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Talent Contests

YAD Talent Contests General Talent Rules

Talent Entrant Categories

Talent is open to members from grades kindergarten through 11th grade, based on the member’s grade level in the current school year. As an example of the appropriate entrant category, students who have completed 11th grade and submit an entry during the summer before 12th grade will be considered entrants for 11th grade.

Individual Talent Contest

Kindergarten through 2nd Grade 3rd Grade through 5th Grade 6th Grade through 8th Grade 9th Grade through 11th Grade

Group Talent Contest

Junior Group Kindergarten through 5th Grade Senior Group 6th Grade through 11th Grade

Talent Contest Categories

A lodge is not limited to the number of entries in talent. A youth may compete in a maximum of one individual talent and in a maximum of one group talent.

Talent contests include: Dance Dramatic Gymnastics Instrumental Vocal Other

Other talent types include: Pantomime: A dramatic performance using mute gestures to show action. Lip-Sync: An act in which dancing or acting out a message is performed along with the movement of one’s lips in synchronization to a live or recorded accompaniment. Judges will be instructed to use this definition in scoring.

Setup and Breakdown Time Limits

Individual Talent Setup Time Limit: 2 minutes Individual Breakdown Time Limit: 2 minutes

Group Talent Setup Time Limit: 4 minutes Group Talent Breakdown Time Limit: 4 minutes

a A penalty of one point per minute per judge will be deducted if contestant exceeds the setup or breakdown time limit.

Performance Time Limits

Individual Talent Performance Time Limit: 3 minutes Group Talent Performance Time Limit: 5 minutes

a A total of three points (one point by each of the three judges) will be deducted if a contestant exceeds the talent performance time limit. Time limit begins when talent voice, music, or action begins. The time limit does not include the talent introduction.

a A group talent is defined as two to 15 individuals performing an activity together at one time or separately in support of the other members of the group, but group members cannot perform individually to the exclusion of the rest of the group. In other words, three people cannot sing three separate solos, each solo having nothing to do with the other two, and count themselves as a group, or two people sing portions of a song separately, then sing the last two or three notes together.

a A junior youth may compete with a senior group talent, but a senior youth may not compete with a junior group talent. The grade of the oldest youth in the group determines the entrant category of the group talent.

a An individual or group talent in twirling, dancing, vocal, band, or musical instrument may use live or recorded accompaniment. For vocal performances, limited background vocals may be allowed, pending

DYC’s approval. Instrumental performances may not be accompanied by the same type of instrument (live or recorded). Any accompaniment will not be judged, and the judges will be publicly informed to that effect.

a Music selection must be approved by the DYC.

Please list the talent you will be performing on the

YAD entry form. If you are singing or dancing, we must have the title of the song. If you are doing a skit, we must have the title and theme of the skit.

a A talent contestant may not repeat the same talent number during his/her contest years.

*Denotes change to Youth Club Handbook from previous year.

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