Sam Kahle | Architecture Portfolio

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Sam Kahle Architecture Portfolio University of Oregon | University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Samuel Paul Kahle LEED Green Associate 608.279.4952 |


[April 2013 - present] The urban collaborative Eugene, or Urban design intern Assist in the production of master plan and urban design documentation on numerous scales. Received exposure to analysis mapping, reproduction of alternative designs, the creation of various area development execution plans, the rendering of phasing plans and final illustrative plans, and other supporting documentation across numerous military installations.

[December 2013 - March 2014] Oregon b.i.l.d. s Eugene, Or Group coordinator Helped construct and manage communication for the University of Oregon design-build program. Participated in constructing a two-story, three bedroom home, and worked alongside professionals on a daily basis.

[April 2011 - September 2011] Milwaukee, WI Retro Home Services Job Site Manager Coordinated material distribution and personnel on the job site, as well as managed any customer needs, throughout the entire lifecyle of the project. Projects ranged from interior + exterior painting, to floor repair.

Other experience

T.A for Undergraduate Design Studio 2014 | Habitat for Humanity Volunteer | Won War Memorial design competition - Constructed in 2011 |

Other Positions

Bartender | HVAC Shipping & Receiving | Golf Course Associate | Office Manager | Coca-Cola Vendor | Exterior Painter


M.Arch | University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon 2012 - [Expected] 2014 BSAS | Spanish Minor | University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee Graduated with honors | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 2008 - 2012 ELISAVA | Barcelona School of Design and Engineering Barcelona, Spain Fall 2012


Revit | AutoCAD | Sketchup | Multiframe | G.I.S Photoshop | InDesign | Illustrator | Maxwell | V-ray Word | Powerpoint | Excel Hand-drawing | Model making

Table Of Contents 01.

QuI Nohn, Vietnam


Tech-Sector Housing


Squash Facility


Residence Hall


Boat Fire Station


Swimming Pool

Pages [21-22]


War Memorial

Pages [23-24]



Pages [5-10]

Master Planning

Pages [11-12]

Multi-Family Housing

Pages [13-16]

Multi-Family Housing

Pages [17-18]

Sports Facility

Pages [19-20]

Emergency Service & Museum

Community Center


Travel Documentation

Pages [25-26]

Qui Nhon, Vietnam This is a master planning project sponsored by the government of Vietnam that proposes a city for one hundred thousand, which is the expected growth for Qui Nhon over the next twenty years. We were asked to consider various social, economic, and environmental concerns and conducted extensive research into these topics before beginning design. The site is a three thousand acre greenfield development, that has one constructed twelve lane highway, and is adjacent to the ocean. Rising sea levels and flooding are major issues that we addressed through the use of a large bioswale. Due to the large scale of this project, we worked in four person teams and collaborated extensively throughout development and production. Various scales and systems were addressed, ranging from city-wide transportation networks to street sections and sidewalk details.

The design creates a flexible yet consistent grid, developed in response to green spaces, public spaces, and pedestrian access. A gradient of development will position higher density in accordance with main development areas. There will be an integrated, multi-modal transit system that responds to existing features, organized around a central hub. The design uses a hierarchy of streets as well as a variable grid, which is integrated into the fabric of the city. Site specific green spaces will link together variations in density, while adopting to climate and weather changes. These systems aim to make visible the treatment of storm and wastewater as well as the production of clean wind and solar energy.

Cooperative housing For the Tech-sector

[Work in Progress] My terminal studio at the University of Oregon is a multi-family housing project in San Francisco, CA that aims to create a community driven , tech-sector housing development that enables social and business collaboration through form and function. With cooperative housing being both an ownership model as well as a social entity, this allows a rather narrow tennant focus. My current form was developed through intensive iteration in response to design principles, and responds to both adjacent buildings as well as the needs of the tenants. While still in the conceptual phase, our final term will be used to further develop the individual systems of the building, and allow us to explore the details of building operation and construction.


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Squash Facility The site for this project is located in Milwaukee, WI and is located at the intersection of various transportation systems, while simultaneously facing a thirty foot sectional change and three distinct grade changes. This facility contains various programmatic elements including six squash courts, a public banquet hall, a cafe and administrative offices. The primary concern for this design was to provide pedestrian access from multiple directions and frame views on the southern exposure.

North elevation

South elevation

West elevation

East elevation

Residence Hall The project was to design a dormitory located on the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee campus. Our site encounters multiple building height adjacencies as well as a fifteen foot grade change from east to west. This design attempts to reconcile the height adjacencies by stepping from a University scale at the north end, down to a residential scale at the south, while creating access through the center for pedestrian circulation through campus.

South elevation



North elevation


Boat Fire Station We were given the task of designing a boat fire station that would service the Milwaukee metropolitan area, which would not only house the mechanical and equipment needs of the fire crews, but would also display the history and heritage of distinguished fire brigades in the form of a permanent historical exhibition. Our designs were to address the difficult infill situation, as well as resolve the navigation of an existing pedestrian pathway. The concept of tension was the foundation for my project and various conceptual sketches helped resolve the vertical navigation over and through our site.

Third floor

Second floor

Site plan

First floor

Basement floor

Downer Ave. Pool The program is a public swimming facility that could be used by neighborhood residents year-round. We encountered difficulties with such a large programmatic element, such as the swimming pool, when working with a long narrow site. This design lifted the pool to the second level and navigated the vertical circulation through the use of a ramping system.

Downer Elevation

Second Floor Plan

First Floor Plan


[Built in 2011] War Memorial The Cross Plains, Wisconsin chapter of the American Legion desired to build a memorial to honor the local veterans that have served our country. They wished for input from the community and held a design competition through Middleton High School. I was enrolled in the advanced Autocad class where the main competition took place, and after the first round of judging, my design was chosen. In the following weeks my fellow students and I developed the program to the current form, which was constructed in 2011. All of the ornamentation and craftsmanship was left to the city, but the form and location of the memorial was determined by the class. I was personally responsible for the creation of the benches, and the form of the central monument.

Photography “Stare. It is the way to educate your eye. Stare, pry, listen, and eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long.� - Walker Evans

Contact Sam Kahle 608.279.4952

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