Environmental report 2013 14

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Environmental Monitoring Report 2013-­‐2014

An analysis of our carbon footprint and our impact on the environment. Calculations were made using the online calculator provided by Carbon Footprint (www.carbonfootprint.com).

Louise Wilson June 2014

Environmental Monitoring Report: 2013-2014


Contents Summary




Carbon Footprint


Analysis of Impact


Reduction Plan




Carbon Footprint Report

Sources of Advice Business Resource Efficiency Guide

Green Office: A Guide to Running a More Cost-effective and Environmentally Sustainable Office

This year we identified a new source of advice, WRAP - Waste & Resources Action Programme. “WRAP is a not for profit company limited by guarantee, set up with an independent board to promote resource efficiency. We are funded by an increasing number of governments and other (not quasi) public sector organisations.” (WRAP website) www.wrap.org.uk Home

1 Introduction

2 Measuring and monitoring

3 Waste reduction opportunities

4 Paper

5 Waste

6 Energy

7 Water

8 Transport

9 Gaining support

10 Further information

Environmental Monitoring Report: 2013-2014


Summary Our Services This year has seen a little change to our areas of operation. We continue to provide a range of support services to individuals and families in Wiltshire, Bristol and Gloucestershire. Services are mostly delivered in the community, with workshops and other group events at fixed venues.

Our Impact For our satellite offices in Wiltshire, Bristol and Gloucester we are not able to measure the utilities we use as these are all serviced offices. For our head office we can measure our consumption of electricity and waste, but only estimate our water usage as this is a shared utility with the other tenants. • • •

The CO2 emissions per person are down 18%, despite an overall carbon footprint increase of 10% this year. Travel has increased by 29%. This is hardly surprising given the 33% increase in staffing levels. Electricity use has increased by 4%. This is marginal and reflects the increased staff presence in our Trowbridge office.

The amount of CO2 calculated from our travel was done using a different method this year, and didn’t take account of the vehicle engine size. An average car was used in this calculation. We have on average 33% more staff this year. The extra staff are located at various sites, however, the number of staff regularly attending the office in Trowbridge has increased. Although our individual footprint has increased it is now broadly in line with other years.

Our Response Splitz remains committed to preserving and protecting the environment. We do this by monitoring and analysing our activities and taking positive action. By highlighting our impact we have encouraged a more efficient use of transport. Office efficiencies have included reduced water usage and reduced waste. This year we were able to recycle more than 12 different types of materials.

Environmental Monitoring Report: 2013-2014


Introduction  Calculations Calculations of our CO2 emissions are made using the process on the Carbon Footprint web site. Calculations are for electricity use at our offices where we have a direct electricity supply. Utilities are paid in the rent for many of our satellite offices. As such the figures of our total usage may be slightly askew, however they are comparable with previous years.

Vehicles We know the engine size and fuel type for all staff vehicles and the miles travelled in each class. Petrol engine size Number of vehicles Miles travelled

< 1.4l 24 38411

1.4-2.0l 36 54477

> 2.0l 2 7451

Diesel engine size Number of vehicles Miles travelled

< 1.7l 9 24118

1.7-2.0l 12 32903

> 2.0l 1 919

Environmental Monitoring Report: 2013-2014


Carbon  Footprint  Our carbon footprint includes the fuel used for travelling and the electricity used at our main office in Trowbridge. We are unable to identify energy consumption at our satellite offices in Bristol, Salisbury or Gloucester, as we do not pay directly for these services. Trowbridge

Tonnes CO2 Average staff Tonnes/person

Total Emissions Total emissions: 62.81 tonnes; % by source

2012-13 57.29 43.5 1.32

2013-14 62.81 58 1.08

Change +10% +33% -18%

Environmental Monitoring Report: 2013-2014


Analysis of Impact Petrol & Diesel All staff & volunteers

Miles Tonnes CO2

2012-13 122,500 46.43

Target 150,000 -

2013-14 158,279 53.56

Change +29% +15%

2012-13 18,413 10.86

Target 18,000 -

2013-14 19114 9.24

Change +4% -15%

2012-13 100,000

Target 105,000

2013-14 80,000

Change -20%

2012-13 52

Target 60

2013-14 68

Change +31%

Electricity Trowbridge

kWh Tonnes CO2

Water Trowbridge


Waste Trowbridge


* a bag is defined as a full 60 litre bin liner

Recycling We continue to recycle a variety of items. The item that is recycled most is paper. The next most recycled item is cardboard. Only small quantities of the other items are generated. Storing the other items for recycling is proving easier. As only small quantities are generated these are disposed of monthly. Toner cartridges are returned to the supplier or given to a local recycling venture. We have had no items recycled under WEEE regulations this year. We are mindful of the Waste Packaging Regulations and encourage suppliers to recover cardboard packaging.

Environmental Monitoring Report: 2013-2014


Reduction Plan A major environmental impact is from our use of energy. The main energy used is electricity and fuel for vehicles. We have identified the main reasons for energy use and devised a plan to reduce our energy consumption. Electricity A major consumer of electricity is our ICT, especially the server and other systems that remain online 24/7, but also includes our desktop computers, which are used daily for a few hours. Monitors left on standby overnight can continue to draw power. Air conditioning and heating units are the main temperature control method at our new office. To reduce electricity consumption: • • • • • •

Use air conditioning within its operating limits. Do not have monitors attached to servers. Turn monitors off when not in use. Turn off lights when not in use (eg inner office, Merrick room, main office). Unplug phone chargers and other unused equipment when not in use. Use additional electrical items sparingly.

Petrol/diesel Travel on duty is biggest use of energy. It is not possible to reduce this greatly as our services are mainly community based. To reduce petrol/diesel consumption: • • • • • • • •

Drive carefully; don’t drive aggressively. Drive economically; think ahead. Plan your journey. Combine short trips. Keep your car properly serviced. Check your tyre pressure; under inflated tyres cause wear and tear and use more fuel. Reduce unwanted weight. Consider alternative transport; do you need to drive into town?

Water A good-practice office building should be using no more than 6.5m 3 (6,500 litres) of water per person per year (or 25 litres per staff member per day). Where an office has a canteen where meals are cooked from raw ingredients, then the water use associated with the preparation, cooking and cleaning will increase this to around 40 litres per staff member per day. (WRAP, Green Office: A Guide to Running a More Cost-Effective and Environmentally Sustainable Office, Banbury, 2013) Staff Involvement

Environmental Monitoring Report: 2013-2014


To encourage staff involvement we set up a set up an Environment Team, but this was poorly attended and was cancelled. The aims were to monitor our energy use, set targets, investigate best practice, educate others and contribute to the production of this annual report. We will try to re-establish this group next year.

Targets  Unit Overall CO2 Petrol Electricity Water Waste Recycling

2013-14 (target)

2013-2014 (actual)

2014-2015 (target)

























* estimated: water is metered for the whole building and our use is about 50%.

Self Assessed Carbon Footprint Results For Splitz Executive Summary Company name


Data completed by

Louise Wilson

No of employees


Data period

1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014

Total carbon footprint is 62.81 tonnes CO2e

Need to discuss/need more help Please call our Team on +44 (0) 1256 345645. Disclaimer The results reported herein have been calculated automatically using DEFRA and other internationally recognised metrics from data submitted by the client. No checks have been made on the validity or completeness of the data that the client has entered. Carbon Footprint Ltd always recommends that input datasets should be verified by a qualified environmental consultant, to confirm validity of results.

copyright Š Carbon Footprint Ltd


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Scope of this calculation This on-line Carbon Footprint assessment summarises the carbon emissions resulting from energy usage by the Company’s operations.

What is a carbon footprint? A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). It is also increasingly becoming a common measure of resource efficiency for businesses and is frequently requested in sales tender information. A carbon footprint is made up of the sum of two parts, the direct / primary footprint and the indirect / secondary footprint. 1

The primary footprint is a measure of our direct emissions of CO2e from the burning of fossil fuels including domestic energy consumption and transportation (e.g. car and plane).


The secondary footprint is a measure of the indirect CO2e emissions from the whole lifecycle of products we use - those associated with their manufacture and eventual breakdown. The secondary footprint includes the energy used to manufacture items that the company may use but do not have direct control of. E.g. although a company is likely to use PCs, it would be very difficult to determine the carbon used in the manufacture and delivery process, as the end user has no visibility of control of these items.

For businesses, the assessment focuses on the primary footprint, as this is something that the organisation will have direct control of. We ask companies to recognise that there is a secondary footprint though and select suppliers based on their environmental credentials, as well as price and performance.

How is the carbon footprint calculated? This calculation of your Company’s carbon footprint has been made through a combination of datasets, entered on-line. The calculation uses metrics developed by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and other internationally recognised sources. The primary carbon footprint calculation includes: • • • •

Fuel usage for heating, cooking and powering electrical equipment Passenger transportation, including Car, Rail and Air Flights made for business activities Freight transportation, including Road, Rail, Air and Shipping (if applicable) Process related green house gas emissions

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Why is it important for Businesses? A Carbon Footprint provides a measure of resource efficiency within an organisation. This is important as businesses increasingly need to: •

Disclose their Carbon Footprint - either for supply chain/ sales tendering requirements or for ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems.

Comply with legislative requirements - e.g. new Mandatory Greenhouse Gas reporting (initially for main market LSE companies from 30 September 2013)

Differentiate their businesses

Reduce operational costs

Manage employee and other stakeholder relations - candidate employees and staff prefer to work for business that are environmentally sustainable. Stakeholders also prefer this. Carbon Footprinting provides a means to measure and from there to manage carbon performance.

Sources / References The calculations for primary emissions are based on conversion factors sourced from • • • • • • •

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) - UK World Resource Institute (WRI) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) - UK US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - USA US Department of Energy (DOE) - USA Green House Office - Australia Standards Association (CSA) GHG Registries - Canada

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Summary of Data Supplied Buildings Tonnes of CO2e

Energy Type


19114 kWh of electricity in United Kingdom


Total building emissions footprint

Flights Tonnes of CO2e

Flight Details


(no data supplied)


Total footprint for flights

Cars & Vans Tonnes of CO2e 11.51

Car & Van Details


38411 miles in a Average Car Petrol Car Small petrol car up to 1.4 litre engine average value 54477 miles in a Average Car Petrol Car Medium petrol car from 1.4 - 2.0 litres average value 7451 miles in a Average Car Petrol Car Large petrol car above 2.0 litre average value


24118 miles in a Average Car Diesel Car Small diesel car up to 1.7 litre average value


32903 miles in a Average Car Diesel Car Medium diesel car from 1.7 to 2.0 litre average value 919 miles in a Average Car Diesel Car Large diesel car above 2.0 litre average value


0.39 53.56

Total footprint for cars & vans

Vehicle Fuel Tonnes of CO2e

Fuel Details


(no data supplied)


Total footprint for vehicle fuel

Bus & Rail Tonnes of CO2e

copyright Š Carbon Footprint Ltd

Mode Of Transport


(no data supplied)


Total bus & rail footprint


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Recommendations •

The results reported have been calculated automatically, using DEFRA and other internationally recognised metrics. Datasets have been entered entirely by the client and no checking has been made by Carbon Footprint Ltd as to the validity or completeness of these data. We strongly recommend that datasets should be verified by a qualified environmental consultant, to confirm validity of your results. We recommend that a full green house gas emission assessment should now be undertaken and that the Green-House Gas (GHG) protocol for Corporate Emissions reporting is followed / alignment with international standards such as ISO14064-1 is made.

Calculations, if performed by own staff should always be verified by an independent and qualified environment consultant, particularly if the results are required for company or legislative reporting requirements.

These results should be used as a baseline to define your Carbon Management Programme. You should set up a review with your Top Team and use it to define your Carbon Management Plan for the rest of the year and until your next carbon footprint assessment.

You should target your carbon reduction programme, not just at what are the biggest sources of your footprint, but what are the easiest to reduce that will help you to demonstrate success within your organisation, drive cultural/behavioural change, from which larger reductions become more achievable.

Assess sources of funding support/ financial benefits /subsidies that you can access to develop further your programme, train your team or for capital expenditure to fund low carbon equipment

Understand how your company ranks against your competitors. Assess your business against your 5 main competitors for a range of Sustainability criteria to see where you are. This will then enable you to position your marketing (and avoid getting overstepped by your competitors).

Consider whether assessing the carbon content within your products/services would benefits your business – in terms of answering client/prospect requirements or to help you to "design for the environment" your offerings.

Consider how carbon offsetting plays a role in your organisation, in helping achieve carbon neutrality. This can be a strong marketing differentiator, and also provide structure to your Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

Put together a communications plan – ensure that your marketing reaches external audiences (in a way they understand and wish to be presented to) and as importantly to your colleagues to facilitate "buy in" and culture change.

Schedule to complete your next Carbon Footprint assessment in 12 months time.

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Funding & Further Support Carbon Footprint Ltd provides a full range of highly cost effective carbon and sustainability services, ranging from GHG emission audits, carbon management planning strategy workshops, implementation support, specialist carbon marketing & communications support to maximise the impact of your programmes. We also provide high quality carbon offsets to render your organisation carbon neutral. We are frequently also able to identify funding for your organisation to further assist you. Further Support Should you need additional support in your carbon management or wider sustainable programme, we provide a full range of highly cost effective services to extend the reach of your programme. •

Carbon and Sustainability Workshops - to engage staff and management teams, to get agreement on strategy, goals, targets and actions.

Carbon Management Planning - documenting a management plan to help drive performance and meet your targets.

On Site Energy Surveys - to identify specific where you can make savings to your energy usage. Identify solutions and showing the return on investment as well as the carbon savings.

Carbon Offsetting - to generating strong marketing messages, and providing structure to your CSR activities to engage staff and customers.

Data Collection & Monitoring Systems - design and development of automated systems, to save you time and ensure accurate data collection.

Staff Training & Engagement - getting your staff involved and motivated to help achieve your business goals, through workshops and e-learning courses.

Marketing Communications - accurate, responsible and creative promotion of your credentials, to your internal and external stakeholders, to help maximise your ROI and avoid common pitfalls.

Product Lifecycle Assessments (LCA) & Carbon Labelling - Differentiating your product from your competitor from cradle to grave.

Sustainable Policy - Facilitating your Board of directors to develop a pragmatic Sustainable Policy and roadmap for your business.

General consultancy support - Assisting you in whatever way you need to make your carbon, environmental and sustainability programme deliver value to your business.

Please ask, if you would like more information on any of these services.

Please call our team to discuss your carbon/sustainability programme needs. +44 (0)1256 345645 info@carbonfootprint.com

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