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Lodge Calendar Warrants Planning
Lodge Calendar Requires Planning
A lodge with a mission is a lodge with a purpose. In line with that purpose is that your lodge construct an annual calendar of lodge events, district activities, community service projects, planning sessions and fund raisers early in the year.
We all know that a strong lodge program doesn’t start on Day 1 of the New Year. Instead, it needs to start a few months ahead of time. Planning ahead is an important part of every lodge’s success. Consider setting up a formal planning and scheduling meeting for the year ahead as early as September or October.
A good place to begin this special session is with a review of the SPJST’s Mission and Vision Statements on page six of the Lodge Operations Manual. What gives regular lodge meetings their importance is not simply that your group is meeting but that you are meeting with a mission and not simply going through the motions in order to satisfy a meeting requirement.
Because the SPJST is a democratic organization, it is vital that the membership also have input into the process. Out of this meeting, you should be well on your way to structuring a yearlong calendar of events that support the mission and vision of the SPJST as they relate to your local lodge member and the community that you serve.
Consider having a copy of your lodge calendar for the coming year completed and ready for distribution at annual and/or year-end celebration. Constructing and then circulating a lodge calendar — either on paper or online — will provide everyone involved with a chance to plan and make time for lodge meetings, community service projects, socials and fund raising events. As more dates and activities emerge, they can always be added.