Monday, August 23, 2021
derful dancer. When he had the polka music playing, his hand would be extended for an impromptu dance. He enjoyed socializing and telling stories of his experiences while making you laugh with a twist to the story. His array of stories ranged from being sick from eating chocolate in a submarine to the infamous days of playing football for Rice University, and so many more in between. If you came for a visit, he would offer up a soda or a beer, but the beer was usually only somewhat cold. Theresa was the love of his life, and he was the
VĚSTNÍK love of hers. He was so proud of all his children, and in turn, they were just as proud of him. He attended Rice University. He was a member of the United States Army, where he served two years in Germany. His job as an electrical engineer took him to places such as Jordan and Italy. He was a member of KJT and SPJST. Lodge 25, Ennis Of all of his accomplishments, he would tell you that his family was the greatest. Betty Macalik, Secretary Lodge 25, Ennis —SPJST—
Slovanská Podporující Jednota Státu Texas
Singular 1st person - mluvím - I speak 2nd person - mluvíš - you speak 3rd person - mluví - he, she, or it speaks Plural 1st person - mluvíme - we speak 2nd person - mluvíte - you speak 3rd person - mluví - they speak
Uředni orgán SPJST ★ Založené roku 1897
mají hlad. Karel má rád maso a Helena má ráda sýr. Když oni mají žízeň, tak pijí mléko. Rádi se učíme česky. Babička mluví česky. Mám rád babičku. S S S Slovníček - Vocabulary
Read the following out loud. Get family or friends help with the pronunciation; do them together. Clip and save each lesson, and compile them into notebook míti hlad - to be hungry míti žíveň - to be thirsty míti rád nékoho - to like someone míti rad něco - to like something Kolik je hodin? - What time is it? S S S Čtení - Reading Kolik je hodin? Mám už hlad. Proč nemáme co jíst? Protože matka není doma. Karel a Helena též
2. Conjugation of the verbs of the second conjugation: that is, verbs that end in iti: Mluviti - to speak
Lekce jedenáctá Lesson 11
1. The verb míti is used in Czech to form idioms. It was conjugated in the first lesson. To say one is hungry, the proper form of the verb míti plus hlad is used. To say one is thirsty, use míti plus žízeň. To say one likes someone, or something, míti plus rád is used. However, if the speaker is feminine, ráda is used and for the plural, use rádi or rády.
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Učme se česky Let Us Study Czech
Mluvnice - Grammar
hodina - hour proč - why protože - because mléko - milk sýr - cheese babička - grandmother česky - Czech (adv.) mluviti - to speak učiti se - to study píti - to drink kolik - How much? How many? něco - something tak - so jísti - to eat S S S
S S S 3. The verb učiti se to study, is a reflexive verb. Whenever it is conjugated, it must be followed by the reflexive pronoun se in all persons of the verb. Example: Učím se - I study; učíš se - you study, etc. S S S Homework 1. Memorize the expressions and the vocabulary. 2. Translate the reading exercise into English. 3. Conjugate the following verbs: bydliti - to live, dwell chváliti - to praise —SPJST—
Early Czech Schools: TCGS’ August Book of the Month With the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year just around the corner, Texas Czech Genealogical Society (TCGS) has chosen Early Czech Schools as its August Book of the Month to coincide with that most important time of the year. Early Czech Schools was selected as the Texas State Genealogical Society’s first place winner at the statewide conference in 2014 from a number of entries in the Category VII Division: Books Published by Partner Society Members. This offering is a two volume, soft bound set containing 597 pages of stories, more than 600 photos, and over 2,900 surnames. The book is indexed for easy navigation. Features include early Czech educators in the Fatherland, early Texas educators in public as well as private schools in Texas, plus photos and articles about Czech Clubs at Texas A&M, The University of Texas, and The University of Houston. Included is a section on more than 100 Czech schools from the 1800s, which were built in numerous small towns and in the countryside where the families lived. This section contains so much more than a photo of the school and a class photo with many of the students identified. You will enjoy viewing various newspaper articles, documents, awards, and other types of special recognition that the students received. The last chapter contains articles about the individual students. The cost of the two volume set is $55 with free shipping and handling during the month of August, which is a $17 savings. Don’t delay. Send your check, payable to TCGS, in the amount of $55 for each set to Nancy Machu, 3337 Bianco Terrace, Round Rock, Texas 78665. Checks must be postmarked on or before August 31. For questions or to pay by credit card, please call Nancy at 512-971-4284. Nancy Machu Lodge 29, Taylor —SPJST—