DYD (III) Wilma Nesuda presenting YL Rosemarie Banik of Lodge No. 35 Elk a certificate from State YAD. (DIST. III MTG. - ELK)
'£he youth le�de:s Otf Distl'ict TII who attended the Youth Leaders' Building Con ference of D1str1ct III. District Iii DYD is fourth from the left.
school end but you are trying to honor all those who helped with youth club work during the year. You are e1ecting new officers, selecting new committees, but you also have to plan for the year ahead.
These plans are not a sudden thing.
Wednesd�, February 3, 19171
faster �tion in business. Demonstrators particularly need to know ho many will participate and how much, time club memcers will have to work' in. Then if the program is a craft or some participating activity the members will have time to finish once th meeting is adjourned. And one more thing, youth leaders, do have fun ,that is what youth c,lubs are about. Fraternally, Wilma Nesuda, DYD, District III
Generally, the club year is activated by our general pla.Bs ror the achievement, merit and camp activity. Then you have the social, charity and lodge plans. In all these things you want to involve all the youth. They must help wi�h the details of planning to feel that they are doing their own thing. This is where committees come in a,nd where families can help members. ----�-,-=8�J.ST...-
Think of revolving committees. A year is a long time for a member to serve on one committee. Have a standing chairman named to each commltr------�==:S'P':l':>T=-------tee. Suppose you have four committees. =on.,, Divide the membership into four FROM THE DISTRICT groups (in a small club) and at the YOUTH DIRECTORS ,end of three months revolve one over DIS'r&ICT III PLANS FOR 1971 until each group has served in ea,ch Dear Youth Leaders and Members: comn1ittee. In a larger club there is February marks the last third of the need for larger committees as well as more kinds. Involve as manv parents youth year. It is the planning season 'J as you can in assisting in the commit for tl1e coming year but alsc the fin.tee their child 1·s m·. There may be some i.shing time of accounting for accomp- hidden talent. l!shments of 1970.
The experienced leaider usually has a By farming out your youth plan in workable plan that she falls back on this fashion more can be a;ccomplishduring the coming months, but the ed. Have acceptable plans but once newly elected one may need all the they are made never accept a negative llelp we can give her. Some of you do approach. Sure, have substitute plans, • not actually begin until .June, but some but remind ,everyone that once a choice may be handed the reins immediately. is made it stands. Help your committee Let's go over the hints we worked chairmen by preparing in advance, out in our last lab. First, have a time- making sure that preparations are table. February is usually a socially made well in advance. This is the way active month. It is also a good time to planned democracy works! think about what the club will do Work toward short meetings. Plan in when the f,irst spring days come. So- advance. Put plans in hands of comcially, it is a good time to go on hikes mittees in time for them to be preand to get out and find activity out- pared. Let your ideas become their doors. ideas. Let the body vote. Put details Business should be brisk and it is up back into committee work. Use your Ito you to keep it that way Keep in watch; thirty minute meetings for junmlnd that there is a sprmg district iors, forty-five for teenagers, and the meeting the youth may want to partici- rest of your time for program, play and pate in: March and April is a gooo time refreshments. to settle who is doing what for Youth Often our clubs invite speakers or Achievement Day. May is too lale. ether guests to furnish a program for not only to g.et good work t-o show but the club. Please stipulate how much to get all the entry blanks filled out time you are allowing and how many right. Get your work sheet out right can be expected to be present. Your now and jot your own notes down ,guest should present his presentation about this. There is no point in Just as soon as the club convenes because hopmg you will remember everything. he may not have time to sit through This is what mak.es youth work hard. a business session. If it is a demonMay is a month to itself. It is the last stration, then an introduction to the one of the youth year. Not only does activity at this time may stimulate :-�---
District III Youth Leaders at YL Builders Conference with SYD James Janousek at right (in his down-to-earth work clothes).
Another v!e\�' of District Iii Youth Le.aders at work at the �L Bmldlllg Conference. Photos bv DYD ,v·1 N -E<htor. 1 ma esuda..
2625 Floyd Street
ear Members:
We extend an invitation to you and tour friends, to the Supi·eme Lodge officers to attend another great youth event.
We are very grateful to Lodge 84 for offering to be our hosts. The cooks in their membership are outstanding and willbeginserving a goodlunchat 11:30 with refreshments made available after the program.
Youth Program
10-11 a.m. - Youth registration for door prizes
Registration for Talent and Royalty contestants
P.ace-number drawing
Dlsplay of Arts-Crafts and Poster entries
11:30-12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - Presentation of ColorsFlag Bearer
Welcome - President Lodge 84
Response - President District III
P·ogram Summary - Dist. III
Youth Di.rector
12:40 -Beseda
T1lent: Group and Individual
3:15 Break; 20 minutes
::l:45 - Door prizes awarded
",:00 - Royalty ,J:45 -- Awards
Social and refreshments immediately following.
May I remind all leaders to arrive 15 minutes before schedule to take their posts. You will be handed an envelope contiaining all your necessiti�s. Those in charge ofcrafts work in pairs and your.spot is the one that must be manned at all tin1es. Please do not allow visitors or contestants into the display area until judging is completed. Only contestants who can set up their own display are the ones who have scientific or technical entries.
Fraternally, Wilma Nesuda, District Youth Director
Dear Members:
With well over 250 entry blank sorted into the various categories o Youth Achievement Contests we knew we had a big day coming.
Arts and Crafts were outstanding with 231 entries competing for 48 awards. Each year entries are better and next year simply must·see more room and more awards for t.his very busy contest.
Talent had 22 entries, but the junior group and individual, ages 15-19, should have more competition.
Beseda had three circles competing and six clubs competed with posters. Leaders, here again there is place for more competition.
Six girls and five boys competed for royalty. This is a variable competition depending on availabillty of proper age youth. Begin enlisting youth now to fill this need.
To all contestants, my congratulations. You are an extraordinary group. Many of you have worked from the very youngest age category. Now you are seniors. If you did not win, try again. Experience will help you to the top, if not in YAD, then somewhere
To Lodge 84-, a very heartfelt thank you! What a crowd you hosted. To all the youth leaders and assistants goes the credit of working as a team and making it possible to meet time schedules. To my assistant, Patsy Slovak, I owe a special debt of gratitude for evenings spent in preparation and a long clay Sunday seeing that all happened as it shouid. To Bessie Petr, still another thank you; she not only made arrangements but beautifully clecorated the stage for the . royalty contests.
This year our State ,Queen Janice and King Robert were the first to wear the new royal garb our district voted to procure for this event. This is always the highlight of a long day and I foresee that we will divide our YAD into two events. There is no way of shortening the time with the growing increase of entries.
Congratulations to all our first place winners. We will see you at El C'ampo and Linden Hall.
District III YAD Winners
(All places listed in age sequence group 6-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-19 w,here age pertains).
Arts and Crafts:
Original Arts -
1st - Christine Mahdak (84),.Rome Milan (154), Monty Olson (84), Danny Vrla (130).
2nd: Camille Mahclak (84), Jennifer May (130>, Karl Mahdak (84), Denise Skrivanek (135).
3rd: Edward Hykel, Jr. (6), Cathy Prachyl (25), Ronnie Davis (92), Daryl Parma (130).
2nd: Eddie Ray Banik (35), Tana Kutni (66), Thomas Galler (66), Carolyn Frnka (84),
3rd: Steve Stanislav (66), Pam Vicha. (35), Johnny Kratky (92), Michaef Galler (66).
King: Daryl Parma (130), Duke Glen Sparks (130). Alternates: Danny Bouska (135), Duke Jackie Hennig (135). 3rd: Monty James Olson (84) Duke Randy Petr (84). Fraternally, Wilma Nesuda, Dist. III DYD ----�_J
L to R: District III King Daryl Parma, ·Queen Patti Dulock and DYD Wilma Nesucla at Dist!"ict III YAD at Lodge No. 84, Dallas, June 28. (Photo by Sister Nesuda. !\'lore forthcoming. -Editor).
In a few days you are going to camp at Val Verde. On arrival. park your gear under a tree and come into the d;_ning hall to register and to receive a card to give the leader in your :abin Housing will be similar to last ;ear. You can arrange to be in the -same cabin if your pal is about your 1ge. When you find your cabin place your gear on your bunk to �e unpacked later. This will reserve it for you. Remember that one bunk must be freserved for the leader. -
What to take to camp: A change of comfortable clothing for each day, bed sheets, pillow if used, towels and washcloths, soap and other toi!et ar
ticles but very important: SOCKS to protect your feet from blisters, long pants for horseback riding, swim suits, and towels, and very, very comfortable shoes. Take a bit of money for the trading post even though refreshments will be served between meals. Leave your radios and other entertain-me gadgets at home, but if you ];ave a favorite record or a musical instrument you may bring these. Bring a flashlight, and leaders: have a watch.
Camp applications indicate that you must have said something nice about camp to your friends. We are very happy to include the Teens from District VII.
Arranged schedules give a freechoice period after lunch until 4:15. Only scheduled activities are those that give everyone an equal opportunity.
Party planning is your bit, Teens, so talk to your leaders and some up with some good ideas. You may serve as assistants if you wish.
Cook-outs will be in order for two nights. No camp-outs this year. If everyone is there by 2:30, we should be able to have swimming and possibly other activities befQre the Sunday night party. We have instructions to encl all activities ancl be in bed by twelve. Your camp directors want it that way, so whatever else, always be ready to participate. Be on time when an activity is schedule<:!. E.veryone else will be.
Have a very good time at camp. Whatev-er rules we may have are for that purpose. To you leaders, may I say you have always cooperated and you parents, who put your children in their trust, should know that they do not take this responsibility lightly. Instruct our youth to take care of these adu1ts! '.fhey make constructive camping possible!
See you August 2, at 2:30, at Val Verde.
Fraternally, Wilma Nesuda, DYD, District III
Campe1·s and leaders: Please send in your applications to reach me July 11. This is urgent to give me sufficient time to prepare C'amp at Val Verde, August 2-5. Watch your Vestnik for further information.
Fraternally, Wilma Nesuda, Dist. III Youth Director
SP�T ______
Dear Readers, August 2nd the District III Camp began at 2·30 p.m Groups 1 and 2 went swimming while Mrs. Nesuda told all campers, 12 and over, they could be in groups 3, 4, and 5. That evening groups
(o (JOTTOIVvvr--o _o__ d__
Dear Readers,
The month of October has passed and it was a busy one for our youth club.
We are busy selling candy and doing very well. We are working on our Christmas projects, on Wednesday nights, so everyone come because we �•till have lots of work to do. We are planning a hayride, so watch the Vestnik for more details. our next meeting is in December. We will discuss our Christmas program so everyone come and find out what we will have. Also, be sure and bring your point sheets to our next meeting.
Fraternally, Doug Uptmor
Dear Readers,
We were very proud to have Mrs. Ne£1uda visit us. Her talk was very interesting. Thank you for visiting our club.
Our birtbday cake was brougnt by Shellie Uptmore. rt was very pretty and very much appreciated.
Bring your points sheets to our December meeLing.
Fraternally, Debbie Uptmor
Dear Readers,
At our November meeting, Mrs. Alvin Nesuda was our guest speaker. We enjoyed her talk very much. We enjoyed having her.
We will have cur Christma£1 program and party December 20. Come out to our social nights. We would like to see more of you.
Fraternally, Edward Hykel
Dear Readers,
Dear Members and Friends,
The month of August was a busy month in the club. The youth had few activities during the month. The youth went swimming, picnicking, had an· ice cream (home-made) party, watermelon party, craft·and games. The activities were enjoyed by the youth an also the parents.
Arbrey and Rosie Marie Uptmor, Debbie, Douglas, Darrell and i went to El Campo to the State YAD. Debbie was the District III junior point winner. Junior from Lodge 153, Dist. VI, Marilyn Vincik is the "J'U11ior of the Year." The talent and craft was wonderful. We really enjoy.ed the trip.
The Royalty Contest was Sunday. September 13, at Lodge 66. Our District III Queen, Patti Dulock, is runner-up. We still are very proud of you, even if you didn't get to win the state crown. I think you did a beautiful . job. Lodge 6 and the youth club are proud of you, Patti.
Congratulations to new State Queen Patsy Kalina of Lodge No. 58, Hungerford, District VI and State King Theodore Dusek, Jr., of Lodge No. 17, New Tabor, District I.
The youth club held their meeting September 4, after the adult meeting. We had good attendance. The youth decided on a money-making project. They are collecting clothes, and glass bottles and jars. Bring these items on our Wednesday night social or to our next meeting October 11. Be sure and don't forget.
All of you youth club< members and parents, don't forget out· District III meeting on October 4 at E>lk Lodge No. 35. It iEtn't v,ery far from West, so try to make it.
The youth a1·e planning a Halloween party and hs.yride sometimes in November. The youth decided to send cash donations to the Ennis Youth Club. Their lodge hall burned in July.
Mrs. Mary Pavlas made the birthday cake for the club. It was very pretty. Thank you. The youth appointed new chairmen. They are: Refreshment - Bobby Svrcek; Entertainment - Margaret Lander; and New Membership - Henrietta Lander.
Hope to see more of you youth at our Wednesday night socials.
Fraternally, Willi.e Mae Schuetz, Youth Leader
Just a reminder that our next mee<t'ing is February 7, so be surei and attencted. We have to set a date for OLU' boWlin-g party, and plan our Valentine paity.
Don't forget the ,opening and dedication ceremonies of the new Supremel Lodge Building on Sunday, January 31 in Temple. Try to go if you can. Bring your glass oottles and jars to the Friday n'i.ght sociaJ or to the Fe'brua.ry meeting for sure, so Mr. HaJa.mik can pick them u1p and we an filJ,ish �w· project.
, We will be workinlg on a new proj _ ect riday, Jan,11ary 29, so I Will b,e lookmg or all o•f you youth.
FraternaJ.Jy, Willie Mae Schuetz, Youth(Leader
Dear Readers,
At our social nights we have been working on our pot holders. We are now going to start with Tri-Chem. We attended Lhe District III meeting Sunday at El,k. We had a very nice ti.me.
Fraternally, Robert Hykel
Dear Readers,
Our youth club meeting was held October 11. We had a very good attendance.
In the business part of our meeting, we discussed several projects which we are working on. We are still taking old clothes for our charity project, and we are still collecting glass, jars, and bottles of any kind. Bring these items on our social nights which are held on Wednesday nights at 7:30. We had a visitor from Irving, Alice Lamere. We hope she comes to visit us, again soon. We had six birthdays. The club· wants to thank Barbara Hykel for baking a cake this month.
Fraternally, Debbie Uptmor
Dear Members and Friends, We had our meeting July 12. Sister Ruth Krizan congratulated our new queen, Patti Dulock, and her duchess. Karen Hykel. The king is Daryl Parma f Lodge 130, Dallas, and his duke is len Sparks, also of Lodge 130.
The district YAD was held a.t Lodge 84, Dallas. Our other winners wer,e, in arts and crafts: Patti and Vicki Dulock (2nd place), Rob.ert and Edward Hykel (3rd). There were two door prize winners: Terry Hykel and Darrell Uptmore. Winners in om point contest are: Teenager of the Year-Jeanette Krizan, first; Bobby Svrcek, second, and Edward Helona, third. Junior of the Year - Debbie Upt:nore, first; Doug Uptmore, second, and Edward Hykel, third. Youth Leader of the Year - Mrs. Ruth Krizan, third. Debbie Uptmor placed first in the Junior of the Year contest for District III. Debbie will be going to El Campo on August 23, to try for the state championship, and our queen, Patti Dulock, wil) go to state and that will be at Linden Hall, (Lodge 66, Waco), Sept. 13. We are proud of you; you all did a very good job.
Sister Ruth presented me with a birthday gift from the youthclub leader and assistant leader. Thank youyery much, and Sister Ruth also presented. Mrs. Dorothy Hykel with a birthday and going-away gift.
The youth club Leader and assistant presented Sister Ruth Krizan with a IO-year plaque as a youth leader. Sister Ruth gave a nice talk, stating that
Dear Readers,
On July 12, at 3 p.m., our regular monthly meeting was held with Bro. Arnold Kasbcrg, Jr., presiding. The meeting started off with 23 of our youngsters leading the pledge.
A moment of silence was observed in memory of Bro. Charlie Sykora, 89, who passed away on Saturday, July 11. Our members were sadclened to hear of his ct.eath, since he wa� the oldestmember of Lodge 6.
Lodge 6 is always happy to have guests and those present Sunday were Mrs. E'. M. Kutscherousky, Jerry Snokhous and Joe Kadlubar.
All reports were given and approved. Members voted in favor of raising the clues of all adult members by five cents after Bro. Johnnie Krizan react a letter from the district treasurer asking for the increase.
Bro. Cyrill Svrcek was reported on the sick list. He was in the Hillsboro Hospital, but was to be released the next day.
Sister Ruth Krizan, youth leader, had a very fine report to give. She recognized Miss Patti Dulock for being chosen District III Queen at the District Youth Achiev,ement Day, June 28, in Dallas. Patti"s duchess was Karen Hykel·of West and both are to be congratulated for their accomplishments.
O<ver 30 Lodge 6 members went to Dallas for this big ev.ent. The state royalty contest will be held on Sept. 13, at Waco Lodge No. 66.
Also recognized at this meeting was Debbie Uptmor, who was first in the District III point contest. Several oth,er local youths were high in the district point standings. After the meeting was over, several arts and crafts were displayed, which were made by the youth for the district contest. Bro. Arnold Kasberginstalledthenewyouth leaders and officers. Since this was Sister Krizan's last report as youth
being•youth lead�r is harq w�r� and tak,eslots of planning. I know_it is b�cause Iwas her assistant for fiveyears. We also gave little gifts to Mrs. Dorotl1Y Hykel (2-year junior leader)' and Mrs. Martha Monthei for 5 years as junior leader.
After the lodge meeting, oui: lodge . ·dent Arnold Kasberg, installed �� ' the youth club officers.for the year. After !,he lodge meeting the youth held their meeting, planned activities and projects for the month of August. �:>na is gbing picnicking and swim1�111�g. July 26 is our Lodge . 6 annual picnic. ·The youth club ishavmg the cak� walk and games·, so if anyone would hke to •domtte cake or items for the games_we ·wouldappreciateitverymuch.Weneed the youth and also the parents to work at the cake stand and game stands. Some of the parents and also youth will be putting up the game stands Friday evening, July 24, so be sur.e and come and help. We will h8:ve a snack party; everyone bring.a bite to eat. Everyone is invited to_the_Lod�e 6, Cottonwood, annual picnic; it will start at 3 p.m.; supper at 5:30, and a dance at night. Do come out and have a big time.
All the club members were present, we also have· a few new members. Welcome to the youth club and hope we have more to,join. Friday, July 17, we had a home-made ice cream party. Everyone enjoyed it very much and we thank all of you who brought in-
gredients for making the ice cream
I hope we will be seeing you at the picnic on July 26.
Ftaternally, Willie Mae Schuetz, Youth Leader
leader, incoming youth leader Willie Mae Sch1tetz had a gift and plaque to present to Sister Krizan for her wonderful work during the past 11 years. Sister Martha Monthie got a gift for her five years of work with the boys and girls. Patti Dulock, Sister Schuetz, and Dorothy Hykel got birthday gifts for their youth club members.
The youth clubs will be selling cakes at the cake walk and will be in charge of the games when the Cottonwood Picnic is held on Sunday, July 26, so members are urged to help them by donating toboth booths.
Under old business, Sister Monthie thanked those responsible for making improvements to the hall. Also, picnic chairman George Straten, Jr., is in dire need of workers who can come to Cottonwood Hall on Saturday, July 25 to help with preparations for the picnic. There is much work to be done. There will be an auction, plenty of good food, games for all ages, and u dance with music by the Kaluza Polka Band.
Four new members were accepted into the lodge. The two $10 attendance prizes were not claimed, because Mary Victoria Kazda and Luritha Svacek were not present. When the Aug. 2 meeting is held, beginning at 3 p.m., there will be a $10 and a $1 attendance prize.
Don't forget the Friday night social and work nights.
Fraternally yours, Charles Conner, Reporter
Dear Readers,
Our youth leader reminded us to finish our crafts besause YAD is getting close. It is June 28. Edward Hykel (7)
Dear Readers, Doug Uptmor, our president, calle1 the meeting to order. He welcomed our new members. We are glad to have them We were all working real hard for our picnic. We plan to go swimming in August. Mrs. Schuetz pre sented Mrs. Ruth Krizan with a plaque for being a wonderful youth leader for 11 years
We all had a wonderful time on June 28th at Lodge 84 in Dallas at district YAD. Congratulations to our newking, DarylParma and to our new queen, Patti Dulock, from our lodge. We :tre all proud of Pattr. Our meeting was adjourned until August 2.
Fraternally, ____R,obert Hyk·;.;el_(6)___.--,
Dear Members, our annual picnic will be July 26. we will have a meeting at the hall, July 10, at 7:30. I would like for _an the sisters and brothers who are mterested in helping to come to the meeting, Friday July 10.
Dear Readers, D 1 I would like to thank Lodge 84, alas for a wonderful day we had . on ;ou"h Activity Day. It was real mce. I \hink our loclge was well rep�·esented. We came home with some_winners. We have two winners who will go to state, Patti Dulock, our �ew que;;� �nd Debbie Uptmore, Jumor of iear Patti"s duchess was Karen Hykel other winners were Edward Hykel: Jr., third in arts; Robert Hykel, third in science; Vickie Dulock, seco�d . • nee· Patti Dulock, second 111 111 scie , d Terry home arts; Darrell Uptmor an merit H kel door prize winners. In the Y nts system were Jeanette Knz�n, p01 • d H Iona Jumor Bobby Svrcek, iE)dwar e ' Dou of the Year - Debbie Uptmor, g Uptmor, and Edward Hykel. Our Yo��� Leader Mrs. Ruth Krizan, won thu place i� Youth Leac1er of the Year._Althongh our club did not win anythmg, I believe we had a wonderful year. Thank you, Mrs. Krizan. congratulations to all our winners. Fraternally, Edward Hykel, Jr. ('7)
Dear Readers, on Aug. 9, the youth club had a swimming party and picnic at Spivey's Crossing on the Brazos. Everyone had wonderful time.
Our Assistant Leader, Rose Uptmor
a birthday this •month. Happy Birthday. our social nights are every Friday. See you there.
Fraternally, Robert Hykel (6)
Dear Readers, our meeting was held August 2nd. We had a good attendance. We also had visitors and some new members. Under old business our youth leader, Mrs. Schuetz, gave a report on our booths at our picnic. We had a very good outcome.
Under new business, we discussed our new events coming up. We honored our assistant youth leader. Rose Uptmor, on her birthday. She was presented gifts and a cake.
Remember to bring your point sheets to our next meeting.
Fraternally, Debbie Uptmor
Dear Readers,
School is right around the corner. our youth club has had a very busy summer. We made many new craft items at our social nights and had many activities. Our future activities include a watermelon cut and also a picnic at Spivey's Crossing. We hope to see many of our club members there because it will be fun.
Our club and youth leaders would like to thank all parents who brought items for our games and cakes for our cake walk. They w,ere appreciateq..
See you at our next meeting.
Fraternally, Doug Uptmor -SPJST-
Dear Friends and'Members,
The youth club held their meeting on November 1 after the mother lodge meeting, Mrs. Wilma Nesuda., our District III Youth Director was our guest speaker. She talked about the youth .from babiea to adults in our SPJST clubs and lodges. Everyone enjoyed the talk.
The youth club members, my assistant leader and I want to thank you for taking time and coming to our lodge, and also showing the youth how to use Go-Glo. They all enjoyed paint1ng. Mr. Alvin Nesuda, District III Organizer, said a few wol'ds about the insurance. We all enjoyed having both of you. Gome back when you can.
The Halloween party was real good; we had around32 kiddos or spooks. We had a judged contest for all those who were dressed for Halloween. The winners were:
Spookiest - Debbie Uptmor (a witch).
Funniest - Doug Uptmor (a hippie)
Prettiest - Karen. Hykel (angel)
Ugliest- Richard Seith (large nose).
The judges were Mrs. Bennie Hegge!, Mrs. Milliam Rauschuber, Mrs. John Mynar. I sure do thank you for being the judges.
The games we played were shoe scramble, balloon game and then we had the spookie room, all the youth, and also the adults liked that very !much. Then they all enjoyed the ref�·eshments. Lodge 35, Elk, came over
Dear Readers,,
Our meeting was held on September 6. We had a nice attendance. Our special nights were changed to Wednesday nights, during the football season. Our next meeting will be October 12. My congratulations go to our new State Queen Patsy Kalina of District VI, and our State King Theodore Dusek., Jr. of District I. The District III Queen Patti Dulock, who iEI from our lodge, was runner-up. Her duchess was Karen Hykel, my sister. We are all very proud of Patti. Fraternally, Edwarg...!!Ykel ...,(..;.7_)___.
and enjoyed the fun with u9. They all had a big time. I want to thankall of you whohelped with the pastry.
Our hayride and hot clog party will be Wednesday, November 25, at 7:30 p.m. Be sure and brin,g a friend, and yolll' parents. We need some one with a tractor and trailer. The club is furnishing the hot dogs and drinks. The rest of you bring chips, cake, cookies.
The youtli club is inviting Lodge 35, Elk, and Lodge 66, Waco, to our hayride and hot dog party. We will be looking for you.
The candy selling is going real good.
Mrs. Willie Helona gave the youth club a basketball goal; we need someone to put it up. And now we need a basketball. Maybe Santa will bring us one.
I want to thank all those who painted the youth club room. It sure looks nice and clean. Thank you again.
On October 24,AssistantRoseUptmor and I went to a trainin,g class at the Sokol Hall at !E'nnis. We really enjoyed it and learned a lot.
The Christmas supper and program will be Sunday,December 20. The supper will be around 5 or 5:30 p.m. with a Christmas program after the supper, so all of you youth will be gett.ing your parts pretty soon.
Mrs. Frankie Lee Uptmor baked the youth club birthday cake. It sure was a pretty one. Thankyou so much.
Will be seeing all of you Wednesday night when we will finish our Christmas project.
Don't forget the hayride and hot dog party Wednesaay, Nov. 25- at 7:30 p.m.
Fraternally, Willie MaeSchuetz, Youth Leader
ear Readers, Our president, Doug Uptmor, called he meeting to order. Olur youth leader hanked ,eve·ryone for doing a wonder1 job on the Christmas program. She sked ·us if we would like to go bowl-
at the end of the month. We ':'ill ave a Valentine party. We are gomg 0 have a game party afte'.r our F,ebruary meeting.
Our meeting wa.s adjourned until February7.
Fraternally yours, Rdbert Hykel
We are going to work with our TriChem on our social n\ghts. We are going to paint pictur,es. B1ing your glass d.n a sack tc the. hallfor Mr. Joe HaJa�-k to pick up.
Fraternally yours, Edward Hynek, Jr.
Dear Readers,
Our last meeting was a very busy Father's Day. A special gift was given to the father whose name was drawn. The lucky dad was Alvin Schuetz. We want to thank Brother Vernon Wood for coming to our lodge as guest speal<er. We enjoyed it very much and hope to llave him back again. Our next meeting will be July 12. I hope to. see many of you there.
Fraternally, Douglas Uptmor
- LO,DGE. NO..6, COTTONWOOD D:eai· Readers,.
Our last meetir;ig was held May 31. We hande_d i:Q:·our point system sheets since that was the end of the point contest.
Thenew officers for our club are:
President - Douglas Uptmor
Vice-President - Vicki Dulock
Treasurer -'-" Patti Dulock
Historian - Eddie Hykel
Reporter - Robert Hykel. We.also ended our sale of tickets for the prizes. We want to thank everyone for-helping us out. The date for going to.SJx Jnags will be decided later. .. , .Fraternally, l : ·Debbie Uptmore (11) -SP,JST------ -----.----l
Dear Readers,
Our regular monthly meeting was called to order by our president. W,e had good attendance and also some new members. We want to welcome them to our ·club.
Under new business, we discussed our up-coming lodge picnic. The youth club will sponsor a cake walk and games. Our birthdays for the month were Patti Dulock; and Anton Kaluza. Our door prize was won by Patti Dulock. Refreshments were served to all club members.
Fraternally, D-.£.bbi�mo::;r'--_______.
-ti.t'.Jti l·--
Dear Readers
Just a few 'words to remind all 1.he youth club members about our wiener roast and hay ride Wed., November 25 at 7:30 P- m. Bring a friend. Dec. 6, do not forget the lodge and yo':th club meetings with election of officers. We have a lot to discuss and also plan the Christmas program and party so be sure and all of you youth cl':b members come, and bring your pomt sheets.
I will be seeing you Wed., Nov. 25 and Sunday, Dec. 25 at the meeting. Willie Mae Schuetz
ear Readers,
At our last meetin� we e1ected oficers. Our officers are:
President -Doug Uptmor
Vice-President - Vickie Dulock
Secretary - Debbie Uptmor
Treasurer - Patti Dulock
Historian - Edward Hyl{el
Reporter - Robert Hykel
We were scheduled to go to Six lags,June 20.
Fraternally, Robert Hykel (6)
Dear Readers, Christmas is over and the new year is here, ti.me for In-Ost of the boys and girls to go back to school.
The youth club .held their meeting January 3. It was well attended. w,e haive one new member.
Ou.r Chrisbmas supper and program was w,ell attended, and the youth club did a wonderful job. I want to thank each one of you - the youth, parents, my assistant youth leader, and all who lent a helping hand.
This is the name of the program: Our Youth Club's Christmas Program Characters: the entire . youth club. Sitting: Yout,h club meeting - presi d,ent in the center, members on each side. President - Douglas Uptmor.
We Welcome You - Patti Dulock Merry Christmas - Pam Hykel Kerchoo - Anthony Mynar
Good Old Christmas S:pi.rit - Antoinette and Bety Je,an Pavlas Chl.istmas Greeting - Eddie HykeJ Song - Joy to the World - youth club
Dear Readers,
First of all, our youth club wants to say congratulations to ,Queen Patti Duloc'k, who represented our lodge at YAD She won district queen and we are very proud of her. Her duchess was Karen Hykel. We also had another firs� place winner. She is Debbie Uptmor, and she won first place, Junior of the Year, in district merit points. Good luck to both of you at state YAD.
Other winners wer,e:
Patti Dulock - 2nd, home arts
Vicki Dulock - 2nd, science-educational
Edward Hykel - 3rd, original arts
Robert Hykel - 3rd, science-educ.
Teenagers of the Year at Cottonwood were:
Jeanette Krizan - first
Bobby Svrcek .:__ second
Edward Helona - third
Juniors of the Year were: Debbie Uptmor - first Douglas Uptmor - second Edward Hykel - third
We were happy to have so many winners.
See you at our annual SPJST picnic, July 26.
Fraternally, Douglas Uptmor
Dear Readers,
The meeting was called to order by President Doug Uptmor. The secretary read the minutes. The treasurer's report was .given.
We are still collecting glass, old clothes, cigarette packages. We will have a hayride on November 125. . see you at our next meetmg. . Shellie Uptmor baked our birthda cake.
Fraternally, Robert Hykel
Happy Christmas Day - Joe Frank 'M'ynarChristmas - Debbie UptmorAngel - Karen Hykel I Song - Away in a Manger - yout).1
club Cheer - Terry Hykel
Merry Christmas - David Mynar
All Tiny - Sherrie Hykel
Three Cheers - Michael Mynar
Jesus Like Me - Darrell Uptmor
Song - Silent Night - youth club
Mother's Gift - Bobbie Hykel
Candy Cane - Jimmy Uptmor
Piano solo - Here Comes Santa Claus - Debbie Uptmor
Snowflake Dance - Lisa Uptmor
Bethlel1am's Star - Micha.el Kasberg
Song - Jingle Bells - youth club
To Jerusalem - Richard Seith
Poem - Paula Kasberg
Song - Christmas Is Here Again
Antoinette and Betty Jean Pavlas
A Christmas acrostic by James Hromadka, Patsy Mynar, George Mynar, Mary Lander, Edward Helona, Henrietta Lander, Antone Kaluza, Margaret Lander, Bobby Svrcek.
Christmas Store - Jeanette Krizan
The Night Before Christmas - Patti Dulock
Farewell - Vicki Dulock
End of the program - Doug Uptmor Song - Merry Christmas to Youyouth club.
Gary Marek helped with the singing, and Mlike Ma1•,ek heJ.\ped wJ:.th the program.
After our program was completed, Santa Claus came in and gave eac youth a bag of fruit, candy and nuts
The motner lodge funushed the bags
Thanks to Lodge 6. After Santa de parted, the youth exchanged gifts
They all had a big time - young an old. I also want to thank the yout club and the youth for giving m gifts. I can use all of them. Thank yo so much, you were all wonderful.
At our New Y,ear's Eve dance the youth club had the kitchen and sold hot dogs, french fries, kolaches, sandwiches, chips, coffee, and black-eyed peas. They did pretty well. I want to thank all te youth who helped, and also the parents. Thanks to all of those who donated items; my assistant leader and I really appreciated it.
For our February meeting we are planning a game night, so everyone bring a gift, if you want to play.
One of our club members got hurt Christmas Eve in a fireworks accident. He is Jimmy Uptmon anct his ear was
Dear Members and Friends,
The youth club held their meeting after the adult meeting, August 2.
We had all the members present and also had some new members. Welcome to the club. The youth and leader presented a birthday gift to Assistant Leader Rose Uptmor. Debbie baked her mother a birthday cake. Happy birt.hday, Rose.
Wednesday, August 5, we had a watermelon cut, everyone had all the watermelon they could ,eat and we all did. Sunday, August 9, the youth club had a swimming party and picnic at Spivey's Crossing on tne Brazos. The club furnished the hamburgers and hot dogs and soda pop. The parents and members brought chips, pickles, sweets or anything that went with
burned. He spent two days in the hospital, but he is doing fine now.
We want to thank our assistant leader, Rose Uptmor, for baking tne birthday cake for this month.
We are going to work with Tri-Chem Friday, so try to be present.
Fraternally, Willie Mae Schuetz, Youth Leader
Dear ReacLers, Our last meeting was held September 6. We nad a very good attendance. Our visitors were Patricia and Joyce Wachsmann of Bellmead. We were glad to have them.
Mrs. Schuetz reminded us of the district meeting which will be held at Elk. We would like to have a good attendance from ou1· youth club. Plan to attend.
Under new business, we discussed our clothing drive. Anyone who may have so�e old clothes that they can give, bnng them to our social nihts or to our next meeting for sure.
I would like to remind everyone that we will have our social nights on Wednesdays im1tead of Fridays for a few weeks. The time is 7:30.
Fraternally, Debbi.e Uptmor
Dear Members,
The annual SPJST Lodge No. 6, cottonwood picnic was held Sunday, July 25 and was termed a success. There was an auction, games, cake walk fish pond, dunking Sam, and othe�· entertainment, including a dance that night, featuring the Kaluza Band of West. A barbecue and fried chicken supper was served
A drawing w,1:5 lwld for :;everal nice gifts :rncl the winners were: George Sr.illings or T!:lm MoU - color TV; Bro. c;yrill Svrcek of Cottonwood - reclining chair; Walter l'ocian of Wacostainless steel tableware set; Mrs. C. w. Cernosck of West - U. S. Savings Bond; an:i Joe Owen of Waco, broiler oven. congratulations to all the winners, and a big thanlc yon to all who h:!lped out in any way and made this ycar·s picnic the success that it was.
Fraternally, Charles Conner, n.rportcr
hamburgers and hot dogs. They also brought swim suits, bats and balls. We had a big time.
We want to thank all of you who helped at our annual picnic with the cake walk or games. Thank you again.
We will be seeing you next Friday, August 14.
Fraternally, Willie Mae Schuetz, Youth Leader
Dear Readers,
On Wednesday, August 5, we had a watermelon cut. Everyone had a wonderful time and plenty to eat.
We wish to welcome our new members. Our summer is about to end with school just around the corner.
Our next meeting will be Sept. 6. Fraternally, Edward, Hykel (7) -SPJST---
Dear Readers, . uth. Just a few lines to remmd the yo . club members that our next meeting May 2 after the mother lodge mee.t��g and·we are having a crazy hat sh;w, and contest, so all of you yo;t� club members find you a crazy � Also all mothers andall the lodge sis; ters,'get your oldhats andbonnets ou ' just could have a conte,st. w�e didn't have our hayride, but we d·ct have a good rain which we ,sure i •ct · re needed so badly. Tille hayn e isscheduled for May 7. ··n
Don't forget your point sh�ets. bn g them to the meeting. My assist�1:-t and I will try working on them earlier.
On our Easter program, I left one '.little boy out,.Darrell Uiptmor; he, was our little ralbbit for the program. He was real cute. •t
The kit<then chairman and comnn_,tee will be giving prize_s for Mother 2 s Day at our lodge meeting on �ay
The social and w01'k ni:g�t w1ll be on Wednesday, April 28, this weeikFriday nig'11t is taiken up.
FraternaJly, Willie Mae Schuetz, Youth Leader__
Dear Reaclers,
Our April meeting was very well attended. We had several visitors and we were very happy to have DYD Wilma Nesuda visit our club.
Theguest speaker was Sister Dorothy Hykel. She works for a travel agency and gave a talk on her tour to Mexico. It was very interesting. We hope you will visit 11.s again soon.
We elected new officers for the coming year. Also, we voted for our king and queen. We are proud to have Anton Kaluza and Carol Dobecka represent our club. The duke and duchess are Jimmy and Lisa Uptmore Good Iuck to all of you !
Youth Leader, Willie Mae Schuetz asked everyone to be working on their point sheets, because it will soon be time to turn them in.
Our Assistant Youth Leader, Rose Uptmor baked the birthday cake. It was an Easter nest cake Thank you very much.
The door prize was given to Carol Dobecka.
Our next meeting will be held on May 2.
Flraternally, Debbie Uptmor
With the crispness in the air, we know that fall is here. Along with that we know that Halloween is also drawing near.
We are working on our Halloween project each Wednesday night and we need more members to join in and help.
We are having our Halloween party Friday, October 30, at 7:30 at om· mother lodge. Each member ls asked to bring sandwiches, cakes, cookies, or chips for the party. The club will furnish the drinks.
Doug Uptmor --._c.----
Dear Readers,
Well, the youth year is about to come to an ,encl. It has been a wonderful year. we went to the zoo on May 16. Everyone should start wm•king on their crafts for YAD. Mrs. So,huetz brought the youth club some bats and balls.
FraternaJly, Robert Hy�el
Dear Readers,
Our meeting was held on May 2. We had a crazy hat contest. The winners were: funniest - Bobby Hykel;_ prettiest - Debbie Uptmore and ugiiestDarrell Uptmor. The hats were �·eal nice. Come to our Friday night socials. Fraternally, Edward Hykel, Jr.
odge No. 6 Cottonwood officers after being installed
orris L to R: Yot:th Leader Willie Mae Schuetz, Vice
scherousky, Secretary Barbara Jean Hykel,
¥illie Helona, Financial Secy. George
carer Chas. KUJtscherousky, Han Mgr, Frankie Lee Uptmore, and Bro. J.\,[orris.
Dear Readel's, Our youth club held .its monthly meeting February 7. It was a pleasure to see such a good attendance. We also had visitors from Lod� 35• and Lodge 66. We hope you enjoyed yourselves and will come to visit us again soon
We were honored to have Brother John Kutni, Dist. nr secretary as our guest speaker. He gave an interesting talk on earning points, camps, and YAD. Thank you very much for visiting us.
Om' Youth Leader Mrs. Schuetz, reminded us to bring our point sheets to our social night toward the end of the month since our meeting has been changed to the 14th of March. See you then
Fraternally, Debbie Uptmor
Dear Readers, We held our meeting on A,pril 4. We are going to have a ha,y•1ide on Al)['il 16 at 7:30 p.m. We had a pro,gram after the meeting. Everyone did a real fine job. W:e also had a calke :walk after the supper and it was real good. Congratulaitions to our new officers and to our new king and queen.
Fraternally, Robert Hy;Icel
Dear Readers, Our president, Doug Uptmor, called the meeting to order. Our secretary read the minutes. Our guest speaker was District III Secretary Joh11 J. Kutni.
We are going bowlin.g on February 21, and we will meet at the Farmers Gin in Westat 2 p.m. We had a Valen tine party on February 12
We are going to have a kite-flying contest at our March14 meeting Mrs. Schuetz said the teen-age youth mem bers are going to start working· on the District III scrapbookandshewillhav.e something for the younge1· ones to do
We had guests from Lodge No. 35, Elk and Lodge No. 66, Linden Rall Come llnd visit with us again real .soon.
The meeting was adjourned until March 14 at 3 p.m,. Fraternally, R�bert Hykel
We are W10rking on our projects on F1iday nights. Itis fun to ma/k,e thingsat our youth .club meetings. Come a:nd join us! Tihe YAD is gettin;g: close, so let's get busyand finish ourprojects.
Hykel, Jr.
Third place Went to Lodge No. 6, Cottonwood's Youth Olub
by SL r'resident N. A.
President Emest !\'I. Ku
President Johnnie Krizan, Treas1\rer
Straten, Reporter Ed. R. F.iykel, Flag
Dear Readers, The youth club held their meeting iStmday, April 4 at 3 o'clock. The atendance was good. our visitor was District III Yout ,.I--.--Director Mrs. Wilma Nesuda. We were glad to have you, come visit us again.
We also had a guest speaker, Mrs. Dorothy Hykel. She talked a,bout traveling by air or on sea or making plans for tours. She also told the youth about her Agent Tour to Mexico City.
We had election af officers. The new officers are:
President - Anton Ka.luza
Vice-Pres. - Heruietta Lander
Secretary - Carol Dobecka
Treasurer - Debbi.e Uptmor
Reporter - Margaret Lander
Youth Leader - Willie Mae Schuetz
Asst. Y. L. Rose Marie Uptmor
At our next meeting we will chaos our other committees.
We are happy to announce that Carol Dobecka will represent our lodge at the YAD as queen. She is the daughter of Brother and Sister Robert Dobecka. Her duchess will be Lisa Uptmor. She is the daughter of Brother and Sister Frank Lee Uptmor. Anton Kaluza will represent our lodge as king. He is the son of Mr. and M.rs. John Kaluza. His duke will be Jimmy Uptmor. He is tl�e son of Brother and Sister Frank Lee Uptmor. We are very proud of you. Do not forget to start working on your craft items and talent routines; YAD will be here real soon
The Brazos River Festival needs egg shells. The youth club is saving some. Bring them to me as soon as you get some. We are also saving Betty Crocker coupons for an iron lung for two small children; bring them to our next meeting
The youth club is going to the rest home Saturday, April 10· at 3 o'clock, bringing cookies and candies, and they also will have a program
The hayride will be April 16, between 7:30 and 8 p. m.
The youth club was going to the Zoo and Baylor Campus April 25, but this will have to be at a later date. The organizers' banquet will be at our lodge on that day.
The spring meeting of District III will be held April 18 at Lodge No. 154, Fort worth, so all of you try to go if you can.
Our cake walk turned out real good. I want to thanlr all those who donated cakes and gifts and also 'all those who helped with the caik;e walk Thank you so much.
I want to thank all those who donated Easter eggs and also those who helped in hiding the eggs, and the mothers and teerage1·s who helped me with the groups. Thank you so very much.
The youth club had an Easter program for the mother lodge. This is the program:
Welcome - Club President, Doug Uptmor
A Big Welcome - Pam Hykel, Happy Happy Easter - Sherrie Hykel, Easter Wish - Karen Hykel, My BunnyPaula Kasberg, Spring - Terry Hykel, Busy Bunny - Franikie Uptmore, and, Jesus Lives - Deloures Dobecka.
The Legend of the cross - by Ernest Kutscherousky, James Hromadka, Geo. Mynar, Edward Helona, Michael Kasberg, Anton Kaluza with Larry Hromadka holding a cross.
The story of Easter by - Gary Marek, Doug Uptmor, Joe Frank Mynar, Michael Mynar, Richard Seith and David Mynar.
Wh�t Easter Means by - Patty Mynar, Mary Lander, Debbie Uptmor, Margaret Lander, Carol Dobecka and Henrietta Lander.
The Fable of the Rabbit by - Bobby Hykel, Lisa Uptmor, Eddie Hykel, Antonette Pavlas, Jimmy Uptmor, Betty Jean Pavlas, David Dobecka, Anthony Mynar.
Thank you youth for having the program and my Ass't Leader Rose Uptmore for helping me, and the parents for bringing the youth for practices. Thank you again. The program was enjoyed by all.
At our next meeting we will have a crazy hat program and contest so be thinking about fixing yourself � crazy hat.
Fraternally, Willie Mae Schuetz Youth Leader ' SPJST-
Dear Readers,
The youth clu1b held their meeting after the mother lodge meeting.
The club had their kite-flying contest. Seventeen youtihs brought their kites The winners were: largest kite, Edd. Hykel; smallest, Darrell Upt·ettiest, Debbie Uptmor; ugliest, Doug Uptmor, and flying highest kite, David Dobecka.
The judges were Brothers L. A. Hykel, Larry Joe File·r, Mrs. Mi'k,e Mazanec. Thank you for judgin,g for us.
The youth worked -0n bird eggs, made from Reader's Digest, plates and glass, -and spray pam.t. They are very pretty. I want to thank those who donated the material, and also the parents and membe:rs who he}a:)ed in a111y way. 'Thank you again.
We are going to start on our Easter project and program Friday, March 19. We will have a prograim at our April 3 meeting; after our meeting we will have an Easter egg hunt, so all you members come out and bring your kiddos, they always have a lot of fun the yoq.th bring a caJk.e or a gift.
We will also have a cakewalk, so all This wi:11 be fur our baseball bats, and basketball, so the club can play out.side.
The youth are havin,g a hayricl.e on April 9, so all of you come out and haive fun.
Lodge 66Waco, invited the club to at tend their meeting on March 21. They had Lt. January as a goost speak.er. His subject was drugs, lmd drug abuse.
The youth club haid our lodge president, Brother Johnnie Krizan, for our ,speaker. He gave a talk on the history of the youth club. Thank you, Brother K1izan, for speaking to t.tie club.
On February 21, 30 youths and 11 adults went 1bowling They all had a big time. I want to thank all the parents ,and members who took their cars.
I will be seeing you Friday at our work and social night.
Fraternally, Willie Mae Schuem, Youth Leader
'Dear Readers, We har' 1- g·uest speaker. at our February 7 meeting. Our guest was the District III Secretary Jo,hn J. Kutni. Bl'otJ1er Kutni asked everyone to try and attend our D1strict III meeting on April 1& at Lodge 154 in Fort Worth. Brother Kutni, come and visit with us again real soon Thank you for visit·ng· with us. We enjoyed it. Fraternally, Edward Hykel, Jr.
Dear Readers, Since this is the month for mothers, our youth club had a crazy hat show �nd contest. It was a,mazing to see all the ideas in hats. In our contest, our winners were as follows:
Prettiest hat - Debbie Uptmor Ugliest ihat - Darrell Uptmor Funniest hat - Bobby Hykel
We want to say thank y-0u to our judge,s, for I know it was difficult. We gave our ir..others a candle hoider made from baby food jars. We hope they liked them.
Our next project will be for Father's Day. All of you come to our social .nights, so we can work on something Jfor our dads.
Fraternally, Douglas Uptmor ..,P..Pl'..C:!a;:i..,____...
Dear Readers,
Our new officers ar,e: Pi-esident Anton Kaluza, Vice-President - Henrietta Lander, Secretary - Carol Dobeoka, Treasurer - Debbie Uptmor,e, and Reporter - Margarelt Lander.
Our queen is Carol Do'becka, and her duchess is Lisa Uptmor. Om- king is Anton Kaluza, and his duk.e is Jimmy Uptmor.
We had a guest speaker, Mrs. Dorothy Hy'k.el.
We had anothelr guest, District III Youth Director Mrs. Alvin Nesuda. Fraternally, Edward H:.: Yik::e:: l______.
DeaJ.· Readers,
Just a reminder that the youth cluib meeting will be at 3 p.m. April 3. Be .sure and come. The mother lodge meetin,g will be at 4 p.m. There will be an mast.er program after the lodge meeting and an E�ter egg hunt after the program, so all yo:u youth clubbers pleas,e be present, and don't forget to bring a cruk,e or a gift fair the 'Cake walk.
The hayride will be ,on April 16, at 7:30 p.m. This a change from the original April 91 date. I made a mistake. Lodge No. 35, fill'k, and Lodge No. 66, Waco, are invited for this hayride. We will be looking for aJl of you.
We will have a supper on our April 3 meeting date. Let's all bring a dish of ·some kind and some sweets. We will be seein,g you at the Ap1il 3 meeting. Fraternally,
Willie Mae S/chuetz, Youth Leader
Dear Readers, our monthly meeting was held March 14 at our mother lodge. The pledge was said and reports were given
We had two visitors. They.,,were Diane Schroeder and JerryMawanec. We hope you will visit us again soon. We also had a guest speaker. He was Johnnie Krizan. We enjoy.ed your· talk very much and thank you for visiting our youth club.
Mrs. Schuetztoldus that we will present an Easter prograun for the mother lodge. We aire going to malre Easter baskets fo,r the rest home. We are also planning a ,ha,yride real soon. Our door prize was given to Shirley Dobecka. Our meeting was adjourned until April.
Debbie Uptmor (12)
Dear Readers, Sunday, June 7th is a very important day for us. We are having our own special Youth Achievement Day. First, at 1:45 p. m. we will have our talent contest to select those who will represent Lodge 25 at YAD on the District level. We wili have nine youngsters competing in three age levels. We will be awarding ribbons and prize money. The money prizes will not be large, of course, but we want to encourage contest participation. Every contestant gains stage confidence and poise, so, in a sense, all are winners. We are proud of each and every one. compe-
jud�es will be present and we ould lil<e to invite everyone to attend.
We will recognize 0l'r achievers of jthe past youth year, district and st8te rwinners, past officers and those youth with per,fect attendance.
�Ataonroximatelv 2-�o n m we will stall our new officers. have a brief eetine: and prepare to <?"reet our iec;ts, thP vouth nf onr T'Pi0hboring odge 135 for skating beginnin� at
Plea:::<> rPmember to p-et, t.hP YAD ntrv hlanks from mP rin lo:i.ter th::in r-rd; d::iv June 7th All VAn P1,t,•inc;_ p·aft. talent. etc l\l[US'T' Mmnl0t0 thic; !form ::inrl ;t, MUR'l' be eith.,,• h"nnen tn me 0r nvn NPc;11da or put in the mail to her June 7th.
We are in the Pro"eSS of fnr•TY1incr a F!"secla l'ircle and setting 1_p some prartice sessions.
iDear Members,
The meeting was called to order by Presictent Rita Krajca. We then said the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes were react. The treasurer's report !Was given and then we discussed our trip to Six Flags. We then adjourned our meeting and played games; then we had refreshments.
Fraternally, Mary Frances Trojacek Reporter
Dear R'eaders,
Before our September 20 meeting began we had a very inter.esting program given by Bro. Jerry Laznovsky of Lodge No. 135. He spoke about survival of things in nature and of people.
We had one guest, Amy Laznovsky, and o:-ie new member, Becky Kudrna. We had refreshments and then ::>aintld with Tri-Chem. our next meeting is October 8, at the KJT Hall when the mother lodg;e meetit
C,athy Prachyl, Secretary
Dear Members, Sunday was a nice day at Six Flags
I hone everyone had a nice time. I did. it was enjoyable for the kids and grownups, too.
By now everyone is recuperating from c:\mp after a most enjoyable srny.
FraLernally, Mary Frances Trojacek.
odge No. 25 Booth (3rd :place). Cath" nd Stephen Prachyl.
Wednesday, August 19, 1970
Dear Readers,
I've been to camp this year and all I can say is that it w� terrific! Even though it rained, I still had a lot of fun.
I am sure ev.eryone knows that we lost our lodge home in a fire. Our youth club is trying in every possible way to raise money in projects.
The youth club received a very generous amount of money from Lodge No. 47, Seaton Star Hall. We appreciate it very much
Dear Readers, Sept. 20th the youth club of Lodge 2'5 had a meeting at the Citizens National Bank in Ennis, at 3 p.m. At the .tank, Jerry Laznovsky gave a speech on how people try to ruin the world; also how people are like birds. The way manufacturers dump wastes into our rivers and streams so that we cannot enjoy the benefits and pleasur�s of swimming and fishing and altlJ it kills fish, oysters, clams, etc. He qu?ted as an example, the Trinity River. When you get fish, oysters, clams, etc., be sure you find out where they came from. Make sure that there isn't a disease carried on it or it is not polluted. If the water is polluted don't buy the product or if the air is polluted, utop what you are doing, so you won't breathe as much of the air. If you do you may die in a few years. He said you should try to keep this from happening. Birds try to protect themselves and we sho1.1ld, too.
Fraternally yours, Milton Martinek, Historian
(V i a telepho ne Friday mornin
Dear Membe
O r regu r lodg e meeti g will b he d Wednesd y nigh t Augu t 2 a 8p m atthe KCH all in E'nn
Th s s a ve y importa t meetin
an d we ur e ll membe s o atten becau e o r buildi g si te will e ds
cuss d a d vot d on Seem s th t w will e unab e o rebuil d t o ol site sin ce we ha ve on ly 2 21 acr es ther an cann purcha additiona acrea e adjoinin g Fraternall
Johnn e I. Krajc
Presiden t Lod ge No
De r Readers , ourla st meetin gw she d M y 1 6 , a th e O d SokolHa l. We electedne w fficer Th y ar .
Presiden Lind a Martme Vi e-Presiden - Ma k Strun
Treasur - Cath y Prach
secreta Rit a Krajc
Report Milto n Martine sergeant-at-Arm sRonm
Haskove our,youth lead r to d usabou tYAD
Sh e gav eus-ent y sheet
Presiden t Broth Johnn Hrabm a wa s ou spe·ak He talke d abou t ou r futur e SPJSTLodg e Hom � We adjourne d th e meetm g an d ha d
Fraternall Rit a Krajc
Dea r Reader
Ou nex meeting i schedule for Ma 16 afte th lodg meeting, in 1th ol Soko Hall W will ha th election o officer then s b sur an d attend
Ma an wa th dat o th Enni Polk Festiva Ou floa wo fus tin th eparad e an our souvenir sold ver wel Ou than.k t Rand Pet wh fille in a th lastminute when bo didn' show u t danc ;th Beseda Everyon mad an effort and th Polka Festiva wa wonde
Fraternally Cath Prachy
Dea Members W firs had a talen show Ou judge were Mrs Albertin and he daughter Mrs Andrew W had nin contestants who participated Ribbon were given to the past officers and fo those attending ever meeting Afte a short meeting we skated with ou guests from Lodge No 135
Mary Frances Trojacek (10
Lodge Nove Kvety No. 35, Elk Youth Club in their Ch1•istmas Party. nformation submitted L Sister anik. --Editor).
Dear Members,
As most of you know, Charlotte and :;: have been in the ho&pital. Charlotte, :.or minor surgery and a series of 'cests. She went in Tuesday, June 16 and was released Saturday, June 20. Charlotte is now doing fine and she wishes to thank all of you who prayed for her, came to see her and those who sent her card�, flowers and gifts.
Our trip to Six Flags was great. All who went, thoroughly enjoyed the trip. We wish to thank the mother lodge for the bus; this really meant a ]ot to our youth club.
On June 14 the mother lodge voted to have a bus at the E�k Hall for those wishing to go to Dallas Lodge 34 for YAD. Now, let's have a bus full so we can show the mother lodge how many wanted to go. Our mother lodge is r"ally backing her youth. Thank you, mother lodge so much. To the
children going, I am sure this is greatly appreciated. The bus will leave Elk Hall at 8 a.m. Sunday.
Parents, please make an effort to see that you and your family do go. This is an educational as well as entertaining day; to see the children perform, to see all the works of craft, to hear and see the king and queen contest, to see who are the winners of the point contest are, and last, but certainly not least, to meet all our .friends of district three.
Anyone in the mother lodge wishing to go, please f'eel free to make this trip with us, because we are anticipating a very enjoyable day.
Hoping to see the bus full on Sunday, June 28 at 8 a.m. in front of the SPJST hall at Elk, Texas. I am, Fraternally, Rosemarie Banik, Youth Leader ---0.t'c.JbJ.-
DearMe mber emem ber our cake w lk Ap during e firs interm ission regular Sa urday night dance yone wishing to bring ke wak, p ease feel fr e to d so
A li tle m re aibout our qu o Will repres ent Lod g,e No. 35 YAD. 'Mi s Dale Pave ka, age 16, aj at Mart High Slchc l has many h , oine of wh ch is danc,ing, and a very go d danc er I mtgh t add is the daughter of Mr and Mr gene Paivelka Of Mart, 'Ilexas Th ir e family are memibe s of the here at Lodge Nio 35. Da e's du Sandra Dietri h Sh is
daug ter o Mr and Mrs. Ervinrich. Sandr is n the first gra Axtell Elementary Her grlilld a are Mr. ndMrs Rudolph Vi ha iJ.)
The Dist ict III YADwillbe h l Sund y, Jun 27. Are YOU work n your items o be en ere d in cr H w a out alent? Do s art to now, we will e banksin on J e 7.
Circle, April 24for o k circle Ma 30 for our picnic
Be seeing all you youth clubb r 2 30 n May16 for our youh me t During our adultmeeting h tMother's Fra rnally, Rosemar Y u:� Leader
Dear Readers,
The Marchm eeting of the Elk Yo Clu was called to ord r at :45 p Sun ay, Mar h 14 Min tes from pr evious i11eeting ere react and ;prov ed The tre1a urer th we have $177.36 inthe .bank Unde old business, w discussed ing skatrng The dateset is March We a e to meet at Westvi w Rollerca at p m. Ou r YL rerrnindect veryo ,to turn the r point sheets by t M ou
Under new busine s, there will be ite-flying contes next month Pr z will be giv n. Sister Sandra Deit i i to bake the birth day cak for th net mon h. We had v sito s from Lodge 66, and the door prize wo y � a i 1 of dge 66.
The mother lodge meeting tor neo{ will be hel o n Fr-ater.nally DaleP Repoter
Dea,rMem bers, On Marc,h 14, we held our meetin Weh d anice turnout We hada gues speaker. Th winid r or our kite-flying contest. ou n xt me
t 3 p.m. Frat rnally , ..._____,_�_____R..,;;,�
LODGE N . 3'5, ELK De r M mbe s andReaders, O r 70t anniver ary was gr e Sup em Lodge was w l repre , h vi itors fromdiff rent odg d e 65 n h a marveloustime.
Th ey outh d b a t s cc s. Than s to e eryone wih yt t do ith i O outh program urned o f ctly 1be use o tne gr at h receiv pa
At ou Fe ruary mee ng we s me vsitors: E die Bobby, K 'Terry d m th y , all of L No. 6, C'o tto nw o We a.re goin to hav.e f st cti inMa ch,d lll'ing the m e so don't forg e t, youth dubbers. Th nk s to veryone who gave m V le c club meeti
LOD E N . 3 J u a rem u thly m eting will b held M ch 14 at 3 p.m. I r you i have nt made d et g lately, co� ak dge go See you
_______, .-------
LODGE NO. 35, ELK D M bers, J st a reminder tfuat our meei Will be held Sund y, May 1 at 2: pm. At his eeting we will have el tion ffice s, als do bring y '.P oi nt sh the i sh ts. I n ed to check them again the on Ik e W ill also discu n . Fra te rnally Yo h L a-ct
LODGENO. 3 , ELK Dear Mem b , First ll , I'd like to ay tha the c mments e d the 70 h versary p gr was ,enjoyed Ict l"k t th ntk. all the yo th ' took p a.rt in th e program. And I' lik to 'pat' Y e Bi hus and,
B oth er OttoH
t cake wa k Cou have b en he l ck y ,coinhe had in p ocket Thank yo fo I It is won w 't b e n f g o . Fra.t R ie
De ar M r o. 35; k, held on Ju 14
In th abs nce of Yo Rosemarie B w own) , I s in cha rge fo mee g and prog am. The offi of our you h installed b e kr ing the e are as f l ws:
res id nt- Gaylon Dul c ViceP - Cynt an (Br nda V ha st r Secret ry - Barba a Pec T e s - Vern II
Congra ons o these n he will t y t o d o a g od b
-his father was whippi g a wh ip.
So, you can see h k lot of'fun, becaus e the fa t t yingt figure outwhitrayed them.
- t Ba ba a and Ge e Edw r with u Hope he enj yleave.
I v.ould like to thank h lodge for prov ding us wi take us to the istrict YAD onJune 28.I cer ainly e pe ct clubb rs to be at th hall h ingto go. don't kn just w the bus will ave we t e ord aro und as s on a w By all means don·t forg wha teveryo u are going t t
In hono y youth b member said a p tit e d "T Father.' Iasked the youth t draw a f their fat er, t his leis were qui c ic l. C'onsid i on ha out t of somethi ng an make th i ing, they re all 1stBa ara Pecha cek, r fa t hi Tl1 e youth and s ven mo h w t SixF gs,J n 10on ab t you,, n belialf of our y u t . say a l l us kids'' had a w time
2n p - Dale Pav ka, dr father fi hi
ey Thun s fath horseba
4th -Brend Vicha s fa e driving a t cto 5thDa v lock's fa e plowing with p w.
At our outh m et g w go swimming a Battle Lak , 3. Eve yon e is asked to br n wich s, c ips • and cho s.ng. You can come as Lheaf ernoonasy bu eat togethe K -
Ig1es this i a selallof you on June2 6th JohFraternally
E NO. 5, ELK
D ar Members
Fif een memb regist red to to camp. I am s we are a ball at amp lth ug we will be to come ho me t d y at 7:45 p.m
Our swim p ty t k very enjoyable It ceto etou an Telax with yo f i nds. Our reg ular y uth club me tin beheld Sund A t 0 in o Do pl ttend
The youth club wan ts to arbaraPe chac k fo b day ake ou e hank YOU Rosem Yo th L ad
LO GE NO. 3 5, ELK D r M ers, Gos h, it fees as th ug� o d winter i w y n ght, No ember 13 and w d i ally blow ng co out o n th At o ur regul r youth c b me we d e names for our youth Chris t mas pa y. This will be a e with the you h c ub urnishin� meat a d t: da pop. The d te wi s t at ou nextyouth meeting, but does D ce mber 20 at 3:30 p.m. so Iwould li e fo everyone to ma kc mbe 20 on your calendar We youth club, would like ou �aren b ing a t s� d meat ha notbeen deci but we will deci e at ou you h m ing ld lm F id ,Dec mber 11Iwou to hav a ll children a the hall 7 p fo a sh rt practice and a �h meetin go f the paren 9 T�spract c fo r our youth club Chr stmat pro r to be gv at eeing o our m her lodge Tihe mot� l dge deci ed no t to have C rimas p t y th i ye r. Did y u ead the le te in the Ve nik from Lodg 6, Cotto nwood, viting Led g e 5 to 1� hot dog pa t y November 25 a 7 3 T at sounci s lik fun so lets go. Than youfo in iti
ou mbe rs and o r 11, a 7 p.m S
LODGE NO. 35, ELK D R de s: The Nove ber 8th meeting L e 5 Youth Clu was called d r 2: 0 p m. by the pre ide The easu er reported tha w $] 60.67in t h i ms gifts wer drawn an the par y was set for D c. 2 5 o l k. The door prize was w Ve n fo E one is to b the outh club will furn h
LOD EN r--- Dear Members and Read , Our r gu ar y uth club me t held Janua y 10 at 2:30 p It w wel attended Som items dcu si n w r e our skating pa t s Woo-ct and I are gett g m lined up that wo n b of too upense .for our club and y tgo s
We aJ:e going to ha a afttor come ou to our Marh m He or she will give a le on o r craft during the adul eti g, su e you y m o p rcent in March
An her item discussed a walk at o r F bruar y me in Mrs. Wood's etter for r Vale nti es ay will on r meeting day so f r ll youhea1ts who w ant to g y hei::.rt aValent ne we will h - �entine box toputyou Valentine ay, nu ry 31 yo urs tru h rfamily went to Temp to the cation of ournew SPJSTh e The ceremony was very t ching building is fabulou ; y a y to see it n o der to a e hope,eah family cantake ti go seeournew home 1s ru thing words can not des ribe
Our n x me ting will be u Februar y 14, at 2 p.m. At hi mo lodgeme tng our y uth cl b ill sent ap ogra m I willm ile h yo th clu bher a pa t th g Mothers watch y appreciate your h lp you all Fe Fraternally Rosemarie Banik; _______
L 35, K Dear Readers, Sunday, June 14 th e m b s f youth clu held hei r gular ming. Assistant Yo uth Le�d R Wood he d the meet n th abse R semarie Ban k and the g ds. June 10 we went to Six Fl gs. thank the mother lodge for th hered bu W a y ha gr at time
New officers were s t alled du e adult meeting They ar e fo lows: President, Gaylo Dul ck; V Pre dent C ynth Banik e Vern por Da Pavelka
We a so vo ed on having a i n party July3, at Batt e L . No t m limit·was t so you maycome t y r conve ience I would also like to.press my thanks to the youth cl b :for his sk I'll e keeping y ou up to dat n w on Fraternally�
LODGE 35, N0V KVETY, De ar Readers M e mb rs, Our Christ as p t y was a 100 percen as y ca see by tu e A coupl of t ure m m also p ictur d th are Honey year ld a d Da n Pavelka old T heir pare nt u members not to l on g o, Be ve ka) rown , B a b aa (Bre and G ne Ed rd P av ka. Prese ts c h ged, chic ken supper w se d by yoth club rs which an the kids r ally ed I wish to ain nk the • clb for he g ift Uh n e.s wh mea gift Thanksfor you thouh ness Our moth lo geis a veryde they pres nted th n r y looks out for y Fratern y,
LODGE NO 3 5, ELK The Jan ary m eet g of Elk L 35 Youth Club d to ord 2:30·on January Wth by s t GaylonDul ck Treas W od II I reported hat hav $ dUie to Christmas � e Ther was no ld b LODGE NO 35, ELK Dear Membe s Our egu ar yo uth cl meeting be he d as usual Sund y r at2·Jo W are g i g· t o d s meth prtaining o Christ mas s b e sure a d come an bei on t rpris he all h Leen g ng a spr cleaning in the fall. Th e fami came out e Sun ay o strung a w sh line,washed ct iron al1 th e curtai a nd m more od and ends hew a ut t at! hen n weekday Monday to b exa t, s more memb rs cam out and fi sh scrubbmg he walls d fl rs, paned he k itche an ju t w rked li beaveru Th Iollow ng Th , believe wax w o Ti.an.ks to ALL WH d d ma1velousjob . u ail Sunday! .F'ratcrnally
Dear Members,
It seems I am a little ln.te on my report but we wer,e on vacation and time just slipped away. My apologies to everyone.
Our regular monthly meeting of Lodge 35, Elk, was called to order on July 12 at 3:30 p.m. by President Henry Breitkreutz. Members of the youth club led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. President Breitkreutz welcomed our visitors who were Sister Wilma Nesuda and her mother Mrs. F. J. Haskovec, Mrs. Robert Stanisl::Lv and family and Mrs. Bertha Jander.
Secretary Bro. Albert Banik read the minutes of the last meeting. Bro. John Mach gave the treasurer's report.
.Youth Leader Sister Rosemarie Banik, rep�rtcd on the activities of the club. She thanked the mother lodge for the bus to Dallas. She also pointed out the things that the youth had on display. They were the things that the youth had entered at district YAD. Denise and C'hadc1tte entcjrtained us with the songs they sang at district YAD.
Sister Banik then introduced Sister Wilma Nesuda to speak. Sister Nesuda told us about the tragic fire at Lodge 25, Ennis. We were very sorry to hear of their great loss. She also spoke to us of the youth and youth activity day. She reminded all about camp and where it would be held.
Hono1·ary President E. L. Marek and Lodge No. 35 President Henry Briet- . kruetz, with the anniversa1·y cake. . ,
Dear Members,
Our regular youth meeti:n,g was well attended. Wie had a guest speaker, Mr. Wood, who is. our District III president. Thank you, sir, for your enlightening words.
One of our •charity projects decided on at this meeting was a $20 gift to the McLennan C'ounty Rleha:bilitat1on Cen. ter.
Also, We c.hose a duchess, Sandra Deii.trich. Sandra's mot.her was our first queen candidate to enter in a queen contest at a District YAD. This is really foll1awing in motheT's footsteps. After our adult meeting, we had a kite-flying contest. Winners in the fallowing categories were:
Highest kite - Vernon Wood III
Largest kite - Lisa Foyt
Smallest kite - Glen Gammage
Most disappointing kite - Debbie Dulo'ck.
Our judges for this contest were: Sisters Dorothy Bantk and Lads Camp, and Brothers Adolph !Berla:k and Billy Bordovsky. Thall:)_{ YOUi kindly.
The yout,h club wfill have an oldfashioned picnic on May 3'0, 'be.ginning at 2 p.m. at Brothel!.' John and Sister Edna Mach's ·farm. Here and no:w, special thanl{s go to the Machs for letting us use their facmties. We decided at the adult meeting to make this day a combined. mother lodge and youth clu:b day.We will have a fatherson fishing contest, or mother-son, or imother-da.ughter, or father-daughter teams, a sack race, a three-legged race, a wheelba.rrow race, an egg throw, etc., etc. Just a plain old-.fashione:d. picni•c. Circle your calen:ctar for May 30. Sister Banik presented the birthday cake which was baked by Barbara P,echacek. Those having birthdays were Margaret Thun, Cynthia, Denise and Charlette Banik, David Dulock, Gaylon Dulock and our president, Bro. �odge 35 President Henry Brietkruetz, mt1·oducing President Nick Morris at the 70th Anniversary of Lodge 35, Elk.
Next month, our meeting will be held on May 1'6, at 2:30 p.m., during the mother lodge meeting. We will have a short program for our mothers. Try to attend and make it 100 per cent. Fra-teirnally, Rosemarie Banik, Youth Leader
eated, L to R: B .. ,Rosilee Vich en Pavelka, Ob:arles Kubitza M Pavelka Vla�t a�d August Pospisil. Middle ro,� L a? :ub1tza, Frances Stuckly, Bessie Kru a avelka, Albina Pavelka Mar , B o : Arnold Stuck.Jy, Vince Beralek T:;a.d:��k row, L to R: WiUie ' MJad:nk:r:�t'.HenriettaPavelka and annlversa1· . rn1ous 70th anniversary cake an ' I ie Pa�elka and Adolph ability of io:�:a��e�;nts, both were the result o:t�!e b;autiful and colorful ------== YL Rosemarie Banik. culllary an� decorative
Hostesses andcooks at Lodue No 35 E1k Fro t L (b b • t> • 11 • n row: to R• Honey Bro n M:r; �ma::::t ::�:t:: :::ira::�i°ibe� �uby'Pavelka, Gloria Pavel:a, Zalman. Back' row L to R· (;ln10streh�dd,u ock, �elen Du.lock and Inez R . . , • en Doris Foyt p u D' t · osemarie Bamk, Lois Camp and Lydia Vicha ' et>gy ie rich,
Dea rReader
Ou rlas tmeetingwa s he'1 donMarc :2 1. We ha d a g-ues t speake L Januar He talke da1bou t.drugs an dthei r ,ef'fect Afilm wa sals oshown Lt Jauar brough sample o drug with him
W ar plannin t vis th ja i Wac o Sunda,y, Marc h2
Ow· y•out hclu lb will hav e arummag sal durin th Easte holiday Bi sur e to brin gan y usab1 eitem t th youth club
Ou rmeetin g willbechange d to th las tSunda yinApri l.Everyon ebesur an attend
Patrici Stanisla (12
Jun wa bus mont fo ou r youth club On o th mos excting
clay wa Jun 2 - Youth Activity
Da - in Disttric III. enjoye all th er f and talen tha th youth presente Congratulation t all th e winner Also wa prou t b � duches fo Lodg 66 Waco \\a ver happ tha ou qu en Donn a Gerlich wa runne -up distric que n.
Las mm.th ou lodg als had a hayride Th youth group age 1 and und r wen fo an hou and th 10through-tens th res o th evening
Patricia K. Stanisla (12 )
Dea Readers
Sunday Jul 19 the adult and then the youth had thei meeting
The princess ball will be held Septembe 12 Mrs Parma said all youth wanting to go to Six Flag Ove Texa mus sell $5 worth a least otherwise we canno go
There will be five girls trying fo duchess and two te nage girl trying fo queen All must have an escort and i is asked that they are from the lodge
The second Fricln.y in July the 29th the youth went to the swimming party at West poo
For the youth who want to go to the circus the night that the clubs are going is in August contact Mrs Par ma for the time
The Sunday that camp begins our youth club will be tablehops and lead in prayer Tuesday we will lead the flag ceremony and have the evening party I hope all can come and have a good time.
For extra points the youth are asked to bring paper sacks and glass
We go to Six Flags on the lust Sun day in September
Fraternally, Becky Schiemenz (12), Reporter
Mr and Mr Walte F Poehls o Lac Lake view celep rated thei 50th wedding an.niVC rsa r Sunday, Januar 10 They were honored with a luncheon a Linden H 11,E1m Mott from 1 to 5 ipm. hosted by thei children Mr and Mrs Alton Tadlock o1 Waco, Mr and Mrs J Q Green o Dallas, Mr and Mrs Ernest J Poehls of Bellmead,Mr and Mrs Albin J Poehls o West,Mr. and Mrs Molph F P'oehls o.f Elm Mott and Major and Mrs Marcus F Roggenbuck o North Dakota Walter F Poehls and the form.er Ange�a Gerik were married in West on J'an.u:a,ry 10, 1920 Mr Poehls is a retired c rpente T,hey are members oif St Joseph Catholic Clhurch in Bellmead and hav,e been members o SPJST Lodge No 66 since the ded cati:on of Linden Hall 15 year s ago Boith have donaited many hours of tim and energy and still enjoy being with their lodge brothers and sisters Mr and Mrs Poehls have 25 grandchildren and one greatandc.hild.
LODGE NO 66 WACO Dea.r Readers Sunday March 281, the youth went fo tour the Waco j;ail It was interest ing and all th(f youth I think, gained a little out of it (just to get out of the 100-degree heat was something) Then we al1 hiked down to Fo1·t Fish er by way o,f the river road We toured the museum and ate supper by the river All in all it was fun FraternaJ.ly
Becky Sc:hiemenz (12) Rleporter
LODG NO 6 WAC Dea Reader Su�da Ma �17 th ey uth h d the meetm
Dear Rea er Wint r is h e dTh ank g ivin almost past. It s ti me fo em be of the y uth to st t pl ning f C.hri mas. At the next m eeting (in December) the yo as k to brin g unperis habl n d goods t o be dist1 bu ted the e y I' m pr tt y sure ouryo uthwill have a C ri ma s o all youth w o g st r t pra . Fratern Be ...._______
E Dea r M mb ers
It will be ele n time at our No ve mbe� meeting - Sund ay, Novembe r 15.Th
AnnieHanus g ;
Dea rMem be s,
Dear Read ers, October 11 t e e f theyou h meeti ng. ort meeti g but the re weresom su e b oug htup.
Octob 25,Ibli eve th r is a dan e and th eyouth are to dre in th r
Hall ow n cos me i th wish o ma Al lts ask d to o so T here w ls y priz s. Mrs. Pa ma dis e d he Jay e Ailift She w ll et the thk now if we are g ng or t nd f ot s e said we would p ba g e
Ma chof A lift
A ter t he m n d p er t h y uth club sp nd h hey ke nd id gve Frate ll BeckySchiemenz (12) Reporter
De r Mmbe , Lodge 6 ,W o, w ill h ld th
m eet ng Su nday, Ju y 19 t 2:30 p
Lad es are ask t br ing u ei fam ili s nd ts. ou Su day, J u p Fr ll Betty Slo ak Secr et:.:a;.;.;; .,___
Dear Me mb s, The ate r L d g N 66 Wa c m eeting will b on S nday, Oc tobe r at 2:30p, d O ct 18 d
t it b ei C e t
ai in Da as.
W hpe to t rt th meetin g
2:3 0, prom pt y Follow ing he ming the yo h cl ub ill h ave t F amil Har est Ga me Night L et'sh
a good t urno t; all t e pro ce s tobe us ed for a ch itabl projec t b sa dwic he c dessertfor
My name is Ro emary Sim s. I have been m m er of Lodge 6 f one month, but I ave a tended few meetin be ore was m mbe r. rm 11 ea s o d and I am i the 7h gr de at the C onnally Jun ior High. s g 66
Sun day, June 28, Iat end dmy fir s YAD a Dallas. n yed th e da ve ry mu ch. I thought tlle talent was ll go utifu
I' m looking orward to being n ac tive memb er o Lodge some nicef Fraternally, -
Dea Member , June 28th ws stic t III's YAD. I th mor ing w s regist ati n the lu11ch. In the tern on w a talen e awa ds.
Som e1 st,2n d, and3 dplace winn e ofL dge66 were Mi hael, De bie, a n Thomas G ller, D onna Gerlic h, J uli Slo ak, Cindi an St ven S an slav
The juni r ofour odge wa Patric Ga
l ,, Of the istrict: J -De bb Up
a Galler.
ThP. youth club o th e y ar, I' proud o ay, 'yVaS Lodge 6 and I' al o pr ud. to say thatYouth Le ad o theYea Mr L byP rma.
The king of Dis rict III is D a Parma and he que n is Pat o ulations to F aternally, Beck
Dea M embers, It will b ection t me at ourvember me ting - Sunday, N ve r 1 t
A nieHanu EnglishReporter
e R a d s , o ur l a meetng was Novembe 15. The dul tin lasted a long time sine el ti o officer wa held. Aft er t e m eting youth held a ho m ting. ri t will soon b her and ou annual Christmas part will be the chld n t see . Bag o frui will h d S nta Cl will bether
ar Me mb
Ou rl st m ti g well atten de d it l i th t ft on ,
d gh t Our h ve g night
was a g . E erybo dy had a e It a joy t o h hap
py ery b y was, w e n t y w Our d or p z we e n by Fra k Par a a eEIIlg k d M
Our y uth cl ub i g owi ng, s do 't
forg t H t k s a ll f u wo rki ng to
ge t o ou cl b a big suc e Tho of yo wh d d not m k the
l t m ee ng, p try t b p � t n t N b r me ti ng
N w to r big day in up This will b S nday, O b 25 W ill
a v H o t d It
will b a fr e d e b ng y o
frend Ev y b dy de up i c
tu m we ar so e thi ng " rn ", jus fo fu d tob e diff n t Th w ill be a g d ma h f all tho se who
wear c um s , and p es ill b a d . W h ve th ag�
gr oup 111 1218 d
du l P a n t e cut.B in you r fri nds d ha ve ag d tim W ill b l ok
i g fo you. B a
t u e o dr s y i m w a
T k ou f o r di ng thi
T m th e d S d y O t ber
25 i 5 t 9p Fra t rn lly, P a
Dea R ad e s , Ato la ing May 16th,we elect d offi cers fo r th coming youth
Ye which ts J n 1. Those eleted w e: P d -Mike Galle r
V c - P 1 esid t -Ray Si ms Se etar -J lie Sl va k, T r _: Thom
e , Te R p t - B ky Schimnz J i e te - ts Stnisl
DYD Si t er Wil m a N u d a talked t u s and th ad lt atth e adul t meetin
b YA D , nd C p Afte mee!ng, w h ho do g sod an ice fo sup . F ra t rn aJly, B k y S hi (13 Teen Rep ter
LO DGE NO . 66 C
At ti Yo h C b is a rr i to p s e b n time n M h 2 , as m ee ting will st t a py t2:3 W e ill not w a f ryo u t tob th oug h w'it h utr me ting oth l d e n s,t a th tm. g We need tob e th rou b y 4 30 will b ad f k e Lt
Jan ua y Remi e to Lodg 6 d 3 , w w ld lik eto e yo ur th clUl bp st; u d t d L J a ha a v vi and pro n dru g Y e we]c me n if y d n' b n g to t e yo th cl b. Su wi
Ql S ialM ar h 2 Fratern all y r
LODGE bear Members
February 21 will be our regular meeting- day The youth haVte a nice daypl ned for their mother lodge
The entertainment committee of the youth cl ub will hold a meeting at 2:15 followe d at 2:30 by the yo uth ,clulb meeting
The supp will be pu t on by our y uth club Mothers wll have a day off excep t for the sweets which we are asking them to brin,g The meal will consist of hot dog and chili chips ipickles sweets, o a sausaig sandwich
Pri will be 25c adults 15c children :Suipper will be followed by games
Let's all come out and support our y uth and show them w ar behind them 100 p cent Also on February 19 th youth club will meet at 7 pm at Westview Roller Rink to en joy a fun ev ing o skating An adult who ifeels brave enc-ugh is welcome to join u Youth lead.er and Assistants Martha Slovak Rosie Galler Jim Lock
De.a Readers On Stunday Ap ril 4 th youth club (66 ) had an Easte egg hunt W ivited •children fr m. th Stat Hom . Abou 2 attended Als th parent of the youth wer invited Afte the hunt w en j e yed cookiie nnd homemad ice crea made b th youth
Late in th evening six adult and .sixteen children pl a yed a gam o sof ball th children agains the adults 'Th g·am wa forfeite with. th scor 1 -9 adults ahea d becaus the wer to opooped t continuepla ing Ou DistrictII meetin will becoming u in For Worth Wehop tose 'man o ou youth there' Ho yo ha ahapp Easte weekd Fraternally Cynthi a Slova (12
DeaOnReader, March 2 th e adult s an d youth hel d theirmeeting
Th youth cluib'bar yo coul say -devote th e afternoo to dru g a.bue Mr Slova karran edfarr apoliceman L January tobe tlher He siowed � !film fo r th ey o ut h andad�lts too on a b _ o y wh obecam e addiclte d to drugs sa m g thatitcoul dbeany mg hschoo
kid The fih n wa s interiestingan d afterward th ekidsandadultsaskedques tion Lt Januar y showe d achar ttha ha drug s on it and tdl. d wha the 'wer The th youths wh ha �rough poster s on drug ha them JUdlgi by Lt Januar Firs secon and th ir dprize s wer e awarded W ha gu,em !from Cottonwoo
Lodg e 6 : th eUptmo e'f.amil y an dth yout h leade , Will e Ma e S'chu.et
. On Marc h2 we ha dth eFrida yso c1al; March28 theolu bwenttose eth ja il in Waic Fraternall
Beclky S-chiemenz (12 Re OTteir
Dear Readers, Lodge 66 Youth Club members had their !ast meeting on May 16 at Linden Hall. During our youth meeting, we elected officers; President - Mike Galler; Vice President - Ray Sims; Secretary - Julie Slovak, TreasurerTh01i1as Galler, Teen Reporter - Becky Schiemenz and Junior Reporter Patrich St·anjru.av Our guest s:r;�aker was DYD S.ister Wilma Nesuda. She tal!ced to us about our point system We had a talent contest for YAD Many entered and congratulations to all for thei fine performances
Donna Gerlich and Jo Anna Vernetti competed for YAD queen to represent our lodge Cone:ratulations to Jo Anna the winner
The mother of the year was Mrs Christopher Spence
After the meeting we nact a hot dog and ice cream supper
Patricia Karen Stanislav Junio Reporte (12)
Dea Readers
Ou youth club had an Easte egg hunt April 4 a Linden Hall. The youth invited some children from the Methodis Hom in Waco Afte the hunt we made homemade ice-cream
Ou nex meeting was changed to the las Sunday o April (25
All the youth remembe th Poste Contest hope everyon take par in th contest becaus making poster can b a lo -of fun
Youth Activit Da is coming soon fo Distric tIII Let's all mak i a big succes thi yearandparticipa.t Fraternally
Patricia stanisla (12
Dea Readers
Jun e 21s wa th dat e o th youth a,n adul me.etings
Vftsitor wer 'RO!Semary Richar d an dRa ySimm san d�pecia l visito r w:a Dis II Youth Directo Mrs Nesuda Mrs Parm sai th only free Saurda t g t Si Flag ove Texa wa sinAugus Sh eals osai d w woul hav to goi car s becauseitcos t to muc htorent a bu
A youth shoul bring a kind o pape rsack to giv e to S VincentD Pau The nee them b'.ldl Thos wh obrin g sack s will ge t credi Th swimmin part we hav eac h yea will hav t wai becaus to o muc hisgoin gon rightno
Atou rFrida ynightsocia th eyout h ha cl a hayrid
The w electe officer fo t.h yout hyea r.Th eofficer sare
Presiden t Mik e Galle
Vice-President -Johnn yEngelk
Secretar y an d 'Ireasure - Thoma Gall
Historia n -Juli e Slova
Tee n Report r -Ka y Gerlic
Juni rReport r -Beck ySchiemenz
The n we adjourne d to ea t a suppe
otdog s an d ic e crea
Beck Schiemen (12)
Report ----�-'
De arMembers
, The SPJ T sum
activi y Camp
sp r , s c as arche y swimmin h rs b ck id in g a ts a d craf t parti i p a t in In arche y,yo lea t ho ot a bo and arr w and h to am it c rr tl n swimming you co ol off n d ha fundivi ngoff thedivin b oa i t o h wat r T e wat er is co ol d f h i g duri g t hot da
In horseba k ridin g y u rid e ho s down wild�rne trail hill n by cree s d sl p In ar s an d c af y le r t pai t an d draw pict s I thi k tha cam p th e mo t fu n and ti r Of th e SPJS Frat rnal Bernard Slovak (1;;.;2_)__ _,
l.ODG E N 6 'WAC
De r f:-ercler
I h v·n t writte n b cau e I' b en b,: Cctot 2 w had a m�sq .. L lLl l' Ll. YOULi an adul s }-de.s M,� \; giV(. 11 n.n 1 tL e e cy l..1 0 c·n 1.v d 1; ·e ._;11 tT JVL b 1 -' lect1 da y fo 8dul an <.:0 ld sta the )cuLh uweiin g Ikno v thou5 11 t11a t u 11 Ye 1t lca�lL wlll be M R y E3ovak
F1·at rnull your
Dea r Friends
Ou las meetin w hel d S day Jul 19 Nearl mb : present
Som ofu brough t r pap k Thes sack ar fo goo a
We woul like to see all of you
e youth We will
t o
o ficer I wo ld like for you t pay y ur dues. Try to bring so me n ew m embers in; his is he be new ear f r a you h clubs. W rk hard on you r surprise p o gram Lets m ake t a b g succ s. o n forge t to work on yo ur cra fts If admy way Iwo d w ant ll of you t b wi nne at YAD bl1 th s i up t yo ,not me.W heth er youwin orlo se I wll b e p oud ofyou, bec ause youd t y. Ke p up the g od w ork. O r ye a hns bee ver y good ; let's ma ke th i e better Thi s is the month to sta r n ou p by step
I d li ke to say many than ks o t e out�ior tlw.c::urprise,in gi e
bo tle of perfu as very weet of you
Don t forget r sur pri eprogram.
To a -
Frat ernally
Libb e Parm Youth Leader
ear Reader ou January 7m eeting was held a t hat -af erno on� we plan ned a cake walkwhi h was held du ing thein terssion at the dani ce on the 2 rd. was very successf l. A r mmag e sa e is goin g to be held at our lodge duri g ne East er holiday s. We n to o ating s ometime oo
On th second Sund ay n Jan uary the y uth cl b attende the M arch of Dim es Airli t. E very one had -a great me on the 16th of J ainu: ary five of the club mem ers we t on the March o D mes a
At our nex meetin , the thir dSunday in F bruar , we will play our f avorit ga me. Hope eve to meeting.
Fra renally Kay Gerlich (15) ...... -- �-
LO DGE NO. 66, D ar Me mber an d Friend s Th youth c ub wi p r.es nt a tal t s ow n Sund y, May It will e afte r our reg�l ar mon hly meeti A n one from Lodge 66 may lbe in , even if yo u arenotinthe youth cl . It ma;y be an ind vidual of gr up a . Tw o girls fr m the youth c ub will compete for queen The irl ch w •c mpet a t,he District III Y AD We ope to ha e many outh p aicipati ng. We h mes oys our show Frat rnally, C nth S'1o ak (12.)
The yout of Lodge No 84 Dallas·surprise Lodg Presiden Sid Pokladni with hi rthda cak anrl party on Octobe 9 1970
Siste Flossie Vita was the adul winne in the biggest fish contes a the Lodge 84 picnic (In the backgroWtn left biting he fingernails is Siste Rose Scott You edito recognized he and apoligizes to her Sisters Bessie Petr Dolfie 1-Irabina and Pauline r rhy be use thei icture was too dim
Lodg No 84 , Dallas Youth Club ding the Beseda in th Coliseum during American-Czech Da y at th 1970 State Fai o Texas in Dallas Octobe 18 (Photos b Mrs Geo J Mahdak. O e
Second place went to Lodge Junior :Youth
-Sister Annie Scott as winner t,ii� children's grou9 at the Lodge 8 Pi'ct).ic, June 14 (The two above photias \anq information were co�tributed by Sister
Lodg No 8 Te Club da cing C h Beseda in the o en's Building.
Rose Scott Editor)
TeenClu bofLodge84alsoha d abooth atih edistric t meetin (Al l photo s submitte d by Ros e Scott
Dea r Reader
I' like to tak th opportunity to than Lodg 8 Temple f inviting myparent san d meto the r 60t h An niversar Celebration W. wer very honore to be asked an we enjoyed th e afternoo n ver y much
I wa splease dtose esomanypeopl e a t� celebration including jus to mentio few M an Mr Alvin Nesuda Janic eHaskove (Stat eQu en ofth eSPJST an dhe rparent It; wa als ogoo tose eBrothe rJo eB Hejn an hi s wif ein attendance
Itwa smyfirs tchanc etogotoLodge
8 Temple an d Imus tsa tha t Iwas very ver please with everything I saw there Iwas especiall please b th warmt and fraterna friendlines sofal th e member s ofLodg e 87 I amlookin forwar to mynex tri to Lodg 87
Congratulation on 6 year o suoess and bes o luck t yo in th future
Whil w wer in Templ w took a driv b th sit o th new Supreme LodgeBuildin Eve rythin glooked ver good and I'm surei won' belon bfor th e.buildin i finished If you are :in th Templ are driv by Seeing thi buildin i jus on o th many way t know tha ou SPJST i grow·ng fast
Fraternall yours
RobertG Urban Stat King
Dea Membersand Friends
dCamill Mahda
T would like to take this ·opportunity to thank all the member o the teen club of Lodge ·84 fo the hono of electing me as you club president. I shall do my best to live up to this high hono and work to continue to make ou club the best All teens of Lodge 84 are needed to accomplish this aim
We have many new exciting thi:µgs in store so come find out what they are!
Monty Olson
President,' Lodge 84 Teens
Dea rReader
. Onth eevenin g ofOctobe 9,th Juio yout clu b meeting was bough t tocrde rbyPresident Rand y Pet Roll ca wa the n taken Th ta y s minutes an treasure re r e readan dapprov W diE.t:!usse having H ll n part yon Octobe 25 Prize regi n to th etackies tgirlan dbo . Nex t we ha dour attendanc ed awin g which was for $ Th nam d n wa sDavi dReznik buth e wa notp een t an th pri2l goe to $62 D t forge ttocom to ou r me eting Shelly Davi receiv $ fo r 2 d place and Allan Balej ul h a ve 1·eceive 75cha dhe been present.Nxt monthth e3 r dpriz isgoin g tobe$1.25 Th meeting wa then adj o d Afterwards gam wa s play e d d the ther wa a surp riE. b rthda y part fo Brothe Sid Pokladnik r lodg p reseident
On Octobe 45, Hallow�en p ty state at p Th very fi thi ng v,a to giv ay,th prize s fo the tackies gir and bo After that, we playe games wen throu gh th witche tunne and th fun house L te r refreshments we ser ve and before e ver yon lef they we giv fav s It all ended in a Happy Hallowe
Se y ou a th nex me-etin Fraternally, Cindy Mahdak Reporte --
Dea Readers
A ou las meeting had el ti n o officers fo th new yea . The e PresidenChri Mahdak
Vice PresidenAnnett Prach
SecretarDebbie Beacon Treasurer - RandyPet
Repo rterAnne S'cott
SgtatArmsCamill Mahd k Afte rward the meetingwas ad joued and w had a smorgasbord FraternaUy, Anne Scott (11) Rep r!e ... r .., �
o r j r n . To en the d ay a g p la yed,b tb fo re tha th e p ze ere give fo bigg a� d all fih caugh, on g w h the f u i st h Eve , ha d a da o f . M da y, Ju 15, w t e date o r y th m n gwa held Aft refr shnts, the me ting s bro ught to d b R d y Pet ou pre t S t ar yS Re k, d Trea sur r A Scott's ep werer ad a d app ved. R all w t he ld wih 18 m be p o ng with thre e i sitors: Sus S no r, S n Hubert, M D ghert y The n s of our p i e r fir t pl e, Fr nk e Vrla, b t sin h w s tp tth e e y be ad ed t next nth s fi r p i z n g it $ 0 econd pri eof $1 was won by Su R ik, and 75 went t t rd pri , Ch st ne M hd ak. S m o our memb bro gh po t to de rat o r ·O me g e n ad j nd F af we deco ed bl ocks of d ith le t ma ke pa er w i s for ourf ther F th r'sDay On Ju th ,ou l d ted D t . II YAD. C g t ul ati ns t o all strict II wi s d b t St t YAD F a na lly, C d y M hd k Reporter ODGE NO 84 DALLA D R d er s, O M y 16,o j io y uthclubw ill h its hly eetin g at 3 p This ti g will i clud el ti ffi for cmi ngy ear. D r pi es will be g n for thos who att d id th e ng W 'll d a :w til we g a wi Yo mut be p sent to win! Remember to go to
Lodg e No 84 Junio rBoot h (2n d p.Jace Rand y Pe r an
Dear Readers,
On Sunday, May 24, at 3 p.m., our youth club h�ad its meeting. First of all w.e had refreshments of' cookies and punch. Afterwards, we went to the youth room where the meeting was brought to order by our preside�t, David Becan. Ther,e was roll call m which 27 members were present along with three visitors. The secretarys minutes and treasurer's report were read and approved.
New officers were nominated and elected. They are: President - Randy Petr; Vice-Pres. - Sharon Henzen; Secretary - Susan Reznik; Treasurer - Ann Scott; Sergeant-at-ArmsDarr.ell Vrla; Reporter - C1ndy Mahdak, and Sunshine Committee - Berry Jones.
We then joined the teen club along with the youth leaders to hear a very interesting talk by Mr. Polrladnik and Mrs. Nesuda. We would all like to thank them for coming to give us this talk. Then Mrs. Nesuda conducted the installation of new officers.
The Lodge 84 annual picnic will be held on C'hildren's Day, June 14, at Bro. Sid Pokladnik's farm. Come join in the fun of hayrides for the children, and adults, along with fishing, horseshoe pitching, lunch, and lots more.
We have .something new to add to our monthly meeting. Starting in June, we will have an attendance door prize. Don't miss our next meeting on Monday, June 15, at 8 p.m. to find out moreabout our door prize.
District III YAD will be held on June 28 at our lodge. Please come for a day of fun and entertainment.
See you at our next meeting.
Fraternally, Cindy Mahdak (12) Reporter c:c
Dear Readers,
The junior youth and teen clubs of Lodge No. 84 decided to go to the East,ern Star Home in Arlington and �ntertain the elderly ladies there with all the talent entries we had f�r YAD. This is one of our charity proJects for the year. We were honored and surprL,vd to· see the followin� article appear in the official bulletm of the Grand C;hapter of Texas Order of the Eastern Star. This is sent to most members throughout the state.
"What a wonderful time we had July 24, when the Czech SlavonicBenevolent Order of Texas came. They put on a 'Czech' program, consisti:t;i.g of piano solo, accordion, clarinet cornet, and a complete orche,Jtra made up of one family. Have you ever seen the Czech Beseda?; w�ll you have missed a treat. We were ,J3rved Czech refreshments, and they were yummy. Thanks to Betty Olson, Past Matron of Grand Prairie Chapter No. 219 for this enjoyable program.·•
We had loads of fun doing this and talking with the ladies, and seeing the lovely .home. The old saying ?t's better to give than receive," is certainly true.
Fraternally yours, Randy Petr, Pres., Jr. Club Monty Olson, Pres. Teen Club
Dear Members,
A happy fourth of July to all mem:b�_rs and one last reminder about our , Come-As-You-Are Dane�, with Charlie _A:d�mcik's Polka Tones playing your favorite tunes
,4fter your outing with your family a1?£l friends, stop by and enjoy the cool ·comfort of our hall. The kitchen will be open to serve you snacks and .•the bar to serve your favorite beverages. Remember, you can attend this dance dr,essed "as you are.''
Fraternally, Rose Scott, Ent. Secy.
Dear Readers,
I would l'i'k.e to ask t.aiat all members of the Teen and J'unior clubs be present at the next meeting held on May 16. This meeting will be ve·ry important, because we 'Will bei electing the new officers for the corniing year 1971-721 The meeting will begin at 2:30, p.m. for the teenagers, and 3 p,m. for the juniors, and our mother lodge will be hol:c'l!in,g t.aleir meeting at 4 !P.m.
Then at 6 p.m., the juniors and the teenagers will be combining fiorces to host a smor.giasbord. 'The cost is $1 for adulu; and 5.0c for children under 12. A covered dish of either a vegetable, salad or dessert would be greatly atPpreciated by all.
While we think of tJie new year coming· in and an old one going out, Jet us all see what we can do to improve the club, so that it benefits us iall. Choose your new leaders wisely.
Fraternally yours,
Cherri Petr (16)
ODlrn NO. 84, DALLAS
Dear Members,
Well, YOU COU!d cerLainly tell it was tbe day after the fair - our group at the meeting was small and very quiet.
Things livened up though; our youth and teens celebrated President Sid Pokladnik's birthday one day early with a big, big, cake. "Happy Birthday, Mr. President," read the inscription.
Punch, coffee and a variety of pas•try was also served from a beautifully decorated table - candelabra and all.
Brother Sid was happy to be remembered on this his day, and he thanked everyone. The best you could tell it came as a surpL ise, because as he opened tha door and "Happy Birthday to You" echoed through the hall, his opening statement was, "But you know I've quit having birthdays."
LO D NO 92
D r nds, We ju t had ou annual Y and if you we no t ther , yo re mssed met ng. dg 84 dd
w nd r fu j e
p bl nch. Y c ld reg ter for d or pri
d ng most of day ad la i th fter n th gave aw y p of a d w on on of them.
Th tal ntwas reat this year Th w s a vaie y ofact I'll bet j g had har a y wer so good. The y alty b rou ht to o r attent e fine qu lity our young peo ha I w ld li e to co tul te t tant , be e it t t cou ge just t g t up there.
It s so ru h- rush and c rowded the a s a craf that I didn't rea get to go a l o k at it, but fr what I s , the kids must ha e rea ked h s a . Thanks again, S pr e Lo f e b bl d ay. Milli Watt
D r F nds, At l st me tin g on.November he m et g was cal d t orderby nt,HustyKratky . TJ1 e p edge al g ia w sledby Mi eKra ,tky,an hadthe minutes read by J hn Dur ham. T e t e ure s repor was giv b R Da s. We work d on gif for our nts forChristmau. We al dectd d n a eg type progr m this s n st of a pla Ou l ati n will b December 13 We e goi g to have a_ goo tim l , m you·co u Fra er aly, Milli Jo W V -Pres d nt
De Frie ds.
At our last m eting o Janu ry 10
P id nt Johnn y Kratky called the m in g to order. Mike Kratkyled th 'pl ed e of alle a ce Trea urer Ronn
D av ll t ed dues and Secreta y John D am re d the minut s from the p vi s me etin g.W h d a shor discu i n wh a rt of summer ·pr j t w sh l d have, and painted a st g e pr Aft i t 1dinne Frat rnaily, M ie Jo Wa
______V�ce President
While we are aciknowledging o y uth and adult who ive,so muc,h heir tme andgift to our lodge w the yout,h club wants to st rt omthi g a lit le new thi year -it's Salute of th Month to someone ou dge No 92-either an adult youth - or an outst nding deed perfrmance;. The youth club's fir Salu e of the Monthgoest Mr ran Blaz k Brother Blaek has been member o Lode No. 92 inc July 10 1932. H h s held office in ur lodg a number of y ars, including bein 't easurer f m 19<32 ntil 1960, and o the board of trus ees unt il 1971, a which ti e, he sta d hat he wante to "etire." However, w not ed tha even at thelastmeeting,he verygra i uslyserved as uid and helpedwit •t e reg stering of all th se pr sen we Know 1;,na1, i::I.Her many· years o 'faithful service, i will be pre1tty har \for him to just foldhishands and quietlywithout being act vely involved Congratulat o a job well don . Again, let me remind you to rea th fir tparagr.plh of this etter - s that you will b2 reminded of our n w me ting time o t day.
Fra �rnally, Mary Huibenak, Youth Lea L d
LODG O. 92 FOR.T WORTH Dea Fi d , At t eeting we were b y with t e e ec i of our of c for n t y ar havingM s.Nesuda g us inspi i g t l , nd reh ar g for
Dear Memb s d F e nd 'Ih you t to Si Fla July 2'2 and wh t er f t at vas Ther w v en and our ad lts Eve y had ti me I want to ay tha k yu a ssist 1n t Marth D h ,Sst r Krat :y Sist M gar t K y Pam Durham w h o helped ch pe the (hildren an to st r Elene cho Sister H el n K ala B o h r is rF'ran Ouj esky Brothera d ter Henry Kask , Brother and S J C Wat for p viding tra tation. Icertainly do appreiate al h lpyougav Ave y e cialthan s Lod,geNo 92 or m k mg this tr p sib e 1970 cam p i over for ano year 'Ih port I had was ver Lvery one hadawon er ftltime. t say abig th a u to myass s Ma tha Durham to N eva Kra t y providing t a sp t on and camp; also for g v in th he1p c pe·oning th ,as gr u ly pp ciated. My hu band Debbie Rict<: had t.he pl ::su e to com an v i w h h cam p on Tu s Augu t 4 a Val Verde. W en oy d being w h t11em; th you, M rt for king us und so me o h a ctivHies Thank s to the Supre Lodge Brothe an Sl ter Wilm all of this pos ible.
Sunday A st 23 wa btate YAD El C mpo C g t u at ons to all fil"st place w ers. An d to e :you who didnt g t p ace this try jest aiittle ha d xtyear. I am oroud an n oun th t Mill JoWa �·s and y D ari n g e ed Distr ct III and Lod e N a El C a po t th e Stat Y AD . The n xt outh cl b meet ng w be Septemcc 15. O u p ogram fo 60th anni er a y cel b i of L d No 2 which ill beS pte be 19 0, will b p lan e d A fy try be on me at 1 p. ., Sep ember
Following ar, the uth from o lodg who are e t r i g lleg Mi OuJe y son of M d Mrs. F a ujes y, He Ka e cik, son Mr a r M Fred K a le ci� B ttvYa1 cl{, d&ug ter f M and Mrs. Fr nk
Karleck a d r pst youth clu president Pam D rh m daughter M and Mrs C R D is t pi s and ,re s uc ce s. S you Sun d a , t b a cl n·t f get F tern ll Mary Hubenak ut
Dear Memb rs and Frien
The youth c ub of Lodg No 9 their me eting July 2th; it a s 22nd, and camp Aug st 25, w r cussed.
Di tri tIII YADw s a ver n c There were s man nice e ntre it was h rd to believe that the could do such good work Y t are all proud of you Lodge No. th ank you for being a nice ost. grat ulat ns Patti Dulock of Lo o r new q een, a d D aryl Pa m Lodge 130, our new ing Good , t State YAD To J nice and R Distric t Ill's p st queen and k n a say thanks; you were wond First p ace winner from Lod 9 going to State YAD ugust 23 Campo re: age , i - Joey Dearin ; ages 13-15, h a aft-Millie Jo W aters
Third plce winn rs age 6-9-h arts -Ch s Durh m age 1orig nal a s - Ronn avis; 13y ra and age 16-19 home a Du ham
Durham with Tammy Kaska as d ess.
Th par icipating, but not win rom L dge 92 were: Individual t ages 10-1 -Jon Durha m; ages 1 p talen - Be rni Kr atky, R Davis, J hnny Kratky C raft par pans -Ro nnie Davis, Mike Kra Jon Durham, Ricky Hubenak De Be y, k g w M e Kr atky as du k
Congr lations to t .first p winner and good luck oyou at State YAD August 23rd To third-pla e win ers nd to th e you who d d not win we re proud you just the ame; keep trying a d n't gve up. Youth arning aw a for the merit point syst m in the group w re: Berni Kratk y Pam Du h y n group Millie J W te Jon Dur a and C'harle s Durham
Thedo r pri e winnersfor ismoth were: first Dona Eskew who w not present; 2nd, Ronnie Davi ; r JonDurham.This wa our irs tim have his contes We are pl nnin have thi everymonth u t attend your club m etings in ord t get in on he edrawing In closing I wou d like to me t that Lodge No. 92 is going to ha thei r 60th Annivers ry Celebrtion o Sept.27th, 1970. Weare planning aminute youth p rog am combied it Lodge 154. All of yo u youth from bt lod es are invte d to be on the pgr am, ostart thinkin gaboutw at y o would lik e to do I will get in touc wi h the youth l ader ar future.S n ; get all these dat Fra ernally,
D�ar Readers,
This was my first year to go to SPJST camp and I hope I can go again next year because I really enjoyed it.
I especially enjoyed the horseback riding, hiking, swimming, and crafts. I met many people from different lodges and it was fun talking with them. I would lik,e to thank the SPJ8T for providing this camp and thanks to all the leaders and helpers.
I hope that our friends from Robs town didnot find their homes too badly damaged by the hurricane.
Fraternally, Robin S:parks,
Dear Readers,
The youth club of Lodge 130 had its regula.r meeting- Nov 1. The teenage boys went go-carting and the rest of the members worked on Tri-Chem
After our activity anct meeting, we joined the adults for a delicious sup per.
Out next meeting will be Dec. 6. We Plan to meet at the hall at 2 to go ice skating.
Fraternally, Robin Sparks
Dear Readers,
Just a few lines to invite all of you to a big country-western dance on Saturday, June 13, at the Sokol Ath letic C'enter, 7443 ·Greenville Avenue, Dall:1.s, TPxas, sponsored by the Youth Club of Lodge No. 130, starting at 9 p.m. Come dressed accordingly. We have the Johnnie Mensik Orchestra from Ennis playing for us. This should be a lot of fun, so see you all there.
Fraternally, Danny Vrla
L to R:· Lodge No. 6 Booth - Vicki Dulock and Debbie Upt mor, and right, Lodge No. 130 Booth -Danny Vrla
Dear Readers ' '
I want to' · Youth n· t compliment our Statei 1rec,or, James Ja k ,ourDistrict Ill Y t . nouse ' and Nesuda for 0�h Director, Wilma - , preyiarmg· a d class that goo training E . was held on April 24 in nms This part· u1 b ic ar class was the •est one I have; attended of youth work with the�;J1S y 'T t1me t was very • t •merestmg and enjoyable A special thank you g·oes to s· t ph· H iser Dolsk ie rabma, �rothers Jerry Laznovth y anct Oates m their special part of 1 e class, craft, outdoor cooking· and woodwork.
Our next meeting will be held on -!t�Y 16. Don't miss this meetjng since � 1s our_last one for your merit sys em anct m June, we. will begin and better year. a new
At this_timeIhopeeachoftheyouth are makmg bi 1 y • g Pans for District III AD to be. held at Lodo-e 66 Waco IStart on your entries earl;. Fraternally, Patsy Sfova!k, Youth Leader ._______
Dear Readers,
The youth club held their monthl meeting with good attendance. Winne:rsforthespecial drawingwereMarvin Denise Patak and·Jimmy Mikel. Anew differentcontestwasheld for the youth. We had several atractiv posters.Theyouthtrulyworked aroun the mod them. Some of the adult had more fun trying to think and see through their mod art. Benny Valek had the most unique poster and wa awarded a prize.
Prizes were awarded to Claudia MouckaandDannyBouskaintheFlag contest. Jimmy Mikel received hi prize forthePutt Puttcontest. Happytimesand funtoallthecampers who plan to attend camp Val Verde. Watch out for the heat and don'tget sick.
TheannualSPJST135BarbecueDinner will be held on Aug. 9. Our yout club decided on a cake walk to b held during· the afternoon sometime
TheannualSPJST 135barbecue dinmother in the youth club would brin one type of pastry for this project Your help is always so greatly neede for t.heyouth's interestand success.
Fraternally, Patsy Slovak, ,________Youth Lea ...:.. d ...:.. er -----�
Dear Readers,
At our last meeting wehad fun. We h�d a mod poster contest. The one with the_ maddest poster won. After the meetmgrefreshments were served OnJuly26wewentto Six Flags Ev� eryone who attended had fun. Fraternally, Benny Valek
Dear Readers,
The Februarymonthly meeting was held with good attendance. We were happy to reoogniz".e 'llony Adams as a new active member and Barbara Janousek, and Kimberly Ada.ms as guests.
Election of officers were held and the re..s.ultswere asfollows: President-DannyBouska Vice-Pres. - Claudia Moucka Secretary - Bo1bbiie Moocka TreasureT - Larry Valek Reporter- Dean1eB\ouska Sgt-at-Arms - Marvin Patak Histo,rian - Della Zhanel Photographer-JimmyMikel Chairmen for the followin:g committees are: Soc.ial - Marvin Pa.ta.k, Riefreshment Denise Patak, .Sunshine -Amy Laznovsky, Publicity - Diane Zhanel.
We want to thank Brother Albin Bouska for his donat1on to the youth club. This was veu-y nice and we are grateful. A contribution was made to thelocal heart fund drive.
The youth club sent a flower arrangementtotheS'okolgrandopening expressing their best wishes to the S1qkolmembers.
AletterfromtheSltlpremeLodgewas Te�d thank1ng the youth club for the ,telegram sent to the officers at the-i.r .granddedication.
Theturnoutonthewoodprojectand contestwas realgood. We were proud 1of all the original ideas and your interest. AmyLaznovs.kywonthe·prize forth.ebestprojectwhich was a napkin holder and atta.c:hments on both sides for toothpircks and matches. A clever idea , 'but also most us.eful.
Dear Readers,
Monthly meeting was held with fair attendance. Special drawing prizes went to Larry Valek, Diane Bouska, DellaZhanel,andDannyBouska.
Ourcandysaleprojecthascometo •finalclos,e. Youth who failed to brin theirmoneyo,rcandy,please dosoim mediately. Itisalittleinconvenientt ke€paprojectdrawnout.
The youth clUJb volunteer,ed to help out the mother lodge with the cake walk at the benefit dinner for Lodg,es SPJST135and 25, and thelocalS,o,kol. Besur,eandworkonyourwood-war project.Rememberyouarethedecora tor. A prize will b,e awarded for th best.
Please record Flebruary 20 and 21o your personal calendar as t)1e gran opening-ofthenewSokolbuilding.This will be a very important date to remember for the new estab1ishment.
See you at our next meeting. We mightbeluckyandattendthemeeting in ournewhome - Sokol. Fraternally, Patsy Slovak
LODGE NO. 135, E:NNIS Dea,rReaders, Our monthly,meetingwas;heldwith af.airattendanc.e.Wewouldliketosee your cheerful fatces at the meetings ;r,egular].y.
Acontri'blUtionwasmadetothelocal March of Dimes fund by the youth club.
Winners for the S!pecial drawing were Diane and•Deula Zhrunel, and LindaMikel.Rememlber,ifyouarenot present,youcannotwin.
K'ite contest was scheduled, but due to the sandstorun, we were fo:rced to cancelittoalater:date.T:hekiteswe,re judged and Della Zh:aneil won for the '.best homemade kite, Ver.aWeinsoiwitch forthesmallestkiteandFrankieMikel forthelarg,estkite.Saiveyourkitesand we wm see who can :giet their kite to fly·the high.est.
Our Easter part,y is sc;hediule,d for April3,at2 p.m.at theSokol grounds :for the junior youth. Sturpris,e for the teenswho areiin!ter:estedinCloming.
A special thank you goes to Sisteir Vickie Mouclk.a flor t1he refreshments after the meeting.
I want to thank thie yout,h for the SU!l"!)rise birthday present. The pantsuitwaslov,e!lyandalbigthankyou to my assistan:t, Adelle, for her /beautiful handwork. Your thoughtfulness was greatlyaiwreciated.
A craft party followed the meeting. 'The themewas Easter and'mostly for thejuniors. Althoughtheteenshelped 1and were qU!ite. amw.ed at the finishedproduct-East,erbonnets-that could be used for party fa;vors. S'eeyou at theEasterparty. Fraternally, PatsySlovak; Youth Leader -' �:,;;'.i.::'=- ---'
LODGE NO. 135, ENNIS 'Dear Readers, Another successful year for the annual Ennis Polka Festival has taken \place. The weather was beautiful and everyone had a nice time. The ycuth enteredafloatintheparadeand won theGrandMarshalaward.
Youth who participated in the parade were: Diane Boucka, Claudia Moucka, Vera WensowitCth, Della and mane Zhaniel, Linda Mikel, Denise Patak, Larry and Benn,y Valek, Kim AdamsandCammieJurica.
A special thankyou goes toBrother E:ric Moucka and Brother To1111 :Valel;:: for al'l the hard manual work in pre;paringthef1oat.Toobadwecan'tgive points to the parents. Just remember, you have a spe.cial place in the clubs thoughts.
Hopeyoudon'tforgetou!'meeting is scheduled for May 16. See you then. Fraternally, Patsy Sli0vak, Youth Leader
D Re s, . Th mont hly meet ng wa held
g d tte ndanc . We still have, s ar g fa whi h we �".' nt s i some ti ll a se?
N me drawn fo the sp ciala � -
d • went to Lind M c r wmg n Patak arid Clau dia Mouc a ou gu est speakerwas Jm Te p The topic wasondrugsanmdrugab
t ner s mg an e
Itw mos 1 t After yedhis v1s1 . th oroug hlyenJO ng s p
yo th. th Polka Festiva
Do ! get �uth who are p her e agam . TheY th th ey • the pa ad w1
patmg m d in co stum e ase be d esse tloa ' P si tant Leader ll8:30 aty ou r As no at comers! l k'shou e.Please t d ·to comb Th e you h volu n e�r e and donate with the m other lo ge h th e So kol Slet Souve ld For Worth. . ill be he m rive is contin m Th alwnmlllm d ty c ab eve y emp The efore please gr for d Mor pe nmes ou c n m • td t ub. Let's try o ou�dis
Our ci n ds Uhe 't ee every I ho e o nnis Polka F F raterna Pa sy Slov YouthLead _____
D rR d On N b r 21, ur you h v is ed the Elnnis Nursin g H ome. Al of th ti ts real ye njoyed the ao s fr uit d d w:e gav th m On Nov ber 28, our cl will b sp n J ing t e age Danc w it, m s ic b th t Chane� W 'ha 'th d dan e in a lo ng time s W y lo okin g fior rct to h ner E gg ti
t et m r Fr t e nally M t T u LOD NO 135
D D ade , I so na ll y uld lik to t ank a ch p on o w nt cam p th summ They worked very ha d th y a to k is m e joyab le an Success l. A ll Of t he ch ape rones di el nt j T h idea of lettin th teen g pl n ,en t ertainmen wa a v y g o d id . Th ac ivitie a cam p w e ot rin gli e la t year. w as al l ki ng fo rwa d t repo all of m ac it i es, a nd fo r som rea o n , � n njoyed c aft this yea
Ma� t wa t e f lovin g te ache A m I t an k ll ch p r nes and ev eryone Wh i o th a c mp. F t rnally, M Treasurer
SP S L Dea rR eaders
I want to th ank he y ut h f r beauti ul Chr stm as gifts hat Ice ved. T y w Spanish deco
Ab rb cu d b eefdin nerwil be h on Jan uary 17 at the So ol Hall Th is a b ene it dinner for SPJST Lo 13 5and25,andth eS okol G m D n will be served bet ween 12 a d 1 Foll wing· he din er a ca e walk be held. Each fam ily in the yo lub h s b en asked to b ng soth ng sweet or t e cake wa k A anyone in erest ed ma y par icipa t his cake wa his all for a ca g e cro wd.
Don tfo rget to save all use d Chmas ca ds f r our pr g c rds to the ext m et g The alumi num driv e is sttill Please search anddeliver to h ed complete
P atsy Slo
Youth Le
Dear Readers,
A ourl stm eting veryo ne turn in th eirPe psi c ps T ere were a t o the m. E ach on of u eceiv d small gi t for sellin S anley pructs.Cla udia Mouck asold the most o she re ved gra priz We a cele rated F ag Day. Everyo bro ght a flag or somethin g to wa e go t in o a boutour fla g
On June18 we h da putt p uttco tes We met t No y·s Golf Land a play ct mu1ia tur golf The · in e low est sco e wa s the win ner
On Jun 20 we hud a pare nt baquet. We had a lat e Mothe t's Day a an early Fu. h .e s L1y al h.1d a pr gra m for t em n June 26, be ure to at tend o g party at o F·a ternull B n Valek
e r Re aders,
Our ast meetin g was a g reat sue s. Af er our s ocial dinner we had a e W lk a d we had so w ner hen bl n de.r.
At 2 p.m. we had our me ting Al- �o ever one wa pres t W had gue� J oey H nnig w,ho wa from F"lor icta. It was a su n e ll ha a,good time Ou r n xt meetin m ee Y9u then. Frat rnally
LODGE NO 13 Dea Re der , At t yo h clu,b e wm ha.ve a sp
L ODGE NO. e rR d , Our an n al cart dy drive is in pe at th p resent tim . A sp in t e to th youth m embers are in th e co ntes t ofselli ng the ha ount of candy. There are y uthw kers cl inth race Lets try to passeach with flyi ng co rs. • ou Hall ee part w sheldfor y th and L dge2 you th were g
1Wedne sday, Nov mber 4, 1970 1· � Pri zes went toCind y Whitt ngton Ba rb
Benny Valek
ea Read ers
The fi� t �eek nd in May w as a ve ry specia l da.v fo1 Enn is be ause w had a. Polk. Festivl Our od ge had float m the .Parade, Wh ch won th Gran. ct M arsh al aw trop hy f or he float. at oul' next Fra ernally, V ra WensoWitch
Dear Readers, b t Here it is almost school time u our club is still goin,g to have fun. Ou� • th leader Patsy Slovak, bas grea "'JOU ' th On August 22 lans for us this mon �e are going to see the stoc� car races and on August 2'9 we are gomg horseback riding. Everyone be sure to plan for these activities. See you at the next meeting.Fraternally, Larry VaLek
Dear Readers, Club activities have been light due to many of our members preparing for the Southem District Sokol Slet which was held in Ennis. Congratulations to the winners. The youth club participated in this slet by presenting a donation to their memory book.
Results in our flag contest were a tie between Claudia Moucka and Danny Bouska.
Dear Friends,
We had an Easter party at the Sokol Hall on April 3. I hope you had a good time. We will have our next meeting on April 18. W.e will have a speaker. I will see you at our next meeting. Fraternally, Vera Wensowit-ch (9) --SPJST-
Dear Readers,
The club has comm�nced their annual candy drive. If anyone is interested in buying some candy, please call one of the youth members. They will b€ eager to help you since they are in a contest for the two highest sales persons.
Our monthly meeting was held with fair attendance. Barbara Janousek was a gu�st. Lucky winners·for the special drawmg- were Della Zhanel, Frankie Mikel and Marvin Patak.
On October 24, 8 p.m., at Sokol Hall the Lodg-e 25 youth Club Will be OUl: guests for our Halloween party. Also, each member of Lodge 135 is entitled to bring one guest. Masks and costumes are requested. Don't forget to dres.s for the occasion since prizes will be award ed.
See you at the party. Patsy Slovak,
Youth Leader_______..
LODGE NO. 1 54 , FORT W st ictsIII VIIReaders: W would lik e to hank Dist ict I fo the be tim e t camp we hav everhad.Wewo ld a solike to tha Mrs. Ne d a d Mr. Jamesse for thei tme sp ent w ith us Weh very good time wit Ditr t VII. We w oul like o be at the. same c mp d hav itlike w had t thi year. Thank you for a good tim . We hope t t p ople we met t camp fom Di st ric VII were not to severely d m ged by Hurr an Celia xt mont hly meeting will e r 13 Eve yone d M y n,
LODGE N O. 154, FO WORTH Dea Member and Re e We held ou h �etin g Sun dy,October 11. Iwou d like tothankall th e peopl fo "be ng at t eetin g We woul like for everyone to k th t ou y outh club sta ting to grow So fa we hav two n w me mb s and ar hopefully looking f a ore We would lso li ke thank Bobb Joe �lvel and for t e gre p r f rm ances of Ti yT m " H is wo k. ing on another act. W hope it is a go d asth e Tiny T
We taked a ut o xt mont l mee ting It will b e h eld Novembe 8, the ecm d S unday of th monh The outh of' L d g 54h p th at th weather is warm at xt meetn becaus e we w h h r meetn at Forest Park Zo We wou also like t o c n,gratula Lodge 84 or wnning firs t pla ce theB eseda at Stat Y A Pl�ase come m et November 8. � ae rn ll y Ma y nm -----=R:::_e:t_porter
Architect's Renition of the New S1:1preme Lod,�e EieadquartersBuilding Logsdon & Voelter,Ar(lhitects (AJA) Temple
One· view of our Supreme Lodge Headquarters Building taken Sunday afternoon, November 15.
Master of Ceremoni�:5, lf�·nthe Reuben 'D. Talasek addressing- the audience in thelobby.
SPJST Supreme Loc1.�e President Nick :"!orris giving his address after be.ing Introduced by the MC in the lobby.
Main speaker of the day, Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, Austm, the Honorable G. F. (Gus) Mutscher �ddressing the audience in thelobby.
dke Supreme CoJqe
Of The
Slavonic Benevolent Order Of The State Of Texas--SPJST
would enjoy the presence of our membership and general public at the
of our new Supreme Lodge office buildi�g o� Sunday, January 31, 1971. Ribbon-cutting ceremoni:s will be hel? at I p.m.; program and dedication cer:monies at �pprox1- mately I:15 p.m. The building will remain open until 4 p.m.
Address: 520 North Main Street, Temple, Texas, at West French Avenue.
Dante and social at Seaton Star Hall, 7'[2 miles east of Temple on Highway 53, starting at appro�1matelyf3:3� p.m. Star Ha!I will be open at IO a.m. and will serve oo throughout the day.
MASTER OF CERE!rvl:ONIES ....................... .................. REUBEN D. TALASEK
REMARKS ..............................................................NICK A. MORRIS, PRESIDENT INTRODUCTIONS
* * *
* * *
R I Coll t S J T for r 69-70. Pictured at this years tate Ro alty P . r.a t w ·c the ou� ong Stat� King an
o , ' "1' t'-· L to R· Lron 'L -�u�en Robet U (84 III) nd Janice H a skovec (25, III). KING C A ND!J.n.. 1 J HiS year verse. 'v - vodny,' Jr (4, II); K u' etb Sa rsula ( 8,VI); Cha les awre ce 07, V); I:a;y i'asina (J30, m; '!".d�u,ek• Jr. (17, I) QUEEN C ANDIDATES wer L toR:Frances Di on (88,V Pa y Kah�a fSS VU; P:t P2vls? <.1:>1, ''II), at Mar� (13 , I); Emil Ca n gh ( 20 II ) Th 1 di West Tex
D. ar Reader
The 1 70 St t YADR aty p agea was i press ve su c Ov 5 peo e assemb d at Li n d Hall witn s wh t h b e t d ma ny as on of our m t el e t pgeants Needl ss to y,th e h aing memb s of Lod g e No 6 d s mu h cre t r th r ef fo r ma our day the b autiful th it w
We are a o v y p o of all o r ya y candidat It w a dif fi c taskforourcomp t nt jud l the most outstanding.
OurRoy al Co rt f 1970 i District One
Patric Mar k (13 Qu Cda
Ju Mar k 03), D h ss Theodo r Duse k J (17 ) Kin Cdida
Ronn Schiela k (17 Du
Distri t Tw
Emilie Cavanau h (20 Qdida
LeonZavod y (47 ), Kin C did
StevenSodek (47 ) Duk
Distri t Thre e Pat i Duloc (6, Q did (6 , Du hes DGlennSpa Dist ict F ur:date Janet Kristinek (157). Duch ss Cdidae Chad La Distric Five: F.dicta t
Runnl title were:
Elizabeth Distiict Six P tsy Kalina 58), Queen C mo a Holmes 58) uchess Kdidate D tr ct Se n : i-
date W ndyBayer 19 -70 Q een
Janice Ha kovec (2 Ri a Krajc 19 69 -70 Kin g: Robe t Urban (84,
Patt1 D,.lock ( IIIJ, d uhter Mrs. Josie Du l ock of frvi g, anct L o i..avodny (4 , Ill, son r Leon Zavodny of Ro0er E er ,C.:PJ1ST m,e�o.b er souLd b prcud of' he canclidates who reprsent,ed t er district. Ea h candida psse sed a ce ain q alit wh h s him or h r apart fr m he re t. W salute each candidate for their in t re t and we appreciate the intere anct encouragement that e�ch paren relatives andl dgememb rsgave the can didate. Ea h c ndida te represent ma y in erested nd loyal su porter We ar loo x ateYAD
Fraternally your James J. Janousek S
Seated, L to R: Sist r Ros e Coce auditing comm Sist r Benn e Soukup, re porter, andSist rBean e Kach- auditin g comm Standin Lto R: Broth r J e Myna , barmanage ; Broth r Ernet Zahirnia hall mana ; Broth Frank Coce , recording secretary; Broth r Frank H Soukup vice presiden ; Brother George Kaci r , legal adviso r andBrotherJoeMazane c financial se y and tre s ure (Notpictui-ed s 'Brother Augut Pustejovsk presiden who s recovering from a recent illness
Lodge Jaromi r No.'54s newly-remodeled hall withadditionaltableanddining space a t the front and expande recreational facilities a th back BrOlthe ErnestZahirniak, hallmanage rstatedthatitis now availableforrentin g atvery reasonable price
Lodg No 54' expanded dinin fortaibl space to it new' hopie