4 minute read
New Lodge Installation
INSTALLING OFFICER (most likely the President/CEO: Fellow members of the Executive Committee, Officers and members of Lodge ____, friends and guests: (The installing official should make a few opening remarks suitable to the occasion, and include a few brief remarks about how the lodge came into being, other brief historical information, etc.).
Now, if I may, I’d like to proceed with the formal portion of our installation ceremonies. I will address myself primarily to the members, both new and transfers to Lodge _____.
My dear friends, by virtue of your stated and written desire to form this new lodge of the SPJST, and by virtue of that application having been approved by the Supreme Lodge of the SPJST and a charter having been issued to that effect, you shall this day, be installed as Local Lodge No. _____ located in ________, Texas.
We are happy that you have chosen to take this historic and important step! We know that those of you seeking admission into Lodge _____ will always conduct yourself in a most exemplary manner in all affairs bearing and reflecting on the SPJST, and that you will do your utmost to abide by the tenets of our Society, its By-Laws, and principles.
I will now ask all those seeking admission into Lodge _____ to be escorted before me and (the Lodge Vice President or other Executive Committee official).
(At this point, the guide escorts the new members of the lodge before either the Vice President or the Chief Financial Officer, who also welcomes them, charges them, and administers the pledge of loyalty and membership to them.)
Vice President: My friends, we are pleased that you have applied for membership in the SPJST Society. This membership will entitle you to many benefits. You are about to become a part of a proud, strong, and growing organization. Proceeding with the installation, we will have you promise and make a vow that you want to help fulfill the purposes of our Society and that you agree to comply with the constitution, By-Laws, and rules and regulations of the SPJST and this local lodge.
I will now ask you to place the palm of your right hand over your heart while I read you the pledge and vows: “I bind myself, upon my honor in presence of the members of the SPJST, that it is my firm and sincere desire, to abide by the constitution, by-laws, and rules and regulations of the SPJST and this local lodge.
“I solemnly promise that I will be a good and loyal member of the SPJST and the local lodge, which I am now joining. I further promise and obligate myself to assist my brother and sister members in time of their need and in their trials and tribulations; and
to protect their interests and rights in this local lodge, as well as in the SPJST Society, to the best of my ability.”
(Please repeat after me): These solemn promises * vows and obligations * I bind myself to keep * and to perform * upon this, my word of honor.
Vice President continues: Brothers and sisters, I firmly hope that you will remember the pledge and vow that you have taken.
For your own welfare and for the welfare of our Society, I hope that you will fulfill the obligations that you have taken. Take pride in the SPJST and strive with us to become more perfect citizens and members.
(At this point it might be appropriate for the vice president to quote an appropriate verse on brotherhood or some related theme.)
Vice President continues: In order that you may become thoroughly acquainted with the basic principles of our Society, I now present you to our President and CEO who will give you further instructions.
(Here, the President/CEO should introduce the officers of the new lodge and ask them to ascend the stage accompanied by all attending dignitaries. If there is a program chairman for the dedication and installation ceremonies, he should also be introduced. He should continue by giving the status of the new lodge, particularly the number of charter members, and should allude to the tenets upon which the SPJST was founded.)
President/CEO: All rise. Please repeat after me:
Let us stand united * in the causes of benevolence. * Let us stand united * in the causes of Humanity. * Let us stand united * in the causes of Brotherhood. * Let us stand united * in the bonds of Fellowship and Fraternal Love * for all time to come.
The President/CEO or the installing officer should then continue to make appropriate remarks and present the following items to the new lodge through its president:
The SPJST Lodge Wall Emblem Lodge Banner Framed Charter
He should then recognize the person or persons primarily responsible and instrumental in organizing the new lodge. His concluding remarks should be of encouragement and some constructive suggestions in meeting the tasks of the future facing the new lodge and should conclude with a sincere welcome to the membership of the new lodge.