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The history of the OVSRA

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ONRUS - Hidden Gem

ONRUS - Hidden Gem

They boldly go where few has gone before! These are the men and woman serving on the board of the newly formed Special Rates Area for Onrus and Vermont.

These two adjoining coastal villages did not escape the steady rise in crime.


At a historic seaside handover meeting on 18th May, six gentlemen and a lady, assumed their positions as voluntary and elected members of the board of directors of the new and approved non-profit SRA organisation. Brand new shoes to fill, potentially deep waters to negotiate. The culmination of six years of hard lobbying, sweat and tears by a determined and tenacious steering committee group. They and a handful of champion residents who refused to give up their ideal for a safer and better living environment.

The expertise brought to the table bodes well for OVSRA. The knowledge pool includes people with security, financial, organisational and project management skills. Most importantly perhaps the fact that they all immediately agreed to sign a pact. One that states that they will always work together in a transparent way with a common goal in mind.

Communication with the residents was set as one of the primary functions of the board. The formation of OVSRA can be tracked back to as far as 2015. The two communities then formed their own neighbourhood watch. They called it OnVerwag, with the watchful owl as its emblem.

It has been an uphill struggle with inadequate funding as the main obstacle. Not everybody bought into the idea at first. A small number of residents ended up financing this enhanced security umbrella under which the whole community enjoyed a safer environment.

To optimise their efforts, the exco of OnVerwag then met with the Overstrand Municipality in early 2017. The installation of cameras was the main item on the agenda. At that meeting it was suggested they form a steering committee to look into the viability of a SRA. This would then ensure that the whole community would contribute to their own improved safety. In July of that year, a needs survey was conducted in the community and a list of items were presented to the OM. The idea was not to take over any of the existing functions and duties of the municipality. The SRA would identify areas where the general public felt the OM did not quite reach and service on a regular basis.

Overall safety remained the main priority but the list also now included beautifying the town. Additional cleaning of public areas, protection of green belts as well as enhancing safety on the main beach and coastal path were added to the wish list.

A financial plan was drawn up and discussed with the community at public meetings. Finally, the OM approved it. They would start collecting additional rates from each property owner based on a standard rate 0.00035 in the Rand of the municipal value of the property. This meant that the average extra payment of most residents would be between R35-00 and R55-00 per month. In return safety of open public spaces would be drastically improved by mobile and foot patrols and the installation of monitoring cameras.

One of the key strengths of the board of OVSRA in the opinion of the author, lies in its diversity of experience that can be brought to bear on any challenge that may arise. From the discipline of a retired navy admiral to the gentle yet firm touch of a woman well versed in business. From the financial knowhow of an accountant to the guardianship of an expert environmentalist.

Already they have met with neighbouring SRAs with the view of holding hands and forging a relationship of cooperation and common goals. Whilst still looking for adequate office space from where operations can be launched and controlled, OVSRA hopes to be substantially operational by the end of the year. OVSRA is a big ship and will take a while yet to gather full momentum.

With Chairman Anton Du Preez and vice chairman Bernhard Teuteberg at the helm, we trust that she will remain true to her course and bring about its promise of enhanced peace and tranquillity to our two villages.

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