26 minute read
EMFs: Field Updates by Ken Gartner
EMFs: Field Updates
The Electrical Sensitivity Phenomenon
Although all humans are affected by their electrical surroundings — we are electrical beings, after all — most cannot perceive it unless the intensity is too strong. A small percentage of the population might become electrically sensitive after some overexposure and then may experience a wide range of conditions, such as racing heart, ringing in the ears, tingling or intense heat sensations in the limbs, chest constriction and dozens of others. Somewhat less than one percent of the population may become acutely and immediately affected by EMFs -- whether from the household wiring or broadcasting devices -- and may have intense discomfort or pain. These electrically hypsersensitive (EHS) folks find it very difficult to participate in society or even to have their basic needs met, especially due to the pervasive nature of cell towers and public WIFI deployment and some have had to flee their own homes.
Although we cannot yet predict who is likely to become electrically sensitive, there are five main observed precursors that lead to EHS: high electrical exposure, high chemical exposure, biological trauma (mold, Lyme, parasites), physical trauma (whiplash), a compromised immune system. It is frequently the case that a person who is chemically sensitive will also be electrically sensitive, and vice-versa. The EHS condition is legally considered a disability in some countries, thus accorded various rights for accommodation. Microwave illness was the original name given to the same condition seventy years ago when researchers started reporting military injuries with similar frequencies and power levels that we now integrate into our personal devices. The FDA/FCC Regulator Gap
One would hope that human health always remains a high priority as new technologies are deployed. Unfortunately, this is not the case and nowhere is that more evident than at the FCC and FDA agencies, which are charged with regulating devices such as cell phones, WIFI routers and such technology spinoffs as might appear in homes, cars and schools. These agencies have continually shrugged apologetically that they have insufficient authority, even as many thousands of scientific reports have shown that these technologies pose grave risks to some, if not all, of the human population. What has always been needed is both an ethically independent council to act exclusively for human health, and an ombudsman to process public complaints effectively and to hold the regulated industries and agencies accountable.
How can it be that a heart monitor employing a Bluetooth antenna is now provided by a cardiologist, when it is known that pulsed RF microwave radiation is harmful to the heart? How can it be that the audiologist provides hearing aids with both WiFi and Bluetooth antennas so close to the head when it is known that pulsed RF microwave radiation can lead to brain cancer and open the blood-brain barrier? Many will dispute, citing a lack of evidence of harm specifically for Bluetooth devices, while the request should actually be reversed to demand the evidence that such devices are perfectly safe for all humans on the planet. The cognitive dissonance is deafening. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29573716/ "Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health"
Building Biologists Make House Calls
Building Biology is a compassionate discipline that works to ensure that people live in the most healthful environments possible. Modern living involves many hazards, some obvious and some subtle. A Building Biologist is often requested to visit a home due to a resident's health challenge and then it is their mission to help identify and perhaps lessen such hazards in that home, based on decades of accumulated expertise. One of the central tenets of Building Biology is called The Precautionary Principle, in this context to err on the side of caution instead of waiting decades for full scientific confirmation of negative health effects. Building Biologists often quantify hazards using measuring instruments and then compare those values with known healthful levels, but the goal is always to holistically examine the situation and provide the necessary support to provide the best opportunity for an improved health outcome. Building Biologists also are engaged during home design, renovation planning or the construction phase to better serve the future occupants. To ensure the highest standards are met, a Building Biologist should be certified by an accredited institution. To learn more about the Building Biology discipline in the US, or to find a local expert, visit https://buildingbiologyinstitute.org/ Passenger Vehicles Once Again Unsafe At Any Speed
Most folks enjoy their modern cars and trucks since they sport features and conveniences such as Bluetooth integration, a touch screen display, rear-facing camera, vehicle avoidance radar and even a 120V accessory outlet. However, these seemingly benign aspects make it so that electrically sensitive folks cannot even be a passenger in a modern car, nor hail a taxi (or eventually, even ride in an ambulance). That Bluetooth system will emanate microwaves that bounce around in the car; that 120V outlet emanates a large AC electric field throughout the car. Ever more folks, hitherto not known to be electrically sensitive, report shooting pains, headaches, ringing in their ears and other common electromagnetic symptoms after a few weeks of driving their new 2021 vehicles.
Car manufacturers follow the lead of other industries and assume all these features are healthful for the full population but they do not conduct health testing to ensure it. The 2021 models now sport V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) communication so that even driving past another car on the highway will be injurious to those who are electrically sensitive. By 2025, more than a dozen car companies have vowed to add 60 GHz radar to the interior cabin of the car (not unlike the body scanners at the airport), ostensibly to address the problem of children being locked in hot cars. Carmakers see the positive perceived benefits, without understanding the negative health consequences on millions of people routinely overexposed to such electrosmog. These “safety” features often have no way for the consumer to disable them.
Helping Health Professionals Become Informed
The reality is that most physicians were never trained about environmental illnesses at medical school. When a patient, who has actually been poisoned by some environmental factor, encounters a physician who has not been properly informed about environmental intolerances (such as multiple chemical sensitivity or electrical sensitivity), then the patient's needs are rarely met. Often, the well-meaning physician may be skeptical or suggest a psychological medication. That same physician would not doubt the patient if they had been exposed to asbestos or lead or some better recognized toxin.
Physicians are presented with conflicting information; some studies say there are problems and other studies say there are no problems. Some studies come to conclusions that favor the sponsor, and a physician needs to do the extra legwork to note that the anecdotal information provided by one's patients may well be ahead of the curve of the mainstream. Ignoring facts does not make them untrue. Today's heresy is tomorrow's orthodoxy.
Health professionals can now learn about electrical sensitivity (and receive continuing education credit) via the online 2021 EMF Medical Conference, now available as recorded presentations. This conference answers key questions that physicians have, such as taking an exposure history, symptom analysis, lab testing, insurance billing codes, research papers, plus they will hear the powerful stories of folks suddenly struck by EHS. By informing everyone properly, patient outcomes will be vastly improved. In fact, recovery from many chronic conditions may be helped if the home is cleared of biological hazards, and so physicians will also learn the positive role that Building Biolgists can play and might choose to integrate them into their wellness plans for their most delicate patients. https://emfconference2021.com/online-cme-ce-courses/
Ken Gartner lives with his electrically sensitive partner among the hills of Warren, in the Quaboag Valley of central Massachusetts. Every day is spent in study of such topics as relate to helping sensitive folks navigate a world that is perilous to them. He can be reached at ken@qbb.solutions.
website pointing to false information posted by our captured federal agencies. Earlier, Dr. Moskowitz got some lawyers at Berkeley to do pro bono work for him, and he had to sue the California Department of Public Health in order for them to release a similar public health fact sheet written in 2009. That lawsuit was in December of 2017. It should have been front page news all over our world — that cell phones bring risks — and while some of the local outlets in California covered it, generally it was suppressed by mainstream corporate media.
CAROL BEDROSIAN: It's more than just a health risk. It's a huge behavior change. Think about when people had to give up smoking. Smoking was a huge part of our social culture. It took a long time when it was introduced as a health hazard before it was finally recognized as such and banned in places. CECE DOUCETTE: That's a great example because we did know for decades that smoking was hazardous, and it wasn't until 1964, I think, when our Surgeon General finally held a press conference indicating that we need to take precautions around tobacco products. It's another right to choose issue, but because we're not giving the facts to the public, the public has no idea.
CAROL BEDROSIAN: Right. If people have this information, perhaps they would be more motivated to change, because many people do not like being slaves to their wireless devices, and would like to take control of their lives back again. There would be more incentive. CECE DOUCETTE: I think a lot of people sense that something is not right here, but because we only hear the industry messaging — more and better and faster — we just go with the flow on that. But once we get the opportunity to become educated, then we can take charge of our own usage.
I've had the privilege of connecting with many of the world's leading scientists and doctors on this journey. There was a couple in Europe I was introduced to, Brett and Lynn West, who started doing some work on this issue, and recognized that we can't fix it because people don't know about it. You have to get the education out in front of people, so we formed a little nonprofit called wirelesseducation.org with one of the world's leading bioelectromagnetic scientists, Dr. Mikko Ahonen of Finland. We’ve distilled this massive volume of science, the risks, what other countries are doing, and the medical best practices into courses that can be completed in about half an hour online.
We have a Schools and Families Course, and then we have a Corporate Safety Induction Course for the workplace. After you take this little course and answer some questions along the way to help reinforce important concepts, it will allow you to print out a certificate of completion. It also allows you to print out a handy tip sheet at the end with reminders of what the steps are you need to take to create a sleep sanctuary at home and other common sense reminders for transitioning to safe technology.
The one really bright shining light we have here in the U.S. came through a constituent, Deb Hodgdon, up in New Hampshire. She joined us for a screening in Massachusetts of an award winning film called “Generation Zapped,” where we hear from leading scientists and doctors, as well as people who have become ill from EMFs. Deb was just so grateful to be with others talking about EMFs because she had gotten to the point where she was nearly on her death bed. She had gone to her doctors and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. She paid — as most people wind up doing — thousands of dollars out of pocket to go to specialists who can't figure out where all these crazy symptoms are coming from, until somebody finally recognized that she had microwave sickness symptoms.
So, she took all the remediation measures and got wireless out of her living and work space. Then she began to re-inoculate her system and build up all the healthy things that had been depleted. When her State Representative came knocking on her door asking to be re-elected, she invited him into her home and shared what she had been through. Representative Patrick Abrami in New Hampshire is an engineer, and engineers are one of those groups who have been taught you have to have a lot of heat from a device before there can be any harm. She shared with him the non-thermal science evidence that shows harm, and Representative Patrick Abrami went back and actually did the deep dive. He started reading the peer-reviewed scientific literature, instead of just defaulting to whatever messaging the industry had been giving him. Eventually he had this major wow moment, like, “Wow, what are we doing here?” Then he wrote a bill to start addressing this. After we spent an afternoon at my kitchen table, I helped him to connect the dots further, and he went back and beefed up the language in his bill with very pointed questions. Like, why does the legal fine print of our devices tell us to keep them off of our bodies? Why have Lloyd's of London and Swiss RE and other major insurers already recognized this as a leading risk and put exclusions in their policies that they will not 5G wavelengths are getting cover damages from radio frequenshorter and shorter, so they're cy or EMF? And then, why does coming at us as faster and the FCC ignore the science at the non-thermal level? And why do faster pulses. It's that pulsing they allow more radiation, a hunthat is biologically destructive. dred times more radiation to our public, than some other countries are doing? And why is nobody looking at the cumulative effect of this? What is happening to our kids when we put them in a classroom with 30 devices, beaming this radiation all over every child in that room, in addition to their personal devices, in addition to their wearables, in addition to the wireless access points in the ceiling? Nobody is looking at the cumulative effect. Representative Abrami introduced that bill, and he asked me up to come up and testify along with a number of residents in New Hampshire, who understood this issue. A biologist testified to speak about the environmental impact it's having on our birds and bees and plants. Dr. Paul Heroux drove down from Canada; he teaches electromagnetism in the medical school at McGill University. And then there’s Frank Clegg. He’s the retired president of Microsoft Canada. He flew in on his own time and dime, and he testified. When he retired, he had heard enough being in the industry that he knew not to have wireless in his home, but he didn't really understand what it meant. So, he started meeting with world-leading scientists and doctors globally, and when he returned, he said, “Our radiation limits in Canada and the U.S. here in North America are not safe.” Frank Clegg formed Canadians For Safe Technology, and he's been up in Parliament trying to do what we're doing here in the U.S., and that's to get public policy that puts corporate profit behind public health. Because right now, corporate profits rule; what happens in public health is not even being addressed. CAROL BEDROSIAN: You mentioned that 5G has a shorter wavelength. What we’re seeing with 5G installation is that the towers are located in residential neighborhoods and there are more of them. Why do they need to be so close? Does that have something to do with the short wavelengths? CECE DOUCETTE: The way the industry is spinning up 5G, which by the way, technically hasn't even been defined yet — every wireless provider is coming up with their own ways of doing this — we don't have any standardization yet. They are just putting it out there and selling the heck out of it to get everybody's mindset pre-conditioned that 5G is a great thing. 5G simply means fifth generation, but it's not just a follow on to 3G and 4G. In Continued on page 64
Symptoms of microwave sickness or EMF sensitivity include
Headaches Insomnia Nightmares Nosebleeds Dizziness Anxiety Nausea Depression Shooting Pains Ringing in the ears Excessive fatigue Altered heart rate
Memory lapses Balance problems Concentration problems Learning problems Eye irritation
5G Inconvenient Truths
Continued from page 63
fact, we still need 4G because it has the long wavelengths that can go through a building and connect with your devices indoors. All this cell infrastructure that we've already got with these big antennas on the cell towers called macro cell antennas that started in industrial parks 300 feet in the air, over the years we've seen them encroach closer and closer to where we live and work and play and go to school. (And if you can paint it the same color of a building, they'll give the building owner a kickback to put up an antenna right on a building where people are on the other side of the wall or below rooftop antennas are getting sick.)
So, all that infrastructure stays. That's the backbone for wireless, for 5G. With fifth generation, all that's left of the wave are these crummy little millimeter waves, and they're tiny. The industry is spinning it up that with all these new millimeter waves, we'll be able to give you faster downloads and faster streaming and smart and super highways. But in order for 5G to fly, these little waves can't go very far and they get disrupted by anything in their path. Their solution is to put new antennas, additional antennas, every two to 12 houses inside our neighborhoods at the curb in our public accessways. You see these things popping up on poles, literally right outside people's bedrooms. And we see people getting sick from that. We see children getting sick from that, and they sit there pulsing 24/7.
What the industry did with the FCC, as they told our towns through some new rulings that they made, is that you can't say anything, you can't do anything, it's coming and you have no legal recourse — which actually isn't true, but our towns just roll over. Town lawyers are not experts in telecom law. But when you get a lawyer who is a telecom expert, they will tell you 20 different ways that your town can strengthen your town bylaws and codify it so that you do not have to roll over when the industry comes in with these applications.
I'll give you an example right here in Burlington, Massachusetts. About three years ago, Verizon came in with an application for seven small cell antennas. The town had more questions than Verizon could answer, so they formed a Small Cell Committee, and for a year or so, they investigated. In addition to their town lawyer, they hired special counsel who had telecom expertise, so that they could be advised on what they could do to protect their community within the constraints of the current law.
Burlington came up with a Small Cell Policy that said common sense things like if they allow this application to be permitted, then anything the wireless industry puts in has to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Because they call these things “small cells,” the industry will spin it that, “It's just the size of a backpack up on a pole.” But what they're not telling you is it comes with a refrigerator-sized box or two that has cooling fans, backup batteries and more in it on the ground. So, Burlington said industry can’t put that equipment where it's going to block somebody in a wheelchair from passing by a sidewalk. And then they said aesthetically, anything you put in has to blend in with the environment.
But then Burlington established that industry cannot just come into the community with this wireless equipment and drop and run. If they approve a small cell application, the wireless provider has to agree to come back every single year and pay to have a recertification done by an independent party that the equipment is still within the FCC limits for public radiation exposure. Verizon did not want to set precedent for coming back and doing an annual recertification, so they actually withdrew their seven small cell applications. We have seen a pattern that if citizens speak up to their towns and work with them and point them in the right direction, and a town starts strengthening their bylaws or puts a policy in place, the industry oftentimes will just move along because they don't want to spend the money and the time to have to fight what the town is doing to protect itself.
Every one of us in our towns should be speaking up in our towns. We know that's a tall ask because most of us are not experts on this, but if you go to www. AmericansForResponsibleTechnology.org, they have gathered all of the best practices from around the country. They have a sample bylaw that you can take to your town lawyer and say, “Look, we have a big issue here. And here's how we can learn about it. And here's what our bylaws need to be changed to include.”
We need to have setbacks so that they cannot put these things right in front of our homes. The science indicates in epidemiological studies that look at what's actually happening in society, that they find increases in cancers and sleep issues and neurological problems with anxiety and depression and so forth within 500 meters or 1,640 feet of a cell tower. Some towns will specify in their bylaws the setback of 1500 feet from anywhere that we're living and hospitals and places where children play. Here in Shelburne, Massachusetts, I think they got a 1500foot setback for residential, and then a 3000-foot setback from schools.
But we shouldn't feel like we're defeated because wireless is everywhere. We are just at one point in time and we need to get ourselves educated and then look to see what others have done. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, but we've all got to take action on this, because with this lawsuit in play with the FCC, the indus-
try is moving even faster to get their wireless infrastructure in for 5G before they get told that they have to fix it.
Plus, the industry did another really slick move at the end of March. It used to be that if you wanted to have a satellite dish, that's just a one-way signal between you and the satellite, and you can put it on your balcony or your rooftop. That was governed by something called the OTARD rule, the over-the-air-receptiondevice rule that controlled that one way signal to give you signal from a satellite. Now, the industry and the FCC have changed that rule, such that you can now put in a two-way transmitter or a cell antenna on your own property. Now we see out in Arizona and Nevada, they already have companies knocking on your door and saying, “Hey, we'll give you the best cutting-edge technology if you'll just let us put a cell antenna on your property.” That antenna is going to beam out and saturate you and your loved ones and your pets and your pollinators and every one of your neighbors 24/7.
And it doesn't even have to go through the town. They're stripping local control. The industry is moving fast and furious before they get caught, so it's imperative that we all start learning about this and then come out of our comfort zone and speak up. Because even if you choose to hardwire everything in your house, when your next door neighbor puts that cell antenna up on their roof, you are going to be exposed at close range, 24/7.
There are growing voices all over the country. There may be groups already formed where you are. If you go to AmericansForResponsibleTech.org you might be able to just simply join a group that's already in motion. Or if there is nobody near you, they have a whole toolkit for how to help you get started, so don't feel like you have to do it on your own.
One of the biggest lessons I learned is not to go it alone. Get everyone around you informed first. Use the film “Generation Zapped” to have a screening in your living room. If your library subscribes to Kanopy or Hoopla, and you can watch it for free through your local library. Maybe ask your library to do a screening and get people in the community educated at the same time.
Once you have a group of people who are going to want to ensure safe technology, then go to your town boards of zoning and planning, and select boards, city councils, and your local lawyer, but do not go it alone because one voice can be very easily dismissed. Once you have a group of people who have done their homework and really understand that this needs to be addressed, talk to your schools. Start protecting the schools by going to TechSafeSchools.org and use their tool kit and get this conversation started because our schools have been told by industry that our kids have to have this technology to succeed in life.
That is absolutely not true. The New York Times did an expose1 on Silicon Valley executives and revealed that they are sending their children to schools with no technology. In fact, they're having their nannies sign contracts that there will be no technology and no screens around their children because they know the harm that it causes. Kids certainly can use technology, but it should not be the core of how we're teaching our children. They learn best from their teachers through human interpersonal interactions, from their natural environment, and from their peers, not from a screen.
CAROL BEDROSIAN: What is the status of the legislation in New Hampshire? CECE DOUCETTE: We got that bill in New Hampshire through the House Committee on Science, Technology and Energy, and then through the Senate side with the Health and Human Services Committee, which was chaired by a medical doctor, who actually co-sponsored that bill. I think he's a Democrat and Representative Patrick Abrami, who introduced the bill, is a Republican, so it was a beautiful example of bipartisan cooperation. The bill passed the House, we got it to pass the Senate, and then Governor Sununu signed it into law, all in seven months time in New Hampshire. And we've had similar bills languishing in Massachusetts, some of them for 10 years now.
So, we all need to really take notice of this and use the New Hampshire law. They published a groundbreaking report in November that calls out and documents the corruption and the conflicts of interest within our government at the federal level and with the industry. I love that New Hampshire report; they were very courageous to stand up to industry. Then it makes 15 recommendations to start educating the public, to hardwire technology, to start transitioning our communities and schools to fiber optics to the premises. Because, right now the industry will run high-speed fiber optics down the road, which is great, and then instead of bringing it right to the building and hardwiring it, they stop at the curb and throw up all these cheap, quick-to-install wireless small cell antennas that are very, very harmful to every living cell out there.
CAROL BEDROSIAN: What are the symptoms of microwave sickness? CECE DOUCETTE: Early onset symptoms often start presenting as irregular sleep insomnia, for some people it's nightmares or night terrors. Another big one is stabbing, searing headaches, oftentimes migraines that people can't seem to figure out. Nosebleeds are common, sometimes ear bleeds, and then there is pain throughout the body from unidentified sources. Nausea is a big one. There’s also dizziness, anxiety and depression. A couple in New York contacted me. They had both gotten jobs in New York City, and had a friend who lived on the top floor of a building, and offered to give them a bedroom to sleep in until they got established. Once there, they started getting really sick and feeling very anxious and depressed. It turns out there were cell tower antennas right on the roof.
The public has to stand up and speak up and force a change, because if nothing changes in our behavior, nothing changes at the policy level. So yeah, those are very common symptoms that people are experiencing today. And the good news is, is that for many people, just by reading this interview, they might decide to take a chance and turn everything off at night. People say to me, “I didn't want to believe this. I didn't want to hear about it or know about it, but I recognized some of those symptoms.” And they'll come back and say, “Wow, that headache that I've had is gone,” or, “Oh my gosh, I started sleeping through the night again,” or “My kid's behavior issues are calming way down.”
Doctors tell us that with a two-week digital detox, even just by starting at night, some children with autism who are experiencing de novo mutations —which means it did not come through mom or dad's genetics, but somehow through the environment — that even children who had been non-verbal, after a couple of weeks of cleaning out the constant bombardment of radio frequency, could connect.
Dr. Toril Jelter gives an example of a family in her care who did the digital detox. After a couple of weeks, this little boy looks at his mom and says, “Mom, will you hand me that…?” She had never heard his voice before, and neither had he, and here he comes out speaking full sentences. They were just all just blown out of the water that by simply removing the radiation exposure, it gives our bodies a chance to repair, and the children's DNA to repair and regenerate, and actually do what our bodies are meant to do. Some people are fortunate to see a remediation of symptoms alongside the remediation of the radiation.
There's lots of hope. As dismal as this sounds, I always tell people you’re certainly entitled to that freak out for 10 minutes as you begin to notice where all the exposures are in our lives. Then circle back and learn how to remediate the ones over which you have control. For the bigger ones in the environment like smart meters, and the small cells and the big cells, let's start using our voices together. There's so much already in motion that you don't have to start at square one, but you do have to find the courage to speak up because nobody else is going to fix it in your town, except for you. Please join us at Massachusetts for Safe Technology and we’ll help you get started.
Cece Doucette can be contacted through Massachusetts for Safe Technology,
Carol Bedrosian is the publisher of Spirit of Change Magazine.