built a house, then a barn, prepared growing beds, planted fruit trees and named our new home Harmony Farm. As neither of us had been raised on a farm, we needed to learn the ropes. We went on farm tours and stumbled into a very small, local, organic farming group. Although that group disintegrated, as sometimes happens, it was later resurrected as a new chapter of NOFA, now known as the Northeast Organic Farming Association. In exploring how to farm, we learned the difference between commercial and sustainable agriculture. Commercial agriculture values mechanization. It focuses on the attractiveness of the product, and employs practices such as mono-cropping that mimic mass production. Routine pesticide applications get rid of bugs and plenty of herbicides ensure that only the desired plant grows in a straight row so that a machine can harvest it. These assembly line practices intentionally interfere with Nature and damage ecology. Sustainable farmers and gardeners partner with Mother Nature to co-create food. Whatever its official name, sustainable agriculture models its practices on the way Nature grows food and focuses on promoting the health of the soil. These practices include applying compost to the soil and inter-planting crops to assist Nature’s complex and delicate balancing process. Healthy soil grows healthy plants that are less prone to bugs. Healthy plants grow healthy people — less prone to bugs. While I’ve necessarily simplified these differences in food production, sustainable agriculture supports the health of our planet and those who live here, providing optimum nourishment for our bodies.
The Nature of Change
When we started farming thirty years ago, very few people cared about sustainable agriculture or thought about how their food was grown. It was impossible to find organically grown produce, whole grains, and minimally processed food anywhere other than small health food stores. In order to buy health promoting food for my family, I needed to travel from Medfield to Brookline. Much has happened during these interim years. Gradually, more people began to understand the importance of organically grown. And as people’s awareness shifted, so 40 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
did their shopping habits. I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the only one requesting that my local supermarket offer healthier food. And as this happened, the demand for organic increased. Change happened! Change is a process; swings in one direction generate reactions throughout the system. As the demand for organic increased, big business agriculture wanted a piece of the pie. They saw a market opportunity when our government decided to legislate the term â&#x20AC;&#x153;organic,â&#x20AC;? and lobbied to dilute the requirements for the organic label. When the first federal organic standards became public knowledge, many of the practices they approved were downright unhealthy â&#x20AC;&#x201D; for the soil, for our planet, for ourselves. NOFA and other grassroots organizations raised their voices demanding that these regulations be revised. And they were! Not as much as we would have liked, but, again, change happened. Despite these important changes, much has remained the same. Big business continues to control how most of our food is produced. Their growing practices deplete the soil and contaminate our planet. They also control the seeds. Seeds contain the food of our future. Most of our food seeds have been commercially created â&#x20AC;&#x201D; hybridized versions of a wild plant. While many of these hybrids have beneficial growing properties, farmers and gardeners have become dependent on big business to supply their seeds from the genetically modified plants. Unless we address these underlying issues, truly nourishing food may cease to exist!
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Food Is a Gift From Nature
The deeper problem, as I see it, is that our society no longer values Nature. We aim to control her, exert power over her, and bend her to our will. Instead of experiencing ourselves as interdependent with Nature, we separate and dissociate ourselves from the natural world. Our buildings are climate controlled, heated in summer and air-conditioned in winter. When not inside buildings, we travel in moveable environments, unaffected by the weather or the limitations of our human bodies. We eat fast food that is mass-produced, then wrapped in plastic. Our food has become a commodity, no longer recognized or appreciated as being a gift from Nature. We need to shift our relationship with Nature from one of â&#x20AC;&#x153;power over,â&#x20AC;? to one of â&#x20AC;&#x153;power with.â&#x20AC;? This starts with changing the way we eat and think about food.
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Lesley Irene Shore, Ph.D., is a seasoned psychologist, author, organic grower, deep ecologist and earth steward of Harmony Farm in Medfield, MA, along with her husband Bill Tragakis. She founded the non-profit Harmony Center with the mission of connecting people with nature. Visit www.harmony-center.org for information and workshop schedule.
alize that small farms canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t afford the fees for organic certification, yet often adhere to sustainable practices. Locally grown food is not only fresher, but also inherently more nourishing to our bodies. 9 Real food isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cheap; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grown with love and hard work. Vote with your wallet by spending money on sustainably grown food that will help heal and replenish Earth, as well as nourish your body. 9 If possible, grow some of your familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s food. When you plant seeds and foster their growth, you develop relationships, not only with the plants and the food they so generously provide, but also with our Earth. If you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a backyard, you can grow a few herbs on the windowsill or tomatoes in pots. 9 Eat wild foods whenever you can â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the food that Nature intended us to eat. Instead of destroying dandelions, eat them. 9 Teach your children to eat and appreciate real food. Take them into the garden and teach them how food is grown. Invite them to plant the seeds, water the plants and harvest the fruit. 9 Be aware of needing to give back to the earth, to nourish the soil for future food. On Harmony Farm we compost manure from our animals along with kitchen scraps and put it into our garden. When compost is returned to the earth, it revitalizes and reenergizes the soil for future growing. 9 Help grow awareness. Wherever you shop, inquire as to where the food was grown. Was it grown locally? How was it grown? Did they use sustainable practices? 9 Experience yourself as part of Nature, your life interwoven with hers. When you sit at your table preparing to eat, thank Mother Nature for her gift of nourishing food.
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SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 41
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Back to Walden By Charles Creekmore
f you asked me 15 years ago what I wanted carved into my tombstone, my answer would have come straight from the heart: “So what?” Now I’m here to tell you that Henry David Thoreau answered this existential question more than 165 years ago. Thoreau’s method for treating what he called our “lives of quiet desperation” is even more fundamentally sound than the tight little cabin he built on Walden Pond. Live simply and wisely. Seek your muse in nature. Lead a mindful life. Regenerate your soul with spiritual energy. Reduce existence to its basics. Challenge the status quo. Shun materialism and luxury. Meditate. And, faced with any problem, gauge fact or fiction with your own inner “Realometer,” as he characterized intuition. Faced with a dead end on the street where the American Dream lives, many citizens spend their days, instead, chasing after distraction. Americans try to download happiness on ThinkPads, cell phones, I-pods, BlackBerries, Kindles. You can see them driving past in their Hummers as they text-message, tune their radios, and check their OnStar directions. You notice them everywhere, bowed like “The Thinker” over the little idol of an iPhone. Quietude has become passé. Peace of mind has turned into mindless noise. In effect, they regard happiness as any thingamabob that can perform a short-lived frontal lobotomy.
Indeed, Thoreau is turning over in his grave while I type these sentences. As he protested in Walden, people “have become the tools of their tools.”
Biggest Bargain in Real Estate History
In March of 1845, Thoreau borrowed an axe and sauntered down to the woods by Walden Pond, near where he intended to build his 10-foot-by-15-foot cabin. There, as he wrote in Walden, he “began to cut down some tall arrowy white pines, still in their youth, for timber.” His axe blows, as they hewed and rippled into the tranquil air around Walden Pond, stirred up sound waves that still echo to this day. On July Fourth of that year, Thoreau, already suffering from the TB that would eventually kill him, moved into his tight, shingled, and plastered house with a garret, a closet, a large window on either side, two trap doors, an entrance at one end, and a brick fireplace opposite. The cabin cost him a grand total of twenty-eight dollars, twelve-and-a-half cents. By any measure, it was the biggest bargain in real estate history. From such economical beginnings, Thoreau’s Walden experiment spread in all directions as the mystical taproot of American Transcendentalism. It warned of the
mushrooming materialism, overindulgence, decadence, and emptiness throughout Western society in wake of the Industrial Revolution. And it conferred on the world a spiritual model that even now — especially now! — can dissolve the quiet desperation that still muddles the mass of American lives. “I went to the woods,” Thoreau explained in Walden, “because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Thoreau was the undisputed wild man of 19th-century literature. He was “out there” in 1845, just as he is “out there” now. Since the 1840s, his unorthodox ideas, which left the most brilliant intellectuals of his day scratching their heads, have quietly shaken the foundation of Western thought. His philosophy of civil disobedience and peaceful revolt profoundly influenced Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. His beliefs were embraced by George Bernard Shaw, Upton Sinclair, Ernest Hemingway, E.B. White, William Butler Yeats, Marcel Proust, Willa Cather, Edward Abbey, Sinclair Lewis, Frank Lloyd Wright, John Burroughs, John Muir, B.F. Skinner, and Loren Eiseley, among many others. He was one of the first conservationists. Many credit Thoreau with starting the environmental movement. He was an early advocate of preserving wildlife refuges. His life is a role model for the anti-war movement, tax resistance, conscientious objection, and civil rights. He was a staunch abolitionist and among the earliest advocates of Darwinism. He studied Buddhism and Hinduism a century before they came into vogue in the West. He was a beatnik a hundred years before beats found their beat, and a hippie many decades before hip went hip. Moreover, his keen observations on the over-development, over-indulgence, and over-civilization of modern society have proven as prophetic as they are wise. And yet, to my mind, Thoreau’s most lasting gift is his simple but robust method for dealing with a world gone postal. What Thoreau proposed in Walden was nothing short of a Thoreau-ly radical social revolution, perhaps the only kind that can change America for the better; a movement of rugged individualists, united by their idiosyncrasy, each marching to a different drummer.
Seasons at Walden Pond
Thoreau was ruggedly individualistic even in the face of persistent disease. As one of his associates, Nathaniel Hawthorne, described Thoreau: “He is as ugly as sin, long-nosed, queer-mouthed, and with uncouth and rustic, though courteous manners…But his ugliness is of an honest and agreeable fashion, and becomes much better than beauty.” Despite his chronic illness, he was an avid canoeist, an enthusiastic traveler, a gifted naturalist, an ardent gardener. What’s more, he pursued his afternoon “saunters,” in sickness and in health, with much the same devotion as the meditations he studied in his beloved Buddhism. Ground zero for all these activities, beliefs, and practices was Walden Pond, where he constructed his house www.spiritofchange.org
on land owned by Ralph Waldo Emerson in secondgrowth forest around the shores of Walden Pond, about 1.5 miles from Thoreau’s family home in Concord. He lived there for more than two years, but wrote, rewrote, and revised Walden, the journal of this peak experience, for much of the next decade, before it was finally published in 1854. In Walden, true to his Transcendental philosophy, Thoreau used the nature around him to symbolize the inner human spirit. The book compressed his time at Walden Pond into one calendar year, using the four seasons to explore natural simplicity, harmony, and beauty as prime movers in the cycle of human growth, evolution, meaning, and satisfaction. Thoreau spent his time at Walden Pond in reflections about life, in daily rituals based on monastic simplicity, in observing nature, in writing, meditating, daydreaming, working his garden, sauntering, and doing the elemental, elegant things that make life worthwhile. “Sometimes, in a summer morning,” he wrote, “having taken my accustomed bath, I sat in my sunny doorway from sunrise til noon, rapt in revery, amidst the pines and hickories and sumachs, in undisturbed solitude and stillness…until by the sun falling in my west window, or the noise of some traveler’s wagon on the distant highway, I was reminded of the lapse of time. I grew in those seasons like corn in the night…I realized what the Orientals mean by contemplation and the forsaking of work.” Here was the method for the madman of Walden Pond. Thoreau rose above America’s quiet desperation by making his philosophy his life and his life his philosophy. The two were made one. “Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable,” as Thoreau declared in Walden, “but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.” Thoreau suffered from TB for all his adult life and died of it on May 6, 1862, at the age of 45. Accounts of his final conversations reveal the Zen of Thoreau throughout his days. When one relative observed that he was about to make his peace with God, Thoreau replied: “I was not aware that we had quarreled.”
Desperation, Quiet or Otherwise
I was born exactly a century after Thoreau built his cabin, and for much of my life I didn’t realize how desperately I needed his method of coping with desperation, quiet or otherwise. In fact, I spent my first few decades leading a life of unquiet desperation. By the time I reached midlife, after many years adrift, I was motivated, like Thoreau, to rebel against the deeply shallow culture I saw in America. Like Thoreau, I thirsted after something truer, more meaningful, more plumb. But, unlike Thoreau, I didn’t know where to look. Then, in the fall of 2008, inspired by a disease a deadly as Thoreau’s own TB and by the dog-eared edition of Walden I kept beside my bed, I started building my own Walden-like structure in my mind. Just as Thoreau used the natural resources around Walden Pond to raise his own house, I used Thoreau’s un-materialistic natural continues on page 44
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Joellen DiLIbero
BACK TO WALDEN continued from page 43 resources to raise my own consciousness; that is, his Transcendentalism, his wonder of nature, the Buddhism he studied, meditation, self-awareness and his hankering for lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s essential truths. Such is my blueprint for my new home. Kahlil Gibran described this kind of mindful construction project in The Prophet: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Build of your imaginings a bower in the wilderness ere you build a house within the city walls.â&#x20AC;? By practicing Thoreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s method, I feel as though Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m seeing the world through Thoreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own eyes in 1845. Perhaps spurred on by the life-threatening TB he contracted as a young man, Thoreau approached Walden Pond with lightning-rod intensity. He yearned to hover above life, elevated by his own powerful intuition. He longed to find a more authentic meaning than the shallow ambitions hawked by our â&#x20AC;&#x153;unwieldy and overgrown establishment.â&#x20AC;? He ached to cleave actuality from illusion. To ferret out substance in â&#x20AC;&#x153;a life frittered away by detail.â&#x20AC;? He wanted all people to â&#x20AC;&#x153;live simply and wisely.â&#x20AC;? With such wisdom in mind, I am forever thankful, in a camel-passing-through-theeye-of-a-needle sort of way, for how little I have. Most things are â&#x20AC;&#x153;much easier acquired than gotten rid of,â&#x20AC;? Thoreau teased. Accordingly, I have spent much of the last decade downsizing my life and discarding all my prized possessions, whose only worth was the heavy burden of owning them. As Thoreau himself might have said with his passion for wordplay, I have forsaken all my valued keepsakes for the sake of keeping all my values. Because he lived down to his extremely low standard of living, Thoreau was considered a failure in his own time by almost everyone but himself. With Thoreau as my role model, Walden has made me eternally grateful for how little Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve managed to achieve while chasing the mirage of success for so many decades. In much the same way that amputees suffer phantom pains from their missing limbs, success triggers phantom fantasies from its missing happiness. While practicing the ways of Walden, I have heeded Thoreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s witty advice to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes!â&#x20AC;? That means dodging weddings, job interviews, and funerals with equal gusto. In his memory, I shun all malls at all cost and pawn off my unneeded clothes on those who will have them. In all, I have reduced my state of ownership to a much less onerous state. But still I have too much. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My greatest skill is to want but little,â&#x20AC;? Thoreau cracked. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I found thus that I have been a rich man without any damage to my poverty.â&#x20AC;?
Thanks to Walden
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In Thoreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shadow, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m making my own symbolic move to Walden so I can â&#x20AC;&#x153;front only the essential facts of life.â&#x20AC;? In his name, I am here to see if I can learn what the quick of life has to teach, and not, when I come to die, â&#x20AC;&#x153;discover that I have not lived.â&#x20AC;? Following in his footsteps, I am delving into the Eastern philosophies he culled for their ancient wisdom and truth. Please be forewarned that Walden is not a â&#x20AC;&#x153;how-toâ&#x20AC;? book. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more of a â&#x20AC;&#x153;why-toâ&#x20AC;? book. Why is the vital question demanded by anyone wondering what it is to be human. Why are we here? Why is life so difficult? Why is there so much evil? Why should we care? I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have all the answers, but I certainly have all the questions, and most of them begin with why. As Nietzsche said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.â&#x20AC;? With this essay I invite you to emply Thoreauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s way of life for navigating your own unique path, the famed â&#x20AC;&#x153;road not taken,â&#x20AC;? as Transcendentalist poet Robert Frost called it. The road not taken, the road less traveled, is exactly what Thoreau himself would have advocated for your journey, mapped out by your own distinct talents, passions, aspirations, abilities, and intuitions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I desire that there be as many different persons in the world as possible,â&#x20AC;? Thoreau vowed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;but I would have each one be very careful to find out and pursue his own way, and not his fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s or his motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s or his neighborâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s instead.â&#x20AC;? So blaze your own trail by taking the Henry David thoroughfare. Then turn left at the road not taken. From there, all roads lead to Walden.
This essay is adapted from Charles Creekmoreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s e-book, Back to Walden, posted free of charge on backtowalden.com. Creekmore is a widely published poet and author of Zen and the Art of Diabetes (2003, Amercian Diabetes Association). He has written for the New York Times Syndicate, Psychology Today, AARP and many other periodicals.
9:37 PM
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SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 45
Spring Calendar F o r
N e w
En g l a n d
3/21 — REIKI SHARE for Reiki practitioners with at least Reiki 1 certification from any Reiki Master. 6:30pm. $5 donation. Amethyst Point, 64 Dewey Street, Worcester, MA. (508) 753-3975. www.amethystpoint.com.
3/23 — MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN. Professional psychic medium Gayle Kirk offers healing messages from heaven and/or psychic guidance for some. Amazing! 7-9pm. $45. Wellesley, MA. (781) 235-2370 or http://www.gaylekirk.com/classes-events/index.php
3/24 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Wilton, NH with Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 3/25.
3/24 — MEDITATION: THE POWER OF INNER STILLNESS, a workshop with Jim Rose, M.Ed. presented by
Find more events and add your listings online at www.spiritofchange.org/events
MARCH 3/2 — WILLINGNESS: THE KEY TO SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIPS with Linda Marks, MSM. Macrobiotic dinner cooked by David Snieckus at 7 pm. Workshop from 8:30-10 pm in Newton. Contact msarndt@verizon.net to register or LSMHEART@aol.com for more information.
3/3 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Newton, MA with Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 3/4.
3/3 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH provides the Family Constellation Method to experience healing with one’s family of origin, current family and present relationships. Seminar participants may have an opportunity to “set up” a constellation, to “stand in” as representatives for members in other’s constellations, and to observe the constellations of others. Saturday: 9:30am–6pm, $140. To register: www.ConstellationApproach.com.
3/9 — NORTHWATERS WILDERNESS SUMMER PROGRAMS INFORMATIONAL EVENING. Fun, challenging, and empowering canoe-tripping programs for boys and girls ages 10-17. Friday, March 9, 7-9 pm in NYC. RSVP for details to cena@northwaters.com. www.northwaters.com.
3/9-11 — THE FOUNDATION FOR SHAMANIC STUDIES BASIC WORKSHOP: The Way of the Shaman, with Nan Moss and David Corbin. Rowe Conference Center, Rowe MA. (413) 339-4954. info@rowecenter.org. Repeated 6/16-17 in Clyde, ME. www.shamanscircle.com.
3/10 — I.D.E.A.L. PROCESS MODULE 6: Heighten Discernment and Engage Nine Crucial Universal Laws for Manifestation, with founders/medical intuitive Sue and Aaron Singleton. Prerequisites: 1-5. (978) 834-0341; www.TheWayToBalance.com
46 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
3/10 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Concord, MA with Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 3/11. 3/16 — ACUPUNCTURE AND YOGA OPEN HOUSE AT GREEN TEA YOGA. Salem, MA. Come see what acupuncture can do for you. Community acupuncture $20, by appointment only. Yoga classes $5 drop-in March 16th and 17th. www.greenteayoga.com.
3/17 — NINE MONTH HERBAL MEDICINE APPRENTICESHIP STARTS. A complete course in practical herbal medicine for beginning to intermediate students. We meet one weekend a month, March through November. Tuition is $1300 (includes 130 hours of instruction and all course materials). For more details: www.commonwealthherbs.com.
Science of Spirituality. Stillness is not a state of nothingness. It is a place where you connect with the love, light, and wisdom innate in you. It is where you become receptive to the power of your soul, the place of intersection between you and divine consciousness. It is where you realize you are a spiritual being, a spark of the divine. This experiential workshop includes meditation. An award-winning, international vice-president with Johnson and Johnson, now retired, Jim has led corporate workshops all over the world. We are delighted to welcome him back to Boston. This program is free and includes a free vegetarian lunch. Held at the Scandinavian Living Center, 206 Waltham St., West Newton. Please register: (781) 444-9013; sandyg@sos.org. www.sos.org
3/24 — DIDGERIDOO CHAKRA CLEARING. Clear out energetic/emotional stagnation from each of the major seven energy centers of the body through a meditative journey with a collection of concert quality didgeridoos. 1pm. $45. People’s Yoga Co-op, Amesbury, MA. (508) 333-4160. www.DidgeTherapy.com
3/17 — SPRING EQUINOX RITUAL at Earthlands Retreat Center, Petersham, MA. Join us for an all day Spring Equinox ritual with Katja Esser. For more information please contact us: www.earthlands.org. office@earthlands.org. (978) 724-3448. 3/18 — ANGEL KISSES GROUP READING EVENTS with spirit medium Necole Stephens. 3/18 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2 Somerset Parkway, Nashua, NH. 6:30pm. 3/25 at InsideOut Wellness Club, 14 Fletcher Street, Chelmsford, MA. 4pm. Visit www.necolestephens.com. (617) 828-0486. necolestephens@comcast.net.
3/18 — REIKI I CERTIFICATION with Sherry Mitchell, Reiki Master. 10am-5pm. $150. Call Amethyst Point in Worcester, MA to register (508) 753-3975 or visit www.amethystpoint.com. 3/20 — VORTEXHEALING® DIVINE ENERGY THERAPY. Free group distance healing via teleconference at 7pm. This is the Merlin lineage, full of the magic of divinity, focused on healing and the acceleration of spiritual awakening. Contact Hilary at (212) 860-0418 or vortexhealingboston@gmail.com.
3/24 — Enjoy a free experiential meditation workshop and vegetarian lunch with Jim Rose, M.Ed, sponsored by Science of Spirituality. See March listing or visit www.sos.org
3/30 — MEET SUE SINGLETON, internationally renowned medical intuitive/healer, and Aaron Singleton, visionary, inventor and founder of The Energy of Life® Integrative and Intuitive Healing Process in East Providence, RI. They share case histories, demonstrate their intuitive and healing gifts, sacred geometry, and answer health-related questions. Clients worldwide seek private in-person or distant-healing sessions with the Singletons, who are also sought-after speakers. Sue and Aaron are co-founders of The Way To Balance Center in Amesbury, MA and have 40+ years combined experience. East Providence, RI. Free. 7-9pm. www.TheWayToBalance.com. (978) 834-0341.
3/30-4/1 — 2012 READ AND PLAY MUSIC in a weekend! World famous Understanding of Music Seminars (www.understandingofmusic.com) turns beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. 169 Mass Ave., Boston, MA. (781) 599-1476. www.signup.understandingofmusic.com or sallee@dlorien.com.
3/31 — RINGS OF ODEN, MODULE 1 OF 3: New Technology for Quantum Healing with Sue/ Aaron Singleton in East Providence, RI. The Rings combine sacred geometry, DNA re-patterning, cell microbiology, etc., concepts as part of a revolutionary technology, Net-Neutral Ionic Energy. Ring vortices open stuck areas, allowing toxins, traumas to leave, and intuitive awareness to increase. Experience configurations to relieve stress/anxiety, enhance endocrine, immune systems, reduce pain, balance chakras, open 3rd eye, etc. 7.2 contact hours, 9am-4pm, $85. Register/pay: www.TheWayToBalance.com; (978) 834-0341.
APRIL 4/1 — THE JOY OF INTUITIVE HEALING with Medical Intuitive and Intuitive Healers-Teachers Aaron/Sue Singleton in East Providence, RI. A group healing experience combining intuition, energy healing, quantum physics, sacred geometry and cutting edge science. What is the cause of your headaches, neck, back or hip pain? Are you dealing with allergies, anxiety or phobias? Physical pain, trauma, scar release, spinal and cranial bone re-alignment, emotional patterns of fear-anxiety, loss-grief, anger-frustration, guilt-shame, and more, may be healed during this session. Clients worldwide seek private in-person or distant-healing sessions with the Singletons. Are you ready to heal? 2-5pm, $40. Register/pay: (978) 834-0341. www.TheWayToBalance.com. 4/1 — HEALTH AND WELLNESS SHOW at the Sheraton Needham Hotel, 100 Cabot Street, Needham, MA from 10am-3pm. Free health and wellness screenings. Meet over 45 health and wellness professionals and get educated about the latest products and services in the area. For more information call Walter at (508) 460-6656 or e-mail: walter@gis.net or go to www.healthandwellnessshow.net. 4/5 — MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN. Professional psychic medium Gayle Kirk offers healing messages from heaven and/or psychic guidance for some. Amazing! 7-9 pm. $45. Bedford, MA. (781) 280-3663 or http://www.gaylekirk.com/classes-events/index.php.
4/12 — HERB GARDEN PLANNING AND DESIGN. Plan that herb garden you’ve always wanted! Learn about herb growing requirements and develop individual garden
4/21 — Learn about the healing energies of plants at the twelfth annual herbal apprenticeship offered by the Boston School of Herbal Studies. See April listing or visit www.bostonherbalstudies.com. plans. For both the new gardener or someone who wants to do a garden makeover. Garden planning binder provided. Cost: $20 Scentsibilities, www.scentsibilities.com, (508) 869-3300 to register.
4/13-4/15 — WELLNESS RETREAT: FIND PEACE AND INSPIRATION. Located in Eastern Connecticut at Serenity at Still Waters Pond. Art therapy, meditation, yoga, hiking, kayaking, campfires. $425. For more information and to register contact Sarah Bland, MAAT: (860) 455-6795 or creativecounselingconcepts@gmail.com.
4/13-4/15 — SPEAKING ARCHETYPES FLUENTLY with Jim Curtan. This is a three-day intensive originally designed for students of “Sacred Contracts,” Caroline Myss’s training program for archetypal consultants. Cost $300. Solstice Healing Arts Center, 163 Main Street, Suite 6, Medway, MA. (508) 533-0669 or info@solsticehealing.com for more information or to register.
4/13-4/16 — PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS WITH RAMONA GARCIA, respected international psychic. You may wish to prepare a list of questions beforehand, as well as bring photographs or objects for Ramona to read. Please bring a blank tape if you want a recording of your time with Ramona. Private consultations available at Amethyst Point in Worcester, MA. To book your reading (508) 753-3975 or www.amethystpoint.com.
4/14 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH provides the Family Constellation Method to experience healing with one’s family of origin, current family and present relationships. Seminar participants may have an opportunity to “set up” a constellation, to “stand in” as representatives for members in other’s constellations, and to observe the constellations of others. Saturday: 9:30am–6pm, $140. To register: www.ConstellationApproach.com.
4/14 — I.D.E.A.L. PROCESS MODULE 7: EOL and I.D.E.A.L. Process as Quantum Physics in Action, with founders-medical intuitive Sue and Aaron Singleton. Prerequisites: 1-6. www.TheWayToBalance.com; (978) 834-0341.
4/14 — REIKI MASTER: Wilton, NH with Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or www.reikienergy.com. Reiki Master Teacher: 4/15. 4/15 — WORCESTER VEG FEST 2012. 11am-5pm at Worcester Tech High School, 1 Skyline Dr, Worcester. Vegan food, exhibits, advocacy, activism, family entertainment, health and wellness. Free! Visit WorcesterVegFest.com. 4/18 — VORTEXHEALING® DIVINE ENERGY THERAPY. Free group healing at 7 PM at Circles of Wisdom, 90 Main Street, Andover, MA. Experience this energy work designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body, and awaken spirit within the human heart. Contact Hilary at vortexhealingboston@gmail.com or (212) 860-0418. 4/19 — AN EVENING WITH TJ BARTEL, MASTER TANTRIC EDUCATOR AND HEALER. 7-9pm. Cost: $25. April 21: The Tantric Art and Skill of Energetic Awareness with TJ Bartel. 1-5pm. Cost: $65. Solstice Healing Arts Center, 163 Main Street, Suite 6, Medway, MA. (508) 533-0669 or info@solsticehealing.com for more information or to register.
4/19-4/22 — AWAKENING THE ILLUMINATED HEART. Taught by Leontine Hartzell, shamanic healer trained by Drunvalo Melchizedeck. Four days: April 19-22 at Eye of the Eagle Center, Andover, MA. $470. Learn to connect your Merkabah light field to the sacred space of the heart, activate your beams of light, open your third eye and elevate your consciousness to enter ascension awareness and remember the true nature of reality. www.eyeofeagle.org.
4/21 — FREE PUBLIC PROGRAM WITH MIRABAI DEVI. 4-8pm. First Church Boston, 66 Marlborough Street, Boston, MA. Spiritual teachings, collective prayer for Mother Earth, kirtan, guided meditation and light transmission. No registration necessary. Visit www.mirabaidevi.org. (301) 318-6936. sandy@mirabaidevi.org. continues on page 48
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CALENDAR | continued from page 47
4/28-29 — GETTING THE LOVE YOU WANT. 2-day
4/21 — HEALING HEART AND SOUL with Dr. Michael
workshop with C. Sue Mautz, LICSW and Bill Mautz, PhD, certified Imago presenters. Repeated 6/2-3. Call (603) 431-1769 or visit www.csuemautz.com for info.
Mirdad. Workshop on Saturday from 1-4pm. $35. April 23 — An Evening of Miracles with Michael Mirdad. Workshop on Monday from 7-9pm, $20. To ensure you get a seat, send check or money order to The First Spiritualist Church of Onset, PO Box 231, Onset, MA 02558. Or sign up and pay at the church. Any questions, call Rev. Kathleen at (774) 454-3985 or www.church1.org. Dr. Michael Mirdad will come for church service on Sunday, April 22 at 6:30pm.
4/21 — HERBAL APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM BEGINS. Seven weekends. Intensive study of medicinal plants to enhance physical and emotional health; plant identification and field trips; creating your own teas, tinctures, salves and oils; facial and pulse diagnosis, and much more. The Boston School of Herbal Studies. Call (781) 646-6319 or visit www.bostonherbalstudies.com.
4/21 — HOLISTIC HEALTH AND PSYCHIC FAIR. 10am-5pm, free admission. Sponsored by the Canton Spiritualist Church. 1-3 Blue Hill River Road, off Rt. 138N, Canton, MA. Psychics, mediums, free healings. For more information call (617) 469-2568. 4/21-4/22 — 27TH ANNUAL NORTHAMPTON, MA WHOLE HEALTH EXPO. Over 125 talks and exhibits on body, mind, spirit, alternative health, and local/organic food. Earth Day talks Sunday. More information at www.wholehealthexpo.com or call (413) 584-0010.
4/22 — VOICES OF BOYS AND MEN: A BENEFIT CONCERT FOR BOYS TO MEN NEW ENGLAND. Scullers Jazz Club. 400 Soldier’s Field Road, Boston, 7-9:30pm. Tickets are $50 and include appetizers from Fusion Lounge at Scullers. See page 27. Contact Linda Marks at lsmheart@aol.com or (617) 913-0683. www.boystomennewengland.org.
4/24-25 — NATURAL BEEKEEPING CLASS IN TOP BAR HIVES. Briggs Nursery, 295 Kelley Boulevard, North Attleboro, MA. Start keeping bees this spring! Tuition: $175. Breakfast and lunch included. Online registration: http://bit.ly/BeekeepingClasses. (207) 449-1121. GoldStarHoneybees.com.
4/27 — PLANT SPIRIT HEALING APPRENTICESHIP with author Pam Montgomery, in Danby, Vermont. Begins April 27. Comprehensive study with flexible format of three levels including deep communication with plants, medicinal and edible uses, sentient plant spirits give direction within energy anatomy and EMFs for health, well-being and balance. www.partnereartheducationcenter.com.
4/28 — A DAY WITH DR. BRIAN WEISS AND JOHN HOLLAND. Explore past lives and spiritual mediumship with renowned experts in their fields. 10-5 pm. Back Bay Events Center, Boston, MA. Visit www.hayhouse.com or call 800-654-5126.
4/28 — The WELLNESS FAIR at 14 Cedar Street Studios, Amesbury, MA. 12-4pm. Free admission and parking. Handicapped access. Participants: The People’s Yoga Studio, Valverde Massage, child psychotherapist Annette Berson-Smith, mental health therapists Sue Van Etten and Theresa Thurlow, Healing Arts Massage Studio, and many more! Contact valverde.massage@gmail.com. (978) 853-9211.
48 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
4/29 — MEDICINAL PLANT WALK. 1-3pm. Learn to identify healing plants in our area. Medicinal plants are everywhere — in our backyards, along the streets we walk and in open spaces all around us. You will learn which parts of the plants are used medicinally and how they nourish us and support health. $15. Boston School of Herbal Studies. www.bostonherbalstudies.com. (781) 646-6319.
MAY 5/5 — SPRING INTO WELLNESS! Health and Wellness Fair sponsored by The Body Wellness Center. Free admission. Saturday, 9am to 4pm at La Salle Reception Hall at Notre Dame, Southbridge, MA. 35-40 health exhibitors/ practitioners, fun activities for kids, music, food, raffles/door prizes and much more. Interested exhibitors may contact Lisa at lisam020171@yahoo.com or (508) 863-9184. 5/5-5/6 — YOUR EXTRA-ORDINARY LIFE THROUGH THE AKASHIC RECORDS with author Linda Howe. Spend a weekend with the author of “How to Read the Akashic Records” and “Healing through the Akashic Records.” Andover, MA. www.circlesofwisdom.com. (978) 474-8010.
5/12 — Boston Family Health Expo. At the Holiday Inn, 1 Newbury St., Peabody, MA. 9-5pm. Children encouraged to attend! See ad on page 62 or visit www.bostonfamilyhealthexpo.com. 5/14 — CHANNELED MESSAGES FOR THE SOUL with Roland Comtois. Receive messages from loved ones that have crossed over. 6-8pm. Tickets $60. Solstice Healing Arts Center, 163 Main Street, Suite 6, Medway, MA. (508) 533-0669 or info@solsticehealing.com.
5/18 — PSYCHOSYNTHESIS TRAINING: FREE INFORMATIONAL EVENING. Psychosynthesis is a holistic and spiritually oriented psychology. These evenings will be experiential as well as informational. Please call the center to register. 6:30-8pm. www.synthesiscenter.org, (413) 256-0772.
4/21 — Amy Leigh Mercree, author of Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating keynotes the 27th annual Northampton, MA Whole Health Expo. See April listing or visit www.wholehealthexpo.com. 5/26 & 5/27 — Psychic Fair. 10am-6pm. Mystical Horizons, Rt 27, Old Mystic, CT. Exit 90 off I-95. Readings $25/20mins. Information www.mysticalhorizons.com or (860) 572-9191 5/30-6/5 — MALIDOMA SOMÉ EVENTS: Workshop, June 1-3, Earthlands, Petersham, MA ($490+); Lecture, May 30, 7:30-9:30 PM, Circles of Wisdom, Andover, MA; Divination by appointment, May 30, 31, June 4, 5 in Lincoln, MA ($250). For information and registration contact Betsy McNair, (781) 259-3431 or www.malidoma.com.
5/19 — PSYCHIC/HOLISTIC FAIRE. 12-5pm. Psychics, mediums, angel readings, astrology, Reiki, chair massage, ear coning, reflexology, and more! Call for appointments: (508) 230-3680. Women of Wisdom, 118 Washington Street, N. Easton, MA. Visit http://womenofwisdominc.com/
6/2 — CT HERB FEST. 9am-4pm. Holcomb Farm, 113 Simsbury Road, West Granby, CT. $10 admission, $8 with non-perishable food item/pet food, blankets, paper towels and pet toys. Please no pets. connecticutherbs@gmail.com. www.herbfesct.com
5/19 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH provides the Family Constellation Method to experience healing with one’s family of origin, current family and present relationships. Seminar participants may have an opportunity to “set up” a constellation, to “stand in” as representatives for members in other’s constellations, and to observe the constellations of others. Saturday: 9:30am–6pm, $140. To register: www.ConstellationApproach.com.
6/3 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Wilton, NH with Libby
5/20 — SEACOAST BETTER LIVING EXPO. Please join us and experience a wide variety of holistic health resources to improve quality of life on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level. 10am-4pm. $5. RiverMill at Dover Landing, Dover, NH. www.SeacoastBetterLivingExpo.com
Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 6/4.
6/6-6/12 — AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS 52ND ANNUAL CONVENTION. Lyndonville ,VT. Join us for a week of workshops and classes with world-renowned teachers including keynote speaker Michael Tellinger, author of “Temple of the African Gods.” Learn to dowse, not just for water, but also for health, well-being and much more. Early registration discounts. www.dowsers.org. (802) 684-3417.
6/9 — HERBSTALK 2012. A lively, educational fair celebrating herbs and their healing powers. Talks by local herbalists. Herbal marketplace. Saturday 11am-6pm at Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA. www.herbstalk.org. Email herbstalk2012@gmail.com. 6/9 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Newton, MA with Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 6/10.
6/23 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Concord, MA with Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. “Reiki Energy Medicine” co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or www.reikienergy.com. Reiki II: 6/24.
6/30- 7/1 — INCREASING CREATIVITY THROUGH MOVEMENT workshop with dancer/choreographer Sallee Slagle. Free your creative body, increase personal space and experience your body as the instrument of expression. For anyone wanting to be more creative and comfortable with their body. www.dlorien.com/creativity, sallee@dancedimensions.org, (781) 599-1476.
7/8 — PSYCHOSYNTHESIS TRAINING: FREE INFORMATIONAL EVENING. Psychosynthesis is a holistic and spiritually oriented psychology. These evenings will be experiential as well as informational. Please call the center to register. 6:30-8pm. www.synthesiscenter.org, (413) 256-0772.
7/18-7/23 — AWAKEN THE DIVINE YOU. International spiritual adviser Umesh Nandwani provides experiential knowledge. Be in charge of your own happiness and inner guidance. Transform your life. It’s not impossible! Nashua, NH. Register now at www.thehsccenter.com. (603) 883-1490.
9/29-9/30 — 6TH ANNUAL NATURAL LIVING EXPO. Over 175 exhibits and 90 workshops. Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center, Sturbridge, MA. www.naturalexpo.org. Contact Michella (508) 278-9640 for exhibitor details.
YOGALIFE INSTITUTE OF NH. 200- and 500-Hour Classical Yoga Teacher Training programs starting the first weekend of each month. Join our yoga community as we study, practice, and share the transformative benefits of Yoga. Exeter, NH. Enrollment information: (603) 969-8968 or www.yogalifenh.com. HARMONY CENTER, MEDFIELD, MA. Free SpiritSong session May 9th. Guided meditation: 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings. Yoga Friday mornings. Beautiful woodland setting. Classes and workshops focus on nature, personal growth, mind/body/spirit. View schedule: www.harmony-center.org. Call (508) 359-8056
AROMATHERAPY AND HERBAL CLASS SPRING SCHEDULE. Second Level Aromatherapy Certification, March 3, Somerset, MA. Aromatherapy Certification, March 18, Plymouth, MA. Palmistry: A Tool for Diagnosis, March 24, Arlington, MA. Second Level Aromatherapy Certification, March 25, Arlington, MA. 7-Month Herbal Certification, April 29, Somerset, MA. www.aromatherapyandherbalstudies.com
SHAMANIC DRUMMING CIRCLE founded 1993. Usually
PRANIC HEALING WEEKLY TWIN HEARTS MEDITATIONS. Thursdays, 7pm to 8:15pm. $10 suggested donation. Miriam G. Smith, C/MCKSPH. (978) 683 6129. mgsenergy@comcast.net. www.PranicHealingNE.com.
REIKI TREATMENTS. Love offering basis with Kathryn Deputat, Reiki Master. Hands-on or remotely, Tuesday/ Thursday by appointment: www.bostonreikihealing.com, (617) 522-2737.
BOSTON SCHOOL OF HERBAL STUDIES. Arlington, MA. Affordable, evening and weekend classes, medicinal plant walks (April 29), monthly herbal clinic, herbal apprenticeship programs (starting April 21) and advanced training. Call visit bostonherbalstudies.com or (781) 646-6319
FREE SELF HELP STUDY GROUP on advanced energy healing, conducted by Dr. Kusmis, ULCS Clinic. (603) 286-8191. Ongoing, 3rd Tuesday each month, 6-9pm. For directions and to reserve a seat, RSVP at www.meetup.com/Advanced-Energy-Healing. TAI CHI CHUAN. Classes in Yang style tai chi chuan, both
second and fourth Fridays of every month. 7pm. Quaker Meetinghouse, Cambridge, MA. Open to all, instruction available on website: www.cambridgeshamaniccircle.org. Terrence (978) 952-2704 or Emily (781) 641-3980.
group and private, held at Gin Soon Tai Chi Club, the oldest school teaching tai chi chuan in the greater Boston area. Classes held Monday-Thursday 11-1. Evenings from 4-8. Saturdays 1-4. 33 Harrison Ave, 2nd floor, Boston, MA. (617) 542-4442. www.gstaichi.org.
CLASSES IN CHANNELING AND SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION with Vywamus, a teacher of higher consciousness,
Sunday MEDITATION service. 10-11am at the
channeled by Andrea Seiver. Have a personal reading, enjoy 2012 Evenings with Vywamus April 12, May 3, June 7, July 5. (617) 332-1541. www.andreaseiver.com.
FREE MONTHLY POTLUCK AND WOMEN’S LECTURE SERIES. 2nd Wednesday of each month. The Gathering Inn Women’s Spiritual Center and Retreat House, Hubbardston, MA. 6:30-9:00pm. New Spring series. See full schedule online. www.gatheringinn.org. (978) 820-1139.
Peace Abbey, 2 North Main Street, Sherborn, MA. Call (508) 655-2143 or visit www.peaceabbey.org for more information.
THE WELLNESS ROUNDTABLE HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS NETWORK. Join us at our monthly meetings (Sept-June) dedicated to inspiring, educating and supporting wellness practitioners/providers. Building collaborative relationships to encourage thriving practices and global wellness. Contact marilyn@confident-directions.com.
ONGOING HEALTHY COOKING CLASSES. 4/1 or 4/2: Awakening Spring, cleansing cuisine, detox foods. 5/6 or 5/7: Whole Foods 102, nourishing foods for company. 6/3 or 6/4: Sweet and Savory, healthy summer, dressings, condiments. Each class $65. www.newdawnnutrition.com. GENTLE THERAPEUTIC YOGA. Thursday evenings from 7:15-9pm. Join us for a candlelit journey to release back pain, increase flexibility, and build strength. Great for beginners or those with aches and pains. Drop-ins welcome. The Yoga Studio in Millis, MA. www.theyogastudiomillis.com. PRACTITIONERS BREAKFAST. Every 3rd Tuesday, 7:30-9am. Groton Wellness, 495 Main St, Groton, MA. We welcome all natural health practitioners to share breakfast and knowledge. We feature monthly speakers and presentations. Free. www.grotonwellness.com. (978) 449-9919.
4/22 — Sounds of Concord, 2011 Northeastern District Chorus Champions, will headline the musical entertainment at the Boys To Men benefit concert at Sculler’s Jazz Club in Boston. See April listing or visit www.boystomennewengland.org. SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 49
Book Reviews
Mike Berners-Lee
How Bad Are Bananas? The Carbon Footprint of Everything Greystone Books, Berkeley, CA. 2011 “Paper or plastic?” Of course the correct answer is “neither.” But on the (hopefully rare) occasions you find yourself without your personal shopping bag, what is the best response for the eco-conscious consumer? Organic food is always better, or is it? In How Bad Are Bananas? The Carbon Footprint of Everything, climate-change expert Berners-Lee unpacks the wide-spread confusion around the carbon footprint of food purchasing and nearly one hundred other items. His mission is to create a sense of “carbon awareness,” so for every lifestyle choice you make you will have at least a reasonable guesstimate of the carbon impact of that decision and where the impact comes from. Just what is a carbon footprint anyway? It breaks down like this; carbon is all the different global warming greenhouse gases (global warming meaning human-caused climate change) and footprint is the total impact something has. So the carbon imprint is the full impact an activity, lifestyle, company or country has on the planet. What’s the carbon impact of a cup of tea? A roll of toilet paper? A text message? The World Cup? Engaging and solidly researched, How Bad Are Bananas considers everything from birth to death (literally, the carbon impact of both having a child and being cremated are included). It makes three basic assumptions: climate change is a big deal; it’s caused by humans; and we can do something about it. While Earth’s seven billion people combined obviously make an enormous footprint, understanding where carbon impact comes from can help you cut your carbon portion by a decent amount. You need to pick your battles though, and keep things in perspective. If you’re stressing over choosing to dry your hands with an electric-hand dryer or to use a paper towel, but doing it from an airport restroom before you board a trans-Atlantic flight, you might just be distracting yourself 50
Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
from exactly how much carbon is at stake with your transportation choices. Similarly, if you’re making the great low-carbon activity choice of cycling one mile to work, but pumping that bike by fueling your body with food that has been flown by air from across the globe, you’re carbon impact goes way up. (Carbon impact-wise, you’d be better off driving a Hummer!) Two people cycling a mile on cheeseburger power have about the same footprint as commuting together in an efficient car. So it really is all about choices, and knowing the total impact of those choices. For food choices, consider things such as farming method, transportation, packaging, refrigeration and one of the worst offenders, food waste. So how bad are bananas? Actually, they’re pretty good. The only bad banana is the one you let rot. (p.s. Paper or plastic? Pick plastic.)
BY GAIL LORD hugged by many, then lifted in her chair to the front of the room. The powwow drum is carried in. The grieving mother explains the drummers will play four songs for the four directions. “The drum is the circle, and the circle is strong. Strong in all four directions.” She invites anyone who has lost someone to come and stand in a circle around the drum. “It is ok to cry. The circle is strong. It can take your grief.” Slowly the circle is expanded, till all are included. The drummers sing ancient songs taught by elders or a bird or a dream. The drumming pace increases, becomes frantic, and “without warning, grief begins to pour forth from all of us...we stand as one ...pouring our grief onto that drum.”
Ruby Roth
Vegan is Love: Having Heart and Taking Action
Kent Nerburn
Ordinary Sacred: The Simple Beauty of Everyday Life New World Library, Novato, CA 2012 As the world rushes crazily along preparing for elections, financial melt-downs and catastrophes, Kent Nerburn reminds us that the meaning in life comes from our humble appreciation of it. Referred to once as a “guerilla theologian,” Nerburn’s deep concern for the human condition and our responsibility to Earth and to future generations is woven throughout Ordinary Sacred. A simple and gentle storyteller, Nerburn’s collection of stories reveals a voice that is genuine and poetic. Small moments create the text of the vignettes presented: the chance encounter of boy on a bicycle, the dance of a kite, a young girl’s graduation. Known as a sensitive, insightful nonNative from his earlier Lakota writings, Nerburn includes a poignant tale of feeling out of place as the only white person at a young man’s funeral on the Red Lake Indian Reservation. He recounts the chipped fiber board and dim light of the cold room, the jeans and gray hooded sweatshirts, the cigarette butts. The family gathers around the body, an old mother wails. She is
North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA 2012 Children are born to love. They love animals, people, the ocean. Vegan is Love: Having Heart and Taking Action helps children really look at what it means to act with kindness, and how veganism is part of a loving life-style. Presented as a vibrantly colored illustrated message, each page focuses on a different aspect of animal welfare. Beyond having a food philosophy of no meat, dairy or fish, Vegan is Love shows how using animals for clothing is not harmless (fur and feathers are beautiful “but only on the animal that wears them”). The children’s book also speaks to the controversial issue of animal testing explaining that testing is often on shampoos and cleaning products. Offering an alternative viewpoint to thinking lab experiments are necessary (“with our dollars we can show the world what we care about”), cruelty-free product symbols are illustrated. Also tackled is the notion of using animals for entertainments. Zoos, aquariums, bullfights, rodeos, racing and the circus all negate animals’ instincts and feelings (“We prefer to be entertained by creatures who love to perform.”). The illustrations are lively and appropriate, but included are a bull being speared, a harpooned fish, a small illustration of a
roped calf and also a hunted animal. (Certainly these small pictures drive home the message, “Killing an animal is not brave; we do not pretend that live animals are toys,” but parents may wish to preview the illustrations before sharing the book with very sensitive kids). Vegan is Love helps children understand that though they are small people their choices can make a big difference to the animals they love; they can help make this a more compassionate world. Children resonate with the true message of this book instinctively: “Animals belong to Earth just as we do.”
Arin Murphy-Hiscock Birds: A Spiritual Field Guide Adams Media, Avon, MA. 2012
A friend was greeted by a cardinal each morning for weeks after her mother passed away. She felt comforted knowing the red bird outside her bedroom window was a message from her mother. Traveling between heaven and earth, birds link the gods and humankind. Birds: A Spiritual Field Guide explores potent spiritual communication from our feathered friends. Through essential descriptions, folklore and divination, seventy-five of the most popular North American wild birds are revealed in their mystical natures. The woodpecker is saying you have the key to something, the little nuthatch encourages taking a new point of view. Part of the magical beauty of bird divination is its fluidity as a system, bringing different meaning to people depending on circumstances and culture. My friend knew the cardinal’s message because it was uniquely hers. Developing personal insight into bird energy is a powerful enriching practice, and Birds is a wonderful resource for the journey.
Gail Lord is a freelance writer living in Massachusetts. Please send book review copies to 51 North Street, Grafton, MA 01519 or email socbookreviewer@gmail.com.
new england’s
Holisticdirectory spring 2012
Categories • Acupuncture and Asian Medicine . . 51
• Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
• Counseling and Therapy . . . . . . . 56-57
• Retreats and Retreat Centers . . . . . . 61
• Animal Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
• Children's Health and Services . . . . 53
• Healing and Bodywork . . . . . . . . . 57-58
• Spiritual Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
• Astrological Consulting . . . . . . . . 51-52
• Chiropractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
• Healing: Combined Modalities . . . . 59-60
• Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness . . . . . . . . . . 62
• Ayurveda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
• Classes, Certifications & Schools . . 53-55
• Herbs and Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
• Bookstores and Gift Shops . . . . . . . . 52
• Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
• Holistic Medical and Dental . . . . . . . . 61
• Business Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
• Consciousness Transformation . . 55-6
• Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-61
Acupuncture & Asian Medicine North Shore Community
Acupuncture at Green Tea Yoga
Stephanie Kula, Licensed Acupuncturist North Shore Community Acupuncture (NSCA) offers affordable care in a group setting. This keeps costs down, making acupuncture more accessible, allowing you to get better and stay better. Each person receives individual care including a customized treatment plan.
Acupuncture of Worcester Holistic Health since 1974
Dr. Yvonne Chen, Lic. Acupuncturist One of the first practicing acupuncturists in the United States, Dr. Yvonne Chen began her acupuncture practice in Washington, D.C. in 1973, moving to Worcester one year later. Trained in China as a medical doctor, Dr. Chen’s years of study and research included in-depth work with both traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Her approach to health incorporates keen knowledge on the nature of disease, use of
Patricia Smith Burkhart, MAC, LIC. AC.
Gentle relief from: • stress and pain • medication side effects • chronic health problems
Acupuncture can be used for chronic and acute conditions such as: Pain b Stress b Anxiety b Depression Fatigue b Insomnia b Sciatica Muscle Spasm b IBS b Arthritis Headaches b PMS b Menopause TMJ b Asthma b Allergies Sliding Scale Fees: $35-55 Initial Visit b $20-40 Follow-ups For more info or to schedule an appointment, please contact Stephanie Kula: 781-269-2287 www.NSCAcupuncture.com energy balancing, nutritional counseling and the promotion of spiritual well-being. Acupuncture is especially effective in the treatment of: • Pain: migraine headaches, stress relief, tendonitis, arthritis, lower back pain, neuralgia, whiplash, accident and trauma injuries and TMJ syndrome • Improving bodily functions: respiratory ailments, insomnia and impotency • Nervous system disorders: Bell’s Palsy, paralysis, multiple sclerosis and stroke recovery • Behavioral changes: weight control and smoking cessation. Located at 110 June Street, Worcester, MA 01602. For an appointment or for more information, please contact Dr. Yvonne Chen at 508-755-5557. I look forward to alleviating your suffering. Whether your issue is chronic pain, allergies, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, plantar fascitis, golfer’s elbow, infertility, uterine fibroids, menopausal symptoms, insomnia, a compromised immune system, or a host of other problems, I can help you. Call for a free “meet and greet” appointment. 259 Mass Ave., Arlington, MA Free parking in rear. www.anappleadayacupuncture.com 781.648.0911
Animal Services Canine Behaviorist
Lisa Nobrega
Behavioral Consultations These in-your-home sessions bring forth enlightenment, knowledge and the skills to honor your dog’s needs. Understanding language and energy cultivates a solid foundation for a true dog/man partnership. Respect for your dog’s perspective ceases problematic behaviors. Madeira Park Farm R 508-995-6822 www.artofdogmanship.com
Astrological Consulting
Questions? Astrologer Eric Linter has answers. Changes in relationships, career, health, finances or spiritual practice are inevitable. Eric’s clarity will help you stay on the right path. His insights help you better understand and appreciate life’s challenges. His clients say Eric Linter is “profound and enlightening” and “one of the best astrologers on the East Coast.”
Esoteric Psychology Monique Pommier, M.A., Ph.DE
Astrology illuminates one’s psychological landscape and journey. It times life developments and reveals their designs for the soul. I offer astrological services and ongoing psychospiritual counseling with astrology, Jungian and esoteric psychology as a comprehensive ground of exploration and guidance
Eric, a professional astrologer for 25 years, works with individuals, couples and businesses. Specialties include career moves, personal creativity and karmic relationships. Consultations are available in person, by telephone, or on cassette. Eric also offers classes, lectures and appearances at parties and special events. For more information and to schedule a private session, contact Eric by email or call: stars@ericlinter.com X 508-541-4115 X
“I learned more from one session than I did from 5 years of analysis.” - J.G., Cambridge, MA
on current issues and lifelong questionings. By accessing the deeper order of your life, you gain transformative insights into the evolutionary meaning of particular challenges and new perspectives to direct your choices. My background includes an MS and PhD in Esoteric Psychology and Philosophy. Jungian psychology, Eastern and Western Traditions are key foundations in my approach. I have been in practice for 25 years. U Astrological Consultations U U Psychospiritual Counseling U www.astrologicalpsychology.com 617-524-7072 Astrological Consulting continued
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 51
Astrological Consulting continued
Astrology for
Empowered Living
Alexis Smith, Astrologer For 13 years, I have been applying psychological astrology from an evolutionary and spiritual perspective. My approach reveals the conscious and unconscious perspectives and motivations which shape your life as you experience it, providing the necessary insight to understand the circumstances and events of your life as well as the way to address them.
Joseph Crane
Practical Astrology
Joseph Crane has been a consulting astrologer since 1988. He is Co-Director of the Astrology Institute and author of numerous articles and three books: A Practical Guide to Traditional Astrology (1998) and Astrological Roots: The Hellenistic Tradition (2007) and forthcoming Between Fortune and Providence: Astrology and the Universe in Dante’s Divine Comedy.
Together, we will focus on how to make your life work in a practical way that is in line with the trajectory of growth and evolution necessary in this lifetime. Whether your questions revolve around relationships, vocation, finance, personal and spiritual growth, life direction or current decisions and crises, we will focus on solutions that are personally correct for you to create a happy, meaningful life from the inside out. I offer consultations in Cambridge, MA or over the phone for individuals, couples, and families. For more information and upcoming workshops: www.TheAstroMuse.com
The Silver Willow
Large selection of bulk herbs The Silver Willow’s own herbal tea blends Handmade herbal products for you and your whole family, including your pets Crystal Balls n Tarot Cards n Pendulums Incense n Ritual Tools n Statues Challis’s n Reiki Treaments The largest selection of New Age books in the entire area!
An Herbal, Metaphysical & New Age Gift Shop for all your herbal and ritual needs
Classes in Aromatherapy, Astrology, Tarot, Wicca, Herbs and more
Home of the Celtic Cricket Psychic Reader... What’s in your Future?
Tue-Sat 11:30-7, Sun 12-5 pm., Mon-Closed, 54 Fall River Ave. (Rt. 6), Rehoboth, MA www.thesilverwillow.com n 508-336-8813
Readings available in person or over the phone
774-270-0003 Witch Owned and Operated
Joseph uses astrological consultations to help people understand and work better with their lives. Natal astrology helps determines patterns and possibilities for you in this lifetime. Predictive astrology examines situations and their meaning within larger contexts and their probable outcomes. Horary astrology casts a chart for the time of asking an important question; Electional Astrology gives the best time for a new undertaking. Consultations are in Rhode Island or over the phone. All sessions are recorded.
Ritual Supplies G Crystals G Gemstones Jewelry G Incense G Candles G Gifts Mediums and Spiritual Counselors on staff Various classes and workshops! 78 N. Washington St, N. Attleborough, MA Hours: Tue, Wed, Fri: 12-6; Thurs: 12-7 Sat: 10-4 G Sun. and Mon.: Closed 508-643-3400 G 877-33-WITCH andromedasalley@aol.com www.andromedasalley.com
Visit our website for further information and our monthly newsletter. josephcrane@verizon.net s 401-527-2035 www.astrologyinstitute.com
new age gift shop
Books and music @ Aromatherapy and tools Incense and candles @ Crystals and jewelry Learning Center
Workshops @ Reiki Training @ Readings Yoga @ Gaidon Heart @ Bellydance Psychic Development Holistic Healing Center
Wellness Consultations with Vaidya (Ayurvedic expert) — Traditional Ayurvedic pulse assessment and recommendations for healthpromoting diet, daily routine, exercise and herbal supplements.
Usui and Karuna Reiki @ Hypnotherapy Reflexology @ Massage @ Crystal Healing Inner Child Healing @ Body Talk™ Hours: Mon–Fri 10 am-8 pm, Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun noon-5 pm. Gift Certificates available. 118 Washington St., Rte. 138, N. Easton, MA www.womenofwisdominc.com 508-230-3680
Day Spa — A revitalizing escape! Select from a variety of soothing, stress-melting options.
679 George Hill Road, Lancaster, MA 01523 info@lancasterhealth.com v 978-365-4549 www.lancasterhealth.com
Panchakarma — In-residence 3-7 day cleansing program for deep physiological balance and rejuvenation. Package prices include wellness consultation, 2-3 hours a day of luxurious Ayurvedic herbalized oil applications, private room, organic cuisine.
Business Services
Bookstores and Gift Shops Crystals G Books G Jewelry G Statuary Incense G Gifts and More!
Metaphysical Shop
52 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
Business Consulting To help you understand how to make legal decisions
Psychic Readings G Reiki G IET Chair Massage G Classes Workshop and Events
Specializing with Health & Wellness Professionals
122 West Emerson St., Melrose, MA www.zuzusbeads.com G 781-665-8844
Consultations by Phone or In Person ~ Workshops ~ Call today! ~ 781-729-0481
TrueNorth Business Consulting empowers you to take control of your legal decisions by providing unique legal coaching that focuses not just on the law, but also on insurance, marketing and project management. truenorthbusinessconsulting.com Introducing the Institute of Integrative Business Studies online business classes for health and wellness practitioners. Sign up today at: integrativebusinessstudies.com
Experience deep peace and new insights in a warm woodland workshop setting. Personal growth and eco-centered workshops for mind, body and spirit.
Centers Rhode Island Center for
Metaphysics Possibilities * Learning Illumination
We are an enlightened spiritual community committed to learning and growing and open to the many possibilities along this spiritual journey. 1050 Main St, Unit 14, East Greenwich, RI info@thericenterformetaphysics.com 401-300-GOD1
Center Offerings G Spiritual Topic Discussion Group G Spiritual Study Group G Spiritual Movie Night G Spiritual Classes
See our full schedule of events: www.thericenterformetaphysics.com
28 Worcester Lane, Waltham, MA 02451 www.advaitameditation.org G 781-647-0020
Ample parking and wheelchair accessibility.
Largest New Age Store in New England
Dorchester, Roslindale, North Cambridge, Easton, Westwood, Canton, Braintree, No. Attleboro, No.Scituate, Duxbury, Hingham, Weymouth, Hanover, E. Bridgewater
For complete schedule and class descriptions: www.harmony-center.org
Children’s Health & Services
Join us on meet up: www.meetup.com/ The-RI-Center-For-Metaphysics
To learn more about us, go to our website or visit us at our lovely, historic house in Waltham.
200 & 500 Hours u 14 Yoga Studio Locations
G Spiritual Lecture Series
Wednesday Evening Open Meditation Meditation Workshops Classes and Study Groups
Medfield, MA
G Morning Group Meditation Sessions
We are a nonprofit center dedicated to teaching meditation and exploring the tradition of Advaita. Our aim is to guide you to the experience of happiness and unity in everyday life.
Hot Power Yoga and Gentle Yoga Classes
Nature Nurtures, Education Empowers
UPCOMING WORKSHOPS Mar. 11 – Yoga Nidra with Himalayan Bowls Apr. 21 & 22 – Discover the Seven Ray Energies June 28 – Herbal Properties: Tastes & Actions
Private Readings Tarot, Psychic or Mediumship Telephone Readings or Walk-Ins Huge selection of health-related products, jewelry and metaphysical needs 395 Washington Street, Braintree, MA Store open daily, 9 am-10 pm, 7 days a week
Touchstone offers:
Touchstone Community School offers a progressive, child-centered approach to education. For twenty-three years, we have nurtured and inspired children to be creative, independent partners in their learning.
Small, mixed-age classes Thematic studies that integrate subjects Dedicated, expert teachers A diverse community and highly positive culture Parent-teacher-child partnership in educational development To learn more about our holistic approach to education for children ages 4 to 14, visit www.touchstoneschool.com or call Ana at 508-839-0038.
Chiropractors Holistic Healing Center Dr. Jennifer Lees Network Chiropractor Imagine feeling more ease in your body. Imagine more joy and serenity in your life. Sometimes our capacity to heal may be overwhelmed by the stress of life. Our body
tends to lock up and mold to the stress. After a while we may find ourselves sick, tense, symptomatic or simply just wanting more out of life. I specialize in gentle techniques that unwind these tension patterns. It is my goal to help you move through life’s stresses with more grace and ease. Healing is possible... and it can be easy. Dr. Jennifer Lees 410 Boston Post Road #26, Sudbury, MA 978-443-3248
www.OpenDoors7.com u 781-843-8224
Classes, Certifications & Schools Bodywork and Readings
Intensive Apprenticeship begins April 21 Herbs to nourish and heal each organ system ❖ Instruction on how to make herbal tinctures, teas, salves, oils, flower essences, herbal baths, etc. ❖ Plant identification with medicinal plant walks ❖ Plant Journeying and pulse diagnosis
Massage Z Cranial-Sacral Z Reiki Z Polarity Full Spectrum Healing Z Angel Readings Spiritual Counseling Z Psychic Readings
Classes and Workshops
Yoga Z Tai-Chi, NIA Z Journey Dance Qi Gong Z Crystal Bowl Workshops Psychic Development Classes Z Meditations Healer Training Programs Host your event here!
163 Main St., Suite 6, Medway, MA 02053 solsticehealing@yahoo.com 508 533-0669 Z www.solsticehealing.com
Our two gorgeous workshop rooms are available for rent by the hour and the day. Charming, light filled practitioner rooms are also available for rent. Reasonable rates!
Herbal Classes
Herbal Apprenticeships Advanced Training Ongoing Classes Medicinal Plant Walks
March 15 - Herbal First Aid March 22 - Chakra Healing with Herbs March 29 - Healthy Gums and Teeth April 29 - Medicinal Plant Walk For more information on all our classes, go to www.bostonherbalstudies.com Arlington, MA ❖ 781-646-6319 Classes, Certifications & Schools continued
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 53
Classes, Certifications & Schools continued
The (W)hole Point Institute The heart of The Wisdom WAY™ is the point at which our psychology intersects with our spirituality. This point is the space in which we awaken — for real. Alaya Chadwick has drawn on her 28+ years of experience to develop The Wisdom WAY™, a personal, practical, self-sustainable map and method for personal and spiritual growth. Found in The Wisdom WAY™ are the tools you can use to Walk Awake saying Yes to life.
The (W)hole Point Institute offers a wide range of self-development experiences, healing opportunities, and empowerment trainings for individuals and couples or partners. These workshops are both experiential and educational and are offered in group and/or one-on-one settings. Additionally, there are intensive apprenticeship programs which offer personal in-depth study. 2-Day Intensive (W)hole Workshops Learn practical tools to reveal your own unique pathway to (W)holeness. 2-Day PAIRing™ Workshops (People Activating Intimate Relating™) Open to couples and singles, this workshop is for those who wish to bring their relationships to a deeper level of self-appreciation and intimate union. One-on-One (W)hole Life Coaching Relationship Intensives for Couples Awakening Divinity Apprenticeship Reiki Level I and II classes Learn this ancient healing art to support yourself and those around you. …and much, much more! NASW-approved CEU’s available
Oftentimes we feel like we are simply sleepwalking through life. We find ourselves responding to people and experiences as if we are on “auto pilot.” We can feel like we have little energy or joy in our lives. We may wonder, “How do we wake up?” The Wisdom WAY™ is the skeleton found inside most healing modalities, including conventional therapy and alternative practices. What makes this WAY different is that you are the expert. By following the map using your own life experiences, you unravel the mysteries of yourself and reveal the wonder you truly are on all levels — emotional, physical, and spiritual.
The Way to Balance,® LLC Center for Advanced Healing and Training Aaron & Sue Singleton, Founders
The Energy of Life® (EOL) Process Educational Programs complement all medical and holistic modalities, and empower practitioners and laypersons. EOL I.D.E.A.L. Process for Creating a
Life You Love! Workshop Series A totally unique intuitive and healing process that transforms lives, whether you are a healer, doctor, executive, or full-time parent. Use the EOL process alone, or to enhance Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc. The EOL Process for Discernment and Intuitive Accuracy within this series is prerequisite for Medical Intuitive training with Sue Singleton. EOL Visionary Acupressure System
Workshop Series This fusion of ancient and modern techniques makes a quantum leap to address trauma and illness, without relying solely
54 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
“Alaya Chadwick is able to put ‘hands and feet’on extremely complex concepts in a way which connects them to the living reality of everyday life.” — Martha Harrell, MSN, Ph.D. Elizabeth “Alaya” Chadwick M.Div., MSW., L.I.C.S.W., Reiki Master,
Author of: Wake up to your (W)hole Life Raymond, NH www.wholepoint.us r 603-895-4530
on linear meridian techniques. Learn unique protocols for deeper, more rapid release of the Root Cause. Our easy to learn 60-point numbered system includes detailed diagrams: no prior acupressure experience or knowledge required. EOL Rings of Oden™ New Technology for Quantum Healing Revolutionary “Net-Neutral Ionic Energy” technology embedded into The Rings of Oden accelerates light resonance and provides modulating energy frequencies for healing. Users report rapid resolution of chronic pain, injuries, glaucoma, chronic emotional patterns and illnesses. The Rings combine Sacred Geometry, Crop Circles, and DNA Holographic Re-Patterning to create specific vortices and frequencies for various conditions. Powerful for self-healing, as well as helping others.
Other Workshops Radical Hands-On Healing Light Therapy: Healing at the Speed of Light Sound Therapy: Healing with Resonance Introduction to Medical Intuition, etc. 21 Water St. Amesbury, MA 01913 www.TheWayToBalance.com 978-834-0341
New England Institute of Reflexology & Universal Studies v Professional Reflexology Certification and Approved Continuing Education in Reflexology, Massage, and Reiki v Integrative techniques give students a strong foundation and create a balanced treatment style v Students qualify as professional therapists upon completion
Massage | Aesthetics Polarity | RYSE Ipswich • Plymouth • Westboro You deserve an education that honors who you are and who you are becoming. A great education is spiritually transforming: You overcome your limitations and realize your highest potential, at the same time you learn the foundation and skills to succeed. Excellent education is not by chance; it comes from years of listening to employers, graduates and students to find the best way to teach the most valuable information to make you successful. As a leader in energy medicine and
• 200 and 500 Hour Classical Yoga Teacher Training • Meditation Training • Yoga classes offered daily • Monthly Workshops • Weekend Intensives • Yoga Therapy Training
ChangeYour Life Workshops with Ed Langan
v Courses meet state and national standards; CE’s approved from ARCB and NCBTMB. School is licensed by Commonwealth of MA, Dept. of Education Our goal is to act as a bridge between complimentary and conventional medicine through the training of qualified holistic practitioners. Join us! ~ Now teaching Reflexology at ~ All That Matters in Wakefield, RI Cortiva Massage School in Watertown, MA www.walkinbalance.com v 508-317-3044 v
energy based education since 1980, Nancy Risley recognizes that your education is a transformational healing process. As a successful therapist, author and teacher, her vision is to help you realize your dream of work that is creative and supports all aspects of who you are. Whether you work in a spa, clinic, or have your own business, you gain the required skills to create satisfaction as well as increased flexibility, control and income. The next step to fulfilling your future is to call for a no obligation, information interview with our Career Advisor. We look forward to meeting you and learning about your future. Programs take from 4 to 12 months, depending on your schedule: Full-time, mother’s hours or part-time evenings. Accredited. Licensed. Financial Aid available for qualified students. 800-262-8530 v www.spatech.edu
Join our yoga community as we study, practice and share the transformative benefits of Yoga. All levels of ability and experience are welcome to an environment that is safe and open to diversity in body, mind and spirit. Therapeutic, scientific and heartcentered in our approach, we unite in our desire to understand and live Yoga’s five branches. Julie Rost, Director
8 Clifford Street, Exeter, NH www.yogalifenh.com v 603-479-3865
These leading-edge workshops are taught by Ed Langan, author of Creating with the Law of Attraction: 10 Principles that will Change Your Life. “Ed was very good at explaining the key points and keeping it simple. It was very positive and uplifting.” — D.A.
Learn how to use the Law of Attraction to create whatever you desire: Attract money Improve relationships F Achieve better self-esteem F F
Ready to Change? For times, dates and descriptions of the workshops South of Boston visit: www.BeYourBean.com Ed is also available for coaching.
The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. Saturday Seminars are open to all who wish to experience and learn about the Family Soul. Participants may have an opportunity to ‘set up’ their family constellation, to ‘stand in’ as representatives for family members in other’s constellation and to observe the constellations. Saturday Seminars
9:30 am-6 pm $140
Mar. 3 ~ Apr. 14 ~ May 19
who has a serious interest in embarking upon a personal journey of transformation in relation to the fundamental aspects of their family lineage. Each weekend is a complete immersion into your Family Soul, which creates space for positive change and healing to occur. This program is also the foundation for anyone who wishes to incorporate the Constellation Approach into their profession. Weekend 1 Weekend 2 Weekend 3 Weekend 4 Weekend 5 Weekend 6
Family of Origin Father and his Lineage Mother and her Lineage Sibling Relationships Effects of Illness, Disease, Death Couple Relationships
Weekend 7 Effects of War, Immigration & Religion Certificate received upon completion. Private constellation sessions also available.
The Immersion Learning Program is underway and will begin again in Oct. 2012 through May 2013. Appropriate for anyone
Jamy Faust, MA and Peter Faust, Mac www.ConstellationApproach.com 617-484-4325
Chaplaincy Institute of Maine
Interfaith Spiritual Growth and Ordination as an Interfaith Minister First Year: The Way of Contemplation Second Year: The Way of Action Campuses in Portland, ME and Amesbury, MA
World Religions T Art as Meditation Creation Spirituality T Interfaith Worship Spiritual Practice T Community Service
Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies Instructor Linda Patterson offers over 20 years of experience in the science, art and principles of herbalism and aromatherapy.
ChIME T P.O. Box 3833 T Portland ME 04104 chimeadmin@gmail.com www.chimeofmaine.org T 207-347-6740
Ongoing certification courses offered throughout the northeast including: ✴ 7-Month Herbal Certification ✴ 4-Month European-Based Aromatherapy Introduction ✴ 4-Month Advanced Aromatherapy Course ✴ 3-Month Conscious Nutrition Course ✴ Palmistry a tool of diagnoses www.aromatherapyandherbalstudies.com 978-297-4502
This is an amazing personal growth program! Many of our students take the program just to get the personal transformation. And we also will provide you with the best, cutting-edge healing technology there is. Our program offers: Advanced energy anatomy Full Spectrum healing techniques F Understanding yourself and your clients through the Profiles F A deep bond with your classmates and the healer community of the school F
New England’s premier 3-year
Energy Medicine Practitioner
Certificate Program
The Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine is New England’s premier three year Energy Medicine Practitioner Certificate Program designed to take your journey as a healer to the next level. This is the next level for anyone who has stepped on a healing path, medical career, or a path of personal growth and inner transformation.
Classes start in October and run through June, meeting six weekends over the year. Payments plans available. For more information: Rhys@RhysThomasInstitute.com rhysthomasinstitute.com F 508-740-3038
Coaching Advanced Mind Guide
ACHIEVE control over your life and your health. LEARN to manage your emotions, pain and stress. ELIMINATE negative relationships and habits,
fears and addictions. G G G
Advancing your Physical, Emotional, and Financial Wellbeing Stella Posternak, MS
Free initial consultation
1693 Beacon St, Brookline, MA G 617-959-4411 www.advancedmindguide.com
Benefits of the Sedona Method®
Cheryl Wright
Life Coach Use day to day, moment by moment, in real life situations Face whatever happens with a new feeling of inner strength, ease and confidence. Coaching Using the Sedona Method® What is the Sedona Method®? A simple, powerful, easy-to-use technique that shows you how to tap into your natural ability to let go of any uncomfortable or unwanted feeling in the moment.
Techniques Life Coaching Neuro Linguistic Programming Business Coaching
Eliminate your stress, fears and tensions Improve your relationships G Be radiantly healthy G Have financial security G Drop addictions and bad habits G Gain emotional wellness and intelligence G Have lasting inner peace, joy and happiness G G
Coaching available by phone or in person Introduction and Support Groups monthly Offices in Watertown, MA & Providence, RI Cheryl@WrightHereNow.com 617-448-8749 G www.WrightHereNow.com
Consciousness Transformation Matrix
Energetics Dr. Richard Bartlett, DC, ND, teaches Matrix Energetics,© a consciousness technology for insight and spiritual growth — and living a life unbound by the limits we have been trained to believe in. Join Dr. Bartlett in a freewheeling, playful
Transformational Healer
Spiritual Teacher Kristin Kirk After experiencing a dramatic shift in consciousness, Kristin began healing within the multidimensional soul and universe. She works in unison with a team of spirit guides to transform the soul by releasing layers of density, old trauma, and conditioning, that have hindered a brighter and clearer expression of the Radiant Self.
and possibility-expanding journey that will shatter preconceptions about the seemingly “solid” universe we live in — and how unlimited our potential to change it truly is. If you are ready to embrace a reality where anything goes, miracles happen and nothing is beyond your reach, then you are ready for Matrix Energetics.© For more information and pre-registration seminar discounts, please visit our website. www.matrixenergetics.com This may occur as soul clearing, past life and current life healing, emotional and mental release, balancing of subtle energetic anatomy, integration of multidimensional consciousness, embodiment support, and channeled guidance. With 20 years in practice, Kristin offers healing sessions, both long distance, and locally, for individuals, couples, groups, pets, loved ones, and those who have passed on. She also offers ‘Journey Into Awakening’, a transformational and educational series to support and facilitate the awakening process. www.kristinkirk.com
Consciousness Transformation continued
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 55
Consciousness Transformation continued
Andrea Seiver, Ph.D. Channeled Readings Classes Have you spoken with an ascended master recently? Vywamus, channeled by Andrea Seiver, is a master and teacher who is working to help all humans make the shift into the higher levels of consciousness. Readings with Vywamus cover your life work, relationships, past lives, and other
issues with his characteristic warmth, humor, and practical advice. Channeled Classes and Spiritual Tutoring help you personally evolve and begin to live in a state of higher consciousness. Evenings with Vywamus: Vywamus shares his energy and discusses your questions on topics of general interest. Donation $10. Other Classes: Learn to Channel • Advanced Channeling For information, contact Andrea at 617-332-1541 • www.andreaseiver.com Available Now! The Next Big Bang: The Explosion of Human Consciousness A Vywamus Book Read more at www.andreaseiver.com
Counseling and Therapy Stop Smoking In One Session
Lose Weight Naturally Dr. George W. Mephis, Ph.D., BCH, is a world-renowned Russian healer and spiritual teacher, with 25 years of experience in helping people stop smoking, lose weight and achieve freedom from addiction slavery. He has been called The Miraclemaker for his phenomenal ability to cure incurable diseases. He is the founder of the HypnoEnergetic Movement. This powerful technique stimulates the brain to produce more pleasure hormones, naturally creating a positive state of consciousness and at the same time erasing the negative memories related to addictive behavior.
Compassionate Psychotherapy & EMDR Barbara Gangemi, LMHC We are each endowed with an enormous capacity for self-healing, and often what’s needed is a wise and experienced guide to show us the way through darkness. Barbara’s style of compassionate psychotherapy, combined with a number of highly effective stress reduction techniques as well as the rapid and profound healing effects of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can lead to new levels of physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well being. Maybe you are having trouble maintaining relationships or employment in the present. Perhaps you remember childhood
56 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
Mr. Mephis helps people quit smoking in one session, lose weight and control their appetite, eliminate pain, stress, anxiety, depression and various other physical disorders including cancer in a unique and miraculous way. u
Stop Smoking in One Session
Lose Weight
Eliminate Pain
Stress, Anxiety, Depression
Substance Abuse
Addictive Behavior
Self Destructive Behavior
Cancer Patients Support
Enhance Spot Performance
HEALING traumatic loss & grief
Eugene L. Pogany, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist “There is no greater pain in life than losing a child, a battlefield buddy, or a spouse of many years and feeling disconnected, forever…Now, we [have the means to dramatically] heal this deep pain…resulting from the loss.” — Dr. Allan L. Botkin As a psychologist and psychotherapist for 30 years, and one who carries my own family legacy of loss from the Holocaust, I
Center of the Heart Whole Health Integration
Joan Holzman, Psy. D. Lic. Psychologist, Lic. Marriage and Family Therapist Dance/Movement Therapist From the time we are very young we take life’s experiences to heart. Over time we may forget our core, hurts and feelings, but they remain with us. Our heartfelt experiences help shape our sense of self and our interactions with others.
George W. Mephis | Market Street Health 214 Market Street u Brighton, MA02135 617-507-1991 www.hypnoenergetic.com
mistreatment, medical procedures that were frightening and painful, accidents, illnesses, even natural disasters. Many people today experience a pervasive feeling of “being stressed.” Whatever the source of your distress, this combination of therapies can bring deep and lasting healing to your body, mind, and spirit. As a licensed mental health counselor and a fully certified EMDR practitioner, Barbara has been practicing psychotherapy for more than eighteen years and EMDR for thirteen years. She considers the opportunity to assist clients to be a sacred trust, and she moves toward the path to healing with the knowledge that, in a safe and supportive therapeutic relationship, we can heal what has been too daunting to face alone. Some insurances accepted. Call for further information or to schedule an appointment. BarbaraGangemi@aol.com West Roxbury • 617-553-0714
Healing from the Body Level UpSM A new mind / body / spirit healing methodology for the 21st century
Announcing hbluSM A breakthrough new therapy that can change your life, even when other therapies have failed! • Do you have fears, anxieties or phobias that get in your way? • Are your relationships frustrating, painful, or unsatisfying? • Are you feeling unfulfilled with your career, current income, or just life in general? • Do you constantly struggle to achieve and maintain your ideal weight? • Are you being weighed down by chronic health problems? • Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again? When you’ve done your best to solve these problems, but find that they are not
have continually sought ways to alleviate grief that can linger for a lifetime. Out of this search, I have learned that there can be no greater incentive to live life more fully than to realize in a profoundly direct and natural way that beyond our sadness, our departed loved ones are alright and that most of all they want us to continue living. With a modified version of EMDR, I help clients, following a particularly painful loss, experience a profoundly peaceful and enduring reduction of grief, often accompanied by a felt reconnection with their deceased loved one. Please see my recent article: “Until We Meet Again…” featured in earthstarmag.com, April/May ’11. elpog@aol.com Newton, MA V 617-969-1104
I offer a variety of modalities such as: EMDR, Sandtray Therapy, Relaxation Techniques, Therapeutic Movement & Psychotherapy to help heal our core issues and attain a more integrated sense of health and well being. I look forward to meeting you. Client Comments: s Sandtray – “Sand tray therapy helped me see my life more clearly.” s EMDR – “I had insights I never had before.” s Therapeutic Movement – “It was great to feel the freedom in my body after working with you.” 42 Thoreau Street, Concord, MA 01742 978-369-6138
under your voluntary control, you are experiencing unconscious self-sabotage. Healing from the Body Level UpSM (hbluSM) is a unique and effective way to get unstuck and eliminate struggle by clearing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success, so that you can finally achieve your goals! The originator of this holistic psychotherapy system, Dr. Judith Swack, has demonstrated her amazing phobia cures live on WCVB Channel 5 News, on TBS Superstation’s Worst Case Scenario, and on New England Cable News. She is a respected healer, teacher of healers, author, and keynote presenter at major psychology conferences. Dr. Judith Swack and her associates Nicole LaFrance, MA, and David Danzig, LICSW, are now available for private sessions in person, or by phone. “This work gave me back my life.” – Susan S., Writer, Boston, MA “I’ve made more progress in the most important areas of my life in just a few sessions than I did in 5 years of traditional therapy. This woman is amazing! I’ve already referred – Jane U., Teacher 10 clients to her.” For a free information package and to book appointments, call 1-800-310-6549 or 781-444-6940, or visit www.hblu.org.
Life Coaching
Improve motivation, accomplish tasks & more
Holistic Psychotherapy & Life Coaching Lori Miller-Freitas, LICSW
Holistic Psychotherapy/Clinical Consultation
Using extensive professional experience to resolve issues related to: Trauma, Grief, PTSD, Anxiety and Phobias, ADD.
Get to the core — Transform your life! You are on this earth to be happy and realize your true potential.
Certifications: LICSW, EMDRIA Approved Consultant, National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. Visa/MC acccepted.
EMDR R TAT R Hypnosis R Reiki
294 Pleasant St. R Ste. 103B R Stoughton, MA
I use a combination of traditional, body centered and energy therapies to increase the speed and deepen the level of holistic healing.
Body-Centered Psychotherapy Listen to your body…follow your heart. The heart is the first organ to form in the body, and is the organizing factor for physical formation, including brain formation. Trauma, deprivation or neglect creates heart wounds, which keep us from accessing our deepest selves. Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) facilitates an emotional, energetic rewiring, helping us activate and express the power of the heart. Emotional safety,
Barbara Madden Johnson M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C. Do you have a belief that, inside of you, you have the potential that yearns to be released? For most, a fleeting glimpse is all they’ll ever have. For others, there is a way. Just imagine…releasing your true potential. Working together, one-on-one, you can over-
Holistic Counseling Concepts Trish Whynot, D.C.Ed. Doctor of C.O.R.E. Education “What impressed me about Dr. Trish was her natural ability to see through the chaos of life’s web and identify the root cause of problems.” — Bob Olson, Editor, OfSpirit.com Offering a variety of techniques, including: ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling, Meditation, Energy Work, Crystals, and Aromatherapy
www.eaglespirittherapies.com 781-297-2003
words, touch, meditation, movement, presence and silence facilitate verbal and non-verbal expression. Meaningful work, fulfilling relationships, self-esteem, purpose and passion, love, intimacy and sexuality follow. Straight, GLBT and poly-friendly. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups Sunday nights in Newton. Apprenticeship training. Books: Living with Vision, and Healing the War Between the Genders Blog: www.heartspacecafe.com/blog Mediation for couples and families. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups. Apprenticeship training. Newton, MA www.healingheartpower.com LSMHEART@aol.com 617-965-7846
come problems that have kept you from achieving your goals and desires. Unlock your potential! Restore inner balance! Come alive! Barbara Madden Johnson, M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C., a certified master practitioner and licensed trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, has over 25 years experience helping individuals with: u Career and identity issues u Immune and autoimmune illnesses u Chronic fatigue syndrome u Depression u Learning disabilities and ADD u Relationships u NLP Certification Training Program u Belmont, MA. Some insurance accepted. For an appointment, call 617-484-1716.
Eliminate the root of physical, social, and financial problems: Unresolved issues stored in our physical and energy bodies can manifest as pain, illness, or mediocrity. Discover, address, and release issues blocking health and wealth. View obstacles, relationships, and illness as opportunities for growth and change. Experience resonance-changing techniques that get to the root of problems. Open to an array of extraordinary futures. Private Appointments, Phone Sessions & Workshops Middleton, MA u Trish@TrishWhynot.com www.TrishWhynot.com u 978-314-4545
Weekly Group and Various Workshops Offered
Glenn utilizes heart-centered therapeutic techniques, and at times powerfully combines hypnosis and psychotherapy. This method is safe, effective and faster than using only talk therapy. The results will amaze you! You’ll notice a huge change in your life as he works with you to make your goals a reality. Don’t wait! Call now to set up your FREE initial consultation. It’s time to create the change you desire.
Conveniently located near the commuter rail in Needham. Just a short drive from Rte. 128/I-95
www.GlennBigonet.com 617-462-6642
Helping People Live Better Lives Glenn Bigonet, M.A. Mental Health Counselor Clinical Hypnotherapist
Healing and Bodywork Neck and Shoulder Release Massage for Cancer Patients Personal Training Self-Care Instruction Reiki
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
Relax, Relieve, Renew Rezakkah draws on 20 years of experience to create a customized massage that relieves pain while relaxing body and mind.
22-Strand DNA Activation
Bring your Divine Blueprint into Physical Plane Manifestation and experience greater empowerment, improved health (mental, emotional physical and spiritual), increased utilization of your brains potential, greater creativity, and increased energy and clarity.
Patricia Warren Reiki Jin Kei Do
“I help my clients improve their body awareness, develop good body habits, and learn to relieve problem areas with self-care techniques that fit easily into their lives. I teach people how to listen and respond to the wisdom of their bodies so that they can relieve pain and maintain balance and comfort.” Watertown, MA 617-254-4088 ◆ www.rezakkah.com
Also, bring forth your greatest talents and abilities, clear many karmic and genetic patterns, hold greater amounts of light in your physical body, and much more. Great for those who feel ready to shift out of those “stuck” areas into tremendous empowerment, improved health on all levels, and living your higher destiny agreements and highest potentials. Rev. Claire Luft Master Teacher/Master Healer Ancient Mystery School Guide & Ritual Master Heart's Singing Healing Center, Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 v www.heartssinging.com Union, returning 13 times, as well as to thousands of people in medical, religious and educational settings throughout the Caribbean, Europe and Middle East since 1989. ✦
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
New Englands most InternationallyExperienced Reiki Master since 1989 Patricia has taught healing techniques of Buddhist, Sikhs and Christians for over 25 years. She is the appointed East Coast representative of Reiki Jin Kei Do ~ Buddho Healing, authentic and advanced teachings of Usui Reiki in the lineage of Buddhist Monk Seiji Takamori. Patricia was the first woman to teach Reiki in the former Soviet
✦ ✦ S
All Levels of Reiki Jin Kei Do Training Buddho Healing (advanced Reiki classes) “His Garments Hem” Christian Healing Touch Gung Fu Chinese Tea Ceremonies Past Life Regression Justice of the Peace Spiritual Director S
S Reiki Jin Kei Do Level 1 CD S
Reiki Jin Kei Do CD $16 S
Patricia Warren, Reiki Master Teacher 508-528-5888 ✦ warrenhealing@gmail.com www.patriciawarren.com Healing and Bodywork continued
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 57
Healing and Bodywork continued
Experience colon hydrotherapy in a safe, relaxed environment using state-of-the-art FDA registered equipment. Stephanie Dumas I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Owner
Lexington Medical Building 16 Clarke Street, Lexington, MA Cleansing for the body, the mind, the spirit
Libby Barnett, MSW, RMT Awaken Your Healing Touch Libby is a gifted, knowledgeable Reiki Master with 32 years experience. Libby learned Reiki from John Harvey Gray in 1979, and is the longest practicing Reiki Master Teacher on the East Coast. Her book, Reiki Energy Medicine, Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice has sold over 70,000 copies in five languages. Use Reiki to create more joy, ease, and happiness. Let Libby’s warm, heart-centered approach help you take your next step toward self-love and inner peace. Reiki brings balance and harmony, supporting you doing the work you were born to do. Reiki facilitates transitions, promotes creativity and wisdom, and accelerates spiritual growth, helping you manifest your magnificence. Libby has been teaching Reiki at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for 14 years. She has taught medical and nursing students at Harvard, Brown, Tufts, and Yale, as well as staff at Mass General, Brigham and Women’s, Beth Israel, Mt. Auburn, Emerson, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Southern New Hampshire, New York Columbia Presbyterian hospitals, and social workers at the University of Maryland. Libby was featured in a Reiki segment for the PBS nationally televised series, Body and Soul. “Libby has a beautiful way of teaching and creates a perfect atmosphere for healing and learning.”
healthyspirit@verizon.net 781-860-5116
One of Libby’s passions is teaching hospice staff and volunteers. Fueled by Reiki energy, their healing touch is enhanced, creating greater effectiveness in calming agitation, soothing pain and providing comfort. In class, a powerful slide presentation captures the essence of Reiki and highlights the latest research. Reiki stories from Libby’s extensive experience will uplift and inspire you, showing how anyone can learn Reiki. You receive attunements and practice giving and receiving Reiki. You leave class with an illustrated notebook, certificate, and Reiki pin, fully trained and certified to do Reiki on yourself, family, friends, and animals. “Hands on, Reiki’s on.” "My commitment to teach the Usui System of Reiki Healing in the authentic, traditional manner inspired me to visit Japan to retrace the roots of Reiki. I am dedicated to teaching this sacred healing art to promote health and conscious living on the planet. I invite you to give yourself the gift of Reiki. It is an easy, effective self-care tool to love, heal, and empower yourself. I look forward to meeting you and sharing Reiki.” Reiki I, Boston Area Classes: Newton, MA: Mar. 3 or June 9 Concord, MA: Mar. 10 or June 23 Reiki I, Wilton, NH Classes: Mar. 24 or June 2
Spontaneous Remission Advanced Energetic Hands on Healing from the Mayan Lineage. Miraculous Healing for all issues that require attention.
58 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
A therapeutic vacation for body, mind & spirit Janice Valverde MAT, LMT 978-853-9211 ValverdeMassage.weebly.com
Nakri HEALING CENTER Nadsa de Monteiro
Lightarian & Usui Reiki Master/Teacher
Rev. Claire Luft is a Master Healer and Master Teacher of Divine Intervention Healing. This healing technique is sacred, powerful, and produces Physical Plane Results. Heart’s Singing Healing Center Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 u www.heartssinging.com
Lightarian Reiki and Usui -Tibetan Reiki Classes — all levels Aura Readings via your Akashic Records Reiki Sessions that address your issues and initiate the transformation that is right for you nadsa@nakrihealing.com www.nakrihealing.com Dorchester, MA ✴ 617-285-1056
I’ve offered flower essence therapy internationally for over 16 years. I offer sessions by phone and in my Northampton office. I work with clients on a broad range of issues and develop a flower essence formula specifically for each session. Call me if you want compassionate and powerful support for healing into a more gracious and empowered life.
The John Harvey Gray Center for
Lourdes was initiated by John Harvey Gray as a Reiki Master Teacher in 1996 after intensive one-on-one training by John Harvey Gray. As a Reiki Master Teacher, Lourdes has taught over 700 Reiki workshops and trained more than 8,000 Reiki students to date and serves as the director of the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. Each workshop consists of two full days of learning and hands-on practice. You will immediately be able to effectively channel Reiki healing energy for yourself, others and pets. In Reiki First Degree you will:
Reiki Healing
Advanced Reiki Techniques: Concord, MA: Apr. 28 Prerequisite: Reiki II with any Reiki Master
To register or for more information: www.reikienergy.com reiki@reikienergy.com • 603-654-2787
14 Cedar Street Studios #308, Amesbury, MA www.Facebook.com/ValverdeMassage
413-667-8820 j www.foxmountain.net
Reiki Master, Wilton, NH Class: Apr. 14
All credit cards accepted. Social Work, Nursing and Massage contact hours/CEU’s available. Reiki Master Teacher Training info available on request.
Unique therapeutic treatments to relieve stress and pain. Beautiful, peaceful studio. Integrating Swedish, Shiatsu, Reiki, passive stretching, music thearpy, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy. Always 20% off for seniors. Excellent pregnancy massage. Experienced in sports massage. Advanced training in oncology massage.
16 Center St, Suite 514, Northampton, MA
Reiki II Class on day following Reiki I Class
Divine Intervention is “Where the Impossible Becomes Possible.”
Divine Intervention
Valverde Massage
Lourdes Gray, Ph.D. Awaken your healing skills immediately and be a powerful channel for Reiki energy! The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing was established by John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray in 1996 to empower and develop a student’s capacity for healing. The Center offers the most thorough Reiki healing training available, ‘with no cut corners’, as it was taught by Mrs. Hawayo Takata. John Harvey Gray received his entire Reiki training from Hawayo Takata. He was one of the original 22 Reiki Master Teachers trained by her. He was also the longest-practicing Reiki Master Teacher in the Western Hemisphere until his passing into spirit on January 12, 2011.
✴ Quickly and easily develop your natural,
intuitive powers. Within minutes, be able to scan and feel a person’s aura and chakras for analysis. ✴ Effectively treat any condition with Reiki energy— physical, emotional or spiritual, chronic or acute. ✴ Immediately be an effective Reiki healer, confidently bringing comfort and calm to family, friends, clients and pets ✴ Receive a training manual & certificate. The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing P.O. Box 696, Rindge, NH 03461 Visa/MC Accepted See Full Class Schedule: www.learnreiki.org ✴ 603-899-3288
Healing: Combined Modalities Pure Health & Wellness
Colon Hydrotherapy
Nadine Miller I-ACT Certified
daily basis. These are just some of the many symptoms with which colon hydrotherapy can help. Experience comfort and relaxation with the Angel of Water colon hydrotherapy system. This open-style system is FDAapproved and brings colon cleansing into the 21st century with privacy and dignity. We are now offering special package prices for the spring!
Keeping you healthy from the inside out! Colon hydrotherapy is one of the most important things we can do to keep our bodies as healthy as can be. Many people struggle from constipation, bloating, fatigue, being overweight, and feeling sluggish on a
By combining traditional healing methods such as Reiki, hypnosis, and polarity therapy with his original white light healing therapy, Mark Levin was
For an office appointment or to place a remote healing request, please call: 617-233-3986 www.transcendentalhealing.com
Devoted to helping you feel better. Energy Healer Reiki Master Certified Hypnotherapist Mark Levin specializes in:
For more information or to make an appointment, please call 508-566-7873 112 Park Street, North Attleboro, MA www.purehealthandwellnessma.com
Intuitive Hands-On Healing R Hypnosis Thetahealing R Reconnective Healing® The Reconnection®
National Guild of Hypnotists
True wellness occurs when all parts of ourselves have released and healed. Healings address everyday problems whether they are physical, emotional, mental, behavioral or spiritual. By resolving negative issues and patterns, clients will experience renewed opportunities to live the life of their dreams.
283 Main Street, Kingston,MA 02364 www.newdayhealing.com R 508-280-1523
Awaken your dreams for yourself and for the life you want.
Love, Light and Joy
Discover the path to spiritual awakening. Free yourself of fears that block joy and light. Connect to the Universal Energy that is available to all who seek it. Know true joy and peace. Diane Mitchell RN, BSN, brings a wealth of experience combining conventional and holistic healing modalities. She is a lifelong seeker of Light, incorporating meditation, Reiki, nutritional balance and exercise into her daily life. She has been a registered nurse for 35 years and a Certified Reiki Practioner for 10 years. Pathways to Light offers Reiki healing, guided meditation and nutritional counseling.
Energetic, effortless healing that reaches the core of our being, balancing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
Sturbridge, MA G Greenville, RI angelwings10663@yahoo.com 774-200-0558
Pathways to Light Reiki Healing Center
The Way to Balance,® LLC Center for Advanced Healing and Training Aaron & Sue Singleton, Founders
Resolve WHY you are sick, or feel unfulfilled! We combine Medical Intuition, Massage/Integrative Bodywork with many more modalities. v
Hypnotherapy W Reiki W Polarity Therapy White Light Healing W Remote Healing
able to create very powerful healing processes for hundreds of satisfied clients both within the physical confines of his office, and remotely throughout the entire world. There are many clinically documented cases of spontaneous healing performed by him. Located at 121 B Tremont Street, Suite 19, Brighton, MA 02135. For those who are unable to come to my office, home or hospital visits are available. Major credit cards accepted.
Medical Intuitive Readings that get to the Root Cause of why you are ill, or as a means of prevention.
intuitive HEALING
Wendy Marks
M.Ed, C.A.S., FAPA R Medical intuitive sessions, energy heal-
ing and integrative therapy R 25 years of experience in traditional and
complementary healthcare
Visionary Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Sound and Light Therapy, and Hypnotherapy to address issues of anxiety, overwhelm, loss, resentment, and more.
v Trauma Release Modalities for bone, mus-
cle, nerve, organ issues. Years of pain gone in just a few sessions, or even just minutes. v
The Rings of Oden™ for the release of X-Ray, MRI, chemo, EMF’s, antibiotics, vaccine and other drug residues, environmental pollutants, petroleum, plastics, and more.
Nora V. Helbich, CCH
Betty L. Solbjor, BFRP,
Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki ® Master Interfaith Minister
Betty Solbjor has been practicing and teaching Reiki since 1996. In 2002 she became a Karuna Reiki® Master, a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, and was ordained an interfaith minister. She has extensive experience using Reiki on both people and animals to gently treat many illnesses and emotional problems. Reiki brings about a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace. Combined with
21 Water St. Amesbury, MA 01913 www.TheWayToBalance.com 978-834-0341 R Improve your physical, mental, and
spiritual health R Works with individuals to develop their
own intuitive skills “As a healer, I work with individuals in a way that consciously promotes a peaceful and healthy planet. Our healing work takes place despite the conflicts that wash over us in our daily lives. By healing ourselves we create changes that have a ripple effect on the world around us.” www.wendymarks.com R 781-449-5368 wlm922@wendymarks.com
Eye of the Eagle Center for Spiritual light
Leontine Hartzell is a trained shamanic practitioner and counselor, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, certified therapeutic energy healer, crystal and sound therapist, plant spirit medicine practitioner, psychic channeler, and legally ordained minister. With the help of her spirit guides,
Magnified Healing, crystal singing bowls, guided meditation, a session can help to restore balance and harmony to body, mind and soul. Services offered: Reiki treatment sessions and training for all levels of Reiki and Karuna Reiki
Bach Flower Essence® consultations and creation of custom formulas
Weddings and other ceremonies
Member, International Association of Reiki Professionals and Better Business Bureau,® Serving Eastern Massachusetts. Waltham, MA w betty@reikiflowers.com www.reikiflowers.com 781-258-7712
Leontine uses soul retrieval, removal and healing of energy blocks, chakra balancing, intuitive counseling, guided imagery, and energy healing methods to heal posttraumatic stress and related disorders, depression, chronic pain and illness, anxiety, grief, and addictive behaviors. Past life issues and current life traumas that affect the client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health are healed to allow the client to move into a life of joy and fulfillment. Private Sessions Long-distance Healing r Phone Readings Workshops and Classes Andover, MA r info@eyeofeagle.org www.eyeofeagle.org r 978-475-1268 Healing: Combined Modalities continued
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 59
Healing: Combined Modalities continued The greatest peformance art being, of course, life itself! Whatever it is that you do, you’re at risk for overuse, underuse, or mis-use syndromes, due to repetitve movements and postural challenges. For nearly 30 years I’ve been developing THE NOBLE METHOD. I’ll examine, assess, and address the unique specificity requirements of each individual client, with an emphasis on structure, function, compensation patterns, and balance. Mark Noble, LMT
AMTA professional active member #16866 MA Licensed Massage Therapist #8907
Therapeutic maintenance massage for massage therapists and other performing artists.
Stress Management through Mind/Body-Wisdom Cécile Raynor Certified Thai Yoga Therapist Alexander Technique Teacher
With the Alexander Technique, a mind/body approach to finding your center: F
Private sessions, Workshops and Classes Combos sessions are also available! Throughout her 20 yrs experience, Cécile has developed a unique style that has profoundly changed the lives of people with whom she has worked! For info on monthly workshops and private sessions, call Cecile @ 617-359-7841 www.alexandertec.com
mindbody connect Martha Angelini, LCMT Reiki Master 665 Franklin Street, Framingham MA mla.mindbodyconnect@me.com
Free yourself from harmful habitual patterns of body and mind Stop creating excess tension by activating your postural reflexes Promote ease of movement Improve posture effortlessly Create space for deeper breathing Speak or sing from your center Feel and look self-confident! With Thai Yoga, a healing modality also called “Lazy Man’s Yoga”:
Enjoy the benefit of Yoga while the therapist does all the work
Martha is a Reiki Master, Licensed and Certified Massage Therapist, CranioSacral Practitioner and Full Spectrum Energy Healer. By combining her skills in both body work and energy work, to help you connect and integrate your physical, energetic and mental/emotional fragments, Martha is able to help with acute issues and assist in a longer term path of wellness. www.mindbodyconnect.net • 508-308-2560
Herbs and Gardens
s tie
sibili t n
An Herb and Aromatherapy Shop Common and unique herbs for your herb garden. Scentsibilities also carries herbal products including herbal teas,
60 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
books, potpourri, candles, incense and skin care products. Dried herbs are available for making your own herbal teas. We carry a full line of essential oils, oil diffusers and related aromatherapy products including carrier oils and colored bottles for your mixes. Workshops are offered at the shop in herb garden design and planning, herbal topics and aromatherapy. We are glad to fill special requests. Sign up for the monthly email newsletter by emailing us at Linda@scentsibilities.com and receive updates on products and workshops. 750 Main Street, Boylston, MA 01505 508-869-3300 a www.scentsibilities.com
Holistic Medical and Dental Dr. Iontcheva-Barehmi is an accomplished dentist and specialist in Periodontics and Implants (DMD, D.Sc. in Periodontology and Oral Biology and M.S. in Public Health), with holistic approach to medicine and dentistry.
Dr. Iveta Iontcheva-Barehmi DMD, MS, D.Sc. 1842 Beacon St. Suite 302, Brookline MA www.bostondentalwellness.com
Natural Family Health & Integrative Medicine Dr. Jody E. Noé MS, ND Dr. Jody E. Noé, MS, ND is a Licensed, Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, fulltime, academic and clinical faculty at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine, and is a published natural medicine researcher. Dr. Noé has been in practice for over 15 years and is a specialist in Integrative Medicine, and Naturopathic Oncology.
To schedule your comprehensive exam and share the excitement of a healthy smile, call: 617-868-1516 See our display ad in this issue to learn more.
Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) are trained at accredited naturopathic medical schools, which are 4-year post graduate medical schools accredited by the US Dept. of Education. These medically-trained Naturopathic Doctors are trained as primary care doctors where they can order labs, diagnostics and diagnostic imaging, perform physical examinations, and refer to specialists when indicated. A naturopathic doctor uses natural complementary and alternative therapies, in conjunction with, or in place of, conventional medicine, based on the individual. 58 High Street, Westerly, RI www.drjodyenoe.com v 401-596-1770
Readings t
A Connection... to Self& Spirit
Cheryl Kerrigan Reiki Master / Medium I honor the divine light and pass it on to you with love.
Psychic Readings Energy Healings
My gift to you as a medium is to offer you a connection from spirit that may help you heal, grow, and find peace and strength. I honor and respect spirit and am blessed and grateful to help you make a connection from their soul to yours. My gift to you as a Reiki Master is to bring you a sense of wellness with the connection of the divine healing energy. Please call 508-962-9050 to schedule a session. cheryl@agiftofconnection.com www.agiftofconnection.com
Need insight and clarity?
A soul reading can help! By speaking directly to your guides, we will examine your life from a spiritual perspective to discover your life’s purpose and resolve issues about relationships, health, finances and career. Lisa Campion also teaches Psychic Development and Reiki Classes. Offices located at Solstice Healing Arts Center, Medway MA.
Are you in the middle of a change, crisis or transformation?
lisa@lisacampion.com www.lisacampion.com c 508-473-0609
Reiki Classes Lisa Campion
Spirit Medium NECOLE STEPHENS Necole is a spirit medium and certified Reiki Master. She also teaches meditation/ stress management classes. Necole has dedicated her life to the helping and healing of others.
Readings are our Specialty With the Love of Angels Rev. Barbara E. Szafranski Spiritual Counseling Trance Channeling Mediumship Psychic Readings Telephone Readings Tarot Readings Aura Photos: Face and Chakra Body Astrological Charts Angelic Healings Reiki Polarity and Energy Work angelicaofsalem@aol.com www.angelicaoftheangels.com
Intuitive Guidance for Your Life
Internationally known for her work with people via phone, in person, and radio, Jocelyn has been helping and guiding others for over 24 yrs. Known for her ability to “cut to the quick” Jocelyn gives you information you can use for all aspects of your life.
Gretchen’s Spirit Connection Healing communications with loved ones who’ve crossed over
Sessions with Gretchen are about: G a healing connection G the benefits of reiki G a warm, supportive environment G peace and relaxation
Necole hosts enchanting “Angel Kisses” group reading events. The experience of the miracle of afterlife communication will leave you feeling uplifted, knowing your loved ones are always around you! See her upcoming schedule online. Follow Necole’s fan page on Facebook and Twitter. View Necole’s blog: www.necolestephens.wordpress.com For more info or to schedule an appointment: necolestephens@comcast.net www.necolestephens.com
Angelica and Angels Landing offer a wide variety of both metaphysical and new age gifts. Browse around, enjoy the softness of the Angelic energy. Feel the magic that Angelica of the Angels and Angels Landing will bring to you. We have a knowledgeable staff to answer any and all questions. We also offer: classes, workshops, lectures, parties, weddings and healings. A reader is on hand at all times. By appointment: Rev. Barbara E. Szafranski Classes Ongoing Weekly: Meditation & Focus on Psychic Development Open Monday through Sunday Angelica of the Angels 7 Central St., Salem, MA 978-745-9355 Angels Landing 131-1 Essex St., Salem, MA 978-744-0170
If you are ready to take a journey into yourself and hear your story with fresh ears, you will come out with options, tools, and choices you may not have seen on your own. All sessions are recorded on audio cassette. ~ $25 off your first session. ~ For more information, call or email Jocelyn, Intuitive Consultant jocelynintuitive@hotmail.com 978-694-8946
Gretchen Giuffre is a family intuitive — a non-traditional medium who focuses on connection and healing at the deepest emotional and spiritual levels. Specializing in communicating with loved ones who have passed, as well as with divine guides and Archangels, Gretchen receives affirming, comforting messages that can lay unsettled matters to rest. Clients often say she has the most loving “mom energy” and brings forth these messages in a tender, nurturing way. Messages G Reiki G Healing Touch www.gretchensspiritconnection.com 617-694-8326
Gifted Psychic, Medium and Channel A renown intuitive advisor for the past 24 years, Emma is a gifted psychic, medium, and channel and has worked for the corporate sector with a highlight including helping an oil tycoon land a multi-million oil
Martin Reiki Healing I & II Readings from Ascended Masters Exceptionally Gifted & Trustworthy Psychic Medium and Channelling Talk to the Acsended Masters who will guide you through doors you never knew existed.
deal! Tarot, numerology, Runes, the I Ching, crystals, palmistry, scrying, and tea leaves can be used to help you gain a better understanding of yourself and the world. Receive a reading for relationships, fertility, finding a job, investment strategy, and just about anything! Psychic Readings in person or phone: 30 min = $45 * 1 hr = $70 * $1.99/min. Mediumship Readings in person or phone: 1 hr = $110 * 30 min = $65 To schedule an appointment, or for directions, call or visit Emma online. Friend Emma Tracey Phaneuf on FaceBook! EmmaPhaneuf.com v 401-305-7702
Talk to loved ones who have crossed over and hear word for word what they have to say. I can also help you get through relationship, health, finance, and career issues. Let me give you the guidance to a better life. Mediumship Readings In Person To schedule an appointment, please call Martin Ruggiero at: 603-801-2405
Retreats and Retreat Centers The Gathering Inn at Daydream Farm
Women’s Spiritual Center and Retreat House Women Helping Women Reconnect to their Spiritual Center Cozy! Affordable! Welcoming!
The Peace Abbey The Peace Abbey, a multi-faith retreat and conference center located in Sherborn, Massachusetts is dedicated to creating innovative models for society that empower individuals on the path to nonviolence and peacemaking. This beautiful space welcomes guests for weddings, Bah Mitzvahs, private parties and meetings.
Offering rest and renewal for individual women and small groups through day-long or overnight retreats, nurture, stillness and meditation, as well as gathering spaces for Yoga classes, holistic workshops and transformative programs. See full schedule online. Nourishing meals available on site. Enjoy our Labyrinth, Meditation Garden, and Medicine Wheel. “All roads lead to the same Truth” 82 Healdville Road, Hubbardston, MA www.gatheringinn.org g 978-820-1139
The coffeehouse and greenhouse cafe host music and special events for the wider community and the Greenhouse offers overnight accommodations for visitors and retreatants. Rates available upon request. All are welcome to attend the Sunday Pacifist Service from 10-11 am to share one hour of meditation and prayer in the Quaker Room at the Conference Center. Visitors are welcome seven days a week and tours are available upon request. We are a non-profit and rely solely on the generosity and donations of friends. 2 North Main St. (Rt. 27), Sherborn, MA 01770 abbeypeace@aol.com 508-655-2143 www.peaceabbey.org
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 61
Spiritual Practices The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism embraces a religious and spiritual belief blending ancient wisdom with contemporary thought. Conveniently located off Watertown Square at the Masonic Center, 32 Church St, services are held at 10:30 am every Sunday, with mediumship, live music, inspirational talks, and healing by the laying on of hands.
Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace
When we change ... the world changes. Methods of achieving stability and clarity of mind become more and more essential as our social, political, and economic structures change dramatically. Raja Yoga is a simple but powerful form of meditation that can help you to develop peace of mind, resilience, and inner strength.
Open Door Mission
Pastoral Care, Addictions Counseling, and Spiritual Guidance ~ by appointment Marriages, Baptisms, and Other Sacraments - upon request
As an evolving spiritual community, The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism offers weekday evening classes in mediumship, healing and meditation; Medium’s Day the 4th Saturday of every month; plus seminars and workshops throughout the year. For a detailed brochure, a listing of upcoming events, or to speak with the Pastor call 617-923-4334, or visit our website at: www.GreaterBostonChurchofSpiritualism. com. An affiliate of the American Federation of Spiritualist Churches and the International Spiritualist Federation.
The Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace is a worldwide spiritual organization, affiliated with the UN and recipient of seven Peace Messenger awards. Classes include meditation and a range of other practical tools for self-transformation. Workshops, group meditations, and retreats are held regularly. All activities are offered free of charge, as a community service. The meditation center is at 75 Common Street in Watertown MA. For information or to schedule an appointment, visit the website at www.bkwsuboston.com, e-mail: boston@bkwsu.com or call 617-926-1230.
Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness Improve your health relieve Stress Improve your Circulation exercise your Mind and your Body Studios located in Shrewsbury and Sutton. Call for more information.
Tai Chi Arts Association
Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation The oldest Tai Chi school in New England, the Gin Soon Tai Chi Club was founded in 1969, authorized by Grandmaster Yang Sau Chung to propagate Classical Yang Family Style Tai Chi Chuan in North
CeNTerINg PrAyer
at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Saturdays 4-4:45 pm 3055 Main St. (6A) Barnstable, MA 508-362-3977 Contact Pastor Carol: 617-650-6497 OpenDoorCapeCod@aol.com www.TheopenDoorMission.org
Boston Family Health and Wellness Expo
Ann Bissanti
Worcester Yoga Center HathaYoga begins with refining the physical body but does not stop there. The exercises involve slow precise stretching, strengthening, and breathing techniques,
508-842-1236 www.tai-chi-arts.com
America. Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, founder, received a deep and well-rounded training from Master Lai Hok Soon in Hong Kong and then as a disciple of Yang Sau Chung, first-born and heir of the legendary Yang Cheng Fu. The school has attracted many students from around the world with its traditional approach to training: individual attention, emphasis on correct forms, personal development, repetition, mutual respect, hard work, and integration of body, mind, and qi. All instruction is by Grandmaster Chu and his sons Master Vincent Chu and Gordon Chu. gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation 33 Harrison Ave., 2nd fl, Boston, MA 02111 617-542-4442 • www.gstaichi.org
which not only tone the muscles but affect internal organs, nerves, skin, and virtually all body systems, making yoga a superior wholistic method for physical fitness and preventive and corrective health care. Certified teacher Ann Bissanti, trained in India by B.KS. Iyengar, has studied yoga and meditation for the past 25 years. She has taught yoga at Leonard Morse Hospital in Natick, at various fitness centers and adult education programs, and privately. For more information call: Worcester Yoga Center, 508-829-6300.
Health starts at home. A child’s health begins with their parents.
May 12, 2012 • 9am-5pm Holiday Inn, 1 Newbury Street (Rt 1) Peabody, MA
First 500 people receive a FREE gift bag!
FREE ADMISSION: with a donation of a non-perishable item for the local food pantry 30 exhibits plus entertainment and education for the whole family!
www.bostonfamilyhealthexpo.com • Exhibit Space Available: Contact event organizer Julie Soderblom at (866) 296-0797 62 Spirit Spirit of of Change Change| |SPRING SPRING2012 2012
Ross J. Miller, psychic. Meet your angels and spirit guides. Visit www.The MysticWay.com. 617-527-3583
From Your Home/Aura. Ross J. Miller, psychic medium, healer. Call 617-527-3583. www. The MysticWay.com
Sharon R. Doolittle, DVM, Inc. Holistic. Smithfield, RI. 401-349-2668. www.holisticanimalvet.com
Forest Circles, retreats, programs in a magical Maine forest. www.forestcircles.com
Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton (MASH). Dr. Margo Roman. 508-435-4077. www.mashvet.com.
Journey of the Mind. Kathryn McGlynn, Certified Hypnotist. 781-340-2146. www.hypnosis.ws.
Elizabeth Rozan, transformational development. www.naturalrhythmsconsulting.com. 781-862-5104.
Sue Singleton. 20+ years accurately finding Root Cause. 978-834-0341. TheWayToBalance.com
Bodywork for the Soul. Suzanne Devereaux, LMT. 25 years experience. Shiatsu, craniosacral, Reiki. 860-803-0415.
Elizabeth Thorson RN, Certified by C. Myss and Norman Shealy, MD. elizabeththorson.com. 207-712-9495.
Hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki, IET and crystal healing. 508-539-2885. www.capecodcenterforwholehealth.com.
Holistic Nutrition Services, Southboro, MA. 978-340-0448. www. HolisticNutritionServices.com. Transform your health!
Shari Solomon, Cocoa Plum Nutrition. Health, with you in mind! 781-454-7960. cocoaplumnutrition.com
Genesis Alternative Health. 28 years of experience. I-ACT certified instructor. NBCHT. 978-463-8800.
Body Balancing Center. I-ACT and National Board certified. (508) 797-5057. www.bodybalancingcenter.com.
Ross J. Miller. Relive past lives and release blocked energy. 617-527-3583. www.The MysticWay.com
Healthy Spirit. Stephanie Dumas. I-ACT certified. 781-8605116. healthyspirit@verizon.net.
Lisa Hansen. Divinely guided. Intuitive and gentle. Hudson, MA. 774-249-8208. colonichealing@gmail.com
Aaron Finnegan, certified reflexologist. RI: 401-789-1523. MA: 781-296-5158. a23afinn@hotmail.com.
Revitalive Health & Wellness Center, Newburyport, MA. 978-462-1488. www.revitalive.com
Libby Barnett, MSW, Reiki Master Teacher. 603-654-2787 www.reikienergy.com. CEU’s.
Rev. Carol W. Bolstad, LADC I. Specialties: addiction disorders and pastoral care. 617-650-6497.
Essence of Healing. Reiki sessions and trainings. Essencehealing.net. 508-843-1638
Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D. Licensed 35 yrs. Stress, anxiety, relationships. Stow: 978-897-7979. Putnam: 860-928-6619.
Florence Whipple and Kristin Webb, Reiki Masters. Reiki classes. 978-777-5732. www.reikiprofessors.net.
The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. 603-899-3288. www.learnreiki.org. Reiki training.
Lelia Joseph, Ed. D., RCST. Craniosacral polarity. Fluid biodynamic style. 508-460-7038. 802-453-7088.
The Peace Abbey. Sherborn, MA. A multi-faith retreat and conference center. www.peaceabbey.org
Healed in 2 Hours. Ross J. Miller, psychic healer. 617-527-3583. www.TheMysticWay.com.
Brahma Kumaris Peace Village Retreat Center. Haines Falls, NY. 518-589-5000. www.peacevillage.com
Revitalive Health and Wellness Center. Newburyport, MA. 978-462-1488, www.revitalive.com.
Rosemary Gaddum Gordon, MA. Cambridge, MA and Portsmouth, NH. www.visioneducators.com.
Home and Business. A blend of the best of feng shui traditions. LynnTaylor@bostonfengshui.com. 617-924-4205.
Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti, CYT. 30 years experience Iyengar yoga. 508-829-6300.
Holistic Specialities DIRECTORY
Urban Eden. Transform and empower your home/work spaces. karenfeldmanurbaneden.com. 401-351-5632.
Add your business to this directory by emailing advertise@spiritofchange.org or call (508) 278-9640. Next deadline: May 1, 2012. www.spiritofchange.org
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 63
Custom audio CDs made from your old records and tapes. LPs, 45s and 78s cleaned and remastered without the clicks and surface noise. Cassettes and reel-to-reel tapes professionally converted. www.CustomAudioCDs.com. (853) 346-1520. Mention SOC and get free shipping on your first order!
Care for the caregiver. Education and guidance in all areas of caregiving and in creating a more balanced life. Individual sessions and support groups. Lynne VanDerhoof, caregiver consultant. Newport, RI. lynnevan@verizon.net. (401) 849-1492.
Herpes — No more — Guaranteed. Call 1-800-605-9001 or visit online: herpescoldsorekiller.com.
BOOKS For inspirational books on astrology, the I Ching, past life therapy, humor therapy and more, visit Amy Shapiro’s www.NewAgeSages.com for sages and seekers.
BUSINESS FOR SALE Turn key. Longest-standing Cape Cod multi-dimensional complementary health center/yoga studio. Includes 6 treatment rooms, 2 waiting areas and a studio space. Current practitioners include acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, yoga and more. Investment returned in three and a half years or less. Incredible opportunity for growth! Arthur (508) 360-3287. firstlyt@comcast.net
Upper Cape Tech in Bourne, MA near Cape Cod Canal offers over 200 classes in wellness/mind/body, culinary, computers, health careers, nail tech, woodworking, reflexology, meditation, aromatherapy, tai chi, business careers, paralegal, real estate and more. Visit www.uppercapetech. cc or call (508) 759-7711, ext. 211 for details.
Contact: Dotty Delorey
64 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
Lyme Disease and Co-Infections. Neuropsychiatric included. Effective flower essence treatment. Part energetic/plant/ spiritual. Get your life back. Become symptom free. Sandra (617) 698-0213.
St. Martin Hypnotherapy & Reiki Center Plymouth, mA
Distant Healing • Reiki Treatments
Complete Healing
Healing with the power of the mind to a body that wants to be healed.
I believe I can help you: (508) 822-9000
Miracles Do Happen!
All About Dowsing. Through dowsing discover more about yourself and your health. Self-instructional DVD’s, books, instruments. www.dowsing.com. (805) 649-5721. Catalog: PO Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.
EMERGENCY SURVIVAL Go Grab Organic Survival Food Buckets. When you can only grab one thing, these buckets are the ones to grab! Quality vacuum sealed organic, natural foods and essentials to survive during emergencies. www.VirtualMountain.Org.
Independent Representative dot4organics@aol.com www.dot4organics.info 978-582-9839
Clutter? Furniture fatigue? Is your living space stopping you from living? Or is it your workspace that’s not working? Feng Shui can deliver you from chaos and clutter and create comfort in your environment. Contact lynntaylor@bostonfengshui.com.
Frank St. Martin
4 Stop Smoking 4 Weight Reduction 4 Habit Control 4 Improve Sleeping 4 Pain Management 4 Fears/Phobias 4 Stress/Anxiety 4 Self-Confidence
Call us today! (774) 773- 9153
Memorial Arrangements Peace of mind here and the hereafter! Reduce stress at a most stressful time — the death of a loved one. The Peace Abbey is a multi-faith retreat and peace center in Sherborn, MA that offers the opportunity to preplan and prepay for you and your loved ones’ final arrangements ahead of time. Contact chaplain Dot Walsh dwalsh@peaceabbey.org or call (508) 655-2143 for details. Visit www.peaceabbey.org.
MIND & SPIRIT Dianetics is a proven and workable method of returning self-determinism and freeing you from depression.
by L. Ron Hubbard
Start the adventure—of you. PRICE: $20.00
Church of Scientology 448 Beacon Street (617)266-9500 boston@scientology.net • www.scientology-boston.org
Near-Death Experiences Learn about near-death experience research, support and resources. Community sessions offered. Contact: Andrea Curewitz, M.S., RM/T, Rev., (978) 807-7025, greaterboston@iands.org.
PYRAMIDS All About Pyramids. Wellness, meditation/experimental tabletop models. Worldwide research. (805) 649-5721. www.dowsing.com. Catalog: P.O. Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.
READINGS Medium. With over twelve years of service available for phone, gallery style, and home readings. Also house clearings. Testimonials upon request call for pricing. (413) 325.5650.
RETREATS Emerging Retreat Center
NETWORKING Man with acquired disabilities who enjoys photography and mastering new challenges seeks network support, friendship and communication from others with acquired disabilities. Contact Sebouh Kan0085@aol.com
Cleanse Your Body Have more energy, better sleep and add overall health and wealth to your life with Nutritional Cleansing, cellular replenishing and youthful aging systems. Interested in weight management and optimal health? Contact me and I can help!
Donna Heinbach L.P.N. Health and Wellness Coach www.seedonnah.isagenix.com 570-809-4282
SPACE AVAILABLE Furnished Psychotherapy Office in my Newton Center suite for licensed counselors, and/or degreed clinicians, with P/T practices. Inviting environment includes shared clerical space, bathroom and large waiting room. Buddhist/ ACIM perspective, a particularly good fit. Clinical supervision and private practice development offered separately. Chris Gruener www.crossroads-counseling-services.com, (617) 965-6552, imagine@ourworldunited.net. Garden Apartment for Holistic Practitioner. Includes beach rights and private driveway. Side entrance of same building as holistic office with time-share space. $750 monthly includes heat/hw. Lakes Region, NH. (603) 286-8191
Volunteers Needed: Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Music, Pet Therapy & More
Care Alternative is recruiting volunteers to work with terminally ill patients and their families throughout Massachusetts. Volunteers receive training and continuing education related to hospice and the support of the Hospice staff.
For information about classes and volunteer opportunities, please call 508-229-8390.
Rustic accommodations for up to 20
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Join the Expo Team Natural Living Expo September 29-30 Sturbridge, MA
4 hour volunteer shifts in exchange for free expo admission and an event t-shirt. Email michella@naturalexpo.org with your contact info and shift day and time preference.
WILD DOLPHIN SWIMS Swimming with Wild Dolphins. The ultimate human-dolphin connection. Meditative, healing Caribbean Island retreats. Yoga, healthy food, Atlantean legends. www.wildquest.com. (800) 326-1618.
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Your Ad
Classified Line Listings •$1.50 per word, $35 minimum •Add a box around your ad for $10 •Word count: 10-digit phone number is one word. Email and website count as 2 words each. All other words, initials, dates or numbers separated by a hyphen, slash or space count as one word each.
Classified Display Ad Send us your PDF ad file or we will design your ad for a fee. 1” high — $80 2” high — $120 3” high — $160 All ads are 2 ¼” wide.
Summer issue deadline is May 1, 2012 All ads and listings must be prepaid. Check, MC, VISA and Discover accepted. Credit card payments may be processed online at www.spiritofchange.org/payments. Send payment and listings to Spirit of Change, PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569. Fax: 508-278-9641 Email: advertise@spiritofchange.org
Call (508) 278-9640
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 65
SPRING 2012 DISPLAY & DIRECTORY ADVERTISER INDEX A Abra Therapeutics........................................... 22 Acupuncture of Worcester............................. 51 Advaita Meditation Center............................. 53 Advanced CellTraining................................... 18 Advanced Mind Guide.................................... 55 Alternatives for Health.................................... 20 An Apple A Day Acupuncture....................... 51 Andromeda’s Alley.......................................... 52 Angelica of the Angels.................................... 61 AngelsTeach..................................................... 13 Aquarius Sanctuary......................................... 45 Nancy Slonim Aronie...................................... 42 Arvigo Massage................................................ 31 B Susan Barbera.................................................. 26 Libby Barnett.................................................... 58 Kathrin Woodlyn Bateman............................ 58 Glenn Bigonet.................................................. 57 Sarah Bland...................................................... 14 Boston Brain Works........................................ 10 Boston Family Health Expo........................... 62 Boston Health Kinesiology, LLC................... 39 Boston Meditation Group.............................. 29 Boston School of Herbal Studies, The........... 53 Boys To Men..................................................... 27 Brahma Kumaris Learning Ctr for Peace...... 62 Brain Awakening............................................. 44 David Brown.................................................... 19 C Nancy Canning................................................ 39 Canton Spiritualist Church............................ 16 Care Alternatives Hospice.............................. 64 CHIME............................................................. 55 Jonathan Chisholm.......................................... 37 Church of Scientology.................................... 64 Circles of Wisdom........................................... 26 Clarity............................................................... 42 Commonwealth Ctr for Herbal Medicine.... 19 Constellation Approach.................................. 55 Cornerstone Academy.................................... 17 Joseph Crane.................................................... 52 Crystal Cave, The............................................. 40 D DaSilva Homes................................................. 38 Dottie Delorey.................................................. 64 Sharon Doolittle............................................... 43 Down to Earth................................................. 40 E Earthlands........................................................ 12 Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies, The....................................... 55 Enchanted Fox................................................. 14 Exceptional Dentistry..................................... 35 EZ Juicer........................................................... 33
66 Spirit of Change | SPRING 2012
F Devorah Feinbloom........................................ 18 Fourwinds Society, The................................... 21 G Barbara Gangemi............................................. 56 Gathering Inn, The.......................................... 61 Arthur Gertler.................................................. 18 Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation............ 62 Gretchen Giuffe............................................... 61 Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism........ 62 Groton Dental Wellness Spa.............................9 H Harmony Center.............................................. 53 Hay House........................................................ 15 Leontine Hartzell............................................. 59 Healing from the Body Level Up. Inc....... 29,56 Healthy Spirit................................................... 58 Donna Heinback.............................................. 64 Herbstalk 2012 ................................................ 16 Holistic Self Care Center................................ 23 Holland, John................................................... 45 Joan Holzman.................................................. 56 I Inner Traditions............................................... 36 Integrative Animal Health Care Center........ 45 Internal Wellness Center................................ 20 Iveta Iontcheva............................................ 21,60 It’s My Health................................................... 38 J JHP Studios...................................................... 15 Jocelyn............................................................... 61 John Harvey Gray Ctr for Reiki Healing....... 58 Barbara Madden Johnson............................... 57 K Cheryl Kerrigan............................................... 60 Kristin Kirk...................................................... 55 Aalia Kusmis.................................................... 38 L Albert LaChance.............................................. 29 Langan Creative Arts, LLC............................. 54 Dr. Jennifer Lees.............................................. 53 Mark Levin....................................................... 59 Light Unlimited..................................................2 Eric Linter......................................................... 51 Living Earth, The............................................. 33 Claire Luft.................................................... 57,58
Next Ad Deadline: Tuesday, May 1 For Info: (508) 278-9640 advertise@spiritofchange.org
M Judith Mabel..................................................... 35 Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center.............. 52 Market Street Health....................................... 11 Linda Marks................................................ 41,57 Wendy Marks................................................... 59 MASH............................................................... 37 Massage School, The..........................................3 Mass Allergy Relief Center................................8 Matrix Energetics, Int’l................................... 55 Sue Mautz......................................................... 40 William Maykel, DC....................................... 10 Sam McCartin.................................................. 38 Betsy McNair.................................................... 21 George Mephis................................................. 56 Merlin’s Oracle................................................. 12 Mirabai Devi.......................................................8 Ross Miller............................................ 12, 31, 35 Lori Miller-Freitas........................................... 57 Mind Body Connect........................................ 60 Mystical Horizons........................................... 44 N Nakri Healing Center...................................... 58 Natural Living Expo...........................................5 New Day........................................................... 59 New England Clinical Thermography.......... 37 New England Inst. of Reflexology................. 54 Newton Dental Wellness................................ 33 Nexus Healing.................................................. 60 Lisa Nobrega.................................................... 51 Dr. Jody Noe................................................ 16,60 Noble Method, The.......................................... 60 Rezakkah Norins............................................. 57 North Shore Community Acupuncture....... 51 Northwaters Wilderness Program................. 15 O Open Door Mission, The................................ 62 Open Doors...................................................... 53 P Pathways to Light Reiki Healing Center....... 59 Peace Abbey, The........................................ 67,61 Walter Perlman Event Promoter.................... 17 Emma Phaneuf................................................ 61 Eugene Pogany................................................. 56 Monique Pommier.......................................... 51 Pure Health and Wellness............................... 59 Pyramid Books................................................ 25 R Cecile Raynor................................................... 60 Revitalive Health & Wellness......................... 33 RI Center for Metaphysics.............................. 53 Rhys Thomas Healer Training...........Back Cover Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine..... 55 Martin Ruggiero.............................................. 61
S Sacred Song Reiki............................................ 34 San Francisco Herb & Natural Food Co....... 34 Salem Sight Psychic Readings........................ 27 Scentsibilities.................................................... 60 Schworer & Company Landscaping, Inc...... 17 Science of Spirituality...................................... 39 Andrea Seiver................................................... 56 Shaman’s Heart Healing & Hypnosis............ 42 Silver Hawk...................................................... 45 Silver Willow.................................................... 52 Alexis Smith..................................................... 52 Miriam Smith................................................... 27 Soap Factory, The............................................. 65 Betty Solbjor..................................................... 59 Solstice Healing Arts.................................. 12,53 Some Enchanted Evening............................... 41 Source School of Tantra.................................. 23 Spa Tech............................................................ 54 Spirit of Change..................................................7 Frank St. Martin............................................... 64 Necole Stephens............................................... 61 Still Waters Pond............................................. 65 Janet StraightArrow......................................... 14 Studio 6............................................................. 22 Synthesis Center, The...................................... 36 T Tai Chi Arts Associates................................... 62 Lynn Taylor...................................................... 23 Theosophical Society Boston......................... 16 Elizabeth Thorson............................................ 20 Tintagels Gate.................................................. 33 Touchstone School.......................................... 53 TrueNorth Business Consulting.................... 52 U-V UMass Medical School.................................... 11 Valverde Massage............................................. 58 VegFestWorcester............................................ 64 VortexHealing.................................................. 13 W Gordon Edward Waite........................ 25, 34, 41 Pat Warren........................................................ 57 Way to Balance, The................................... 54,59 Kristin Webb/Florence Whipple................... 41 Wellness Roundtable, The.............................. 25 (W)hole Point Institute, The..................... 44,54 Whole Health Expo......................................... 34 Trish Whynot................................................... 57 Woman of Wisdom......................................... 52 Worcester Yoga Center................................... 62 Cheryl Wright.................................................. 55 X-Y-Z YogaLife Institute............................................. 54 Yoga Studio, The.............................................. 25 Zuzu’s Beads..................................................... 52
The Peace Abbey Invites the Community to
RediscoveR the Peace Within The Peace Abbey, like many other aspects of our lives, is going through change. It has brought much to our consciousness and hearts throughout the years, from Mother Teresa’s visit in 1998 to the present day. While the two Abbey buildings are for sale, either together or separately, we are still offering programs in both buildings and registering guests in the retreat center. Space is available for gatherings, ceremonies and private meetings. Group tours available.
“There is truly something special about the Peace Abbey. Whether I am teaching a yoga class, sipping tea with friends, or simply sitting in prayer, I am continually amazed at the magic that happens there, the pure energy of spirit that vibrates through the whole grounds. I feel blessed to be a part of it.” — Rachel BaiRstow
Join us
for one or more of these outstanding offerings for body, mind and spirit! Sunday Meditation Service 10-11am
Free Yoga Class Tuesdays, 10:30am with Rachel Bairstow
Oneness Blessing Thursdays 7-8:30pm with Danielle LaMarre By donation
Return to Joy Thursdays 6:30-8pm with Marcia Reddington-Lawton. $33/session
Life/Soul Readings By appointment with Dorian Hunt. $35/session
The Peace Abbey • 2 North Main Street, Sherborn, MA 01770 • (508) 655-2143 • www.peaceabbey.org www.spiritofchange.org
SPRING 2012 | Spirit of Change 67