Vestnik 4 22 1970

Page 5

Official Organ Of The Slavonic Benevolent Order Of The State Of Texas, Founded 1897.


VOLUME 58 — NO 16

Postmaster: Please Send Form 3579 with Undeliverable Copies to: SUPREME LODGE SPJST, FOB 100, TEMPLE, TEX 76501


We wish to call your attention to the IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT and the letter about the S.P.J.S.T. Rest Homes Nos. 1 and 2. Bro. J. M. Skrabanek advises our membership that two wings are nearly completed in Needville. All donors who have plans for furnishing a room should do so now for the time is drawing near when the rest home will need the rooms furnished. So that there is no conflict, you are reminded that the room furnishing donations should be sent to Bro. Charlie Matcek, as the letter directs. The smaller and memorial donations are being accepted by Sis. Bessie Franek in Needville.

Attention members of Districts IV and VI — do not forget your meeting your district to be held April 26. The programs are in this issue and there is a map showing how to get to. La Salle in District_ VI in this issue, also.

Sunday, April 26th in Dallas — the Ladies Czech Club- will be celebrating their 35th Anniversary. Dr. V. Hunacek and Prof. John Skrivanek will have shOrt addresses. Dr. Hunacek is a consultant with the Texas Education Agency in Austin, and is from the Charles University in Prague. He will show slides and films of Czechoslovakia, and its culture. Dr. Skrivanek is at A&M University in College Station, and


You say the world is gloomy, The skies are grim and gray? The night has lost its quiet, You fear the coming day? The world is what you make it, The sky is gray or blue, Just as your soul may paint it, It isn't the world, it's you! Clear up the clouded vision, Clean out the foggy mind. The clouds are always passing, And each is silver lined. The world is what you make it, Then make it bright and true, And when you say it's gloomy, It isn't the world, it's you! —Anon.

is a Professor of Slavic languages. He is well-known in Texas. They will have a Czech program presented by Sister B. Valcik, and the Dallas Czech Concert Orchestra will perform, which will be conducted by Bro. Sid Pokladnik. Due to a commitment made in the spring of last year, we will have to attend the District IV meeting in Rowena. Needless to say, we wish the best of luck to District VI, and the Ladies Czech Club in Dallas.

Under SYD—Spring Training Classes are listed some very pertinent problems of our society (set in bold-face

APRIL 22, 1970

type). Read them carefully. They certainly merit your attention and thought. How many times have you seen a very worthy cause or project "shot to pieces" in your lodge because of petty jealousy or peevishness; just because someone was not the big "I", or too many just did not care and said, "Let George do it." All of us have heard parents moan about our "terrible youth" of today. Could it be they are just as guilty as any other by neglecting and ignoring their youth? Haveve you really helped your youth leader?

Another memorable occasion — the membership of Lodge 87, Temple, are extending a cordial invitation to everyone to help celebrate their 60th anniversary of their lodge, on Sunday, April 26 at Temple. (For more details, please refer to Sister Frances Bartek and YL Judy Shenkir's letters). o

A reminder to members in District V — the Convention Fund Committee will sponsor a fried-chicken dinner and a battle dance at Lodge 88 on May 3. Lodges 88 and 142 will be hosts for the convention in 1972. (You will find more details on this activity in this issue).

• Member receives endowment check. Brother Emil Darilek, Sr., one of Moulton's beloved senior citizens, recently

• •
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R, J. — Box 85, West. Texas 76691

R 1204 N. Davis Street

Toloot,.001,. : Res. 446-5989 --. Shop: 446-5282


uzvsA. , LOVAK PUB. COMPANY. WEST, TEX. Subscription $4.50


Temple, Texas AC 817 773-1575

Box 100, Temple, Texts 76501

NICK A. rviw,;.i as, President Res: 985-2115

JOE B. IIEJNY, Vice President Res; 778-1785

14. A. URBANOVSKY, Secretary Res: 773-3846

BEN ZARCIK, Financial Secretary Res: 985-2472

LEONARD MIKESKA, Treasurer Res: 778-3720

AUGUST KACIR, Legal Adviser Res: 773-3658

Office: '773-2171

PO BOx 845, Temple

in inn l,eslni Medical Director

x VD, for 76574 512; 352-5251

"onorary President

Edward, L, Marek

N. 13th, Ternolo


A. Rubella, Dist. ; 968-3251 (Office)

1Ns: 908-3937

308, La Grange 78915

Vitek, Dist. LI AC 512; 859-2549

1 Box 43, Granger 76530

(; id) Pokladnik, Dist. ID

214; 741-1874 (Office) Res: 824-8072

421 Elm St., Dallas 75326

R. E. Broz, Dist. IV

AC 915; 655-2164

2 — Box 320, San Angelo 76901

Erriet J. Hanka, Dist V (C-ffice)


FRANCES °LENA, Chuff, :u3.,1 6402 Taggart

Houston, 'texas 77067

ED. 0. MAZANEC, Vice Chain. Rt. 9 — Box 337 Waco. Texas 76705

STANLEY E. VRLA, SeCY 6641 Patrick Dr, Dallas, Texas 75214

FRANK E. HEJL, JR. Rt. 4 Temple, Texas 7650

WM. MICULKA PO Box 297 Moulton, Texas 77975


ROY E. HRANICKY, Chairman PO Box 455, S1nton. Texas 78387

JERRY MILAN. Secretary 6208 Lakeside Dr. Ft. Worth 76135


James J. Janousek, Box 100, Temple, Texas — Ph. res. 778-4519



Ernest Jakubik, PO Box 52 Snook. Tex 77878 — Ph.: AC 713; 272-4129


Lad J. Zatopek, 1004 So. 31st Temple. Tex 76501 — AC 817; 778-3067


Alvin Nesuda, Telico Rd., Ennis, Tx 75119 — Ph. AC 214; 875-7790


Mrs. Evelyn Mikeska, 10126 Moorberry LN, Houston, Tx 77055'— Ph. AC 713; 468-3126


Leo Krause, Jr., PO Box 427 Inez, Texas 77968 -- Ph. AC 512; 657-4678


J. L. Etzner, 1301 Prince Dr.. Corpus Christi, Tx 78412—Ph: AC 512; 991-1746



Mrs. Lola Vavra, 3806 Woody Ln. Bryan, Texas 77801 — Ph: AC 713; 8220


Mrs. Jerlene Balusek, 2810 W. Ave r Temple. Tex 76510 — Ph: AC 817; 778- 9


Mrs. Wilma Nesuda, Telico Road, Ennis, Texas 75119 — Ph. AC 214; 875-7790


Mrs. Ed Heisler, Route 1 Seymour, Texas — Ph. AC 817; 888


Mrs. Wanda Elzner, 6006 Dryad. Houston, Texas 77035 -- AC 713; 723-3790


Mrs. Frank 13rdecka, Route 1, Box 150 Rosenberg. Tx 77471 — Ph. AC 713; 662-2085


Mrs. Maxine Payliska, Route 2, Box 151 FloresvIlle, Tex. 78114 — AC 512; 393-2030

Unsolicited material for publication cannot be returned unless sufficient postage is attached. This includes pictures. Expense for publication of engagement and wedding pictures must be borne by the Gender.

was presented' an endbwment - check from Lodge-165 Culz:t., Moulton, upon attaining the age of 96 years. check (paid-up i presx.pted 111 the sum of Da...ilek by Brother president of Lodge 65. i e article mad picture 111 1' e)

As a have life i probably e

taxes on your hold' -- so your (:: cutor won't be -forced to sell you cities or 1. I estate ''ii order to cash for

Providin for estate taxes and o pal exexpenses is an morLant ii ioil of

It's also an t mortant reason you should review your insurance program regularly (at lea: ,1; cry sears, if not oftener). :111.1r Let value of investmo,,fr, payable at death.

And securities and real estate aren't the only assets that rise ;or fall) in value, thereby causing c„sta to problems. Among other examples are personal items, such as art, heirlooms or hobby collections. Althoueh you may neve• have thought of these in terms of capital appreciation, they might turn out to have surprising value when your executor getS' an appraisal.

For instance, there is that coin or stamp collection yon painstakingly assembled in your youth, but haven't touched in many years.

Or the antique china and. crystal that Caine as a wedhi g gifts. You rarely used it and now it's stored away in a cabinet or gatherin-: di r 111 the attic. Value ,R

You obably hove no id ea what these items are worth: The T; likely have little more than sentimental value: Put possible an expert might appraise them in thousands of dollars. Even if you're an expert coin collector or stamp colleetor and realize Your collection is valuable, you may not have considered the estate taxes that would have to be paid on it.


EL 1 — t10, 77957

Je:L Yr.M.Pist. VII

409 W.I% Kenedy, Tex 78119

AC 512; 659-3535

Changes of address and correspondence concerning delivery of Vest/ilk must be sent to Supreme Lodge, Box 100, Temple, Texas.

Paid subscriptions and advertising matter should be addressed to Vestnik. West, Tx 76691

Deadline for material to be'aecepted for the following issue im Friday noon.

Suppose that — after all exemptions, deductions, cref lils and excl71-sions — you've planned able estate of aboil;. and invf-, r. life _ surance you° vc provided for Federal estate taxes, which should run more than $65,000. nut perhaps_ you'ye'forPo'n tO inelude your •collection of hi storical U. S.

vEsTNfIc Wednesday, April 22, 1970
weekly zorroa

Wednesday, April 22, 1970 pennies. When you collected the coins years ago, their value may have been quite small. But now, if the set is virtually complete and in excellent condition, it might be worth $50,000 to $10000 — which would add around $15,000 to $30,000 in estate taxes.

If the extra cash weren't available, it could result in problems for you executor and family.



Come Rain or Shine to The Balcar Family Reunion Sunday, May 3, at the SPJST Hall in Dime Box, Texas. Bring a Basket lunch and a serving spoon. Lunch will be served promptly at 12 noon. A band will be on hand for the dance from 2 until 6. Don't forget to bring the children and a few friends; we want to make this a good reunion. Ladies come casual; wear slacks or a dress. Hope to sec you there.


Sister Albina Vavrecka, age 73, passed away April 1, 1970 in Sealy, Texas. She was laid to eternal rest in Frydek Catholic Cemetery at Sealy, Texas, and was a member of Lodge Needville No. 81.

• 6

Brother Charles Micek, age 76, passed away March 31, 1970 in Hurst 1VIemorjai Hospital. He was a member of Lodge Pokrok Sweet Home No 63. Sweet Home.

Brother Emil J. Pavelka, age 66, passed away March 31, 1970 in Victoria, Texas. He was a member of Lodge Primori No. 143 in Inez, Texas, and was interred in the Catholic Cemetery in Shiner, Texas.

• •

Sister Dorothy Schiller, age 37, died April 9, 1970 in Temple, Texas. She was placed to eternal rest in the Seaton Cemetery and was a member of Lodge Cesky Prapor No. 24, Cyclone.


Mr. Emil Darilek, Sr., one of Moulton's beloved senior citizens, recently was presented an endowment check from SPJST Lodge No. 165, upon attaining the age of 96 years. The check (paid-up insurance) was presented in the sum of $1,000 to Mr. Darilek by Mr. George Technik.

A native of Czechoslovakia, he was born in that country on April 5, 1874. At the age of 19, he immigrated to America with his parents, three brothers and one sister, then settled in the Czech settlement of Praha, Fayette County. Mr. Darilek held employment with the SP Railroad for some time and later accepted employment as a clerk in the Rii. Jaeggli Store where he worked for 32 years.

Mr. Darilek was united in marriage with Josephine Zalman who passed away while still a young woman. In 1916 he married Ludmila Kubenka. Mr. Darilek is a devout Catholic, being a member of the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Moulton.

He is the father of five living children: Mrs. Stella Mikus of Wharton, DIRECTOR POKLADNIK SPEAKS TO DALLAS WBFA LODGE

(The following are excerpts from an address given by District III Director Brother Sid Poklacinik at the Seventh Anniversary Dinner- of WBFA Lodge 401, Dallas, on Sunday, April 5, 1970. —Editor).

Mr. President, Sisters, Brothers, and Friends: I am delighted to be here today and enjoy this celebration, the 7th anniversary dinner of Lodge 401, Dallas. On behalf of Justine and myself, we thank you for the invitation to be


Mrs. Lillian Klecka of East Bernard, Willie Darilek of Columbus, Emil, Jr. (Bubba) Darilek, and Vladik-Darilek of Moulton. One daughter, Mrs. Emily Pagel, passed away in 1958.

Mr. Darilek's health began to fail approximately five years ago, and for the past six months he has been bedridden. He and his wife reside in their home in the southern part of town, where Mrs, Darilek devotes most of her time to- the care and comfort of her husband.

(Brother George Technik is president of SPJST Lodge Culak No. 165. Clipping is from the Moulton Eagle, and photo sent in by Brother Adolph A. Wagner, secretary of Lodge No. 165. —Editor).

here and we thank you for your hospitality. The food was groat sod the fellowship is wonderful. Here. I have met fine fra tornalists and I am proud to include among them the- Honorable Senator Roman Hruska of Nebraska, one of your national officers and a truly great American. I consider it a great honor to be asked to visit with you this afteroon for a few minutes.

"Today and the Fraternal Future"

I know that each of you, as you read your Dallas Morning News each morning, feel as I do- . . . these are trying


times. On every hand we are confronted with big problems, but I ••7onld suggest to you this afternoon at •e have in our possession the an.n...sei• to many of these problenis -fritemalisna. I believe sincerely that through the good -works of fraternal societies we can direct people and we Can cause people to have concern for others and it is only as \,ce tiaVe concern for others that we can build 10 each of in a greater America.

I believe that it was Abr Lincoln who said: there is strength," and it is about unity that I would like to visit with you this afternoon.

Rather than comp Mon and a complete lack of cooper•t? '-h. Jo our various Ainerican-C— les. 'we must, if We are to shrviye and groW, cooperate one with the other. We have the people and we have many excellent societies and united, tog(Afier we can look to the future with confidence; we can make loll, torte plans that will be helpful to all.

I have always said that in our societies, we have the manpower; we have the ability; the only thing we lack is closer unity. Pride in your membership in Westg'ii Bohemian and :g ride in your membership in the. SPJST, or any other good fraternal or-. der, is a wonderful thing. Sometimes we may lose sight of the true value of our membership when we become disappointed when our friend is not elected or appointed to this or that lodge office. Everyone can't be the officer they want to be and we can't all be oC ficers at the same time, but every one of us can participate in every fraternal activity.

I would like to propose this thought this afternoon: rather than being an exclusive member of only one society, join as many different American-Czech societies as possible. By having more than one membership, we will all have a closer relationship. Better communication will result and through this unity all American-Czech societies will benefit. If we present a united front to the general public our societies will be strengthened in the eyes of our city, our state, and our country.

In this connection, I am reminded of the statement made by Governor Sargent of Massachusetts in his address to the National Fraternal Congress, and I quote: "We depend upon you to restore respect and honor in America. Yon are really the leaders in

v TNiK

the nation and we need you inure. than you may realize." It might be of interest; to you, to know that in the National Fraternal Congress where Governor Sargeant emote tails 'tatemeet 102 fraternal au tu ' all over America

Ace eompa1 as rovide, but ends. i'‘s fraternal aily services that The (fl Are we o, our lodges?

'y of our lodges and worthwhile projects, ays room for new ide.18. It is only as involved in these projects that they belonging; a sense t of the fraternity. be Irate Anyt. It was an effort for you to be 11 e this afternoon, yrSe. your very presence here speaks of your interest, We must take the first step; don't expect a person to come to you. We have to go to our Prospective members. We have to tell them the story. We have to ask them to join us. We all become stronger because of that effort. Our societies will grow and our unity will be closer.

Sres, these are truly trying times in which we live today, but I sincerely believe that an opportunity is present today for all fraternal societies that has never before existed in the history of this country. With many of our youth today engaged in burning their draft cards and denying the existence of God and blindly following the long' -ed, bearded philosophy of the hippies, we could well ask: Is tills to be the future of America? The answer, of course, is NO, never!

We, as members of fraternal societies can offer a better program, and this is the challenge to us. Many fraternal societies have recognized this and are doing something about 1t. For example, in the SPJST, in which I. am presently serving as a director, we sponsor youth clubs not only in the local lodgeS, but on the district and state levels. Here our youth are taught concern for their fellowman, love for God, democratic government, and above all, they are included and made a part of all lodge activities. This is what the youth of America really need

and hen- .want and we have it to offe

society claims yOur first let the, 1 society be known hal order, do- • s fratdr. or" . My Emends, it is le for us to standIT and be counted. -We mast, and we will, as fraternal soci:•tteS, continue to to do our to he the t of our

the answer. All ge need

doubt you 3 know by now that CT',' S.P,J.S.T.1..n. Home in Taylor, is being operated at full capacity with 72 beds and is doing fine, with many applicants on the waiting' list.

Our S.P.J.S.T. Rest Home No. 2 in Needville, with 58 beds is well under construction and should be ready for occupancy some time in July. We still have a certain amount of rooms not taken up by donors, so if any individual or your lodge wishes to donate a room at Rest Home No. 2, we would be grateful to you if you would contact your S.P.S.S.T. Rest Home Director in your district or mailed it direct to Bro. Charlie Matcek, Route 2, Box 213 Wharton, Texas 77488, or to the S.P.J.S,T. Rest Home No. 2, Box 347, Needville, Texas. The price is $400 and the donor's name will be inscribed on a plate which will be placed on the door of the room. Ally donation large or small is always appreciated and recorded in permanent records at the Home.

This is a project in which every member of our Socie.ty should be proud to know that we are able to give our senior members and friends a helping hand when it is .most needed. We are now told ng applications for an administrator, nurses, and the rest of the personnel who will be needed at the Ilona). Applications for personnel and

'or 4
April 22, 1070
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LodgeFriendship, ‘.. 174,R




ED LESHIKAR — President

DAN KUBIAK — V. President


FLORIAN SKUBAL—Fin. Sec'y & Treas.

ZEPHYR MAREK — Youth Leader









Wednesday, April 22, 1970 VEST IsT K

admittance to the Home, will be furnished by Bro. Charlie Matcek, Rt. 2, Box 213 , Wharton, Texas 77488, or Bro. J. M. Skrabanek, 4720 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, Texas 77401 or First State Bank, Box 305, Needville, Texas 77461.

Whenever you are in or near Taylor or Needville drop by and pay us a visit. You are always welcome and our guests will appreciate your thoughtfulness and visit.

Fraternally yours, J. M. Skrabanek, Pres.

Melvin H. Skrabanek, Secy.



Dear Members,

The annual District IV meeting and DYD will be held Sunday, April 26, at Lodge No. 49, Rowena, Texas.

We extend an invitation to the Supreme Lodge officers and their families; Brother Sefcik and family, and all the members of other lodges in different districts. Brother Marek, we would like for you and your family to visit Rowena again.

We are serving the noon meal in the hall, and after the meeting we will serve refreshments before we leave for home. Sisters Of the host lodge, please bring cake or pie as we do when we have a regular meeting.

Program of Meeting:

Fellowship — 10 a.m.

Lunch — 12 noon

Call to Order — 1:30 p.m., District President Raymond Pa vliska

Presentation of Colors

Pledge of Allegiance

song "America"

Welcome — President of Local Lodge

Sister Julie Lisso

Youth Welcome


Respect to Deceased Members

Youth Program -- District Youth Director Sister Mary Haisler

Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting — Sister Angeline Kristinek

Roll Call of Lodges — Sister Angeline Kristinek

Recognition Of and Remarks by Supreme Lodge Officers Reports:

District Director R. E. Broz

District Organizer Emil Holub

District Youth Director Sister Mary Haisler

District Treasurer Frank Simichal

District Rest Home Director Lee Pokorny

Unfinished Business


New Business Miss SPJST competition

Election of District Officers and Installation


Selection Of next meeting site

Announcements of Art and Craft

Wednesday, April 22, 1970

Winners — Director Adjournment of Meeting.

We hope to see all of you at the meeting on April 26.

Fraternally, Mrs. Jullie Lisso

Lodge No. 153, La Salle, is the site of the District VI spring meeting on April 26th. Sunday,


Dear Brothers and Sisters, The District VI spring meeting will be held Sunday, April 26, starting at 1 o'clock p.m. in La Salle, with Lodge No. 153 and Lodge No. 87 Placedo serving as hosts.

We extend an invitation to the Supreme Lodge officers and families, Bro. Sefcik and family and to all the members in our district and members from other districts to come and spend the evening with us.


1 p.m. — Meeting called to order by district president

Welcome — President of host lodge

Response _ District vice-president

Pledge of Allegiance

Respect to deceased members

Youth Program — Directed by District Youth Director. (Also, her report if she desires)

Business Meeting:

Reading of minutes from previous meeting — District Secretary

Treasurer's report

Auditing Committee's report

District Director's report

District Organizer's report

District Rest Home Director's report

Introduction of Supreme Lodge officers, editor and other visitors.

Old business.

New Business

Selection of sight for fall meeting

Election of district officers and installation Adjournment.

We hope to see all of you at La Salle, Sunday, April 26.

For those of you who have not been to La Salle, take U. S. Highway 59 from Edna, west toward Inez for about 4 miles, turn south at Altoro on Farm Road 234 to Vanderbilt about 10 miles and then west to La Salle, which is about 3 or 4 miles.

LAW 'WT.E111", USA — April 26 — May 2 -SPJST-

Many of life's most important values cannot be weighed on scales, bought, sold or even priced.

or El Toro /Edna liNlY • 59 Wi-1-1 o u is e an a o E L ,atnpo Vanderbil t X 234 6

The above picture is of Brother Johnie L. Vanicek, President of Lodge 47, Seaton, and his birthday cake. He was really surprised, and so was Sister Vanicek. We really kept it a secret to the very last minute. The birthday cake was inscribed "Happy Birthday, El Presidente" and was made complete with a lit cigar. (I hope the picture shows up in print). Sister Vanicek was not present at the meeting because of her uncle's funeral that afternoon. We did not cut the birthday cake so she could see it. However, we had coffee and cake for everyone after the meeting. A few of our sisters were contacted to bring cakes and they responded. The number of years and lodge number were the same. Happy birthday, Brother President, may you enjoy many, many more.

A fine tribute for a wonderful personality who keeps Lodge 47, Seaton, pushing for Number One.

Fraternally yours, Dorothy


Dear Editor,

I am sorry about the delay in writing since we had our Disetrict I meeting.

I feel that I must say that this was the best and most interesting meeting I have attended. The attendance and cooperation was just great. Many thanks should go out to Lodge 39 in Bryan. They did an outstanding job.

The District I fall meeting will be held at Lodge No. 33, Bleiblerville, on October 4, 1970 — the first Sunday in October. The meeting will start promptly at 1:30 p.m. with registra-

tion beginning at 12:30, so please come early and enjoy yourself.

I was somewhat disappointed in not finding a report in the Vestnik about the spring meeting. If the District I Secretary has the minutes, please send them to be published.




April 15, 1970

pened in many, many year3, if ever before.

Fraternally yours, Joe B. Hejny, Vice-Pr2s., Supreme Lodge, SPJST 1972 CONVENTION FUND DINNER. AND BATTLE DANCE

Dear Members,

Have you circled May 3 on your calendar? This is the date that the Committee of Lodges 88 and 142 will sponsor a fried-chicken dinner and a great Western Battle Dance at Lodge 88. Dinner will be served from 11:30 on. All you good cooks; your donations of pies, cakes, and kolaches surely will be appreciated, and so will donations of coffee and sugar.

There will be two famous western bands furnishing the music for the battle dance from 2 to 9 p.m.: the Swinging Strings, and the Suniland Cowboys. Come dressed western style if you like and have a great time dancing for seven hours for only $1.50!

Do plan to come to Lodge 88 on Sunday, May 3, and help us to raise some funds for the great convention in 1972! The members of Lodges 142 and 88 will surely be happy to see you there!


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Texas 76691

Dear Mr. Sefcik:

You will never know how much I apreciate your many courtesies and considerations which were extended to me in the Vestnik and especially this past Sunday at your SPJST District II meeting at Seaton Hall by your members.

It was a most enjoyable meeting and my family and I enjoyed being there very much.

Many thanks for your courtesy and consideration.

With kindest personal regards, I am Fraternally, Murray Watson —SPJST CONGRATULATIONS TO ORGANIZERS OF DISTRICT II

Congratulations, thanks, and appreciation are in order to the District Organizer of District II, Lad Zatopek, and his crew of moonlighting organizers for a job well done. They were in first place in the state in writing life insurance in the month of March. This is an achievement that hasn't hap-

I am very happy to report that at our last regular meeting of April 7, we had over 50 members present.

Our visitors for the evening was Sister Evelyn Mikeska, District V Organizer.

Brother President Jerry Ell — made a request for an entertainment committee, and Brothers James Porter, Gordon Hrabel, and William Kucera volunteered. A committee for the sick was made up of Sisters Ann Hlavaty, Elizabeth Myers, and Sister Pennington.

The members voted to buy a new electric adding machine for the use of Financial Secretary Sister Lilia Mae Peter.

A social period followed with pastries and coffee.

At this time social plans for the remainder of the year are being planned.

Please come out to our next regular meeting, which will be held the first Tuesday in May.

Fraternally yours, Bennie J. Matusek, Recording Secretary

Wednesday, April 22, 1970 VESTNfK 7
Convention Fund Committee BRO. JO NIE L. VANICEK


Dear Members and Friends, So much "has been happening here at Lodge 88 that I do not know what to start off with.

Monday night, March 30 was Gentlemen's Stag Night at Lodge 88, or as Brother Louis Hanus called it, Operation Stop: About 32 men attended this social. For entertainment they cleaned, sanded, and refinished 54 tables and also did other odds and ends around the lodge, The members attending this social were: Karl and Bruce Lindemann, Paul Eaat, Harry Rice, F'rankie and Kenny Broz, Buddy Henske, Bill Vornsand, A. ,T. and Ga.ry Zalesky, Al Hilsher, Harold Alford, Herman Liebscher, Tim Kostom, Jerry Ermis, Jerry Postom, Louis Hanus, Joe Knapick, Ron Zilliox, Ernest Hanka, Herbert Jarisch, Weldon Hendrick, Ed Kadlecek, Clarence Ehler, Ed Miculka, Stanley Elzner, Amos K.adlecek, Jack Gill, Joe Miksch, Gene Barcak and John Bros.

Thanks for a job well done and appreciated. However, it is net finished. yet. On Sunday, May 17, Lodge 88 will celebrate with its annual clean-up day. That is the day we members pitch in, bring mops, brooms, buckets, brushes, and any other various tools that can be used in cleaning the premises and the building. Circle this date on your calendar and plan to come by; your help will be greatly appreciated. The lodge belongs to you so make yourself at home.

The Czech comedy, "Music and Romance in the Back Woods," was well attended and we must say the performers did a magnificent job of presenting the play. The play was very lively with music and singing throughout the entire performanee. The Clarence Baca Orchestra provided the music while the Choral Group sang. We hope they will stage another play soon.

The Social Night Committee held an appreciation night, Thursday, April 9. Sandwiches and refreshments were served to the faithful members and friends who patronize our activities.

Our thanks to Henry and Doris Knapick for sharing their color picture slides of their European tour. Doris did a wonderful job of narrating while Henry showed the slides. The pictures were very colorful and interesting and educational. Most of us remember reading about the beautiful castles and also how cheese is made in Holland.

Brother Ernest Hanka announced that we hope to schedule some more interesting programs in the near future.

The April monthly lodge meeting was held Monday night, April 13. The attendance was fair but not what we would like it to be. The minutes were read by Sister Mildred Holeman in the absence of Sister Tillie Helmcamp, who could not attend due to her mother being ill and in the hospital. Reports were read by the various corn-

Wednesday, April 22, 1970 mittees. President Tim Kostom encouraged the members to keep up the good work so that we can progress. Refreshments were served after the meeting. They were donated by Brother and Sister J. D. and Wanda Elzner. Brothers Clarence Ehler and A. J. Stsyton donated the refreshments at last month's meeting.

Gil Baca and his orchestra played for the last Saturday night dance. They provided wonderful dance music as well as entertainment. Debbie Hoelsher was great on the concertina. Hope to have Gil and the group back soon. Have you tried the Thursday night spaghetti supper lately? It is dtlicious. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Doerr are hie main. chefs and I,must say they know what it takes to make good spaghetti. Mrs. Doerr is presently supervisor of the cafeteria at Sinclair Elementary School and has been for five years.

Get-well wishes go to our sick member friends: Brother Joe Fusig in St. Joseph Hospital, Johnny Mikolas in the Veterans Hospital, Sigler Ann Marshall in East Tex General. Sister Minnie Bravenec had the misfortune of dropping a case of soda pop on her toe. Sister Kathy (Dixon) Sanders is in M. D. Anderson Hospital. We are happy to hear she is getting along fine and hope she gets to come home soon. Anyone wishing to make Kathy's days brighter may do so by dropping her a card of cheer. Her address is: Kathy Sanders, c/o M.D. Anderson Hospital, Room 312-East, Houston, Texas 77025.

Coming events and attractions at Lodge 88 are: Western Day, Sunday, May 3. Fried chicken dinner served from 11 a.m. till ? Dance from 2 till 9 p.m.; music by the Suniland Cowboys and the Swinging Strings.

Sunday, May 24 — Fish Fry; serving will be from 3 to 6 p.m. Dance from 5 to 9 p.m.; music by Lee Roy Matocha.

Hope to see all of you at Lodge 88. Fraternally yours, Evelyn A. Vornsand --SPJST--


Lodge Anton J. Cermak No. 56 SPJST of Corpus Christi is having its 37th Annual Picnic and Political Rally at the Sokol Hall, 5440 Kostoryz Road, Sunday, April 26, 197C.

Barbecued beef with the trimmings will be served from 12 noon to 6 p.m. Donation: adult plate $1.50, children, $1.00. Carry-outs will be prepared for those who cannot stay. Sisters are

District I officers — L to r: President, Carlson Jakubik; DYD, Lola Vavra; Vice-Pres., John Se•ista; Flag Bearer, Vince Schielack; Secretary, Deedie Spruill; Assistant DYD, Joe Vytopil; and Treasurer, Andrew Vavra.

Wednesday, April 22, 1970

asked to bring some pastry as usual. All political candidates for state and county offices are cordially invited to attend and will be given the opportunity to speak after 2 p.m. There will be other types of entertainment and refreshments.

The public is cordially invited. Sponsored by SFJST local lodge No. 56, Fraternally, Adolph Sassin, President


Dear Members and Friends,

I want to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you who was so kind to visit me, or stayed with me, sent cards, flowers and gifts. I thank our youth club for the beautiful pot plant and card during my stay in the hospital having a bout with the scalpel.

I am beginning to feel much better and I'd better, because I'm so far behind with all the work, and just think, gardening and yard work is here again. Thanks again, I love you all.

Fraternally yours, Angeline Kristinek


Dear Members and Friends,

This is a last minute reminder and invitation to all the lodges, and districts, headquarters personnel and the editor, to our District IV meeting April 26, which will be held at Rowena, Texas, at Lodge 49. Sister Lisso informed me the hall will be opened at 10 a.m. and tables will be already set up for the youth exhibits.

There will be lunch served at noon followed by a youth program and then the business meeting and speaking. After our adjournment, there will be refreshments served.

That is about all of the information I have and I hope the weather cooper, ates and that we have a good attendance.

Sec all of you at Rowena.

Fraternally, Angeline Kristinek


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

The folloWing contributions have been made to the Memorial Fund, Lodge 88, Houston:

In Memory of Rosie Zimmerman: The Birthday Club Sisters — $ 5.00

In Memory of her husband

Charles V. Kilnar, and her son, Jerry Kilnar: Mrs. Annie Kilnar — $20.00

These gifts of fraternal regard for loved Ones are herewith acknowledged and gratefully received.

Fraternally, Naomi Kostom, Secy. to Board of Trustees ---SPJ STLODGE NO. 29, TAYLOR Dear Members and Readers,

The May Fete will be May 3. We extend our invitation to the Supreme Lodge officers and their families. Bro. Sefcik and his family and to all lodges and members and their families to come and enjoy the day with all of us here in Taylor.

The activities will begin at 2 p.m. with games, cake walk, etc. The Taylor chorus will sing and that is always enjoyable. The little folks will dance. The crowning of the queen will be at 4:30. The grand march will be at 8 o'clock with the music by Jade Dube(' and the Silvertones and a dance will follow, the grand march.

There will be plenty of food, also kolaches and coffee, so let's make plans to attend and enjoy the clay. We hope the weather stays nice so it all can be held on the outside, but if it should rain, it will be held inside. 'There is plenty of room upstairs and the games will be downstairs.

There will also be a need for some help, Those who would like to help, come to the hall morning or Sunday morning, either day. Help is always needed. We all should pitch in and help.The lodge belongs to us all. That way we all can enjoy the day. You never know hOw, much fun it can be till you try. See you then.

Fraternally, Lucille Gaydos, Reporter

LODGE NO. 39, BRYAN Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our last meeting was held Sunday, April 12. Due to Mother's Day falling on the second Sunday of May, we will have our next meeting on the first Sunday, May 3.

After a short meeting, we will have our clean-up day. Don't dress up. Conic in your work clothes. There will be something to do for everyone.

Fraternally, Mrs. Willie Kuder, Secretary, Lodge 39

LODGE NO. 14, VESELY (WESLEY) Dear Members,

The active members of Lodge Veseli had a chicken stew dinner on Sunday, April 12, at the home of Brother and Sister Steve Kamas. All who were there enjoyed the stew, and thanks go to the ones who had a hand in making tiw stew. We ',vain La thank Lhe Kautas family for having the dinner and meeting at their haute.

After dinner we held our meeting, which Caine to order at 3 o'clock. Our discussion was for our annual barbecue which will be held on the 4th of July at the home of Brother and Sister Lad Janes.

On the sick list we have Sister Lisy. We wish her.. a speedy recovery. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Mrs. Lynn Dusek on the passing away of her mother on April 12.

Door prizes were won by Mrs, Lad Janes and little Bryan Janes.

Fraternally :yours, Mrs. Amos Adarnek.


Dear Members,

Our meeting of Friday night, April 3 was convened at 7:30- p.m. with our president presiding. All of officers were present.

Visitors were Wendy White, Brenda, Donna and Melvin Bundle.

The minutes were accepted as read, Bro. Adolph Jurca gave the treasurer's and financial reports. The books were checked by our auditing committee and found in good order.

Joe Thomas Biskup is a new member of our lodge. Welcome, Joe. Bro. Jack Dennis Ruzicka took out additional insurance.

We want to thank our prone ty coinmittee for doing' a good job. Thanks to Bro. Emil Kamenicky for holding the committee to its duties.

Since Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday in May, and everyone who is fortunate enough to still have their mother will want to spend the wonderful day together; it was decided to hold our. May meeting the first Sunday in May, the 3rd, at 2 p.m.

I hope to see everyone at our next meeting.

Fraternally, Mrs.

- f


Dear Readers,

The following refund checks will be mailed back to the Home Office if they are not claimed by the end of April: Phylis S. Banks, Kenneth Wayne Fowler, Marvin Doyle Inge, Paul W. Nichol, George E. Vrla, Larry W. Chudej, Sandra A. Chudej, Geraldine P. Hutka, George Maruska, Carole Arline Parma, Mary E. Reed and Helen Spanhel. I am sure that several of these members have moved, but I have no way of knowing their address. If you can give us any information on these members, please contact me at 2309 West 11th, Irving, Texas 75060.

Checks dated January 31, 1970 have been received by me for the following persons: David D. Barton, Wm. J. Bouska, Rose Ann Bouska, Judy L. Bouska, John W. Gallia, Mildred E. Gallia, Lucille K. Houzvicka, Vincent J. Ondrusek, Miroslav Parma, Jerry F. Parma, Helen Parma, Henry Parma, Joe F. Ruzicka, and Alice F. Thompson.

I hold checks dated February 28, 1970 for the following members: Frances Barfield, Marie Fitz, Robert J. Gajdica, Bettie J. Ground, Joe Jurcak, Sr., Jerry J. Maca, and Miroslav Parma.

Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Monday night, May 4, 4,7:30 p.m. at the Sokol Athletic Center. The above listed checks may be picked up at this meeting, or will be mailed to you if a stamped, self-addressed envelope is sent to me at 2309 West 11th, Irving, Texas 75060. Our regularly scheduled meeting for May has been changed from the first Sunday to the first Monday of the month for this month only.

Fraternally, Rose Ann Parma, Financial Secretary --SPJST---

LODGE; NO. 117, ROBSTOWN Dear Members and Friends,

Our last meeting was called to order en March 15 by our president, Bro. Victor Janak. We had poor attendance, partly because of the weather, most of the members who are farmers were in the field trying to stop the dust from blowing, it was such an awfully windy day. Visitors at the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fabrygel and children from Point Comfort and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Krebs of Taft. He is the president of Lodge 137, Taft. We enjoyed their visit and hope they can come again. Also present were two members who recently transferred from Lodge

152; next meeting we would like to see more of the transfers to attend. We have two members sick and confined to the hospital. They are Mrs. Jaro. Rektorik in Memorial Hospital in Corpus Christi and Mrs. John Hranicky of Orange Grove in Mercy Hospital in Laredo. We hope both are better soon and will be able to be up and around again before too long.

Committees were appointed for 1970. 'They mostly stayed the same as they were last year. Members, if you know of some one who is sick, please notify either the secretary or president. Seven new members were approved into the lodge by all present. The youth leader made her report, which she has already written in to the Vestnik. Very good, Sister Hrncir. A new assistant youth leader was appointed with the complete approval of all members present. He is Bro. Eugene Hrncir who has been working as an unofficial assistant for a long time. Now he is officially appointed, retroactive to January 1, 1970.

Members voted to hold all meetings in 1970 in the City Recreation Center, and the next meeting is scheduled for June 7, so, members, remember the date and come. The names of Jerry Pavelka and Jeffrey Janak were drawn for the cash door prize but they were not present so at the next meeting we will have another drawing and who knows, you may be lucky and win if you are present.

The following members have premium refund checks waiting for them if they will contact the secretary: Lee Ann Rektorek, Billie Mazza, John J. Lewis, Marie Palmer, Catherine Lane, Ronald Lane, Jeanette Wagner, Willie Pavelka, Annie Rychetsky, Joan Urbis, David Urbis.

All members were urged to attend the 7th district meeting in Corpus Christi on April 12. There were quite a few members of Lodge 117 present at the district meeting and several youth club members performed on the youth program. We enjoyed the delicious sausage dinner served by the host lodge, Lodge 56, at noon. Also it was good to meet and visit again with all the members of other lodges in District 7. It was especially nice to see the older members enjoying the day and all the visitors from other districts. The cake walk was successful and I, personally enjoyed it even if I had to work in the cake walk.

Wednesday, April 22, 1970

See all of you on June 7. This is all for this time.

Fraternally, Helen Pavelka, Secretary and Reporter


Our lodge will celebrate its 60th anniversary on Sunday, April 26.

Serving will start at 4 p.m. and there will be a delicious sausage supper with all the trimmings, plus games and an auction.

We hope to see a good turnout. Our hall is small but we have 42 acres of land, so wear casual clothes; we may have to let you eat by the creek. See you Sunday.

Fraternally, Prances Bartek, Reporter -SPJST


Dear Brothers and Sisters, Sunday, April 12, we had our meeting. I could not be present like I promised. Bro. Ed Sralla came to make some arrangements.

Bro. Robert Holmes, Jr, was elected secretary; Bro. Fred Klabasel, president, and Bro. Billy C. Dorris, vicepresident. I did not give Bro. Holmes information about filling , out death claims so I am asking Bro. Leo Krause to give him the information. I hope Bro. Holmes gets to be an organizer.

This information from the April 12 meeting was given to me by my son, Adolph Joe Sabrsula. I will help all I can with any report including the mortuary dues for the report. Call on we.

Fraternally, Adolph Sabrsula, Past Secretary SPJST


Dear Brothers, Sisters, and Friends:

The fourth annual Ennis National Polka Festival, a rollicking affair which draws participants and fans to Ennis by the thousands, is a month away, but there is already a spirit of excitement, as plans are being rushed to completion for the May 2nd and 3rd gala.

Chairman Francis Rogala and his sizable committee are busy with the various details of the weekend festival, which begins with a giant parade the morning of Saturday, May 2.

Old and young will be encouraged to wear their Czech costumes to add color and zest to the occasion for a "Little Bit of Czechoslovakia in Ennis."


Wednesday, April 22, 1970

Saturday will be a full day of events, for polka music will start before the parade and continue virtually throughout the morning. There is to be a short program downtown, service from a kolach (Czech pastry) booth, a souvenir booth, and dancing in the street. While the festival will not serve meals downtown, there will be Czech menus at the four fraternal halls in the community, which will add to the social side of the colorful affair. Barbecue, spicy klobase (sausage), pastries, and strudel will be included in the :menu.

Entertainment Saturday evening will begin in a lively way with dancing to Polka bands, starting at 8:30 p.m. Twenty name bands, who specialize in polka music, will provide the melodies for the two-days at the four halls: KJT, ,SPJST Lodge 25, SPJST Lodge 135, and Knights of Columbus. Towns the bands will represent include Yoakum, Houston, Cameron, Schulenberg, Dallas, Shiner, West, Karnes City, New Braunfels, Taylor, Fayetteville and Ennis.

Festival activities will resume at midclay Sunday with a Czech meal at all four halls, for which there has been much planning. Then, at 2 p.m., the bands strike up the polka music again and the dancing gets under way to continue until 10 p.m. The Festival Committee has extended an invitation to everyone to attend this annual affair.

Fraternally, The Festival Committee --SPJST Reports


February and March, 1970

First, we want to say that we are very happy to see Brother Hojny back at the office, at least for a few hours a day. We are looking forward to the time when he will be able to travel again because we always like to see him at the SPJST functions.

Congratulations to the organizers of my district for being the first place winners in 1969. It was a job well done. I am sure that we can do it again in 1970. We started off very well. For the first three months of this year we wrote up 79 policies for the amount of $172,000 of insurance, 43 per cent of our quota, so don't quit now. Our good months are ahead of us.

A special congratulations to one of

my newly-appointed organizers, Brothel Rudolph Juliet:, who was top organizer for the months of February and March. Good luck to -you, Rudy. Keep it up.


Ewell 169 1 2,000

E. R. Jakubik 9 2 3.000

Rudolph C. Junek 9 9 27,000

Rudolph C. Matejka, 39 1 500

Lillie Mikeska 33 1 1.500

Willie Trcalek 17 2. 2,000

Andrew Vavra 17 1 1,000

Sales for March:

Mollie Ewell 169 1 3,000

Willie Gloyna 17 3 3,000

E. Jakubik 9 4 4,000

Carlson Jakubik 9 1 1,000

Rudolph C. Junek 9 7 29,000

John Kubena

good entertainment.

I enjoyed my visit with District I Organizer Brother Jakubik. I wish we could visit more often.

Nice work for the past three ontlis let's keep it up for the tie months.

I am planning an organizer's meeting in the near future of which you will be notified.

Fraternally, E. R. Jakubik Organizer, District


In March, District II was Number' One in the - State in insurance sales, selling 46 members for $298,500. Our total for the three Months is 166 members for $683,000. We are dedicating the month of March to Brother Joe :Hejny. Many thanks to all producing organizers for a job well done.

Brother W. H. Glover was Number One in our district and also in the state in insurance sales. He sold five members for $104,000. Congratulations, Brother Glover. Sister Ruby Bolton made some very good sales with three members for $51,000. Also, Sister Si(Ionia Svoboda made a good sale by selling one member for $30,000.

Our District II meeting was well attended. Congratulations to all the officers who were re-elected. Many thanks to Senator Watson and Representative Dan Kubiak for their nice talks. The youth clubs provided very


for February: Organizer Lodge Mem. Ins. V. H. Barina 33 1 1,000 Mollie
1 1 25,000 Rudolph Matejka 39 1 1,000 Lillie Mikeska 33 2 4,000 Frank Petrusek 141 2 4,000 Willie Sehovajsa 33 1 1,000 Melvin Skrabanek. 17 1 1,000 Willie Trcalek 17 1 1,000 Andrew Vavra 17 1 1,000
Sales for March were: Organizer Lodge Mem. Ins. W. H. Glover 29 5 104,000 Ruby Bolton 47 3 51,000 Sidonia Svoboda, 15 1 30,000 Frank Klinkovsky 47 1 15.000 Willie Dusek 80 3 8,000. Ladis Navratil 24 1 5,000 Amelia Pokorny 29 3 4.000 Dan Balusek 47 2 3,500 Frances Bartek 87 3 3,000 Norma Cavanaugh 20 3 3,000 Lillian Kasparek 29 1 3,000 Willie Hejl 48 2 2,000 Jerry Mikulas, J ° 47 2 2,000 Joe Plsek 87 2 2,000 Willie Konatek 47 1 1,500 Lad 15 2 1,500 Jahn Barabas 80 1 1,000 Walter Jakubec 47 1 1,000 Edward Leshikar 174 1 1,000 Clifton Martinets 80 1 1,000 Cleo Zucha 24 1 1,000 Keep up the good work. Fraternally, L. J. Zatopek, District II Organizer -SPJSTDISTRICT III ORGANIZER'S REPORT
1969 Production Active Org. Mem. Ins, Lodge 5 0 0 0 Lodge 6 3 41 71,500 Lodge 25 6 31 102,000 Lodge 35 5 58 95,50(1 Lodge 36 Lodge 54 5 19 28,500 Lodge 66 11 135 254,500 Lodge 82 Lodge 84 4 79 199,500 Lodge 92 3 70 183,000 Lodge 101 Lodge 110 1 1 1,000 Lodge 126 Lodge 128 Lodge 130 6 13 49,000 Lodge 135 2 17 25,000 Lodge 154 4 93 302,000 Lodge 158 Lodge 167 Totals - 50 548 1,311,500 1970 Production Lodge 6. 4 14 22,000 Lodge 25 4 15 26,000 Lodge 35 4 15 19,000 Lodge 36 1 1 3,004
of 1970 production in comparison to
production shows the following distribution:












Ths shows that we have achieved one third of our 1970 quota during the first three months of the year. This also shows us that several of our lodges are desperately in need of active organizers but I cannot do this without the cooperation of the lodges themselves. Since January 1 we have added 7 new organizers to our list. Lodge 6 has elected John J. Mynar, Joe Sumbera, and Alvin Schuetz; Lodge 25, Johnie Hrabina; Lodge 66, Darlene Enge.=ke; Lodge 84, Bob Wright, and Lodge 130, Norbert Mikulec.

I will have a class for organizers in the Dallas vicinity at Lodge 84 on April 30 at 7:30 p.m. A good attendance is anticipated.



Total 82/$258,000

Congratulations are in order for Sister Agnes Miculka of Lodge 88 who won first place in District V for selling $103,000 in insurance, to Sister Della Kadlecek of Lodge 88 who won second place with $43,000 in insurance, and to Sister Helen Hegwood of Lodge 88 who won third place with $14,000 in insurance. In the number of applications written, first place goes to Sister Helen Hegwood of Lodge 88 with 14, second goes to Sister Della Kadlecek of Lodge 88 with 11 and third goes to Sister Patsy Baca of Lodge 88 with 8. All you sisters keep up the good work. We are proud of Sister Agnes Miculka for writing that $100,000 policy. Keep up the good work, Agnes. Sister Della Kadlecek was out for a while, while she was sick, but she is back in the swing of things again; nothing keeps her down. All you sisters keep up the good work. Show the brothers what you can do. Don't slow down now keep up the good work.

We added two new organizers to our district. They are Brother A. J. Haisler of Lodge 172, and Brother Edwin Martinka of Lodge 156, both are already selling insurance. Keep up the good work. We wish you a lot of luck in your insurance selling.

Three months have gone by, and so far our district has written $796,000 in insurance. District II is right behind us. All the organizers in District V will have to get out and really do sonic selling to stay ahead of District II. Let's not go to sleep on the job. Let's all stay awake, as everyone needs our services and some kind of insurance.

If, at any time you need me, please 'feel free to call or write me. Thank you so much for what you have done for District V and for the SPJST.

Evelyn Mikeska, FIC, District V Organizer




During March, District VII wrote a total of $11,000. This should be sonic sort of record. Helen Pavelka (117) led with 5,000. Other sales were as follows: Charlie Majek (56) $2,000; Frank C'. Sacky (79) $1,000; Tillie Valchar (161) $1,000, and Jerry Elzner (56) $2,000.

The above sales bring the district total to $48,500 which is slightly half of what we should have at this time. We should have $108,000 at this time (average monthly sales of $36,000).

I want to appeal to all organizers in District VII to make an extra effort


in the future so we may be on our way to meeting our quota.

Also, all members of our district, I would greatly appreciate you helping the organizers by telling your friends' and relatives about SPJST. Get someone interested and I'll see to it that some organizer gets them signed up. Let's all get together . . . every member get a member (at least).

The District VII spring meeting which was held April 12„ in Corpus Christi hosted by Lodge No. 56 was very poorly attended. We were fortunate to have with us this day our SL President Bro. Morris, and Editor of the Vestnik, Bro. Rudy SefMk. The talks of these two brothers 1.'ere very interesting wand educational. It is a shame more of our district could not attend.

We want to give Brother Kostelnik, who has been our district president for the past four years, a pat on the back for a fine job. Bro. Kostelnik is now the district vice-president.

At the same time we 'avant to welcome Brother Frank C. Sacky (79), who was elected district president.

A compliment to all the other district officers who were re-elected.

The fall meeting has been set for October 18 at a place yet to be decided.

I leave you with the following: Every member, get a member (at least try). Fraternally, Jerry Elzner, District VII Organizer -SPJST-

SPJST BulletinBoard


The District IV spring meeting will be held at Lodge No, 19, Rowena, April 26.

The District VI spring meeting will be held at Lodge Pokrok Benview No. 153 in La Salle, Texas, April 26.


The District I fall meeting will be held October 4 (the first Sunday). Host lodge will be Lodge No. 33, Bleiblerville.

The District V fall meeting has been set for October 25 (the fourth Sunday), Any of our District V lodges wishing to host this meeting are requested to please contact one of the district officers.

The District VII fall meeting has been set for October 18 (the third Sunday). Place and details later.

12 V2STNiK
Lodge 167 Totals11 3 3 1 4 1 2 1 40 1 1 57 14 22 4 17 5 17 1 183 1,000 117,000 92,000 42,500 4,000 29,000 5,000 28,500 10,000 399,000
Alvin Nesuda, District III Organizer ---aPJ8T-
March, 1970 Organ izer Lodge Mem. Ins. Agnes Miculka 88 3 103,000 Della Kadlecek 83 11 43,000 Helen Ilegwood 88 14 14,000 Bessie Franek 81 2 11,000 Nlildr3d Holeman 88 4 10,000 ferry Prochazka 65 1 10,000 1. M. Skrabanek 139 2 10,000 Mikeska 88 3 9,000 Patsy Baca 88 8 8,000 Leroy Kamas 81 1 5,000 Sidon. Tumis 142 5 5,000 J. A. Hilsher 88 4 4,000 Lillia Mae Peter 172 3 4.000 Albert Bristik 88 3 3,000 A, J. Lostak 91 2 3,000 Edwin J. Martinka 156 3 3,000 Herman Baethe 88 3 2,500 :;;rnesC Hanka 88 2 2,000 Alvin Sefcik 173 2 2,000 Alvin Melner 142 2 1,500 Franklin Bravenec 88 1 1,000 Zrank. Dolezal 88 1 1,000 A. J. Haisler 172 1 1,000 Wilma Havran 142 1 1,000 E. H. Horelica 88 1 1,000
April 22, 1970


The Diamond Jubilee Convention Fund Committee of Lodges 88 and 142 will have a Fried Chicken Dinner from 11:30 on, and a Western Battle Dance from 2 to 9 p.m. on Sunday, May 3rd, at Lodge 88.

Donations of pastry, coffee and sugar will be appreciated.


District One: May 23, 1970

District Two: May 31, 1970

District Three: May 16, 1970 at Lodge

130, Dallas

District Four May 6, 1970 at Lodge

49, Rowena

District Five: May 9, 1970 at Lodge 88; Houston

District Six: Sister Brdecka's date has not been set.

District Seven: Sister Pa yliska's date has not been set.


District One: August 2, - Snook

Lodge 9.

District Two: June 28, 1970

District Three: June 28, 1970 --

Lodge 84, Dallas

District Four: April 26, 1970 - Lodge

49, Rowena

District Five: July 12, 1970 - Lodge

88 Houston

District VI YAD will be held Sunday, July 19th at the American Legion Hall, El Campo, Texas

District Seven: July 26, 1970 .® Lodge

107, Floresville

State YAD (Craft, Talent, and Hes-. eda) : August 23, 1970 - American

Legion Hall, El Campo

State YAD Royalty Pageant: September 13, 1970 - Lodge 66 Waco, (Linden Hall).



District One: June 28, 29, 30, and July 1, 1970 at Fort Parker State Park.

District Two:: August 6, 7, 8, 9, 1970

-Camp Val Verde

District Three: August 2, 3, 4, 5, 1970

- Camp Val Verde

Camp Dates: District 4, August 10-11, 1970 at Bur.alo C ep Abilene.

District Five: , 5, 1970 - Lodge

88, Houston

District Six: July 19, 1970 --mere

can Legion Hall, El. Campo, Texas

District Seven: July 29, 30, 31, and August 1, 1970 - Camp Val Verde



District One: August 2, 1970 - Snook Lodge 9.

District Two: June 28, 1970

District Three: June) 28, 1970 - Lodge

84, Dallas

District Four: April 26, 1970 - Lodge

19, Rowena,

District Six: July 19, 1970 - American Legion Hall, El Campo, Texas

District Seven: July 26, 1970 - Lodge

107, Floresville

State Y.A.D (Craft, Talent and Beseda): August 23, 1970 - American Legion Hall, El Campo

State YAD Royalty Pageant: September 13, 1970 _ Lodge 66 Waco, (Linden Hall). 0


RA Youth Camps

Dist;:ict One: June 28, 29, 30, and July 1, 1970 at Fort Parker State Park.

District Two: August 6, 7, 8, 9, 1970

- Camp Val Verde

District Three: August 2, 3, 4,5, 1970

- Camp Val Verde

District Five: August 14, 15, 16, 1970 Manison

District Six: June 22, 23, 24, 2,, 1970

- Bastrop State Park

District Seven: July 29, 30, 31, and August 1, 1970 - Camp Val Verde - seJST---


NOTICE TO ALL YOUTH: Czech projects which are received on or before May 1, 1970, will be processed. and credit will count on the current points contests. Czech projects which are received after May 1, 1970 will count on the points contests which begin June 1, 1970.

Fraternally, James J. Janousek, State Youth Director



For the first time, major 11 be. placed on solving problems which are commonly associated with groups of all kinds. Understanding the problems and knowing how to solve them will be one of the most beneficial sessions offered at the training classes. Every leader and assistant owes it to their club to find out how

things might be improved. Each and every club will prosper - and grow because they will have the key to sueces,sful club management.

Among the problems to be discussed are:

Lack of Membership Participation (some just won't do anything, younger members have no interest, older members do not participate in recreation or discussions),.

Accept Job (officers do not fulfill group leaders do not n interro,sea in the group, members will not accept jobs or responsibility, members v.-111 rlo a job th47 are capable of doin

Main Membership and Cco grotiri is too small, members are Th ing out, difficult to attract new members, some members are cliquish).

Poor Standards of Operation (members come late for meetings, meetings are disorderly, members don't attend regularly, group has clique

'Members Are Not Interest the Club Programs (programs are uninteresting, good attendance at certain social functions only).

Lack of Good Relations Between the Youth and Leader and Mother Lodge (bickering and je.alousy between members, group has cliques, youth want to run the show and feel adult members arc too dOmineering, members don't know how to discuss problems with leaders).

Lack of Parental Assistance (parents never come, parents sit around but never help, parents regard club as a baby-sitting service),

Of special interest and importance to lodges without youth clubs, the following difficulties are to be 'discussed:

Lack of Community Support (lodge has difficulty securing adult leaders, lodge lacks members' support, lodge lacks parental support, people don't know what SPJST stands for and couldn't care less if they did).

Lack of Qualificd Adult Leaders (lodge can't find an :interested adult leader, leaders are too domineering, leaders don't do anything, leaders don't delegate enough responsibility, lenders aren't qualified to work with a group).

These problems do exist in our youth clubs, some more than others. The problems themselves are not unusual and whenever a group assembles as a unit, such -as our youth clubs, these

VASTNIK 13 Wednesday, April 22, 1970

problems can be expected to come up without proper interest and attention to get rid of them. The only uncommon thing is to have these problems and do nothing about them.

At least four solutions or more will be given for each of the problems. There is no excuse why our clubs cannot prosper and grow along with the rest of the SPJST. We have come a long way, but we have a long way to go. If each of us, will do our little part the results will be surprising! Everyone attending the classes will leave having a better insight into their club, know what makes it tick and why it may not tick as it should, and be equipped to take positive action to get results. It will be well worth this day to learn the secrets . .uccesstul group management.

Also of great importance is your club's part in the YAD and camp of your district. Each DYD has been working since last March on all the details so you can't afford to miss out on your club's part, because we don't want to exclude anyone.

Please refer to the Youth Activity Calendar for the date of your district training class. Remember, these classes are for leaders, assistants, and interested adult members. I will expect to see you there!

Fraternally yours,



What: District IV meeting, April 26

Where: Rowena Lodge Hall

Events: District IV YAD

Attention youth: You must have your crafts and talent registered by 11:30 a.m.

Surprises: One for the youth club having the most entries in YAD. One for the youth drawing. One name in the pot for each item or entry in the contests. Youth, you must be present to receive your prizes.

District IV will be camping at Buffalo Gan August 10. through 11, so all you youth get active so you can attend camp. The point system prizes will be given at camp this year.

I'm hoping to see a lot of youth from Rowena who would be interested in getting a youth club started at the district meeting. Lot's all come to

Rowena and make this district meeting the best ever.


If you remember, I promised I would write the history of the Talton Youtli Club, before my time as youth leader expires and your new youth leader, Mrs. Robert Kabala, takes over.

The youth of Lodge No. 30 had been active a few years before we organized our youth club. At district meetings and different occasions, we would perform many dances and sing to various groups.

In the year 1963, we had our first state winner, Judy Dluhos and Bennie Krpec won state with a Czech song: "Al Lou,cka", which was our beginning. Bennie Krpec is in the service now and is married. The same year Miss Gloria Kuehn was the queen runner-up; she is now married to Frank, Krpec, Jr., and the mother of two children.

In January, 1965, we decided to form a youth club. Mrs. Brdecka was asked. to come and help. On January 6, at 4:30 p.m. the Taiton Youth Club was organized. Mrs. Brdecka explained the point system and the different contests that are held every year. There were 26 children present at this meeting. The first officers elected were:

President Bennie Krpec

Vice Pres. — Madilyn Merta

Secretary — Donna Srubar

Treasurer— Kenneth Mrnustik

Reporter — Clarence Kahanek

The assistant youth leaders were chosen and approved by the mother lodge. They were Mrs. Pete Merta, Mrs. Jerome Dorotik and Mrs. Cyril Mrnustik.

From then on the club started to take an active part in lodge work. Their first activities were at the Billie Rest Home, the Oak Manor Rest Home, Radio Station KULP, where Czech songs were sung, accompanied by our talented accordion player Bennie Krpec. In 1965, our club was the most active club in the state. Susan Illse won the district queen title, with Bennie Krpec as king; Donna Srubar was duchess, and Kenneth Mrnustik as duke.Marian Dorotik won first in talent in the dis-

trict; Bennie Krpec first in talent in the district.

Now they were on their way to state. At the state competition, Susan Illse became the state queen, with Bennie Krpec as state king.

The club entertained the Hillje Rest Home with a "Grandma and Grandpa" contest, and Anita Krpec and Monica Merta won first place. Also in 1965, Madilyn Merta was district point contest winner and runner-up in the state.

In 1966, Marian Dorotik submitted a name for the youth paper. The name was "The Communicator,',' which was chosen, and she was awarded first place. In 1966, Angeline Sablatietra was our district queen and was first runner-up at state, she is now married to Jack Garner, and the mother of a baby girl. At state, Marian Dorotik won junior of the year; Marian Dorotik also won first with a piano solo. Talton Youth Club was named club of the year, and Mrs. J. W. Krutilek, their leader, was chosen as youth leader of the year.

In 1967, Patricia Janik won district queen. Jimmie Frncik won the teenager of the year award at state. Glen Kahanek won first with a vocal solo, "A ja sam," at state. Group talent, ages 6-12, won at state with a vocal, "Con Cockle Polka."

In 1968, our club was represented in the queen contest by Diann Kubala, Rose Ann Dorotik was a state winner with a song.

In 1969, Madilyn Merta won district queen, and Duane Trebig, was runner-up king.

Our club started with 26 members, some have married, some moved away, and many new ones came in, -so at times our club had as many as 40 members.

In our first year, 1965, we went camping to New Braunfels. In 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969 we went to Bastrop State Park and we always found new enjoyment under the guidance of DYD Elsie Brdecka and SYL James Janousek.

Through these years the members have visited many historical places. Many of the singers have joined the church choir, Marian Dorotik is an assistant organist at St. John's at Taiton. Now I hope the club will prosper and grow under your new leadership, and hope you will drop a line or two to the Vestnik so I can keep up with all

14 vEsirixfic Wednesday, April 22, 1970

Wednesday, April 22, 1970

your activities. Best of luck to you!



The meeting progressed at steady pace and ended at about 6 p. in.

have an art show and the election of officers.

Dear ttcacie

Tito Polka ival in Ennis is near.. Our poilth club plans to enter a float parade. 'Final plans are. C n decorating the float. Seuiral fours of help will be needed ■ 1 ,)oti might be called, to assist with Je project.

Our .youth. club participated in the cleaning project at the Sokol. Hall. We are glad to hear that Brother Joe B. Flejny is recuperating nicely and wish hint a speedy perman return. to lIns office work.

The youth club was honored to have and Sis'ter Ncsada visiting contest:scarecroW, which will take our net meeting. They will :!,(1 and the individual with the best dress will be awarded a prize. See you at the Ice Follies. Era. t:


Dear Members,

I would like to ask each of the youth. of Lodge 17 to be at the hall at 5 o'clock on Sat. April 25. The time has been chanaed because of additional planned activity. You'll have to wait to find out what it is, but Inc ' sure you will enjoy it.

Also for those of you who were unahie to be at our last meeting, our e on the fourth oaf' the second Day so let's to be extra nice to Mother on ne clay.


Dear Members and Friends:

The district meeting was well attended with approximately a hundred youth and about twice as many adults. beautiful day and many difl.ercnt lodges attended this meeting.

orc' -Pt: !'; a nice program which \ as enjoyed by all present. We also had Senator Murray Watson and Represmtative Dan Kubiak and each cne gave a short talk.

I would like to thank Debbie Sodek for making the arm signs and Darrell Fojtasek for playing the piano for us. Also, thanks go to Patsy Trampota, Rickie Novosad and Leon Zavodny for taking special parts in the program, and to all of the other children for participating in singing and helping in any other way. You did a good job!

A reminder to all juniors that we will nave an outdoor game social for you this Friday, April 24th ,at the hall starting at 6 p. in., followed by a sandwich supper. The parents are to bring the sandwiches and cookies and the youth club will furnish the chips and the drinks.

We will have elections of officers for the coming year in our May 3 meeting and also installation of the new officers. Please, come to this meeting and vote.

Also, a reminder to start practicing your individual talent and group talents, and speeches for the Queen and King Contest. There will be a local elimination contest held at our lodge the 7th of June after the meeting. Let's practice and see who goes to compete in the district, which also will be at our hall on June 28. Please, enter these contests for they are for you and you can be a winner. Everyone can't win but be a good sport and keep trying.

Hoping to see you juniors on Friday. Fraterna.lily, Frank Klink.ov ky, Youth



Dear Members and -Readers:

Since our district meeting is over, it is time to be thinking about YAD. I think all the youth did a fine job on their programs. I know that everyone enjoyed the speeches that State Senator Murray Watson and Representative Dan Kubiak presented at the meeting. The meeting was well attended. I am glad that all officers were reelected for another year.

Congratulations to all officers and our District Youth Director, Mrs. Jerlene Balusek. I really did enjoy the food that was served after the meeting.

Don't forget our social in April or our next youth club meeting on May at 4 p.m. Also remember our adult meeting at 2.

AL the youth club meeting we will

Fraternally, Amelia


Dear headers,



We are all looking forward to Sunday, April 26 and the day when District 6 has their Spring meeting at the La Salle Hall. We hope all of you are planning on joining us here.

At our regular meeting this month, many members expressed their desire that we again have a secrdt ballot election. They like the i(.0. of voting this way and feel it is a "gsownup" -way of puitting officers in charge of our club. Several expressed their desire for office and aAed that their names be put on the ballot seeking a specified office. Members wishing to have their names on the ballot are to notify me no later than May 2, so that their names can be printed in place when the ballots are made. Others will have a last Minute chance the day of our meeting and just before the election. May the best ones win and in this case we think they are all tops and deserve a chance at whatever office they seek. Good luck, candidates.

Our scheduled Craft demonstrator was unable to attend due to illness in her fathily. We are most grateful to Mrs. Dyson for doing an excellent job in providing us with an interesting craft on -short notice. We made the large colorful tissue paper flowers. They Were beautiful and I think each member was proud to be able to take one home. Mrs. Dyson, our sincere thanks and appreciation to for helping us.

We did not have a nber with a birthday this month, we were privileged to sing "Happy Bi, thday" to Mrs. Sralla. She is one of our dependable mothers who is always on hand when we need her th_, most. Thank you, Mrs. Sralla for being with us at this meeting and helping with the refreshments at La. Salle. We'll be looking for you!

Fa eternally, l'vlartha Sembera.

Youth Leader Pa, TEMPLD

Dear D'eaders, District II had tine r spring meeting last Sunday at Seaton Star Hall. It

(I Mg oeting. Don't forge the

was good to see such a good turnout. The youth clubs put on an entertaining program for us, and everyone seemed to have an enjoyable afternoon. Thank you Seaton for being our hosts.

On Sunday, April 26, Lodge 87, Temple will have an anniversary celebration. Our lodge is 60 years old this year. There will be a supper served and there will be games and much fun for everyone. Come and join us. Celebrate this memoralole occasion. Everyone is invited. We hope to see a good turnout on Sunday.

Youth club members, May is election time: so be thinking of the ones you want to serve as your officers.

Again a reminder for everyone to join us on Sunday. Will we see you there?



LODGE NO. 6, COTTONWOOD Dear Members and Friends,

On Sunday, April 5, the youth club of SPJST Lodge No. 6 held their regular monthly meeting. The attendance was good and all reports given were found in order. In new business, the club set a date for their,bowling party which will be held on Sunday, April 19, at 1:30 p.m. at one of the Waco bowling lanes. The club also discussed upcoming events for the May 3, 1970 meeting. At this meeting the youngsters will have election of officers and will select their candidates for the District III Youth Achievement Day to be held in Dallas at SPJST Lodge No. 84 on Sunday, June 28. All club members were also urged to participate in the talent, arts, and craft competition to be held that day.

Another reminder to all youth and parents that our Wednesday work and social nights will be changed to Friday nights starting this Friday, April 24, from 7 to 10:30 p.m. On this day the youngsters will start working on a new project for Mother's Day, so all youngsters be sure and be present at this meeting in order to get started and finished with your projects for your mother and be ready to present them to her in the May 3, meeting.

At this time, I would like to write some more about the Easter egg hunt held Sunday, March 22. Participating in the program on that day were: Antoinette and Betty Jean Pavlas; Jimmie, Lisa, and Frankie Uptmore; Deb-

bie, Doug, and Darrell Uptmor; Richard ,Seith; Gary and Michael Marek; Theresa and Laura Snider; Parnlia Hykel, Anton Kaluza, Bobby Svrcek, Edward, Bobby and Karen Hykel. Those youngsters who were litcky enough to find the prize eggs on that day included: Group I — Karen Hykel, first; Terry Hykel, second; and Johnny Lenart, third.. In Group II Laura Snider, first; Betty Jean Pavlas, second; and Antoinette Pavlas, third. In Group III —George Mynar, first; Gary Marek, second; and Gary Marek, third. Group IV — Michael iVlynar, first; Barbara Dudik, second; and Michael Marek, third. Special thanks go to the following for donating the Easter eggs: the Cyril Svrcek family, 240 eggs; the John J. Mynar family, 240 eggs; Cottonwood Grocery and Market, 240 eggs; and Cottonwood Hall, 900 eggs. The hall also provided gifts for the youngsters winning the prizes, and supper for all youngsters and adults in attendance. Thanks again to all members and friends who helped make this day possible and to those who conic out and participated. Without you, this day would not have been as successful.

On Friday, April 10, the youth club of SPJST Lodge No. 35 invited • our youngsters to a hayride party. For those- of us who attended, I would like to express our appreciation and thanks for the invitation and a real -good time.

Before closing, I would also like to remind our youth and their parents about the change in the work and social nights from Wednesday to Friday nights, again. So don't forget this Friday, April 24, at 7 p.m. to begin work on your Mother's Day projects.

Fraternally yours,


Dear Readers,

The Easter Happening turned out to be a great success and became a fun-filled night for everyone, young and old. Many thanks to our District II Youth Director, Mrs. Jerlene Balusek, who patiently and carefully planned out the whole smash! Around 6:30 all the youth and adults were asked to go outside and as they came in, they were marked by ear tags — not really! Each individual was designated to be from one of four hutches. Group leaders for the evening were:

Peter Cottontail Frankie sky, Mopsy — Dan Balusek; Flopsy — Darrell Eojtasek, and Topsey — Patsy Tram'pota. Various competitive sports were played and some proved simply hilarious. One incident that touched me was the Bunny Fitness Test. One member from each group was chosen and my hutch was represented by none other than Gordon: Kohutek. All he had to do was break a raw egg in his hand without using his fingernails and so on, You try it — it's not the easiest thing to do. Everyone was crowded around and "squish" raw egg went everywhere. It shocked veryone — especially the judges. Theft clothes had a nice touch of yellow egg yolk. Blair!

The last event was the queen contest and this time Brian Vanicek became our candidate. We got him all "prettied" up and after unexpected talent competition the judges decided that Steven Sodek should be crowned Faster queen. Flopsy went on and won but we were close behind. Refreshments of rabbit steaks, rabbit pellets, Easter delights, and egg dye were graciously served to the awaiting -people. In case you're wondering What the menu was, well it was celery sticks, nuts, and cashews, and doughnuts and punch.

Many thanks to the judges: Mrs. Nick Morris, Mr. Bill Kosarek, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zabcik. Also a special thanks to the members of Lodge No. 24, Cyclone who so warmly hosted the occasion. Everyone had a good time and I hope we can have more SPJST functions of this type in the future.

By the way, I'm one year older -no longer sweet sixteen — just simple 17. Rickie Novosad and Ronnie 17orney were nice enough to plan a surprise party for me, and all I can say is that I thank you from the bottom of by heart.

I had better sign off for now!

Fraternally, Patsy Trampota (17) SPJST-


Dear Readers,

On March 28, a day before Easter, Lodge 84 had an Easter picnic, at Flag Pole Hill in Dallas. It was from 11 to 2 p. m., and it was fun. We started by eating hot dogs and drinking cold drinks. Then after everybody ate, we got our kites out and the judges started to judge them for the most decora-

16 VPSTNfK WedneftlaY, APtil 22, 1970

Wednesday, April 22„ 1970

five kite. Then after they found the winner, we started to fly our kites to see who could fly their kites the highest; but it was windy that day and not very many of the youth got their kites up in the air in the 5 minute period. Then to finish the Easter party, we hunted eggs and the most and the least eggs found won prizes.



Dear Members,

On Sunday, March 22, we had our spring District I meeting at Bryan. Lodge 39. After the regular business meeting the youth clubs in the district had a program. Our youth club had a skit of television's "Hee-Haw." Teddy Dusek and I sure caught a lot of big suckers on our line. After the program the district elected officers for the new year.

We will have our District I Camp at Fort Parker State Park on June 28 through July 1. This is a new place but I am sure it will be as good as Bastrop. I hope to see everyone there and I'm looking forward to it.

Fraternally, Vince

James Cavanaugh III, and Frankie Franklin Hajda, parliamentarian.

Appointed to committee were: Kevin Cavanaugh and Joseph Hajda, sunshine; Tammy Dlouhy and Debbie Marburger, telephone; and Carey Dlouhy, Paul Mikulencak, Greg Malone, Jan Hajda, and Kelly Cavanaugh, -scrapbook.

Later, the club elected their May Fete representative who is Emily Cavanaugh. Refreshments were served and the afternoon was ended.

Everyone now is looking forward to the enjoyable end of school and sum• mer activities of the club. See you all soon!

Fraternally, Joanne Naizer, Reporter

(Dear Joanne: It is very evident that your youth club is taking a sound forward step and you certainly are not taking your elected position lightly. Congratulations ,—Editorl. SPJ S'1 -LODGE NO 47, SEATON

'Dear Readers,

We played games then after awhile we all had refreshments. Then the ladies divided candy among us. After the party was over we went home. I'm sure everyone had a nice time.

The YAD is coming up soon at Snook — on August 2, I hope everyone is working on their craft. I'm sure we can have a lot of competition this year.

Hope to see everyone at camp this year.

Fraternally, Kay Horak (11) --sp., 6'1 --


On April 12 the regular meefing of the SPJST Youth Club was held. The matters discUssed were the District VI spring meeting and our program on Mother's Day. Following the meeting we went over the program we are to present at the district meeting.

Refreshments were served for everyone and we danced later. Door prizes were draWn and given to, adult: Mrs. Emmanuel Vasek; youtti: Kenneth Svrcek; March cake: Mrs. Frank Zabransky. Lunch was then served.


Dear Vestnik Readers,

We had our last district meeting on March 22, at Lodge No. 39, Bryan. There was a nice crowd there. They elected new officers for the coming year. I'm sure the new officers will do a very good job.

I am looking forward to our SPJST camp this year because we will go to a different place. We will go to Fort Parker State Park. It is a good time to get to know your friends better. Then after camp comes YAD. Hope to see everyone at our next meeting.



Dear Friends,


On April 5, an organizational meeting was held to organize and elect officers for the SPJST Youth Club at Granger. Mrs. Frankie Hajda, our advisor and youth leader, helped with the election of our first officers. Elected were Emily Cavanaugh, president; Nadine Strmiska, vice-president; Monica Hajda and Bridget Cavanaugh, secretaries; Mary Alice Cavanaugh, treasurer; Joanne Naizer, reporter;

On April 12, 1970, District II held its spring meeting. All of the youth clubs 'presented a program, and .all were very good. Thanks to all of you. Senator Murray - Watson was our speaker for the afternoon, and hiS speech was very interesting.

Seaton won the honor of having the Most people at the meeting.

I would like to congratulate Mrs. Dan Balusek for being reelected as DYD for the year 1970-71. Good luck!

I hope that everyone is working on a talent to present at the annual talent program. Also, I hope that you older ones are working to compete in the king and queen contest. I hope that all of you are going to be able to go to your district's camp. You will really have a lot of fun.

To our local lodge members, please remember our meeting on May 3, and our talent program will be the first Sunday in June.

Fraternally, Paula Jeter (16) Reporter -SPJSTLODGE NO. 13, DIME BOX

Dear Vestnik Readers,

On Good Friday, March 27, our youth club had an Easter party. There was a prize given for the best Easter egg. It was won by Danny Iselt. There was also a prize given for the best drawn rabbit. It was won by Marlene Horak.

Our next meeting will be on May 10 when we Will have a Mother's Day Program. I plan on seeing all of you soon at the district Meeting on April 26.

Fraternally, Marcie Holy (14) Vice-President SPJST


Hi, I hope everyone is enjoying these beautiful spring days. I sure am. Our Hallettsville Youth Club had their meeting Sunday evening, April 12. We are all planning to attend the District VI spring meeting to be held on- Sunday, April 26 in La Salle. Our youth club is planning to have a short program there, so please try to be present. After our meeting we drew for the prizes which went to: children's door prize — Kenneth Sevcik; adult door prize — Mrs. Emmanuel Vasek; April cake _ Mrs. Frank Zabransky.

Our next meeting will be on May 10, Fraternally, Vernell Zak (14) SP:fST-_


The Hungerford SPJST Youth Club met on April 12, at the Hungerford Hall. Geraldine Kalina called the meeting to order. The pledge was said followed by a moment of silent prayer and our SPJST song. Patsy Kalina called


.d Pegg; Kali nit, collected the Ch of i I. previous Mee read by the treasus:• . The undid business was the DYAD.

We attended the adult niecti elect new officers. After they were installed, we returned co - our meet •. The door a' dine dine test. Patsy l a and tied for second place.

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•TV.1• for the orgi,,ms of A...,x rict at the Talton Community Center.. f r was served to the organirs and their families, the parents and youth of the Talton Noah, Club,. also the Rii. Rev. •Msgr. Julius Peter and _ Mor and Mr. Leonard Mikeska from' the Supreme :Lodge. After dinner, she youth members pr,‘; :einted a program. Everyone had a dy yours,. 1- (16)

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Wednesday, April 22, 19'10 at the hall and make a .Mother's Day


the kitchen for they did

\Vt.5 ery • thank her no .%•, 1=1• chunce to up t nice av,ai ...I 05 for wit test and Cathy Practiyi won a point Tien for second place. :Flu that CM:yone who Went enjoyed hope to see you at our next mceting. Fraterrially, Milli? Jo Waters (13) 13;•oo,

On IV etch.21 District I had their spring mocting. a t took place at; Ledg 39, Bryan. The meeting was called to order and most of the business taken care of first. ti'hen the youth of each lodge put cm. a was about tbs.. ) ,

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...ourned. on May. 24. Susan Trealek (10)


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Wednesday, April 22, 1970


Dear Readers,

Hi! Well it is about time to write. I have been very busy with the Horse Show so I couldn't write sooner.

Our last meeting was held April 5. Here are a few things that happened. We talked about our Western Barn Dance that the Youth Club is planning for June 13. The orchestra will be Johnny Mensik, We also talked about the nominating committee.

The Nominating Committee recomends the following slate of officers:

President — Darly Parma

Vice President — Kenny Vrla

Secretary — Pat Parma -- Karen Sparks.

Treasurer — Danny Vrla

Nominations may be made from the floor the day at our meeting provided the person nominated has been asked • ' they will accept the office.

The meeting was adjourned and we all played volleyball.

I would like to invite all of you to our next meeting. It will be at May 4 on a Monday night I hope to see you there.

I would also like to invite you to our Western Dance on June 13. Johnny Mensik will play and I would like to see you there dressed accordingly. See you there.



Dear Vestnik Readers,

On April 3rd, we had our youth club meeting. Everyone said the pledge to the flag, with Johnny Linhart leading.

The members having birthday in April are Scott Havran, Patricia Vrana, Rodney Duve, Ricky, Rocky, and Ozzie Machacek.

Our new member this month is Jack Whatley. Welcome to our club!

We are having a Charity Drive this month. Everyone should bring children's clothes and toys to our next meeting. They will be given to the Richmond State School for Retarded.

The door prizes were won by Jack Whatley and. Carolyn Hermis.

Our next meeting will be on Friday night, May 1st. It is a very important meeting, so every one please attend. We will hold our elections for the new officers of the coming year.


Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 2 at Buffington Funeral Home for Charlie Micek, 76, longtime Yoakum resident, who died in Huth Hospital at 12:45 p.m. Tuesday, March 31. He and Mrs. Micek were visiting in the Valley for several weeks when Mr. Micek became seriously ill on Good Friday and was brought to Yoakum by ambulance from Odom where his wife had driven the car.

The Rev. John Bravenec conducted the service. Burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery with members of the Yoakum Kiwanis Club serving as honorary pallbearers.

Born in La Grange on February 19, 1894, he came to Yoakum as a young boy. For some 16 years he was a school teacher, teaching for several years at Gephart School. Active in civic and community activities, he received the Citizenship Medal from the VFW in 1950. He was a charter member and lifetime honorary member of the Yoa-

kum Kiwanis Club and served as secretary and treasurer for a number of years. In earlier years he was active in Boy Scouts and was thus accorded the No. 1 Citizen honors by the VFW. He operated a vending machine business and was a member of the SPJST.

Charlie Micek was a cousin of the late Dr. Edward Micek, longtime professor of Slavonic languages at the University of Texas.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lucille (Pulkeabek) Micek; a daughter, Mrs. Betty Jo Work of Houston; eight brothers, Joe B. Fridel of Graham, George and Jerome Fridel, both of Fort Worth, Jerry Fridel of Irving. August Fridel of Dallas, Anton Fridel of Wehaar, and Julius and Frank Fridel, both of Houston; a sister, Mrs. Frances Mendel of Houston and five grandchildren. One son, a seaman, preceded him in death.

Pallbearers were Jerry Welch, Rueben Keether, Ralph Rodriguez, Arthur Hermann, Dan Ford, and Leslie Kaiser. (Bro. Micek was a 50-year member of SPJST Lodge Pokrok-Sweet Home No. 63. Clipping from Yoakum HeraldTimes; photo sent in by lodge member. --Editor).


We, the undersigned Resolution Committee of Lodge 54, West, wish to express the sincere sympathy of our entire membershi p to the bereaved family of our departed brother.

BEN J. VANZURA, who died Wednesday morning, April 1, at the age of 83, and was buried Friday morning with Requiem Mass at the Church of Assumption; burial at St. Mary's Cemetery.

He is survived by his wife: one daughter, one son, - five grandchildren, and two sisters.

He was employed by the West Independent School System until his retirement, and had served as its president and secretary. He was a member of local Knights of Columbus, SPJST Lodge 54, and the KJT Lodge..

May our departed brother rest in peace.


In behalf of the entire membership of Lodge Praha No. 29 we, the Resolution Committee, wish to express our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family of our departed brother,


WILLIE NEUMAN, who passed away on March 18, 1970, at his home in Victoria, at age 57. On November 18, 1936, he was married to Martha Remmert, who survives. Other survivors are: a son, Johnny Ray Neuman, of Victoria; mother, Mrs. Herman Neuman; two sisters, Mrs. Martha Synatzsky, and Mrs. Ella Schnable; one brother, Raymond Neuman, all of Stockton, California.

Interment was in Memory Gardens Cemetery, in Victoria, Texas.

May our departed brother rest in peace.

Resolution Committee:

A. L. Boudny

Jerry J. Mucha

Jerry E. Tallas -8PJST-


Mrs. Kamila Fojtasek Sramek, 81, of Fort Worth died Sunday, April 5 in Fort Worth following an extended illness.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 8, at HarperTalasek Funeral Home Chapel with the Reverend F. J. Kostohryz officiating. Burial was in Seaton Cemetery.

Mrs. Sramek was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and had lived in Temple before moving to Fort Worth. She was a member of SPJST Lodge No. 25, Ennis, and at one time was lodge reporter for the Vestnik.

Mrs. Sramek is survived by five sons, Antone Fojtasek of Garland, Joe Fojtasek of Dallas, Millard Sramek of Grand Prairie, Joe Sramek of Ennis and Paddy Sramek of Houston; three daughters, Mrs. William Leshiker and Mrs. John Posival, both of Fort Worth, and Miss Florence Sramek of Dallas; two nephews, one niece and 1• grand-


In behalf of the entire membership of SPJST Lodge No, 24, Cyclone, Texas, we, the Resolution Committee, wish to express our deepest sympathy to the bereaved surviving family of our departed sister MRS. DOROTHY SCHILLER, who, after a long illness passed away in a Temple hospital Thursday, April 9, 1970 at the age of 37 years.

Funeral services were held on April 11 in the Brethren Church at Seaton with the Rev. E. J. Kostohryz officiating. Burial was in the Seaton Cemetery.

Sister Schiller was born near Temple the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry


Cabla. She had lived in Bell County all her life. She was married to Charlie Schiller on Nov. 14, 1951. He preceded her in death in July 1969.

She is survived by her parents; and daughter, Charlene Schiller; a son, Calvin Schiller; three sisters, Mrs. Eugene Haisler, Mrs. T. J. Malcik and Mrs. Antonie Schiller, all in the Temple area; two brothers, Henry Cabla who is stationed in Vietnam and Jerry Cabla, jr., of Temple and maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Janacek.

May she rest in eternal peace after the trials and tribulations of life here on earth.

Eugene Haisler

F. W. Martinet

E. J. Bedrich

Resolution Committee ----8P3


In behalf of the entire membership of SPJST Lodge No. 24, Cyclone. Texas, we, the Resolution Committee, wish to extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved surviving family of our departed brother, LEOPOLD C. SCHILLER, who, after an extended illness, passed away in a Temple hospital Friday, April 3.

Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday, April 5 in the Brethren Church at Ocker with the Rev. Albert Michalik officiating. Interment was in the church cemetery.

Brother Schiller had been a member of the 58 years. He was loved and respected for his quiet disposition by all who knew him.

He is survived by his wife of Temple; two daughters, Mrs. Henry Zoaelk of Rosebud, and Mrs. Willard Carnes of Temple; a son, Ernest Schiller of Kerrville; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by nine brothers and a sister.

May our brother rest in eternal peace.

Eugene Moister




The o.'fieers and members of Lodge No. 4, in Hellettsville, Texas, wish to express their sincere sympathy to the bereaved surviving parents and grandparents of our two departed lodge brothers,

Wednesday, April 22, 1970


The brothers were killed in an automobile accident on March 10, 1970 on Highway 90-A, west of Sheridan, in Colorado County. Hilmer W. Woytek, Jr., was born July 3, 1950, and his brother, Travis, was born November 17, 1953.

Double funeral services were held on Friday, March 13, 1970 at Zion Lutheran Church in Sublime. Rev. G. Eschberger officiated, and burial was in the Hallettsville City Cemetery.

They are survived by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer W. Woytek, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Woytek and grandmother, MrsN Agnes Woytek, all of Hallettsville.

To the loved ones, we express our sympathy and to our beloved lodge brothers, we wish eternal rest, and may their memory be honored unto eternity.

Hilmer R. Galetka

Mrs. Alton Sevcik Chas. Holy --SPJ8T-

I Crr.w!,.,d On All Four

from the basement and could hardly walk because of the extreme pains in my legs before I ordered this truly miraculous combination of famous European formulas, Bolven and Zdravi-tamin which works safely and fast against arthritis-rheumatism and like pains. After a few days of taking these two drugs I was running around like a youngster. Even though I am old, now in my 80th year, Zdravi-tamin keeps me alive, and Bolven prevents occasional pains. This is written by everhappy Mrs. Frances Pokorny of Denver, Colo. Bolven and Zdravi-tamin will also help your pains and difficulties of age. Therefore don't put off 'til tomorrow. what you can still order today. Double effective pain reliever Bolden tablets for 5 weeks: $2.90; Zdravi-tamin for blood and energy capsules for 5 weeks, $3.98; Zdravi-tamin for blood and energy for 10 weeks, only $6.98. Moravia Liniment concentrated for 1 pint, only 0.50. Danube herb laxative tablets for 3 months, $2.98. Enclose cash, money order or check to: European Drugs, Bret. Jelinek, Dept. 10, P.O. Box 927, Laguna Beach, Calif. 92652.

These medical aids can also be ordered from 1,Irs. Adolf E. Motal, 2207 Poplar, Victoria, Texas 77901. — Plus Tax.


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to spraNee v domove odnko H. v Reedville. 9.adatele at' se p.iihLusi na: Mr. Melvin H. kra-

bitnek, P. 0. 270, Caldwell, Texas, re 826, -so Mr. J. 1VI. Skrabuinell, 1720 L., Bellaire, Texas '77401, 1 Domovii)

Nezapornente ma vase okiskove seluize v okrsku IV. v Rowena a okrsku VI. v La Salle, °lie sehnze v nedeli 26. dubna. Paniatujte Ze v jarnich schnzich se volt okeskovi Urednici a jste ciani bYti pritomni. WeS okrsek bude jen tak silny a pokrokovy jaky bude v new zajem!

roe? ;.a, zajela pob Zenten den 26. u'.ubna. fudou to a miti peknou oslavu; reenici. profesort dr. Hundtek a de. Jan Skrivanek, eeskou kapelu dallaskou, atd. Pied rokem jsme slibili u'ljezd do IV. okrsku do Rowena. Litujem to je ntm nemoZno bYt v VI. okrsku v La Salle ani v Dallas a prejem nnjoho zdaru oboum.


Fra "stove: aton, vydane v roce 1957 bylo v : samotnem napoeitanc., ceil-7em. 637 vM1 a veZHek. , to stem, pamatne sITatovaclavske kanle katedraly sv Vita no praZskera. hrade :icon vylo•eny pravYmi drabokamy a site devadesati aehaty, dva-


Grossinanova-B•odskii flelostnii btiza na paloneku, kde pevosenka roikveta, sve diouhe vlasy polehoueku u poste jam rozpleU.

Zelene hebkern ye zavoji snad druileka, to Iibeznai; ei rabelda tarn lesa stoji zaearovarta, princezna.

Drobounky ptdeek, kterY neje, kde l,uci rrrlari zelene, Zirno a Nirize earodeje i jejich ziobu zaiena.

Pak 37ozzinva se potok lesni, ,o do barev rozkvete, v pobadku se vesni, Je na sveal

ceti salmi safiry, radou ametystA ehrysoprasti nfkolika rubiny. V teto kapli jsou v bezpeenem krytu chovany korunevaent klenoty eeskYch kraln — svatovaolayska koruna, risske jablko a teslo. Histaricka cena techto regalii jest proste nedomyslitelna,

0 starch zimeekyeli schodech, yedoeeich z Male Strany na pralsky head, bylo napsdno mnoho povidek a zpivdno mnollo nisnieek, z nichZ snad nejznameji je starch ZarneckYch sxhodech, 1)c) schodech nation" ." Wordvi se o nick, to v sedrunnetem. a osmnactern stoleti, kahtY mladenee tarn p11 prvnI prilelitosti zavedi svou vyvolenou. BYvalo totit jakYtnsi nepsanYm

zakonem, to po vySlapani prvnich padesati schodd, mladenee mel pravo na hubieku. Ach, ty stare, zaSle zlate easy. . . KterYpak mladenilte by dneska pro hubieku Slapal padesat sehodn?

Bylo to v Praze ye vile "Na. Bertramee," kde slavnY• hudebni skladatel Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart napsal svou nesmrtelnou operu "Don Juan" (Don Giovanni). 0 teto udalosti se yypravi rozmorna historka: Den pied ohlaSenon premierou, ktera se mela konati v pralskem divadle "Na Ovaenem trim (Stavovske divadio). Mozart stale jeae nemel overturn k opera Nic nepomahaly domluvy pratel a, vyhrUitky soufaleho irnpresaria. Skladatel jen kreil rameny newel ideu — newel proste pottebnou inspiraci.

Hodiny ubihady Pyle nutno jednat. Impresario se rozhodl jiti do krajnosti, Zamki proste. skiadatele do jechaoho pokoje vily, s lahviekou inkoustu a notovkin papirem a oznamil mu resolutne, to pokoj neodemkne drive dokuci Mozart predeheu nesloZi.

Kdy2 se se syYm einent svern znamemu hrabeti Kynskemul, tento so k newu nakionil a cosi mu zaSeptal do ucha, naeeZ utrapenY impresario bael k zarneenemu pokoji, opatrne pootevrel dvete vstrell do pokoje nee°, bez echo se v °neat clobach nechodilo spat — noeni vazu. . .

Takto "zaonatreny" Mozart, sloZil mezi druhou a ttvrtou hodinou "'au:v.1 preciehru k opere, kteea se jeSte dnes poklada za klenot mezi jeho lily.

Priai den byla ov,Sem slavna premi-

iedu 22 dubna 1970 VESTNtK 21
;$ :A.,ODGE SPJST, POB 100, TEMPLE, TEX 76501 22. -BNA 1970

era "Dona," kterou Mozart sam dirtgoval a hudbymilovni praZane mu pripravili -nepopsatelne ovate. Pra,vem, hebot' "Don Juan" se stal operou svetoveil° reportoiru.


Pozvani ku SPJST slavnosti v Corpus Christi, Texas

Had Anton J. J. Cermak eislo 56 bude

•potaciat 37. v1ro s ei zalc0,eni sveho tadu sokolovni, 5440 Kostoluyz Road, Corpus Christi, Texas v nedeli 26. dubna. roiti pecene hovezi maso (Barbecue beet') z raznYmi ptikrmy bude podavano od 12 hodin v poledne do 6 hodin veeer. Pro dorostle cena bude $1.50 talli a pro cleti $1.00. Uprava i pro ty co by chteli jidlo si vziti (Joint'.

Po obede bude dana ptilelitost kandidatum bYti ptedstaveni a pronest kratii tee.

0 razne pobaveni a obeerstveni bode postarano. Oeekava se, kde naie spolkove sestry a bratti opet vkpornohou jak v pledeilych podnicich. K hojne 1:16asti ve'iterou velejnost active zve ftad eislo 56.

Pledseda Adolph Sassin

Tajetunik John Stara




NaI,T usili o zachovani materskeho

jazyka a dedictvi act' v Texasu upontalc pozornost vrcholneho pracoviSte v oboru ee'Stiny, kterYm je U'stav pro, jazyk CeskY v Praze. Tento Ustav je soueasti Ceskoslovenske akademie ved, dediCky a pokraeovatelky slavne Kralovske Ceske spoleenosti nauk zalo2ene pied 200 roky a Ceske akademie ved a mneni vznikle o stoleti pozdeji. V nedavne dobe vyslala tato akademie do SpojenYch statU pracovnika zmin.eneho astavu Dr. Slavomira Uteeneho, aby ji nodal zpravu o stavu eeskeho jazyka v Novem svete. Dr. UteknY, znatny zejrnena z jazykovYch koutkti pra' skelio rozhlasu, je jednim z prednich odbornikil, ale take v§emi j ej imi n arceirni.

Po Texasu ho cloprovazel 6eskY kart tlta.rt Texas Education Agency Dr. va,clav Hunais,3ek z Karlovy university v Praze a pracovnici oddeleni spoleeertskkch ved teto agentury L. Grigar a L. P'gen.eik. Behem sveho pobytu zde poNdil Dr. Ute,§enr velke nmastvi


snimku a nahravek. Fotografoval Ceske pametihodnosti v Texasu a nahraval mluvu zdejSich naSincti. Jeho snimky a nahrayky budou uloleny v ,archivu ttstavu pro jazyk 4_,sskS, v Praze.

Ceska, verejnost bode s vYsledky a ptiklady jeho yYzkumu v naSem state seznamena tiskem, radiern i televizi.

S velkYm uznani se vyslovil zejmena o naiem stariim pokoleni, ktere s obdivuhodnoit laskou a peelivosti zachovalo daleko za motem nateei rocinYch kraju svYch ptedkU ye stare vlasti. Pokud jde o nail mlade2, ptijal s velkou raciosti boj o znovuzavedeni oeskeho jazyka a Ceske vlastivedy do Aol vodne CeskYch obci a ujistil nas o vSestranne podpore sveho tistavu a cele akademie, jiz poda podrobnou zpravu.

Na zaver sveho pobytu v Texasu naystivil Dr. UteSeny s choti v doprovodu Dr. Hundeka a L. PSeneika bratry Dr. Jana a Joseta Sktivanky na Texas A&M University v College Station, Texas. Vyslechl se zajmem jejich pojednani o jazykove situaci v Ceskem Texasu a poridil jeho magnetofonovY zaznain pro praaskou akademii ved. Vyslavil ptitom presvedeeni, 2e oddeleni cizich jazykti na Texas A&M University je jako stvorene k tomu, aby se stalo hlavnim strediskem pestovani eeskeho jazyka. v Texasu. Vyzval roviie2 profesory Skrivanky, aby zahajili praci na nplitern zpracovani vYvoje a soneasnelio stavu cestiny v na` Sem state.

(Oteni bratri, sestry a etenari: Zprava kterou jste prave eetli byla mne poslana z texaske A&M university. Tedy mu2em oeekavat pomoc i od Karloye university. Dame take my osobne ruku k dilu? — Red.) SPJST-

TAK VAELICOS Aneika Houdkova

ObdrZela jsem velmi platelskk dopis od p. dra. Hurideka (kterk jest zde v zajmu obnoveni eeske feel a eeskeniu vyueovani na ,z3kolach a universitach zde v Texasu). Byl pozvan nail sestrou Valeikovou, aby zaroven s drem. vankem z College Station ptijeli na naii 26. dubna a ja jmenem Krou2.ku jsem rovneZ vyslovila plani, aby se dostavili. Dr. H-unaeek pile, ze se velmi tesi. na shledani s nami v sokolovne v nedeli 26. dubna a nabidl se, ze phveze pekne obrazky eili "slides" ze stare vlasti a ulcae nam je po projiZhich 6echach a jine, a to me zajima

nebot' to je z rodneho kraje me zesnu10 maminky. I krasnou a velebnou Prahu uvidime a,spon na filmu. Proto ptijd'te jiste na sokolovnu 26. dubna (program zaene ye dye hodiny odpoledne a potrva a.2 do 5 neb 6 hodin odp. Kdo mate nejake veci, ktere chcete darovati nam na bazar tak prosim dej-. to je sestre Ann Zvolankove a dejte na vie vase jmeno a cenu jakou myslite ze Wine meli za podobnou vec tati. Dekujeme Vain predem za laskavost. Ona vie zapiie a kaZda vec bode oznamena ye schrizi. Tak nezapomerite a na shledanou na oslave KrouZka CeskYch Zen v Dallasu.


Nase sestra Zvolankova opetwvitelila. na vYstave,kvetinove kaaloroene potadane ye Fair Park. Tento "Flower Show" v2dy ptitahuje velke innoZstvi lido odeviad a je to skuteene neco zylaStnilio, ba mohlo by se lici pohacikovelio svou plekra.snou yYzclobou a mnoZstyl ritznkch kvetin. Sestra Zvogramu pani Valeikove. Sestra AneZka Houdkova jmenem Krou'ku privity ptitomne na teto oslave a pak plevezme oznamovani daliiho programu sestra Dorothy fZeznikova, ktera jednotliva eisla oznami tak, aby ka2d veal co to je a kdo foinkuje. Nak dlouholeta pracovnice sestra. Valeikova si s tim Bala praci nebot' chce pobaviti pratele a priznivci naieho Krou2ku pies to, ze je jiZ 81 let mlada. Zaslou2i si aby nas lid jiste pri'Sel a podporil tento nas" podnik, protole 35 let je dlouha, doba a za to dobu jiste mnoho bylo vykonano nejen pro dobro, na§ich bli2nich ale taky i pro udr2eni 'Ceske reel a tradic eeskoslovenskYch. 112dyt' nas Krou2ek je nejstaril eesky spolek v Texasu kde se dosud viechno jecinani yule v Ceske reel. sehtlzi i protokol jsou tak Ceske jako byly pled 35 lety phi zalo2eni. Proto jsthe na to hrdv a doufame, ze nas poctite svou navi"tevoti v 'ten yzacnk den nail oslavy. Dr. Hundeek bude miti malk proslov a pak bude promitat obrazky z esl. Po programu se zarmene s prodejem peeiva, sendviefi a nanojet a pak i ruene zhotovenkch ptedmeth. Ku konci bude odevzdana nrovana. deka a ie;.te n6kolik yq,".knkch clarkft Wastnkra osobaro. Budete si moci pekn'e nopovidnti s nlatell a znainkmi a. jiste se pobavite. Obrazkv budou velmi nekne a zajimaye a dr. Hunaeek oznamil ml, 44.e uvidim i sta,r6slaynou Bechyni v lankova vystaVovala 6 exemplattl pokojovkch kvetin a 1A'echn.y obdr2ely

Ve sttedu 22. dubna 1970

stuhu modrou; tyto sweepstakes jsoa zylaStni yyznamenanim a nak sestra

Zvolankova katdoroene zvitezi nekolikrate. Gratulujeme ji a prejeme mnoho tispechn

Nase sestry Petrikova a B. Malikova jsdu ptitomne na, nemocnem listku. Prejeme obema brzke uzdraveni a necht' jit nestonaji vice.

Byla jsena v Ennis nedavno a tam jsem videla velke pripravy na ten jejich Polka Festival 2. a 3. kvetna. Povidal mi p. Jack McKay od mestske komory (Chamber of Commerce).

jsou jit vkchny hotely a motely Zainluvene na oba dny a nekteri prijedou jit lined v patek. Prijedou pry z Kanady, Michiganu, Floridy a odjinud na tento festival. Taky letos chti, aby obchodnici a zamestnanci byli pristrojeni v krojich, cot jiste zpestri oslavu kdyt naSe Ceske barvy budou k videni po celem meste. Grand Marshal letoSni oslavy bude kongresnik Olin Teague (a jeho pani prijede tet). Tak si phpravujte sve kroje a prijd'te jiste se pobaviti a vyposlechnouti krasnou hudbu na.Sich dobrYch hudebnikil na vSech sinich budou hrati dobti "muzikanti" a taky budou podavati dobra Ceska, jidla na katde sini po oba dva dui. Na shledanou 2. a 3. kvetna.

MinulY tYden jsem byla s bratrem Vilemern nayStivit pfitelkyne ye West a Penelope. Pani Stanislavova se pekne pozdravuje Po nemoci a pani Marie Bartoshova se prave necitila dobre pri naSi navAove, doufame vS"ak, to obe budou oktivati a brzy zas budou zdravy jako chive. Pani August Pustejoyska, byla prave po nachlazeni ale snarl dues jit je, taky zdrava. Tesilo me poznati jeji Svakrovou pi. Ktenkovou. Jest velmi milou a ptatelskou pani a pekne jsme si oobesedovaly vespolek. Slibila mi, ze bude hledet se zdCastniti nakho festivalu v Ennis. Jegte musim sdeliti, to • jak pani Bartoshova tak pani Pustejayska me darovaly pekne ruene zpracovane ddrky pro na'S bazar, za cot jiste jsme jim vcleenY. Phjed'te nekcly na naSi schozi i s pani Krenkovnu.

Tak jit ukoneim a mete se vSlchni dobte a bud'te zdravi, A. H.

Jarni schnze °slaw (VT-) okrsku se bude konati u tadu Pokrok Benview tislo 153 v La Salle 26. dubna.

• V'


Podzimni schtize I. okrsku je ustanovena na prvni nedeli 4. kijna u facia Cislo 33 v Bleiblerville. Registrovani zaene v 12:30 a schtize bode zahajena ye 1:30 odpoledne.

Podzimni schtize V. okrsku je ustanovena na etvrtou nedeli 25. kijna. KterY tad v V. okrsku by si pral hostit tuto schtizi, jest Zadan aby se ozval a ciostal do styku s nek,„erym Mednikem V. okrsku.

• •

Podzimni schilize VII. okrsku jc ustanovena na treti nedeli 18. rijna. Misto a podrobnej0 zpra,vy budou pficiane pozdeji.

mleko, Kolik? Dow ' ? syr, cheese 1Iow babicka, grand- neco, mother :_;;; eesky, Czech (adv.) to eat


1. The Verb " form idioms. it first lesson. To say one proper form of the "hlad" is used. To say use "miti" plus "iizen".

To say one likes sorneone, s thing, "midi" plus:"rad," is use,. ever if the speaker is feminine " is used and for the plural "r "rady."

2. Conjugation of fide verb second conjhgation: that is, verbs end in "W."'

1st person — rnluviin, I speak 2nd person — mluvit, you speak 3rd person — raluvi, he, she, or speaks


1st person ruluvime, we sped 2nd person — mluvite, , you speak d person vi, they speak • •

3. The verb "ueiti se," to st reflexive verb. Whenever it is c ted, it must be followed by t7e r pronoun" "ne" in all persons of verb.

Example: "Ueim se" I study, se," you study, etc.

1. M voca bu

2, Trat English.

{atp 1 nvY lic ICLIENDAtt Id-to 1970

Jarni schfize IV. okrsko bode se konati u tadu Cislo 49 v Rowena dne 26. dubna.

Lekee jedenacta — Lesson No, 11 Miti hlad — To be hungry Miti iizen — To be thirsty Miti rad nekoho — To like someone Miti rad neco — To like something Kolik je hodin? — What time is it? •

eTENi — READING je hodin? Mani a blad. Profs nemame co jisti? Protoic matka (Ionia. Karel a Helena Lei. "mail hlad. Karel ma rad maso a Helena Ina rada syr. Kdyi oni maji iizeh tak piji role ko. Midi se Weime eesky. Babieka mluvi eesky. Main rad babieku.

Slovnieek Vocabulary hodina, hour roltiviti, to speak proe, why ueiti se, to study protoie, because piti, to drink

3. Learn verbs: ti" to praise.

o • Homework expressions and the • Polnidka Lev a MyA

Lev spal. Maid my:!_(a Jun slo -zada. probildil a •ch?,-fil svvch ((ram). UleRaini nay; , post' nine, odpiatim !;c:ti jedovil, Lcv se dal do smichu, mala

slibuje du.

ZP, ,yak ke strornv . sunil

rieinohla ponioci ale 1. male mySka nanolio

—SPJ ST Lo.ESECESKY :;. / to Ve sticedu 22. dubna 1970 V STNIK


Krajane z FaiiZe i okoli snail pra y vh

hybliveho a hovorneho — krajana Josefa Karaka. Asi maloktera krajanska zabava se v i jejim okoli odb9bez neho, bez jeho pomoci. Pat•i mezi ty, kteii pomanaji Spolku codakti kde se jen cla. Vice jak etyiicet let Zije krajan Karak ye Francii, ale na rodnou vesnici u ZetnianskYch Kostolan vzpoinina stale. A nejen vzporniLtd. Vraci se sem east° ke s yYtn priLuznYm, vraci se sem, aby na misty znovu proZival sve prihody z detstvi a Detstvi v poeetne rodine, ze kteon i clou d bratri vyletli z rodneho lmizda.

Zde, v Patizi, nedaleko Boulevardu Sant Germain v Bonapartove ulici ale nestravil krajan Karak celY svnj "francouzsk9 Zivot". Kdy2 sem piciSel, pornahal v zemecielstvi, likvidoval zakopy, pracoval v tovarne. Ze zkuiene, na kterou se vydal ze Slovenska, se vyklubald vetSina Zivota ye sladke Francii. "Slacike," povzdychne si, "ale mne nebyla v2clycky sladkou. PeneZ nebylo porad dost, mnohe trapeni zteZovalo Z'ivot." Viechny tyto strasti, ale i radosti pomahala mu prekonavat, jak n2 to b9va, divka. Kamila se jmenuje. Byla mu manZelkou, dnes je babiekou vnoueat. Take ona sla do Francie jen na zkuienou ze slovenskych Alekiinec. Ale zastala ye Francii. Piekonala radosti i bolesti mladelio maniZelstvi, cleti. Nu a etyii ratolesti, to uZ se elovek musi pekne ohanet, aby je uZivil. A ma radost, kdy se dobie uci, kdy se jim pak vydaid manZelstvi. A tato radost margeltim Karakov9m

Irena, Monika, Josef 1 Robert se mail docela dobie i nejake slovenske slovo umeji a na Slovensko radi jezdi.

Krajan Karak 1 pani Kamila miluji rodnou vlast.

"Za ni darn viechno," iikal mi. "Ale byl bych rad, aby se doma dobre pracovalo. F3y1 jsem ye Vagonce v Praze a vide] jsem tarn mot zmetkfi. Bylo mi to moc lito a iekl jsem to tarn delnikcim. A fipine jsem je prosil, aby lepe pracovali."

.Krajan Karak je rozhordertY , kdy mluvi o lajdacich a lidech, kteli si u rris pol'ad steZuji. Ratkal se s "Ale na viast neciArn dopustit. Na to ml nikdo nesmi sahnout," fika, kdyZ mi ukazuje fotografie, ktere jsou z i z poslcdni doby, mnohe ze Slovenska, z Prahy. Jsou na nich


mi krajana Karaka, delnici, rodina. Nad nimi vzpomina, s nimi se vraci do doby pied dvaceti, triceti lety.

Povidame si, chvilemi jsem €lovy krajana Karaka dojata. Tak vroucne hovori o vlasti. A do toho naieho hovoru se misi lehounke podupdvani. Jakoby drobne ptaei noZky poskakovaly. Pak si lepe yiirana. V kleci p•ede dvermi je stehlik, ktereho si krajan Karak spolu s prsti z hrobu rodieti privez1 do Pacize ze Slovenska. A ty s nimi poputuji za Paula, a,% odejcle do clUchodu.

Hana Vondraekova SIMST--

Vynikajici SlovenskS, Grafik

Neciavno mela Praha znovu prile2itost spatrit graficke listy Vincenta Hlohaika, slovenskeho umelce, kterY zaujima ptedni mist() v cele plejacle znamenitYch siovenskYch grafika moderni doby. V uznani za dosud vykonone rozsahle dilo byl v roce 1964 jmenovan zasloukilYnt umelcem. Ve svkch 45 letech byl tak nejmlacfSim zaslouZil9m mnelcem v republice, pak se stal narodnim umelcem. Stalo se tak pro mySlenkov9 piinos jeho Ivorby v soueasnem umeni — i v oceneni jeho piikladne houZevnatosti v tvfireirn usili stejne jako veene jeho nespokojenosti s dosaZen9mi vYsledky. Pritom je to Cloy& neobyeejne prosty a licIskY, umelec, kter9 se vkly citi soueasnikem, a proto i odpovednYin za dobu, kterou spoluvytva•.

Nove graficke listy Vincenta HloZnilca v Praze v sini Hollar vystavoyane _ukazaly umelcovy price z poslednlch let. Jeho expresionisticky pojate listy, fitoeici na lidsk;"7 cit a rozum, nastavujici zrcadlo soueasnikum a vykrikujici umelcovo poznani, jsou nov9m vyznaninYm vkladem Vincenta HloZnika do slovenska, ale zaroven i cele eeskocslovendke graficke tvorbvf. Vie vzniklo po clfikladnern umelcove uvaZeni. Snad na prvni pohled misty zapfisobi aZ otiesne, aviak je v nich krasa i oiklivost, touha i laska, je v nich pravda vyjadiend umeleckYmi prostredky nadrniru mistrovsky...

Qr, TSP-


Ma-li uZ, eloyek pies iedesat, nejspfie no, zahradku, ei na kdv se koneane mule venovat syYm 0blihencm koniektfin, KdyZ jsem sedel s Jaroslavem Marvanern v jeho prostem byte v PrazeStrainicich, zeptal jsem se, jak on — jeden z naiich ipiekovYch a nejpopu

lainejSlch hercu travi chvile volna.

"Jak prosim?"

"Myslina, elm se zabYvate ve volnem 'Case, kdyZ nezkouiite. nehrajete nebo nefilmujete.

Otazank se no nine chvili dival, jako by netozumel. Pak se usmal a ja si uvedomil. jak smeinott otazku jsem loZil. VolnY eas!?

Dopoledne zkouika v divadle, odpoledne v te4evizi, veep.]: 1:2kedstavetn. KdyEZ nektera z techto povinnosti odpadne, je to film, kter9 si lrlida kaZdou volnou vterinu. A kdy2 1 film dopieje mistru MarVanovi chvili odciechu, ureite se vnuti novindri. Try. "divadelni prazdniny" jsou site dva mesice, ale dobu dovolen9ch \film naopak yydatrfe vytiliva, protole se naskYta rnanost pomerne dit cely stab heron. Studium roll so,bere uz opravdu ten posiecini zlornek jednoho dne, kterY md, bohuZel, tiVUji delku pravidelne stanovenou..

Odpoeinek je herd cenen nail zlato. Televizni serial mesta pra2skelio" nieri 18,000 metra. to uZ hezk9 kus filmu. Jaroslav IVIarvan Inaje ye viech jeho dilech fistiedni postavu, jako tolikrat radu. PH jednom nataeeni musel za jedin9 den absolvovat viechny sve v9stupy ze protole prase mel den "volna" a byl tedy reliserovi k dispozici. Zatimco vy jste v parnem lete asi sedeli a vody, policejni rada Vasatko od rana do veeera "yyslYchal", preva4tne v jednom prostoru sve kancelare, v palbe mnolia tisic wattfi.

Podobnou "lahfidkou" byla pied ea sem- vysilana televizni dramatizace Feuchtwangerova romanu "Vyhnanstvi". Pro Jaroslava Marvana to znamenalo 180 stran mluveneho textu bez jedineho pieruieni, kdy teplomer ye studiu ukazoval hodne pies ieciesat stupini.

Pokraeovat bychom mohli do nekoreena. HZ v roce 1923i se objevil Marvan na jevisti divadla Vlasty Buriana a stal se jeho neivyhledavanejiim partnerem. 0 rok pozdeji hral ve seem prynim, tehdy jeite nemem, filmu. Po boku Vlasty Buriana pracoval sedmnact let a easto se stalo, zejmena na jezdech. ze byl vitan stejre vfele a na,diene jako nas kral komikft. Od Burkina vedle Marvanoya testa pies Mestdivadla pralska na nail prvni. scenu. V roce 1954 se stava 'Menem souboru Narodniho divadia a dodnes path k jeho ipiekovYm umelcfim.

Ve st•echi 22. dubna 1970

Je tenet nad lidske shy zaznamenat vSechny Marvanovy filmove a divadelni tole. Sveddi to 0 jeho umeleckYch kvaMach, pro net byl vybran napt. k tomu, aby zahajoval televizni vysilani C'eskosolvensku.

V Nauenem slovniku pod heslem "Jaroslav Marvan" se nrateme dodist: "Od velkeho podtu veselohernich figur pkek hlubSim, charakternim postavam, vytvateje nejeasteji typ lidovYch bodrYch postay." Kdo by si neyzpomnel na Billyho Rice v Osbornove "Komikovi", na vynikalici duo s Jitinou 8ejbalovou v postavach Chrobakft ye hie bratti Capkii "Ze tivota hmyzu", nebo.. , Tech nekolik tedek ptedstavuje pies 150 divadelnich postav, pies 200 filmovYch, o televiznich nemluve. Ani se nechce vetit, to ptisny pan profesor v "Ceste do hlubin Studakovy duSe" je prakticky vrstevnik "Studakil" Filipovskeho a Pe'Ska. Deli je pouhYch pet let. Jsou jedna generace. Zatimco "Studaci" F. Filipovsky a L. Peek proSli mnot stvim rnznYch postav od mladikft at po udend kmety, J. Marvan hral ponejvice sve profesory, stratmistry, ptednosty a jim podobne. A presto nam divaktim nikdy nezefSednel.

Zda se, to Jaroslav Marvan za celou svou hereckou karieru ani nezestarl, "protote si svfij dnekti vek zvolil uit na zaeatku herecke drahy, nebo mu ho spiSe vnutila ptirozena povaha talentu. . . Nemohi se ptiblitoyat postavam tim, to se s nimi vnittne ztototnil, musel pro no hledat typicke gento, charakteristickou mimickou zkratku, znak. Zakladern jeho herectvi je napodobovaci talent." (Z Digrin: J. Marvan), Ten vytkouSel Marvan hned na titkovske realce. Ut tehdy dovedl verne napodovovat sve pally profesory a pozdeji jako poStovni atednik i sve nadtizene. Poyest imitatora ho pflvedla mezi titkovske ochotniky a nakonec i na profesionaini jeviSte.

Dries ho s jistotou mfiteme tadit mezi ty typy herch, jejicht popularita nejenom to neklesa, ale naopak zakonite roste. Je to chino vztahem umeice k praci. "a„ciny- divadelni ci filmoyY fikol neni druhotady, za kaCdou minutou hereckeho vYkonu stoji promynend a cilevedoma prate. Prave u Jaroslava. Marvana plati, to — neni ani malYch roll. Tady je klhd k Uspechilm, k lesku bez potlatka, ale i ke katclodenni honiece rctiseril, kteti proto Mistra Jaroslava Marvana tak east° vyhleda,vaji a zvou ke spolupraci.



Jako katclorodne jiz tradiend protivaji krajanky z Vidne Mezinarodni den ten — 8. bkezen spoleene. Take letos konala se oslava tohoto svatku ten pod zaStitou chote vyslance Ceskoslovenske socialisticke republiky ye dvorane Komenskeho Skoly ye Vidni. Zneastnene krajany pozdravila ptedstavitelka svazu ten Botena Holeekova.

Ve svem projevu tekla mimo jine: "Nejsem ve Vidni mesh vami poprve, deska, menSina je pro nas doma pojmem. Troufam si ze je to za.sluha hlavne iten naSich krajanek, to dnes naSe menSina zde jeSte existuje. Chceme-li bYt uptimni, musime rici, to pmmenem a nositelem zdraveho viastenectvi a narodnich tradic jsou flak krajanky Ceske babieky a manly. Ony udi sve deti a ynoudata prvnim deskYin sloyam, ony je plipravuji na cestu do deske Skoly. Jsou funkcionakkaini spolkn, ptipravuji zabavy a plesy, staraji se o rozSiteni sveho easopisu, zachovavaji krasnou tradici narodnich kroju, o ktere peduji s velkou laskou a obetuji take stovky hodin sveho drahocenne ho easu pro deskou menSinu a jeji budoucnost. Dovolte mi, mile krajanky, abych yam za tuto praci uptimne podekovala za sebe i za starou vlast. Protote to, co Mate a obetujete pro krajanske hnuti, Mate i pro starou vlast."

PtiSte ptineseme dlanek Boteny Holeekove o jejich dojmech mezi yideriskYrni krajankami.

ZbYya jeSte dodat, ae fidinkujicimi na °slave ten byli i elenove souboru Sdruteni Cechfl a Slovakft a milym byl tet ptitomnYm krajankam promitnutY starSi eeskY film "Babidka", jimt si phpomnely 150 vYrodi narozeni velke 'Ceske spisovatelky a basnytky Boteny Nemcove.


V. Javoficka, Roman Pokra dovani Slava nebyl ue. clitetem a nechtel tivit v sobe Zadne utopie. Vzpomnel na Rosola z Machove, kterY si vzal gvadlenu a teSil sebe i cele okoli, to vgak ona se ptizpfisobi. ' Svadlenka mela nejlepH rah, ale Ho to tak tetce. Nevyrostla v hospodatstvi, nerozumela mu a nelnula k nemu. Radeji sedela u stroje a sila kde komu, zatim, co se ji cleyeeky za zady smaly, ji Mdily a roznaely po vsi, jaka, je hospodyne, to teleti nesla ureic pith, to ohleclava se slepicemi ta-

ke kohouta, to busy podSkubala at do krve; ukazovaly po vsi chleba, kterY byl jednou syrovY, po druhe spalenY, jednou vychvatlY a po druhe nekynutY. Pro posmech byla i s Rosolem a lid& na ne slozli i pisnieku. Koneene se znesvatili i spolu, yYmenkati pkikladali na mladou, a tit utekla od mute a •ije v Poktivach zas ze sveho siti. Rosol se chytil devedky napted jen z deSperace, ale ted' kclyt s ni ma tit Ili deti, ma ji u sebe jako term a tiji neoddane spolu.

To si Slava uvadel jako odstragujici pkiklad a umleoval thin slova Irenina, ktera mu jeho touha a to druhe "ja" naSeptavalo: "Libi se mi tu, chtelafbych tu bYt!"

Tteba by se ptizpilsobila; mela by pino dobre vitle a laska by konala divy, je nadand a umela raly vSechno, jak o ni kolegove povidali, nieemu se nemusila uditi, ji to samo:

Prod by se nep •izptisobila? Proc by se nenaudila, kdyt by chtela? A mei by obe, vzdelanou tenu, s 4it by mohl mluviti o vSem, co mu v cluSi vile tile, mel by kamarada, s nimt by mohl debatovat ve chvilich duSevniho hladu a mel by milenku, nade vge phyabnou a tadouci. Ate by musela jiti vSude royal a pracovat? Prod? Cot neni je-. ho statek dosti vYnosnY, aby si to pant mohla dovolit, dohlitet jen a ruky neptikladat?

To byly svildne mySlenky, ktere se mu nasilim do hlavy vtiraly. Ty ttiStily jeho duSi ne na dva, ale na tisic taborn a ty vedly spolu tetky boj.

Na vase mu bylo z toho az nevolno„ citil hroznou rozharanost a nespokojenost. Chvilemi to byla litost a chvilemi zlost a v'Se obracel proti sobe samemu. Co mu to napadlo, to ji zval ate s ni celY den pol4val, prod jen na ni hledel a prod jen pro ni mel IASI?

lineval se na sebe a kdyt zatadel do vrat rodneho statku, tekl si stela odhodlane a nanej yY'S] prisne: "To nemtite b9t, tedy jake my'Slenky!"

A chtelo se mu potoni maminelnYch rukou, ktere ho pH snidani po hlavy pohladily, a tetke prate, ktera by spattebovala vgecky jeho sily.

"Dnes bychom se mobil dat do tita, tatinku", povidal, kdyt se od stolu sbiral, "pod Kozim yrSkem. V sobotu ut mei° skoro dosti!"

"No — eSte nema zme'Skano", minil otec a ptitahoval si tesneji kalhoty temenern, aby se dal take do nejake prace. Pravidelne pantata bloumal domem a tu a tam neco poopravil nebo s Cele-

Ve stkedu 22. dubna 1970

di polniboval. "Dival jscm se tam ve, ale Skocla to Inky nebude, Ivlyslil jsem at, zejtra.."

"Ale, tatinku, prosim vas", rekl syn, "r=id bych se ua do toho dal."

"A co prosim vas", rozclurdil se stars', ale lichotilo mu to, "at jset skorem hospociarem, music tomu sam taky rozumet. Pante si a jdi!"

Panimtuna nad tim zaslzela. Teda pa prve pujae Zit!

A DohouS Bel. Preylekl si horti kotili, vykasal rukavy a te bylo velmi kris, sluneelco zacinalo zase mile heat, nechal kabed i veslu doma.. Pod kolnikern si sunclal s hrebiku hrabici a prohliZel ji. Rosa byia clobra, naklepand a modrala se vytepanou oceli. Jak o ni kotnikem prstu zavadil, zazvonila jasne. Vzal ji na ranieno, dal mamince s Pattern Bohan' a vytel, necekaje na. Jakuba a sluticy, ktere musely jit, aby odebirtly.

Albina ci jette vazala tatek, Fanda brala clre-valcy. Na strnitti, to, pane, nejak pielit, neni ino`mo jiti naboso.

Slava tel volne zahumenici vzharu. Slunce tiZ plalo v prve tretine obzoru a libalo mu prostovlasou hlavu i odhalenou Skrivan zpival vysoko nad jeho 111RVOU. Byl jenom jako puntik a trepetal se stale vYS.

Na poll Slava postavil hrabici, otoeil si rirtkern na bok a vyndal brousek. Zvedl ho ke hose a jal se brousiti.

Zvuk jasnY a zvonivy rozlet1 se tim eistYan rancm, v nemt bylo eisto, jako by ani vzduch nebyl a slunce odratelo se y aaprscich od tpioky kosy.

Brousek zvonil jaka obrovsky cyreek a anal se a jasal.

Slavavi se uleheilo. Zvedl hlavu, popate' ke kraji a oddechnuv zhluboka, se tiroka se rozprahl a zasikl. Obili Septalo a kacelo se, byly v nem chrpy a koukole.

"Pane, intcnYre, co yam to napadlo. jak jste se motel jenom neeeho takoveho opovatit? Stane-li se to jette jednou, tedy vtechno povim svenm muti. Pamatujte, te jsem vciand a poeestna tena a to —" Ostatni zdusilo rozeileni a slzy.

IntenYr Vedral vyslechl ta vychrleslava s hlavou sklopcnou. Stal pred Con pain jako provinilec a jako by so neoclvatovel ani on 7)ozvecinouti; tak sklieer,e se tvaril.

je ad vas vellkou opovatlivosti", dodala a odvratila se.

"Milostiva pain, mejte se mnou pronesl mladV mut a wlla, jeho plot' byla, ted' skoro tluta. Trnave vlasy

ji poclivne othadely, rty se tosne sviraly, "onaluvte mne, prosim vas, tim, to to, co se stalo, ueinila laska! A la,ska kdot ji mute odsoudit? Laska Stvorila svet, laska ho udrtuje, laska jest bedstvim a botstvi jest laskou."

"La,ska, ano -- ale jaka laska -" zvolala Lidutka a ledva clYchala, jak byla rozeilena. Melo, v sobe Silenou sines citu zloSti, bolesti a hrtlzy. Citila uratku nad jeho smelosti, s nit se opovatil ji obejmout a pH torn vtechno to ostatni, co v ni plakalo a natikalo. ta trpkost, ktera ji samou vedla na prochazku do lesa, byla s to, nitro jeji 0travit. Trpkost proti Zatopovi? TeSila se s nim dnes na vycladzku, ale jemu pritly nejake ceniky a pro ty ji nechal jiti samotnou, omlouvaje se, te ye vtedni dny nerna easu, aby si je prohledl; dnes te s panem Veignerem si k tonne usednou a do veeera budou hotovi.

takovou horkosti tla sama. Nestala, ani o Pepieka. Nechtelo se ji s nim hovan, odpovidat mu. Chtela bYti sama se syYm pelunkem, A tak sla po poiinch cestach a pustila se do lesa, hloub a hloubeji.

Takhle ze tedy vypada ten mantelskY raj? 0 pani Lidutka plakala v nitru borkYmi sizami. Takhle si to, neptedstavovala! Ona myslila, ze bade Janda tit jen pro ni, s ni bude chodit pa lesich, te s ni bude sedat v prostem, ale ittulnem pokoji, te bude miti eels' zajem o sve deti. A on? Stroje, ceniky, draty, to jest jeho laska! Lidutku prehliti a opomiji. Napred plakala jenom v duti, ale potom, kdyt zatla do lesniho ticha, v nemt se ozYval sotva, nejakY ptdeek a datel v dalce do kury tloukl, povolila sve litosti a jala se plakati alma, UstY, celou tvari.

Vtechno nitro se ji zdvihlo a sizy byly jako slang Jett'. Tlumila vzlyky a Sla jako po pameti mechovYrn podrostem. Nezajimalo ji hojne bordvei ani bohate poduSky mechove na tulovYch balvanech, nezajimalo ji tumeni jedli a ani spech klokotaliciho pramene. Stavela se v slzach a ulevovala si jimi, takte ani nepozorovala, te proti ni nekdo kraei. Teprve, kdyt mu byla tvari v tvar, poznala Vedrala. Pani Liduke se srdce zastavilo, nohy se ji zachvely. Ne, toho nechtela potkati, katcleho spite net toho!

Chtela ho pominouti, ale on vkcek zneklidnenY, ba zdetenV nad ni se pozastavil; omlaaval se sloe, de jest snad nediskretni, ale zajimal se zaroven

Ve sttedu 22. dubna 1970

jeji tal, chapal se jejich rukou a unSt'oval ji ton nejtivejSi aeasti, ba dokazoval, te by chtel 1 tivot polotiti, aby ji bolesti

Liduska si nedovedla upriti, to v tom hori citila jistou slast nad jeho slovy. Hie, piece jest nekdo, jemut zaleti na jejim srdci. Nejsou tedy vSichni jako ten jeji necitelny Jenda!

Ale citila take svou hrdost a nechtela se priznati, vymlouvala se na stesk po clomovu, ktery pied tYclnem nayStivila a od te doby jako vtdy trochu teskli.

Ale Vedral neveril, pridal se k ni, domlouval ji; aby se mu ptiznala, co ji sutuje, to on to na ni viciti, co jest v Kotlinach, te ji nee° tidi 'a souti, to ji neco trapi a steskern napInuje. Co ji to napadlo, to se mu sverila? :lido ji k tome met, ei lope reeeno, kdo to mluvil za ni? Zeny se nemaji sverovati, jsou-li v nitru potlapany nebo zneuznany. Ale tenske srdce 'lady se trepeta jako ptaile oputtene a bouti ohrotene potrebuje se pritulit a yyznat.

A tak Lidutka povedela Vedralovi, te jest mutemlne zanedbana a prehlitena, te ma ra,cleji tovarnu net ji, ji to nikdy vilbec ani nemiloval. A kdyt si ut dalovala, vstalo ni pino hnevu a rekla, to si ji brayjenom pro penize a met rad pouze ty. Neco sice V jejim nitru vykriklo, te mu krivdi —snad to bylo jeji materstvi, ale srdce jeji bylo pino horkosti a nechtelo hlas ten poslechnouti.

A co se potom dela, sama ted' pamatovala jenorn jako ye snu teprve, kdyt ji drtel v rfaruei a tiskl vatnive na sva, prsa, uvedomila si, te ji mluvil o lasce, s nit by ji jirly choval jako drahY klenot, ze ji prekvapil tisicerYrni slovy lasky a touhy — jako ye snach videla ho na kolenou u svYch nohou a potoin teprve se probudila, kdyt ji k sobe vinul a tiskl, kdyt mela hlavu najeho rameni. Zdesila se stratlive; poznala, de k ni pristupuje Melt pocitila nem hrozneho.

"JO, verim v lasku", rekla mu, vkcka se tresouc, "ale v lasku jinou table, a nit rni miuvite, je hriAna! Nyedonate si, te jsem vdand tena."

"Vdand ano, ale nelSt'astna!" zvolal Vedral a jeho oei, ktere ted' novznesl, byly ohnive a smutne zarovek Jako by plakat chtely a pH torn pianuly sarnS7m ohnem.

"Vy jste se pH sve volbe zmYlila a nikdo by yam nesmel zazlivati, kclybyste ted zatoutila po kousku liciskeho


Ve stkedu 22. dubna, 197

sti. Byla jste mlada a vas muZ se vain neukazal v pravem svetle sve povahy. Kdol zato mule, ze jsme se potkali na ceste itivotem — a — ze — ze jsme vzplanuli oba?" Vedral mluvil a vagnive po ni ruce vztahoval. Ustoupila rozhokeene. "Myslim, jste vzplanul sam", zvolala a ohradila se obema rukama, aby se nemohl pkibliliti, "ja ne, ja, ne!" — a posledni slova byla jako vzlyk, jimz ujigt'uje nejenom Vedrala, ale i sebe.

Odvratil se a setrval v mleeni. Teprve po chvili nazvedl mime hlavu a pohledel na ni bolestne. Co vge bylo v jeho odich, ktere byly llutohnede a mely velke, zornice! Lidugka se zachvela a proniklo ji to jako sedmera naprougena ocel. Bezdeene sepjala ruce.

"Tedy vge nadarmo?" ptal se temne. "Nemam ni te nejmengi nadeje? Domni val jsem se, 'le na te bidne pozemske pouti naleznu aspoti jedinou dugi, kteI'd nine porozumi. Myslil jsem, spatiiv vas, milostiva pani, ze jste vy tou prayou, kterou ma, Ouse marne dosud hledala. Hled'te, met jsem uz pino 'len rad, ale ladna nebyla takova jako vy! Ticha, skromna, vonna.."

"Prosim vas, u2 dost", zvolala Lidaka a hezka jeji tvatieka se stahla v '6alostipinY vYraz, "ul dost! Nemohu a nechci to poslouchat! Jclete jinam a hledejte dull sobe rovnou!"

"Milostiva pant rovna jsou si jenom srdce, ktera se navzajem miluji! A ja to citim, ze duge, ktera ye yes sicili, jest s moji ptibuzna a le Opi a lka ye vas prave tak, jako ye nine ma!"

"To jste na omylu". zvolala Lidugka, "ma duge nevi o nieem takovern!" pronesla to tyrde, ale hned se lekla rieinku syYch slov a tonlila nejak je zmirniti. Ne nesrni ho tolik zrariovat, vldyt' ji vlastne nic zleho nekekl — a le ji miluje? Bolest, bolest, Lidti,gka byla ji pina a pohledla na neho oeima postkelene srny. Vedral stal v'Secek zhroncenY. Opiral se o strom a nehledel na ni.

"Milostiva pani", zamurnlal jenom v sevrenYch rtech, "promifate mi! jsem se tedy. Domnival jsem se, Ze jako ugtvanSr poutnik, kterV dosud proOval jenom zklamani, naleznu piece ruku, ktera moji zahteje a du gi, v nil bude pro mne pochopeni. Nechci nic jineho — jenom nelnou lasku a sympatii dull. Kdy'Z' ml vl'ak tu nemtgete venovat!" Gesto, ktere slova ona provazelo, bylo malomyslnel gi, neZ ta sama.


Lidugka se zachvela bolesti a odporem k sobe same. Col musela bYti tak tvrdou?

A Vedral odchazel. Kroky jeho praskaly v suchjrch vetevkach a gustely v lotiskem listi bukovem, lezicim tu na zemi. Lidugka stala jako do zeme vrostla. Nohy nemohla unesti, ale nitro, srdce i cela jeji bytost letela za nim. Ne, nennile ho nechat odejiti tak — v2clyt' je zoufalSr.

"Ne — ne —" zvolala a vztahla ruce za nim, jako by ho za kaldou cenu chtela zastaviti, 'poekejte! Tak jsem to nernyslila jen — ja jen se bala htichu!"

Skokem byl u ni zpet. Chopil se jejich rukou a snesl se znovu na koleno. — "Milostiva pani, mohu, vekit vagemu. cdpugteni? Oh, teknete mi, le vain nejsem zcela protivnYM. Miluji vas eistou a hlubokou laskou, jste mi prarnenem eiste vody, v nil bych se neodvaZil zkaliti ktigt'alove hloubky. 0 rcete mi, .6e I vy mne!"

Pani Lidugka se tkasla Po vgem tole. "Ale, Bole, jako bliZniho, tot' vite". ujigt'ovala ho, "proe ne, vldyt', ano, jsme ktest'ane a—"

"Diky yam, milostiva pani", zvolal, k jejim rukam tiski tvat a vagnive je obe libal, `Venom kdyz nine alespori mtilete vystat, jenorn kdyl mne povalujete za sveho blizniho Jsem skrom nY a musim se s tim spokojiti. vgak vas miluji jedinou na svete a nikdy, nikdy, nikdy milovati nepkestanu. Kdyby bylo tfeba,, aby za vas nekdo na smrt gel, zavolejte nine — podstoupim vge s radosti."

lugka se hrozila jeho Lasky a slova ta byla ji neeirn nevYslovne slastnSrm i stragnYm zaroven.

Domri temet ubihala a byla gt'astna, Ze si dal Mei a bral se dale do lesa. A cestou bylo ji slastno, krasne.

Je milovana, hie a jak vi-ele! Na smrt, na smrt by chtel pro ni jiti!

Z toho vedomi bylo ji sladko. Ale, kdyl pkigla clomil a Pepieek ji vital madostnymi a vinul ji ruely kolem krku a maliekY hladova Usteeka na ni otviral, °bran() se v pani Lidug -cev gechno v jed., prach a popel. Piilaila Jenielca k prsu, ale meek PepiekovYch se zbavovala: uveclomila si, Ze neni hodna toho detskeho, slastneho objeti — Ze je matkou i nou zradnou, hodnou opyrleni.

Jak podivne easto sbihaji se lidske osudy — a elovek kaZdSr i pies vlastni svou vuli specha tomu svemu vsttic,

byt' i citil, ie jest straglivY a Ze konci toho pkekotneho padeni eiha, huba v bezedne propasti! Mnohdy' elovek vi, ze bude chybou ten krok, kterY oba udinili a pkece ho uoini, ba bojuje s temi kteki mu brani a jej v gi moci zdrluj i.

Tak veal i mladY1 Kment, ze jedna nemoudre, kdyI2 opet a opet jet do Kotlin a tarn Irenku vyhledaval, a piece si nedal braniti. Vzdy moudrY, nikdy nezarmucoval a ted' se udrleti nedal; maminka mu domlouvala, aby piece ztistal take nekterou nedeli doma a otec uz nevlidne kekl v tu parnou sobotu po svaleni mandlikti:

"Zda se mi, 'Zes ztratil rozum, 31avo, ale ja, ti, se mi zda, hlavu napraNina!"

Na eele mel pkr torn klikatou zilu a panimama se strachem se na neho ohladla.

Ale ye Slavovi biyl nejakY vzdor. Sviraje silne rty, uvazoval si kravatu a ptekotne se chystal na cestu. Po tech slovech otcovYch se napolo poobratil a tekl mrzute: "Nu --- co mate`? Col bych si po celotYdenni lop-Ote nesrnel ani vyjeti? Ostatne, nejedu k ladnemu hYteni, chci navgtivit sestru!"

°Sestru!" zasmal se start ostke — "a koho egte, to nepovidag ! Vgak k Lidce nikdys tolik nejezdil ted' bys tam byl potad. Vgak si nemysli, Ze to nevidim, jak chodig celej tejden jako matoha. Bavig se s tou sleeinkou —"

"Nezapiram, Ze se rad bavim s VedralovYmi", tekl Slava a shVbal se, aby si ptezul svateeni boty, "jsou to vylelani tide a ja, take maul rad lidi takove, kteri mi rozumeji."

"Zatracenk gtudle!" rozktikl se starY a udetil pesti do stlu, na nem poskoeilo vgecko nadobi od veeete. "Ted' nam bude davat najevo, ze jsme pro nej sprosti, le mu nerozumime, le mu vela yes nestaei!"

"Tato, prosina te, co to mluvig", zhrozila se maminka chudak uZ byla mezi otcem a synem a pantatu "dyt' takovYho nic Slavek cgie nikdy nevypustil —"

"Ale ja vim, co si mysli! Na vsj se mu stejska, hnedle ho nebude ani hospodatstvi bavit. A eSte, aby se chytil takovy ltudYrovan9- fiflenky, ktera nevi ani, jak se vateeka vezme do ruky!"

Hnevive se dival stagy Kment na syna a vida. jak sebou trhl a jak ye tvalci vzplanul, rozohnil se jegte vice, "To by tak schazelo", rozktikl se, "to by ses moh tak zakopat! Ne Pambu vi, pak bys mohl zase jit ke svejm


knihem -- ale vole nn bys nedostal

"Tatinku, prosim Le, co ty vlecko mates", cela rortresene ozvala se panimennt, zatim co Slava zlostne tkanicky trhal a boty prekotne Sneroval, "dyt' Slavek nejni Zadnej fanfar a eSte Ecpredlotenyho neproved —"

"Tab eekej, aZ to provede!" houkl pantata. "A potom budeS met sleeinku na krku! Pak si ji sem nastehujem ty budeS delat deveeku do smrti!"

Vz-tekle preblhal sedlak p0 svetnici — mrzelo ho, ze syn mlei, ale koneene tim se trochu umirnil, kdyt Slava, jsa °but, bral si kabat a kiobouk. "Ja, jsern mluvil nedevno se starYm Pazdernikem',' povidal mirneji, "a ten je celej namazanej, jak by ti red dal dceru. A Mafia, tteba name tech tine, kolik by naS grunt zasloui%dl, to by se sem Mkla; je k preci i k reel a pro tebe --"

"No —tatinku dovolte", vybuchl Bohus,lay a tole jezero horkosti se v nem vylilo, "to snad mi nechate na starosti samemu, abych si nevestu naSel. jsem uZ pinoletY!" Rychle bral deku a We a dal otci jen tak letmo s Bohem. K matte se priklonil a polibil ji - jejim oeim, ulekanYm a prosicim, se VSak opatrne uhnul.

Jednim razern seal v bryece a pretabl tak ostre bone bleem, Ce se vrat vyletell joke drool — nrudce zatoeili na riONCS a dad se stai jeho rukou privesti k rortunnerau main.

Panimama zastala ticha, jak ji to se mu chveji rty a vSecky svaly kolem nich rozeilenim Skubaji.

Sedlak chodil hneviYe po svetnici a pak se pied amou zastavil, vS'ecek rOzmrzelY. "Tak se podivej! Je jako uhranutej! Co by si racni p0 tej drine leh - jede ci na vejlet! A zejtra nedeli zmah, jako by nebyla dnem odpoeinku. Naveeir nebo easne rano phjede celej uNcenej -7- a v pondeli zas do price. Coz je to pro nej?"

"Ja taky mom strach, aby se nenfetrh s ton praci jako na panskym a ph svHeni si nevylehei", kYvala maminka a byla v nitru Pada, 2e to • maize obratlt a svest Jon no, obavu o jell° zdravi. I y ni byl jinY jeSte, strach.

"T,To, co pak vo to," mail Kmont, "dyt' my inky pracovali. dokacl' jsme b7,11 mindi a no:;lkodilo nam to, ani jemu pr(tce rlc neudela — ale todle, to nejni pro sedlaka. A pak — to frajlinka ne, memo, jab jsem to po.nstvo ph krtimich videl, ilz jsem toho mei lost. Co


pak by takova ■Zenska, byla k mina?"

Pri tech muZovYch slovech panimama se cola v sebe skrella. Bate, Bote Ea nebesich, snad neeeka bolest na jeji dite! Panimama byla piilis inatkou, net aby zustala ph tom pomySleni klidnou. Ket by jenom mohia prsa na stavit, aby Sip, kterYna osud miff na srdce Slaykovo, zasahl ji!

"To viS, to by na Zednej pad nemohlo bejt!" — povidal pantata a nacpaval si dYmku, aby to mrzutost zakoutil.

"To bych spiS dovolil, aby si vzal cleveeku nebo holku z pazderny, ne'2", takovou slcenu! To bych mu grunt phpsat nodal."

Zapalil a dYmaje jako lokomotiva, sel na zapraZi a phrazil hluene d-vere.

Byl zaeatek srpna a den se o pozneninko kratil. Minula osme hoclina a ut se smrakalo; na Cistern nebi staff mejeno2 s jedne strany trochu ubYvalo. JeSte predeveirem byl jako mazaneeek hvezdy kolem, jako diamantove aka, chvely se a mihotaly. KaZda, mela jiny svit; jedna byla modrava, jinn nafialoveld, mnoha, mela nazelenaly trpyt a jine diarnantovou eirost. Pantata mival red takovY krasnY yeeer a od mladosti si v nem liboval. I v zime chodival po zapraiH za trpytnYch mrazivYch yeeerd ph svitu mealce a byl-li veselY, rikaval easto: "ja bych chtel vod Pena Boha, jenom dye veci! Predne, aby nikda, zuby nebolely a za druh, aby mesic celY noci svitil."

Ale dnes nebyl pantata, vesely a ne-

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met zylaStni ro,dost z mesieniho yeeera. Mrzute chodil sem a tarn a jean kratce pobo,foval. —

MiadY se pa slliiici s bryekou jenom litibaa sloe cely den svaCola mandliky, ale copal( si mladi dela krmene, a ho jim stale do skoku. Co z trochy roboty. Eyla dobre ovtein nachvile vyhazovalo zacikem a sta velo se no zadni noliy, ba podsedni ustaviene porehtavato a druherou rozpustile nee° naSeptavalo.

Ale Slava si nev,Simal jejich skotaeeni, ac byli jeho mildeky. Hryzal rty a sviral -01 snort remeni ()prate, pri eemZ mu v Eir'ru I3ourilo a vz1 kola.


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IV. (L;.,3) POAGE

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Ve sUedu 22. dubna 1970


Jsme pohotovi yam posoluZiti bez rozdilu jak daleko bydlite bez jakehokoliv zvldaniho poplatku.

S nami mtitZete mluviti desky. My nabizime Ponfebni poMteni pro kaLleho elena rodiny.



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od 1 mesice do 80 rokt

Ambulance ye dne v noci



Bill Marek a Bill Burns Box 225 - Ph. OX ford 7-3661 Cameron, Texas


Lodge Pokrok Houston No, 8 WEST 15th and BEALL STREETS


Saturday, April 25th

Hi-Toppers of New unfels

FRIED CHICKEN DIN?. R, 11:30 a.m.

BATTLE DANCE, 2 to 9 p.m.



Vote For Mickey HOLMZS

on May 2

(Paid Political Advertisement)

Zveme Vas

1935 — 1970

Kroviie t,eskSrcli Zen v Dallasu Vas zve lAerliny na oslavu

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program — (pod we) eeshosa hudhu •ede

.a. Dr. B. Svoboda pi.cdvede

) Csl. Prof. jan Skr•i


filiN...13511100..1964141agetEr ° 4.1121.
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Ve stiedu 22. dubna 1970 V t STN K 29

SPJSTEntertainment ar

As a matter of policy, only those activities and functions promoted by or sponsored by the SPJST, or any of its lodges, will be published in the SPJST Entertainment Calendar. Such notices for publication should he submitted by a bonafide lodge officer, or in some cases, by lodge hall managerS.

Lodge No. 6. Cottonwood

Sunday, May 3 — Lodge meeting, 3 p.m.

Saturday, June 6 — Kutscherousky Wedding

Sunday, June 14 — Cottonwood School Reunion

Sunday, June 28 -- RVOS 46, Family Day

Saturday, July 18 — Lenart Reunion

Sunday, July 26 — Annua1 Cottonwood Picnic

(Social and work night every Wednesday 7 to 10.30 p.m. -—SPJST, Lodge No. 15, Buckh-qs

Saturday, April 25 — Otis Beck and His Melody Five

Sunday, May 10 __ Otis Beck and His Melody Five

Saturday, May 16 — Fabulous Six

Saturday, May 30 — Vrazel Polka Band -

LocP:e Nc. 24, Cyclone

Saturday, April 25 — Dance; music by The Texas Drifters

Lodge NO. 25, Ennis (National Hall)

Saturday, April 25 — Dance; music by HUb City Dutchmen

Please wear Czech costumes to the April 25 dance.

Sat. and Sun., May 2 and 3 — Polka Festival

Saturday, May 23 — Dance; Vrazel Polka Band

Sunday, June 14 — Trojacek Reunion Family night every Sunday evening at 6 p.m. Reservation: 214-875 3681. --SPJST--- lodge No. 29, Taylor

Saturday, May 9 — Vrazels. -EP.i ST— Lodge No. 35, Elk

Safimlay, April 25 _ John Griffin

Sunday, May 3 _ May Fete --SPJSTLodge No. 39, Bryan

Saturday, April 25 — Effinger Combo

Saturday, May 2 — Slim Haisler

Saturday, May 9 — Joe Patek

Saturday, May 16 Rhythm Tories

Saturday, May 23 — The Sunny Land Sounds

Saturday, May 30 — Fabulous Six

Lodge No. 40, Hillje

Saturday, April 25— Fourth Cekclon

Saturday, May 9 — Jades

Saturday, May 23 — Barons

Saturday, June 6 — Wedding Dance

Saturday, June 13, Triumphs

Saturday, June 20 — Wedding Dance

Saturday, June 27 — Barons

Saturday- July 11 — Triumphs --SPJSTLodge No. 47, Seaton

Thursday, April 23 Dance; Russ Morgan

Saturday, April 25 — Dance; Lee Roy Matocha

Tuesday, April 28 — Choral Club rehearsal

Saturday, May 2 — Dance; Otis Beck and His Melody Five

Sunday, May 3 — Reg. Lodge meeting

Saturday, May 9 __ Dance; Ray Krenek

Tuesday, May 12 — Choral Club -e-

Saturday, May 16 — Dance;. Texas Drifters

Sunday, May 17 — Battle Dance; Lee Roy Matocha and Vravels, 4-10 p.m.

Tuesday, May 19 — Board of Trustees' meeting

Saturday, May 23 — Dance; Leo Majek

Tuesday, May 26 — Choral Club rehearsal

Saturday, May 30 — Dance; Slim Haisler

Lodge No. 54, West

Saturday, April 25 — Goldsmith Wedding and Dance

Sunday, May 3 — Reg. lodge meeting

Sunday, May 10 — Joe F. Karlik wedding reception

Saturday, May 30 — Nors-Polansky Wedding Reception and Dance

Sunday, May 31 — Kocian Family Reunion

Saturday, June 6 — Rejcek Family Reunion

Sunday, June 7 — Reg. monthly meeting

Sunday, June 14 — RVOS Lodge 7B Dinner

Saturday, June 20 — Jansky Family Reunion

Saturday, June 27 -- Clatter Wedding

Sunday, June 28 — Hennig Family Reunion - SPJST-

Lodge No. 66, Waco (Linden Hall)

Saturday, April 25 — Leo Majek's Orchestra

Saturday, May 2 --b Glen Dabney's Country Strings

Saturday, May 9 — The Hi-Toppers of

New Braunfels

Saturday, May 15 — Slim Haisler's Playboys — A wedding dance

Saturday, May 23 — Gilbert Kautz Orchestra

Saturday, May 30 — Otis Beck's Melody Five

Saturday, June 13 — The Music Masters; Sulak Family Reunion

Saturday, June 20 — The Fabulous Six

Saturday, June 27 — Gilbert Kautz Orchestra ---SPJST--

Lodge N. 68, Nelsonville

Sunday, May 10 — Fish Fry, SPJST Hall. Music day and nigilt by Sil Krenek

Lodge No. 80, Holland

April 25 — Vrazels, 6:30 to 10:30

May 31 — Annual Picnic, evening and night, Joe Patek

June 7 — Baron reunion

June 14 — Ivicic reunion; Otis Beck

June 21 — Kunz reunion

June 28 — Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Marek's golden weddtrig celebration —.SPJST ---

Lodge No. 84, Dallas

Saturday, May 2 — Dance; Charlie Adamcik's Polkatones

Saturday, May 16 — Dance; Polka Peppermints

Saturday, May 30 — Annual Softball Benefit Dance; Johnny Mensik —SPJST-

Lodge No. 88, Houston

Thursday, April 23 — Supper, 6 p.m.; Social, 8 p.m.

Saturday, April 25 — Dance; music by Hi-Toppers of New Braunfels

Monday, April 27 — Lodge No. 88 Organizers' meeting 01-

Lodge No. 92, Fort Worth

Thursday, May 14 — Ladies Circle meeting, 10:30 am.

Saturday, May 16 — Polka Dance, music by Joe Mikula

Sunday, May 17 — Regular lodge meeting and Mother's and Father's Day program

Saturday, May 23 Polka Dance; music by Peppermint Orchestra

Thursday, July 11 — Ladies' Circle meeting, 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, June 14 — Regular lodge meeting

Saturday, July 11 — Polka Dance; Rudy Kurtz Orchestra

Friday, Aug. 7 — Polka Dance; music by Kucera Orchestra

Sunday, Aug. 9 — Regular lodge meeting

Saturday, Aug. 29 — Polka Dance;

30 VESTNtK Wednesday, April 22, 970

Wednesday, April 22, 1970

music 3y PeppermintOnliestra

60th Anniv. Cele92 -- Pelk..,. Rance; alit 7 --

Sunday, t. Sot . Oct. e meet-

SRtinudy, isTov. 21 — music by .._ —

Sunday, 13 — Regular Lodge 0.11.37 of Clz(ela

turday, May J - The Peppermints

Saturday, May 23 -- Dance; Eric, HOTIZa

Saturday, june 13 -- I,odge, 130 /o9i Dance; music by wny Mena

Sunday, June 21 _- l!:0!01 2.nd Annual Award: r and Gymnastic program --

Satin(' June 27 ; The PopL. mints


SUO e S T Sat Ur: a :CrOM Satura Family plc every Friday at • 3 -pit Dance ifiek of
Tlot, 51w • Ynar

The spring fishing and outing season is here. Although sports are a wonder, ful retreat from the duties of life, we DO owe a certain responsibility to our loved ones. Regardless of what your fishing for pleasure brin,gs, remember that your insurance is the soundest security, whether your fishing trip is successful or not.

Contact your SPJST Fraternal Life Insurance counselor and discuss our various plans of life insurance and social and fraternal activities.

32 Wednesday, April 22, 1970 V2STNfIC AR.
817; 7734575

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