Splitz Strategy 2019-2024

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SPLITZ Support Service

OUR STRATEGY 2019-2024


Our vision, mission and values Our Visi o n Our vision for Splitz Support Service is that we provide the highest quality services that enable our users and beneficiaries: • • •

to realise and understand their right to be respected; to have the opportunity to enjoy a happy and healthy life, free from fear; to have the opportunity to achieve and sustain independence.

O ur Miss io n Splitz Support Service works to end domestic abuse and sexual violence in partnership with individuals, commu-nities and other agencies by: • • •

helping people identify, come to terms with and overcome their difficulties and challenges; providing high quality support services; generating solutions that are appropriate to the needs of the individuals and their communities.

Our Va lu es These are the qualities that as an organisation and as individuals are important to us in achieving our vision: • • • •


Integrity - accountability, transparency, honesty, reliability and confidentiality Inclusiveness - accessibility to all, treating everyone with dignity, showing respect and compassion, recognising and valuing difference in others Empowerment - encourage innovation, offer choice, flexible, approachable Encouragement - value passion and enthusiasm, generosity with time and resources, celebrate success

Why we do this   A l m o st 2 m i l l i on



adults aged between 16 and 59 experienced domestic abuse in 20171

per 100 reported crimes1

children in high risk households2



£66 bn

high risk MARAC cases3

total cost of domestic abuse, in England and Wales7

children in high risk households under 3yo2


of children living in domestic abuse households are directly harmed by the perpetrator4 On average victims at high risk of serious harm or murder live with domestic abuse for

2- 3 yea r s

before getting help5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

of cases prosecuted resulted in a conviction1

of cases led to a charge1

1 3 0, 0 0 0




46 ar rest s



of those going to MARAC or accessing an IDVA are women3







women a month are killed by a current or former partner6

Crime Survey for England and Wales 2017 SafeLives (2015), Getting it right first time: policy report. Bristol: SafeLives. SafeLives (2014), MARAC national dataset 2014. Bristol: SafeLives Caada (2014), In Plain Sight: Effective help for children exposed to domestic abuse. Bristol: Caada. SafeLives (2015), Insights IDVA National Dataset 2013-14. Bristol: SafeLives. ONS (2016), March 2015 Crime Survey for England and Wales Home Office (2019), The economic and social costs of domestic abuse.


Introduction This new strategy was developed by our Board in developmental conjunction with our senior managers and other staff. Much thought has gone in to the development needs of the charity as a whole, things that we have just not had the time or capacity to deal with over the previous decade. Bringing focus to these needs through identifying strategic aims will drive the changes we need to make in order to remain a strong charity with a unique offering for the people of Southwest England. Funding for our services was at one stage mainly from grants and trusts, with fewer expectations on how we delivered these services. The financial climate has changed greatly in the past decade with more and more charities seeking ever dwindling funding opportunities. A consistently low interest rate has meant trusts have had smaller pots of money to share and our own investments have seen paltry returns. Similarly, the squeeze on the public purse has seen local councils reduce their offering, resulting in people working to find alternative local solutions, often seeking grants from trusts in order to do so. Our main income stream is now through local authority contracts, with 75% of our income received in this way. Contracts are no longer safe or guaranteed and are often reviewed annually as the local authorities retighten their own belts. As well as cutting costs there are now greater expectations imposed on the delivery of the contracts. More and more data is expected and this has an immediate impact on front line services. The need for some data has to be questioned but we are seldom able to put this off. Local authorities have been under pressure to meet government targets, including data protection and IT security standards. These alone have contributed to a 50% rise in the work of our back office staff as they strive to ensure our charity complies with the standards passed on by the councils. It’s not an easy process when we are expected to meet standards even much larger businesses don’t even meet, including most councils. We are committed to achieving higher standards in a wide range of areas. Most of our staff have achieved nationally recognised qualifications in their field of work. As a charity we have achieved many national quality marks, and strive to maintain these while improving in other areas. Changes


to the charity sector over the past few years, brought about by highly publicised fundraising and governance scandals, have seen additional governance and reporting requirements. As a charity and company we are regulated by both the Charity Commission and Companies House, each with their own new requirements. Splitz Trustees take a robust approach to governance, undertaking an annual review and testing of strategic risks whilst maintaining rigorous Trusted Charity status benchmarks. We have purposefully created a culture of honest and open dialogue with staff, volunteers and service users to ensure that any potential issues are identified and resolved quickly as we strive for excellence in all that we do. Our company secretary has met these challenges but does not have the capacity to meet ever more challenges. The latest being talk of trustee remuneration. I don’t know where we would get the funds to pay our trustees, or how much we would pay them, or how we would manage them. This would add a whole new load to the already stretched governance role. Changes are inevitable and many are necessary, but sometimes we need time for changes to be embedded before we can weed out the unnecessary tasks and evaluate the new worth. This strategy is our chance to consolidate and make the necessary changes to strengthen Splitz Support Service for the challenges ahead.

Ann Cornelius Chair January 2019


Our strategic aims 1

We w ill p rovide s e r v i c e s th at i ns p i r e c h a nge We will be innovative in how we design our services and the partnerships we form. We will work with our stakeholders to design and deliver services that meet challenging needs in challenging times. We will develop “The Splitz Way” to bring together and sell our unique offering.


We w ill t ran s fo r m ou r b r a nd, i m ag e a nd repu tat io n We will make it clear that we support people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence – regardless of gender. Our brand will reflect our vision, mission and values, “The Splitz Way”, as well as the range of services we offer.


We w ill man ag e ou r c h a r i ty a s e f f e cti v e ly a nd effi cien t ly as p o ss i b l e We will value our trustees, volunteers and staff and support them in helping us to achieve our goals. We will invest in the resources required to support the growth and development of our aims.


Achieving the aims 1

We w ill p rovide se r v i c e s th at i ns p i r e c h a nge

Develop “The Splitz Way� Bring together into a single document all of the unique elements that go to make up the way Splitz reacts to its challenges and the way Splitz utilises its experience to make a diference.

New Partnerships Identify new partnering opportunities and strengthen our relationship with like-minded organisations. Use these partnerships to enhance the range of support offered to our communities.

Inspire And Empower Our People Develop our team through accredited training and empowering leadership. Increase the number of volunteering opportunities that compliment and enhance the services we offer.



We w ill t ran s fo r m ou r b r a nd, i m ag e a nd repu tat io n

Build A Cohesive Brand And Marketing Strategy Bring our work together under a single brand that is clearly recognised and reflects who we are. Use this brand to further promote the charity and the range of services we offer.

Enhance Stakeholder Engagement Build a database of stakeholders and build new relationships with them. Develop new ways to involve our stakeholders and new ways to enhance how we report our work.

Strengthen Community Integration Develop a team of local champions and a new range of community marketing materials. Use them to enhance our reputation by attending a wider range of local and regional community events.



We w ill m an ag e ou r c h a r i ty a s e f f e cti v e ly and ef f icien t ly as p o ss i b l e

Monitor The Wellbeing Of The Charity Identify modern and effective wellbeing monitoring systems that enable the charity to respond accordingly.

Develop Leadership Skills Encourage staff to achieve a recognised qualification in leadership and management. Promote good leadership through leading by example, including demonstrating good governance.

Being Financially Robust Define our appetite for growth and development. Identify our strategic fundraising expectations. Diversify and grow our income streams accordingly.


Monitoring We will report on progress against our strategy each year in our Report of the Trustees and our Annual Review. We will report to our staff and stakeholders at least once per year. To do this we will hold staff Away Days and stakeholder events. The Board will monitor progress quarterly against the current action plan, and review the action plan with the senior management team annually, setting new targets as appropriate.

Splitz Support Service Oak House, Epsom Square, White Horse Business Park, Trowbridge, BA14 0XG Registered charity - 1064764 Company limited by guarantee - 3360057 Tel: 01225 777724 www.splitz.org April 2019

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