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Healing Traditions


Enter the Peaceable Animal Kingdom • Increase Your Healing Class Enrollments A Discussion About Reiki • Relax and Renew with Restorative Yoga • Help for IBS Sound Healing At Home • Healing With Fresh Foods This Winter

Open the door to healing on all levels. Reconnective Healing is a fresh phenomenon that was introduced to this plane by Dr. Eric Pearl. It encompasses a new broader spectrum of healing frequencies, comprised of energy, love, light, and information previously unavailable on this planet. Gary Albee Gardner, MA (978) 632-3036

Reconnective Healing Practitioners are catalysts through which these frequencies are fine-tuned to awaken and activate strands and strings of light and information dormant within the multi-dimensional Hu-man being that is you. In essence, we facilitate your passage in Reconnection with That Which Is. Extraordinary healings have been reported by clients across the globe. You will receive the most appropriate healing for you emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. The time is NOW. The call is urgent. We invite you to schedule Reconnective Healing sessions or “The Reconnection” with Lynda Thayer, Laurel Blaine or Gary Albee. Or, plan to attend one of the upcoming “Introduction to Reconnective Healing” events.

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Introduction to Reconnective Healing Events 6-9pm s Investment: $33 s To register:





For more information on The Reconnective Energy and Dr. Eric Pearl, please visit:

2 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

Healing from the Body Level Up™ (HBLU™) developed by Judith A. Swack Ph.D. HBLU™ is a unique, effective and powerful mind-body healing methodology that gets people unstuck and eliminates struggle — even when other therapies have failed — by simultaneously clearing mental, emotional, physical and spiritual blocks to success.

HBLU™ has helped people: • Heal Emotional Issues including: Traumas, Phobias, Anxiety, PTSD, Burnout & Stress, Depression, Addictions • Heal Medical Conditions including: Chronic Pain, Headaches, Back Pain, Digestion Problems, Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Allergies & Asthma, ADD and Learning Disabilities, Interstitial Cystitis, Physical Injuries • Erase Food Cravings & Create Lasting Weight Loss • Ameliorate Symptoms & Extend Life Span in: Cancer, Heart Disease & High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Autoimmune Disease • Foster Happy, Healthy Relationships/ Marriages or Survive Divorce from an Impossible Ex • nurture Spirituality and Intuition: Feel your personal connection with God, define and manifest your soul mission, connect to spiritual guidance, develop psychic and healing talent

“Judith transformed my life. If not for her HBLU™ work, I’d be divorced by now, have no children, be struggling to make money and be always sick and in pain. I went from being angry at life to being joyful and happy.” R.M., EDUCATIoNAL SALES

“I want you to think of me as someone who can help you flow and grow in all areas of your life.” JUDITH A. SWACk, PH.D

HBLU™ helps people rapidly achieve the results they want to live full, happy, healthy and satisfying lives. Many conditions can be treated in as few as eight sessions, however significant results can often be seen in as little as one or two sessions. Dr. Swack and her associates work in person in their Needham, MA office or by video-skype or phone.

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Healing from the Body Level Up I Training: Healing Trauma and Installing Boundaries Learn How to Rapidly Transform and Heal Your Clients and Yourself

UPcOMIng EvEnTS 11/16 — Simple Secrets to Making Your Partner Feel Loved All relationships start and flourish with clear and healthy communication. Come join us to learn leading-edge NeuroLinguistic Programming techniques that can: create connections by accurately describing how you’re thinking and feeling and create intimacy by sharing other people’s inner worlds. At the Natural Living Expo, Marlborough, MA. 12/6 or 2/7 — Relationship Success Series Part I: Flirting: The Psychology of Instant Sexual Attraction Are you looking for a partner? Whether you’re single or coming out of a relationship, it is always fun to learn or refresh those flirting skills. Learn what is sexy, the difference between flirting and seduction, how to connect easily, and how to follow-up! Learn a simple technique for eliminating the fear of rejection that works in just minutes! 7-9pm. Sponsored by The Boston Center for Adult Education. Call 617-267-4430 to register or visit 12/13 or 2/21 — Relationship Success Series Part II: The Soul Mate Fantasy and Other Relationship Myths Whether you’ve just entered the dating scene or you’re in a longterm, committed relationship or marriage, discover Judith Swack’s secrets to entering and maintaining successful relationships. Come away with a better understanding of your romantic relationship and discover the surprisingly simple measures of a satisfying marriage. Sponsored by The Boston Center for Adult Education Call 617-267-4430 to register or visit 2/5 & 2/12 — Introduction to Mind-Body Healing Mind Body Healing is a field of healing that assumes that the mind and the body form one unit and thus uses specific techniques to quiet the mind, release negative emotions, and facilitate healing of the body. In this fascinating seminar participants will learn powerful, yet easy to use, techniques for communicating directly with their unconscious minds, bodies, and souls and releasing unwanted emotions and self sabotaging behaviors. 7-9pm. At Newton Community Education, 617-559-6999. 2/26, 3/5 & 3/12 — The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution Do you need a diet and exercise program? Have you lost weight before, only to gain it all back again? Do you ever overeat for emotional reasons? If so, you may be at the mercy of unconscious patterns of self-sabotage. Discover Healing from the Body Level UpSM, a unique holistic psychotherapy system designed to help you lose weight without cravings. 7-9pm. At Newton Community Education, 617-559-6999.

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WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 3




Cover Stories Features

Main Office

Winter 2013 • Vol. 27, No. 126

Publisher & Editor


6 Musings by Carol Bedrosian 8 Starspeak: The Cosmic Forecast by Eric Linter 10 Healing with Fresh Foods this Winter by Linda Wooliever 12 EarthTalk: The Greenest Cities In America by the Editors of E/Environmental Magazine 14 Feng Shui for Everyday: Stop Smoking Tips by Karen Feldman 44 Book Reviews by Gail Lord



18 Healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Helen Chin Lui 20 The Best Way to Say “No” by Joseph Mercola, MD 22 Is Your Other Immune System Working? by Mike George 24 Do-It-Yourself Sound Healing Session by Deb Barrett 26 Restorative Yoga: Antidote to Stress by Judith Hanson Lasater 30 Enter the Peaceable Kingdom: An Interview with Debra Winslow by Carol Bedrosian 34 A Frank Discussion About Reiki by Marcello Antifonario 38 Increase Student Enrollment in Your Healing Classes by Dawn Fleming 40 They Came For Our Children by Ieia:nes


PO Box 405, Uxbridge, MA 01569 Phone: 508-278-9640 Fax: 508-278-9641

Carol Bedrosian E-mail:

Advertising Information

Michella Brudner, Advertising Director Phone: 508-278-9640 E-mail:

Contributing Columnists

Editors of E/Environmental Magazine, Karen Feldman, Eric Linter, Linda Wooliever

Book Reviews

Gail Lord E-mail: Send review copies to 51 North Street, Grafton, MA 01519

Design & Production

Carlton Chin, Barry Corbett, Janice Nadeau, Paulien Rorick, Amber Routten-Mitchell


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16 Holiday Gift Guide 27 Yoga Practitioners of New England 46 Calendar 49 Holistic Logo Directory 60 Holistic Specialties Directory 61 The Classifieds 62 Advertiser Index


Spring Ad Deadline: Monday, February 3, 2014

Upcoming Editorial Themes

Spring ’14 The Food Issue Summer ’14 Healthy Relationships

Fall ’14 Plant Medicine Winter ’14 Peaceful Body & Soul

See Editorial Guidelines at

4 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

On the Cover: “East of the Sun and West of the Moon” by Amanda Clark Cover Design: Carlton Chin Copyright ©2013 Spirit of Change. All Rights Reserved. Spirit of Change distributes 50,000 magazines throughout New England quarterly (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) and accepts paid advertising as an advertising service. Responsibility for the products, services or claims of our advertisers rests solely with them; advertisers are liable for any claims made against Spirit of Change Magazine as a result of their advertisement. Spirit of Change welcomes your feedback, both positive and negative, on the products, services or information advertised or editorialized within these pages. Subscriptions are $20.00/yr. Article and artwork submissions are accepted for review and will only be returned if accompanied by a SASE. To receive bulk shipments of Spirit of Change to distribute to your clients & customers, please call our office at 508-278-9640.


WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 5


Take the Plunge Into Common Sense Good Health


n elderly friend of mine asked for advice on whether or not to start taking krill oil. I take krill oil daily and mentioned my belief in the importance of seeking out quality-made supplements with no synthetic ingredients. Fish oil, for example, can turn rancid if heat-processed rather than molecularly distilled, causing digestive problems. I recommended a good brand and advised her to take the dosage she felt most comfortable with. You don’t have to take two capsules just because the label says so; your body knows exactly how much it needs. “I wish I could believe the same way you do!” she sighed. “I know my body can take care of itself — we grew up that way — but it’s so hard to believe it now.” I don’t blame my friend for her lack of healing confidence since our healthcare system does not empower patients, nor healing, in my opinion. An insurance-based healthcare system is a for-profit business. Wellness is not the goal — profit is — so it is not surprising that while healthcare has become more complex and expensive, people have not grown any healthier. Instead we have become more anxious about insurance coverage, drug side effects and the next diagnostic test result to tell us whether or not we are healthy. How did something as everyday and common sense as good health become so elusive? Beliefs are a very powerful thing. If you believe you can do a thing or believe you can’t, you’re right (Henry Ford). The mysterious placebo effect documents amazing cures from patients who healed after taking nothing but a sham treatment or drug, simply because they expected improvement. This includes fake surgery procedures, fake pharmaceutical trials, fake acupuncture back pain treatments and many other research experiments. Patients in the placebo group often showed more improvement than patients receiving the actual cure. Exactly how powerful, then, is the mind in healing the body? Researchers at Harvard Medical School have begun to believe that the expectation of healing causes actual physiological changes in brain chemistry that trigger these responses in the body.1 This research confirms the powerful mind body connection — it’s the brain, not the drugs doing the healing — and compels us to consider the possibility that our too complex, too expensive, doctor/drug-based healthcare system is no longer the best chronic care medical system. Safer, less expensive options are available that everyone can afford; they are the medicine of the future. Why take the risk of dangerous 6 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

pharmaceutical side effects and dependencies if the brain can elicit the same or possibly even a more powerful healing response on its own? Could new thinking technologies, rather than new drugs, be researched and cultivated to cure cancer, malaria or any plague of humanity? We know only a fraction of the brain’s potential. Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA’s Life Sciences Division and author of Sitting Kills, Moving Heals, has discovered that the single healthiest thing you can do to reverse the unhealthy effects of a sedentary, seated lifestyle is to stand up from your seat every 20 minutes or so. By doing this you can take advantage of some very unique healthy effects gravity’s interaction has on your body and brain. The key is frequent intermittent interactions with gravity, rather than repetitive actions all at once. Many people mistakenly believe their bodies are frail and prone to disease. On the contrary, our bodies are infinitely wise in the ways to keep us healthy and adapt even the most unhealthy physical specimen into a living, breathing vehicle. The healing intelligence of the human body is phenomenal. We are still far from understanding exactly how much healing power we possess. 25 years of heavy-duty pharmaceutical advertising have all but convinced us that good health is available by prescription only, but we can already see the old roots of common sense healing traditions beginning to sprout again — more awareness about nutritious food, stress reduction, healthy exercise and cultivating a positive attitude and relationships. For some, the switch to a new form of healthcare is simply a matter of not being able to afford the drugs, doctors and insurance, but for many it’s the awareness that healthcare doesn’t need to be so intimidating or expensive. Go ahead and take the plunge into commonsense good health. It’s not only okay to believe in your own healing ability, it’s a surefire solution to keeping yourself healthy. NOTES 1. Harvard Health Letter, April 2012. “Putting the Placebo Effect to Work” Carol Bedrosian is the publisher of Spirit of Change holistic magazine. Visit

� A Center for Deep Transformational Work Formerly known as The Gathering Inn Classes, Workshops and Trainings We offer space for inner reflection, as well as a variety of holistic, restorative classes and workshops that explore various aspects of how we live our lives and deepen our self-knowledge. We offer tools and trainings in modalities that help us move toward our true essence, bringing healing, clarity and wholeness.

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WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 7

a great many reunions during the holidays but we must pay attention and take care while on the move. Orbiting in tandem, the Capricorn Sun and mental Mercury form sextile aspects to Neptune on the 24th and the 26th. These highly creative, heartwarming alignments also promote generosity and higher aspirations. However, there’s more going on. Mars tests Uranus early on the 25th. Christmas Day also sees the Libra Moon activating a volatile grand square that now includes Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. For safety’s sake it’s best to stay apprised of local and world events, especially if your plans include traveling to a popular holiday gathering spot. The unstable atmosphere persists until the end of December. The pace can seem hectic at times so be sure to take a breather if needed.



Astrology Forecast for Winter 2013-14


ife is like being out on an ocean in a little boat,” my teacher Isabel Hickey once remarked. “There are sunny days riding on top of sparkling waves and other times when you’re in a trough and cannot even see the tops.” True to form the cosmos serves up a bit of everything this winter. At times our proverbial boats will sail serenely along, and at others we’ll need to paddle mightily to stay afloat. Under current astrological influences, life is often both challenging and entrancing. It is always preferable to focus on positives, whether we’re hoping to catch that perfect wave or already there, riding high.

December December opens with an odd coincidence. The first day of the month is the last day of the lunar cycle. Upbeat lunar aspects produce many pleasant moments but waiting until the workweek begins to embark on new adventures is best. Commence ambitious undertakings and journeys with the Sagittarius new Moon of Monday the 2nd. This first week of December has a busy feel. Pay close attention to details during the afternoon of the 6th. Mental Mercury is at odds with Neptune and the resulting fog can lead to oversights and confusion. Relax over the weekend and recharge your batteries. Hobbies and creative projects are most enjoyable. On Monday the 9th any morning blues are quickly dispelled 8 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

by a burst of productivity. The next day Mercury’s trine to Uranus is a source of much inspiration. However, tricky aspects caution against setting off on projects prematurely. Coordinate plans with partners, especially if you are attempting something new. Thursday the 12th sees one of the season’s most important alignments, an exact trine between Jupiter and Saturn. The aspect promotes common sense and gives excellent judgment. Use it to get your act together. The following weekend is a winner as the rapidly waxing Moon takes us on a breathtaking course. Saturday the 14th is one of December’s very best social evenings. The Taurus Moon and Venus are in delightful harmony. Moods are jolly and gatherings dazzling. However, things calm down well before midnight as the Moon goes void-of-course. The full “Cold” Moon in Gemini is exact at 4:28AM on Tuesday the 17th. An added element of surprise stems from eccentric Uranus resuming forward motion later the same day. Expect the unexpected! Technological breakthroughs, geological changes, strange political events and extreme weather all make noteworthy headlines around this time. Winter officially arrives with the Sun’s entry into Capricorn at 12:11PM EST on Saturday the 21st. Venus retrogrades the same afternoon. Cozy up with loved ones on this day with the year’s longest night. There’ll be

Happy New Year! 2014 begins with a super powerful new Moon in Capricorn. In this celestial year-opening event Mercury and Pluto join the Sun and Moon in the sign of the mountaintop-mastering goat. The foursome opposes Jupiter and squares Mars and Uranus. The resulting grand square configuration features seven of the ten planets. Highly motivating, it portends great expectations as well as continuing upheavals. Make the most of each opportunity that comes your way, but keep in mind how delicate and precious life really is. The first week of the month sees the Sun and Mercury form a succession of trying aspects. Keep your cool on the 2nd. Open your heart and mind to new ideas over the weekend of the 4th and 5th. Be quick with a kind word on Tuesday the 7th. Don’t let petty rivalries and aggravations get out of hand. On the 8th Mars’ square to Jupiter can inspire eager learning or smug self-righteousness. If you don’t know something, admit it. Study other traditions and ways of looking at life and respect differences of opinion. As the pop culture saying goes, minds are like parachutes; they only work when they are open. Catch an updraft and broaden your horizons. More easy-going influences take hold late in the week. Starting on Friday and carrying over into the weekend of the 11th and 12th, good vibes prevail. The Sun overtakes retrograding Venus and both stars sextile Saturn. Loving ties feel deeper and more committed. The waxing Moon adds a little zest to an otherwise relaxed atmosphere. The full “Wolf ” Moon brightens the crystalline night sky and is exact at 11:52PM on Wednesday the 15th. The lingering cardinal sign grand square is re-energized by the full Moon. Retrograde Venus is at odds with Mars. Passions are high enough to impair reasoning. Look to the future but let things simmer down for a day or two before making any big decisions. The Sun reaches visionary Aquarius on Sunday the 19th. Even in the depths of winter, if you’re not hibernating it’s good to touch base with friends and look ahead. The astrological atmosphere is relatively quiet during late January. Future possibilities are intriguing as the Aquarius new Moon of Thursday the 30th ushers in a new activity cycle. Things shift quickly, from moribund to more interesting and provocative. On Friday the 31st retrograding Jupiter opposes Pluto.

A diplomatic row could erupt. Later in the day Mercury enters Pisces and Venus resumes forward motion. Minds and then hearts may seem to be in altered states. Remain tactful. Don’t overreact. Staying centered helps keep long-range objectives in mind.

February Gritty groundhogs and red roses are hallmarks of the year’s second month. The Sun is making its way through the sign of friendship and community, Aquarius. As February dawns, the Moon, Mercury and Neptune are all in Pisces. Dreams are nuanced; emotional undercurrents run swiftly. Psychic impressions are also astute during this initial weekend of the month. Revitalizing trends arrive in time for Monday the 3rd and the new working week. Eager beavers chomp at the bit but Mercury’s retrograde, which begins the afternoon of the 6th, could necessitate a new game plan. The Winged Messenger remains on a backwards track until the very last day of the month, making this a good period for reviewing and revising all matters. Expect to participate in some choice reunions, too. The Aquarius Sun then moves into a testing square aspect with Saturn. Culminating the afternoon of Tuesday the 11th, the aspect demands a re-evaluation of commitments and in some cases, a redoubling of efforts. This often must be done when energy and financial reserves are scant. Vows that endure this difficult time are strengthened. Those that end are meant to. The full “Snow” Moon in Leo illuminates hearts on an unusually rollicking Valentine’s Day, Friday the 14th. Both the Sun and Moon are in harmony with Mars so there’ll be energy to spare for wooing, cooing and cuddling with loved ones. Determination continues to be strong as mental Mercury, still retrograde, aligns with Mars over the weekend. The Sun slips into lyrical Pisces on Tuesday the 18th. Deal with nagging insecurities and problems this week. Mercury, having retrograded back into Aquarius, is again testing Saturn. Look your fears in the eye. Respect limitations and honor commitments. Although it may be tempting, avoidance is not the answer. Mother Nature inspires over the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd. The Sun is close by mystical Neptune. Tune in to dreams and voices in the wind. Loving ties are particularly warm and comforting on Monday, when Venus forms a sextile to Saturn. Loyalty may be handsomely rewarded. Politics and religion again make headlines at month’s end. Around Tuesday the 25th there could be a shocking international event or sudden change of status for a noted world leader. Happily, a solar trine to Jupiter is February’s final curtain call. The promising aspect boosts spirits just as Winged Mercury concludes his retrograde. Even though it is very late in the lunar cycle and fatigue may be a factor, spring is near and things are looking up.

Eric Linter offers a complete range of astrological services including readings, classes and his “On Top of the Stars Monthly Guide” for making inspired career and personal decisions. Contact Eric at Read Eric’s daily forecast on the Spirit of Change holistic magazine homepage at

Death has always been a misunderstood subject… feared as the final demise of one’s consciousness. The Death Transition is a book that answers questions on Pre-death and after-death experiences which will be encountered by an individual upon death. A book for readers who are curious about the destiny of their existence after physical death.

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Let Me Read You,Then Heal You Ross J. Miller has been giving psychic and past-life readings and healing sessions worldwide for over 25 years. During a reading he communicates telepathically with his numerous angels and spirit guides who read and interpret the client’s aura (the spiritual light surrounding one’s physical body). Ross also communicates with the client’s own angels and spirit guides (most people have several of each). These angels and spirit guides then convey the information that is most needed or desired by the client. All of Ross’s readings are positive and constructive in nature. In addition to answering all of your personal questions pertaining to love, health, relationships, soulmates, business, career, relocation, dream interpretation, parents, children, and pets, he covers topics as diverse as: your life’s purpose, your undiscovered talents, as well as your past incarnations and how they relate to this life. Ross can also help you to identify and communicate with your own guardian angels and spirit guides. After your psychic or past-life reading, Ross can then heal the various issues that come up during the reading.

Ross J. Miller

Psychic, Medium Healer

Ross is well-known for healing people of migraines, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety attacks, anger, grief, abuse trauma, drug and alcohol abuse, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, phobias, ADHD, anorexia, bulimia, PTSD and more.

Ross is available for psychic and past-life readings as well as healing sessions in person or over the phone.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit my website at or call (617) 527-3583 1075 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02465 WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 9


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Healing with Fresh Foods this Winter


inter is upon us. It is the time in New England when we hunker down and get quiet. Or is it? I don’t actually think so. Maybe that is what nature does, but we humans seem to do a lot during the time when the trees, plants and many animals go to sleep. Add family gatherings, lots of fattening foods and sugar to the season, and winter becomes the time when immune systems could use a little boost. Imagine the scene. We are at a lively gathering around a holiday setting with our loved ones. There is a table full of appetizers and entrees and a separate table for desserts. We begin to sample the delicious foods that everyone has prepared and brought to the festivities. Everything is so good that maybe I’ll just have another bite. Or two. I will try this. And that. And I can’t let down Aunt Betty who makes her famous truffle cake each year. About an hour later you feel tired, heavy and very slow, almost to the point that rigor mortis has set in. What is happening? Your body is slowing down many other functions so you can digest all the food you’ve succumbed to. Many people like this feeling and, quite possibly, it is some part of our primal selves that enjoys the feeling of being deeply sated. I’m certainly not knocking this feeling; I’m just personally noticing the various reactions in my body when I eat certain foods. Do you notice these as well? If you don’t, I invite you to start checking in on this. This scene is pretty typical for how we spend many holidays from November until January. Add kids and it’s another month thrown into the mix with the sugar explo10 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

sion from Halloween candy (that is, if you haven’t found a way to buy your kids out of the candy they have procured.) In summary, once a month for three months, we have a major holiday celebration that can cause a lot of stress in preparing for, plus work, home life, parenting, and then the feasts with lots of meat, cheese, dairy, starches, fats, caffeine, sugar and possibly alcohol to top it all off. In short, the holidays really give our livers, adrenals and immune system a major workout in a chronic way. When the body slows things down to work on digestion, it is also slowing down the immune system. Sugar, in particular, has a powerful effect of suppressing the immune system for several hours. However, there are many measures you can take to keep your immune system strong during the winter months to enjoy healthier holidays. I will leave it to the herbalists to talk about herbs, teas and tinctures that can help boost immunity. What I’d like to talk about is the healing potential of fresh foods. Recently I was asked, “What is winter health to you?” To be healthy, I typically eat more raw foods in the winter than I do at other times. I know that seems quite odd to many people, but I tend to crave more whole, fresh food in the winter. I wonder if it is because I’m searching for the sun however I can get it. My body surely does respond favorably to it. Last February I did a 7-day juice fast and it was the best gift I could have given myself. It makes a lot of sense to eat more simply, as fresh and light as I can, because then my body can spend more energy keeping my immune system strong, pumping blood to my extremities to warm them and keeping my body working well overall. This isn’t to say that I eat only salads nor is this saying that I don’t partake in holiday meals. I do. I can hear you saying, “I can’t eat cold food when it’s cold out,” or “I eat seasonally and there are little fresh foods available in the winter.” I hear you. I drink my herbal teas and I eat plenty of miso soups in the winter. I love to be warm. I also love to feel exuberantly good in my body, so greens have become my favorite foods. For those that don’t think they can eat fresh greens in the winter, I’m here to tell you that you can grow your own fresh green sprouts for pennies on the dollar every day of the year. I eat plenty of warm foods and warming herbs and spices like cayenne, ginger, cinnamon, and garam masala that warm the body from the inside out. I also make green juices and smoothies all winter long. I drink them by the woodstove and bear the moments of cool drink in my hand because the benefits to my body are so worth the few minutes of coolness. (I don’t put ice in my smoothies so they are cool but not frozen.) Greens are the healers and fruits are the cleansers. If you remember nothing else from this article, please remember this. You want to vary your fruits and greens in your smoothies and avoid getting into a rut. Switch out your greens every 2-3 weeks or more if you can. You can eat green sprouts (there are so many types of green sprouts that you can buy or grow), lettuces, kale, collards, chards, spinach, etc. The greener the greens, the more nutrient-dense for you. Greens give you protein and minerals plus fiber to help keep your digestive pipes clean. Fruit helps to sweeten the greens so your taste buds can tolerate them. There are also lovely vitamins and plenty of fiber in the fruit to help as cleansers to the body. Many people want to reduce their sugar intake and that is great. I am here to testify that green smoothies would not be palatable without something to remove the “green” taste. You can choose medium glycemic fruits like apples, pears and peaches instead of the higher glycemic fruits (bananas, mangos) to sweeten but have less of a sugar load. I’ve included a savory green smoothie recipe here, too. During the winter months, I also tend to eat a lot of seaweeds and homemade kim chee, a fermented Korean vegetable condiment. Seaweed provides important minerals, like iodine, and is said to help pull toxins out of the body. Kim chee adds tanginess to food while the fermented cultures help the gut with digestion. If you like hot and spicy, you can make kim chee very hot, which also helps with circulation in the body. Here’s an invitation to add more green smoothies, juices and whole fresh foods into your winter diet. Start slowly and add more to your diet/lifestyle as you go. This has a very positive effect on your body and your brain will like it, too. Fresh foods also help a great deal with chronic pain and inflammation.

the smoothie so this is a great smoothie to sneak to loved ones who are not accustomed to greens. They will taste the fruit. Ripe bananas are sweet. You know a ripe banana because the skin will have tiny brown spots on it. This is when you should eat bananas. Eating them when there are no brown spots means you are not eating ripe fruit and it will be far less sweet tasting. NOTE: if you are not wanting a cold smoothie in the colder months, then opt for fresh fruit and do not add ice to the blender. The smoothie will be at room temperature and easier to drink if you are not used to cool drinks in colder climates.

Semi-Professional Grade Green Smoothie Same as above, but adding 3-4 leaves of Swiss chard instead of lettuce. The Swiss chard might start to change the color of the drink, so if that is a problem, try a dark berry like black berry. The color will be dark like the berry.

All-Star Green Smoothie Partaker Same as above but adding 3-4 leaves of kale instead of (or along with) the other leaves. The kale will change the color of the smoothie to green, unless you are using a red berry in which case it will turn brown. Many of us all-star green smoothie drinkers will add green powders like Vita Mineral green to ensure that the green is as green as it can be.

Wicked Good Smoothie The smoothie I had this morning was wicked good. I took a 5-mile walk afterwards, felt great and then went about my work and other business with great energy. 2 ripe bananas 1 10-oz bag of frozen black berries 6 or 7 leaves of curly kale 2 heaping TBS Vitamineral green 2 heaping TBS rice protein powder homemade almond milk (an easy step-by-step recipe video can be found at Put the first five ingredients into a high-speed blender. Then add water or your own nut milk and fill to the 7-cup line. Blend and serve. This recipe makes a full 64-ounce pitcher. I serve out two 16-ounce glasses to my kids and I drink 32-ounces for lunch. It fills me up for hours and gives me a lot of energy to do what I want to do throughout the day.

Super Savory Smoothie 1/2 avocado 4-5 leaves kale 1 ripe tomato 1 small cuke a shot of tabasco sauce 2 tsp tamari 1 TBS dulse flakes (optional) Put all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Add about 1 cup water if you’d like to thin this out some. This serves 1-2 people, depending on how hungry you are. I make this smoothie when I’m doing a juice fast and want something savory to taste in the evenings. The avocado thickens it up some and makes it very tasty. I add the seaweed sometimes instead of the tamari. It is salty tasting and that helps the flavor of the drink. The shot of tabasco sauce also makes this taste like a yummy V-8 drink and the warming spice of it is good for cold winter hands and feet. Enjoy!

Newbie Green Smoothie 1 ripe banana ½ cup fresh or frozen berries 3-4 romaine lettuce leaves Blend in a high-speed blender and serve. This serves one. Add water if you want to thin this out a little (about ½ cup will do.) The romaine lettuce will not change the color of

Linda Wooliever just received a master’s degree in holistic health and is a healthy food chef and educator, teaching people how to live their best, most juicy life through delicious nutrition. She is the owner of Vermont Fiddle Heads in Worcester, VT and runs an online business manufacturing the best nut milk bags on the planet. or call (802) 223-2111. Email Linda your food/health questions at WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 11

Come write on



The Greenest Cities in America

Writing from the Heart

Boston is the first city in the nation to require a green building standard through municipal zoning requirements. By amending Article 37 of the municipal zoning code, the City requires that all large-scale projects meet the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED certification standards, like the North Shore Community College, Health Professions | Student Services Building.

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12 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

Dear EarthTalk: Which are the greenest American cities, and why? — D. Hansen, Wichita, KS Which American city is the greenest depends on who you ask. Every year dozens of publications and websites release their own assessments of which cities have the most environmentally conscious citizenry, the highest percentage of recycling or the lowest carbon footprint per capita. Portland, Oregon, Seattle and San Francisco are often top contenders, but some of the other leading choices may be a surprise. The Daily Beast based a recent round-up of greenest U.S. cities on data collected by market research firm Experian Simmons, which has been tracking the greening of the nation for half a century. Researchers polled thousands of Americans to find out what percentage in different geographic regions think and act in an eco-conscious way versus what percentage do not, as well as what percentage make a conscious effort to recycle. The company also tracked the number of public transit trips per capita and the percentage of households that use solar heating by region. Honolulu, most likely by virtue of the fact that one percent of homes there utilize solar power, came out on top. New York, with more than double the amount of public transit ridership per capita than any other U.S. city, is #2, followed by San Francisco, Seattle and Boston. Meanwhile, the website Ecosalon looked at similar types of data and drew different conclusions, finding San Francisco to be the greenest. Ecosalon was especially impressed by San Franciscans routinely voting for aggressive green programs (like banning plastic grocery bags and financing renewable energy sources for public facilities) and by the fact that the city diverts 70 percent of its waste, thanks to mandatory recycling and composting. To top it off, nearly half of all San Franciscans bike, walk or take public transit every day — and the city is on track to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 20 percent below 1990 levels this year. Ecosalon ranks Portland, Oregon second, followed by Seattle, Chicago and New York.

In another ranking, Canadian research company Corporate Knights granted Portland, San Francisco and Seattle a three-way tie for America’s greenest city. Denver ranked #4 while Albuquerque, Charlotte (NC) and Oakland tied at fifth. “Unlike other city-sustainability rankings, this ranking focuses on the effort cities are making rather than on their results, which could take years to achieve,” reported Kent Portney, a Tufts University researcher who participated in the project. “In other words, this ranking is aspirational in nature.” He says that each city was awarded a point for undertaking one of 38 programs or policies listed by Corporate Knights, in categories such as smart growth, land-use planning, pollution prevention, etc. And in yet another recent round-up, Mother Nature Network (MNN) declared Portland, Oregon — where 200 miles of dedicated bike lanes and legions of supporters of local and sustainable food sources rule — the nation’s greenest city. San Francisco, Boston, Oakland and Eugene (OR) round out MNN’s top five. Regardless of which city is “greenest,” all U.S. cities are greening up every day because planners now realize the economic advantages of using less energy, recycling more and keeping air and water clean. We can all help by supporting municipal energy savings, recycling and composting programs and community enhancement efforts. Who knows: If you keep it up, maybe your city will top one of next year’s lists. CONTACTS: The Daily Beast,; Ecosalon,; Corporate Knights,; Mother Nature Network,

EarthTalk® is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E—The Environmental Magazine ( Send questions to Subscribe:

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Stop Smoking Tips

Hi Karen: I am experiencing a lot of difficulty with my intention to stop smoking. Recently, I returned home from a 2-week spa retreat, and during this time away I was able to curb my need to use cigarettes. However, upon returning home I’ve noticed my nicotine craving has returned, making it nearly impossible to keep up my good vacation behavior. I am wondering if feng shui could be used in my home to help me?

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14 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

Dear Future Non-Smoker, Absolutely! Feng shui can be very useful in your home to assist you with behavior modification and maintaining your focus to quit smoking. First, facing your front door from the outside, look to the left side of your house and notice which rooms or areas occupy this space. These are “wood” areas, as referenced by the bagua grid. Specifically, find the middle sector of this side, and this will be your health and family area. Keep this area clean and clutter-free to support your health goals at this time. Bring in the wood element by placing some healthy plants here with soft, rounded leaves — nothing pointed or sharp. The colors blue, green, aqua and teal blue also represent wood, as well as fabrics, anything made from plants, and things rectangular in shape. If your bedroom is in the health and family area of your house, enhance the healing potential of where you sleep by splurging on that coveted, stunning turquoise bedspread, and turn the simple act of making your bed each morning into a healing, visual affirmation. Freely make use of stripes, floral prints and paisley patterns — all are wood element signatures. Add a few rectangular throw pillows to your new ensemble for fun, another lovely way to support your intention to stop smoking. A deeper level of feng shui influence affects us through subconscious cues from our environment. We tend to actualize what we perceive, so any tall, thin, tubular shapes that mimic a cigarette can be sabotaging our conscious intentions. In the health area, as well as throughout the house, notice where floor lamps, plants, artwork, freestanding sculpture or furniture might be echoing this unhelpful cue to trigger you into picking up a cigarette. Furniture placement can also hold an energetic pattern that controls your behavior.

If your refrigerator is the first thing you see in your home when you open the front door, this may explain why you feel the need to grab something to eat as soon as you enter. Much like an acupuncturist shifting energy in the body with the expert use of a tiny needle, moving furniture or décor around in a room can be helpful in shifting energetic patterns held in the space and allow you to initiate new perceptions and behaviors. Move your favorite, well-worn armchair from its usual place beside the coffee table, where you gratefully collapse each night after work, reach for your cigarette case and proceed to light up, and you create a pattern interrupt. The new furniture placement shifts the room’s energy and allows the mind to proceed from a clean slate with new possibilities. Even smaller changes such as swapping out pillows on the sofa or filling the coffee table bowl with something new and inviting supports your process of transformation. It is at the subtle, energetic level that shifts in reality and behavior occur, so give yourself a minimum of 21 days to reverse a behavior or change a habit. By making a few simple, mindful adjustments in your environment, you can start connecting with the ancient feng shui dance between the physical and energetic realms to turn your home into a beautiful abode of blessing.

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Children’s Bedroom Dear Karen: My family has recently purchased a new house, and we’re about ready to move in. I have three children, ages 3 to 12. The house has two floors and both my older children wish to have their bedrooms upstairs, above ours on the first floor. Does feng shui offer any advice on bedroom placement?

Dear Mom, I am so glad you asked as feng shui offers many guidelines about bedroom placement for our precious children! Ideally a child is spending ten to twelve hours or more per day in rejuvenating sleep, so the bedroom environment accounts for a huge portion of their day. If the childrens’ bedrooms are on the floor above the parents, this places them in a position of authority and control of the house. Encourage their selection of bedrooms on the first floor. If this is not possible, maintain your parental authority by placing a happy picture of you and your husband in their rooms. The image of both of you is a continual affirmation of your presence and oversight. Desirable locations for children’s bedrooms include the front of the house, especially for older children, and in the bagua’s children area, which is located in the right, center area of the house, as viewed from outside the front door. Try to keep children’s bedrooms from the rear of the house. The back of a room or a house is considered the most powerful place, known as the command position, because it has the widest view. The potential for having your authority undermined is multiplied if children sleep both above and behind you in the house. If no other option is possible, hang a large mirror on the inside front wall of the house on the floor where the children sleep, and set the intention to pull their energy forward, bringing all relationships into balance. Consider moving your child’s bedroom if unexplained physical or behavioral problems have surfaced or persist. For some children, the intense energies of fire or water could be a source of physical or emotional imbalance for them with a bedroom placed directly above or below a kitchen or bathroom. A child sleeping in a bed placed under a structural beam may find the continuous, strong, downward energy disturbing. If a child’s room is larger than the master bedroom, try switching bedrooms. There is greater potential for out-of-control behavior with a child in the bigger sleeping space. If this is not possible, consider hanging a wind chime outside the child’s bedroom door. Wind chimes are a traditional feng shui method of adjusting chi or the flow of energy in a space. They can send out a message, disperse conflicting chi and awaken or readjust the energy in a space. Use anything that will send out a sound when the door is open or closed. It will serve as another reminder of their comings and goings under your watchful presence.

Karen Feldman is a certified feng shui practitioner and interior designer, and the owner since 1994 of Urban Eden, a full service holistic interior design firm in Providence, RI. Karen helps her residential, commercial and corporate clients to co-create spaces that are beautiful, functional and in alignment with the best interests of their well being along with the planet’s. Contact Karen at or visit

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18 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

By Helen Chin Lui

Has IBS caused you to know where all the bathrooms are on your route?


rritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects 1 in 5 adults in the United States, making it one of the most common ailments diagnosed by doctors. IBS symptoms range from bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation to the more life-threatening colorectal cancer. They encompass disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. IBS is a common digestive system disorder that is a result of inflammation of the colon. While most people experience digestive troubles once in a while, what sets IBS (also known as “spastic colon�) apart is belly pain and diarrhea or constipation that comes back again and again. IBS involves abnormal gut contractions that tend to be chronic, characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, mucous in stools, and irregular bowel habits with alternating diarrhea and constipation symptoms.

WHAT CAUSES IBS? The medical field does not know what causes IBS. It is believed that the signals between the brain and intestines are disrupted. This miscommunication may cause abnormal intestinal muscle contractions. Anyone can develop IBS, but the condition is twice as common in women as in men. It is also more likely to affect people who have a family history of IBS.

REMEDY Options The first step toward managing IBS is to identify what aggravates your symptoms. Besides stress, common triggers include eating a meal, hormonal changes and certain medications. It is important to note that no specific foods have been universally linked to IBS symptoms. Keeping a food diary may help you pinpoint which foods are problematic for you. You may find it helpful to avoid caffeine, alcohol and fatty foods. Getting more fiber or water may also improve symptoms. It is suggested to introduce probiotics or prebiotics and omega oils into your diet. Probiotics or prebiotics are specific types of bacteria that live in the human gut. They are known as “friendly� bacteria that have been found to relieve lactose intolerance, prevent vaginal and bladder infections and allergies, and also reduce the growth of harmful organisms in the digestive tract. Omega oils can help to lubricate and keep food moving smoothly and

efficiently through the intestines, thereby encouraging regular, healthy bowel movements. Omega oils provide nourishment to the intestinal lining cells and help to strengthen the intestinal lining and prevent the passage of harmful toxins into the bloodstream. Other treatment options can include medication and lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, and stress management to control symptoms. Reflexology can help to relax the gastrointestinal tract, filtering organs (liver, kidney and spleen) and encourage elimination. Most people don’t know that reflexology is both a science and an art. Reflexology therapy helps to reestablish communication throughout the body via thousands of nerve endings on the feet, hands and ears that represent the body in the miniature. Each nerve pathway creates an electro-chemical flow that communicates with the entire body through the central nervous system to restore balance. If your stomach feels sluggish or you are constipated, try this easy and quick hand reflexology tip to ease stomach discomfort and constipation. The entire flat section of your palm from below the finger knuckles to above the thumb knuckle houses reflexology points for the stomach, intestines, liver and spleen. Stimulating these points will help your stomach feel better and move waste products that have stored in your intestines. Support the back of one hand with four fingers of your other hand. Starting at the edge of your palm under the pinky knuckle, use medium pressure with your thumb to “walk� across the palm to the other edge. Bring your thumb back under the pinky but down half an inch towards your wrist and repeat the path across your palm. Repeat thumb walk until you have walked the entire flat section of the palm, ending up at the base of the thumb. Switch hands and repeat. Try this exercise every day until you feel your stomach getting better. Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.

Helen Chin Lui is a certified reflexologist, certified energy medicine practitioner and Reiki practitioner. She is the founder and owner of the Healing Place in Medfield, MA, where she specializes in helping people of all ages with chronic digestive disorders. Helen can be reached at 508-358-6463 or visit

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Saying “no” is a single strategy that can have endless benefits to reduce your stress level and increase well being.

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earning how to say no could easily be described as one of the best-kept secrets to happiness. If you become overburdened with commitments, it’s virtually impossible to find the time to devote to the things that matter most to you. 

And, spreading yourself too thin, whether for work or pleasure, is a surefire recipe for burnout. Saying no is a single strategy that can have endless benefits to your stress levels and well-being, including boosting your productivity, giving you time for rest and relaxation, eliminating distractions, improving your focus, and allowing you to achieve your personal goals.

The Power of Words: How You Say No Matters Research published in the Journal of Consumer Research shows that simply saying “no” is not the most effective strategy;1 neither is saying “I can’t.” Instead, just by changing one word you may be able to dramatically improve your success. The word to use, according to a series of two studies? “Don’t.” The first study compared two groups of students saying either “I can’t” or “I don’t” when faced with a temptation, such as eating ice cream. 

After repeating the phrases, the students were then offered a candy bar or a healthier treat when they left the study room. Those in the “I can’t” group chose the candy bar 61 percent of the time, compared to 36 percent of the time for the “I don’t” group, which suggests the change in terminology helped the students make healthier choices.

Replace “I can’t” in your vocabulary with “I don’t.”

The next study was even more revealing. It involved three groups of women who focused on a long-term health goal. One group was told to “just say no” when they felt tempted to lapse on their goal, the second group was told to say “I can’t” and the third group said “I don’t.” After 10 days, the number of women who persisted with their goals was drastically different:2 “Just say no” group: 3 out of 10 persisted with their goals “I can’t” group: 1 out of 10 persisted with their goals “I don’t” group: 8 out of 10 persisted with their goals And therein lies the secret to its success. As Heidi Grant Halvorson, the director of the Motivation Science Center at Columbia University, told Lifehacker:3 “‘I don’t’ is experienced as a choice, so it feels empowering. It’s an affirmation of your determination and willpower. ‘I can’t’ isn’t a choice. It’s a restriction; it’s being imposed upon you. So thinking ‘I can’t’ undermines your sense of power and personal agency.” This is an incredibly powerful strategy that you can implement in your own life immediately. Erase the phrase “I can’t” from your vocabulary and replace it with “I don’t” when you’re trying to avoid potentially self-defeating habits, temptations or obligations. For instance:

“I don’t skip workouts.” “I don’t eat artificial sweeteners.” “I don’t make evening plans during the week.” “I don’t take phone calls from 9 am to noon.” You can also put a positive spin on this, which may also be empowering for you, by instead saying:

“I always exercise on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.” “I only eat foods with real ingredients.” “I stay home with my family on weeknights.” “I return phone calls after noon.”

Creating a Positive Feedback Loop Can Help You Overcome Bad Habits When you use empowering words like “don’t” instead of “can’t” it can help to reprogram the way you think and ultimately help you to make more positive life choices. This strategy works for short-term, immediate circumstances, such as helping you keep your schedule manageable, as well as for reaching your long-term goals. This is the power of your words! No matter what your goal or purpose, make sure you use words that affirm your abilities and power rather than those that highlight your limitations. Lifehacker reported:4 “ …The words that you use create a feedback loop in your brain that impacts your future behaviors. For example, every time you tell yourself ‘I can’t,’ you’re creating a feedback loop that’s a reminder of your limitations. This terminology indicates that you’re forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to do. In comparison, when you tell yourself ‘I don’t,’ you’re creating a feedback loop that reminds you of your control and power over the situation. It’s a phrase that can propel you towards breaking your bad habits and following your good ones.” By choosing your words carefully, you can, quite literally, change your outlook on life and the success you have at reaching your goals and, ultimately, living a happy life. As Leonardo da Vinci said: “One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.” When you’re able to effectively say no, it allows you to weed out the distractions in life that are keeping you from doing what you love. In short, it helps you keep your external focus on what matters most. A more inward, mental practice of this is mindfulness, which helps you to keep your internal focus. Practicing mindfulness means that you’re actively paying attention to the moment you’re in right now. Rather than letting your mind wander, when you’re mindful you’re living in the moment and letting distracting thoughts pass through your mind without getting caught up in their emotional implications. In a study of college students who took either a mindfulness class or a nutrition class for two weeks, those who took the mindfulness class improved reading-comprehension test scores and working-memory capacity, as well as experienced fewer distracting thoughts.6 Mindfulness can also help to reduce stress-induced inflammation, and it’s another example of how you can harness your own sense of power and control to achieve what you want in life, similar to swapping the word “don’t” for “can’t.” Simple techniques such as the following can help you to become more mindful:7 PAY FOCUSED attention to an aspect of sensory experience, such as the sound of your own breathing DISTINGUISH BETWEEN simple thoughts and those that are elaborated with emotion (such as “I have a test tomorrow” versus “What if I fail my test tomorrow and flunk my entire class?”) REFRAME EMOTIONAL thoughts as simply “mental projections” so your mind can rest Part of living life to the fullest is taking the time to indulge your passions and inspirations. So while it’s important to say “no” to activities that will drain your physical or emotional energy, it’s equally important to say “yes” to those that you enjoy. Writing down the things that bring you a sense of pleasure and happiness, and reviewing your list on a regular basis, can help you remember to carve out the time to do those simple activities that reinforce your belief that life is indeed good. NOTES 1. Journal of Consumer Research, August 2012, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 371-381 2. Lifehacker, September 11, 2013 3. Ibid 4. Ibid 5. Psychological Science, March 28, 2013 6. Time, March 27, 2013

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Laying of Hands ~ Hypnosis

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“The more you feel peace in meditation the closer you are to God . . .”

By Mike George

—Paramahansa Yogananda

— Please join us for services — SUNDAYS 10:00 AM MEDITATION 11:00 AM SERVICE READING 751 Main Street Waltham MA 02451

22 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

Is Your Other

Paramahansa Yogananda author of

Autobiography of a Yogi


e live in a strange world where millions, if not billions, are spent on maintaining the health of our bodies, while, by comparison, little is spent on the wellness of our being. While they are intimately connected, health and well-being are different, and only a few seem to recognize that our well-being is primary and physical health is secondary. Some of the symptoms of an unwell being include feeling stressed, grumpy, critical, resentful, defensive, resistant, closed, depressed and frequently unhappy for no apparent reason. The signs of a well being include being contented, easy, open, warm, accepting, flexible, enthusiastic and having a sunny attitude. Some people have ill health but remain well in their being. Others have perfect health but are almost always unwell. We all know about the body’s built-in immune system to maintain its physical

health, but less evident is that we also have an immune system designed to maintain our well-being. However, while our physical immune system is working automatically at every moment of our lives, the immune system of our well-being has to be consciously activated every day. Both our physical health and the wellness of our being are affected by the influence of energy. Imagine you are sitting with a group of friends. You are all talking happily, feeling upbeat and positive, while enjoying each other’s company. There are frequent moments when you all break out into peels of laughter. Then Mr. Grumpy arrives. He’s just had a run in with someone who pressed his angry button and he enters the group conversation with moaning, whining and complaining, passing his anger onto the group. The group energy suddenly becomes dark, smiles disappear, the laughter has gone. As if Mr. Grumpy was a virus, a dis-ease has instantly spread through the group. When a deviant energy in the form of a virus or harmful bacteria finds its way into the body, it influences the cellular energy of the body. Some diseases are minor and temporary while others are major and fatal. Within our consciousness we also suffer from moments and periods of dis-ease. These moments can range from subtle feelings of uneasiness to extreme emotional disturbances involving anger or fear. All moments of dis-ease are also the result of a viral infection, known as beliefs. As a result, we can create and feel various forms of emotional disturbance, otherwise known as suffering and unhappiness.

Body and Consciousness

Like the energy of our body that can become polluted by material substances, the energy of our consciousness can become polluted by beliefs we are fed and assimilate through our parents, teachers and society. Even as children there are some foods we reject and just will not eat. However, children haven’t yet refined their ability to discern the consequences of adopting certain beliefs, so they accept all the beliefs they are fed as truths. When we adopt others’ beliefs as our own truths, we start to generate moments of dis-ease as we blindly follow and defend those beliefs against perceived threats and possibly attempt to impose them on others. The first symptoms of any dis-ease are felt at an emotional level. For example, the perfectionist suffers from perfectionism and therefore experiences frequent moments of irritation. The perfectionist feels irritated simply because he or she lives in the world that is not, and can never be, exactly, precisely, the way they believe it should be. The curing of perfectionism requires three steps. First is the awareness there are feelings of irritation and frustration and that they are self-created. Next is the realization of the viral belief that the application of a specific methodology should result in an outcome that is…perfect! A cure is only possible when there is the realization of the truth that there is ultimately no one right way, no perfect way, that can be prescribed for anything or anyone. When this truth is fully assimilated, the dis-ease disappears and there is a transformation of the energy of the perfectionist. Arthritis is a common disease of the body, especially in the older age ranges, but it is also a dis-ease of our well-being. Just as the joints of the body start to become rigid and painful to move, so we become rigid in our beliefs. It becomes painful to move our thinking enough to be open to new ideas and ways of understanding. One of the main symptoms of arthritic thinking will be a feeling of resentment toward those who seem to know more and want to help us explore new viewpoints or learn something new. There will be frequent thoughts like, “I know the best way. This is the way I have done it all my life and it’s still the best way today.” However, one day, the arthritic soul may become aware that they are “fed up” with their own resentment, tired of their own suffering and probably lonely at the lack of friends. They let go for a moment and realize there is no one right idea or belief, there are always different ways to perceive and a new flexibility gradually replaces the old rigidity. By activating the immune system of our well-being it becomes possible to eliminate dis-ease and restore our being to a state of consistent wellness.

Silent, by Gregory Malouf, founder of Epsilon Healing Academy, provides insights you need to identify the “potholes in the road” that impede you from consciously creating everything you deserve or long for.

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Mike George is the author of The Immune System of the Soul, available on Amazon and also as an e-book. Subscribe to Mike’s free monthly “Clear Thinking” column at www. or contact Mike directly at Two book club evenings exploring “The Immune System of the Soul” will be held on December 3 and 10 from 7-8:30pm at the Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace, 75 Common Street, Watertown, MA. Free of charge and open to all. Call 617-926-1230 for more information or visit

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 23


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Eye of the Eagle

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Healing with Spiritual Light, Circles of Wisdom Bookstore, Andover, MA Soul Retrieval: Find Your Life’s True Path, 6 Wed. eve’s, Circles of Wisdom Bookstore Inner Diamonds and Merkabah Activation, 7-9:30 pm Living from the Joyful Heart Mar. 30: Healing with Plant Spirits Goddess Camp: Cultivating the Divine Feminine

All classes meet at Eye of the Eagle Center, Andover, MA unless otherwise noted.

Leontine Hartzell,CH, RMT, Shamanic Practitioner F F 978-475-1268

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Do-It-Yourself Sound Healing Session By Deb Barrett


t seems stress has become somewhat of an epidemic. Stress is the accumulation of distressful moments that collect within the body, mind and emotions. Sometimes the outer world can be so distracting that you overlook your inner world as a place of refuge. Luckily there is a simple way to reconnect to your personal inner peace. You only need to remember your essence as a vibrational being. Every atom of your being is moving and vibrating at its unique rate. When you feel out of sorts or out of tune with yourself, it is because vibrations in various parts of your being are moving in incongruous patterns rather than harmonious pulsations. Much like an orchestra, your body, mind, spirit, and emotions are all different instruments playing their notes. With practice, the orchestra plays in harmony and is experienced as one coherent piece of beautiful music. Without practice, the instruments continue to play, each in their own way, banging and clashing in what is experienced as systemic, chronic stress. You can bring your aspects into resonance by using the vibrations of sound. The study of vibroacoustics notes two important concepts — entrainment and laminar flow. Entrainment demonstrates that a dominating frequency will cause surrounding bodies to match the vibration of the dominant frequency. This means that harmony, or synchronized pulses, happen as a response to a dominant pulse. Laminar flow is the outcome of entrainment and refers to all the layers coming into harmony with each other. Much like any laminated building material, different levels of energy lay neatly next to each other, moving as a wave in unison with the whole. As vibrational beings we can use sound to alter our vibration, slow down and reharmonize ourselves. We can dissolve our stress by using the vibrations and harmonies that are found in beautiful music. Sound is very powerful indeed.

For your do-it-yourself sound healing session you will need three things — intention, music and a quiet place. Each step is equally important. To reap the most benefit from your session please read through all the steps before you begin. 1) Intention. Take a moment to write down your intention. Simply quiet your mind and ask yourself, “What would make me feel better?” You know what it is. Usually it has something to do with taking care of yourself and/or feeling worthy. Some simple intentions could be I am relaxed or I am truly loved. One of my favorites is I am balanced. Any positive “I am” statement will work wonderfully. Write it down and say it out loud at least three times to set your intention. Taking the time to write it down and speak it out loud sends a clear vibration out for your intention to manifest. 2) Music. We are vibrational beings affected by the sound vibrations around us. Music with 60-100 beats per minute is known to reduce blood pressure, lower heart rate, decrease muscle tension and reduce stress hormones. To dissolve stress and slow down your frenzied body to a more comfortable zone of relaxation, choose music that is calming. In choosing your music it’s helpful to be aware of what types of instruments will have the most effect on various parts of your body. Drums, didgeridoos and percussion instruments will open and balance the energies below the waist. This type of music is very grounding, puts you into your body in a very physical way and is good for when you are feeling scattered and need to re-establish a strong direction for yourself. Cellos, violins, piano and the human voice work with the heart and solar plexus. If you are experiencing personal power issues, grief, loss or a feeling of emptiness, these instruments can bring you to tears and help release pain and heal old wounds. Let go and let it out; only when you are willing to feel what you are holding can you release the stress and tension. What we feel we can heal. Singing bowls, bells, and high angelic voices work on the upper energy centers of the throat, third eye and crown. If you have a headache, neck tension or throat issues, music created with these instruments will support the clearing of these areas and peacefully put you in touch the higher qualities of your divine self. Before choosing your music, check in with your body and be aware of where you

carry most of your tension so you will know which music to choose. Music affects your emotional body first. When you hear it, notice, “How does this make me feel?” and use this information in your future music choices. Music that I have found especially effective for relaxing includes Hilary Stagg, “The Edge of Forever”; Robin Miller, “In the Company of Angels; Keiko Matsui, “The Piano”; Jonathan Goldman, “Chakra Chants”; Raphael, “Music to Disappear In”; Sophia, “Return”. 3) Quiet Space. Find an undisturbed, uncluttered space where you can recline. You will need at least 20 minutes; an hour is ideal. You may want to pull the shades. Definitely turn off all electronic devices and remove them, if possible, from your quiet space. Before reclining, put a note on the door, something like, “Do not disturb unless your hair is on fire”! Now set up your music and have your intention in hand. Recline into a comfortable spot and take your time to adjust yourself until your body says “yes.” If you feel fidgety at first, don’t worry; as you take each step, your body and mind will slow down, allowing you to relax and heal. Read your intention out loud three times. Say it like you mean it and turn your music on. As you listen to the music, allow it to carry you along as you silently repeat your intention several times — I am relaxing, I am relaxed — bringing your mind and body to work together. Focus on your intention, not the music. It takes 8-10 minutes to move into surrender mode as your body and mind entrain to the music’s tempo. Most people find it helpful to cover their eyes. If you don’t have an eye pillow, a hand towel works well. You can also use headphones to enhance your experience. Use anything that increases your bodily comfort so you can let go and let the music carry you into a deep state of peace. As we raise and synchronize our own frequencies we set off vibrational changes in others. Enjoy your experience. Deb Barrett is a vibroacoustic specialist, energy artist and Reiki master. She has been working with the DreamWeaver, a sound and sacred geometry healing temple, since 1995 and recently opened a new sound healing studio called Sound Therapeutics in Duxbury, MA. Visit or call (781) 588-0503.

Twenty Years of Empowering Clients to Live Happier, Healthier, Pain-Free Lives! Medical Intuitives, Master Healers, Teachers, Visionaries and Inventors Aaron and Sue Singleton, who developed net-neutral ionic™ technology in the 1990’s, now introduce their ground-breaking new science and technology BioMorphic Geometry™ (BMG™). BMG is based on the subtle energy principles of creating resonant frequencies and algorithms through form, space, numbers and exact geometric proportion. The Singletons’ new free-form geometry arranges key geometric components in very specific placements and proximity to each other, enabling a person to experience a shift within his or her conscious mind, unconscious mind, and body. BMG is read by your DNA, not with your eyes. Medical Intuitive Sue Singleton’s near-death experience provided her with an invaluable vision about the big picture and how the universe works. Her new book, Nine Simple Laws to Create Joy and Grace: A Comprehensive Guide to Manifestation, is a practical, step-by-step guide to create the life you desire, empowered by the nine crucial laws that run the universe. If you want the law of attraction to work better for you, Nine Simple Laws provides the missing pieces of the puzzle, the other eight universal laws. “After 25 years of reading many spiritual, religious, self-help and healing books that have supported my own awakening and healing, Nine Simple Laws pulls together the three aspects of body, mind, spirit in relationship to the laws that govern them. This is the only book that goes beyond the intellectual and gives you exercises with Stone Play™ crystal layouts and BioMorphic Geometry that support change in a natural way. If you are willing to experience your life in a more sincere and joy-filled way, then Nine Simple Laws is worth your time.” — RoN DAMIco • (978) 834-0341 • 21 Water Street, Amesbury, MA

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 25

Antidote to Stress


By Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D.


nthropologists tell us the body that experiences stress has not changed much over the millions of years of being human. Our ancestors had the same anatomical and physiological characteristics as we who drive freeways and communicate via the information superhighway. We have an ancient body subjected to a modern problem: living with chronic stress. At one time, stress was a term used chiefly by physiologists who measured its effects in their laboratories. Today the term is used in common parlance. “I’m stressed out” is a familiar idiom describing how a life lived on overload affects health, sexual function and reproduction, relationships, job performance, athletic performance, and most importantly, our sense of self. The effects of stress have reached epidemic proportions in our lives, and stress-related diseases have become a medical specialty. Sometimes the effects of stress present themselves during milestone life events: marriage, birth of a child, getting a new job, or death of a loved one. Other times it’s the little things that get us as we try to juggle the myriad responsibilities of job and family. Regardless of the trigger, stress is often accompanied by one or more negative effects — impatience, frustration, irritation, anger, muscle tension, headache, indigestion, or poor elimination. One thing is certain: The more stress we experience, the more its effects compound within us. When stress becomes chronic, a residue builds up in the body that can lead to disease.

Relaxation Solution The antidote to stress is relaxation. To relax is to rest deeply. This rest is different from sleep. Deep states of sleep include periods of dreaming, which increase muscular tension, as well as other physiological signs of tension. Relaxation is a state in which there is no movement, no effort and the brain is quiet. Common to all stress reduction techniques is putting the body in a comfortable position, with gentle attention directed toward the breath. Do these techniques really work? Scientists have researched the effects of relaxation and report measurable benefits, including reduction in muscle tension and improved circulation. 26 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

Among those whose scientific study supports the mind-body connection is Dean Ornish, M.D., author of Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease. He studied those with atherosclerotic heart disease and concluded that daily periods of relaxation are essential in preventing further deterioration. Ornish also created a unique lifestyle program that includes diet, yoga and meditation.1 The word yoga comes from Sanskrit, the scriptural language of ancient India, and means “to yoke” or “to unite.” Dating back to the Indus Valley civilization of 2000 to 4000 BCE, yoga practices are designed to help the individual feel whole. Ancient yoga texts present teachings that include the physical, mental and spiritual dimensions of the practitioner. The physical aspects — poses (asana) and breathing techniques (pranayama) — are the most popular of yoga teachings in the West. Typically a yoga class or personal practice session begins with a series of active poses followed by a brief restorative pose. The development of restorative poses is credited to B.K.S. Iyengar, of Pune, India. Iyengar’s early teaching experience showed him how pain or injury can result from a student straining in a yoga pose. He experimented with props — simple tools such as folded blankets, pillows, blocks, chairs and walls, used to modify poses so that students could practice without strain. Iyengar also explored how these modified poses could help people recover from illness or injury. I often refer to restorative yoga poses as “active relaxation.” By supporting the body with props, we alternately stimulate and relax the body to move toward balance. Some poses have an overall benefit. Others target an individual part, like the lungs or heart. All create specific physiological responses that are beneficial to health and can reduce the effects of stress-related disease. In general, restorative poses are for those times when you feel weak, fatigued, or stressed from your daily activities. They are especially beneficial for the times before, during and after major life events: death of a loved one, change of job or residence, marriage, divorce, major holiday and vacations. In addition, you can practice the poses when ill or recovering from illness. continues on page 28

Yoga At The Ashram Studio, Millis, MA

Central Mass Yoga, West Boylston, MA

Flowforms Yoga, Worcester, MA



Bedford Serenity Yoga Center, 363 Great Road, Bedford, MA 01730. Kripalu-affiliated studio. Fully equipped. Daily classes: beginners to experienced. 781-275-4092 • Bridgewater Maha Yoga Center, 992 Bedford St. (Rt. 18), Bridgewater, MA 02324, 508-697-3273 Yoga all levels, Hatha, Ashtanga, meditation, massage. Yoga teacher training (YA). Brighton Ayurvedic Rehabilitation Center, 103 Bennett St., Brighton, MA 02135. 617-782-1727. Loretta Levitz, Dir. Yoga, all levels (including disability), Ayurveda, teacher training, private or small groups. Cambridge Kundalini Yoga Boston, 186 Hampshire Street. Transformative yoga and meditation open to all levels. $25: 2 weeks unlimited yoga. Concerts, workshops, training and art gallery. 617-868-0055 Holbrook Real Life Yoga Studio, 239 North Franklin St.(Rt 37). Traditional hatha, power flow, Kundalini with meditation, monthly restorative yoga, tai chi, gong meditation. 781-767-1827 • Holden Opening Lotus Yoga. An eco-green studio. Main Street, Holden, MA, 01520. Beginner-advanced. Gentle-vigorous. Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin. Vibrant health courses. Detoxing chronic stress. • 508-829-7435 456

Include your studio. Next ad deadline is February 3, 2014. Call 508-278-9640 or email

Millis Yoga at the Ashram. 368 Village St. Kundalini, Vinyasa, Hatha, Qigong, Kids Yoga, Tai Chi. Gong meditations, workshops, retreats and teacher trainings. First class free. 508-376-4525.

Westborough Westborough Yoga for healing, transformation and health. Offering Svaroopa Yoga, meditation, private yoga therapy and embodyment, prenatal and gentle yoga. Contact Michelle Gross: 508-341-6424.

The Yoga Studio. Experience a tranquil and welcoming environment to practice yoga amid calming music, soft lighting and a peaceful, restorative atmosphere. Beginners welcome! 508-376-8508

Worcester Amethyst Point. 232 Chandler St., Worcester. Hatha/Iyengar yoga, meditation and tai chi/qigong. All levels. Monday-Saturday. 508-753-3975.

Needham Pipal Leaf Yoga Studio, 945 Great Plain Avenue, Needham. Yoga for everybody and every body. Kripalu, Viniyoga and hatha skillfully taught in a serene, scared space.

Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti. Over 30 years teaching experience. Trained in India by B.K.S. Iyengar. 508-829-6300.

Princeton FrogPond Yoga Centre. Classes in the tradition of Raja Yoga for all levels of practitioners. 200 and 500-hr classes begin January 2014. Uxbridge State of Grace Yoga and Wellness Center. Yoga, 200-hour teacher training, massage, Reiki, reflexology, energy healing, channeling, readings and workshops. 508-278-2818. Wellfleet Quiet Mind Yoga with Zack Dixon, 95 Commercial Street, Wellfleet. Also offering simple, clear podcast instruction for one hour home practice. • 508-349-2429. West Boylston Central Mass Yoga And Wellness, Inc., 45 Sterling Street. 200 and 500 hour teacher training, 45 classes a week. All levels welcome! • 508-835-1176.

Flowforms Yoga. First class free. Lakeside. Daily group classes. Introductory-master. Restorative. Prenatal. Athletic. Private sessions. Singing bowls. Meditation. Massage. 195 Lake Ave., Worcester 508-752-4700 •

RHODE ISLAND Cranston Raffa Yoga/Urban Sweat Active Relaxation Center, 19 Sharpe Drive, Cranston, RI. Power yoga, anti-gravity yoga, therapeutic massage, heat therapy rooms, juice bar. 401-463-3335 •

MULTIPLE LOCATIONS Open Doors Yoga Studios. 15 Locations in MA. Hot power yoga and gentle yoga, all levels. 200 & 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training. 781-843-8224. Spirit of Change’s Online Alternative Health Directory offers over 200 New England Yoga studios. Search by keyword or town to find your studio. Visit

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 27

Natural Family Health & Integrative Medicine Dr. Jody E Noé MS, ND Integrative ~ Empowering ~ Individual Cancer Care: Support your body & reduce side effects through integrative naturopathic treatment 101 West Broad Street, Pawcatuck, CT 860-495-5688 Dr. Jody E. Noé is a Licensed, Board Certified Naturopathic Physician

RESTORATIVE YOGA | continued from page 26

How Restorative Yoga Works Restorative poses relieve the effects of chronic stress in several ways. First, the use of props provides a completely supportive environment for total relaxation. Second, each restorative sequence is designed to move the spine in all directions. These movements illustrate the age-old wisdom of yoga that well being is enhanced by a healthy spine. Some of the restorative poses are back bends, while others are forward bends. Additional poses gently twist the column both left and right. Third, a well-sequenced restorative practice also includes an inverted pose, which reverses the effects of gravity. This can be as simple as putting your legs on a bolster or pillow, but the effects are quite dramatic. Because we stand or sit most of the day, blood and lymph fluid accumulate in the lower extremities. By changing the relationship of the legs to gravity, fluids are returned to the upper body, and heart function is enhanced. Psychobiologist and yoga teacher Roger Cole, Ph.D., consultant to the University of California, San Diego, in sleep research and biological rhythms, has done preliminary research on the effects of the inverted poses. He found that they dramatically alter hormone levels, thus reducing brain arousal, blood pressure, and fluid retention. He attributes these benefits to a slowing of heart rate and dilation of the blood vessels in the upper body due to reversing the effects of gravity.2 Fourth, restorative yoga alternatively stimulate and soothes the organs. For example, by closing the abdomen with a forward bend and then opening it with a back bend, the abdominal organs are squeezed, forcing the blood out, and then opened, so fresh blood returns to soak the organs. With this movement of blood comes the enhanced exchange of oxygen and waste products across the cell membrane. Finally, yoga teaches that the body is permeated with energy. Prana, the masculine energy, resides above the diaphragm, moves upward, and controls respiration and heart rate. Apana, the feminine energy, resides below the diaphragm, moves downward, and controls the function of the abdominal organs. Restorative yoga balances these two aspects of energy so the practitioner is neither overstimulated nor depleted.

Poses for Times When There’s No Time

Mary Budrose Full Spectrum Healings Stoneham, MA | 781.526.7546 28 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

In a perfect world, we would all have time for a long restorative yoga practice daily. But obligations to work, family, and community often leave us with little time for self-care. It is precisely when we are the most stressed that we need to relax and renew ourselves. Some of the most stressful times are at work. These two restorative poses need a chair and desk (or table) and together take only 5 minutes.

Desk Forward Bend I remember how restful it was during my school days to lean forward and rest my head and folded arms on my desk. Try this pose at your desk or in the lunchroom at work or school.

Place your chair (without rollers) near your desk so that you can easily lean forward. Sit at the edge of the chair seat, with your feet flat on the floor. Lean forward and place your folded arms on the desk, so you feel securely supported. Rest your forehead on your arms. Tilt your chin slightly toward your chest. Close your eyes. Breathe slowly and deeply for the first few breaths, then resume normal breathing. Let the desk support your arms, your head, and your cares. Let the next few minutes of relaxation fill you. Practice Desk Forward Bend for 3 minutes. To come up, unfold your arms as you lift your head. Inhale, and press your hands into the desk to help you return to sitting. Sit in your chair for one more long slow breath before moving on to the next pose or on with your day. Caution: Take care of your neck and lower back in this pose. When you are forward, make sure your chin is tucked close to your body. Come up slowly to protect your lower back.

Chair Forward Bend This pose is another supported forward bend, but this time you rest on your thighs instead of the desk. Chair Forward Bend provides the double benefit of a forward bend and a mild inversion. Chair Forward Bend stretches the lower back, relieves tension in the shoulders, and quiets the mind. Select a stable chair that does not roll, and position it away from your desk. Sit near the edge of the chair seat, with your feet firmly on the floor and about 6 to 10

inches apart. Slowly bend forward until your chest rests on your thighs. Let your head hang down naturally. Allow your arms to dangle by your sides. Close your eyes. Breathe quietly. Let gravity stretch your back. Feel all tension in your shoulders melt away. Rest. Practice Chair Forward Bend for 2 minutes. To come up, put your hands on the sides of the chair seat, and press down as you inhale and lift your torso. Once upright, take 2 slow breaths before returning to your day’s activities. Cautions: Do not practice this pose if you are more than three months pregnant or if you have hiatal hernia, retinal problems, eye pressure or a sinus infection. Proceed very carefully if you have disc disease. If you have any questions about the appropriateness of this pose for your, consult your health care professional.

The Totally Invisible Relaxation There may be times when you need to practice restorative yoga poses but your situation does not permit it. Perhaps you are involved in a long business meeting or immersed in family responsibilities. With the Totally Invisible Relaxation, you can actually relax, just where you are, sitting or standing. The first step is to realize that you need to relax. If you have been practicing the restorative poses, you may find it easy to drop down into relaxation. If not, try it anyway. Your skills will improve with practice. Bring your attention to the position of your body, especially your spine. Sit or stand with the spine long. Avoid rounding your lower back if you are sitting, or slumping if you are standing. Ideally there should be a gentle concave arch at your back waist. Once you have positioned yourself with a long, gently curving spine, make sure that your head and neck are in line with the spine. Feel as if you are being gently lifted up by the crown of your head. Close your eyes, if your situation permits, or soften your gaze and look downward. Gently bring your awareness to your breathing. Take several long and quiet breaths. If your breath seems stuck anywhere, it is likely that you have lost the lift of the spine. When the spine is lifted, your diaphragm can function at maximum efficiency and your breathing will feel easy. As you exhale, let your shoulders drop away from your ears and your arms feel long and fluid. Let the hands and arms rest in your lap or on a table, or hang easily from the shoulders. Soften the abdomen and notice how it moves with your breathing. Release any tension around the eyes or in the jaw muscles. If sitting, your thighs are supported by the chair. If standing, keep your feet rooted to the floor, but don’t overwork your legs. Rest in the present moment. As you inhale and exhale, be who and where you are. Do not attempt to separate yourself from what is happening around you. Rather, be with what is, equally aware of your internal sensations as well as the external world. Notice the sounds in the room and the sounds outside the room. Feel the weight and texture of your clothes on your body. What is around you and in you is part of this perfect moment. Weave it into your relaxation. When you have finished, take several more long, slow, silent breaths. Slowly open your eyes and allow your vision to come into focus. Return to the task at hand refreshed, optimistic and present. The Totally Invisible Relaxation will enhance your ability to work, to create, to interact with people and situations more skillfully.

Caution: If you have low blood pressure, do not practice the standing variation for more than 2 minutes.

Gentle Reminders To Relax My prescription for reducing stress in your life: decide here and now that you are your own first priority. We each have the same twenty-four hours in a day and can make choices about how to live them. There are many simple, low- or no-cost things that you can do to reduce stress and I have a few suggestions. They are all intended to help you slow down, take care of yourself, and relax and renew. Your reward will be twofold: you’ll feel good in the moment and for the next few days. Choose something you feel you can actually do over the next several days. Write your choice on a note and stick it on a mirror, the refrigerator, the dashboard of your car, or in another place where you will be sure to see it. For example, “I will drive within the speed limit.” You may want to post a reminder in more than one place. After several days, take some time to reflect on what you have noticed since you began this practice. You may decide to continue with it as it is, or to modify it, or to move on to a new topic. Use the suggestions here, or make some of your own. ”” Ask for help when you need it. ”” Drive within the speed limit. ”” Be willing to say, “I don’t know.” ”” In a stressful situation, ask yourself this question, “What is the most important thing right now?” ”” Position the interior rearview mirror in your car so you have to stretch a little to look in it. This will remind you to lengthen your spine and not collapse when driving. Write on your posted note: “Breathe.” ”” When you feel yourself pushing to complete a self-imposed task, ask yourself this question, “Will this matter in a year?” ”” Take several long, slow breaths at every stop light. ”” Notice how often you say “Hurry up!” to yourself or someone else, especially a child. ”” Drive in the slow lane; avoid the fast lane, especially if you are in a hurry. ”” Remember, the only people who are finished with everything are dead. Adapted from Relax and Renew by Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D. (Rodmell Press, Berkeley, CA, 2011). Reprinted with permission of Rodmell Press, publisher of books on Yoga, Buddhism, Taoism and Aikido. NOTES • Dean Ornish, M.D., Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease (New York: Random House, 1990). • Roger Cole, personal communication with author, August 3, 1994.

A yoga teacher since 1971, Judith Hanson Lasater holds a bachelor of science degree in physical therapy and doctorate in East-West psychology. She is the president of the California Yoga Teachers Association and author of several books about yoga.

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Enter the Peaceable Kingdom

Willow, piglet rescued from Rt. 495.

An Interview with Animal Communicator Debra White by Carol Bedrosian


t’s rare to find a little slice of heaven here on Earth these days amidst so much Currently, the sanctuary is home to over 100 birds including many exotic species, stress and uncertainty in our lives. More than anything else, it’s probably peace plus alpacas and llamas, horses and donkeys, goats, sheep and pigs, many, many cats, that we crave the most, just being able to slow down, feel safe, and get along with Wizard, the pug, and an indomitable little mixed-breed dog named Freedom. Stepping each other in the world. through the front gate is like dropping into a busy, noisy little animal hamlet from a real life storybook scene. Amidst flowers and gardens everywhere, honking geese, Many people find their peaceful rhythm more easily through animals than with crowing roosters, clucking hens, quacking ducks paddling in their pond and other humans. Animals frequently serve as the primary source of healing, unconditional love assorted snorts, screeches and whinnies fill the air with the magnificent, cacophonous and emotional security for millions of people, yet we live in a culture steeped in animal harmony of animals calling out in peaceful trust. An energizing, animated vibration torture, abuse and neglect. It’s not just the pet abuse, animal research or callous pulsing with the excitement of life is hard to miss here. Perhaps this is what continues handlers that intentionally inflict harm on innocent victims, but the factory farming to draw the faithful volunteers — some who have come daily for years without pay conditions that condemn billions of animals to lives of tortured enslavement so we can eat inexpensive meat and dairy is the most massive offense of all. — to feed, clean and care for the animals and property. It’s more than just Anyone who eats meat, fish or dairy, but can’t bear to watch the films a sanctuary for animals. documenting the abuse of animals farmed for food, is guilty of perpetuatCarol Bedrosian: The very first time I came here I felt the buzz in the air. I ing this endless cycle of suffering, myself included. I would never intenmet three or four volunteers on the grounds, really nice young people; tionally harm an animal with my own hands, yet I, along with hunthey were all teenagers or young twenties. dreds of millions of otherwise compassionate people, pretend there is “Very little of the great Debra White: All in tune. Psychic. I always try to foster that part of no violence in our food choices because meat and dairy is a cultural cruelty shown by men can their being. They “get it” completely at age 15, 16, so you can only imagicon; it’s the American Way. Even loaded with pound packing, artery really be attributed to cruel ine what advances they’ll make into spirituality, just being in the flow of clogging by-products, antibiotic overkill and e-coli contamination instinct. Most of it comes from the universe and the harmony of everything. It always still brings me to (don’t forget that heavy dose of do-unto-others karmic justice), cheese thoughtlessness or inherited tears. and meat are, ironically, still our favorite comfort foods. habit. The roots of cruelty, What would happen if we could talk to the animals? Carol Bedrosian: I’m feeling a charged sense on the land here. Is that therefore, are not so much Tormented by the of plight of distressed animals everywhere, anipsychic communication between people, between the animals? strong as widespread. But mal communicator Debra White opened Winslow Farm Animal SancDebra White: It’s all one. There’s no difference between me and the tree the time must come when tuary in 1997 in Norton, Massachusetts, to give sanctuary to abused or me and the animal, me and that piece of wood. It is the vibration of all inhumanity protected by and abandoned animals needing a permanent home. She built many of it as a flow combined together. custom and thoughtlessness of the dozens of enchanting and intricately detailed houses and enclowill succumb before humanity sures for the animals with her own two hands. Through many years of Carol Bedrosian: What are you experiencing with the animals here? championed by thought.” loving, devoted service and listening to the animals in her care, Debra What is being communicated? — Albert Schweitzer — has cultivated a peaceable kingdom where intra-species communicaDebra White: I’m always experiencing what they’re going to do next. I tion and respect have replaced fear and oppression so everyone lives know what frame of mind they’re in, if they’re anxious or just looking together in harmony. At Winslow Farm, it’s all about the animals. for a pat or hungry or wanting a certain snack or wanting to be somewhere. Debra opened the sanctuary to the public as a way to raise funds to continue caring for so many animals and to help educate children and adult visitors about animal Carol Bedrosian: How do you know this? neglect and abuse. She believes a deeper respect for all sentient beings is gained Debra White: It’s all intuitive and observation. through mutual contact and that the animals also benefit from exposure to a populaCarol Bedrosian: I saw you patting Howie, the goat, on his hindquarters. Is anything tion of good humans they can learn to trust. It’s hard to tell who benefits the most— going on there? the children, the adults or the rescued animals. Sit in the courtyard on any afternoon and watch the parents come in with their children who eagerly, but gently, rush to the Debra White: He needed it. The way it comes to me, I don’t see anything, I just feel it. nearest animals to say hello. You can tell they’ve been here many times before. 30 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

Carol Bedrosian: Did you feel anything in response from Howie when you patted him? Debra White: Oh yeah, he was totally okay. “This is what I needed from you.” And this happens times 200 animals throughout the day. I have to make sure I have people around to take care of the feeding and the cleaning so I can tend to the emotional side of the animals. Carol Bedrosian: Some of these animals were neglected or abused so I would imagine that they have emotional pain. Is this something that’s been communicated to you? (On silent command, Debra rises and walks twenty feet over to the front door of the house to let dogs Freedom and Wizard out into the courtyard to join us.) I was especially touched by Freedom the last time I was here. She was sitting right here on the ground soaking up the sun and you told me her story, which is a sad, sad story. What is your connection with Freedom? Debra White: Even though her story is sad, animals live in the moment. I feel we attach too many human qualities to animals. Dogs live in the moment; they forget their past. We remember their past. They want to go forward and they can repel forward like rockets but we hold them back. I’m guilty of it still; I think of her in the box. I start feeling bad thinking back, which is normal. But they’re not thinking of that anymore; they really are not. If they feel safe, it’s almost instant change. But if I were to pick up a stick or a broom, say, then they’ll associate something bad with it if they’ve been whacked. At that very moment, me picking up the broom will trigger their memory and they refer back to that. But they rebound much quicker than a human being would because we attach to everything. They’re lucky enough not to have those attachments to the negative side and hold onto things like people do. That’s been my observation because everything is so instantly perfect when [new animals] come in. I have no issues, ever. A proof to that is I have an 800-pound pig in the back, which is huge like a hippopotamus. To bring in another little pig and hope that it would be okay in the same area, it’s a big risk to take if it doesn’t work. But then I started thinking, “Hold on. I’m attaching something negative as a human being. Why wouldn’t it work, because the statistics here have told me that everything works out, so why wouldn’t this work with the pigs?” Sure as shooting, I took awhile with her, just in case, because he’s a big boy. I didn’t let them be together for four months, which was a big deal for me because it’s usually within an hour that I’ll let everyone together, even a horse in a new environment. Or a new goat. But because I know they are big animals that could be hurtful and what could happen…so I should have trusted myself sooner. But it all worked out so it’s all perfect. I can tell because I’m in sync through observation in doing this for so many years, what’s right, what’s wrong to get animals together. Just the intuition alone tells me that animals need to be on a schedule. They need to know they can count on being fed at a certain time and let out. Everything’s clockwork here. We’re all on this amazing odyssey together. But this could become a jail cell to everyone if it fell into the wrong hands, which scares me because I’m not going to last forever. Carol Bedrosian: What kind of hands are the right ones? Debra White: The ones that remain steadfast to the animals’ schedules. And allowing a lot of freedom, leaving the species together to intermingle with each other. Watch it, correct it. If something should go wrong, you correct it. It’s just so quick to correct and then everything’s okay. For instance, a lot of people wouldn’t let their peacocks out of

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continues on page 32

Jezebel, friend to Stardust, the donkey and Gracie, the goat.

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 31

ENTER THE PEACEABLE KINGDOM continued from page 31 big enclosures to roam, or geese or ducks for that matter. I like to give the animals opportunity, to allow the freedom and then correct things when they’re out. By not holding back, it’s amazing just how many animals can be free within the compound and have it all work. Carol Bedrosian: So that’s why I’m feeling the peaceable kingdom vibe here. This is wonderful. But I find it odd that this freedom happens within the rigidity of schedules. Isn’t freedom doing things as you please? What is it about a schedule that allows for cooperation? Debra White: Because they know the schedule, which makes it easier for me. I’ve sacrificed my own time for all the animals to make this huge compound work as one unit. I open up the barn Pisca, alpaca leader at the farm. doors at 4:15 — not 4:16 — 4:15 on the dot. I’m very tough on the volunteers here; they need to learn it. The animals are always first and that’s what makes everything work, too. People are secThat’s how badly it affected me. I felt overwhelmed that there was nothing I could do to ond here, animals are first. This is their sanctuary. This is what I do, this is why I’m open. stop it on a mass scale. Nothing! Then even people were disgusting to me. I didn’t even Then even my staff start to pick up on that and they say, okay, she really means business want to live in this world. I became seriously depressed. I needed to be doing something here. We need to pay attention to what’s going on. The schedule is important, they know with nature and animals. Then the thoughts [for the sanctuary] started coming. timelines, the animals do to the minute. Carol Bedrosian: The houses and shelters and enclosures you have built here for these Carol Bedrosian: When did you realize that you communicated with animals? animals are simply gorgeous! Do you think the children or the adults who come here enjoy it more? Debra White: Very young. I was born and raised in a log cabin right next door, a few acres over. My father was a genius inventor for Texas Instruments, but when I was three Debra White: I think it’s both. The adults really love the peace and the fact that you can he developed Parkinson’s disease and subsequently had six brain operations while I was interact with the animals. You can go right in with them and a lot of people walk away growing up. So, I basically was his hands. He didn’t speak because the operations took his saying I’ll never eat a turkey again or a chicken or whatever. It does have an impact. voice away. I also learned to pay attention much more to body language, whispers and Carol Bedrosian: Do some people that come here disturb the peace? energy levels through my father because I had to deal with him in a whole different way Debra White: There’s always getaways. For every animal here, than I would deal with my mother. So I had to pay attention to a there is always a place to leave if they don’t want to be interacted different way of communicating, which worked to my advantage with, like the geese or the chicken with toddlers walking behind in the end. them. I want everything to work, so there’s little spaces in every Because of my Dad being sick, we were in hospitals all the fence area that all these little animals or big animals know where time throughout my childhood so my pets became my friends. to go if they’re done with it. The animals can be with a person if I really delved into my pets for companionship, love, all that. they want to be or not; they simply walk away but no one realizes And I said as I was growing up that I would always give back to it. It’s all about the animals, not the people. animals because they were everything for me — my mother, my father, everything — so I said that I would always be there for Carol Bedrosian: What have you learned from the animals? them. So this is in a much bigger way, a much larger scale. Debra White: That they grieve, that they do have emotions. Carol Bedrosian: How did the sanctuary come about? They have daily rituals where they know what time to meet each other. For instance a group of chickens will gravitate to one area Debra White: I was really tuned in to nature growing up and I of the farm to see other chickens and over time I realized they saw my grandmother who owned all this land sacrifice to keep were deliberately doing this. It’s crazy just how sophisticated the it, to pay taxes on it. She was one little old lady that lived on animals are when you’re in it and observe. And then you feel that twenty-four acres here, however my father lost it all due to his much worse for all the animals that don’t have the freedom that illness. It was just one nightmare after another, but all the nightthey have or the good conditions to thrive under. mares turned into happily ever afters. I took a turkey and a rooster to a vet last night and they’re goCarol Bedrosian: You were able to acquire the land back? ing to have serious operations on their feet so that they’re more Debra White: One acre by one acre, I bought every single acre back. able to walk. They were rescued from a place where they were kept in dirty conditions so they get a fungus infection in their feet that is incredibly painful. Carol Bedrosian: And was your hope and vision to have a sanctuary? Howie the goat can’t walk. He walks on his knees, very rarely stands up, so he’s on Debra White: Not at the time. But it developed in my late twenties. So, I’m just hoping sand. Sand is good and he has thick fatigue mats to lay on at night. So he’s been able to that people coming through will gain a different respect for animals. They’ll see what live three years like this, where somewhere else they would have put him down, because they’ve been eating and maybe change that outlook a little bit. it’s an awful lot of work. He urinates and defecates and he doesn’t walk away from it, so he constantly needs to be cleaned and needs to get out and be rotated. I’ll take the time Carol Bedrosian: What are your thoughts on eating meat? to do that. And what have I learned? They ask very little and they’re very loyal. Debra White: I was a meat eater growing up. I didn’t know any better until I watched all This leading goose here is 37 years old (pointing to 3 honking geese walking by in the factory farming videos. When I saw that, I was in deep, deep mourning. I don’t even a line.) He was blind for three or four years and I never thought to ask the universe, know how I survived living after seeing the videos. There’s something inbred that touches “Please bring back his sight.” One day I asked and the very next day that goose put his me deeply for animals in distress. There’s no getting around it because I’ve always acted head in a round circle to get some food and I said, “God, can it be that he can see?” He on it. After I saw the factory farm videos I was not even able to go into a grocery store. had his sight back! A lot of miracles happen here. 32 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

The other reason why I built this sanctuary is, how beautiful would it be, like back in the fifties, you had a piece of land and you had a few pets, how nice that is, how beautiful that is for children growing up. There’d be more space for goats and sheep and horses. Have a pet or two, always have a pair. How nice is that for children to go outside instead of being on video games. Go out and walk with sheep on trails or something. That would be the ideal. And we could care for them. Carol Bedrosian: Do you receive communication from animals outside the sanctuary? Debra White: There was a problem with coyotes about thirteen years ago with the cats. When I realized what was going on, they had been missing one by one for about two weeks. Then I saw a coyote and it hit me. Some men heard wind that the coyotes were killing my cats and next thing I knew I saw them walking in with traps, chains, guns and blah blah blah. I asked what they were doing and they said, “We’re gonna’ catch these coyotes.” I said, “First of all, that’s against the law. Second of all, I’ll deal with this on my own terms. You guys can leave.” Three days later two coyotes came up to the back of my fence line. I was right there face-to-face. I silently said to them, “We’re going to live in harmony here. You’re not going to take any animals here. You need to find another route to go.” I spent a long time staring at them, about twenty minutes I would say, just being there with them. I told them I sent bullets away, I sent everything away and I’m going to trust that we’re going to do this together. I may have said that I would put dog food out there or something, too, at that time, and nothing ever happened after that. And I’ll always tell that story to anybody who asks me about coyotes. I simply asked them, but you have to have faith in what you ask. You really have to touch their souls. Touch them through their eyes, whatever, and really feel it. It’s not going to be “Shoo, shoo!” You need to get into their souls. Carol Bedrosian: Have you had experiences of danger with an animal? Debra White: Yes, I had a blind horse in the barn that really got into trouble. A tubular gate slipped and he got caught in it and no one was here. And I said to him, “Mooney, we have to deal with this together. You’ve got to really trust me here.” And he was huge. I asked him not to panic because he should have panicked, really, he should have. And I got him out of it. Don’t ask me how, but I got him out of it all. It was horrifying what happened with the fence up near his knees and everything. Then I got flipped by my eight-hundred pound pig, thrown up in the air five feet by accident. I was in the barn and he came in and didn’t realize that I was in there and he got startled, and I didn’t know he was coming and I got startled. What happened was he did an about-face and I was right there and he ran right straight through me. And I went up and then down and I was paralyzed. I couldn’t get up. I had a bucket of food in my hand and I said, “He’s going to eat me.” But then I said, “No he’s not. Why would he? He’s not going to eat me.” But he was so concerned for me. He didn’t eat any of the food that fell, which is absolutely crazy because when you throw food down to a pig, they’re going to eat every little morsel and you. So, that was miraculous, but yet not, when I think about it all. I had to yell for a carpenter on the land to get me. He actually had to pick me up and I thought I was paralyzed, but after about half an hour I was able to take a step at a time. He never left my side and he never looked down at that food. He knew something was wrong.

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Carol Bedrosian: Do you have any favorite animal here? Debra White: I have to say I don’t. I love them all equally. Isn’t that unbelievable? I really love them all. They all read each other’s energy. Carol Bedrosian: Why do you think they live in harmony here? Debra White: Because they’re respected. They have a nice place to live and they feel no fear. They feel no fear at all. For them to be standing so close to us, so peaceful….I feel he’s listening now, the thirty-seven year old goose who’s not blind. Why do they all live in harmony? Because as they come in they are not sensing any distress from anywhere on the property. And so the people that come in, the visitors, they absorb a little bit of that harmony as well and contribute back to it with the animals and maybe learn a little more respect themselves.

Debra White feels blessed to call herself a shepherd to over 200 beautiful animals that have presented themselves for sanctuary at Winslow Animal Farm in Norton, MA. The sanctuary is open seven days a week, as well as for special children’s and family events and seasonal gatherings. For information contact (508) 285-6451 or visit

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 33


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34 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

A Frank Discussion About Reiki By Marcello Antifonario


ven seventy-five years after Usui Reiki’s* introduction to the West, there remains quite a bit of confusion, many myths and misunderstandings, and even a bit of willful obfuscation concerning the nature of reiki (universal energy) and the origin of Reiki practice. An important part of being a Reiki practitioner in the West is, still to this day, education and correction of misinformation concerning some common myths. Myth #1: Reiki is an ancient practice originating in Tibet/Egypt/India/China/etc. Truth: This myth and its many variations have been promoted for quite some time for a few different reasons. While it is true that many different types and modalities of energy healing work have existed since ancient times, undoubtedly from long before the dawn of history, Reiki itself is a relatively modern practice. Some have branded any number of ancient and modern practices as “Reiki,” but the word is not correctly utilized as a general term for all energy work. Some have done this somewhat innocently for brevity’s sake and some have done this a bit deceptively in order to co-brand other practices as a way of coattailing on Reiki’s upsurge in popularity and name recognition. Energy work is a very diverse field of healing, much of which has great value, but all energy work is not Reiki. The true origins of Reiki are only further obfuscated by the fact that Hawayo Takata (the woman who originally brought the practice to the West in 1937 after studying with Chuujuro Hayashi, one of Usui’s direct students), spread some distortions about the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui. She reported that he was a Christian monk and that he had degrees from the University of Chicago and Doshisha University in Kyoto. This was done primarily to legitimize the practice for Westerners by giving Usui-sensei university credentials and because of anti-Japanese prejudice during World War II that had re-

sulted in an outright ban in the United States of any Eastern healing practices, including acupuncture. Mrs. Takata was more or less the sole source of information and instruction in the West concerning Reiki practice from 1937 until her death in the 1980s and she maintained a very tight grip on the information that was being disseminated. The truth came out soon after her passing. No two accounts of Usui’s teachings agree exactly on every detail of translation or history, but all concur that the Reiki Ryoho healing system was founded by Mikao Usui in the early 1920s. Usui-sensei was born in 1865 in a small village in Japan. His early years were spent in Japan, Europe, America and China, many times living in abject poverty that pushed him to work very hard to strengthen his body and mind. On the twenty-first day of a fast during a pilgrimage on Mount Kurama, Japan, he felt a great surge of reiki pooling above his head and Reiki Ryoho healing was instantaneously revealed to him. Usui-sensei tried using the energy both on himself and on his family members and found it to be very successful. He decided that it would be much better to share this power widely with a lot of people in the world rather than to keep it exclusively for his family members. He moved to Tokyo, Japan, in 1922 and established the first Reiki center for healing. One year later, in the great Tokyo earthquake and ensuing fire, it was reported that Reiki cured and saved innumerable people in that catastrophe. Myth #2: Reiki utilizes the energy of the practitioner in order to heal the client. Truth: This common misconception has caused a lot of difficulties for Reiki practitioners in the West. In fact, one of the most beautiful and practical aspects of Reiki is that the energy is passing through the practitioner and not from the practitioner. The practitioner simply places his or her hands on or slightly above the fully-clothed recipient to allow reiki to flow where it is needed for healing in the mind, body, emotions or spirit. As a youth, Mikao Usui studied kiko (a Japanese form of qigong). Kiko and qigong are health and healing disciplines based on the development and use of life energy. The young Usui found that these healing methods required the practitioner to build up and then deplete his own life energy when giving treatments and he was dissatisfied with this. He wondered if it were possible to do healing work without depleting one’s own energy. Many years later on Mount Kurama he found his answer. Reiki utilizes universal energy and not the practitioner’s energy. In this manner, both the practitioner and the client benefit from the reiki flow and the practitioner is not drained of energy in practice. The practitioner opens him or herself to spiritual purity and becomes a pure channel for divine energy. Myth #3: Reiki practitioners receive their ability from their teacher. Truth: Reiki is universally sourced and is already everywhere all the time. Anybody can utilize reiki. Place your hands very lightly (no more pressure than the weight of a nickel) on your own head with the fingertips at the top of your crown and your palms along the sides of your head. Hold them there for a few minutes as you relax, breathe deeply and raise your awareness to a point about sixteen inches above the top of your head. You will most likely feel a tingling or floating feeling emanating from your palms and entering your head. This is reiki energy. Anybody can alleviate some pain from most common headaches in this manner. The Reiki attunements that a student receives from a teacher (also called a Reiki master) during training does not give the practitioner his or her healing ability; it merely fine tunes the innate ability that one already possesses to receive this healing energy. Just as anyone can play the piano by hitting the keys, a trained pianist has more acuity and technical knowledge to produce harmonious sounds. In a similar way, a Reiki practitioner has more experience in surrendering to channel this pure flow. By merely placing his or her hands to make the reiki connection, the practitioner releases personal intentions and lets the hands of the universe take over. The recipient is healing themselves as the healing energy naturally flows where it is needed most. Myth #4: Usui Reiki involves contact with spirit guides. Truth: This is a Western addition that was never a part of Mikao Usui’s original teachings. During the 1980s, after Mrs. Takata’s influence began to wane, the New Age movement in all of its enthusiastic diversity grabbed onto Reiki, removed it from its theological and cultural origin and configured new forms of “reiki” energy work. Many of these forms retained some of Usui’s teachings but added many elements of ancient and modern Western practices. Channeling discarnate astral beings as Reiki healing is a thoroughly Western idea. The entire point of Reiki is to use spiritual energy for healing and not astral energy. The continues on page 36

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A FRANK DISCUSSION ABOUT REIKI continued from page 35 astral realm is somewhat of a midway point between the earth realm and the heavenly realm that can become a potentially hazardous and confusing place to involve one’s self. There is absolutely no benefit in contacting this realm that cannot be gained more surely by dealing with the universal source directly. The beauty of Reiki is in its simplicity. The Reiki practitioner strives to maintain a very high state of purity in his or her life in order to become a clean and clear vessel for the reiki energy. In becoming an empty vessel, so to speak, this divine energy can move through them to help a recipient heal themselves. It is really that simple and beautiful. Myth #5: Reiki is a theologically Buddhist practice. Truth: While many hospitals in the West have fully embraced Reiki as a regular part of the Western healing process, the Catholic Church has banned Reiki in all Catholic hospitals worldwide, primarily due to this myth. Although Mikao Usui was raised in a culture where Buddhism was one of the most prevalent religious paths, he himself was not noted to be religious. He did develop a passionate spirituality, due in part to his exposure to various theologies in grade school and during his travels in the West. This was honed by his own experiences attempting to cope with the struggles of survival in his adult poverty. Perhaps Usui’s philosophy of Reiki is best described as memorialized by his student Usuida in 1927 on sensei’s gravesite monument at Saihoji Temple in Tokyo, Japan: Looking back, the main purpose of Reiho was not only to heal diseases, but also to have right mind and healthy body so that people would enjoy and experience happiness in life. Therefore, when it comes to teaching, first let the student understand well the Meiji Emperor’s admonitory; then in the morning and in the evening let them chant and have in mind the Five Precepts which are: First we say, today don’t get angry. Secondly we say, don’t worry. Third we say, be thankful. Fourth we say, work with diligence. Fifth we say, be kind to people. This has been translated in variously nuanced ways and occasionally retooled for Western understanding, but the essence of Reiki ethics is very clearly stated. In some ways it perhaps shows a Buddhist influence in encouraging compassion and calmness, but there is nothing particularly and specifically Buddhist about it. In fact, Reiki does not address theology at all. One of the most beautiful aspects of Reiki is that it urges us toward spiritual development in a manner that is not alienating to any particular religious belief system. These five precepts can be found in almost any of the world’s major religious texts including the Bible, the Qur’an, the Tao-de Ching, the Upanishads or traditional Native American teachings. Reiki is meant to be a universal healing practice, a direct union with divine energy, accessible equally to all. *Editor’s note: Mikao Usui’s healing method was known as Usui Reiki Ryoho in Japan, commonly combined as Reiho. While reiki energy existed before Usui, his universal healing method combined spiritual teachings of the Five Precepts with the hands-on channeling of reiki energy. When Usui’s teachings were introduced to the West by Mrs. Takata in 1937, she abbreviated the name to Reiki, which may have led many to forget the spiritual foundation of Usui Reiki Ryoho. Today Reiki has become the accepted Westernized name for this practice, both in mainstream medicine and popular culture.

Marcello Antifonario is a Reiki practitioner, spiritual life coach, numerologist, meditation teacher and metaphysical workshop facilitator. He currently practices Reiki and teaches meditation at Sangha Yoga Collective in Lowell, MA, and can be reached at Read the full translation of Usui-sensei’s teachings etched into stone at 36 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

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Carolyn Waite, CSYT • Westboro & Marlboro, MA (508) 662-3763 • Svaroopa® yoga classes for groups and private instruction, suitable for beginners to advanced students. Yoga for your body, mind and spirit.

Christiana Kueting, BCPP, LMT,CCH 6 Maple St, Nothborough • (508) 330-4945 Step into well-being and find more joy, empowerment and overall-health through polarity, enzyme nutrition and hypnosis.


Jump for Joy and the Net WILL Appear Juliette Storch, Transformational Coach (203) 305-8091 • Breaking through fear: the first step to personal and professional forward development.


Holistic Consultant. Homeopathy for children & adults. Framingham, MA • (508) 397-6098 Safe, effective, non-toxic homeopathic remedies, flower essences and cell salts. FCT (Field Control Therapy).


Bhavna Srivastava • (774) 242-2112 Stress reduction workshops. Universal energy & golden light healing. Reiki 1, 2 classes and sessions. Advanced Spiritual Growth & Goal Achievement Course. Weight loss. Meditations. Free Monthly Support Groups.

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This is a partial list of our members; we have many talented people in our network to learn with. Meetings are held monthly on the second Wednesday from 9-10:30am, in Northboro, MA.


The Wellness Roundtable members gather monthly with the intention of creating collaborative relationships and building professional community with one another. Our meetings are opportunities to be inspired, stimulated and educated for the greater good of our respective professions. Together, we join to increase the level of well-being, body, mind and spirit, for ourselves, our clients, our communities and our world.



Contact The Wellness Roundtable facilitator: Marilyn Taylor, LMT, Life/Wellness Coach at WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 37

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Increase Student Enrollment in Your Healing Classes By Dawn Fleming


s a speaker or workshop provider, would you like your classes to be filled? If so, becoming an approved continuing education (CE) provider will attract professionals to your classes looking to gain knowledge while they fulfill their continuing education requirements. Despite the many forms to fill out about your credentials, your business and the details about each class for which you are seeking CE approval, there are several benefits to becoming a provider. Expect increased class enrollments once the professionals you are approved to provide CE hours for find out about your classes. Many professionals are looking for holistic health classes that give CE hours because they can use these skills both for their personal well-being and their professional use. If they enjoy your classes, they will spread the word throughout their network. Another benefit of providing CE hours is that approval from a national or state board adds credibility to you and your programs or classes. Being a CE provider also gives you the opportunity to get your name out into professional circles. This could open opportunities for you to teach or speak in hospitals, massage schools, community colleges, conferences or in other arenas. There are many national and state boards that require their licensed or certified professionals to acquire CE hours including massage therapists, acupuncturists, social workers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, counselors and others. Each career field has a separate board so investigate the specific requirements for each before you begin to make sure you meet their criteria and are willing to fulfill the follow-up requirements of record keeping and maintaining their ethical standards. Although the process can be tedious, there is much you can do to make approval go more smoothly. Each board is going to ask you for copies of your certificates that show you are qualified to teach your subjects. You will also need to provide learning outcomes, teaching strategies and time frames for each component of your classes. You will need to create an evaluation for each of your classes. Most boards provide an example. Model your evaluations after theirs because they consider their example as acceptable. Undertake one board’s approval paperwork at a time. The work that you do for the first one will make all others a bit easier because you will have all the information already written up. You will just have to tweak it a little for the board that you are applying to. Keep paper copies of what you send; you never know when your computer is going to fail. If something seems unclear ask questions by sending the board an email or giving them a call. It is better to ask than to send the wrong documentation and be denied or have to redo sections of your submissions. Good clear writing is so important when filling out the forms. You want to present yourself professionally to the board that is going to approve you, so do not send poor writing or unreadable copies of your supporting materials. Use concrete words to describe how and what you are going to teach and avoid making it sound mysterious. The boards are not looking to unravel a mystery or approve something that cannot be described adequately. Fortunately, certification boards now approve a wide variety of holistic classes including yoga, shiatsu and energy medicine making it easier than ever to take that next step and expand your teaching career!

Dawn Fleming is a Reiki master, teacher, medical intuitive and life coach. She is the author of “Navigating the Continuing Education Process” and “Creating a Successful Holistic Health Practice”, as well as several other titles. She is an instructor at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, AZ. Dawn can be reached at or visit 38 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

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WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 39

They Came For Our Children I

n June 2008, Canada initiated a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, whose mandate is to learn the truth about what happened to 150,000 First Nations children forced into Indian residential schools beginning in the 1870s, and to inform all Canadians about their findings. The initiative began with an apology from the Canadian Prime Minister, on behalf of the Government of Canada, to former students, their families, and communities, for Canada’s role in the operation of the residential schools, which sought to eliminate parental involvement in the intellectual, cultural and spiritual development of their children. In addition to providing compensation to former students, a series of healing gatherings is underway across Canada to provide opportunities for survivors to speak the truth about their experiences and begin the process of reconciliation between First Nations peoples and Canadians.

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40 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

The United States lags far behind its northern neighbor in the recognition of Native American history and the attribution of Native rights. According to 2012 US Census figures, Native Americans on reservations suffer the highest poverty rate of all US citizens; Natives off reservations suffer the 2nd highest rate. We also harbor our own forced Indian residential school history, which began in the 1860s, when Native Americans were placed onto reservations and expected to assimilate into mainstream, Christian culture. According to the first residential school founder, Richard Henry Pratt, head of the infamous Carlisle School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, the solution was to “Kill the Indian in him, and save the man.” The intention was nothing less than the annihilation of Native American culture, a genocidal wound still festering to this day. Will momentum from Canada’s bold First Nations’ initiatives spark any recognition of truth and healing south of their border? — Editor

By Ieiá:nes


re healing and reconciliation possible after a country has committed a cultural genocide against generations of Aboriginal children under the guise of education? This is a question that haunts Canada (and how many other countries throughout the world?) today, as a very shameful episode of Canadian history, ignored or often completely unknown by the majority of Euro Canadian citizens, is finally coming to light. For more than 150 years, from the 1870s to the 1990s, more than 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Metis children from across Canada, were sent to residential schools that were founded by the government and run by members of several different Christian churches who willingly collaborated with the government officials. Children as young as four years old were forcibly taken from their families and communities and stripped of their language, cultural identity and traditions, in a conscious attempt to destroy their identity in the name of “civilization.” The children were often sent to schools far away from their homes, as authorities sought to break the bonds between the children and their parents. Hundreds of these children never returned home, victims of disease, accidents or failed attempts to escape, and were buried in unmarked graves sometimes without their parents even being notified. While some former residential school students have memories of teachers who inspired and encouraged them, too many others became victims of physical, psychological and sexual abuse. Their education in the schools was a very frustrating experience, separating them from their parents’ world and leaving them alienated from their families, poorly prepared to make their way in the dominant culture, and lacking any necessary parental skills, as they had not grown up in a normal family context. They ended up finding themselves as incapable of reintegrating their communities as they were of adapting to the non-native world. The residential schools thus not only ruined the survivors’ childhood but their whole life. Canada’s attempt to stamp out Aboriginal cultures failed, but the legacy of that longstanding effort remains. The problems caused by the residential school system did not cease the day the last school finally closed in 1996. The abnormally high rate of suicides, the disproportionate number of Natives in Canadian prisons, as well as the rampant presence of alcoholism, drug abuse and domestic violence within numerous Aboriginal communities today, is a clear sign that the trauma suffered by former residential school students has become a trans-generational trauma. We cannot change the past, but the future is in our hands. Starting back in 1986, some religious denominations that had been involved in running the residential schools, undertook a first step towards reconciliation by publicly presenting their regrets for having tried to impose European values and culture on the Aboriginal peoples. As a concrete gesture of reconciliation, one church group has recently been exploring the possibility of helping finance a project for the promotion of one of the native languages, recognizing that when you lose your language, you lose the soul of your culture because you are forever disconnected from the wisdom of your ancestors. In June, 2008, the Prime Minister of Canada, in the name of all Canadians, offered apologies to the survivors of the schools, acknowledging that the main objective of the government’s former educational system had been to remove Native children from their homes in order to integrate them into the dominant culture, and that this politic of assimilation was wrong. Canada is now called to work towards healing and reconciliation, and to establish the relations between Natives and non-Natives on a healthier basis of mutual respect. This is a task that is neither easy nor simple. Verbal excuses will be authentic only if they transform into concrete actions. In view of this objective, besides establishing a program of financial compensation for survivors who were victims of abuse, the government created a special commission, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which was given the responsibility to guide the healing process in the hope of correcting the past errors and constructing a future which all Canadians can be proud of. The TRC began work in 2009, and over its five-year mandate will organize large national events in different Canadian provinces. Through these events, the TRC hopes to achieve three very important aims: (1) tell Canadians what really happened in the Indian residential schools, (2) honor the lives of former students and their families, and (3) create a permanent record of the residential school legacy by gathering testimonies from survivors and all those who suffered the consequences of this educational system, so that in four or five generations, no one can say “this never happened.”

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continues on page 42

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 41



Photo: Ieiá:nes


THEY CAME FOR OUR CHILDREN continued from page 41


On the first day of the Montreal Truth and Reconciliation event, survivors and others parade to the hotel from the nearby park, where the sacred fire was lit and kept burning day and night throughout the entire 4-day event. Sunrise ceremony was held daily.


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Photo: Dario Ayala, The (Montreal) Gazette, 2013.

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Indian residential school survivor Charlotte Mestokosho, right, is comforted as she gives her testimony at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Since the beginning of the TRC’s pan-Canadian tour, some 4,000 testimonies have already been gathered, and many more will surely be added during the last national events in Vancouver, B.C., and Edmonton, Alberta. Several months before the gathering that was to take place in Montreal, Quebec, on April 24-27 2013, a friend of mine who was a member of the TRC, asked me to accompany him to be a presence of prayer at the monthly meetings he and other members were holding as they worked on the multiple problems of organizing such an event. While all the TRC gatherings follow a certain standard program of ceremonies, conferences, testimony hearings and other activities, each has its own unique character that demands an immense amount of preparation; prayer was a welcome support. At the gathering itself that was held at a large hotel in downtown Montreal, I was asked to co-facilitate two sessions of orientation for a group of volunteers who belonged to the four Christian denominations (Anglican, Catholic, Presbyterian and United Church) who had formerly played an active role in the residential schools. These volunteers were to take turns being available in case survivors wanted to meet a church representative in order to talk about their experiences as children in these institutions. I encouraged the volunteers not to try to do anything but rather just to be a listening heart, available to welcome the tears, the anger, but also the joys that survivors might wish to confide to them. A very essential aspect of the gathering was an Archives Room where the four churches each had an information booth and made available all their collection of archived books containing photos (some very old) taken at the different residential schools. I ended up being constantly present in this room during the entire event, helping both the volunteers and the survivors. The Archives Room turned out to be one of the busiest — and, above all, one of the most emotionally charged — places in the whole gathering! Some 600 survivors attended the Montreal event and many of them were anxious to come and see photos of their school. Often they needed to talk about their experiences. The photos brought up memories, and those of us who worked in the room, found ourselves so many times flooded in tears (those of survivors, but also often of our own!) There were moments of intense sorrow, anger, but at times even great joy, like the day when two elderly ladies who had attended the same school as children, suddenly met each other in the Archives Room after having lost all contact with each other for the past 40 years! I witnessed yet another very touching scene that took place in that room one morning, when a group of survivors caught sight of a very elderly man who entered there, and recognized him as a former director of the residential school that they had attended. The survivors explained to me that when this man had arrived to take charge of their school, the first thing he did was fire all the teachers who were abusing the children. Then he ordered better food to be served at the school, and finally — a rare treat for the students! — he also invited the children’s parents to come to the school to visit. When the former students saw him, they all rushed up to embrace him with so much joy and gratitude! It was an impressive sight for everyone present. The TRC event had been advertised throughout Montreal as a “National Journey For Healing and Reconciliation,” and as the days passed, more and more people, both Aboriginal and non-Native, came to the hotel. For some it was a one-time visit, but many others, fascinated by this unique opportunity to get in touch with the painful reality of the residential school history, kept returning day after day, especially to listen to the testimonies that some of the survivors made publicly. Survivors had the choice of participating in sharing circles open to the public, or having their testimonies recorded in private. As one after another came to give firsthand accounts of childhood traumas before the large audience in one of the hotel’s convention

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cF sychi

Photo: Ieiá:nes


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Ieiá:nes is a member of the Montreal Native Friendship Centre since 1986 and has been living in the heart of the city as a Christian urban hermit for the past 35 years.

Fair sychic Saturday, December 14 P &

H o l i st i c H e

The TRC included an exhibit in the Archives Room by each of the four church denominations (Anglican, Catholic, Presbyterian and United Church) that had run residential schools directed by the government. Visitors were encouraged to explore the photos, archives and other materials presented by each group.

Sharon R. Doolittle DVM

Photo: Ieiá:nes

halls, it became rapidly evident that the healing process is far from over and that each survivor must walk the path of reconciliation respecting his or her own personal rhythm: There was Edouard, who, 50 years after having been sexually aggressed, admitted: “I am not ready to be reconciled. One can’t heal from that. It’s impossible. It hurts too much.” Then there was Melissa, the daughter of a survivor, who still remains angry against the residential school system and who confided, “There are some survivors who say that they forgive, but me, I can’t because what was done to our parents was done to us too.” Eva, a Cree survivor, expressed a feeling of confusion: “I want to become whole again, and I know that the only way to do that is to forgive, but it’s hard. How do I do that? I’m struggling with that. I’m stuck at that point, knowing that I must forgive if I want to move forward...” On the other hand, others have at last been able to make a step towards peace. Lizzie, a recovering survivor, was proud to be able to tell the audience, “I got healed last year, but I was angry for around 52 years. I’m not angry any more.” Ruth, another survivor, declared, “I made a choice to let go, to be happy for myself.” The hall became heavy with palpable emotion, as hearts cracked open and tears flowed not only among those making testimonies, but also among many people in the audience. The TRC commissioners took the situation seriously, and specially trained aides circulated constantly throughout the room to give support to grieving people. As the last day of the event was drawing to a close, I think everyone was as relieved as I felt on discovering that the final activity scheduled was to end on more joyful note, as all the TRC gatherings traditionally end with an event called the “Birthday Party.” The purpose of this was to honor the survivors in memory of their never being able to celebrate their birthdays while they were children growing up in the residential schools. The party brought all the participants together in a convention hall capable of holding at least one thousand people. The room was packed full! Every single person, non-Native as well as Native, was offered a prettily decorated cupcake and a handmade birthday card (most of the cakes had been baked by church volunteers and the cards drawn by children), while on the stage in front of the room, a group of children and adults carried brightly colored balloons and sang “Happy Birthday” in several languages. At the same time, photos of a big birthday cake and of an exploding fireworks display were projected on a large screen to give a festive atmosphere to the party. We were all enjoying our cupcakes when my attention was suddenly drawn to a quite young Native man slumped in a chair not far from where I was sitting. He was visibly angry, and radiated such an aura of immense pain and aggressiveness that I felt certain he must be the son or grandson of a survivor. Before the party ended, I silently went and placed on his lap a small tobacco tie (a handful of tobacco in a tiny red sack tied with a yellow ribbon) that I happened to have in my pocket. He pretended not to notice, but as soon as I returned to my seat, he picked up my offering and carefully attached the sack onto a bead and bone necklace he was wearing. As the party drew to a close with a final prayer, the young man — who had defiantly remained seated during the prayer — stood up and came to me. He gave me a very gentle hug, murmuring, “You are the very first person in my life who has ever showed me love,” before disappearing into the crowd starting to leave the hall. I never found out his name, but his words will forever be held deep in my crackedopen heart as my most precious memory of the TRC gathering.

Nutrition Response Testing Clinical Nutrition • Animal Chiropractic Applied Kinesiology • Alternative Therapies Long lost friends from a residential school, two women were overjoyed to meet each other again the Archives Room 40 years later!

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401-349-2668 Fax: 401-349-0944 WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 43

Book Reviews By Gail Lord


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Gary Holz, D. SC., with Robbie Holz Secrets of Aboriginal Healing: A Physicist’s Journey with a Remote Australian Tribe Bear & Company, Rochester, VT 2013 Is it possible to board a transcontinental flight with a serious progressive degenerative illness, travel to a distant technologically less advanced land populated with people of unknown language and behavior and return home with a high level of wellness? Physicist Gary Holz normally required empirical evidence before accepting anything, yet as his multiple sclerosis symptoms worsened and doctors told him he had only two years to live, he uncharacteristically followed a single synchronistic suggestion and, nearly paralyzed from the neck down, maneuvered his wheelchair on a flight bound for a remote Australian Aboriginal village. Though family and friends thought he’d lost touch with reality, little did Holz realize that he’d need to actually lose touch with his existing perceived reality to find healing. Secrets of Aboriginal Healing is Holz’s miraculous encounter and transformation working with the medicine wisdom of the first Australian people. Quantum physics and cellular biology are just discovering what the Aboriginal healing system has tapped into for thousands of years; consciousness exists at a cellular level, our cells have feelings and memories, and our bodies may hold something from the past as true even when our conscious mind knows that it is not. Working with a shaman, Holz wrote a new operating manual for his body, mind and spirit. The shamanistic

work included using the law of attraction to release unwanted patterns. Simple language changes empowered Holz, as he replaced “I’m sorry” with “I apologize,” since for him saying the former reinforced that he was ultimately sorry for existing; and “I’ll try” with “I’ll do my best.” Working always for the good and healing of the community, the socalled primitive Aboriginal people often communicate telepathically, sending messages without electronic devices and expensive cell phone plans. (Seems they’ve been using the cloud long before Western corporations started commodifying it!) Through their deeply meditative dreamtime state, connecting to spirit guides and the “Big Guy,” each person in the tribe understands that all intelligence within the entire universe is accessible to them and is contained in each and every being.

Mark Mathew Braunstein Microgreen Garden: Indoor Grower’s Guide to Gourmet Greens Book Publishing Company, Summertown, TN, 2013 When you spy the vibrant colorful packages of gourmet microgreens in the produce aisle do you ever wonder, “Could I grow those delicious, ultraexpensive, oversized seedlings at home?” (You may also wonder if those tender greens were sprouted from treated seeds or were genetically modified!) Microgreen growing expert Mark Braunstein comes to the rescue of all want-to-be indoor year-round homegrowers of young vegetable seedlings, herbs, beans and grains with Microgreen Garden, an amazingly photographed step-by-step

definitive guide that will have you munching on self sown and grown microgreens in no time. Well, actually it takes about four weeks from sowing till harvest. A long-time microgreen-eating vegan, Braunstein knows the tricks and pitfalls for the best harvest, and covers everything from seed sources to planting containers and mixes, and suggests the ten easiest microgreens for beginners. Napa cabbage tops the list, and lettuce is on there, too. Bok choy, also listed, is very easy to grow and the seeds come in many varieties. Eating bok choy microgreens raw may give your taste buds a challenge; traditionally bok choy is eaten mature and cooked, but since these seedlings are so nourishing and quick to grow, Braunstein says, “Embrace the challenge!” Microgreens are best eaten by themselves, raw, but chew them well! A few recipes such as fennel rice balls and a medley salad are tasty options.

to fermenting, to turning a dorm fridge into a wine and cheese refrigerator — is covered in just a few pages. While practical things like food, shelter and clothing are important, so is fun. Mikey rigged a trampoline he found in a dumpster to shoot fireballs. He describes the fire trampoline as “the least useful, most fun thing I could think of making.” It may later be reconfigured into a flaming doorbell.

Vint Virga, DVM The Soul of All Living Creatures: What Animals Can Teach Us About Being Human Crown Publisher, New York, NY, 2013

Wendy Jehanara Tremayne The Good Life Lab: Radical Experiments in Hands-On Living Storey Publishing, N. Adams, MA, 2013 Thirtysomething Wendy Tremayne and her partner Mikey envisioned meaningful work (not jobs) and a lifestyle that wasn’t detrimental to others or to the planet. They didn’t want to be isolated from community, or need a lot of money, or have a life devoid fun. So they created the life they wanted and documented it in The Good Life Lab, a funky, practical and philosophical manual for builders, foragers, makers, homesteaders and anyone else like them looking to live out of the waste stream to craft an enjoyable, responsible and inspired life. Building a home themselves in an abandoned parking lot in New Mexico, their papercrete shelter is powered by a PVC solar array. Like people of just a few generations ago, they make do or do without, so by necessity they’ve learned many “mad skills” such as the herbalism, physics, botany, construction and electronics included in The Good Life Lab. Part diary, part howto manual, part zany inspiration, each of the several dozen projects — from shelter making, to creating a digital homestead,

Ancient scholars maintained that anima — or soul — is the essence of all creatures, human and nonhuman. In The Soul of All Living Creatures veterinarian Vint Virga concurs, and this collection of stories from his years of practice reveals that each animal is a unique soul, with his or her own individual identity, emotions and spirit. Understanding how animal companions express themselves and perceive the world is an opportunity to reflect on our own daily perceptions. Your dog snuggled up with you watching television sees the screen like an old time movie, a series of flashing pictures. Your cat in the window gazes at a post-storm rainbow devoid of greens and reds. Like us, animals grow in ways experienced by all of creation including connection, mindfulness, integrity and forgiveness. Sensitivity and compassion go hand and hand, as displayed by adopted cat sisters Rosalind and Sabrina. At the approach of their exuberant toddler housemate, terrified Sabrina runs, while Rosalind selflessly takes center stage, deflecting attention from her sister kitty. Happily, the toddler loved learning the game of “whisper kitty,” so now both Sabrina and Rosalind enjoy a gentler touch and softer voice.

Gail Lord is a freelance writer living in Massachusetts. Please send book review copies to 51 North Street, Grafton, MA 01519 or email socbookreviewer@gmail. com.

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8 800-745-0761 WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 45

process for preparing and revving-up your New Year’s resolutions. Start the year with well-defined, meaningful goals you can actually accomplish. In Cambridge, 7:00–8:45pm, $15. (617) 479–5443 or

Calendar OF EVENTS

NOVEMBER 11/23 — PSYCHIC AND HOLISTIC FAIRE at Women of Wisdom. North Easton, MA. Psychics, angel readings, mediums, crystal healings, Gaiadon Heart, chair massage, Reiki and more! Sign yourself up for a few appointments and bring your friends! (508) 230-3680. 11/24 — ZUZU’S 8TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY EXPO! Vendors, psychic readers, energy healing, aura photography, free seminars, free raffles! Come spend the day with us. $5 admission, Holiday Inn, Rt 1 North, Peabody, MA. Details at 11/29-12/20 — STRESSBUSTER SESSIONS. Come relax with a 60-minute stressbuster treatment, made up of 30-minutes of relaxation massage followed by 30-minutes of stress-relief acupuncture. Friday evenings between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Reservation required. $45. Body Therapeutics. (508) 853-7500. 11/30 — HOLIDAY FAIR AND EXPO. 11am to 4pm. At the Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism, 32 Church Street, Watertown, MA. Private sessions with certified mediums and healers. Plus aura photography, astrology readings, tarot, massage, reflexology and vendors selling crystals, jewelry and more. Raffles and a silent auction. Pre-book a reading by calling (617) 923-4334 or email

DECEMBER 12/3 — THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF THE SOUL. A book club evening, free and open to the public, 7:00-8:30pm at the Brahma Kumaris Learning Center for Peace, 75 Common Street, Watertown, MA. masachusetts. A second discussion will be held on 12/10. 12/5 — INTRO TO PLANT SPIRIT MEDICINE AND MINI SESSION. Experience the healing gifts of the plant spirits, with Kateri McCue, LSH. Theosophical Society, Arlington, MA, 7:30pm. $10. (978) 877-7367. 12/6-8 — HEALING WEEKEND AT TRUE NORTH HOLISTIC CENTER. Friday 11am-5pm. Private Integrated Healing sessions, Friday 6:30pm-Sunday noon. “Blue Christmas”

46 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

Retreat: Coping with Sadness at the Holidays; Sunday 3-7pm. Public Integrated Reiki™ clinic. Hubbardston, MA (978) 820-1139. 12/6-12/8 — READ AND PLAY MUSIC IN A WEEKEND! World famous seminars turns beginners into musicians, revitalizes and inspires even pro musicians. 169 Mass Ave, Boston. (781) 599-1476 or or 12/7 — REIKI CERTIFICATION. Wilton, NH. Libby Barnett, MSW. 32 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine author. Notebook, pin, certificate awarded. Credit cards accepted. CEU’s/contact hours. Call (603) 654-2787 or Reiki II: 12/8. 12/7 — JOSEPH FIRECROW PLAYS THE FLUTE. 7-8pm the renowned Cheyenne Flute Man will be playing his soulful music for Wisdom of the Ages, $15/person. (860) 651-1172 or for info. Meditation classes and more. 12/7 — FAMILY CONSTELLATION SEMINAR. Jamy and Peter Faust introduce the concepts and teachings of family lineage healing. The seminar is experiential with opportunities to participate in various ways throughout the day. Anyone can benefit, regardless of your relationship with family members or knowledge of family history. They have been leading seminars and trainings in Family Constellations since 2002 and bring their knowledge of 20 years in private practice as professional healers. Saturday: 9:30–6, Belmont, MA. Information and registration: 12/8-12/13 — WESTERN REIKI MASTERS: BE ATTUNED TO CARRY Japan’s Gendai Reiki lineage: Usui MikaoKan’Ichi Taketomi-Kimiko Koyama-Hiroshi Doi-Audrey Pearson. Learn to teach all 4 levels of Japan’s Gendai Reiki Ho. (508) 740-9870 or Facebook: ‘Gendai Reiki America’. 12/9 — ACHIEVING YOUR PERSONAL GOALS GROUP. Beginning 12/9, six monthly meetings. 7-8:30 PM. Focus on your life: your passions, your ambitions, increase awareness, develop an action plan that connects with your core. Move forward. Limited space. Lisa S. Borchetta, Firebird Life Coaching: (508) 366-2003. 12/10 — POWER UP YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS. Kate Rivera, life coach, will teach you a simple

12/13 — INTRODUCTION TO ANTI-GRAVITY YOGA. Learn the basic technique and get comfortable with the Yoga hammock prop. Bring a camera and capture your moment! You’ll learn to fly, hold and balance in challenging yoga poses longer, gain better kinesthetic awareness and build cardiovascular and muscular strength in a safe and supportive environment. 7:15-9pm. $30. Raffa Yoga, Cranston, RI. 12/14 — SOLSTICE JOURNEY CELEBRATION with Journey Dance leader Sherry Lunquist and ceremony holder Deborah D’Onofrio. Presented by Andover women’s spirituality circle. Move and flow through the energy of the winter solstice, connect with the joy of the season and the sacred peace and inner light as you explore your journey through your dance. Then in circle explore winter solstice magic through inspired readings/poetry, reflection, shared discussion, meditation, music, ceremony. 7pm. Sliding scale $25-40. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 6 Locke St., Andover, MA. or (978) 873-1346 to register. 12/14 — REIKI MASTER. Wilton, NH. Libby Barnett, MSW. 32 years experience. Reiki Energy Medicine author. Graduates of other teachers welcome. Call (603) 654-2787 or Reiki Master Teacher: 12/15. 12/14 — HOLISTIC HEALTH AND PSYCHIC FAIR. Sponsored by Canton Spiritualist Church. At The Blue Hills, Canton, MA. (617) 469-2568. 12/19-12/20 — ARCTURIAN HEALING METHOD LEVEL 1 TRAINING. Gene Ang’s method is inspired by higher beings from the star Arcturus. Become attuned to a form of light, energy and information meant to accelerate your evolution and allow you to transmit light to others. Andover, MA. (978) 474-8010. 12/27-12/29 — TAKE A DRUM RIDE with Bob Bloom at Rowe Camp and Conference Center. You’ll get your hands on his colorful cargo of drums at this rock and roll, interactive drumming hoot for adults, seniors, and kids (age 10+). (413) 339-4954.

JANUARY 1/6 — SCHOOLS OF WISDOM OPEN HOUSE. Learn more about the professional development and spiritual enrichment programs offered by Women of Wisdom. N. Easton, MA. (508) 230-3680. 1/14 — POWER UP YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS. Kate Rivera, life coach, will teach you a simple process for preparing and revving-up your New Year’s resolutions. Start the year with well-defined, meaningful goals you can actually accomplish. In Cambridge, 7:00–8:45pm, $15. (617) 479–5443 or 1/15-17 — “SHOES OFF” CORPORATE WOMEN’S RETREAT at True North Holistic Center. R&R retreat for busy corporate women will include rest, relaxation, restorative Yoga, learning stress reduction tools and “Compassionate Coaching,” peer support, and yummy food. Hubbardston, MA. (978) 820-1139.

1/16 — 5-WEEK PERFECT HEALTH/AYURVEDIC LIFESTYLE CLASS. Dates are: January 16, 23, 30 and February 6, 13. Contact Karine Johnston, LICSW, CCA, Certified Chopra Center Instructor. (508) 615-0551 or Visit 1/17 — THERAPEUTICARE OPEN HOUSE. We will be hosting demonstrations on our services throughout the day. 155 Boston Road, Route 30, 1st floor, Southborough, MA. Please check out the events page on our website for complete details: 1/17 — INTRODUCTION TO ANTI-GRAVITY YOGA. Learn the basic technique and get comfortable with the Yoga hammock prop. Bring a camera and capture your moment! You’ll learn to fly, hold and balance in challenging yoga poses longer, gain better kinesthetic awareness and build cardiovascular and muscular strength In a safe and supportive environment. 7:15-9pm. $30. Raffa Yoga, Cranston, RI. 1/17-1/19 — THE TELLING YOUR STORY WORKSHOP. Through writing, dialogue and art, participants in this workshop are given the opportunity to re-tell, re-write and newly respond to their internal life script and the story of their life thus far, and by doing so, draw a larger sense of themselves. Come and join the uplifting energy of this experience! Visit to learn more or to register. (508) 560-6891 or 1/18 — FAMILY CONSTELLATION SEMINAR. Jamy and Peter Faust introduce the concepts and teachings of family lineage healing. The seminar is experiential with opportunities to participate in various ways throughout the day. Anyone can benefit, regardless of your relationship with family members or knowledge of family history. They have been leading seminars and trainings in Family Constellations since 2002 and bring their knowledge of 20 years in private practice as professional healers. Saturday: 9:30–6, Belmont, MA. Information and registration: 1/18: PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT, PAST LIVES AND ANGEL COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP with Ross J. Miller, psychic healer, medium, regression therapist. In this unique, experiential workshop you’ll learn how to identify your guardian angels and spirit guides by name and receive their guidance, healing and inspiration; discover your soul’s life purpose; experience two of your past lives and heal the residual karma from them; give psychic readings to others in class and more. Saturday, 10:00am - 5:00pm, Newton, MA. To register for the workshop or to schedule a psychic or past-life reading or healing session in person or over the phone, visit our website: or call Ross J. Miller (617) 527-3583. 1/19 — HEALING WITH SPIRITUAL LIGHT, 10-5, $140, taught by shamanic energy healer and visionary Leontine Hartzell at Eye of the Eagle Center, Andover, MA. Learn the art of transfiguration to work with pure divine energy. 1/23 — JOIN MATTHEW FRASER, a highly respected medium and psychic, for an odyssey into the spiritual world and reconnect with loved ones across the ultimate divide. Providence, RI. To register visit or call (401) 274-9330.

1/25 — ADVANCED HERBAL TRAINING PROGRAM begins January 25 and meets for seven weekends. This intensive program has three components: diagnostic classes, weekend seminars, and the herbal clinic. We teach facial, tongue, pulse, and nail diagnosis and advanced formulation. Boston School of Herbal Studies, Arlington. (781) 646-6319, 1/26-1/31 — LIGHTWORKERS HEALING METHOD WEEKLONG INTENSIVE at Kripalu. Angelically guided energy healing. Be who your soul wants you to be. Experience the joy! Social workers, massage therapists, yoga teachers: 30 CE hours. 1/30-2/4 — MARCONIC RECONNECTION PRACTITIONER TRAINING EVENT (CEUs) . A unique opportunity to study with the team at the home of Marconics, and experience the magic of Martha’s Vineyard, in this all inclusive event! 4-star, harborside hotel accommodation included! Marconic ‘No-Touch’ Practitioner Certification: $300 (two nights based on two people sharing). Marconic Reconnection Practitioner Certification: $700 (three nights based on two people sharing). “Marconics is the evolution of energy healing for the fifth dimensional being.” Visit or (508) 560-5709.

FEBRUARY 2/13 — LIVE ON-LINE: NINE SIMPLE LAWS TO CREATE JOY AND GRACE. Guided study with the book’s author. Internationally renowned medical intuitive, healer, author Sue Singleton’s near-death experience provided invaluable insights into the universal laws and how the universe works. Join Sue for her 7-session experiential journey. Thrive beyond the law of attraction! Activate successful manifestation using the other 8 laws. Learn the law for heightened intuition; transform dislikes into loves with the law of gratitude; experience the laws’ energy frequencies using sacred geometry from the Singletons’ unique Stone Play™ crystal layouts; feel the resonance of their innovative BioMorphic Geometry™ technology. 1st session is free. Register (978) 834-0341. 2/21-2/23 — THE TELLING YOUR STORY WORKSHOP. Through writing, dialogue and art, participants in this workshop are given the opportunity to re-tell, re-write and newly respond to their internal life script and the story of their life thus far, and by doing so, draw a larger sense of themselves. Come and join the uplifting energy of this experience! Visit to learn more or to register. (508) 560-6891 or

UPCOMING 3/1 — 101 WAYS TO USE BIOMORPHIC GEOMETRY BALANCE CARDS. Healer-visionary Aaron Singleton teaches you to apply Biomorphic Geometry (BMG) Balance Prototypes in your daily life. The BMG Balance card is thoroughly demonstrated. A unique feature of the Balance design is how it creates a carrier wave to transmit the holographic imprinting of other substances or tools into the body. BMG Balance easily clears physical, emotional and energetic imbalances from our body, torus and bioplasmic fields. Experience personal healing and amazing transfor-

12/27-12/29 — Bob Bloom is bringing a colorful cargo of drums to Rowe Camp & Conference Center for you to “Take A Drum Ride.” See December listing or

mation with this new energy technology. Register (978) 834-0341. 3/2 — VIBRATIONAL LIGHT HEALING TRAINING, 4 Sundays: 3/2, 4/6, 5/4, 6/8, $575, at Eye of the Eagle Center in Andover, MA, accessible by commuter rail. Taught by shamanic visionary Leontine Hartzell. Learn to work with sound, light rays and frequencies for healing. 3/8-3/9 — WOMEN’S GETAWAY WEEKEND 2014. Ashworth by the Sea, Hampton Beach, NH. Workshops, laughter, fun and escape! Relax, rejuvenate, renew! Take time for you! Register at The Joy Source: womens-spring-weekend-2014/. 3/15-16 — THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN®. Wakefield, RI. Nan Moss and David Corbin. The Foundation for Shamanic Studies basic workshop, prerequisite for all Foundation programs. Contact or (401) 782-2126. Visit 3/23 — HERBAL APPRENTICESHIP. Start of a nine-month herbal apprenticeship program guiding you into the very heart of herbalism, using as its base curriculum written by Rosemary Gladstar. Meets one Sunday a month in Boylston, MA. For more information contact Scentsibilities, (508) 869-3300,

continues on page 48 WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 47

CALENDAR | continues from page 47 3/27 — STRESS MANAGEMENT AND RELAXATION WORKSHOP with Harry Kroner CPC, CHT. Northboro, MA. 2-5pm. Learn practical methods and enjoy experiential exercises and meditations. Call or email to sign up now. (508) 740-9745. 3/29 — CHUNPI WORKSHOP. Learn the Andean tradition of weaving the body’s living energy belts and opening the eyes of perception within them. Details and pre-registration: or (508) 435-2681. 6/4-6/9 — AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS 54TH CONVENTION OF METAPHYSICS AND DOWSING. Lyndonville, VT. 5 days of over 70 lectures, workshops and schools. (802) 684-3417. 6/6-6/9 — MARTHA’S VINEYARD HEALING RETREAT. 4 days, 3 nights. $1195. Early bird by 4/14/14 for $995. Reconnect with nature using aromatherapy, crystals, Qi Gong, and meditation. Contact Erik at or John at (860) 593-8397 ..

ONGOING SACRED SONG REIKI/CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL MEDITATIONS with Priscilla Gale appearing monthly at Flowforms Yoga in Worcester, MA. December 13, January 3, February 7. Visit for times or phone (508) 752-4700. Also available for private sessions. TAI CHI CHUAN. Classes in Yang style Tai Chi Chuan, both group and private, held at Gin Soon Tai Chi Club, the oldest school teaching Tai Chi Chuan in the greater Boston area. Classes held Monday-Thursday 11-1. Evenings from 4-8. Saturdays 1-4. 33 Harrison Ave, 2nd floor, Boston, MA. (617) 542-4442. INTRODUCTION TO MEDITATION. A five-week introductory course presenting basic information and techniques related to meditation. This course can be followed by our Mantra meditation and other ongoing courses related to Advaita philosophy and meditation. Begins Jan. 8 and Feb. 12, 2014 at the Advaita Meditation Center, 28 Worcester La., Waltham. (781) 647-0020. See for more details.

and Melissa Belliard circle holders. Meets monthly in 3 session quarterly series. 1/15, 2/5, 3/12. $75/series, early-bird discount $10 off. or (978) 873-1346 to register. ONGOING FREE WOMEN’S POTLUCK PLUS! DINNER. 2nd Wednesday of each month. True North Holistic Center and Retreat House, Hubbardston, MA. 6:30-9pm. See full schedule of True North’s calendar online at (978) 820-1139. SHAMANIC DRUMMING CIRCLE founded 1993. Usually second and fourth Fridays of every month. 7pm. Quaker Meetinghouse, Cambridge, MA. Open to all, instruction available on website: Terrence (978) 952-2704 or Emily (781) 641-3980. A GATHERING OF SPIRITS: ADVANCED INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT SERIES OR INTENSIVE. Calling all intuitives, healers, channels, energy/bodyworkers, yogis, artists, coaches and those who are ready to increase, expand and refine their intuitive abilities in dynamic ways, tap their inner wisdom resources, gain trust in their guidance and be with others developing solid working relationships with spirit and their inner knowing. Work with accelerated energies we’ll manifest in circle together, draw in teachers, guides specific to advancing your soul blueprint/purpose, hone skill through raising energetic vortex, meditation, messagework, light/sound, channeled guidance, card readings and more. One day intensives: 11/16 and 1/11/14, $99 11am-3pm, or series 11/20, 12/11,1/8, 2/12, 7:30pm, $30/class or $110 prepay. Includes take home crystal infused with the class’s energetic signature. Andover, MA. (978) 873-1346 or WELLNESS ROUNDTABLE HOLISTIC PRACTITIONERS NETWORKING GROUP. Please join us at our monthly meetings, second Wednesday each month in Northboro, MA. Stay inspired and create collaborative professional relationships. A welcoming community working for the greater health and well-being of all. Contact

INTEGRATED REIKI™CLINIC, Evoking Alchemy, LLC. Experience and learn about the supportive effects of Integrated Reiki™ toward physical, emotional, mental, energetic wellbeing. Sundays monthly 3-7pm at True North, Hubbardston, MA. Schedule at CLASSES IN CHANNELING AND SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION with Vywamus, a teacher of higher consciousness, channeled by Andrea Seiver. Have a personal reading, join Learn to Channel, other classes, enjoy Evening with Vywamus December 5. (617) 332-1541, PRANIC HEALING PRIVATE HEALINGS. Level 1 workshops, review classes: Jan 18/19 and Feb 15/16. Intros at ongoing Thursday night meditations. North Andover, MA. Miriam Smith, certified healer and teacher. (978) 807-1634. BACK TO BASICS WHOLE FOODS MONTHLY GROUP CLEANSE with holistic health coach Laurie Driggers. All whole foods. No supplements. No fancy machines needed. Full support. Begins December 9, January 6, February 17. Full details online at THE ECLECTIC INSTITUTE OF AROMATHERAPY AND HERBAL STUDIES offers The Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies offers: Level II Aromatherapy Certification, Arlington, MA 1/18. Level II Aromatherapy Certification, Swansea, MA, 1/25. Aromatherapy workshop, Herbal Community of Central, MA, 1/26. Soapmaking, Arlington, MA 2/9. ONLINE DISTANT REIKI HEALING RETREATS. Receive distant Reiki two times per day for 7, 14 or 21 days. Plus receive a PDF of meditations, affirmations and more. Dates ongoing. Starting at $99! PRACTICAL MEDITATION COURSE. Spiritual understanding about the self, the source and the world around us. Simple techniques to enhance your meditation. Free of charge. Evening and weekend options. Call (617) 547-1110 or see

YOGALIFE INSTITUTE OF NH. 200- and 500-Hour Yoga teacher training programs starting the first weekend of each month. Join our yoga community as we study, practice, and share the transformative benefits of Yoga. Exeter, NH. (603) 969-8968, BOSTON SCHOOL OF HERBAL STUDIES. Arlington and Lincoln, MA. Affordable, evening and weekend classes, aromatherapy certification courses, herbal apprenticeship programs and advanced training. Call (781) 646-6319 or see LUNA RHYTHMS FULL MOON CIRCLE. We will gather for a full moon ceremony each month, exploring her monthly travels through the astrological signs, diving into lunar lore and myth with themed discussions, meditation, and manifesting ritual working with various magical associations such as: color, stone, herb, candle etc. Come celebrate your luna rhythms and flow in a nurturing, sacred, non-judgmental, empowering community of women! Deborah D’Onofrio

48 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

1/7 — Jamy and Peter Faust facilitate Family Constellations seminars monthly at Healing Arts of Belmont, Belmont, MA. They have been leading seminars and trainings in family lineage healing since 2002. See December 7 or January 18 listings or visit

new england’s

Holisticdirectory winter 2013

Categories • Acupuncture and Asian Medicine . . . 49

• Classes, Certifications & Schools . 51-53

• Healing: Combined Modalities ..56-57

• Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-59

• Astrological Consulting . . . . . 49-50

• Coaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

• Herbs and Gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

• Retreats and Retreat Centers . . . 59

• Bookstores and Gift Shops . . . . . 50

• Consciousness Transformation . . . 53

• Holistic Medical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

• Spiritual Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

• Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-51

• Counseling and Therapy . . . . . . . . 54

• Homeopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

• Salons and Spas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

• Children's Health Services . . . . . . 51

• Healing and Bodywork . . . . . . 55-56

• Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

• Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness . . . . . . . 59

Acupuncture & Asian Medicine Patricia Smith Burkhart, MAC, LIC. AC.

Gentle relief from: • stress and pain • medication side effects • chronic health problems

I look forward to alleviating your suffering. Whether your issue is chronic pain, allergies, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, plantar fascitis, golfer’s elbow, infertility, uterine fibroids, menopausal symptoms, insomnia, a compromised immune system, or a host of other problems, I can help you. Call for a free “meet and greet” appointment. 259 Mass Ave., Arlington, MA Free parking in rear. 781.648.0911

Blue Lotus Healing Arts is dedicated to mind/body healing, education and wellness. First, to heal pain and illness; second, to maintain wellness and live strong and clear; lastly, to clear blocks in your life so you can manifest your gifts and joy. This is our vision of health for you.

5-element Acupuncture & more Nature’s Path to Healing & Personal Transformation

Acupuncture Plus Yoga

To make an appointment, call 617-965-6440. 70 Athelstane Rd, Flr #2, Newton Ctr, MA

Acupuncture of Worcester Holistic Health since 1974

Dr. Yvonne Chen, Lic. Acupuncturist One of the first practicing acupuncturists in the United States, Dr. Yvonne Chen began her acupuncture practice in Washington, D.C. in 1973, moving to Worcester one year later. Trained in China as a medical doctor, Dr. Chen’s years of study and research included in-depth work with both traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Her approach to health incorporates keen knowledge on the nature of disease, use of

Specialties include: anxiety, mild to moderate depression, back pain, migraines, and infertility, as well as other health issues. We also specialize in facial rejuvenation (micro-current facial) and offer non-needle options. Bryn has over 22 years experience. Available weekdays and weekends by appointment. 481 Great Road #6, Acton, MA 01720 S 978-266-9889 S

Located at 110 June Street, Worcester, MA 01602. For an appointment or for more information, please contact Dr. Yvonne Chen at 508-755-5557.

Astrological Consulting


Questions? Treatments and classes for healing all stress-related ailments, sports injuries, women’s health issues and more

energy balancing, nut­ritional counseling and the promotion of spiritual well-being. Acupuncture is especially effective in the treatment of: • Pain: migraine headaches, stress relief, tendonitis, arthritis, lower back pain, neuralgia, whiplash, accident and trauma injuries and TMJ syndrome • Improving bodily functions: respiratory ailments, insomnia and impotency • Nervous system disorders: Bell’s Palsy, paralysis, multiple sclerosis and stroke recovery • Behavioral changes: weight control and smoking cessation.

Astrologer Eric Linter has answers. Changes in relationships, career, health, finances or spiritual practice are inevitable. Eric’s clarity will help you stay on the right path. His insights help you better understand and appreciate life’s challenges. His clients say Eric Linter is “profound and enlightening” and “one of the best astrologers on the East Coast.”

Eric, a professional astrologer for 25 years, works with individuals, couples and businesses. Specialties include career moves, personal creativity and karmic relationships. Consultations are available in person, by telephone, or on cassette. Eric also offers classes, lectures and appearances at parties and special events. For more information and to schedule a private session, contact Eric by email or call: X 508-541-4115 X

“I learned more from one session than I did from 5 years of analysis.” - J.G., Cambridge, MA

Astrological Consulting continued

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 49

Astrological Consulting continued



Esoteric Psychology Monique Pommier, M.A., Ph.DE

Astrology illuminates one’s psychological landscape and journey. It times life developments and reveals their designs for the soul. I offer astrological services and ongoing psychospiritual counseling with astrology, Jungian and esoteric psychology as a comprehensive ground of exploration and guidance

on current issues and lifelong questionings. By accessing the deeper order of your life, you gain transformative insights into the evolutionary meaning of particular challenges and new perspectives to direct your choices. My background includes an MS and PhD in Esoteric Psychology and Philosophy. Jungian psychology, Eastern and Western Traditions are key foundations in my approach. I have been in practice for 25 years. U Astrological Consultations U U Psychospiritual Counseling U 617-524-7072

Discover Our Natural Approach To Wellness Rehabilitative Chiropractic S Massage Health Coaching S Whole Body Vibration RE-SIZE ME (diet/weight loss) S Reiki Polarity Therapy S Mud Therapy S Yoga Free Health Lectures S ReBound Exercise Meditation Classes S Product Store Senior Classes

Bookstores and Gift Shops Ritual Supplies G Crystals G Gemstones Jewelry G Incense G Candles G Gifts

78 N. Washington St, N. Attleborough, MA

Our unique, natural approach will get you the results you want. Call us to find out if we can help you. 201 Boston Post Rd West, Marlborough MA 508-460-0091

We are a nonprofit Center devoted to teaching meditation and exploring Advaita, the spiritual tradition of self-realization. To learn more about us, go to our website or visit us at our lovely, historic house in Waltham.

Witch Owned and Operated

Mediums and Spiritual Counselors on staff Various classes and workshops!

Within our 9,000 sq. foot office, we have multiple synergistic therapies designed to help you find relief from migraine headaches, fatigue, neuropathies, arthritis, sleep problems, weight and digestion troubles, sinus, anxiety, sport injuries, neck and back pain, just to name a few.

Ample parking and wheelchair accessibility. Wednesday Evening Open Meditation Introductory Classes Reading Groups and other Activities

28 Worcester Lane, Waltham, MA 02451 G 781-647-0020


Wish your health care providers would work together to better understand the whole YOU? That’s what we do. All of our practitioners meet in a weekly Round Table to do just that. The result? More comprehensive treatment for you.

Crystals G Books G Jewelry G Statuary Incense G Gifts and More! Psychic Readings G Reiki G IET Chair Massage G Classes Workshop and Events

Metaphysical Shop

122 West Emerson St., Melrose, MA G 781-665-8844



Acupuncture Therapeutic Massage Nutrition Counseling Chiropractic Custom Orthotics

Therapeutic Services and Classes

Certification Programs Include: Holistic Training, Earth Medicine, Reiki, Psychic Studies, Hypnotherapy, Gaiadon Heart, IET, workshops & much more HOLISTIC HEALing Center

Usui & Karuna Reiki G Hypnotherapy BARS G Massage G Crystal Healing Integrated Energy Therapy G Ear Coning Inner Child Healing

Additional Specialized Services

T Oncology Massage

Professional Holistic Care for Everybody Fitchburg, MA T 978-665-5800

50 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

T Complete Decongestive Therapy for treatment of lymphedema Thanks to our volunteers and Angie’s Spa Cancer Foundation, some of the above therapies are available free to patients in our cancer center.

102 Shore Drive, Worcester, MA 508.853.7500


Acupuncture T Massage T Reiki Reflexology T Stress Management Tai Chi and Qigong T Yoga T Nutrition Tong Ren T Feng Shui T Laughter Yoga Strength Training T Breathwork Reiki Classes T Reiki Shares

Central Massachusetts’ only hospital-based complementary care center

Insurance Accepted! Most insurance plans accepted for acupuncture, chiropractic & nutrition counseling. We accept all health flex spending cards for ALL of our services.

gift shop

Unique Jewelry G Healing Tools G Statues Crystal Bowls G Ritual Items G Angels Psychic and Medium

Hours: M-F 10 am-8 pm, S/S 10 am-6 pm 118 Washington Street, N. Easton, MA 508-230-3680

self-esteem, guide them in learning to relate effectively with others and foster their natural enthusiasm for learning.


Center for Complementary Medicine and Holistic Therapies

Full-time, part-time and hourly space available for rent.

Acupuncture Chiropractic Colon Hydrotherapy Massage Couples Counseling Hypnotherapy Reiki EMDR Psychotherapy Reflexology 214 Market Street, Brighton, MA 02135 617-787-3511

Bodywork and Readings

Massage Z Cranial-Sacral Z Reiki Z Polarity Full Spectrum Healing Z Angel Readings Spiritual Counseling Z Psychic Readings

S Child-centered preschool program S Nurturing, small group setting

limited openings available 2013-2014 school year At Small Miracles Preschool the unique spirit of each child is acknowledged and cherished. Our mission is to provide a loving, supportive environment where children thrive in an atmosphere of security and mutual respect. We strive to nurture children’s

Eclectic Institute

Yoga Z Tai-Chi, NIA Z Journey Dance Qi Gong Z Crystal Bowl Workshops Psychic Development Classes Z Meditations Healer Training Programs

of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies

Host your event here!

508 533-0669 Z

Our two gorgeous workshop rooms are available for rent by the hour and the day. Charming, light filled practitioner rooms are also available for rent. Reasonable rates!

Instructor Linda Patterson offers over 20 years of experience in the science, art and principles of herbalism and aromatherapy.


Largest New Age Store in New England

Hot Power Yoga and Gentle Yoga Classes YOGA TEACHER TRAINING

Huge selection of health-related products, jewelry and metaphysical needs

Dorchester, Roslindale, Easton, Westwood, Canton, Braintree, No. Attleboro, No.Scituate, Plymouth, Duxbury, Hingham, Weymouth, Hanover, E. Bridgewater

395 Washington Street, Braintree, MA Store open daily, 9 am - 9 pm, 7 days a week u 781-843-8224

Children's Health Services

Empowering Youth to Take Charge of Their Health

S Is school a struggle? S Do you feel lost and disconnected from your life? S Do you feel like you don’t have a say in your

health? S Do you know you can feel better than you do

but are not sure how? S Need more energy and focus?

Massage | Aesthetics Polarity | RYSE

Private Readings Tarot, Psychic or Mediumship Telephone Readings or Walk-Ins

200 & 500 Hours u 14 Yoga Studio Locations

Peter Berg, Ed.D, HMHC, CHHC, coaches and helps to empower youth ages 10-19 and young adults to take charge of their health and become masters of their lives without diets, medication or suppressing their inner voice. Health is about maintaining a balance of mind, body and spirit. Our minds, bodies and spirits want to be whole and are constantly moving towards balance. Let’s work together to tap into your natural ability to be healthy, happy and in charge of your life. Virtual and in-person programs: Group coaching S One-on-one coaching School and Educator Programs Workshops S Presentations 603-573-6433

based curriculum S Ages 2.9 to 5 S Two or three days, 9 am - 1 pm (5-day

option available) Ellen Kerstein, M.S. in Ed S Holliston, MA S 508-429-5764

Classes, Certifications & Schools

Classes and Workshops

163 Main St., Suite 6, Medway, MA 02053

S Developmentally appropriate, standards-

Ipswich • Plymouth • Westboro You deserve an education that honors who you are and who you are becoming. A great education is spiritually transforming: You overcome your limitations and realize your highest potential, at the same time you learn the foundation and skills to succeed. Excellent education is not by chance; it comes from years of listening to employers, graduates and students to find the best way to teach the most valuable information to make you successful. As a leader in energy medicine and

ChangeYour Life Workshops with Ed Langan

Ongoing certification courses offered throughout the northeast including: ✴ 7-Month Herbal Certification ✴ 4-Month European-Based Aromatherapy Introduction ✴ 4-Month Advanced Aromatherapy Course ✴ 3-Month Conscious Nutrition Course ✴ Palmistry a tool of diagnoses 978-297-4502

energy based education since 1980, Nancy Risley recognizes that your education is a transformational healing process. As a successful therapist, author and teacher, her vision is to help you realize your dream of work that is creative and supports all aspects of who you are. Whether you work in a spa, clinic, or have your own business, you gain the required skills to create satisfaction as well as increased flexibility, control and income. The next step to fulfilling your future is to call for a no obligation, information interview with our Career Advisor. We look forward to meeting you and learning about your future. Programs take from 4 to 12 months, depending on your schedule: Full-time, mother’s hours or part-time evenings. Accredited. Licensed. Financial Aid available for qualified students. 800-262-8530 v

These leading-edge workshops are taught by Ed Langan, author of Creating with the Law of Attraction: 10 Principles that will Change Your Life. “Ed was very good at explaining the key points and keeping it simple. It was very positive and uplifting.” — D.A.

Learn how to use the Law of Attraction to create whatever you desire:

Ready to Change?


For times, dates and descriptions of the workshops South of Boston visit:


Attract money Improve relationships F Achieve better self-esteem

Ed is also available for coaching. Classes, Certifications and Schools continued

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 51

Classes, Certifications and Schools continued

The (W)hole Point Institute The heart of The Wisdom WAY™ is the point at which our psychology intersects with our spirituality. This point is the space in which we awaken — for real. Alaya Chadwick has drawn on her 28+ years of experience to develop The Wisdom WAY™, a personal, practical, self-sustainable map and method for personal and spiritual growth. Found in The Wisdom WAY™ are the tools you can use to Walk Awake saying Yes to life. Oftentimes we feel like we are simply sleepwalking through life. We find ourselves responding to people and experiences as if we are on “auto pilot.” We can feel like we have little energy or joy in our lives. We may wonder, “How do we wake up?” The Wisdom WAY™ is the skeleton found inside most healing modalities, including conventional therapy and alternative practices. What makes this WAY different is that you are the expert. By following the map using your own life experiences, you unravel the mysteries of yourself and reveal the wonder you truly are on all levels — emotional, physical, and spiritual.

The (W)hole Point Institute offers a wide range of self-development experiences, healing opportunities, and empowerment trainings for individuals and couples or partners. These workshops are both experiential and educational and are offered in group and/or one-on-one settings. Additionally, there are intensive apprenticeship programs which offer personal in-depth study. 2-Day Intensive (W)hole Workshops Learn practical tools to reveal your own unique pathway to (W)holeness. 2-Day PAIRing™ Workshops (People Activating Intimate Relating™) Open to couples and singles, this workshop is for those who wish to bring their relationships to a deeper level of self-appreciation and intimate union. One-on-One (W)hole Life Coaching Relationship Intensives for Couples Awakening Divinity Apprenticeship Reiki Level I and II classes Learn this ancient healing art to support yourself and those around you. …and much, much more! NASW-approved CEU’s available

New England’s Premier Personal Growth and

Energy Medicine Practitioner Certificate Program

The Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine is for anyone who is ready to take a quantum leap into their personal power to create conscious relationships and passionbased careers and businesses by living fearlessly and finding their deepest purpose in life. We work with people who are successful and heart-centered, and feel deeply that there is something big missing in their life, but they can’t quite put their finger on it.

Author of: Wake up to your (W)hole Life Raymond, NH r 603-895-4530

Energy workers : Learn advanced protocols for applying therapeutic gems


Classes begin in June with six amazing full weekend retreats starting in October and running through May. For more information: F 508-740-3038

B American Massage Therapy Association Member

Sacred Stone School for Allied Massage& Ayurveda: S.A.M.A. SAMA is a consciousness-based massage school inspired by the matrix between science and art; where ancient wisdom meets modern medicine; where massage,

exclusively or incorporated into your healing practice. Two-year certification program. To learn more, or for free home study course and more information including course descriptions, certification requirements, and links to online videos and teleseminars, please visit:

Master the Rhys Method Life Purpose Profiles, Chakras, and 12 Gateways of Consciousness F Create conscious relationships & inspired careers F Be a leader in the field of energy medicine F Become part of a larger spiritual community F

Ayurveda and yoga reunite. Our seaside Newport campus in Rhode Island provides a beautiful space for students to enliven and amplify the natural intelligence of the healing process within others and within themselves.

“Alaya Chadwick is able to put ‘hands and feet’on extremely complex concepts in a way which connects them to the living reality of everyday life.” — Martha Harrell, MSN, Ph.D. Elizabeth “Alaya” Chadwick M.Div., MSW., L.I.C.S.W., Reiki Master,

We show them how to access their deepest calling and the extraordinary power that is often hidden deep within them, so they can be inspirational lights in the world today. This is an amazing transformational personal growth program which will also provide you with the best, cutting edge tools and healing technology. Our program offers you the opportunity to:

• 200 and 500 Hour Classical Yoga Teacher Training • Meditation Training • Yoga classes offered daily

B National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) pending approval B Approved by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage 79 Thames St., Newport, RI B 877-832-1372

Join our yoga community as we study, practice and share the transformative benefits of Yoga. All levels of ability and experience are welcome to an environment that is safe and open to diversity in body, mind and spirit. Therapeutic, scientific and heartcentered in our approach, we unite in our desire to understand and live Yoga’s five branches.

• Monthly Workshops

Julie Rost, Director

• Weekend Intensives

8 Clifford Street, Exeter, NH v 603-479-3865

• Yoga Therapy Training

New England Institute of Reflexology & Universal Studies v Professional Reflexology Certification and Approved Continuing Education in Reflexology, Massage, and Reiki v Integrative techniques give students a strong foundation and create a balanced treatment style v Students qualify as professional therapists upon completion

52 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

v Courses meet state and national standards; CE’s approved from ARCB and NCBTMB. School is licensed by Commonwealth of MA, Dept. of Education

Affordable Herbal Education Throughout the Year

Intensive 7 Month Herbal Apprenticeships Training with Facial, Tongue, and Pulse Diagnosis ❖ Aromatherapy Certification ❖ Weekend Intensives and Evening Classes

Our goal is to act as a bridge between complimentary and conventional medicine through the training of qualified holistic practitioners. Join us!

❖ Advanced

~ Now teaching Reflexology at ~ All That Matters in Wakefield, RI Cortiva Massage School in Watertown, MA v 508-317-3044 v

upcoming Herbal Classes

For more information on all of our classes, see Arlington, MA ❖ 781.646.6319

Advanced Aromatherapy begins Jan. 18 Advanced Herbal Training begins Jan. 25 The Ancient Art of Soap Making – Feb. 9 Addressing Lyme Disease – Feb. 13 Healing Depression – Feb. 20

Intensive starting in July of 2014. It consists of three intense 4-day weekends in July, August and September. We have offered this training for 34 years in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts. Full program information is available on our web site.

The Synthesis Center Professional Training in Psychosynthesis Psychosynthesis is a holistic, transpersonal model of human development integrating psychology and spirit in the healing arts. The Center offers two professional training programs in psychosynthesis for all helping professionals and students. The Psychosynthesis Professional Training Program teaches psychosynthesis theory, the principles of holistic psychology and the process of psychological and spiritual development. It provides an in-depth theoretical and practical training as well as intensive personal, professional and spiritual growth in a face-to-face setting. This training is open to those actively engaged in or studying the helping professions. This is a comprehensive three-year program that leads to certification as a Certified Psychosynthesis Practitioner (CPP). CEU’s for social work and mental health counseling are available. The next Level I training is our Summer

The Will to Grow: Transformational Life Coaching is a nationally certified, coach training program, offered for the first time in the fall of 2012. This program trains people in psychosynthesis coaching and leads to a Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC) certification through the Center and to the prestigious and nationally certified Board Certified Coach (BCC). The program is offered via teleconference, live sessions or independent study formats and prepares people to work in the expanding field of life and business coaching and its many variations. The training process is deep and rich, supporting the coach trainee in stepping fully into the field, through personal and shared processes, didactic training and on-going cocoaching practice. Free Introductory sessions for our programs will be offered in the spring and summer of 2014, both as teleconferences and in-person sessions in both Amherst, MA and Brattleboro, VT. The Synthesis Center e Amherst, MA e 413-256-0772

Coaching Co-Active

Life Coaching W i t h K at e R i v e r a , C P C C

The life you want is waiting for you.

You have everything inside you to fulfill your dreams and desires—to live a life of authentic happiness and fulfillment. We all do. But sometimes we need a little support to make it happen. This is where having a coach can be useful. A life coach can help you bring your strengths, talents, and fullest self-expression to the surface. I’m a skilled and experienced life coach and I’d like to help you. The integration of body, mind and spirit is essential for creating grounded and sustainable change. This integrative dimension is the focus of my coaching. My 25 years of holistic bodywork, mindfulness practice, and coaching training/practice support us as we work together to

effectively design a program that’s right for you—a program that will help you use your strengths and talents to best express yourself, achieve your goals and have the life you want. Call or email today to schedule a free consultation. We’ll talk about how life coaching can best help you realize your dreams and desires.

A strengths-based, forward-looking approach that will help you develop strategies to move aspirations into actionable plans. “I believe each of us has at our core a fundamental sense of self and we are at our happiest and most productive when our day-to-day lives align with this inner core.”

lisa borchetta, macp, cmc, aCC Are you... In transition: divorce, career change, etc.? Seeking clarity and re-connection with your core? Pursuing personal and professional goals? Actualize the change you seek.

Lisa Borchetta is a Certified Mentor Coach and an IFC Certified Life and Executive Coach, public speaker, coach-trainer, teacher and published writer, with a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. Schedule a complimentary half-hour telephone session! Individual and Group Sessions In person / Telephone / Skype Firebird Life Coaching r 508-366-2003

Consciousness Transformation Andrea Seiver, Ph.D. Channeled Readings Classes Have you spoken with an ascended master recently? Vywamus, channeled by Andrea Seiver, is a master and teacher who is working to help all humans make the shift into the higher levels of consciousness. Readings with Vywamus cover your life work, relationships, past lives, and other

issues with his characteristic warmth, humor, and practical advice. Channeled Classes and Spiritual Tutoring help you personally evolve and begin to live in a state of higher consciousness. Evenings with Vywamus: Vywamus shares his energy and discusses your questions on topics of general interest. Donation $10. Other Classes: Learn to Channel • Advanced Channeling For information, contact Andrea at 617-332-1541 • Available Now! The Next Big Bang: The Explosion of Human Consciousness A Vywamus Book Read more at

Testimonials Kate was the perfect supporter. She helped me to see myself and believe in my value. She created a safe space for me to dream big, take risks and get to where I needed to go. — LB, Dir. of International Enrollment, major university

Working with Kate enabled me to leave a secure and ‘good enough’ job to create the work I really love. — MG, Designer of kids yoga programs The models Kate and I developed for self awareness, decision making, and time and energy management fueled and sustained the confidence I needed to succeed in my new role. — AW, Asst. Dir. of Charitable Giving, major corporation

Kate Rivera, CPCC Certified Professional Life Coach

Member: International Coaching Federation

Transformational Healer


Spiritual Teacher Kristin Kirk After experiencing a dramatic shift in consciousness, Kristin began healing within the multidimensional soul and universe. She works in unison with a team of spirit guides to transform the soul by releasing layers of density, old trauma, and conditioning, that have hindered a brighter and clearer expression of the Radiant Self.

This may occur as soul clearing, past life and current life healing, emotional and mental release, balancing of subtle energetic anatomy, integration of multidimensional consciousness, embodiment support, and channeled guidance. With 20 years in practice, Kristin offers healing sessions, both long distance, and locally, for individuals, couples, groups, pets, loved ones, and those who have passed on. She also offers ‘Journey Into Awakening’, a transformational and educational series to support and facilitate the awakening process.



617-479-5443 S

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 53

Holistic Counseling Concepts

Learn perspectives for living and loving that expect opportunities even during challenging times. You can’t thrive on problems but you can thrive on the wisdom, understanding and compassion gained from them.

Life Coaching

Trish Whynot, D.C.Ed.

Improve motivation, accomplish tasks & more

Doctor of C.O.R.E. Education

Dr. Trish Whynot is a holistic counselor, speaker and author of “Why Me? Why Now? WHY NOT? Finding Opportunity in Your Obstacles.” Visit for ordering information.

Counseling and Therapy Holistic Psychotherapy & Life Coaching Lori Miller-Freitas, LICSW

Using extensive professional experience to resolve issues related to: Trauma, Grief, PTSD, Anxiety and Phobias, ADD.

Get to the core — Transform your life! You are on this earth to be happy and realize your true potential.

Certifications: LICSW, EMDRIA Approved Consultant, National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists. Visa/MC acccepted.

EMDR TAT Hypnosis Reiki I use a combination of traditional, body centered and energy therapies to increase the speed and deepen the level of holistic healing.

294 Pleasant St. R Ste. 103B R Stoughton, MA

Helping People

Weekly Group and Various Workshops Offered

Glenn utilizes heart-centered therapeutic techniques, and at times powerfully combines hypnosis and psychotherapy. This method is safe, effective and faster than using only talk therapy. The results will amaze you! You’ll notice a huge change in your life as he works with you to make your goals a reality. Don’t wait! Call now to set up your FREE initial consultation. It’s time to create the change you desire.

Conveniently located near the commuter rail in Needham. Just a short drive from Rte. 128/I-95 617-462-6642




Live Better Lives Glenn Bigonet, M.A. Mental Health Counselor Clinical Hypnotherapist

Center of the Heart Whole Health Integration

Joan Holzman, Psy. D. Lic. Psychologist, Lic. Marriage and Family Therapist Dance/Movement Therapist From the time we are very young we take life’s experiences to heart. Over time we may forget our core, hurts and feelings, but they remain with us. Our heartfelt experiences help shape our sense of self and our interactions with others.

Barbara Madden Johnson M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C. Do you have a belief that, inside of you, you have the potential that yearns to be released? For most, a fleeting glimpse is all they’ll ever have. For others, there is a way. Just imagine…releasing your true potential. Work­ing together, one-on-one, you can over-

54 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

Dr. Trish Whynot’s way incorporates

Holistic Psychotherapy/Clinical Consultation 781-297-2003

I offer a variety of modalities such as: EMDR, Sandtray Therapy, Relaxation Techniques, Therapeutic Movement & Psychotherapy to help heal our core issues and attain a more integrated sense of health and well being. I look forward to meeting you. Client Comments: s Sandtray – “Sand tray therapy helped me see my life more clearly.”

ASAT™ C.O.R.E. Counseling, meditative

techniques and wise guidance that comes through the Mineral Kingdom. Eliminate the root of physical, social, and financial problems: Discover, address, and release issues blocking health and wealth. G View relationship discord and illness as opportunities for growth and change. G Open to an array of extraordinary futures. G

Body-Centered Psychotherapy Listen to your body…follow your heart. The heart is the first organ to form in the body, and is the organizing factor for physical formation, including brain formation. Trauma, deprivation or neglect creates heart wounds, which keep us from accessing our deepest selves. Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) facilitates an emotional, energetic rewiring, helping us activate and express the power of the heart. Emotional safety,

“What im­pres­sed me about Dr. Trish Whynot was her ability to see through the chaos of life’s web and identify the root cause of any problem.” — Bob Olson, Editor, Workshops and Sessions Available In Office, Phone or Skype Middleton, MA G G 978-314-4545

words, touch, meditation, movement, presence and silence facilitate verbal and non-verbal expression. Meaningful work, fulfilling relationships, self-esteem, purpose and passion, love, intimacy and sexuality follow. Straight, GLBT and poly-friendly. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups Sunday nights in Newton. Apprenticeship training. Books: Living with Vision, and Healing the War Between the Genders Blog: Mediation for couples and families. Coaching for soul-centered living. Body psychotherapy groups. Apprenticeship training. Newton, MA 617-965-7846

s EMDR – “I had insights I never had before.” s Therapeutic Movement – “It was great to feel the freedom in my body after working with you.” 42 Thoreau Street, Concord, MA 01742 978-369-6138

come problems that have kept you from achieving your goals and desires. Unlock your potential! Restore inner bal­ance! Come alive! Barbara Madden Johnson, M.A., C.A.G.S., L.R.C., L.P.C., a certified master practitioner and licensed trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, has over 25 years experience helping individuals with: u Career and identity is­sues u Immune and autoimmune illnesses u Chronic fatigue syndrome u Depression u Learning disabilities and ADD u Relationships u NLP Certification Training Program u Bel­mont, MA. Some insurance accepted. For an appointment, call 617-484-1716.

Holistic Psychotherapy Dedicated to the freedom to explore and express the authentic self.

Jonathan Chisholm, MA Present moment awareness is the technique and goal of this psychotherapeutic process. Healing begins as you learn to be fully aware of and respectful to your own inner state while being present with another person. In this way, you can learn to let go of old relational habits and the self-limiting beliefs that lead to them. You can genuinely address various addictions and learn to release the traumas and hurts that underlie them. Emotions that were once overwhelming become

a guide to who you are and what you need from life. As you begin to respect your feelings and perceptions as valid, you realize you are free to live your life in a way that naturally flows from who you are. You become yourself. This work must be done gently. You will need the guidance of someone who will keep you on task but at the same time allow you to go at a pace that feels safe. You need someone you can learn to trust. We enter into a collaboration that is itself a form of meditation. By learning to be present to each other in the therapeutic setting, a new possibility for being in the world emerges. 100 Lafayette St, Pawtucket, RI 02860 401-952-0142

The John Harvey Gray Center for

Healing and Bodywork 22-Strand DNA Activation

Bring your Divine Blueprint into Physical Plane Manifestation and experience greater empowerment, improved health (mental, emotional physical and spiritual), increased utilization of your brains potential, greater creativity, and increased energy and clarity.

Reiki Healing

Also, bring forth your greatest talents and abilities, clear many karmic and genetic patterns, hold greater amounts of light in your physical body, and much more. Great for those who feel ready to shift out of those “stuck” areas into tremendous empowerment, improved health on all levels, and living your higher destiny agreements and highest potentials. Rev. Claire Luft Master Teacher/Master Healer Ancient Mystery School Guide & Ritual Master Heart's Singing Healing Center, Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 v

Bringing complimentary and alternative care to our community... We are a dedicated and professional group of practitioners providing compassionate care to assist our clients on their journey to wellness.

67 West Street, Medfield, MA 508-359-7400

Patricia Warren Reiki Jin Kei Do

Our offerings include Acupuncture and Cupping, Ear Candling, Facial Rejuvination, Holistic Health Coaching, Mayan Abdominal Massage, Massage Therapy, Reflexology Reiki, Polarity, Eden Energy Healing, Wardrobe Consulting/Coaching and Holistic Life Counseling. And if all that wasn’t enough... crystals and gifts too!

Union, returning 13 times, as well as to thousands of people in medical, religious and educational settings throughout the Caribbean, Europe and Middle East since 1989. ✦


✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

New Englands most InternationallyExperienced Reiki Master since 1989 Patricia has taught healing techniques of Buddhist, Sikhs and Christians for over 25 years. She is the appointed East Coast representative of Reiki Jin Kei Do ~ Buddho Healing, authentic and advanced teachings of Usui Reiki in the lineage of Buddhist Monk Seiji Takamori. Patricia was the first woman to teach Reiki in the former Soviet

✦ ✦ S

All Levels of Reiki Jin Kei Do Training Buddho Healing (advanced Reiki classes) “His Garments Hem” Christian Healing Touch Gung Fu Chinese Tea Ceremonies Past Life Regression Justice of the Peace Spiritual Director S














S Reiki Jin Kei Do Level 1 CD S

Reiki Jin Kei Do CD $16 S















Lourdes Gray, Ph.D. Awaken your healing skills immediately and be a powerful channel for Reiki energy! The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing was established by John Harvey Gray and Dr. Lourdes Gray in 1996 to empower and develop a student’s capacity for healing. The Center offers the most thorough Reiki healing training available, ‘with no cut corners’, as it was taught by Mrs. Hawayo Takata. John Harvey Gray received his entire Reiki training from Hawayo Takata. He was one of the original 22 Reiki Master Teachers trained by her. He was also the longest-practicing Reiki Master Teacher in the Western Hemisphere until his passing into spirit on January 12, 2011.

Lourdes was initiated by John Harvey Gray as a Reiki Master Teacher in 1996 after intensive one-on-one training by John Harvey Gray. As a Reiki Master Teacher, Lourdes has taught over 700 Reiki workshops and trained more than 8,000 Reiki students to date and serves as the director of the John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. Each workshop consists of two full days of learning and hands-on practice. You will immediately be able to effectively channel Reiki healing energy for yourself, others and pets. In Reiki First Degree you will: ✴ Quickly and easily develop your natural,

intuitive powers. Within minutes, be able to scan and feel a person’s aura and chakras for analysis. ✴ Effectively treat any condition with Reiki energy— physical, emotional or spiritual, chronic or acute. ✴ Immediately be an effective Reiki healer, confidently bringing comfort and calm to family, friends, clients and pets ✴ Receive a training manual & certificate. The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing P.O. Box 696, Rindge, NH 03461 Visa/MC Accepted See Full Class Schedule: ✴ 603-899-3288

CranioSacral Therapy G Reiki Heart Centered Therapy G Fascial Unwinding Energetic Healings G Ocean Stone Therapy Polarity G Chakra Balancing G Crystals

mind over matter

bodywork &massage Balancing mind, body, spirit, and soul through energetic healings and gentle bodywork

Facial Rejuvenation with kate rivera, lmt, amta

Patricia Warren, Reiki Master Teacher 508-528-5888 ✦

Intuitively guided, Joelle releases restrictions that are compromising the body’s natural ability to heal itself. She is a conduit for energetic healings and physical changes that bring the whole body into balance. $10 Discount For First Time Clients J oelle S z lose k , L M T

After just one session, clients have said: a When I looked in the mirror I saw my eyes

sparkling with their youthful aliveness, excitement, and playfulness; this exuberant feeling extended into my heart. a Amazing experience! I felt the layers of tension

releasing one after the other behind my eyes. a …profoundly soothing, I feel as if I’ve just

slept eight hours. Experience colon hydrotherapy in a safe, relaxed environment using state-of-the-art FDA registered equipment. Stephanie Dumas I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Owner Lexington Medical Building 16 Clarke Street, Lexington, MA Cleansing for the body, the mind, the spirit 781-860-5116

Reveal Your Unique Natural Radiance! Time creates a mask of tension and habitual expression. Facial Rejuvenation is a restorative and relaxing process which uses massage, reflexology and carefully designed patterns of touch to remove this mask and release stress and tension throughout the body. The effect of this work is to free your true smile, aliveness, and radiance.

a I love the care you take with every minute of

my experience. Call Kate today to schedule your Facial Rejuvenation session and give yourself the gift of you again. Offices in Cambridge and Quincy 617-479-5443 a Healing and Bodywork continued

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 55

Healing and Bodywork continued

Nakri HEALING CENTER Nadsa de Monteiro

Lightarian & Usui Reiki Master/Teacher

S AG E Jo ya Z . B ay nes

Lightarian Reiki and Usui -Tibetan Reiki Classes — all levels

T I-ACT Instructor T National Board Certified T 12+ Years Experience T FDA Approved Instrument T Closed System

Aura Readings via your Akashic Records Reiki Sessions that address your issues and initiate the transformation that is right for you Dorchester, MA ✴ 617-285-1056

Sage Guided Colon Therapy through The Mind-Gut Connection Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Cleansing

Divine Intervention is “Where the Impossible Becomes Possible.”

Divine Intervention

Spontaneous Remission Advanced Energetic Hands on Healing from the Mayan Lineage. Miraculous Healing for all issues that require attention.

Rev. Claire Luft is a Master Healer and Master Teacher of Divine Intervention Healing. This healing technique is sacred, powerful, and produces Physical Plane Results. Heart’s Singing Healing Center Woburn, MA 781-281-2888 u


Libby Barnett, MSW, RMT Awaken Your Healing Touch Libby is a gifted, knowledgeable Reiki Master with 33 years experience. Libby learned Reiki from John Harvey Gray in 1979, and is the longest practicing Reiki Master Teacher on the East Coast. Her book, Reiki Energy Medicine, Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice has sold over 70,000 copies in five languages. Use Reiki to create more joy, ease, and happiness. Let Libby’s warm, heart-centered approach help you take your next step toward self-love and inner peace. Reiki brings balance and harmony, supporting you doing the work you were born to do. Reiki facilitates transitions, promotes creativity and wisdom, and accelerates spiritual growth, helping you manifest your magnificence. Libby has been teaching Reiki at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health for 14 years. She has taught medical and nursing students at Harvard, Brown, Tufts, and Yale, as well as staff at Mass General, Brigham and Women’s, Beth Israel, Mt. Auburn, Emerson, Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Southern New Hampshire, New York Columbia Presbyterian hospitals, and social workers at the University of Maryland. Libby was featured in a Reiki segment for the PBS nationally televised series, Body and Soul. “Libby has a beautiful way of teaching and creates a perfect atmosphere for healing and learning.”

56 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

"My commitment to teach the Usui System of Reiki Healing in the authentic, traditional manner inspired me to visit Japan to retrace the roots of Reiki. I am dedicated to teaching this sacred healing art to promote health and conscious living on the planet. I invite you to give yourself the gift of Reiki. It is an easy, effective self-care tool to love, heal, and empower yourself. I look forward to meeting you and sharing Reiki.” Reiki I, Boston Area Classes: Newton, MA: Nov. 16 Concord, MA: Mar. 15 Reiki I, Wilton, NH Classes: Dec. 7 Reiki II Class on day folowing Reiki I Class Reiki Master, Wilton, NH Classes: Dec. 14; Graduates of other Reiki teachers welcome. All credit cards accepted. Social Work, Nursing and Massage contact hours/CEU’s available. Reiki Master Teacher Training info available on request. To register or for more information: • 603-654-2787

Lifetime Health & Consulting 1166 Mass. Ave, Cambridge, MA Steps from Harvard Sq., Harvard Univ. & MIT

Healing: Combined Modalities Vibrational Transformation Cheryl Wright

One of Libby’s passions is teaching hospice staff and volunteers. Fueled by Reiki energy, their healing touch is enhanced, creating greater effectiveness in calming agitation, soothing pain and providing comfort. In class, a powerful slide presentation captures the essence of Reiki and highlights the latest research. Reiki stories from Libby’s extensive experience will uplift and inspire you, showing how anyone can learn Reiki. You receive attunements and practice giving and receiving Reiki. You leave class with an illustrated notebook, certificate, and Reiki pin, fully trained and certified to do Reiki on yourself, family, friends, and animals. “Hands on, Reiki’s on.” T 617-710-1337

We are vibrational beings. Your Vibrational Frequency informs your entire reality. Vibrational Transformation is a process whereby vibrations are introduced into the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic bodies for transformation.


By increasing your Vibrational Frequency, you’ll transform the denser, heavier energies within your system allowing you to: G

Embody and reveal who you truly are


Unleash your innate gifts, talents and abilities

G Come back into harmony with your true

desires in all areas of your life

Offices in Watertown, MA and Cumberland, RI Available in-person or by phone 617-448-8749 G

feeling present in our bodies are some of the symptoms that a Shamanic Healing session can assist in alleviating. Shamanic Healing services

Shamanic Counseling S Soul Retrieval Power Animal Retrieval S Soul Readings Shamanic Journey Training Shamanic Journey Drumming Groups

Where human potential takes flight!

Your Shamanic Practitioner Gwendolyn C. Natusch, M.Ed., MSW

Shamanic practice has been around for more than 40,000 years! In our modern world we are seeing a substantial emergence of Shamanic Practitioners. These ancient cultures understood what our modern culture has forgotten: there is more to healing than just our physical bodies. People are longing to connect with something deeper inside of themselves that strengthens, soothes and brings meaningful and enduring transformation to one’s mind, body and soul. Shamanism is not about religion, but has been practiced by the cultures of most religions of the world. In Shamanic Practice the goal is to bring you into a more solid sense of wholeness and inner connectedness. Symptoms such as stress, disconnection from feelings, dysfunctional patterns, poor boundaries, lack of self value, feeling depleted, struggles with inner sadness, lack of energy and not

Gwendolyn began her shamanic practice in 1989 under the tutelage of the first wave of trainees under the healer and shamanic practitioner Michael Harner. Her practice has been enriched through her study and healing work with Foster Perry, shaman and healer, of Hummingbird Medicine for over 12 years. Her most current work and mentorship with Steven Serr has offered a deeper level of connection and practice in the work and study of shamanism. Gwendolyn has a deep connection with Spirit and offers up opportunities for healing and a deeper connection to self and the finding and embracing of wholeness through her Shamanic Practice. For more information or to schedule a service: 508-560-6891


The Way to Balance,® LLC Center for Advanced Healing and Training Aaron & Sue Singleton, Founders

Resolve WHY you are sick, or feel unfulfilled! We combine Medical Intuition, Massage/Integrative Bodywork with many more modalities. v

Medical Intuitive Readings that get to the Root Cause of why you are ill, or as a means of prevention.

Intuitive Healer R Spiritual Advisor Certified Hypnotist Reconnective Healer R Psychic Medium

Visionary Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Sound and Light Therapy, and Hypnotherapy to address issues of anxiety, overwhelm, loss, resentment, and more.

Nora V. Helbich, CCH

True wellness occurs when all parts of ourselves have released and healed. Healings address everyday problems, whether they are physical, emotional, mental, behavioral or spiritual. By resolving negative issues and patterns, clients will experience renewed opportunities to live the life of their dreams.

133 Washington St, Norwell, MA 02061 R 508-280-1523

Awaken your dreams for yourself and for the life you want.

v Trauma Release Modalities for bone, mus-

cle, nerve, organ issues. Years of pain gone in just a few sessions, or even just minutes. v

The Rings of Oden™ for the release of X-Ray, MRI, chemo, EMF’s, antibiotics, vaccine and other drug residues, environmental pollutants, petroleum, plastics, and more. 21 Water St. Amesbury, MA 01913 978-834-0341

A Higher Balance

ORION’S GATEWAY to Healing & Greater Consciousness

Harry Kroner CHt, QHHTP R Certified Past life Regression

Therapist R Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner R Clinical Hypnotherapist

Past Life Regression and Healing Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy

Healing Center Sanctuary for Your Awakening Consciousness

Consult your Higher Self/Spirit Guides/Angels Discover your Purpose and Lessons in Life Soul Healing and Releasing

Center for Spiritual light

Leontine Hartzell is a trained shamanic practitioner and counselor, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, certified therapeutic ener­gy healer, crystal and sound therapist, plant spirit medicine practitioner, psychic channeler, and legally ordained minister. With the help of her spirit guides,


Wendy Marks

M.Ed, C.A.S., FAPA R Medical intuitive sessions, energy heal-

ing and integrative therapy R 30 years of experience in traditional and complementary healthcare

Call us or visit our website for more information. R 508-740-9745

Leontine uses soul retrieval, removal and healing of energy blocks, chakra balancing, intuitive counseling, guided imagery, and energy healing methods to heal posttraumatic stress and related disorders, depression, chronic pain and illness, anxiety, grief, and addictive behaviors. Past life issues and current life traumas that affect the client’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health are healed to allow the client to move into a life of joy and fulfillment. Private Sessions Long-distance Healing r Phone Readings Workshops and Classes Andover, MA r r 978-475-1268

Find more joy and energy, discover your true direction, relieve physical or emotional pain, learn self-healing techniques and feel deep relaxation.

Do you need healing or solutions for any life issues?

Katalin Matyus, MS, MA

Reiki Sessions and Classes Intuitive Energy Evaluations Wellness Coaching New 9-session Intuitive Perception and Energy Diagnosis Course: January ~ Live teleclass or April ~ Boston Maxine Bornstein, RN, MS, HWNC-BC Cert Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master/Teacher Boston ~ Cape Cod ~ Newport 0 508-292-5258 0


Reconnective Healing V

HBLU Mind Body Therapy V


Akashic Records Reading V V V

Chakra Numerology V

Dance-Music Therapy V V

Holistic Advising V

Call: 857-488-2871

R Improve your physical, mental, and

spiritual health R Works with individuals to develop their

Sessions available in West Boylston MA, and by phone and Skype

own intuitive skills “As a healer, I work with individuals in a way that consciously promotes a peaceful and healthy planet. Our healing work takes place despite the conflicts that wash over us in our daily lives. By healing ourselves we create changes that have a ripple effect on the world around us.” R 781-449-5368

Access the Power of Your Subconscious Mind with Hypnosis Change harmful habits & negative patterns Lose weight Overcome fears and anxiety Increase confidence and more...

Salem, MA V 781-639-1236

Release issues of Mind, Body, and Soul

Certified Reconnective Healer, Certified HBLU Therapist, Certified Akashic Records Consultant, Psychic Medium, Singer/Writer, Dancer/Instructor/Therapist


Distance healing and phone readings

Judy Christine Copp, M.Ed, BCPP, RMT

Center for Healing Therapies

Eye of the Eagle

Judy supports your essence with transformational healing sessions and gatherings like Sacred Yoga, Kriya Meditation, Divine Openings, SoulCollage®, Reiki Training, and more.

susan powell, lmt Certified Hypnotherapist Reiki Practitioner 508 414-2619

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 57

Herbs and Gardens sibili t n

s tie


Your source for organic, high quality dried herbs and teas

Herbal Education Center

Dr. Jody E. Noé MS, ND Dr. Jody E. Noé, MS, ND is a Licensed, Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, fulltime, academic and clinical faculty at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine, and is a published natural medicine researcher. Dr. Noé has been in practice for over 15 years and is a specialist in Integrative Medicine, and Naturopathic Oncology.

for everyone



e 750 Main Street, Boylston, MA 01505 508-869-0545 a

Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) are trained at accredited naturopathic medical schools, which are 4-year post graduate medical schools accredited by the US Dept. of Education. These medically-trained Naturopathic Doctors are trained as primary care doctors where they can order labs, diagnostics and diagnostic imaging, perform physical examinations, and refer to specialists when indicated.

Leanne J. Sotir, PhD, RNCP Holistic Nutrition Herbal Therapy Nutritional Supplements Whether you are suffering from specific health issues or are just interested in disease prevention, Whole Health and Nutrition has something to offer you.

58 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

Connecting you with your Angelic Dream Team, creating your Happily Ever After Angel Readings S Past Life Regression Angel Therapy® S Reiki S Hypnotherapy

at Angeltouche

Private sessions in person or distance by phone and e-mail. Classes and workshops ~ North Attleboro, MA S 508-577-4552

Psychic Intuitive S Angel Therapy Practitioner ®

Psychic Readings Energy Healings

Need insight and clarity?

A soul reading can help! By speaking directly to your guides, we will examine your life from a spiritual perspective to discover your life’s purpose and resolve issues about relationships, health, finances and career. Lisa Campion also teaches Psychic Development and Reiki Classes. Offices located at Solstice Healing Arts Center, Medway MA.

Are you in the middle of a change, crisis or transformation? c 508-473-0609

Reiki Classes Lisa Campion

A naturopathic doctor uses natural complementary and alternative therapies, in conjunction with, or in place of, conventional medicine, based on the individual.

Sessions Held: Londonderry, NH @ NH Metaphysical Andover, MA @ Circles of Wisdom G Billerica, MA @ Stelio’s Family Restaurant G Gloucester, MA @ The Blue Shutters Beachside Inn G In Your Home (MA or NH) G

101 West Broad Street, Pawcatuck, CT v 860-495-5688

Safe, effective, non-toxic, no side effects Does not interact with other medicines Brings rapid, gentle balance of the immune system Holistic approach to healing and wellness T 508.397.6098

Nutrition Whole Health and Nutrition


Herbal Apprenticeship



Nancy Johansen

Herbal Workshops and Seminars

Holistic Medical Natural Family Health & Integrative Medicine


At Whole Health and Nutrition, we offer a Customized Health Plan tailored to your own health goals and concerns. Your plan will include a personal food journal, customized dietary and lifestyle recommendations, as well as informational handouts. Consultations can be done via office, phone or Skype. To find out if a health consultation is right for you, check out our website at: Contact Dr. Sotir at 781-987-4947 or


Julie Ann

Individual or Group Sessions Fundraising Events


Phone, FaceTime, Skype sessions also available. Major credit cards accepted.

Channeled, Spiritual and Mediumistic Readings Trained at the Arthur Findlay College in England 978.387.5306 G

North Shore Medium®

Messages from Heaven Jocelyn Boucher Certified Healer, Certified Spiritual Medium, Teacher Spiritual Counseling * Mediumship Psychic Readings * Telephone Readings Tarot Readings * Reiki * Ama-Dues Chakra Clearing * Energy work Weekly Classes: Meditation & Spiritual Development As a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, I am here to answer your questions and to give you advice on how best to prepare a

For appointments contact Julie Ann at:

better future for yourself and your loved ones. I connect with the Spirit realms and pass on loving messages, bring comfort, healing and a sense of peace to those grieving for loved ones. I have received the most remarkable gift of being able to communicate with the other side. My compassion, wisdom and calming nature allows my clients to feel comfortable and at ease, as I pass along incredibly accurate and personal information. I reinforce the hope that our departed loved ones are always around us, and that the spirit lives on. Telephone, in-person and Skype readings are available. Swampscott, MA * 339-440-1090 Follow us on Twitter and Facebook

Kelle sutliff

psychic Medium, radio Show Host and New Age Author

Kelle’s opening many NEW doors of spirit communication S Psychic medium readings in person or by phone S Intuitive web classes S Private investigation on missing person cases

505 Middlesex Tpk, Ste #13, Billerica, MA 978-420-8213



Intuitive Guidance for Your Life

Internationally known for her work with people via phone, in person, and radio, Jocelyn has been helping and guiding others for over 24 yrs. Known for her ability to “cut to the quick” Jocelyn gives you information you can use for all aspects of your life.

Announcing the new “tell all” book, Listen Up The Other Side IS Talking, coming to bookstores, Amazon and Kelle’s website in Jan. 2014. Get ready to understand how our loved ones are always communicating with us. This book gives tons of examples of just how our loved ones use signs and symbols to communicate with us daily. You just have to pay attention and listen. It is a book that is written for comfort, understanding and gives humor to how this spirit world works! Kelle shows us this through her fourteen years of being a psychic medium.

“I would be honored to read for you.”

If you are ready to take a journey into yourself and hear your story with fresh ears, you will come out with options, tools, and choices you may not have seen on your own. All sessions are recorded on audio cassette. ~ $25 off your first session. ~ For more information, call or email Jocelyn, Intuitive Consultant 978-694-8946

Also offering:

Visit our welcoming, tranquil space in the Central Massachusetts countryside for holistic, restorative, transformative retreats, programs and training sessions. Personalized attention T Labyrinth Nourishing meals T Meditation garden

Free Wi-Fi


A Cruelty-Free Salon


Vegan-Owned L Organic Hair, Nails Airbrush Makeup L Organic Body Products Weddings are our specialty!

Join her at 9 pm EST on Psychic Cup of Coffee on, broadcast to over 150,000 listeners!

Retreats and Retreat Centers


Do your part — get Green Hair! Voted Best Salon in Greater Sturbridge 2011-12

T Integrated Reiki™ training T Energetics Training T Private Integrated Healing Sessions T Monthly public Integrated Reiki™ clinics in partnership with Evoking Alchemy ( Day-long or overnight accommodations for individuals and small groups Formerly known as The Gathering Inn

Dedicated to natural products and services that enhance inner and outer beauty while preserving the Earth’s resources. We’ve united talent with beauty and style, concern for environmental sustainability, and passion for natural living to create an eco-friendly salon experience in the heart of Central, MA.

The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism embraces a religious and spiritual belief blending ancient wisdom with contemporary thought. Conveniently located off Watertown Square at the Masonic Center, 32 Church St, services are held at 10:30 am every Sunday, with mediumship, live music, inspirational talks, and healing by the laying on of hands.



Chill Out, Ease Stress & Restore Balance New Meditation Sessions Saturdays 8-9 am. Beginners are always welcome. Treat yourself to the ultimate in relaxation!

Skin care and hair care products for all skin types and hair care needs. Our whole team continues to keep up with the latest trends and state of the art techniques. 3 Boston Road, Sutton, MA i 508-865-1141 Find us on Facebook! L 508-347-7273

Beauty is more than skin deep and what you use on your body stays with you. We seek out organic products and our professional color and styling systems will always be non-toxic and ammonia-free. ~ COMING SOON TO WORCESTER, MA! ~ To stay updated on grand opening specials:

As an evolving spiritual community, The Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism offers weekday evening classes in mediumship, healing and meditation; Medium’s Day the 4th Saturday of every month; plus seminars and workshops throughout the year. For a detailed brochure, a listing of upcoming events, or to speak with the Pastor call 617-923-4334, or visit our website at: www.GreaterBostonChurchofSpiritualism. com. An affiliate of the American Federation of Spiritualist Churches and the International Spiritualist Federation.

Yoga, Tai Chi and Fitness

82 Healdville Road, Hubbardston, MA 978-820-1139

Enjoy a Thai Yoga Massage or enjoy a softer touch with a Swedish Massage. We also have Deep Tissue Massages and many more. Facials to fit every season.

538 Main St, Fiskdale (Sturbridge), MA

Spiritual Practices

founder, received a deep and well-rounded training from Master Lai Hok Soon in Hong Kong and then as a disciple of Yang Sau Chung, first-born and heir of the legendary Yang Cheng Fu.

Salons and Spas Creative Strands

New Location! 232 Chandler St, Worcester, MA (upstairs from The Living Earth and Evo) 508-752-1727

Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation The oldest Tai Chi school in New England, the Gin Soon Tai Chi Club was founded in 1969, authorized by Grandmaster Yang Sau Chung to propagate Classical Yang Family Style Tai Chi Chuan in North America. Grandmaster Gin Soon Chu,

The school has attracted many students from around the world with its traditional approach to training: individual attention, emphasis on correct forms, personal development, repetition, mutual respect, hard work, and integration of body, mind, and qi. All instruction is by Grandmaster Chu and his sons Master Vincent Chu and Gordon Chu. Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation 33 Harrison Ave., 2nd fl, Boston, MA 02111 617-542-4442 •

WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 59

Holistic Specialities DIRECTORY



Ross J. Miller, psychic. Meet your angels and spirit guides. Visit www.The 617-527-3583

Forest Circles, retreats, programs in a magical Maine forest.



Sharon R. Doolittle, DVM, Inc. Holistic. Smithfield, RI. 401-349-2668.

Amanda Bourbeau, LMT. Worcester, MA 508-246-6223

Main Street Animal Services of Hopkinton (MASH). Dr. Margo Roman. 508-435-4077.


BODYWORK Bodywork for the Soul. Suzanne Devereaux, LMT. 25 years experience. Shiatsu, craniosacral, Reiki. 860-803-0415.

Sue Singleton. 20+ years accurately finding Root Cause. 978-834-0341.

Elizabeth Thorson RN, Certified by C. Myss and Norman Shealy, MD. 207-712-9495.



Hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki, IET and crystal healing. 508-539-2885.

Dr. Jody Noe, MS, ND. Naturopathic integrative medicine. 860495-5688.



Touchstone Community School. Education for ages 4-14 Grafton, MA. 508-839-0038.

Holistic Nutrition Services, Westborough, MA. 978-340-0448. www. Transform your health!



Shelley Goodgold: Coaching, hypnosis, energy healing.

Ross J. Miller. Relive past lives and release blocked energy. 617-527-3583. www.The



Genesis Alternative Health. 29 years of experience. I-ACT certified instructor. NBCHT certified. 978-463-8800.

Aaron Finnegan, certified reflexologist. RI: 401-789-1523. MA: 781-296-5158.

Body Balancing Center. I-ACT and National Board certified. 508-868-3624.


Healthy Spirit. Stephanie Dumas. I-ACT certified. 781-8605116.

Libby Barnett, MSW, Reiki Master Teacher. 603-654-2787 CEU’s.


Gentle Spirit Reiki. Using your “inner wisdom” to heal. Beverly Healing Center. 978-473-1863.

Sage Guided Colon Therapy. I-ACT and NBCHT certified. 617-710-1337. Cambridge. Rev. Carol W. Bolstad, LADC I. Specialties: addiction disorders and pastoral care. 617-650-6497.

Joel Perlmutter, Ph.D. Licensed 35 yrs. Stress, anxiety, relationships. Stow & Shrewsbury, MA. Putnam, CT. 978-897-9797. Raise your consciousness with Celestial Psychology®. Celeste Mattingly, LCSW.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Lelia Joseph, Ed. D., RCST. Craniosacral polarity. Fluid biodynamic style. 508-460-7038. 802-453-7088.

DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY TREATMENT Healed in 2 Hours. Ross J. Miller, psychic healer. 617-527-3583.


Florence Whipple & Kristin Webb. Reiki Masters. CEU’s. Reiki classes. (978) 777-5732.

The John Harvey Gray Center for Reiki Healing. 603-899-3288. Reiki training. CEU’s.

Reiki with a licensed psychotherapist. Cynthia L. Meeske, LICSW. 774-573-1644.

RETREATS Brahma Kumaris Peace Village Retreat Center. Haines Falls, NY. 518-589-5000. Still Waters Pond, Connecticut’s most private retreat center. Voluntown, CT.

Wild Dolphin Swims. Yoga, healthy food, Atlantean legends. 800-326-1618

VISION IMPROVEMENT Rosemary Gaddum Gordon, MA. Cambridge, MA and Portsmouth, NH.

Home and Business. A blend of the best of feng shui traditions. 617-924-4205.



Worcester Yoga Center. Ann Bissanti, CYT. 30 years experience Iyengar yoga. 508-829-6300.

Urban Eden. Transform and empower your home/work spaces. 401-351-5632.

From Your Home/Aura. Ross J. Miller, psychic medium, healer. Call 617-527-3583. www. The

Wellness Works Yoga, Fern Lee, Worcester. 508-298-7836. Est. 1992.

Add your business to this directory by emailing or call (508) 278-9640. Next deadline: February 3, 2014. 60 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

BOOKS The Death and Resurrection of the West: Secrets in Biblical Symbols (2013) . Why God will use His un-churched children to create a higher culture, now — with women leading the change. 4 chapters free at

CALENDARS The Lunar Calendar: Dedicated to the Goddess in Her Many Guises. 32 pages, complete moon data, 26 artists and poets. Promoting lunar literacy since 1976. Postpaid $30; discounts begin at 2 copies. Luna Press, PO Box 15511 Kenmore Station, Boston, MA 02215-0009; (617) 3278000. Look up!

CLASSES Upper Cape Tech in Bourne, MA near Cape Cod Canal is a leading provider of career training offering culinary arts, technical, trade, nurse’s aide, health careers, computers, nail tech, business careers, paralegal, 600+ online, healing, real estate, and more. Visit or call (508) 759-7711, ext. 211 for details.

CLEANING SERVICE Cleaning Maid Easy. 20 years experience. Excellent references. Non-toxic cleaning products only. Serving Framingham, Natick, Ashland, Sherborn, Franklin, Medway, Hopkinton, Southboro and Holliston. Call Tina 508-309-3328

CRYSTALS Finest Energy Stones, classes, one-onone, including distance work, and meditations. Email CrystalConcentrics@gmail. com. Visit Call 617-771-5119.

DOWSING All About Dowsing. Through dowsing discover more about yourself and your health. Self-instructional DVD’s, books, instruments. (805) 649-5721. Catalog: PO Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.

Classifieds HEALING

Multi-Tasker: Marry couples, psychic, hypnotherapist, business consultant, plus accounting/bookkeeping service. Many years experience in all. Contact Linda at (781) 599-8275.

helpful. Start January 1. Email Carol Bedrosian at about your current work situation, what your ideal work schedule would be, and your managerial and/or sales experience.

St. Martin Hypnotherapy & Reiki Center

Groton Wellness is a comprehensive holistic medical center in Groton, Massachusetts that specializes in the diagnosis and non-toxic, nonpharmaceutical treatments of chronic health challenges that are not well served by conventional pharmaceutical approaches. We also provide adjunctive cancer support by integrating state-of-the-art dental, medical and detoxification protocols that remove obstacles to cure and activate the natural healing intelligence inherent in us all. We are seeking a like-minded MD, NP or DO who is interested in working as an equal part of an integrative team. Our clinical staff works collaboratively and consists of medical and naturopathic doctors, holistic dentists, a nurse practitioner, an herbalist, practitioners of thermography, EAV, Ondamed and acupuncture, massage therapists and colon hydrotherapists. To find out more, please respond with a letter of interest and CV to:

Plymouth, mA

Distant Healing • Reiki Treatments

Complete Healing

For over 50 years, I have helped others and myself live a better life including dealing with cancer.

Miracles Do Happen!

Frank St. Martin


I believe I can help you:

(774) 773-9153 • (508) 822-9000

HELP WANTED Permanent, part-time advertising manager for Spirit of Change Magazine. Great opportunity for detail-oriented, ambitious, self-motivator with excellent communication skills to work at home in the holistic publishing field. Must be skilled at accurately multi-tasking the details and requests of dozens of advertising clients during tight ad deadlines, as well as effective in outreaching to new clients year round. Familiarity with basic computer skills and online software saavy is a must, as well as being Mac-compatible. Knowledge of graphics and digital file production (CMYK, file size, resolution)

Next classified deadline: February 1, 2014. Contact: or 508-278-9640


PYRAMIDS All About Pyramids. Wellness, meditation/experimental tabletop models. Worldwide research. (805) 649-5721. Catalog: P.O. Box 30305, Santa Barbara, CA 93130.


SHEEPSKINS Soulful Yogi Sheepskins erfect for Kundalini Yoga and P meditation healing. Long and short hair, whites and colors. Serving the community for decades. 508-981-2909


Volunteers Needed: Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Music, Pet Therapy & More

Care Alternative is recruiting volunteers to work with terminally ill patients and their families throughout Massachusetts. Volunteers receive training and continuing education related to hospice and the support of the Hospice staff.

For information about classes and volunteer opportunities, please call 508-229-8390.

Our Patients Need Your Help Complementary Therapists Overlook Hospice & Palliative Care is recruiting volunteers to work with our patients and families as they live with life limiting illnesses. All volunteers receive training and ongoing support and are an integral part of the

An opportunity for a space to practice and/or location to teach. Looking for Health Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Yogis, Energy Healers, Coaches, PT’s, Marketing Coordinator/Director.

hospice team of caregivers.

For information or to volunteer, please call our Volunteer Coordinator, Susan Fuller at 508-434-2200.

WILD DOLPHIN SWIMS 201 Boston Post Rd West, Marlborough, MA

Swimming with Wild Dolphins. The ultimate human-dolphin connection. Meditative, healing Caribbean Island retreats. Yoga, healthy food, Atlantean legends. (800) 326-1618. WINTER 2013 | Spirit of Change 61




A Higher Balance Healing Center.............. 57 A-HA Design................................................. 17 Abra Therapeutics........................................ 45 Acupuncture of Worcester........................... 49 Acupuncture Plus......................................... 49 Advaita Meditation Center.......................... 50 Advanced Cell Training............................... 43 Advanced Allergy Ctr. of New England..... 43 Cliff Aguirre.................................................... 9 Alternatives for Health................................. 35 American Society of Dowsers..................... 12 An Apple A Day Acupuncture.................... 49 Andromeda’s Alley........................................ 50 Angeltouche.................................................. 58 Nancy Slonim Aronie................................... 12 Arvigo Massage............................................. 34

Eckankar MA................................................ 21 Eclectic Institute of Aromatherapy and Herbal Studies, The.................................... 51 EcoCentric Salon & Spa............................... 59 Enchanted Fox.............................................. 10 Evoking Alchemy.......................................... 37

B Libby Barnett................................................. 56 Beadniks........................................................ 17 Bhavna’s Wellness Group............................. 17 Glenn Bigonet............................................... 54 Blue Lotus Healing Arts............................... 49 Blossom Healings......................................... 28 Body Balancing Center................................ 24 Body, Mind & Spine................................ 50,61 Body Therapeutics........................................ 50 Boston Meditation Group........................... 22 Boston School of Herbal Studies, The........ 52 C Nancy Canning............................................. 41 Canton Spiritualist Church......................... 43 Cape Cod Ctr for Personal Evolution..... 22,56 Jessica Caracciolo......................................... 16 Care Alternatives Hospice Center for Personal Reinvention................ 15 Chi For Healing............................................ 29 Jonathan Chisholm.................................. 33,54 Circles of Wisdom................................... 17,41 Commonwealth Ctr for Herbal Medicine..... 28 Sandy Corcoran.............................................. 7 Creative Strands Hair & Bodyworks.......... 59 D Developmental Alphabiotics......................... 5 Sharon Doolittle............................................ 43 Down to Earth.............................................. 19

F Fire of Isis Healing....................................... 16 Firebird Life Coaching................................. 53 Dawn Flemming........................................... 20 Flowforms Yoga............................................ 16 G Gemstone Therapy Institute........................ 52 Arthur Gertler............................................... 18 Gin Soon Tai Chi Chuan Federation......... 59 Grateful Heart, The....................................... 20 Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism..... 59 Green Hair Company................................... 59 Green Path Garden Supply.......................... 20 Groton Wellness Center............................... 19 Arthur Gutkin............................................... 21 H Leontine Hartzell..................................... 24,57 Healing from the Body Level Up, Inc........... 3 Healthy Spirit................................................ 55 Holistic Wellness Center.............................. 55 Joan Holzman............................................... 54 Hypnosis Associates East and West............ 15 I Inner Traditions............................................ 14 Inspired Health & Happiness...................... 16 Integrative Animal Health Care Center..... 31 Internal Wellness Center............................. 19 J Jocelyn............................................................ 59 John Harvey Gray Ctr. for Reiki Healing..... 55 Barbara Madden Johnson............................ 54 K Kristin Kirk................................................... 53 L Langan Creative Arts, LLC.......................... 51 Learning Connection................................... 45 Lifetime Health & Consulting..................... 56 Light Unlimited....................................... 13,16

62 Spirit of Change | WINTER 2013

Lightworkers Healing Method.................... 31 Eric Linter...................................................... 49 Living Earth, The.......................................... 36 Claire Luft................................................. 55,56 M Judith Mabel.................................................. 19 Gregory Malouf............................................ 23 Marconic Reconnection............................... 38 Market Street Health.................................... 51 Linda Marks............................................. 54,57 Wendy Marks................................................ 17 MASH............................................................ 33 Katalin Matyus.............................................. 57 Metrowest Thermal Imaging....................... 18 Ross Miller.............................................9,24,41 Lori Miller-Freitas........................................ 54 ML Young Design......................................... 17 N Nakri Healing Center................................... 56 Natural Living Expo..................................... 42 Nature’s Rite..................................................... 7 New Day Hypnosis & Healing.................... 57 New England Clinical Thermography....... 44 New England Inst. of Reflexology.............. 52 Newton Dental Wellness.............................. 35 Nexus Healing............................................... 58 Dr. Jody Noe............................................. 28,58 North Shore Medium................................... 57 O Oasis Healing................................................ 57 Open Doors Yoga.......................................... 51 Orion’s Gateway............................................ 57 Overlook........................................................ 61 P Pacifica Graduate Institute.......................... 39 Perfect Health................................................ 16 Rachel Perry.................................................. 10 Cynthia Pierro............................................... 29 Plant Spirit Medicine................................... 14 Monique Pommier....................................... 50 Pyramid Books............................................. 36

Richer Life Journey....................................... 38 Ruah Cara...................................................... 58 S Sacred Song Reiki......................................... 34 Sacred Stone Massage School...................... 52 Salve Regina.................................................. 37 Scentsibilities................................................. 58 Science of Spirituality.................................. 33 Andrea Seiver................................................ 53 Simonds-Hurd Complementary Care Ctr. ..... 50 Small Miracles Preschool............................. 51 Miriam Smith................................................ 44 Solstice Healing Arts.................................... 51 Some Enchanted Evening............................ 17 Sound Therapeutics................................. 16,20 Spa Tech......................................................... 51 Frank St. Martin....................................... 17,61 Stillwaters Retreat Center............................ 29 Kelle Sutliff.................................................... 59 Synthesis Center........................................... 53 Joelle Szlosek............................................ 16,55 T TherapeutiCare............................................. 16 True North Center..................................... 7,59 U-V-W Vera Volfson.................................................. 58 Pat Warren..................................................... 55 Way to Balance, The................................ 25,57 Kristin Webb/Florence Whipple................. 34 Wellness Roundtable, The............................ 37 (W)hole Point Institute, The................... 22,52 Whole Health and Nutrition....................... 58 Trish Whynot................................................ 54 Wisdom of the Ages..................................... 44 Woman of Wisdom................................. 38,50 Cheryl Wright............................................... 56 X-Y-Z YogaLife Institute..................................... 35,52 Yoga Pathways .............................................. 17 Youth Transformations................................ 51 Zuzu’s Healing Arts...................................... 50

R Raffa Yoga and Urban Sweat....................... 63 Reconnection, The.......................................... 2 Regina Russell’s Tea Room.......................... 39 Reiki By the Sea............................................ 57 Kate Rivera............................................... 53,55 Rhys Thomas Inst. of Energy Medicine....52,64

Spring Issue Advertising Deadline: Monday, February 3, 2014 For info: (508) 278-9640

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