Environmental Monitoring Report 2012-‐2013
An analysis of our carbon footprint and our impact on the environment. Calculations were made using the online calculator provided by Climate Care.
Louise Wilson May 2013
Environmental Monitoring Report 2012-2013
Contents  Executive Summary
Carbon Footprint
Analysis of Impact
Reduction Plan
Climate Care Report
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Environmental Monitoring Report 2012-2013
Executive Summary Our Services This year has seen a major change to our areas of operation. We began a new service in Gloucestershire and by April 2013 we had 10 staff operating there. We continue to provide a range of support services to individuals and families in Wiltshire and Bristol. Services are delivered in the community, but some projects run workshops and other group events at fixed venues. In April 2012 we moved our head office to a shared office building. This has had an impact on how we calculate our environmental impact, as we are no longer billed directly for water consumption. We have estimated an amount based on a proportion of the total water usage for the building. For our satellite offices, including our new office in Gloucester, we are not able to measure use of services, as these are all inclusive in the rent.
Our Impact Our footprint has increased by 87% this year. Travel has increased by over 60% and our electricity use has also increased by over 100%. However, this is partially offset by us no longer using gas. The amount of CO2 calculated from our travel was done using a different method this year, and didn’t take account of the vehicle engine size. The calculation of CO2 tonnes per person has increased by 40%. Although our individual footprint has increase it is now broadly in line with the calculation 2 and 3 years ago. It could be that our lower individual footprint last year was an anomaly.
Our Response Splitz is committed to preserving and protecting the environment. We do this by monitoring and analysing our activities and taking positive action. By highlighting our impact we have encouraged a more efficient use of transport. Office efficiencies have included reduced water usage and reduced waste. This year we were able to recycle more than 12 different types of materials. The energy performance certificate for our new head office has a rating of 59, which is a reasonable figure for the type of building.
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Environmental Monitoring Report 2012-2013
Introduction  Calculations Calculations of our CO2 emissions are made using the process on the Climate Care web site.
Average Number of Staff Usage per person is calculated using the average number of paid staff posts during the year. Posts FTE1
2011-12 32.5 23.8
2012-13 43.5 35.8
Change +34% +50%
Vehicles We know the engine size and fuel type for all staff vehicles and the miles travelled in each class.
Petrol engine size Number of vehicles Miles travelled
< 1.4l 22 27886
1.4-2.0l 26 47232
> 2.0l 2 5754
Diesel engine size Number of vehicles Miles travelled
< 1.7l 6 10317
1.7-2.0l 12 28894
> 2.0l 1 2041
Full time equivalent
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Environmental Monitoring Report 2012-2013
Carbon  Footprint  Our carbon footprint includes the fuel used for travelling and the electricity and gas use at our main office in Trowbridge. We are unable to identify electricity or gas use at our offices in Bristol or Salisbury as we do not pay directly for these services.
Tonnes CO2 Average staff Tonnes/person
2011-12 30.68 32.5 0.94
Target 1.0
Total Emissions Total emissions: 57.29 tonnes; % by source
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2012-13 57.29 43.5 1.32
Change +87% +34% +40%
Environmental Monitoring Report 2012-2013
Analysis of Impact Petrol & Diesel All staff & volunteers
miles Tonnes CO2 Tonnes/person
2011-12 76,248 24.3 0.75
Target 85,000 1.0
2012-13 122,500 46.43 2.8
Change +61% +91% +273%
2011-12 5581 1.03 0.03
Target 8,000 0.05
2012-13 0 0 0
Change -0% -0% -0%
2011-12 9807 5.36 0.16
Target 10,000 0.20
2012-13 18,413 10.86 0.25
Change +88% +103% +56%
2011-12 36,000 4.3
Target 22,000 3.0
2012-13 36,000 2.27
Change -0% -47%
2011-12 52 1.6
Target 40 1.5
2012-13 52 1.2
Change 0 -25%
Gas Trowbridge
kWh Tonnes CO2 Tonnes/person
Electricity Trowbridge
kWh Tonnes CO2 Tonnes/person
Water Trowbridge
Litres Litres/person/day
Waste Trowbridge
Bags* Bags/person
* a bag is defined as a full 60 litre bin liner
Recycling We continue to recycle a variety of items. The item that is recycled most is paper. The next most recycled item is cardboard. Only small quantities of the other items are generated. Storing the other items for recycling is proving easier. As only small quantities are generated these are disposed of monthly. Toner cartridges are returned to the supplier or given to a local recycling venture. We have had no items recycled under WEEE regulations this year. We are mindful of the Waste Packaging Regulations and encourage suppliers to recover cardboard packaging.
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Environmental Monitoring Report 2012-2013
Reduction Plan A major environmental impact is from our use of energy. The main energy used is electricity and fuel for vehicles. We have identified the main reasons for energy use and devised a plan to reduce our energy consumption. Electricity A major consumer of electricity is our ICT, especially the server and other systems that remain online 24/7, but also includes our desktop computers, which are used daily for a few hours. Monitors left on standby overnight can continue to draw power. Air conditioning and heating units are the main temperature control method at our new office. To reduce electricity consumption: • • • • • •
Use air conditioning within its operating limits. Do not have monitors attached to servers. Turn monitors off when not in use. Turn off lights when not in use (eg inner office, Merrick room, main office). Unplug phone chargers and other unused equipment when not in use. Use additional electrical items sparingly.
Petrol/diesel Travel on duty is biggest use of energy. It is not possible to reduce this greatly as our services are mainly community based. To reduce petrol/diesel consumption: • • • • • • • •
Drive carefully; don’t drive aggressively. Drive economically; think ahead. Plan your journey. Combine short trips. Keep your car properly serviced. Check your tyre pressure; under inflated tyres cause wear and tear and use more fuel. Reduce unwanted weight. Consider alternative transport; do you need to drive into town?
Staff Involvement To encourage staff involvement we set up a set up an Environment Team, but this was poorly attended and was cancelled. The aims were to monitor our energy use, set targets, investigate best practice, educate others and contribute to the production of this annual report. We will try to re-establish this group next year.
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Environmental Monitoring Report 2012-2013
Targets  Unit Overall CO2 Petrol
2012-2013 (actual)
* estimated
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