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FALL 2012

What Animals Know A Tribute to Animal Rights 4 Why I Am An 11-Year-Old Vegetarian 4 Pet Assisted Therapy 4 Is Your Pet Eating a Healthy Diet? 4 8 Job Finder Tips 4 Extraordinary Animal Rescue Stories 4 Migraine Headache Advice 4






Workshop schedule

reserve a guaranteed front row seat in any free workshop for


Saturday • Expo Open 9AM-7PM ExEcutivE






hEalthy cooking DEmoS


out of the Ethers and into reality

crystal Bowl meditation Rhys Thomas 9:30-10:30

holding your Personal Power and life force Nancy Risley

animal communication Suzy Graf

Breema Exercises and Bodywork Luc Bodin and Mara Bright 9:30-11am

opening circle Fire Circle 8:30-8:45

Brain foods Amanda Nahas


Proving reincarnation Deborah Richmond Foulkes

completely Erase food cravings in minutes Judith Swack

Discover your life Purpose Nancy Canning

herbal immunity Boost Linda Russell

get freeky with freekeh! Amanda Nahas

raw and living foods to cleanse and heal Brenda Cobb

heal your Bio-Plasmic field Sue Singleton

urban Survival: Emergency Preparedness Bruce Carroll

fall Super Sexy foods Amanda Nahas

are your Emotions controlling you or heaing you Jane Holmes

change your Energy, change your life LeRoy Malouf

transform your life through conscious awakening Dave and Mary Disano

Beyond Death: medical facts, mystical Perspectives, meditation Dr. Matthew Raider

get in-tuit! Jess Steinman

Soul color message Elizabeth Harper

Past lives, Dreams and Soul travel Pat and Charly Boyd

chakra healing with yoga, mudras and Breath Work Ravi Ratan

Who are the Pleiadians? Kelly Hampton

accept your Prosperity and abundance Dennis McCurdy

Diane Lewis


Earthbound Spirit release Barbara Stone


the Soulful apothecary Holly Bellebuono


releasing the Stress in your life Susan Lazar Hart




finding Serenity in the age of anxiety Robert and Christine Gerzon 11am-1pm $35

Seashells: Spiritual messengers from the oceanic realm Michelle Hanson

“god, it’s Working!” Vincent Genna

community as healer clinic Workshop Linda Marks 4-5:30pm


crystal Energy attunement and Self healing technique Paulette Richard-O’Rourke 4-6pm $35

you can create an Exceptional life heryl Richardson 11:30-1:30 $45

Presence Reinier Bosman

the Spirit Whisperer: messages from the other Side John Holland 2-4pm $45

lebanon, naturally: Part i Amanda Nahas

laughter circle Chris Belanger

lebanon, naturally: Part ii Amanda Nahas

chakra Dance

Bhavna Srivastava (tent)

Belizean Style food Claret Carroll (gazebo)

health Benefits of tea Linda Russell how your Body can heal itself Gary Blier 4:30-6pm

food Pharm Amanda Nahas

lion Dance and martial arts Demonstration Family Kung Fu Center

outdoor lakeside Drum and Dance celebration from 6:30-8:30pm with Dave Curry of Drums for One and All. free and open to the Public.

See the full Program guide online:

Sunday • Expo Open 10AM-5PM ExEcutivE





the four agreements Gayle Franceschetti

Emr overload Patricia Burke

looking for love Leta Herman

multidimensional Being Sherry Lord


the astrology of happiness Eric Linter

get happily married, Stay happily married Judith Swack

are you Psychic Lisa Campion

new Biomorphic geometry tools Aaron Singleton


health focused Dentistry Jean Nordin-Evans

marketplace: from Dream to Scheme Lauren Teller

using your Psychic awareness Melissa Harris


lights and frequencies Jane Smolnik

Empower your life Barbara Evans

Dare to Be Different Priscilla Bengston


traveling through the akashic record Art Gutkin

mentoring Boys to men Boys to Men Team

the Simple Path of holiness Will Raymond


a Business toolbox for Success Annette Carroll

Why get Sick? Serge Gregoire

your intuitive makeover Anne Deidre

keeping your heart open in hell Writer’s Workshop Nancy Aronie 1-3pm $35 Empowering youth to Be the change Judy Giovangelo 3:15-4:15pm


angels, guides and loved ones: you are never alone Rita Berkowitz and Karen Paolino Correia 10:30-12:30 $35

Sunday Earlybirds! 9:00am outdoor Qigong Erik Harris Edible Plant Walk Bruce Carroll


hEalthy cooking DEmoS

the nia technique Jenny Silverberg tea Party Linda Russell

Breakfast: Start to a great Day Shayna Ashton

Belizean Style food Claret Carroll

chick Pea o’ the Sea Shayna Ashton

laughter circle Chris Belanger

herbal immunity Boost Linda Russell

vegan ribs Shayna Ashton

taiji Qigong Family Kung Fu Center

fire by friction Bruce Carroll

vegan Shepard’s Pie Shayna Ashton tofu cheesecake with raspberry Sauce Shayna Ashton

th 6 Annual

$10 Weekend Admission

Cheryl Richardson

John Holland

Nancy Aronie

Robert Gerzon Christine Gerzon

Paulette Richard-O’Rourke

Rita Berkowitz Karen Paolino Correia

fREE Presented by:

Gift BAGs for the first 200 people each day!

Advertisement. Abridged from ‘A Fish Doesn’t Know He’s Wet’. NEAA Online Press. September 2007. Vol. 5, Issue 2. Reprinted with permission. The New England Alphabiotic Association.

Professionals In Focus (The Sequel. The Remarkable New Findings. Answering The Critics.)

Neal Robert Smookler


t feels quite freeing within seconds; an immediate and tangible change, say Neal Smookler. What Smookler is describing is a fascinating method that resets and refreshes the brain back to it’s youth. It seems as if you are growing younger; that was dumbfounding back then, still is today.” “Inside your head is a physical triggering mechanism that enables the brain to reboot itself as you’d reboot your home computer. I want to be very clear; it’s not there by accident. You’re hard wired by Mother Nature that way. I was trained twenty years ago to know where the mechanism is located, and exactly how to activate it.” There is an adulation you hear in Smookler’s voice for the profession he so adores — Alphabiotics, that onomatopoetically constructed word that reflects the actual process. “I’m more excited today — as the message is now pregnant with possibility. It’s a message that I adore with all my heart and being, as it’s such a blessing. It demonstrates not only a Virgil Chrane’s brilliance and insight, but God’s loving kindness.” If words like adoration and love seem a bit strange in discussing one’s profession, we need only take a few steps back to understand. Smookler has spent the better part of the last two decades helping Dr. Virgil Chrane bring forth a remarkable new profession. Smookler’s work is cutting edge and old-fashioned. Profound, yet essentially simple. Complete and still evolving. This is the dichotomy Alphabiotics presents upon even the most casual of observation. Every so often a person brings forth new information that completely transforms all those who hear it. Alphabiotics is not widely known by virtue of its radical simplicity. As long as the world adores complexity

4 Spirit of Change 20122011 Change || FALL WINTER

and revels in figuring out the secrets of the universe, this message will be dismissed as pedestrian by many and only heard by a few. “It’s also incredibly easy to do — as there are no rigid protocols nor special rules to follow. That’s a refreshing new wrinkle for most”, quips Smookler. “I once overheard an acquaintance state that the entire profession is nothing more than another ‘California fad’. To this very day that observation befuddles me. I see that more and more people are ‘waking up’. Thirty years ago the number one bestsellers in bookstores were cookbooks. Today, it’s books about significance and meaning. There’s an awareness surfacing today within so many. A genuine shift is occurring.” When the cover story of the May 7, 2001 Newsweek is ‘God And The Brain. How We’re Wired For Spirituality’ — we can be relatively certain the phenomenon isn’t just another burgeoning fad. “This is a message that comes out of a mystery. But there’s no need to flower up the mystery — it’s a mystery that works. So I’ll state the core message to those who will hear it. Alphabiotics is a simple way to address any limitation. The Alphabiotic method triggers a fundamental shift which results in an major and massive release of unconscious cumulative shock — resolving vastly complex challenges with stunning simplicity.” A huge grin spreads ear to ear as Smookler recalls a symposium he attended over a decade ago. “Throughout the weekend the instructor kept referencing this brain ‘refresh’. As that was not the focus of the seminar, his ongoing detour into that concept was beginning to wear thin. Before going home he invited anyone who wanted the experience, the opportunity to receive just that.” “I lay down while nervously awaiting my turn, all the while trying not to knock over the bowls of hard candy and pitchers of ice water. (We were in a hotel conference room). It was kind of comical. Then, without so much as an explanation, the instructor performed the ‘refresh’. No warning. No preparation. No primer. It was very brief, so brief in fact that I wasn’t sure what to make of it.” “I got up and I was, uh ... humming; vibrationally humming. I was literally resonating at a different frequency — what I can only describe as an insulated cocoon of warmth, openess and peace. It was as if the heaviness of my life lifted. Do you know what I mean? I seemed to shift out of ‘brown out’, no longer waiting for the proverbial second shoe to drop. I seemed to go from a state of absolute chaos to one of order. I actually felt as if I was growing younger — that was cool.” “I felt like my brain, my entire body had been somehow re-set, providing me with a clean slate. Boy, it was like nothing I had ever known. It was a lovely experience, but what was most surprising was I had no idea I had been in that limiting state — as I had no other perspective of reference. It really opened my life, like nothing I had ever known.” “This is different. This is different. This is different. That’s all I could think. I couldn’t wrap my educated mind around the depth of what had just transpired.” “It’s peerless. No-one else was doing this type of work — that was such a revelation.” (A statement that, in the years ahead would become painfully apparent for me personally). In December of 1971 Dr. Chrane made a profound discovery. With a simple hands-on process he was able to restore whole-brain function. “His discovery has to rank amongst the most important of this century.

Additional content was excerpted from,, and

Neal Robert Smookler

To r c h b e a r e r F o r A P i o n e e r i n g N e w F i e l d .

Quite a statement, I know. Through his breakthrough he knowingly gave the world a gift beyond measure. He unknowingly gave me, but all my life.” “It’s based upon the same fundamental principle as rebooting a computer”, explains Smookler. With the participant lying face up on a specially designed table, a trained facilitator (alphabioticist) performs a unique movement of the head, alternately from each side of the table (to address both hemispheres). Gently, the participant receives a high level, but non-threatening (that’s key) sensory input. (“It sounds dramatic, but there aren’t any jolts or zings as there are no machines or instruments used. It’s totally hands-on. Very low tech. It’s really quite pleasant and refreshing and not the least bit scary”). Using sophisticated equipment, the research by Dr. Marc VanCraeyenest suggests this sensory input appears as a *piezoelectric potential (a conceptual spark) which originates near the corpus callosum (the thick bundle of nerve fibers located between and connecting the two halves of the brain). We know that this sensory communication immediately results in an electric potential — first in the corpus collosum which then spreads throughout the brain into the neocortex (what anthropologists refer to as the higher human or spiritual brain). *In physics, a piezo-electric effect is a current which flows as the result of an applied pressure (the alphabiotic method) on a crystalline structure (conjectured to be the pituitary gland or the corpus callosum). In theory, the pressure causes the crystalline structure to deform, resulting in a voltage (the conceptual spark). In mere nanoseconds, a web of neurons begins to fire (one participant says it this way; ‘my whole body and brain buzz as if the synapses are firing away and resetting themselves’) spreading the potential throughout both hemispheres causing the brain to perform a systems check — in much the same way that a computer defragments and resets itself back to its original functional condition. “And no, you don’t lose memory, personality etc. You’re still you — just a more authentic version. It’s kind of like returning home.” “The process gently facilitates the ‘refresh’. It’s really an extraordinarily positive and invigorating communication that encourages the wisdom of the body to ‘override’ the daily ‘emergency stand-by’ mode, kind of like an ‘all clear’ signal. The internalized stress response (fight or flight) which is really a very low level state of alarm or shock that most adults are in — is neutralized and released, instantly.” “Now, this is not the traditional medical-emergency-room definition of shock. It’s not that theatrical. What I’m talking about is a very subtle, complex and subjective one. Micro-emotional-life shocks, if you will. Basically, a state of unrelieved stress morphs into a state of imperceptible shock. Understanding that stress not dealt with turns into shock — is so big.” “When sleep is no longer rejuvenating; that’s a sure sign you’re in shock.” “The drain of power from our system is stunning, as the wisdom of the body is swiftly diverted to address the shock. It just hemorrhages — but instead of blood, you’re bleeding ‘intelligent, informationexchanging energy.’ “As long as this goes unchecked all other priorities such as healing, thinking, joy and growth — are relegated to ‘back-burner’ status. I hope

you can fathom the heart of what I am saying (remember, it’s ridiculously simple and easily overlooked) — as it’s considerable.” According to William Emerson, PhD, the majority of Americans are operating in varying degrees of shock. “If you saw the movie ‘Ray’ (The Life of Ray Charles) starring Jamie Foxx — the beginning of the movie is a perfect example of this very concept.” Dr. Ryke Hamer, a German physician, believes the true cause of all disease, including cancer, is an unanticipated biological shock trauma. This shock conflict triggers the body to turn on a specific emergency program. Dr. Hamer asserts that cancer is not cured by drugs, natural foods, traditional psychiatry or a healthy lifestyle. The ill person needs to turn off the shock-conflict. “I personally disagree that all disease is ever caused by one thing. But most will agree that this low level state of shock that adults (and children) function within results in diminished potential — read that, limitation.” “What I believe the alphabiotic method is accomplishing — is bringing a person out of shock by lifting the consciousness up from the lower reptilian brain stem (an emergency ‘override’) to the more highly evolved neocortex (a safety ‘override’.)” “This is a proven way to stop today’s debilitating stress from needlessly draining your system of it’s precious energy, reserve and resource.” “What’s so striking is that the ‘refresh’ looks like a simple stimulusresponse mechanism, but there’s an added bonus as it carries within it the potential of touching an ineffable core within you. Electro-encephalographic studies have shown the ‘refresh’ to shift brain waves into the delta frequencies. Some say delta is our connection to the Infinite, coincidentally, it is the vibrational resonance of the heart. “Our magnificent brain has great power. Interestingly, the heart produces five-thousand times more electrical energy than the brain. When the magnificent brain is calmed through the alphabiotic approach, it no longer overpowers the compassionate heart. We move from the constricted path of the head to the expansive path of the heart. The heart comes into it’s own so to speak.” “In fact, after the ‘refresh’ you are also in an alpha brain wave (the relaxation response) which is our natural idling frequency.” According to most mainstream scientific studies — alpha can only be maintained with eyes closed, after the ‘refresh’ alpha is present with eyes wide open. It’s a unique state which can last for days. You are literally utilizing energy more efficiently. That’s so big as energy previously diverted towards protectionism is refocused back in. In recent years there have emerged various critical articles on the internet about Alphabiotics. “I think when anything new comes on the scene, especially something that really delivers — yet is so almost incomprehensibly simple; it tends to meet with resistance.” A final thought. One thing that can be absolutely said is — it’s here to help. So, I’ll repeat the core message one more time to those who will hear it — a message that sits as comfortably in holistic circles as it does in the corporate world ... this is a simple way to address any challenge or limitation. Smookler’s work has been featured on WBZ, WZBC & WATD. Today, he spends his professional time in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. He is entering his twentieth year as an advocate of this ‘California fad’ that has since spread to continents across the globe. (508) 625-1170.

FALL 2012 WINTER 2011 | Spirit of Change 5



Cover Stories Features

Fall 2012 • Vol. 26, No. 121



22 8 Tips for Employment Succes by Jessica Caracciolo 24 Discovering What My Dreams Want Me to Know Through by Deb DeGraff 26 Ayurvedic Migraine Headache Advice by Karyn Chabot 28 Dr. Murphy Is In: The Value of Pet-Assisted Therapy by Sherri Snyder-Roche 32 The Peace Abbey’s Journey Continues by Carol Bedrosian 33 Sacred Cow Animal Rights Memorial 36 Worldwide Prayer Circle for Animals by Judy Carnan 38 Why I Am A Vegetarian by Lila Hovey 40 1,000 Kisses Save Forgotten Dogs by Laura Simpson 44 Coming To Our Senses by Lesley Irene Shore

Departments 38


Main Office

PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569 Phone: 508-278-9640 Fax: 508-278-9641

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Carol Bedrosian E-mail:

Advertising Information

Michella Brudner, Advertising Director Phone: 508-278-9640 E-mail:

Contributing Columnists

Editors of E/Environmental Magazine, Eric Linter, Karen Masterson, Lynn Taylor

Book Reviews

Gail Lord E-mail: Send review copies to 51 North Street, Grafton, MA 01519

Design & Production

8 Musings by Carol Bedrosian 10 Letters and News 14 Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast by Eric Linter 16 Versatile Meal Ideas for Fall Veggies by Karen Masterson 17 Throw Your Dog a (Raw) Bone... Maybe a Carrot Too! by Karen Masterson 18 Earthtalk: Q&A by the Editors of E/Environmental Magazine 20 Feng Shui: Bring That New Job Right To Your Front Door by Lynn Taylor 46 Book Reviews by Gail Lord

Amanda Cashin, Carlton Chin, Barry Corbett, Janice Nadeau, Amber Routten-Mitchell


Mass Web, Auburn, MA Visit us online


23 Yoga Practitioners of New England 47 Calendar 51 Holistic Logo Directory 63 Holistic Specialties Directory 64 The Classifieds 66 Advertiser Index


On the Cover: “Cows” by Betsy Mclellan.

Winter Ad Deadline: Thursday, November 1, 2012

Upcoming Editorial Themes

Winter ’12 Integrative Healthcare For All Spring ’13 Rejuvenate Your Spirit

Summer ’13 Create a Healthier Home Fall ’13 Growing Local Economies

See Editorial Guidelines at

6 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

Copyright ©2012 Spirit of Change. All Rights Reserved. Spirit of Change distributes 55,000 magazines throughout New England quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) and accepts paid advertising as an advertising service. Responsibility for the products, services or claims of our advertisers rests solely with them; advertisers are liable for any claims made against Spirit of Change Magazine as a result of their advertisement. Spirit of Change welcomes your feedback, both positive and negative, on the products, services or information advertised or editorialized within these pages. Subscriptions are $20.00/yr. Article and artwork submissions are accepted for review and will only be returned if accompanied by a SASE. To receive bulk shipments of Spirit of Change to distribute to your clients & customers, please call our office at 508-278-9640.

THE GATES OF INANNA A Nine Month Journey of Transformation October 2012 – June 2013

Eye of the Eagle C E NTE R FOR SPI RITUAL LIGHT Soul Retrieval âœŚ Karmic Clearing Shamanic & Sound Healing âœŚ Apprenticeships Plant Spirit Medicine âœŚ Intuitive Coaching SOUND AND LIGHT HEALER TRAINING New Program begins Jan. 6, 2013. Meets one Sun./mo. for 6 months, Andover, MA. $800. Learn advanced methods of using light and sound frequencies to heal yourself, others and the planet. SOUND HEALING AND CD RELEASE CONCERT! Fri., Oct. 19, 2012 at North Parish Unitarian Church, North Andover, MA. 7:30 PM. Celebrating the release of our new CD: “Star Bear Medicine,â€? channeled healing songs from the star constellations. SHAMANIC LIGHT HEALER APPRENTICESHIP Begins Mar. 2, 2013 in Andover, MA. Life changing popular program offered for the 7th time! Meets 1 Saturday/month for 10 months, optional second year.

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Follow in the footsteps of the Ancient Sumerian Goddess Inanna as she journeys to the underworld and returns transformed. We will walk with her through the seven gates (representing the chakras) and move through our own transformational process. Join us in sacred circle as we use myth, art, astrology, dance and ritual to honor who we are becoming. The program will include an opening weekend (October 13-14, 2012) and a closing weekend (June 1-2, 2013) and one Saturday a month from November 2012 through May 2013. COST: LOCATION: SIZE OF GROUP: FACILITATORS:

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FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 7


Animals Deserve The Golden Rule Treatment

8 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

James Patrick Photography


cruff is a stubby legged Golden Retriever/Corgi mix with a long, lean body he enjoys twisting into yoga poses. He exhales big, cleansing belly breaths with his head swiveled to the right and back legs to the left, often napping that way. Scruff ’s natural yoga practice keeps his long spine flexible and aids the delicate digestive system of long-torso dogs. Like most animals that live or venture outside, Scruff spends his outdoor time with the bottoms of his feet in direct contact with Earth. “Earthing” — walking barefoot on natural ground — is the latest in wellness news, affirming that absorbing Earth’s energy feeds the body’s natural ability for maintaining vibrant health. Those who know the joy and love a pet brings into a home also know that animals share their unique wisdom with us, including the secrets of natural healing. Unburdened by intellect and the opinions of others, animals are usually following the most direct path to wellness at any given moment, whether that means seeking safety, finding suitable food, snoozing comfortably or scoring some affection. Watching animals care for themselves offers plenty of insight for those attentive to their own self-care. Books, oral history and today’s headlines are filled with intelligence the human race has gained over thousands of years by interacting with other animal species. Yet according to, humans kill over 60 billion land animals for food each year worldwide. Estimates calculate that over 50 billlion marine animals are killed annually to satisfy just the US food supply demand. Add another 100 million animals killed in research, by hunters, furriers, in pounds or as “pests,” and that translates into hundreds of billions of animals killed annually by just 7 billion human beings. This does not account for animals serving or enslaved by humans, captive but alive, perhaps tortured or denatured in CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations). Do humans have the right to dominate or kill other animals just because they can? We’ve all grown up guided by the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you’d want to be treated yourself. Clearly we live in a culture where “other” does not extend to animals, though it’s obvious they are sentient and intelligent beings that nurture their young and defend their own lives just as we do. According to The World Peace Diet author Will Tuttle, it’s our culturally induced food rituals — eating animals and animal products — that requires us to block from our awareness the underlying causes of the oppression, exploitation and spiritual disconnectedness in our society because it’s staring up at us daily from our plates. Tuttle sees we are “in the midst of a profound cultural transformation…where cooperation, freedom, peace, life, and unity will replace competition, separateness, war, exclusion and the idea that might makes right. Food is critical to this birth because our food habits condition our mentality profoundly — and because meals are the primary way our culture replicates and promulgates its value system through us.” Vegans, such as Tuttle, find alternatives for all animal products including eggs, dairy and honey that do not require animal killing, but still require harvesting from animals. Again, the Golden Rule. Imagine the day when a race of superior knowledge and power lands on Earth. Perhaps they would be evolved enough to already be followers of the Golden Rule and teach us to do the same, speeding the evolution of the human race along with their landing. Humanity would thrive in a paradise of peace, justice and beauty. But consider the alternative that they are more of the same of what we are today and they harvest our eggs, milk and flesh, do research on us, corral and breed us for food

in brutal prisons, and hunt and enslave us for their entertainment and service. Hell on Earth for any sentient being. Indigenous creation stories talk about spirits who volunteered to become animal species in order to serve as food, shelter and tools for the human race, and the indigenous people who respected this pact by not taking more than they needed. Can the sacrifice of life and a balanced give and take between species ever be achieved? Certainly not within the realm of today’s animal husbandry culture of exploitation and spiritual disconnection. In light of Gandhi’s quote, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated,” the human race appears completely depraved. A plaque from the Boston Vegetarian Society installed at the gravesite of Emily the Cow at the Sacred Cow Animal Rights Memorial in Sherborn, MA, reads: “Out of respect for Emily and all animals, consider refraining from eating meat for the rest of the day, or the rest of your life.” Rather than waiting for the heavens to move, perhaps we can all take one small step each day towards greater animal awareness — whether it’s refraining from eating meat or performing random acts of animal kindness — which will bring us just a little bit closer to living in peace on a cruelty-free planet.

Carol Bedrosian is the publisher of Spirit of Change, New England’s largest holistic magazine. Visit

Open DOOrs: september 29

From Stage IV to Center Stage with Denise DeSimone in Quincy, MA

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October 27

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FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 9


Wedding Bells Ring In New Traditions “The more you feel peace in meditation the closer you are to God . . .” —Paramahansa Yogananda

— Please join us for services — SUNDAYS 10:00 AM MEDITATION 11:00 AM SERVICE READING 751 Main Street Waltham MA 02451

Paramahansa Yogananda author of

Autobiography of a Yogi

Spirit of Change advertising director Michella Bedrosian, daughter of publisher Carol Bedrosian, married Stephen Brudner in Whitinsville, MA, on June 30, 2012. Cheers and best wishes for our newly named advertising director, Michella Brudner, and her new husband Stephen! Event planning diva Michella meticulously attended to every detail of her wedding ahead of time so the day could be stress-free and enjoyable for everyone. From the Del’s lemonade stand serving cool treats to guests after the ceremony on a hot, hot summer day to the keen planning that allowed the bride and groom to enjoy the cocktail hour with their guests rather than be stuck in a photo shoot, the day will be fondly remembered by all who attended. Inspired by the mother-daughter dance at the recent wedding of dear friend Laurie Busby, Michella orchestrated one at her reception and invited all mothers and daughters to share the floor. The many trios of grandmother-mother-daughters who unexpectedly popped out onto the dance floor together brought smiles and delight to everyone. Honoring the strength, resilience and depth of our mother-daughter bonds at our wedding receptions is a tradition whose time has come.

Veganism in a Nutshell

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10 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

Dear Carol, I think the next step in co-creating the Golden Era on Earth is veganism. Thomas Edison (vegan) stated, “Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” “Animals Should Be Off the Menu” is the name of a speech recently given by Australian philanthropist and former VP of Citibank, Philip Wollen, in which he said, “Meat is the new asbestos — more murderous than tobacco. Animal rights is now the greatest social justice issue since the abolition of slavery.” Every day in the US, 75 million animals are killed for food. Harvard and Cornell have verified that we do not need to eat animals for nutrition; and with synthetics, we no longer need to use animals’ skin and fur for clothing. Currently, billions of animals are enslaved in hellish conditions at CAFO’s (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations), labs, auctions and slaughterhouses. On dairies, newborn calves are abducted and murdered so that secretions of their mothers’ milk can be sold to consumers. When a dairy cow can no longer give birth and lactate, she is slaughtered. Similarly in the egg industry, newly hatched male chicks have the same fate as dairy bull calves; and when a layer hen no longer menstruates (eggs — a secretion of unfertilized ova), she is killed. Understanding the spiritual and scientific law of cause and effect helps me to understand the epidemic of breast cancer and the pandemic of domestic violence. “Cancer is most prevalent where carnivorous habits prevail.” (Scientific American, January 1892). Research and clinical studies done by Drs. Campbell and Esselstyn (featured in the films Forks Over Knives and Eating) confirms that consuming animals’ lactation and ovulatory secretions is just as damaging to human endothelial tissue as is eating animals’ flesh. continues on page 12

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Boot Camp with the Angels!

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FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 11

LETTERS AND NEWS continued from page 10 Buying milk products derived from plants (almond, hemp or coconut) is healthier and more compassionate. Albert Einstein (vegan) wrote, “If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind.” At the root cause of the alarming rise of infectious diseases, climate-change disasters and ecological destruction is the mass production and slaughter of food animals. Worldwide, farmers are transitioning from animal-raising agriculture to veganic farming, and switching their product line from pork to plants and dairy to industrial hemp. Radical social reformers such as Emerson, Thoreau, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone (all of whom gave their speeches at Worcester’s Mechanics Hall) understood the connection of animal rights to human rights. As we sow, we reap. In his book The World Peace Diet, Dr. Will Tuttle suggests that we can significantly reduce violence in human society by conscientiously examining our food choices and adopting a plant-based diet. Einstein also wrote, “Our task must be to free ourselves…by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and for the whole of nature in its beauty.” The films Bold Native and Earthlings bring light to the vegan message, as Spirit of Change brings light to its readers. I look forward to reading the fall issue “What Animals Know.” — Marlene Narrow, N. Brookfield, MA

John Holland Raises $16,767 To Benefit Shelter Animals John Holland and Koda present a check for the funds raised to the NHSPCA’s Executive Director, Lisa Dennison and Director of Marketing, Sheila Ryan.

Popular psychic medium and spiritual messenger John Holland staged an exciting “Evening to Benefit Homeless Animals” on Saturday, July 21 at Unity on the River in Amesbury, MA. Over 200 animal lovers gave generously to John’s Koda Fund, established for the sole purpose of providing emergency medical and surgical care beyond routine and customary services for the animals at the New Hampshire Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NHSPCA). The evening began with a special appearance by internationally renowned intuitive counselor, educator and best-selling author Colette Baron-Reid, who performed a beautiful rendition of Sara McLaughlin’s “Angel,” set to a poignant slideshow featuring some of the NHSPCA animals who will benefit from the Koda fund. Colette’s performance was followed by a talk about soul and animal contracts by animal communicator Danielle MacKinnon, who was featured in John’s book The Spirit Whisperer. When John took the stage to bring messages from the other side to those present, some audience members were brought to tears, others laughed, but everyone was captivated by his talent for extending conversation to the living from those departed. To raise additional funds during the event, John asked if guests could place a donation of any amount in the NHSPCA envelopes provided, and he would gift a free private reading to one lucky donor. In the end, this impromptu raffle raised over $1,500. The evening was made complete by a special guest appearance by Koda himself, John’s West Highland Terrier and inspiration for The Koda Fund. The New Hampshire SPCA is a community resource center that provides animal adoption, education, investigation, and sheltering services in a professional and compassionate way. The Adoption Center is located in Stratham, NH and is open 6 days a week and closed on Wednesday. For more information about the NHSPCA, visit John Holland is a featured speaker at the Natural Living Expo in Sturbridge, MA, on Sat., Sept. 29 at 2pm. $1 of each weekend expo admission ticket is donated to Maple Farm Animal Sanctuary in Mendon, MA. See page 3 or visit for tickets. 12 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

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FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 13

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14 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

“No one in the world was ever you before, with your particular gifts and abilities and possibilities.” — Joseph Campbell


s I was out walking the dogs recently, it occurred to me that Earth also feels astrological energy patterns. While my eyes took in the pine and oak trees, fields and sky, I wondered whether Mother Earth could sense the stressful square between Uranus and Pluto and then realized, of course she does! This square was first exact in June of this year and will continue as a series of seven exact squares into the spring of 2013, however, its effect could be felt during the past two years as the aspect moved into position. The last time Uranus and Pluto were in square was eighty years ago, during the early 1930’s. Sadly, the weather in the U.S. has been reminiscent of Dust Bowl days, as drought and extreme heat are being reported around the world. The tense alignment between Uranus and Pluto has generated financial and political uncertainty. In many respects we are being handed a supreme opportunity. Astrological aspects simply represent energy, and there is a lot of it around today. We are all along for the ride and each have unique contributions to make. September opens with an opposition between mental Mercury and dreamy Neptune. Under this alignment the start of the Labor Day holiday weekend — for many families summer’s last hurrah — features an especially poignant mood. Financial concerns may lead to sobering realizations but a very active Mercury pattern suggests that quick thinking and resourcefulness can help improve the financial outlook during the first half of the month. The Virgo new Moon on Saturday, September 15th ushers in a new activity cycle. Set your intentions but be ready for unsettling news. Pluto resumes forward motion on the 18th and the very next day is in an exact square with Uranus. This is the second such square in the current three-year series of the Pluto/Uranus square. Destabilizing, as well as fueling the search for the fair, wise use of power and resources, the square inflames debate in the weeks leading up to the U.S. presidential election. Divides may seem insurmountable but a show of respect for differing opinions helps to ease tensions on the 20th. The autumn equinox, the Sun’s arrival in Libra, occurs on Saturday, September 22nd. While Libra has a reputation as the sign of balance and harmony, as well as tactful and diplomatic behavior, the stars warn us to be ready for just When Saturn, Lord of the opposite. By month’s end the Sun stands in perfect Karma, enters Scorpio opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto. At the same time the energizing Harvest Moon sails high overhead. The in October, corruption by bankers and Aries Moon is full at 11:19 PM on Saturday the 29th. The government regulators odds are indeed high that this last week of the month will see a new round of political upheavals, failing governments is likely to be front page news and will not go and social unrest, as well as significant earth changes. Perunpunished. sonal transformations are also likely. October’s onset gives us a chance to regroup. The first few days are relatively quiet. Then things get busy again. On Wednesday the 3rd a Venus opposition with Neptune cautions against risking one’s reputation or hard-earned cash. Jupiter retrogrades on the 4th. Information may be sketchy. Slow down and do your homework. Ferret out facts from reliable sources. On Friday the 5th Mercury and Saturn enter Scorpio, the latter for a two and half year stay. Those born under cardinal signs can breathe a sigh of relief. For Scorpios and other fixed sign natives, hunker down and prepare to be tested.

The Ringed Planet always tests us by limiting us in some Despite an Election Day way. In Scorpio, a traditional money sign, there are likely Mercury retrograde, I to be changes in the global market place. Interest rates may forsee an Obama win. begin to creep upwards. The extent of malfeasance on the part of bankers and government regulators is likely to be front-page news. Saturn, the Lord of Karma, is unlikely to let abuses go unnoticed or unpunished. Whether we are talking about corruption on Wall Street, in London or Beijing, a course correction is under way. The potential for positive change is enormous as Saturn in Scorpio is harmoniously aligned with Pluto, the planet of power and regeneration. An uplifting string of motivating celestial aspects graces the mid-month period. Saturn’s trine to Neptune, exact during the night of the 10th, epitomizes the potential for a diplomatic or humanitarian breakthrough. This is a fine week to commit to a cause or project. On October 15th the new Moon in Libra is supercharged by a trine between fiery Mars and inventive Uranus. For those starting new endeavors, if you want your results to have long term impact, patience will be required. This fact is driven home the following week. The Sun enters Scorpio the evening of the 22nd and promptly engages Saturn in a conjunction. The two stars are in trine to Neptune. Ideals are deeply held. Change for the better is the dangling carrot offered by candidates of both political parties. On the 28th Mars’ opposition with Jupiter fires up impassioned debates. Stay calm. Everyone has their own opinions. The building crescendo climaxes with the waxing Moon. The Full “Beaver” Moon in Taurus is exact at 3:49PM on Monday the 29th. Tune out hyperbole and boasts and get busy with practical concerns. Partnerships can be notably fruitful at this time, provided there are basic agreements about sharing responsibilities and managing finances. Venus is in a most challenging position as November begins. The Goddess planet stands in opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto. Many relationships feel the strain of this push/pull scenario. Run from challenges or dive in more deeply; those are the bottom line choices. With winter fast approaching and mental Mercury about to retrograde, I recommend diving in. Who said love is easy? Even though Mercury retrogrades on the 6th, Venus gains new life from a trine with Jupiter, exact during the wee hours of Friday the 9th. Let loving forgiveness lead the way. The retrograde of Mercury gives us several weeks to mull over options. Tuesday the 6th also happens to be Election Day. Mercury’s retrograde raises the specter of another stolen election, like the one in 2000. The last quarter Moon is exact that evening. I foresee an Obama win, but there will be plenty of griping from all corners. The new Moon in Scorpio occurs during the late afternoon of Tuesday the 13th. The Moon eclipses the Sun while Mercury is square to Neptune, another planet that has recently turned retrograde. These are ominous omens for the world’s financial health. Travel indicators are also iffy as the busy Thanksgiving travel week approaches. Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th, from where he tests Uranus in Aries. The risk of accidents and random acts of violence increases. Mercury remains retrograde so be sure to check news, weather and traffic reports before leaving for the airport or setting out in a car. Moods brighten with the Sun’s entry into Sagittarius on the 21st. Thanksgiving Day unfolds under a pleasing alignment between the Sun and Moon. Relax and enjoy the holiday. Monday the 26th is a fabulous travel and communications day. The Sun trines Uranus just as Mercury resumes forward motion. Decisions can be quite easily made under these auspices. We’re in a busy, waxing Moon stretch of time. Mars joins forces with Pluto on the 27th. The potent pairing can elevate personal ambitions, but remember, play fair. Exact at 9:46AM on Wednesday the 28th, the full Moon in Gemini is eclipsed by the Earth’s shadow. Keep your mind open. That’s the only way to learn. Opinions formed in the past and rigidly clung to offer little opportunity for intellectual or spiritual growth. Détente between Venus and Mars makes it easier to smile, laugh and show real affection on the 29th. As the hours of daylight shorten, nurture your inner light and keep looking up!

Science of Spirituality invites you to

Discover tthe Power of Your Soul J us for talks, classes, workshops, Join aand retreats by local speakers. See our local website below.

H.H. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Science of Spirituality is a multi-faith, nonprofit organization under the direction of H.H. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, dedicated to personal transformation through meditation.

The National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) is a non-profit international astrological organization with local chapters. FALL WORKSHOP SCHEDULE September 15:

USA — History and Predictions with Don Cerow

October 13:

A New Way to Look At Transits with Gary Christen

November 3:

Compatibility Techniques – Old and New – East and West with Ronnie Gale Dreyer

Meetings are held Saturdays from 12:15 to 4:30pm at Beech Street Center, 266 Beech Street, Belmont, MA. Registration information: For more information, call Boston Chapter President Joyce Levine at (617) 354-7075 or email


Eric Linter offers a complete range of astrological services including readings, classes and his “On Top of the Stars Monthly Guide” for making inspired career and personal decisions. Contact Eric at or (508) 541-4115. Visit and read Eric’s daily forecast on New England’s premier holistic magazine website.


Eric will be speaking at the Spirit of Change Natural Living Expo on Sunday, September 30 at 11am in Sturbridge, MA. See page 3.


FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 15


Versatile Meal Ideas for Fall Veggies Back Pain Counseling Michele Lowenthal MS, MHC

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16 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

Is this quick and flavorful recipe a side dish, a main course, a dip or a soup?


or many people fall is the best time to live in New England. With much of the summer produce still available — salad greens, peppers, tomatoes, beans, herbs and more — the later season crops come into full production as well, including onions, carrots, celeriac, squashes, etc. It is truly a time of gastronomical bounty unlike any other time of the year. Whether you are trying to capture your own harvest and preserve it, making weekly treks to your local farmer’s market, or scrambling to get kids back to school or yourself back to work after a summer break, we still need fast, versatile food. I like making a big batch of this beans and butternut dish and am always amazed at how many different ways it makes its way into a meal. Is it a vegetable side dish, a main course, a dip or a soup? For me it depends on the time of day, who I have to feed and what else is in the fridge!

sage for the last minute of cooking time. Add the beans, the butternut squash, lemon juice and cook until everything is warmed through, then add in the parsley at the very end. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with the greens recipe below.

Bean & Butternut Saute With Fresh Sage

*You can use any other cooking greens, Swiss chard, spinach, etc. They all require slightly different cooking times so look for the color change as an indication that they are done.

2 cups chopped roasted butternut squash (1/2 inch cubes) 2 tbsp olive oil 1/4 cup olive oil 2 tbsp butter 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup shredded celeriac (or finely chopped celery) 2 cups cooked (or canned) cannellini beans or chick peas 3 tbsp chopped fresh sage 2 tbsp chopped parsley 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice 1 1/4 tsp salt 1/8 tsp pepper Start by cutting the butternut squash just below the neck as it starts to round. This part has the most flesh in it so I work with it first. Cut off the top of the squash then use a vegetable peeler or sharp knife to remove the rind. Chop the flesh into 1/2 inch chunks, measure two cups and toss with the 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Arrange squash on a cookie sheet so it’s a single layer and roast in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes until tender. Set aside. Heat the 1/4 cup of olive oil and 2 tbsp butter in a large saute/fry pan and place over medium heat. Add chopped onion and cook until soft, about 3-4 minutes, then add the shredded celeriac or celery and sautÊ for 4-5 minutes until cooked through. Add the chopped fresh

Garlic & Greens 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp chopped garlic 5 cups of packed chopped kale* 1/2 tsp mirin (Asian rice cooking wine) Salt and pepper to taste Grated cheese of choice (optional), smoked Gouda or Manchego work well 1/4-1/3 cup chopped fresh tomatoes per serving Chopped parsley for garnish

Rinse kale leaves. Fold leaf in half to expose center rib, cut out rib and chop remaining leaf into 1/2 inch strips. Pour olive oil into saute pan (I use a cast iron fry pan) and place on medium heat. Add garlic then add the rinsed, chopped kale. There is probably enough water on the leaves from rinsing them to quickly steam the greens but if not add a teaspoon or two of water — you don’t need much — cover and steam for a couple of minutes. The leaves will turn a bright green when they are done. Toss in the mirin and let it cook off. Add a few pinches of salt and some pepper. Be careful not to over salt kale; it’s much easier to add more at the table. To serve, make a small bed of greens, add the bean and butternut saute, Grate cheese if using and top with chopped fresh tomatoes and additional parsley. This recipe lends itself to lots of easy adjustments that change up the flavor. Try subbing in carrot for the butternut squash and changing the choice of herbs. I like to double or triple this recipe so I can use some right away as a side dish; it goes well with fish or chicken and rice. Or use it as the base of a tasty vegetarian meal; just add a serving of rice and a side salad. I have warmed it up the next day and given it a slight whirl in the food processor with a tablespoon of olive oil, pinch of salt and enough water to reach a dip consisten-

cy, where it works beautifully with some crackers or rice chips as an accompaniment to a salad or soup for a great lunch. You can give it a kick by adding in some chopped hot pepper. I have also taken a cup of leftover rice and a few cups of the bean/butternut saute and made a quick soup by adding some water and vegetable bouillon. I’m currently using the Better Than Bouillon brand. I’m sure you get the idea. This recipe is simply a launching point; feel free to adjust it to the herbs and flavors that you and those you cook for most enjoy.

Throw a Dog a (Raw) Bone… And Maybe a Carrot Too!


would be remiss in an issue focusing on animal welfare not to mention the importance of what we feed our companion animals. Many years ago, after losing a dog at mid-life, I switched from a traditional vet to a more holistic one, aligning how my animals were cared for to how I had always managed my family’s health. Along with using blood titers to assess immunity strength and incorporating homeopathic remedies I also changed what I fed them. By switching from what I thought was a high quality kibble food to purchasing brands that I make at home, and focusing on the addition of raw components, I saw an improvement in my older dog’s coat, breath and digestion within a week. I have a very healthy, spunky 12-year-old Lab mutt, Jasper, who was adopted from the Northeast Animal Shelter. My other dog, Roma, is a 6-year-old black Standard Poodle adopted from a medically challenged owner who was not able to properly care for such a spirited young dog. I also have a brother/sister pair of two-year-old cats adopted from the NEADS cat program in Princeton, MA. Pet owners have been lulled into thinking that feeding our pets is literally a job that takes about a minute: you measure out the appropriate amount of dry kibble, put it in a bowl and you’re done, right? Well, unfortunately truly nourishing our beloved companion animals may take a little more effort than that. Cats and dogs are prey animals and typically ingest food that is 70% moisture, so that dry, highly processed kibble that you buy once a month and stick in a cupboard is not really the best choice for them. The lack of moisture is particularly problematic for cats, which don’t drink the amount of water that dogs will to make up for the lack in their diet. This can lead to low-grade dehydration that stresses their organs, particularly kidneys, and can result in urinary tract infections and more serious complications as they age. Low cost and convenience are a seductive combination and can be really hard to let go of, but think of it as preventive medicine that will pay off with a healthier pet and very likely reduced vet bills over the course of their lives. I am now comfortably in a routine where I make up the dogs’ food a couple of times a week, but it does take a little bit of extra organization and time. Some people find their comfort zone is to feed kibble at one meal and do the raw meal at another so they can always fall back on the kibble if they get overwhelmed. There are resources to make your own pet food from scratch in your own kitchen. Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats is a good one, as is the information on Dr. Mercola’s website, which features Dr. Karen Becker, a respected holistic veterinarian. A word of caution: Do not switch from what you’re feeding now without doing some research. Making your own pet food is more complicated than putting together some protein and veggies from your own meals. Dogs and cats each have unique nutritional needs that require specific ingredients. Although I initially had thoughts of making my own pet food from scratch, with a hectic work schedule, an active teen still at home and four animals to feed I found the best compromise for me was to buy a dry mix that I cook (Dr. Harvey’s) and mix with raw meat/bone logs from Bravo, available in the freezer section at reputable pet supply stores. I simply follow the recipe, adding in my own vegetables and fruits as I have them. The bones and their nutrients from prey animals are an important component of a healthy diet for our dogs and cats. There are two categories of raw bones that are recommended by holistic vets for our pet: edible and recreational. There are important guidelines to follow depending upon the size and type of animal you are feeding so it is critical that you get the appropriate information about what to feed your individual pet, but never feed cooked bones. Again, do some checking with the resources listed in this article or at a holistically focused vet or pet supply store, and then throw your dog a bone…a raw one that is! Transitioning my cats to a raw diet has been a greater challenge. They both started with a very high quality canned food and one of them has successfully moved to Primal, a frozen raw food specifically formulated for cats. I am in the process of sneaking a little bit of the Primal food into the canned food, increasing amounts of the raw until the more finicky one transitions. Cats can be very picky eaters so don’t be surprised if first attempts are met with suspicion and know those cats — they want what they want when they want it! Be patient and ask for samples at a high quality pet food store until you find the right brand for your cat. Whether it’s feeding ourselves, our families or our beloved pets, it does take extra thought and often time to properly nourish ourselves. Although I try to create dishes that are versatile and can be worked into a number of different meals, inevitably there is a lot of prep work that is required. A dear friend of mine, Phyllis, who at 79 years young still has her own garden design company, will often spend several hours on a Sunday chopping all of her veggies for the next several days so she can quickly put together a meal after a long day in someone else’s garden. I will often spend a few hours in the early evening getting a salad dressing, dip or soup made that can help out during upcoming busy days. Accompanied by a glass of wine and some good music, it’s a bit less of a chore! Find whatever works for you and enjoy the bounty that is fall in New England.

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Karen Masterson, along with husband Kevin, are the owners of nourish restaurant, located at 1727 Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington, MA. Keeping their prices reasonable so that customers can enjoy frequent visits, nourish is working to build a community around local food, music and art, featuring live music Friday and Saturday nights and ongoing juried art shows. Visit www. or call (781) 674-2400. FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 17


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Regulation Loopholes Allow Killing Of Whales

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18 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

According to Greenpeace, many whale species are down to around one percent of their estimated former abundance before the days of commercial whaling.

Dear EarthTalk: Commercial whaling was banned around the world years ago, but some nations continue to hunt whales. Why is this and what’s being done about it? — Jackie O’Neill, Hershey, PA Sadly for our world and its biodiversity, whales are still being killed despite an international ban on commercial whaling. Indeed, rampant whaling over the last two centuries has decimated just about every whale population around the globe. According to Greenpeace, many whale species are down to around one percent of their estimated former abundance before the days of commercial whaling. Fourteen whaling nations came together in 1946 to form the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to manage whale stocks and recommend hunting limits where appropriate. But the continuing decline of populations forced the IWC to call for an outright ban on all commercial whaling in 1986. But Japan, Norway and Iceland continue to defy the ban, each harvesting hundreds if not more whales every year.

“The Japanese invented the concept of ‘scientific’ whaling in 1987 as a way around the moratorium on commercial whaling,� reports Greenpeace. “Their research is not really research. It is an excuse for supplying whale meat on the Japanese market.� The research consists, among other things, of analysis of the contents of the digestive tract. The data on what the animals eat is then used to argue that whales eat too much commercially important fish and that the populations should be culled to save the fish, argues Greenpeace, and that the Japanese selectively release data on certain species and ignore data on others. Norway resumed whaling in 1993 “as an attempt by the political party in power at the time to gain popularity in northern Norway,� says Greenpeace. “In order to justify its hunt, Norwegian scientists calculated a population estimate, which was later found to be much higher than the data supported.� And Iceland increased its whaling dramatically in recent years. “In 2010 alone, Icelandic whalers killed hundreds of whales — including endangered fin whales — and shipped more than 750 tons of whale meat and products to Japan, whose market is already glutted with whale meat from its own ‘scientific research whaling’ program,� reports the non-profit Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Several green groups including NRDC recently petitioned the Obama administration to take action against Iceland under the Pelly Amendment to the Fisherman’s Protective Act. “The Amendment allows the President to impose trade sanctions against a country that is ‘diminishing the effectiveness’ of a conservation agreement — in Iceland’s case the whaling moratorium and another international treaty that prohibits trade in endangered species,� says NRDC. The petition names several Iceland firms — including major seafood companies with ties to Iceland’s whaling industry — as potential targets for trade sanctions. Greenpeace has been pressuring Japan to not only end its own whaling but also its support of whaling by other nations not abiding by the IWC moratorium. “We are working around the world to increase the pressure put on Japan by conservation-minded governments at the IWC to close the political loopholes that allow the reckless hunt to continue,� says Greenpeace, “and to highlight the vote-buying that keep these loopholes in existence.� CONTACTS: IWC,; Greenpeace, www.; NRDC,


EarthTalk is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E - The Environmental Magazine ( Send questions to: Subscribe: Free Trial Issue:

The Massage School

(Total tuition after scholarship = $4,800) As we go into our eleventh year providing massage education, we are very pleased to once again be able to offer these scholarships to all students admitted to the program starting in September. These scholarships are part of our ongoing fight for social and economic justice. How can we afford to offer these huge scholarships? It’s very simple. Because we are a small independently owned school, we don’t have the overhead and profit pressures of the larger corporate schools. We don’t have highly paid executives, outside investors, or external corporate owners to pay dividends to. The owners of The Massage School are the main teachers and the administrators of the school. We care about the healing benefits of massage and have fought hard behind the scenes to keep it accessible to all people. In this era of high unemployment, our mission is more important than ever: to make the best massage education accessible for working people and single parents. We work extra hard to be able to offer these scholarships, so that you can spread healing to a world that needs it now more than ever.

Free of charge for all graduates of our 800-hour Massage Therapy program We started The Massage School 10 years ago with a simple idea – wouldn’t it be great to build a massage school that taught modern massage technique, with a hands-on approach to learning, at an affordable price and with a simple, practical, and flexible schedule. Compare our school with programs that cost $12,000, or more! We have 2 locations in Massachusetts: Easthampton, and Acton. The next class begins September 10th in Acton and September 11th in Easthampton. Please call 413-529-2900 for subsequent start dates. There is no fee to apply.

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 19


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Bring That New Job Right To Your Front Door Dear Lynn, I’ve been looking for a job for over a year. I’m trying to stay positive, but the silence from all the calls, emails and resumes is deafening. The outlook seems bleak! Is there any feng shui advice that might help me in getting a call back, something to help my professional fortunes shift? Thanks Lynn. — CSW, Sterling, MA Dear CSW, Well then. Before we delve into how you feel about this situation, let’s deal with what you can do about it. It’s time to open all the valves. Begin with your main doorway. This would be the one the architect intended when the building was built. In a condo, your main entrance is the door to your unit. Remove any and all obstructions behind, in front or alongside it. Be sure it freely and fully opens and is in excellent repair. From the outside, assess the cleanliness and attractiveness of your doorway. Give it a fresh coat of paint, perhaps a color that charms or somehow amuses you (without being a rude or garish gesture that neighbors must endure). One door does not a major commitment make. After the main door, assess every single door within the house. Remove any obstructions or clutter that have accumulated. Anything that can create a blockage or difficulty moving through the doorway should be removed. Begin to activate and use the front or main door, even if you usually don’t use it. This creates and activates an opening and overall emphasis on flow. If it is just impractical or too expensive to use the front door because it is too dilapidated or dangerous, see what you can do to clean or enliven it in some way. One potted plant can do wonders, especially if it is blossoming and colorful. Find some way to improve the appearance of your front entrance so positive opportunities can find you! If furniture blocks the door, see if there’s an adjustment you can make. And don’t dismiss the significance of a back door — indirect opportunities. Give it your attention as well. Let flow be your guiding theme. A fountain feature could be introduced either indoors or out. This will also allow you to hear the water, which can be very stimulating and reassuring that indeed things are moving. Indoors, you may also benefit from the ionization of fresh water flowing, subtly uplifting you. This concept of flow can be achieved in other ways as well. Depending on your space outside you could introduce flow with a curving path of solar lights leading to your front door. Reflective surfaces, such as mirrors, also create a quality of flow. The other element greatly needed in your situation is wood. Plants — both indoors and out — gardens, flowers, column-shaped structures, such as wainscoting, a grandfather clock and trees themselves are very active generators of growth. In the house consider new plants that you can watch develop as they begin to mature or try enjoying some fresh flowers weekly. Major space clearing is indicated. Clean, clean, clean!! The bustling energy needed to thoroughly clean any space provides momentum in reaching goals of any kind and

profound refreshment for your soul in both the doing and the achievement. If you have a basement see what you can get rid of. It’s something of an anchor to the past and both heavy and precious patterns are held there. You may be living out of a trailer and a footlocker could be your “basement.� Sort through, cherish or eliminate this stuff from the past. In its place leave a consciously created foundation. Assess, re-appreciate and make clear decisions about what to keep and what to let go. Clean until you collapse into the essence of non-attachment. Move up to cleaning the baseboards on ground level. Wash windows. Coax fresh energies and ideas into visible and invisible quagmires that have manifested in your environment. Try bringing in some uplifting energy with essential oils. Investigate at your leisure with your own nose if this is of interest to you. For a quick pick-me-up and space recharging just peel an orange even if you don’t want to eat it. Consider diluting the juice of a freshly squeezed orange with pure water and spritzing it around your space with an atomizer. Your current situation is earth-dominant, and stability is great, but you need to downplay earth features now. Eliminate sedentary browns and surround yourself with greens, aquas, blues, turquoise — wood colors — which uproot earth and challenge its stillness. Picture the bagua imposed over your home from above, with the career sector lined up with your front door. Notice where the fame sector falls, which is the central rear area in your home and the rooms that fall within that space; also cArEEr the central rear area of your property. Expend energy keeping these areas in tip-top shape. This corresponds to your reputation (how you are perceived by potential employers), your status, how seriously you are taken, the quality of recognition you command. This sector corresponds with the fire element so using colors in the fire spectrum here are optimal. Keep your potential contributions fully recognized by keeping this area alive with light and upward-moving energies. Think sun! Wear red in interviews and try to sit in the most commanding position available — one with the support of a wall behind you is good. Sitting with a window behind you puts your profile in relief and lowers the ability of the interviewer to even really see you. No one thing will nix your landing of a job, but intentionally selecting some things you can do to help will get things moving. It will certainly get you moving! FAME



lt h



To learn more and schedule your private session, contact one of these Arvigo Practitioners today.

Tamara M. Krenn, LMT Arvigo Practitioner $PODPSE /) t

Christine Lee, RNCS, Lic. Ac. Certified Arvigo Practitioner & Self Care Instructor 'SBNJOHIBN ." t

Chaya Leia Aronson, RN, BSN Certified Arvigo Practitioner & Arvigo Community Educator /PSUIBNQUPO ." t

Kathleen McGilvray, BS, LMT Arvigo Practitioner $BNCSJEHF ." t

John Rosario, Jr., LMT Arvigo Practitioner Osterville Massage and Wellness 0TUFSWJMMF ." t

CONNECTICUT Erica Grossman, LMT Arvigo Practitioner Outer Peace Wellness & Massage 4PVUI 8JOETPS $5 t

MASSACHUSETTS Bernadine Croteau, OTR/L CLT Arvigo Practitioner NRHN Cedardale )BWFSIJMM ." t

Diane Mullee, CMT Arvigo Practitioner -JUDIĂśFME $5 t

Sheila A. Fay, Lic.Ac.* Arvigo Practitioner 8BUFSUPXO ." t

Rebecca R. Susi, LCMT Arvigo Practitioner #PMUPO ." t

NEW HAMPSHIRE Diane MacDonald, MSN, ARNP Certified Arvigo Practitioner, Self Care & Professional Care Instructor "OUSJN /) t

Susan Cotta, MSPT, CST Certified Arvigo Practitioner -BGBZFUUF 4USFFU 4XBOTFB ." t

Noreen Cerqua, LCMT Certified Arvigo Practitioner & Arvigo Community Educator 8BMQPMF ." 3* t

Darrah O’Connor, LMT Arvigo Practitioner Holistic Wellness Center, LLC .FEÜFME ." t

*Works with women only

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Lynn Taylor is a senior feng shui practitioner who teaches and consults in the United States and Mexico for both business and home environments. Send questions for this column or contact Lynn at or (617) 924-4205.

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Chiropractic Physician

My Good Medicine (617) 407-4565

Shiatsu Acupressure and Sotai therapy

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Colon hydrotherapy, iridology, lymph therapy. I-ACT certified staff.

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Licensed clinician for hypnosis, EMDR, individual and couples psychotherapy.

Jennifer Anders, Lic. Ac. (617) 480-1998

Certified and Licensed Acupunturist

Helen Lim, Lic. Ac. (617) 899-1339

Licensed and Board Certified Acupuncturist

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 21


Available on AMAZON in hard cover, soft cover and e-book. Also at booksellers nationwide.

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Do you know someone with a learning problem?

2. Target specific companies you want to work for and can visualize

yourself succeeding in instead of applying for every job you find online. Tailor your resume to suit each one, even if they are not actively hiring. Companies don’t always post jobs online, so send your resume to their HR department anyway and be persistent in following up. If you wish to start a new career don’t be hesitant at starting from the bottom because you can work your way to the top.

3. Use your social networking skills to network professionally. Let everyone know you are seeking employment and ask if they have connections to the specific companies you are targeting. Resumes coming from sources within the company have a direct line to hiring managers; resumes from outside applicants often get lost in the shuffle.

4. Consider work doing a hobby on the side, which may or may not

provide future employment. Can you make crafts to sell or maybe teach your skills to others? Everyone has talents, skills and hobbies they can share.

5. Learn the basics of manifesting. Know what you want and be sure about it. Visualize your success. Expect the best to happen and stay positive. Manifesting is about creating what you want in life. Apply for jobs you want, visualize yourself working in that position, feel like you already got it and expect to get it. Don’t counter the manifesting you have worked hard on by applying for jobs you don’t want. Do something every day related to your job search, whether it’s mentioning it to your mailman or making another follow up call.

6. Conduct an energy audit. Take note of the people around you, the media

you are subjected to, and the energy of your home and workspace. Positive people, happy news, music, art, literature, and a clean, organized home enhance your surroundings with positive energy. Negative people, disorganization and being subjected to a constant barrage of news broadcasts and mainstream media can be draining.

7. Build your confidence. The more confidence you have in yourself, the more

8. Know that you are not alone and you are not a victim. Millions

Muscle testing, accupressure and energy can open up blocked pathways in the brain.

upon millions of people worldwide — not just in the USA — are in the same position. See this situation as a challenge you can be victorious over.


22 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

same category of work? If you have been unemployed for a while, your interests may not be the same as they once were. By asking yourself what you are interested in for work and reviewing your current skills and future aspirations, you will be better able to narrow down your job searching, take additional coursework if necessary and find more satisfying employment.

confidence you will have in your daily life. Two books I highly recommend for building confidence are Natural Self Esteem by Olaf Schwennesen and Spontaneous Happiness by Dr. Andrew Weil.

A learning problem can be changed in just 10-15 hours!

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1. Find a job in an area of interest to you. Are you still interested in the

Joellen DiLIbero

Jessica Caracciolo is a professional psychic medium, manifesting teacher, multi-modality energy healer and artist in the greater Boston area. She can be reached at or visit

Yoga At The Ashram Studio, Millis, MA

State of Grace Studio, Uxbridge, MA

Kundalini Yoga Boston, Cambridge, MA



Serenity Yoga Center, 363 Great Road, Bedford, MA 01730. Kripalu-affiliated studio. Spacious new studio, fully equipped. Daily classes: beginners to experienced. 781-275-4092

Bridgewater Maha Yoga Center, 992 Bedford St. (Rt. 18), Bridgewater, MA 02324, 508-697-3273 Yoga all levels, Hatha, Ashtanga, meditation, massage. Yoga teacher training (YA).

Brighton Ayurvedic Rehabilitation Center, 103 Bennett St., Brighton, MA 02135. 617-782-1727. Loretta Levitz, Dir. Yoga, all levels (including disability), Ayurveda, teacher training, private or small groups.

Cambridge Kundalini Yoga Boston, 186 Hampshire Street. Transformative yoga and meditation open to all levels. $25: 2 weeks unlimited yoga. Concerts, workshops, training and art gallery. 617-868-0055

Holbrook Real Life Yoga Studio, 239 North Franklin St.(Rt 37). Traditional hatha, power flow, Kundalini with meditation, monthly restorative yoga, tai chi, gong meditation. 781-767-1827 •

Holden Opening Lotus Yoga. An eco-green studio. • 508-829-7435 456 Main St., Holden, MA, 01520. Beginneradvanced. Gentle-vigorous. Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin and more.



Yoga at the Ashram. 368 Village St. Kundalini, Vinyasa, Hatha, Qigong, Kids Yoga, Tai Chi. Gong meditations, workshops, retreats and teacher trainings. First class free. 508-376-4525. The Yoga Studio. Experience a tranquil and welcoming environment to practice yoga amid calming music, soft lighting and a peaceful, restorative atmosphere. Beginners welcome! 508-376-8508

Quincy Real Life Yoga. Hot power yoga and beginners hatha yoga. 101 Adams St. Plenty of parking. $12/class. Bring a friend for $6 • 617-285-5219.

Taunton Breathing Room Wellness, 21R Court Street, Taunton, MA. Hatha Yoga, Children’s Yoga (ages 3-5 and 6-12), Yogarate Fitness, nutrition coaching, training programs, Isagenix coaching.

Uxbridge State of Grace Yoga and Wellness Center. Yoga, massage, Environ advanced skin care/ facials, hair removal, Reiki training, reflexology, energy healing, mentoring, workshops. 508-278-2818

West Boylston Central Mass Yoga And Wellness, Inc., 45 Sterling Street. 200 and 500 hour teacher training, 45 classes a week. All levels welcome! • 508-835-1176.

Quiet Mind Yoga with Zack Dixon, 95 Commercial Street, Wellfleet. Also offering simple, clear podcast instruction for one hour home practice. • 508-349-2429.

Westborough Westborough Yoga for healing, transformation and health. Offering Svaroopa Yoga, meditation, private yoga therapy and embodyment, prenatal and gentle yoga. Contact Michelle Gross: 508-341-6424.

Worcester Amethyst Point. 232 Chandler St., Worcester. Hatha/Iyengar yoga, meditation and tai chi/qigong. All levels. Monday-Saturday. 508-753-3975. Wellness Works Yoga and Healing Arts. Fern Lee. Kripalu and Anusara-inspired hatha yoga for all levels, including chair yoga. 508-798-7836 Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti. 30 years teaching experience. Trained in India by B.K.S. Iyengar. 508-829-6300.

MULTIPLE LOCATIONS Open Doors Yoga Studios, 15 locations in MA. 781-843-8224. Hot power yoga and gentle yoga — all levels. 200 & 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training. Spirit of Change’s Online Alternative Health Directory offers over 100 New England Yoga studios. Search by keyword or town to find your studio. Visit

Include Your Studio In This Yoga Directory Next ad deadline is November 1. Call 508-278-9640 or email

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 23

Qigong Sensory Training for Autism Learn to provide a Chinese pediatric massage to improve self- and sensory-regulation for your young child on the autism spectrum. Parent Workshops provide hands-on skill training. You will leave the workshop competent to deliver a daily 15-minute massage. Your trainer, Maria Broderick, is a Harvard educated developmental psychologist and licensed acupuncturist who trained with the founder of the system.

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Discovering What My Dreams Want Me to Know through


I dream I am living in a household with lots of people. I want to take a shower so I go to the bathroom. I’m naked, about to get in the shower when I see that a man is already in there. He is handsome and younger than me. I grab my nightie and cover my front and walk back to my room. I know he can see my bare butt as I walk away. I want to get in the shower with him, but I am too shy. I feel sad.

What Is This Dream Saying? I started recording my dreams in my twenties. During that time I was a seeker trying many paths: I traveled, went to acupuncture school, attended women’s groups and transformational workshops, took classes, did therapy, bodywork, and yoga, went on retreats, and wrote and published a book. I had ah-ha moments and peak experiences. I cleansed and danced, exercised and ate organic — all good things — but nothing brought about real or lasting change. Nothing touched the place in me that fueled my seeking. Nothing, that is, until, in my late thirties I found someone who did archetypal dreamwork who helped me begin to see what it is my dreams want me to know. On the outside, my world looked pretty good. I had lots of friends and a successful acupuncture practice and I’d written a book. I hadn’t gotten married or had kids, but I usually had a boyfriend; I just hadn’t found the right guy yet. It all looked okay, but the following dream showed me how my world really was on the inside.

MERLIN’S Oracle Open O pen your our mind, mind nd co connect onnecctt your soul with your true self & step into a world of charm, integrity & wisdom.

Akashic A Akash Ak kash ashic hic ic Record Record d Re Readi Readings: adings adi diings d g : Offer Off O ffe ffer aanswers ffrom rom lilight llight-beings. i ht ht-b htt bei b i being Healing takes place while in the Records. Reconn Rec econnect ective tive i Healing: He H ali Heali aling: ling: g: TThis is a state Reconnective R of of bei b being being. i H He Healing eali aling lil can ta ttake tak ake ke place within minutes, for both people and pets. Quantu ntum t m Healing H Heal ealing eal ling ing Hypnosis: Hypno Hy p sis pno sis: i : Quantum Q This TThi hsp past astt lilif life fe regression fe regres reg res essio sion i n sessi ssession ion h ion heals on a deeper level. Atlant Atl tllant antean tean He H aling ali ling g Wands: Wands: U Wan Used for Atlantean A Healing manifestation...the possibilities man m ife if f sta t tio tion i n th the he poss p ossibi ibili b litie lilit i ie are endless. Heal planet from Orgone Devices: Devic vices: i es: s:: H Orgone O electro-magnetic ele e l ctr ctro-magn t eti tiic fre ffrequencies (EMF’s).

Book an appointment with Tania Iagallo: t 24 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

I dream that a girl lays me down in the desert and walks away. I get up and look down a deep hole. It is rectangular and narrow, like a well, but dry. There is a bird standing at the bottom. I feel sad and desolate. The girl is an aspect of my soul showing me the true state of my inner world; it was a desert. The bird is also my soul. The sadness and desolation was the way I truly felt because of this separation from my soul, which left me living in isolation in this barren landscape. Back to my dream of the man in the shower. I have a lifelong longing for closeness and intimacy and an instinctive aversion to these things. This leaves me with a feeling of profound isolation, even in the midst of people I am close to. I feel as though everyone else knows something that I don’t. My dream, however, showed me that I was choosing to stay stuck, that I was walking away from what I wanted and choosing isolation and sadness. I knew what I wanted (to take a shower with the man), and I turned and walked away despite my knowing.

Dreaming Clear As Day Grabbing my nightie to hide shows the shame I lived with. The dream showed how I chose shame, sadness, and isolation over the risk of vulnerability, connection, and intimacy. Although I was foggy about how this pattern operated in my life, here it was in the dream as clear as day. The habitual pattern was shown and the possibility of doing something different was offered. The possibility of doing something different required that I feel something I habitually avoided, feelings the voice of shame protects me from — fear, naked vulnerability, insecurity, inadequacy, exposure. wonder I walk away! But the cost is terrible: isolation to avoid the risk of rejection and the possibility of connection. This dream gave me a big opportunity to break open this stuck place, and as it turned out, was a turning point in my work. All the pieces needed for real change were present in the dream: I was naked, which means I was undefended; the stuck place was evident; my habitual pattern was clear; and I felt the desire to do something different. Most important is the presence of the man, the archetypal figure called animus, who was there loving and supporting me in my naked vulnerability. I worked with this dream by revisiting that moment in my dream. I did this throughout my day, remembering that this was what was really happening in my psyche, under all the outer goings-on of my life. Despite my initial resistance to the vulnerability of the shower dream, I kept returning to it a couple of times an hour, imagining standing naked with the man, feeling what I wanted. As I began to feel how deeply I wanted to be with the man, the choice of staying with him became easy. As I practiced this throughout the day, I began to feel joy, lightness, ease, and trust. I felt loved, recognized, and seen by the man. I began remembering who I am at a deep level and the innocence of wanting to be loved. It felt so natural and simple. The emergence of this place of innocence was the emergence of my soul.

Making Dreams Come True Facing my fear and not walking away had an impact on my outer life. I began experiencing an increased capacity for closeness and intimacy with others. The irony of this piece of work is that in trusting what the dream asked of me and not running away, in staying and feeling the thing I am afraid to feel, I actually get what I want. Several weeks after the shower dream, I had this dream:

I am in the back of a truck with a couple of friends. We are carrying something with us that is a relic of Christ. I mention this to the truck driver, and he gets angry and throws us out of the truck. Now we are walking, and I am carrying the relic. We sit down and the woman next to me can’t bear the feeling of being so close to the relic. I pass it to the man on my other side. Still she can’t bear the feeling of being so near it. I do not feel this way. The relic in this dream is my Holy Grail, my heart that is opening to the love of the divine, to feeling intimacy and belonging. As everything in the dream is a part of me and about me, the woman who cannot bear the feeling of being so close to the relic is the part of me who grabbed the nightie and walked away from the man in the shower. She is the part of me that has spent my life walking away from my desire. She is the part of me that does not want to feel the devastating loss and so she does not get to feel the love. In the dream I am separate from her and do not feel the way she does, which shows the growth that has begun to happen since the dream of walking away from the man. Suddenly, bearing the relic of my holy heart, I am becoming who I have never been. Continuing to discover this love means continuing to be willing to have my world turned upside down. It seems my dreams want nothing less than the complete recovery of who I was born to be.

Deb DeGraff is a student of the dream and one of the original members of North of Eden, a community of Archetypal Dreamwork therapists and educators in Montpelier, VT. Deb is an Archetypal Dreamwork therapist-in-training and an acupuncturist. She can be reached at 802-279-6829 or at Visit


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Ayurvedic Migraine Headache Advice

By Karyn Chabot D.Ay, LMT


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26 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

ccording to the science of Ayurveda all of cre Let’s use an example of someone who has been ation is made up of five elements: earth, water, struggling with migraine headaches. According to fire, air and ether. Each individual is born Vedic medical literature, people who are constantly with a unique combination of these elements that overthinking, compulsive, Type-A personalities, form the Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas determined overachievers, perfectionists and people who are hyper at the moment of conception. This unique constitufocused on striving for fame and fortune are most tion or genetically determined blueprint (prakruti or prone to migraines, especially women. The pain usu“first creation” in Sanskrit) reveals innate tendencies, ally begins in the aura of the eye, then spreads. Some gifts, challenges, lessons, functional habits and hidden people report flashes of light in the periphery of the potential and determines how one experiences life. eyes at the onset of a migraine, almost as a warning This also includes the specific foods that will be more to “chill out” and rest. If pain and light sensitivity are healing or more harmful overall. present, it will become worse if the eyes are not still. According to Ayurveda medicine, taste has a speThis is why it feels so good to turn the lights off and cific and powerful effect on the body. Our physiologies close your eyes at the onset of a headache. are healthier when they have a balanced experience of Some triggers of migraine headache include sour tastes each day. Americans tend to overeat sweet and foods, such as pickles; citrus fruits, including tomatoes; salty foods, which is why our population is so obese. soft drinks, coffee and chocolate, insomnia, disturbed Taste directly affects our nervous system and sets our emotions, food allergies, genetic predisposition, karma. vital fluids in motion, stimulating gastric fire and the power of digestion. It’s better to taste rather than avoid even a bitter herb, because the taste will signal the brain to secret specific • Avoid allergic foods such as wheat, gluten, dairy, corn, digestive enzymes into the digestive track GMOs or others just right for that food. With medicines and • Avoid spicy, sour tastes supplements, the taste of the medicine is • Use the sweet and salty taste sparingly thought to contribute to its therapeutic effect, • Add the bitter taste in moderation, such as arugula improving the absorption of the medicine. • Increase magnesium with supplements or foods such as Therefore, tasting and chewing your vitamins oats, barley, pumpkin seeds, green leafy veggies or herbal pills a little first can increase their • Avoid artificial sweeteners, MSG, smoking and alcohol efficacy. • Meditate, rest, read and relax for 20-30 minutes between Specific foods are not good or bad for 10am-2pm and again around 6pm everyone; an individual’s blueprint or constitu• Get enough deep, restorative sleep tion must be considered to make optimal food • Exercise briskly (walking, biking, yoga) between 6am-10am choices. It doesn’t matter what we eat. It matters • Use sacred nasya oil (drops in the nostrils) twice daily what we can digest because everyone digests at • Rub coconut oil on the feet and top of the head before sleep different rates and degrees with unique sensitiv• Receive sacred shirodhara therapy (oil flowing over forehead) ities. This can be determined by self-exploration and observation, including trial and error. Begin by eliminating certain foods to see what changes happen in the body or adding certain foods Karyn Chabot, D.Ay, MS, LMT is a 1997 graduto notice the effects. This practice will develop your ate from The Ayurvedic Institute, Universal Massage intuition as well. You might also want to seek out the Therapeutics, has her bachelor’s degree from Goddard professional services of an Ayurvedic counselor who is College in Health & Wellness and her master’s degree in trained to read the pulse, observe the tongue, eyes, body, Ayurveda. Karyn is the owner of Sacred Stone School mannerism, speech, hair, nails, astrology chart (Jyotish) For Allied Massage & Ayurveda (SAMA) in Newport, and so on. RI. Visit or call 877-832-1372.

Remedial Tips for Acute Migraines

Healing from the Body Level Up™ (HBLU™) developed by Judith A. Swack Ph.D. HBLU™ is a unique, effective and powerful mind-body healing methodology that gets people unstuck and eliminates struggle — even when other therapies have failed — by simultaneously clearing mental, emotional, physical and spiritual blocks to success.

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UPCOMING EvENTS 9/21 — Judith appears as a regular guest on News for the Soul Radio ”the #1 Life Changing Talk Radio Show in the world”. Visit on Fridays from 7-8:30pm to listen live. 10/10 — Erase Your Food Cravings for Good Learn three distinct (and under-appreciated) causes of food cravings and a simple technique to eliminate them. 10/10: 7-9pm. Newton Community Ed, 617-559-6999. 10/15, 11/8: 7-9pm. Boston Center for Adult Ed, 617-267-4430 or 10/19 or 12/7 — Relationship Success Series Part I Flirting: The Psychology of Instant Sexual Attraction Whether you’re single or coming out of a relationship, it’s always fun to learn or refresh those flirting skills. Join us from 7-9:30pm. Boston Center for Adult Ed, 617-267-4430 or 10/24 — Soul Orientation: A Hypnotic Approach to Furthering Enlightenment Gain insight into the patterns that keep you misaligned. Experience a guided meditation which will take you back in time to the formation of your soul. 7-9pm. Newton Community Ed, 617-559-6999. 10/26 or 12/14 — Dating, Engaged, or Wedded Bliss: Satisfying Unions at Any Stage Learn how to choose and keep your ideal mate, especially the three minimum criteria for creating a successful, happy marriage. 7-9pm. Boston Center for Adult Ed, 617-267-4430 or 11/3, 11/7 & 11/14 — Introduction to Mind-Body Healing Learn powerful techniques for communicating directly with your unconscious mind, body and soul to release unwanted emotions and self-sabotaging behaviors. 11/3: 3-6pm. Laughing Dog Yoga, Wellesley, 781-235-9642. 11/7 & 11/14: 7-9pm. Newton Community Ed, 617-559-6999. 2/26-3/6 — Healing from the Body Level Up I, 28 CEUs, taught on an 8 day cruise, Carnival Miracle, sailing from New York, NY. Register: 877-901-4335 or

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FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 27


By Sherri Snyder-Roche, MA, LMHC


urphy is a four-year-old Golden Retriever who, at over 100 pounds, looks more like a miniature horse than a dog. His head is the size of a cat or small dog. He was born in my home, the largest from a litter of eight pups. Since birth, Murphy was a gentle soul and I knew he would be an amazing therapy dog. He has been coming with me to my psychotherapy office since he was eight weeks old, when I started bringing him to the office once or twice a week so he could get used to his new role. From the beginning, I noticed a significant change in the environment when he was present, and not just the “Awwwwwww… how cute!” I noticed that teens put down their cell phones and got on the floor with the dog, adults relaxed and smiled, body postures changed, active children were calmer, and strangers interacted and shared their pet stories with one another. It felt like more of a community than a waiting room. While Murphy is not a registered therapy dog, I was diligent in my training with him. I currently have six adult dogs at home, have midwifed seven litters of Golden Retriever puppies and have done quite a bit of reading on the subject. With each litter I learned more about animal behavior and raising calm pups. At puppy nap time, for example, I play relaxing classical and New Age music. Frequent visits from my nieces helped the puppies become used to being with children. I learned that rubbing their tiny paws and ears helps them to become more accustomed to being touched. We began teaching commands at five weeks

old and had them paper-trained by eight weeks. Everyone who purchased a puppy commented on how gentle they were. One woman, who was blind, purchased a puppy as her guide dog. She calls every year to thank us and tell us that he the best Golden Retriever she has ever owned. But out of all the puppies, we held on to Murphy. He was special from the beginning. When I began bringing Murphy to work with me, I taught him clear expected work behavior. He never barked, piddled, or jumped on people while at the office, and he was always incredibly gentle. When he was still a pup, I pulled him by his paws, sometimes I wiggled his ears around or flopped his jowels, wiggled his tail to show the kids how gentle he was. He would just sit or lay there like a rag doll, sometimes by my side and sometimes right smack in the middle of the hallway. I started him on harness and leash, but gradually allowed him to follow me around unleashed. He was donned with a variety of colorful bandanas. We jokingly called him the office greeter, as he would lay by the front door patiently awaiting his next visitor. Murphy became part of our community. Several children made “Dr. Murphy Is In” signs and brought him gifts. Children, teens and even adults would request coming on a “Murphy Day” because they “needed him” during their sessions. Before the end of the first year, local pediatricians heard about Murphy and began referring children with animal phobias or anxiety to me.

Animal assisted therapy heals physical and emotional pain.

28 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

Turning Fears Into Friends

Anna*, five years old, was petrified of all animals and her parents were unable to take her out of the house if there was any kind of animal within view. With great enthusiasm, I told the mom that I had started bringing my very gentle puppy into the office, and that Murphy would be of great assistance to helping her daughter. The mother was very hesitant but agreed to bring her daughter. For about the first three to four months the little girl was unable to even look at Murphy, screaming if she saw even a part of his tail. The little girl and her mother stayed in the waiting room while Murphy and I remained on the other side of the wall. Each week, Murphy and I crawled a little closer, and I would wave Murphy’s paw, ear or his nose around the corner of the wall. When Anna would start crying and screaming, I started singing “Old McDonald� with her to help decrease her anxiety. Every time she cried, the three of us sang together until she was calmer, and then I took another step closer. I took photos of Murphy and let her take them home. The little girl would bring gifts for Murphy — a squeeze toy, new bandana or a drawing. Over these months, she began calling Murphy her best friend. Gradually she was able to be in the same room with him and eventually, she even laid her head on Murphy’s cuddly torso. Murphy seemed to sense her anxiety and remained still while she slowly made her way toward him. When her parents decided to end treatment, they thanked me (and Dr. Murphy) for the tremendous progress their daughter had made. Anna was now able to go out of the house when there were animals present, and they even talked about getting their own dog. Katrina* experienced a severe fear of dogs, although that had not been the reason she came for counseling. One evening she arrived at my office, saw Murphy and froze at the entrance. I called Murphy into my office and held him (he seemed to sense when someone was afraid). He stayed tight by my side. I gently supported her, telling that I knew she would be okay and Murphy would not hurt her. She continued to shake her head “No.� Over the next 40 minutes, I encouraged her to take miniscule steps toward me. After each step we changed the subject, joked around, and then I would invite her to take the next tiny step. When she was at arms’ length away, I invited her to reach down and touch Murphy’s tail. I continued to praise her courage and reminded her to breathe. I next asked her to touch Murphy’s paw. She bent down and rubbed his paw, then his tail, and then rubbed his side. Murphy remained completely still as if he sensed her high level of anxiety. He seemed to allow her to lead the pace of the relationship. She stood up, smiled with great pride, then ran into the waiting room to share her success with her mother. As she was leaving, she asked when Murphy would be here next. “I trust Sherri,� she told her mother.

Pet Therapy Research On the Rise

Research about the multiple levels of positive impact of pet therapy (and animalhuman relationships) is amazing. A study of some 6000 patients from the Baker Medical Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia, revealed that those with pets had lower blood pressure, a lower cholesterol level and as a result, a diminished risk of heart attack.1 And American researchers have established that, even after a heart attack, pet owners are more likely than other coronary patients to be alive a year later.2 According to the UCLA website, at several of the UCLA Medical centers, pet therapy has been utilized since 1994 when the Person-Animal Connection (PAC) program was established. “Dogs are naturally interactive and provide relief from long days in the hospital, helping patients to shift their focus from discomfort to enjoyment. The animals’ unconditional love and attention brighten everyone’s day — patients, visitors, and staff alike. Medical research has shown that AAT/A [Animal Assisted Therapy and Activity] brings about physiological signs of relaxation such as decreased blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. In addition, AAT/A stimulates activity in Alzheimer’s patients and in physical therapy and rehabilitation.� Canine-volunteer teams visit more than 500 patients each week. They have made over 80,000 visits since its inception in 1994. According to research by Gawlinski, Steers, Cole and Kotlerman, AAT heart failure patients showed decreased blood pressure, reduction in anxiety, quieting of peoples’ anxieties, and a drop in stress hormone levels by an average of 24%.3 In another study researchers found that children who received AAT and visits from therapy dogs experienced a marked reduction pain levels.4 Animal assisted therapy, pet therapy, canine assisted therapy, and equine therapy have been on rise and more accepted in the medical and mental health fields in a variety of settings. It is being used in mental health settings, hospitals, with autistic children, with soldiers returning from war, in residential settings, prisons, senior centers and continues on page 30

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*All clients' names and details have been changed to protect their privacy.

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 29

DR. MURPHY IS IN: THE VALUE OF PET-ASSISTED THERAPY continued from page 29 those suffering from PTSD. In fact, I recently found out that my cousin runs an equine therapy program in Minnesota called “Hold Your Horses”! There are only a few downsides of having Murphy at work. Not all people like dogs (but only one person has actually complained so far.) Some people are allergic. Some do not want dog hair on their nice suits. However many of my clients now come prepared, actually bringing their allergy medicine or a lint brush with them, knowing that Dr. Murphy might be there. In addition, dogs do smell like dogs and there is no hiding that and dog breath comes along with the dog. I try my best to brush his teeth, groom and bathe him, spray him with doggie cologne, but there is no doubt that Murphy still smells like a dog. And vacuuming and keeping up with the dog hair is a constant effort. However, the benefits of having Murphy at work definitely outweigh the downsides!

It’s All About Love



24 7

69 Milk St (Rte 135), Westborough MA 30 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

Unconditional love is a basic human need. The unconditional acceptance that an animal can provide may offer healing of unresolved emotional injuries or irrational fears and anxieties. The animal does not judge, exclude or criticize; it only accepts and provides love. The animal has no expectations, does not hurry through life, lives in the moment, and shares that moment with the human. There is no yesterday or tomorrow. There are no worries. I realize that not every dog is like Murphy and that he has some special qualities. Clients have repeatedly commented to me, “Murphy just seems to know how I’m feeling.” He is constantly patient and in the moment. He does not rush from one experience to the next. Does Murphy sense what they need? Maureen* a woman with a trauma history, requests to come on “Dr. Murphy days.” She says, “Murphy knows when I’m hurting, when I need affection and attention.” When Maureen cries, Murphy wakes from a deep sleep and gently edges closer to her to comfort and lick her tears. He seems to sense others’ pain. Maureen gently strokes Murphy and the tears flow down her cheeks. No words are needed. Murphy “holds her pain.” Scotty* experiences social anxiety and has difficulty socializing with peers. He quickly took to Murphy and requested “Murphy appointments.” During his visits, Scotty would brush Murphy gently. With each brush stroke, he became more and more relaxed, eventually

lying beside the dog. There was no communication gap between them, only complete mutual acceptance. As he lay there face-to-face with Murphy, he said, “Murphy loves me.” I didn’t tell him this, but everyone at the office says the same thing: that Murphy loves them. The most wonderful feeling in the world is to feel and be loved. We have so much to learn from our animal companions. *All clients’ names and details have been changed to protect their privacy. NOTES 1. “Cats, Dogs and People Politics,” July 28, 2011. 2. “Are Pets Good For Your Health?” 3. “Animal-Assisted Therapy in Patients Hospitalized with Heart Failure.” American Journal of Critical Care, November, 2007, Vol 16, #6. 4. “Animal Assisted Therapy As a Pain Relief Intervention,” Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, May, 2009. RECOMMENDED READING • Kristin Von Kreisler, The Compassion of Animals. 1999. Three Rivers Press. • Jeffrey Mousaieff Masson, Dogs Never Lie About Love. 1998. Three Rivers Press. • Luis Carlos Montalvan, Until Tuesday: A Wounded Warrior and the Golden Retriever Who Saved Him. 2011. Hyperion. • Wayne Pacelle, The Bond: Our Kinship with Animals. 2012. William Morrow Paperbacks. • Jane Miller, Healing Companions: Ordinary Dogs and Their Extraordinary Power to Transform Lives. 2010. New Page Books • Sharon Sakson, Paws and Effect: The Healing Power of Dogs. 2009. Spiegel & Grau • Cynthia Chandler, Animal Assisted Therapy in Counseling. 2005. Routledge Publishing. • Teri Pichot, Transformation of the Heart: Tales of the Profound Impact Therapy Dogs Have on Their Humans. 2009. iUniverse.

Sherri Snyder-Roche, MA, LMHC, has been providing psychotherapy for over 26 years to children, teens, and adults in a variety of settings. She integrates a variety of approaches including mindfulness/relaxation, EMDR, expressive therapies and creativity to enhance the change process. She has been an adjunct professor at Lesley University for 14 years. Visit or email

Let Me Read You,Then Heal You Ross J. Miller has been giving psychic and past-life readings and healing sessions worldwide for over 25 years. During a reading he communicates telepathically with his numerous angels and spirit guides who read and interpret the client’s aura (the spiritual light surrounding one’s physical body). Ross also communicates with the client’s own angels and spirit guides (most people have several of each).



These angels and spirit guides then convey the information that is most needed or desired by the client. All of Ross’s readings are positive and constructive in nature. In addition to answering all of your personal questions pertaining to love, health, relationships, soulmates, business, career, relocation, dream interpretation, parents, children, and pets, he covers topics as diverse as: your life’s purpose, your undiscovered talents, as well as your past incarnations and how they relate to this life.

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The Wellness Roundtable

A Professional Community of Practitioners in Massachusetts CONFIDENT DIRECTIONS

Life Coaching for Life’s Journey .BSJMZO 5BZMPS -.5 -JGF $PBDI t DPOÜEFOU EJSFDUJPOT DPN Welcome a powerful new direction, harnessing your insights with right action. Coaching workshops/private sessions for personal/professional development.


$ $PMPOJBM %S 8FTUCPSP ." t XXX TUBSTFFEEBZTQB DPN Offering a constellation of services including QPMBSJUZ 3FJLJ 3BJOESPQÂĽ 5IFSBQZ IPU TUPOF pregnancy, blended massage, facials and PCA peels, waxing and nail care in a peaceful setting.


4ISFXTCVSZ ." t XSJDF !IPUNBJM DPN XXX IPMJTUJD TQJSJUVBM DPVOTFMJOH DPN Holistic spiritual counseling, stress management, tuning forks, sound table, toning, Reiki, crystal healing, Family Constellations.


t XXX TQJSJUPGDIBOHF PSH New England’s largest free alternative health magazine in print and online.



Lisa Borchetta, MACP, CMC, ACC 8FTUCPSPVHI ." t *OEJWJEVBM (SPVQ 4FTTJPOT t *O QFSTPO 5FMFQIPOF Reconnect with your values and passions, and leverage your strengths to realize your personal and professional goals.

Ancient Wisdom Healing Arts #PTUPO 3E 4PVUICPSPVHI ." t XXX BXIFBMJOHBSUT DPN Chinese and Japanese style acupuncture, Reiki and energetic bodywork. Specializing in treatment of kids and those who BSF OFFEMF TFOTJUJWF



Women’s spiritual center and retreat house. )VCCBSETUPO ." t Quiet, cozy, affordable. Individuals and small groups. Yoga classes, holistic workshops, nutritious food. Labyrinth, meditation garden, medicine wheel.


t .FUSPXFTU "SFB Release tension. Embrace energy. Welcome balance. Alan Krentzel, Certified Instructor. MBSR trained at UMass Medical Center. Specializes in helping people mange ADHD, back/neck pain, anxiety, stress and balance.

Dr. Karen Moriarty & Dr. Casey Gauthier /PSUICPSP ." t Offering healing and wellness through chiropractic care, naturopathy, holistic OVUSJUJPO NBTTBHF UIFSBQZ &'5 ZPHB BOE European thermography.


)PMJTUJD 'JOBODJBM $POTVMUBOU t Registered Representative, Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisor Representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor.


$BSPMZO 8BJUF $4:5 t 8FTUCPSP ." t XXX ZPHBXJUIDBSPMXBJUF DPN SvaroopaÂŽ Yoga classes for groups and private instruction, suitable for beginners to advanced students. Yoga for your body, mind and spirit.


8PSDFTUFS 3E 3U 'SBNJOHIBN t XXX EBSZOCPXFSNU PSH Deep tissue techniques, postural analysis, warm TUPOFT QSF BOE QFSJOBUBM NBTTBHF JO BO JOWJUJOH and relaxing studio with a spa atmosphere.


Detox your body, rock your life! t XXX HVMJDLIFBMUIDPBDIJOH DPN Nutrition counselling to take you from sick, tired and overweight to lean, fit and energized. Raw & cooked food classes, wellness workshops.


Wellsprings Acupuncture 4VNNFS 4U 8FTUCPSP ." t XXX XFMMTQSJOHTBDVQVODUVSF DPN Empowering your source of health and XFMMOFTT XJUI 5SBEJUJPOBM $IJOFTF .FEJDJOF herbal medicine and nutritional counseling.



This is a partial list of our members; we have many talented people in our network to learn with. Meetings are held monthly on the second Wednesday from 9-10:30am, in Northboro, MA.


The Wellness Roundtable members gather monthly with the intention of creating collaborative relationships and building professional community with one another. Our meetings are opportunities to be inspired, stimulated and educated for the greater good of our respective professions. Together, we join to increase the level of well-being, body, mind and spirit, for ourselves, our clients, our communities and our world.



Contact The Wellness Roundtable facilitator: Marilyn Taylor, LMT, Life/Wellness Coach at FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 31

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The Peace Abbey’s Journey Continues

North Shore Community Acupuncture

By Carol Bedrosian

(617) 522-2737

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be measured by the way its animals are treated.� Mahatma Gandhi 1869-1948

Offering affordable care for a healthy community. 5SFBUJOH 4USFTT "OYJFUZ %FQSFTTJPO 1BJO *OTPNOJB 'FSUJMJUZ BOE NVDI NPSF Sliding Scale Fees: *OJUJBM 7JTJU t 'PMMPX VQT

4UFQIBOJF ,VMB Licensed Acupuncturist

4BMFN ." t t

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or more than a quarter of a century, the Peace Abbey, MA, was an interfaith spiritual oasis, meeting place and catalyst for social action like no other in this region, perhaps even in the country. The Abbey was founded by Lewis Randa in 1988 after a visit by Mother Theresa to the Life Experience School, of which Randa is also the founding director. The school, which currently provides students with developmental disabilities over the age of 18 the chance to be actively involved in the community, sought to create a space to hold the Prayers for Peace from the twelve major faith traditions, and thus the Peace Abbey was born. Since the beginning of The Life Experience School, which was founded in 1972, animal care and husbandry have been cornerstones in its curriculum and have guided much of the evolution of the school, and later the Peace Abbey. A well-loved animal sanctuary on the Abbey grounds housed goats, pigs, pigeons, ducks, chickens and cows, as well as the most unusual and famous cow, Emily, whose story is recounted on the next page. When Emily died in 2003, an animal rights memorial was commissioned by The Peace Abbey to be created by internationally acclaimed artist Lado Goudjabidze from

the Republic of Georgia. It consists of a circular brickand-granite path marked with quotes engraved on stone tablets from famous people about non-violence, vegetarianism and animal rights. In the center of the circle sits a granite slab under which the remains of Emily were buried, adorned with a life-sized bronze statue of the peaceful bovine who inspired so much compassion, love and transformation in the thousands who pilgrimaged to see her during her 8-year stay at the Abbey. Christened The Sacred Cow Animal Rights Memorial, the statue is located just a few yards from the larger-than-life-size bronze statue of Gandhi, a memorial to pacifism on the Abbey grounds that, despite its controversial nature in the center of town, has become the iconic image representing Sherborn, MA, in mainstream media. Funded purely by donations, the Abbey eventually faced overwhelming financial shortfalls in the wake of the 2008 recession, and regretfully had to find new homes for all the animals housed at the sanctuary by 2011. The loss of their presence onsite was palpable and tragic, as the Abbey’s heartbeat faded a little more with the departure of each one. Ultimately, the remarkable center that had been continuously broadcasting a vibration of peace and non-violence 24 hours a day seven days a week for a quarter of century from Sherborn center was stilled, until a door opened at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. Throughout the years, the Peace Abbey had welcomed many distinguished members of the peace movement at their events including Maya Angelou, Mother Teresa, Dan Berrigan, Mohammad Ali, the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Rosa Parks and many others. It had inspired and encouraged thousands of others to speak out and act on issues of peace and social justice, and housed a huge collection of archives, artwork and artifacts relating to peace, social justice and animal rights. In July, 2012, on behalf of the Peace Abbey and Life Experience School, Lewis Randa gifted this unique collection to UMass Boston, which has established the new Center and Archives for Peace, Social Action, Public Policy and the Arts, housed on the fifth floor of the university’s Healy Library, along with replicas of the Abbey’s commissioned bronze statues. The original works of art will remain permanently at Memorial Park on the Abbey grounds and will be open daily to the public, maintained and cared for by The Life Experience School. The Abbey buildings — the guesthouse, chapel and barn — are currently closed and their future is uncertain. They are listed on the market for sale to retire the Abbey’s debt. It is the hope of Randa and others that the new center at UMass Boston will put the Abbey’s collection and archives to good use in educating students, faculty and the general public in the ways of peacemaking and furthering the Abbey’s mission to make the world a more compassionate, merciful and loving place. A celebration of the Peace Abbey and the newly opened Center and Archives for Peace, Social Action, Public Policy and the Arts will be held in Spring 2013 at the JFK Library, adjacent to UMass Boston, and is open to the public. Check for details.

Carol Bedrosian is a long time Peace Abbey supporter and the publisher of Spirit of Change Magazine. Visit

Sacred Cow Animal Rights Memorial At the grave site of Emily The Cow

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n November 14, 1995 Emily, the cow, jumped a 5’ gate out of a slaughterhouse in Hopkinton, MA and ran for her life. For 40 days townspeople helped her evade capture and the sure return to the killing floor. Through back yards, in record amounts of snow, Emily was spotted foraging for food and was often seen running with a herd of deer. Making headlines in local newspapers, the story of Emily’s plight reached the Randa family who purchased her from the slaughterhouse. With friends, they brought her to live in sanctuary at the Peace Abbey on Christmas Eve. Over a period of 8 years the door to Emily’s barn was always open. Visitors from all over the world took pilgrimage to be in her presence and receive her love. Emily was attentive and accessible to all who came. There were no boundaries of culture or religion. She loved interacting with all creatures great and small, human and non-human. Emily was a living reminder that we are all one. She made no distinctions about those who stood

before her and reminds us to do the same. She catalyzed a new awareness in people by her very presence. One look into those large, luminous brown eyes communicates so much more than words ever could. She bonded with people, pouring forth love in proportion to her size and weight, leaving them profoundly moved. Many concluded that they no longer wanted to eat meat again for they carried in their heart what Emily had imbued in them — a desire to prevent further suffering and the death of animals. Emily’s journey reminds of what is sacred. A week before passing she was blessed by a local Hindu priest who placed a golden thread around his wrist and one through the hole in her ear that once held the number tag when she arrived at the slaughterhouse. It served as a reminder that we are all holding on by the thinnest and most golden of threads, and that life is indeed sacred. May your visit to Emily’s grave inspire you to expand the circle of compassion and love to include all God’s creatures. continues on page 34

And reading this just led you to your guide! PATRICIA WARREN L.M.T. R.M. Spiritual Director and Coach with 30 years experience.


FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 33

Sacred Cow Animal Rights Memorial Inscriptions If you visit the killing floor of a slaughterhouse it will brand your soul for life. — Howard Lyman, former cattle rancher turned vegetarian and food safety activist

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. — Albert Einstein, physicist and Nobel Laureate

Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace. — Albert Schweitzer, physician, author and activist

It is our duty to break down the species barrier, extending our belief in Christian compassion to the animal kingdom by, among other things, adopting a vegetarian diet. — John Dear, Catholic priest, peace activist and author I believe that in the long run, a person maintains a vegetarian diet and lifestyle to honor the continual calling of their inner, higher heart — creating as little violence as possible in their lives and in the world around them. — Michael Klaper, physician, vegan nutritionist and animal rights activist


People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times. — Isaac Bashevis Singer, writer and Nobel laureate

The way we treat animals is indicative of the way we treat our fellow humans.

If you love animals, don’t enslave, exploit, wear or eat them. — Ingrid Newkirk and

I have no doubt that it is part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals. — Henry David Thoreau, author, poet, and

— John Robbins, environmentalist, animal rights activist and author

Alex Pacheo, co-founders, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men. — Alice Walker, writer, activist and feminist Why do we call some animals pets and others dinner? — Lori and Gene Bauston,

Photo: Robert Fuhro

co-founders, Farm Sanctuary

The greatest mysteries that we will ever come to know in our brief lives are those that reside within the hearts and minds of other species. We need to realize that animals have everything to teach us if only we listen to them, that they are best friends, that they love us, and that we need to love them. — Michael Tobiase, ecologist, humanist, activist, filmmaker

The Grave Site of Emily The Cow Born circa 1993 Escaped from slaughterhouse Nov 14, 1995 Arrived at the Peace Abbey Dec 24, 1995 Passed March 30, 2003 Buried April 2, 2003


mily served as a loving and powerful symbol of courage, inner wisdom and survival to thousands of people who came to know and love her. She inspired many to embark on the road to vegetarianism and cruelty-free living and to appreciate more fully the sacredness of all life. Her gentle and loving nature imbued us all with a deeper sense of connection and respect for all creatures with whom we share this planet. Emily’s spirit will live on in the hearts and minds of those who were touched by her grace and beauty, in each person who becomes a vegetarian for ethical reasons, and in every animal who escapes from the slaughterhouse. This is her legacy and gift to the world. — Meg and Lewis Randa There can be no “final respects” to you, Emily, until the last slaughterhouse has closed its doors, until all beings show compassion to one another, locally and globally. This is a process that will outlive us all. Your courageous life journey will be an ongoing reminder that we must never give up. You never did. — Kathy Berghorn May God bless abundantly everyone who knew you, Emily, and learns of you in the future...and bless all whom they know and will know until this blessing includes everyone who is living or will be living in the entire world. — Cecilia Gilchrist 34 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

The Emily Prayer — Dot Walsh —


earest Emily, patron mother of all animals both living and deceased,

We ask that you help and guide us as we walk through life, following your gentle and compassionate example. For those who struggle with a vegetarian lifestyle, give them the courage to take one day at a time, remembering your courage in escaping the slaughterhouse. For those who seek to follow the path of nonviolence, help them to see all beings as their brothers and sisters, in the circle of love just as you did. For all of us, Emily, continue to heal the wounds and sufferings, not only that we inflict, but also those that are inflicted on us. And in our final hour help us to pass on in peace knowing that our lives have made a difference in this world.

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An orphaned chimpanzee finds safety Cameroon. afety att a sanctuary s in Cam roon.

A pup dumped in the Bulgarian mountains is now safe & warm. moun mou

Saved from a New Orleans gas chamber & flown to New England.

Elderly street dog saved from major mudslide in Brazil and now adopted.

Worldwide Animal Rescue Squads Fundraising Costs

2% Wild Nigali orphan in India Wil ia is hand and nd d reared & returned ret d to the forest. rest

At a sanctuary in Serbia for formerly desperate street cats. forme

Foal and her mama saved from the auction floor in Oklahoma.



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FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 35

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c r orld i wide Prayer C for Animals By Judy Carman


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ircle of Compassion was cofounded by Dr. Will and Madeline Tuttle and Judy Carman to address the deep-seated cause of animal suffering. Worldwide animal cruelty and exploitation are symptoms of a deeply embedded, speciesest world-view that maintains that certain human beings have the right to exploit, enslave and kill whomever they deem less than human. Both physically, through non-violent action and metaphysically, by spiritually encircling the world with compassion for all life, we can address the cause of animal suffering on Earth. Prayer a Day for the Animals was written to offer a weekly schedule of prayers/meditation/focused intention to liberate all animals from human oppression by focusing our thought beams of love and compassion on these groups on the same day. We must never underestimate how powerful our thoughts and prayers can be. It was a deeply emotional experience to write these prayers. I didn’t make it through without crying. It’s so hard to face the details of their suffering. Please don’t feel you have to use these prayers if you find them too painful. You certainly are welcome to make up your own or just read the titles. It is the intention that sends out the power of love from your heart. However, if you can read them or parts of them, remember, your emotion and passion increases the power of your prayers because you are so focused on the subject. Please find comfort in knowing that your love alone, all by itself, without words, is more powerful than anything else in the universe.


Today, let us send our prayers to all farmed animals.
 May compassion and love reign over all of Earth for all farmed animals. Dear ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens, cows, pigs, lambs, bison, elk, deer, and all of you who are suffering today in tiny cages or crowded into feedlots, being beaten, fed poisoned and unnatural food, and for those of you languishing without water or food on trucks or entering the slaughterhouses. We bear witness to your suffering, we take action to permanently end it, and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression. We send our tears and our prayers on wings of love to you. Divine love is all around you. Compassion encircles Earth for each of you and for all beings.

Today let us send our prayers and love to all aquatic animals. 
May compassion and love reign over all of Earth for all the water beings living in the seas, lakes, and rivers. Dear fish, whales, dolphins, crabs, lobsters, starfish, jellyfish, shrimp, coral, and all the other amazing beings who make the waters of earth their home. Your homes and your very lives are being devastated by huge fishing fleets, by trash, oil, sewage, runoff, and other poisons dumped into your waters, by cutting off your fins, and by capturing you and your loved ones for aquariums and the pet trade. Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to end it permanently, and send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression. Divine love and our love is all around you. Compassion encircles Earth for each of you and for all beings. 


Prayers for wild animals being trapped, hunted, caged and/or killed for fur, flesh, leather, trophies, the pet trade, and for wild animals being forced into stress and extinction due to loss of habitat.
 May compassion and love reign over all of Earth for all the beings of the wilderness. Dear bears, foxes, cougars, deer, alligators, wild horses, prairie dogs, primates, mink, bison, beavers, elephants, birds, fish, whales, and all the other

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Today let us send our prayers to all animals vivisected in laboratories and classrooms. 
May compassion and love reign over all of Earth for all animals used for experiments. Dear primates, dogs, cats, mice, rats, pigs, lambs, rabbits, frogs, and all of you who are imprisoned in cages, tortured in useless experiments, separated from your loved ones, and suffering constant pain, fear, and loneliness, sometimes for many long years. Dear ones, we bear witness to your suffering, we take action to permanently end it and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support this violent oppression. We send our tears and our prayers on wings of love to you. Divine love is all around you. Compassion encircles Earth for each of you and for all beings. 

Prayers for animals enslaved in entertainment, such as zoos, circuses, rodeos, aquariums, theme parks, canned hunts, etc. 
May compassion and love reign over all of Earth for all the beings used in the human entertainment industry. Dear dolphins, whales, horses, bulls, elephants, bears, lambs, pigs, sea otters, fish, elks, deer, rhinos, hippos, alligators, snakes, polar bears, lions, tigers, gorillas, chimpanzees, and all of you who are incarcerated when you want your freedom so much; who remember your parents being killed so that you could be captured; who are forced often with whips, chains, and electric prods to perform unnatural tricks; who are treated without respecting the dignity of your true nature. Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to bring it to a permanent end, and send out our energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you. Divine love and our love is all around you. Compassion encircles Earth for each of you and for all beings.

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Today let us send our prayers to all the companion animals suffering homelessness, abuse, and/or lives in breeding mills.
 May compassion and love reign over all of Earth for all companion animals who are suffering at the hands of human beings. Dear dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, rabbits, snakes, mice, turtles, birds, ferrets, sugar gliders, frogs, and so many others. We pray for you that you may have peace and joy in this precious life of yours. Some of you want to live free of human interference, and some of you truly want to be part of your human family. We bear witness to your suffering; we do what we can to end your suffering and to encourage others to do the same; and we continually send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the cruelty and oppression of each of you. Divine love and our love is all around you. Compassion encircles Earth for each of you and for all beings.

cent beings born in freedom and suffering now at the hands of human beings, living in fear of human beings, and mourning the loss of loved ones who have been tortured, imprisoned or killed. Together, we bear witness to your suffering, take action to end it forever, and send out an energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you. We send our tears and prayers on wings of love to you. Divine love and our love is all around you. Compassion encircles Earth for each of you and for all beings. 



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Prayers for the nations of insects and other small creatures. May compassion and love reign over all of Earth for all the tiny beings who live in the soil, the trees, the water and the air, creating harmony and balance with your songs, your pollinating of flowers, your graceful flight, your mysterious transformations, and your miraculous ability to literally create soil in which new plants can take root. Dear dragonflies, bees, wasps, butterflies, mosquitoes, moths, beetles, cicadas, crickets, spiders, ants, and all of you who suffer immeasurably at the hands of people who do not understand the miracle of who you are, who poison you, stomp on you and destroy your homes. You are so small, and many of us who do care about you find ourselves bringing you harm. We ask for your forgiveness and your help and together we bear witness to your suffering, take action to permanently end it, and send out our energy field of love and compassion to comfort you and to transform the hearts and souls of those who support the violent oppression of all of you. Divine love and our love is all around you. Compassion encircles Earth for each of you and for all beings.

Judy Carnan and Will Tuttle created where you can find more prayers and learn more about how activism and spiritual work are inextricably linked with animal rights issues. Judy is author of Peace to All Beings and Will is author of The World Peace Diet, both published by Lantern Books.

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FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 37


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Why I Am A Vegetarian By Lily Hovey

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Compassionate wisdom and animal rights activism from an 11-year-old sage


he chick stared up at me with dark, inquisitive eyes. I smiled as the yellow puffball shook out its soft downy feathers. “This one is getting big!� my friend exclaimed, as her father walked onto the sun porch where we sat, surrounded by newly hatched chicks. “Mmmm. That one does look like it will make a good meal someday,� her father commented. I looked up at him in shock, but shook off the words he had uttered. He must be joking; these were my friend’s pets, not dinner. Her father’s big work boots clumped out the door and into the yard, so I turned back to the chick and its cuteness. Only a few minutes later, he returned, carrying a large hatchet. “Which one is for dinner?� he asked. “Take the black and white one, with the spiky feathers,� replied my friend’s mother. I sat in shock. They were going to kill a chicken! One that once was very much like the one that sat before me! And they were going to eat it! The very thought revolted me. “How could you?� I whispered, but knowing I couldn’t change anyone’s mind, I left before the killing could occur.

“When asked why I don’t eat meat, I don’t feel like I have to defend myself. I just talk to them about why I choose to be a vegetarian. If someone’s being particularly rude, I simply say, ‘Why aren’t you vegetarian??’” — Lila Hovey I have not eaten chicken since that day. Being vegetarian has never been hard for me. A series of experiences, like the one above, made the idea that all meat was once alive sink in. I started with the cute, fluffy creatures, because all I could think of as I looked at lamb or veal or beef was the face of the creature staring up at me pitifully. I remembered the lamb one of my friends raised for the nativity at her church, so happy and playful, and how this lamb on the table had had its life cut short to satisfy the relentless demand for meat. That feels so cruel to me. Animals can feel, think, and make choices. They deserve rights, and by killing them we are snapping that away from them. I have never felt that it is right to just not think about the meat I’m eating. That is selfish. People should know what they are eating, and if it disgusts them, they should change. I remember after I stopped eating the cute animals, going out to dinner and ordering the only non-fluffy thing on the menu: duck. I ate my meal quickly, and as I sat, what I had just done dawned on me. A duck, like the ones swimming peacefully in the pond near my home, had been killed to feed me. Because of me, a duck was dead. I felt my meal churning up in my belly and ran to the bathroom as stomach acid reached my throat. I felt ill, so guilty about the animal, and how no one has the right to cut any life short. I had to leave the restaurant.

Another Nail In Meat’s Coffin

A little over a year ago, I was at a party with some of the people on my parents’ Frisbee team. I was declining a hot dog when one of the teenage boys walked up to me. “I don’t get why you won’t eat it,” he began, “You know that the conditions at the factory farms are horrible; killing it put it out of its misery.” This shocked me. If no one ate meat, then factory farms wouldn’t exist and the animals would never be in the horrible situation to begin with. I learned about factory farming after becoming vegetarian, and it was just another nail in meat’s coffin. While perusing a magazine about American history, I came across an article about a book published in 1906 called The Jungle. Written by Upton Sinclair, it described horrific images of the meat packing industry and made me curious about today’s meat industry and slaughterhouses. This led me to a book titled Enter the Earth about how a town and all the land surrounding it can be destroyed by a single factory farm. These farms pollute the water and air and make the surrounding land unsafe for humans and animals, as well as creating horrible conditions for the animals within. My cousin sometimes talks to me about how some people give her a hard time about being vegetarian. This has never been a problem for me. When asked why I don’t eat meat, I don’t feel like I have to defend myself. I just talk to them about why I choose to be a vegetarian. If someone’s being particularly rude, I simply say, “Why aren’t you vegetarian?” I wish everyone could understand and accept the fact that I’ve chosen the vegetarian lifestyle. And it’s not just other kids; many adults scoff at my decision as well. They whisper words of sympathy to my parents, as if it’s a hardship to have an eleven-year-old who won’t eat meat. I hear the words “it’s just a phase” and “she’ll grow out of it” again and again, but the strength of my conviction is greater than what they might imagine. I started seriously eliminating meat from my diet when I was eight so it’s not like I woke up one morning and decided to become vegetarian. It has been a long journey, and I’m proud of being vegetarian.

Lila Hovey is an 11-year-old who loves all animals, especially her two rescue kitties Neptune and Saturn, and who dreams of getting a book published to help make the world a healthier, happier, and more peaceful place. She would like to become an alternative energy engineer, inventing ways to make solar energy more affordable, efficient and accessible to everyone.

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 39

Howard Simpson/Harmony Fund

1,000 Mile Kisses Save Forgotten Dogs Where ordinary animal lovers launch extraordinary animal rescues

Harmony Fund founder Laura Simpson and her dog Cricket enjoy a tender moment.


ow far would you go for a kiss? For Cricket, a Labrador mix from Louisiana, that first kiss came at the tender age of 4 months old, just as she was beginning to lose her puppy teeth. Cricket was bundled into a cage with dozens of others in line for an early death at a zero-adoption facility in Louisiana. She came in with no fanfare, just an owner who dragged her in and walked away without a goodbye. There would be no happy ending to this story, had it not been for a few good Samaritans with a van and a vision. “I almost let her ride on my lap during transport,” said Ann Salzer, a volunteer for the Massachusetts based charity Animal Rescue Front who took 17 dogs, including Cricket, away from their grim destiny in July. “But having them loose in the vehicle always worries me for their safety, so I crated her in the back seat with the door open and loved on her instead. When I carried her into the veterinary office she just hugged my neck! She barked at the cat sitting behind the counter and the cat just ignored her…so funny. Tail wagging the whole way.” And with the immediate danger of the gas chamber put aside, the race was now on to find homes for Cricket and all the rest while costs to board them at a veterinary clinic mounted quickly. Calls were made to secure a receiving shelter in far away Cape Cod, and while most of those dogs would travel by truck, Cricket flew aboard Continental Airlines because she had already found a home….with me, a perfect stranger living 1,000 miles away. As founder of the Harmony Fund international animal rescue charity, I see thousands of animals in crisis every month. Yet there was something about this little dog that gave me pause. I can’t quite explain it but when I looked at her photo, I was swept away. She felt familiar to me, like a long time friend, and I already missed her. I started talking to my five-year-old daughter Sabrina about all the things we’d need 40 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

to do to transition a puppy into our home. I said, “We’ll need to teach her to go potty outside, to walk on a leash and not to chase our cats and bunny.” But Sabrina knew I had it all wrong. “That’s not right Mommy,” she said confidently. ”The first thing we need to teach her is to love.” Those words ran deeper than she’d realized. After all, I suppose we would be the first to hold Cricket for more than a moment. The first to stroke her head as she fell asleep. The first to chase her as she wiggled across the living room floor. The first to bend down and give her a kiss. It was time now to bring her home. “You’d be surprised how unafraid they really are,” said Animal Rescue Front Founder Chris McLaughlin. ”The lull of the engine calms them right down. I have seen this time and again. They know they are safe once they leave the hellholes they were abandoned in; they just seem to know. We’re blessed and something greater than us eases their fear once we have them in our arms.” Chris is a rescue dynamo who began saving lives immediately after Hurricane Katrina and has since made it her mission to pull homeless dogs out of death row and to find them homes through shelters and foster homes in the New England area. Chris’s efforts have already saved a couple thousand dogs, and in her eyes, things are just getting started. When creating the Harmony Fund, it was my intention to raise funds to support projects like Animal Rescue Front. They became one of dozens of rescue squads worldwide who fly with us under the banner of redefining the word “impossible” for animals in need. After all, a kennel full of dogs in a Louisiana animal control center which actually prohibits the public from adopting the animals is about as bleak as it gets. But as I write this all the dogs are safe and we’re prepping to do it all over again. We’ve got another dozen dogs lined up right now waiting for their first kiss, too, and we don’t intend to let them down.

It begins with the simplest gestures of compassion. An Ohio fisherman lowers an open palm to a drowning American robin and warms the fledgling by a lakeside fire until it flies away the next morning. A Texas obstetrics nurse negotiates with a man to release his badly neglected, nearly starving Labrador and then pays for surgery to remove the puppy sized collar embedded in his full grown neck. A Serbian schoolteacher can’t bear to watch a stray cat tunneling through snowdrifts during a bitter winter storm so she captures the cat and gives him sanctuary in her house until she can find him a good home. These are real moments, defining moments that transform ordinary animal lovers into something more. Some might even call them heroes because, for an instant, these rescuers felt the weight of the lake on a young bird, the ache of an empty stomach in a very hungry dog and the sting of snow against the body of a gentle orange cat. And most importantly, they decided to do something about it.

Deaf Boy in Shanty Town Rescues Burned, Homeless Dog

On a cold morning, animal welfare organization Vida Digna was providing free veterinary care services to the pets living in one of Peru’s shanty-towns. There were more than 200 people in line when a small boy, deaf and unable to speak, used sign language to express that he needed urgent help. He returned moments late with a small, cold, miserable puppy covered in an angry, itchy mange and with a wound caused by scalding water, probably thrown at him to scare him away from market stands. The dog was completely abandoned, except for his faithful human friend who heard his cries for help through his heart rather than his ears. Over the course of many weeks the boy’s neighbor housed the dog and the boy brought him back regularly for veterinary treatments. The dog made a full recovery and was ultimately adopted. The little boy named Darwin continues to bring in other strays he finds. A few days ago an American audiologist heard about this beautiful little soul and has offered to sponsor the boy’s medical testing and to provide him with hearing aids if needed.

Woman Suffers Head Injury While Saving Baby Raccoons Laura Guttridge of Florida has been saving animals all her life. Her rescues have ranged from untangling pelicans from fishing line to relocating the endangered gopher tortoises from construction sites. One afternoon she received a call about a nest of raccoons that needed to be rescued from an attic. The mother had been trapped and relocated days before, forcing her to leave behind her babies. The homeowner did not realize the nest existed until he heard cries days later. “When I got up in the attic, it was hot and dark. My little flashlight barely provided any light. To make the matter worse, there was tons of snowy insulation so I could not really see the rafters. I felt the floor starting to give, but kept searching for the nest.” Moments later, Laura lost her footing on the rafters and fell through landing on the homeowner’s backyard patio. “My head hit the concrete and I was bleeding pretty bad,” Laura said.

continues on page 42


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1,000 MILE KISSES SAVE FORGOTTEN DOGS continued from page 41

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Feeling embarrassed but un-deterred, Laura insisted on going back up in the attic. The homeowner reluctantly allowed her to return. “While up there, the cut on my head continued to bleed,� Laura said, “I was a real mess when I finally got out, but I had four of the cutest little baby raccoons ever. They all survived rehabilitation and were reunited with their mom. I ended up with 14 staples in my skull. The doctor said it was the worst head wound he has ever seen in which a person didn’t lose consciousness. It was certainly a lucky day for those baby raccoons — and for me.�

Devoted Mother Rescues Abandoned Pets On An Old Dirt Road

Lori Brown was driving home when she decided to take a shortcut down a deserted dirt road. Not more than a minute later, Lori saw motion up ahead. Her heart began to beat faster as she realized that there was indeed a dog on the side of the road, and she alone could help him. “There were no houses or businesses anywhere near there “ Lori explains of the Tram Road location in Panama City, Florida. “I couldn’t imagine how she got out there. It took me a full 45 minutes to slowly convince her to come close enough to me so that I could touch her. She was so scared.� This first rescue set off a chain reaction for Lori, who is a devoted mother to two autistic children, both under the age of 6. Over the past few months, Lori has rescued several abandoned cats and dogs in that area and is starting an organization to help.

Man Dives Into Highway Traffic to Save Dog With An Injured Leg

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Recently, Don Hill was driving home through the North Georgia mountains above the small former gold rush town of Dahlonega, Georgia, when on a grassy island in the middle of a hectic and dangerous intersection he saw a German Shepherd pacing back and forth. Obviously frightened to death, the dog was emaciated and holding up an injured hind leg. “My heart was pounding in my chest,� Don said. “I was so scared it was going to run out into the very heavy traffic before I could do anything and I was going to see it die right there in front of me.� Don crossed two four-lane highways to reach the dog and then slowly, over the course of 20 minutes with Don calmly coaxing the dog while crouched down on the ground, the dog summoned the courage to sniff Don. Just at the moment when Don was about to slip a leash around his neck, someone sounded their horn and the dog flew into traffic. Without hesitation, Don dove across the lanes, too, and grabbed the dog and carried it back to safety on the shoulder. A state trooper who witnessed the incident said, “Mr. Hill, that was either the dumbest or the bravest thing I have ever seen.� Don credits his guardian angel for leading him to the dog that day and for keeping them both safe during that dangerous rescue.

Perfect Strangers Arrange Operation for Street Cat

Just a few days before Christmas, a college student named Gregory was passing through Brooklyn, New York, when he found an injured cat lying on a snow covered sidewalk. It appeared to have fallen from a nearby building. He brought the cat to the vet and paid for an exam and x-rays with what little money he had, but when he was told that the cat’s leg would need to be amputated he didn’t know what to do. Even though it was a longshot, the college student posted a plea on Craigslist asking for help. That plea made its way to a New Jersey woman named Laurelei Baker and she decided to call and find out more. “I asked him if anyone had stepped in to help with this cat and he began to choke up,” Laurelei said. “He was obviously very upset.” Lauralei made the two-hour drive that weekend and picked up the cat and assumed his care. “He did endure the surgery and has assimilated himself into our home,” she said. “He rockets around like nobody’s business! I guess no one thought to tell him he was crippled.”

Determination Brings Protections for Sea Turtles in the Bahamas


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Pedro Badarana released a juvenile Loggerhead Turtle that had been caught by a fisherman who intended to butcher it. “She was rescued after being 26 hours upside down, overheated and no water,” Pedro explained. When sea turtles were not yet protected in the Bahamas, as they were in the rest of the world, there was opportunistic fishery of these animals. Pedro explained, “When concerned Bahamians would find a sea turtle in distress, they called me. I’ve run this far with the luck that all turtles have been able to make it to the ocean without the need to keep them in captivity for observation. Some of them need to be stitched or cleansed due to gaffs, hooks or ropes. The animals are released either at the dock or at the ocean aboard of a boat. Sometimes a crew is needed to put the turtle on a stretcher and to carry her.” But Pedro didn’t go quietly about the business of saving sea turtles. He decided to make some noise and launched an online campaign to unite wildlife enthusiasts in a lobbying effort to ban sea turtle slaughter in the Bahamas. Finally, Pedro’s passion paid off. A new law has been put into place to protect the turtles from capture and slaughter. Way to go Pedro. Thank you for being such an amazing champion for marine animals. These are just some of many animal lovers who have joined The Great Animal Rescue Chase, the first worldwide rescue mission open to all animal lovers regardless of age or experience. Hosted online and free for all, this mission has set out a challenge to ordinary animal lovers to go out and rescue a single animal in need and then report back with the story and photos of the animals they saved. On the site, hundreds of uplifting photos submitted by participants tell the stories of dogs cats, deer, turtles, geese, hawks and even chimpanzees rescued from harm. The idea is for rescuers to share their stories to help others like them gain the courage, the confidence and the know-how to save lives.

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What is my life purpose? Why did I choose this life? Nancy Canning was trained by Dr. Michael Newton, author of Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, is a certified Life-Between-Lives Therapist The afterlife is not a blank slate. Special

and has taught this work internationally.

hypnosis techniques take you into the

Laura Simpson is the founder of the Harmony Fund international animal rescue charity based in Holden, Massachusetts. She also leads The Great Animal Rescue Chase worldwide event for ordinary heroes. Details can be found at

superconscious where you access your “soul memories” and recall your spiritual experiences between incarnations. You find your own answers to life’s profound questions. Who am I?

r Phone: (508) 360-9346 r Email: r Web: FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 43

John Shore

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Bill with Star, the donkey

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SENSES By Lesley Irene Shore

Engage your senses wherever you are — breathe, smell, notice, listen.

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44 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012


uman beings co-evolved with nature. Our deepest essence is intertwined with all beings everywhere, with all of creation on Earth, our home. Our souls know this to be true and when we lose this sense of interrelatedness, we develop what I call soul sickness. Historically, our society developed a worldview based on the machine and separate from nature, which we seek to control. We live our lives inside climate-controlled houses, office buildings, “health” clubs and cars. Shut off from nature, our bodies lose their reference points for night or day, warm or cold, winter or summer. Our circadian rhythms move out of sync with nature’s daily, monthly and seasonal cycles, and we readily develop sleep disorders, mood disorders, eating disorders and a host of other conditions. We also learn to disconnect from our bodies, our sensate animal selves. While many humans were caught unawares and perished in the tsunami that hit Asia in December of 2004, animals anticipated the danger and fled to safety. Elephants ran to higher ground, as did goats and other species. According to one report, a herd of buffalo grazing by the beach lifted their heads, looked out to sea, then turned and stampeded up a hill, followed by villagers, whose lives were thereby saved. How did those animals know to run? Perhaps their hoofs picked up a slight tremor from below. Or maybe they sniffed a wave of moisture riding on air. Somehow, they sensed imminent danger and reacted accordingly. Villagers who were attuned to the buffalo recognized their alarm and similarly ran away.

Our human ancestors gathered information to keep themselves healthy by smelling a substance, feeling it on their skin, tasting it on their tongue, looking at it closely, and opening their hearts to its messages. Some herbalists still teach students to gather information about properties of plants this way. They encourage students to nibble on a tiny piece of leaf, noticing sensations on the tongue and the back of the throat. A plant that feels gooey or slimy, for example, indicates that it has mucilaginous properties, which will be soothing to the skin or digestive tract. These days most of us not only tune out sensory messages, we further confuse our senses with artificial sights (flat screens of computers and TVs), smells (perfume, room deodorizers), tastes (artificially flavored, sugar laden food), constant sound, and a barrage of other incoming stimuli, including electromagnetic frequency waves. We disregard bodily symptoms and trust diagnostic machines more than our own sense. Not surprisingly, we have become so dissociated from the natural world that we have lost sight of the precious nature of our planet and readily abuse it. We pollute our air and dump toxic pesticides and herbicides on the earth. Residues of carcinogenic substances are appearing in our water supply. Dangerous by-products of “civilization,” including nuclear waste material and hazardous chemicals, are stored in hiding underground. Some psychological symptoms (depression, addiction, anxiety) can be traced to an awareness of what is happening to ourselves and Earth. Deep inside, we feel the pain of Earth along with anxiety about the future, and try to protect ourselves against these feelings – a form of psychic numbing. If we begin experiencing these feelings, we’re encouraged to take Prozac or another SSRI (serotonin re-uptake inhibitor), which helps to numb us even more. We live in a society of quick fixes, bombarded by ads that offer immediate gratification and transformation. We’re seduced into buying drugs that purportedly cure every imaginable disease. Or a perfume or a car that will make us look beautiful and land the man or woman of our dreams. Yet quick fixes keep us hungry and yearning, buying one promised remedy after another. They might provide temporary relief from pain of many kinds, but underlying issues never get addressed. Human beings intuitively seek out natural settings for healing. Deep inside, Human beings intuitively seek we yearn to connect with nature. Some out natural settings for healing. people are drawn to the beach, othDeep inside, we yearn to connect ers to the mountains. Our bodies, our with nature. psyches, and our souls resonate with these special places. When we bring plants and flowers to people recovering from surgery in a hospital, it’s a way of bringing nature’s healing influence into that otherwise sterile environment. After living in an urban environment, I moved to Harmony Farm and began opening my senses to nature. While tending plants growing in our gardens, I send my own roots deep into the earth. Whenever possible, I go barefoot, delighting in the sensations as my feet make contact with soft damp earth. I encourage everyone to spend some time outside each day. Fortunately, nature exists everywhere, right outside our doors. Wherever you are, engage your senses. Breathe, smell, notice, listen. Use your heart as an organ of perception to send and receive messages with plants, animals, trees, rocks and also other humans. When we open our senses we come alive.

Lesley Irene Shore, Ph.D. is a counseling psychologist, deep ecologist, organic grower, and workshop facilitator. She founded and directs Harmony Center — a non-profit with the mission of helping people connect with nature and align with soul. Visit for a workshop schedule.

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Book a class or session: 207-641-5212 • FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 45

Book Reviews


Jorge E. Rodriguez, MD The Acid Reflux Solution

2012. Ten Speed Press, Emeryville, CA

Huston Smith with Phil Cousineau

And Live Rejoicing: Chapters from a Charmed Life 2012. New World Library, Novato, CA Carpe diem. “Seize the day.” A well-known expression. But there’s a second half: “Rejoice while you are alive.” Huston Smith, considered the world’s greatest living scholar on comparative religion, tries to do both. And Live Rejoicing celebrates his 92 years of wonder and delight encountering the human spirit. Smith’s remembrances include rousing vignettes of time spent with Zen scholar D.T. Suzuki, novelist Aldous Huxley and contemplative Thomas Merton, among many others. So infused is his personal life with love and compassion, Smith admits he was taken aback on his last day of college when his roommate revealed, “Huston, did you know that every morning for the past four years when you woke up your first word was always ‘Good!’?” Devoid of hubris a scholar of his notoriety might posses (he insists there are numerous professors who are better scholars than he), Smith acknowledges his “chief forte” is communication. His gift is revealed as he teaches a third grade class while sitting on the floor to “do religion the way they do in Japan.” He also successfully meets His Holiness the Dali Lama’s request for information on the big bang theory and DNA. Smith explains he was a philosophy professor at MIT when he visited Dharamsala, and his calling card carried the words Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the corner. The scientifically minded spiritual leader of the Tibetan people noticed this and “thought he had a real live scientist in his living room.” His Holiness wondered if DNA had any bearing on reincarnation. He concluded it does not. Smith’s extensive travels and studies highlight many of the world’s religions that have long been ignored. His time among indigenous communities, such as Native Americans and Australian Aborigines, attests that these people are not historical novelties of some bygone era, but living cultures whose traditions continue to shape lives. Through conversations with Australian anthropologists he found them “unanimous in their conviction Aborigines have telepathic powers.” He finds Native American people retain what nonindigeneous people of North America have lost — the reverence and passion for the web of life, values and knowing what’s important, and seeing the infinite in the finite. Additionally, “we have lost our way metaphysically, which is to say, we have lost sight of the Great Chain of Being with its multiple levels of reality.” Deeply grateful for what he fondly refers to as his “love affair with the world,” Smith agrees with Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh on the real value of pilgrimages: “They help us see, upon our return, that our own backyards are also sacred ground.”

46 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

Dr. Steven D. Farmer with Jesseca Camacho, Illustrated by Pamela Anzolotti Children’s Spirit Animal Cards 2011. Satiama, Palmer Lake, CO Intuition, imagination, trust and a reverence for nature are all accessible and charmingly illustrated in Children’s Spirit Animal Cards. This 24-card divination tool can assist children when they are curious or need advice, and includes a helpful and inspiring guidebook for parents. Each color card helps children connect to spirit with a different message. Bear says, “Stand up for yourself,” while Rabbit says, “Ask for help.” Fox encourages children to do something they won’t get credit for doing, such as putting a newspaper on a neighbor’s porch or putting trash in the recycler. Fox’s message, “Do secret favors for others,” shows that sneaky can be good and reveals the underlying beauty of things that are sometimes hidden. Dr. Farmer will be at Circles of Wisdom in Andover, MA Oct 19-21, to share in person his animal spirit and earth magic teachings and the Children’s Spirit Animal Cards.

If you’ve never experienced heartburn you surely know someone who has. More than 50 million Americans suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. Nexium, a powerful antacid and the second most popular drug in the country, can have serious and dangerous medical consequences if used more than six weeks in a row. As Dr. Rodriguez cautions in his cookbook and lifestyle guide The Acid Reflux Solution, “Anyone popping even ordinary antacids...had better be sure they need them.” Instead, Rodriguez (himself a previous acid reflux sufferer) offers a plan for naturally healing GERD. Simple lifestyle modifications such as: Chew your food well, eat slowly, and drink before or after meals are a snap to implement. 100 easy to make dishes include butternut squash risotto, turkey shepherd’s pie and blueberry-mango parfaits. Low in saturated fat and high in fiber, the recipes make weight loss an added benefit.

John Jeavons

How to Grow More Vegetables* 2012. Ten Speed Press, Emeryville CA

Gary Kowalski

Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet 2012. New World Library, Novato, CA In Goodbye, Friend Reverend Kowalski suggests ways to celebrate a dear companion’s life, underscoring there is nothing “petty” about grieving the loss of a cherished pet. Hastings, a beloved horse, was euthanized while invited friends created a circle of support. Hope the lamb was named as her birth followed the difficult delivery of a stillborn. For some, the death of an animal friend is the greatest loss they’ve ever encountered. A ceremonial goodbye can be helpful and may include honoring the life lived, releasing to the oneness of life and remembering with love. Children cope best when their questions are honestly answered and are told the pet’s body goes back to the earth. Regardless of age, allow time to grieve. “It usually takes months or more than a year for life to regain some kind of equilibrium.”

Sometimes an “*” is truly significant. In How to Grow More Vegetables* the “*” means: than you ever thought possible on less land than you can imagine. Now in its 8th printing, this fully-updated ultimate growers guide instructs home gardeners, as well as small-scale commercial producers throughout the world, how to produce high-yield responsibly. The key to this success is using the Grow Biointensive method, a holistic organic gardening approach. Rather than trying to dominate soil, insects, rain, moon, sun, plants and animals, human beings cooperate as “an interwoven part of the whole.” Beginning gardeners will enjoy learning basic techniques such as bed preparation and composting, while intermediate gardeners will learn to grow soil fertility crops. Applying eight key components including deep soil preparation; close plant spacing, and synergistic crop combinations, “we become gentle shepherds providing the conditions for plant growth.”

Gail Lord is a freelance writer living in Massachusetts. Please

send book review copies to 51 North Street, Grafton, MA 01519 or email

9/22 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Wilton, NH. Libby


mber Septe

e ob Oct

Novem ber

9/22 — 3-PART SERIES BASED ON A COURSE IN MIRACLES with Jean Boutin in Douglas, MA. September

Calendar of Events

22, October 20 & November 10. Visit for details.


ng goi On


Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787. Reiki II: 9/23

Find more events and add your listing online

SEPTEMBER 8/31 — FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR LIFE THIS FALL and don’t let another year go by! The Rhys Method® Transformational Process is a fast track pathway to your personal empowerment. Catch a glimpse at an open house at the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine in Medway, MA. Visit

9/9 — LEARN TO SEE AURAS with Lourdes Gray, Ph.D., CCHT, RMT. The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing, Jaffrey, NH. Auras contain information about physical, mental and emotional states. We will show you what to look for, and how to develop your inner vision to see auras around people, animals and plants anytime you wish. The process is surprisingly easy! Save 15%! $114.75 tuition includes aura viewing practice CD, aura manual, your Kirlian photograph and free aura reading. Visa/MC. (603) 899-3288. Sign up now:

9/11 — MAYAN 2012 PREDICTIONS. ThunderBeat Native American shaman is tired of the doom and gloom. She will be speaking the true meaning of the Mayan prophesy, the shifts, time speeding up, ancient pyramids, golden Maya cities, solar flares, Nibiru and more. 6:30pm. First Universalist, 211 Bridge Street, Salem, MA. Full info

9/12-10/21 — MIRABAI DEVI RETURNS TO NEW ENGLAND. Internationally revered spiritual teacher Mirabai Devi offers public meditation programs, workshops and retreat at Omega Institute. Visit

9/15 — NEW DAYS 2012 CONFERENCE. At Bridgewater State University. Realize your true potential! Blending science, spirituality and metaphysics to show you how to do it! Live the life of your dreams! (800) 685-2942

9/15 — NCGR MONTHLY ASTROLOGY WORKSHOP. Don Cerow on “USA History and Predictions.” 12:15–

4:30pm, 266 Beech Street, Belmont, MA. Registration information at phpm or call Joyce Levine at (617) 354-7075 or email

9/15-9/16 — ANGELS & ABUNDANCE! It’s our second annual AngelsTeach weekend retreat in Natick, MA. Join us for two full days of healing, community and fun as we break through our barriers to abundance together! For details visit

9/15 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Newton, MA. Libby

Lourdes Gray, Ph.D., CCHT, RMT, at the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing, Jaffrey, NH. Learn to use Reiki and crystals as powerful healing tools for balancing the mind, body and spirit. Discover how to balance chakras, clear energy fields, charge crystals with Reiki, select the right crystals for yourself and for your client, create crystal healing layouts, program crystals and much more. Visa/MC. Sign up now: (603) 899-3288 or

9/26 — HERBAL REMEDIES FOR HEARTBURN. Learn the root causes and natural remedies for heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD. 7pm. CommonWealth Center for Herbal Medicine, 25 St. Mary’s Ct, Brookline, MA. (617) 750-5274.

9/29 — FROM STAGE IV TO CENTER STAGE with Denise DeSimone in Quincy, MA. Visit for details.

9/29 — SENSES & VIBRATONS: AN EXPLORATION OF AWARENESS. Body awareness skills, experiential sensory exercises in nature and Yoga Nidra with Himalayan bowls will heighten awareness of our Oneness. Harmony Center, Medfield, MA. (508) 359-8056.

continues on page 48

Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787. Reiki II: 9/16.

9/19 — BASICS FOR BEGINNING A PARTNERSHIP WITH THE MINERAL KINGDOM. Wondering what to do with crystals? Develop a relationship with the mineral kingdom you can begin putting into practice with Trish Whynot. At ZuZu’s, Melrose, MA. Visit for details and more classes.

9/21-9/23 — WEEKEND COOKING WORKSHOP at Groton Wellness (GAPSTM style). Allergies? Digestive disorders? Auto-immune diseases? AD/HD? Autism spectrum? Join traditional food chef and certified nutritional counselor Monica Corrado teaching her series of classes Dr. Mercola called “ground-breaking”! Call (970) 685-7797 or

9/22 — KUNDALINI YOGA FALL FESTIVAL. Saturday, 10-6. Kundalini yoga, live music, kirtan, healers, meditation, gong, yogi tea, shopping, delicious vegetarian food! Yoga At The Ashram, 368 Village Street, Millis, MA. (508) 376-4525.

9/22 — PSYCHIC HOLIDAY FAIRE at Women of Wisdom in N. Easton, MA. 12-5pm. Variety of psychics and holistic practitioners. (508)230-3680 or visit

10/19-21: Share in some Earth Magic with Dr. Steven Farmer at Circles of Wisdom in Andover, MA. Free talk Friday evening on his new spirit animals book and children’s CD (see book reviews this issue), Saturday workshop and private sessions on Sunday. See listing or FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 47

CALENDAR continued from page 47 9/30 — THE ART OF MAKING GOAT MILK SOAP. Watch the demonstration of kitchen chemistry reveal techniques for creating beautiful and successful goat milk soap. All participants will leave with a sample of soap made that day. 1-3:30 pm. $35, plus $10 materials fee. Boston School of Herbal Studies. (781) 646-6319.

9/29-9/30 — LESSONS OF HEALING FROM ATLANTIS. Through channeling, activation of the crystalline structure of your body, and discussion of the Atlantean ways of living and healing, Alicja Aratyn helps us bring ancient wisdom to our current lives. Andover, MA. (978) 474-8010.

9/29-9/30 — 6TH ANNUAL NATURAL LIVING EXPO. Over 175 exhibits and 100 workshops. Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center, Sturbridge, MA. Keynotes tickets on sale now. See page 3. Contact Michella (508) 278-9640 for exhibitor, attendee or volunteer details.

9/29-9/3 — REIKI CERTIFICATION IN BELMONT, MA. Awaken your healing skills! The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing is recognized and acknowledged as a leader in the field of Reiki training for its commitment to excellence in Reiki education. Two days of learning, hands-on practice and no cut corners certifies you immediately to work on yourself, others and pets. Workbook, free audio CD ($14.95 value) and certificate awarded. Save 15%! Tuition $127.50. 12.0 CEUs. Visa/MC. Sign up now: (603) 899-3288 or

OCTOBER OCT-NOV — YSABEL AND OLINDA, MEDICINE WOMEN FROM PERU, are special guests at Ancient Wisdom, LLC, in Johnston, RI for shamanic ceremony, sessions and classes. Visit or call (401) 447-3671.

OCT-JUN — THE GATES OF INANNA. A nine-month journey of transformation working with the ancient myth of Inanna. Begins with an opening weekend October 1314, 2012, and ends with a closing weekend June 1-2, 2013. Nine sessions in South Hamilton, MA. Contact Heather Ensworth, PhD, at or (978) 468-2021.

10/1 — REGISTRATION DEADLINE FOR YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. 200 hours. Open Doors Yoga Studios, Weymouth, MA. Begins October 17. Pre-register by October 1. Wednesday evenings, 6:30-9:30pm and one Saturday a month, 9:30am-4:30pm. $2500 when paid in full. or call Richard at (781) 820-8039.

10/3 — FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR LIFE THIS FALL and don’t let another year go by! The Rhys Method® Transformational Process is a fast track pathway to your personal empowerment. Catch a glimpse at an open house at the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine in Medway, MA. Visit

48 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

9/30: Delve into the depths of your untapped talent and soul through the “Keeping Your Heart Open In Hell” writing workshop with Chilmark Writing Workshop founder and author Nancy Slonim Aronie, Sunday, 1pm at the Natural Living Expo, Sturbridge, MA. See listing or 10/4 — MISSING LINK IN HEALING: CENTRAL INNER ALIGNMENT AND VIBRATIONAL TOUCH FOR RAPID PAIN RELIEF with Carla Muth. Class from October 5-7. For more information, call Brain Awakening (617) 271-1935.


10/6-10/7 — EMPOWER THYSELF INITIATION: First Step Initiation into the Universal Brotherhood-Sisterhood of Light with the lineage of the Modern Mystery School. 11am-7:30pm, each day. Life Activation (private session) prerequisite. Jordan Bain: (617) 6940994. Brookline, MA.

World famous seminars ( turns beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. 7:30 pm, 169 Mass Ave. Boston, MA. (781) 599-1476. or

10/12-10/14 — MESSAGES OF PEACE, LOVE AND UNITY. Sufi teacher from Mosque al Aqsa Jerusalem Sidi al Jamal. Open to all faiths and beliefs. Andover Newton Theological School, Newton Center, MA. or (617) 721-5215.



heal your clients and yourself. 9am-6pm. Needham, MA. 28 CEU credits for social workers, LMHCs and RNs. (781) 444-6940.

10/5 — ACUPUNCTURE, MASSAGE AND YOGA OPEN HOUSE in Salem, MA. North Shore Community Acupuncture and Green Tea Yoga are offering complimentary services including community acupuncture, massage, healthy living discussion, Yoga and more, 6pm–8pm.

10/5-10/7 — MISSING LINK IN HEALING with Carla Muth. Weekend workshop in Boxford, MA. For information, call Brain Awakening at (617) 271-1935.

approved. Harvest your own stones at the beach and learn how Ayurveda integrates with hot stone massage and crystal healing. (877) 832-1372.

10/13 — PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT, PAST LIVES AND ANGEL COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP with Ross J. Miller, psychic healer, medium, regression therapist. In this unique, experiential workshop you’ll learn how to identify your guardian angels and spirit guides by name and receive their guidance, healing and inspiration; discover your soul’s life purpose; experience two of your past lives and heal the residual karma from them; give psychic readings to others in class and more. Saturday, 10:00am-5:00pm, Newton, MA. To register for the workshop or to schedule a psychic or past life reading or healing session in person or over the

phone, visit our website: or call Ross J. Miller (617) 527-3583.

10/13 — SAMHAIN FALL HARVEST FAIR. 10-4pm at The Sons of Italy Social Club, 34 Center Street in Torrington, CT. Two floors full of vendors, healers, and readers. Items include but are not limited to hand crafted gemstone jewelry. Pagan/Wiccan supplies, metaphysical, hand-crafted herbals, hand-crafted dream catchers, aura photography, and much more. Questions:

10/13 — THE MYSTICAL ART AND TALENT SHOW. Enjoy this unique inspiring annual event featuring paintings, poetry, story and song by many local spiritual artists. 7-9:30pm. Admission $5-$10 sliding scale. Cambridge Swedenborg Chapel, 50 Quincy St, across from Sanders Theatre, Harvard Square. Series info and art online at

10/22 — PSYCHIC AND MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT INTENSIVE. 6 weeks. Learn to receive psychic guidance, messages from heaven, and give readings. Consider a career as a professional psychic and medium. Beginner and intermediate levels. Only 6 serious students. Lots of information, feedback, support, and personal attention. 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm. Belmont, MA. Pre-register required by 10/19. (617) 489-7717.

10/26-10/28 — CRYSTAL CLEAR MEDITATION AND YOGA RETREAT at Spiritfire Meditation Center in Leyden, MA . Hosted by Bianca Grace with nutritionist Julie Starr-Wood. Visit for more details or (781) 414-1475.

10/27 — THE WISDOM OF THE CHAKRAS WITH ELLEN TADD in Quincy, MA. Visit for details.

10/13 — STAR BEINGS AND YOU. Come explore this

10/27 — WALKING THE DEAD with Lourdes Gray,

fascinating subject, 1-5 p.m. at Roots & Wings Healings Art Center, Natick, MA. For information or to register contact Pandora Pillsbury at (508) 446-0576 or

Ph.D., CCHT, RMT, at the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing, Jaffrey, NH. Learn advanced Reiki techniques to assist individuals who are either getting ready to transition out of this life, or have already physically died, but have not fully transitioned into Spirit. The process of transitioning, the steps that must be taken in order to leave Earth plane, and the process of crossing over into cosmic consciousness are explained to the student. Prerequisite: Reiki II. Visa/MC. Sign up now (603) 899-3288 or

10/13 — CONSTELLATION APPROACH SEMINAR. “Supporting peace one family at a time.” The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. A constellation is an unfolding and experiential process in which group members are selected to represent family members of current or previous generations for resolution with issues involving family relations, illness, partnership and much more. Saturday, 9:306, $150/day. Private Constellation Sessions also available. Jamy and Peter Faust, to register. (617) 484-HEAL.

10/13 — REIKI MASTER TRAINING. Wilton, NH. Libby

10/28 — PAST LIFE REGRESSIONS with Lourdes Gray, Ph.D., CCHT, RMT, at the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing, Jaffrey, NH. Lourdes is a certified clinical hypnotherapist and regression specialist. This is same popular seminar John Harvey Gray gave for years at the Maine Healing Arts Festival and Interface. Two regressions are provided. Your subconscious selects the dates and places, and

protects you from bringing back any uncomfortable emotions. $125. Visa/MC. (603) 899-3288.

10/31 — OPEN RITUAL FOR SAMHAIN. Join us as we open the veil between the worlds and commune with our beloved dead. 8pm. Hosted by Tintagels Gate, 505 Main Street, Athol, MA. (978) 830-4611.

NOVEMBER 11/2 — MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN. Wellesley, MA. Professional psychic and medium Gayle Kirk offers loving, healing messages from heaven in an uplifting group setting similar to John Edward. 7-9pm. Sign-up by 10/31. Seating limited. Warren Recreation Building. (781) 2352370 or

11/3-11/4 — ANGEL COMMUNICATION BASIC TRAINING. The same curriculum we’ve delivered to likeminded angel lovers from all over the world is now offered in a weekend workshop right here in Massachusetts! For details visit

11/10 — CONSTELLATION APPROACH SEMINAR. “Supporting peace one family at a time.” The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. A constellation is an unfolding and experiential process in which group members are selected to represent family members of current or previous generations for resolution with issues involving family relations, illness, partnership and much more. Saturday, 9:30-6, $150/day. Private Constellation sessions also available. Jamy and Peter Faust. (617) 484-HEAL. to register.

continues on page 50

Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787. Reiki Master Teacher: 10/14.

10/14 — FREE INTRODUCTION TO YOGA with Lucy Cimini, founder of Central Mass Yoga & Wellness in West Boylston, MA. 5:30-6:45pm. Designed with beginners in mind, we will explore beginner yoga postures and breathing.

10/19-10/21 — EARTH MAGIC WITH DR. STEVEN FARMER. Steven introduces his new spirit animals book and a children’s CD in a free talk on Friday evening. Saturday is a workshop How to Receive Messages from Earth Spirit Guides, and private sessions are offered Sunday. Andover, MA. (978) 474-8010.

10/20 — GROUNDING IN NATURE AND SOUL. An experiential workshop to connect with nature, ground in your body, and send roots into the soil of your deepest self — your soul. Harmony Center, Medfield, MA. 508-3598056.

10/20 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Concord, MA. Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine co-author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Visa/MC accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787. Reiki II: 10/21.

9/29: Robert and Christine Gerzon are dynamic, outstanding speakers who are guiding those feeling excited and anxious about their lives and the state of the world through their Conscious Earth philosophy. They are featured on Saturday at 11am at the Natural Living Expo in Sturbridge, MA. See listing or FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 49

Photo: Jenny Loya

CALENDAR continued from page 49 11/10-11/11 — THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN®: THE SHAMANIC JOURNEY, POWER AND HEALING. Boston area, MA. Nan Moss and David Corbin. The Foundation for Shamanic Studies basic workshop, prerequisite for all Foundation programs. Contact David Perry (508) 376-6298,

READING GATHERINGS. Facilitated by Reverend Jeannine Bakriges, ordained Spiritualist minister and certified metaphysician. Offered on Saturday or Sunday from noon5pm. Schedule a gathering at your home, receive two free readings! For more information: www.thespiritualspider. or (802) 368-7217.

11/17 — PSYCHIC AND HOLISTIC FAIRE at Women of Wisdom in N. Easton, MA. 12-5pm. Variety of psychics and holistic practitioners. (508) 230-3680 or visit

11/18 — ZUZU’S 7TH HOLIDAY NEW AGE EXPO! Shop for gifts, psychic readings, aura photography, Reiki, chair massage and more! Free raffles, free seminars! Admission $5, 10am-5pm, Holiday Inn, Rt 1N, Peabody, MA, details:

PRANIC HEALING WEEKLY TWIN HEARTS MEDITATIONS AND FULL MOON MEDITATIONS. Cleanses, energizes, and relaxes body, mind, spirit. Thursdays, 7-8:15 pm. Miriam G. Smith, C/MCKSPH healer and pranic healer teacher. (978) 683-6129.


12/6 — INFO SESSION FOR 200-HOUR HATHA YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. Training runs January 3-April 13. Info session at 7pm, Thursday, Dec. 6. Central Mass Yoga, West Boylston, MA. (508) 835-1176 or

12/7-12/9 — READ AND PLAY MUSIC in a weekend! World famous seminars (www.understandingofmusic. com) turns beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. 169 Mass Ave., Boston, MA. (781) 5991476. or

12/17-12/23 — MAYA GALACTIC CALENDAR TOUR. Join us at the pyramids for the winter solstice/ galactic alignment. Attune to the energies along with the Maya elders. Participate in ceremonies and festivities. Visit Contact Rob Rocheleau at (508) 523-5127.

TAI CHI CHUAN. Classes in Yang style tai chi chuan, both 11/11-12: Internationally renowned animal Reiki expert Kathleen Prasad will headline both days of The Conference on Complementary Animal Healing in Boxborough, MA. See November listing or

group and private, held at Gin Soon Tai Chi Club, the oldest school teaching tai chi chuan in the greater Boston area. Classes held Monday-Thursday 11-1. Evenings from 4-8. Saturdays 1-4. 33 Harrison Ave, 2nd floor, Boston, MA. (617) 542-4442.



to 8:30pm. Advaita Meditation Center, 28 Worcester Lane, Waltham. Introduction for beginners at 7, meditation at 7:30 for all, refreshments at 8:30. No fee; suggested donation.

monthly meetings, second Wednesday each month in Northboro, MA. Stay inspired and create collaborative professional relationships. A welcoming community working for the greater health and well-being of all. Contact


FULL MOON YOGA. Celebrate the divine feminine


and Lincoln, MA. Affordable, evening and weekend classes, aromatherapy intensive, herbal apprenticeship programs and advanced training. Call (781) 646-6319 or see

through meditation, chanting, pranayama, asana, dance and ceremony. October 27th: Hunter’s Moon/Samhain; November 30th: Snow Moon; December 28th: Long Night’s Moon (Yule). From 7 to 9pm.

CLASSES IN CHANNELING AND SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION with Vywamus, a teacher of higher consciousness,



channeled by Andrea Seiver. Have a personal reading, enjoy 2012 Evenings with Vywamus on September 13, October 4, November 1. (617) 332-1541.

A Caribbean clay and writing workshop, St. John, USVI. January 7-15, 2013. Rest, snorkel, hike, create. Connect your spirit with Earth, sky, sea. Info: (802) 387-4820,,


3/2 — SHAMANIC LIGHT HEALER APPRENTICESHIP with Leontine Hartzell of Eye of the Eagle Center for Spiritual Light. Begins March 2, 2013 in Andover, MA. Lifechanging popular program offered for the 7th time. Meets 1 Saturday/month for 10 months. Optional second year. For details, call (978) 475-1268 or visit

50 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

MA. Gentle stretches, pranayam and supported poses for deep release and relaxation. This is the practice of undoing and just being. Contact Raven at or

Women’s Spiritual Center and Retreat House, Hubbardston, MA. 6:30-9pm. New Fall and Winter happenings. See full schedule online. (978) 820-1139.

recognized experts on animal Reiki, energy and vibrational healing, flower essences, essential oils, acupuncture, acupressure for dogs, cats, and horses. For more information, visit

Sponsored by Canton Spiritualist Church. 10am-5pm. Free admission. 1-3 Blue Hill River Road, off Rt 138N, Canton, MA (at The Blue Hills, Exit 2B off Rt 128). For more information call (617) 469-2568.

RESTORATIVE YOGA. Sundays at 5pm in Westwood,

FREE MONTHLY POTLUCK AND WOMEN’S CIRCLE. 2nd Wednesday of each month. The Gathering Inn

11/11-11/12 — THE CONFERENCE ON COMPLEMENTARY ANIMAL HEALING will bring together nationally


Meetinghouse, Cambridge, MA. Open to all, instruction available on website: Terrence (978) 952-2704 or Emily (781) 641-3980.

matherapy, Fairhaven, MA. September 29: Introduction to Aromatherapy, Arlington, MA. September 30: Goat’s Milk Soap, Arlington, MA. November 4: Aromatherapy II, Hamilton, MA. (978) 297-4502.

SHAMANIC DRUMMING CIRCLE founded 1993. Usually second and fourth Fridays of every month. 7pm. Quaker

dom of the Ages, Simsbury CT. Whether you are a beginner or experienced meditator, it’s a great class to find peace. 7:15-8:15pm. September 18, October 16, November 6, December 4. (860) 651-1172.

TAI CHI AND CHI GONG CLASSES at Emerson Hospital, Concord, MA, led by Dr. Ming Wu. Tai Chi class is 9:30am-10:30am. Qi gong class is 10:30am-11:30am. Visit or call (978) 461-2168.

PSYCHIC AND HOLISTIC FAIRES at Women of Wisdom in N. Easton, MA. September 22 and November 17. 125pm. Variety of psychics and holistic practitioners. Contact us for further information at (508) 230-3680 or visit

new england’s

Holisticdirectory F ALL 2 0 1 2

Categories • Acupuncture and Asian Medicine . . 51

• Chiropractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

• Healing and Bodywork . . . . . . 57-58

• Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

• Astrological Consulting . . . . . 51-52

• Classes, Certifications & Schools . . 53-55

• Healing: Combined Modalities ..58-60

• Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61-62

• Bookstores and Gift Shops . . . . . 52

• Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

• Herbs and Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

• Retreats and Retreat Centers . . . 62

• Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-53

• Consciousness Transformation . . 55

• Holistic Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

• Spiritual Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

• Children's Health and Services . . . 53

• Counseling and Therapy . . . . . 55-57

• Homeopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

• Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness . . . . . . . 62

Acupuncture & Asian Medicine

Acupuncture of Worcester Holistic Health since 1974

Healing Point Therapeutics Marisa Fanelli, M.Ac. Acupuncture is remarkably effective in treating pain, but that is only the beginning of what this medicine is capable of treating. At Healing Point Therapeutics, our goal is to be the catalyst for your journey to health and well-being. We incorporate several mo-

Patricia Smith Burkhart, MAC, LIC. AC.

Gentle relief from: • stress and pain • medication side effects • chronic health problems

dalities, including hypnotherapy, to create a personalized treatment unique to each patient… a treatment that is both highly effective and incredibly relaxing. Try our “30 for 30” sessions on Thursdays: A 30-minute relaxation session of acupuncture, which includes a progressive relaxation hypnotherapy session for $30. Check out our reviews on Yelp! Hours: Sun 10-6, Mon-Tues 12-10, Wed, Fri, Sat 10-2, Thurs 10-10 185 Commonwealth Rd, Wayland, MA G 877-433-1554 G

I look forward to alleviating your suffering. Whether your issue is chronic pain, allergies, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, plantar fascitis, golfer’s elbow, infertility, uterine fibroids, menopausal symptoms, insomnia, a compromised immune system, or a host of other problems, I can help you. Call for a free “meet and greet” appointment. 259 Mass Ave., Arlington, MA Free parking in rear. 781.648.0911

Acupuncture & Shamanic Healing Nature’s Path to Healing & Personal Transformation

Blue Lotus Healing Arts is dedicated to mind/body healing, education and wellness. Our services include Acupuncture and Shamanic Healing, the medicine of Plant Spirits, and various workshops to heal, guide, and support you to reclaim a heart-centered connection to your self, others, and the earth. Please contact us for more information: 70 Athelstane Rd, Flr #2, Newton Ctr, MA 617.965.6440

Dr. Yvonne Chen, Lic. Acupuncturist One of the first practicing acupuncturists in the United States, Dr. Yvonne Chen began her acupuncture practice in Washington, D.C. in 1973, moving to Worcester one year later. Trained in China as a medical doctor, Dr. Chen’s years of study and research included in-depth work with both traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Her approach to health incorporates keen knowledge on the nature of disease, use of

energy balancing, nut­ritional counseling and the promotion of spiritual well-being. Acupuncture is especially effective in the treatment of: • Pain: migraine headaches, stress relief, tendonitis, arthritis, lower back pain, neuralgia, whiplash, accident and trauma injuries and TMJ syndrome • Improving bodily functions: respiratory ailments, insomnia and impotency • Nervous system disorders: Bell’s Palsy, paralysis, multiple sclerosis and stroke recovery • Behavioral changes: weight control and smoking cessation. Located at 110 June Street, Worcester, MA 01602. For an appointment or for more information, please contact Dr. Yvonne Chen at 508-755-5557.

Astrological Consulting Joseph Crane

Practical Astrology

Joseph Crane has been a consulting astrologer since 1988. He is Co-Director of the Astrology Institute and author of numerous articles and three books: A Practical Guide to Traditional Astrology (1998) and Astrological Roots: The Hellenistic Tradition (2007) and forthcoming Between Fortune and Providence: Astrology and the Universe in Dante’s Divine Comedy.

Joseph uses astrological consultations to help people understand and work better with their lives. Natal astrology helps determines patterns and possibilities for you in this lifetime. Predictive astrology examines situations and their meaning within larger contexts and their probable outcomes. Horary astrology casts a chart for the time of asking an important question; Electional Astrology gives the best time for a new undertaking. Consultations are in Rhode Island or over the phone. All sessions are recorded. Visit our website for further information and our monthly newsletter. s 401-527-2035

Astrological Consulting continued

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 51

Astrological Consulting continued



Esoteric Psychology Monique Pommier, M.A., Ph.DE

Astrology illuminates one’s psychological landscape and journey. It times life developments and reveals their designs for the soul. I offer astrological services and ongoing psychospiritual counseling with astrology, Jungian and esoteric psychology as a comprehensive ground of exploration and guidance


Questions? Astrologer Eric Linter has answers. Changes in relationships, career, health, finances or spiritual practice are inevitable. Eric’s clarity will help you stay on the right path. His insights help you better understand and appreciate life’s challenges. His clients say Eric Linter is “profound and enlightening” and “one of the best astrologers on the East Coast.”

on current issues and lifelong questionings. By accessing the deeper order of your life, you gain transformative insights into the evolutionary meaning of particular challenges and new perspectives to direct your choices. My background includes an MS and PhD in Esoteric Psychology and Philosophy. Jungian psychology, Eastern and Western Traditions are key foundations in my approach. I have been in practice for 25 years. U Astrological Consultations U U Psychospiritual Counseling U 617-524-7072

An Herbal, Metaphysical & New Age Gift Shop for all your herbal and ritual needs

Classes in Aromatherapy, Astrology, Tarot, Wicca, Herbs and more

Home of the Celtic Cricket Psychic Reader... What’s in your Future?

Tue-Sat 11:30-7, Sun 12-5 pm., Mon-Closed, 54 Fall River Ave. (Rt. 6), Rehoboth, MA n 508-336-8813

Readings available in person or over the phone

Eric, a professional astrologer for 25 years, works with individuals, couples and businesses. Specialties include career moves, personal creativity and karmic relationships. Consultations are available in person, by telephone, or on cassette. Eric also offers classes, lectures and appearances at parties and special events. For more information and to schedule a private session, contact Eric by email or call:

Witch Owned and Operated Ritual Supplies G Crystals G Gemstones Jewelry G Incense G Candles G Gifts Mediums and Spiritual Counselors on staff Various classes and workshops! 78 N. Washington St, N. Attleborough, MA Hours: Wed, Thur: 11-6; Fri: 11-7; Sat: 10-5 Sun-Tue: Closed 508-643-3400 G 877-33-WITCH X 508-541-4115 X

“I learned more from one session than I did from 5 years of analysis.” - J.G., Cambridge, MA

Bookstores and Gift Shops Crystals G Books G Jewelry G Statuary Incense G Gifts and More! Psychic Readings G Reiki G IET Chair Massage G Classes Workshop and Events

Metaphysical Shop

The Silver Willow

Large selection of bulk herbs The Silver Willow’s own herbal tea blends Handmade herbal products for you and your whole family, including your pets Crystal Balls n Tarot Cards n Pendulums Incense n Ritual Tools n Statues Challis’s n Reiki Treaments The largest selection of New Age books in the entire area!

122 West Emerson St., Melrose, MA G 781-665-8844

Centers Rhode Island Center for

Metaphysics Possibilities * Learning Illumination

We are an enlightened spiritual community committed to learning and growing and open to the many possibilities along this spiritual journey. 1050 Main St, Unit 14, East Greenwich, RI 401-300-GOD1

Center Offerings G Spiritual Topic Discussion Group G Spiritual Study Group G Spiritual Movie Night G Spiritual Classes G Morning Group Meditation Sessions G Spiritual Lecture Series

See our full schedule of events: Join us on meet up: The-RI-Center-For-Metaphysics

new age gift shop

Books and music @ Aromatherapy and tools Incense and candles @ Cry­stals and jewelry

Bodywork and Readings

Massage Z Cranial-Sacral Z Reiki Z Polarity Full Spectrum Healing Z Angel Readings Spiritual Counseling Z Psychic Readings

Learning Center

Workshops @ Reiki Training @ Readings Yoga @ Gaidon Heart @ Bellydance Psychic Development

Classes and Workshops

Holistic Healing Center

52 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

Usui and Karuna Reiki @ Hypnotherapy Reflexology @ Massage @ Crystal Healing Inner Child Healing @ Body Talk™

Yoga Z Tai-Chi, NIA Z Journey Dance Qi Gong Z Crystal Bowl Workshops Psychic Development Classes Z Meditations Healer Training Programs

Hours: Mon–Fri 10 am-8 pm, Sat 10 am-5 pm, Sun noon-5 pm. Gift Certificates available. 118 Washington St., Rte. 138, N. Easton, MA 508-230-3680

Our two gorgeous workshop rooms are available for rent by the hour and the day. Charming, light filled practitioner rooms are also available for rent. Reasonable rates!

Host your event here!

163 Main St., Suite 6, Medway, MA 02053 508 533-0669 Z


Largest New Age Store in New England

Hot Power Yoga and Gentle Yoga Classes YOGA TEACHER TRAINING

200 & 500 Hours u 14 Yoga Studio Locations Dorchester, Roslindale, North Cambridge, Easton, Westwood, Canton, Braintree, No. Attleboro, No.Scituate, Duxbury, Hingham, Weymouth, Hanover, E. Bridgewater

Private Readings Tarot, Psychic or Mediumship Telephone Readings or Walk-Ins

Classes, Certifications & Schools

Huge selection of health-related products, jewelry and metaphysical needs 395 Washington Street, Braintree, MA Store open daily, 9 am-10 pm, 7 days a week u 781-843-8224

Massage | Aesthetics Polarity | RYSE Ipswich • Plymouth • Westboro You deserve an education that honors who you are and who you are becoming.

We are a nonprofit center dedicated to teaching meditation and exploring the tradition of Advaita. Our aim is to guide you to the experience of happiness and unity in everyday life. Wednesday Evening Open Meditation Meditation Workshops Classes and Study Groups

To learn more about us, go to our website or visit us at our lovely, historic house in Waltham.

28 Worcester Lane, Waltham, MA 02451 G 781-647-0020

Ample parking and wheelchair accessibility.

A great education is spiritually transforming: You overcome your limitations and realize your highest potential, at the same time you learn the foundation and skills to succeed. Excellent education is not by chance; it comes from years of listening to employers, graduates and students to find the best way to teach the most valuable information to make you successful. As a leader in energy medicine and

Children's Health Services Touchstone offers:

Touchstone Community School offers a progressive, child-centered approach to education. For twenty-three years, we have nurtured and inspired children to be creative, independent partners in their learning.

Small, mixed-age classes Thematic studies that integrate subjects Dedicated, expert teachers A diverse community and highly positive culture Parent-teacher-child partnership in educational development To learn more about our holistic approach to education for children ages 4 to 14, visit or call Ana at 508-839-0038.

Chiropractors H o l istic H e a ling C e n ter Dr. Jennifer Lees Network Chiropractor Imagine feeling more ease in your body. Imagine more joy and serenity in your life. Sometimes our capacity to heal may be overwhelmed by the stress of life. Our body

tends to lock up and mold to the stress. After a while we may find ourselves sick, tense, symptomatic or simply just wanting more out of life. I specialize in gentle techniques that unwind these tension patterns. It is my goal to help you move through life’s stresses with more grace and ease. Healing is possible... and it can be easy. Dr. Jennifer Lees 410 Boston Post Road #26, Sudbury, MA 978-443-3248

The (W)hole Point Institute The heart of The Wisdom WAY™ is the point at which our psychology intersects with our spirituality. This point is the space in which we awaken — for real. Alaya Chadwick has drawn on her 28+ years of experience to develop The Wisdom WAY™, a personal, practical, self-sustainable map and method for personal and spiritual growth. Found in The Wisdom WAY™ are the tools you can use to Walk Awake saying Yes to life. Oftentimes we feel like we are simply sleepwalking through life. We find ourselves responding to people and experiences as if we are on “auto pilot.” We can feel like we have little energy or joy in our lives. We may wonder, “How do we wake up?” The Wisdom WAY™ is the skeleton found inside most healing modalities, including conventional therapy and alternative practices. What makes this WAY different is that you are the expert. By following the map using your own life experiences, you unravel the mysteries of yourself and reveal the wonder you truly are on all levels — emotional, physical, and spiritual.

energy based education since 1980, Nancy Risley recognizes that your education is a transformational healing process. As a successful therapist, author and teacher, her vision is to help you realize your dream of work that is creative and supports all aspects of who you are. Whether you work in a spa, clinic, or have your own business, you gain the required skills to create satisfaction as well as increased flexibility, control and income. The next step to fulfilling your future is to call for a no obligation, information interview with our Career Advisor. We look forward to meeting you and learning about your future. Programs take from 4 to 12 months, depending on your schedule: Full-time, mother’s hours or part-time evenings. Accredited. Licensed. Financial Aid available for qualified students. 800-262-8530 v

The (W)hole Point Institute offers a wide range of self-development experiences, healing opportunities, and empowerment trainings for individuals and couples or partners. These workshops are both experiential and educational and are offered in group and/or one-on-one settings. Additionally, there are intensive apprenticeship programs which offer personal in-depth study. 2-Day Intensive (W)hole Workshops Learn practical tools to reveal your own unique pathway to (W)holeness. 2-Day PAIRing™ Workshops (People Activating Intimate Relating™) Open to couples and singles, this workshop is for those who wish to bring their relationships to a deeper level of self-appreciation and intimate union. One-on-One (W)hole Life Coaching Relationship Intensives for Couples Awakening Divinity Apprenticeship Reiki Level I and II classes Learn this ancient healing art to support yourself and those around you. …and much, much more! NASW-approved CEU’s available “Alaya Chadwick is able to put ‘hands and feet’on extremely complex concepts in a way which connects them to the living reality of everyday life.” — Martha Harrell, MSN, Ph.D. Elizabeth “Alaya” Chadwick M.Div., MSW., L.I.C.S.W., Reiki Master,

Author of: Wake up to your (W)hole Life Raymond, NH r 603-895-4530

Classes, Certifications & Schools continued

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 53

Classes, Certifications & Schools continued exclusively or incorporated into your healing practice. Two-year certification program.

Ayurveda and yoga reunite. Our seaside Newport campus in Rhode Island provides a beautiful space for students to enliven and amplify the natural intelligence of the healing process within others and within themselves. B American Massage Therapy Association Member

Sacred Stone School for Allied Massage& Ayurveda: S.A.M.A. SAMA is a consciousness-based massage school inspired by the matrix between science and art; where ancient wisdom meets modern medicine; where massage,

Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies Instructor Linda Patterson offers over 20 years of experience in the science, art and principles of herbalism and aromatherapy.

B National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) pending approval

To learn more, or for free home study course and more information including course descriptions, certification requirements, and links to online videos and teleseminars, please visit: Energy workers : Learn advanced protocols for applying therapeutic gems

B Approved by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage 79 Thames St., Newport, RI B 877-832-1372

Ongoing certification courses offered throughout the northeast including: ✴ 7-Month Herbal Certification ✴ 4-Month European-Based Aromatherapy Introduction ✴ 4-Month Advanced Aromatherapy Course ✴ 3-Month Conscious Nutrition Course ✴ Palmistry a tool of diagnoses 978-297-4502

New England Institute of Reflexology & Universal Studies v Professional Reflexology Certification and Approved Continuing Education in Reflexology, Massage, and Reiki v Integrative techniques give students a strong foundation and create a balanced treatment style v Students qualify as professional therapists upon completion

Affordable Herbal Education Throughout the Year

Intensive 7 Month Herbal Apprenticeships Training with Facial, Tongue, and Pulse Diagnosis ❖ Aromatherapy Certification ❖ Weekend Intensives and Evening Classes ❖

❖ Advanced

upcoming Herbal Classes

For more information on all our classes, see Arlington, MA ❖ 781.646.6319

ChangeYour Life Workshops with Ed Langan

Sept 6 - Addressing Lyme Disease Begins Sept 29 - Aromatherapy Certification Sept 30 - The Ancient Art of Soap Making Oct 4 - Mushroom Medicine

These leading-edge workshops are taught by Ed Langan, author of Creating with the Law of Attraction: 10 Principles that will Change Your Life.

Ready to Change?


For times, dates and descriptions of the workshops South of Boston visit:


Attract money Improve relationships F Achieve better self-esteem

54 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

• 200 and 500 Hour Classical Yoga Teacher Training • Meditation Training • Yoga classes offered daily

v Courses meet state and national standards; CE’s approved from ARCB and NCBTMB. School is licensed by Commonwealth of MA, Dept. of Education Our goal is to act as a bridge between complimentary and conventional medicine through the training of qualified holistic practitioners. Join us! ~ Now teaching Reflexology at ~ All That Matters in Wakefield, RI Cortiva Massage School in Watertown, MA v 508-317-3044 v

Join our yoga community as we study, practice and share the transformative benefits of Yoga. All levels of ability and experience are welcome to an environment that is safe and open to diversity in body, mind and spirit. Therapeutic, scientific and heartcentered in our approach, we unite in our desire to understand and live Yoga’s five branches.

• Monthly Workshops

Julie Rost, Director

• Weekend Intensives

8 Clifford Street, Exeter, NH v 603-479-3865

• Yoga Therapy Training

Oct 20, 21 - Herbal Intensive on Mental Health Imbalances with Cascade Anderson Geller, Master Herbalist

“Ed was very good at explaining the key points and keeping it simple. It was very positive and uplifting.” — D.A. Learn how to use the Law of Attraction to create whatever you desire:


Ed is also available for coaching.

This is an amazing personal growth program! Many of our students take the program just to get the personal transformation. And we also will provide you with the best, cutting-edge healing technology there is. Our program offers: Advanced energy anatomy Full Spectrum healing techniques F Understanding yourself and your clients through the Profiles F A deep bond with your classmates and the healer community of the school F

New England’s premier 3-year

Energy Medicine Practitioner

Certificate Program

The Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine is New England’s premier three year Energy Medicine Practitioner Certificate Program designed to take your journey as a healer to the next level. This is the next level for anyone who has stepped on a healing path, medical career, or a path of personal growth and inner transformation.


Classes start in October and run through June, meeting six weekends over the year. Payments plans available. For more information: F 508-740-3038

transformation in relation to the fundamental aspects of their family heritage. Each weekend is a complete immersion into your Family Soul, which creates space for positive change and healing to occur. This program is also the foundation for anyone who wishes to incorporate the Constellation Approach into their profession. The Constellation Approach is based on the work of Bert Hellinger and the Family Constellation Method. Saturday Seminars are open to all who wish to experience and learn about the Family Soul. Participants may have an opportunity to ‘set up’ their family constellation, to ‘stand in’ as representatives for family members in other’s constellation and to observe the constellations. Saturday Seminars 9:30 am-6 pm $150 Oct. 13 ~ Nov. 10 The Immersion Program returns this October through May. Appropriate for anyone who has a serious interest in embarking upon a personal journey of

Weekend 1 Family of Origin Weekend 2 Father and his Heritage Weekend 3 Mother and her Heritage Weekend 4 Sibling Relationships Weekend 5 Effects of Illness, Disease, Death Weekend 6 Couple Relationships Weekend 7 Effects of War, Immigration & Religion Registration: Private constellation sessions also available.

Edie Blue, M.S., CLAC ◆

Tired of the dating drain?

Haven’t had a date in ages?

I would be delighted to assist you in manifesting more love in your life. My coaching will help you to see and feel visible, tangible results. Together, we will co-create a joyful journey to a new love especially tailored for you!

Are you recovering from a breakup?

Call for FREE 10 minute consult! In person or phone coaching ◆ Workshops

857-753-6819 ◆

Face whatever happens with a new feeling of inner strength, ease and confidence. Coaching Using the Sedona Method® What is the Sedona Method®? A simple, powerful, easy-to-use technique that shows you how to tap into your natural ability to let go of any uncomfortable or unwanted feeling in the moment.

Kristin Kirk After experiencing a dramatic shift in consciousness, Kristin began healing within the multidimensional soul and universe. She works in unison with a team of spirit guides to transform the soul by releasing layers of density, old trauma, and conditioning, that have hindered a brighter and clearer expression of the Radiant Self.

Andrea Seiver, Ph.D. Channeled Readings Classes Have you spoken with an ascended master recently? Vywamus, channeled by Andrea Seiver, is a master and teacher who is working to help all humans make the shift into the higher levels of consciousness. Readings with Vywamus cover your life work, relationships, past lives, and other

With 20 years in practice, Kristin offers healing sessions, both long distance, and locally, for individuals, couples, groups, pets, loved ones, and those who have passed on. She also offers ‘Journey Into Awakening’, a transformational and educational series to support and facilitate the awakening process.



issues with his characteristic warmth, humor, and practical advice. Channeled Classes and Spiritual Tutoring help you personally evolve and begin to live in a state of higher consciousness. Evenings with Vywamus: Vywamus shares his energy and discusses your questions on topics of general interest. Donation $10. Other Classes: Learn to Channel • Advanced Channeling For information, contact Andrea at 617-332-1541 • Available Now! The Next Big Bang: The Explosion of Human Consciousness A Vywamus Book Read more at

Counseling and Therapy

Benefits of the Sedona Method®

Cheryl Wright

Use day to day, moment by moment, in real life situations


Spiritual Teacher

This may occur as soul clearing, past life and current life healing, emotional and mental release, balancing of subtle energetic anatomy, integration of multidimensional consciousness, embodiment support, and channeled guidance.

Concord-Cambridge, MA

Would love to meet your soulmate?

Life Coach

Transformational Healer

Peter Faust, Mac and Jamy Faust, MA 617-484-4325


A Love Coach

Consciousness Transformation

Eliminate your stress, fears and tensions Improve your relationships G Be radiantly healthy G Have financial security G Drop addictions and bad habits G Gain emotional wellness and intelligence G Have lasting inner peace, joy and happiness G G

Coaching available by phone or in person Introduction and Support Groups monthly Offices in Watertown, MA & Providence, RI 617-448-8749 G

Body-Centered Psychotherapy Listen to your body…follow your heart. The heart is the first organ to form in the body, and is the organizing factor for physical formation, including brain formation. Trauma, deprivation or neglect creates heart wounds, which keep us from accessing our deepest selves. Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) facilitates an emotional, energetic rewiring, helping us activate and express the power of the heart. Emotional safety,

words, touch, meditation, movement, presence and silence facilitate verbal and non-verbal expression. Meaningful work, fulfilling relationships, self-esteem, purpose and passion, love, intimacy and sexuality follow. Straight, GLBT and poly-friendly. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups Sunday nights in Newton. Apprenticeship training. Books: Living with Vision, and Healing the War Between the Genders Blog: Mediation for couples and families. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups. Apprenticeship training. Newton, MA 617-965-7846

Counseling and Therapy continued

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 55

Counseling and Therapy continued Constructively connect with your daily/ life challenges. Learn and benefit from layouts, placement, sacred safe-space, and therapeutic percussion. G Ideal for life transformations and routine spiritual rebooting G Meditation, renewal, focus G Healers: be healed, supported G Sessions under 90 minutes

Life Coaching

Improve motivation, accomplish tasks & more

Holistic Psychotherapy & Life Coaching Lori Miller-Freitas, LICSW

Holistic Psychotherapy/Clinical Consultation

Using extensive professional experience to resolve issues related to: Trauma, Grief, PTSD, Anxiety and Phobias, ADD.

Get to the core — Transform your life! You are on this earth to be happy and realize your true potential.

Certifications: LICSW, EMDRIA Approved Consultant, National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. Visa/MC acccepted.

EMDR R TAT R Hypnosis R Reiki I use a combination of traditional, body centered and energy therapies to increase the speed and deepen the level of holistic healing.

294 Pleasant St. R Ste. 103B R Stoughton, MA

Moodstreams Hypnosis Paul Nguyen

Certified Consulting Hypnotist Relieve stress, Sleep better, Stop overeating, Quit smoking, Gain confidence, Improve your athletics, Prepare for exams, Find lost items, Remove irrational fears, and more. 781-297-2003

Break long-standing cycles of selfsabotage, overcome fears, and relieve anxiety with the help of hypnosis. Get to the emotional root of your problem and unlock your own innate healing powers. Most issues can be resolved in just a few sessions and many people report noticeable changes after the first session. Acton, MA l 1-888-757-8597 email: web:

Serious crystal energy work since 1987

Barbara Madden Johnson M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C. Do you have a belief that, inside of you, you have the potential that yearns to be released? For most, a fleeting glimpse is all they’ll ever have. For others, there is a way. Just imagine…releasing your true potential. Work­ing together, one-on-one, you can over-

Weekly Group and Various Workshops Offered Conveniently located near the commuter rail in Needham. Just a short drive from Rte. 128/I-95 617-462-6642

Live Better Lives

Holistic Counseling Concepts Trish Whynot, D.C.Ed. Doctor of C.O.R.E. Education “What im­pres­sed me about Dr. Trish was her natural ability to see through the chaos of life’s web and identify the root cause of problems.” — Bob Olson, Editor, Offering a variety of techniques, including: ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling, Meditation, Energy Work, Crystals, and Aromatherapy

Discover, address, and release issues block­­ing health and wealth. View obstacles, relationships, and illness as opportunities for growth and change. Experience resonance-changing techniques that get to the root of problems. Open to an array of extraordinary futures. Private Appointments, Phone Sessions & Workshops Middleton, MA u u 978-314-4545

Glenn Bigonet, M.A. Mental Health Counselor Clinical Hypnotherapist

Holistic Psychotherapy Dedicated to the freedom to explore and express the authentic self.

Center of the Heart Whole Health Integration

Joan Holzman, Psy. D. Lic. Psychologist, Lic. Marriage and Family Therapist Dance/Movement Therapist From the time we are very young we take life’s experiences to heart. Over time we may forget our core, hurts and feelings, but they remain with us. Our heartfelt experiences help shape our sense of self and our interactions with others.

56 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

I offer a variety of modalities such as: EMDR, Sandtray Therapy, Relaxation Techniques, Therapeutic Movement & Psychotherapy to help heal our core issues and attain a more integrated sense of health and well being. I look forward to meeting you. Client Comments: s Sandtray – “Sand tray therapy helped me see my life more clearly.” s EMDR – “I had insights I never had before.” s Therapeutic Movement – “It was great to feel the freedom in my body after working with you.” 42 Thoreau Street, Concord, MA 01742 978-369-6138

come problems that have kept you from achieving your goals and desires. Unlock your potential! Restore inner bal­ance! Come alive! Barbara Madden Johnson, M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C., a certified master practitioner and licensed trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, has over 25 years experience helping individuals with: u Career and identity is­sues u Immune and autoimmune illnesses u Chronic fatigue syndrome u Depression u Learning disabilities and ADD u Relationships u NLP Certification Training Program u Bel­mont, MA. Some insurance accepted. For an appointment, call 617-484-1716.

Glenn utilizes heart-centered therapeutic techniques, and at times powerfully combines hypnosis and psychotherapy. This method is safe, effective and faster than using only talk therapy. The results will amaze you! You’ll notice a huge change in your life as he works with you to make your goals a reality. Don’t wait! Call now to set up your FREE initial consultation. It’s time to create the change you desire.

Helping People Eliminate the root of physical, social, and financial problems: Unresolved issues stored in our physical and energy bodies can manifest as pain, illness, or mediocrity.

Metro-Boston G G 617-771-5119

Jonathan Chisholm, MA Presence is both the goal and technique of this psychotherapeutic process. To be with another person while fully aware of and respectful to our inner state is where healing begins. We can begin to let go of old roles and the need to be a certain way for another person. Sometimes it is helpful to examine the past to gain an understanding of how and why we habitually abandon ourselves. We learn to let go of relational habits, addictions (of all kinds), self-limiting beliefs and worst of all, hiding from who we are. We begin, sometimes for the first time in years, to discover our actual feelings. These felt sensations experienced in our bodies ultimately become a guide to who we are and what we need from life. We learn to tolerate feelings that were once overwhelming

to us and to release pent up feelings from years of suppression. Awareness is the key. To be witness to our own inner processes and at the same time to be fully aware of our surroundings is the beginning of freedom. We learn to take our own experience as real and decide that we are at liberty to respond in a way that truly fits who we are. Life is no longer filtered though other people’s interpretations that we have mistakenly labeled as our own. We become ourselves. This work must to be done gently. We need the guidance of someone who will keep us on task but at the same time allow us to go at a pace that feels safe. We need someone we can learn to trust. We are entering into a collaboration that is itself a form of meditation. By learning to be present in an authentic way in the therapeutic setting, a new possibility for being in the world emerges. 100 Lafayette St, Pawtucket, RI 401-952-0142

back Pain counseling

Michele Lowenthal MS, MHC

Mindbody, TMS/PPD Counseling No exercise G No medication

Repressed emotions create body pain. Mindbody techniques can unlock the causes of pain and end years of suffering. Classic locations of pain are back, neck, shoulder, knees, arms, legs and feet. A long list of pain conditions includes fibromyalgia, rotator cuff, carpal tunnel and migraine headaches. 1044 Central St., Stoughton, MA G 781-413-7055 G

Stop Smoking In One Session

Lose Weight Naturally Dr. George W. Mephis, Ph.D., BCH, is a world-renowned Russian healer and spiritual teacher, with 25 years of experience in helping people stop smoking, lose weight and achieve freedom from addiction slavery. He has been called The Miraclemaker for his phenomenal ability to cure incurable diseases. He is the founder of the HypnoEnergetic Movement. This powerful technique stimulates the brain to produce more pleasure hormones, naturally creating a positive state of consciousness and at the same time erasing the negative memories related to addictive behavior.

Mr. Mephis helps people quit smoking in one session, lose weight and control their appetite, eliminate pain, stress, anxiety, depression and various other physical disorders including cancer in a unique and miraculous way. u

Stop Smoking in One Session


Lose Weight


Eliminate Pain


Stress, Anxiety, Depression


Substance Abuse


Addictive Behavior


Self Destructive Behavior


Cancer Patients Support


Enhance Spot Performance

George W. Mephis | Market Street Health 214 Market Street u Brighton, MA02135 617-507-1991

Healing and Bodywork Experience colon hydrotherapy in a safe, relaxed environment using state-of-the-art FDA registered equipment.


Libby Barnett, MSW, RMT Awaken Your Healing Touch Libby is a gifted, knowledgeable Reiki Master with 32 years experience. Libby learned Reiki from John Harvey Gray in 1979, and is the longest practicing Reiki Master Teacher on the East Coast. Her book, Reiki Energy Medicine, Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice has sold over 70,000 copies in five languages. Use Reiki to create more joy, ease, and happiness. Let Libby’s warm, heart-centered approach help you take your next step toward self-love and inner peace. Reiki brings balance and harmony, supporting you doing the work you were born to do. Reiki facilitates transitions, promotes creativity and wisdom, and accelerates spiritual growth, helping you manifest your magnificence. Libby has been teaching Reiki at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for 14 years. She has taught medical and nursing students at Harvard, Brown, Tufts, and Yale, as well as staff at Mass General, Brigham and Women’s, Beth Israel, Mt. Auburn, Emerson, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Southern New Hampshire, New York Columbia Presbyterian hospitals, and social workers at the University of Maryland. Libby was featured in a Reiki segment for the PBS nationally televised series, Body and Soul.

One of Libby’s passions is teaching hospice staff and volunteers. Fueled by Reiki energy, their healing touch is enhanced, creating greater effectiveness in calming agitation, soothing pain and providing comfort. In class, a powerful slide presentation captures the essence of Reiki and highlights the latest research. Reiki stories from Libby’s extensive experience will uplift and inspire you, showing how anyone can learn Reiki. You receive attunements and practice giving and receiving Reiki. You leave class with an illustrated notebook, certificate, and Reiki pin, fully trained and certified to do Reiki on yourself, family, friends, and animals. “Hands on, Reiki’s on.” "My commitment to teach the Usui System of Reiki Healing in the authentic, traditional manner inspired me to visit Japan to retrace the roots of Reiki. I am dedicated to teaching this sacred healing art to promote health and conscious living on the planet. I invite you to give yourself the gift of Reiki. It is an easy, effective self-care tool to love, heal, and empower yourself. I look forward to meeting you and sharing Reiki.” Reiki I, Boston Area Classes: Newton, MA: Sept. 15 or Nov. 17 Concord, MA: Oct. 20 Reiki I, Wilton, NH Classes: Sept. 22 or Dec. 1 Reiki II Class on day folowing Reiki I Class Reiki Master, Wilton, NH Class: Oct. 13 All credit cards accepted. Social Work, Nursing and Massage contact hours/CEU’s available. Reiki Master Teacher Training info available on request. To register or for more information: • 603-654-2787

“Libby has a beautiful way of teaching and creates a perfect atmosphere for healing and learning.”

Stephanie Dumas I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Owner

Lexington Medical Building 16 Clarke Street, Lexington, MA Cleansing for the body, the mind, the spirit 781-860-5116

Patricia Warren Reiki Jin Kei Do

Union, returning 13 times, as well as to thousands of people in medical, religious and educational settings throughout the Caribbean, Europe and Middle East since 1989. ✦

22-Strand DNA Activation

Bring your Divine Blueprint into Physical Plane Manifestation and experience greater empowerment, improved health (mental, emotional physical and spiritual), increased utilization of your brains potential, greater creativity, and increased energy and clarity.

Also, bring forth your greatest talents and abilities, clear many karmic and genetic patterns, hold greater amounts of light in your physical body, and much more. Great for those who feel ready to shift out of those “stuck” areas into tremendous empowerment, improved health on all levels, and living your higher destiny agreements and highest potentials. Rev. Claire Luft Master Teacher/Master Healer Ancient Mystery School Guide & Ritual Master


✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

New Englands most InternationallyExperienced Reiki Master since 1989 Patricia has taught healing techniques of Buddhist, Sikhs and Christians for over 25 years. She is the appointed East Coast representative of Reiki Jin Kei Do ~ Buddho Healing, authentic and advanced teachings of Usui Reiki in the lineage of Buddhist Monk Seiji Takamori. Patricia was the first woman to teach Reiki in the former Soviet

✦ ✦ S

All Levels of Reiki Jin Kei Do Training Buddho Healing (advanced Reiki classes) “His Garments Hem” Christian Healing Touch Gung Fu Chinese Tea Ceremonies Past Life Regression Justice of the Peace Spiritual Director S














S Reiki Jin Kei Do Level 1 CD S

Reiki Jin Kei Do CD $16 S















Patricia Warren, Reiki Master Teacher 508-528-5888 ✦

Heart's Singing Healing Center, Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 v Healing and Bodywork continued

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 57

Healing and Bodywork continued

The John Harvey Gray Center for

Reiki Healing

Lourdes Gray, Ph.D. Awaken your healing skills immediately and be a powerful channel for Reiki energy! The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing was established by John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray in 1996 to empower and develop a student’s capacity for healing. The Center offers the most thorough Reiki healing training available, ‘with no cut corners’, as it was taught by Mrs. Hawayo Takata. John Harvey Gray received his entire Reiki training from Hawayo Takata. He was one of the original 22 Reiki Master Teachers trained by her. He was also the longest-practicing Reiki Master Teacher in the Western Hemisphere until his passing into spirit on January 12, 2011.

Lourdes was initiated by John Harvey Gray as a Reiki Master Teacher in 1996 after intensive one-on-one training by John Harvey Gray. As a Reiki Master Teacher, Lourdes has taught over 700 Reiki workshops and trained more than 8,000 Reiki students to date and serves as the director of the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. Each workshop consists of two full days of learning and hands-on practice. You will immediately be able to effectively channel Reiki healing energy for yourself, others and pets. In Reiki First Degree you will: ✴ Quickly and easily develop your natural,

intuitive powers. Within minutes, be able to scan and feel a person’s aura and chakras for analysis. ✴ Effectively treat any condition with Reiki energy— physical, emotional or spiritual, chronic or acute. ✴ Immediately be an effective Reiki healer, confidently bringing comfort and calm to family, friends, clients and pets Receive a training manual & certificate. ✴ The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing P.O. Box 696, Rindge, NH 03461 Visa/MC Accepted See Full Class Schedule: ✴ 603-899-3288

Nakri HEALING CENTER Nadsa de Monteiro

Lightarian & Usui Reiki Master/Teacher

Spontaneous Remission Advanced Energetic Hands on Healing from the Mayan Lineage. Miraculous Healing for all issues that require attention.

A Balanced Approach to Wellness Maureen Jarvis RN, BSN, M.Ed Reiki Master - Wellness Coach ACSM Personal Trainer - Medical Aesthetics Nurse Specialist Shrewsbury, MA G 508-509-6817

massage & bodywork

Karen Jubinville Nationally Certified Licensed Massage Therapist Whether you need a therapeutic massage or a luxurious spa treatment, Sun Magick provides a professional custom massage to meet your individual needs. When you close your eyes on the table, you will enter a place where mind, body and spirit reconnect.

58 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

Services Offered: Hot Stone u Reflexology u Neuromuscular Swedish u Reiki u Spa Therapies u Ear Candling

Specializing in neck and low back pain, Karen works on clients with muscle aches and pain; stress and anxiety; insomnia; musculoskeletal issues; chronic muscular aches and pain as a result of arthritis, spondylitis, osteoarthritis, myasthenia gravis and fibromyalgia; decreased range of motion; whiplash; tension headaches; sciatica and muscle injuries. Other areas of expertise involve muscle discomfort from unnatural curvatures of the spine such as kyphosis, lordosis and scoliosis. For more information and a complete list of services: u Bedford, NH u 603-623-9100 Dorchester, MA ✴ 617-285-1056

Aging is a dynamic process and many illnesses are related to lifestyle choices. Through a process of self-guided discovery and goal setting, we strive to assist clients to make positive changes in their lives. By teaching stress reduction, strategies to incorporate proper nutrition and introducing regular activity into the lives of individuals and/or families, promoting health becomes a lifestyle. Services Provided :

Reiki G Wellness Coaching Personal Training G Advanced Skin Care Private Label Skin Care Products

For nearly 30 years I’ve been developing THE NOBLE METHOD. I’ll examine, assess,

and address the unique specificity requirements of each individual client, with an emphasis on structure, function, compensation patterns, and balance.

THE NOBLE METHOD, LLC Therapeutic maintenance massage for massage therapists and other performing artists.


Reiki Sessions that address your issues and initiate the transformation that is right for you

mis-use syndromes, due to repetitve movements and postural challenges.

Rev. Claire Luft is a Master Healer and Master Teacher of Divine Intervention Healing. This healing technique is sacred, powerful, and produces Physical Plane Results. Heart’s Singing Healing Center Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 u

Aura Readings via your Akashic Records

Healing: Combined Modalities

Divine Intervention is “Where the Impossible Becomes Possible.”

Divine Intervention

Lightarian Reiki and Usui -Tibetan Reiki Classes — all levels

The greatest peformance art being, of course, life itself! Whatever it is that you do, you’re at risk for overuse, underuse, or

Eye of the Eagle Center for Spiritual light

Leontine Hartzell is a trained shamanic practitioner and counselor, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, certified therapeutic ener­gy healer, crystal and sound therapist, plant spirit medicine practitioner, psychic channeler, and legally ordained minister. With the help of her spirit guides,

25% off for aspiring and licensed massage therapists Mark Noble, LMT

AMTA professional active member #16866 MA Licensed Massage Therapist #8907

Leontine uses soul retrieval, removal and healing of energy blocks, chakra balancing, intuitive counseling, guided imagery, and energy healing methods to heal posttraumatic stress and related disorders, depression, chronic pain and illness, anxiety, grief, and addictive behaviors. Past life issues and current life traumas that affect the client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health are healed to allow the client to move into a life of joy and fulfillment. Private Sessions Long-distance Healing r Phone Readings Workshops and Classes Andover, MA r r 978-475-1268

Betty L. Solbjor, BFRP,

Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki ® Master Interfaith Minister

Betty Solbjor has been practicing and teaching Reiki since 1996. In 2002 she became a Karuna Reiki® Master, a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner, and was ordained an interfaith minister. She has extensive experience using Reiki on both people and animals to gently treat many illnesses and emotional problems. Reiki brings about a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace. Combined with

Magnified Healing, crystal singing bowls, guided meditation, a session can help to restore balance and harmony to body, mind and soul.


Services offered: w Reiki treatment sessions and training for all levels of Reiki and Karuna Reiki w


ach Flower Essence® consultations and B creation of custom formulas Weddings and other ceremonies

Member, International Association of Reiki Professionals and Better Business Bureau,® Serving Eastern Massachusetts.

BARBARA ALLEN Master G Teacher G Mentor Healing Facilitator

Call to schedule a class: New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation Basic Healer G Basic Teacher G 13D Please call or email for more information on classes and/or to schedule a healing session for yourself or your animal. Distance Healing G Gem Energies Munay-Ki G Reiki

Barbara has been practicing and teaching Energy Work since 2000. Her passion is in sharing knowledge through teaching, facilitation, and hands-on energy work with all beings. Serving New England G 860.605.5939

Waltham, MA w 781-258-7712 v

The Way to Balance,® LLC Center for Advanced Healing and Training

Private Sessions by Appointment:

Holistic and Wellness Education Center Divine Guidance and Healing for the Body, Mind & Spirit

Classes Offered: Reiki q Angels q Chakras Aromatherapy q Herbalism Sound Healing Meditations q Much more

Angelic Guidance Readings Angelic Guidance Intuitive Healing Spirit Communication Reading Reiki q Soul Counseling Energy Medicine Jessica L. Kozak Energy Healer, Intuitive & Spirit Medium 774-264-1329 q Swansea, MA

Aaron & Sue Singleton, Founders

Resolve WHY you are sick, or feel unfulfilled! We combine Medical Intuition, Massage/Integrative Bodywork with many more modalities. v

Medical Intuitive Readings that get to the Root Cause of why you are ill, or as a means of prevention.

Visionary Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Sound and Light Therapy, and Hypnotherapy to address issues of anxiety, overwhelm, loss, resentment, and more.

v Trauma Release Modalities for bone, mus-

cle, nerve, organ issues. Years of pain gone in just a few sessions, or even just minutes. v

The Rings of Oden™ for the release of X-Ray, MRI, chemo, EMF’s, antibiotics, vaccine and other drug residues, environmental pollutants, petroleum, plastics, and more. 21 Water St. Amesbury, MA 01913 978-834-0341

Intuitive Hands-On Healing R Hypnosis Thetahealing R Reconnective Healing® The Reconnection®

Transformational Institute for Body-Mind-Spirit © Rev. Micheley Hodges Rev. Micheley Hodges, BS, HPHD, CAMT, CHT, NC Waterford, CT 26 Years of Providing Wholistic Therapies, Psychic and Spiritual Healing, and Feng Shui for our Clients

NEW!! Cleanse and Transform System

Six hours of Energetic Cellular Memory Bank Clearing of 60 trigger release points for balance and healing past traumas and blockages, followed by four Ionic Foot Baths, four Infra-Red Sauna Treatments, one month Nutritional Cleanse with detoxification, and cellular rebuilding supplements with before and after testing, one month apart for heavy metals and toxicity load. Call us or visit our website for more information:

National Guild of Hypnotists

True wellness occurs when all parts of ourselves have released and healed. Healings address everyday problems whether they are physical, emotional, mental, behavioral or spiritual. By resolving negative issues and patterns, clients will experience renewed opportunities to live the life of their dreams.

283 Main Street, Kingston,MA 02364 R 508-280-1523

Awaken your dreams for yourself and for the life you want.

Nora V. Helbich, CCH 860-701-1527

Pure Health & Wellness Do you need healing or solutions for any life issues?

Katalin Matyus, MS, MA Certified Reconnective Healer, Certified HBLU Therapist, Certified Akashic Records Consultant, Psychic Medium, Singer/Writer, Dancer/Instructor/Therapist


Reconnective Healing V

HBLU Mind Body Therapy V


Akashic Records Reading V V V

Chakra Numerology V

Dance-Music Therapy V V

Holistic Advising V

Call: 857-488-2871

Colon Hydrotherapy

Nadine Miller I-ACT Certified Keeping you healthy from the inside out! Colon hydrotherapy is one of the most important things we can do to keep our bodies as healthy as can be. Many people struggle from constipation, bloating, fatigue, being overweight, and feeling sluggish on a

daily basis. These are just some of the many symptoms with which colon hydrotherapy can help. Experience comfort and relaxation with the Angel of Water colon hydrotherapy system. This open-style system is FDAapproved and brings colon cleansing into the 21st century with privacy and dignity. We are now offering special package prices to Spirit of Change readers! For more information or to make an appointment, please call 508-566-7873 112 Park Street, North Attleboro, MA Healing: Combined Modalities continued

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 59

Healing: Combined Modalities continued

Healing Boston Jordan Bain

Certified Guide, Healer and 2nd Step Celtic Shaman Ritual Master

Healings, Classes and Initiations with the Modern Mystery School Life and Spirit Activations Universal Kabbalah Journey Jikiden Reiki and Ensofic Ray Healings Empower Thyself and Know Thyself Initiations Emotional Rebirth and Cord Cuttings Sacred Geometry, Astral Travel, and more!

Hypnotherapy W Reiki W Polarity Therapy White Light Healing W Remote Healing By combining traditional healing methods such as Reiki, hypnosis, and polarity therapy with his original white light healing therapy, Mark Levin was

For an office appointment or to place a remote healing request, please call: 617-233-3986

Energy Healer Reiki Master Certified Hypnotherapist Mark Levin specializes in:

intuitive HEALING

Wendy Marks

M.Ed, C.A.S., FAPA R Medical intuitive sessions, energy heal-

ing and integrative therapy R 25 years of experience in traditional and

complementary healthcare

Natural Family Health & Integrative Medicine Dr. Jody E. Noé MS, ND B 617-694-0994

able to create very powerful healing processes for hundreds of satisfied clients both within the physical confines of his office, and remotely throughout the entire world. There are many clinically documented cases of spontaneous healing performed by him. Located at 121 B Tremont Street, Suite 19, Brighton, MA 02135. For those who are unable to come to my office, home or hospital visits are available. Major credit cards accepted.

Devoted to helping you feel better.

Holistic Medical

R Improve your physical, mental, and

spiritual health R Works with individuals to develop their own intuitive skills “As a healer, I work with individuals in a way that consciously promotes a peaceful and healthy planet. Our healing work takes place despite the conflicts that wash over us in our daily lives. By healing ourselves we create changes that have a ripple effect on the world around us.” R 781-449-5368

Herbs and Gardens

Dr. Jody E. Noé, MS, ND is a Licensed, Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, fulltime, academic and clinical faculty at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine, and is a published natural medicine researcher. Dr. Noé has been in practice for over 15 years and is a specialist in Integrative Medicine, and Naturopathic Oncology.


s tie

An Herb and Aromatherapy Shop Common and unique herbs for your herb garden. Scentsibilities also carries herbal products including herbal teas,

60 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

books, potpourri, candles, incense and skin care products. Dried herbs are available for making your own herbal teas. We carry a full line of essential oils, oil diffusers and related aromatherapy products including carrier oils and colored bottles for your mixes. Workshops are offered at the shop in herb garden design and planning, herbal topics and aromatherapy. We are glad to fill special requests. Sign up for the monthly email newsletter by emailing us at and receive updates on products and workshops. 750 Main Street, Boylston, MA 01505 508-869-3300 a

A naturopathic doctor uses natural complementary and alternative therapies, in conjunction with, or in place of, conventional medicine, based on the individual. 101 West Broad Street, Pawcatuck, CT v 860-495-5688

Homeopathy HOMEOPATHY Are you looking for help with a chronic health issue? Homeopathy can help adults, children and pregnant women.

Abby Beale CCH (candidate) Classical Homeopath 413-426-1024 Joy Pacitto CCH (candidate) Classical Homeopath 860-529-8313

Nutrition ActivHealth/ BareHealth ...achieving health through nutrition… We help people with: Fatigue F Stress F Weight loss Digestive issues F Pain SAFE and NATURAL solutions to your

sibili t n

Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) are trained at accredited naturopathic medical schools, which are 4-year post graduate medical schools accredited by the US Dept. of Education. These medically-trained Naturopathic Doctors are trained as primary care doctors where they can order labs, diagnostics and diagnostic imaging, perform physical examinations, and refer to specialists when indicated.

health problems and symptoms

Nutrition with

Sue Makowski, RD Specializing in:

Wellness Weight Loss and Maintenance Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM)

We offer nutritional response testing, saliva hormone testing, hair analysis, and whole food supplements to feed your body back to health. ~ 5 0 % OFF FALL Special ~ Mention this ad when you call for an appointment and get 50% off Initial Consultation & Report of Findings Tiffany L. Bare, DC

Amherst, NH v 603-673-7400

Sue Makowski, MEd, RD, LDN, CHES, RDH, is a highly qualified Nutrition Consultant, licensed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Contact Sue Makowski to see if she can be of service to you: 508-458-5062 P.O. Box 75, Uxbridge, MA 01569

Readings Psychic Mediumship

Readings by Reverend Jeannine Bakriges Ordained Spiritualist Minister and Certified Metaphysician


Gifted Psychic, Medium and Channel A renown intuitive advisor for the past 24 years, Emma is a gifted psychic, medium, and channel and has worked for the corporate sector with a highlight including helping an oil tycoon land a multi-million oil

All readings, via Skype or phone, are given in Love and Light, and ethically relayed with compassion.


deal! Tarot, numerology, Runes, the I Ching, crystals, palmistry, scrying, and tea leaves can be used to help you gain a better understanding of yourself and the world. Receive a reading for relationships, fertility, finding a job, investment strategy, and just about anything! Psychic Readings in person or phone: 30 min = $45 * 1 hr = $80 * $1.99/min.

Spirit Medium NECOLE STEPHENS Necole is a spirit medium and certified Reiki Master. She also teaches meditation/ stress management classes. Necole has dedicated her life to the helping and healing of others.



Intuitive Guidance for Your Life

Internationally known for her work with people via phone, in person, and radio, Jocelyn has been helping and guiding others for over 24 yrs. Known for her ability to “cut to the quick” Jocelyn gives you information you can use for all aspects of your life.

Necole hosts enchanting “Angel Kisses” group reading events. The experience of the miracle of afterlife communication will leave you feeling uplifted, knowing your loved ones are always around you! See her upcoming schedule online. Follow Necole’s fan page on Facebook and Twitter. View Necole’s blog: For more info or to schedule an appointment:

If you are ready to take a journey into yourself and hear your story with fresh ears, you will come out with options, tools, and choices you may not have seen on your own. All sessions are recorded on audio cassette. ~ $25 off your first session. ~ For more information, call or email Jocelyn, Intuitive Consultant 978-694-8946

Mediumship Readings in person or phone: 1 hr = $110 * 30 min = $65 To schedule an appointment, or for directions, call or visit Emma online. Friend Emma Tracey Phaneuf on FaceBook! v 401-305-7702 GAYLE KIRK Tested. Gifted. Trustworthy.

Gretchen’s Spirit Connection Healing communications with loved ones who’ve crossed over

Sessions with Gretchen are about: G a healing connection G the benefits of reiki G a warm, supportive environment G peace and relaxation

Gretchen Giuffre is a family intuitive — a non-traditional medium who focuses on connection and healing at the deepest emotional and spiritual levels. Specializing in communicating with loved ones who have passed, as well as with divine guides and Archangels, Gretchen receives affirming, comforting messages that can lay unsettled matters to rest. Clients often say she has the most loving “mom energy” and brings forth these messages in a tender, nurturing way. Messages G Reiki G Healing Touch 617-694-8326



Readings are our Specialty With the Love of Angels Rev. Barbara E. Szafranski

Depth of Being Julie Sweeney

You have the ability to be the greatest expression of yourself RIGHT NOW. How? By living in the infinite expanse of now! Depth of Being offers intuitive and channeled guidance and energetic tools for healing and change in all aspects of your life. v 781-492-0505

Spiritual Counseling  Trance Channeling Med­iumship  Psychic Readings Tele­phone Readings  Tarot Readings Aura Photos: Face and Chakra Body Astrological Charts  Angelic Healings Reiki  Polarity and Energy Work

Angelica and Angels Landing offer a wide variety of both metaphysical and new age gifts. Browse around, enjoy the softness of the Angelic energy. Feel the magic that Angelica of the Angels and Angels Landing will bring to you. We have a knowledgeable staff to answer any and all questions. We also offer: classes, workshops, lectures, parties, weddings and healings. A reader is on hand at all times. By ap­pointment: Rev. Barbara E. Szafranski Classes Ongoing Weekly: Meditation & Focus on Psychic Development Open Monday through Sunday Angelica of the Angels 7 Central St., Salem, MA  978-745-9355 Angels Landing 131-1 Essex St., Salem, MA  978-744-0170

One hour phone or Skype sessions ~ $85

Readings continued

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 61

Readings continued

Psychic Readings Energy Healings Reiki Classes

Need insight and clarity?

A soul reading can help! By speaking directly to your guides, we will examine your life from a spiritual perspective to discover your life’s purpose and resolve issues about relationships, health, finances and career. Lisa Campion also teaches Psychic Development and Reiki Classes. Offices located at Solstice Healing Arts Center, Medway MA.

Are you in the middle of a change, crisis or transformation? c 508-473-0609

Lisa Campion

Retreats and Retreat Centers The Gathering Inn at Daydream Farm

Women’s Spiritual Center and Retreat House Women Helping Women Reconnect to their Spiritual Center Cozy! Affordable! Welcoming!

Offering rest and renewal for individual women and small groups through day-long or overnight retreats, nurture, stillness and meditation, as well as gathering spaces for Yoga classes, holistic workshops and transformative programs. See full schedule online. Nourishing meals available on site. Enjoy our Labyrinth, Meditation Garden, and Medicine Wheel. “All roads lead to the same Truth” 82 Healdville Road, Hubbardston, MA g 978-820-1139

The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism embraces a religious and spiritual belief blending ancient wisdom with contemporary thought. Conveniently located off Watertown Square at the Masonic Center, 32 Church St, services are held at 10:30 am every Sunday, with mediumship, live music, inspirational talks, and healing by the laying on of hands.

Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness

Ann Bissanti

Worcester Yoga Center HathaYoga begins with refining the physical body but does not stop there. The exercises involve slow precise stretching, strength­en­­ing, and breathing techniques,

Spiritual Practices Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace

When we change ... the world changes. Methods of achieving stability and clarity of mind become more and more essential as our social, political, and economic structures change dramatically. Raja Yoga is a simple but powerful form of meditation that can help you to develop peace of mind, resilience, and inner strength.

The Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace is a worldwide spiritual organization, affiliated with the UN and recipient of seven Peace Messenger awards. Classes include meditation and a range of other practical tools for self-transformation. Workshops, group meditations, and retreats are held regularly. All activities are offered free of charge, as a community service. The meditation center is at 75 Common Street in Watertown MA. For information or to schedule an appointment, visit the website at, e-mail: or call 617-926-1230.

centering Prayer


Open Door Mission

at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church with Pastor Carol of Open Door Mission Saturdays 4-4:45 pm Holy Eucharist to follow at 5 pm 3055 Main St. (6A) Barnstable, MA

Deepen your spiritual journey

62 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

For more information: 617-650-6497 www.TheOpenDoorMission.Org

As an evolving spiritual community, The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism offers weekday evening classes in mediumship, healing and meditation; Medium’s Day the 4th Saturday of every month; plus seminars and workshops throughout the year. For a detailed brochure, a listing of upcoming events, or to speak with the Pastor call 617-923-4334, or visit our website at: www.GreaterBostonChurchofSpiritualism. com. An affiliate of the American Federation of Spiritualist Churches and the International Spiritualist Federation.

Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation The oldest Tai Chi school in New England, the Gin Soon Tai Chi Club was founded in 1969, authorized by Grandmaster Yang Sau Chung to propagate Classical Yang Family Style Tai Chi Chuan in North

which not only tone the muscles but affect internal organs, nerves, skin, and virtually all body systems, making yoga a superior wholistic method for physical fitness and preventive and corrective health care. Certified teacher Ann Bissanti, trained in India by B.KS. Iyengar, has studied yoga and meditation for the past 25 years. She has taught yoga at Leonard Morse Hospital in Natick, at various fitness centers and adult education programs, and privately. For more information call: Worcester Yoga Center, 508-829-6300.

America. Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu, founder, received a deep and well-rounded training from Master Lai Hok Soon in Hong Kong and then as a disciple of Yang Sau Chung, first-born and heir of the legendary Yang Cheng Fu. The school has attracted many students from around the world with its traditional approach to training: individual attention, emphasis on correct forms, personal development, repetition, mutual respect, hard work, and integration of body, mind, and qi. All instruction is by Grandmaster Chu and his sons Master Vincent Chu and Gordon Chu. Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation 33 Harrison Ave., 2nd fl, Boston, MA 02111 617-542-4442 •

Include your business in this Directory Next deadline: Nov. 1, 2012 Simply email: 1) Your ad text 2) Attach your logo or photo 3) Indicate your category choice We'll set up a proof and send it back to you for review.

Questions: 508-278-9640, ext. 1



Ross J. Miller, psychic. Meet your angels and spirit guides. Visit www.The 617-527-3583

From Your Home/Aura. Ross J. Miller, psychic medium, healer. Call 617-527-3583. www. The



Sharon R. Doolittle, DVM, Inc. Holistic. Smithfield, RI. 401-349-2668.

Forest Circles, retreats, programs in a magical Maine forest.

Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton (MASH). Dr. Margo Roman. 508-435-4077.



Journey of the Mind. Kathryn McGlynn, Certified Hypnotist. 781-340-2146.

Bodywork for the Soul. Suzanne Devereaux, LMT. 25 years experience. Shiatsu, craniosacral, Reiki. 860-803-0415.



Sue Singleton. 20+ years accurately finding Root Cause. 978-834-0341.

Hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki, IET and crystal healing. 508-539-2885.

Elizabeth Thorson RN, Certified by C. Myss and Norman Shealy, MD. 207-712-9495.



Touchstone Community School. Education for ages 4-14 Grafton, MA. 508-839-0038.

Dr. Jody Noe, MS, ND. Naturopathic integrative medicine. 860-495-5688.



Shelley Goodgold: Coaching, hypnosis, energy healing.

Holistic Nutrition Services, Westborough, MA. 978-340-0448. www. Transform your health!



Genesis Alternative Health. 29 years of experience. I-ACT certified instructor. NBCHT certified. 978-463-8800.

Ross J. Miller. Relive past lives and release blocked energy. 617-527-3583. www.The

Body Balancing Center. I-ACT and National Board certified. 508-868-3624.


Healthy Spirit. Stephanie Dumas. I-ACT certified. 781-8605116.

Aaron Finnegan, certified reflexologist. RI: 401-789-1523. MA: 781-296-5158.

Revitalive Health & Wellness Center, Newburyport, MA. 978-462-1488.



Libby Barnett, MSW, Reiki Master Teacher. 603-654-2787 CEU’s.

Rev. Carol W. Bolstad, LADC I. Specialties: addiction disorders and pastoral care. 617-650-6497.

Florence Whipple and Kristin Webb, Reiki Masters. Reiki classes. 978-777-5732.

Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D. Licensed 35 yrs. Stress, anxiety, relationships. Stow & Shrewsbury, MA. Putnam, CT. 978-897-9797.

Gentle Spirit Reiki. Using your “inner wisdom” to heal. Beverly Healing Center. 978-473-1863.


The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. 603-899-3288. Reiki training. CEU’s.

Lelia Joseph, Ed. D., RCST. Craniosacral polarity. Fluid biodynamic style. 508-460-7038. 802-453-7088.

Reiki with a licensed psychotherapist. Cynthia L. Meeske, LICSW. 774-573-1644.



Healed in 2 Hours. Ross J. Miller, psychic healer. 617-527-3583.

Brahma Kumaris Peace Village Retreat Center. Haines Falls, NY. 518-589-5000.



Revitalive Health and Wellness Center. Newburyport, MA. 978-462-1488,

Rosemary Gaddum Gordon, MA. Cambridge, MA and Portsmouth, NH.



Home and Business. A blend of the best of feng shui traditions. 617-924-4205.

Wellness Works Yoga, Fern Lee, Worcester. 508-298-7836. Est. 1992.

Urban Eden. Transform and empower your home/work spaces. 401-351-5632.

Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti, CYT. 30 years experience Iyengar yoga. 508-829-6300.

Holistic Specialities DIRECTORY

Add your business to this directory by emailing or call (508) 278-9640. Next deadline: November 1, 2012.

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 63





Phone sessions with Christopher Easton. By appointment 207-329-7854. $75.00/hour. $45.00/half hour.


Contact: Dotty Delorey

R aily ea g din

The D

Independent Representative 978-582-9839

AUDIO CDS Custom audio CDs made from your old records and tapes. LPs, 45s and 78s cleaned and re-mastered without the clicks and surface noise. Cassettes and reel-to-reel tapes professionally converted. (858) 346-1520. Mention SOC and get free shipping on your first order!

BUSINESS FOR SALE Turn key. Longest-standing Cape Cod multi-dimensional complementary health center/yoga studio. Includes 6 treatment rooms, 2 waiting areas and a studio space. Current practitioners include acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, yoga and more. Investment returned in under 3 years. Incredible opportunity for growth! Arthur (508) 360-3287.

64 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012


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Merchant Services Consulting Group is a trusted business partner of Spirit of Change Magazine and the Natural Living Expo. Call Stephen Brudner at 508.720.1514 or email to start saving money today!

CERTIFICATIONS Reflexology Certification. Online or hands-on. State licensed. www. or call (508) 987-0178.

Pay What You Can Chiropractic. Exclusively chiropractic since 1989. Sliding Scale Fee. Natural home space. New patients limited. Details at:

CLASSES Upper Cape Tech in Bourne, MA near Cape Cod Canal offers culinary arts certificate, healthy cooking, health careers, healing, computers, nail tech, business careers, paralegal, online, real estate, woodworking and more. Visit or call (508) 759-7711, ext. 211 for details.



Go Grab Organic Survival Food Buckets. When you can only grab one thing, these buckets are the ones to grab! Quality vacuum sealed organic, natural foods and essentials to survive during emergencies. www.VirtualMountain.Org.

ENERGY HEALING Emotion Code and Body Code Healing for people and pets. Clearing the emotional “baggage” keeping you stuck and energetic blockages contributing to your health issues.


St. Martin Hypnotherapy & Reiki Center Plymouth, mA

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Miracles Do Happen! DOWSING All About Dowsing. Through dowsing discover more about yourself and your health. Self-instructional DVD’s, books, instruments. (805) 649-5721. Catalog: PO Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130. View the Learn How To Dowse series at

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IMAGINARY FRIEND Has your child had an invisible friend that you think was a real spirit or maybe even a deceased love one. I want to hear your story for inclusion in a possible book. Please send typed or printed story, double spaced. Include your name, address and phone number to: K. Magnan, PO Box 429, Woodstock, CT 06281 or email

ONLINE RESOURCES Holistic Health Directory for New England Thousands of listings, hundreds of categories. Local business owners, add your 3 free listings today!

PYRAMIDS All About Pyramids. Wellness, meditation/experimental tabletop models. Worldwide research. (805) 649-5721. Catalog: P.O. Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.

READINGS Vibrational intuitive readings by appointment with psychic Donna Sprague (508) 954-7191. Pearle Lake, professional intuitive actively involved over 25 years. Are you seeking intuitive/astrological insight, or practical and metaphysical guidance for specific change? Phone me at (860) 487-1754. I value longstanding clients and graciously welcome new clients. Author, see: Jennifer Page. Intuitive phone readings for over 25 years. If gaining clarity or assistance in decision-making would benefit you, please email or see for more information.




SPIRITUAL SEMINAR Free SpiriTual Seminar

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SPACE AVAILABLE Furnished Psychotherapy Office in my Newton Center suite for licensed counselors, degreed clinicians or certified holistic practitioners with P/T practices. Inviting environment includes large waiting room, bathroom and shared clerical space. Buddhist/ACIM perspective, a particularly good fit. Clinical supervision and private practice development offered separately. Chris Gruener. www.crossroads-counseling-services. com, (617) 965-6552, Holistic Offices: 1st floor with off-street parking. $100-$300 monthly. NH Lakes region, half hour from Concord, Laconia, Plymouth or Meredith. Furnished apartment $450 monthly. (603) 286-8191. Furnished Office in Barnstable Harbor and Norwood. Excellent for therapist and holistic clinicians with full/part time practices. Therapeutic environment overlooking and walking distance from the ocean (Barnstable office). I am an Adult Nurse Practitioner/Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist doing psychopharmacology. Clinical supervision is available/peer support. Maria Gianan: (781) 724-7348.

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WILD DOLPHIN SWIMS Swimming with Wild Dolphins. The ultimate human-dolphin connection. Meditative, healing Caribbean Island retreats. Yoga, healthy food, Atlantean legends. (800) 326-1618.

SUBMIT Your Ad Classified Line Listings

Join the Expo Team Natural Living Expo September 29-30 Sturbridge, MA

4 hour volunteer shifts in exchange for free expo admission and an event t-shirt. Email with your contact info and shift day and time preference.

Volunteers Needed: Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Music, Pet Therapy & More

Care Alternative is recruiting volunteers to work with terminally ill patients and their families throughout Massachusetts. Volunteers receive training and continuing education related to hospice and the support of the Hospice staff.

For information about classes and volunteer opportunities, please call 508-229-8390.

• $1.50 per word, $35 minimum • Add a box around your ad for $10 • Word count: 10-digit phone number is one word. Email and website count as 2 words each. All other words, initials, dates or numbers separated by a hyphen, slash or space count as one word each.

Classified Display Ad

Send us your PDF ad file or we will design your ad for a fee. 1” high — $80 2” high — $120 3” high — $160 All ads are 2 ¼” wide.

Winter issue deadline is November 1, 2012. All ads and listings must be prepaid. Check, MC, VISA and Discover accepted. Credit card payments may be processed online at www.spiritofchange. org/payments. Send payment and listings to Spirit of Change, PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569. Fax: 508-278-9641. Email


Call (508) 278-9640

FALL 2012 | Spirit of Change 65





Abra Therapeutics........................................... 43 ActivHealth/BareHealth................................. 60 Acupuncture of Worcester.............................. 51 Acupuncture Plus............................................ 38 Adam Beck Institute........................................ 44 Advaita Meditation Center............................. 53 Advanced CellTraining................................... 16 Alex and Von.................................................... 14 Barbara Allen..............................................41, 59 Alternatives for Health.................................... 29 An Apple A Day Acupuncture....................... 51 Ancient Wisdom LLC..................................... 33 Andromeda’s Alley........................................... 52 Angelica of the Angels.................................... 61 AngelsTeach..................................................... 11 Archway Events............................................... 2,3 Nancy Slonim Aronie...................................... 26 Arvigo Massage................................................ 21

Depth of Being................................................. 61 Developmental Alphabiotics......................... 4,5 Dottie Delorey.................................................. 64 Sharon Doolittle............................................... 17 Down to Earth................................................. 36 Loralee Dubeau................................................ 22

Langan Creative Arts, LLC............................. 54 Dr. Jennifer Lees............................................... 53 Mark Levin....................................................... 60 Light Unlimited............................................... 67 Eric Linter......................................................... 52 Living Earth, The............................................. 13 Michele Lowenthal.....................................16, 57 Claire Luft....................................................57, 58

Regina Russell’s Tea Room............................. 11 Reservoir Family Wellness.............................. 24 Revitalive Health & Wellness......................... 41 RI Center for Metaphysics.............................. 52 Rising Moon Healing Center............................7 Rhys Thomas Inst. of Energy Medicine......54, 68

B Kristine Bahr.................................................... 20 Rev. Jeannine Backriges.................................. 61 Susan Barbera.................................................. 31 Libby Barnett.................................................... 57 Glenn Bigonet.................................................. 56 Blue Lotus Healing Arts.................................. 51 Edie Blue........................................................... 55 Boston Brain Works........................................ 25 Boston Health Kinesiology, LLC.................... 12 Boston Meditation Group.............................. 10 Boston School of Herbal Studies, The........... 54 Brain Awakening............................................. 22 David Brown.................................................... 30 C Nancy Canning................................................ 43 Canton Spiritualist Church............................ 37 Care Alternatives Hospice.............................. 65 Central Mass Yoga........................................... 32 Changing Tides Wellness................................ 58 Jonathan Chisholm.......................................... 56 Circles of Wisdom........................................... 17 Clarity............................................................... 32 Commonwealth Ctr. for Herbal Medicine..... 30 Constellation Approach.................................. 55 Joseph Crane.................................................... 51 Crystal Cave, The............................................. 36 Crystal Concentrics......................................... 56

Winter Issue Advertising Deadline: Thursday, November 1 For info: (508) 278-9640 66 Spirit of Change | FALL 2012

E Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies, The.................................................... 54 Enchanted Fox................................................. 29 F Family Kung Fu Center................................... 42 Front Porch Healing........................................ 64 G Gathering Inn, The.......................................... 62 Gemstone Therapy Institute........................... 54 Arthur Gertler.................................................. 16 Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation............ 62 Graduate Institute, The................................... 12 Gretchen Giuffe............................................... 61 Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism........ 62 Groton Dental Wellness Spa........................... 13 H Harmony Center.............................................. 33 Harmony Fund................................................ 35 Leontine Hartzell..........................................7, 58 Healing Boston................................................ 60 Healing from the Body Level Up. Inc............ 27 Healing Point Therapeutics............................ 51 Healing with Grace.......................................... 16 Healthy Spirit................................................... 57 Heart to Heart Design..................................... 33 Holistic Wellness Center................................. 35 Joan Holzman.................................................. 56 I Inner Traditions............................................... 39 Integrative Animal Health Care Center...........9 Intentional Garden Design............................. 20 Internal Wellness Center................................ 38 It’s My Health................................................... 32

M Judith Mabel..................................................... 36 Market Street Health....................................... 21 Linda Marks..................................................... 55 Wendy Marks................................................... 60 MASH............................................................... 29 Massage School, The........................................ 19 Katalin Matyus................................................. 59 George Mephis................................................. 57 Merlin’s Oracle................................................. 24 Ross Miller.............................................31, 38, 45 Lori Miller-Freitas........................................... 56 Mind and Body Integration Therapies.......... 13 Mirabai Devi.................................................... 38 Moodstreams Hypnosis.................................. 56 N Nakri Healing Center...................................... 58 Natural Living Expo....................................... 2,3 NCGR Boston Chapter................................... 15 New Age Crystal Boutique............................. 37 New Day Hypnosis & Healing....................... 59 New England Clinical Thermography.......... 10 New England Inst. of Reflexology................. 54 Newton Dental Wellness................................. 10 Nexus Healing.................................................. 62 HN Satsang Society......................................... 65 Dr. Jody Noe................................................ 17,60 Noble Method, The.......................................... 58 North Shore Community Acupuncture........ 52 Nutrition with Sue Makowski........................ 60 O Open Doors Universal Classroom...................9 Open Door Mission, The................................ 62 Open Doors Yoga............................................. 53



Jocelyn............................................................... 61 John Harvey Gray Ctr. for Reiki Healing...... 58 Barbara Madden Johnson............................... 56

Pacifica Graduate Institute................................9 Joy Pacitto......................................................... 60 Emma Phaneuf................................................ 61 Pandora Pillsbury............................................ 14 Monique Pommier.......................................... 52 Pure Health and Wellness............................... 59 Pyramid Books................................................ 25 Pyramid Creations........................................... 20

K Gayle Kirk......................................................... 61 Kristin Kirk...................................................... 55 Aalia Kusmis.................................................... 37

S Sacred Song Reiki............................................ 15 Sacred Stone Massage School......................... 54 Salem Sight Psychic Readings........................ 42 Scentsibilities.................................................... 60 Schworer & Company Landscaping, Inc....... 35 Science of Spirituality..................................... 15 Andrea Seiver................................................... 55 Silver Hawk...................................................... 20 Silver Willow.................................................... 52 Miriam Smith................................................... 42 Soap Factory, The............................................. 65 Betty Solbjor..................................................... 59 Solstice Healing Arts....................................... 52 Some Enchanted Evening............................... 45 Soul Purpose, The............................................ 59 Spa Tech............................................................ 53 Spirits of Nature Healing................................ 44 Frank St. Martin............................................... 64 Necole Stephens............................................... 61 Still Waters Pond.............................................. 65 Sun Magick....................................................... 58 Synthesis Center, The...................................... 22 T Theosophical Society Boston......................... 37 Elizabeth Thorson............................................ 14 Tintagels Gate.....................................................7 Touchstone School.......................................... 53 Transformational Institute............................. 59 W Gordon Edward Waite.................................... 24 Pat Warren...................................................33, 57 Way to Balance, The........................................ 59 We’Moon Accounts......................................... 18 Kristin Webb/Florence Whipple.................... 43 Wellness Roundtable, The............................... 31 (W)hole Point Institute, The......................41, 53 Trish Whynot................................................... 56 Wisdom of the Ages........................................ 39 Woman of Wisdom......................................... 52 Cheryl Wright.................................................. 55 X-Y-Z Yoga At The Ashram........................................ 26 YogaLife Institute............................................. 54 Zuzu’s Beads..................................................... 52

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