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Fall 2009

N e w E n g l a n d ’s H o l i s t i c M a g a z i n e

Greening the Earth

• The Wind Beneath Their Wings p. 34 • 100 Ways to Green the Earth p. 42 • Macrobiotics Made Easy p. 18 • The Truth About Organic Dairy p. 50 • Letter to President Barack Obama p. 54 • Zero Waste? Yes We Can! p. 40


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FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 3


Abridged from ‘A Fish Doesn’t Know He’s Wet’. NEAF Online Press. Sept. 2007. Vol. 5., Issue 2. Reprinted with permission.

Professionals In Focus (The Sequel. The Remarkable New Findings. Answering The Critics.)

Alphabioticists Virgil Chrane and Neal Smookler


n less than a flash it is consummated with a pair of kata like choreographed movements which can be only described as a ‘moment supreme’. One of those ‘Uh-duh!’ to ‘A-ha!’ moments”, says alphabioticist Neal Smookler. What Smookler is so excited about is the concept that just about anyone, in a busy world — can achieve a respite, a welcome suspension from the drivel and blather of contemporary living. “It can wake you right out of the day-to-day ho-hums, yawns, whatevers, mopes, blue funks, bitter pills, mad-sweet pangs, oh you agains, blah-blah-blahs and dazzle you straight into a fresh rhythm of I’m-cutting-loose-and-devil-be-damned elation.” “Inside your head is a physical triggering mechanism that enables the brain to somehow ‘refresh’ itself to a state of heightened awareness in much the same way as one would ‘refresh’ a page in your web browser.” “I want to be very clear; it’s not there by accident. You’re hard wired by Mother Nature that way. I was trained fifteen years ago to know where the mechanism is located, and exactly how to activate it.” There is a buoyancy you hear in Smookler’s voice for the profession he so adores — Alphabiotics, that onomatopoetically constructed word that reflects the actual process. “I’m more excited today — as the message is now pregnant with possibility. It’s a message that I adore with all my heart and soul (as it’s a bit of my soul.)” If words like adoration and love seem a bit strange in discussing one’s profession, we need only take a few steps back to understand. Smookler has spent the better part of the last decade-and-a-half helping Dr. Virgil Chrane bring forth a remarkable new profession. Smookler’s work is cutting edge and old fashioned. Profound, yet

4 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

essentially simple. Complete and still evolving. This is the dichotomy Alphabiotics presents upon even the most casual of observation. Alphabiotics is not widely known by virtue of its radical simplicity. The core of the process continues to elude definition. Many have studied it, but no one has managed to pin down it’s remarkable essence. As long as the world adores complexity and revels in figuring out the secrets of the universe, this message will be dismissed as pedestrian by many and only heard by a few. “It’s also incredibly easy to do — as there are no rigid protocols nor special rules to follow. That’s a refreshing new wrinkle for most”, quips Smookler. “I once overheard an acquaintance state that the entire profession is nothing more than another ‘California fad’. To this very day that observation befuddles me. When the cover story of the May 7, 2001 Newsweek is ‘God And The Brain. How We’re Wired For Spirituality’ — we can be relatively certain the phenomenon isn’t just another burgeoning fad.” This is a message that comes out of a mystery. But there’s no need to flower up the mystery — it’s a mystery that works. So I’ll state the core message to those who will hear it. “Alphabiotics is a simple way to liberate volumes of latent resource in order to address any limitation. The Alphabiotic method triggers a fundamental shift which results in an major and massive release of unconscious cumulative shock — and in the process frees up reserves to resolve vastly complex problems with stunning simplicity.” My first time. A huge grin spreads ear to ear as Smookler recalls a symposium he attended almost two decades ago. “Before breaking for the evening, the instructor invited anyone who wanted the experience of the ‘refresh’; the opportunity to receive just that ... it was kismet.” “I lay down while nervously awaiting my turn, all the while trying not to knock over the bowls of hard candy and pitchers of ice water. (We were in a hotel conference room). Then, without so much as an explanation, the instructor performed the ‘refresh’. No warning. No preparation. No primer. It was very brief, so brief in fact that I wasn’t sure what to make of it.” “I got up and I was, uh ... humming. Not musically mind you. Vibrationally. I was literally resonating at a different frequency — what I can only describe as an insulated cocoon of warmth, openness and peace. It was as if my personal light switch had been flipped back on.” “My body literally unwound from the full body ‘corkscrew’ of worry and tension it had been in. It was the only time in my life where I actually felt as if I was growing younger; that was dumbfounding (still is) ... but very cool.” “I felt like my brain, my entire body had been somehow re-set, providing me with a clean slate and an instantly recognizable sense that I was safe, that everything was okay.” “I went from a state of absolute chaos to one of order. The dark cloud, the heaviness lifted.” “It was kind of like shaking up a snow-globe that then re-settles more orderly; a welcome breather from the unyielding daily grind (we were in a dismal recession back in ‘91). It was escapism; metaphoric Valium, Xanax and Prozac — but without all the bad. It felt quite freeing

Additional content was excerpted; alphabioticsonline.com, alphabiotics.eu, ehealing.us and our favorite alphabiotics.co.uk. Advertisement

Neal Robert Smookler The Serendipitous Birth of a Profession. within seconds; like nothing I had ever known — an immediate and tangible shift in awareness.” “To reference that pop culture personage, Austin Powers; I got my ‘Mojo’ back. In fact, I have a photo in my office with a reference to same. “This is different. This is different. This is different. That’s all I could think. I couldn’t wrap my educated mind around the depth of what had just transpired. It was only years later that I understood that very depth.” “It’s based upon the same fundamental principle as rebooting a computer, explains Smookler. With the participant lying face up on a specially designed table, a trained facilitator (alphabioticist) performs a unique movement of the head, alternately from each side of the table (to address both hemispheres).” “Gently, the participant receives a high level, but non-threatening (that’s key) sensory input. Think metaphorically along the lines of hitting a re-set button. It sounds dramatic, but there aren’t any jolts or zings as there are no machines or instruments used. It’s really quite pleasant and refreshing and not the least bit scary.” “Using sophisticated equipment, the preliminary research of Dr. Marc VanCraeyenest suggests this sensory input (the ‘refresh’) appears as a *piezo-electric potential (a conceptual spark) which originates near the corpus callosum. The electric potential then spreads throughout the brain into the neocortex (what anthropologists refer to as the higher human or spiritual brain).” “In mere nanoseconds, a web of neurons begins to fire spreading the potential throughout both hemispheres causing the brain to perform a systems check — in much the same way a computer defragments itself.” *In physics, a piezo-electric potential is a current which flows as the result of an applied pressure (the alphabiotic method) on a crystalline structure (conjectured to be the pituitary gland or the corpus callosum). In theory, the pressure causes the crystalline structure to deform, resulting in a voltage (the conceptual spark!) “And no, you don’t lose memory, personality etc. You’re still you — just a more authentic version. It’s kind of like returning home.” “The method is a communication protocol that encourages a neutralization of years of stress and shock.” “It’s really an invigorating pattern-interrupt that encourages the wisdom of the body to ‘override’ the daily emergency stand-by mode, kind of like an ‘all clear’ sign. The refined movement of the head (the ‘refresh’) creates a brief interruption of ego-or-body awareness, which might be compared to suddenly clapping your hands, loudly, in a noisy restaurant; the whole crowd is instantly quiet and alert. The internalized stress response (fight or flight) which is really a very low level state of alarm or shock that most adults (and children) are braced in — is equalized and released. Instantly.” “Now, this is not the stereotypical TV medical, emergency-room representation of shock. Think of a startle-reflex playing on a continuous loop. Micro (emotional) life shock, if you will. Basically, over time — a state of unresolved stress will gradually morph into a state of shock. When sleep is no longer rejuvenating; that’s a sure sign you’re in shock.” “The drain of power from our system is stunning, as the wisdom of the body is swiftly diverted to address the shock. It just hemorrhages www.spiritofchange.org

— but instead of blood, you’re expending intelligent, information-exchanging energy; a devastating misappropriation of our Vital Force|Core Essentia.” “As long as this goes unchecked other priorities such as healing, thinking, joy (fill in your own challenge here) — are all egregiously neglected as they become relegated to ‘back-burner’ status. I hope you can fathom the heart of what I am saying — as it’s considerable.” “According to William Emerson, Ph.D, the majority of Americans are operating in varying degrees of shock. Dr. Stephanie Mines clearly takes it that up a notch in her book aptly titled book, We Are All In Shock.” “If you saw the movie ‘Ray’ (The Life of Ray Charles) starring Jamie Foxx — the beginning of the movie is a perfect example of this very concept.” “I personally disagree that all challenges are ever caused by one thing. But the growing consensus is that this low level state of shock that most function within results in stunted potential — read that, limitation.” “What I believe the alphabiotic method is accomplishing — is bringing a person out of shock by lifting the consciousness up from the lower reptilian brain stem (an emergency ‘override’) to the more highly evolved neocortex (a safety ‘override’). A metaphoric mind | body defibrillation (jump-start) if you will.” “What’s so striking is that the ‘refresh’ looks like a simple stimulusresponse mechanism, but there’s an added bonus as it carries with it the potential of touching an ineffable core in you.” “In fact, after the ‘refresh’ you are in an alpha brain wave (the relaxation response) which is our natural idling frequency. According to most mainstream scientific studies — alpha can only be maintained with eyes closed, after the ‘refresh’ alpha is present with eyes wide open. It’s a unique state which can last for days. You are literally utilizing energy and resources more efficiently. That’s so big as energy previously diverted towards protectionism is refocused back in.” In recent years there have emerged various critical articles on the internet about Alphabiotics. “I think when anything new and different comes on the scene; it tends to meet with resistance. I’m a firm advocate that real knowing can only come through first-hand experience and not by reading online fodder.” A final thought. “It’s here to help; and the profession’s coming-of-age at this time of global and local uncertainty is no means by chance.” “So, I’ll repeat the core message one more time to those who will hear it. A message that sits as comfortably in holistic circles as it does in the corporate world: this is a simple way to unleash volumes of latent resource in order to address any challenge or limitation; and for this unfortunate state to be corrected — the wisdom within, must, through appropriate sensory stimuli (alphabiotic method) become aware that the chronic stress and shock of modern life does not necessarily indicate a serious threat.” Smookler’s work has been featured on WBZ, WZBC & WATD. He is entering his sixteenth year as an advocate of this ‘California fad’ that has since spread to continents across the globe. (508) 625-1170.

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 5



Cover Stories

Features  Fall 2009 • Vol. 23, No 109



34 The Wind Beneath Their Wings by Wayne Peterson 38 Inland Wind Power: The Political Landscape by Jennifer Ryan 40 Zero Waste in Your Town by Kirstie Pecci and Sarah Goodwin 42 100 Ways to Green the Earth 44 More Green Ideas 48 The Softer Side of Bamboo by Polly Tobin Goddard and Bob Wilds 50 Nation’s Largest Dairy Marketer Chooses Profit Over Organics 52 Homeopathy: The Green Revolution’s Quiet Healthcare Hero by Caroline NuStar 54 Letter to President Obama by Mary Terhune, RN 56 Take Action! An Online Resource Guide



8 Musings by Carol Bedrosian 12 Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast by Eric Linter 18 Whole Foods Healthy Cooking: Green Eating with Macrobiotics by Michelle Hirsch 22 Energy Medicine: The Auric Embrace by Donna Eden 26 Earthtalk: Q&A by the Editors of E/Environmental Magazine 30 Feng Shui for Everyday by Lynn Taylor 58 Music Reviews by Jason Victor Serinus and Book Reviews by Gail Lord

Directories 54

15 RI Advertisers Pages 32 Yoga Practitioners of New England 60 Calendar 67 Holistic Logo Directory 82 Directory of Holistic Specialities 84 The Classifieds 86 Advertiser Index

Winter Ad Deadline: Monday, November 2, 2009

6 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Upcoming Editorial Themes Winter ’09 Soul Stories Summer ’10 Getting Well Spring ’10 Calming Stress Fall ’10 Creating Community


Main Office

PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569 Phone: 508-278-9640 Fax: 508-278-9641 www.spiritofchange.org

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Carol Bedrosian E-mail: carol@spiritofchange.org

Billing Manager

Jamie Hoard E-mail: jamie@spiritofchange.org

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Rebecca Burns, Carlton Chin, Barry Corbett, Cynthia Grey, Janice Nadeau, Amber Routten-Mitchell, Wendy Thibodeau, Emily Wharton

Contributing Columnists

Editors of E/Environmental Magazine, Donna Eden, Michelle Hirsch, Eric Linter, Lynn Taylor

Contributing Reviewers

Books – Gail Lord E-mail: SOCBookReviewer@gmail.com Send review copies to 51 North St., Grafton, MA 01519 Music – Jason Victor Serinus E-mail: jserinus@planeteria.net Send review copies to 2749 E. 17th St., Oakland, CA 94601 Visit us online www.spiritofchange.org On the Cover: “Birds in Flight” Image Source/Artbox Cover Design: Carlton Chin Copyright ©2009 Spirit of Change. All Rights Reserved. Spirit of Change distributes 55,000 magazines throughout New England quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) and accepts paid advertising as an advertising service. Responsibility for the products, services or claims of our advertisers rests solely with them; advertisers are liable for any claims made against Spirit of Change Magazine as a result of their advertisement. Spirit of Change welcomes your feedback, both positive and negative, on the products, services or information advertised or editorialized within these pages. Subscriptions are $20.00/yr. Article and artwork submissions are accepted for review and will only be returned if accompanied by a SASE. To receive bulk shipments of Spirit of Change to distribute to your clients & customers, please call our office at 508-278-9640. Shipping charges apply.

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Musings By Carol Bedrosian


see a whole lot of uprooting and replanting going on these days as our country undergoes major overhauls in healthcare, energy policy, finances, transportation, retail, housing, education, and national security. Healthcare needs fixing; the costs are too high to cover the numbers of people who need treatment, so either we need less expensive treatment or we need to stop getting sick. Our roads and bridges are crumbling; but how much do we invest in fixing the old system when we know it’s time to invest in an entirely new energy efficient infrastructure? People who are losing their jobs, homes, healthcare and retirement savings are forced to rebuild their lives and rethink their futures without the security they thought they could count on, with many turning to an already overly indebted government for assistance. Everything in America seems to be clamoring for immediate change and attention all at once, perhaps ensuring that the noise is loud enough to get our attention, which it has. A cloud of uncertainty hangs over our future as we grapple with the convergence of these overwhelming and urgent conditions. However history has shown that Americans have the will, ingenuity and resources to thrive robustly under all types of circumstances when we join together in large numbers. Perhaps it’s time to cut the two party political system loose for good; it’s become nothing but a ball and chain holding us hostage to special, long-entrenched interests. I’m encouraged by the heated public healthcare debate going on around the country. Starting the conversation about change is the only way to make change happen, and Americans are sure to continue to be engaged and listening in on this important topic as it unfolds. Basically, what we are seeing in our healthcare crisis is that the get-sick-get-fixed model of healthcare is not working and is too expensive to provide care for everyone. As is so often the case, necessity is the mother of invention. It’s time for people to start taking care of themselves to prevent disease, which includes healthier eating, more active living, reducing stress and using complementary alternative healthcare therapies. Although western medicine has scoffed at and blacklisted any type of medicine other than surgery or pharmaceuticals since the early twentieth century, we’re now seeing a resurgence of interest in acupuncture, massage, yoga and tai chi, homeopathy, herbal medicine and the newly emerging fields of energy and vibrational medicine. Whether this is due to the cost squeeze in the current healthcare crisis or people just waking up to the fact that their ancestors cured their own ails for centuries without drugs and surgeries, the movement towards self-care cannot come at a better time. During an April 29, 2009 town hall meeting in Arnold, MO, President Obama expressed his openness to including complementary and alternative medicine in a U.S. healthcare system. “We should do what works,” President Obama said. “I think it is pretty 8 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

well documented through scientific studies that acupuncture, for example, can be very helpful in relieving certain things like migraines and other ailments, or at least as effective as more intrusive interventions….I think one basic principle that we know is that the more we do on the prevention side, the more we can obtain serious savings down the road,” he added after commenting directly on acupuncture. He also stressed the importance of changing the current logic of the healthcare system, which focuses only on reducing costs in the near-term. Healing from within, the way our bodies naturally heal, is the only healthcare system guaranteed not to have side effects or turn against us in some mutated form. While the ancient, re-emerging field of energy and vibrational medicine is slowly making some headway into the news with information about how the body can heal itself, our human consciousness is still catching up with the evolution of this radical new concept, a process that Dean Radin aptly describes in the first chapter of his book The Conscious Universe (HarperCollins, 1997): “In science, the acceptance of new ideas follows a predictable, four-stage sequence. In Stage 1, skeptics confidently proclaim that the idea is impossible because it violates the Laws of Science. This stage can last from years to centuries, depending on how much the idea challenges conventional wisdom. In Stage 2, skeptics reluctantly concede that the idea is possible, but it is not very interesting and the claimed effects are extremely weak. Stage 3 begins when the mainstream realizes that the idea is not only important, but its effects are much stronger and more pervasive than previously imagined. Stage 4 is achieved when the same critics who used to disavow any interest in the idea begin to proclaim that they thought of it first. Eventually, no one remembers that the idea was once considered a dangerous heresy.” As we focus our attention on healthcare and bring responsibility for our health back into our own hands, we will also be inspired to care for the health of the environment around us. The more we learn about what’s healthy for our bodies, the more we’ll shift our purchases of food and household products to be non-toxic and sustainable for the planet and the more likely we will be to take care of and advocate for the planet that gives us the food, air, light and water we need to live. The current healthcare system is disease-focused and fueled by fear of being left out. The green revolution in healthcare gives you the green light to step out of that box and put healthcare back into your own hands. It’s time to start replanting America with the independence and creativity of doers whose small, insignificant everyday choices are seeding the earth now for the decades to come. Carol Bedrosian is publisher and editor of Spirit of Change Magazine. She can be reached at carol@spiritofchange.org

A PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY OF PRACTITIONERS IN MASSACHUSETTS “The Wellness Roundtable members gather monthly with the intention of creating collaborative relationships and building professional community with one another. Our meetings are opportunities to be inspired, stimulated and educated for the greater good of our respective professions. Together, we join to increase GRAHAM CAMPBELL, Ph.D. the level of well-being, body, mind and Worcester (508) 755-3533 spirit, for ourselves, our clients, Licensed psychologist practicing holistic psychotherapy, spiritual psychology and our communities and our energy/shamanic healing. Also a weekly world.” Since 2004. spiritual and personal growth group called



PAULA PAETZOLD, LMT Shrewsbury/Cape Cod (508) 842-1057 paularamis@townisp.com Certified kinesiologist; NRT testing. Herbal consultations: seeking out root causes to chronic conditions. Reiki Master: classes and treatments. Wellness talks. WALTER RICE, M.DIV., LCSW (508) 450-4230 • wrice123@hotmail.com www.holistic-spiritual-counseling.com Holistic spiritual counseling, stress management, tuning forks, Cymatron sound table, toning, Reiki, crystal healing. BUFFY CAVE, ABT, LMT Framingham (508) 380-2612 www.holistic-treasures.com Zen Shiatsu, Thai massage, on-site corporate and event chair massage, sound healing, Reiki, labyrinth facilitator, artisan. ACARA YOGA STUDIO 11 Main St., Southborough (508) 259-2847 • www.acarayoga.com Ashtanga, Kripalu and Vinyasa Yoga classes. Private instruction and meditation. All are welcome. STARSEED DAY SPA (508) 336 -0930 www.starseeddayspa.com Natural nails, skin care, pregnancy massage and more. Free ½ hour massage or facial with purchase of ½ hour ($40) when you mention this ad. INSTITUTE FOR EKP Linda Marks, MSM Newton, MA (617) 965-7846 • LSMHEART@aol.com www.healingheartpower.com Heart-centered body psychotherapy and coaching for individuals, couples and groups. Apprenticeship training. Healing the Traumatized Heart workshops. CONFIDENT DIRECTIONS Life Coaching for Life’s Journey Marilyn Taylor, Life Coach (508) 460-0044 www.confident-directions.com Start today to live your dreams, nourish your soul, express your passion. Holistic coaching, partnering clear visions with joyful manifestation.

Join The Wellness Roundtable Community!

DARYN BOWER, CLMT 680 Worcester Rd (Rt 9) Framingham (508) 872-3700 • www.darynbowermt.org Deep tissue techniques, postural analysis, warm stones, pre- and perinatal massage in an inviting and relaxing studio with a spa atmosphere. WELLSPIRIT...THE ART OF LIVING Jen Silverberg, MA, DTR Westborough (617) 835-3204 • gotgroove@verizon.net Feeling stuck? Hurt? Disempowered? Heal artfully to live joyfully. Expressive art therapy, the Nia Technique, and more. Free initial consult. LISA SPELLMAN, LIC. AC. Ancient Wisdom Healing Arts 155 Boston Rd., Southborough MA (508) 460-0444 • www.awhealingarts.com Chinese and Japanese style acupuncture, Reiki and energetic bodywork. Specializing in treatment of kids and those who are needle sensitive. Dr. KAREN MORIARTY Northboro Chiropractic Center 6 Maple St., Northboro, MA (508) 393-2513 www.northborochiropractic.com Offering natural chiropractic care, massage therapy, holistic nutrition, EFT and European thermography. INTEGRATIVE ACUPUNCTURE Tamara Allen, LAc, Dipl of OM, LD Westborough/Upton (508) 366-1795 • www.ia-health.com A holistic, integrative approach to treating pain anywhere in the body, symptoms due to chemotherapy, anxiety, and more.

Body, Mind & Spirit Health & Healing Relationships & Family Sustainable Living Creativity & Play


YOGA WITH CAROL Carolyn Waite, CSYT Westboro (508) 662-3763 • yogawithcarol@gmail.com Offering Svaroopa Yoga classes for groups and private instruction. Suitable for beginners to advanced students. Yoga for your body, mind and spirit. SHELLY WATSON, LICSW Certified Holistic Health Counselor Worcester (508) 887-2735 shelly@abundantlifecounseling.biz Holistic weight loss counseling combining nutrition, counseling and EFT; Nutritional cleanse coaching. Free initial consultation. JOHN STEVENS, GCFP Maynard, MA (978) 897-3711 Guild Certified Feldenkrais practitioner offering Functional Integration ®, Awareness Through Movement ® and Bones for Life ® classes. SPIRIT OF CHANGE MAGAZINE (508) 278-9640 • info@spiritofchange.org www.spiritofchange.org New England’s largest free alternative health resource in print and online.

This is a partial list of our members; we have many talented people in our network to learn with. Meetings are held monthly on the second Wednesday from 9-10:30AM, in Northboro, MA. For more information contact The Wellness Roundtable facilitator: Marilyn Taylor, LMT, Life/Wellness Coach at marilynataylor@prodigy.net


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natural living

Expo SchEdulE Keynote SpeaKerS Keynote Tickets Available Online:

Dr. Bernie Siegel

John Holland

www.naturalExpo.org Saturday, September 26: 9am-6pm

Donna Eden

David Feinstein


SEminar 1

SEminar 2





cooking DEmoS


crystal Bowl meditation Rhys Thomas

identifying your Personal chakras w/flower Essences Linda Wojcik

PmS, menopause & Beyond Linda Smith, MD & Esther Perrault

gallery Style readings With a medium Gary McKinstry

See Program Addendum

morning greeting at the fire circle 8:45-9:00

Exhibit Halls Open 9:00

growing younger Discussion 10:00-10:50


meet your guardian angel Karen Paolino

Simple, Easy, Successful Self-care GH Gledhill

healing from the inside out Karen Moriarity

understanding your Energy Children’s Holistic Coll. EcoKids Trail 11:30am

growing younger cooking Demo


clinical thermography Demonstration


ayurveda: ancient art in today’s World Hilary Garivaltis

Discovering your life Purpose Nancy Canning 12-1:30

healing through the chakras Ravi Ratan 12-1:30

the Power of Energy medicine Donna Eden $25/advance $30/door 11am-1pm


how to Become the longest loser Cathy Barber


the magic of hemi-Sync Hildegard Starmer


you are the colors you choose Elizabeth Harper


transforming your mindless munch S. Miccile & D. Merritt

Prescriptions for living and the art of healing Bernie Siegel $25 in advance and $30 at the door 2-4pm

healing the traumatized heart Linda Marks 4:30-6:00

release and Breathe to Embrace love! Grace Baril angel Stones Wendy Birchall

living with native awareness T. Kowalik, T. Grantham,

circus yoga Anita McFarlane

a radically Different relationship with your Body Susan Lazar Hart

native Drumming circle Quabbin Singers

our renewable nation, a video adventure McCullough Family

money and the law of attraction Priscilla Bengston

Primitive fire making T. Kowalik & D. Tremel

liondance & kung fu Demo Mantis Kung Fu Tai Chi Institute

awaken the Soul meditation Ani Mary & Ani Patty

lion Dance (follow parade indoors to Danforth) 2:50-3:00

circus yoga Anita McFarlane

Past life, Dreams and Soul travel Douglas White

fitness hooping Carol Becker

caretaking the Earth — Beyond Stewardship Debbie Tremel

hippocrates & Wheatgrass greens Michael Bergonzi 4:30-6:00

EkP Student clinic Institute for Emotional Kinesthetic Psychotherapy oxford room Saturday only 11am-5pm (Sign up for individual sessions at booth #205) Beginner’s Bicycle maintenance EcoKids Trail

Survival Behavior, life & living lecture and Booksigning Bernie Siegel commons room 5:00-6:30pm

food for a healthy heart Discussion food for a healthy heart cooking Demo immune System Booster Discussion immune System Booster cooking Demo Ease Digestive Distress Discussion Ease Digestive Distress cooking Demo

Sunday, September 27: 10am-4pm ExEcutivE

SEminar 1

SEminar 2





cooking DEmoS


your life is in your feet Jack Roso

removing Energetic Blocks to Wealth B. Cantwell & M. Lynch

radiant healing Marlene MarcelloMcKenna

ancient ayahuasca in the amazon Meghan Shannon

See Program Addendum

outdoor Qigong Ming Wu 9:00-9:50

Exhibit Halls Open with Lion Dance 9:45-10:00

hypoglycemia and Diabetes Discussion


Psychic SelfDefense Lisa Campion

Power of Electrical frequencies Jody Ryabinov

meditation: Body, mind & Spirit Matthew Raider, MD

See Program Addendum

a Soul’s Journey to Self-Empowerment Mary Grace


Energy healing & the Power of thought Leon Favreau

instant Pain Elimination Ming Wu

going all out Dennis McCurdy


managing the gift of aDD/aDhD Kevin Ross Emery

astrology and Past lives Eric Linter 12-1:30

revolutionary Energy Work — full Spectrum Wellness LeRoy Malouf 12-1:30

the rhythm of fun KDZ Drummers

healing Strategies for People Who love an addict Sharon Roy


living a Perfect life in a Perfect World Bob Spatz

family yoga Jen Faldetta

clearing your Path to Success Joanna Scaparotti


tuning into your intuition Jess Steinman

minstrel Storyteller Show Mary Jo Maichack

See Program Addendum

10 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

an introduction to Energy Psychology David Feinstein 2-4pm

living with native awareness T. Kowalik, T. Grantham, C. Kazmirsky

Energy medicine: a hands-on Demonstration Donna Eden 11am-12:30 meditation Space WEbsTEr room 10am-4:00pm

Primitive fire making T. Kowalik & D. Tremel

messages from the other Side John Holland $35 2-4pm

hypoglycemia and Diabetes cooking Demo healing ourselves and the Environment Discussion healing ourselves and the Environment cooking Demo Probiotics in fermented foods Discussion Probiotics in fermented foods cooking Demo

Expo September 26-27, 2009 natural living

read the full Program guide online:


Sturbridge host hotel


366 Main St (Rt 20 West) Sturbridge, MA

135 Exhibits • 75 Workshops $8 admission*

Free Sunday re-admission

Stops along the trail include: Earth ZeroWaste, recycling and composting

air Pinwheels and wind as a renewable energy resource

Water fishing, water conservation and frogs

fire Performances, workshops and activities (see schedule)

Ether Gratitude garlands

Ecokid’s Event highlights Saturday 1 & 4pm circus Yoga 2pm our renewable nation — a Eco-Video adventure 2pm Primitive fire making 3pm lion dance and Kung fu swords demo 4pm bicycle maintenance for beginners Sunday 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm

living with native awareness KdZ drummers family Yoga minstrel storyteller show


meditation room

live cooking Demos with the kushi institute in the main Exhibit hall learn how to make complete, healthy, 20- minute meals.

EkP Body Psychotherapy Sessions Saturday Only • 11am-5pm • Oxford Room 30-minute Emotional Kinesthetic Psychotherapy sessions with 4th year apprentices to connect with the guidance of your body and heart. free of charge.

Sunday Only • 10am-4pm Webster room Presented by the Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace from Watertown, MA Whether or not you know how to meditate, you are invited to join these rajayoga meditation sessions with gentle music and guided commentaries beginning every half hour.

free Sample Bar

over 30 natural product manufacturers have sent us free samples for you to try! come early for the best selection!

*voice your choice The natural living Expo donates $1 of each $8 paid admission to one of three service organizations. choose the organization you’d like to support by placing the donation coupon you receive when you purchase your ticket into the appropriate box at the registration table and the expo will donate $1 for each coupon in the box. This year’s organizations include:

make it a

Weekend retreat

Sturbridge host hotel & conference center:

acam miDWifE cEntEr

$129/night. mention the expo for special discounted group rate. Reservations: (508) 347-7393

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 11

E r i c


Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast



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12 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

L i n t e r

“Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence.� ~ Y ok o O n o ~

Fall 2009


fter the steamy days of summer, life quickens as the daylight hours grow shorter and temperatures begin to drop. Against the scenic backdrop of powder blue skies, flaming maples and burnished oaks, fall tends to be a busy season in New England. While many of us will be fully engaged in the stepped up “back to school, back to work� rhythms of life, certain astrological goings-on merit special mention. Here’s a look at some of the season’s highlights. In mid-September Saturn forms the third in a series of destabilizing oppositions to Uranus. This aspect is the stuff of uncertain times, revolutions both peaceful and violent and, as history also bears out, economic downturns. If I had to pick one phrase to summarize the standoff between stalwart Saturn and unpredictable, iconoclastic Uranus, it would be “Question authority!� With the opposition continuing well into next year, any talk of our nation’s economic troubles being behind us is premature, based on wishful thinking. Mental Mercury will also spend much of September retrograde, backpedaling from Labor Day the 7th until the 29th. This same retrograde keeps the winged messenger in close proximity to Saturn through early October. Worries may be magnified but mental toughness and powers of concentration are strengthened, too. Many plans and contracts will require review and detailed revisions during this approximately threeweek period. September is a busy month in the heavens. On the 11th, out in the distant reaches of our solar system, Pluto regains forward motion at the first degree of the gritty sign of big business and government, Capricorn. Astrologers know Pluto as the planet of death and rebirth. It is also the planet of power struggles. This transit has put many of our largest institutions into calamitous states, in dire need of restructuring. Failure to break up or adapt to changed circumstances may yet prove fatal to a number of these “too big to fail� organizations. Towards the end of October ringed Saturn returns to Libra for the first time since 1983, ushering in a new cycle of challenges specific to partnerships and the principles of fairness. The lord of karma, disciplined Saturn will in mid-November engage Pluto in a tense square aspect. Under this alignment, we can expect entrenched special interests to resort to desperate measures while attempting to hold on to power. In personal conduct, observe the golden rule: do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. The celestial wheels of change are spinning. The stars have awakened a sleeping giant that dwells within the collective hearts and minds of people

around the globe. Whether we dream of health care reform, renewable energy, peace in the Middle East or democracy in Iran, wise men and women pause to carefully consider the implications of prospective changes. By November’s end the continuing conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune rekindles hopes and points the way to a kinder, happier world.

September 2009

The waxing Moon imbues the first few days of September with extra zest and perhaps a few “pipe dreamsâ€? worth pursuing. Mental Mercury’s square to feisty Mars the afternoon of the 3rd does present challenges. Thinking may fail to take into account some very real logistical needs. Take pains to make sure planning is both thorough and timely. The Sept. 23–Oct. 22 Full Moon in Pisces, exact on Friday the 4th at 12:03 pm, provides visionary inspiration and the impetus to make exciting things happen. Forward momentum may seem diverted by Saturday as the Moon makes a series of challenging aspects and Mercury prepares to retrograde. Hold on to your dreams! Despite the winged messenger’s Labor Day retrograde, the Aries Moon fires imaginations through progressive sextiles to Jupiter and Neptune. Alliances attract new members as Venus opposes Jupiter towards the end of the week. That same Friday, the 11th, Pluto turns direct, triggering a fresh round of debates about who deserves special treatment when precious resources are divvied up. Friday night’s last quarter Moon makes a political consensus unlikely, although an escapist diversion, a refreshing dinner, movie or concert, can be thoroughly enjoyed. Tackle projects around the house under Sunday’s Cancer Moon. A word of caution, though‌moms may be feeling militant when the Moon makes a midday conjunction with Mars. Don’t burn the toast! The week of the 14th is notable for the previously mentioned Saturn/Uranus opposition on the morning of Tuesday the 15th as well as the Sun’s journey through the powerful alignment later in the week. The stage is set for intense confrontations between reactionary and progressive forces. Because the Virgo Sun stands close by Saturn, it is wise to honor previous commitments and be respectful of the ways of the past. This doesn’t mean to say that we must remain stuck in the past. Wholeheartedly embrace those changes that promise to improve the status quo. On Friday the 18th the Virgo New Moon inaugurates a fresh activity cycle. During the next two weeks it is time to put ambitious plans into motion, especially projects that relate to advancing career and health goals. Don’t use the retrograde of Mercury as an excuse for doing nothing. Over the weekend a little extra care and thought is a suitable way to make use of the retrograde. Information gleaned from the Web or the use of computer technology may enable a quantum leap forward. A fine trine between Venus and Pluto supports greater intimacy Sunday night. Fall officially arrives with the Sun’s entry into Libra the afternoon of Tuesday the 22nd. The hours of daylight and night are equally balanced as the new season begins on a discordant note. On the 23rd the Sun is square to Pluto while Mercury stands opposite Uranus. Relationships feel strained as individuals try to stay poised, even while faced with uncertainties. Intuitive impressions may be faulty. Objectivity can be surreptitiously swayed by subconscious motives. Lighthearted trends provide a breather on Thursday, but Friday brings a new set of challenges. Responsibilities weigh heavily during the morning, but an hour or so before noon, the Moon goes void-of-course. Everything seems to slow down. Wrap up the workweek by focusing on current projects. Real relief from tensions won’t come until after the first quarter Capricorn Moon, exact just after midnight on Saturday the 26th. Gentler trends make the rest of the weekend a good time for catching one’s breath.


continues on page 14 www.spiritofchange.org

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Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast continued from page 13


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14 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

The lucky roll of the cosmic dice continues through September’s end. These are constructive as well as upbeat days. Mercury resumes forward motion the morning of the 29th. The future is looking bright!

October 2009

Yes, the leaves on the trees are falling and a Moon dance might be the perfect way to welcome October. Just after midnight on Thursday the 1st we find Mercury in a toe tapping sextile to fiery Mars. The waxing Moon in Pisces, the sign ruling the feet, nods her knowing approval. This encouraging sextile angle lingers for a few more days as Mercury Oct. 23–Nov. 21 regains speed after being retrograde last month. The great push forward is greatly aided by an energetic push from the waxing Moon. Sunday the 4th is when many things culminate so be ready for a lively weekend. The Full Harvest Moon in Aries, exact Sunday at 2:10am, fuels Saturday night’s fevered pitch. Sunday finds Mercury in sextile to Mars and opposite Uranus. Mars forms an exact trine with Uranus Sunday night. Conversation is boisterous, at times deliciously funny. Minds make unexpected associations and may reach surprising conclusions. Social inclinations are strong so plan to spend at least part of the weekend with friends or a group of like-minded souls. Monday the 5th starts off slowly. Things pick up after lunch. The following days are quietly productive. By Friday the 9th folks are ready for a change of scenery. Venus stands opposite restless Uranus and the Libra Sun nears a trine to travel-loving Jupiter. Traffic is likely to be unusually heavy Friday evening so plan accordingly. Drive carefully. Many people will be mulling over important decisions this weekend. Mercury enters the sometimes co-dependent sign of Libra late Friday night and then squares Pluto on Saturday afternoon. Sunday’s last quarter Moon adds to the dilemma on many minds: how to take care of one’s self while also being responsive to the needs of partners and associates? A series of astrological events from Tuesday the 13th through Thursday the 15th may provide answers. First, Jupiter resumes forward motion just after midnight on Tuesday. Hovering in Aquarius, the sign of friendship, the largest of planets exhorts us to be kind and generous to our fellow beings. Just after sunrise Tuesday morning Venus overtakes pragmatic Saturn, giving good reason to establish and maintain healthy emotional and financial boundaries. Venus’s sextile to Mars the same afternoon suggests that negotiations can be conducted in a warm, affectionate manner. Venus enters her own sign of Libra Wednesday evening and squares Pluto the following afternoon. Once again there is a clear need to have healthy boundaries in place. Act in ways that support your own best interests! Fun times are in store Friday evening. Mars has just arrived in playful Leo and the Libra Sun trines mystical Neptune that night. The atmosphere is just right for a romantic interlude. A party, movie or concert can also be hugely pleasurable. Take it easy during the remainder of the weekend as the lunar cycle ebbs. Sunday’s New Moon triggers the launch of a new building phase but momentum builds slowly. On Tuesday the 20th mental Mercury’s optimistic trine to Jupiter helps get the ball rolling. Positive thinking is more than its own reward, it is the key to future success. The working week ends as the Sun enters Scorpio, where the Sun forms a sextile to Pluto. This aspect could see solutions found to many problems, or spark a profitable reclamation project of some sort. Closet cleanouts, furniture refinishing, savvy investing are all good possibilities.


continues on page 16















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FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 15

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Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast continued from page 14 The last week of the month has its ups and downs. The first half of the week plays out at a comfortable pace. On Thursday the 29th, the Sun’s early morning square to Mars presents formidable challenges to those lacking tact or patience. Saturn enters Libra the same afternoon. Where motives are suspect or rules have been broken, a price will be exacted. A revelation on the 30th may be embarrassing, inconvenient, or damaging to some careers. On a more positive note, Halloween looks good for pint-sized trick o’ treaters as well as adult partygoers. The waxing Moon provides plenty of light. After sundown a lunar sextile to Jupiter assures a good haul of (hopefully) healthy candy, inspired costuming and hearty festivities. As with all Jupiter aspects, avoid the temptation of overdoing. And don’t forget to turn your clocks back an hour before going to bed.

November 2009


Nov. 22–Dec. 21

Westborough Yoga For a schedule of classes go to www.westboroughyoga.com Michelle Gross, RYT, CSYI Carol Waite, RYT, CSYI 508-341-6424 email: yogacollaborative@verizon.net 22 Summer Street 16 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

A nearly daylong void-of-course Moon offers us the perfect opportunity to recover from last night’s partying and time change. The nearly full Moon funnels plenty of energy and light so fatigue is not likely to be an issue. However, the void-of-course lunar period is unfavorable for purchasing big-ticket items. Mercury’s Sunday evening square with Mars increases the risk of poor decision-making. Hold on to

your cash for now. Monday the 2nd’s Full Moon in Taurus is exact at 2:14pm. The Sun and Moon occupy the money signs and houses of the Full Moon horoscope. For many people, cash flow continues to be a primary interest. A sensational trine between Venus and Neptune supports the notion that things will get better, perhaps due to a fairer distribution of wealth. The trine may also excite creative, idealistic and romantic souls. Neptune turns direct on Wednesday the 4th providing another boost to dreamers and humanitarians. With Mercury conjunct the Sun and the two in a testing angle with Jupiter until Tuesday the 10th, it is smart to greet boasts and promises with some skepticism. Expectations all too easily exceed realizations under these influences. The weekend of the 14th and 15th is a good one for a retreat or getaway. The waning Moon is almost new. On Saturday a liberating solar trine to visionary Uranus supports community building and group activities. Inner growth work requires great wisdom and compassion on Sunday while Saturn forms an exact square to Pluto that morning. The range of responses to this powerful alignment is huge. A profound sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice manifests in some people. Others are inclined to break under pressure and may act cruelly. Though the Sun’s evening square with Neptune can confuse matters, it may also soften some hearts, leaving folks more vulnerable or empathic. Monday the 16th brings the New Moon in Scorpio. Everyday concerns come to the forefront as Mercury sextiles pragmatic Saturn. It’s time to get down to work! Partners may disagree about priorities on Tuesday. A trying angle between Venus and Mars during the wee hours of the 19th causes relations between the sexes to suffer. More felicitous influences take hold by Friday the 20th and continue right through the weekend. Late Saturday night the Sun enters outgoing Sagittarius, the astrological indication that the holiday season is upon us! Excitement is palpable during the afternoon of Monday the 23rd. The Aquarius Moon activates the intoxicating Jupiter/Neptune conjunction as Venus forms an indulgent square to Jupiter. These stars induce folks to think and dream big! Others feel inclined to splurge or celebrate. From Monday through Tuesday mid-afternoon, the planets also support career

efforts. Both are good days for travel, although the first quarter Moon late Tuesday afternoon brings attendant stresses. Wednesday’s trine aspect between Venus and Uranus is super for gatherings of friends and family. Serendipity is in play! Cupid sends arrows to flying. Travelers may spontaneously make new friends while en route. After several vibrant, happy early morning hours Thanksgiving Day features a lengthy void-of-course Moon, which is fine for those seeking to relax and enjoy their meal. Moods at the dinner table may be more reflective than expected. With the weekend approaching, spirits grow more adventurous. The Moon, traveling through the pro-active sign Aries, acts as an instigator. Daytrips, visits to museums and shopping forays prove enjoyable on Saturday. Sunday feels more grounded and relaxed. Take some time to catch your breath and “digest” the week’s events. Monday the 30th turns out to be a challenging day. Mercury’s square to Uranus may disrupt schedules due to unforeseen circumstances and contribute to elevated stress levels. The Moon is once again almost full and tested by Mars, Jupiter and Neptune. If you feel pressured, take a deep breath! After nightfall a wise friend provides valuable counsel.

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IFJJ A% D@CC<I GjpZ_`Z ?\Xc\i & I\^i\jj`fe K_\iXg`jk u ), p\Xij \og\i`\eZ\ E\nkfe# D8 V nnn%K_\Dpjk`ZNXp%Zfd V -(.$,).$*,/* 18 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

hink green. Go green. It’s not easy being green. Give green a chance. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Earth: Love it or leave it. Got green? Worried‌ why wait? Green‌ just do it. The list of slogans is endless, each asking us to think about our individual and collective environmental impact on our planet and to take action to become stewards of the earth. And, many of us have responded by doing things like watching our energy consumption, switching to greener cleaning products and giving more thought to the purchase of new items when existing ones are still functional. These are all great steps to take. If you’re ready to kick it up a few notches and make a more significant impact, move your efforts into your kitchen. Think about the number of food choices we make each day. Each one of those decisions affects our carbon footprint — the impact our activities have on our environment. It’s important to understand the level of greenhouse gases produced as a result of our everyday decisions. There are two parts to a carbon footprint. Part A is the direct carbon emissions we generate, like the energy we consume by heating our homes and water, driving cars, etc. Part B is emissions linked to the products and services we choose to buy, which allows us to influence business practices for an even greater environmental impact. Consider these actions: Buy local. Local farmers have a vested interest in keeping their farmland healthy. Get to know who’s growing the food. If they grow their crops responsibly, buy from them. You’ll discover some great varieties you won’t find in a grocery store and your taste buds will thank you. Transporting foods a few miles is much gentler on the environment than trucking it across the country. By supporting local farms you help ensure they’ll be able to continue farming their land and not have to sell to developers. Buy as much food in its natural state as possible. Choose products that are minimally processed. Food processors are leaders in energy consumption AND the foods produced are among the least nutritious. Go for less packaging. Buy from bulk bins and choose products without excessive packaging You may choose to take small steps, like including one meatless meal a week, visiting a farmer’s market or local farm and buying veggies for a meal or buying brown rice from the bulk bin instead of a box. If you’re ready to try something a little more adventurous, try macrobiotics. It’s one of the greenest eating styles around with its foundation based on whole foods that are local (nutrients in the soil are in balance with needs of the area), seasonal (again, it’s about balance and taking a cue from nature), prepared at home, and consumed with gratitude (for the grower as well as the cook). It nourishes body, soul and planet.


oing macro starts with a clean kitchen. It affects the energy of the cook, who then transfers that energy into the food, affecting everyone who eats it. It’s all connected. Here are the basic guidelines of following a macrobiotic diet: 1. Grains. 50–60% of meals are based on whole grains; grain products have a place in meals, but whole grains prepared in their whole form are front and center. Staple grains consumed daily include brown rice, millet and barley. Occasionally supplement with buckwheat, rye, oats, quinoa, amaranth and spelt. Grain products such as rolled oats, cracked wheat, corn grits are included several times a week. 2. Soups. 10% of daily diet. Miso soup is eaten each day. Other soups containing grains, beans, vegetables, noodles, tofu can also be included. 3. Vegetables. 25–30% of meals. Green leafy (bok choy, collards, kale, mustard greens, scallions, turnip greens, etc.), round (acorn squash, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, cabbage, cauliflower, onion, rutabaga, turnip, etc.), and root vegetables (burdock, carrots, daikon, parsnips, radish, carrot, etc.) are eaten daily and prepared in a variety of styles (sautéed, steamed, roasted). Smaller portions are eaten raw as a salad or pickled. 4. Beans. 5–10% of diet, included every day in a variety of ways. Adzuki, chickpeas, lentils and soybeans are the most frequently consumed. 5. Sea vegetables. Nori, wakame and kombu are eaten daily. Arame, hiziki, dulse and agar are usually added a few times a week. 6. Pickles. Sauerkraut, tamari, miso, vinegar, salt are included in daily choices. 7. Seasonings and condiments. Sea salt (for cooking only in small amounts), gomashio, umeboshi plum, brown rice or umeboshi vinegars, shoyu and tamari are all used to season foods. 8. Oils. High quality, unrefined oils such as plain or toasted sesame oil, olive, sunflower, safflower or corn oils. 9. Teas. Bancha (twig tea), roasted brown rice, dandelion, kombu or barley tea are daily beverages. 10. Chewing well. At least 20 times starts the digestion process.



Foods that are avoided include: a. all foods with artificial colors and preservatives b. any sprayed or chemically processed foods c. all refined and polished grains and flours d. tropical fruits and beverages e. tropical and nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes) are avoided or limited to very occasional consumption* f. animal products** * nightshades contribute to arthritis ** raising animals for food causes more environmental pollution than any other source (40% more than all the cars, trucks, planes, trains and ships in the world) and uses up huge amounts of natural resources. For example, according a UN report, it takes 990 liters of water to produce one liter of milk, so that drinking milk instead of water requires almost 1,000 times more water.

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Shop in markets that stock the basics you need in bulk bins. Most offer grains and beans in bulk. And some even have the sea vegetables as well as high quality oils in bulk. Frequent these stores and let them know that’s one of the reasons you shop there. Get the word out that it’s important to reduce packaging and that it’s a way to attract and keep customers. Here are some good, basic recipes to get you started. They’re some of the first recipes I learned to make when studying macrobiotics and the ones I continue to make frequently. Try them and pay attention to how you feel. If you aren’t ready to make the leap into macrobiotics, but want to reap some of the benefits, include a bowl of miso soup and a serving of brown rice daily. You’ll do your body a world of good. continues on page 20 www.spiritofchange.org

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 19

Whole Foods Healthy Cooking continued from page 19

Roasted and Baked Brown Rice Brown rice is the mother of all grains in macrobiotics. It’s very balanced, versatile and the foundation for everyday eating. Make up a pot and use it for cereal, in soups, salads, desserts, croquettes, casseroles, stuffings, etc. Before cooking, soak rice for two to twelve hours. It makes it easy to digest. I think this recipe is easy, convenient and brings out a sweet, nutty flavor in the rice. 1 cup brown rice, rinsed and roasted 2 1/2 cups boiling water (non-chlorinated is best) Sea salt, a pinch Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place a stainless steel skillet over high heat. When skillet is hot, add the washed rice. With a wooden spoon, move rice constantly back and forth until water has evaporated. Reduce heat to medium and continue roasting for two or three more minutes or until the rice gives off a nutty aroma and turns lightly golden. Remove from heat. Place boiling water in casserole dish and add roasted rice. Add sea salt and cover casserole dish with a tight fitting lid (or foil if you don’t have one). Place covered dish in preheated oven and bake for one hour. Remove from oven and serve.

Adzuki Bean Soup This is one powerhouse of a soup. Adzuki beans have less fat than other beans and are beneficial to the kidney and bladder and they’re particularly delicious paired with winter squash. The kombu strengthens the blood and helps eliminate toxic wastes from the body. The addition of squash gives a calm energy and nourishes the pancreas. And, it’s delicious and easy to make. 1 cup adzuki beans, washed and soaked overnight (save soaking water) Kombu, 1 inch square, soaked and thinly sliced (save soaking water) 5 cups water 1 cup onion, diced 1 cup winter squash, washed and cubed (butternut and kabocha are my favorites) 1/2 cup carrots, sliced 1/2 cup corn kernels 1/2 teaspoon sea salt Shoyu – to taste 2 scallions, thinly sliced for garnish

20 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Add beans, kombu, soaking water and water to a pot. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium low and simmer for an hour and a half. Beans should be 80% done. Add onion, squash, carrots, corn, salt and shoyu. Cook over medium low for another 30 minutes or until beans are soft. Remove from heat and garnish with scallions.

Gomashio No macrobiotic meal is complete without gomashio. It’s a condiment made from roasted sesame seeds and salt and is perfect paired with grains and vegetables. If you’ve ever purchased pre-made gomashio from a grocery shelf, you’ve never tasted real gomashio. Try making it. It’s rich in protein, B vitamins and calcium. I make it fresh every week or two. 1 cup sesame seeds 2 1/2 to 3 tablespoons sea salt Place the seeds in a fine mesh strainer and wash under running water for about 30 seconds. Drain. While the seeds are draining, dry roast the salt. A cast iron frying pan is excellent for this; it cooks evenly, but stainless steel does a great job too. Heat the pan over medium heat and add the salt. Using a wooden spoon, move salt around the pan to roast for a few minutes. Salt should be shiny and release a chlorine aroma. Remove salt from pan and place in a suribachi (Japanese mortar and pestle). Use a food processor if you don’t have a suribachi. Grind or process until fine. Add the seeds to the frying pan. Make sure the pan is large enough for seeds to be in a single layer. If your pan is too small, roast them in batches. Using the wooden spoon, push seeds back and forth for about 5 minutes or until the seeds begin to puff our and pop (like popcorn) and give off a nutty aroma. Add the sesame seeds to the salt and grind until seeds are half crushed. Don’t over-grind into a powder, it has a sweeter, better flavor when the seeds are only half ground. Let cool completely and place in a glass shaker or storage container.

Basic Miso Soup What isn’t to love about miso! This sweet, delicious, fermented soybean product is aged like a fine wine, up to several years. It’s not only a cooking staple, it’s chock full of living enzymes that help with digestion, strengthens blood quality and adds protein, vitamins and minerals to the dish. The wakame is high in calcium and vitamins and helps protect against high blood pressure and offsets radiation. I often have this soup for breakfast. When serving for an evening meal I add some diced tofu and vegetables and udon noodles or leftover brown rice.

5 cups water 1 cup onion, sliced into thin half moons 1 carrot, washed, halved and thinly sliced 2 inch piece of wakame, soaked to soften and thinly sliced 4 to 5 teaspoons miso (I like barley miso, but sweet white miso is excellent also) 1 scallion, sliced thin for garnish Place water, onion, carrot and wakame in a pot. Cover and place over high heat until it comes to a boil. Reduce heat to medium low and simmer for 3 minutes. Turn off burner. Place miso in a cup, add about a quarter cup of broth from the pot. Using a fork or chopstick, stir the miso until it dissolves. Add to the pot of soup. Garnish with scallion and serve.

Fruit Pudding A great dessert that’s satisfying and a healthy alternative to commercial gelatin desserts. Use whatever fruit is in season. If preparing with melons or berries in the summer, simply pour the hot liquid over the fruit and allow to gel. They don’t need to be cooked. The agar is an excellent source of iodine, it’s really soothing to the intestines and helps improve digestion. Not bad for a sweet treat. 2 quarts of apple juice or cider (or use half juice and half water) Pinch of salt 8–9 tablespoons of agar-agar flakes 2 pears, washed and sliced thin 4 apples, washed and sliced thin 2 tablespoons of tahini (optional) Bring juice/water, salt, agar and fruit to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer until agar flakes are dissolved (about 3 minutes). Stir frequently. Pour into a dish and refrigerate until jelled (about an hour). After set, eat as is or put into a blender and add tahini. Blend until smooth and serve in parfait glasses. Michelle Hirsch lives in southern NH and teaches whole foods cooking throughout New England. She is a graduate of the world-renowned Kushi Institute where she also worked developing curriculum. Michelle is the author of Venturesome Vegetarian and can be contacted at mphirsch@yahoo.com.

For live macrobiotic cooking demonstrations, visit the Kushi Institute’s Cooking Demo area at the Natural Living Expo in Sturbridge, MA, Sept. 26-27. See back cover.

HBLU™ Changes Lives

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Dr. Judith Swack has presented her dramatic results on national TV, and at the AHP, NLP, ACEP, and IEA conferences. Her published papers are available on the web at www.HBLU.org. Dr. Swack will personally be teaching this exhilarating, fun and humor filled training packed with unique healing protocols and techniques for clearing trauma, limiting beliefs, and installing boundaries.




FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 21

D o n n a

E de n

Energy Medicine The Auric Embrace

Your meridians and chakras bring energy to every organ in your body while the aura contains all these energies.


he aura is a multilayered sphere of energy that emanates from your body and interacts with the atmosphere of the Earth. It is itself a protective atmosphere that surrounds and embraces you, filtering out many of the energies you encounter and drawing in others that you need. It simultaneously serves as a filter and as an antenna. Whereas each chakra is an energy station that is attuned to larger energies in the universe, the aura serves as a two-way antenna that brings energy from the environment into your chakras and sends energy from your chakras outward. Some auras reach out and embrace you. Others keep you out like an electric fence. When you feel happy, attractive and spirited, your aura may fill an entire room. When you are sad, despondent and somber, your aura crashes in on you, forming an energetic shell that isolates you from the world. Sometimes if I feel closed in by too many intruding energies, I will very slowly place my open palms against the inside band of my auric field and push it away. If I go slowly enough, I can feel the pressure of the field as I push on it. Try it sometime when you are having difficulty claiming your space in the world or are feeling sad or small. Imagine yourself surrounded by an eggshell-like energy and exhale slowly as you push it away from you, beginning at about two inches from your body. You may be able to feel an energetic force against your hands, and, in any case, it will give you more breathing room, psychologically and energetically.

Detecting the Aura An energy field surrounding the body, as first measured scientifically in Harold Burr’s Yale laboratory in the 1930’s, has subsequently been demonstrated in numerous experiments.1 Known to scientists as the “biofield,” it corresponds with older notions of a distinctive but intangible “aura” surrounding the body, seen not only in religious paintings, but also described in numerous healing traditions.2 Scientists investigating the biofield have suggested that it holds information about an organism and transmits this information throughout the organism in a manner that is analogous to the way a holographic plate distributes information throughout a hologram.3 The biofield comprises an extremely weak but measurable electromagnetic field — with its own waveform, intensity, polarity and modulation patterns — that surrounds and permeates all living systems. continues on page 24 22 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Imagine what your life would be like if you had clear thinking, energy and excitement every day.

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Introduction to Holistic Dentistry - Jean Nordin-Evans DDS (FREE) Sep 9th 7PM, ODU th 7PM, NPW th 7PM Nourishing Traditions Food Prep Workshop - Leslie Ritchie-Dunham 4FQ th AM 4FQ th 6PM ODU th AM, ODU OE 6PM NPW th AM, NPW th 5PM Mercury Toxicity & Detoxification Seminar - Robert Luby MD, ABHM (FREE) 4FQ th 3PM, 0DU th 7PM, NOV 17th 3PM The Truth About Cholesterol - Chris Masterjohn, 4FQ th Middlesex Networking Breakfast for Holistic Providers, 4FQ th AM Open House Fall Festival - 4FQ th AM 493-495 Main Street ~ Groton, MA 01450 ~ (978)449-9919 visit www.grotonwellness.com for more information FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 23

Energy Medicine continued from page 22

TheUniversal Law of Attraction is No Secret Fran Spayne, MA Spiritual Life Coach Psychological Intuitive

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Law of Attraction Workshop schedule is posted on www.MiracleWork.org All proceeds are donated to world peace organizations. A Course in Miracles • Phone Sessions Concord/Arlington • 978-568-1201


24 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Experiments on the human aura were carried out over a twenty-year period at Valerie Hunt’s Energy Fields Laboratory at UCLA. In one, “aura reading” by people who are highly sensitive to the body’s energies were compared with neuro-physiological measures. The colors seen by eight aura readers not only corresponded with one another, they also correlated exactly with electromyography (EMG) wave patterns picked up by electrodes on the skin at the spot that was being observed.4 Aura readers also consistently report shifts in the aura when a person is under stress or has had a healing, or when there are changes in the environment. Psychologist Dorothy Gundling found that aura readers saw changes in the size, shape, action and color of the energy fields of five experimental subjects when the subjects were listening to music. These observations corresponded with changes in blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration rate and brain wave patterns. Some music produced relaxation in listeners, similar to the physiological response to meditation; other music produced erratic brain waves.5 While the aura readers tended to agree with one another on the size, shape and shade of the subjects’ auras, there were differences in their perceptions of color. The investigator speculated that this is because the perceptions of aura readers are necessarily filtered through the color of their own aura.6 These reports include fascinating human commentary, but most studies of the aura do not rely on aura readers at all. The combined use of handheld biofeedback sensors, computing equipment and special photography devices has demonstrated that the color, shape and size of an auric field, as captured by these devices on photos or video, shift after the application of acupuncture, hands-on healing or prayer. The auric field also shifts with changes in thoughts or mood, and there is some evidence that its fluctuations provide reliable diagnostic information as well.7 Traditionally, the aura is said to have seven bands, each corresponding in color and energy with one of the chakras. For some people, the aura is loosely knit, extending outward, open to the world. For others it is tightly bound, “close to the vest.” The density of the aura also fluctuates within a person, reflecting different states of health, excitement and comfort. When you are ill, your aura can collapse in on you, as if trying to guard your organs, bones and vital tissues and isolate you from the world. You are more protected, and others are protected from your illness.

Seeing Auras I not only believe that everyone can learn to read auras, I believe you already sense them. You know before a word has been spoken when you are in the presence of someone who makes you feel energized or drained. When my former mother-in-law walked into a room, every head turned. Everyone felt her presence before even seeing her. We pick up on more than just visual cues. Have you ever had the sense that someone is staring at you and turned your head to find eyes gazing your way that had been completely outside your view? Studies of this phenomenon show not only that it is quite commonplace, but also that your galvanic skin response changes when you are being stared at by someone, though that person is not within your range of vision.8 “Good vibes” and “bad vibes” are more than just figures of speech. The auric field provides a quick read on a person’s general level of health, but preconceived ideas can get in the way. For instance, when a person has been ill, the aura may collapse close to the body, forming a tightly knit protective shield. Early in my work, whenever I encountered someone with a collapsed aura, I would try to pulse the auric field back out to where it was “supposed to be.” But if the person was sick, I always felt a resistance, as if the aura were saying, “This danger isn’t over yet, and this body requires extra protection and support until it is.” The collapsed state is the intelligence of the energy body at work, and I have learned not to override this wisdom.

On the other hand, if the energy imbalances within your body become excessive, the aura can’t protect you, and it can become thin, disorganized or collapsed. It may get in the habit of being chronically collapsed, trapping your energies and preventing your life force from connecting with the world. Like each of your energy systems, the aura learns how to protect you in the increasingly complex situations we encounter today. In the series of compromises called adaptation, it may become chronically locked into a state that is not good for your overall health and well-being, and an intervention can be very useful. The Hook-up is the best single technique for keeping the aura solid and for quickly centering yourself. It creates a connection between your central meridian (which sends energy up the front of your body) and governing meridian (which sends energy up your spine), bridging the energies between front and back of your body and between your head and torso. The Hook-up has immediate neurological consequences. Do it each day.

The Hook-up To do the Hook-up, breathe in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. 1. Place the middle finger of one hand on your third eye (between your eyebrows above the bridge of your nose.) 2. Place the middle finger of the other hand in your navel. 3. Gently press each finger into your skin, pull it upward, and hold for 15-20 seconds. Often a spontaneous sigh or deep breath signals that the energies have hooked up. Notes 1. See discussion in David Feinstein and Donna Eden, “Six Pillars of Energy Medicine,” Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2007, 14, 44-54. Available online from www.EnergyMedicinePrinciples.com 2. William Collinge, Subtle Energy (New York: Warner Books, 1998). 3. Beverly Rubik, “The Biofield Hypothesis: Its Biophysical Basis and Role in Medicine,” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2002 (8), 703-717. 4. Valerie Hunt, Infinite Mind: The Science of Human Vibration (Malibu, CA: Malibu, 1995). 5. Dorothy Huntley Gundling, “Electrophysical and Psychotronic Correlates of Music,” PhD dissertation, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, 1977. 6. Dorothy Huntley Gundling, personal communication, February 5, 1998. 7. Reported in William Collinge, Subtle Energy (New York: Warner Books, 1998), p. 28 8. William G. Braud, “Human Interconnectedness: Research Indications,” ReVision, 14 (1992), 140-148. Excerpted and adapted from Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine (Revised Edition). New York: Tarcher/Penguin, 2008. Donna Eden is among the world’s most sought after spokespersons for energy medicine and her abilities as a healer are legendary. Her bestselling book, Energy Medicine, is the authoritative text in its field and recently won U.S. Book News “Book of the Year” award in the self-help category. Learn more about her books and classes at www.LearnEnergyMedicine.com. Donna Eden will be a keynote speaker at the Natural Living Expo Sept. 26-27 in Sturbridge. See back cover. www.spiritofchange.org

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 25

E / T h e


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Eco-Villages • Sonar Devices • Green Projects Dear EarthTalk:

What are “eco-villages?” I’ve heard of one in New York near Ithaca and another one called Arcosanti being built in Arizona. — Jim Killian, Brookline, MA —

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CodyR, courtesy Flickr

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co-villages are essentially designed communities intending to be socially, economically and ecologically sustainable. Environmentalist Joan Bokaer developed the vision for the first eco-village, which would eventually be built on the outskirts of Ithaca, New York, while on a continent-wide walk for sustainability across the United States in 1990. In Context magazine publisher Robert Gilman helped refine the concept through his research, writing and speaking on the topic. In 1996, the first residents moved into the EcoVillage at Ithaca, and a movement was born. According to the nonprofit Global EcoVillage Network, some 420 eco-villages exist in both urban and rural settings around the world today. The defining characteristics of an eco-village, according to Robert Gilman’s seminal 1991 article, “The Eco-Village Challenge,” include

“human-scale, healthy and sustainable development, full-featured settlement, and the harmless integration of human activities into the natural world.” Gilman also said that eco-villages should limit their populations to 150 individuals, which is the maximum size for any working social network according to the teachings of sociology and anthropology. While the term eco-village did not come into common usage until the 1990s, the concept may in fact be older. Arcosanti, a self-described “experimental town” in the high desert of Arizona, 70 miles north of Phoenix, has been under construction since 1970 and eventually will be the home of some 5,000 forward-thinking residents. In keeping with the concept of clustered development so as to maximize open space and the efficient use of resources, the large, compact structures and large-scale solar greenhouses of Arcosanti occupy a small footprint — only 25 acres — within the community’s 4,000-acre “land preserve.” Italian architect Paolo Soleri designed Arcosanti according to his concept of “arcology” (architecture + ecology), whereby, in his words, “the built and the living interact as organs

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26 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Some 420 eco-villages exist in both urban and rural settings around the world today. Pictured here: the west end of Arcosanti, a self-described “experimental town” in Arizona that has been under construction since 1970.

would in a highly evolved being.” Underpinning the concept is that “many systems work together, with efficient circulation of people and resources, multi-use buildings, and solar orientation for lighting, heating and cooling.” Those interested in learning more can attend a four-week workshop at Arcosanti to study building techniques and arcological philosophy, while getting a chance to contribute to the city’s ongoing construction. To date, some 5,000 participants have all had a hand in the construction of Arcosanti. Some other “intentional communities” designed with sustainability in mind around North America include Cobb Hill in Vermont, Vegan in Hawaii, Dancing Rabbit in Missouri, Maitreya in Oregon, Dreamtime in Wisconsin, Paz in Texas, Earthaven in North Carolina, Prairie’s Edge in Manitoba and Kakwa in British Columbia. For information on these and other eco-villages, the Ecovillage Network of the Americas as well as the Global Ecovillage Network offer extensive resources for free online. CONTACTS: www.ecovillage.ithaca.ny.us; www.arcosanti.org; ena.ecovillage.org; gen.ecovillage.org; Robert Gilman’s “The Eco-Village Challenge,” www.context.org/ ICLIB/IC29/Gilman1.htm.

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Dear EarthTalk: Is it true that military sonar exercises actually kill marine wildlife? — John Slocum, Newport, RI —


nfortunately for many whales, dolphins and other marine life, the use of underwater sonar (short for sound navigation and ranging) can lead to injury and even death. Sonar systems — first developed by the U.S. Navy to detect enemy submarines — generate slow-rolling sound waves topping out at around 235 decibels; the world’s loudest rock bands top out at only 130. These sound waves can travel for hundreds of miles under water, and can retain an intensity of 140 decibels as far as 300 miles from their source. These rolling walls of noise are no doubt too much for some marine wildlife. While little is known about any direct physiological effects of sonar waves on marine species, evidence shows that whales will swim hundreds of miles, rapidly change their depth (sometime leading to bleeding from the eyes and ears), and even beach themselves to get away from the sounds of sonar. In January 2005, 34 whales of three different species became stranded and died along North Carolina’s Outer Banks during nearby offshore Navy sonar training. continues on page 28

U.S. Navy

A sonar device being lowered into the ocean by an anti-submarine squadron helicopter. Such devices generate slow-rolling sound waves topping out at around 235 decibels; the world’s loudest rock bands top out at only 130.


FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 27

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Fall Workshop Schedule OCTOBER 2 - 3: ROBERT SIMMONS


Friday, October 2: Introductory lecture and Book signing: “Stones of New Consciousness�. 4pm booksigning, 6pm lecture. $30.

Friday, November 6: Introductory lecture. $30.

Saturday, October 3: “Stones of New Consciousness� Workshop. 10-6pm. $75. Friday and Saturday can be pre-registered for $90, a saving of $15. Mineral and specimens that are RARE willl be available Friday and Saturday.

OCTOBER 9-11: AARON HOOPES Friday, October 9: Sword Exhibition followed d by book and DVD signing. g. 4-8 pm. Saturday, October 10: A Day of Zen Yoga. Zen Yoga combines the deep breathing of qigong, the flowing movement of tai chi and the relaxed stretching of shanti yoga. t #FHJOOJOH ;FO :PHB NPSOJOH TFTTJPO from 10-12pm. $25. t *OUFSNFEJBUF ;FO :PHB BGUFSOPPO session from 1-3pm. $25. t &WFOJOH .FEJUBUJPO $MBTT GSPN QN $15. t 'VMM EBZ QBDLBHF &BSMZ CJSE SFHJTtration: Save 10%. Bring a yoga mat, if you have one. Sunday, October 11: Introduction to Level One Zen Yoga Instructor Training. This is a special Introduction to Zen Yoga for Serious Yoga Devotees and instructors. Join us for smoothies at 9am. Class runs from 10-2 pm with a half hour lunch. Registration is $65. Save $5 by registering before the event.

28 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

“Creating Divine Alchemy� teaching from herr up-coming book “Divine Alchemy�

Saturday, November 7: Workshop (with Lunch). $75. 75

NOVEMBER 13-15: DR. KEVIN ROSS EMERY Friday, November 13: Evening Booksigning and Meet and Greet, free talk.

EarthTalk continued from page 27 Other sad examples around the coast of the U.S. and elsewhere abound, notably in recent years with more sonar testing going on than ever before. According to the nonprofit Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), which has campaigned vigorously to ban use of the technology in waters rich in marine wildlife, recent cases of whale strandings likely represent a small fraction of sonar’s toll, given that severely injured animals rarely make it to shore. In 2003, NRDC spearheaded a successful lawsuit against the Navy to restrict the use of low-frequency sonar off the coast of California. Two years later a coalition of green groups led by NRDC and including the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), the League for Coastal Protection, Cetacean Society International, and Ocean Futures Society upped the ante, asking the federal courts to also restrict testing of more intense, harmful and far ranging mid-frequency types of sonar off Southern California’s coastline. In filing their brief, the groups cited Navy documents which estimated that such testing would kill some 170,000 marine mammals and cause permanent injury to more than 500 whales, not to mention temporary deafness for at least 8,000 others. Coalition lawyers argued that the Navy’s testing was in violation of the National Environmental Policy Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act. Two lower courts upheld NRDC’s claims, but the Supreme Court ruled that the Navy should be allowed to continue the use of some mid-frequency sonar testing for the sake of national security. “The decision places marine mammals at greater risk of serious and needless harm,� says NRDC’s Joel Reynolds. Environmental groups are still fighting the battle against the sonar, lobbying the government to curtail testing, at least during peacetime, or to at least ramp up testing gradually to give marine wildlife a better chance to flee affected areas. “The U.S. Navy could use a number of proven methods to avoid harming whales when testing mid-frequency sonar,� reports IFAW’s Fred O’Regan. “Protecting whales and preserving national security are not mutually exclusive.� CONTACTS: NRDC, www.nrdc.org; IFAW, www.ifaw.org.

Saturday, November 14: Lost Steps of Reiki Class 5-8pm. The techniques discussed here bring spiritual and intellectual healing into the process as well as teaching you how to empower the client to heal themselves. Sunday, November 15: Eveining of Trance Channeling. 5-8pm. Dr. Kevin has been working as a trance channel for the last fourteen years. During that time he has channeled over twenty different entities. One or more entities will come through to share their insights and their perspectives, to help inspire and guide you. Saturday & Sunday: Wei Chi Modified Treatment Sessions, Wei Chi Medical Intuitive Session & Wei Chi Clinic Treatments. Call to schedule.

SAVE by Registering Early:


See our full Events Schedule online:


Dear EarthTalk: What kind of job opportunities might be opened up by the new federal emphasis on green projects? — Dick Wetzler, St. Paul, MN —


f it’s a U.S. industry that has the potential to be cleaner and greener, chances are the Obama administration has already set aside some stimulus money for it. In February 2009, the new president signed the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law. Besides creating jobs, the bill promises to spur American companies to greener heights through investments totaling over $75 billion. According to Environment America, a federation of state-based environmental advocacy groups, the stimulus package includes $32.8 billion for clean energy projects, $26.86 billion for energy efficiency initiatives and $18.95 billion for green transportation. Some of the key green features of the bill include accelerating the deployment of “smart grid� technology (systems of routing power in ways that optimize energy-efficiency), providing energy efficiency funds for schools, offering support for governors and mayors to beef up energy efficiency in private homes and public buildings, and establishing a new loan guarantee program to help renewable energy producers survive in down economic times. With the private capital and credit so tight due to the recession, this influx of federal support is vital to help the still fledgling green energy and

Dave Worth, Courtesy Flickr

Based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method

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www.ConstellationApproach.com 617-484-4325 Most economists agree that it makes good sense to steer away from finite foreign oil toward homegrown renewable energy. Pictured: The Biglow Canyon Wind Farm under construction in Sherman County, Oregon. transportation sectors stay afloat. And most economists agree that it makes good sense to steer away from finite foreign oil toward homegrown renewable energy. Obama has promised the creation of some 500,000 jobs in the nation’s burgeoning clean energy sector alone. “The central facts here are irrefutable: Spending the same amount of money on building a clean energy economy will create three times more jobs within the U.S. than would spending on our existing fossil fuel infrastructure,” writes University of Massachusetts economist Robert Pollin in The Nation. “The transformation to a clean energy economy can therefore serve as a major long-term engine of job creation.” Wind turbine engineers, insulation installers, recycling sorters and photovoltaic cell salespeople — along with the businesspersons behind them — can all look forward to bright and potentially lucrative futures. This view is shared by the Solar Energy Industries Association, which predicts that the stimulus will help create some 119,000 jobs in the American solar sector alone before the end of 2010. Employers from solar cell manufacturers to green building materials retailers to wind farm maintenance firms to recycling haulers to energy auditors will likewise be looking to swell their ranks of employees with relevant skills. The federal government itself is also in on the recovery effort beyond doling out the money. According to the official Recovery Act website, the General Services Administration’s Public Building Service will invest $5.55 billion in federal building projects, “including $4.5 billion to transform federal facilities into exemplary high-performance green buildings, $750 million to renovate and construct new federal offices and courthouses, and $300 million to construct and renovate border stations.” About $1 billion worth of projects will be undertaken—a boon for everyone in the building industry, including construction workers, electricians, plumbers, air conditioning mechanics, carpenters, architects and engineers. CONTACTS: www.recovery.gov; www.environmentamerica.org; www.seia.org

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SEND YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONS TO: EarthTalk, P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881; earthtalk@emagazine.com. Read past columns at www.emagazine.com/earthtalk/archives.php. www.spiritofchange.org

Cara-Jean Donaghey, MSN, RN, Colleen Chausse, BSN, RN, and Suzanne Duval, BSN, RN FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 29

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L y n n

Feng Shui For Everyday Dear Lynn, I suffer from chronic pain and wonder if feng shui can do anything about this. Absolutely any advice will be appreciated. — Aching

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30 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

T a y l o r

Dear Aching, Ouch. Without more information as to the nature of your pain I can’t be as thoroughly helpful as I’d like to be. Different parts of the body have their correspondences in the various quadrants of the bagua. In many cases clearing those areas and activating them can give remedial relief. But no matter where in your body the problem persists I’d advise you to fix everything that it is in your power to fix. View your home as if it were a body. Imagine the windows as eyes. The framing of the structure is the skeletal aspect. The plumbing corresponds to your waterworks system. Doors are mouths of chi, the cosmic animator which dwells within us and in which we dwell. The phrase “listen to your body” has gone mainstream and wouldn’t provide more than a roll of the eyes if said to someone in a lot of pain. Your body is just about the only thing you can listen to when in pain. It can be very difficult to pay attention to much else — especially if movement is restricted. I propose another and rather immediately attainable expansion and refocusing. You’ve already listened to your body and its incessant demands. You’ve probably answered your body back with some fairly charged commands imploring for some systemic intervention. If your house could talk, what would it say to you? Listen as deeply as you can and try to satisfy its reasonable desires or laments. Comfort it as you would a loved one — and as you would most appreciate being comforted. In your conversation with your house determine where it is uncomfortable, perhaps even

miserable. What heals your house heals you. Seen through a heightened — or dimmed — lens, everything becomes more precious and more temporary and it can deepen your relationship to your surroundings. All the little annoyances in your living space become exaggerated when your health is compromised. When your activities are limited, your habitable world shrinks. To achieve an acceptable endurance strategy, begin with easy adaptations. Consider color, scent, sound, things you love or that empower you and boost your energy a bit. An easel, a pad of paper, having anything on hand that will allow you to externalize and express yourself in the moment are some possibilities. Pain has given birth to a lot of brilliant artwork. Frida Kahlo took it to the max in the visual arts, for example. Many ingenious works of art were written by people suffering with long term pain. Great thinkers have produced some of their most famous treatises under enormous physical challenges. Pain can drive you to remarkable ingenuity! Find a creative outlet and make it as easy as possible to indulge. Lastly, as you’ve probably already discovered, chronic pain brings the need for extra help from others. Keep those helpful people quadrants (front right) in tip top shape and try not to whine!

Dear Lynn, We were gifted with a beautiful three-foot tall amethyst cathedral geode for our home. What properties does amethyst bring into the home? Is there any place in particular a large crystal would be best situated in a home or outdoors? Thanks Lynn! Dear One, The amethyst brings in a constellation of properties and is in itself a completely balanced expression of all five elements. Its shape, its color,

the light it emits and the many little details of which it is comprised make it a special gift indeed. Since it is three-feet tall you could definitely put it outside without it looking trivial, even if the space is large. What about using it to create and anchor a grotto? Define an area in which it can be the signature feature. Using the bagua in miniature place the geode in the love area — the right rear quadrant of the little grotto. What an enticing and inspiring embrace! Perhaps enclose it in a spiral pattern of flowers or a labyrinth. The crystal as a whole was born of the earth so if placing it within the house, consider placing it in the love or knowledge zones — both earth dominant. You may decide to move the amethyst from outside to inside for seasonal reasons. Again I recommend placing it in the love or knowledge sector wherever it works out best. Shine on!

LifeChange Shawna V. Carboni

Dear Lynn, I own a retail store and wondered if you can give me any general suggestions to help maximize customer interest, staying in the store and browsing (and buying!) for longer periods of time? The store is filled with beautiful gifts, clothing, gourmet foods and more. I’ve got a great Main Street location, have been in business over 10 years so I have developed some loyal customers, but how can I help on the inside of the store with feng shui? — More Success Dear Successful, Let’s start with the don’ts. Make sure there are no sharp angles or obstacles any place at all in the shop. If you have them you can soften them with floor plants and with your product arrangements. Eliminate every straight display row — any product corridor that’s in a line longer than a few feet. It’s probably implausible to create wavy rows of possible purchases but arrange clusters of interesting purchaseables, perhaps by theme. Create some link between improbable items. It will be a mini-flow of sorts. If you can, make a sitting space that could accommodate at least 2 people and have a little table or some surface people can set something down on. Maybe it’s just something they don’t want to carry while browsing or maybe it’s a purchase that they are considering and instead of putting it back in its place they put it down to keep shopping. To the fullest extent possible playfully define the entrance to your shop. Flank the door with sturdy evergreen plants in large pots and adorn them with colorful cascading annuals when weather permits. If you have the space and permission to create a little outdoor seating spot — even if only for one — do it. Another possibility outside the shop is to create moving attention. Banners, flags, anything that flows with the current breeze. Employ the colors that most delight you. Water and fountains both inside and outside are truly superb, but the ratio between maintenance and your precious time has to be seriously considered. The sound of flowing, gurgling water has been successfully used for years to encourage people to spend money. Inside, a water feature would be best placed near the entrance or to the left middle and far left rear quadrants. These locations all generate cash flow. Be sure your cash register is securely positioned in one of the rear quadrants of your shop. Consider giving it a boost by elevating it just a bit with something underneath it. The most basic would be a piece of plywood cut to size but if you can get something more luxurious do so. Cover it with red fabric to further energize cash flow. Keep a plant nearby, one that is especially pleasing to you. Wishing you blessings of prosperity! Lynn Taylor is a senior feng shui practitioner who teaches and consults in the United States and Mexico for both business and home environments. She has been featured extensively on television, radio and in print. Send questions for this column or contact Lynn at lynntaylor@bostonfengshui.com or (617) 924-4205. www.spiritofchange.org


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FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 31


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MASSACHUSETTS General Information MassYoga Network. www.massyoga.org. Listings of Yoga events. Discounted workshops. Vendor discounts for members. Karma Yoga grants for teachers. Support for teachers and practitioners.

Acton Anna Forkan & Kristen Overlock (978) 462-1488 www.revitalive.com

Acton Yoga and Wellness Center. Public, private and corporate yoga therapy and workshops, 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training; Reiki training and monthly Reiki shares; herbal consultations. www.actonyoga.com • 978-340-5566. YogaFitness. Yoga, pliates, movement, breath and deep relaxation all in one great class. Mediation, weight training workshops plus personal training. Bedford and Acton. 781-275-2719. www.peterdolanyogafitness.com.

Arlington The Arlington Center. Chip Hartranft, Director, 369 Mass Ave., Arlington, MA 02474. 781-316-0282. Anusara, Ashtanga, Classical, Iyengar, Kripalu, Vinyasa; insight meditation, yogatherapy, retreats. www.arlingtoncenter.org

Bedford Serenity Yoga & Wellness Center, 18 North Rd, Bedford, MA 01730. Kripalu-affiliated studio. Daily classes. Beginners, all levels, Vinyasa. Fully equipped, friendly environment. 781-275-4092 • www.serenityyoga.com.

Bridgewater Maha Yoga Center, 992 Bedford St. (Rt. 18), Bridgewater, MA 02324, 508-697-3273 www.mahayogacenter.com. Yoga all levels, hatha, Ashtanga, meditation, massage. Yoga teacher training (YA).

32 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Brighton Ayurvedic Rehabilitation Center, 103 Bennett St., Brighton, MA 02135. 617-782-1727. Loretta Levitz, Dir. Yoga, all levels (including disability), Ayurveda, teacher training, private or small groups.

Centerville Kind Yoga Teacher Training and Certification. Become a certified Yoga teacher. Cape Cod, starts September, 200 hour Yoga alliance registered program. www.KindYoga.com. 508-428-8635.

East Bridgewater Center for Growth and Change.org, 516 North Bedford St. 508-378-2372. Eileen Scannell Quemere. Free beginners class, last Tuesday monthly, rsvp. Hata/Vinyasa yoga. Walk-ins welcome. All levels, private, therapeutic, workshops, meditation.

Framingham Center for Yoga & Healing, 393 Worcester Rd. Kripalu, Svaroopa, Hatha, Flow, Gentle, Restorative, Meditation, Yoga Nidra. Beginners/ continuing. Reiki healings/trainings. Polarity Therapy. 508-620-9642 • www.centerforyoga.us

Franklin Franklin Yoga & Wellness, 1256 W. Central St., Franklin, MA 02038. 508-520-4515. Yoga Certification, all levels. Kundalini, Anusara, Hatha, Vinyasa, Nia, Holistic Therapies. www.franklinyoga.com.

Groton Groton Wellness. Individualized for all levels. Multi-school Yoga Teacher Certification, Yoga Over Easy, Tai Chi, Taoist Yoga, Nia & Pilates. www.grotonwellness.com • 978-449-9919.

Holden Opening Lotus Yoga. An eco-green studio. 456 Main St., Holden, MA, 01520. Beg.-Adv. Gentle-vigorous. Vinyasa, Yin, pre-natal & more. 508-829-7435 • www.openinglotusyoga.com.

Manchester The School of Complete Yoga, Manchester Community Center, 40 Beach Street. Classic Hatha Yoga to enhance and improve overall health. First class is complementary! 908-307-4496.

Marblehead Namaste Yoga Center, 66 Clifton Avenue. Iyengar inspired classes. Private sessions with specialized yoga programs. Seminars and 200/500 Teacher Training. Join anytime! 617-816-1489 namasteyogactr.com.

Marlborough The Yoga Studio at Rising Sun. Ongoing beginner, continuing and deeper Svaroopa® Yoga classes. Private sessions in yoga therapy. Workshops, special classes. www.risingsunacupuncture.com (508) 786-0788.

Peabody Mind, Body & Soul Yoga, 36 Walnut St, Peabody, MA. All levels yoga, beginners yoga, gentle yoga, Hatha yoga, power yoga and workshops. 978-257-4545 • www.yogamindbodysoul.net.

Westborough Yoga for healing, transformation and health. www.westboroughyoga.com. Offering Svaroopa Yoga, meditation, private yoga therapy and embodyment, prenatal and gentle yoga. Contact Michelle Gross: 508-341-6424.

Weymouth Landing Open Doors Power Yoga Studios. 10 locations outside of Boston. 781-843-8224. Hot power yoga and gentle yoga – all levels. 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training • www.OpenDoors7.com.

ready for a career change? yoga massage

Worcester Amethyst Point Massage Therapy & Wellness Center, 232 Chandler St., Worcester. Hatha, Iyengar, Polarity yoga and special needs. All levels. Mon-Sat days/eves. www.amethystpoint.com. 508-753-3975.

ayurveda Through immersion

Wellness Works Yoga and Healing Arts, Fern Lee. Kripalu and Anusara-inspired hatha yoga for all levels, including chair yoga. 508-798-7836 • www.WWYoga.com

learning at the largest center for yoga and health in

Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti. Two Worcester locations. 27 years teaching experience. Trained in India by B.K.S. Iyengar. 508-829-6300.

the United States, you’ll get inspired

Revere Tranquil FlameYoga, Point of Pines Yacht Club, 28 Rice Ave., www.tranquilflameyoga.com. 781-284-7949. Morning and evening classes at oceanfront location. Seasonal workshops and retreats. Beginners welcome.

Sharon Breathe Joy Yoga. Hatha, Vinyasa, Prenatal, Pretzel Kids®, 200-Hour Teacher Training, Pretzel Kids® Certification Courses, Retreats, and More! 781-784-4848 • www.pretzelkids.com www.breathejoyyoga.com.

Uxbridge Harmony Wellness Center, 9 North Main Street, 508-278-3553, Tai chi, pilates, belly dance, meditation, massage, energy and spa therapies. www.harmony-wellness-center.com. State of Grace, 104 East Hartford Ave., Uxbridge, MA 01569. 508-278-2818. Yoga, belly dance, Pilates, massage, skin care, workshops. www.stateofgracewellness.com

from within—while


you earn professional


certification in yoga,

Bikram Yoga @ Yoga Concepts, Cranston, RI. Mary Ann and Donna Nassa, 23 years. Master certified instruction. Bikram method, beginner to advanced levels. 401-461-8484 www.bikramyogari.com

massage, or Ayurveda. Join the ranks of people who are doing what


they love and working

Breathing Time Yoga. Beginners welcome. Reduce stress. Holistic wellness through yoga. Classes, private yoga therapy, yoga teacher training. Call Karen Lee 401-421-9876. www.breathingtimeyoga.com

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All That Matters, a comprehensive center with 50 classes weekly, awesome instructors, Yoga Teacher Trainings, store, reading room, workshops, health services. 401-782-2126. www.allthatmatters.com. Free catalog.

and practices that inspire thriving—and you’ll be ready for

West Roxbury Bikram Yoga for You, 1864 Centre Street. 617-325-3244 • www.bikramyogaforyou.com. Established in 1995. Bikram certified instructors. All levels welcome. A healing yoga.

Westboro Metrowest Yoga. Transformative yoga for body and soul. Offering a variety of classes including heated vinyasa/flow, candlelight/ restorative, workshops and more. 508-525-5025. www.metrowestyoga.net www.spiritofchange.org

whatever’s next.

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FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 33

The Wind Beneath Their Wings by Wayne Petersen

If it weren’t for wind, most birds would never fly.


he 1989 number-one single “Wind Beneath My Wings”, sung by Bette Midler, soulfully describes the support

gained by one individual from another during the journey through life. This poignant song, or at least the image, provides a perfect metaphor for the influence of wind on the flight of birds. Without the wind beneath their wings, birds would cease to be the aerially dynamic creatures that they are.

34 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009


ind is a physical force that influences birdlife in a host of ways. But to fully appreciate why wind is so critical, you have to understand something of avian flight mechanics. Basically, birds fly by taking advantage of lift, which is created as air passes under and over their wings, much as it surrounds the wings of an airplane. The changing air pressure above and below the wings of a bird as it moves through the air is pivotal to a bird’s ability to remain airborne while flying. When the force of gravity is factored into the equation, particularly during windless flying conditions, thrust becomes equally critical. Without forward thrust to move a flying bird in a specific direction, no amount of lift can sustain flight. If there is enough wind to offset the effect of gravity, the amount of thrust needed to sustain flight is reduced. For many birds then, wind is the great equalizer in facilitating the ability of birds to fly. For soaring birds including storks, vultures, and many raptors, the lift derived from thermals generated by rising warm air in conjunction with the wind makes it possible for these species to cover thousands of miles during their lengthy intercontinental migrations. North American species such as the broad-winged hawk and Swainson’s hawk virtually commute to their wintering grounds in Peru and Argentina by spiraling upward on warm air thermals, followed by lateral high-speed gliding on the wind. For familiar scavengers such as turkey vultures, wind makes it possible for them to scour dozens of square miles of countryside in their daily aerial search for carrion — a patchy food resource seldom concentrated in abundance. Similarly, many seabirds rely heavily upon the wind in order to soar over ocean waves in their seemingly endless quest for food. Magnificent frigate birds, those huge swallow-tailed pirates of the sky that plunder flying fish from hardworking blue-footed boobies, spend hours gliding over tropical ocean waters on their 7.5-foot wings in their quest for booty. Maintained aloft by balmy ocean breezes hour upon hour during the daytime, frigate birds hang glide effortlessly on high until sunset, then return to shore to roost on remote tropical islands when the winds subside. In contrast, those penultimate soaring birds, the great albatrosses of the southern ocean, literally may remain on the wing for days or weeks at a time, all the while riding the “roaring forties” and “furious fifties” — the powerful cyclonic winds that are especially strong in the earth’s southern latitudes. Needless to say, to accomplish the type of gliding and dynamic soaring exhibited by species such as frigate birds, albatrosses and shearwaters, strong and steady winds are essential for optimal flight. Not all avian locomotion involves soaring or powered flight, however. Some birds are effectively able to use the wind to hover, or hang suspended in the air without actually flying. Species such as the osprey and belted kingfisher routinely face into the wind and use it to hover in place by adjusting their wings just enough to maintain their aerial position over the water until they spy a fish below. Once a fish is located, they dive on their prey, only making final adjustments just before they strike. In a similar fashion, the rough-legged hawk and American kestrel routinely hover over open fields or meadows in their quest for voles or grasshoppers, usually with some irregular or steady flapping to help maintain a fixed position. Once prey is sighted, these aerial hunters drop to earth and snag their unsuspecting victims with their talons. Geese, cormorants, and some other birds use the wind as they travel in fixed v formations rather than flying in irregularly bunched flocks. Birds at the apex of the v give added lift to the birds trailing behind them, much the way competitive cyclists and racecar drivers attain an advantage by drafting behind the bicycles or vehicles ahead of them. What actually happens is that eddies of disturbed air generated by the wings of birds in the lead of the v provide additional lift for those that are flying in their wake. In this way, all birds in the formation gain a slight flying advantage except the lead bird, which is probably why they frequently shift their positions so the same individual is not always at the apex. During migration, wind is often responsible for facilitating or retarding the remarkable journeys that some bird species annually undertake to complete their migrations between breeding grounds in the north and continues on page 36 www.spiritofchange.org

Fall Workshop Series With Dr. Judith Swack

Healing from the Body Level Up™ A new mind/body/spirit healing methodology for the 21st century Healing from the Body Level Up™ is a unique and effective way to get unstuck and eliminate struggle by clearing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success, so that you can finally achieve your goals! The originator of this holistic psychotherapy system, Dr. Judith Swack, has demonstrated her amazing phobia cures live on WCVB Channel 5 News, on TBS Superstation’s Worst Case Scenario, and on New England Cable News. She is a respected healer, teacher of healers, author, and keynote presenter at major psychology conferences. Dr. Swack is available for private sessions in person or by phone. Call now for a free introductory 15 minute consultation: (800) 310-6549 or visit www.hblu.org

Sept 12: Personalities. What Makes Them Tick? Join us, as Dr. Swack describes the Enneagram Model of Personality. Discover your own personality type and learn how to communicate respectfully and productively with people of other types. 9:30-4:30. West Greenwich, RI. Cost: $130, includes lunch. Register: (401) 397-6436 or (781) 444-6940. Sept 23: Forgive Yourself Learn an amazingly simple forgiveness exercise that instantly quiets the inner critic, a major step toward self-acceptance, compassion, and inner peace. Newton, MA. Cost: $35 Member, $40 Non-member. Register: http://easyreg.jccgb.org or (617) 558-6419. Oct 1: Keeping It Off: How to Stop the Weight Yo-Yo Syndrome Forever Experience Healing from the Body Level Up™, a holistic psychotherapy system and totally unique way of finding and healing unconscious selfsabotage to achieve and maintain weight goals without cravings, willpower or struggle. Newton, MA. Six Thursdays starting October 1. 7-9pm. Cost: $180 Member, $220 Non member. Register: http://easyreg.jccgb.org or (617) 558-6419 Oct 16: Flirting, the Psychology of Instant Sexual Attraction Join us for an exciting fun-filled evening to learn or refresh those flirting skills. Learn what’s sexy, the difference between flirting and seduction, how to connect easily and how to follow-up! 7-9:30pm. Boston, MA. Cost: $43 Member, $51 Non member. Code: PFLT01. Register: www.bcae.org or (617) 267-4430. Oct 17 & 24: Teleconference: Eliminate Addictions Do you have a bad habit you can’t seem to break? Surprisingly, the reason that addictions are so hard to break is that they were created to be the solution to a bigger problem. In order to fully recover, the core problem must be healed. In this exciting teleseminar series, Dr. Swack will describe and heal participants of some of the many underlying patterns that cause addictions. If you would like to be a volunteer demo subject, let us know when you register. 12:30-3pm. Cost: $110. Register: www.hblu.org/teleconferences.php

Oct 23: From Dating to Marriage: Dr. Swack’s Seven Rules for Success Learn how to choose and keep your ideal mate, especially the three minimum criteria for creating a successful, happy marriage. Come away with a better understanding of your romantic relationship and discover the surprisingly simple measures of a satisfying marriage. 7-9:30pm. Boston, MA. Cost: $43 Member, $51 Non member. Code: PRUL01. Register: www.bcae.org or (617) 267-4430 Nov 4 , 11, 18: Masterful Communication in All your Relationships with Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP describes how we take in information through our five senses, store this information in different areas of the brain, and use this information to make individual "maps" of the world. Discover people's inner reality by interpreting their language and behaviors so you can communicate accurately with everyone. 7-9pm. Newton, MA. Cost: $90 Member, $110 Non-member. Register: http://easyreg.jccgb.org or (617) 558-6419. Nov 12: Instant Intuition Everyone has some degree of psychic ability, but most people ignore these subtle signals. In this class, students will learn to use and trust their psychic ability, see auras, read people’s minds, feel people’s energy fields, and distinguish real intuition from irrational, emotional reactions. 7-9:30pm. Boston, MA. Cost: $43 Member, $51 Non member. Code: PRUL01. Register: www.bcae.org or (617) 267-4430. Nov 21: Teleconference: Lifting Depression Have you lost interest in activities that used to give you pleasure? Do you feel hopeless about being able to change anything in your life? Do you cry for no reason? In this much needed and fascinating teleseminar, Dr. Swack will describe the difference between physiological and psychologically caused depression, and heal participants of some of the many underlying patterns that cause depression. If you would like to be a volunteer demo subject, let us know when you register. 12:30-3pm. Cost: $55. Register: www.hblu.org/teleconferences.php

Questions? (800) 310-6549 or visit www.hblu.org to learn more about any of these workshops FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 35

Energy Balancing of your Home, Land & Community

The Wind Beneath Their Wings continued from page 35

Environmental space clearing with nature energies, Reiki and dowsing-geomancy. Benefits of a DEEP Space Clearing: s 2EMOVES UNWANTED SPIRIT ENERGY s )MPROVED HEALTH RELATIONSHIPS s 2EDUCES %-& RAYS GEOPATHIC STRESSES s 2ELEASES TRAUMA OF LAND AND STRUCTURE s 2ECEIVE A BETTER QUALITY OF SLEEP



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Join Rev. GaRy McKinstRy foR

“Connections” an event with the medium at the

2009 Natural Living Expo

Saturday, September 26th, 9:30am , Sturbridge Host Hotel, 366 Main Street (Rt 20 West), Sturbridge, MA Let medium & physchic Gary McKinstry connect with your loved ones in gallery style readings.

Gary has been seen and heard throughout New England on several radio stations and at many events including the Angel Expo in Cromwell, CT and at Earth Spirits in Sturbridge. Gary does many charity events, including the Relay for Life in Southbridge, MA and the Springfield Children’s Hospital. For upcoming events with Gary visit: www.garymckinstry.com For expo details visit: www.naturalexpo.org 36 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

The osprey routinely faces into the wind and uses it to hover in place by adjusting its wings just enough to maintain its ariel position over the water until a fish is spied below. wintering areas in the south. For many waterfowl and shorebird species that breed in the Arctic or sub-Arctic, the passage of cold fronts in late summer and fall is critical to initiating southward migration. Because changes in temperature, wind speed and wind direction are closely linked to weather fronts, the passage of an autumn cold front across Canada or the northern United States triggers a drop in temperature and a shift in the wind to the north or northwest. These are precisely the conditions and wind direction that will launch southbound migrants on their way — a “stimulus package” for migration, one might say. Many geese, ducks, and shorebirds actually remain in northern staging areas for days at a time prior to the passage of these fronts, waiting for just the right conditions to start the migration that will ultimately carry them toward their winter quarters. Birds prefer to utilize tailwinds during migration, a fact that produces interesting migration variations in order to maximize the role of the wind. An example of this is demonstrated by several long-distance migrant shorebirds such as the American golden-plover, Hudsonian godwit, red knot, and white-rumped sandpiper. All of these species routinely depart from areas in eastern Canada including James Bay, the coast and islands in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the barrens of Labrador, and the Maritime Provinces. In autumn, they specifically utilize northwesterly tailwinds as they set a southeasterly course out over the Atlantic Ocean bound for South America. In mid-flight, these powerful migrants begin to encounter the easterly trade winds that will gradually deflect them southwestward toward the northern coasts of Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and Brazil — destinations that for most birds will be their first touchdown. For some individuals,

this course of migration represents a flight of several days, or upwards of sixty hours, of sustained flying without touching down for rest. Without northwesterly tailwinds beneath their wings to facilitate their Canadian departure, or easterly trade winds beneath their wings to deflect them back toward the South American coastline, many of the birds would probably never reach their tropical destinations. Shorebirds and waterfowl are not the only birds that rely on the wind for transport assistance. Every spring, millions of songbirds cross the Gulf of Mexico bound for the Gulf Coast of North America en route from wintering areas in Central America and Mexico. Weather radar has revealed that the numbers of these migrants can be astounding, and annually thousands of birders from all over the country comb the Gulf Coast from Texas to northwestern Florida in an effort to witness this colorful tide of northbound migrants. There is a bitter irony to this annual event, however, and curiously it is focused on the wind. The total trans-Gulf flying distance undertaken by many of the flycatchers, vireos, thrushes, warblers, buntings, and orioles making the spring pilgrimage each year to the Gulf Coast of the United States is anywhere between 500 and 600 miles. Much like the waterfowl and shorebirds headed south from Canada in the fall, these northbound songbird migrants rely heavily on tailwinds from the south or southwest to launch them on their perilous over water journey from the Yucatan Peninsula. So what’s the irony? For birders headed to Texas in April to intercept spring migration, one of the conditions that many visitors hope for is the passage of a “norther� — a cold front with accompanying northerly winds that stalls somewhere over the Gulf of Mexico. Should one of these northers happen to catch thousands of migrating birds midstream over the Gulf of Mexico, the results can be both impressive and calamitous. When the favoring tailwinds from the south that existed when the migrants took off from the Yucatan suddenly switch to treacherous headwinds from the north, the tiny migrants are forced to expend excess amounts of energy in their battle against the adverse winds that stand between them and the Gulf shores that lie ahead. Under prolonged headwind conditions, the avian mortality that may result can be catastrophic. For the birders who eagerly await the arrival of waves of weary migrants, the results can be heart stopping. When conditions are extreme, it is sometimes possible to find windrows of tiny feathered bodies along Gulf Coast beaches, or to see dozens of weary migrants foraging for insects practically at one’s feet, exhausted from their struggle to reach the shoreline. In cases such as this, the sustaining wind has turned against them, with the consequence that countless weary migrants sometimes meet their demise as a result of exhaustion, dehydration, and starvation. Possibly the most pernicious of all wind-related phenomena that can adversely affect birds are hurricanes. If these violent tropical cyclones happen to capture seabirds in their path or entrap them in their eye, the storms have the capability to displace and transport their victims miles inland, or miles north of their normal distribution. There are numerous New England records of displaced southern and tropical seabird species such as the brown pelican, white-tailed tropicbird, and bridled and sooty tern, to name but a few that have appeared in the aftermath of hurricanes from the south. Although many of these storm-buffeted waifs are found moribund on coastal beaches, others are transported relatively unscathed within the eye of such storms, with some birds seemingly able to return successfully southward. Much like insects, bats, and aircraft, birds avail themselves of the wind in many ways. In fact, without the force of wind many would hardly be able to fly at all. Wind serves many functions in regulating the lives of birds. When we consider the significance of wind for humans, it is also increasingly apropos to recognize the importance of wind for other species. Wayne Petersen is director of the Important Bird Areas program for Mass Audubon. Reprinted with permission from Sanctuary: The Journal of the Massachusetts Audubon Society. Summer, 2009. Visit www.massaudubon.org or e-mail sancmag@massaudubon.org. (781) 259-2167. www.spiritofchange.org

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FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 37


Rainbow-WorksÂŽ Lighting up the True EssenceÂŽ PRESENTS:

The Political Landscape


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by Jennifer Ryan

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9:15 PM

Page 1

Marriage Quest R e t r e at s Dr. Israel and Cathie Helfand Marriage Counselors working with one couple at a time for over 25 years.

Mass Audubon works to protect the nature of Massachusetts for people and wildlife and is participating in the ongoing debate on wind power in significant ways.

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ver the past two years, Mass Audubon has been reviewing both our internal and external energy policies and goals — recognizing that the environment and energy are inextricably linked. We have encouraged responsibly sited wind as a clean and renewable energy resource, set in the context of protecting wildlife, the values of public lands, and large areas of intact wild lands. Among other projects, we support the development of near and offshore wind energy capacity resulting in no less than 1,000 megawatts (MW) of new production annually. Earlier this year, Governor Deval Patrick challenged the Commonwealth to install 2,000 MW per year of wind power capacity, or 10 percent of the state’s current need, by 2020. This is enough power to support 800,000 homes. There are currently nine turbines in the state with a capacity of 100 kilowatts (kW) or greater, with a total annual generating capacity of 6.6MW. The turbine at Hull is 660 kW, while CapeWind’s turbines would produce up to 3.6 MW each. There are a number of proposed projects in the pipeline with the capacity to produce more than 800 MW total; CapeWind would provide roughly 450 MW per year. If all projects in the permitting pipeline are built, up to several hundred turbines will still need to be sited and constructed to meet the Governor’s goal. Potential sites for utility-scale wind farms in state waters are being identified, but these are limited by shipping lanes and endangered species considerations, so some portion of wind

power generation is and will be on land. In late February 2009, the state released a study finding that there are 946 MW of annual potential wind power generation sites on public lands, predominantly conservation land. A number of the prime sites identified on public lands are on remote ridge tops without road or transmission line access that would require significant clearing to site a turbine pad, an access road, and transmission lines. Ridge tops are ecologically unique and are often home to isolated populations found only at higher elevations up and down the Appalachian corridor. They are also hunting grounds for raptors. A number of these sites are located in the last remaining unfragmented blocks of “interior� forest in the state, the sort of tracts that are important to many species of plants and animals. They are our most intact forest ecosystems, areas that are most resilient to the effects of climate change and reservoirs of biodiversity. For this reason, several of these properties have already been designated by the state as “forest reserves� that would be protected in perpetuity from significant human impacts such as logging or road building. The state is in the process of identifying, not surprisingly, ridge tops and nearshore as the richest wind resources. Next will be an analysis of potential public and privately owned sites. Developing utility-scale wind is not consistent with the purpose of much of the state’s conservation land — to be set aside as large tracts

of wild lands, quiet places to hike and spend outdoors, as scenic vistas, and for their ecological values. But there are other areas, including farmland and some state lands that are both viable from a wind resource perspective and would not compromise the conservation value of public lands. Other factors to consider are proximity to energy demand and existing transmission lines. The closer generation is to demand, the fewer additional transmission lines would need to be built and the less energy would be lost during transmission. Impacts to bats and birds and other species from the turbines need to be considered. Construction of industrial-scale wind facilities also requires wide roads that must be maintained throughout the year. Technical expertise for reviewing projects at the town and state levels is also a consideration, and local wetlands bylaws and local zoning issues need to be considered. Should specific projects be allowed to fast track through the permitting process, with larger scale generation being considered a greater public good and therefore given different, more permissive, permitting standards? Should smaller facilities be given the same expedited permit track? How are natural areas and their inhabitants, including endangered species — the threats to which are made greater by climate change — considered? What is the effect on “ecosystem services” of fragmenting large forest blocks by constructing roads, transmission lines and turbines in terms of direct loss of forests and the carbon they sequester as well as impacts to habitat and water resources from building roads up steep mountains and across streams? How do we measure and compare these impacts with the ecosystem degradation effects of continued carbon emissions, and the benefits of reducing those emissions? These are difficult questions that the state will need to grapple with in siting wind projects. Ideally, sites should be selected that provide maximum power generation with minimum impacts to natural resources. All this makes for a complex issue, and one that will unfold over the next few years. To find out more about Mass Audubon’s advocacy work on renewable energy, sign up for the Beacon Hill Weekly Roundup by emailing action@massaudubon.org. Jennifer Ryan is Mass Audubon’s legislative director. She is also a conservation biologist. Reprinted with permission from Sanctuary: The Journal of the Massachusetts Audubon Society. Summer, 2009. For more information go to www.massaudubon.org or e-mail sancmag@ massaudubon.org. (781) 259-2167. Visit Mass Audubon at the Natural Living Expo in Sturbridge, MA September 26-27 to learn more about their programs and conservation areas. www.spiritofchange.org

Let Me Read You,Then Heal You Ross J. Miller has been giving psychic and past-life readings and healing sessions worldwide for over 25 years. During a reading he communicates telepathically with his numerous angels and spirit guides who read and interpret the client’s aura (the spiritual light surrounding one’s physical body). Ross also communicates with the client’s own angels and spirit guides (most people have several of each). These angels and spirit guides then convey the information that is most needed or desired by the client. All of Ross’s readings are positive and constructive in nature. In addition to answering all of your personal questions pertaining to love, health, relationships, soulmates, business, career, relocation, dream interpretation, parents, children, and pets, he covers topics as diverse as: your life’s purpose, your undiscovered talents, as well as your past incarnations and how they relate to this life. Ross can also help you to identify and communicate with your own guardian angels and spirit guides. After your psychic or past-life reading, Ross can then heal the various issues that come up during the reading.

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FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 39

Arthur N. Gertler M.D. Holistic Medicine

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day/evening appointments available in Brookline some insurance accepted 40 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Zero Waste

In Your Town

By Kirstie Pecci and Sar ah Goodwin


e live in a throwaway society that burns or buries millions of tons of waste a year with dire consequences to public health and the environment. Money and resources are squandered while citizens suffer. Although policy makers and waste company representatives argue that we have no choice and that we’ll always need landfills and incinerators, we do have a safer, economical and more sustainable choice: Zero Waste. What is Zero Waste? According to the Zero Waste International Alliance website (www.zwia. org): “Zero Waste is a goal that is both pragmatic and visionary, guiding people to emulate sustainable natural cycles where all discarded materials are resources for others to use. Zero Waste means designing and managing products and processes to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not burn or bury them. Implementing Zero Waste will eliminate all discharges to land, water or air that may be a threat to planetary, human, animal or plant health.” The following communities have been successfully practicing Zero Waste for several years. Since their adoption of these principles, Nantucket Island, the Central Vermont Solid Waste District and San Francisco are well on their way to reaching their goals. 1. Nantucket has been diverting 90% of its trash per year from the waste stream since implementing extensive recycling and composting programs back in 1998. All residents are required to bring their recyclables and organics to the local facility that uses a bioreactor to compost organics in a matter of a few days. Furthermore, Nantucket implemented a strict wood ban, so no C&D (construction and demolition) waste is processed. (www.wasteoptions.com/ nantucket.htm) 2. The Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District now diverts 49% of its waste from landfills and incinerators per year, up from 32% in 2004. The district has achieved

this not only through recycling efforts, but also by focusing on its business and school organics program that composts 678 tons/year of food scraps from businesses and 57 tons/year from area schools. This comprises about 40% of their solid waste stream. (www.cvswmd.org) 3. San Francisco’s diversion rate is at 72% up from 35% in 1989. This rate is achieved through recycling/composting pickup programs available to all residents, businesses and city government. San Francisco has enacted a pay-as-you throw program, mandated the recycling of C&D waste, and implemented bans on several products, most notably plastic bags. In order to attain its absolute Zero Waste goal by 2020, the city plans to pass legislation to increase producer and consumer responsibility. (www.sfenvironment.org)


ero Waste is about pragmatism, flexibility and sustainability. Every community is different, so every community’s waste problem is different. Municipalities, counties and states must therefore reach for the tools that best suit their unique needs to effectively implement Zero Waste and reach maximum resource efficiency. These tools fall into five different categories: 1. Reduce consumption. A penny saved is a penny earned. Likewise, a bag or cup saved is one that doesn’t have to be recycled, burned or buried. More frugal habits can be encouraged by good policies. Pay-as-you-throw and other programs that reward frugality change consumption patterns almost immediately. 2. Reuse. In the era of Craig’s list and Freecycle networks, individuals are finding new ways to pass on goods. These efforts take on a much larger dimension when institutionalized. Take-it-or-leave-it programs at recycling centers, clothing swaps like those held at the Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District and other organized reuse programs can keep millions of pounds of “waste” out of a landfill or incinerator.

3. Recycle. Not only do individuals need to be committed to recycling, but also citizens need to hold their municipal, county and state governments to a higher standard. For instance, Massachusetts has a ban on paper going to landfills and incinerators, but it is not enforced.


We are in the midst of a watershed in American history. We, as a society, are proving our willingness to abandon old prejudices and ways of doing business. We need to continue in this vein and enact policies that work, not policies that benefit a few waste companies to the detriment of our public health and economy. Zero Waste fosters policies that could transform our culture and encourage respect, stewardship, and advocacy. We must respect the rights of others and ourselves and stop allowing toxins to trespass into our bodies, onto our lands and those of our neighbors. We must respect the limits of our natural world and steward our resources. Just as nothing in nature is wasted, we, as part of the ecosystem, cannot continue to squander our resources with impunity. We must advocate for public policy that honors and conserves natural systems, not only because it is the right thing to do, but because it is the most cost-effective and practical choice as well. You can take steps in this direction by making your voice heard and emailing your state environmental agency today. Here’s a sample statement:

Waggy Tail Organics

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Gifts, Crystals, Books, Candles, Tarot Decks, Jewelry, Yoga Supplies and more. ďż˝ Large Incense and Sage Selection ďż˝ Psychic Readings ďż˝ Healing Sessions and Workshops ďż˝ Authentic Native American Handcrafts, burden baskets, drums, rattles and flutes

“Zero Waste offers a safer, practical and more economical alternative to incinerators and landfills. It is time to stop squandering our natural resources and recover them for the sake of our health and planet. I ask you (insert name or agency name) to consider adopting a Zero Waste plan for our state today!â€? •M assachusetts DEP Commissioner Laurie Burt: madep.commissioner@state.ma.us •V ermont DEC Acting Commissioner Justin Johnson: Justin.johnson@ state.vt.us •N ew Hampshire DES Commissioner Tom Burack: Thomas.burack@des.nh.gov •M aine DEP Commissioner David Littell: david.p.littell@maine.gov •C onnecticut DEP Acting Commissioner Amey Marrella: amey.marrella@ct.gov • Rhode Island DEM Director Michael Sullivan: Michael.sullivan@dem.ri.gov. Kirstie Pecci, Esq., is currently representing 300 citizens who are opposing the expansion of the Southbridge landfill in Southbridge, MA. Sarah Goodwin is an engineer who is working closely with Residents for Alternative Trash Solutions (R.A.T.S.) to implement local and statewide solutions to Massachusetts’ waste problem. They can be reached at  info@southbridgedump.org. Learn more about local Zero Waste initiatives at the Natural Living Expo, Sept 26-27 in Sturbridge, MA. www.spiritofchange.org



4. Compost. Roughly 50% of the waste stream is made up of organics such as food scraps. The existence of these organics in the waste stream creates methane, a toxic greenhouse gas. Composting, if done correctly, eliminates methane releases almost entirely. Furthermore, composting replenishes our supply of soil, another crucial resource. Composting can be done regionally, in anaerobic digesters that capture the methane released, or locally in backyard green cones or compost bins or piles. 5. Extended Producer Responsibility. Manufacturers change the manner in which they do business when their old habits become unprofitable. The best way to reduce excess packaging or toxicity in products is to make the manufacturer responsible for the cost of disposing of the product. Bottle bills do this to some extent, as do e-waste laws that require manufacturers to take back electronics for reuse, recycling or disposal.


Enchanted Fox Honoring all spiritual paths SilverHawk_1-8_Sum09

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100 Ways To Green The Earth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Recycle, recycle, recycle. Avoid disposable plates, cups and utensils. Use rags instead of paper towels. Use the back of discarded paper for scratch paper. Use water from cooking vegetables to make soup. Purchase goods in reusable or recyclable containers. Compost your food scraps. Use non-toxic pest control. Volunteer in a community garden. Grow your own food. Eat less meat or no meat. Support food co-ops and farmer’s markets. Buy as much as possible from local merchants. Volunteer to maintain a local park. Plant trees. Use non-toxic biodegradable soaps and detergents. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth and shave. Weatherproof your home. Hang your clothes out to dry. Don’t burn green wood. Turn off lights. Turn down your water heater. Lower your thermostat. Don’t heat or cool empty rooms. Take shorter showers. Buy energy efficient appliances.

42 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

27 Buy an LCD rather than plasma TV. 28 Use rechargeable batteries. 29 Conserve gas — walk, ride a bike or carpool. 30 Support local credit unions. 31 Sponsor a clothes swap. 32 Decrease TV watching. 33 Buy 100% recycled paper. 34 Put your PC to sleep. 35 Use refilled ink cartridges or soy ink. 36 Use laptops — they use 90% less energy. 37 Recycle electronics at Earth911org. 38 Use a rain barrel. 39 Use mulch and ground cover to reduce water evaporation and hinder weed growth. 40 Water in the early morning. 41 Grow native plants to help wildlife. 42 Provide water for wildlife. 43 Build bird and bat houses. 44 Use mosquito barrier made from garlic extract. 45 Use bug repellants containing oil of lemon eucalyptus. 46 Get a rechargeable battery mower or manual push mower. 47 Mow high with sharp blades. 48 Leave grass clippings on the lawn. 49 Unplug ghost appliances like cell phone chargers.

50 Use the microwave instead of the oven. 51 Switch to CFL light bulbs. 52 Wash clothes in cold water. 53 Get a low flow showerhead. 54 Clean the air conditioner and replace filters. 55 Lower shades in the daytime. 56 Clean refrigerator coils. 57 Install a ceiling fan. 58 Use aerators on faucets. 59 Install a programmable thermostat. 60 Insulate your water heater and hot water pipes. 61 Driving at 55 mph instead of 70 mph can save you 23% in fuel efficiency. 62 Keep your tires inflated. 63 Take your next vacation on the train. 64 Buy items in bulk and portion them into reusable containers. 65 Buy detergent in concentrated form to cut down on packaging and increase product. 66 Check packaging codes before you buy to make sure they are recyclable. 67 Switch to e-billing and go paperless. 68 Get a radon and carbon monoxide detector. 69 Reduce your exposure to phthalates which are in #3 plastics, PVC plastics, and beauty products. 70 Avoid commercial air fresheners. 71 Don’t let your car idle. 72 Invest in a good reusable water bottle. 73 Pick up trash at the beach. 74 Look for fishing weights made from bismuth, steel, ceramic and tungsten and avoid lead weights which can harm wildlife.

75 Choose hair stylists who use products that are free of known hazardous chemicals, particularly phthalates, parabens, coal tar and sodium lauryl sulfates. 76 Pick a day to leave the car at home all day. 77 Coordinate errands into combined trips. 78 Stay at green hotels using greenhotelscom. 79 Remember to bring your own reusable grocery bags to the store. 80 Use your local library. 81 Get off junk mailing lists. 82 Switch to fair trade coffee. 83 Look for “green” nail polish. 84 Get a home energy audit. 85 Invest in a new LCD monitor for your computer. 86 Check out freecycling at freecyclingorg. 87 Use low VOC paint. 88 Make a root cellar. 89 Make a sewing kit for your purse from an empty prescription bottle. 90 Go in and skip the drive-thru. 91 Buy green school supplies. 92 Fix leaky faucets. 93 Use a slow cooker. 94 If you take out, don’t get more condiment packages than you plan to use. 95 Buy potted plants instead of cut flowers. 96 Use less shampoo. 97 Bring a refillable cup for your morning coffee. 98 Pass along items you no longer need. 99 Shade your AC unit by planting a tree or installing an awning over the window. 100 Teach children to be green by your example.

Preprinted with permission from Curriculum of Hope for a Peaceful World, Summer 2009. Available for $5/yr (3 issues). Contact founder Jeanne Morascini at jemora@aol.com to subscribe.

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage™ These techniques have been used traditionally to: UÊ-ÌÀi }Ì i Ê` }iÃÌ ÛiÊ À}> ÃÊ> `ÊvÕ VÌ Ã Ê UÊ"«i ÊV ÀVÕ >Ì ÊÌ ÊÌ iÊ«i Û VÊ À}> Ã Ê UÊÊ V ÕÀ>}iÊv Õà }Ê vÊÌ Ý ÃÊvÀ ÊÌ iÊ>L` > Ê> `Ê«i Û VÊ>Ài>Ã Ê UÊÊ,i« Ã Ì ÊÌ iÊÕÌiÀÕÃÊÌ ÊÀi iÛiÊ i ÃÌÀÕ> Ê> `ÊÀi«À `ÕVÌ ÛiÊ«À L i Ã Ê UÊ,i}> Ê«À ÃÌ>ÌiÊ i> Ì ÊÊUÊÊ-Õ«« ÀÌÊ iÀÛiÊvÕ VÌ Ê UÊÊ «À ÛiÊL `Ê> `Ê Þ « Êv ÜÊÌ Ê«i Û VÊ> `ÊÊ>L` > Ê>Ài>Ã Ê UÊÊ i «Ê«ÀiÛi ÌÊ«À }ÀiÃÃ Ê vÊÃÞ «Ì ÃÊÌ ÊV À VÊ` Ãi>Ãi To learn more and schedule your private session, contact one of the Arvigo Practitioners today.

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More Green Ideas


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Geo Facts

he world is heating up even faster than predicted, and if we don’t keep reducing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases that are trapping heat in our atmosphere, the consequences could be severe. • The United States produces a fifth of the world’s CO2 emissions, about six billion metric tons a year. • The average U.S. household produces about 150 pounds of CO2 a day, which is more than twice the European average and almost five times the global average, mostly because Americans drive more and have bigger houses. • Buildings, not cars, produce the most CO2 in the U.S. The average new house is 45 percent bigger than it was 30 years ago. • If we converted half of all lightbulbs to compact fluorescents, we would reduce CO2 from lighting by 42.4 million tons a years, or 36 percent. • If we turned off home computers when not in use, we would cut their CO2 impact by 8.3 million tons a year, or 50 percent. • For every mile on the road, an average American car pumps a pound of CO2 into the sky. • If we drove our cars 20 fewer miles each week, we could reduce their CO2 emissions by 107 million tons each year, a 9 percent decrease. • If we improved our cars’ gas mileage by 5 miles a gallon, we could cut their CO2 emissions by 239 million tons each year, a 20 percent decrease. • It is estimated that the United States could avoid 1.3 billion tons of CO2 emissions a year (a 25% reduction) — mainly by wasting less energy at home and on the highway — using existing technologies that would pay for themselves in savings. • To get the deeper reductions in CO2 levels we need, we must replace fossil fuels faster with renewable energy from wind farms, solar plants, geothermal facilities and biofuels. Source: “Saving Energy: It Starts At Home,” National Geographic, March 2009

Fire Your Clothes Dryer

Welcome to


he news is in: many of America’s clothes dryers may soon be getting a pink slip. One in every three Americans sees the clothes dryer as an unnecessary extravagance. Every few years, the Pew Research Center asks about 1,000 Americans what they think about various appliances. Three years ago, 83 percent of respondents said a clothes dryer was a “necessity.� Since then, something striking has happened; the people that Pew surveys have begun to think differently about energy-intensive appliances. The percentage of respondents who describe a clothes dryer as a “luxury� has more than doubled in just three years to 33 percent. About a third of Americans have figured out that it takes a huge commitment of energy to run a dryer, all to do something that our greatgrandparents knew that the air, given a little more time, could do for free. In many other countries, this wisdom is more widely shared, and drying clothes on a line or a rack is the norm. Whereas 75 percent of households in the US own a clothes dryer, for example, only about half of households in Europe own one, according to the Netherlands Statistical Office. Given the seriousness of the climate crisis, it’s time for Americans to get serious about cutting out “luxury� energy use. Each watt of electricity our homes are using that isn’t necessary wastes money and drives the expansion of dirty coal-fired power plants. Green America’s Climate Action Program calls for everyone to cut energy use in houses in half over the next five years. Reducing your energy use by 50 percent is doable; it’s a reduction of only ten percent every year, for five years in a row. Firing your clothes dryer would likely achieve the first year’s ten percent reduction all by itself, because in many households, the dryer is the thirdmost energy hungry appliance, after the refrigerator and washer. Air-drying your clothes can reduce the average household’s carbon footprint by a whopping 2,400 pounds a year. Even if you aren’t ready to completely swear off the dryer, you can begin by becoming a dryer reductionist. Tumble clothes in the dryer for five-to-ten minutes to eliminate wrinkles, then hang them on a rack or line to finish drying. Source: Green America’s “Real Green�, Summer 2009. www.greenamericatoday.org


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eople want change. Most people care about social issues and want to help make a better world, but it can be difficult to make time for social activism. Furthermore, many traditional methods of activism seem stale and ineffective at solving today’s problems. Carrotmob is a method of activism that leverages consumer power to make the most socially-responsible business practices also the most profitable choices. There’s an old saying that there are two ways to make a donkey walk forward: either offer a delicious carrot out in front of it, or hit its behind with a stick. Think of businesses as the donkeys. Traditional consumer activism uses a lot of sticks, such as protests, lawsuits, boycotts and so on. Carrotmob uses the carrot by letting businesses compete with one another to see who can do the most good, and then a big mob of consumers buys products in order to reward whichever business made the strongest commitment to improve the world. It’s the opposite of a boycott. Carrotmob simply asks people to coordinate and plan the purchases they are already making. Visit www.carrotmob.org to sign up.

White Roofing


nergy Secretary Steven Chu suggested in a recent talk that global warming could be slowed by a low-tech idea that has nothing to do with coal plants or solar panels: white roofs. Making roofs white “changes the reflectivity...of Earth, so when the sunlight comes in, it’s reflected back into space‌This is something very simple that we can do immediately,â€? he said. continues on page 46 www.spiritofchange.org

Science of Spirituality

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m FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 45

More Green Ideas continued from page 45 How well it would do, scientists said, depends on the number of roofs. In his talk, Chu cited new research from his former laboratory, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, which imagined the result of painting about 63 percent of the roofs white in 100 large cities in tropical and temperate areas worldwide. It estimated that would provide about the same climate benefits as taking all the world’s cars off the road for 10 years. A spokeswoman for Chu said the Energy Department is exploring ways to encourage more white roofs on private and public buildings. She also noted that some homeowners who purchased a “cool” roof would be eligible for an expanded tax credit intended for weatherizing homes. In cold climates, however, dark roofs would remain the norm, which can lower heating costs by soaking up the winter sun. See www.energy.gov.

No Child Left Inside


ccording to E-magazine (www.emagazine.com), Richard Louv underscores the importance of fostering a connection between children and nature in his book, Last Child in the Woods. In it, Louv traces the evolution of a phenomenon he calls “nature deficit disorder,” whereby kids raised on a steady diet of video games and junk food may not turn into the great stewards of the outdoors we might hope for. His solution? Get them off the couch and into nature, where they will surely be wowed by what they encounter. Last Child in the Woods has inspired dozens of “Leave No Child Inside” initiatives around the U.S. since its 2005 publication, and Louv has gone on to found the Children & Nature Network, which works with upwards of 50 regional groups across the U.S. that offer programs connecting children and nature. Parents can find events and activities near them via the group’s free online interactive “movement map.” See www.childrenandnature.org.

TerraCycle Help Kids Fundraise While Recycling


n 2001, college freshman Tom Szaky founded TerraCycle (www.terracycle. net) in hopes of building a new, more responsible way of doing business. Since then, TerraCycle has revolutionized the recycling industry by making eco-friendly and affordable products from waste materials of hard-torecycle items such as drink pouches, cookie wrappers, chip bags and yogurt cups from nationally recognized brands including Nabisco, Capri Sun, Stoneyfield Farm, Frito Lay and Mars. The recycled items are collected as fundraisers by families, schools and organizations through TerraCycle’s free packaging return program, and corporate sponsors donate pennies per item collected. The collection programs, called Brigades, not only educate children about recycling, while providing much needed funding to schools and non-profit organizations, but most importantly, they save tons of garbage from ending up in a landfill. Since the products are made directly from used packaging of recognizable brands, children are able to quickly understand the impact of their efforts. The 46 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

upcycled products are available at major retailers nationwide and online through www.shoponlygreen.com and www.greennationgardens.com. TerraCycle represents a new generation of company, putting as much emphasis on its social and environmental impact as its profits. Come meet Brigade volunteers and find out more about TerraCycle at the Natural Living Expo in Sturbridge, MA, Sept 26-27 or visit www.terracycle.net/brigades.

Super Green


reener Choices by Consumer Reports (http://www.greenerchoices. org) is an easy to use informative website that lists products and green ratings of appliances, cars, electronics, food and beverages and home and garden. There is also a Hot Topics and Solutions Center which includes extensive information about electronics recycling and global warming. The site has a toolkit section which includes a calculator to measure carbon footprint, washer and dryer energy consumption, heating and cooling energy and fuel economy. A toxic search feature allows you to find out whether there’s a potential for exposure while using a particular product and how that can affect your health. For each toxin, you’ll also find out whether manufacturing and disposing of particular products can lead to environmental contamination. Check out the eco-labels center where you can find out what labels on your favorite products really mean. Did you know the “free-range” label doesn’t necessarily mean the animals went outdoors and that meat labeled “natural” can contain artificial ingredients? Get all the latest news and facts about greener choices and products for a better planet.

Green Buildings Open House


oin in the 3rd annual Green Buildings Open House (GBOH), October 3, 2009 from 10 am-4 pm. Sponsored by Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) in conjunction with the ASES (American Solar Energy Society), its goal is to showcase energy efficiency and renewable energy features in the many advanced buildings within NESEA’s 10-state territory. The NESEA Green Buildings Open House offers a unique opportunity for members of the public to see renewable energy and other green building technologies at work; for homeowners and building managers to showcase their buildings; and for green builders, architects, and businesses to connect with the public. On the day of the event, homeowners and building managers will be on site to describe their green building features and answer questions. Members of the public can learn basic principles of green building, such as designing for solar heating (passive solar), energy-efficient building techniques such as superinsulation and air sealing, safe indoor air quality, and resource-efficient and healthy building materials. Many of the buildings will demonstrate how solar hot water is collected and stored, how photovoltaics can be placed on or integrated into the shell of a building to produce electricity, and how wind can be used to generate power. The NESEA Green Buildings Open House demystifies green buildings, proving that they are comfortable, affordable, and attractive. Admission is free for self-guided building tours. Visit www.nesea.org/ greenbuildings for more information and a site map of buildings in this year’s event or contact NESEA coordinator Pamela Lester at (413) 774-6051, ext. 14 or plester@nesea.org.


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China: A Lesson in Transformation o one back in the ’70s believed that any country could sustain double digit economic growth for more than a couple of years, and under no circumstances for a decade. China accomplished the impossible. And then it did it again. And again. China’s economy mushroomed by an estimated ten-fold. In three decades, the most populous nation on the planet rose from the depths of poverty to become the symbol of what human determination — and capitalism — can accomplish. We in the US seem to want to focus on China’s problems. People constantly point out the negatives, like its greenhouse gas levels that recently surpassed ours (although on a per capita basis our emissions are five times greater than theirs). Driving toward my hotel in the modern Pudang district, I was certainly aware of the low-lying mist that I assumed was smog, but I have to say that I was most struck by something quite different: the profusion of trees. There were dozens of varieties of them, everywhere. Tall, short, deciduous, coniferous, some bursting with colors — red, pink, white, and yellow flowers — they covered a broad center strip that divided outgoing from incoming traffic, lined the sides of the highway, and stretched back as far as the eye could see. Many were tall; all seemed healthy, either naturally suited to the local conditions or pampered. Obviously planted, they were clustered in formations that brought to mind the formal gardens of Versailles. In addition to creating a most pleasant environment for mile upon mile, they performed another function — that of removing carbon dioxide from the air. It was my first inkling of China’s commitment to cleaning up its environment. “Yes,” Mandy Zhang, an MBA student at the China Europe International Business School replied. “We are all very aware of the pollution our economic development has caused. We young people are especially determined to turn it around. Trees are one small part of the plan.” Every time I asked them about the environment, the Chinese students agreed that cleaning it up was a priority. I was told again and again that it will happen. Economic growth had been the first goal; now the time had arrived to take care of the problems that rapid development had created. During the six days I was in Shanghai, the government announced that it would levy taxes against polluters, support a company that was developing electric cars by making plug-in stations available around much of the country, and offer rebates of approximately $4,000 (US) to customers who purchased those cars. “When the government says it will happen,” I was told time and again, “it will.” The fact that roughly one sixth of the world’s population has turned itself so totally around in three decades signals hope for all of us. China is a land of many diverse cultures, ones that throughout history frequently fought each other. It has demonstrated the capacity we humans possess for uniting in order to realize a common cause. Rather than fearing China or criticizing its pollution levels, we can draw on its remarkable example, encourage it to do better, and set our own goals of becoming greener than China at an even more rapid pace. As my plane lifted off from Shanghai airport, I realized that my visit to China had inspired me with a new sense of hope. What a wonderful thing for all of us — and our children and grandchildren — if the new China motivates us in the US, and every other country, to compete to see who can become the most socially and environmentally responsible society on the planet.




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Source: John Perkin’s Official Newsletter, June 15, 2009 (http://johnperkinsnewsletter. blogspot.com/). John Perkins is a best selling author and founder of Dream Change and the Pachamama Alliance, non-profit organizations devoted to establishing a world our children will want to inherit. www.spiritofchange.org

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 47

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48 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009


uring the many environmental activist efforts in the 70’s, a thought-provoking quote came to the forefront: “For what does it avail to save the tiger if you cannot save the jungle.” That line represented a profound epiphany for many as so much intense energy was being focused on single environmental objectives, which were in fact, linked to bigger problems. What was the point of saving the whales, for example, if the ocean was not a healthy environment for them? The answer to that question took root as the next big environmental movement: clean up your own back yard first! Many of us had hoped that this wave of individual responsibility would be carried forward. This call to action has prompted us to scrutinize, as we should, our consumer life, which is one of the most significant ways that we impact our world. After years of education and bleak news about the environment, many of us are beginning to truly evaluate the intention, action and sincerity of those who create the products we habitually buy, which are often mass produced goods. When examining the topic of mass produced goods, one is quick to consider China and the major role it plays with merchandise trade around the world. Since it began trading heavily with the west, China has been given (and often earned) a bad reputation for its manufacturing and industrial practices. It may come as a surprise, however, as we look for greener ways of manufacturing products, that it is quite possible

that China is the leading contributor of one of the most useful and environmentally beneficial manufacturing materials: bamboo. While bamboo has long been associated with products such as flooring, window treatments, building materials and more, the softer side of bamboo is now taking center stage. With its hollow fiber and round, smooth texture, the fiber that is produced from Moso bamboo is soft and pleasing to those wearing it as clothing, and in cloth baby wipes, cloth diapers. It is also proving to be of superior quality in non-woven fiber products such as feminine napkins, disposable baby wipes and paper towels. Moso bamboo’s strength, flexibility and ready availability have made it a dominant material throughout much of the world for centuries for textiles, fencing, furniture, food, construction material, paper, irrigation, medicine, musical instruments, beer, even diesel fuel. It also plays a very important role in the environment.

A Sustainable Superstar

Few raw materials have the potential for true sustainable production and consumption as bamboo. Botanically categorized as a grass and not a tree, bamboo is possibly the planet’s most sustainable resource. Bamboo is the fastest growing grass and can shoot up a yard or more

a day, making it an endurable natural resource. Bamboo reaches maturity quickly and is ready for harvesting in 2-4 years. Trees require much more time to mature, often as many as 50 years. “But I thought organic cotton was the most environmentally friendly choice in fabric!” This is a common misconception that advertisers market heavily in our culture. It is indeed a natural product making it a wiser choice than petroleum-based nylon or polyester. However, the farming and processing of non-organic cotton is incredibly unnatural and wasteful. It requires 5,285 gallons of water to produce the cotton for one t-shirt. That’s nearly enough water to fill a large swimming pool! One acre of cotton can use approximately 14 pounds of pesticides which often carry five of the top nine cancer-causing chemicals. And cotton impacts the land in ways we rarely consider; it fragments habitat, destroys soil fertility, and causes pesticides and chemicals to be passed through the eco-system. Organic cotton, while a better choice than non-organic cotton, still uses mass amounts of water and only uses 40% of the plant for the production of textiles. “I already use biodegradable toilet tissue and paper towels!” Chances are that the biodegradable non-woven fiber products that you are using — the ones with bright green logos that speak to your environmental conscience — are made from tree pulp. Vast areas of forest have been devastated across North America to make non-woven fiber products using tree pulp. The bottom line is that if you see a bamboo alternative, it may be a better choice for a variety of reasons, but particularly because it does not require pesticides due to bamboo’s inherent resistance to pests, a property commonly called “bamboo kun.” Bamboo also has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties (properties which several scientific studies have concluded continue to exist at certain levels in processed bamboo textiles). Bamboo crops do not require irrigation since rainwater is sufficient to sustain the plant, and it is grown in areas where other crops would not typically survive, primarily on family farms. Bamboo has also captured the attention of environmentalists because of its ability to take in five times as much green house gas while producing 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees. What is most amazing about bamboo is that it does not require replanting after harvesting because its vast root network continually sprouts new shoots at an incredible rate, pulling in sunlight and greenhouse gases and converting them to new green growth. Bamboo provides a critical element in the balance of oxygen/ carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and is an atmospheric and soil purifier, a truly phyto-regenerating plant that has many healing benefits for the biosphere. It is important to note that the processing of bamboo isn’t free of harmful practices. Currently chemicals are used to treat the pulp, and though they are typically in a closed-loop processing center — chemicals are re-used, not drained into the earth — they aren’t eco friendly. However a process exists that doesn’t use chemicals and relies on mechanical pulping and the use of enzymes to process the bamboo. Unfortunately, the process is costly and therefore only about 10% of bamboo is processed in this manner. Companies and consumers can demand environmentallyfriendly processing, which will help guide the current practices of the processing plants. While there is no perfect solution to the many environmental issues that plague our world, important efforts are being made in many sectors around the globe. Every so often, a significant shift occurs to revolutionize civilization and bamboo could be the leader in this next revolution. Polly Tobin Goddard, a marketing consultant for green businesses on Cape Cod, MA, is a naturalist and conservationist who has dedicated her time for several years to non-profits around the country focusing on conservation, education, and leadership. Bob Wilds is an author of young adult novels, a longtime naturalist and conservationist who has spoken around the country about the plight of whales. Together, they helped found Bum Boosa Bamboo Baby Products. Visit them at the Natural Living Expo in Sturbridge, September 26-27. www.spiritofchange.org

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Spirit S piiriit Messenger Messenger, Author, Author h In Inte International tern r ationall Speak Speaker, ker Radio and Television Personality Dr. Monroe has been listed in the Akashic Who’s Who and the National Magazine “The Phoenix”, 10 years straight as North America’s leading Spirit Messenger and Psychic Medium. She’s fastly becoming the medium to the “Stars”! As well as an International personality! Her phone readings itself have touched every country around the globe! She has written 2 books and is collaborating now with a freelance writer from the Larry King Live show. Watch for the new book “Talking To The Dead,” on bookshelves Spring 2009, also watch the morning talk show circuits as Vicki begins to promote the book that will change many lives! Her reassuring ways, comedy and caring during her readings have made her the most wanted Messenger around the world. Although Dr. Monroe is traveling extensively, she always makes time for the people that need her the most. Phone readings and in person are available whenever she is in the states. So call her office at 207-499-1089 and make your appointment today. Realize that death is merely the beginning of our journey back to where we come from. That we are spiritual beings who chose a human existance. Heaven is home...Life is work....let her help you find your way in this journey...and realize we never really leave lose anyone. They hear every word we say...and love, compassion, patience, tolerance and above all else non-judgment are the qualities of our heavenly existance. Negative does not exist there!

Nation’s Largest Dairy Marketer Chooses Profit over Organics

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50 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009


orizon, a division of Dean Foods, the organic industry’s largest name brand manufacturer, rocked the organic world this summer when it was reported that the agribusiness giant intended to create an entirely new, lower-priced, product category — natural dairy — aimed squarely at pirating away organic customers. For the first time the Horizon name brand will market products that are not certified organic. If successful, Dean, the largest milk processor in the United States, will add to the pain many organic farmers are feeling due to slowing sales caused by the economic downturn. Dean’s WhiteWave-Morningstar division, which controls the Horizon, Organic Cow, Silk and other specialty brands and is based in Longmont, Colorado, has launched their “alternative to the organic label” at a time when sales in the industry have flattened after averaging 20% per year growth rates for more than a decade. Recent articles in the New York Times, Boston Globe, and the Associated Press have profiled falling prices and production caps now being placed on farms producing organic milk — with many of these family farmers now facing financial ruin. “This move by Dean Foods comes at a time when organic dairy farmers around the country are in financial crisis due to a glut of milk,” said Mark A. Kastel, Senior Farm Policy Analyst at The Cornucopia Institute, widely recognized as the nation’s preeminent organic farming industry watchdog. It questioned why a company, after substantial investments, would want to alienate a market demographic that has proven, over the years, to be highly dedicated and passionate. Organic food has grown from a small niche to a successful $24 billion market category fueled by consumers’ desire for a safer and more nutritious food supply. Dean/WhiteWave’s move to substitute “natural” dairy for organic comes on the heels of their recent decision to switch almost the entire product offerings of their Silk soymilk line to “natural” (conventional)

soybeans. Many consumers and retailers have expressed outrage when the switch to conventional soybeans was made somewhat clandestinely in Silk products without lowering the price. Industry critics have referred to the move as “sheer profiteering.” “They are handling the introduction of natural products under the Horizon label a little bit differently than they handled their switch to conventional soybeans sourcing in Silk,” Kastel stated. “With their soy products the appearance of their packaging and UPC product codes remained the same.” Sara Loveday, a marketing communications manager at WhiteWave told the Natural Foods Merchandiser, an industry trade publication: “We’ve only been organic in the past and the majority of our business will remain organic. These are our first natural offerings in the marketplace, and Horizon always tries to provide great-tasting products for moms and for families.” Loveday continued by saying the natural Horizon products would be “easier on the pocketbook.” “Many consumers do not understand green terminology,” said Suzanne Shelton, whose firm, the Shelton Group, just released a national survey examining consumer perception about food labeling. “They prefer the word ‘natural’ over the term ‘organic,’ thinking organic is more of an unregulated marketing buzzword that means the product is more expensive. In reality, the opposite is true: ‘natural’ is the unregulated word. Organic foods must meet government standards to be certified as such,” Shelton concluded. “It is apparent to us that moves toward natural dairy products will have a negative impact on the organic category,” said Jack Lazor a certified organic dairy farmer from Westfield, Vermont. “It is now more important than ever that consumers of organic dairy products understand the benefits of organic foods and farming. We need to cultivate meaningful relationships with our customers so that we can cut through the veil of corporate greed where natural is easily mistaken for organic.” Lazor and his wife, Anne, widely respected as one of the first organic dairy farmers in the United States, founded Butterworks Yogurt in 1984, a leading organic brand in the Northeast. “When the first Horizon natural products are introduced — a yogurt aimed at children and single-serve milk — they will promote them as being without growth hormones. But Dean Foods will not be able to mention that the products are produced without pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and other drugs, and genetically modified feed crops, or that the cows are required to graze in pastures rather than confined to factory farm feedlots. These are all factors that truly differentiate organic production from natural/ conventional agricultural and livestock production,” explained Kastel. “Many of Dean’s competitors in this industry, including the secondlargest organic marketer, Organic Valley, a farmer-owned cooperative, are exclusively organic. Like their farmers, they will live or die by the value and reputation the organic label holds with consumers. Dean Foods can afford this dangerous experiment. If it fails, they can just walk away. But how many competitors and lives of farmers might they destroy in the process?” wonders Kastel.



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For more information about organic dairy, visit www.cornucopia.org.


FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 51

the Colon Cleansing Kit™ ($89.50) by Blessed Herbs A 9 day program guaranteed to remove old intestinal debris

“I thought the Colon Cleansing Kit would be good for me but I didn’t expect that much old waste removal... boy, was I mistaken�


n October, 27th 2004 we received this letter from one of the tens-of-thousands of people who have taken our Colon Cleansing Kit. He writes:

“Dear Blessed Herbs, this was an email I sent to my family and friends after my amazing experience. Since then, six of them have done your cleanse. This is what I wrote... Friends, about a month ago, brother Jon sent me a link to blessedherbs.com. He asked me if I knew anything about their Colon Cleansing Kit. I had always been interested in cleansing but had never actually participated in a program. After spending time on their website, I ordered the kit. I just finished the program and wanted to share my experience with you. It is estimated that the average person carries 5–10 pounds of intestinal buildup in their intestines and colon. It is a hard coating of putrification that releases toxins into the bloodstream and prevents us from effectively absorbing vitamins and minerals into our system. It is one of the reasons that many people feel hungry all the time and crave stronger and stronger flavors. As a fifteen year vegetarian and life-long non-smoker, non-drinker... I thought the Colon Cleansing Kit would be good for me, but I didn’t expect that much old waste removal. Boy, was I mistaken. First of all, I followed the program to the letter. It is eight days... the first three are a “pre-cleanseâ€? getting you ready for a five-day liquid-only herbal fast. There are two herbal elements to the cleanse. The first is Digestive Stimulator capsules that help you get the bowels moving. The second is Toxin Absorber powder. It includes psyllium husk (an intestinal broom... not unlike Metamucil™ but totally herbal), bentonite clay (absorbs forty times its weight in toxins and pulls the buildup from the walls of the intestinal tract), apple pectin and ginger root (anti-bloating and adds flavour to the drink). During the five-day fast, you take the Toxin Absorber with organic apple juice five times a day, three hours apart. Before bedtime you take the Digestive Stimulator. In addition you drink 6–8 glasses of pure (distilled water) a day. You can also drink additional apple juice and vegetable broth during the day if desired. I never felt hungry during the five days. I sit here on the morning of the sixth day (waiting to break

52 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Homeopathy The Green Revolution’s Quiet Healthcare Hero

my fast with an organic apple) and don’t feel hungry whatsoever. Anyway, the program suggests that you start seeing old waste on the second day of the fast. That is exactly what happened to me. It was absolutely amazing to see what was being removed.I thought it would start to slow down during the fast, but yesterday was actually the heaviest removal. Lest you think that you spend

These photos show bowel movement containing old intestinal debris passed while taking the Colon Cleansing Kit™ ($89.50). This old debris can form a hard coating that builds up on the walls of your intestines and may release toxins into the bloodstream. To order or learn more visit: www.BlessedHerbs.com or call: 800.489.4372 Orders placed within two months of this ad get 10% off with this promotional code: 4637

the day in the bathroom, don’t worry. There was never a time where I felt a sense of urgency. In addition, it is a very pleasant experience (not violent at all) and you barely need to wipe yourself. There is no burning or rawness that would normally be associated with diarrhea. Sorry for all the details, but it has been a life-changing experience. I played tennis on days 3, 4 and 5 and it was the best I had played in years. My energy and overall sense of well-being is quite extraordinary. In addition (although they don’t advertise it as such) I lost seventeen pounds. Thanks, Jon, for sending me the link. I would encourage any of you to do it and counsel that if you do, do it by the letter. I did, and felt like I received the maximum benefit.� 5P PSEFS UIF $PMPO $MFBOTJOH ,JU



By Caroline NuStar


oday’s newspaper headline declares health care is in another crisis. Hospital administrators claim they suffer a shortage of primary care physicians and nurses, and are under the gun to install the latest technology to go paperless. Health insurance prices are skyrocketing while the government debates whether or not to tax our health care benefits. Insurance companies plague everyone with forms and referrals and refusals. Is there no such thing as affordable health care anymore? Why does it seem that the more we pay the less insurance companies will cover? For now, we appear to be stuck with the most expensive health care system in the world that’s not working. Other countries have smart cards to navigate their health care systems at much less cost, however we still fare much better when compared to government-run systems in those countries. We have little wait time for surgeries, fewer waiting lists, better technology and equipment and more hospitals. Americans are used to receiving the kind of health care most other countries can only dream about. These countries, however, have smaller populations and their governments are better able to manage the services and keep up with the demands of changing technology. I am not so sure there is any easy solution to a health care systems designed for a larger society that is not homogenous. I have been an office worker in the health care field for eons, and I remember when health care did work well. I miss those days as much as anyone. Back in the “Stone Age,� patients actually received a half-hour during an exam as compared to today’s 7-1/2 minutes. Seeing your doctor today is more a race against time. Patients are often advised to write down their questions before coming to see the doctor so they can squeeze them in during the visit as best they can. Once upon a time, you could ask your doctor anything and there was a lively conversation, not the tight-lipped delivery of dispensing as little information as possible that predominates today. And your physician did

not have to figure out what your insurance would or would not pay for, nor did he have to fill out no-two-alike incomprehensible insurance documents. Hospitals sent you itemized bills that ordinary people could understand. Our body knows how to heal itself, what works and what does not. What did people do before there were hospitals, clinics and pharmacies on every street corner and before the FDA became so timid? People took care of themselves because they had to. There was a time when people did not run to their nearest hospital except for an emergency. When travel grew easier with the automobile, people began flocking to doctors and hospitals. Emergency rooms today are glutted with people who are not really in any kind of life or death distress. My mother did not take me to the hospital when we moved into the country and I encountered my first case of poison ivy. Instead, I painted myself pink with Calamine lotion for a good part of the summer while suffering in silence. Since then, science has discovered that the poison does not spread, but is in fact an invisible oily residue left on the skin, and if you remove the residue promptly you avoid the allergic reaction. Of course, when I was a kid, all we had was Calamine and biting our nails so that we would not scratch and “spread” the rash. But by the next summer, I had learned to identify the shiny plant with three notched leaves and even submitted a science project that year to help other kids identify the dreaded foliage lurking in their backyards. In today’s technology-based world, we all need to be more attuned to what is in our environment. Call it awareness or consciousness or whatever, but we cannot exist in a bubble world any longer. Plants and animals and the balance of all things within the environment matter. We have no other place to go, no other planet to live on. And we need to know what poison ivy looks like because itching all summer really is a form of torture! Hospitals rightly have their place if you break your bones, have a heart attack or get stung by a bee and can’t breathe and we are grateful that the medical establishment is there for us when needed. On the other hand, there are plenty of minor inconveniences and chronic conditions that might be treated better if we were more educated. Part of the health care solution may be to rediscover some of the medicines that we have lost, such as homeopathy. Homeopathy, developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), existed before hospitals and pharmaceuticals became so popular. At one time there were over 250 homeopathic medical schools, hospitals and clinics in the U.S. until they were systematically removed from our healthcare system by more powerful special interests. Homeopathic remedies (in the form of little pellets or liquids) are very diluted natural substances and plants that work on the principle that “like cures like” (the Law of Similars). This is the same way vaccines work. Vaccines inject a watered down version of the flu virus into the body to signal the immune systems to get to work, and then when the big flu season starts, the body has already developed immunity. In effect, we take in a miniscule amount of toxic substance to counter a potential disease. However, unlike vaccines, homeopathic remedies are very individual and do not assume “one size fits all.” While certified practitioners are available for consultation, I learned homeopathy by studying it myself through book research and my own trial and error. Often a book will contain a questionnaire that will try to elicit exactly the right remedy, but you will have to judge for yourself how well the remedy works. It is safe to take one dose of a homeopathic remedy and see how your body responds. If after the first dose you do not feel anything at all, it could be the wrong remedy. Try something else. There are no ill side effects when following the prescribed dosages, and the remedies are not expensive and easily available. Since 1938, all homeopathic remedies have been regulated and approved by the FDA in the same manner as non-prescription, over-the-counter drugs, which means they can be purchased without a physician’s prescription. As with most medicines, the sooner you notice something amiss in your body and begin treatment, the better they will work. Frankly, it is time for us to take our power back from physicians, specialists, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. We cannot just sit back and hope that they will save us from ourselves through hair transplants, continues on page 54 www.spiritofchange.org

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Homeopathy The Green Revolution’s Quiet Healthcare Hero continued from page 53

%XPLORE 9OUR ,IFE "%47%%. ,IVES 2EMEMBER 9OUR ,)&% 0520/3% What is my life purpose? Why did I choose this life? Nancy Canning was trained by Dr. Michael Newton, author of Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, is a certified Life-Between-Lives Therapist The afterlife is not a blank slate. Special

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hypnosis techniques take you into the superconscious where you access your “soul memories� and recall your spiritual experiences between incarnations. You find your own answers to life’s profound questions. Who am I?


Botox and extreme makeovers. We have to maintain our confidence, resourcefulness and autonomy in the midst of the uncertainty created by the media propaganda that pharmaceuticals will heal us and set us free. There is a Green Revolution unfolding, propelling us towards creativity and finding solutions where there seem to be none, literally reinventing ourselves. Our new frontier is not Alaska or Australia or Antarctica. The new frontier is ourselves and how we look at our world: united, rather than conquered and divided. It is my hope that this Green Revolution will bring back homeopathy so that young people become familiar with common remedies, and then become parents who can treat their own children, giving us more than one way to heal ourselves and our planet. Caroline NuStar is a freelance writer in Massachusetts.

Letter to President Obama

From: Mary Terhune, RN To: President Barack Obama Date: April 6, 2009

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54 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Dear Mr. President, You have said that our health-care costs and the financial health of our economy are inextricably linked. Can you imagine, Mr. President, that a monument dedicated to one of the foremost solutions to sustainable, effective, preventive and affordable health care using quantum medicine and the nanopharmacology of high-dilution remedies to prevent and cure 96% of diseases is located half a mile from the White House? The bronze statue of Samuel Hahnemann, MD (1755-1843), founder of western homeopathic medicine stands at the intersection of 16th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, visible from the White House. The statue was erected and dedicated with the help of President McKinley, a supporter of homeopathy and key members of both political parties on June 21, 1900. It is the only monument in the U.S. capital city to a physician. It acclaims Hahnemann as “Leader of the Great Medical Reformation of the Nineteenth Century,â€? and I would add “of the 21st Century.â€? Western Homeopathic Medicine: A Sustainable, Effective, Affordable Solution, “The Green Medicine of the 21st Centuryâ€? • Homeopathy has a 150-year proven world-wide track record in prevention of disease in epidemics, curing acute and chronic conditions and hereditary predispositions (miasmatic influences), with over 3000 FDA approved, overthe-counter, inexpensive, natural remedies that never expire, have no side effects, cost pennies per cure, and are safe for babies, adults and the elderly. • Homeopathy is a true, sustainable system of medicine, curing and preventing diseases without polluting our bodies or our water supply and oceans. • Homeopathy was taught in our medical schools, practiced by 1 out of 4 physicians in the U.S. in over 250 hospitals and clinics in over 25 states at a fraction of the cost of allopathic drugs, before it was systematically removed from our health-care system by competing market forces and deemed ineffective and non-scientific even to this day!

What is Swine Flu? by Mary Terhune, RN

Regular swine flue is a contagious respiratory disease, caused by a type-A influenza virus that affects pigs. The current strain, A (H1N1), is a new variation of an H1N1 virus that causes seasonal flu outbreaks in humans, that also contains genetic material of bird and pig versions of the flu. Reported signs and symptoms of swine flue in humans are: high fever over 101 degrees, dry cough, chills, lethargy, lack of appetite, extreme muscle aches, headache. Some people have reported a runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Most people who die from the flu contract pneumonia secondary to the virus. Treat symptoms of the flu early with a homeopathic remedy, rest and drink water to help prevent it from going into the chest. Resting while recovering is essential! Prevention with probiotics, fresh ginger tea and cooking green leafy vegetables with garlic helps purify the blood to prevent inflammation. Probiotics keep a healthy balance of bacteria in our intestinal tract so important for our health. • Restoring western homeopathic medicine to our medical care system will drive down medical costs almost overnight, not only because they cost pennies, but because they actually cure and prevent diseases which are thought to be incurable in the allopathic model such as asthma, eczema, Lyme disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and herpes to name a few. • In homeopathy, symptoms are not seen as diseases to be branded and drugged (suppressed/ controlled), but rather as an attempt of the body to cure and an evidential roadmap pointing to the correct homeopathic remedy needed to restore the system on every level (mental/ emotional/physical), efficiently restoring health and preventing chronic disease. • Homeopathy acts according to the vitalistic theory of disease vs. the germ theory of disease through the law of “like cures like.” Hahnemann and Pasteur realized that germs did not cause disease, but rather a weak and disturbed vital force (which drives the cells) was the cause, allowing germs to take hold. Once the vital force is restored through homeopathic medicine, the germs cannot maintain a foothold and health is restored quickly and inexpensively. I have been a registered nurse for thirty years and a classical homeopath for the last ten years. In western homeopathic medicine we have a proven system of medicine which can easily be taught to health-care professionals and to the public. In other parts of the world, it is common for families to have a homeopathic kit in their homes to deal with acute symptoms of the flu, teething, colds, bee stings, allergies and ear infections, for example, without overloading doctors’ offices and emergency rooms unnecessarily. The time to act in restoring this affordable, effective and gentle system is now. Dr. Mehmet C. Oz, a vice-chair of surgery and professor of cardiac surgery at Columbia University recently state on “Oprah”, December 3, 2007, that “The next big frontier of medicine is energy.” He also said that, “The cells in our body have an energy to them.” Hahnemann called that www.spiritofchange.org

the vital force which is responsible for the primary and secondary reaction to the correct homeopathic remedy restoring balance in our cells and systems. Dr. Oz also said that, “I am very approving of alternative medicine and that it is really a part of something called “global medicine” and instead of using the terms alternative or western we will use the term global medicine.” With this next big frontier of medicine we are moving away from a germ theory of disease based on the molecular, mechanistic model to a vibrational theory of disease based on an energetic level, a quantum biology level. This is western homeopathic medicine, the “green medicine of the 21st century,” providing safe, approved, highdilution remedies (nanopharmacology) that are curative and preventive with no side effects. Mr. President, we must be bold in our approach to health care. Allopathic medicine and homeopathic medicine each has a role to play under the umbrella of western medicine, or as Dr. Oz might call it, global medicine. The science and empirical evidence is there for homeopathic medicine. We cannot allow special interests to silence this great curative medicine and keep it from the people. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.” I know that western homeopathic medicine is the right medicine for our times and that Dr. Hahnemann did not live in vain when he developed this brilliant scientific medicine system in service to mankind over 150 years ago. It is my sincere prayer that we restore this grand medicine to our health-care system. It will serve our nation and our children well. Sincerely yours, Mary Terhune, RN cc: Senator John Kerry, Senator Edward Kennedy (excerpts from the full letter) Mary Terhune, RN, has been a health care practitioner for forty years, and a classical homeopath for the past decade. She can be reached at (978) 505-9544 or visit www.ournaturaldestiny.com.

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FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 55

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Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow c/o Clean Water Fund • 36 Bromfield Street #204, Boston, MA 02108 (617) 338-8131 • info@healthytomorrow.org www.healthytomorrow.org/

Environment and Human Health, Inc. 1191 Ridge Road, North Haven, CT 06473 (203) 248-6582 • info@ehhi.org www.ehhi.org

The Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow is a coalition of citizens, scientists, health professionals, workers, and educators seeking preventive action on toxic hazards. Their goal is to correct fundamental flaws in government policies that allow harm to our health and environment and create proactive policies to prevent harm before the damage is done. Alternatives for Community & Environment 2343 Washington Street, 2nd Floor, Roxbury, MA 02119 • (617) 442-3343 info@ace-ej.org • www.ace-ej.org

EHHI works to protect public health from environmental harms through education and research. Current research areas include vehicle exhaust, school environments, childhood obesity, pressure treated wood and wood smoke. EHHI’s rigorous studies and resulting policy recommendations have led to landmark legislation. Working Lands Alliance c/o American Farmland Trust, 775 Bloomfield Avenue, Windsor, CT 06095 • (860) 683-4230 info@workinglandsalliance.org www.workinglandsalliance.org

ACE builds the power of communities of color and lower income communities to eradicate environmental racism and classism and achieve environmental justice. They believe that everyone has the right to a healthy environment and to be decision-makers in issues affecting their communities.

Connecticut is rapidly losing its best farmland to development. WLA recognizes that farmland is the underpinning of a viable agricultural community and works to halt the loss of Connecticut’s remaining farmland. Supporters include farmers, conservationists, anti-hunger groups, planners and local food enthusiasts.



PATH (Program for Alternative Transportation and Health) 28 Commercial Street, Concord, NH 03301 www.path-nh.org PATH’s mission is to maintain the economic viability of the Central NH region by reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality and increasing societal emphasis on personal fitness through the creation of services and materials which promote transportation options to the single occupancy vehicle, such as a ride matching service, incentive and employer programs. Global Awareness, Local Action P.O. Box 2267, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 (603) 539-6460 • www.galacommunity.org G.A.L.A.’s goal is nothing short of global sustainability, one community at a time. Starting in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, this ambitious grassroots organization is a networking and resource hub for developing a local-action model to help communities move toward sustainability.

Environment Rhode Island 9 South Angell Street, 2nd Floor, Providence, RI 02906 • (401) 421-6535 info@environmentrhodeisland.org www.environmentrhodeisland.org This is a new offshoot group of the Rhode Island Public Interest Research Group (RIPIRG) that deals exclusively with environmental issues. Besides local lobbying, ERI keeps an eye on national policies that can affect Rhode Island. Save The Bay 100 Save The Bay Drive, Providence, RI 02905 • www.savethebay.org Founded in 1970, the state’s biggest and loudest advocacy group for Narragansett Bay and its watershed is working to protect, restore and explore the Bay and its watershed. Save the Bay is an active force in southern New England offering educational programs, watch-dogging and restoration projects.

MAINE The National Resources Council of Maine 3 Wade Street, Augusta, Maine 04330 (207) 622-3101 • nrcm@nrcm.org www.maineenvironment.org/toxics/ toxicsmain2.htm The Council’s vision is of a Maine where citizens from all parts of the state and all walks of life feel that their grandchildren will inherit a place where the water is pure, the air is clean, the forests are vibrant, and native plants and animals are safeguarded. Herbicide Project Farmington, ME • (207) 778-6189 herbicidefree@mainewest.com www.herbicideproject.org The Herbicide Project began in 1993 in Northern New Hampshire when residents of the small town of North Stratford were notified of a plan to aerially spray hundreds of acres of forest land, dangerously close to their places of residence. Although they were not able to stop the spraying, the Herbicide Project was formed, spread to Maine, and continues to research, educate and provide support to local communities investigating the use of herbicides in forestry.

VERMONT Vermonters for a Clean Environment 789 Baker Brook Road, Danby, VT 05739 (802) 446-2094 • vce@vermontel.net www.vtce.org Vermonters for a Clean Environment believes that Vermont’s economic growth depends on its environmental health and the wise use of it resources — its people, land, air and water. Rural Vermont 15 Barre Street, Suite 2, Montpelier, VT 05602 • ( 802) 223-7222 info@ruralvermont.org www.ruralvermont.org Rural Vermont’s vision is of a Vermont local food system which is self-reliant and based on reverence for the earth. For the past twenty years it’s been at the forefront of fighting corporate control of agriculture, representing family farmers and amplifying their voices in the struggle to achieve food sovereignty.

NEW ENGLAND Toxics Action Center toxickim@hotmail.com • www.toxicsaction.org The Toxics Action Center, based in Boston with field offices throughout New England, helps residents and neighborhood groups work to address toxic hazards that threaten the health and safety of their community. Northeast Organic Farming Association c/o Bill Duesing, Box 135, Stevenson, CT 06491 • (203) 888-5146 bduesing@mac.com • www.nofa.org NOFA, originally founded in Vermont, is the oldest organic farming association (1971) in the United States. NOFA is farmers, gardeners and consumers working to promote healthy food, organic farming and a cleaner environment. NOFA is comprised of seven state chapters in the Northeast.

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NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL Local Harvest www.localharvest.org The best organic food is what’s grown closest to you. Use this website to find farmers’ markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area, where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats and many other goodies. Pesticide Action Network www.panna.org Since 1982, Pesticide Action Network (PAN) is working to replace hazardous pesticides with ecologically sound and socially just alternatives. Help launch PAN’s new What’s On My Food? (www.whatsonmyfood.org) which reveals what pesticides are found on which foods, in what amounts, and links pesticide residues to specific health hazards. Organic Consumers Association www.organicconsumers.org The OCA is focused exclusively on promoting the views and interests of the nation’s estimated 50 million organic and socially responsible consumers. OCA deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, corporate accountability and other key topics. See www. organicconsumers.org/monlink.cfm for OCA’s Millions Against Monsanto campaign.

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FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 57

Music Reviews Christina Courtin Christina Courtin Nonesuch 254652-2 This striking, eponymously titled album from singer/songwriter Christina Courtin introduces an enigmatic, deepthinking artist who first disarms you, then ropes you in. Courtin’s seductive, little girl voice comes off as almost naïve in the opening track, “Green Jay,” but turns surprisingly dark and pleading in “Laconia.” Another of the ten tracks, “Rainy,” features an extraordinary, hearttugging intro played by Brooklyn Rider, a string quartet known for performing with Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble. Courtin’s connection with Ma extends back to 2004, when the Juilliard-trained violinist first worked with Ma and his Silk Road Ensemble at a Carnegie Hall professional training workshop. After Ma learned that Courtin’s distinctly non-classical singing had earned her a loyal following at Juilliard, he invited her to sing in one of the ensemble’s concerts in Carnegie’s Zankel Hall. Singing in a workshop with multifaceted soprano Dawn Upshaw led to performing with her, violin performances with composer Osvoldo Golijov, and an introduction to the Nonesuch label. On this CD, it’s the voice, and Courtin’s deceptively simple, amazingly deep songwriting that command attention. Courtin arranged most of the strings; the fabulous supporting musicians, including pianist Rob Burger of the Tin Hat Trio, did the rest. You will not forget this album.

by Jason Victor Serinus

ner and drummer U.T. Gandhi — begin? It’s hard to tell on this mesmerizing CD that intersperses improvisations on three of Gurdjieff’s works with original compositions by Tsabropoulous. Perhaps I get ahead of myself. Greek philosopher/seeker/spiritual teacher G.I. Gurdjieff (1866?-1949), author of several oft-confounding metaphysical classics on self-transformation, taught his disciples “sacred gymnastics” — movements designed to alter or heighten attention. As the students practiced at Gurdjieff’s Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man, their teacher would spontaneously tap out rhythms. After humming or whistling an accompanying melody, some based on sacred music he had heard on his journeys to various spiritual centers, he would turn to his amanuensis, the Russian pianist/composer Thomas de Hartmann, who would attempt to transcribe them in Western notation. In the 1950’s, Hartmann recorded and published a number of the Gurdjieff/ Hartmann collaborations written between 1925 and 1927. These classic LPs in turn inspired a host of young artists, not the least of whom was Keith Jarrett. Now, as a follow-up to Tsabropoulos and Lechner’s first ECM disc of improvisations on the Gurdjieff/Hartmann collaborations, Tsabropoulos has gone a step farther, writing works in the spirit of Gurdjieff. This beautifully recorded music possesses a marvelous multi-dimensionality that invokes higher planes.

Sergei Rachmaninoff Rachmaninoff Plays Rachmaninoff: Zenph Re-Performance Sony Masterworks 88697-48971-2

JTsabropoulos, Lechner, & Gandhi Melos ECM 2048 Where does the mystical music of Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff end and that of pianist/composer Vassilis Tsabropoulos and his collaborators — cellist Anja Lech-

2 Spirit 58 SpiritofofChange Change| |FALL FALL2009 2009

Composer and master pianist Sergei Rachmaninoff waxing romantic from beyond the grave? As melodramatic as that may sound, Zenph Studios’ computer re-creation of 13 of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s short recordings makes it sound as though they were recorded yesterday. All dynamics, pedalings, and subtle shadings have been preserved, reproduced on a 1909 nine-foot Steinway D grand piano of the kind and vintage Rachmaninoff likely played.

Originally set down between 1921 and 1942, Rachmaninoff’s performances of his own works and transcriptions find the genius in top form. He whirls through his transcription of Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight of the Bumblebee with a remarkably light, even touch; enlivens his arrangement of Mendelssohn’s Scherzo from A Midsummer Night’s Dream with elfin, whirling whimsy; and plays his own well-known Prelude in C-sharp minor, Op. 3, No. 2 to memorable effect without the heavy touch and excessive use of pedal and rubato employed by some pianists. In an unabashed pitch to audiophiles, Sony has chosen to feature each re-performance twice: once in stereo, again in binaural stereo for the “ultimate headphone experience.” Headphone aficionados will go into heat; others will lament that there are not 26 different pieces on the CD. But what we do have is marvelous.

The Aureole Trio The Beautiful Beatles E1 Entertainment/Koch KIC-CD-7755 Just back from Cuba, where I participated in the 40th Anniversary Venceremos Brigade, I can’t get the Beatles out of my mind. I can’t explain that country’s fascination with the Fab Four, but 40 years after Spanish renditions of Beatles songs were blasted between sugarcane cutting excursions on the first Venceremos Brigade, Cuba remains under the Beatles’ spell. You may fall under it (again) as well, when you hear these lovely, arrangements of Beatles tunes for the flute, viola and harp of the Aureole Trio. The intros to the 15 songs are quite inventive, the music approached with uncommon gentleness. No, you won’t hear the Beatles’ most rocking tunes. But in these women’s hands, “Here Comes the Sun,” “Norwegian Wood,” “A Day in the Life” (with Gil Goldstein on accordion), “Let It Be” (with its intro from Pachelbel’s Canon), “Yesterday,” and ten other melodies captivate anew. Categories of old/new, classical/pop, and all the rest fall away, as the trio named for “a halo, a light or luminous area surrounding a celestial body” takes you on a voyage of airy enchantment.

Jan Schmidt-Garre and Marieke Schroeder Aida’s Brothers & Sisters: Black Voices In Opera And Concert Arthaus Musik DVD NTSC 101 367 Released in 2000, this just-transferred to DVD features performances by and interviews with many of the pivotal black classical singers of preceding decades. They have quite a story to tell. From footage of the great contralto Marian Anderson, whom First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt invited to perform at the Lincoln Memorial in 1939 after the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) barred her from singing in Constitution Hall, to soprano Leontyne Price, who followed Anderson to the stage of the Metropolitan Opera and, two decades later, sang like a queen before the DAR, artists and historians of major stature discuss all the glories, paradoxes, indignities, contradictions and triumphs black artists continue to face in the classical arena. The singing is glorious; Jessye Norman’s excerpt from Richard Strauss’ opera Ariadne auf Naxos alone is worth the price of admission, and Ms. Price and Paul Robeson are incomparable, with the oftprovoking insights into racial stereotyping essential. (“If you are not bothered by [a white singer portraying an Ethiopian or Moor], then why would you be bothered by the fact that I’m an African-American singing the role of a French nobleman?” asks tenor George Shirley). Ten years after the great singer Shirley Verrett declared, “We’re going backward,” a weakening of laws fostering equal opportunity for all makes this DVD more relevant than ever.

Jason Victor Serinus is a holistic author, bodyworker, whistling virtuoso and music critic (www.jasonserinus.com) who resides in Oakland, CA. Please send music review copies to Jason at 2749 E. 17th St., Oakland, CA 94601 or email jserinus@planeteria.net.

BOOK Reviews Carla Emery The Encyclopedia of Country Living: 10th Edition Sasquatch Books, Seattle, Washington, 2008 Carla Emery didn’t speak as a child. At age five, a single trip to the doctor cured her (he said she was “just-tongue tied”). But her early experience as a mute left her with a profound appreciation for words, and a special understanding of animals. It’s no surprise she became a prolific speaker and crusader for environmental stewardship. An integral part of the ‘70’s back-to-the-land movement, Columbia University educated Emery became a hardworking Idaho homesteader. Often learning by trial and error, and knowing she was a writer in her heart, Emery set out to compile a how-to book for country living to help the many others interested in living off the land. The Encyclopedia of Country Living was written and re-written over the span of thirty-two years. The first editions were mimeographed, self-published, and sold out of the back of Emery’s car. Greatly expanded, the 10th edition is truly an exhaustive resource in self-sufficiency. At almost a thousand pages, the manual is huge. But Emery peppers the pages with anecdotes, organic philosophy and humor, making The Encyclopedia great fun to read for both country people and (in Emery’s words) town people. It’s like listening to the “old-timers” share wisdom, learning both the successes and the mistakes. Every subject imaginable is covered: buying and logging your land, finances, raising food, driving a tractor, making candles, canning (including life-saving canning rules), beekeeping and even birthing a baby alone. “Helpful Habits” include: Don’t discuss the obvious, don’t own a television, quit a job when you’re losing efficiency, sing a lot, pray a lot. Though the writing is folksy and friendly, the presented information is straightforward and thorough, and, at times, not for the squeamish. Basic home butchering and gutting techniques for several types of domestic and wild animals are included (along with the best way to remove



edible organs), as well as methods for dehorning and castration (complete with a recipe for Rocky Mountain Oysters). Yet the spiritual Emery writes, “Animals are as much God’s creatures as we are. How we treat them while they are in our care says a lot about what kind of people we are.” The Encyclopedia of Country Living is as timely as it is extensive. Chapters discuss the real risks of neurotoxin poisoning and pesticide-induced cancers for farmers and unwarned agricultural workers, the great need for water conservation, and old-time hand (non-petroleum-using) harvesting technology. The expanded website, magazine, book and supplier listings are current and cover every subject imaginable. Though Carla Emery passed on in 2005, her legacy lives on in her seven children and many grandchildren, and in her passion for self-sufficiency and concern for the environment presented in the 10th edition of this best selling manual.

Dominique De Vito Green Dog, Good Dog: Reducing Your Best Friend’s Carbon Paw Print Lark Books (Sterling Publishing), New York, New York, 2009 There is a lot of focus on the carbon footprint, but what about the carbon “paw” print? Feeding Fido highly processed factory food and cleaning up using plastic “poop” bags that get tossed in landfills definitely leaves paw prints on the environment. With over 70 million dogs in the United States, 40 million households can make greener choices for their beloved pooches. Green Dog, Good Dog is a fun guide with action plans after each chapter to help dogs and their owners join the Green Dog community. Information on commercial pet food and options for greener feeding, as well as how to make clean-up a green-up, and how to find a green veterinarian are some of the topics covered. American pet owners spend $50 billion annually on their pets (most of it on mass produced food). By spending greener, dogs will be happier and healthier, and so will the planet.

Raven Grimassi The Cauldron of Memory: Retrieving Ancestral Knowledge & Wisdom Llewellyn Publications, Woodbury, Minnesota, 2009 Neo-Pagan scholar Raven Grimassi’s believes we can consciously connect with the wisdom and strength of our ancestors. The Cauldron of Memory is Gramassi’s system of uncomplicated techniques and pathworking to access the wisdom of former generations. DNA determines our physical traits, but it also contains hidden ancestral experiential knowledge. This genetic memory (as opposed to soul memory, which is also discussed) can be retrieved by journeying to an inner place where all time periods converge, a shamanic doorway — a place Grimassi calls the cauldron of memory. Using a cauldron as a physical metaphor, the exercises combine the mystical and the magical with the new biology science of morphogenetics. All materials needed for the inward spiritual journey, such as a bowl of water, candles, or a stone of remembrance, are simple to acquire. A spirit journey is entrance into a pure realm uncontaminated with disbelief. “In a world without disbelief anything is possible.”

Lynn Coulter Gardening with Heirloom Seeds: Tried-and-True Flowers, Fruits, and Vegetables for a New Generation The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 2006 When I visited my mom this summer in Pennsylvania she handed me two paper envelopes. “One is dill and the other’s fennel, but I don't remember which is which. You'll know when they come up.” There's

a science to seed keeping, but most gardeners don't really fuss about it. They're happy to shake seeds into sandwich bags and delighted when they find them stored in the fridge crisper in time to plant. Lynn Coulter is one such self-described laidback kind of gardener, but her Gardening with Heirloom Seeds is much more than a casual look into the world of heirlooms. Each of the four seasonal chapters has practical growing tips and suggested varieties for fifty different flowers and vegetables. Full-color illustrations accompany the text, which is filled with ideas for getting the most out of your heirlooms, such as when to harvest eggplant and how to save hot pepper seeds.

Tom Stoner and Carolyn Rapp Open Spaces Sacred Places: Stories of How Nature Heals and Unifies TKF Foundation, Annapolis MD (distributed by Chelsea Green, VT), 2008 Nature heals and unifies. Tom and Kitty Stoner understood this while visiting a small park in London. They felt the silent healing and respite the little park provided to war weary Londoners. The Stoners created the TKF Foundation, and joined with passionate ordinary individuals they call Firesouls, to create over one hundred such places. Open Spaces Sacred Places is the inspiring story of twelve of these projects. A meditation garden behind the walls of a Maryland prison, a Garden of Little Angels for grieving parents and an interfaith garden of peace and remembrance are all healing places. Though each space is different, they share a common sacredness; the subtle power to transform those who enter. Open Spaces Sacred Places is heartwarming to read, but it’s also a call to action; anyone can become a Firesoul and, with a bit of digging, make a little corner of the world a more peaceful place.

Gail Lord is a freelance writer living in Massachusetts. Please send book review copies to 51 North Street, Grafton, MA or email socbookreviewer.com.

FALL FALL2009 2009||Spirit Spiritof ofChange Change59 3


Your source for holistic happenings in New England • Always available online at www.spiritofchange.org


9/1-9/6 — PEACE VILLAGE FAIR. 10th anniversary celebration with live entertainment, workshops, meditation experiences, spiritual art, cooking demos, games, kite flying and refreshments. Free and open to the public. Peace Village Learning and Retreat Center, Haines Falls, NY. 518-589-5000. www.peacevillage.org. 9/8 — KIND YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. Become a certified yoga teacher. Have you dreamed of teaching yoga or do you just want to deepen your own understanding of yoga? Cape Cod. 200-hour. Yoga Alliance registered. www.KindYoga.com. (508) 428-8635 9/9 — FREE OPEN HOUSE. Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine. Find out if this powerful transformation program is right for you. Free healing and crystal bowl meditation. 7-9pm. Solstice Healing Arts Center in Medway. www.rhysthomasinstitute.com. (508) 740-3038. 9/10-9/11 — INTEGRATIVE HEALTH PET EXPO. Fitchburg Marriott Courtyard, Fitchburg, MA. Thursday, 2-9pm and Friday, 8am-6pm. Learn about acupuncture, nutrition, cancer, vaccinations, homeopathy, chiropractic, Lyme, and all-natural flea and tick prevention for your animals. Hear from some of the leading veterinarians in integrative medicine. Visit the exhibit hall to receive free samples and meet with the makers of innovative pet products and the best natural treatments and foods for your pets including Nature’s Variety, Handicapped Pet, Bravo, Genesis, Rx Vitamins and more. For more information or to register for this exciting event visit www.ihpe.info. 9/11-9/13 — OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND AT SEVEN LEVELS COACHING. 16 Haverhill St., Andover, MA. Friday, September 11: Animal Communication Workshop, 7 to 9pm and a Chakra Workshop, 7 to 9pm. Saturday, September 12: Moon Salutation Yoga Workshop, 9:30 to 11:30am, followed by a Women's Creative Energy Workshop, 2 to 4pm. Saturday night, Open House, 7 to 9pm: free readings, light fare. Sunday, September 13, Mindful Yoga, 9:30 to 10:45am followed 60 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

by a Healing Hour, 11am to Noon. Men’s and women’s readings and healings also available throughout the weekend. Reserve your spot today! Find out more by visiting: www.sevenlevelscoaching.com or calling (617) 763-7575.

Process for Disease and Illness Framework, including where emotions are stored and how physical and emotional traumas and other factors affect your health and require release. (978) 834-0341. Details at www.TheWayToBalance.com.

9/11 — THE TRUTH ABOUT CHOLESTEROL. The most misunderstood nutrient! Dinner and lecture. 6:30-9pm. Chris Masterjohn discusses cholesterol facts and myths. Your life depends on it! Dinner menu features local, organic, three course meal. www.GrotonWellness.com. (978) 449-9919.

9/13 — FREE EVENING INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOSYNTHESIS/HOLISTIC COUNSELOR TRAINING. 6:30-8pm. Please call to reserve space. The Synthesis Center, 274 N. Pleasant St., Amherst, MA. (413) 256-0772. www.synthesiscenter.org.

9/12 — 12TH ANNIVERSARY PSYCHIC FAIRE AT SOME ENCHANTED EVENING. Celebrate with a reading, $20/20 minutes. 10am-5pm. 234 Main St., Spencer, MA. (508) 885-2050. www.someenchantedevening.org. 9/12 — YOGA FOR YOUR BACK. Special 4-week session with instruction and DVD. Pre-registration required. Saturdays 10:30-12, starting September 12 or Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm, starting September 15 or Sundays 5:30-7 starting November 8. The Yoga Studio at Rising Sun, Marlborough, MA. (508) 786-0788. www.risingsunacupuncture.com. 9/12 — YOGA TEACHER TRAINING OPEN HOUSE. This September Franklin Yoga & Wellness is excited to offer The Aquarian Teacher Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Sat, 10:30-11:30am. Attend to find out more about our dynamic, life enhancing and heart-centered program. Learn more: www.franklinyoga.com. Classes begin Sept 26. 9/12-9/13 — THE I.D.E.A.L. PROCESS FOR CREATING A LIFE YOU LOVE (Intuit, Discern, Empower, Affirm, Live!). Simple to learn, but powerful results for laypersons and health professionals. Prerequisite for the 7-Module I.D.E.A.L. Process For Creating a Life You Love Workshop Series. Module [1]: Life Empowerment Through Intuition. A totally unique process that may be used alone, or to enhance Reiki, pranic healing or other modalities. Receive The EOL Energy Attunement; learn to activate/use EOL flow and cellular memory to begin The I.D.E.A.L. Process. Module [2]: Intuitive Self-Diagnosis & Introduction to EOL Root Cause Model. Learn The EOL

9/13 — REIKI ONE CERTIFICATION. 10-5pm. Over 15 years experience teaching to clients and colleges. Usui Reiki at reduced tuition. $75. Diane Gelinas, MSW. (603) 483-0132. Southern NH. www.reikienergymedicine.com 9/13 & 9/27 — ANGEL WINGS OF LIGHT™ LEVEL I & II CERTIFICATION COURSE. Level I, seven-month course begins Sunday, September 27. Level II, eightmonth course begins Sunday, September 13. One Sunday per month, 10am-5pm. Taught by Elaine ReadCole, Favorite Things Studio, Pembroke, MA. For more info visit www.favoritethingsstudio.com. (781) 294-7360. 9/15 & 10/25 — COREINTEGRATION PATHWAY SYSTEM OF MOVEMENT-EXERCISES AND FELDENKRAIS. Classes/seminars in Watertown, Worcester, Maynard, Barre. With Josef DellaGrotte and certified teachers. Free introductory seminars. Call for schedule/signup: (978) 461-0221. www.dellagrotte-somatic.com. 9/16 — QIGONG, ENERGY MEDICINE AND T’AI CHI. At Longfellow Club, Wayland, MA. Presented by Pooled Resources. Starting Wednesday, Sept 16, 8:30-10am and Thursday, Sept 17, 7:30-9pm. 7 weeks. Members $70; non-members $90. For more info call Judith at (617) 923-8856. 9/18 — COMPLIMENTARY EVENING INTRODUCTION TO THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH LEARNING PROGRAM. The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. A constellation is an unfolding interactive process in which group members

are chosen to stand in for family members, for this or previous generations, allowing for insight and resolution. A complimentary evening introduction to the Immersion Learning program is offered on Friday, 9/18, 6-9pm, registration required. Learning Program and Saturday seminars begin in October. Private Constellation sessions available. Jamy & Peter Faust. www.ConstellationApproach.com. (617) 484-4325. 9/18-9/19 — EXPERIENCE SELF MASTERY. Enjoy time with a 21st century living master — Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi. Learn how to develop your own personal mastery, learn how to connect with your higher-SELF, renew your commitment to global enlightenment. Friday: 7:30-9:30. $20 suggested donation. Saturday program: 10-3pm. $177. Personal sessions with Sai Maa's master teachers on Saturday evening. $144. Hyatt Regency Boston. Questions: Bill Rafferty at (303) 774-8989 or www.HumanityInUnity.org. 9/18-9/20 — BREEMA: THE ART OF BEING PRESENT. The aim of Breema is to bring us, via the body, to a tangible experience of presence that becomes the foundation for a new dimension of consciousness and self-understanding. For details, see www.rowecenter.org and www.breema.com. 9/19 — FENG SHUI FOR THE HEALTH OF IT WITH CHRISTINE CONWAY. At Amethyst Point. Call to register: (508) 753-3975. www.amethystpoint.com. 9/19-20; 10/24-25; 12/5-6 — REIKI 1 CERTIFICATION with Florence Whipple and Kristin Webb, Marblehead, MA. John Gray lineage. Two day training, history, hands-on practice, supporting clinics. 16.8 CEU’s. Pre-registration required. Call (978) 777-5732. www.reikiprofessors.net. 9/20 — THE STAR CONNECTION WORKSHOP with shamanic practitioner Leontine Hartzell and Brazilian healer Edemir Rossi at Eye of the Eagle Center, Andover, MA. 9am-6pm, $125. Learn to connect with guides from the star you originally came from, access wisdom from high dimensions and expand your energy and physical bodies and DNA capacity. To register: (978) 475-1268, www.eyeofeagle.org or info@eyeofeagle.org. 9/20 — SHAMANIC ECSTATIC POSTURES GROUP begins 9/20. 3rd Sunday/month. Pristine central Mass location in Shelburne. For individual healing and/or to expand your therapeutic repertoire. (508) 331-4570. www.shamanrites.com. Maryann Shadem. 9/21 — PSYCHIC 101. Develop your psychic abilities in this intensive class. Class meets every other Monday night from 7-9pm from Sept-May. $35 per class. Solstice Healing Arts Center in Medway (508) 533-0669. www.solsticehealing.com 9/22 — REIKI I. Reiki is a powerful yet gentle hands on healing technique that anyone can learn. Class meets twice, Tuesday Sept 22nd and Oct 6th from 7-9pm. $150. Solstice Healing Arts Center in Medway (508) 473-0609. www.solsticehealing.com 9/25 — ARE YOU LEAKING ENERGY? Join Dr. Trish Whynot in exploring energy leakage and recovery. www.spiritofchange.org

Illness, weight, overachieving, financial lack and draining relationships are signs. Body-scan for energy leaks with an aura meter will be demonstrated. www.InspiredGatherings.com. Kennebunk, ME. 9/25 — THE ENERGY OF LIFE — MEDICINE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. With Donna Eden and David Feinstein. Dynamic world-renowned authors Donna Eden and David Feinstein will be presenting an evening of energy medicine. Based on their best selling books “Energy Medicine” and “Energy Medicine for Women,” join us for an evening introduction on the application of the life force energy to sustain and heal ourselves, our clients and our loved ones. Mark your calendars, tell all your friends and come join us for this amazing event. Date: Friday evening, September 25th. Time: 6:30-8:30pm. Location: The Fay School, Harris Auditorium, 48 Main St., Southborough, MA 01772. For tickets: in advance at www.brownpapertickets.com — $30.00 adults, $15.00 children 18 and under. Tickets available at the door: $40 adults, $20 children 18 and under. For more information: (508) 480-9618 or www.stonehealthcenter.com or stonehealthcenter@mac.com to contact Susan Stone. 9/26 — 6TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. At Aquarius Sanctuary Center for Higher Learning and Healing, 3 Baron Way, Littleton, MA. 11-6pm. Readings, energy work, vendors, musical concert. 6-7pm: Drumming in the four directions with Laney Goodman. Rain date: September 27 or October 3. (978) 486-0248 or www.AquariusSanctuary.com.

and deep personal healing as you walk the initiate’s path from Aswan to Cairo. (978) 834-0341. Details at www.TheWayToBalance.com. 9/30 — FREE OPEN HOUSE. Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine. Find out if this powerful, transformation program is right for you. Free healing and crystal bowl meditation. 7-9pm. Solstice Healing Arts Center in Medway. www.rhysthomasinstitute.com. (508) 740-3038.

October 10/2 — EMBRACING ANGER WORKSHOP. 7-11pm. Newton, MA. Begin to heal your relationship with anger as you learn positive/healthy ways of expressing and being with your anger. Glenn Bigonet, M.A. (617) 462-6642 or visit www.glennbigonet.com. 10/2 — FREE LECTURE: READ & PLAY MUSIC. World famous seminars (www.dlorien.com) turns beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. 7:30pm, 169 Mass Ave., Boston. www.dlorien.com/signup or sallee@dlorien.com. (781) 599-1476.

9/26 — COLOR ME YOGA® FOR CHILDREN. 200hour Yoga Alliance registered yoga teacher training. Transforming the world one child at a time. One weekend per month. Beginning September 26, 2009. Flowforms Yoga, Worcester, MA. (978) 468-3933. www.colormeyoga.com. info@colormeyoga.com for more information. 9/26 — GROTON WELLNESS FALL FESTIVAL OPEN HOUSE. Free. Join us to learn about alternative aspects of healing including holistic dentistry, healing techniques, detoxification and nourishment for the mind, body and spirit. Demonstrations, local and organic food prepared by The Bistro. www.GrotonWellness.com. (978) 4499919. 9/26-9/27 — 2009 NATURAL LIVING EXPO IN STURBRIDGE, MA. Presented by Spirit of Change Magazine. Be a part of the largest gathering of the holistic community in New England! 135 exhibits, 75 workshops, keynotes by Donna Eden, David Feinstein, John Holland and Bernie Siegel, MD. EcoKids Discovery Trail, healthy food court, live cooking demos with The Kushi Institute and more! $8 general admission covers both days. Keynote tickets available online. Bring the whole family — kids free! Held at the Sturbridge Host Hotel, 366 Main Street (Rt 20 West), Sturbridge, MA. Details online at www.NaturalExpo.org or call 508-278-9640. See our ad on the back cover of this issue. 9/26-10/7 — ANCIENT HAND POSITIONS REVEALED. Journey to ancient Egypt with Sue and Aaron Singleton and enjoy personal transformation

10/16 — Join legendary New Age composer and pianist David Lanz for an interactive evening of healing and contemplative music. See our October listing or visit www.shunyamproductions.com. FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 61

10/9-10/11 — AARON HOOPES AT SHAMAN’S DREAM. Friday: Sword Exhibition followed by book and DVD signing. 4-8 pm. Saturday: A Day of Zen Yoga. Zen Yoga combines the deep breathing of qigong, the flowing movement of tai chi and the relaxed stretching of shanti yoga. Beginning Zen Yoga, morning session from 10-12pm. $25. Intermediate Zen Yoga, afternoon session from 1-3pm. $25. Evening Meditation Class from 5-7pm. $15. Full day package: $55. Early bird registration: save 10%. Bring a yoga mat if you have one. Sunday: Introduction to Level One Zen Yoga Instructor Training. This is a special Introduction to Zen Yoga for serious yoga devotees and instructors. Join us for smoothies at 9am. Class runs from 10-2pm with a half hour lunch. Registration is $65. Save $5 by registering before the event. Call: (603) 379-6555. www.shamansdream.net 10/10 — BUILD A $100,000 A YEAR MASSAGE BUSINESS IN JUST 1-HOUR A DAY with Cary Bayer. 4 CEUs. 3-7pm. At Amethyst Point. Call to register: (508) 753-3975. www.amethystpoint.com. 10/10 — HOW TO COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY TO BUILD YOUR MASSAGE BUSINESS with Cary Bayer. 3 CEUs. 11:30am-2:30pm. At Amethyst Point. Call to register: (508) 753-3975. www.amethystpoint.com. 9/27 — Enjoy the rhythm of fun Sunday at 1:00pm with the KDZ Kripalu Drummers at the 3rd annual Natural Living Expo in Sturbridge, MA. See September listing or www.naturalexpo.org. 10/2 — GARY MCKINSTRY “CONNECTIONS” GALLERY STYLE READINGS. Connect with your loved ones who have passed over into their afterlife. Upton Town Hall. $20. Call Ida to reserve tickets: (508) 529-2822. Fundraiser for our 275th celebration. 10/2-10/3 — STONES OF NEW CONSCIOUSNESS workshop with Robert Simmons. Friday: 4pm book signing and 6pm introductory lecture. $30. Saturday: “Stones of New Consciousness” workshop. 10-6pm. $75. Friday and Saturday can be pre-registered for $90, a savings of $15. Minerals and specimens that are RARE will be available Friday and Saturday. Held at Shaman’s Dream, 180 Lafayette Road (Rt 1) North Hampton, NH. (603) 379-6555. www.shamansdream.net 10/2-10/4 — TIAN DI BAMBOO MASSAGE WITH ERNESTO ORTIZ. 16 CEUs. At Amethyst Point. Call to register: (508) 753-3975. www.amethystpoint.com. 10/2-10/5 — DAMANHUR COMMUNITY, hosted by Roots & Wings, Natick, MA. Friday lecture: Community of Damanhur. 7-10pm. $20. October 3-4: Past Life Workshop with your specific lifetime decoded by oracles of Damanhur. Pre-requisites. Sandy: (281) 361-4464 or sandy@starwalkervisions.com. 10/3 — BE CLEAR NOW WORKSHOP with Kathryn Deputat. Stuck? Confused? Blocked? Come learn the simple steps for getting clear now. 10am-1pm. Brookline Adult and Community Education, Brookline, MA. $38. Call (617) 730-2700 or visit www.brooklineadulted.org to register. 10/3 — SHAMANIC HEALING CIRCLE AND GROUP SACRED CEREMONY with Dr. Steven Farmer, bestselling author. At Eye of the Hawk, 5 Grove Rd., Rye, 62 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

NH. Saturday, Oct. 3. Pre-registration is required. (603) 964-7874, www.eyeofthehawk.org. 10/3-10/4 — BECOME A CERTIFIED LIFE COACH with the Certified Coaches Federation. Build on your existing skills and life experiences. Learn all you need to know to get started in this intensive and focused twoday + one year continuing education program. Boston. For more details and to register: 1-866-455-2155 or cmc@certifiedcoachesfedertion.com. Early registration discounts! www.certifiedcoachesfederation.com. 10/4 — EARTH HEALING VIA THE SPIRIT GRANDMOTHERS EMPOWERMENT IN NATICK. 4:30-7pm. Free event in loving service and devotion to Mother Earth. Potluck to follow. Call Karen for info and future dates. (508) 395-6392 or for more information visit www.grandmothersspeak.com. 10/8-10/11 — HEALING FROM THE BODY LEVEL UP™ LEVEL I WORKSHOP. Clearing traumas, phobias, emotional sabotage and setting boundaries. Taught by Judith A. Swack, Ph.D. Register online at www.hblu.org or call (781) 444-6940 or e-mail Noah@hblu.org. 10/9 — LECTURE ON CASTING A CIRCLE WITH DOROTHY MORRISON. $25, preceeded by a free book signing. Saturday, October 10th, Dorothy will read your cards. Some Enchanted Evening, 234 Main St., Spencer, MA. (508) 885-2050. www.someenchantedevening.org. 10/9 — SPIRIT COMMUNICATION: AN EVENING WITH RAMONA GARCIA AND MARLENE MERCEDES. 7pm. At Amethyst Point. Call to register: (508) 753-3975. www.amethystpoint.com.

10/10 — THE MYSTICAL ART AND TALENT SHOW. 7pm-9:30pm. Enjoy this unique annual experience, featuring paintings, poetry, story, and song by many local spiritual artists. Admission $5-$10 sliding scale. Cambridge Swedenborg Chapel, 50 Quincy St, across from Sanders Theatre, Harvard Square. Series info and art online at www.soulstirring.org. 10/10 — PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT, PAST LIVES AND ANGEL COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP with Ross J. Miller, psychic healer, medium, regression therapist. In this unique, experiential workshop you’ll learn how to identify your guardian angels and spirit guides by name and receive their guidance, healing and inspiration; discover your soul’s life purpose; experience two of your past lives and heal the residual karma from them; give psychic readings to others in class and more. Saturday, 10am-5pm, Newton, MA. To register for the workshop or to schedule a psychic or past-life reading or healing session in person or over the phone, visit our website: www.TheMysticWay.com or call Ross J. Miller (617) 527-3583. 10/10 — REIKI CLASSES STARTING. Reiki Level 1: 6:30-9pm, $150. There is a 4 person maximum for this class, so sign up early. Visit my web site: www.emmaphaneuf.com. 10/10 & 10/11 — REIKI I, REIKI II CERTIFICATION. Superb Maine coast location! Hands-on practice with energy healing Usui, Tibetan, and Japanese Reiki techniques. Manual included. Call Lauren Potter, Reiki Master @ (802) 591-0507. More info from lcpotter2002@ yahoo.com, www.imagroupmembers.com/LaurenPotter. 10/10-10/12 — PRIVATE READINGS WITH RAMONA GARCIA OR MARLENE MERCEDES. October 10: Readings with Ramona Garcia only. At Amethyst Point. amethystpoint.com. Call to register: (508) 753-3975.

10/11 — REIKI ONE CERTIFICATION. 10-5pm. Over 15 years experience teaching to clients and colleges. Usui Reiki at reduced tuition. $75. Diane Gelinas, MSW, (603) 483-0132. Southern NH. www.reikienergymedicine.com. 10/16 — HEALING STORY AS A PATH TO FORGIVENESS. A workshop for counselors, social workers, hospice care workers, nurses, ministers and caregivers. In this intensive experiential workshop, participants will explore, through the medium of story, what forgiveness is and its role in the healing process. Through presentation, discussion and story sharing exercises, participants will learn strategies that invite and sustain forgiveness of self and others. CEU’s provided. 9am-1pm. $75. Register online: www.lowellgeneral.org or call 877-LGH-WELL. 10/16 — INTERACTIVE EVENING OF HEALING AND MEDITATIVE MUSIC WITH DAVID LANZ. The legendary new age composer and pianist is coming back to Boston after 8 years! Join us at The Regent Theatre in Arlington, MA on Friday, October 16th at 8pm. Hundreds of thousands of fans around the world have embraced his music which is infused with a passion and tranquility much sought after in the face of today’s hectic world. For more info, tickets and to listen to his music, please visit www.shunyamproductions.com. 10/17 — 1ST ANNUAL ANGEL’S MASQUERADE BALL. The Glenna Kohl Fund for Hope is holding a special event to honor Glenna who passed away in 2008 after a 3-year battle with melanoma. The proceeds raised will be distributed to melanoma research, awareness and a scholarship to Salve Regina University. 6:30pm to 12:30pm. Newport, RI. Details: www.glennasfund.org. 10/17 — CREATING A LIFE OF HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. A day with Cheryl Richardson and Dr. Christaine Northrup. Join two New York Times bestselling authors and women’s health and lifestyle experts as they talk about the link between longevity and lifestyle decisions. During this all-day workshop, learn to practice the art of self-care and leave with an action plan to radically transform your emotional, physical, and spiritual health! Back Bay Events Center, Boston, MA. 10-5pm. Seats are limited! For reservations and information: (800) 654-5162 or visit www.hayhouse.com. 10/18 — CAPE COD DANCEMEDITATION: A Day of Healing & Pleasure with Dunya. Sunday, October 18. 11am-5:30pm. Information and registration: dancemeditation.org or (917) 656-9137. 10/18 — COMMUNITY WELLNESS & METAPHYSICAL FAIR. 11am-4pm. DoveStar Institute, 50 Whitehall Rd. Hooksett, NH. Free! Day of fun, personal growth and enlightening activities: massage, readings, energetic healing therapies, labyrinth and much more. (603) 669-5104. www.dovestar.edu. 10/18 & 10/25 — KARUNA REIKI® MASTER TRAINING. 10-5 pm. Only two spaces available. Individualized training. Karuna opens practitioners up to work even more closely with enlightened beings. www.spiritofchange.org

Additional symbols, attunements, chanting and toning techniques are reviewed. Available to Reiki Masters. $550. Diane Gelinas, MSW. (603) 483-0132. Southern, NH. www.reikienergymedicine.com. 10/20 — PSYCHIC SELF DEFENSE. Learn easy and effective methods to ground, clear and protect yourself in all kinds of tough situations. Class meets 4 times, every other Tuesday night. 7-9pm. $35 per class. Solstice Healing Arts Center in Medway. (508) 533-0669. www.solsticehealing.com 10/24 — CHOICE POINT 2012. What can we expect as we approach 2012 and the end of the current World Age cycle? Find out in an all-day workshop with Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., and Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D. at a one-of-a-kind multimedia event! Back Bay Events Center, Boston, MA. Saturday, 9–5pm. Seats are limited! For reservations and information: (800) 654-5162 or visit www.hayhouse.com.

10/31 — PAST LIFE REGRESSIONS WITH LOURDES GRAY, PH.D., CCHT, RMT. Jaffrey, NH. Lourdes is a certified clinical hypnotherapist and regression specialist. This is same popular seminar John Harvey Gray gave for years at the Maine Healing Arts Festival and Interface. Two regressions are provided. Your subconscious selects the dates and places and protects you from bringing back any uncomfortable emotions. $75.Visa/MC. (603) 899-3288. www.learnreiki.org. 10/31 — HALLOWEEN PSYCHIC FAIRE AT SOME ENCHANTED EVENING. Great time for a reading! $20/20 minutes. 10am-5pm. 234 Main St., Spencer, MA. (508) 885-2050. www.someenchantedevening.org.

10/24 — FORGIVENESS: TELLING OUR STORIES IN NEW WAYS. A workshop exploring forgiveness through story with storyteller/therapists Elisa Pearmain, LMHC and Lani Peterson Psy.D. Cambridge, MA. Saturday9:30am-4:30pm. Info and registration at (617) 349-8467 or www.lesley.edu/ce/ls. 10/24 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH SEMINAR. The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. A constellation is an unfolding interactive process in which group members are chosen to stand in for family members, for this or previous generations, allowing for insight and resolution. Saturday, 9:30am6pm, registration required. Private Constellation sessions also available. Jamy and Peter Faust, www.ConstellationApproach.com. (617) 484-4325. 10/25 — HEALING THE TRAUMATIZED HEART WORKSHOP with Linda Marks, MSM. 2-5pm in Newton, MA. The heart’s electromagnetic field is more powerful than the brain. Learn how to embrace the power of the heart for healing using EKP, heart-centered body psychotherapy. Contact LSMHEART@aol.com, www.healingheartpower.com. (617) 965-7846. 10/28 — REIKI II. Learn the Reiki symbols and how to do long distance healing. Class meet twice, Weds. Oct 28th and Nov 11th, 7-9pm. $150. Solstice Healing Arts Center in Medway. www.solsticehealing.com. (508) 533-0669. 10/30-11/1 — EOL VISIONARY ACUPRESSURE SYSTEM LEVEL 1, MODULE 2 at The Way To Balance, 21 Water St., Amesbury, MA, 9am-6 pm each day. This visionary acupressure system fuses ancient and modern techniques, making a quantum leap to address the direct frequencies of trauma and illness. Targets specific energy frequencies of physical and psychophysical tension patterns throughout the body without relying solely on the traditional linear meridian flows. Results in deeper and more rapid release of cellular memory and trauma. This powerful yet easy to learn self-help workshop encourages self-awareness, body-mind connections, spiritual and emotional transformation. Details at www. TheWayToBalance.com. (978) 834-0341.

10/18 and 11/14 — Discover Dancemeditation, a unique integrated movement system for healing self-discovery, with Dunya. See October or November listings or visit dancemeditation.org. FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 63


11/16 — DR. WAYNE W. DYER: EXCUSES BEGONE! What would your life be like without excuses? See Dr. Wayne W. Dyer live. When you eliminate the need to explain your shortcomings or failures, you’ll awaken to the life of your dreams. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer takes you through the seven questions that constitute the Excuses Begone paradigm and demonstrates how to make the shift in thinking that can change your life forever! Back Bay Events Center, Boston, MA. 7pm. Seats are limited! For reservations and information: (800) 654-5162 or visit www.drwaynedyer.com.

11/1 — LEARN TO SEE AURAS WITH LOURDES GRAY, PH.D., CCHT, RMT. Jaffrey, NH. Auras contain information about physical, mental and emotional states. We will show you what to look for, and how to develop your inner vision to see auras around people, animals and plants anytime you wish. The process is surprisingly easy! $125 tuition includes practice CD, manual and your Kirlian photograph. Visa/MC. (603) 899-3288. www.learnreiki.org.

11/19 — FREE INTRODUCTORY EVENING OF REIKI. Learn about Reiki healing, psychic intuition and spiritual development. Also receive a free introductory Reiki session. With Reiki Master Elizabeth A. Gilberg. RSVP to attend (978) 594-0166.

11/5 — MCKS PRANIC HEALING FULL MOON MEDITATION. Miriam G. Smith, M.S.ED. (978) 6838129. mgsenergy@comcast.net. PranicHealingNE.com. 11/7 — REIKI LEVEL TWO. 10-5 pm. Learn how to use Reiki symbols and do distance healing. Usui Reiki at reduced tuition. $85. Diane Gelinas, MSW, (603) 4830132. Southern NH. www.reikienergymedicine.com. 11/7 — NOURISHING TRADITIONS FOOD PREP WORKSHOP. Learn traditional techniques based on Sally Fallon’s book Nourishing Traditions. Hands-on class, workbook, recipes, samples. 10am-1pm. www.GrotonWellness.com. (978) 449-9919

10/24 — Join Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., along with Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton for the Hay House Choice Point 2102 Boston multi-media event exploring the end of the current World Age cycle. See October listing or visit www.hayhouse.com.

11/7 — THE RINGS OF ODEN: NEW TECHNOLOGY FOR QUANTUM HEALING. Location: The Way To Balance, 21 Water St., Amesbury, MA. More powerful and versatile than a pyramid, the Rings combine sacred geometry, crop circles, cell microbiology, and DNA holographic re-patterning to create an energy vortex of net-neutral energy particles that increase light resonance in the body. This causes denser, “stuck” areas to open and flow normally. The spiraling vortex of energy created by the Rings is adaptable to numerous healing applications for both practitioners and laypeople. Details at www.TheWayToBalance.com. (978) 834-0341.

approval by Ross. Saturday, 10am-5pm, Newton, MA. To register for the workshop or to schedule a psychic or past-life reading or healing session in person or over the phone, visit our website: www.TheMysticWay.com or call Ross J. Miller (617) 527-3583.

11/10 — ENERGY BASED CAREER TRAINING. Workshop and demonstration focused on how to succeed in massage, aesthetics and spa careers. Learn from industry leaders. 7-9pm. Spa Tech Institute, Westboro. (508) 836-8864.

11/14 — FENG SHUI: YOUR PERSONAL FLOOR PLAN WITH CHRISTINE CONWAY. At Amethyst Point. Call to register: (508) 753-3975. www.amethystpoint.com.

11/11 — INTRODUCTION TO HOLISTIC DENTISTRY. Jean Nordin-Evans, DDS presents holistic dental care approaches that treat the whole body by removing mercury-laden or amalgam fillings. Free. 7pm. www.GrotonWellness.com (978) 449-9919 11/14 — ADVANCED PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT, LIFE-BETWEEN-LIVES, AND ANGEL COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP with Ross J. Miller, psychic healer, medium, regression therapist. In this advanced workshop you’ll develop a strong, personal connection with your various spirit guides and angels and learn their various specialties. You’ll also experience your “life between lives,” the period when your soul was in the white light preparing for your current life. You’ll then improve your psychic skills by giving psychic readings to others in class. Course requirements: Introductory Psychic Development Workshop or personal 64 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

11/14 — EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE:MERIDIAN TAPPING. 9-1pm. EFT can be thought of as acupressure for emotions and is effective on relieving physical pain. $100. Diane Gelinas, MSW, (603) 483-0132. Southern NH. www.reikienergymedicine.com.

11/14 — I.D.E.A.L. PROCESS MODULE 3: EMPOWERED SELF-HEALING THROUGH DIALOGUING WITH YOUR BODY. Location: The Way To Balance, 21 Water St., Amesbury, MA. Prerequisite: Modules 1 & 2. Details at www.TheWayToBalance.com. (978) 834-0341. 11/14 — LOST STEPS OF REIKI CLASS WITH DR. KEVIN ROSS EMERY. 5-8pm. The techniques discussed here bring spiritual and intellectual healing into the process as well as teaching you how to empower the client to heal themselves. Shaman’s Dream, 180 Lafayette Road (Rt 1), North Hampton, NH. Register: (603) 379-6555. www.shamansdream.net 11/14 & 11/15 — DANCEMEDITATION WEEKEND AT YOGA EAST with Dunya. Saturday, November 14, Noon-6pm. Sunday, November 15, Noon-4pm. Information and registration at www.yogaeast.net.

11/19 — NOURISHING TRADITIONS FOOD PREP WORKSHOP. Learn traditional techniques based on Sally Fallon’s book Nourishing Traditions. Hands-on class, workbook, recipes, samples. 5-8pm. www.GrotonWellness.com. (978) 449-9919. 11/21 — HOLISTIC HEALTH AND PSYCHIC FAIR. 10am-5pm. Free admission. Sponsored by Canton Spiritualist Church. 1-3 Blue Hill River Rd, off Rt 138N, Canton, MA. At The Blue Hills, exit 3B off Rt 128. Psychic mediums, free healings, private readings for a fee. Rain or shine. For more information call (617) 4692568. www.csn.bravehost.com. 11/21 — REIKI CERTIFICATION TRAININGS. Reiki I/ Shoden class for self healing and healing others. 11/22Reiki II/Okuden for advanced Reiki, mental/emotional healing and sending Reiki. New England School for Reiki Ryoho, Lisa Megidesh, RMT. (508) 620-9642. 11/25-29 — 5-DAY HEALTHY LIVING FOODS CLEANSE. Join living food experts Kristen Overlock, Joe Lucier and Anna Forkan for an incredible cleanse in Newburyport, MA. Our program includes raw vegan meals, over 30 hours of classes on raw food, qigong, bodywork, colon hydrotherapy, energy work, FIR sauna, nutritional microscopy, shamanic journeying, flower essences, group activities and more. Call (978) 462-1488 or check out www.revitalive.com.

Upcoming 12/5 — THE CONSTELLATION APPROACH SEMINAR. The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. A constellation is an unfolding interactive process in which group members are chosen to stand in for family members, for this or previous generations, allowing for insight and resolution. Saturday, 9:30am6pm, registration required. Private Constellation sessions also available. Jamy & Peter Faust, (617) 484-4325. www.ConstellationApproach.com. 12/5 & 12/6 — RENOWNED TEACHER AND KIRTAN MASTER RUSSILL PAUL is coming to Boston for the first time for 2 workshops and a high energy chanting

concert! Russill Paul has been presenting workshops and retreats throughout North America at The Esalen Institute, Omega Institute and Kripalu. Saturday, December 5th, 10am-5pm, two workshops: Journeying with the Chakras and Sexual Energy and Mysticism and a concert will be presented at the Center for Arts at the Armory in Somerville, MA. Sunday, December 6th, 10am-5pm; The Yoga of Sound: Healing and Enlightenment through Mantra. For more info and tickets please visit www.shunyamproductions.com. 12/6 — FORGIVENESS: TELLING OUR STORIES IN NEW WAYS. An interactive workshop for women, exploring forgiveness through the medium of story, with storyteller/therapist Elisa Pearmain, LMHC, at the Women’s Well, Concord, MA. Call (978) 371-0469 or go to www.womenswell.org. 12/18-12/20 — MAX THE CRYSTAL SKULL, hosted by Roots & Wings, Natick, MA. Friday afternoon private sessions with MAX, Friday evening lecture 7-9. Saturday pre-Solstice workshop with MAX, Joanne & Sandy. Contact Sandy: sandy@starwalkervisions.com or (281) 361-4464. JANUARY 2010: EKP APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING GROUP. Meets once a month on Saturdays in Newton. Training in heart-centered body psychotherapy (EKP) with Linda Marks. Integrates body, emotional safety, meditation, touch with permission to facilitate emotional work at a body level, and deep emotional process work. Psychotherapists, bodyworkers, health professionals and others interested in healing are welcome to apply. (617) 965-7846. Contact LSMHEART@aol.com, www.healingheartpower.com. BOSTON SCHOOL OF HERBAL STUDIES. Arlington & Watertown, MA. Herbal Apprenticeship programs begin in April. Upcoming classes: Healing the Gut, Mind/ Spirit Integration, Healing Depression, Shamanic Plant Journeying and much more, Call (781) 646-6319, e-mail herbstudies@verizon.net or visit bostonherbalstudies.com. 5/14-5/24 — IRELAND: RETREAT & RENEWAL FOR WOMEN. Join Irish native Ann Quinlan on her next 10 day Retreat & Renewal for women in Ireland. This exceptional all-inclusive (does not include airfare) journey in the West of Ireland is limited to 10 women. Mothers and daughters welcome. Unpack only once. Registration and deposit deadline October 1, 2009. Details: www.spiraljourneys.com.

Ongoing BECOME A HOLISTIC HYPNOTIST and help others. E. Bridgewater, MA: Oct 6 or Jan 8. Framingham, MA: Nov 6. New London, CT: Dec 8. Springfield, MA: Jan 5. Learn more: www.CenterForGrowthandChange.org or (508) 378-9200. SUNDAY PACIFIST SERVICE. 10-11am at the Peace Abbey, 2 North Main St., Sherborn, MA. Call (508) 6552143 or visit www.peaceabbey.org for more information. PROVIDENCE ZEN CENTER. Free walk-in instruction, www.spiritofchange.org

12/5-12/6 — Join renowned teacher and kirtan master Russill Paul for an ecstatic weekend of two workshops and a concert. See December listing or visit www.shunyamproductions.com. Wednesdays at 6:15pm. 99 Pound Rd, Cumberland, RI. Pzc@kwanumzen.org. www.providencezen.org. (401) 658-1464. SHAMANIC DRUMMING CIRCLE, founded 1993. Usually second and fourth Fridays of every month. 7pm. Quaker Meetinghouse, Cambridge. Open to all who know how to journey, instruction available. Terrence (978) 952-2704 or Emily (781) 641-3980. www.cambridgeshamaniccircle.org UNITY CHURCH offers weekly Sunday service at 10am. Welcoming and affirming we offer meditation, song, and a spiritual boost. 21 Cedar St. Worcester, MA. www.unityofcentralma.org. MONTHLY REIKI CLINIC. Brenner Reiki Healing of Newton offers low cost ($10 to cover expenses) Reiki treatments the first Friday of the month, beginning in October, 7–9 pm. To schedule your appointment call (617) 244-8856 or email Elise Brenner, Ph.D., RMT at eliseb@rcn.com. www.brennerreikihealing.com. “MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN” WITH PSYCHIC MEDIUM GAYLE KIRK. Similar to John Edwards

“Crossing Over.” Gayle appears on radio and TV. Loving, uplifting, and healing messages from your family, friends, and pets in heaven. Wise psychic guidance from spirit guides and angels. 10/2 Westford, 10/17 Wellesley, 10/29 Bedford and 11/7 Lowell. $45. Reserve early! Sells out quickly. www.GayleKirk.com. (617) 489-7717. EARTH HEALING VIA THE SPIRIT GRANDMOTHERS EMPOWERMENT IN NATICK. Free event in loving service and devotion to Mother Earth. Check out Sharon’s site. Call Karen for info and questions (508) 395-6392. www.grandmothersspeak.com. 5-DAY HEALTHY LIVING FOODS CLEANSE. Join living food experts Kristen Overlock, Joe Lucier and Anna Forkan for an incredible cleanse in Newburyport, MA. Our program includes raw vegan meals, over 30 hours of classes on raw food, qigong, bodywork, colon hydrotherapy, energy work, FIR sauna, nutritional microscopy, shamanic journeying, flower essences, group activities and more. Upcoming program dates: September 9-13, October 14-18, November 25-29, December 30-January 3. Call (978) 462-1488 or check out www.revitalive.com.

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 65

and interactive weekend. Training dates in NH, MA, RI, PA, and more. Upcoming dates: Oct. 24 & 25, RI and Nov. 7 & 8, NH. More info: www.childlightyoga.com or (603) 781-3323. EKP BODY PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP with Linda Marks, MSM. Thursday nights 7-9pm in Newton. A place for heart-centered, soul deep healing work in a safe, committed group. Interview/EKP session required to apply. Contact Linda (617) 965-7846. LSMHEART@ aol.com. www.healingheartpower.com. MONTHLY EKP BODY PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP with Linda Marks, MSM. Sunday afternoons in Newton. A place for heart-centered, soul deep healing work in a safe, committed group. Interview/EKP session required to apply. Contact Linda (617) 965-7846. LSMHEART@aol. com. www.healingheartpower.com. JUDITH PREBLUDA, M.A., is offering classes this fall. Mindfulness for Depression and Anxiety, and Mindfulness for Therapists: Sept/Oct; Developing the Qualities of Mindfulness: Oct/Nov. CEU’s included. Please see my calendar and flyers at www.jpbodymindtherapy.com.

9/10-9/11 — Hear from some of the leading veterinarians in integrative medicine at the Integrative Health Pet Expo in Fitchburg, MA. See September listing or visit www.ihpe.info. MCKS PRANIC HEALING FULL MOON MEDITATIONS. September 3, October 1, November 5. Miriam G. Smith, M.S.ED. mgsenergy@comcast.net. PranicHealingNE.com. (978) 683-8129. CLASSES IN CHANNELING AND SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION with Vywamus, a teacher of higher consciousness, channeled by Andrea Seiver. Have a personal reading, join Learn to Channel and other classes, enjoy evenings with Vywamus: September 10, October 1, November 5. (617) 332-1541, www.andreaseiver.com. ASTROLOGY READINGS AND CLASSES with Sherrye Lianne Weinstein. www.worcesterastrology. com. At YOGA&more at the Sprinkler Factory, and other locations. What does your future hold? Ongoing classes every Thursday (other dates TBA). Contact WorcesterAstro@gmail.com or (508) 755-9423. A NEW ART EXHIBIT OF SUMI-E ORIENTAL INK BRUSH PAINTINGS by Linda Salter will run from September 8th through January 9th at Market Street Health, 214 Market Street in Brighton, MA. All are welcome! www.marketstreethealth.com. SHAMANIC ECSTATIC POSTURES GROUP begins 9/20. 3rd Sunday/month. Pristine central Mass location in Shelburne. For individual healing and/or to expand your therapeutic repertoire. www.shamanrites.com. Maryann Shadem. (508) 331-4570. CHILDREN’S YOGA TEACHER CERTIFICATION. Learn to share the gifts of yoga with children during this fun 66 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

9/19-20; 10/24-25; 12/5-6 — REIKI 1 CERTIFICATION with Florence Whipple and Kristin Webb. Marblehead, MA. John Gray lineage. Two day training; history, hands-on practice, supporting clinics. 16.8 CEU’s. Pre-registration required. Call (978) 777-5732. www.reikiprofessors.net. ANGEL ROOM WELLNESS CENTER. 29 Commercial Street, Mashpee, MA. Mon, Wed & Sat., 10:30am, Svaroopa® style yoga. Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30pm, Meditation Circles. 2nd and 4th Sun, noon-2pm, free Reiki clinic. www.AngelRoomWellnessCenter.com. (774) 392-0354. Namaste. REIKI I CERTIFICATION WITH JOHN HARVEY GRAY AND LOURDES GRAY, PH.D., Jaffrey, NH. Awaken your healing skills! The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing is recognized and acknowledged as a leader in the field of Reiki training for its commitment to excellence in Reiki education. Offered: 10/10-10/11 or 11/14-11/15. Two days of learning, hands-on practice and no cut corners certifies you immediately to work on yourself, others and pets. 13.0 CEUs Visa/MC. Call or go online to sign up now. (603) 899-3288. www.learnreiki.org. WOMEN’S RETREAT HOUSE AND SPIRITUAL CENTER. Peaceful setting. Book your individual or small group retreat. Free weekly Wednesday potluck and meditation. Weekly yoga classes. Transformative programs. Details, go to www.gatheringinn.org or call (978) 820-1139. Visitors encouraged. THE WELLNESS ROUNDTABLE HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS NETWORK gathers monthly with the intention of creating collaborative relationships and building professional community with one another. All holistic practitioners are welcome. Meetings are second Wednesday, monthly, Sept-May. First Parish UU Hall, 40 Church St., Northboro, 9-10:30am. For info, please contact, Marilyn Taylor, facilitator, LMT/Life/Wellness Coach at marilyn@confident-directions.com.

FREE MIRACLE MEDITATIONS FROM THE ASCENSION ANGELS EVERY THURSDAY! Receive the clarity you need to inspire and empower you! Intuitive readings, lightwave healing, magic house, magical web design and business services. Destiny, ascension and transformation! www.theascensionangels.com. (866) 304-9198. INTRODUCTION TO HOLISTIC DENTISTRY. Free. Sep 9th, Oct 7th, Nov 11th at 7pm. Jean Nordin-Evans, DDS presents Holistic Dental Care approaches that treat the whole body by removing mercury-laden or amalgam fillings. www.GrotonWellness.com. (978) 449-9919. ARE YOU SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED? Free talk on mercury toxicity and detoxification. 9/16- 3pm, 10/8- 7pm, 11/17- 3pm. Dr. Robert Luby, board certified in family medicine, certified American Board of Holistic Medicine, presents ways to live a toxin-free lifestyle through diet and supplements, alternative medical and lab tests and detoxification. www.GrotonWellness.com. (978) 449-9919. NOURISHING TRADITIONS FOOD PREP WORKSHOP. Learn traditional techniques based on Sally Fallon’s book Nourishing Traditions. Hands-on class, workbook, recipes, samples. 9/12- 10am, 9/24- 6pm, 10/10- 10am, 10/22- 6pm, 11/7- 10am, 11/19- 5pm. www.GrotonWellness.com. (978) 449-9919. YOGA CLASSES every Monday and Wednesday at 7pm with Vicki Martelli. All levels. Beginner Yoga with Bharti. 7pm- Thursdays. Kripalu Dankinets with Rochelle Delacroix. Saturday- 10am. Melrose Therapeutic and Wholistic Center, 414 Main St., Melrose, MA. (781) 9790178. www.melrosetherapeutic.com. FREE INTRODUCTORY EVENING OF REIKI. Learn about Reiki healing, psychic intuition and spiritual development. Also receive a free introductory Reiki session. Thursday, September 17; Wednesday, October 14 and Thursday, November 19. With Reiki Master Elizabeth A. Gilberg. RSVP to attend (978) 594-0166. THE REIKI I AND II CLASS. First and Second Degree Reiki are taught together in a 4-day weekend intensive or one night per week for six weeks. This class will enable you to heal yourself, others, animals and the planet. You will learn how to sense the aura, chakras, energy blockages plus scanning, distant Reiki, psychic protection, introduction to guides and more. Class dates: Oct 1-4, Nov 5-8, Dec 10-13 and 6. Tuesday nights from Sept 22 to Oct 27. With Reiki Master Elizabeth A. Gilberg. Register to attend (978) 594-0166.

Place your calendar listing in the Winter issue by November 1, 2009. Call Michella at 508-278-9640 or email advertise@spiritofchange.org.


HolisticDirectory FALL 2009

• New England’s largest free holistic magazine — with hundreds of practitioners, products and resources listed here! • Connecting over 250,000 readers with professionals in their fields.

Acupuncture & Asian Medicine Patricia Smith Burkhart, MAC, LIC. AC.

Gentle relief from: • stress and pain • medication side effects • chronic health problems

I look forward to alleviating your suffering.

Tibetan Science of

HEALING Dr. Keyzom Bhutti


Animal Communication

Call for a free “meet and greet” appointment.

To learn more about Deanna, her work and her love for animals visit:

Consultations available for animals both living and in-spirit.



Keyzom Bhutti, Doctor of Tibetan Medicine, corrects any imbalances of the body and mind using finest quality medicinal herbs, mineral supplements and, in some cases, moxibustion. For information or an appointment, please call. 617-666-8635

Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton Integrative and Conventional Veterinary Medicine


ACUPUNCTURE OF WORCESTER Holistic Health since 1974

Dr. Yvonne Chen, Lic. Acupuncturist One of the first practicing acupuncturists in the United States, Dr. Yvonne Chen began her acupuncture practice in Washington, D.C. in 1973, moving to Worcester one year later. Trained in China as a medical doctor, Dr. Chen’s years of study and research included in-depth work with both traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Her approach to health incorporates keen knowledge on the nature of disease, use of

67 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

energy balancing, nutritional counseling and the promotion of spiritual well-being. Acupuncture is especially effective in the treatment of: • Pain: migraine headaches, stress relief, tendonitis, arthritis, lower back pain, neuralgia, whiplash, accident and trauma injuries and TMJ syndrome • Improving bodily functions: respiratory ailments, insomnia and impotency • Nervous system disorders: Bell’s Palsy, paralysis, multiple sclerosis and stroke recovery • Behavioral changes: weight control and smoking cessation. Located at 110 June Street, Worcester, MA 01602. For an appointment or for more information, please contact Dr. Yvonne Chen at 508-755-5557.

Acupuncture and Asian Medicine. . . 67 Animal Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Astrological Consulting. . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Bookstores and Gift Shops. . . . . . . . . 68 Business Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Classes, Certifications, Schools and Institutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69-71 • Children’s Health & Services . . . . . . . 71 • Chiropractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 • Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71-72 • Consciousness Transformation. . . . . 72 • Counseling and Therapy . . . . . . . .72-74 • Healing and Bodywork . . . . . . . . .75-76 • Healing: Combined Modalities . . . . 76-78 • • • • • • • •

Health Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78-79 Herbs and Gardens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Holistic Medical and Dental . . . . . . . . 79 Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79-80 Retreats and Workshops. . . . . . . . . . . 80 Spiritual Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Yoga, Tai-Chi and Fitness . . . . . . . . . . 81

Animal Services

Whether your issue is chronic pain, allergies, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, plantar fascitis, golfer’s elbow, infertility, uterine fibroids, menopausal symptoms, insomnia, a compromised immune system, or a host of other problems, I can help you. 259 Mass Ave., Arlington, MA Free parking in rear. www.anappleadayacupuncture.com 781.648.0911

• • • • • • •

Here at MASH we offer conventional veterinary medicine and alternative therapies in a balanced, whole health approach to your pet’s healthcare. Our goal is to support your pet’s vital energy for good health and self-healing. We use nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, and traditional diagnostics, along with a caring, compassionate staff to optimize your pet’s health.

Deanna offers an intuitive, heart-centered and practical approach to issues and concerns. Provide pets with information Check on physical and emotional health Address behavioral issues Gain their input on specific topics Discuss end-of-life care (what they want and when, etc.) Re-connect with animals who have passed on

We are now also offering ozone therapy. We recognize that your pet in an important member of your family. From well visits to chronic disease, we offer medicine that respects the integrity of your pet’s mind, body and spirit. In addition to the services offered by our doctors, we have practitioners ready to provide chiropractic, cranial sacral, Reiki, massage, physical therapy, or polarity therapy for your pet. These are offered in our unique Holistic Care Center for Companion Animals, attached to our hospital. We are now offering client education classes, please call for more details. Dr. Margo Roman, Veterinarian and Practice Owner – Classical Homeopathy, Acupuncture, NAET, Cancer Therapy, Nutrition, Herbal Remedies, General Medicine and Surgery 72 W. Main Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748 (Exit 21A off of Route 495) 508-435-4077

2009 Integrated Health Pet Expo Sept 10: 2-9pm • Sept 11: 9-6pm | Courtyard Marriott, Fitchburg, MA Bringing together pet caretakers and veterinarians for healthier and happier pets. Visit us at the Spirit of Change booth! For event details: www.ihpe.info

Astrological Consulting JOSEPH CRANE

Practical Astrology Joseph Crane has been a professional astrologer, consulting and teaching astrology since 1988. He is co-director of the Astrology Institute and author of A Practical Guide to Traditional Astrology (1998) and Astrological Roots: The Hellenistic Tradition (2007). Contact Joseph if you are interested in astrology classes or tutorials. As a consultant, Joseph uses astrology


& Esoteric

Psychology Monique Pommier, M.A., Ph.DE

Astrology illuminates one’s psychological landscape and journey. It times life developments and reveals their designs for the soul. I offer astrological services and ongoing psychospiritual counseling with astrology, Jungian and esoteric psychology as a comprehensive ground of exploration and guidance


Questions? Astrologer Eric Linter has answers. Changes in relationships, career, health, finances or spiritual practice are inevitable. Eric’s clarity will help you stay on the right path. His insights help you better understand and appreciate life’s challenges. His clients say Eric Linter is “profound and enlightening” and “one of the best astrologers on the East Coast.”

to help people work with specific situations in their lives. Natal and Predictive Astrology examines situations in the larger context of one’s life and shows probable outcomes. Horary Astrology examines the meaning of particular moments in time, including using the specific time a question is asked as the basis for an interpretation. Electional Astrology gives the best time for a new undertaking, including weddings, interviews and promotions, buying and selling, and travel.

Cosmic Counsel Unlock the magic and mystery of your soul’s blueprint Appointments in person or by phone starurania@aol.com www.CarolBellis.com ❖ 508-728-4680

❖ ❖ ❖

Additional complementary services: Soul Coaching now available!

The Silver Willow

Large selection of bulk herbs The Silver Willow’s own herbal tea blends Handmade herbal products for you and your whole family, including your pets Crystal Balls  Tarot Cards  Pendulums Incense  Ritual Tools  Statues Challis’s  Reiki Treaments The largest selection of New Age books in the entire area!

An Herbal, Metaphysical & New Age Gift Shop for all your herbal and ritual needs

Classes in Aromatherapy, Astrology, Tarot, Wicca, Herbs and more

Home of the Celtic Cricket Psychic Reader... What’s in your Future?

Tue-Sat 11:30-7, Sun 12-5 PM., Mon-Closed, 54 Fall River Ave. (Rt. 6), Rehoboth, MA www.thesilverwillow.com  508-336-8813

Readings available in person or over the phone

✵ Astrological Consultations ✵ for Individuals and Couples Rayology ✵ Psychospiritual Counseling


Books and music ✠ Aromatherapy and tools Incense and candles ✠ Crystals and jewelry

To contact me, please call: 617-524-7072.


Workshops ✠ Reiki Training ✠ Readings Yoga ✠ Gaidon Heart ✠ Bellydance Psychic Development

Eric, a professional astrologer for 25 years, works with individuals, couples and businesses. Specialties include career moves, personal creativity and karmic relationships. Consultations are available in person, by telephone, or on cassette. Eric also offers classes, lectures and appearances at parties and special events. For more information and to schedule a private session, contact Eric by email or call:


Usui and Karuna Reiki ✠ Hypnotherapy Reflexology ✠ Massage ✠ Crystal Healing Inner Child Healing ✠ Body Talk™ Hours: Mon–Fri 10 AM-8 PM, Sat 10 AM-5 PM, Sun NOON-5 PM. Gift Certificates available. 118 Washington St., Rte. 138, N. Easton, MA www.womenofwisdominc.com 508-230-3680

stars@ericlinter.com ✸ 508-541-4115 ✸

“I learned more from one session than I did from 5 years of analysis.” - J.G., Cambridge, MA

Business Services TrueNorth

Business Consulting Health & Wellness Professionals are our Specialty


For futrher information on consultations or classes, see her website, or contact:

Cynthia Pasciuto, owner of TrueNorth Business Consulting, is a licensed attorney and insurance broker in Massachusetts.

www.worcesterastrology.com http://astrologynotes.org

WorcesterAstro@gmail.com ✵ 508-755-9423 www.worcesterastrology.com

You are the expert in your business, but there is so much more you need to know.

68 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

ASTROLOGY… is a blueprint of the soul is a language of symbols mirrors life patterns (past, present & future) offers clarity and insight engages the psyche and soul identifies opportunities, challenges, strengths is a sacred science supports personal growth & development

Bookstores and Gift Shops

josephcrane@verizon.net s 401-527-2035 www.astrologyinstitute.com

Astrologer Sherrye Lianne Weinstein is now available for classes and consultations at “YOGA&more” at the Sprinkler Factory. She is moderator and co-administrator of ASTROLOGYNOTES online, and has taught classes for Worcester Nightlife.

Sherrye Lianne Weinstein

Consultations are in Rhode Island, Eastern Mass. or by phone. All sessions are recorded

on current issues and lifelong questionings. By accessing the deeper order of your life, you gain transformative insights into the evolutionary meaning of particular challenges and new perspectives to direct your choices. My background includes twenty years of experience and an MS and PhD in Esoteric Psychology and Philosophy. Jungian psychology, Eastern and Western Traditions are key foundations in my approach.

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Centers Melrose Therapeutic & Wholistic Center Established in 1990 and rated, “Best of the Best” in Melrose, our dedicated staff of professionals offer a comprehensive range of services to complement a healthy lifestyle. Conveniently located in Melrose, our center is a safe, peaceful haven to take a break from the stresses of daily living. For a calendar of events, visit our website at www.melrosetherapeutic.com


Acusage Academy

New ~ Kripalu Danskinetics! Workshops ▲ Chinese Energetic Medicine Yoga ▲ Energy Healing ▲ Reiki ▲ Nutrition Hypnotherapy ▲ Massage Therapy Meditation ▲ Reflexology ▲ Relaxation Gift Certificates available ▲ Visa/MC accepted

Foot Reflexology 7 Body Reflexology Light Reflexology

Vicki Martelli


CMT, MA Holistic Health, Yoga Teacher


Yoga ✺ Tai-Chi, NIA ✺ Journey Dance Qi Gong ✺ Crystal Bowl Workshops Psychic Development Classes ✺ Meditations Healer Training Programs HOST YOUR EVENT HERE!

Teachers Rhys Thomas and Lisa Campion invite you to The Rhys Thomas Healer Training programs at the Solstice Healing Arts Center in Medway MA. The Growing the Healer Within program is for those just starting on their journey into healership. The Healer Training Program is suitable for practitioners who are looking to deepen their personal growth, increase their intuition and learn advanced healing techniques.

Massage 7 Reflexology

The Connecticut Institute of Herbal Studies

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practiced for over 4000 years. It employs a highly developed theoretical system which determines the appropriate application of herbs based on an individual’s unique symptoms and not just on a named disease. In this way TCM treats the causes of disease and not just the disease itself. Appointments for TCM care are available as well, by Laura Mignosa, Nationally Certified Chinese Herbologist.

Founded in 1992, the Connecticut Institute of Herbal Studies in Wethersfield, Ct. focuses on Traditional Chinese Medicine and offers a Certified Herbology Program with a foundation in both theory and clinical diagnosis as practiced in China today.

www.ctherbschool.com ✧ 860-666-5064

Aromatherapy, Western Herbology and other holistic care modalities are also provided at the Institute. Information on classes, events, cultural tours to China and more, can be found on our website.

Our two gorgeous workshop rooms are available for rent by the hour and the day. Charming, light filled practitioner rooms are also available for rent. Reasonable rates!

Classes, Certifications, Schools and Institutes

Offering two exciting programs at the Solstice Healing Arts Center

State Licensed and Approved www.AcusageAcademy.com www.ReflexologyOnline.com 250 Main St., Oxford, MA 7 508-987-0178


Rhys Thomas Healer Training

Act now! State requirements are changing in 2010; programs will be longer & cost more.

Melrose Therapeutic & Wholistic Center 414 Main Street, Melrose, MA

Massage ✺ Cranial-Sacral ✺ Reiki ✺ Polarity Full Spectrum Healing ✺ Angel Readings Spiritual Counseling ✺ Psychic Readings

508 533-0669 ✺ www.solsticehealing.com


Rochelle Delacroix CMT, Reiki Master


163 Main St., Suite 6, Medway, MA 02053 solsticehealing@yahoo.com


Body Reflexology

Massage 7 Foot Reflexology 7 Body Reflexology 7 Reflex Light Reflexology Shiatsu-Acupressure 7 Myofascial Release Lymphatic Drainage 7 Myo-Skeletal Alignment 7 Nutritional Consultants

A community of peers that will support your journey on a day to day basis ✦ A model for looking at your own defenses to heal yourself at a deeper level ✦ Learn how to hold your energy field and stay in your center no matter what is going on around you ✦ Understand your own energy system to see where your blocks and strengths are ✦ Experience your own soul as the best teacher and guide you have ever had ✦ Powerful Full Spectrum Healing techniques to take your healership to the next level ✦

Classes start in September and meet six weekends a year. For more information: rhys@rhysthomashealing.com rhysthomashealing.com ✦ 508-740-3038

The Way to Balance,® LLC Center for Advanced Healing and Training AARON & SUE SINGLETON, FOUNDERS

The Energy of Life® (EOL) Process Educational Programs complement all medical and holistic modalities, and empower practitioners and laypersons. EOL I.D.E.A.L. Process for Creating a

Life You Love! Workshop Series A totally unique intuitive and healing process that transforms lives, whether you are a healer, doctor, executive, or full-time parent. Use the EOL process alone, or to enhance Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc. The EOL Process for Discernment and Intuitive Accuracy within this series is prerequisite for Medical Intuitive training with Sue Singleton. EOL Visionary Acupressure System

Workshop Series This fusion of ancient and modern techniques makes a quantum leap to address trauma and illness, without relying solely on

linear meridian techniques. Learn unique protocols for deeper, more rapid release of the Root Cause. Our easy to learn 60-point numbered system includes detailed diagrams: no prior acupressure experience or knowledge required. EOL Rings of Oden™ New Technology for Quantum Healing Revolutionary “Net-Neutral Ionic Energy” technology embedded into The Rings of Oden accelerates light resonance and provides modulating energy frequencies for healing. Users report rapid resolution of chronic pain, injuries, glaucoma, chronic emotional patterns and illnesses. The Rings combine Sacred Geometry, Crop Circles, and DNA Holographic Re-Patterning to create specific vortices and frequencies for various conditions. Powerful for self-healing, as well as helping others.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

Other Workshops Radical Hands-On Healing Light Therapy: Healing at the Speed of Light Sound Therapy: Healing with Resonance Introduction to Medical Intuition, etc. 21 Water St. Amesbury, MA 01913 www.TheWayToBalance.com 978-834-0341

Classes, Certifications, Schools and Institutes continued www.spiritofchange.org

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 69

Classes, Certifications, Schools and Institutes continued Intensive Apprenticeship begins April ‘10: ✦ Herbs to nourish & heal each body system ✦ Instruction on how to make herbal

tinctures, teas, salves, oils, flower essences, herbal baths, etc. ✦ Plant ID with medicinal plant walks

The Boston School of Herbal Studies Seven Month Herbal Apprenticeship Introductory and Advanced Workshops and Classes

Massage | Aesthetics Polarity | RYSE Ipswich • Plymouth • Westboro You deserve an education that honors who you are and who you are becoming. A great education is spiritually transforming: You overcome your limitations and realize your highest potential, at the same time you learn the foundation and skills to succeed. Excellent education is not by chance; it comes from years of listening to employers, graduates and students to find the best way to teach the most valuable information to make you successful. As a leader in energy medicine and

HEALING t h r o u g h LOVE Elizabeth A. Gilberg, B.Sc., B.S.W. REIKI MASTER-TEACHER INTUITIVE THERAPIST HOLISTIC HEALER Elizabeth is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and healer who has dedicated her life to helping others. She combines over 20 years of counseling and teaching experience with extensive studies in Reiki, Hawaiian huna, NLP, psychic channeling, shamanism, hypnosis, past-life regression, crystals, guided meditation and holographic breath healing. Elizabeth’s classes and private consultations are transformational, fun and enlightening! She is a compassionate and gifted healer and teacher who has taught thousands of students over a period of 15 years. Free Introductory Evening of Reiki Sept 17, Oct 14 and Nov 19 Learn about Reiki healing, psychic intuition and spiritual development. Also receive a free introductory Reiki session. RSVP to attend: 978-594-0166

70 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

✦ Facial, tongue and pulse diagnosis

We offer affordable evening and weekend workshops, herbal supervision groups, and an Herbal Apothecary. 12 Pelham Terrrace, Arlington, MA 781-646-6319 www.bostonherbalstudies.com

energy based education since 1980, Nancy Risley recognizes that your education is a transformational healing process. As a successful therapist, author and teacher, her vision is to help you realize your dream of work that is creative and supports all aspects of who you are. Whether you work in a spa, clinic, or have your own business, you gain the required skills to create satisfaction as well as increased flexibility, control and income. The next step to fulfilling your future is to call for a no obligation, information interview with our Career Advisor. We look forward to meeting you and learning about your future. Programs take from 4 to 12 months, depending on your schedule: Full-time, mother’s hours or part-time evenings.

The (W)hole Point Institute The heart of The Wisdom WAY™ is the point at which our psychology intersects with our spirituality. This point is the space in which we awaken — for real. Alaya Chadwick has drawn on her 28+ years of experience to develop The Wisdom WAY™, a personal, practical, self-sustainable map and method for personal and spiritual growth. Found in The Wisdom WAY™ are the tools you can use to Walk Awake saying Yes to life. Oftentimes we feel like we are simply sleepwalking through life. We find ourselves responding to people and experiences as if we are on “auto pilot.” We can feel like we have little energy or joy in our lives. We may wonder, “How do we wake up?” The Wisdom WAY™ is the skeleton found inside most healing modalities, including conventional therapy and alternative practices. What makes this WAY different is that you are the expert. By following the map using your own life experiences, you unravel the mysteries of yourself and reveal the wonder you truly are on all levels — emotional, physical, and spiritual.

The (W)hole Point Institute offers a wide range of self-development experiences, healing opportunities, and empowerment trainings for individuals and couples or partners. These workshops are both experiential and educational and are offered in group and/or one-on-one settings. Additionally, there are intensive apprenticeship programs which offer personal in-depth study. 2-Day Intensive (W)hole Workshops Learn practical tools to reveal your own unique pathway to (W)holeness. 2-Day PAIRing™ Workshops (People Activating Intimate Relating™) Open to couples and singles, this workshop is for those who wish to bring their relationships to a deeper level of self-appreciation and intimate union. One-on-One (W)hole Life Coaching Relationship Intensives for Couples Awakening Divinity Apprenticeship Reiki Level I and II classes Learn this ancient healing art to support yourself and those around you. …and much, much more! “Alaya Chadwick is able to put ‘hands and feet’on extremely complex concepts in a way which connects them to the living reality of everyday life.” — Martha Harrell, MSN, Ph.D. ELIZABETH “ALAYA” CHADWICK M.Div., MSW., L.I.C.S.W., Reiki Master,

Author of: Wake up to your (W)hole Life Raymond, NH www.wholepoint.us r 603-895-4530

Accredited. Licensed. Financial Aid available for qualified students. 800-262-8530 ❖ www.spatech.edu

The Reiki I and II Class First and Second Degree Reiki are taught together in a 4-day weekend intensive or one night per week for six weeks. This class will enable you to heal yourself, others, animals and the planet. You will learn how to sense the aura, chakras, energy blockages plus scanning, distant Reiki, psychic protection, introduction to guides and more. Class dates: Oct 1-4, Nov 5-8, Dec 10-13 and six Tue nights from Sept 22 to Oct 27.

Program emphasis is on the effects that emotions, personality, and spiritual beliefs have on physical health and on working with the human energy field.

The Premier School for Energy Medicine/Energy Psychology in the Northeast Teaching the Art and Science of Energy Medicine for over 15 years

Approved by the Connecticut Commissioner of Higher Education. Advanced students complete hands-on hospital internships. Bloomfield, CT ✲ 860-286-5400 See website for free seminars to find out more! info@instituteofhealing.com www.instituteofhealing.com

Advanced Reiki Training: Nov 20-22 Usui/Tibetan Reiki Mastery: Dec 4-6 Some topics covered in Advanced Reiki and Mastery are: intro to crystals, pendulums, pyramids, Reiki psychic surgery, a guided meditation to meet your highest Reiki guide, how to give all attunements and a special healing attunement. Advanced Classes TBA Karuna Practitioner ❖ Karuna Mastery Hologrophic Healing ❖ An Evening of Shamanism ❖ Healing Your Inner Child Ongoing Reiki practice and review nights are offered for all students. All classes are offered in love and light. Reiki Master Elizabeth A. Gilberg Higher Vision Seminars • 978-594-0166

New England Institute of Reflexology & Universal Studies  Professional Reflexology Certification and Approved Continuing Education in Reflexology, Massage, and Reiki  Integrative techniques give students a strong foundation and create a balanced treatment style

 Students qualify as professional therapists upon completion  Courses meet state and national standards; CE’s approved from ARCB and NCBTMB. School is licensed by Commonwealth of MA, Dept. of Education Our goal is to act as a bridge between complimentary and conventional medicine through the training of qualified holistic practitioners. Join us! ~ Now teaching Reflexology at ~ All That Matters in Wakefield, RI Cortiva Massage School in Watertown, MA www.walkinbalance.com  508-317-3044 

Chaplaincy Institute of Maine

Children’s Health & Services

Interfaith Spiritual Growth and Ordination as an Interfaith Minister First Year: The Way of Contemplation Second Year: The Way of Action

Touchstone offers: Small, mixed-age classes Thematic studies that integrate subjects Dedicated, expert teachers A diverse community and highly positive culture Parent-teacher-child partnership in educational development

Campuses in Portland, ME and Amesbury, MA

World Religions ✴ Art as Meditation Creation Spirituality ✴ Interfaith Worship Spiritual Practice ✴ Community Service


Certification Program

2009 Schedule This certificate program is 100 hours of independent adult study which includes two intensive weekends of instruction. The program includes an introduction to Ericksonian hypnosis , hypnosis and child birthing, medical and dental applications for hypnosis, pain management, hypnosis with children, habit elimination or modification, age regression, a wide variety of hypnotic inductions and techniques, the elimination of all phobias, etc. This program is approved for 32 CEUS for nurses and social workers. Graduates may join the American Board of Hypnotherapy. Instructor Ted Benton, Ed., a Winchester Hospital staff hypnotherapist, is a national and international hypnosis instructor. He holds numerous certifications for advanced

ChIME ✴ P.O. Box 3833 ✴ Portland ME 04104 chimeadmin@gmail.com www.chimeofmaine.org ✴ 207-347-6740

hypnosis training, including training approved by the American Psychological Association. He has published articles on hypnotherapy and recently appeared on the Discovery Health Program on national television. Winchester Hospital is one of several hospitals in the nation offering full certification to hypnotherapists. The cost of the program is $1600, which includes all textbooks and materials. The tuition is tax-deductible. The first payment of $800 is due at registration. Final payment is due at the first class. If you refer a student who registers in the same session, $100 will be deducted from your fee. Weekend classes will be held as follows: ✦

October 3-4 and November 7-8

Classes are held at Winchester Hospital Community Health Institute, Baldwin Park I, 12 Alfred Street, Suite 207, Woburn, MA. To sign up for a class, or for more information, call us or visit our website and click on Community Health Institute. 781-756-4700 www.winchesterhospital.org

We offer a six 3-day themed weekend Immersion Learning Program beginning Fall 2009. Appropriate for anyone wishing to go on a personal journey of transformation in relation to their family of origin and ancestral lineage, current family and relationships.

The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. Our Seminars are specifically designed so that any issue may be presented. Open to all who wish to experience and learn about the Constellation Approach. They are experiential and you may have the opportunity to set up your own constellation, assist others by being a representative in their constellation, or observe the various constellations throughout the day. Saturday Seminars 9:30 AM-6 PM $125 Oct 24, 2009 Dec 5, 2009

Mar 6, 2010 Apr 10, 2010

Jan 23, 2010

May 8, 2010

Touchstone Community School offers a progressive, child-centered approach to education. For twenty-three years, we have nurtured and inspired children to be creative, independent partners in their learning.

Chiropractors • Integrated, Gentle, Individualized Family Chiropractic Care with Dr. Jennah Dieter Pediatric/Perinatal Certified Chiropractor, Summa Cum Laude Palmer Grad chiropractic ✺ massage ✺ nutrition ✺ exercise YOUR COMPLETE WELLNESS CENTER

If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, call to get healthy! Complimentary Consultation ($45 value) 260 Merrimac St., Newburyport, MA 01950 978-499-WELL (9355) www.healthcarecomplete.com

HOLIST I C HEALIN G CENTE R Dr. Jennifer Lees Network Chiropractor Imagine feeling more ease in your body. Imagine more joy and serenity in your life. Sometimes our capacity to heal may be overwhelmed by the stress of life. Our body

Oct 23-25 Dec 4-6 Jan 22-24 Mar 5-7 Apr 9-11

The Family of Origin The Father’s Line The Mother’s Line Effects of Illness, Disease & Death Supporting Love in Our Relationships May 7-9 Effects of War, Immigration & Religion Certificate of Completion received upon completion of program. $2500/full program or $450/module. Learning manual included. For individuals with a foundation in professions such as the healing arts, coaching, psychotherapy or education, this program provides the fundamentals and essential understanding to incorporate the Approach into one’s work. Private constellation sessions also available. Jamy Faust, MA and Peter Faust, MAc www.ConstellationApproach.com 617-484-4325

To learn more about our holistic approach to education for children ages 4 to 14, visit www.touchstoneschool.com or call Ana at 508-839-0038.

• Customized Nutrition Programs with Nutrition Response Testing • Detoxification and Weight Loss • Massage Therapy • Rehabilitative Exercise • Pilates and Yoga • Reiki and Holistic Psychotherapy Where Your Complete Health Matters!

tends to lock up and mold to the stress. After a while we may find ourselves sick, tense, symptomatic or simply just wanting more out of life. I specialize in gentle techniques that unwind these tension patterns. It is my goal to help you move through life’s stresses with more grace and ease. Healing is possible... and it can be easy. Dr. Jennifer Lees 410 Boston Post Road #26, Sudbury, MA 978-443-3248

Coaching Romance Recovery Whether You Stay or Go, Do It With Courage, Clarity and Ease J OHANNA L YMAN Spiritual Love Coach ◆

Are you in a long term relationship and the romance is gone or fading fast?

Maybe you think you’re done with this relationship, or maybe you’re not sure.

Maybe you know you want to leave, but you don’t know how or if you can.

I have developed tools and strategies to help you attract a deeply fulfilling love relationship, whether your current partner or another is your true soulmate. Johanna@romancerecovery.com 774-262-4211 www.romancerecovery.com

Coaching continued www.spiritofchange.org

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 71

Coaching continued

Do you suffer from the chaos of addiction? Confidential, Private Telephone Coaching Affordable Group Coaching Engaging Teleclasses Convenient Email Coaching Support Community

Raising Grace Coaching offers profound healing for addicts, alcoholics, and those who love them most. We combine intimate knowledge of the processes and effects of addiction with powerful spiritual truths and healing techniques to help free you from harmful life patterns. You can reclaim your power and joy. Call for your free consultation to learn whether our approach will work for you. SHARON ROY Certified Life Coach, Recovery Coach, Reiki Master

www.succeedhappily.com ✳ 401-588-1799

Consciousness Transformation Andrea Seiver, Ph.D. Channeled Readings Personal Evolution Classes Have you spoken with an ascended master recently? Vywamus, channeled by Andrea Seiver, is a master and teacher who is working to help us make our next evolutionary step into the higher levels of consciousness. Receive his insights, his energies, and his practical advice in classes or readings.

Readings with Vywamus cover your questions about life work, relationships, past lives, and other issues with his characteristic warmth and humor. Channeled Classes and Spiritual Tutoring help you personally evolve and practice living on a wider scale as your larger self. Evenings with Vywamus: Vywamus discusses your questions on topics of general interest. Donation $10. Call for next dates. Courses: Learn to Channel • Advanced Channeling/Spiritual Support Class For information about classes or readings, call Andrea at 617-332-1541 or visit me at www.andreaseiver.com.

Counseling and Therapy ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling Hypnotherapy Karuna Reiki® Master Shamballa Basic Master Teacher

Janet Sedgwick Holistic Counseling Services Start living the life you want.

Appointments and workshops available.

Improve motivation, accomplish tasks & more

Lori Miller-Freitas, LICSW

Holistic Psychotherapy/Clinical Consultation

Using extensive professional experience to resolve issues related to: Trauma, Grief, PTSD, Anxiety and Phobias, ADD.

Get to the core — Transform your life! You are on this earth to be happy and realize your true potential.

Certifications: LICSW, EMDRIA Approved Consultant, National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. Visa/MC acccepted.

EMDR ✲ TAT ✲ Hypnosis ✲ Reiki I use a combination of traditional, body centered and energy therapies to increase the speed and deepen the level of holistic healing.

294 Pleasant St. ✲ Ste. 103B ✲ Stoughton, MA

72 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

A new mind / body / spirit healing methodology for the 21st century

Announcing HBLUSM A breakthrough new therapy that can change your life, even when other therapies have failed! • Do you have fears, anxieties or phobias that get in your way? • Are your relationships frustrating, painful, or unsatisfying? • Are you feeling unfulfilled with your career, current income, or just life in general? • Do you constantly struggle to achieve and maintain your ideal weight? • Are you being weighed down by chronic health problems? • Do you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again? When you’ve done your best to solve these problems, but find that they are not

Center of the Heart Whole Health Integration

Joan Holzman, Psy. D. Lic. Psychologist, Lic. Marriage and Family Therapist Dance/Movement Therapist From the time we are very young we take life’s experiences to heart. Over time we may forget our core, hurts and feelings, but they remain with us. Our heartfelt experiences help shape our sense of self and our interactions with others.

774-766-9353 Janet@JanetSedgwick.com www.JanetSedgwick.com


Holistic Psychotherapy & Life Coaching

Healing from the Body Level UpSM

www.eaglespirittherapies.com 781-297-2003

Stephen-Wolf Foster, Psy.D. “Be a light unto yourself; See for yourself what is true.” - the Buddha

Being only human, at some point in our lives we may realize that something isn’t going the way we had hoped and dreamed it would. When we take an honest look at ourselves, we wonder, “How did I get here? This can’t be all there is. How can I really live the life I really want to live?” Dr. Stephen-Wolf Foster has been helping

under your voluntary control, you are experiencing unconscious self-sabotage. Healing from the Body Level UpSM (HBLUSM) is a unique and effective way to get unstuck and eliminate struggle by clearing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual blocks to success, so that you can finally achieve your goals! The originator of this holistic psychotherapy system, Dr. Judith Swack, has demonstrated her amazing phobia cures live on WCVB Channel 5 News, on TBS Superstation’s Worst Case Scenario, and on New England Cable News. She is a respected healer, teacher of healers, author, and keynote presenter at major psychology conferences. Dr. Judith Swack and her associates Nicole LaFrance, MA, and David Danzig, LICSW, are now available for private sessions in person, or by phone. “This work gave me back my life.” – Susan S., Writer, Boston, MA “I’ve made more progress in the most important areas of my life in just a few sessions than I did in 5 years of traditional therapy. This woman is amazing! I’ve already referred 10 clients to her.” – Jane U., Teacher For a free information package and to book appointments, call 1-800-310-6549 or 781-444-6940, or visit www.hblu.org.

I offer a variety of modalities such as: EMDR, Sandtray Therapy, Relaxation Techniques, Therapeutic Movement & Psychotherapy to help heal our core issues and attain a more integrated sense of health and well being. I look forward to meeting you. Client Comments:  Sandtray – “Sand tray therapy helped me see my life more clearly.”  EMDR – “I had insights I never had before.”  Therapeutic Movement – “It was great to feel the freedom in my body after working with you.” 42 Thoreau Street, Concord, MA 01742 978-369-6138

individuals and couples answer these questions since 1985. Existential Psychotherapy is rooted in the timeless principles of Freedom, Truth, Beauty, and Love. With an attitude of “no shame/no blame,” Stephen-Wolf engages you in deep “Authentic Conversation,” wherein you distinguish your true voice and true vision. When we are grounded in the Truth of who we really are, we can realize the possibility of Freedom from the tyranny of Others, from resentment and regret, and from anxiety and guilt – and we can know Freedom to create the life we really want to live. Stephen-Wolf works powerfully with people suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma, and addictive behaviors. Contact Dr. Stephen-Wolf Foster at his office in Newton, MA (617-413-3712) for a free consultation.


LOSE WEIGHT NATURALLY Dr. George W. Mephis, Ph.D., BCH, is a world-renowned Russian healer and spiritual teacher, with 25 years of experience in helping people stop smoking, lose weight and achieve freedom from addiction slavery. He has been called The Miraclemaker for his phenomenal ability to cure incurable diseases. He is the founder of the HypnoEnergetic Movement. This powerful technique stimulates the brain to produce more pleasure hormones, naturally creating a positive state of consciousness and at the same time erasing the negative memories related to addictive behavior.

CrossroadS CounselinG Christopher Gruener MA, LMHC Everyone knows the experience of being at life’s crossroads. We wonder, “How do I move forward?” and “What kind of support would really help?” The adult world calls as adolescence wanes—a challenging time for parents and young people alike. A young adult asks “How can I be of service and still make a satisfying living?” Love blossoms into marriage. A parent dies. A child comes into our life, and perhaps that child stumbles along the way. A job or marriage ends. “Now what?” Retirement comes into view, and we wonder how to make it satisfying and meaningful. These are some of the “crossroads” my clients seek counsel in navigating. As a Master’s degreed clinician, a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and a Blue Cross provider, I have sought to serve the mental health and relationship needs of Boston area residents through my Newtonbased private practice for the past 18 years. I offer individual, couples, family and group counseling and welcome phonebased work with individuals living outside the Boston Area. I work on a sliding scale basis, and no one is denied services for lack of funding. My approach to counseling integrates traditional Western insight-oriented psychotherapy, elements of Buddhist thought, a progressive political perspective and techniques developed through the Transpersonal Psychology Movement. And as a long time student of “A Course In Miracles”

Energy Psychology…

Mr. Mephis helps people quit smoking in one session, lose weight and control their appetite, eliminate pain, stress, anxiety, depression and various other physical disorders including cancer in a unique and miraculous way. ◆

Stop Smoking in One Session

Lose Weight

Eliminate Pain

Stress, Anxiety, Depression

Substance Abuse

Addictive Behavior

Self Destructive Behavior

Cancer Patients Support

Enhance Spot Performance

George W. Mephis | Market Street Health 214 Market Street ◆ Brighton, MA02135 617-507-1991 www.hypnoenergetic.com

my work reflects deep appreciation for the transformative power of heartfelt forgiveness and the creative wisdom of our Higher Self. Whatever the magnitude or urgency of your concerns, my approach is essentially the same. I offer an oasis for self exploration—a place to attend to your own Inner Voice—and an environment of reflection and encouragement as you move through and beyond your personal crossroads. GROUPS NOW FORMING FOR 2009

“Free Form Breathwork” This breathwork-based group fosters profound healing in all aspects of one’s life—practical, emotional and spiritual. Evocative music, sustained strenuous breathing practices and facilitative body work are integral elements of this group. Participation in this group may involve intense emotional expression and the recollection of very early difficult memories. “Activists Support Group” This group offers solution-focused group psychotherapy. Participants have identified themselves as being—or desiring to be—political, ecological or spiritual activists. The group offers emotional and practical support for taking personal responsibility and collective action to heal our planet and ourselves. Group members participate in meditative practice, relationship process work, and strategic planning during sessions. Between sessions group members collaborate in practical field work and community organizing. This group is limited to eight participants. To explore the possibility of our working together, a pre-session “Get Acquainted Meeting”—for which there is no fee—is requested. Please call me at 617-965-6552 to schedule this meeting. Newton Centre, MA ✦ 617-965-6552 www.crossroads-counseling-services.com

EFT ~ EMDR ~ Wave Work® ~ Reiki Individual Psychotherapy Highly Sensitive Person Support Groups Energy Psychology Workshops

the best of both worlds ◆

Janet A. Wing, MSW, LCSW, EFT-ADV Where Traditional Psychotherapy meets the Wisdom of the Soul Energy Psychology often works when nothing else does... Free yourself from emotional triggers holding you prisoner to the past ✦ Transform energy draining anxiety, phobias, habits and beliefs ✦ Separate your intuition from fearful critical thoughts ✦ Ignite and express your inner creative spark in your life and the world ✦

Compassionate Psychotherapy & EMDR Barbara Gangemi, LMHC We are each endowed with an enormous capacity for self-healing, and often what’s needed is a wise and experienced guide to show us the way through darkness. Barbara’s style of compassionate psychotherapy, combined with a number of highly effective stress reduction techniques as well as the rapid and profound healing effects of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can lead to new levels of physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well being. EMDR is a body-focused psychotherapy that allows an individual to reprocess disturbing memories that have become locked in the nervous sytem through a disruption in normal information processing. Past events seem “frozen in time,” and the traditional methods of talking about them do not relieve the strong feelings they contain.

Holistic Psychotherapy and Life Coaching Gentle healing for mind, body and spirit… Many of the problems we experience are the result of living unbalanced lives in which we have lost touch with our deeper self. When our attention is gently brought back to this deeper self, we are able to connect to the inner guidance needed to create optimal health, well-being, and peace of mind.

◆ ◆

Traumatic Stress Studies Certification Advanced EFT Certification Expertise working with The Highly Sensitive Person (HSPs) Co-Founded the first RI Medical Reiki Clinic, Women and Infants Hospital, Department of Women’s Oncology

“Janet always seems to put her gentle empathic touch to my most relevant and burning issues. Her approach to Energy Psychology has changed my life for the better.” ~ E. F., Client “I played along thinking, ‘how could this (EFT) have any therapeutic effect?’ Then I felt a shift inside and knew it was powerful.” ~ D.K., Client 100 Lafayette Street ✦ Pawtucket, RI 401-727-3034

Maybe you are having trouble maintaining relationships or employment in the present. Perhaps you remember childhood mistreatment, medical procedures that were frightening and painful, accidents, illnesses, even natural disasters. Many people today experience a pervasive feeling of “being stressed.” Whatever the source of your distress, this combination of therapies can bring deep and lasting healing to your body, mind, and spirit. As a licensed mental health counselor and a fully certified EMDR practitioner, Barbara has been practicing psychotherapy for sixteen years and EMDR for the past eleven years. She considers the opportunity to assist clients to be a sacred trust, and she moves toward the path to healing with the knowledge that, in a safe and supportive therapeutic relationship, we can heal what has been too daunting to face alone. Some insurances accepted. Call for further information or to schedule an appointment. BarbaraGangemi@aol.com Roslindale: 617-553-0714 Hopkinton: 508-435-5580

As a holistic psychotherapist and life coach, I help you reconnect with your own inner guidance and support you in taking the inspired steps to create deep healing and lasting change. While therapy tends to be more contemplative and issues oriented, coaching is focused on specific goals and the steps needed to achieve those goals. I would be happy to answer any questions regarding how I may help you. Free 20-min. phone consultation. Sessions available in person and by phone. Insurance accepted. Nancy Harris, LICSW, Certified Life Coach 534 Angell Street ◆ Providence, RI nbh@cox.net ◆ 401-378-4190

Counseling and Therapy continued www.spiritofchange.org

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 73

Counseling and Therapy continued

Body/Mind Psychotherapy Judith Prebluda, L.M.H.C. Body/Mind Psychotherapy is a therapy modality, which synthesizes the best of Eastern Philosophy, Spiritual Orientation and Modern Western Psychology and Research. Visit my website for detailed descriptions of methods, philosophy, and approaches.

LifeChange Shawna V. Carboni LICSW, DCSW

Bioenergetic Analysis Clinical Hypnosis & EMDR The innovative combination of Bioenergetic Analysis, Clinical Hypnosis & EMDR is unique in the field of mind-body psychotherapy! Each is a creative and powerful vehicle for making a life change. Bioenergetics is an active, body-oriented psychotherapy; Clinical Hypnosis is a state of intentional inward concentration characterized by deep body relaxation; and EMDR utilizes bilateral eye movements to facilitate the emo-


Bioenergetic Analysis “Bioenergetics is the vibrant way to health and the way to vibrant health.“ ~ Alexander Lowen, MD, Founder Integrated mind-body therapy, combining talk therapy with guided body move-ments and expressive exercises. The

Barbara Madden Johnson M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C. Do you have a belief that, inside of you, you have the potential that yearns to be released? For most, a fleeting glimpse is all they’ll ever have. For others, there is a way. Just imagine…releasing your true potential. Working together, one-on-one, you can over-

74 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Mindfulness and Spiritual Development Classes These short-term psycho-educational classes focus on spiritual tools to support and enhance your mental/emotional balance, sobriety, healing and wellness. For class schedules and descriptions, please visit my website. 1236 Broadway, Teele Square, Somerville (Arlington line) Insurance accepted. For consultation, please call: 781-643-2313 or email: judith@jpbodymindtherapy.com.

A Balanced Way Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D., psychologist, has 35+ years of experience in alternative and traditional therapies. The calm and supportive environment created empowers you to make the changes

you seek in yourself, your relationships, and your family life, establishing balance and hope, often in just a few sessions. You can take control of your life. Increase effectiveness, health, and joy Simplify your life ❖ Build confidence Strengthen relationships ❖ Adapt to loss Master fears ❖ Improve communication Learn relaxation techniques Reduce anxiety and panic WORCESTER, MA ~ 508-799-0407 PUTNAM, CT ~ 860-928-6619


tional and cognitive processing of distressing and traumatic experiences. Each modality helps to identify and access inner conflicts, self-limiting beliefs, and energetic disruptions that are just beneath ordinary awareness. Positive, lasting change occurs from the inside out as one resolves those obstacles, experiences new potentials, and learns new skills. Shawna V. Carboni, LICSW, DCSW is a licensed clinician with more than 20 years of experience who fervently believes in each individual’s innate capacity for selfactualization. She brings a vigor, maturity, and commitment to her work that is refreshing and rare, and her style is collaborative, professional, and future-oriented. Visit www.lifechangeboston.com for more information, or contact her private practice LifeChange, LLC at 617.782.5020 to schedule an appointment.

work focuses on increasing aliveness and self-respect through body-oriented psychotherapy. It helps people resolve emotional problems and release chronic tensions to become more relaxed, and ultimately to maximize their potential for intimacy and joy in life. Visit our website or call for more information and to be added to our mailing list. Training Group, Ongoing Workshops, Exercise Classes, Individual Therapy www.massbioenergetics.org 617-876-3652

come problems that have kept you from achieving your goals and desires. Unlock your potential! Restore inner balance! Come alive! Barbara Madden Johnson, M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C., a certified master practitioner and licensed trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, has over 25 years experience helping individuals with:  Career and identity issues  Immune and autoimmune illnesses  Chronic fatigue syndrome  Depression  Learning disabilities and ADD  Relationships  NLP Certification Training Program  Belmont, MA. Some insurance accepted. For an appointment, call 617-484-1716.

Body-Centered Psychotherapy Listen to your body…follow your heart. The heart is the first organ to form in the body, and is the organizing factor for physical formation, including brain formation. Trauma, deprivation or neglect creates heart wounds, which keep us from accessing our deepest selves. Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) facilitates an emotional, energetic rewiring, helping us activate and express

Holistic Counseling Concepts Trish Whynot, D.C.Ed. Doctor of C.O.R.E. Education “What impressed me about Dr. Trish was her natural ability to see through the chaos of life’s web and identify the root cause of problems.” — Bob Olson, Editor, OfSpirit.com Offering a variety of techniques, including: ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling, Meditation, Energy Work, Crystals, and Aromatherapy

the power of the heart. Emotional safety, words, touch, meditation, movement, presence and silence facilitate verbal and non-verbal expression. Meaningful work, fulfilling relationships, self-esteem, purpose and passion, love, intimacy and sexuality follow. Straight, GLBT and poly-friendly. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups Tues. and Thurs. nights in Newton. Apprenticeship training. Books: Living with Vision, and Healing the War Between the Genders Blog: www.heartspacecafe.com/blog Individual, Couple and Group Psychotherapy Newton, MA www.healingheartpower.com LSMHEART@aol.com 617-965-7846

Eliminate the root of physical, social, and financial problems: Unresolved issues stored in our physical and energy bodies can manifest as pain, illness, or mediocrity. Discover, address, and release issues blocking health and wealth. View obstacles, relationships, and illness as opportunities for growth and change. Experience resonance-changing techniques that get to the root of problems. Open to an array of extraordinary futures. Private Appointments, Phone Sessions & Workshops Middleton, MA ◆ Trish@TrishWhynot.com www.TrishWhynot.com ◆ 978-314-4545

Get More Out of Life!

Glenn Bigonet, MA Mental Health Counselor, Cert. Hypnotherapist

More Love! More Joy!

Compassionate Acceptance

More Satisfaction!

You Deserve It! Counseling Individuals, Couples & Families Conveniently located near the commuter rail in Needham. Just a short drive from Rte. 128/I-95. Initial consultation free Weekly Group and Anger Workshop Offered www.GlennBigonet.com ◆ 617-462-6642

Glenn uses an approach to help you find your way free from the areas of your life in which you feel stuck or unsatisfied. Isn’t it time you start living the life you really want? Glenn utilizes a wide variety of heartcentered therapeutic techniques and at times powerfully combines hypnosis and psychotherapy to safely and effectively assist his clients through many of their issues much faster than with just conventional talk therapy.

Healing and Bodywork America’s Most Experienced

Reiki Teachers

a platform from which John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray have developed and launched several important works, including their Reiki book Hand to Hand, the audio cassette tape “Takata Speaks: Volume 1,” and a CD by John Harvey Gray containing his ground-breaking theory on “Emotionality and the Chakras” and a “Balancing Meditation.” These Reiki products are an invaluable source of information and learning. Anyone Can Easily Learn Reiki

John Harvey Gray ✴ Lourdes Gray, Ph.D. The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing was established by John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray in 1996. John Harvey Gray received his entire Reiki training from Hawayo Takata. He is one of the original 22 Reiki Master Teachers trained by her. He is also the longest-practicing Reiki instructor in the Western Hemisphere. Over the course of thirty years, he has taught over 900 Reiki classes and trained more than 15,000 students. Dr. Lourdes Gray is the sole successor and lineage bearer in The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. Dr. Gray is also the Center’s director. An ancient Eastern healing art, Reiki, (pronounced “ray-key”) is the Japanese word for Universal Life Energy. This energy is all around us and we can channel it. The Reiki process is a simple method of handson healing as developed by Dr. Mikao Usui of Kyoto, Japan. The mission of our Center is to preserve the teachings of Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi and Hawayo Takata, and at the same time, to further expand on those teachings by offering a comprehensive system of training based on John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray’s vast storehouse of knowledge from many years of teaching and practicing the Reiki system of natural healing. The knowledge and experience of both of these teachers has been distilled into a curriculum that provides students with a profound understanding of energy healing techniques and powerful tools for self development. Students are taught how to use Reiki confidently, to treat any condition, chronic or acute, in all living things. Easy to learn and effective meditation practices are presented in order to help accelerate the student’s own spiritual evolution and define his or her own sense of purpose. Over time, The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing has become recognized and acknowledged as a leader in the field of Reiki training and energy healing. In addition to its commitment to excellence in Reiki education, it also serves as

Each workshop of the The John Harvey Gray Center’s highly acclaimed system consists of two full days of learning, handson practice and no cut corners to certify you immediately to work on yourself, others and pets. Reiki First Degree will teach you to: ✴ Quickly and easily develop your natural, intuitive powers. Within minutes, be able to scan and feel a person’s aura and chakras for analysis. ✴ Work on any condition — physical, emotional or spiritual. ✴ Be an effective Reiki healer, confidently bringing comfort and calm to family, friends, clients or pets.

 

Rising Star

HEALING SYSTEM Private Healing Sessions / Practioner Training

The Rising Star Healing System is an ancient and sacred healing modality recently reintroduced to humanity by the Ascended Masters. It is a tremendously effective system that was channeled to Derek O’Neill, who is a Spiritual Master based in Dublin Ireland. This healing system has enormous significence for the planet, with the potential to bring about unity and profound planetary shifts and is for The Lover of Divinity. Through this new Healing System, you will:

✡ Remove misqualified or negative energies from the chakras and seven body systems, allowing your being to clear and heal on all levels, and open to your True Self ✡ Activate your full DNA blueprint ✡ Connect with your highest consciousness

Reiki 2nd Degree Program Belmont, MA: Sept 12-13 Jaffrey, NH: Oct 24-25, Dec 5-6 Reiki 2nd Degree Advanced Program Jaffrey, NH: Sept 26-27 Past Life Regressions Jaffrey, NH: Oct 31 Learn to See Auras Jaffrey, NH: Nov 1

For registration and more information: www.learnreiki.org ✴ 603-899-3288

levels: Soul – Spirit – and Physical

✡ Create unity consciousness and more This healing modality brings a symphony of Pure Love and Pure Light into all levels of your being. It is a vital teaching and healing modality for the ascension of humans on all levels. PRACTITIONER TRAINING This is an extremely powerful Initiation and Training from Source to Source, that calls upon the Fire of Truth to remove all energies from your being that are allied with error and that are not in accordance with your True Self. It raises your vibration tremendously and removes much that may be blocking the attainmant of your full potential. Visit our website for a schedule of upcoming trainings. Rev. Claire Luft, Master Teacher & Healer Heart’s Singing Healing Center Woburn, MA ✡ 781-281-2888 www.heartssingingcom

Stephanie Dumas Lexington Medical Building 16 Clarke Street, Lexington, MA Cleansing for the body, the mind, the spirit


16 Center St, Suite 514, Northampton, MA

Colon Hydrotherapy

healthyspirit@verizon.net 781-860-5116

I’ve offered flower essence therapy internationally for over 16 years. I offer sessions by phone and in my Northampton office. I work with clients on a broad range of issues and develop a flower essence formula specifically for each session. Call me if you want compassionate and powerful support for healing into a more gracious and empowered life. 413-667-8820 ❊ www.foxmountain.net

✴ I-Act Instructor ✴ NBCHT Certified ✴ Over 6 Years Experience ✴ FDA Approved Instrument

Get to know us! John and Lourdes were featured on WMUR-TV N.H. Chronicle. Watch the broadcast at www.learnreiki.org. The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing P.O. Box 696, Rindge, NH 03461 Visa/MC Accepted

all levels

✡ Address the process of ascension on all

I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Owner


Reiki 1st Degree Program (13 CEU’s for nurses taking Reiki I workshop) Jaffrey, NH: Aug 29-30, Oct 10-11, Nov 14-15, Dec 19-20

Masters Eye

✡ Rejuvinate all cells of your body cells on

Experience colon hydrotherapy in a safe, relaxed environment using state-of-the-art FDA registered equipment.

“John Harvey Gray taught me Reiki. I quickly integrated this form of spiritual healing into my practice with wonderful results...” – Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Mother-Daughter Wisdom (Bantam, 2005), The Wisdom of Menopause (Bantam, rev. 2006), and Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, (Bantam, rev. 2006).

✡ Begin to open your Fourth Eye — The

✴ Closed System

JOYA Z. BAYNES Experience Colonic Irrigation in the comfortable surroundings of the Lydian Center for Innovative Medicine, located inside the Professional Building of Sancta Maria Hospital.

Lifetime Health & Consulting 777 Concord Ave, Suite 301, Cambridge, MA

lifetimehealth@colonlove.com www.colonlove.com 617-710-1337 or 617-876-6777

Healing and Bodywork continued www.spiritofchange.org

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 75

Healing and Bodywork continued

E´clectic Physical Therapy™ Ian L. Rubinstein, M.P.T., M.R. Reiki Master, Owner ‘’Ask the body the right questions, listen with gifted skills, and treat with corrective, holistic techniques.” Thousands of clients and years of experience have helped Ian shape his practice in this successful direction. Core issues are addressed, dis-eases are reduced, and global harmony is restored.


Reiki - Master Level Visceral Manipulation F Craniosacral Therapy Chinese Energetic Medicine Somato Emotional Release F and more… TO TREAT:

Headaches/Migraines F Neck and Back Problems F Fibromyalgia F Attention Deficit Disorder F Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Organ Dysfunctions F TMJ Dysfunctions, Colic, Scoliosis and more... Ian has a convenient, Feng Shui sensitive office located on the Marshfield/Pembroke line. For appointments please call his business cell phone: 508-246-4233

Divine Intervention is “Where the Impossible Becomes Possible.”

Divine Intervention Spontaneous Remission Advanced Energetic Hands on Healing from the Mayan Lineage. Miraculous Healing for all issues that require attention.

22-Strand DNA Activation

Rev. Claire Luft is a Master Healer and Master Teacher of Divine Intervention Healing. This healing technique is sacred, powerful, and produces Physical Plane Results. Heart’s Singing Healing Center Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 ◆ www.heartssinging.com

Bring your Divine Blueprint into Physical Plane Manifestation and experience greater empowerment, improved health (mental, emotional physical and spiritual), increased utilization of your brains potential, greater creativity, and increased energy and clarity.

Divinely Touched M A R Y D I S ANO

Utilizing Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection A new form of energy-based healing

Awaken Your Healing Touch


Libby Barnett, MSW Libby is a gifted, knowledgeable Reiki Master with 26 years experience. She is coauthor of Reiki Energy Medicine, Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice – over 55,000 copies sold in seven languages. Use Reiki to create more joy and ease in your life. Let Libby's warm, heart-centered approach help you take your next step toward self-love and inner peace. Reiki brings balance and harmony, supporting you doing the work you were born to do. Reiki facilitates transitions, promotes creativity and wisdom, and accelerates spiritual growth, helping you manifest your magnificence. Libby has taught medical and nursing students at Harvard, Brown, Tufts, and Yale as well as staff at Massachusetts General, Beth Israel, Mt. Auburn, Emerson, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Southern New Hampshire, New York Foundling, and New York Columbia Presbyterian. Libby was featured in a Reiki segment for the PBS nationally televised series, Body and Soul. For the past seven years, Libby has conducted Reiki classes at the University of Maryland School of Social Work and at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. One of Libby's current passions is teaching hospice staff and volunteers.

76 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Fueled by Reiki energy, their healing touch is enhanced, affording greater effectiveness in calming agitation, soothing pain and providing comfort. In class, a powerful slide presentation captures the essence of Reiki. You hear the Reiki story, receive attunements and practice giving and receiving Reiki. You leave class with an illustrated notebook, certificate, and pin, fully trained and certified to do Reiki on yourself, family, friends, colleagues, and pets. "My commitment to teach the Usui System of Reiki Healing in the authentic, traditional manner inspired me to visit Japan to retrace the roots of Reiki. I am dedicated to teaching this sacred healing art to promote health and conscious living on the planet. I invite you to give yourself the gift of Reiki. It is an easy, effective way to love, heal, and empower yourself. I look forward to meeting you and sharing Reiki."

Also, bring forth your greatest talents and abilities, clear many karmic and genetic patterns, hold greater amounts of light in your physical body, and much more. Great for those who feel ready to shift out of those “stuck” areas into tremendous empowerment, improved health on all levels, and living your higher destiny agreements and highest potentials. Rev. Claire Luft Master Teacher/Master Healer Ancient Mystery School Guide & Ritual Master Heart's Singing Healing Center, Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 ❖ www.heartssinging.com

Reconnective Healing heals body, mind and spirit in one session. The Reconnection connects one with their life’s purpose (two sessions). Mary has studied with Dr. Eric Pearl, author of The Reconnection, published by Hayhouse, who reports curing AIDS, cancer, chronic pain, M.S. and even M.D. Results may vary from patient to patient. www.Divinelytouched.com 401-263-8828

Healing: Combined Modalities of all ages... to lighten-up and become selfempowered. Some of our offerings to help you on your journey include:  Yoga, Qigong Classes  Reiki Certification  Monthly Reiki Share Shake Your Soul®  Therapeutic Body Work Corporate Offerings  Other Special Events Our center is constantly evolving. Please check our website for details. Lighten-Up Wellness, located in Mansfield, Massachusetts, is a holistic center reaching out to it’s community. We encourage people

TINA WALSH, RYT, LMT Certified Shake Your Soul® DansKinetics Instructor

www.lighten-upwellness.com 508.261.1444

Boston area Reiki I Classes: Nov. 21 Wilton, NH Reiki I Classes: Oct. 24 or Dec. 5

Mark Levin specializes in: Hypnotherapy ✷ Reiki ✷ Polarity Therapy White Light Healing ✷ Remote Healing

able to create very powerful healing processes for hundreds of satisfied clients both within the physical confines of his office, and remotely throughout the entire world. There are many clinically documented cases of spontaneous healing performed by him. Located at 121 B Tremont Street, Suite 19, Brighton, MA 02135. For those who are unable to come to my office, home or hospital visits are available. Major credit cards accepted.

By combining traditional healing methods such as Reiki, hypnosis, and polarity therapy with his original white light healing therapy, Mark Levin was

For an office appointment or to place a remote healing request, please call: 617-779-8765 or cell: 617-233-3986 www.transcendentalhealing.com

Boston area Reiki II Class Nov. 22 Wilton, NH Reiki II Classes: Oct. 25 or Dec. 6 For info on additional classes, call or check our website: www.reikienergy.com Click on Upcoming Events To register, call the Reiki Healing Connection: 1-888-REIKI-4-U (1-888-734-5448). Visa/MC accepted. Social Work CEU’s and Nursing contact hours available. Reiki Master Training information available on request. E-mail: reiki@reikienergy.com Fax: 603-654-2771; Phone: 603-654-2787 www.reikienergy.com

Devoted to helping you feel better. Energy Healer Reiki Master Certified Hypnotherapist

The Way to Balance,® LLC Center for Advanced Healing and Training AARON & SUE SINGLETON, FOUNDERS

Resolve WHY you are sick, or feel unfulfilled! We combine Medical Intuition, Massage/Integrative Bodywork with many more modalities. ❖

Medical Intuitive Readings that get to the Root Cause of why you are ill, or as a means of prevention.

Visionary Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Sound and Light Therapy, and Hypnotherapy to address issues of anxiety, overwhelm, loss, resentment, and more.

❖ Trauma Release Modalities for bone, mus-

cle, nerve, organ issues. Years of pain gone in just a few sessions, or even just minutes. ❖

The Rings of Oden™ for the release of X-Ray, MRI, chemo, EMF’s, antibiotics, vaccine and other drug residues, environmental pollutants, petroleum, plastics, and more. 21 Water St. Amesbury, MA 01913 www.TheWayToBalance.com 978-834-0341

Energy Balancing Expressive Art Classes ✩ Soul Coaching Meditation Classes Holistic Education for Children & Adults Specializing in supporting families with Intuitive and Energetically Sensitive Children JENNIE SANDBERG, M.ED., RYT 81 Commonwealth Ave., Ste 12, Concord, MA mydivinechild@hotmail.com www.mydivinechild.com ✩ 978-274-5588

HEALING t h r o u g h LOVE Elizabeth A. Gilberg, B.Sc., B.S.W. REIKI MASTER-TEACHER INTUITIVE THERAPIST HOLISTIC HEALER Elizabeth is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher and healer who has dedicated her life to helping others. She combines over 20 years of counseling and teaching experience with extensive studies in Reiki, Hawaiian huna, NLP, psychic channeling, shamanism, hypnosis, past-life regression, crystals, guided meditation and holographic breath healing. Elizabeth’s classes and private consultations are transformational, fun and enlightening! She is a compassionate and gifted


Body Memories and The Art of

Natural Breathing

Discover that your body has it’s own language, never lies, and learn to listen!

Dunja Moeller, Ph.D. is a teacher and master practitioner of Body Memories and The Art of Natural Breathing, with over 15 years experience in facilitating the healing process. As a medical anthropologist, she has studied many modalities and authored a book called Gentle Medicine, which supports holistic ways of healing “big labels” and the associated physical expressions which accompany these “issues in the tissue.” She is experienced in bridg-

Favorite Things Studio

A Place of Art and Soul Elaine is the founder and facilitator of Angel Wings of Light™ Certification Course Level I and II. She is also a Paranormal Investigator, practicing Shaman, Certified Hypnotherapist (specializing in Past Life Regression), Empath, Ordained Minister, and a Reiki Master/Teacher offering private sessions and certifications in all levels.

www.workshopsforabetterlife.com  978-439-9956 

Elaine is also a certified yoga instructor and has been a meditation and psychic development teacher for more than 10 years. To inquire about any of her practices or workshops, please go to her website or call her studio and gallery. Rev. Elaine Read-Cole Angel Therapy Practitioner® with Advanced Training and Medium certified by Doreen Virtue Ph.D.

479 Center Street, Pembroke, MA 02359 781-294-7360 www.favoritethingsstudio.com

Elizabeth’s work will help you to: r Release pain and stress! r Support the body’s natural immune system! r Feel rejuvenated and renewed! r Find and live your passion in life! r Communicate with your spirit guides! For information on ongoing workshops, please call or refer to the previous Classes section in this directory. Private Sessions r Hospital/Hospice Visits Long-Distance Healing r Telephone Readings Workshops and Classes ELIZABETH A. GILBERG

Higher Vision Seminars • 978-594-0166

✲ Improve your physical, mental, and

spiritual health ✲ Works with individuals to develop their


own intuitive skills “As a healer, I work with individuals in a way that consciously promotes a peaceful and healthy planet. Our healing work takes place despite the conflicts that wash over us in our daily lives. By healing ourselves we create changes that have a ripple effect on the world around us.”

Wendy Marks

M.Ed, C.A.S., FAPA ✲ Medical intuitive sessions, energy heal-

ing the world of western medicine with alternate health. Using her intuitive guidance, Dunja encourages us to listen to our bodies, as they are mirrors for our mind and emotions. Body Memories is a powerful hands-on healing modality, which accesses the body’s subtle energy field to allow for easy and dramatic changes on the structural/physical level. It promotes the release of cellular memories (trauma) by letting go of one’s physical, emotional and mental blocks from the past, so health is restored. Through reclaiming our innate way of breathing, The Art of Natural Breathing superoxygenizes every cell and opens up our ability to breathe and heal deeply.

healer who is most appreciated for helping people to IDENTIFY and HEAL the underlying causes of their problems. Only treating underlying causes, as well as symptoms, leads to true and lasting healing.

ing and integrative therapy ✲ 25 years of experience in traditional and

www.wendymarks.com ✲ 781-449-5368 wlm922@wendymarks.com

complementary healthcare

8 Holistic Spiritual Counseling

Holistic Spiritual Healing Services

8 Stress Management 8 Vibration and Sound Healing 8 Cymatron Sound Table


8 Acutonic Tuning Forks


8 Tibetan Bowls


8 Reiki 8 Crystal Healing

Providing Holistic/Spiritual options to help heal and restore balance and well-being into your life

Shrewsbury, MA 8 508-842-8727 www.holistic-spiritual-counseling.com

Magnified Healing, crystal singing bowls, guided meditation, a session can help to restore balance and harmony to body, mind and soul.


Services offered: w Reiki treatment sessions and training for all levels of Reiki and Karuna Reiki

Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki ® Master Interfaith Minister

Betty Solbjor has been practicing and teaching Reiki since 1996. In 2002 she became a Karuna Reiki® Master, a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, and was ordained an interfaith minister. She has extensive experience using Reiki on both people and animals to gently treat many illnesses and emotional problems. Reiki brings about a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace. Combined with


Bach Flower Essence® consultations and creation of custom formulas


Weddings and other ceremonies

Member, International Association of Reiki Professionals and Better Business Bureau,® Serving Eastern Massachusetts. Waltham, MA w betty@reikiflowers.com www.reikiflowers.com 781-258-7712

Healing: Combined Modalities continued www.spiritofchange.org

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 77

Healing: Combined Modalities continued

Higher Balance Healing Center Heart-centered healing and transformational programs for balance and awakening

Judy Christine Copp, M.Ed, RPP, RMT 201 Washington St., Suite 8, Salem, MA judy@ahigherbalance.com www.ahigherbalance.com ❊ 781-639-1236


Michelle McCarthy RMT, Integrated Energy Therapy Master Instructor Recognized as one of the Top IET Master Instructors 3 of the last 4 yrs

Integrated Energy Therapy — A next-

generation hands-on power therapy technique

Terry Porter Medium/Spiritual Healer/ Shamballa Master

Are you searching for answers? Are you in need of closure? Do you feel unfulfilled? Do you feel great loss from a loved one’s passing?  Can you relate to any of these feelings: sadness, loneliness, anger, pain you don't understand?    


Polarity Therapy ❊ Massage ❊ RYSE Rising Star Healing System ❊ Reiki Somatic Emotional Healing All healing sessions include intuitive guidance WORKSHOPS

Usui Reiki Certification (all levels) Energy Awareness Training (RYSE) SoulCollage® ❊ Kriya Meditation (See website for other offerings.) New Book Release (available from website) The Cosmic Power of Healing Energy, by Edemir Rossi and Judy Copp.

that gets the issues out of your tissues once and for all. Become empowered to be ALL you are meant to be!

Cheryl Wright Energy Healer Intuitive Reader Transformational Bodyworker Awakening Touch activates the natural movement and unfoldment of the body and psyche towards its own health and fulfillment. Intuitive Readings provide guidance, information and tools to enhance and support your life.

Contact us to schedule an appointment — for Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy and/or The Amethyst BioMat: 413-737-9443 See our class schedule and Community Healing Events online: www.heart2hearthealing.com

If “yes” is the answer to any of these, then you should speak with Terry. Terry has been a Medium for over 10 years, providing Love, Guidance, Healing and information in helping people find the answers they seek. Mediumship and Spiritual Healing provides all of the above and more. It can help in so many ways!

Sessions in person or by phone Offices in Watertown, MA & Providence, RI Cheryl@AwakeningTouch.com 617-448-8749 ✧ www.AwakeningTouch.com

Health Products

The Amethyst Bio Mat — Relieves pain and soreness, reduces stress, depression and fatigue, stimulates calorie burning and detoxifies!

 Are you curious about the other side of life?

Both guide you towards: enhanced self awareness; physical and emotional wellbeing; release of core cellular memories. Provides insight and healing for: health and disease; relationships; connecting with your source; all aspects of life. My background includes advanced clairvoyant and energy work, body harmony, unlimited body and breath, reiki and psychic healing.

The Colon Cleansing Kit $89.50 REMOVES OLD INTESTINAL DEBRIS

Make the Ordinary – Extraordinary

If colonic irrigation sounds too daunting, there’s a less intrusive way to give your insides a spring-clean. The Colon Cleansing Kit from Blessed Herbs ($89.50) is guaranteed to remove old waste and hardened intestinal debris through an eight-day herbal program. The first three days are a “pre-cleanse” that gets you ready for a five-day liquidonly herbal fast. There are two herbal elements to the cleanse. The first is Digestive Simulator capsules that assure regular bowel movements. The second is Toxin Absorber powder, with psyllium husk, which works by binding to old debris and removing it from your system. You will usually start seeing results by the end of the second day. Purchase the kit directly from Blessed Herbs (a family owned company local to MA) and receive a 10% discount with this promotional code: 4638 800-489-4372 • www.BlessedHerbs.com

Professional Massage Products

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Terry Porter: 440 Washington St., Weymouth, MA 02188 porterTAP@aol.com  781-331-4441 www.TAPSpirit.com

Nutritional Supplements Shaklee-Vivix The Anti-Aging Resveratrol Product CPR Classes and Workshops 500 N. Main Street, Suite A, Randolph, MA


Leontine Hartzell is a trained shamanic practitioner and counselor, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, certified therapeutic energy healer, crystal and sound therapist, plant spirit medicine practitioner, psychic channeler, and legally ordained minister. With the help of her spirit guides,

78 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Leontine uses soul retrieval, removal and healing of energy blocks, chakra balancing, intuitive counseling, guided imagery, and energy healing methods to heal posttraumatic stress and related disorders, depression, chronic pain and illness, anxiety, grief, and addictive behaviors. Past life issues and current life traumas that affect the client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health are healed to allow the client to move into a life of joy and fulfillment. Private Sessions Long-distance Healing r Phone Readings Workshops and Classes Andover, MA r info@eyeofeagle.org www.eyeofeagle.org r 978-475-1268

www.thebodymaintenanceplace.com 781-767-BODY (2639)

Detoxifying Moor Bath The human body is exposed to a multitude of toxins and many are stored in body fat. Pesticides, herbicides, solvents, plastics (phthalates), and heavy metals have nega-

tive effects on your health. These toxins can cause chronic pains, headaches, memory loss and more. Torf detox Moor bath is one of the least invasive ways to detoxify. Torf Moor binds with toxins and helps to remove them from the body. Easily performed in the privacy of your home. To learn more, please visit our website and click on Detox Bath, or call 1-877-811-1008. Torf Spa, LLC, CT www.torfspa.com ✧ 877-811-1008

Change Your Menu, Change Your Life!

Learn how superfoods and nutritional cleansing can help save you money, make you money, and help you feel tremendous! Trim the fat from the unwanted places and make sure your wallet stays plump! DEBORAH YAFFEE Certified Nutritionist and Cleanse Coach deb@riversidehealing.com 413-625-2800

Herbs and Gardens

Nutrition Advanced Nutrition

Dr. Richard E. Picard Chiropractor, Nutritional Consultant

Dr. Picard specializes in developing individualized nutritional programs based on clinical findings and patient profile. Dr. Picard’s approach towards nutrition is both scientific and holistic, balancing the needs of the body through wholesome nutrients. 342 Atwood Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920 www.drrichardpicard.com 401-942-6967

All Reiki Charged for Your Good Health Crystals i Herkimer Diamonds i Gemstones Reiki i Usui/Karuna Healing and Classes Pet Reiki/Therapy Healings and Remedies for All Animals Chinese Ear Coning i Ionic Footbath Detox Parasite Zapper Detox


Crystal Chakra Balancing Intuitive Reiki Healing with a Reading


Monthly Series (3rd Saturday of each month)

Sivvie Lio, Pharmacist 518 Main Street, West Rutland, VT

Enjoy our live chat room, listen to music, read from our library and share some herbal tea.

Over 30 Herbal Medicines Teas i Capsules i Tinctures

info@vermontherbal.com i 802-438-2766 Shop online: www.vermontherbal.com


s tie

sibili t n

An Herb and Aromatherapy Shop Common and unique herbs for your herb garden. Scentsibilities also carries herbal products including herbal teas,

books, potpourri, candles, incense and skin care products. Dried herbs are available for making your own herbal teas. We carry a full line of essential oils, oil diffusers and related aromatherapy products including carrier oils and colored bottles for your mixes. Workshops are offered at the shop in herb garden design and planning, herbal topics and aromatherapy. We are glad to fill special requests. Sign up for the monthly email newsletter by emailing us at Linda@scentsibilities.com and receive updates on products and workshops. 750 Main Street, Boylston, MA 01505 508-869-3300 a www.scentsibilities.com

Gifted Psychic, Medium and Channel A renown intuitive advisor for the past 24 years, Emma is a gifted psychic, medium, and channel and has worked for the corporate sector with a highlight including helping an oil tycoon land a multi-million oil deal! Tarot (and other cards), numerology, Runes, the I Ching, crystals, palmistry,

Diane Lewis Psychic, Spiritual Healer & Medium

Today, tomorrow and always, may spirit guide you.

scrying, and tea leaves can be used to help you gain a better understanding of yourself and the world. Get help with relationships, family problems, fertility advice, finding a job, investment strategy, and just about anything! Psychic Readings at Emma’s in Quincy, MA: 15 min = $25 * 30 min = $35 * 1 hr = $65 Phone Readings available at $1.99 per min. Friend Emma on FaceBook! To schedule an appointment, or for directions, call or visit Emma online. EmmaPhaneuf.com v 617-769-9933

The universe speaks to us. Our guides speak to us. It’s up to us to listen. Readings are by appointment only. www.dianelewis.us.com Click on readings for more information. 617.645.6415

Holistic Medical and Dental

Need insight and clarity?

A soul reading can help! By speaking directly to your guides, we will examine your life from a spiritual perspective to discover your life’s purpose and resolve issues about relationships, health, finances and career. Lisa Campion also teaches Psychic Development and Reiki Classes. Offices located at Solstice Healing Arts Center, Medway MA.

Are you in the middle of a change, crisis or transformation?

lisa@nexushealing.com www.nexushealing.com c 508-473-0609

Psychic Readings

Clara A. Lennox, MD Herbalist r Holistic Medicine Board certified since 2004 Family Medicine Board certified since 1984 35 Green Street, Melrose, MA 02176 DrClara@LavenderDoc.com www.LavenderDoc.com r 781-665-0101

Soul Readings Energy Healing LISA CAMPION

Readings continued www.spiritofchange.org

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 79

Readings continued

The Angel Consultant I am a mystic and spiritual life healing coach and I would like to introduce you to your XII Angelic Wheels. I am honored to know the ancient Chaldean reading of the Twelve Houses of the Angelic Wheel. A Chaldean Star and Planet Reading will reveal your leadership angels. They are your personal life guides. Also offering: ✳ Spiritual Healer and Mystic with Precious and Semiprecious Stone Knowledge

✳ Angelic Petitions: Spiritually formulated requests for action ✳ House and Land Clearings: Removal of spirit residue, hauntings and energy blocks ✳ Mystical Runes Reading: Your private walk within the divine realm ✳ Angelic Astrology: Learn who resides in your 12 Houses of the Angelic Wheel ✳ Guide Connection: My personal friend and associate Analia was born in the sacred Black Hills. She possesses powerful and unique abilities, in particular your connection to your guides, including their names.

Michelle Pelletier Psychic Reader Find your Answers in a Reading

My task is to listen to your spirit and share my knowledge. I appreciate seeing your soul attain its goals. As Healer in Residence at Chatham Bars Inn, I offered guests luxury healing packages, readings, intuitive bodywork and spiritual classes.

Visit my website for more enlightenment: www.AngelWingsConsulting.net For an appointment, contact Diane, The Angel Consultant taraquiel@gmail.com ✳ 339-221-4383

Readings are our Specialty


Rev. Barbara E. Szafranski

395 Washington Street, Braintree, MA Private Readings Tarot, Psychic or Mediumship 7 days a week, telephone readings or walk-ins Store open daily, 9 AM-10 PM

Open Doors

www.OpenDoors7.com ◆ 781-843-8224

Yoga Studios now in Weymouth, Hanover, Easton, East Bridgewater, Canton, North Attleboro, Westwood & Braintree

Be gentle with yourself in this time of transformation. Topics Relationship ✴ Life Path ✴ Finances Career ✴ Next Step ✴ Wellness Past Life ✴ Your Power 16 years experience Readings are taped in person or on the phone. www.michellepelletier.org ✴ 707-849-7793

~ Sessions for Groups and Individuals ~

With the Love of Angels

Largest New Age Store in New England and Power Yoga Studios

I trained at a mystery school in Northern California and am a licensed Minister.


Hot Power Yoga ~ All Levels Power Yoga Teacher Training

Spiritual Counseling  Trance Channeling Mediumship  Psychic Readings Telephone Readings  Tarot Readings Aura Photos: Face and Chakra Body Astrological Charts  Angelic Healings Reiki  Polarity and Energy Work angelicaofsalem@aol.com www.angelicaoftheangels.com

Angelica and Angels Landing offer a wide variety of both metaphysical and new age gifts. Browse around, enjoy the softness of the Angelic energy. Feel the magic that Angelica of the Angels and Angels Landing will bring to you. We have a knowledgeable staff to answer any and all questions. We also offer: classes, workshops, lectures, parties, weddings and healings. A reader is on hand at all times. By appointment: Rev. Barbara E. Szafranski Classes Ongoing Weekly: Meditation & Focus on Psychic Development Open Monday through Sunday Angelica of the Angels 7 Central St., Salem, MA  978-745-9355 Angels Landing 131-1 Essex St., Salem, MA  978-744-0170

200 Hours Nationally Registered www.OpenDoors7.com ◆ 781-335-3090 LOW RATES! WISE PSYCHIC READINGS


~ Nancy Johansen,



Nancy Christie Johansen is a psychic intuitive medium and certified ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER® having studied under Doreen Virtue and James Van Praagh in California. Among her credentials, Nancy is also a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Shamballa Master and Usui Reiki Master. In addition to her own business, Angeltouche, she is currently working as a Registered Nurse and works in a busy emergency room.



Telephone & In-Person / Groups & Individuals CD or Tape of Reading / Credit Cards & Cash www.GayleKirk.com ❖ 617-489-7717

Private sessions in person or distance by phone or e-mail Angel Readings ✳ Reiki ✳ Mediumship Hypnotherapy ✳ Past Life Regression Ongoing Classes & Workshops


Intuitive Guidance for Your Life

Internationally known for her work with people via phone, in person, and radio, Jocelyn has been helping and guiding others for over 24 yrs. Known for her ability to “cut to the quick” Jocelyn gives you information you can use for all aspects of your life.

80 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Nancy@Angeltouche.com North Attleboro, MA www.Angeltouche.com ✳ 508-577-4552

If you are ready to take a journey into yourself and hear your story with fresh ears, you will come out with options, tools, and choices you may not have seen on your own.

Retreats and Workshops The Gathering Inn at Daydream Farm

All sessions are recorded on audio cassette. ~ $25 off your first session. ~

A Women’s Spiritual Center and Retreat House

For more information, call or email Jocelyn, Intuitive Consultant jocelynintuitive@hotmail.com 978-694-8946

Ongoing weekly classes, circles and gatherings Individual & Group Retreats View the full schedule online

A place to step out of the busyness and distractions of the world, to be in quiet and stillness, to be a bit pampered and to reconnect to your spiritual center. As a non-denominational retreat house, we offer rest and renewal through transformative programs that teach, nurture and expand upon women’s spiritual journeys. 82 Healdville Road, Hubbardston, MA www.gatheringinn.org ❇ 978-820-1139

Spiritual Practices

Unity is positive, practical Christianity. We teach the effective daily application of the principles of Truth taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ. We promote a way of life that leads to health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind.

The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism embraces a religious and spiritual belief blending ancient wisdom with contemporary thought. Conveniently located off Watertown Square at the Masonic Center, 32 Church St, services are held at 10:30 AM every Sunday, with mediumship, live music, inspirational talks, and healing by the laying on of hands.

Unity Church of God A healing, prospering center of loving service, we teach humankind the eternal principles exemplified by Jesus Christ. We worship at 11 AM Sundays, pray in the Miracle Circle 7 PM Wednesdays, and offer various classes during the week. All are welcome! Unity Church of God is affiliated with

We invite you to our Sunday morning services at 10 AM held amidst the beauty and prosperity consciousness of an historic mansion in downtown Worcester. Come enjoy encouraging messages, heartfelt music and warm fellowship. All are welcome here. Sunday Service: 10 AM Child care available from 9:30-11:30 AM

Ann Bissanti

Worcester Yoga Center HathaYoga begins with refining the physical body but does not stop there. The exercises involve slow precise stretching, strengthening, and breathing techniques,

21 Cedar Street, Worcester, MA www.unityofcentralma.org ★ 508-755-6830 ★

As an evolving spiritual community, The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism offers weekday evening classes in mediumship, healing and meditation; Medium’s Day the 4th Saturday of every month; plus seminars and workshops throughout the year. For a detailed brochure, a listing of upcoming events, or to speak with the Pastor call 617-923-4334, or visit our website at: www.GreaterBostonChurchofSpiritualism. com. An affiliate of the American Federation of Spiritualist Churches and the International Spiritualist Federation.

Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation The oldest Tai Chi school in New England, the Gin Soon Tai Chi Club was founded in 1969, authorized by Grandmaster Yang Sau Chung to propagate Classical Yang Family Style Tai Chi Chuan in North

Unity School of Christianity and Silent Unity, publisher of the Daily Word. The Unity Bookstore Connection is open following Sunday services and sells a variety of new thought and metaphysical media as well as art, jewelry, and decorative items. Call 617-964-3441 for an appointment. 6 William St, Somerville, MA 02144 3 blocks up College Ave from Davis Sq. Red Line T Stop unitychurchofgod@yahoo.com www.unitygreaterboston.org ● 617-623-1212

Alan Krentzel, MBA Certified Instructor Learn tools to help your innate body wisdom to heal yourself

Studios located in Shrewsbury and Sutton. Call for more information.

Tai Chi Arts Association

Private Qigong Healing Sessions


15 East Plain Street, Wayland, MA www.WaylandWellness.com ❖ 617-513-0791

508-842-1236 www.tai-chi-arts.com

Our staff has been teaching the secrets of Kung Fu and Tai Chi for over 20 years. Located on a three acre wooded lot, offering a peaceful atmosphere, the institute was founded in 1989 to promote the traditional Chinese Martial Art of Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu and Chen style Taijiquan (Tai Chi).

Tai Chi and Qigong are ancient disciplines practiced today for numerous health benefits: * reducing stress and anxiety * enhancing the immune system * preventing/easing osteoporosis & arthritis * promoting balance, flexibility, and strength * managing ADD/ADHD and mental focus Weekly Tai Chi and Qigong classes in Wayland, Newton, and Metrowest Boston

America. Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, founder, received a deep and well-rounded training from Master Lai Hok Soon in Hong Kong and then as a disciple of Yang Sau Chung, first-born and heir of the legendary Yang Cheng Fu. The school has attracted many students from around the world with its traditional approach to training: individual attention, emphasis on correct forms, personal development, repetition, mutual respect, hard work, and integration of body, mind, and qi. All instruction is by Grandmaster Chu and his sons Master Vincent Chu and Gordon Chu. Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation 33 Harrison Ave., 2nd fl, Boston, MA 02111 617-542-4442 • www.gstaichi.org

Improve your Health Relieve Sress Improve your Circulations Exercise your Mind and your Body

Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness Tai Chi & Qigong

which not only tone the muscles but affect internal organs, nerves, skin, and virtually all body systems, making yoga a superior wholistic method for physical fitness and preventive and corrective health care. Certified teacher Ann Bissanti, trained in India by B.KS. Iyengar, has studied yoga and meditation for the past 25 years. She has taught yoga at Leonard Morse Hospital in Natick, at various fitness centers and adult education programs, and privately. For more information call: Worcester Yoga Center, 508-829-6300.

✧ Separate Teen & Adult Classes ✧ ✧ Children’s Martial Art Programs ✧ ✧ Morning, Evening & Weekend Classes ✧ Traditional Martial Arts for the Mind - Body - Spirit ✧ Practical Self Defense for the Street


322 Millbury Ave, Millbury, MA stabor888@aol.com ✧ 508-752-3534 www.mantistaichi.com

FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 81



Holistic Specialties Acupuncture

Colon Hydrotherapy (cont.)

Joyce Nemser, Lic. Ac. Acupuncture, Ear Coning,

Lifetime Health. Cambridge, MA. www.colonlove.com.

balancewithacupuncture.com, 617-510-0559.

Angels Ross J. Miller, Psychic. Meet your angels and spirit guides.

Visit www.The MysticWay.com. 617-527-3583

Animal Services Sharon R. Doolittle, DVM, Inc-Holistic. Smithfield, RI.

401-349-2668. www.holisticanimalvet.com

Lisa Hansen. Divinely guided. Intuitive & gentle. Hudson,

MA. 774-249-8208. HudsonNaturalHealth.com.

Constance Jones, 30 years exp. Glastonbury Naturopathic

Center. (860) 287-4558. www.cleanmycolon.com.

A Non-intrusive Herbal Colon Cleansing Kit. 800-489-4372.


Counseling & Therapy

Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton (MASH). Dr. Margo

Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D. Helping with anxiety and relation-


Craniosacral Therapy

Certified Astrologer: Carol Bellis B.S., 508-728-4680.

Lelia Joseph, Ed.D., RCST. Craniosacral/Polarity. Fluid biody-

Breema Bodywork

Feng Shui

Breema Bodywork supports being present in our daily lives.

Home & Business. A blend of the best of Feng Shui tradi-

Roman. (508) 435-4077. www.mashvet.com.

Sandwich, MA. www.carolbellis.com.


Certification Programs Hypnotherapy, Reiki, IET, & Crystal Healing.

www.capecodcenterforwholehealth.com. 508-539-2885.

Coaching Explore The Energy of Money with Financial Coach, Jayn

Krasco Stillson. 781-665-0895. www.Jaynyk.com.

Sallie Felton, Life Coach/Transition Specialist.

(978) 626-0090. www.salliefeltonlifecoach.com. Triad Wellness速. For mind-body-spirit. Medway, MA.

Genevieve Kohn. triadwellness.net.

Colon Hydrotherapy Colonic Institute of West Hartford, CT. I-ACT cert.

www.colonics4life.com 860-521-8831.

ships. Worc: 508-799-0407 or Putnam: 860-928-6619.

namic style. 508-460-7038. 802-453-7088.

tions. LynnTaylor@bostonfengshui.com 617-924-4205.

NE School of Feng Shui. Seminars. On site & phone consults.

www.newenglandfengshui.com. (203)266-4211.

Fitness and Wellness Coaching WellSpree, LLC. Fitness & Wellness. Achieve healthy living.

781-724-0098. www.wellspree.com.

Ghosts Removed From Your Home/Aura. Ross J. Miller, psychic medium,

healer. Call 617-527-3583. www.The MysticWay.com

Healing Multi-talented, intuitive therapist. Aquantumhealing.com.

Mary Morrin, LMT, RYT. 508-792-2222.

Healing Centers

Genesis Alternative Health. 26 yrs. exp. I-ACT certified

Forest Circles, retreats, programs in a magical Maine

Health Wise Nancy VanLaarhoven R.N. I-ACT cert.

Groton Wellness. Dental Spa. Medical Center. Bistro.

Instructor. NBCHT. (978) 463-8800.

Detox footbath. Lakeville. 508-947-1181.

Healthy Spirit. Stephanie Dumas. I-ACT Cert.

781-860-5116. healthyspirit@verizon.net

82 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

I-ACT/NBCHT certified. (617) 710-1377.

forest. www.forestcircles.com

www.GrotonWellness.com. 978-449-9919.



Family Herbalist, Achieve wellness. For consultations call

Donna Connor, CRT, LMT, Reflexology + Massage. Easton



Ilse Garriss, British Inst. of Homeopathy. Clinical Hypnotist.

Lighten Up! Energy treatments. Hyannis, MA. Member

Kim Almonla, Cert. (508) 769-3682.

(781) 294-0384. totalhealthforme.com.

781-341-1976. Member AHHA.

ABMP. Joyce Cassidy. 954-298-4848.

Essence of Healing. Reiki sessions & trainings.


Essencehealing.net 508-843-1638

A&R Landscaping. Free estimates! Child, pet & Earth

friendly. Call Ron at (508) 868-9246.

Schworer & Co Landscapes. A truly artistic process with an

intuitive approach. www.schworer.com.

The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing.

603-899-3288. www.learnreiki.org. Reiki training. Libby Barnett, MSW, Reiki Master. Reiki classes

1-888-REIKI-4-U. www.reikienergy.com

MyLittleShangri-La.com. Reiki and copywriting services.

Karma Release

Boston & CapeCod. (508) 444-6454.

Heal 80% Of Your Karma in 2 hours. Ross J. Miller, psychic

healer. 617-527-3583. www.The MysticWay.com

Retreats & Retreat Centers Brahma Kumaris Peace Village Retreat Ctr., Haines Falls, NY.

Medical Intuitive

518-589-5000. www.peacevillage.com

Sue Singleton. Finds root cause of pain & illness, helps you

heal. 978-834-0341. TheWayToBalance.com

Naturopathic Consultant Carl Ferreira ND, CNHP, AMP. Fall River, MA. 508-679-4199.


Nutritional Counseling Beth Colon, MS, HHP. Holistic nutritional therapy.

978-340-0448. www.bccnutrition.com.

Michelle Olsen-Petty RN,CCN. Nutrition and lifestyle

consults. Sudbury, MA. (978) 760-0342.

Past Life Therapy Ross J. Miller. Relive past lives and release blocked energy.

617-527-3583. www.The MysticWay.com

Tara Mezei, Ph.D. Free yourself from past lives that affect

you in the present. 508-529-6626.

Personal Life Coach Amy L. Burns, Empowerment Coach. 617-312-9268


Change! Awareness Meditation Retreats in Leyden, MA.

www.SpiritFire.com. (413) 624-3955.

The Peace Abbey. Sherborn, MA. A multi-faith retreat & con-

ference center. www.peaceabbey.org.

Shamanism Shaman Rites. Shamanic healing and training. Maryann

Shadem. www.shamanrites.com. 508-331-4570.

Spiritual Coaching Soul Coaching, Astrology and Tarot. Carol Bellis.

www.CarolBellis.com. 508-728-4680. Barnstable, MA.

Weight Management Deborah Yaffee, CN. Change your menu, change your life!

(413) 625-2800. www.cleanseforsuccess.com.

Yoga Bikram – Yoga For You. W. Roxbury. Established 1995.

(617) 325-3244. www.bikramyogaforyou.com.

Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti Qutab, C.Y.T.

26 years experience. 508-829-6300

www.YogaFamily.com. The largest online yoga

Polarity Therapy

directory that is absolutely free.

Wellness Works Yoga, Fern Lee, Worcester. 508-798-7836.

www.WWYoga.com. Est. 1992.

Include your business in the Holistic Specialties Directory Next ad deadline: November 2 • Call Michella for details: (508) 278-9640 or email your listing and category choice to: advertise@spiritofchange.org


FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 83




See your Aura/Chakras Live on screen! Includes 2 large color photos and 20-page analysis. Private Aura & Reiki sessions by appointment. Reiki classes, all levels. Full Circle Aura. (617) 620-0888. www.FullCircleAura.com.

Clutter? Furniture fatigue? Is your living space stopping you from living? Or is it your work space that’s not working? Feng Shui can deliver you from chaos and clutter and create comfort in your environment. Contact lynntaylor@bostonfengshui.com


Graphic design

Acupuncture Practice for Sale. Located in Quincy Center, next to T station. Beautiful condo, 438 square feet, 2 treatment rooms. Lots of visibility. Excellent reputation since 1982. d.karp@verizon.net. (617) 471-5577.


Established yoga business located. in downtown New Milford, CT in a beautiful second floor studio. Hardwood floor, brick walls, and lots of natural light! Retail space in studio offers clothes, candles, incense, more. Loyal clientele and excellent certified teachers. Owners are highly motivated to sell and willing to help with a transition period. Down payment and financial arrangements for sale are negotiable. Lots of possibilities for growth! Contact info@harmonyyogadance.com.

The Forgiveness Process can Mind-body approach ease physical and mental suffering and create spiritual growth. Elisa Pearmain, LMHC guides individuals and groups using narrative therapy, mindfulness skills, EFT, and more to relieve anxiety, depression and grief, and to cultivate kindness, freedom and joy. (978) 369-1113 x143. www.wisdomtales.com/healing. Concord, MA.


Holistic Counseling. Mind-body approach for healing and discovery. Personal/spiritual growth based on mindfulness and self-compassion, to increase our connection to ourselves and to others. Counseling for Pet Loss also available. (978) 745-8311. www.nataliefemino.com.

A one time pre-launch opportunity to join a network with excellent wellness products. Contact Linda, A Creative Insight at (781) 599-8275.

Wanted: Network marketing professionals and visionaries. Take your network marketing dream to the next level. Revolutionary company is redefining the industry. (413) 625-2800.

DEPRESSION SUPPORT 44 year old female looking for other females going through depression to communicate with and to exchange mutual ongoing support. Send email to harmony445@gmail.com. 84 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009

Polarity Therapy healing using polarized energy. Call Brian for appointment. (781) 244-0871. bdpolarity@hotmail.com

HYPNOTHERAPY Vermont Hypnotherapy. Serving the Woodstock area. Ericksonian, NLP, Time Line, specializing in weight loss, smoking, sleep and chronic disorders. Contact Robert Giguere: (802) 234-9005. VtHypnotherapy@gmail.com.META. www.umsonline.org


HEALING Shamanic Healing offering soul retrieval, energy clearings and intuitive counseling in Barnard, VT. Also providing long-distance healing. Camille Poisson (802) 234-9416. CamilleLPoisson@gmail.com. Counseling Hypnosis with an intuitive touch. Call Linda (781) 599-8275. Over 25 years experience. Indala’s Guidance Cards now available. acreativeinsight@hotmail.com

CRYSTALS CrystalConcentrics.net. Serious crystal energy-worker offers consultations, appraisals, sales, sessions, meditation & instruction. Call (617) 771-5119 or email KRucialArts@gmail.com.


Man with acquired disabilities who enjoys photography and mastering new challenges seeks network support, friendship and communication from others with acquired disabilities. Contact Sebouh Kan0085@aol.com

ONLINE RESOURCES AlternativesForHealing.com a national holistic directory. Find practitioners, products, books, CDs, stores, magazines, schools, expos and seminars.

READINGS Intuitive Readings by Marilyn. Listen to the wisdom of the Universe. Receive guidance from your spirit/ angelic guides. Readings over the phone. Call for an appointment. (508) 561-5459.


Complete Healing Healing with the power of the mind to a body that wants to be healed.

University Of Metaphysical Sciences. Bachelors, Masters, D.D., Ph.D. Degrees. Distance learning, Internet downloads, Postal mail. Home/study, Low tuition, $50-60/month payment plans. Free course catalog. www.umsonline.org. 1-800-598-META.

Frank St. Martin Commissioned  Healer, Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist

Miracles Do Happen! I  Believe I Can Help You!

Taunton, MA


(508) 822-9000

Enjoy the foliage to come...


Classifieds SKIN CARE


Volunteers Needed: Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Music, Pet Therapy & More

Care Alternative is recruiting volunteers to work with terminally ill patients and their families throughout Massachusetts. Volunteers receive training and continuing education related to hospice and the support of the Hospice staff.

For information about classes and volunteer opportunities, please call Lindsay at 508-887-0220.

SPACE AVAILABLE The Arlington Center has beautiful class, workshop and therapy space available. chip@arlingtoncenter.org (781) 316-0282.

The Integrative Health Group (the Springfield area’s only integrative practice) has available space at its modern facility adjacent to Better Life Whole Foods a major source of referrals. joebonavita@verizon.net. See www.betterlifewholefoods.com

Now Available! 2009

Alternative Health Guide for New England

WILD DOLPHIN SWIMS Swimming with wild dolphins is the ultimate human-dolphin connection. Meditative, healing Caribbean Island retreats. Yoga, healthy food, Atlantean legends. Visit us online at www.wildquest.com. 1-800-326-1618.

Bonus Money Saving Coupon Pages Online


VOLUNTEER 2009 Natural Living Expo. Volunteer for a 3 hour shift at the expo, September 26 or 27 in Sturbridge, MA. Earn free expo admission, an event t-shirt and meet like minded individuals. For event details see the back cover of this issue. Email michella@spiritofchange for details.


Hundreds of Listings


Display Classified

1. Choose your category. 2. Send us your camera ready PDF file or we will design your ad for a fee. 3. Rates and Sizes (All ads are 2.25” wide.) 1 inch high $80 | 2 inches high $120 | 3 inches high $160

nn Fall deadline is November 2, 2009

Standard Classified

• $1.50 per word, $35 minimum • Add a box around your ad for $10. • Word Count: 10-digit phone number is one word. E-mail and website addresses are two words each. All other words, initials, dates or numbers separated by a hyphen, slash or space count as one word each.

Mail, email or fax your listing to the address below. All listings must be prepaid, Check, MC, VISA and Discover accepted. Send to Spirit of Change, PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569. Fax to 508-278-9641 or email to advertise@spiritofchange.org. Questions? Call 508-278-9640.


Pick up a copy today or browse online now:


Support Local Business FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 85

Fall 2009 �


A Balanced Way.......................................... 74 Acupuncture of Worcester.......................... 67 Acusage Academy...................................... 69 Adidam of New England.............................. 54 Advanced Allergy Center of New England.29 Advanced Cell Training............................... 15 All Seasons Retreat Center........................ 38 All That Matters........................................... 15 Allston Physical Medicine Center............... 44 An Apple A Day Acupuncture..................... 67 The Angel Consultant................................. 80 Angelica of the Angels................................ 80 Aquarius Sanctuary..................................... 56 Denise Archambault.................................... 48 Archway Events................ 10, 11, Back Cover Arlington Center.......................................... 39 Nancy Slonim Aronie................................... 26 Arvigo Massage.......................................... 43 ASK Design................................................. 84 �


Susan Barbera............................................. 26 Libby Barnett............................................... 76 Barnstable Friends Meeting........................ 36 Kathrin Woodlyn Bateman.......................... 75 BC Essentials.............................................. 38 Deborah Beauvais....................................... 87 Bedford Hypnosis Center............................ 55 Carol Bellis................................................... 68 Bench Shop, The......................................... 14 Patricia Bertucci.......................................... 48 Glenn Bigonet.............................................. 74 Blessed Herbs.......................................52, 78 Body Alive.................................................... 80 Body Maintenance Place, The.................... 78 Boston School of Herbal Studies, The....... 70 Breathe Joy Yoga........................................ 32 Breema Center, The.................................... 21 Robert Brown............................................... 14 �


Nancy Canning............................................ 54 Canton Spiritualist Church.......................... 48 Care Alternatives Hospice.......................... 85 Shawna V. Carboni.................................31, 74 Center for Yoga............................................ 49 ChildLight Yoga........................................... 84 CHIME......................................................... 71 Jonathan Chisholm..................................... 49 Clarity........................................................... 48 Catherine Comuzzi...................................... 57 Constellation Approach......................... 29, 71 Judy Christine Copp.................................... 78 Core Integration Training Inst..................... 13 Cortiva Institute............................................. 2 Joseph Crane.............................................. 68 CT Institute for Herbal Studies.................... 69 �


Deanna’s Animal Communication.............. 67 Developmental Alphabiotics..................... 4, 5 Divinations by Donna.................................. 25 Divinely Touched................................... 15, 76 Sharon Doolittle........................................... 15 Down to Earth.............................................. 25

86 Spirit of Change | FALL 2009



Enchanted Fox............................................ 41 �


Favorite Things Studio................................ 77 Devorah Feinbloom..................................... 16 Sallie Felton................................................. 51 Stephen-Wolf Foster................................... 72 Fourwinds Society, The.............................. 27 Franklin Yoga Center................................... 17 Fresh Image Graphics................................. 30 �


Barbara Gangemi........................................ 73 Nicki Garner................................................. 19 Gathering Inn, The...................................... 80 Arthur Gertler............................................... 40 Getting the Love You Want......................... 57 Elizabeth Gilberg...................................70, 77 Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation........... 81 Good 4 You Tea........................................... 30 The Grateful Heart....................................... 15 John Harvey & Lourdes Gray...................... 75 Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism....... 81 Groton Dental Wellness Spa....................... 23 Christopher Gruener................................... 73 �


Nancy Harris................................................ 73 Leontine Hartzell......................................... 78 Hay House, Inc........................................ 7, 22 Healing from the Body Level Up. Inc.......................... 21, 35, 72 Healthcare Complete PC............................ 71 Healthy Spirit............................................... 75 Heart to Heart Healing Connection, The.... 78 Holotropic Breathwork................................. 50 Joan Holzman.............................................. 72 Hudson Art & Framing................................. 27 Humanity in Unity.......................................... 3 �


Idea’s Inc...................................................... 84 Inner Traditions............................................ 51 Institute of Healing Arts & Sciences, LLC.. 70 It’s My Health............................................... 15 �


Jocelyn......................................................... 80 Nancy Johansen.......................................... 80 Barbara Madden Johnson.......................... 74 �


Sharon Kane................................................ 44 Gayle Kirk.................................................... 80 Alan Krentzel............................................... 81 Kripalu Institute............................................ 33 �


Dr. Jennifer Lees......................................... 71 Clara Lennox............................................... 79 Mark Levin................................................... 76 Diane Lewis................................................. 79 Lifetime Health & Consulting...................... 75 Lighten Up Wellness................................... 76 Eric Linter..................................................... 68

The Living Earth.......................................... 18 Lowell General Hospital.............................. 43 Claire Luft.............................................. 75, 76 Johanna Lyman........................................... 71 �


Judith Mabel................................................ 40 Mary Jo Maichack....................................... 87 Marcia’s Sweet Pantry................................. 45 Mantis Kung Fu Centers............................. 81 Market Street Health................................... 43 Linda Marks........................................... 50, 74 Wendy Marks............................................... 77 MASH........................................................... 67 MA Society of Bioenergetic Analysis.......... 74 Mass Yoga Network.................................... 85 Massage School, The................................. 87 Gary McKinstry............................................ 36 Melrose Therapeutic Holistic Ctr................ 69 George Mephis............................................ 73 Ross Miller.......................................18, 39, 56 Lori Miller-Freitas......................................... 72 Dunya Moeller............................................. 77 Vicki Monroe................................................ 51 My Little Shangri-la..................................... 31 Mystical Horizons........................................ 57 �


Net Atlantic, Inc........................................... 14 New England Clinical Thermography......... 37 New England Coaching.............................. 12 New England Inst. of Reflexology............... 70 Newton Dental Wellness............................. 37 Nexus Healing............................................. 79 No Place Like Om, llc.................................. 38 Northboro Chiropractic................................ 56 �


Omega Institute............................................. 9 Open Doors................................................. 80 �


Dennis Pearne............................................. 31 Emma Phaneuf............................................ 79 Pia’s Positive Vibrations.............................. 47 Richard Picard............................................. 79 Karen Piedra................................................ 36 Monique Pommier....................................... 68 Judith Poole................................................. 24 Terry Porter.................................................. 78 Judith Prebluda........................................... 74 Present Moment Coaching......................... 38 Providence Zen Center............................... 15 Pyramid Books............................................ 47 �


Larry Quemere............................................ 53 �


Rainbow-Works........................................... 38 Raising Grace Coaching............................. 72 Revitalive Health & Wellness...................... 32 Rhys Thomas Healer Training.............. 17, 69 Walter Rice.................................................. 77 Rising Sun Acupuncture............................. 49 Riverside Healing Arts..........................30, 79 Ian Rubinstein.............................................. 76


Sacred Song Reiki....................................... 18 Salve Regina University.............................. 13 San Francisco Herb & Natural Food Co..... 45 Jennie Sandberg......................................... 77 Scentsibilities............................................... 79 Schworer & Company Landscaping, Inc.... 23 Science of Spirituality.................................. 45 Second Look Books.................................... 54 Janet Sedgwick........................................... 72 Andrea Seiver.............................................. 72 Serenity Matters.................................... 37, 55 Shaman’s Dream......................................... 28 Shaman’s Heart Healing & Hypnosis......... 39 Silver Hawk.................................................. 41 Silver Willow................................................ 68 Miriam Smith................................................ 56 Soap Factory, The....................................... 84 Betty Solbjor................................................ 77 Solstice Healing Arts................................... 69 Some Enchanted Evening.......................... 47 Spa Tech...................................................... 70 Fran Spayne................................................ 24 Frank St. Martin........................................... 84 The Synthesis Center.................................... 9 �


Tai Chi Arts Associates............................... 81 Lynn Taylor.................................................. 39 Tibetan Science of Healing......................... 67 Torf Spa, LLC............................................... 78 Touchstone School...................................... 71 TrueNorth Business Consulting.................. 68 �


Unity Church of Central MA........................ 81 Unity Church of God.................................... 81 Urban Eden.................................................. 15 �


Ann Valiante................................................. 55 Nancy VanLaarhoven.................................. 48 VT Herbal General Store............................ 79 �


Waggy Tail Organics................................... 41 Gordon Waite................................... 16, 24, 52 Way to Balance, The.............................69, 77 Kristin Webb/Florence Whipple.................. 19 Wellness Roundtable, The............................ 9 Westborough Yoga...................................... 16 Melissa White.............................................. 23 Whole Foods............................................... 15 (W)hole Point Institute, The..................44, 70 Trish Whynot................................................ 74 Janet Wing................................................... 73 Winchester Hospital.................................... 71 Woman of Wisdom...................................... 68 Worcester Astrology.................................... 68 Worcester Yoga Center............................... 81 Cheryl Wright............................................... 78 �


Yoga Studio, The......................................... 19

Dreamvisions 7 Radio The mission of Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network is to facilitate the enlightenment of humankind by providing a platform for holistic and healing programs that educate listeners bringing them conscious awareness of their inner light so that ever growing numbers of people may learn to live with joy, love, peace and ease. For more info on how you can be a Radio Star email Deborah Beauvais Deborah@ dreamvisions7radio.com or call 508-226-1723

Deborah Beauvais

Our shows air live at our flagship station WBNW 1120am Boston, simulcast with WPLM 1390am Plymouth, WESO 970am Southbridge and internationally via the Internet. Listen Online: www.dreamvisions7radio.com

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FALL 2009 | Spirit of Change 87


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