Entered as second class mail matter, January 3rd, 1933 at West, Texas under the Act of Congress of Augus t, 24th, 1922. ROOMS (VOL.) XXXVI.
West, Texas, ye stkedu, (WEDNESDAY) 15.
OSLO 38.
SLET ZUPY JUNI A.S.O. DOKONALf111 IISPECHEM o DOBE deviti let dotlo letos k uspotadani sletu 2upy jinni ASO, p v nit' sdrutena jsou sokolska hnizda v Texasu a Oklahoma'. Druha svetova valka postihla vtechnu spolkovou einnost vice mane odchodem mladYch a Sokola zasahla nejvice. Cinnost° v telocvidnach byla zastavena, to a tam zmohli se na nejakY program a k nemale tkode cele krajanske vetejnosti nekolik hnizd sokolskYch v Texasu Upine zaniklo. Po valce nepoddajni vyznavaei mytlenky Tyrtovy poeali ve svYch jednotach agitovat, burcovat, pobizet — at se podatilo otivit ainnost ve cvieebnach, pokraaovat ve vYchove sokolske, jet je vYchovou ke kazni. Dobrovolne, uvedomele a radostne. Kazan je vttepovana Sokolihn od Utleho veku a vetejnost se s jejimi vYsledky seznamujes, vettinou teprve pti vetejnYch vystoupenich. Tu katdodenni, drobnou a nendroanou vYchovu ke kazni vtak znaji jen ti, kteti se pravidelne zneastni sokolskeho tivota. 0 prave sokolske kazni se mohlo ptesvedditi kolem patnact set divakti pti sletu v Corpus Christi v nedeli 5. tati 1948. Dopoledne se konaly zavody borcii, sokolic i drutstev. Kolem jedne hodine odpoledne meal se pro slat ptipraveny stadion pinit navttevniky, jicht mohlo bYt kolerh patnacti set. Ve sttedu zapadni strany stadionu na velicim mtstku zaujali misto: vzacny navttevnik z Chicaga, starosta A.S.O. bratr Karel Prchal, tupni starosta br. Ben Ptevratil, nadelnik tupy jitni bratr Jos. Kos, tupni tajemnik br. L. 0. Hotek, starosta Sokola Fort Worth br. Tirk, viidce sok. vYpravy ze statu Oklahoma br. Jelinek, starosta matetske Jednoty v Ennis br. Jaroslav Zazvorka a redaktor Vestniku. Ptesne ye dve hodiny nastupuji za zvuka fizneho pochodu midi, teny a 'tad. Po obejiti cviaitte se rozestupuji ye tti proudy eelem k keenicke tribune. V zapeti od Sokolovny vychazi eeta, s americkou a asi; vlajkou a nese je ke stotaru pied tribunu.
tadatele organu, aby struene. objasnil znam sok. sletu. Po to ptedstavuje mileho navttevnika starostu Obce sokolske, bratra Karla Prchala, kterY co vYborny teenik razne a vystitne zduraznil hlavni za"nat smer a cil". sahy ueeni Tyrtova Boute potlesku neutuchala po krasne tedi vedouciho ainovnika sokolske obce. 2upni starosta br. Ptevratil ptistupuje Dotlo k velmi pilsobivemu potadu cvieeku tlampaei, vita velike shromatdeni a ni ten, mutn, tactva a koneene spoleepo n*kolika nvodnich vetach pravi: "te- hYm prostnYm, o nicht' posudek ponechachoslovaci a cely demokratickY svet ztra- vame peru odbornika. Milteme jen vytil velikeho borce a Sititele idealti demo- zvednouti, ze katcle eislo provedeno bylo krasne, bez rutivYch pokleskil jednotliV., eft a cely obsatnY potad nasvedenval svedomite ptiprave eili cvieenci pod vedenim svYch cvieitelii a stfidave nekolikadenni navttevy spoledneho cviditele br. MalYho, nacvienvali pro slat volena eisla Karel Katak. sveclomite' a s nadtenim. Cele shromatcleJe tetkY podzim, ochabuji sily, ni sledovalo skvele vYkony Sokolikil a po jak boll ztracet nedosneny sen. zasluze je odmeriovalo stale a stale raChlad vane od lesu, kde vznes se orel bil dostnymi projevy obdivu a nadteni. klesl sestkelen. Poslednim eislem potadu bylo oznameni vitezil zavoda a rozdileni krasnYch can. Jen jednou podzim mlade srdce lame, Na.aelnik br. Kos Ceti poeet bode, dosa gejet hleda leto v listi eervenem. nYch drutstvy. a jednotlivYmi pteborniky, Nezna lasky — nezna tvate zname, naaelnice Filipcova ptislutne ceny ptednes vte je snem. davala. A z mlhy podzimu a nad bolestmi vtemi Pak byly shaty statni vlajky se stotarti do krve rudne koule mesice, a obecenstv6 se rozchazi za staleho poza mastern kvetou vane chrysanterny, tlesku. Protilo krasne, nezapomenutelne a v srdci vadne obraz svetice odpoledne, vial° zdatile vystoupeni mla, dYch Sokoln, Sokolic a Kariat a pkesvadJe mesic podzimu a pokani — je zaki, Ono se, te sokolska vYchova, smatujici k vzpominku septa mane suchy ret. vYchove leptiho aloveka, dutevne i talesZas jedna svice v kapli na oltati ne, zasluhuje vydatne podpory. Idealy, se musi rozhoket . Dachau 1939. snahy a cite Sokolstva jsou krasne — clenstvo hnizd sokolskYch svou oddanost a lasku k urn prOjevi jedine tim, jim verni zustanou. Na, zdar! kracie, presidenta dr. Edvarda Benete, ) • 44 • ( tadam vas proto, abychom povstanim uctili jeho nehynouci pamatku. ObecenRedakce oznamuje, &'nasledkem uvestvo povstava, k minutu trvajici pocte ye- fejneni anglickeho zneni natich stanov v likeho statnika, presidenta Budovatele, tomto aisle, museli jsme dale dopisy adjeho odchod zpusobil nenahraditelnou lo2iti do Cisla ptittiho. Cteni dopisovatele ztratu stare vlasti a celemu demokracii tote ozno.meni vezmou laskave na *credovernemu svetu. Bratr starosta vyzYva, po- most. Obecenstvo nadtenYm potleskem pozdravilo tyto symboly statni svrchovanosti a ztichlo teprve, kdyt se ozvaly zvuky americke a po to es.hymny a kdyt vlajky na stoupaly na stotiar. Lida povstali a vzdali vlajkam east. Naaelnik br. Kos veli k rozchodu cvieencil a dotio k proslovum.
(JPEDNi ORGAN SLOVANSKE PODPORUJI. C1 JEDNOTY STATU TEXAS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLAVONIC BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS FRANTA MOUOKA REDAKTOR -- EDITOR Vydavatele — Publishers OECHOSLOVAK PUB. COMPANY WEST, TEXAS Ptedplatne $1.50 roene Subscription $1.50 a year Zrneny adres zasilaji se do Illavni Ufadovn3r ye Fayetteville, Texas. Change of address must be sent to Grand Lodge, Fayetteville, Texas. Vegkere dopisy, ptedplatne a oznanaky budle2 adresovany na: Vestnik, West, Texas. Vednik has the largest circulation of any Czechoslovak Weekly in the South. east() jsem zaslechl slova: dost easu 0 zitra, coa myslim Ze pro konani dobra neni mira • Dnes vykonej praci tvoji, zitra sobe spoelri, tak ma bkti na gi prate kaalodenni poein. Lepe prdee kdy' hotova, ze sve maa ji mysle, neZli kdy se s touto kka as svitne. Dost easu je na smrt naai, to at' zittka vyelea, nebo tteba pro pozitH nas to v svete necha! tibr-ChYfiayskk. 3 46 0To ° Schiize tiskoveho Oboru konala se v v pa tele 5. zati 1948 ye West, Tex. a proto2 e redaktor organu chystal se na slet 2upy jinni ASO v Corpus Christi, nemohl pochopitelne napsat podrobnejai zpravu dopolednirn I odpolednim jednani tisk. vVboru a podal toliko zpravu kratinkou. Schtizi zahajil ptedseda bratr Jos. HOr° nal< v devet hodin za pfitomnosti 'denkyfl Alrboru sester Frances Olexove, Anto-tale Horakove, zastupce yydavatelti organu bratra Jos. F. Holaska a redaktora. Ne2 bylo pfikroCeno ku projednavani ye( neZ byla tato posjezdo yft •gchtize
svolana, dodo k volbe tajemnika tisk. vkboru. Dosavad zapis vedl redaktor organu a die neho upravil pak zpravu do Vestniku a protok posledni sjezd schvalil odporueeni stanovniho vkboru, jim.Z se nadale tisko. vkboru dava vetai pravomoc nad rizenim a vydavanim Vestniku, bylo rozhodnuto, aby vkbor krome ptedsedy mel sveho tajemnika, jimZ zvolena sestra Olexova. Tajenmice povede zapis jednatal ye schazi a redaktor sestavi vkly zpravu pro informaci elenstva. Potom ptikrokno k vytizeni prvni veci, jet ptedlehala a to, aprava vkloh s vyclavanim naseho Vestniku. Bratr Holasek ptedlail ye scirazi fiety za papir a jine potteby tiskatske, vkkaz mend personalu a pote projevil ochotu vykonavati naddle tisk a rozesilani Vestniku na zaklade mesioniho tretovani pii poeitani beZnYch plata za praci a cen za papir a ptipoeitavani obvykleho procenta zisku aZ do doby, kdy bude mono ujednati pravidelnou sinlouvu. Nabidka tato byla po rozprave schvalena a bude pkedana HI. akadovne s odporuknim tisk. vkboru, aby byla schvalena s platnosti do konce prosince 1948. Nova smiouva s vydavateli, platna od 1. ledna 1949 vypracovana bude pozdeji (sestaveni sveteno bylo pravnimu radci br. Aug. Kacitovi) a bude rovr .ra pfedlokna naai HI. atadovne. Prato& sjezd schvalil, aby od Noveho roku na g organ vychazel o 32 stankach, z• nich 8 stranek ptipadne na Cast anglickou, rokovano bylo o vyskytnuvaim se navrhu, aby obal Vestniku mel lepai papir resp. titulni stranka byla ye dvou barvach. Navrhovatele takove iipravy ovaem si neuvedomili, ae lepai papir takove ()balky, prace s tiskem ye dvou barvach, okezavani Uri stran tak upraveneho eisla to by si vyndalo stejneho vydani, jako papir a prate celeho eisla bet ()balky. Druhk navrh, aby na g organ tiaten byl na lepaim papite rovneZ nebyl schvalen, protok by to stab asi $3,500 roene vice, neZ stoji papir nyni uZivank. Tisk v poslednich Cislech je cirri ddl lepai a vydavatele siibuji, ae bude fmlne dobrk, lehce aitelnY a uZ-ivani lepaiho papiru pti nynejai cene (ktera neni zarueene staid) bylo by proto zbyteenkm vydanim. eleni tisk. vVborii tyto clavody naprosto schvalili a okkavaji, ze k tomtit° nabledu pHjde vetaina etenatil Vestniku. Jalernile bylo skoncovano jedriani s vydavateli organu, pfikroeeno k projednasani souteae na kresbu rytiny organu. Carry stanoveny byly tfi a to: prvni cena $25, druha cena $15 a tfeti cena, $10. TiskovS7 vYbor si vyhraZuje, ae ptedlokne ndkresy ptijme a ochneni knoll resp. je vabec neptijme; cenou poctene navrhy pkipadnou do viastnictvI Jednoty. O my glenkovem pojeti kresby ohlaveni Vestniku piaerne v jine stati stranky redakCni. Po hodinove polediri ptest:tvce bylo ye schfai pokraeo-
Ve sttedu, tine 15. zati
vano aresen druhk tikol mimatac schtize — ustanoveni vkpomocneho daktora pro anglickou Cast organu. Br ptedseda scleluje, ae mu dodo Best ptib aek, jea ete jak doaly. 0 kaZde ptihla bylo rokovano, Z'acIna, z nich nebyla, mitnuta a zustane stale otevtena pro r pad potteby a redaktorem ustanoven bratr Stepan Valeik. Rozhodnuti toto s lo se z nasledujicich ptiein: Kdyby us novenk vYpomocnk redaktor ukazal nevyhovujicim, anebo kdyby on san raznkch nepredvidanYch pfiein se z fu du podekoval, tisk. vkbor bude miti nost, dohodnouti se na vkberu z dalai uchazeetl. Ve -LH hodiny dostavil se schaze redaktor Oechoslovaka kale Emil BaZant se smutnou zpravou, ze rozhlase bylo dernokratickemu svetu znameno amrti verneho yyznavaee a titele zasad demokratickkch, presider] Budovateie dr. Edvarda Benek. \red jsme vaichni ptitomni, ze teZka choro ptibliZuje skon velikeho statnika, verne aka nesnirtelneho presidenta Osvoboc tele T. G. Masaryka, jeho naslednika neohroleneho vykonavatele jeho odka neZ hotova drtiva udalost zapasobi na nas bolne. Nastala pohnuta chvile, r komu z nas nebylo do feel, pojednou pre seda br. Horriak vstane a dojate zada, b choral povstali a poklonili se nehynou pamatce mute celkm Cs. narodem mil variebo, celkm ci yilisovankm svetem v: Zeneho. OechosloYaci doma jak v cizir ositeli .. .Pristi yYroeni schtize tisk. v; boru stanovena byla v souhlase se stani vami na nekterou nedeli v lednu a kon: na bode v Houstone. Nedeli urei pteds da vyboru dle pohody po Novem roce. I schtze dostavili se mill navatevnich mar Zelka bratra ptedsedy a jejich dcerual sl. Lillian a mantel sestry Horakove bra Gabriel Horak. ZnamenitY abed v restai raci bratra Rud. 8ulaka dali ptipray: bratti Holasek a Jerome Kopeckk. Scha konala se v atadovne bratra Jitiho Kac Fe, je0 v patek dlel v Temple, Tex. VSToei amevieke fistavy pyipadne patek 17. zati. Je to vkznamne vyroei ye tale jako velice vkznarnnou jest nacre stava, o nit pied cla ynkmi lety angiic] statnik Gladstone se vyslovil, k je to ne clamyslneji sestavenk zakladni zak( vladniho systemu, jakk kdy byl ustave V pravde jest Irak astava zakladnim syrchovankm zakonem Spojenkch stat na nem‘a vaechny jine spolkove i stat zakony spoeivaji. tstava ureuje, jake z kony kongres smi ptijimati a jaka js( prava obeana. Kdyby nekterk stat zave zakon, kterk se ptiei narodni ustave, n mohl by takovk zakon 133(. ti vymahan, p nevadZ" soud by netrestal Clovelea, kte ptestoupil protiastavni zakon. Jak writ in nacre astava? Kdy2 po revolueni vale ktera, trvala temef osm let, americke k
Ve stfedu, dne 15. zaki 1948. lonie staly se svobodnSrmi a neodvislSimi od Velke Britanie, nemely pevne zfizenou vladu jako mime dnes. Behem revolueni valky dohodly se staty mezi sebou na jist9ch pravidlech, ktere nazvaly "elanky konfederaeni", je g ale nebyly uspokojive a proto narodni vlada byla slaba. Dle onech elankt kongres nemohl ukladati dal* tudig nebylo penez na vladni vydani. Kongres mohl pouze gadat jednotlive staty o ptispeni na vydani, ale nemohl nikdy gadne nakizeni vynucovat. TakovSi stay trval od prohlageni neodvislosti, ag do zavedeni Ustavy a nastoleni prvniho presidenta. Po nekolika letech staty uznaly, ze konfederaeni elanky nevyhovuji a ze musi bSrti sestaven jiny pevnej gi zakon pro ziizeni trvale vladni formy. Svolana byla konvence zastupcf1 v gech 13 statu v kvetnu 1787 ye Filadelfii. Jiti Washington byl zvolen pfedsedou Ustavni konvence. Hned z poea.tku bylo usneseno zrugiti konfederaeni elaky a sestaviti novou Ustavu, zkizujici lidovou viadu o tfech odvetvich, z nich kagdY kona zvlagtni funkce. Jedno odvetvi, kongres, co sbor zakonodarnSr, tvoti zakony; druhSr odbor, president a jeho kabinet, zakony takove provadi, vynucuje a vymaha; tfeti odvetvi, system soudni, zakony vysvetluje, spory urovna va, a pfestupniky zakona tresta. Jednami v one Ustavni konvenci neSlo v gdy hladce, doglo k debatam zvlagte kdyg zastupci nich static meli odli gne nahledy od zastupcti severnich. Av gak behem etyk me slat zasedani rfanosti byly urovnany a v polovici zaki 1787 fistava byla dokoneena a 17. zati 1787 vgemi zastupci podepsana. Bylo usneseno, aby v kagclem statu lid byl s obsahem Ustavy obeznamen a jakmile nejmene 9 ze 13 state itstavu schvali a potvrdi, mela hned vejiti v pltnost. To se stalojegte v Ike nasledujiciho roku a v listopadu 1788 byla prvni narodni volba a Jiti Washington byl zvolen prvnim presidentem. Ceny souteie na kresbu noveho ohlaveni Vestniku byly tiskovSrm vStborem stanoveny ye schtizi dne 5. zati 1948 a jsou jak nasleduje: prvni cena $25, druha $15 a tfeti $10. Tiskovr vSrbor vyhra guje si dogle navrhy odmenit nekterou z techto cen resp. navrhy nepfijmout co nevyhovujici a k usnadneni prace k poeateenimu skizovani kresby noveho ohlaveni Vestniku tisk. vOor pfipomina, ze ideove pojeti kresby ohlaveni musi zahrnovati: nage SPJST jest podpfirna bratrska jednota zalogena eeskSrmi pitstehovalci a sdru gujici Amerieany es. pilvodu a pftsobi toliko ye statu Texas. Vypsane cent'` nejsou veem vysoke ne g navrhovatele kresby ohlaveni organu musi si uvedomit, ze uplatneni se v let° soute gi znamena mimo penegitou odmenu i dalsi a jiste nemale plus — reklamn jejich umelecko schopnosti a take stupinek. k itspechfun
VgSTNLIC WEST,TE sim. Ze sletoveho mraveniSte. Tolik lidu nebylo ag dosud nakupeno uvniti a kolem prostorne Na.rodni Sokolske sine v Corpus Christi jak bylo v nedeli pri sletu Zupy jinni. Pfiznivci Sokola, sjeli se tu z mnoha i velmi vzdalenVch mist, shledali se tu s pfateli a znamSrmi po kade let, navazovaly se nove znamosti, radostne a srdeene ovzdugi panovalo ano, byly to hodiny A-testi a v geobecne soudru gnosti. Pisatel dojel s man gelkou do Corpus Christi v sobotu odpoledne a site k dcefi a zeti, mangelilm Alfred NemeekovSrm. Maji dye deveatka; star gi narodila se v domove stakiekti. ye West a ne g se jeji tatinek od armady, byly ji dva roky. Mladgi narodila se NemeekovSim pied dvema mesici, malinka, pekne roste, meli jsme z ni radost a ona, byla pkieinou, ze jsme byli jaksi odvisli a nikoli sqmi pang. Prot? Nemeekovil delali nam v Corpus "Taxi" a vgichni rodieove dosvedei, ze s nekolika trdennimi nemluvriaty se gpatne jezdi na zabavy a je pohodlnej gim zvlagte pro maminku, aby s nemluvnetem radeji zOstala doma. Uvadime toto na, vysvetlenou, proe a neradi museli jsme brzo domft v sobotu veeer a v nedeli pied veoerni bayou. Shledali jsme se tu s da ynSrmi kamarady a mnoha spolkoqmi pracovniky, byt' jsme v torn shluku lidi v sobotu a mravenig ti v nedeli s nekterSuni mohli si toliko ruku stisknout neb vymenit nekolik vet. Neg i to bylo tolik mile, radostne, obgt'astitujici. Nage Hlavni Utadovna zastoupena byla na slete etykmi eleny a sice: pkig ti pfedseda br. Ed. L. Marek, tajemnik br. John Chupick, feclitele bratii Jos. Zemanek a J. Eineigl. Z Dallas shledali jsme se: man gele Frank Stran gti St., Fr. Strangti ml., Miro Jureik, pi. Pavelkovd, Ben Pfevratilovi, L.O. Ho gkovi, Joe Vrlovi, Vaclav Kraftovi, man gele TobernSr; z Fort Worth: Joe Milanovi, J. Been.novi a J. Tirkovi; ze San Antonio: mangeld J. Maly, L. Dressler, pi. Kalusova a J. Marek; z Houstonu: vSrbornST zpravodaj Oechoslovaka br. Josef Anton s man gelkou, pi. Svaeinova, pravnik E. Hanka s matinkou, Fr. Vrlovi, br. Stareala; z Ennis: J. M. Vrla, Joe HejnSr, J. Jureik, Joe a Vaclav Kudrnovi a man gele Jaroslav Zazvorkovi; z Palacios: Josef Zemanek, mangelka a syn Joe, Frank Domorad, mangele Fr. Hlogkovi a J. KlinkovskSr; z Floresville: br. Tom Novak a J. Bayer; z Oklahomy bfi. Jelinek a Bartodej; z Taylor bii. J. Kind a Tueek; ze Seaton J. J. Mikeska; z Robstown br. Frank Moravek; z George West br. F. Luka gik. Z corpuskSrch spolubratrt shledali jsme se: Karel Holasek, Karel Chalupa, Fr. Rendl, A. Aclamek, Jos. Houdek, John Sta. ga, Felix Pavlas, Jim Kueera, J. Kru ginskSr a J. Lu kag (od HotovSim pfekvape nim bylo shleclani Po tficeti letech s
Stratitt 3 telem Vaneurou od Shiner. Je bratrem zesnuleho Jana Vaneury v Dallas a po piijezdu do Texasu faxmatil pin Ennis, a odtamtud se pfestehoval do Shiner. MA se dobfe,. slet ptivabil dobreho Gecha do Corpus Christi a radi jsme se po tak dlouhe dobe uvideli. V sobotu veoer pH znamenite veeeti (eerstve sma gene ryby a vVloorne kolaee v gem cvieenc0m a hostfim zdarma) pozdravili jsme se s bratrem starostou AOS Karlem Prchalem. PekriSr chlapik, inteligent, uhlazeneho vystupovani a milt' spoleenik. Bavili jsme se znamenite a br. Vaclav Kueera loudil vzacneho nav gtevnika, aby v pondeli po siete zajeli si spoleene do Mexika. Bratr starosta se vymlouval, ze musi byt v Chicagu do stkedy, aby se podilel na Panychide (smuteeni tryzna), kterou potadala narodni rada v Sokole Chicago k ucteni nesmrtelne pamatky zesnuleho presidenta BudoVatele dr. Edvarda, Benege. Bratki skutedne vydali se do Mexika, neb ve etVrtek do gel redakci od nich pozdravny z Comerros, Mexico. Sokol Corpus Christi se eini k ptikladu jinSrm hnizdam, ma schopne a obetave einovniky — starostu Rud. Troubila, tajemnika J. yeselSrho, J. Sladka a jine — elenstvo dychtive sok. ruchu. Zakoupili si vedle sine etyti akry pozemku k budouci potfebe, nebot' v pkihodne dobe hodlaji vybudovat jegte vetgi, vim modernim zatizenim vybavenou sin, k nig budou mit dostatek mista k venkovnimu cviei gti i parkovani vozidel. Meli se sletem dosti prate a zhostill se vgech povinnosti pochvalne. Ug pondeli po slete sokolici spe gne bourali tribuny, uklizeli, cistili, v eem g vydatne (uvniti sine ovgem) pomahaly jim sokolice a to geny i dorostenky. Nemeekovi zavezli nas v Den prate na Goose Island — 40 mil vS7chodne od Corpus Christi. Pisatel vagnive miluje a kocha se pohledem na more v tomto pkipade alespon na mokske vinky v zalivu. Jell jsme od okresniho mesta Rockport podel zalivu, pak pies mill dlouh3i most na ostrov. Vgude vidite kabiny, male vilky pro turisty, jich g v tato mista doji gdi na tisice. V den svatku prate byla v gude spousta vSdetnikft a teg rybakti. Den byl skuteene krasnSr, pkijernne, od more potahovalo, nebylo pfesptilig horko a my tabokili po nekolik hodin na vrcholku ostrt yka, na nemg shledli jsme i obrovskST, jako chobotnice rozrost1S7 pamatriSt dub. V fiter5"7 rano vydali se cestou no, sever a v dobe osmi hodin (na starem Chevroletu) dojeli domft. Slet byl velkSrm Uspechem a povzbuzenim k praci dalgi, soustavne a neochabujici. Na g velikST basnik J. V. Sladek konei jednu ze sySich nadhern9ch sok. basni: Jen dal Sokole, jen dal, jen vS7g a v3ig — a stfeg nam prapor stag — Tva perut' mavej na hoke a dole nose OA!
upon reports of officers, which reports must be published in the official organ three months before the convention. (e) To consider the report of the last preceding examination made of this organization by the Life Insurance Commissioner of Texas. (f) To adopt and adjudicate all reports of committees. (g) To amend membership premiums. financial mediums and all funds NAME OF FRATERNITY needed for the future guidance of Article 1. The name of this organizathis organization. tion is the Slavonic Benevolent Order of (h) To elect members of the Supreme the State of Texas, (S. P. J. S. T.) Lodge and all necessary commitPURPOSE tees to manage this organization and to determine their salaries Article 2. The purposes of this organand the amount of their bonds. ization are to provide life insurance Article 6a. The convention of the Slaprotection for people of Czechoslovak origin and their friends; to encourage vonic Benevolent Order of the State of the preservation of the Czech Language Texas consists of delegates elected by in this country; • and to promote moral,' the local lodges. Each lodge may elect cultural and economic progress among its representation on its membership on the following basis: lodges with 6 to 100 people of Cechoslovak descent. Article 3. All deliberations in the con- members, one delegate, and one advention, as well as in the meetings of ditional delegate for every additional the Supreme Lodge and the local lodges 100 members. shall be conducted in the Czech LanArticle 6b. Lodges attaining a progresguage but in case of necessity, also in sive hundred members between the anthe English Language. nual meeting and a meeting one month before the convention, may elect one ORGANIZATION Article 4a. This organization is com- additional delegate for such progressive posed of members who pay for their one hundred members, and such. newly beneficial protection and social mem- elected delegate shall have the same bers, every one of whom must belong to rights as those elected at the annual meeting in accordance with Article 9. one of the local lodges. Article 6c. Lodges created during the Article 4b. The convention is the supreme governing and legislative body of convention year may elect their delethis organization. gate at any time prior to the convention without regard to the duration of mem-. CONVENTION Article 5. The convention of the Sla- bership in such lodge. Article 7. Delegates and alternates to vonic Benevolent Order of the State of the convention are elected during the Texas has power: (a) To create, amend and supplement annual meeting preceding the conventhe by-laws of this organization. tion or during the nearest succeeding meeting, for the term from one convenAmend regulations. (b) To determine and collect through tion to the other. the medium of local lodges from Article 7b. Exception is provided for each member premiums based on those delegates who are elected as a the Nationa/ Fraternal Congress result of increased members as specified Table, or higher table, in order in Article 6. • that the mortuary fund required Article 8. Only members who pay their by the State of Texas in connec- mortuary and local lodge premiums and tion with the various certificates dues regularly and promptly and have issued by the Slavonic Benevolent them paid at the time of the election, Order of the State of Texas would who are members of the electing lodge be maintained. at least one year prior to their election (c) To provide for the safe invest- and who attend meetings regularly; who ment of all monies belonging to are not life insurance agents of comthe various individual funds of the petitive life insurance companies or life organization; and retain suf- insurance agents of other fraternal life ficient cash reserve to meet all insurance companies and who are prerequirements in compliance with sent at the meeting in which they are the constitution and by-laws of elected, are eligible for election as delethe organization. gates. (d) To adopt, investigate and pass Art icle 95. Where a lodge is entitled. to BY-LAWS OF THE
Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas S. P. J. S. T.
Ve stfedu, dne 15. zitici 194 • two or more delegates, nominations all candidates are made at one time an election of all delegates from amor those nominated is also completed one time through the use of ballot The required number of alternates al elected in the same manner. Article 9b. Delegates divide the vote of their lodge equally among themselve. The odd vote is taken by the delegat receiving the largest number of vote; The alternate who takes the place of dlegate at the convention takes th votes of the delegate who received th smallest number of votes. Article 9c. When a lodge is not re presented in the deliberations by till delegate or alternate, votes of sucl lodge cannot be delegated to the dele• gate of another lodge. In no event shal a delegate from one lodge cast ballot: for a delegate of another lodge. Article 10. Results of elections of delegates and alternates must be announced to the Supreme Lodge by the last day of March. The secretary of the Supreme Lodge forwards to the local secretaries necessary forms in duplicate which must be filled out by the local secretary and counter-signed by the local lodge president, certifying the election of the delegates and their alternates. One copy thereof must immediately after filling out be forwarded to the secretary of •the supreme Lodge and the other copy must be presented by the delegates to the Committee on Credentials at the convention. Article lla. Violation of any of the provisions required by the preceding articles deprives the local lodge of its right to representation at the convention. Article 11b. Local lodges failing to perform all of the required obligations of the lodge by the 25th day of the month preceding the convention, or • refusing to carry out the fundamental duties, lose their right of representation in the convention. Article 12. Every lodge represented by its delegate, or delegates, is entitled to one vote for every insured member in the adult department who has been a member of that lodge for a period of Op days befoire the convention, who has all of his obligations paid. and is sixteen yeara of age. Also one vote for every member of the Juvenile Department who is a social member and Ls 16 years Of age (provided he pays• local lodge dues), also one vote• for every insured member who•has• a paid• up term . insurance certificate (that •is 10, 15 or 20 year• pay) and is a social member, The secretary of the local lodge (must) fur-
sti'edu, due 15. zaii. 1948. rd a list of all social members to the Irene Lodge 60 days before the conition. If he fails to do so, such mem's lose their representation at tne ivention. article 13a. Regular conventions are d once in every four years in a place acted by the delegates in the prehug convention. articl e 13b. The exact date of the conotion must be selected by the Supreme dge at. its January meeting following election of the delegates and properannouneed in the official organ of ,) organization. Irticle 14, A special convention may called by the Supreme Lodge only ten it is impossible in any other moor to determine an important matter volving this organization. The motion r a special convention must be adopted a two thirds (2/3rds) majority of the .preme Lodge whereupon the Supreme )dge mails out the proposition for decmination to all lodges, in which meetg the majority of members present ntrol. In order that such election. be ,lid, at least two thirds of the lodges list vote on the proposition. Two :trds of the votes cast determine the sue. Article 14b. Such a special convention held at the place selected for the ext regular convention and will be reresented by the delegates or their al'mates of the preceding convention. Article 14c, Such special convention insiders only the proposition for which was called. Article 15a. All by-laws must be encted by a two thirds vote of the dele ates present; and all other matters are ecided by a majority vote. Article 15b. Voting in the convention conducted in compliance with the ishes of the delegates in the following :tanner: 1. Raising the hands. 2. Rising. 3, Calling of the names of the dele, gates and recording their vote as "for" or "against." 4. Secret ballot by â&#x20AC;˘ vote. Article 16a. All members of the Supewe Lotigo have the right of deliberattins with the right to make motions to intend by-laws, but have no right to lominate members of the Supreme Lod;e, unless they are delegates of the o ;rte they represent. XCb. All former - presidents of Li-xpreme Lodge remain pertnanent members a every convention, but have no right to make motions" and no right to vote, unless they represent the lodge to which they belong. Article 16c. Members of the Supreme
Strana .5
Lodge, if not delegates from lodges to d. Committee on convention expenses, which they' belong, and former presi5 members, dents of the Supreme Lodge, who attend e. Committee on Sick Benefit, 5 memthe convention, receive the same rebers. muneration as delegates in the convenf. Publications Committee. 5 memtion. bers. g. Grievance Committee, 5 members. Article 17. Traveling expenses, per h. Organization Coinmittee, 7 memdiem of the delegates, members of the bers. Grand Lodge, and past Presidents of the i. Committee or7 order in the conGrand Lodge present at the convention, vention, 3 members. for duration of the convention and all j. Committee on by-laws elected by miscellaneous expenses of the conventhe preceding convention will also tion, are bald out of the excess funds function during the convention. of the ortmnization over 104% solvency. k. All other necessary committees. Article Ito. Two thirds of-the delegate8 Article 21. The convention will elect present constitute a quorum: smaller from among the delegates present a number may adjourn or recess. nine member committee whose duty it Article 18b. Reading of the names of is to arrange and recommend changes the delegates may he required on reof by-laws to the succeeding convention quest of one third of the delegates. and four alternates. In the event this Article 19. All proceedings of the COD- number of alternates is ,not sufficient, vontion will be conducted in the follow- then this committee selects additional â&#x20AC;˘ ing daily order, unless decided other- alternates. If such committee members wise by a two thirds majority vote: are not elected delegates to the next a. Convening of the convention by convention, they serve as members of the president of the Supreme Lodge. the Committee on by-laws with the pay b. Report of three member committee and with the right of deliberation and on credentials, which committee is making motions on all matters , perappointed by the president and vice laming to by-laws. president cf the Supreme Lodge at Article 22a. Members of the Supreme least one month before the con- Lodge are not eligible to membership vention, in order that it would on the committee on by-laws. but if so function before the convening of, requested by the committee, they assist it in its' work in an advisory capathe convention. c. Reading the names of the elected city. Article 22b. The legal advisor must delegates. attend all meetings of this committee cl. Election of convention officers and naming of various committees from and shall give the committee legal advice. among the regular delegates. Article 23. This by-law committee cone. Reading of supplemental reports of officers of the Supreme Lodge venes immediately after adjournment covering only three months period of the convention and elects from preceding the convention, With the among its members, a president, vice president. and secretary, and their adexception of financial reports. 1. Deliberations on by-laws. (This dresses will be published in the directory article becomes effective immedia- in Vestnik while this by-law is in effect. Parties making motions for changes tely.) g. Reports of Convention Committees. in by-laws must forward them either to the- -secretary of this committee or have h. Miscellaneous business. i. Election of officers of the Supreme them published in Vestnik and the secretary will insert the recommendaLodge and various committees. j. Selection of place for the succeed- tion according to the by-law to which it pertains for the committee. The secreing convention. k. Inauguration of members of the tary of this committee publishes in Supreme Lodge and various corn- Vestnik only those recommendations forwarded to him without having been nrittees. forwarded to Vestnik by the party 1. Adjournment of the convention. Article 20. The following committees making such recommendations. Article 23b. Ccmmittee shall convene appointed by the president and vice president of the convention will func- not later than two months before the convention, deliberate and decide on all tion during the convention: recommendations and publish in Vesta. Committee on daily order. b. Committee on resolutions, three nik all recommendations adopted by the committee. Members. c. Committee on salary of oi:ficers, Article 23c. The proponent of any rejected recommendation has the right to deec bore etc , five membeni.
Strum, present his recommendation on the floor during the deliberations of the article to which his recommendation pertains. In the event further recommendations are made to the Committee after adjournment, of the meeting, this committee will again convene two days before the convention if it deems it necessary for the purpose of considering and deciding on such recommendations and will then give the convention a supplemental report. Traveling expenses and per diem are paid by the organization. This article goes into effect immediately. Article 24. Immediately after adjournment of the convention, the by-law committee elected by the preceding convention, will elect from among its members a five members sub-committee, who together with two secretaries of the convention, who will be selected in harmony between this committee and the secretaries of the convention, will arrange the protocol of the convention. A sufficient number of copies of the protocol must be typed that every one of the five members receives one copy and must immediately be published in Vestnik. Article 24b. This sub-committee then, within 60 days after the convention, orders the protocol printed in a book form and this sub-committee is responsible for the correctness of the protocol and the by-laws. The publisher delivers the printed protocols and by-laws to the Supreme Lodge. The Supreme Lodge must "then forward one copy of the protocol to every delegate and secretary of every local lodge. This sub-committee together with members of the Supreme Lodge, determine the number of copies of the protocol and by-laws to be printed. After completion of its work, this sub-committee forwards all of the original minutes of the convention, sealed, to the secretary of the Supreme Lodge. This by-law becomes effective upon adoption. Article 25. This five member sub-committee of the committee on by-laws, has the duty of arranging the newly adopted by-laws, translation thereof, into the English Language with the assistance of the attorney, orders and manages the printing of the new b y -lawsintheCzcandEglishLanguages, and the publisher must deliver at least one copy thereof to each Member for proof reading and acceptance thereof before the by-laws are printed. By-laws must be printed within 90 days after adjournment of the convention. One copy certified as correct is delivered to every member of the committee and two copies similarly certified to
V it STNIKâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; WEST, TEXASI will be delivered to the Supreme Lodge. The by-laws become effective upon adoption. Article 26a. The Supreme Lodge delivers copies of the by-laws to the respective lodges according to their membership and the local lodge delivers one copy to every member in the meeting. or by mail on written request of the member. Article 26b. A copy of the by-laws shall be given to every new member and to every member of the Juvenile membership joining the Adult membership. Article 27. By-laws may be amended or supplemented only in a regular or special convention. Article 28a. Neither the Supreme Lodge nor any member of the Supreme Lodge nor any local lodge nor its officers, nor insurance solicitors, nor members have the power or right to disregard any part of the constitution and by-laws, nor claim any authority not conferred by these by-laws. Article 28b. This constitution and bylaws bind all members and beneficiaries of members. Article 29. All new by-laws and amendments become effective on January First following the convention at which they were adopted, except those particular by-laws the convention votes to become effective immediately. SUPREME LODGE Article 30. a. The Supreme Lodge consists of an active full time president, vice president (who does not devote full time to the office, viz: duties of vice president) secretary, treasurer, bookkeeper, attorney and five directors. b. Members of the Supreme Lodge are elected by the convention. c. All business affairs of the organization are under the supervision of the five directors and are transacted by the six principal officers: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, bookkeeper and attorney. d. This governing body composed of five directors and six executive officers is known as the Supreme Lodge of Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas, (S. P. J. S. T.) e. The office of active president becomes effective immediately upon adoption, with the understanding that the officer elected to this office will assume duties of such office on January First 1949. The preSent Supreme Lodge remains active until January 1, 1949. Article 31. Remuneratioi of the mem-
stiedu, dne 15. zaii.
bers of the Supreme Lodge is dtern by the convention. Article 32. Only an insured me' of this organization, who does not all of his protection prematurely changed for PAID UP insurance, wl the time of the convention has a. his dues and premiums paid; who been a member of this organization less than five years before the con tion at which he aspires for office; is a citizen of the United State America at time of his election; who reads and writes both the C and English Language, may be el officer of the Supreme Lodge. Article 33. To be eligible for elec as director of the Supreme Lodge nominee must have been a membe this organization at least five yeari must be capable of supervising work of every principal officer an criticising the efficiency of every firer and employee; he must ,be q Pied to investigate the value of b and of real estate loans and to re mend the investment of funds of organization. He must be willing to vote his time and effort for the bership. No monthly, paid officer of Supreme Lodge nor any employee at the same time hold the office director. Article 34. No agent of any other insurance company, nor any office any similar fraternal organization eligible to membership in the Supi. Lodge of this organization, nor as e or publisher. â&#x20AC;˘ Article 35. No person can be an ployee of the Supreme Lodge if h related to any member of the Supr Lodge within the third degree as relationship is construed under Ar 432 of the Texas Penal Code. 4rticle 36. Newly elected member the Supreme Lodge assume duties their respective offices on January 1 following their election. Article 37. In the event of death, signation or disability of any memix the Supreme Lodge, such vacancy be filled by the Supreme Lodge. Article 38a. No member of the reme Lodge shall receive remunera for the sale of property belonging this organization or buy property I the organilation before such real is appraised at least by two dire( and two members familiar with real estate. Article 38b. No officer of the Sup Lodge nor his wife can be an incur solicitor for this organization and ceive remuneration for, his services. Article 39. Regular meetings of Supreme Lodge are held quarter
6Pedu, dne 15. zaii 1948.
represents the president. b. It is his duty to familiarize himself sufficiently with the affairs of the Supreme Lodge that in case of death, resignation, impeachment or other incapacity of the president, he could efficiently take over the main management of the organization. DUTIES OF OFFICERS Article 42. Secretary of the Supreme le 40. Lodgeâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; receives, attends to all correspondPresident is the official head of ence and replies to all inquiries, reports this organization and of all com- and requests, except letters addressed to mittees. He must be fluent in the other officers, which he delivers to them Czech and English Languages and without opening same. must have previous business experb. Publishes a death report monthly ience. in the official organ, showing names, He presides at meetings of the age at time of death, number of Supreme Lodge, renders them recertificate and duration of memp orts of various administrative, inbership in this organization. vestment and organizational actiC. Records minutes of all transactions vities in the organization. He makes of the Supreme Lodge and informs written reports to the directors the membership, through the mewhenever he discovers that some dium of the official organ, of all imofficer is neglecting his duties or portant conclusions reached in meetings otherwise deserves cautioning. of the Supreme Lodge. He signs all official instruments, all d. Receives assessments and money checks, and all documents that belonging to the funds of this orgapertain to the conveyance of propnization, and delivers all vouchers erty belonging to this organization. and money to the treasurer who de. He requests, when essential, reports posits them without delay in various or opinions from any officer of this banks in the name of the Supreme organization in matters under the Lodge (S. P. J. S. T.), selected for supervision of and within the duties that purpose by the Supreme Lodge. of such officer. e. Prepares, and signs various vouchAs far as possible and necessary, ers and presents them to the presivisits local lodges so that sincere dent and treasurer for signature. and fraternal contact between f. He maintains an invetory and keeps members would be maintained and records on certificate loans. that official affairs of the lodge g. He also advertises for loans and seeks. would be properly performed. Has to obtain loans at the suggestion of the right to prepare, recommend the Supreme Lodge. and outline programs for group inh. Maintains a correct record of all itiation of members in a local lodge. applications for real estate loans and He will supervise the activities of after approval of the application, solicitors and will give them advice delivers all papers to the treasurer and suggestions concerning organand transmits appropriate informaizational work and obtain for them tion to the attorney. instruction and information, literature, booklets, circulars, rate tables, i. Performs all other duties or 'urns and all other necessities for their organization which are not specificactivities. ally mentioned or assigned to him or He concerns himself with apto any other officer of the Supreme propriate publicity for this organLodge. ization, j. He has charge of the official seal h. The presidenti devotes all of his and performs all of the duties retime to the duties of his office. quired of the office of secretary. k. The secretary must record in the i. He convenes and conducts conventions up to the election of the minute book the purchase of all convention chairman. bonds and stocks, name of firm, j. With permission and approval of name of the agent or agents and the majority of the Supreme Lodge. their addresses, who sold the bonds he employs needed office help for to the lodge, and this information whose services he is personally remust be published in Vestnik. ' sponsible. 1. In buying bonds, the secretary of the Article 41. Supreme Lodge must investigate the a Vice president is an advisor and value of such bonds through.. the assistant, and in case of necessity, Texas Bond Journal and mail such ly; second Monday in January, 1, July and October. Special meetof the Supreme Lodge are called by president of the Supreme Lodge o absolutely necessary. If he fails o so, five members of the Supreme ;e may call such a meeting.
VESTNiKâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; WEST, TEXAS
data to all members of the Supreme Lodge. m. Purchase and sale of bonds and stocks, and approved applications for real estate loans, is announced monthly through Vestnik on forms approved by the members of the Supreme Lodge. n. Annually publishes in Vestnik the annual report filed by the actuary with the Department of Insurance. o. After acceptance of the State Examiner's report by the entire Supreme Lodge, prepares mimiographed copies thereof, and mails one copy of the entire report to the secretary of every local lodge, and to members on their request. This article becomes effective upon adoption, Article 43.
a. Maintains a strict account of real estate loans, fire insurance protection and taxes on such property. It is his duty to see that interest and installments are paid on loans. b. If the debtor does not pay interest on his real estate loan, and the debt. exceeds 50% of the appraised security, the treasurer of the Supreme Lodge must procure a chattel mortgage on rental value of the security, provided the Supreme Lodge decides to grant this accomodation to the debtor. c. He has under his supervision real estate belonging to this organization and attends to maintaing it in good condition. Annually publishes the income and expenses on every farm. d. Accepts from the secretary all approved applications for real estate loans and maintains a strict list of same and receives all title papers from the attorney. e. Makes a report of the status of all loans in every meeting. f. It is his duty to direct the sick benefit department, g. Accepts from the secretary all income belonging to the Supreme Lodge and deposits it in the various banks designated therefore by the Supreme Lodge. h. Countersigns with the president, all vouchers issued by the secretary. This article becomes effective upon adoption. Article 44.
a. The bookkeeper maintains accurate records of the various fund's belonging to this organization, indexes, addresses, files and monthly reports, accounts and deposits and presents these books to the directors for examination.
Strana 8 b. Accepts from the treasurer bank deposits; and mails out receipts to the respective payors. c. Purchases all necessary books and stationary for his office with the approval of the officers of the Supreme Lodge. d. Publishes in the official organ an audited account of income and expenses on forms approved by the directors, e. At the termination of the year piepares an annual account and forwards it to the Commissioner of insurance, f. Demands payment of all dues from the respective lodges which do not 'properly pay their accounts by the 25th day of each month. g. He keeps on hand various books and forms for sale to local lodges. h. Maintains a strict list of all members of every lodge, and on, request of the local lodge secretary, mails him a list of members of his lodge. This article becomes effective on adoption. Article 45a. The Vice President and Secretary and Treasurer have the right. with the approval of the majority of the Supreme Lodge, to transfer to the expense fund of the Supreme Lodge the first year's annual premium on all new insurance business and not more than 20% of all premiums for succeeding years, with the exeception of members holding Certificate "A" from which class $2.00 per $1,000.00 of insurance is taken annually for all certificate holders. The Supreme Lodge determines this percentage in its first annual meeting each year, but such percentage cannot exceed the profit of the preceding year exclusive of losses on investments, They also have the right to transfer from premiums from the Juvenile Department to the expene fund of the Supreme Lodge the following: Fifty (50) cents per year from each member in Class J-T. One dollar fifty cents ($1.50) per year from each member in classes JC, JS, JG, (20 year endowment) and J-E and all other classes that may be adopted by the Supreme Lodge after the convention. Article 46. The legal advisor must conscientiously study the laws pertaining to Fraternal Life Insurance Companies and represent the organization and lodges in all of their legal matters and render legal opinions. Examines all abstracts and legal instruments before loans are consumated, Remuneration in connection with loans is paid out of the expense fund of the Supreme Lodge. Article 47 . When the Supreme Lodge orders any supplies, acts on bids or on
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applications for loans, or any other matter, members thereof related to such bidder, contractor or applicant, shall abstain from voting. Article 48. The president, treasurer, secretary, bookkeeper and attorney must procure, at the expense of the organization, a bond from a surety company for the faithful performance of their duties: for the president $15,000.00, secretary, $15,000.00, treasurer, $15,000.00, Bookkeeper $000,00, attorney $2,000.00. The bond must be given before assumption of duties. The president obtains the bonds at the expense of the organization, and holds them in safekeeping. Bond for the attorney covers safe keeping of instruments and abstracts deliva ered to him. Article 49. Upon the termination of the tenure of office, all officers must deliver all monies, books and all other property hi their possession belonging to the lodge, to their respective successors in office in good order. Art icle 50. Every officer of the Supreme Lodge' must publish his convention report in Vestnik at least three months befo're the convention and at the convention, may give a supplemental reportfor the three months preceding the convention. The directors may submit one aggregate report. Article 51. a. The directors shall have constant control and supervision over the management and progress of the organization. Directors require that all of the by-laws, all decisions of the by-laws a n d decisions of the Supreme Lodge be strictly complied with. b. Directors require that a report be given before every quarterly meetiing of all of the services of all Supreme Lodge officers, employees and organizers. c. Directors maintain an inventory of all bonds, stocks, real estate, real estate notes, as well as of all property belonging to the organization, to enable them to properly follow the work of the officers and deliver an inventory of all bonds to members of the Supreme Lodge who do not regularly function in the offices of the Supreme Lodge, d. At each quarterly meeting they demand a list of all bonds and real estate loans upon which any installment of principal or interest is delinquent. c. They require that reports of officers be published regularly in the . offi-
e stkedu, dne 15. zaki dal organ on a form to be appro.) by them. 4 f. The directors examine all books a have the authority to point out rors to office help and to be prin pal officers. g. Two directors semi-annually insp all bonds belonging to the organ!: tion deposited in the bank and to an inventory of the bonds. Ti mail a copy of all bonds to all me. bens of the Supreme Lodge. h. Directors are obligated to notify t attorney of every violation of t by-laws and request his assistar for the necessary remedy. i. Before any real estate belonging the organization is sold, the direct in whose district the land is situate with the assistance of two membe) or two residents residing in ti neighborhood of the land, shall ai praise the land and recomend t1 price for which the land should sold. Article 52.a. The directors present port to the members through Vestnik their investigation and supervision ever 6 months. b. Following the first of January the convention year, the direct() are required to employ a "Certifi' Public Accountant" who will pr' pare a detailed report to be presen ed to the convention. Article 53. Every director will reed' per diem pay, for the time he devotes meetings ) or inspection or examinationi and in addition thereto, traveling penses in connection with the busine. affairs of the organization as provide by the convention. SUPREME LODGE Article 54. a. During the time that the conven tion is not in session, the Supreme Lodge is the main governing body o this organization. b, The Supreme Lodge has the rigls with the assistance of an actual': to prepare and inaugurate highe Premiums on hazardous occupations c. It has the right to adopt such form; of insurance protection which appear to be beneficial for the organization according to the laws pertaining to Fraternal Insurante law.. of Texas. Is authorized to pay remuneration monthly for procuring new members and occasionally tc grant premiums to solicitors ' for successful organizational work. d. The Supreme Lodge suspends and discharges office help, fills vacancies in the Supreme Lodge with the exception of the office of president as specified hi Article 41; appoints
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solicitors, investigates all unfairness and disorders and violations in the • entire organization, and it has the right for the purpose of securing corrections, after thorough investigation, to suspend or even discharge from office the principal officers, chief medical examiner. Suspensions and the discharging of officers can be accomplished only upon a twothirds (2/3) majority vote of the members of the Supreme Lodge. e. It has the right to suspend local lodges, their officers or committees only for non payment of dues and for not performing their obligations. f. It has the right to assign further duties to any member of the Supreme Lodge. g. The Supreme Lodge is obligated to notify the attorney of every violation of the by-laws and request his. assistance to procure an appropriate • remedy. h. The Supreme Lodge confirms or rejects the assistants employed by the president. i. The Supreme Lodge approves or rejects all applications for real estate loans presented to it during a meeting by a 2/3rds majority vote, which action must be entered in the minutes of the meeting, j. In addition to the medical examination, the Supreme Lodge has the right to obtain a health report on each apilicant for insurance. Especially in cases where the applicant for insurance applies for $3,000.00 or more, health report shall be obtained. k. The Supreme Lodge has the right to employ an agent who is capable of training our solicitors in soliciting new members and has the right to determine his remuneration. i. The Supreme Lodge is obligated to determine the rate of interest on real estate loans according to prevailing conditions and demand for loans to the best interest of our organization. m. The Supreme Lodge by a vote of at least nine votes in its quarterly meetings, determine the sale or purchase of bonds and stocks. n. All bonds bought by the Supreme Lodge must be kept on deposit in a fire proof safety deposit vault rented' by the Supreme Lodge. o. Such safety deposit vault in the bank where the bonds are on deposit shall not be opened unless at least two officers of the Supreme Lodge and one bank officer are present when such vault is opened and while it remains open. Bonds shall
ana 9
not be deposited in such bank until value is loaned, the principal of the the bank signs an obligation to carry loan must be reduced in annual or out the provisions of this chapter. monthly payments or in some other At each opening, a statement must manner by at least 10% of the princibe signed revealing the object of pal each year down to 50% of the apsuch entry in a book h e 1 d by praised value of such property. such bank. A copy of this article Article 56c. If there are no applications must be delivered to the bank after for real estate loans, the Supreme Lodge every convention. p. The Supreme Lodge is given autho- then has the right to invest its funds in rity to sign a contract with a bank, various bonds and stocks in accordance according to which the bank where with Article 4725 of the Laws of Texas. the bonds are kept can collect ma- Except that not more than 5% of the tured, or called bonds and interest Mortuary fund may be invested in such coupons even in the absence of mem- stocks, with the further exception that bers of the Supreme Lodge and it not more than $10,000.00 may be invested shall deposit money thus collected to in any one project. Article 57. Applications for real estate this organization as directed by Arloans must be filed on forms prepared ticle 43g. q. The Supreme Lodge shall never buy by the Supreme Lodge and must contain or through any means acquire title to a detailed description of the real estate; real estate to protect an investment such as number of acres, present market in bonds where the real estate is sit- value, building, number of acres in cultivation, etc., which must be signed uated. r. The Supreme Lodge shall prepare by the applicant before a notary public. and have lithographed forms of Re- Members of the Supreme Lodge are resolutions of Sympathy and deliver quired to have such offered security apsuch forms to the local lodges for praised by two reputable people (wherever possible, two members of this orgatheir use in case of every death. s. In order that the organization would nization) who understand real estate be protected in case of an accident values and they must certify their apor death occasioned in connection praisal before the director. with traveling by members of the Article 58. Na individual loan on one Supreme Lodge while on duty for the security may exceed the sum of $50,000.lodge, the Supreme Lodge through 00 and whenever the loan exceeds $15,the medium of the president, pro- 000.00, the security must be appraised by cures a Blanket Public Liability at least three directors. Whenever the policy, loan exceeds $10,000.00, the Supreme Article 55. The Supreme Lodge annual- Lodge procures a credit report on the aply, after determining the solvency of this plicant. organization, shall announce the aid in Article 59. The Supreme Lodge shall the form of remission of premiums prepare an amortized system for real to be given to those who have been estate loans and also such other schedmembers thirty five years or more and ules as demanded by the borrowers which who have attained the age of 70 years will be considered beneficial to this or more. This provision applies to all Organization by the Supreme Lodge. members of Class "A" who attain the Article 60. With the exception of real age of 70 years before January 1, 1949. estate loans acted upon during the meetOther members of Class "A" will receive ings of the Supreme Lodge, applications such annual dividends as will be preare acted upon through the mail as folpared by the actuary of our organization lows: when the secretary of the Supreme according to article 173. Lodge receives an application for a real INVESTMENT OF MORTUARY FUNDS estate loan, he immediately forwards it Article 56a. The Supreme Lodge is obl-i to the director nearest the offered secugated to invest all of the surplus over rity. After • appraisal the director forand above $25,000.00 of the mortuary wards his report to the secretary of tir..! fund, not necessary for payment of death Supreme Lodge who prepares accurate claims. in real estate loans on rural and copies of the appraisal and forwards city property. Preference must be given one to each of the four remaining to members on their rural and city directors. Every director signifies his homesteads. judgment in writing to the secretary by Article 56b. On first class real estate return mail. After listing the applicaand newly constructed city property 60% tion and action thereon in his inventory, of the appraised value may be advanced, the secretary delivers all papers to the but on all other real estate, only 50% of treasurer of the Supreme Lodge for comthe appraised value may be advanced. pletion. Every loan must be approved by Where more than 50% of the appraised majority vote of the directors.
tritria 10. PRINTED sPORMS Article 61. All printed forms adopted by the Supreme Lodge are delivered free by the Supreme Lodge to all the local lodges, with the exception of lodge books. Article 62 a. The Supreme Lodge shall keep on hand for sale a supply of books and other necessary forms to be used by local lodge bookkeepers and treasurers. Article 62b. The Supreme Lodge will provide officers of local lodges with an inventory of all necessary lodge supplies, books and forms kept on hand. VESTNIK Article 63. This Organization publishes a weekly newspaper called Vestnik. The Supreme Lodge bears the expense of the publication. Every adult member is entitled to one copy, if he wishes to receive it. Where more than one adult member resides in one home, only one issue is mailed there weekly. Names and addresses of members requesting Vestnik must be forwarded to the bookkeeper of the Supreme Lodge. Vestnik will be mailed free to high schools, colleges and universities where the Czech students attend and also free to all schools in Texas where the Czech Language is taught. Article 64. Vestnik is managed by an editor elected by the convention and is under the supervision of a three member public%tion committee with three alternates. elected by the convention, one of whom is called to the meeting by the president of the Committee if one of the members cannot attend, and is responsible directly to the delegates of the convention of our Organization. Article 65. Vestnik shall contain 32 pages and be nine inches by eleven inches. Is bound with two wire brads so that the pages would be secure and is folded. Paper to be of better quality and print of present size. Vestnik shall contain editorials, reports of the Supreme Lodge, Sick Benefit Department, Publications Committee, local lodges, state organizer, letters, reports, inquiries, recommendations of individual members, directory of officers and directors of the Supreme Lodge, members of the Publications Committee, editor, publisher, president and secretary of the Committee on By-laws and secretaries of all local lodges every three months in the English Section, and a Czech speller once every month, (later on the speller will be printed in book form). The English Section must contain a schedule of premiums every six months, on all insurance protection issued by the Organization. The publication will contain a column explaining the benefits of the various certificates issued by the organization, and if an organizer is employ-
V STNIKed will be his duty to conduct such column, No article or letter, the object of which is to give false or untrue facts or directly or indirectly to insinuate untrue accusations or insinuations for the purpose of injuring the honor, ability and honesty of any member of the lodge, officer of the local lodge, or officer of the Supreme Lodge or any one else, shall be published in Vestnik, however, constructive criticism without accusations shall be published. The editor must forward all articles and letters containing criticism and of doubtful character to the publications committee for determination whether such article or letter shall be published where a majority decides. Two thirds of the printed material must be in the Czech Language and one third in the English Language. Article 66. The publishers are under the supervision of the Publications Committee who sees that the obligations of the publishers are carried out in strict compliance with the dictates of the convention. In the event of unexpected conditions or changes, such as inflation which means increased price of material and labor lack of material which would effect the cost of Vestnik, it is the duty of the publications committee to investigate all of the conditions and discuss the matter with the publishers. The committee submits the report and recommendation together wih the suggested remedy to the Supreme Lodge for acceptance. If the Supreme Lodge rejects the recommendation the Publications committee has the right to submit its recommendation to the delegates of the convention for acceptance or rejection. Majority of the votes in accordance with the convention cast determines the issue. All reports and recommendations of the publications committee must be published in Westnik in order that the membership would have correct information. Contract between the publisher and the Supreme Lodge may be cancelled on request of the publication committe by presenting reasons for such cancellation. Article 67a. The editor is elected by the convention and is under the supervision of the publications committee whose duty it is to see that he carries out all obligations required by the convention. The editorials and all material shall be written in the American spirit for the benefit of the Organization without regard for his personal views. Anytime the publications committee determines that the editor does not abide by the by-laws and dictates of the convention, and the membership is not satisfied with the contents of Vestnik, the publications committee notifies the editor and demands a remedy for the ben-
ve stkedu, dn. 15. zitii 1048. efit of our Organization. The editor may be relieved of his duties only on the recommendation of the publications committee for the following violations: incornpetance, which means that he is not able to satisfactorily manage Vestnik with editorials and manner, as our Organization anticipates; for willfully refusing to cooperate with the publications committee, or not abiding by the recommendations of the committee in matters which are important for the improvement of our organization; for abusing his office in spreading propaganda or material detrimental to the purposes of our Organization; if the publications committee decides that the editor should be relieved of his duties, it forwards its recommendations with the reasons therefor to the Supreme Lodge for expulsion from the office. If the Supreme Lodge refuses to expel the editor, the publications committee may submit the proposition to the delegates for endorsement or rejection of the proposition and majority of the votes cast in accordance with ballot of the convention controls.) Article 67b The publications commit tee, editor and publisher will conduct one regular annual meeting at which they discuss the requirements or needs of Vestnik They decide or recommend what is best for improvement of Vestnik. In case of necessity, the president will call a special meeting. Traveling expenses and per diem is paid by the Supreme Lodge on the same basis as per diem and travel pay for directors. Article 67c. The publications committee has the right to employ an assistant editor for the English Section. to relieve him of his duties, and to agree on the salary for his services. (Old by-laws No. 75 missing) This article becomes effective upon adpotion. DUTIES OF THE CHIEF MEDICAL EXEMINER Article 68. The chief medical examiner is elected by the convention. Article 69. The chief medical examiner conscientiously inspects all medical reports of local lodge doctors and reports of private reporting agencies. If the medical report or confidential report is correct, he forwards this information to the secretary of the Supreme Lodge with his approval thereof, who prepares the certificate, if he does not ascertain any negative information regarding the applicant's health. If the report is not properly filled out he returns it to the original forwarder. The chief medical examiner notifies the Supreme Lodge of rejections of reports of applicants. Article 70. Rejection or approval of the applicant by the Supreme Lodge is decisive and an applicant cannot again
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pply for membership until the expiration desires, in which event his physical staIf six months after the first examination. tus shall not be investigated by any .pplicant rejected twice cannot again be private reporting agency. tdmitted to examination. The chief meArticle '74b. The Supreme Lodge is reheal examiner is required to maintain a quired to procure a confidential report .omplete list of accepted and rejected on applicants for benefit certificates for applicants, date of examination, by lo- $1,000.00 where no medical examination !al lodge doctor or confidential report, is had. lame of agent who solicited the appli- Article 74c. Applicant. for benefit of ation, name of, local lodge doctor, num- $3,000.00 or more must be examined by )er of lodge which applicant wanted to a doctor and the Supreme Lodge is oblioin. gated to procure a confidential report on Article 71e. The chief medical exam- his physical status through some private ner is in charge of all local lodge doc- reporting agency, but such cases do not ,ors and they are responsible to him for come within the NON MEDICAL CLASS. conscientious examination of applicants. If the chief medical examiner deems it Article 71b. It is the duty of every lodge necessary he may require a heart chart co announce to the chief medical ex or graph of such applicant. finer the name of its doctor (or doctors) Article '74d. In the event the cnief medand he ascertains whether or not they ical examiner deems it necessary he has are qualified to represent their office. the right to require an applicant in the If the chief medical examiner learns non medical class to appear before a that any local doctor is negligent in the medical doctor for examination, Report performance of his duties, he removes of the private reporting agency medical such doctor from his list and requests report or heart chart must be delivered the local lodge to select another doctor. to the chief medical examiner of the SuArticle 71c. In the event the applicant preme Lodge and if the applicant is has too far to contact a local lodge doc- found to be acceptable, the chief medical tor, the agent is entitled to request the examiner notifies the secretary of the chief medical doctor to inform the ap- Supreme Lodge who prepares the certiplicant the nearest doctor he can con- ficate for the requested amount of bentact. efits. Article 71d. In the even the chief meArticle 74e When the total number of dical examiner is forced to be absent certificates issued in the non-medical from his headquarters or is sick and can- group reaches 1,000 members, and our notâ&#x20AC;˘ attend to his duties, he may select actuary recognizes 'this group as out of his substitute. danger, the Supreme Lodge shall have the right to issue certificates, br increase MEMBERSHIP Article '72. Only those males and fe- thereof, up to $2,000.00. males can become members who enjoy Article 74f. Certificates based on nongood health, according to ages specified medical examination are issued to memin Article 73, live a decent and respec- bers from age ranging from 30 days to table life, who are capable of earning a fArty years. living in a respectable manner, and who Article 75. The certificate of the new are personally known in the community member must be signed by the president where they apply for membership for at and secretary of the Supreme Lodge and least six months. They must be citizens president and secretary of the local of the United States but if they are lodge, and in the initiation into the local not, they must pledge themselves that lodge according to the by-laws of the Organization and regulations of the they desire o become citizens. Article '73. Age in the adult insurance local lodge, and after payment of three is computed from nine years and six mAths premium is presented to the months to the sixtieth birthday. member for his signature and delivered Article 73b. Applications for insurance to him. Article 76. The local lodge always has from persons who on the date thereof have attained the age of 60 years are the right to determine whether it will automatically refused. I accept the applicant for membership or Article 74a. Whoever wants to become not. a member must first familiarize himself Article 77. When such an application with the by-laws and present a written is filed in the local lodge, the president a:plication either through an agent or and vice president appoint a three memanother member. The application must ber investigating committee to ascertain be signed by the applicant containing de- whether statements made in the applitailed information required by the ques- cation are true, whether applicant is in tionaire in the application. Applicants i good health, whether he lives a decent for $1;000.00 benefit need not appear be- life and generally, whether he has the fore a medical examiner, unless he so qualifications as set forth in Article 72
StSrana. and whether such committee recom mends the applicant as healthy. Article 78. The investigating committee returns its report of the investigation in the nearest meeting and either rec ommends or rejects the nominated ap plicant. When the report is made, it is the duty of every member to report to the lodge, what, if anything, he knows adverse to the applicant's character. Then upon motion made the members should vote on the applicant. Article 79. If the applicant receives five negative votes, his application is rejected. The local secretary notifies the accepted candidate that he was accepted and when he should appear for initiation. He also notifies the rejected applicant of his rejection. Article 80. A newly accepted applicant male or female, must appear for initiation not later than the third regular meeting after his acceptance for initiation. In exceptional cases where the members cannot appear and sends a satisfactory excuse, his certificate will be given to the agent who procured his application for delivery to hilt, and procuring the membership pledge and premium. Every such exceptional case of initiation must be shown in the minutes. Article 81. An applicant for insurance in this Organization must sign the following pledge: "I hereby proclaim that, if I should commit suicide,, during first year of the validity of my certificate, while either sane or insane, or if I be-come a habitual drunkard or drug addict to such an extent that my health would be permanently injured or that it would, cause my death or if I die as a result of a duel, or as a result of any voluntary, act on my part or at the hands of those who are named as beneficiaries or who;:; would be entitled to the proceeds under the law or if it be discovered that any statement in my application for insurance was made untruthfully with the in. tentions of deceiving this Organization. or causing my acceptance therein, then and in those events I renounce for myself and for my beneficiaries all proceeds and benefits accruing under my certificate, and I specifically consent that this Organization pay my heirs according to Article 82 of these by-laws. Article 82a. If a member commits suicide within the first year of his membership, the Supreme Lodge will refund the mortuary premium paid to his benefeiciary and nothing more. Article 82b. Should a member commit suicide after one year's membership, proceeds will be paid according to the certificate.
Strana 13 Article 82c. If a member disappears while in good standing and his absence cannot be accounted for a period of seven years, his beneficiary will be paid according to the certificate. Article 83. If the applicant is pregnant her medical examination must be postponed until after child birth. Article 84. Every member who is entitled to benefits may procure a transfer or withdrawal of his membership if he owes no dues to his local lodge and no complaints are pending against him. . Article 85. Member who desires to procure a demit to another lodge may obtain the demit without cost by applying therefore either in the lodge personally or on written request. Article 86a. Member holding a transfer permit is obligated to file such transfer with the lodge where he wants to be a member within one month after issuance of such permit and there pay his premiums immediately. If he is not accepted by such lodge he may request for admission within an additional thirty days. Article 86b. But if he is nat accepted he must return his transfer blank to his lodge and pay up all premiums covering the intervening period of time. If such member has his lodge dues prepaid, the amount prepaid is sent to the lodge to which he transferred. Article 87. Every member who no longer desires to be a member of his lodge, may, after paying all premiums he owes, obtain a demit provided no charges are pending, or if no investigation is pending against him in his lodge Article 88. Every member is authorized to attend meetings of other lodges, but he does not have the right of deliberation unless called on by the president. Article 89. At no time can membership be in more than one lodge at the same time. Article 90. All obligations affecting members pertain to female members also except the duty to attend meetings. Article 91. Discussion of religious and political matters during meetings is strictly prohibited and it is the duty of the 'presiding member to take firm steps in every such case to stop it. Article 92. In the event a member is adjudged to be of unsound mind and is an inmate of the State Hospital for the Insane, the Supreme Lodge is obligated to pay his premiums and maintain the insurance protection in full f orce. Article 83. If the member recovers his sanity and is released from the State Hospital for the Insane, he must resume his original payments within one month from the date of him release. â&#x20AC;˘
JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Article 94. The name of this department is "JUVENILE DEPARTMENT" of the Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas. This department offers the following classes of benefit for its members: 1. Term Insurance to age 16. 2. Reserve Insurance. TERM INSURANCE TO AGE 16 Article 95. The object of this department is to provide insurance benefits for children of Czechoslovak descent and their friends in sums of $500.00 or $1.000. 00 from 30 days of age to 16 years of age, according to the appropriate premium schedules herein set forth: Article 95b. This insurance protection does not require medical examinations. Article 96. The application for insuran must be signed oy the applicant to the Sunpreme, Lodge on forms prepared by it for that purpose simutaneously with three months premium, which will be returned to the applicant if the application is rejected. Article 97. The three months premium forwarded with, the application will pay the premium for three months beginning with the date when the certificate goes into effect. Further premiums will be due in advance always on the first day of the month either for one month or at the will of the payer according to the appropriate schedule of premiums. Article 98a. Certificates In this department are issued to children from 30 days to 16 years and the certificate terminates on -attainment of 16 years of age of the insured. The member may within three months after attaining the age of 16 years transfer his membership among the adult members of the lodge with increased premiums as prescribed by the by-laws of the Organization, but in that case, when he increases the amount of his insurance, must submit to medical examination in accordance with Article 74. Article 98b. In the event of transferring into the adult department, he pays premiums according to the class of insurance he takes. Article 99a. Members are automatically ,ipso-facto) suspended when they fail to pay their premiums within 30 days. At the same time, their insurance certificates become void. The insurance however may be renewed within 90 â&#x20AC;˘ days from date of suspension if the member pay all delinquent amounts, and if the lodge secretary can and will certify that he saw the insured personally that the insured is in good health and that he recommends such' renewal of membership, Article 99b. After expiration of 90 days
Ve stledu, dne 1t,. zafi 1948. the certificate is fully nullified and cannot be reinstated except as a new member at the attained age of the child. Article 100. Any Juvenile certificate may be returned for cancellation and conversion to any other type of certificate issued by this Organization. Neither the person who originally applied for the insurance on the child, nor the beneficiary named in the original certificate, nor the person who paid the premiums will have any claims or rights under the new certificate, and such an insured minor becoming a member has the right to select his own beneficiary. Article 101. In the event the beneficiary pre-deceases the member and the child fails to designate another beneficiary, the benefits will be paid to the nearest relative by consanguinity who has been paying the premiums. In the event relatives by blood do not take care of the child and do not p ay the premiums, the benefits will be paid to the guardian of the child appointed by the court, provided such guardian paid the premiums. Article 102â&#x20AC;˘ If a member who was named as beneficiary and who is responsible for the support of the child ceases to a member, the certificate may be continued in force for the benefit of such child's estate provided regular payment of premium continues, or it may be continued for the benefit of any other person responsible for the child's support and which person will assume payment of the premiums. Article 103a. All receipts from such monthly premiums are paid to the Juvenile Benefit Fund and the same together with interest and further income thereto, shall constitute a fund which will be kept separately from all other funds of this Organization. Such fund shall not be liable for any obligation of this organization other than those directly connected with juvenile certificates. Article 103b. Likewise no fund owned by this Organization other than the said Juvenile Benefit Fund shall be liable for the payment of the benefits provided in juvenile certificates. Article 104. The Supreme Lodge manages all funds but the same must be kept separate, independent and apart from all other funds of this Organization. They cannot be used for payment of any debts or obligations of this Organization other than for death benefits on juvenile certificates and for bonuses to those who transfer to an adult class upon attaining the age of 16 years. And expenses for Supreme Lodge as per article 45. Article 105. When a member of the Juvenile Department takes any reserve in-
Ve stfeclu, dne 15. zaii l948. stirance offered by the Organization there shall be credited to his premiums on his reserve insurance certificate 40% of the annually accumulated mortuary fund while a member of the Juvenile Department. If the member desires, he may re tain his Juvenile Certificate after taking out reserve insurance before attaining the age of 16 years. Article . 105b. In the above mentioned circumstances, the bonus is paid after the insured attains the age of 16 years, or sooner if the juvenile certificate is cancelled before attaining 16 years of age. Article 105c. The above mentioned 40% bonus is paid only to those members who become members of the Juvenile Reserve Insurance or Adult Insurance before or within 90 days after attaining the age of 16 years. Article 105d. Insurance benefit certificate in this department bears no loan value. Members in all Juvenile Depart-. ments are not required to attend meetings to receive their certificates. RESERVE JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Article 106a. The object of this department is to issue insurance certificates for the children ranging in age from 30 days to 10 years according to appropriate schedules of premiums, and hereinabove stated by-laws in t h e amounts of $500.00, $1,000.00, $1,500.00, $2,000.00, $2,500.00, $3.000.00 $3,500.00, $4,000.00, $4.500.00, $5,000.00. Medical examination is controlled by Article 74 of these by-laws, This 01Tanization issues the following classes of insurance: Class J-C, 20 pay life, face value at age 16, 'payable at death. Class J-S, 20 pay life with face value at age 5, payable at death. Class J-E, Endowment at age 18, with mortuary face value at age 5. Class J-G, 20 year endowment, mortuary face value at age 5. Article 106b. The Organization offers payors of premiums for members in this department the benefit of the PAYORS INSURANCE according to which plan after death of the payor payment of premiums stops on additional small monthly or annual premiums during the life time of the payor. Article 106c. Endowment certificates at age 18, '20 year endowment certificates, both 20 year pay certificates, and other forms of insurance to be adopted for small children constitute an independent department and are not connected with the preceding articles pertaining to the Juvenile Department. Article 107d. Medical examinations in ,this department are controlled by Article 74. Aiticle 107. In most, urgent; necessities,
V STNIK- WEST, TEXAS members of the Juvenile Department and infant members of the adult department, who come under Articles 73 and 106 (except those in Class T-16 which does not have any reserve value), who have been members for at least 3 years, or their parents. or guardian may procure loans from the Supreme Lodge as specified in Article 133 and 136 for purposes therein mentioned against their certificates. Article 108. If such members desire to receive Vestnik, they must pay for the publication themselves. PREMIUMS AND ASSESSMENTS Article 109. Every local lodge determines its own local dues. Article 110. All lodge assessments as well as mortuary premiums are paid monthly or for a longer period according to the wishes of the payor. Members having paid-up certificates who wish to remain social members must also pay the local lodge assessments as prescribed by the lodge to which they belong. Article 111. Member who procures a PAID UP certificate and quits paying mortuary premiums and so desires, may remain a social member upon payment of all assessments prescribed by the local lodge. Article 112. Members of the Juvenile Department can become members with all rights of adult members by complying with all requirements of adult members. Article 113. Every social member must pay for Vestnik if he desires to receive it. Article 114. Every lodge has the right to prescribe special assessments to its members, when the regular assessments and funds of the lodge are not suffficient to cover the sick benefit and other purely lodge purposes and requirements. These assessments apply to social members also. Article 115, Members in Class "A" who so desire may pay their premium annually with a disco u n t of 4%. Lodge notifies the Supreme Lodge of such payments in its report. Article 116. Premium, through which the mortuary fund is collected, is paid by the member to the Organization monthly or for a longer period according to the wishes of the member, according to the age when he joined, that is his nearest birthday at time of joining the Organization. Article 117. Members having certificates for $250.00 and members having certificates for $500.00 pay half as much premium as those having certificates for $1,000.00 with an additional 1/2 cents for odd numbers: members having cer-
Strana 13 tificates for $2 000.00 pay twice as much as those having certificates for $1,000.00: Members having certificates for $3.000.00 pay three times as much as those having certificates for $1,000.00: members having certificates for $4,000.00 pay four times as much as those having certificates for $1,000.00: members having certificates for $5,000.00 pay five times as much as those having certificates for $1,000.00: members having certificates for $6,000.00 pay si times as much as those having certificates for $1,000.00: members having certificates for $7,000.00 pay seven times as much as those having certificates for $1.000.00: members having certificates for '7,500.00 pa y 7 1/2 times as much as those having certificates for $1.000.00. Article 118a. The premiums constitute the mortuary fund and are forwarded directly to the Supreme Lodge. Every member is obligated to pay his premiums to his local lodge between the first and last days of every month. Article 118b. Beginning with the first of every month the secretary of the local lodge renders a report to the Supreme Lodge of all money, collected, changes in membership and all transactions which occured in the lodge dur ing the preceding month on forms pre-. pared for that purpose by the Supreme Lodge. The bookkeeper of the Supreme Lodge then prepares an account from this report and submits it to the local lodge for payment. All premiums (payments) from the local lodge are forwarded to the secretary of the Supreme Lodge, who delivers this money to the Treasurer of the Supreme Lodge for deposit in accordance with Artice 43 in the name of the Supreme Lodge S. P. J. S T. in banks selected by the Supreme Lodge for that purpose. Article 118c. Such funds may be used only for payment of death benefits and payment of fendowment certificates as permitted by these by-laws that is for vouchers issued by the secretary of the Supreme Lodge. Article 118d. The Supreme Lodge is obligated to invest the surplus over $25,000.00 as required by the by-laws. BENEFITS Article 119. Benefits are as follows: a. Relief in case of illness of member. b. Relief in case of death of member. Article 120. Every lodge is authorized at its will to grant sick benefits and as often as it sees fit to do so in accordance with its own by-laws. Article 121. In case where the heirs of the member are in neccesitous circumstance and not able to arrange the funeral at their request the lo_cal lodge shall arrange the funeral and such expenses
Stratia 14
not exceeding two hundred dollars shall 7. Grandfathers and grandmothers in be paid out of the benefit certificate, equal shares. Article 122. The death benefit in this 8. Nephews and nieces in equal shares. 9. Uncles and aunts. •organization amounts to: $250.00: $500.00: $1,000.00: $1,500.00: $2,000.00; $2,500- 10. Cousins. 00: $3000.00: $3,5000.00: $4,000.00: $4,500. 11. Other relatives entitled to receive the proceeds according to law. 00: $5,000.00: $5,500.00: $6,000.00: $6,Article 127. Only funeral expenses to 500.00: $7,000.00 and $7,500.00. Article 123. Certificates are issued as the extent of $500.00 where the member so designates in his application for follows: membership, or in change of beneficiary; to age 45 -$7,500.00: and to the extent of $200.00 where the to age 50 -- $3,000.00: member does not mention any sum for to ge a 55 - $2 000.00: his funeral expenses in his application to age 60 - $1,000.00. • for membership or will and this sum is . Jvery applica ance must state in his application the paid for his funeral expenses and obli-. name or names of his beneficiary or ben- gations owing to the Supreme Lodge and efietaries. The following may be desig- local lodge can be deducted from the proceeds of the certificate. nated as beneficiaries: Husband, wife, relative or relatives by Other creditors of the deceased have bl ood to the fourth degree, legally adopt- no claims against such funds. ed children, mother-in-law, father-inArticle 128a. Every member begins law, son-in-law•daughter-in-law, steppaying his mortuary premiums and lodge father, step-mother, step-children or person or persons de pendant on the mem- assessments from the date the certifiber or person on whom the member is cate is issued by the Supreme Lodge and further premiums are due monthly in dependant, or to his estate. Art tele 123a. Members may change advance on the first day of every month. .Article 128b. The certificate becomes their beneficiaries. In such event he returns the original certificate to the Su- effective when it is signed by the prepreme Lodge and a new certificate will sident and secretary of the Supreme be issued to him upon payment of a fee Lodge, president and secretary of the local lodge which he joined, pays three of $0.25. months premiums, signs the certificate, Article 125b. The request for change of beneficiary must be signed on the and is entirely healthy. last page of the certificate or some other Article 129. The application for insurForm prepared for that purpose by the ance, medical examination, charter, Supreme Lodge. constitution and by-laws at the time the A-iticle 125c. If a member loses his cer- applicant was initiated or as amended tificate he may procure a duplicate cer- in the future, benefit certificate, regutificate upon payment of fee of $0.25 lations of this organization, and rules but he must sign an affifdavit that he and regulations of the local lodge, conlost his certificate. stitute the contract between the memArticle 1254 Such fees are credited to ber and this erganization. the mortuary fund. Article 130. If a member dies with the Article 125e. In every case where a new certificate is issued it must contain the exception of the first years memberdate of issuance of the original certifi- ship, having one year's premium paid in cate and age of the member at time of advance, the Supreme Lodge will refund the unearned portion of the annual prejoi Ling the Organization, Article 126. In the event the designat- mium. Article 131. Members may increase 1 ed beneficiary is not legally entitled to he the proceeds of the certificate, their insurance benefits at any time bethe preceeds shall be paid to , the legal fore they attain the age: a. 45 years to $7,500.00. oi the member in the following orb. 5Q years to $3,000.00. der . ' C. 55 years to $2,000.00. 1. Wife or husband. d. 60 years to $1,000.00. 2. Children, grand-children (who reArticle 131b. A separate certificate is ceive the portion to which their father or mother would have been en- issued to cover every increased insurance in the class applied for. titled to.) Article 131c. When an application for tet,thy adopted children. increased insurance is filed, the inves 4. Perents. 5: Pre i ners . and sisters by consangui- tigation for additional benefits is con, ducted according to the Article 74 and 1Ji[y in equal shares. 6: Step-brothers eliti step-sisters in will pay premiums at the then attained age. equal shares,
Ve strodu, tine 15. zifi 1948. CLASS OF BENEFITS, CERTIFICATES AND PREMIUMS Article 132. In the event any applicant incorrectly states his age in his medical examination, or in his application for the certificate, the liability of the lodge and the Organization shall be based on the amount of insurance such premiums would have brought on the date of issuance of such certificate. Article 132b, The Slavonic Benevolent Order of the State of Texas offers the following classes of Benefit Certificates: CLASS B - where a member pays premiums during his lifetime. CLASS C - where a member pays premiums for 20 years, but in case of death the full benefit is paid as provided by the by-laws. CLASS D- where a member pays for 15 years; benefits paid as provided in Class C. CLASS E - where a member pays premiums for 10 years with death benefit. paid as provided in Class C and D. • CLASS F - Full amount of certificate is paid after 15 years, with deductions of loans and interest (if any one procured). CLASS 0- Amount of certificate is paid after 20 years payment (with deduction for loan as F.) CLASS H - Proper amount of certificate is paid when member attains the age of 65 years, member pays premiums until he attains the age of 65 years. CLASS I -- member pays premiums until he attains the age of 60 years and proper amount of the certificate is paid when he attains the age of 60 years. Article 133a. Members who shall have held membership in this order for at least three consecutive years may, upon application to the secretary of the Supreme Lodge, barrow from the order the amount necessary for the payment of assessments for death benefits; provided, that the amount so borrowed shall be sufficient to pay such assessments for one year together with interest in advance. The amount so borrowed together with interest payable in advance, except as said heretofore, shall be an indebtedness to the order against the member's death benefit and may be repaid by the member at any time or shall be deducted from the amount of death benefit payable upon the death of the member. Whenever the total indebtedness against a member's death benefit to Order shall equal or eceed the maximum amount of loan available at the time, as specified in the table of loan values applicable to the table upon which the assessments paid by member are based, the secretary of the Suprem e Lodge shall at once give notice of such fact to the member at
stiedu, tine 15. zati 1948. his local lodge and thereupon such member shall at once resume payments of assessments and pay the interest on the indebtedness to the Order; or upon failure to do so within one month of such notice the member's death benefit shall automatically be forfeited and he ceases to be a member of the order, The rate of interest on certificate loans is 5%. An application for a loan under the provisions of article 133 and Article 136 through any other manner than through .,he local lodge to which the member betongs must be denied. Article 133c. The check for the amount of the approved loan must in all cases pe made payable to the member as well is to the local lodge; except loans on paid-up certificates or for final payment of a paid-out certificate. Article 134. If a member wishes to honorably withdraw from the Organization after he has been a member for three consecutive years or longer, then, upon request he is entitled to receive a Said-up certificate, according to the respective schedules. This privilege is not Accorded to members expelled for non payment of premiums. Article 135. If a member having a reserve value under his certificate is expelled and remains owing his lodge mortuary premiums for more than six nonths, six months of the mortuary premiums will be refunded to the local odge. Article 136a. In case of absolute neessity at any time before attaining the Age of 65 years, a member can procure loan against his certificate at 5% in:erest payable in advance, according to he loan value of his certificate. Article 136b. Even after attaining the le of 65 years, he may procure a loan or payment of medical and hospital Article 136b. •In the event of an ecoiomic depression, the Supreme Lodge with the consent of the State DepartTient of Insurance, may discontinue naking certificate loans. FINES AND PENALTIES Article 137. The member and his ben :,,ficiary is automatically (ipso facto) cut )1f from the death benefit when the nember fails to pay his monthly obligaionA before the first day of the month tfter their, accrual. Article 138a. Members are utomatically expelled from this Organization who do tot pay their premiums within ninety l ays from the date of the accrual of uch premiums. Article 138b. After the expiration of he period of suspension (90 days) the A cretary of the Supreme Lodge notifies
VESTNIK--WEST, TEXAS the local lodge that they were expelled. Article 138b. If such members certificate has a loan value, the secretary of the Supreme appraises the local lodge of such fact with a request that such a member procure a loan against such loan value according to Article 136. In the event the member refuses to procure the loan to pay up his premiums, or his whereabouts is not known, the Supreme Lodge has the right to forward such amount to the local lodge and charge that sum against his certificate. Article 139. Members• shall be expelled by members of the local lodge to which he belongs in the following cases: a. Members who do not state their age correctly in their application for membership. b. Members who know of the questionable character or bad reputation of the applicant they racommend for membership in this Organization. c. Members who are .barged with immoral acts or were convicted to punishment by the local lodge jury for violation of the by-laws. d. Members convicted of criminal acts. e. A member who being on sick list performs labor or feigns illness for the purpose of fradulently extorting benefits. f. And a member who has become a hibitual drunkard. Article 140. A member expelled for non payment of obligations may again become a member if he pays all obligations up to the date of his re-admission plus three months premium in advance. He may be re-admitted under this provision at his original age only within twelve months from date of his explusion. In the event of any such re-admission, he must be examined by the local lodge doctor at his own expense. Article 141. The secretary of the local lodge serves a notice of expulsion by registered letter to be delivered to the addressee only, a copy of which shall be filed in the minutes of the lodge. LODGES Article 142. Lodge is composed of two classes of members: 1. Insured members. 2. Social members. Article 143. Only the following persons may become social members: a. Who is above the age limit to become insured, or b. Whose health will not admit of in surance, or c. Who prematurely exchanged his insurance for paid-up insurance and wishes to remain a social member d. Who carried. Juvenile insurance and wishes to be a social member U p years of; age. -onati gsxten
StSrana 15 e. Who has 20 pay, 15 year pay, or other insurance paid-up in due course. f. Members in the last mentioned, group are eligible for election as delegates, officers of local,lodges or. the Supreme Lodge. Article 144. The terms: member, candidate, applicant, insured and beneficiary used in these by-laws and regulations pertain to both sexes, Article 145a. Individual local lodge must receive their charters from the Supreme Lodge and shall be independent units under the control' of the Supreme Lodge and may adopt such rules. regulations and by-laws as they wish so long as they do not conflict with the constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations of the Supreme Lodge. Article 145b. These local lodges have the authority to assess and collect assessments from their members for various purposes as provided for their con• stitution and by-laws. Article 146. Regular meetings are conducted at, least one each month. Quarter annual meetings are always held in March, June, September and December. Article 147. Order of business in regular meetings shall be conducted as' follows: 1. Convening of the meeting, 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Roll call of officers. 4. Declaration of duties of officers. 5. Reading of minutes. 6. Reading , of communicattions received. 7. Reading of reports of officers and committees. 8. Reading of names of applicants, and balloting. 9. Initiation of new members. 10. Unfinished or deferred business. 11. Miscellaneous motions. 12. Payment of; dues. 13. Electioni of officers and committees. 14, Motions , for amending aPy-laws. 15 Announcement of income and disbursements. 16. Adjournment of the meeting. Article 148a. During every annual meeting the following officers shall be elected; president, vice president or vice presidents, secretary, bookkeeper, treasurer, and guide. Election of delegates is had in the annual meeting- of the year preceding the convention. A member suspended for non payment, loses the right- to vote and is not eligible to election. Election •of officers is conducted with the assistance of ballots every time more than one candidate is nominated. In the, event only one candidate is nominated for any office,
Straria 16 laws may be suspended on assent of 2/3rds of those present and the election had by raising of the hand. Majority of the votes decides. Officers are elected for one year or until their successors are elected and installed in office. Article 148b. Whichever lodge so denes, with the consent of 2/3rd,s of the members present, may nominate candidates for offices, delegates, and committees in the meeting preceding the annual meeting. Names of all nominated candidates may be written on a ballot, and the election held during the annual meeting at which time every member has the right to vote for any other candidate on his ballot. Article 148c. Officers and committees are installed in the meeting following the annual meeting. Article 149, Officers receives such remuneration for their services as their members determine in the regular annual meeting. Article 150. No officer of a local lodge can be an agent for life insurance or an officer of any life insurance company or an agent for life insurance of any other fraternal life insurance company. Article 151. In nominating candidates for local lodge officers care should be taken not to elect a member who neglects attendance at lodge meetings; against whom a complaint is filed in his local lodge or who has been suspended for non payment of dues. DUTIES OF OFFICERS Article 152. The president convenes the meeting of the lodge at the specified time and sees to it that the constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations of the local lodge and the Supreme Lodge are strictly observed. In all cases of a tie vote, lie casts the determining vote. It is his duty to recognize members as well as to call them to order when necessary , and in general, he shall see to it that every officer and committee member performs his duties faithfully. Furthermore, the president shall from time to time visit sick members, arrange with the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;aid of the treasurer for the funeral in cas e the death of a member, appoint the majority of the investigating committee, sign letters, orders on the treasurer and other documents, reject motions which are not in order, and in general perform all duties which the lodge and the ofif ice entrusted to him requires. Article 153. The vice-president assists the president in meetings of the lodge, appoints the minority of committees. It is also his duty not to permit strangers to enter the lodgQ room during the transaction of important business. Generally, it 'shall be the vice-president's
VASTI,Tigâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; WEST, TEXAS duty to perform all obligations incumbent upon his office. Art ice 154. The secretary maintains accurate minutes of all deliberations in the meetings; prepares all correspondence for the lodge, and every month forwards to the Supreme Lodge an account of all new members ,all members who quit, expelled and dead members, and cther changes in the lodge, which will be prepared by the bookkeeper if it is the wish of the lodge, and delivers it to the secretary of the Supreme Lodge; receives and opens all mail and replies thereto at the request of the president. It is also his duty to sign various letters and attest the_ same with the seal of the lodge and present the letters to the president for his signature. It is also his duty to deliver to his successor in office at the expiration of his term of office all books, instruments and other matter belonging to the lodge. The president and secretary of the local lodge always notify the secretary of the Supreme Ledge of death of any of its members. The Supreme Lodge is not bound by this report and if it ascertains that the report is incorrect, and if the member reported to be dead does not have all of his obligations paid to the Supreme Lodge and the local lodge, and no further action in this matter will bind the Supreme Lodge. Aticle 155. In the event of the death of a member entitled to death benefit, it is the duty of the Secretary of the lodge of which such deceased was a member to give written notice of such death to the Secretary of the Supreme Lodge in which shall be stated the name and age of the member, date of death and the cause of death. Such report shall also state whether the deceased had all of his payments paid to date of death and also duration of membership. Such report shall be countersigned by the President and Secretary of the lodge of which such deceased was a member. Proof of death from the doctor who attended the deceased member, or coroner's report, or a report from the Bureau of Vital Statistics shall be enclosed with this report. Article 156. The bookkeeper maintains accurate accounts between the lodge and his members; collects all premiums and fines from every member; delivers all money received to the treasurer; according to the wishes of the members prepares the monthly account for the Supreme Lodge and delivers it to the secretary of the lodge keeps a list of all sick members and appoints sick committees in order of the list of members; prepares and presents to the lodge in every meeting a report of his 'activities;
Ve:f_ticedu dne 15. Mil 1948. reports to the lodge the names of all members losing their benefits and enters their names in the amain book. hitogether he performs all the duties the office requires of him. At the termination of his term of office delivers all of the books and property of the lodge to his successor in office. Article 157. The treasurer receives all money from the bookkeeper. He must give the lodge good security for the property entrusted to him. He pays appropriate accounts with checks issued by the bookkeeper and delivers all books, checks and papers to the Auditing Committee at each quarterly examination. Generally he is required to faithfully perform all duties required of him by his lodge pertaining to his office. At the end of his term of office or at any time prior thereto upon demand made by the lodge, he must deliver to his successor all property and money r entrusted to him. Article 158. The Guide aids in the initiation of candidates and the installation of officers, and in all cases assists the president at his request. LODGE COMMITTEES Article 159. The committee s are as follows: a. Board of Trustees. b. Auditing Committee. c. Committee on Orphans. d. Committee on Relief of sick members. e. Investigating Committee. f. Other committees as deemed necessary by each lodge. Article 160. Duties and Appointment of Committees are as follows: Board of Trustees consists of as many members as each lodge deems expedient to handle all of its property. This committee is charged with the faithful performance of all rules and regulations prescribed by the members of such local lodge in its constitution and by-laws. Article 161. A three member auditing icommittee is elected by the lodge or according to wishes of the lodge, or appointed by the president, and vice president, in the annual meeting. It is the duty of this committee to audit all books belonging to the lodge annually or as prescribed by the regulations of the local lodge and to ascertain whether or not good order prevails throughout. It is further incumbent upon this committee to inspect quarterly the books and accounts of the bookkeeper and treasurer and certify to the correctness thereof and be responsible therefor. Article 162. The committe on Relief is elected by the local lodge in accord_ ance withsregulaonp tvising sick members.
V e sttedu, dne 15. zaii 1948.
Article 163. The investigating comDISBANDING OF LODGES mittee is appointed and has duties as Article 170. No lodge can be disbanded prescribed in Articles 77 and 78. as long as six members .a,re still in favor of its further existence. Article 164. A committee on Orphans Article 171. In case of the disbanding shall be elected in lodges having orhans under their care. If children of a mem- of a lodge it is the duty of the last ofber become orphans, it shall be the ficers to deliver all books and papers duty of the committee on Orphans of belonging to said Lodge to the Supreme that. lodge to have some member ap- Lodge. f Article 172. In order to avoid what is pointed guardian for them at the expense of such orphans, if some member indicated by the preceding article, the of their immediate family does not as- Supreme Lodge should aid the continusume such responsibility. Orphan funds ed existence thereof in every possible shall be administered according to the way. If such help is of no avail, the State laws. Each local lodge shall elect local lodge shall be disbanded with apits committee on Orphans and such proval of the Supreme Lodge. In the committee shall attempt to assist or- event of the reorganization of such disphan children' of their lodge's deceased banded lodge, its books and papers shall members in every respect. It recom- be returned to it. mends a competent person to the proArticle 173. The Supreme Lodge has bate court for guardian, finds a suitable the right to pay dividends on all classes home for them if possible, and assists of insurance in accordance with the in protecting their property rights. It figures prepared by our actuary. These shall see that such orphans are dealt dividends may be paid only as long as with in a humane manner and that our solvency is at least 110%. they obtain a proper education in both This is the english translation of the the Czech and English languages, if Slavonic Benevolent Order (S. P. J. S. T.) finances permit same. This committee By-laws which appeared in Vestnik some should make reports of the condition of time ago in czech form. Should the bythe orphans and of their property at law committee see need in revising some quarterly meetings. The Supreme dodge parts of these by-laws to clarify its should give such assistance as is pos- meaning, they will do so and publish sible and necessary in such cases. such revision in Vestnik at a later date. The English version of the Sick BeneArticle 165. All money belonging to beneficiaries who are not of legal age fit by-laws will appear in Vestnik next week. is under the control of the Supreme ) • 4, Lodge and it should be invested in all Kupiedu, zpatky ni krok. V nedeli 12. cases where local lodges cannot have a zati 1948 matekska sokolska Jednota v guardian appointed for them. Ennis, Tex. — Karel Havlieek BorovskY ESTABLISIIMENT OF NEW LODGES — slavila 40. vYroei sveho zalo&ni. V soArticle 166. Applications for charters kolstvi ye stare vlasti nael deskY lid jefor new local lodges must be sent to den z nejcennejSich znakil sveho narodthe Supreme Lodge on the required niho spoleeenStvi, sve jednoty a pospoliform. They must be signed by at least tosti, ktery prokazal ji2 v dobach dobrYch ten honorable persons of the white race svou dulaitost. Sokolstvi se ji2 newho are in good health physically and da odloueit od narodniho osudu, jako je mentally. At least seven of such ten nelze vymazat z dejin ndroda. Vetime, must be new applicants for membership sokolsky duch, ktery dal narodu silu v dointo this Organization. bach, kdy jeho jednotlivci byli mali a Article 167. A newly established Lodge chudi, je povolan k tim vetSim iikoltinn v is free to adopt a name; it is not. how- Zivote naroda jednotneho, proniknuteever, permitted to select the name of a ho tak horouci touhou stati se ye YSech living person. smerech hodnYm idealtun jeho slavne hiArticle 168. Every petition shall be storic. V Ennis doSlo v kijnu 1908 zalowritten in accordance with the Lodge Zeni Sokola, jeho zakladatele verili v rules ancle shall be accompanied with the mySlenku Tyrgovu, jiz hlavnim diem tu• lechteni mrava, rozdavat names, ages and physican's certificates 'teni tela a S of the petitioners' who desire to be en- ku a nieit nenavist, pornahat nezi§tne kahlemu, kdo pomoci pottebuje. Ctykicet titled to the death benefit. Article 169. A lodge established and let uplynulo od to pamatne doby a bylo ji recognized by the Supreme Lodge, and clitstojne, radostne vzpomenuto nedelnil provided with a consecutive number, ukazkeu telesne vYchovy. Pohoda byla shall be, according to their wishes, in- nadherna, tleast obecenstva velika a priiceleho potadu velmi zdatily. Zapoeal itiated into the Order and provided pa'esne ye tfi hodiny. Za zyukti tizneho iLli nIT necessary papers.
Strana 11 pochodu nastupuji muii, 'Zeny a katilata pod vedenim nakelnika mistni jednoty br. Jureika. Rozestupuji se ye thl fronty, eelem k jevi§ti. Hudba hraje americkou hymnu, obecenstvo povstalo a tak vzdava, poctu symbolu naiSi svobody. No.delnik veli rozchod a dochazi k proslovtiun: obtadnik br. Joi. Vytopil ptedstavuje starostu Sokola Havlidek — bratra Fr. Lanovskeho, kterY srdeenYmi slovy vita ileastniky oslavy. Bratr obtadnik na to piedstavuje starostu Zupy jinni ASO bratra Ben Pkevratila, kterY vlahymi slovy yzpomina, velke ztraty Cechoslo yakti y celem svete presidenta-Budovatele dr. Edvarda Benae — a Zada, by povstanim vzdana mu pocta. Dale vytizuje pozdrav Sokola Corpus Christi i ptani zdaru oslavy. Boute potlesku projevovala souhlas s projevem obetaveho pracovnika. Bratr Vytopil etc struenou histoii Sokola Havlieek, ptipis od br. L. 0.11oSka z Grapevine, v nemz omlouva svoji neptitomnost a pieje matetske jednote zdar budouci. Hutne napsana historic Spkola Havlieek zasluhovala by uvetejneni, aby, cela krajanska veiejnost v Texasu seznala podatky a rust sok. hnizd. Redaktor Vestniku mluvil o vyznamu sokolstvi y zaveru ptedetl jmena tech elenti, kteti ,od zaloleni tady sokolske opustili„ poyolani byvSe na vednost. Jejich pamatka tteteria byla povstanim celeho shromadeni. k &slam poiadu: byla zacvicena jaka byla na potadu sletu v Corpus Christi, ovSem s menAirn poetem cvieencti. 0laecenstvo s nemalYm zajniem,,sledovalo jednu a tti, etvrte hodiny trvajici cvideni a neskrblilo potleskem. VS'echna eisla provedena byla krasne a velmi ptisobive, Do-, maci druZstva posilili cvieenci z Fort Worth; dallaSti jsou pochopitelnkco ale cvieici patrne zruenej g a tteba , NYzvednout skutednost, tie enniSti ayieenpi dali se doopravdy do nacviku teprye letos na jars a jak radostny pokrok &inn Po vyeerpani krasneho potadu naSledovala volna zabava. Z cizich navUevnikti byli tu z West: pi. Frank Poppova, pi: Vdvrova, rnan gele Jerome KopeckY a pisatel s manZelkou; z Abbott, Tex.: man-tele Emil Poppovi; z Bryan prvni natelnikSokola Havlidek br. Karel 8oAolik (nevideli, jsme se 35 rokti a bylo to jiste krasne shledani) ; z Dallas byla tu velika navSteva, pekna z Fort Worth a okresu Kaufman. Veeer, jak skoro praYidlem p1i vaecia ,oslavach a v gude, nasSteva phi lidove yeselici byla ptevelika. Brat' a sestry dbyedli vgak zmoci uhosteni takovehor navalu, vAe slo hladce a uspech oslavy. 40: vYroei zalo2eni matetske sok. jednoty v Texa,su mel naprostY Uspech. Zdar yam ermiSti, k praci nove a pamatujte Tyr gova hesla: Kuptedu, zpatky ni krok. Na zdar! ,.1
Ctrana t■tkwb a
VESTNiK— WEST, TEXAS - — .1014.111•1•04•104
Oddil DopisovatelsV vaxargovaximayeetipallivaikiliona.o.Moilw(1valapiisp•mpa4.04.1.■:*
Rad Jaro, eis. 130., Dallas, Tex. Bluth a sestry, kteri jste nebyli pkitomni posledni schfizi, davam vedet, 'ae dne 19. zati, to jest 3. nedeli tento mesic ma me mimaadnou schtizi o 3. hod. odpoledv Sokolovne. Schtze jest svolana z toho dtivodu, ae jsme byli nuceni volit novelio tajemnika. Tim tajemnikein jsem ja. A prosim, nenadavejte, ja, to nechci a nechtela jsem, ale za dannYch okolnosti jseth to na ptani bratrn a seste y ye schuzi pfitoinnych phi ala s tim slibem, ae se se sestrou aeetni pokusime dati do pora.dku nektere nespravnosti a pak si zvolte jineho, dobreho tajemnika. Ano, kdybysme destali tak dobreho tajemnika jak jest sestra Ann Janieek, fieetni, pak by bylo radosti jiti , do schtze. Hezky se zapracovala, jest nebojacna, ale sama nestaei na nektere veal ku spra.vnemu vedeni radovych jest treba i jinych dobrYcli Arednikti. Tocly bratti a sestry, ktefi mate platit Vase•mesieni poplatky, zaplat'te je u br. Miro Jureika, 3709 Carl ulice, ihned naproti SOkolovny, neb tam jest prozatimni sidlo sestry Janiekove, neb jest voland mac' do Fort Worth, aneb prijdete do Sehuze 3. nedeli a pak 1. nedeli v fijnu, ktera jest nasi pravidelnou schuzi. y a sestry, prosim vSimnete si teto Bratt Znieny, neplat'te nikomu jinemu nea tratra jurcika a pak ph schuzi v SokoloVne. Dale, vy kteri stale hodne' dluaite, pfijd'te a zaplat'te. My nechceme aadneho vyhodit z tadu, jste tam mnozi ua hezkou radii let. At' ua se stain cokoliv, nechoete-li bYti u na geho tadu, tedy zaplat'te vezmete si ptestupni listinu, a.neb si yyptljete na certifikat, zaplat'te dluh nam a prestalite bYti elenem, nejst e-li u nasi SPJST spokojeni, aneb mate vyhodu: zaplat'te co dluaite u radu a vezniete si vyplacenY certifikat, kteryma zpO.sobem si zachovate to, co jste ua do Jednoty zaplatili a Pfestanete bYti Clenem pekne eestnYm zpiisobem. Opakuji, my nechceme ztratit ani jednoho Mena ; my chceme, abyste si draeli va gi pojistku, itle ,musite platit. My ua nemame penez, abysrne za vas dale platili, neb hotove jsou prye a tech par bondti by jsme nerdcli menili. Tedy je gte jednou, kdo z vas se nevyrovna do pristi pravidelne schtize; to jest do 3. fijna, tedy Ve schtizi vas dame na suspendaeni listinu a Pkestaneme za vas platit do Hlavni fika,dovh Y. Jine pomoci nebude. Jednu vec by si meli v gichni ti, ktefi si
berou aivotni poji gteni, uvedomit, ae tou chvili, kdy se nechaji pojistit, neb sve drahe, si delaji dluh u bratrske jednoty, neb u pojigt'ujici spoleenosti. Dluh, ktery se zavazuji splacet svym podpisem, bud' doaivotne, aneb na ureitou dobu let. U bratrskych jednot mate to vYhodu, ae kdya onemocnite, aneb ;line ne gtesti vas potka, mate kolem sebe spolkove pratele, tad y am rad poeka, oznamite-li mu to. U americkYch pojig t'oven rnusite zaplatait nektere pojistky ihned, jinak samoeinne propadaji, na ty ktere maji zaloani hodnotu, platite iirok v pripadu neplaceni. Tedy platit musite tak neb jinak. Date-1i se do eeskeho spolku, do nasi SP JST, neptimo pomahate budovat celY stat va gimi penezi, neb ma-li Hl. rad vice penez po ruce, tedy je pujci rtiznYm texaskym mesturn, ktere za, ne buduji dobre cesty a rtizne jine veci. sebe neb sve drahe pojistit jinYm spoleenostem, vase penize jsou ze statu vyvezeny prye a jini se za ne maji dobte. Tedy, "svfij k svemu", podporujme co je nage, nasi SPJST. V posledni schuzi ustanovili jsme dva nove organisatory pro na g fad Jaro. Jsou to: Miro Jureik, Cis. 3709 Carl St., a Vincent Ondrti gek, 8939 Redondo Dr. Oba bratry dobre znate, jdou do eeskYch sini, kde je najdete ph praci spolkove, podporuji 'Ceske programy a snaai se bYti uaiteeni na vgechny strany. Chcete-li si vziti aivotni pojigteni pro vas neb va gi rodinu, aneb sve aflame, kteri nemaji pojigteni, feknete jim o techto bratrech, jsem jista, ae budou spokojeni a yam nokdy vdeeni, ae jste jim poradili o dobrem spolku. Nage Jednota ma celou fadu dobrYch pojistek a nejsou nic draa gi nea u jinonarodnich spoleenosti. Sjezd nasi Jednoty mame uz za sebou, prines1 zase nove vYhody pro elenstvo. Krasne se pracovalo po celou dobu sjezdu. Prigly nam i veal nemile, ale ty prijdou i v radech, v rodinach, jak by nemely prijit mezi mnoha tisici eleny? Vady se najde nekdo, kdo klopYtne a zase nekdo, kdo by ho mel pozvednout, ale ho je gte kopne, ale to nese ilfad a to nese hvot. Kde je zodpovednost, tam je i kritika. Bratri a sestry Sokolove! Sjezd nasi Jednoty, delegati v nem ptitomni, se k yam zachovali velice pane. Organisace Sokola jest pekna, ale jest ji treba tea rozumet. Tedy za neco tea nee°, dejte do nag ich radti vas dorbst, dejte nam vas sebe. Ukaame, ze chceme na yzajem spolupracovat, navzajem se doplriovat. Na listku nemocnYch mame stale bratra Janieka a ty dva starou gky Valkovi. Oba, jsou stafi, nemocni, ale plati si sve mesieni poplatky u na geho kadu.TJa nekolikrat jsnie jim je chteli odpustit, ph-
Ve stiedu, dne 15. zaii 1948.
jmou to jen v to nejtea gi chvili a co se jen trochu seberou, zase si sami'plati. Oh, jak. mnohYm by meli byti pfikladem. Kdo muaeg bea a nav gtiv nage nemocne. A my od tadu jim prejeme, by ozdraVeli a zase prigli do nagich schtizi: Pozdravuji v gechny etenale, Antonie Horakova, taj )• •( DokonCeni cestopisu ses. Ruble Holly. San Antonio, Texas. Ale z tohoto mista musely jsme odjeti, trebas by jsme tam rady ztistaly po cele leto. Pfejely jsme do Kanady, kde na hranicich turiste nepottebuji aadnY pas, ale vyaaduje osobni legitimace, takae neni tam aadneho zdraovani. Cestou jely jsme pobliae jezera Ontario, kde vAtide bylo moano videti pekne firody. Ujely jsme 30 mil a prijely k jezeru Erie. Statem Ontario projely jsme pres d ye ste mil. Tam byla povetrnost jako u nas v breznu, voda z jezer onu krajinu ochlazovala. V Kanade projely jsme nekolika men g imi mesty a samortejme i venkovem, az jsme se phku jmenovanernu jezeru, kde se nalezalo velke mnoastvi divokych kachen a husi. Tomuto ptactvu sama priroda dava pud dornova, kde ma hledat irtulek; nyni na zimu odjeti na jlh, kde nalezne potra-. vu, ale nejeden z techto p paku ztrati aivot nea dojde k navratu. Dojeli jsme do Windsor, kde byla pekna, koupaci plate u jezera Bell, prave se tam koupali, ale nami ot • asala zima, ale oni si to snad libovali. Prejely jsme velkY most nad rekou a Fleetway tunelem dostaly se do Detroit. Celnici nam neprohliael karu, jen vyzvidali mnoho-li jsme nakoupily v Kanade. V Detroit, jak ua kaadY vi, vyrabi se nejvice automobilti. Tea my jsme se pokusily o novou karu, ale ani tam nejsou k dostani a take tam neni tolik, kar z druhe ruky videt jak u nas v San Antonio. Zde maji na lotech vg echny nove kary. V Kanade bylo lacineji neali jinde, pa cele ceste, jen gasolin byl draag i, ale aivobyti bylo mnohem lacinej gi. Cesty byly pane a nikdo se nemusi obavat cestovat pies Ontario. Mesto Detroit, tak jako jina tovarni mesta,, je zakourene. Z tohoto mesta jell jsme do South Bend, Indiana, kde se nalezaji take historicka mista, ale tam jsme se nezdraovaly, jely jsme dale do Michigan City, pekneho mesta, u jezera Michiganskeho, kde jsme pPeiaocovali. Maji tam velice pekne vYletni misto na koupani, ale nas tam :ptivitali komaki, ktefi byli vetg i nea u nas v Texasu, a tak nyni uz vime, ze i jinde jsou komo.H. Toto mesto je pine kvetin, hlavne tulipanft a gladiolas.-Jelr jsme podel Michiganskeho jezera do Chicaga, velkeho mesta, a vjeli hned na Cermak road. My ua byli nasyceni tech velkYch /nest, tedy jsme jell ray on k pfateltim dr. a pi. Clavalovym.
Ve stredu, dne 15. zit! 1948. "'! Po Cas co pani Chvalove, pfipravovala obed, doktor nas bavil, ultazal nam jeho knihovnu vedeckYch knih rtiznYch spisovatela, a ta jeho slova nasycuji du gi eloveka. Dr. Chvel jest jednim z tech pr y -nichstudeakrYpcoval,byseuCovalo Ceske feei na statni universite v Austinu. U dr. Chvala jsme si pobyli, ale ae mame vice pfatel v Chicagu, jeli jsme pak navgtivit rodiny Franka a Antonina Chalupovi. Pani Frank Chalupova vytadala si prazdniny, aby mne mohla provetet po cele dva dny pobytu u nich, prove,&la k tern nejvzacnej gim mistam, jako do Lincoln parku, Fieldovo museum, teleznidni vYstave a planetariu. V Lincoln parku maji dosud lote na kterem Lincoln zemfel, a kotvu z lode Kolumba, z ktere objevil Ameriku. V planetariu bylo nee°, co jsem si vtdy pfala shlednout: tam mate cestovat tisice mil na sever, aby uvidel to yzacne pulnoeni slunce a poletni tat; anebo na jih pod rovnik, aby uvidel souhvezdi Jitniho ktite, ani by se musil se sidle pohnout. Pti tomto putovani stale astronom pomoci maleho vynalezu demonstruje a vysvetluje tato krasna fenomena. V tomto planetariu je mnoho starovekYch astronomickYch nastroja matematickych. Za ty dve hodiny posezeni jsme toho mnoho uvideli a uslygeli, ae nam vge nezastane v pa,meti. Pani Chalupove srdeene dekuji. Frank Chalupa vlastni clfevosklad a pekny velky zdenY dam. Taktet i jeho bratr Antonin ma krasnY zany dam. Bydli na pokraji mesta a to jest cenne pii Chicagu miti &only. Cas plynul kvapem a my museli take kvapem se Cinit, abychom toho co nejvice Jegte jsem si za gla na 26. ulici, to jest to Ceske. Ctvrt', kde jsou napisy nad obchody desk& U Jirana jsem si prohledla nove rekordy eeskYch pisni. Pancner mel zavfeno, byl take na vYlete. Progla jsem Machav obchod, kde maji krasne importovane veci z 6eskoslovenska, jako nadobi, obrazy atd, Cas odjezdu z Chicaga nadegel a my museli se rozloueit s pfately, u nicht vgude byli jsme ucteni; budeme se na vas te git as pfijedete do San Antonio. Na cestu jsme se vydali pies stet Illinois. Ve Springfield jsme zastavili podivat se na, bYvalY Lincolnav domov, kde bydlel od roku 1844 as do roku 1861, odkudt pfesidlil do Bileho domu. Stat Illinois je krasnY. Farmati tam vlastni kresne domy. Urody byly v gude dobre, z yleSte korny; teto vAude kde jsme byli, letos udelaji dost. Nasledoval stet Missouri s mestem St. Louis, kde jsme stall pies noc. Tam jsou je gte nektere stare historicke budovy, jako Court house, pied nimt snad prodavali otroky. V tomto statu se hodne mlekati a dell se drabetnictvi,.V jitni easti pestuje se mnoho jahoci, Ictei6 pravenaliiadali. VjcIi km° do
Ozarskeho pohoii a dale do statu Arkansas. Mezi temito kopci jsou ovocne sady. S techto kopca jest krasnY rozhled a videti mraky pod kopci jest krasna podivand. Z Fort Smith vyjeli jsme do Oklahomy. Hned jak jsme z kopca vyjeli pocitili jsme tepinou vInu — a tak ua jsme zase v Texasu, kde je =trio dobie se zpotit. Od Denison bylo sucho, trody trpely suchem, ale vzdor tomu bylo v ge uchazejici. Naveder tit jsme byli v Dallas. Tam jsme se zastavili u sestry a 8efeaka, tea bratra J. 8vadleriaka, kde jsme vypraveli, co jsme zatili. 8efeakovi take radi cestuji, jako my, tak je nage vypravovani zajimalo. A tak jak katclY jinY stet ma dobre i zle, tak myslim i Texas; letnim Casem je na severu dobre, netrpi tolik horkem, ale e vypravovani severnich obyvatel maji tam tulle a dlouhe zimy. — Tak ua jsme zase doma. Na gli jsme vge v pokadku, demua jsme radi a take spokojeni s nagim mestem. Cestou men jsme gtesti, aadne nesnaze, jen jsem litovala, ae nebyl se mnou muj mua. Podobne cestovani pfeji katclemu. Jede-li na kale mute zastavit kde se zalibi, a cestovanim nabYve, zkugenosti, zylagte mladYm lidem je to ku prospechu a vzdelani. Rubie Holly. ) • 4 Dallas, Texas. Mili etendfi Vestniku! Nebyla jsem ua del gi dobu mezi vami dopisovatele-etenati. Ne proto, se bych nemela co a o eem psat. Mam pinou hlavu raznYch zprav a dojma, jednak z vYleta i spolkove prate. Jedna my glenka stiha druhou, zachyceni jich a pfeneseni na papir neni veci snadnou, ale pokusim se o to jak nejlepe dovedu. Tim, ae jsem delM dobu nepsala, uspokojila jsem jiste procento lidi, ktere maj sloh drazdi, ae pigi piing opravdove. Co platno? KatdY dlovek ma sve piatele i nepfatele a vgem se jegte nikdo nezachoval, tedy ani ja ne. Ach, jak ten Cas leti i bez kfidel. Ua zde mame podzim a vanoce se nam ae se jich ani nenadame. Vim, ae se mnozi usmejete: co ta aenska si „ sr steauje na mnoho prate? Vtdyt' jsou ted' s tatou sami dva, a katclou chvili si nekam vyjede. Talc° vysvetlovat tern, jena nejsou do pomerti zasveceni a ti jena znaji, jakou praci konam. Zadnu tedy sjezdem na gi Jednoty, ktery ua site pomalu dva mesice za nami, vgak mot se o nem rozepisovat nebudu. Nebyla jsem tarn dlouho, jen prvni den nekolik hodin, tak o nem vlastne ani nic nevim, jen par osobnich vzpominek. Pattime k faclu Jaro ua 32 let, mfij mua 35, i vgechny nage deti a vdetne i jejich rodiny, ale na tadnem sjezdu Jednoty jsme dosud nebyli. A piece! Vzpominam, 2c ha sjezdu V Ennis jami p6.r hodin by-
!Walla 19
la. Tenkrat byl redaktorem zesnulY br. tapal, a ua tenkrate jsem se pildiriovala o Detskou besidku ye Vestniku. Br. tapal tu myglenku schvaloval, ale neuskutedni= la se tenkrate. Take si pamatuji z toho sjezdu malou pfihodu, jena se me tam stela. Kratce pied tim jsem byla s nagi nejmladgi dcerkon v Houstone na na„vgteve nagich pfatel. Hrali u 8tefanik4 detske divadlo, tu gim ae to bylo "Honza z malovane chaloupky", a ae maj .zajem byl vady o deti, gli jsme s piately na diyadlo. Tam me byla pkedstavena pi. 8t4.46. Valeikova, (s p. V. jsme se dive znali). Pamatuji si jako dues, byla to pani pekneho zevnej gku, pane obleeend, girokY klobouk na hlave. Po divadle v prouclula jsem s ni nemluvila. Za nedlouho layl V Ennis sjezd na gi Jednoty a jak ua.diive jsem se zminila, byla jsem tam na chvili. V pfestavce pfijde ke me pani a vita, me. Tali se: kdo jste, prosim? Ona odpovide,: to co vy! Podivam se na ni a nemohu nalezti hned odpoved'. Upine net znarna pani me tu pravi, ae je. to co ja? Opakuji: to co ja? Vidi moje, rozpaky, mradek na Cele, smeje se a pravi: ano, to co vy, Valdikova. To ua se smeji i.ja, te to tak dobte dopadlo a ae se d y& Valeikove segly, aC nejsme viibec nijak ,pkibuzu0, jen jmena mime stejna. A za nelcolik•let jsme zase .s na gi Olgou byly v .Houstone, jely v busu. Na Zastavce vstupuje',do busu pani, ilkam potichu Olze: to je pi. V, Sedla si na sedadlo za nami. Ted' ona.zase nepoznala mne. Obratim se, _vitam 41 a pravim: Ja jsem to co vy! Tak jsmQ o tomu zasmaly. Pi. V. zvala, pfijdte, nam. Jely jsme ua na druhY den dolma, tak k tomu nedoglo. Odpust'te, ae jsem ye vzpominka,cli na enniskY sjezd na gi Jednoty odboella., Psala me moje stare., velmi dobre. telkyne •z Houstonu. Syn i dcera hraji ochotnickou drutinou kroutku Hlahol dilvadlo "Pokatene libanky" pfi jadu nag Jednoty v pondeli veeer 19. derVence v sini fadu Svaz Oechoslovant Cis.' 92. PHjedeme k Vam v nedeli a ae ma, dcera omi ma tYden prazdnin, vyutijerne je k zajezdu nekam se ochladit a Vy pojedete s nami! Ony znaji toho meho koniela cestovani. To ja dovedu beze- vgeho tect to praci domaci i spolkove. Zabalim v rychlosti trochu toho rititneho obleeeni, dam memu tatovi "gad' bar a ut . se jede. Ani se o to moc'nesta.rani kam pojedem, jen kdyt se jede. Miluji lice pkirodni scenerie, ktere se cestou st•idaji. Ty mohutne kopce, ktere se z dalky zdaji jako by byly spojene s mraky na obloze, krasne lesy jehlienate, velikany jejicha vYgIca se odhaduje na 80-10 sttevica, a i ty pou gte, vge ma svoji kre,su. A k tomu my tki duge, tteba, rozdihieho stHi, si (Mite navzo.jem rozuminac a tie
Strana 2D
ye Stfedu, dne 15. 61'.1 1948.
stejnYmi pocity dovedeme obdivovat ten Se Ceskoslovenska, peed tribunou stoji zastupujicim fad Cis. 111; dale br. KoliE3oZi cheam peirody. V takovYch hoe- dUstojna postava, $edinami vroubenY, do- hou a jinYmi. skYch serpetinovYch vY$kach 9-10 tisic cud sveli oblieej nakho br. peedsedy Ch. Skupina $esti HoustonskYch se rozhodstop vysokYch at dech se taji pohledem Cerrieskeho, a bratti neednici, vYboti v la jiti ,na obed do jedne pekne restauradolu, ale sl. N. eidi kart' pevnou rukou tak Pine praci u s yYch stolku. Peedni sedadla mistene jako na plane. Ale Ilan cestu zde jscu obazena bratry cielegaty, zaujimaji ce 4 etverce vzdalene, rune Dallasaeku vzali s sebou. Mela jsem peilelitost seznaPopisovat nechci, to jen tak letmo vice net tei etvrtiny velkeho salu, vzadu glenkaini zabloudim a pero p ge. Vratime jest je$te dosti sedadel prazdnych pro miti se s velmi sympatickYm mladym peedsedou eadu Pokrok els. 88., br. Ruth se k tome sjezdu. nayStevniky. Setkavame se tarn s dobro- ,',._ everkem a be. Rudy, sestra Olexa, pi. Tedy dle ujednani maminka, syn a dce- myslnou tvaei na$eho br. P. Moueky, re- Kostom, syn Tim a dcera Naomi a ja. Tek nam v nedeli dopoledne 18. daktora Vestriiku, br. Holaska, elena vy- 'Silo nine seznameni a pekne jsme se u 0ceevence. Po obede jedeme do Fort Worth davatelske spoleenosti oechosloval, kde beda pobayili. k eadove sir* kterou jsem poprve uvide- se tiskne na$ milt' organ Vestnik. UsedaOdpoledni zasedani zahajuji novi e'enIa. (V Sok°lovne ut jsem byla 3--4krat. me s pi. K. a sl. Naomi a sledujerne jedna1 e2, j.,m,2 tam my dallasSti sokolSti herci ni, kteee toho dopoledne poznsta yalo pou- svem zvoleni bratei freeclnici: br. Jill hi all divadlo pod moji Jak jsem ze z navehil o dosazovani fitednikti po eas Kam:. z West, peed., br. F. Olexa, rmstovyeozumela, meli se tarn houstonSti herci sjezdu. — Odpust'te, to trochu odboeirn. pled. z Houstonu. Br. Bartek, pied. tadu sejit a po ptipade tarn mit zkou$ku. DoBr. Jan NemY, se zalmem jsem si pee- Cis. 92. oznamuje peijezd a odjezd busovA Mem k sini, je to yelka pekna budova eetla Va$i cestu na sjezd a poznatky o dopravy do sine. kopeeku postavend, od sine kol dokola nichZ pikte, to sjezd byl boutlivY a sta.]. Sjezdoye zasedani navStivili panove od pekny rozhled po okoli. (Ani jsem neve- 1Jednotu $22,648.50, cot je eislice hodne Zapadni Jednoty, ktere /lam be. ptedseda dela, to je Fort Worth tak peknY). Na vel- yysoka, to Vam davarn za pravdu. Bylo prtedstavii, a sice p. John Rompotl, hla y kern prostranstvi kol sine neni videt kar, 1 tam 160 delegatii, a to jste oeekaval od 160 ';B:j a M. Hromadka, ta--nipleds aZi. (len jedna tarn stala u zachaiho vchodu). 1 osob ticho a neelne jednani? Pikte, to jemnik. Katdy z nich promluvil a ptali Tato sin je zajiste chloubou (Henri eadu Ijste uz byl na 6 sjezdech, ale to tento byl zdar nas! Jednot y. Nato byl ptedstaven Cis. 92. Jen ten napis se nam na ni nelibil, nejboutliyej$1. Peipoeet1 jste ty Melly a jako host p. Ad. Kaeer, kterY mluvil v za"Bohemian Hall". Proe ne "Cechoslovak" jejich delegaty za 24 roky? jmu Narodniho Sdruteni. Odpoledni zaneb jen liTatce "C. ech Hall"? Vtdyt' dnes 1 'Vezmete si jen 5-6 elennou rodinu, ne- sedani rychle ubehlo. Peed 5. hodinou 0iii hatch petimerny Ameriean vi, co je to najdete i v teto male rodine odliSne po- pouStime sal v hotelu a jecierne do sine Nejsern sama co tak soudi, proto se lvahy a nazory? A ted' se yezmete malt- tacit' Cis. 92. Olenove obou tort-worthnehnevejte. Vejdem dovnite, je tarn 5-6 lko eadovYch schtzi. Nepoeitate se take skYch tacit se usnesli na poeastovani bra!r i jedna pani s dceru$kou, Zena mezi ty, kteti ne vtdy dovedou klidne jed- vSech navalevnika, kterYch bylo nekolik baeha,dra. Oclpustte, to jrnena tam pfi- 1nat, aby sveho protivnika peesvedeili? set, zdarrna. Jsme tarn skoro mezi prvnitoinnY(11 neuvadim, neb je neznam, tee- 1Vice lidi, vice nedorozumeni. Ani ti rnladi rni. pfina:§I peeivo. Iviely toho dne ha cc nam ptedstavili. Castel se me stava, to ye syYch schtzich jinak nevedou. Vim o velmi pilno napect tolik peeiva, vYborZe osobu dle oblieeje znam, ale ne a ne si I Cern mluvim neb pi$i. Za 35 let spolkoye nych kolaert, kejkil a jineho, cot vk bylo vZpornenout na jmeno. Ta moje kdysi do- prace narodni a sokolske jsem toho pro- velice dobre. Diky za skvele pohosteni. bra pamet' na stair ut nepracuje. Mnozi 1$1a ut dost. Neni kaZdernu dasno, aby se (Pokraeovani nasleduje.) si o me mysli, to jsem nevAimava, ale vyjadeoval rychle, spravne a tik. Jsme )• •( neni tonau tak mejte me timto za o- lido, kaZdy z nas ma chybu a jinY zptisob Palacios, Texas. mluvenu. 2adr4' z hercti tam nebyl a my vyjadteni. Chcete-li kritisovat, byl jste Cteni bratei a sestry! nteli dobrou ptilaitost peknou, proctor- take jeden z nich. non sin si trynite dobte prohlednout. PoNagi teditele sine na Elmaton ye Ptiznavam a ten jsem to napsala, necastovali jsme se tam, usedli do kary a ljezdim na sjezdy, ale nav$tevuji schdze kterou poeadali v mesici srpnu, se ujell kolem jezera For Worth do mesta, mists ch s ku kterym patlime.V snesii, aby tento mesic 19. jsme udelali zkraka, uzili jsme projitd'ky. Veeer byla rnistnich schtizich je to v menSim meta- nejakou rnalou zabavu ye prospech na,$d Vsini zabava. Jedeme zpet k sini, kde 1 Ku a je pravda nic nas to pohadani ne- sine, a to tech piknikti bylo ji g moc, tak zabavy se sjitdi, mezi nimi i dele- stoji. Sjezdy se konaji ye velkem metitku bylo ujednano, aby se udelala jenom yesjezdu a spoluherci. Pan Tim i sl. ve vySSi hlasove stupnici. PeibYva, elenTak vy, ctene sestry, jste tadany, Naomi Sli dovnitt, nam dvema vaZnYm stva, kapitalu a delegatti, je tudit ye sjez: abyste peispely nejakYmi zakusky, jak odamam se nechce, my to na, ne venku v dech vet$1 vYmena, nazort a zajiste to byeejne a vYbor se postara o nmsite pokrhate po6kaine. (Tot' vice, baly jsme se, Ze v$ichni maji na mysli dobro celku, at' ut my a to se vi, to bez piva to nebude a co si nas tarn taneenici moc podavali a to feknou nahlas nebo potichu, at' za pe- hlavniho, o pate hodine bude vain vyhrautancovali). Je krasnY vlahy veeer, za nize neb zadarmo. vati kapela naSeho vyhla geneho Feanty ?pun hudby v druZnem hovoru se nam Vavtika, a tak po veCeti muzika yam buzlern, Rozseye Br. NemY, toto pill nic tam dobee sedi. At se rnladi pobavili, jell de heati valeiky i polky. Chystaji se na to itme k nam do Dallas. Rano jsme vyjeli vat zlo, z ktereho semene vzchazi nena- muziku Franty Vavtika v§ecky hezke holdo Fort Worth. Chteli jsme tarn bYt vist, neni a nebylo mYm titrnyslem. ky a jsem dosti jistY, to pti takove muzice Net jsme se nadali bylo poledne a v$ipei zahajeni sjezdu, ale nedokazali jsme si zatancuji mall, velci, Lust', tenci, Pfijeli jsme k hotelu, kde se sjezd na$1 chni se rozehazi k obedu. Na, chodbe a ye i ti mlacil, a tak p djd t prolo jiste ,k(lnoty konal, po 10. hodine. U vchodu zdvili se seznamujeme. Sestra Beeanova Ti a pozvine i s ye prat&o, jestli se vam o hlavnich dveei jsme se setkali se sestrou vyblzi, aby jsme se• v lobby hotelu regi- dobrou yee j VCs ujiSt'uji, Zichaekovou. Vyjeli zdvili nahoru do sa- strovali, to jsou tam d ye sleeny, ktere Feanta Vivtik A (1in bude 5 hodin vyhea,lu, pekna rozsalala mistriost. V Cele salu y am daji neb ptipnou listek s vatIm jine- , vat v Narodni snil na Elmaton, za to yarn na vyvYknem miste ozdobenern kyetina,- jnem. ,Testli dobee vidite neni i Frank Domorad, !mei, mi, po stranach hlavniho stolu vlajky, sobniho ptedstaveni. Setkala j , ;ern se v ale za poeasi ne! nas americky prapor pruhil a hvezd a na- chodbe s jmenovcem be. S. B. Valaikem, f:1;
and o-
Strana ti Vt STNIK— WEST, TEXAS Ve stkedu, dne 15. z5,ei 1948. -'-im"-"c-1-1Byt ai s kolobkou DR. WOODROW. W MIKESKA DR THOS N. DeLANEY V peedvaleene dobe 06Ni LEKAlt eeskY zubni likak bylo v Tyrolich bane, BrYle spravne peipravene iiiadovna: te se mladi Tide brali as dle 422 Medical Arts Bldg. na zkouSku, at jestli Zubni Mai Uiadovna 3248 — Res. 2687 Houston, Texas mohli mit deti. Jink tfadovna nad Canada's 513-17 Professional Bldg. Telephone: P-3629 a K-39344 zpilsob pkedsvatebniho Drug Co. TEMPLE, TEXAS (dm) mantelstvi zavadeji TEXAS BRYAN, nove. Mnozi snoubenci si pokizuji rodinu peed svatbou, aby men peednarok na byt, SPRAVNE VYKONANA 4 akmile se vezmou, pro POIIREENI SLUZBA tote byty se pkideniji zpiisobeneho nachlazenim may by postaeiti k tomu, abyste V hodine talu zarmouceni najen rodinam s detmi. okamiite zaeali brat leznou Edward Pace pohtebni nstav pohotovY k sympatickegjeden universitni profesor se stal bt'ast-! mu vykizeni nezbytnYch jednYm otcem. I objevila notlivosti a k vypraveni dojemneho pohibu. se na dvetich peednatnal zasadou. kove sine tato . cedule: Levne ceny jsou "Z dtivodu na mne nezavislYch se dnes peedZa obema nachazi se 70 let u.spokojent Pohiebni editel natka nekona." 2ADEJTE VE VAgi DOMACI LEKARNE. tlen S.P.J.S.T. — Telefon 3606 118 N. Fifth St. — Temple, Tex Kdyby nemeli, mohou pro vas lehee dostat z velkoskladu anebo V Americe byly papogete objednasku piimo na: tentovany boty, ktere maji v pate zamontovanou prutinu. Zadaly se tam jiti take vyrabet a tvrdi se o nich, krome toho, ie nadlehteskt Mai. a Operate'. tuji chuzi odrazem, 711 Medical Arts Building jsou velmi pohodlne a zdrave pit noLeni. HOUSTON, TEXAS Telefon residence: Lehigh 9745 Pkitelpan farar vybirat na kostelni fond Telefon neadovny: Pres. 2553 k jednomu ze syYch yeticich, kterY v tivote jOte nepkispel do cirkevni pokladnieky. "Kdepak, dustojnST pane, ja yam nemohu roitAD4 nic dat. Jsem uti dluten Vaie pfatelske mibytkove skoro katclemu v okoobehody li," povzdychl valet. "A nemyslite, te jste Nabytek — Elecktricke potfetake new dluten Palm by. Cokoliv pro vaeI domacnost Bohu?" piipomenul 2020 Washington Ave. F.9742 mime farak. 5832 N. Main.— V 41383 "To je rozdil," °d ye5225 Washington Ave - T. 3490 zadlutenY til vesele HOUSTON, TEXAS MUt, "Panbith neuypornina katdeho pr Dostanete Pri hudbe Kupujte zde Who!" nejlepii za mane Hotove aneb na mime splatky Posledni z mohutnYch NAgE Siisl JEST UMELE CHLAZEN4 bestipatrovYch betono- Yak uspolojeni zarueeno yYdh Yeti nacisticke Zdarma dodiska Welton berlinske protiletadloPoltovni objednivky jsou ye obrany' v TiergarterYeble vYtizenY• nu, byla v patek vyhoKaidy jest uctive zvan zena Brity do yzduchu. Otevfeno po vefery a nedfle K vybuchu veze bylo Zatavnim Nryborem. (pd) dle ujednini. pou/lto 27,000 tun 1.7 .'-bunin.
Dr. N. B. McNut
Edward Pace
Severovy Sever& Balsam proti a Tabletky proti Nastuzeni kaili
Dr. Chas J. Hollub
Hasher's Home Supply Co.
84, S. P. J. S. T.
2625 Floyd St. Dallas, Texas
anecni Zabavu
v nede i 19. zati
Adolph Gerik West, Texas Vstupne 50c osoba
,f5troza 22
Ptijmete sp. sestry a bratti moje diky za obdrZenou podporu, ktera mne byla spravne vyplacena, jak jsem teZ oeekavala. Jsem yak sp. sestra, Veronika Cervenka, elenka tadu Karel JondS, eislo 28. ) • " • ( Z DILNY eERNEHO Technika novin ,prodelala v poslednich letech tak rychlY vYvoi, kdyZ se zadivame do pneatkri, zdaji se nam jako poliadka z davnYch Cant Co dtive dalo mnoho obstaravani a eekani, dnes midi telefon a rychla reprodukce. Ptedstayte si, e dtive museli rytci rimorne rYti cele obrazy a text do dteva! Uplynula staleti, dnes staei pkinesti kresbu do reprodukce a za par hodin mate krasnY Atoeek, kterY ptesne podava etend ti vernY obraz toho, co umelec vytvotil. &spoil v telegraficke zkratce v tomto okenku si ptibliZme vYvoj techniky obrazkove. Napted to byla dtevotezba, potom mednytina, ocelorytina, litografie byla vysttidana zinkografii a svetlotiskem, ktere dnes konaji bajeone sluZby jak v presnosti, tak v rychlosti. KdyZ byla zinkografie v plenkach, byly yyZado vany ostre kresby co moZno v tmavtin
Wharton, Texas. V torn ease co sestry Chumchalova z Wharton a Orsakova, z Iowa Colony obdrZely nemocenskou podporu, byla i mile nemocenska podpora vyplacena tadem Karel JonaS a Hi. u. z Odboru nenlocenskeho. Obe jmenovane sp. sestry pekne podekovaly tadu i HI. coZ muslin, i ja tak uoinit. Jest to skuteene pravdive, jak sestra Chuchvalova, pravi, Ze pokud jsme mladi, ze si nevzpomenem, Ze nekdy budeme nemocni. Ano, i to bylo u mne takove, ale jak ta. Sedesatka se zaeala pkibliZovat, I nemoce zaealy navgtevovat. Musim se priznat, Ze jsem tomu velmi rada, Ze jsem si vzala Nemoc. Pod. u HI. atadovny. Ovg em, u tadu Karel JonaS musi si kaZdY na ni platit, neni to tak jak je to u HI. ur., jen kdo chce dobrovolne si ji mriZe vzit. Vim, Ze to Zadny je gte nelitoval. Dle vg eho, mne to vyhlili, Ze tad Karel JonaA musi mit nejvic elenti v Nem. odborn u HI. ur., neb 'east° vidim podekovani ye Vestniku, ale jen od elenfi pattieich ke Karin Jonal. Kdyby kaZdY, kdo obdr21 Nem. pod. aspori podekoval v naS. em organu, tak by jini eleni videli, ze skuteene se nem. pod. vyplaci, kdyZ je k ni opravnen dle stanov.
Zase bude
PIKNII( Sokola Houston v nedeli, 26. ziti 1948 Na pozernku Sok. Jednoty Edsee St. jeden a pul bloku od 4500 N. Main Barbecue — Nap* HUDBA
Hry odrneny KaitV je timto zvan Poiadajicim vyborem
Ve stkedu, due 15. zaki 1948
pozadi, aby fiein yelkYch kontrastu by moony. Byl to velkY narok na. technic kou zruenost kreslirovu. *( )* Puneochy yam dole yydrii, kdy2 se p upottebeni tteba i nedlouhem hned vy perou. Stael promachat je ye vlaZne vo jen chodidla trochu po de bez mydlime, Ze zkuS'enosti vim, Ze pundo chy takto oiettovane yydrZi dvakrat tal dlouho nea ty, s nimiZ tak pozorne ne zachazime. Pranim odstrariujeme z pul 'Coal pot a zamezujeme tvrdnuti .a la mavosti jemnYch vlaken, nehlede oven k stejne padnYin davodam hygienickYir. 4, • ( )
K AL ENDA it 19. zaki. Spoleena yeeeice a po ni veselice pri hudbe Fr. Vaviika z How• stony Tex. 26. zaki. Spoleena svaeina po schtizi du Touha Cis. 125. ye Westhoff, Tex. 10. kijna. Barbecue a vinobrani u rach Stefanik cis. 142. v Houston, Tex. 27. a 28. listopadu. Bazar ye prospect stavebniho fondu Sokola. Podrobnosti bu dou v oznamce.
SPOLEHLIVA POHROBNICKA SLUtBA Jsme pohotovi Vam poslouMti bez rozdilu jak daleko bydlite bez jakehokoliv zvlag tniho poplatkit. S nami mdigete mluviti eesky, My nabizhne Pohrebni Pojiteni pro kaZdeho Mena rodiny PETE E. ETTLINGER FUNERAL HOME Elsie Pra2261- Etlinger, damska pomocniee Telefonujte "collect" Tel 38 Bellville, Texas IMtl••■••MlON•mwMlv
Marek - burns POHREBNI DOMOV V hodine zarmutku najdete u nas nejlep'Ai pohtebnl obsluhu a cony levne. Tel prodivame pohiebni pojigteni od 1 mesice do 80 roku stall Ambulance ve dne i v noel. MARES BURNS FUNERAL HOME Bill Marek a Bill Burns Telefon 546 TEXAS CAMERON,
Ste vS4rooi. prvnih' vlaku, vypraveneho Cl*aga, oslavi .ame ricke Zeleznice Zelezni ni vYstavou. Sedmatiki cet Zeleznienich spoleenosti a tticet tova rely na lokomotivy, va gony, kolejnice, atd ve n ov a lo na vYstay. 'est set miliona dola YU. Na dvaceti hekta rech na bkehu jezer• jsou vystaveny mezi ji nYm nove vagony a -lo komotivy, ale tez pry ni americkY ZeleznY o' v n ilokomotiva, vy budovana ye Spoje nVell statech r. 1831 2clemice si delaji vy stavou reklamu a c hlaSuji, ze v dvou letech investu: do nc(vYch vagonft • vlaku miliardu dola rit, aby 'cestujici zas jezdili radeji viaker net autobusy a:lets dly. Nekteti lido ztrace, z lasky rozum, nektei ztraceji z rozumu ku
Ve stPedu, dne 15. zafI 1948.
Strana 23
Hadali se dva rnangele. jsem nevedel," chladne Mince pro podzernni "Oh, kdyby(ch byla poslechla pan man ge', "ge mi byla tak nadrahu maminku. kdy g mi branila v klonena." Mincovna ye Filadel-: sriatku s tebou." fir, musila urychlene vyrobit dvacet milionfr deseticentikft. pram& Na newyorske podzemni zvYgene draze bylo na prodej u PRAVNIK zd •ageno jizdno. Po prLong Theatres Bldg. ve od roku 1893, za to Vyfizuje vakere soudni vgak znaene hned o 2229 Avenue F, Phone 644 843 Waverly, II. Heights zalaitosti. procent na deset Telefon V. 27725 Oladovna: 936 Bankers Mort- centfr. Newyorska podBAY CITY, TEXAS gage Building, pies ulici na- zemni a zvYgend draha ma denne skoro sedm proti Kress budove. 6-6p) milionit cestujicich. HOUSTON, TEXAS Brazilie shani ofechy Brazilie je popisovana jako misto, odkud 4111266123ENZEMIEMEgnift. pochazeji ofechy. Vet5. F. BOtHA, feditel gina Brazileft o torn vgak pochybuje: Je tarn Vyhotovi abstrakty, vlastnicke pram velkY nedostafek bravYkizu je majetkove Pojigteni zilskYch aby se vyhovelo poptavce, ttadovna nad Peoples State Bank musi tarn bit o'fechy Telefon do fadovny eislo 5, do residence 63 dovageny z Portnkalska. Opravdove brazilHALLETTSVILLE, TEXAS sive oicechy pochazeji z ()doll Amazonky a cela sklizen je v2d3r plimo vyvagena do Spojenych state a do Evropy.,
John W. Lesikar
Ceske Rekordy
C. H. Chernosky
S. Cmelka.
Houston 7, Texas
Ka& & Leiikar privnici
Temple, Texas
ABAVY fidu POKROK OUSTON 19. zaii 26. zitii V nedeli, 3. V net16,1i, 10.
Ray Kienek
J. R. Baia - Ray Ki.ene,.
ADMISSION 80e TAX INCLUDED 0 zakusky a obeerstveni nis gtevnikii jest vSrborem nileilte postarino. Na doptani: 20th and North Main.
Ernest J. Hanka Privnik
Houston, Texas
Ma sto deset manlek PH jednani portreenske rady OrganOace sPojenYch narodu vyglo najevo, ge ndeelnik domorodcfr v Karnerunu Fon Vikom mar sto deset man gelelt. Vikom je opravnen podia : domorodych zvykfr pbgadOvat za man gelky. prI vorozene dcery nate rich rodin, ktere 'nejsoa s nim spfiztreny. Porueenska rada tyto zvyklosti odsoudila a vy Barbecue sandvide, Pivo, Do- pravila do Kametunu mad Chili, Kava a Studene missi, ktera ma ve:veci napoje zjednat po•ddek.
Tel V-20256
KILNA 'S Barbecue Drive Inn siu§ne
mist°, pro uctyhodne lidi. 5802 North Main St. Phone V. 2-0088 HOUSTON, TEXAS
Nacisticka kofist v drazbe Po vydrail,eni filatelistickYch sbirek, tere nacisti naloupili v bkupovanYch zemich a kte re byly prodany za ! 100.000 dolaru, pi isly v Novem Yorku na tadu sbirky stfibra, skla porcelanu. Utr gilo,se za ne 190.000 dolaril.
Strana 24 Sloveusky teolnik y ynalezcem Rolnik Jan Sorad z oboe eifary v okrese Vrable poslal ministrovi zemedelstvi vzorky viakna, ktere ziskal z nezname pro neho rostliny. Podle zjiSteni stanich vY7kumnYch astava zemedelskYch v Bratislava jde o pryskyknik lekatskY (Altahea-officinalis,) kterY se pestuje v menSim mnoistvi jako leeiva rOstlina. Rolnik Jan Sorad y e svem liste ministrovi J. Durigovi pi gt, de uZ vice let zkou ma tuto rostlinu. Pki k poznatku, ze material z ni ziskanY je na vocie i ve vzduchu velmi trvanlivY a de by se ho dale potdit v pra Myslu i v zemedelstvi. Pockle posudku odbornika z ministerstva pra myslu se vlakno, z tato rostliny ziskane, vytemek vlaknu sisaloivernu a hodilo by re , zejmena pro yYrobu motbuza do samovazaee. Proto byly ueineriy potkebne kroky, aby se zjistila vYnosnost tett) vYroby. Je to vac apIne nova, nebot' z teto rostliny se dosud ani u nas ani v ciaine jeSte ylakno neziskavalo. Slo venskY rolnik Jan Sorad se timto einem zakadil mezi yYznanme badatele-laiky, kteti svou neuna ynou niraVenei praci pkinakji mnoho novYch dobrYch poznatka naSemu y Yzkumnictvi a kteki tak podavaji i krasne da.kazy tvotiveho y lastenectiii, hodneho opravdove chvaly. Milan . Milansid list "Corriere della Sera" Pkinesl nedavno zpravu , de sicilskY potapee Giovanni Rodittis objevil blizko Sicilie na dne mokskem 3 mesta, z nichi d y e pochazeji z doby etyki at pet tisic let pied Kristem.
timr Proda se lacino. tome: novY, malo upotkebenY promitaci stroj pro 35 mm mluvici filmy, hodici se vYborne pro osadni siPiLIKRYJTE VA g I STRECHU! Doiivotnim Aluminumem, nikdy ne neb Sokolovny ptedvadeni denerezavi, vidy je peknY bilY, Pi- skYch a anglickYch mluvicich Stroj se sam za nekolik ke si a vzorek a ceny. mesica vyplati. PiSte no Jos. IIANUS HARDWARE CO. VaSut, Schulenburg, Texas. P. 0. Box 1766 (38-dzc.) WACO, TEXAS CASY SE ZMENILY oar-Pfijme se bila Zeno., neb A take se zmenlly ceny za vetdevice ku konani yg eobecne do- ainu veci ktere potkebujerne — maci prace od pondelka pies ale ne ceny za Nonat, ten vas patek k bydleni na miste a k spolehlivY domaci prostkedek. opatrovani 7 leteho Skolniho dit- Tato oblibena, mast' zastava neka. Pic ijemne pracovni podmin- zmenena jak y e kvalite tak i ceky, sluSnY plat. Mrs. 0. H. Chan- ne — a pokraeuje ye vernem slou dler, 3912 Dickason, Dallas4, Tex. Zeni. Bud'te zajiSteni nyni — (38c) mate — y e vaSi lekarniSce tubu
Maly Oznamovatel
gIrMlYnky na mak z Ceskoslovenska koneene dosly. Jestli je y e vaSem meste nedostanete koupit, piSte na: Jos. VaSut, Schulenburg, Texas. (38-39c)
R. C. MILLER & CO., Pkijmou se manZele, mid Cena Nonat plAtou 55c a $1.05 ku konani prace kolem domu, JeALTADENA, CALIFORNIA na ku konani domaci prace a k vakeni v rodine pro 3 dospele osoby. V ptipade se pkijme Zena samotna. Mzda pro manZele $45.00, tYdne a peknY apartment a strava. Pro Zerru samotnu mzda $20.00 tYdne a stejnY byt a strava. Mrs. R. G. Storey, 7040 Tokalon Dr., Dallas, Texas. (38c) —Tak co, BureSi, co vite o "Svatebni kogili"? —ProSim nic, ja jsem jeSte svobodnY.
eesky film Modrir zavoj CALDWELL — y e stredu, 15. zaki o 7:15 a 9:15.
"Poznej sveho muie" Skvela veselohra ktera vas rosesmeje, piedehra eeskoslo yenskeho srdce Evropy. GRANGER — ye g tyrtek, 1 zaki o 7:00 a 9:00 yeeer. MOULTON — V titers 21. zaki o 7:30.
ERSTVE KVETINY PRO KA2DOU PRILEIITOST Pohkebni vane a kytice Bytice do nemocnice Svatebni kytice Hytice k vYroei narozenin, sriatku Kvetin.v k vjrzdobe kostela neb residence NAVgTIVTE NAS NEB
Ve stkedu, dne 15. eaki 1949. Pevkyne Jarmila Novotny Ankh rozhlasu V nedeli 19. zati 1948 v poledne od 12 do 12:30 uslySite ze stanice WFFA libezny Mas Ceske sopranistky, elenky slovutne Metropolitan operni spoleenosti v New Yorku. Vysilany budou eesske lidove pisne zachycene na gramofonovem kotroei.
Pro Rychlou, Dok&zanou Pfijemnou
LEVU od Zicpy a Bolesti Hlavy Zkaieneho Zaludku Nealtiivnosti Nervosy Plynii a Nadinninf Ztrity Spanku a Chuti k .lidlu kdyi zaVineny Zitcpou Opiate si Dra. Petra Hobokodobon vyzkougeny poeist'ovaci p r o • stiedek a Zaludeeni einnost povzbuzu• jici lek. Obsahuje 18 PHrody vlast• nich 166.46 koHnkit, bylin a rostlin. PouHvejte die navodu. Mime a hladce Hoboko pHvede line stieva k annosti a napomitie Rat, vylouelti viznouci odpadky; pontahl vypuditi plyny, zacpy, divi ialudku onen pH. jointly pocit tepla. Bud'te mouddmi —pro rychlou, piijemnou, dokizanou idevu od (strap zacpy — apatite si Hoboko dues y e vasem sousedstvf aneb poilete si pro Zvtlitnf Obeznamovaci Nabidku 11 uncoval Utley za touht $1.00 poshino poitovni vyplaceno vaiira dvefins.
Odellete tento kupon "zvlaitni nabidky"—Nynf ❑ Pfiloien jest $1.00 Pellet. mica peitou vyplacene pravidelnou I I
uncovou Wra y HOBOKO.
❑ Pollete na dobirku (C.
(poplatek piipaten),
Temple Floral Co
Telefon 4445-5669 KYLE HOTEL
O. D.)
Poitovnl rifadovna
2501 Washington Blvd., Chicago 12, hi, 256 Stanley 8t., Winnipeg, Man., Can.