EN VI R O N MENTAL REPORT 2020 Ja c q u i Orc h a r d B u s i n e s s D e v elo p m e n t M a n a g e r
OUR ETHOS At Splitz, we aim to make a positive impact on the environment. We are continually seeking ways to reduce our carbon footprint while enhancing our impact for everyone. This year we have maintained low carbon emissions for the driving we do and in the energy we use.
Our waste management systems ensure we minimise the amount we throw away to landfill, and we are committed to saving water by encouraging our property owners to adopt efficient systems. All C02 calculations in this report were made using the free business tool on the carbon footprint.com website.
Splitz Support Service Oak House, Epsom Square, White Horse Business Park, Trowbridge BA14 0XG Charity No: 1064764 – Company limited by guarantee: 3360057
Impact of 137 staff, volunteers and trustees
Over 45 tonnes of C02 produced
Average of 0.52 tonnes of C02 per person
152,337 mileage measured for all sites
Other impact measurable at only our main site
Our environmental report provides an overview of the impact we have on the environment from our use of natural resources to our contribution to landfill. We are only able to measure our impact where we have direct responsibility for our purchase of resources of our output. As such we are not able to include details of our electricity and water use at our regional offices, as utilities are included in the rent. By calculating our carbon footprint, we can identify our environmental impact in a way that is comparable with other businesses and norms for the sector. Our footprint remains below 1 tonne of C02 per year, per person.
PETROL • 152,337 miles travelled by
community based, we are not able to reduce this greatly.
• 40.57 tonnes of C02 produced
We do not provide vehicles for our workers and do not offer incentives for having smaller, more efficient vehicles.
100+ people
• 0.37 tonnes of C02 per person This year the calculation was based on miles travelled by vehicles of different engines sizes and fuel types.
There is no incentive in the HMRC mileage rates to encourage employers to opt for vehicles with higher efficiency ratings. However many staff have chosen to move to more energy efficient cars when replacing them.
Travel continues to be our biggest use of energy By recording, the mileage travelled and adopting and our largest impact on the environment. simple measures to increase fuel efficiency in all We have made an effort to reduce the amount of vehicle types we aim to minimise our carbon footprint. driving we do, but as most of our services are
Our mileage has been reduced by 9.5% this year due to increased efficiencies in the way we plan our community based work. However, our carbon footprint has increased. This is due to an increase in the number of staff with medium sized car engines.
ENERGY • 25,110 KwH of electricity used by 53 people
• 6.96 tonnes of C02 produced • 0.13 tonnes of C02 produced per person
Electricity is the only energy we use. There is no gas supply to any of our offices. Electricity is predominately used to power our IT equipment, lights and heating/air conditioning systems. Our main offices are modern and have built in air conditioning for both heating and cooling. The buildings have high-energy performance ratings, reducing the need for additional
heating in winter and additional cooling in summer. However, there will always be a need for some additional heating and cooling. By adopting simple procedures for conserving heat and turning off unwanted appliances, we have maintained a steadily reducing demand for energy. Electricity is included in the office rent for all premises except our main office in Trowbridge. It is therefore not possible to quantify our energy usage at our other locations. Therefore, our figures only reflect usage at our main office. The carbon footprint per person has been calculated using the maximum number of people working from the main office.
In the last five years we have reduced our energy consumption by 35% through improved procedures and our energy suppliers becoming more efficient at producing energy.
6240 6240
184 184
• 4 or more types of waste recycled or reused
• Cardboard, plastic bottles, batteries Recycled
• Paper shredded and recycled We continue to recycle a variety of items; the time that is recycled the most is paper. The next most recycled item is cardboard. Only small quantities of the other items are generated.
Our confidential paperwork is shredded and recycled by Shred-It. Most other waste paper is disposed of in the same manner as we have the capacity in the secure shredding bins.
Storing the other items for recycling is proving Although we have a paperless case management easier as only small quantities are generated and system, it has not been possible to eliminate all they are disposed of regularly. paper. We still receive paper from other agencies and continue to generate paper with our HR systems.
We remain committed to recycling as much waste as possible. This year we aim to find a local recycling venue to recycle toner cartridges.
WATER • 100,000 litres of water used by 53 people
• 1886 litres and 56.6 grams of C02 per person
• 0.003 tonnes of C02 produced Water rates are included in the rent of all our offices except our main office. There is a water meter at our main office. Our water use is mainly for washing, toilets and making drinks. As we cannot measure our water usage at all our premises, this analysis is based on the maximum numbers of users at our main office.
A good practice office building should be using no more than 6,000 litres of water per person per year. Our usage is well below this average and is a measure of our commitment to reduce the amount of carbon needed to treat, transport and recycle water. It has been calculated that energy needed to produce each litre of drinking water generates 0.3g of C02. We are unable to identify the energy used to treat waste water, as our wastewater is not metred. It is likely to be greater than the energy required to produce potable water. However, we do not feel able to include an estimate in our analysis.
We have continued to reduce our water consumption by adopting simple efficiency measures like filling the kettle with what you need and installing a drinking water tap.
I M P R O V E M E N TS Petrol/ D i e s e l To reduce petrol/diesel consumption: • Plan journeys • Combine short trips • Consider if the purpose of the journey can be achieved in another way • Consider alternative transport • Drive carefully; drive consistently • Keep your vehicle properly serviced • Check tyre pressures • Reduce unnecessary weight
To reduce carbon consumption: • Use air conditioning with limits. • Do not have monitors for servers. • Turn monitors off when not in use. • Turn off lights when not in use. • Unplug unused equipment. • Use additional electrical items sparingly.
Waste & Water
To reduce waste & water consumption: • Continue to recycle where possible. • Our water usage is already below the norm. However, we are committed to reducing where possible.
2019-20 targets
2019-20 actual
2020-21 targets
Overall CO2 (tonnes/person)
< 1.0
Miles travelled
Electricity (kWh)
LandďŹ ll (litres)
Water (litres)
Cardboard Paper Batteries Plastic bottles IT equipment
Cardboard Paper Batteries Plastic bottles IT equipment
Cardboard Paper Batteries Plastic bottles IT equipment