Spiritual Awakening Magazine: May - June , 2011 issue

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Plus ENJoY sPirituAl storiEs & PHotos www.spiritualawakeningmagazine.com

MAY/JuNE 2011

Issue 1

Table of Contents Editor’s Blurb


Channelled Spiritual Wisdom


Five Ways to Raise your Vibration – Naturally!




Synchronicities (Part 1)


Common Threads in Shamanic Healing


Spiritual and Metaphysical Inquiry Introduction to Extra Sensory Perception


The Personal Spiritual Journey


Near Death Experience Provides Powerful Lesson and Message


Sign from Archangel Michael


Spiritual Actions


Huge Orb “Sho ws Up” after Woman “Told” to Take This Picture


My Experience as a Spiritual Photographer


Editor’s Blurb




hether you realize it or not, we are in the midst of huge shift or transition in ourselves and the world. You may have noticed a lot of dramatic events in the world from the financial “crisis” to extreme weather to political “rebellion” to environmental “disasters”. These events are a wakeup call that we need to change how we do things in our world and signs that these changes have already begun. These changes will increase this year, as we get rid of the old ways and create new, better ways of living, especially as we approach 2012. While these world events are happening many people are facing personal challenges and going through various changes themselves. People are feeling increasingly dissatisfied or the need to change jobs, partners, friends, interests and even beliefs. Sometimes change is being forced upon people, which can put them into a state of fear and anxiety, as they venture into unknown territory. More people are doing “soul” searching and looking for more meaning in their life as a result. Part of this process of change is that people will become more spiritually aware, which could show itself in many different ways. People may begin to experience more “coincidences”, their intuitive feelings may become stronger, they may begin to have “unusual” experiences of seeing, hearing, feeling or just knowing things that challenge their belief as to what is possible. This magazine is a source of spiritual information, inspiration, guidance and enlightenment, as you go through this transition, evolve into a better you and prepare for 2012. It will help give you insight and understanding about what is happening to you and our world. You will receive the information to adapt to, embrace and maximize the benefits of these changes. If you are already conscious and aware, then you will continue to grow, expand and evolve to the next level. Each month we will have interesting and informative articles and features to expand your awareness and empower you on your personal and spiritual journey. This month we have several excellent contributions from a variety of different people. As you read the various articles and enjoy the various photos, notice what inspires and really interests you and then research more information about that idea or topic. Follow your positive and intuitive feelings to guide you to what you love and your true purpose. Thanks for joining me on this journey and together we will heal and improve the world we live in!

Namaste, Dortmund Mattioli info@spiritualawakeningmagazine.com

CHANNELED SPIRITUAL WISDOM I am a Conscious Channel, which means that I channel or allow angelic and spiritual beings to communicate directly through me while I remain fully conscious and aware during the process. Archangel Michael is the spiritual being that introduced me to channeling and I now channel a variety of beings such as The Angel Light, The Atlanteans, The Ori and Jesus. They have guided me to share their wisdom and messages with you to help teach, guide, support and inspire you on your spiritual journey and to help you understand, prepare for and adapt to the changes that are happening, as we approach the infamous 2012. Each month there will be one or two channeled messages for you to enjoy, be inspired and learn from. In the Spiritual Awakening membership site, there will be lots more channelled information, including audio and video recordings. Note that the actual channelled wisdom will be in italics. Enjoy!

This first message is channeled from Archangel Michael. He is the head angel and the most powerful. He is most known for being the angel of protection and he also clears away negativity. Enjoy!

The ascension is upon us and you are the key to transforming your world, believe it or not. Many people are depending upon you to discover, activate and start living your life purpose. Go within, ask to be shown your life purpose and then listen. Do this every day until you hear, know, see or feel the answer. Trust, believe and then take action courageously, despite any fears, doubts or hesitations. Do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do, what you intuitively know you need to do, what your soul is asking you to do, for it knows the benefits for you and humanity that are in store, when you activate and start living your life purpose. When you consciously commit to yourself and the universe to choosing to do your life purpose and ask for all the people, situations and resources to help you bring it to fruition, to be shown to you ... watch, wait and see how the universe will conspire to help you be successful easily, smoothly, quickly and gracefully! You need to allow it to happen. If you become fearful, angry, doubtful or resistant at times, simply allow these feelings to move through you and release them. Do not let them become stuck and stay with you. Acknowledge them and then let them go. Stay true to your heart and you will activate a power within you to achieve more than you can imagine! Turn on the switch and watch magic begin to happen!

Archangel Michael

CHANNELED SPIRITUAL WISDOM I am a spiritual teacher, Reiki Master, Conscious Channeler and perpetual student, as I love learning and growing. My purpose and passion is to help and heal people to overcome challenges, learn lessons, awaken their abilities and fulfill their life purpose, so that together we can make our world a better place for everyone! Check out my new spiritual blog for additional spiritual information http://increaseyourspiritualawareness.com You can also contact me for a personal channelling or Reiki session. Email me at dortmund888@gmail.com and please put “personal session” in the subject line. Namaste!

This second message and method on how to discover your life purpose is channeled information from a group of angels called The Angel Light. They are a unique group of 51 angels including all of the archangels, put together by Archangel Michael. You are a being of light. Now is the time to awaken your gifts. Now is the time to activate your life purpose. Now is the time to find your true place within the world. Now is the time to finally be comfortable and passionate about who you are and what you do. 1. Close your eyes and hold both your hands to your Solar Plexus Chakra (Located about 3” above your belly button). Repeat the question “Who am I?” 3 times. Then be quiet and open to hear any answers. 2. Then hold your hands on your Sacral Chakra (Located about 2” below your belly button) and ask the question “What are my gifts?” 3 times. Be silent, open and receptive to any responses or feelings. 3. Then hold your hands on your Heart Chakra (Located in the center of your chest) and ask “What is my life purpose?” . Listen and be open. 4. Keep you hands on your Heart Chakra and ask “How can I achieve this?” 3 times. Pay attention to what ideas come to you. 5. Trust the wisdom, write it down and take action. We are The Angel Light. We love you, now and always. We wish for you to love yourself now and always, regardless of anything. Fully accept and embrace yourself, all of your perceived faults, all of your beautiful gifts and all that you have to offer. You are a beautiful infinite being of light. You can do, have and achieve anything that you can believe and conceive. You are love. You are light. Remember this, each day and each moment of your journey. We are with you now and always, so remember that you are not alone. Simply ask and we shall come forward. We are here to serve and we honor, love, trust and support you.

TheAngel Light

“The meaning of life? Let me Google that for you.”

5 Easy Ways to Raise Your Energy Vibration Naturally






NATURALLY! By Dawn James

There is agreement among science, medicine and metaphysics that certain frequencies can repel disease, and certain frequencies can destroy disease. This is the connection between raising your vibration (frequency) and improving health! Everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. In fact quantum physics describes the universe as nothing more than vibrating strings of energy! Scientific research has shown that different parts of our bodies have their own sonic signature. In other words the sound of the cells of your heart differs from the sound of the cells of your kidney. When parts of the body become stressed or dis-eased, they are no longer producing the correct sound wave; in other words they are not vibrating at their prime (optimal) resonant frequency. To reestablish or recalibrate your frequency, you need to understand how lower and higher vibrations affect your energy and health. Below are five ways to raise your vibration.

5 Easy Ways to Raise Your Energy Vibration Naturally

So what can you do to raise your vibration & improve your health?

1 2 3 4 5

Right Speech watch your words. Try not to spend time listening or engaging in negative conversations or gossip. These conversations are damaging and can drag your vibration to low levels quickly. In the book ‘Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life” gossip is defined as ‘the transference of emotional poison from on person to another. “

Surround yourself with positive sounds listen to uplifting music. Sound can be used to excite you or relax you, make you happy or melancholy. Try to choose and play sounds that have a positive, joyful or relaxing effect on you. Our bodies absorb sounds like nourishment and certain sounds can help us reenergize.

Embrace Nature we are nature’s beings – our bodies need natural light (sunshine), and natural air provided by trees. Nature provides harmonic frequencies that are compatible with our personal frequencies. So slip off your shoes and walk bare feet outsidereconnect to Mother Earth and get grounded. The natural sounds of birds singing and wind moving through the trees helps us reduce stress, which in turn elevates our vibrational frequency.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables (organic preferred). If you are able to shop at a farmer’s market or organic farm, then consider yourself lucky! The shorter the time from garden, vine or tree to table- the higher the ‘life force’ energy contained in the food. When our bodies receive high vibration energy from fresh natural foods, it assimilates this energy throughout our bodies—which raises our vibration.

Follow positive people Like attracts like! When you spend time with negative people, you will often feel tired and drained. Why? Because negative people require and absorb energy from others. When you spend time with positive people you will feel uplifted or more energetic. People with a positive disposition create energy and their higher vibrations affects others in a positive way.

Dawn James is a wellness practitioner, speaker and author of the book Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life. You can order an autographed copy online at www.raiseyourvibration.ca. The book is also distributed throughout Canada, US and the Caribbean. To learn more about vibration, frequency and ways to improve your health visit http://www.raiseyourvibration.ca


MUNAY-KI The next step in evolution The Tradition

Foundation Rites

The Munay-Ki comes from a Quechua word that means ‘I love you.’ The Munay-Ki are the nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power who has accepted the stewardship for all creation. The nine rites are common to all shamanic traditions, even though they are expressed in different forms and styles in different cultures. They derive from the great initiations from the Hindus Valley that were brought to the Americas by the first medicine men and women who crossed the Baring Straits from Siberia during the glacial period some 30,000 years ago. These courageous travelers were the Laika, the Earthkeepers of old. The Laika have always been ordinary men and women who live extraordinary lives. They were not born with special gifts from Spirit; they have acquired uncommon grace and power through prayer, study of the wisdom teachings or Insights, and discipline. Some grew to be renowned leaders and healers, while others lived quiet lives, raising their children and growing corn. The Laika felt that people would come to the Munay-Ki when they were ready and felt a calling to do so. Many of you have received such a calling from Spirit, and long to make a difference in the world and in your life. When you come to the path of the Earthkeepers with sincere intention and an open heart, you’ll soon notice that you’re not alone. You’ll find yourself in the company of like-minded people who strive to live by ethics and vision. And you’ll find yourself in the company of Earthkeepers who lived on this planet many thousands of years ago, luminous beings who are now part of the great matrix of life. These Earthkeepers will add their power and vision to yours.

1. Healers Rite 2. Bands of Power 3. Harmony Rite 4. Seer’s Rite “The new caretakers of the Earth will come from the West, and those that have made the greatest impact on Mother Earth now have the moral responsibility to remake their relationship with Her, after remaking themselves,” - Don Antonio Morales

Resources: Munay-Ki website www.munay-ki.org The Four Winds Society website www.thefourwinds.com All books by Alberto Villoldo Munay-Ki DVD & Morning Meditation and Breathing exercise (both available through the Four Winds Society) Contact Julia Bales for a contact info for Energy Medicine practitioner (coaching) in your area. For more Munay-Ki related news, articles and happenings go to Julia`s blog: http://nagual.wordpress.com/ Julia Bales 416-904-9488 flashgurl@rogers.com


As you experience the MunayKi, you’ll feel the presence and sense the wisdom of these luminous ones who h a v e broken out of linear time and now dwell in sacred time, in infinity, free from the grip of karma and rebirth. The MunayKi will clear your luminous energy field of the psychic sludge left by past traumas. As you raise your level of vibration, these luminous beings will come to you and guide you. Connect with them, and you’ll be able to recall stories that you never experienced directly, but that are now yours. You’ll remember sitting around a fire with the buffalo behind you, and meditating in a stone temple above the snow line. Since the Earthkeepers come from the future as well, they can help us to access who we’re becoming as humans 10,000 years from now. The memories from the past are available to the Laika who taps into that vast reservoir of knowledge that exists outside of time. The visions of the future come as possibilities, because everything in the future is still in potential form. That’s why Earthkeepers from the Hopi, the Maya, the Inka, and many other nations gather regularly to pray for peace on the earth. They do so by tracking along the possible futures for the planet to find one in which the rivers and the air are clean, and people live in harmony with each other and nature. The act of finding this desirable future installs it into our collective destiny and makes it a little bit more probable than it was before, because it has acquired another quanta of energy from these Earthkeepers. When we connect with these luminous ones, their stories become our stories: We actually “remember” making our way across the Bering Straits or crossing the Sonora Desert into Central America, or even before that, making our way over the Himalayas to the fertile green valleys on our great journey north from India. When we partner with the Earthkeepers from the future, we make available to ourselves knowledge that can upgrade the quality of our DNA. This runs contrary to scientific wisdom, which says that our genes can only be informed by the past, by the gifts and illnesses our ancestors had. The Laika understand that when you are free of the bounds of time, the future can reach backwards like a giant hand to pull you forward. You can be influenced by who you are becoming. As you receive the Munay-Ki, your chakras will become clear and you’ll acquire what the Laika know as the rainbow body. This is when your chakras glow with their original radiance. Remember that each of the chakras has a color, and when they’re shining with their original light, they emit

the colors of the rainbow. When they’re dulled by trauma from this and from previous lifetimes, our LEF acquires a grayish hue and our chakras become pools of psychic sewage. Once we acquire a rainbow body, the luminous Earthkeepers can reach out to us because they recognize that we share a common vision and calling. When this happens, and if you’ve developed the ability to see into the invisible world, you can discern the former physical forms of these luminous ones. Sometimes, people will perceive these ancient Earthkeepers as Native American elders, wearing robes from Asia or furs from Siberia, or even feathers from the Amazon. Sometimes you’ll be able to perceive their thoughts and feelings. And you will have access to their wisdom and their stories. Eventually, as you experience the 7th, 8th, and 9th initiation, you can download a new and better version of the software that informs the LEF, which will then inform your DNA, giving it instructions on how to create a new body that will age, heal, and die differently. There’s nothing you need to do to attract these luminous Earthkeepers. They’ll come to you when you invite them to do so and are ready to receive them. When the student is ready, the master appears. They will not disturb you in any way, but are available to support you in your efforts to bring a bit more light and healing into the world. They’re also there to protect you from the negativity and fearful energies in the world today.

The Nature of the Luminous Beings These luminous ones are our medicine lineage. They’re humans who rose to the level of angels. Some are in bodies, some are in spirit form, but all have a mandate to protect those who are looking after the well-being of the planet. The Buddhists call them Bodhisattvas. They are the finest spiritual allies anyone can have, and they provide us with knowledge on how one becomes an angel. This is what the prophecies of the Laika mean when they tell us that we have the potential to become Homo luminous. We can develop the luminous energy fields of angels within our lifetime. The Munay-Ki offers us the energetic keys to do this. When we evolve to Homo luminous, we no longer have to call on angels and archangels to help us find a parking spot or our fortunes, because we are becoming like them. Remember that in the Bible, God said, “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever. ” As we become Earthkeepers, we join the ranks of the angels, who come from many different worlds and were the original souls present after the Creation. They don’t cycle through bodies as we do, because they don’t need a corporeal form, as they don’t need to learn and grow during an existence in the material world. They have everlasting life, and are the keepers of many worlds in many galaxies.


SYNCHRONICITIES PART 1 You know you are on your path when....

We are all here for a purpose, and though most of us strive to find out what that is, we don’t often appear to get the opportunity. When you start down your path though, the synchronicities that occur are solid proof that it is the right one. For years my hobby was gathering with friends to do remote viewing and absent healing for others. After inheriting the family farm (ours since 1844) it took a while to realize the amazing energies there (The house is in a bright white vortex, with streaks of pale green and pale pink in it) and my hobby were both clues as to what I was meant to do. To share this blessing of peace, serenity and healing energies with all who needed the respite and refreshment, I wanted to turn the family farm into a Spiritual/ Healing Center. But first 50 years of neglect had to be reversed. One cold wet March day I was driving up there, questioning this decision and asking myself if I was crazy, not having any skills or means to bring this all about. Finally I called out “give me a sign”. The clouds parted and the sun came out. Cool! #1

By Nancy Huber

Next, I dropped in at a cousins and told him I was looking for a porcelain pedestal sink at re-stores, and he advised he had one and would give it to me. Yay! #2 Next stop the farm, where the couple across the road wandered over. He advised his union mixed him up and put him on part instead of full time, and that if I needed any work done, plumbing, electrics, drywall etc, he would do it very reasonably. Wow #3! Then a visit to the barn turned up an old claw foot tub, which was cleanable. Perfect! #4. The bathroom was so bad the outhouse was preferable. Later that night I called the couple to say what a God Send he was, and to thank him. Then I asked if they knew of a reasonable roofer since the roof on the back kitchen was falling in. Turns out he used to be a roofer! #5 Now how many signs did I need? And all in one day.


My car for a prayer My beat up old car needed replacing. I was talking to my friend who said “let’s pray for one”. We did and a week later Canada Life called asking for my Dad. Told them he had passed and asked what it was about. They said “his shares in Canada Life”. I was his executrix and when I had called them about shares, had been told there weren’t any. During the week before the Company’s call, I had found a used Civic at a Benz dealer. They aren’t as keen as other dealers about keeping the re-sale value up on Civics. It was selling for about $18,000. I asked what the shares were worth and was told $18,300. I called my friend to tell her God doesn’t pay taxes, because with the taxes it was around $21,000. Then a call from Canada Life saying “don’t take the share offer, it’s a hostile takeover”. Drats! The next week another Company made a better share offer, which I did take for $21,000!

Be sure to watch for the signs that tell you, you are on your path I met a lady on the web who lived in California and eventually suggested I have a labyrinth at the farm, and though she knew I was in Ontario and didn’t know where, suggested I see the one at St. Pauls Church and talk to the people who made it. As it happens, St Pauls is the Church I used to go to, and it’s a short walk from my street. Wow! I didn’t go, since snow was on the ground but in the spring at a Womens’ seminar I chose to sit at a table with two women during the break out session. Didn’t they build labyrinths!! They came to the farm and loved the energies there. As they were leaving I found out they used to be the Pastors at St. Pauls and built the labyrinth the lady in California told me about. Three guesses if the labyrinth is meant to be.

Getting started I had tried to set up the farmhouse as a healing centre for alternative therapies with no luck getting clients for my healers. Realized since nothing was working, it must be the wrong path. Then the Word “Workshops” popped into my head. I had already been told the farmhouse was a place for teaching. Two signs? OK let’s go. I looked on a friend’s website and picked out a name to call- Sheila. I did not know her, but she had a dream about the farm two nights before my call and said she was still shaking with the energies of the people in that dream. I e-mailed her a picture of the barns, and she said “that’s it!” Luckily all of my healers also taught so the team was in place. I had been V.P. Finance and Admin for a couple of Toronto manufacturers so running a business wasn’t a problem. But this was not manufacturing. It was a whole

new field. Sheila came up (she had been running her own holistic practice for eighteen years) and said her guides told her to help me. She sat down with a calendar and said here’s how we do it. We started scheduling she advised me about when and where to advertise and started teaching. She leaned heavily on her own client base to get clients and the word out. Still not running as fully as I would like, but Every time I get impatient, I pause and let the “what’s not yet in place” question get answered. There always is something.

Developing policy and a new modality shows up. At Sheila’s suggestion, I had been asking for deposits before a Workshop took place. One young lady sent me a cheque, but didn’t show or call. I looked at the cheque. I would have felt guilty cashing it. Something told me it was a lot for her to lose. I called her and before I knew it, had told her she could use it towards another Workshop. Unprofessional I know. But we got talking then and I found out she was a Shaman. Then she told me about the Munay Ki Rites. As soon as I heard about them I resonated with them and knew this was something Cherry Valley Retreat should offer. She began to gift them there and because they are by donation, we drew many people. Because of the Rites some were drawn to her Shamanism Workshops. I eventually began to gift the Rites as well. Now when people google “Munay Ki”, they find Cherry Valley Retreat.

A Sign A couple who were coming to Cherry Valley Retreat for the second time, forgot to bring the directions. They had traveled about an hour and a half when they neared Cookstown. They knew it was nearby and looked about for some sign. It was a really overcast day, and when they looked at the clouds they saw a patch of blue to the North. They concluded that’s where Cherry Valley was and drove to it. Sure enough, it was a patch of blue directly over the farmhouse. The amazing synchronicities are continuing, and anytime I get feeling a little overwhelmed, I just throw it out to the Universe and ask for help. Believe in your heart and soul, and it will come! Check out the next issue of Spiritual Awakening magazine for more amazing stories of synchronicity!

I am so blessed and grateful! Nancy Huber (neé Fletcher) 905-895-2871 or 705-458-9528


Common Threads in Shamanic Healing

Common Threads in


I am not an accredited anthropologist, nor do I profess a complete understanding of the cultures overviewed in this article. However, in spending time over the last 15 years as a part of Ringing Rocks Foundation with many individuals in many different cultures, I have come away with my own insights and threads that connect the cultures and healers we have worked with over time to those of us living in the modern, Western world. Healing in indigenous cultures is inextricably tied to the culture and the worldview of the culture. Often, healers are the leaders of their communities. As such, the worldview is one where body, spirit, and mind are not separate ideas or parts, and cultural practices are not separated from a culture’s healing practices or language. This viewpoint is as important to these cultures as are the separate institutions we have in the modern world: hospitals with doctors and nurses for physical healing, churches and temples with priests

for fostering spiritual practice, families with parents for emotional and social training, and educational institutions with teachers for training the mind. In contrast to our separate institutions for healing and education, indigenous cultures’ healing and educational practices revolve around the family and community, and although there are specialist healers, just as there are farmers, herders, fishermen, and all the rest of the jobs that make a functioning village, all of the community takes part in turning a child into a whole functioning member of the community with an intact body, spirit, and mind. Often, being a healer is a part-time job, undertaken only in times of need. Just as often, healing is regarded as a community-based event, occurring in a village-wide dance or ritual that heals all members of the community and brings them back into correct relationship with one another.

Common Threads in Shamanic Healing

This is not to say that individuals don’t go to healers for a one-on-one session. In the case of a severe or prolonged illness, a member of the community will go to the healer directly for a cure. Because of the worldview held by these indigenous cultures, the cure may be an herbal one, a psychological or social one, a ritual one or a transmission of energy. There is no sense that it is wrong, silly, or strange to believe that making up with someone that you’ve had a falling out with will make your physical symptoms go away. Nor is it considered weird to believe that sitting on a drawing will make the illness leave your body and settle into the drawing, which can then be destroyed, taking your illness with it. Having personally experienced the relief that comes with indigenous cures that many in the modern world would say are impossible, I have to agree with the wise ones who say that on a very basic level, whatever works, works. In the field of anthropology, the term “going native” refers to scientists who have adopted the ways of the culture they are studying and are no longer considered “objective observers.” So, you can say that I’ve “gone native” and therefore my opinion isn’t valid as an objective measure. You can also say that these cures are just a placebo, or explain some of them away with the scientific basis for the herbal cure, or postulate that a particular psychological problem can lead to a particular physical illness, but the true bottom line is that it doesn’t matter why it works, or even that an outsider would say that healing has actually occurred. If we feel healed of our illness, we are grateful. Or, at least, we should be.

specificity was enough to help me get over my need for explanations of how, why, and what just happened when I walked away healed. In our modern culture we are often “touch starved.” In indigenous cultures, however, touch is a constant between both friends and family, from hugs to hand holding to massage. Healers “lay on hands” to diagnose, as well as treat, illness and it is not considered improper no matter where on the body they touch. Touch is often used just to create a connection between the healer and the patient, so that there is a feeling of trust as well as the possibility of obtaining information that would otherwise not be available to the healer.

The author, Pilsa Connor, participating in a ceremony

Most indigenous cultures have an ongoing relationship with God based on love. Prayer is a constant part of life, and it is considered a necessary component of life as it connects each individual to God. Prayers are expressions of gratitude, conversations about proper conduct, and requests for food, water, or healing. Prayer can be ceremonial or it can occur in temples or churches, but more often it is just a simple conversation between an individual and God. As prayers are often conversational, it is not considered crazy for a healer to claim to be speaking with or for God. Often, when an indigenous healer speaks for God, his or her voice and even facial features change to indicate which aspect of God he or she is connected to. Shamanic healing of the community children

One of the easiest objective measures of whether or not an indigenous healer is a good one is when he or she has the ability to tell you what is going on before you speak. In a modern doctor’s office, you tell the doctor what your symptoms are, when they started, and what you’ve done to try to cure them before you got to the doctor’s office. In indigenous practice, the healer tells you these things as a way to establish trust so that healing can take place. From a modern person’s point of view, seeing that occur with great

Information vital to the survival of the culture is obtained by speaking with God through prayer: making the connection between hunter and hunted, bringing rain to those who ask for it, and teaching healers about the cures necessary to heal the sick. Plants giving visions of how they can be used for healing and animals sacrificing themselves to provide food are normal occurrences in indigenous cultures. These cultures believe that God loves them enough to want to ensure their survival and, as a result, answers these prayers for the benefit of the community.

Common Threads in Shamanic Healing

God is the purest love in most indigenous cultures, and God’s love for us is expressed in ways that modern citizens would consider supernatural. God wants all of us to love each other, and gives us many ways to relate with God and with each other. Most indigenous cultures believe that we all share the same God, even if we use different names for the same entity. Most of the individuals within these cultures also believe that when they speak of many Gods, each of

Indigenous Dance Ceremony

those Gods is simply an aspect of a much bigger God. The healer in these cultures has a deeper relationship to God based on his or her ability to enter the state of consciousness where healing information is transmitted, but all people are healers in their own way. It is up to the individual to decide whether or not to develop the capacity to deepen that relationship to the point where he or she can be of specific aid in healing his or her fellows and to accept the calling if and when it comes. Those who are “chosen to be healers” are called to serve because they have a better aptitude and/or sensitivity for it, although everyone heals (or harms) others all the time. It’s just the same as professional singers being better at singing through aptitude and training than others, although everyone can sing. Each of us has ways of healing others – through music, art, writing, or simply by giving another a smile or hug at just the right time. When a shaman speaks of “being chosen,” he or she is referring to the specific calling he or she felt to allow healing to be the major path in life from that time forward. There are also cultures in which the individual is called to be a healer after his or her children are grown and there are fewer practical demands on the individual. A shaman’s power is considered to come from God and, if misused, can be taken away by God. This is especially true when the healer works by energy transmission. The shaman’s power may manifest energetically through sucking out the illness, a laying on of hands, or blowing health into the sick part. In many cultures, the healers that

are most prized are those who can heal by touch. They are considered to be the strongest healers and the ones lost in danger of losing their power if it is used unwisely or they do not keep themselves pure. The energy flow in a healer can be evident by a simple trembling of the hand to diagnose where an illness lies to an ecstatic dance that takes over the entire body such that the healer’s body shakes with that of the patient. There are also healers that simply lay their hands on the patient, while the energy flows invisibly and nearly undetected. Some patients may experience the energy transmission as a tingling sensation or a feeling of heat or cold. In most cases, the energy flow is completely involuntary once a connection is established between the healer and the patient, although in some cases it is consciously maintained and directed by the healer. In order to make a connection with a patient, healers usually enter a state of mind that is different from the ordinary state of consciousness. There are many means of entering such an altered state, including use of sound, drugs, fasting, or simply inhaling smoke. While some cultures use drugs such as peyote and ayahuasca as a means of entering the healing trance, they are not used in every case — even in cultures where the practice is considered conventional. Depending on the severity of the illness and the cultural practices of the healer, different levels of trance state may be necessary for treating different illnesses. Sound is a common way for a healer to enter a trance state, and it may be brought on by singing, making random sounds, chanting prayers, banging hollow bamboo poles on the ground, clapping, or drumming. The sound may be made by the healer, by helpers or apprentices of the healer, or by the community at large. In some cultures, it is believed that the more people participate in the healing, the more power that the healer will have at his or her disposal and, therefore, the more powerful the healing will be. In short, any process that allows the healer to connect deeply with his or her patient, to understand what is going on with the patient that has caused the illness, and to provide an answer to allow healing to occur is completely valid. I invite you to expand your idea of what a healer looks like, what processes may be used for diagnosis and treatment, and, in general, what health and healing mean to you.

Pilisa Connor Pilisa@YourCreativeGateway.com www.YourCreativeGateway.com

Spiritual and Metaphysical Inquiry

Introduction to

Extra sensory

perception Excerpt from Chapter 6th of the book “Who or What am I?”

By Stefan D. Tsirikos

We have shown that humans possess a great number of sensing organs or senses. Consequently the term “five senses” may appear as an inaccurate term regarding our sensory capability. Nevertheless, throughout this work I’m using the term “five senses” in various contexts as an umbrella term denoting the complete human sensory capability relative to sensory energy (electromagnetic radiation detectable by our physical senses). We have already talked about Sensory perception which is the interpretation derived on the basis of sensations and observations as are discerned by our physical senses. Now we will talk about the phenomena collectively called Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). ESP is the perception we form on the basis of extra sensory stimuli (extra sensory sensations), which we observe without the benefit of our physical senses. They are phenomena we sense and observe with our mind. Thus it is clear we gain access to them and experience them through cognitive or mental processes. Extra sensory sensations are interpreted on the basis of our consciousness and result in the formation of ESP phenomena.

Spiritual and Metaphysical Inquiry - Introduction to Extra Sensory Perception

Introduction to ESP It’s mind boggling what is available to us, around us, what we experience on a daily basis and we take for granted. We have been so constrained, so willingly accepted our physicality that we fail to observe many important phenomena happening within and around us without which, we wouldn’t be what we are. Extra Sensory Perception is a class of personal experiences, which can be thought of in several different ways. To begin with, they are perceptions (that is, they are interpretations of cognitive processes). Next, we can think of them as phenomena. They are phenomena of which we become aware through our mind (that is they are beyond our senses). Additionally, we can approach this type of phenomena by abstraction in different alternate ways. I have opted for the perspective of “experience”. That is, I will present the analysis of the phenomena through the degree of participation that we have while experiencing them. The Extra Sensory Perceptions will be grouped in terms of Passive Participation, Active Participation and finally Conscious Control. An ESP phenomenon belongs to the “passive participation” group, when we feel it without consciously invoking it e.g. intuition. This is a phenomenon of being filled with an intense emotion

without any conscious reason. An ESP phenomenon belongs to the “active participation” group, when it occurs as a result of a conscious need we may have e.g. inspiration. This phenomenon occurs when we experience the need for an original idea required for artistic expression or to resolve a problem or conflict. An ESP phenomenon belongs to the “conscious control” group, when it occurs similarly as a result of a conscious need we may have, but additionally we participate in its materialization with full conscious control. For example, conscience, a phenomenon of internal dialogue in which we fully participate. In this type of an ESP phenomenon we make conscious decisions while experiencing it.

ESP is a subjective source of information. However, it provides a substantial source of additional information, which improves our interpretation process of “What is reality.”

Spiritual and Metaphysical Inquiry - Introduction to Extra Sensory Perception

Extra Sensory Perception is a very important combination of three key terms. Sensory means that it is the result of our senses, something you see, hear and so forth. Consequently something sensory relates to our physical senses. In contrast, Extra Sensory relates to sensing beyond the capacity of our physical senses. Perception is a magical word. Perception is not affected by our senses. Perception means that it is the result of mental or cognitive processes, which aim at interpreting a specific sensation, feeling or observation. Perception is not what you see but what you understand. Thus, sensory perception is much broader than sensory sensation. Consequently, Extra Sensory Perception is even broader than Sensory Perception because it incorporates the inner processing of cognitive processes that completely transcend the capabilities as well as the limitations of our physical world as dictated by our physical senses. Extra Sensory Perception depends on Extra Sensory Sensations, which are extra sensory stimuli that we become aware of through cognitive or mental processes.

than good. Nevertheless, I did not hear anybody accusing all medical practitioners because of the existence of a few bad ones. The same should apply to people having psychic dexterities. Incidentally no doctor claims he is a specialist in everything. Similarly no psychic should be expected and trusted to be capable of all psychic practices. The notion of extra-sensory perception existed in antiquity. In many ancient cultures, such powers were ascribed to people who purported to use them for second sight or to communicate with deities, ancestors, spirits, and the like. Second sight is a form of extra-sensory perception whereby a person perceives information, in the form of vision, about future events. Foresight expresses the meaning of second sight, which perhaps was originally so called because normal vision was regarded as coming first, while supernormal vision is an additional sense, confined to certain individuals.

Extra Sensory Perception = h (Extra Sensory Sensation)

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) is the apparent ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical senses. It denotes psychic abilities such as telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance. ESP is also sometimes casually referred to as a sixth sense because it acts as an unexplained sense. Or if you wish, it is an indirect admittance that our 5 senses are not sufficient to define our whole reality. The term implies sources of information currently unexplained by science. Skeptics say the phenomena of ESP do not really exist, but merely seem to exist as a result of such conditions as selfdelusion, or of magician’s techniques such as cold reading and hot reading These are techniques used by often intelligent individuals who take advantage of the personal needs and naivety of others to appear as knowing personal, sometimes intimate information and secure their trust for their own personal gain. Clearly the behaviour of these individuals who claim that they are psychics is unethical and deceitful. These individuals are plain charlatans and should be exposed. However in every profession there are practitioners who usurp the practice. For example there are some doctors who can do more damage

Stefan D. Tsirikos devotes his life to teaching Metaphysical subjects in both Canada and Greece. His perspective is based on the concept of extending the human consciousness, and it is characterized by rationalism and scientific thought. His message is about liberating people from the oppressive bonds of fear and does so by focusing on empowerment and personal growth through the use of free will and personal life experience as the tools of delivery. Youtube Playlists: Channel Grid View


Currently, Stefan’s books can be purchased directly from him, as well as they are available during his presentations. Here are the various methods of contacting Stefan D. Tsirikos: Telephone: 416 -283-5272 E-Mail: sdtsirikos@yahoo.com Website : www.live-the-truth.com Facebook Acct : Stefan D. Tsirikos : http://www.facebook.com/ profile.php?ref=name&id=1180537458

The Personal Spiritual Journey

ThePersonal Spiritual Journey By Chi Choong Lee

The spiritual journey is a great adventure. We go through tests, trials and tribulations. In fact, this adventure can be compared to a hero’s journey. In this hero’s journey, the protagonist goes on an adventure, facing great challenges and finally comes out victorious, with great gifts for the world. Famous examples of heroic journeys can be found in the lives of our great religious leaders’ lives such as the Christ, Mohammed and the Buddha, and in modern stories such as Harry Potter and Star Wars. The heroic journey contains mythological principles which have been described by Joseph Campbell, the expert on myth. Just like the hero, each of our spiritual paths is like a great adventure. There are stages of growth and learning, of overcoming challenges, of facing inner demons. Eventually we come out of the journey transformed, with meaningful gifts for the world. By understanding the hero’s journey and what stage we are in, we have more clarity about our paths and are reassured if we are experiencing difficulties. Whatever stage on the spiritual path you are in, whether beginning, advanced or in between, understanding the hero’s journey will be of value.

The following is a summary of the stages of the hero’s journey and how they are a metaphor for each of our personal spiritual journeys. Although the hero’s journey has been described by Joseph Campbell, the real life examples come from my experiences. They are drawn from my personal experiences in my journey as well as that of my clients in my practice as a therapist and facilitator of personal transformation. The first stage of the hero’s journey is what Campbell calls Departure. The hero undergoes a loss or other difficulty, starting his or her quest. This is analogous to life difficulties, such as an illness, or relationship problems, sparking the spiritual search. For me, this happened when I was having difficulty concentrating in my studies in university, having failed my first term. Having no where else to turn in order to improve my concentration, I began to read-up on and practice meditation, eventually joining a meditation group in university. For one of my clients, it was the desire to manage stress that led her to join my transformation classes, and started her exploration in the spiritual path.

The Personal Spiritual Journey

The next stage of the hero’s journey is called Initiation. The hero goes through trials, and undergoes a great battle. For the spiritual aspirant, he or she faces inner demons and perhaps relationship difficulties. Eventually the aspirant faces his or her shadow aspect, such as past anger and fears. At this point, there may be depression and great inner suffering. Eventually, the aspirant overcomes his or her difficulties and comes to a place of resolution. One of my clients joined a self-help course with me, and continued to join other courses after that. Some months later, she shared that she was going through a deep clearing process. Negative emotions surfaced, perhaps from childhood or even before. Step by step, I believe she transformed herself, and is now married happily. For me, I went through various phases of growth and challenges as I completed my degree in psychology, learnt hypnosis and alternative modalities of healing. Eventually, I came to a place where I thought that I was a new person, having been through inner clearing and fully transformed myself. Then almost suddenly, I was plunged into a deep surfacing of childhood issues. I struggled with this for many months, practicing over an hour a day in order to release these issues. Eventually, I came to a place of resolution. I had released the negativity and healed myself at a deeper level. The third and final stage of the hero’s journey is called the Return. Here, the hero returns to the world after winning the battle. The hero gains recognition due to the gifts that he or she can now offer to the world, and now free from the fear of death, becomes free to live. For the spiritual practitioner, the journey leads to the balancing of the material and the spiritual, and he or she can now be master of both. Eventually, the practitioner can live in the present moment, not holding on to the past or future. Although the above description makes it appear that our spiritual journey is a linear journey, in fact it is a circular or spiral-like one. We can reach one part of the journey, before going backwards and reexperiencing the same lesson in a different way. We are likely to experience the stages of the journey described above many times. Complete mastery is rarely fully reached, but it is our adventure, and ultimately our lessons learnt, which are worthwhile

Chi Choong Lee Contact via email at trevor333@gmail.com

Near Death Experience Provides Powerful Lesson and Message

Near death experience

Provides Poweful Lesson & Messsage I have a story that you might want to share with your readers. It is in regard to a near death experience I had in 1996.

fiancée. I was also amazed that I had responded so quickly and firmly to the entity’s question.

In 1994, I was getting ready for work at a local newspaper one morning and just passed out. My fiancée at the time immediately drove me to my doctor, who insisted that I take six weeks off for tests. During that time, I became more and more ill and was in a good deal of pain. I did not know yet that I had fibromyalgia.

Despite the pain I felt every day, I managed to go back to work after the six weeks and continued to work until 1996 when I just could not deal with it anymore. I lost my job, and then soon afterward I lost my house, my fiancée, my savings – everything. I was devastated.

One night, as I lay in pain in bed, I heard footsteps on the carpeted stairs. I simply thought it was my fiancée coming up to check on me. I opened my eyes and saw a man standing beside my bed and immediately felt that the presence was evil. The man then said to me: “Give me your soul and I’ll take away your pain.” I instantly replied, “I love Jesus, Mary, and all the angels and saints, and you will NEVER get my soul!” With that, the man turned, walked toward the bedroom door and disappeared. I was totally shaken as I related this to my

Subsequently, I fell into a deep depression but tried my best to fight it off. After two years of this, I succumbed to the depression, prayed to Jesus, and took a bottle of pills. I am told that I was near death, and it took a lot to keep me alive after this event. However, the most interesting part is what happened during the three days that I was in a coma. I found myself out of body and standing on a high cliff. As I looked over the edge, I saw the most brilliant and seemingly alive lights radiating in all directions.

Near Death Experience Provides Powerful Lesson and Message | Sign from Archangel Michael

Then I heard a booming voice come out of the “presence.” The male voice spoke about how angry He was because the people of earth had literally destroyed this planet by polluting it with all kinds of things. The voice also said that the worst thing I could have done was take away the life He had given me. I listened and just stood silent and trembling. I then realized that I was not alone. Just behind my right shoulder, Jesus stood. He appeared just as wonderful as I ever imagined and I was so happy to see Him. He moved toward me and told me not to worry. God was not just angry with me but with everyone. He then told me that I would have to go back because my work on earth was not complete. Before I did, however, He would put me through a life review. I stood beside Jesus and watched as what appeared to be a panoramic screen unfolded and showed various events in my life. I saw instances where I’d made people very happy and others where I made them upset or angry. All the while, Jesus did not say a word. He simply let me react to what I saw. When the review was over, he talked to me about some things. I can’t remember everything, but one thing really stood out. He told me that the most important lesson a person can learn on Earth is “unconditional love.” He explained that that meant loving everyone, regardless of race, color, creed, religion or even his or her station in life. He explained that even if a person hurts or harms you, it is necessary to forgive them, because we are all following our own paths here – good or bad. He said even the bum on the corner serves a purpose in the overall scheme of things. The next thing I knew, I awoke in a hospital bed. This amazing experience taught me so many things. I no longer worry about little things and always look for that special spark in people, no matter who they are. I love deeper than ever before and best of all, I am no longer afraid of death because I know that Jesus will be right there waiting for me. I have always remained firm in my belief in our Savior. Looking back, I see that this near death experience just confirmed what I already knew. Despite our shortcomings as humans, we are loved more than we could ever imagine. Take care, Martha Jette from Spiritual Awakening Group

Sign from


Michael I had started to teach my new Angel Whispers Workshop and some of the participants were very new to talk of the angels. I asked the group to name Angels they were most familiar with and most chose Archangel Michael, so we discussed him in length. Just before the end of the class I did a small mediation where I called upon Archangel Michael to come forward and protect us and keep us safe. I also asked Archangel Michael to let us know he was with us.... and no sooner as the words left my mouth, there was a huge bang on the back door! Everyone jumped out of their seats! We all looked through the frosted glass of the back door of our center, where we saw the outline of a fireman. I ran to the front door, where quite a crowd had gathered, and when I opened the door, 2-3 firemen ran inside. I asked what the problem was and they said people were noticing smoke coming from the back room. I was mystified, yet went with them into our staff room, which was quite smoky. I then realized that was where I had left the smudge bundle. Normally it would have died out but not this time, smoke was billowing from it, clogging the exhaust system, which had blown into the other offices and stores on the plaza. It was amazing...none of us had smelled the bundle, we were in a different room. So, we have to say thank you to Archangel Michael for keeping us safe and letting us know he was there with us. Peace Linda Benson from Spiritual Awakening Group

Spiritual Actions

Spiritual actions Spiritual actions are actions that you can take whenever you have the time or on a regular basis to help yourself feel more connected, grounded, peaceful, calm and spiritual. When done on a regular basis they will help you become more spiritually aware and personally fulfilled. Knowledge is only power when it is put into action! So, taking action and changing your behaviour is the most important step in your journey can creating positive changes in your life. If you do not do anything differently, then nothing will change. To help you make positive changes commit to doing it and give yourself a deadline to do it by.

A JOURNEY OF A THOUSAND MILES BEGINS WITH A SINGLE STEP~ CHINESE PROVERB one of Dawn James’s recommended ways of 1 Choose raising your vibration. Speak more positively, spend time

in nature, eat more fruit and veggies or surround yourself with positive sounds and people. Spending time in nature is one of my favourites!

your intuition and ask for orbs to show up in your 2 Follow photos. Start taking pictures when you get a “feeling” to and then have fun!

some art supplies or even pencil and paper and then 3 Get paint or draw what inspires you or what images intuitively come to you.

the universe or spirit for help and then pay attention 4 Ask for “signs”, “synchronicities” or “coincidences” a spiritual journal. Document and journal about 5 Create your various intuitive or spiritual experiences from having contact with a spirit or angel.

Spend time in nature

Look for “Signs”

Huge Orb “Shows Up” after Woman “Told” to Take This Picture

Huge Orb “Shows” after Woman “Told” to take this picture Around September 27, 2008, we went on the Grand River Dinner Cruise, just outside of Caledonia, Ontario. On one side of the Grand River are homes with large lots and on the other side of the river is the Six Nations Indian Reserve. On the cruise, the Reserve side is mostly wooded. As we were cruising along the river we came to this area where I saw this tree and I heard someone say, telepathically, “Take a picture of this tree.” So I did. I had the strangest feeling and felt that Grandfather (the Great Native Spirit) was watching. I heard and felt many native spirits playing and running in the area. There was a Great Blue Heron standing in water near the edge of the shore. I had goose bumps all over. Whether this is an orb or not, the energy around this tree was amazing. Love, Light, Life and Liberty, Nancy Toutant

My experience as a Spiritual Photographer

My experience as a Spiritual Photographer

My name is Judy Rymes and I live in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. I am a Spiritual Photographer. In the year 2005, I was visited by an Angelic Presence! Although no words were spoken, I received the knowledge that I was going to very soon receive a unique and a very special gift. The very next day, I went out in nature to take some photos with a new digital camera and much to my complete amazement, the appearances of very large colored Orbs, Fairies, Tree Spirits, and Plant Spirits, and other Divine Beings were showing up to be in my photos! I was in total awe and full of joy, amazement and complete thanks for what was happening to me! Today, I feel the same way as that very first day that I took my first photo! Words cannot express this beautiful gift given to me and to be able to show others the photos is truly my greatest joy!!! Since then, I have taken hundreds of photos, some with very special messages that have come through to me by different Spiritual Beings. The photos I take are as is, the only thing I do with my photos

is make the photo itself bigger, and most of the photos have been taken with a regular 4.0 megapixel camera. I have used other cameras but none are professional cameras. I have chosen three very beautiful special photos to share with you. They are photos that I have taken at different time periods. In the photos, look closely not only at what you see right away but also in the background and from different distances. Look at the photo up close to you and also from a distance. In school, I remember being given a exercise in which we were given a picture and we were to find as many different objects in that picture that we could find, that were hidden, in places that we did not expect to see them in! This is a good way of seeing my photos and is a lot of fun!!!! You might see something in the photos that someone else does not see and someone else might see something that you don’t see! If you look at a photo at a certain time, come back later and look at it again and you might see something that you missed before!!!

My experience as a Spiritual Photographer




My first beautiful Photo here is one is titled MY FIRST HEART and you can see a pink Orb that is shaped in a beautiful heart! This photo and message was from Mary Magdalene and the message that I received is for everyone and it is that WE ARE ALL VERY MUCH LOVED, ALWAYS AND FOREVER.



SENCE The second beautiful Photo is titled A BEAUTIFUL PRESENCE and is an example of the orbs that come into my photos. In this photo there is a large multi-colored Orb and some beautiful large blue/green Orbs! Almost all the orbs that come into the photos are very large and whether it is sunny or cloudy, they will show up. It does not seem to matter what time of day when I take my photos either. There can be one Orb or many Orbs. They can be in a transparent form or in solid colors. They can come in any color including beautiful blues, violets, pinks, reds, yellows, greens, oranges and also in multi-colors. Sometimes the orbs are in pastel colors and sometimes a huge white ray will be in my photos!)

My third special Photo is titled THE THANKSGIVING DOVE was taken on this past Thanksgiving weekend October 10, 2010. In this photo, the outline is of a beautiful dove is formed by beautiful leaves on a tree, with the sun in the heart charka area! I received a very beautiful and special message for this photo I cried with joy and thanks in receiving this message which is: OUR HEARTS AND MINDS ARE NOW OPENING UP AND PEACE AND FAITH AND LOVE ARE BEING FELT AMONG MANY AND THIS IS HAPPENING THROUGHOUT OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD AND EXTENDING OUT TO OTHERS. OUR BEAUTFUL WORLD IS CHANGING TO WHAT WE WISH FOR IT TO BECOME, ONE THAT IS BECOMING MORE FILLED WITH LOVE.

In Transformational Harmony™ and many blessings, Thank You Sincerely Judy Rymes If anyone wishes to contact me about the photos or have any questions, you may have you can contact me at jannekerr@gmail.com

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