What is in Issue 29
Page 24 — “The Silent Assassin” The Story of Tony Robles A great Amdassador to the sport of Billiards. By Brian Pauley
Page 4 —Overcoming Anxiety with EFT By Anthony Beeler
Page 8 — Robert Ross Photgraphyy Page 20 — Willow Troop Lovers the Game And Her Cue By Willow Troop
Page 32 — Corby Dayhoff Photgrapher/Owner of Servitude Photography Page 44 — A Winning Defensive Game Part III By Dominic Esposito a.k.a. The DrillInstructor Page 50 — Redemption 2022 — SVB Wins World Pool Championship By Patrick Sampey & Jennie Ann Page 56 — Jacoby Custom Cuew—A Love Story By Sharon Jacoby Page 59 — The Next Geration of PoolHas Arrived By Emily Duddy 3
Competition is an important part of the game of pool. For most of us, winning is a lot more than just winning, and losing means more than just losing. There is a lot of mental and emotional baggage attached to both sides of the coin. If you’re a pro player, you are often admired, respected, and looked up to. Losers, on the other hand, well, they’re losers for a reason, and what do we usually call someone that we want to insult? A loser.
eedless to say, the fear of losing wreaks havoc with a player’s ability to perform. According to many experts, “The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT—also known as “tapping”) was created by Gary Craig and works like emotional acupressure to quickly, gently, and easily release negative emotions and beliefs that are the root of all our problems and pain. EFT heals emotional problems by literally undoing damage from the past.”
EFT Basic Recipe: 1. Select the Problem that You Would Like to Address - Often, many of our mental game weaknesses are due to unhealed painful experiences that we have had in the past. One way to effectively remedy “negativity” is through the application of EFT to the painful memories that are at the root source of the problem.
In addition, it is also possible to use EFT to relieve negative in-the-moment emotions (e.g., anxiety, anger, sadness, discouragement, a fight with your teammate, etc.) that could be negatively affecting your game. 4
2. The EFT “Reminder Phrase” - Come up with a short phrase used to refer to the painful memory or problem—the more specific, the better. We call this the “reminder” phrase because we will use it during the tapping process to stay focused on the memory or current problem. The way to create a reminder phrase for a memory is to give the memory a title, like the title of a movie.
and profoundly accept myself.”
6. Reassess the Intensity Level - Reassess
• I’m furious at my opponent for sharking me during our last match (recent memory) • Dad called me a “loser” when I lost the match (eight-year-old memory) • I’m afraid of losing (current feeling) • I do not trust my stroke (current feeling—though memories may need to be addressed)
3. Rate the Intensity Level - Assess on a 0 to
10 scale how painful the memory is or how intense the emotion is, where 0 is no intensity at all and 10 is the maximum intensity.
4. Perform the “Set-up Affirmation” - You do the set-up affirmation by saying a selfacceptance affirmation three times while tapping on the karate chop point. The self-acceptance affirmation has the following form: “Even though ______________, I deeply and profoundly accept myself.” The blank is filled in with the reminder phrase that you came up with in step two. For example: “Even though I do not trust my stroke, I deeply
5. The EFT Tapping Sequence - Perform
two passes through all ten points: Say the reminder phrase while quickly tapping on each point. You will say the reminder phrase once per point. This is just the reminder phrase without the “even though” and “I deeply and profoundly accept myself.”
the negative level of the memory or negative feeling on a scale of 0 to 10. If the tapping is working, your negativity level should come down around 1 to 3 points per basic recipe. It may come down even more. 7. Repetition - Repeat steps four through six to apply another EFT Basic Recipe to the memory or painful emotions. Keep repeating the EFT Basic Recipe until there is zero pain associated with the painful memory or the negative emotion. If you try this on your own, you may experience complete relief in around ten minutes of tapping and see a big improvement in your game! You may also experience partial results or no results at all. People attempting EFT for the first time tend to have around a 50 percent success rate, which is actually pretty amazing when you think about it. On the other hand, half the people will experience little or no benefit on their own initially. However, if you work with an experienced EFT practitioner, your success rate will likely be near the 90th percentile.
Anthony Beeler is the 2018 Pool Instructor of the Year and is a former BCAPL National 9-Ball Champion. He has numerous top 25 national finishes and is one of only 8 ACS Master Instructors in the world. He is the primary author of the National Billiards Instructors Manual and has also authored the book Unstoppable! Positive Thinking for Pool Players. Anthony currently has the highest established Fargo Rating of any Master Instructor. He has won over 300 tournaments and has defeated numerous professional players in tournament competition. 5
Robert Ross Photography
Robert G. Ross is well known for his outstanding photography. Ross is a photographer at GoPlayPool.com and Owner of RG Ross Photography. Ross’s love and passion for photography shine through the photos that he takes. Robert has been taking pictures since the late 60s, when he purchased his first camera. Between his love of playing pool and taking photos, Robert enjoys sharing real-time images of pool players within the billiard community. Ross has been sharing pictures for the last 30 - 40 years. Ross is from California and also enjoys landscape photography. If you would like to reach Robert Ross, call/message him 951-833-0085. You can also follow him on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RgRossPhotography. Go Play Pool https://www.goplaypool.com 8
Jeanette Lee “The Black Widow” 1994 at the Bicycle Club in California
Efren Reyes, 1992 Hard Times Bellflower CA Caesars Tahoe Classic Lake Tahoe CA.
Below is Allen Hopkins, 1982
Shane Van Boening in 2018 at the US Open 10- Ball Event at Griff’s in Las Vegas a Cue Sports Internation Event. Robert Ross barely caught this photo becuase someone walked right in front of him and when he snapped the Camera he caught this amazing shot of SVB! 11
This photo was taken in 2006 with Alex Pagulayan, Francisco Bustamante, Rodolfo Luat, Ronnie Alcano, Marion Manalo, Dennis Orcullo, and Efren Reyes on the far right at The Venetian in Las Vegas. You’ve Got The Seven! Below: Frank Almanza
Mary Kenniston, 1984 Caesars Tahoe Classic Lake Tahoe CA. Mary was recently inducted into the WPBA Hall of Fame! Ewa Laurence
Robert Leblanc 14
Corel Deuel
Belinda Calhoun 1994 at the Bicycle Club in California
Louie Roberts
Ron Rosas
K. Turner 17
Willow Troop Loves the Game and Her Cue By Willow Troop
illow Troop is a Ten-year-old girl from Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin! The young Troop has high aspirations of following in her dad’s footsteps one day! Willow has hopes and dreams of being able to write for Sneaky Pete Mafia! She gets so excited when she starts talking about her Cue and playing Pool in a league and playing Pool against her dad in her spare time. When she beats her dad, she runs around the table with her arms up in the air like she just won a big event! Willow plays on Jr. Pool League with another young lady and enjoys it.
Willow loves school, and she gets good grades! Her favorite class is writing and English! Willow Troop states, “Hello, the name is Willow Troop. I was born in 2012. As I was growing up, my dad was working on a website called Sneaky Pete Mafia, and that is when I started my interest in Pool! I started when I was two years old; I wasn’t really playing with real pool stuff; I was playing with things like sticks and rocks, but I love Pool. No matter if I’m playing with objects, I still love it, and I still do! “I wanted to tell you about my Cue but the first 20
point you should know how I got interested in Pool! When I was little, I would always see my dad working on Sneaky Pete Mafia, and that is when I started getting interested in playing
Pool. Before I got my Cue, I would go out in the yard and get a stick that was the shape of a cue and use rocks to hit with my stick. “States Willow Troop.
My dad finally got me a cue, and I want to tell you about it! To get started, I will tell you about the shaft on my Cue; I have a black carbon fiber shaft with a soft G2 tip with a shaft diameter of 12.75mm. Now I will be talking about the lower half of my Cue. I have blue stacked veneers, and then I have a blue impregnated segmented maple handle. The forearm and butt are made of Gaboon ebony and a black G10 radial pin. It has a total weight of 19oz. Extra facts I think this Cue is fancy and helpful. The Cue has a Market value of $1,600, and it’s handcrafted by Gregory Scott Bush personally. I think it is an excellent show off Cue, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only good Cue. I have seen many beautiful cues before, but I love this Cue and what I like about this 21
illow Troop is a Ten-year-old girl from Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin! The young Troop has high aspirations of following in her dad’s footsteps one day! Willow has hopes and dreams of being able to write for Sneaky Pete Mafia! She gets so excited when she starts talking about her Cue and playing Pool in a league and playing Pool against her dad in her spare time. When she beats her dad, she runs around the table with her arms up in the air like she just won a big event! Willow plays on Jr. Pool League with another young lady and enjoys it.
“The Silent Assassin” The Story of Tony Robles
By here Brian Pauley are nice guys in pool, and then there is Tony Robles. Always helping people out
Silent Assassin.” Oneplayers, of Tony’s earliest big here modeling and are nice guys whatinapool, professional and thenplayer should be. Like most Tony started was York a high run of 113 at there is Tony Robles. Always at a young age. His dad took helping him to a poolsuccesses room in New and Tony wasballs amazed the 1992 Straight Championships that at the people sound of outthe and balls modeling hitting what the back a of the pocket. During thatPool visit, an older gentleman at pool. the Roosevelt Hotel New York gave Tony a book professional playerbyshould Steve be. Mizerak Like most about how towere playheld better Tony read the in book from City, the the same venue his dad would players, at aand young cover to Tony coverstarted that night wasage. backHis at dad the pool room next day where practicing what he took a pool roomTony in New York andupon Tonyhour take him to see straight when Tony was read.him He to was hooked. spent hour practicing to better hispool craft. At the age younger. Tony has won numerous titlesSilent and of 21,amazed was all the hard at thework sound paid of off theand ballshehitting turned pro. He was given the nickname of “The represented team USAdefeated in the Mosconi Cup11Assassin” the back ofduring the pocket. the 1995 During World that 9-ball visit,Championships. an Tony handily a top pro on multiple occasions. Aside fromhim being 2. Tony older gentleman acted calm gave and Tony collected, a booklike by Steve he was meant to win and a fan nicknamed “The an accomplished player, Tony started the Silent Assassin.” Mizerak about how One to of play Tony’s better earliest pool. big Tony successes was a high run of 113 balls at the 1992 Straight read the Pool bookChampionships from cover to cover that that werenight held at the Predator Roosevelt TourHotel in theinNew NewYork Yorkarea, City, which the same he successfully ranTony for 12 years. TonyTony is also an venue and was where backhis at dad the pool would room takethe him next to see daystraight pool when was younger. has practicing whattitles he read. He was hooked. He has been teaching won numerous and represented team USA accomplished in the Mosconiteacher. Cup on multiple occasions. pool forthe over 30 years now the very Asidespent Tony from being hour upon an accomplished hour practicing player, to Tony started Predator Tour infrom the New York beginner to the seasoned pro. He isHe known area, which better his craft. he successfully At the age of ran 21, forall12the years. hard Tony is also an accomplished teacher. has been teaching work paid off and poolhe forturned over 30 pro. years He was now from the as very “Thebeginner teacher to tothe thestars” seasoned as Tony pro. has He is given of “The Silent Assassin” knownthe asnickname “The teacher to the stars” as Tony hasserved servedas astechnical technicaladvisor advisorfor forsuch suchprojects projects as HBO’s during theBoardwalk 1995 World Empire, 9-ball USA Championships. Network’s White as HBO’s Collar,Boardwalk CBS’S Limitless, Empire, and USA Marvel’s Network’s Collar, CBS’S Limitless, Marvel’s Daredevil Tony handily anddefeated the Punisher. a top pro Tony11-2. has also Tonybeen White featured by such media outletsand as NBC News, Newsday, acted calmThe andDaily collected, News,like TheheNew wasYork meant Times, Daredevil and Billiards andDigest. the Punisher. Tony has also been featured by such media outlets as NBC to win and a fan nicknamed him “The 24
News, Newsday, The Daily News, The New Check York Times, out www.TonyRobles.com and Billiards Digest. for information on lessons/clinics with Tony. Check out www.TonyRobles.com for What does your information on lessons/clinics practice look with like now Tony. compared to what it was when you first starteddoes What playing your seriously? practice look like now compared to what it was when you first It’s like night started playing and day. seriously? When you are younger and have no kids, no wife, and basically doing poollike It’s fornight a living, andyou day.have When all the youtime are younger in the world. and have Especially no kids, if noyou wife, liveand with basically your parents doing and your pool for adad living, owns youahave pool all hall. theWhen time in I first the world. Especially if you live with your parents and your dad owns a pool hall. When I first started, I practiced twelve hours a day six days a week for two and a half years straight. Now a days, in order for me to get three to four hours a day, I have to do it during the day while my son is in school. I have to plan the things in my day to make sure I have
enough time started, I practiced to be focused twelve hours for practice. a day six days a week for two and a half years straight. Now have You a days, been in order teaching for me pool to getfor three over to fouryears. 30 hours aWhat day, I got haveyou to do into it during wanting the to day while give lessons? my son is in school. I have to plan the things in my day to make sure I have Ienough made the decision when I for waspractice. around 21 time to be focused years old when I held three jobs. One in a You haveone pizzeria, been asteaching a security pool officer, for over and30 one years. in a pool What hall.got I wasn’t you into treated wanting wellto in give any of lessons? the three jobs and I asked my dad if this is how people at work are treated all the time. I am reminded of what happened to me at I made the decision when I was around 21the pool room. There was a no gambling rule at the pool room. People were not allowed to exchange money in public. The people who gambled found ways to get around this. They would always ask me to get a coffee for them since I had to turn by back to get to the coffee maker. That is when they would exchange the money. These people would get really
creative as to not allow me to see them. They would even have someone call the pool room so I would have to turn around and use the phone. One day the owner came in and saw people exchanging money while I was getting a coffee and he was not happy. He talked to me in ways even my parents wouldn’t talk to me. I didn’t like how the other two jobs were going and at the moment I had had enough. I called my dad and told him that I was going to teach pool for the rest of my life because I actually enjoy it and I love the game. I found out that the more my students asked me about the game, the more I learned about myself. As time went on, I found an easier way to teach. I told my dad that if I couldn’t teach the game in laymen’s terms where a small child could understand, then I don’t want to teach at all. I didn’t have anyone when I was younger to teach me full time. I had some friends of my dad that would show me a thing or two but I had to shoot these shots thousands of times before it registered in my brain how to hit the shots to make them work. It was a trial-and-error method for me, which I am grateful to have learned that way because when I am teaching and I see someone doing something wrong, I can point it out because I did the same thing before. What do you find is the one thing amateur pool players do not do well but pro players do? I don’t believe amateurs understand how long it takes to master the fundamentals. You have to take time to study the fundamentals and understand how they work. I ask players about fundamentals and they can tell me what they are but they cannot tell me how they work. If someone misses a shot, is it because they aimed wrong or was it because their stance was wrong? If you know the fundamentals and when you miss a shot and you can tell yourself that you stayed down, and you followed through, and your stances was right, then it boils down to incorrect aiming. If you can eliminate all the variables but one, then you can focus on that one variable. Sometimes players fall into “the
trap” as I call it. When players miss, they automatically assume it was because of incorrect aiming. They could be aiming right but they missed the shot because they were jumpy in their shot, but they do not know exactly what caused them to miss so they assume it is aiming. Was there a specific time when you felt that you had “made it” in pool? Yes, there was a specific moment. When I started playing on the pro tour in the early 90’s. When I was 15 and my dad took me to see the World Straight Pool Championships in New York City two years in a row, I saw Nick Varner beat Mike Sigel in the finals one year and Mike beat Nick in the finals the next. I thought I was good but it made me sick how good they were. I told my dad that I might as well quit pool now because I will never be as good as these guys. If someone would have told 15 year old me that ten years later that I would beat Nick Varner in a major tournament, I would have told them that they were nuts. And that is exactly what happened. Bob Meucci was sitting in the stands scouting new players. I was tied 7-7 with Nick in a race to 11. I ran out the set and didn’t let Nick back to the table. Bob walked to me right then and offered me sponsorship. It was then that I figured I made it and could consider myself a pro. What do you feel is your biggest achievement in pool? I have been asked this before and people are shocked when I tell them. When I won the sportsmanship award at the camel pro billiard series. It was either 1997 or 1998. The reason why that is so special to me is that I have always conducted myself as a professional. It was always meant more to me winning that award then winning any other title on a pool table. I try to always set an example for other players and be a role model and hopefully get the other players to promote the game in a professional light. I will say this to the day I die, the movie “The 28
Hustler” set pool back to the stone age and has left it there ever since. Every person that I have given lessons to, from wall street executives to doctors to lawyers have asked me the same thing at the first lesson, “Are you a hustler?” I am always proud to tell them that I am not a hustler and I never have been a hustler. I believe since they always ask me about being a hustler pool still has that stigma to this day. I really feel that has held pool back because today executives and large corporations do not understand that pool is more of a real sport than just a game and it is more family oriented now then it’s ever been. You look at a place like Amsterdam Billiards and you can see families all the time bonding over the game. What are your hobbies outside of pool? I am a massive kung-fu fanatic. I absolutely love martial arts but I never took a lesson. I have always loved watching them fight. I have a massive collection of kung-fu movies. I am also a huge fan of Japanese Anime, especially Dragonball Z. Goku, the main character, is my hero. He reminds me a lot of myself. He is a nice guy and a gentleman, but when its time to fight he’s all business. My license plate even says GOKUDB. I also am a big fan of boxing. I can watch boxing all the time. I usually have to wait for my little one to go sleep before I get to watch it. I am also a big fan of the video game series Final Fantasy. I have even gone to a concert called “Distant Worlds,” which is a concert that is all Final Fantasy music.
position. It also helped be a better defensive player. I would love to play Willie in straight pool in the hopes that he would run 150 on me so I could watch him play. If you were not a pool player, what would you be? Either a motivational speaker or an actor. I have worked with a number of TV shows over my career and see what does on behind the camera and its very intense. You have shot videos for GQ’s webpage and are their pool expert. How did that come to be? I was approached by a company called Conde Nast. They are a global media company and the own wired magazine, the New Yorker Magazine, and GQ as well. They asked me if I would be interested in doing a video where pool players would relive their most memorable shots. The video I was a part of got over 2 million views. Sometime later GQ was doing a series and they interviewed me and asked me to break down some pool scenes they sent me. GQ interview a number of other players and I got the part. Obviously, I got more exposure from this, but I would love to see the game get more exposure from this. Photography courtesy of Corby Dayhoff
If you could play any player, living or deceased, in any format, who and what would it be? That’s easy for me. Willie Mosconi. Or Ralf Greenleaf. But if I had to pick one it is Willie Mosconi. Straight pool is my passion and straight pool set the standard on how I play my game. That was the first game I ever played because that’s all they played at my dad’s pool hall. It taught me how to be a more creative player and how to get good 29
Corby Dayhoff Photographer/ Owner of Servitude Photography Corby Dayhoff is the owner/photographer of Servitude Photography. He became a photographer in 2018 after moving to Arizona and wanting to capture the beautiful sunsets Arizona offered. Corby’s favorite thing to photograph, besides billiards, is waterfalls. One unique aspect of photography Corby has is that he is color blind. He graduated from Chadron State College with a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education- Mathematics. When he is not photographing or playing pool, he enjoys spending time with his amazing wife and three sons. His favorite thing about a photograph is the ability to capture one moment in a story and share it with everyone.
Corby Ddayhoff Shane Vane Boening - Alpha Las Vegas Open Emily Duddy - WPBA Alfa Las Vegas Open
Corby Dayhoff 33
Shane Van Boening - Alpha Las Vegas Open By Corby Dayhoff
Jennifer Barretta - WPBA Alfa Las Vegas Open By Corby Dayhoff 37
Tony Robles - Fargorate Ohio Open By Corby Dayhoff 39
Alex Pagulayan - Alfa Las Vegas Open By Corby Dayhoff
A Winning Defensive Game Part III By Dominic Esposito aka “The Drill Instructor
This month, I want to teach you two Defensive Drill Shots. You have to get this through your head, “Practicing Defensive Drills Develops Defensive Skills.” There’s no way around it. If you don’t practice defensive shots and defense skill building drills, you’re only taking a flyer with a prayer that you’re going to pull off a Safety Shot in a match as well as you should and could have done. Situation No. 1: You can hit the target ball, but there is no clear path to pocket it. You must do something to Control your opponent and Control the table. Notice, in each case, you must be in control. Objective: Execute a safety shot that hides the cue ball behind an object ball, and/or hides the object ball behind another object ball. In either case, you are forcing your opponent to bank the cue ball to hit the target object ball. Common Mistakes to Avoid: Not visualizing the completed safety play. in particular, seeing where you want the Cue Ball and Object Ball to land. Lingering over your frustration that you can’t pocket the ball instead of getting mentally focused that you’re playing a safety shot. 44
Anyone of these slip-ups can leave your opponent with a makeable safety shot of their own. Drill Shot No. 1: The Roll And Kiss Shot, Cue Stick Elevation: Level Shot-Stroke Speed: 1-2 Cue Ball English: 1-2 Tips Top
After striking the target object ball (that’s the 9-ball) follow (topspin) causes your cue ball to roll directly behind and preferably touching the 8-ball. This will eclipse the cue ball and prevent your opponent from “seeing” their next target ball. During your practice sessions, vary the distance to the Cue Ball Stopping Point by half-diamond increments. Be sure the cue ball rolls up tight to kiss up to the eclipsing object ball. The closer the cue ball lands to kissing the eclipsing object ball, the more difficult it will be for your opponent to hit the target ball.
Situation No. 2: You can hit the target ball, but there is no clear path to pocket it. You must do something to Control your opponent and Control the table. Again, in each case, you must be in control. Objective: Execute a safety shot that hides the cue ball behind the two object balls and hide the object ball behind. Again, you are forcing your opponent to kick the cue ball to hit the target object ball. Common Mistakes to Avoid: Rushing the shot. Not controlling the Cue Ball Speed. Not being mentally focused that you’re playing a safety shot. Anyone of these mistakes can allow your opponent an easier chance to get out of this defensive effort. Drill Shot No. 2: The Push and Hide Shot, Cue Stick Elevation: Level Shot-Stroke Speed: 2-3 Cue Ball English: 1-2 Tips Top
In practice vary the distance, this time by full diamond increments that the blocking ball or balls you want will stand apart from the target ball. It can help if you visualize shooting the target ball like making a regular bank shot only this time you’re banking the target ball into its safety position, not a pocket. Remember, it’s not required that you make a ball every time you are shooting to win a game. It’s more important that you maintain control of the table and your opponent. Never take wild chances at making a ball when you can play a safe. In many cases you’ll come back to the table with ball in hand. Finally, from this 3 Part series, I want you to always keep defense as an equal and balanced part of your whole game. Never use defense as a default for when you don’t see an open shot. Sometimes playing a safe while you have an open shot is the better choice. The open shot may be a hole you want to keep blocked which prevents you opponent from making a ball in that corner. I like to teach what I call, The 3 Ball Rule.” When you can’t see the next 3 shots as open, makeable, and able to get Cue Ball position for the next three shots, that’s when you are no longer on Offense—you’re now on Defense. All you need to do is decide which ball you’re going to execute your D-Shot on. Good safety control to you. I strongly suggest you get a copy of my book and DVD, 55 Safety Shots from my website, TheDrillInstructor.us and start mastering seeing and executing your best safety shots.
Redemption 2022 – SVB Wins World Pool Championship! By Patrick Sampey & Jennie Ann
Sunday, April 10th, 2022 – Shane Van Boening (SVB) just won his first World Pool Championship title 13-6 against Albin Ouschuan, breaking a 20 year drought for any USA player to win the event since 2002, when Earl Strickland defeated Francisco Bustamante to take the title – catapulting SVB atop the world Pool rankings at #2 worldwide, and making the case for SVB to have superseded Reyes as the GOAT (Greatest Of All Times); And SVB was near elimination earlier in the event, just before the final 16, almost being defeated by Mika Immonen, coming back from down 10-3 in the
race to 11, winning in a 11-10 thriller to hang on to his hope of taking his very first world title.
It’s show time at the World Pool Championship final. 128 players started and only 2 remain. Defending champion Albin Ouschan v. Shane Van Boening.” – Jennie Ann Posts with a picture of the marquee event.
to red, white, and blue, as the music ‘Born in the USA’ by Bruce Sprignsteen played. <3” – Jennie Ann.
Suffice it to say, the atmosphere of the event was electric. I could feel it from Jennie Ann’s account on Facebook, and as friends gave me updates, while history was being made. “When Shane walked out, the lights changed from blue and yellow, supporting Ukraine,
And, SPM (Sneaky Pete Mafia) is lucky enough to have a play by play account of this event, documented by none other than billiards aficionado Jennie Ann, life partner of legendary player Keith McCready – who was featured in the ‘Color Of Money,’ playing a contributing role as fictional character Grady Seasons. (Perhaps SPM can get the exclusive Keith McCready interview soon from this reporter’s perspective.)
It was a tight race early on, with SVB getting the first rack to set the finals tone… “Shane breaks first, pockets two balls, and leaves two duck shots. 3 sitting in front of the side and drops. Jeremy said he went to a meal with Shane before this final, and said he feels Shane feels more nerves now, but he doesn’t mind it that much. It’s just different. 51
Kelly said sometimes the nerves can be a good thing or a detriment. It’s all about finding the balance. Shane draws first blood, 1-0.” – Said Jennie Ann on her post about the contest, providing players like myself who couldn’t watch the event an excellent playby-play account of this Clash Of The Titans event! Early on there was a back and forth exchange between Albin Ouschuan and SVB – a tugof-war contest that ultimately ended in SVB breaking out, after he and Ouschuan stood locked at 6-6.
Shane to the table…Shane calls an extension, and he misses, leaving a combo on the 1-6 for Albin. Albin shoots and makes the easy 1-6 combo shot. 1 is a few inches from the pocket…I love this snooker ref, Marcel from Germany. He’s great. Albin is running out… Albin studying the layout of the table, 8 in the side, 9 in the corner, and he scores. 3-1, Albin in the lead.” – Jennie Ann sums up the score ending 3-1, after 4 racks of play (Her followers on Facebook commenting and thankful to her of her accounts and updates.).
Then the two players go back and forth in a tough contested billiards battle for the ages, These are the events leading up to the above: until the breaking point where they stood locked at 6-6 just about one hour ago Central “Shane breaks and 3 balls drop. Big shot here Time US. on the 2, and he misses, a long way off target. Here comes Albin. He calls an extension. Jennie Ann’s account of the nail-biting race, 2 ball long and dirty.” – Jennie Ann reported ending with a 6-6 tie at that point, keeps her back to her Facebook page following on the followers glued to her thread, so many unable second rack. to watch the event live for various reasons. “Albin banks the 3 in the side. He’s on the move. 4 balls left on the table. Down goes the peach-colored ball, whatever number that is. Purple in the corner. Green ball and 9-rock left. Down goes green and the 9. Albin ties, 1-1.” – Jennie Ann said. Then, tied at 1-1, Albin breaks the next rack, “Albin breaks and 4 balls drop. Wow! Beautiful stage…1-ball is funny, an odd cut shot. He makes it using inside english to get on the 2… He stuns the ball and gets perfect on purple ball. It’s easy peasy from here and he takes the lead, 2-1. Kelly said he looks comfortable.” – said Jennie Ann, providing a well-documented account of this, the pool story of the last two decades. Then, in the fourth rack… “Albin breaks, drops a ball, but he’s snookered on the 1. Very difficult to roll out, the layout of the table…Shane takes the roll-out and snookers Albin…Albin goes for a jump shot, makes a good hit, but he misses. Now comes
n Rack 13: “Shane switches side again for the break. He pockets two balls but the 1 is funny. After studying it, Shane pushes out, and Albin accepts…Albin plays a safety. Shane hidden… On a good note, Shane makes a good hit. Albin can see the 1, though, and now he calls an extension…He tries to hide 1 ball but no good. Shane makes it…Shane’s making some beautiful shots now. Jeremy says he thinks Shane is starting to feel okay now. Kelly agrees. :-p … Shane chalking fast and furiously after each shot. :-p … Shane more than halfway to victory. Van Boening 7, Ouschan 6. The drama continues. [Commercial break.]” – Jennie Ann, providing an expert, inside account of the event, unlike many good reporters could duplicate. At 7-6 was when SVB began to break away, culminating in a 13-6 trouncing of the former world champion, Albin Ouschuan, and history being made.
“Here’s the shot of the match made earlier, the Impossible Dream shot. Shane is hidden on the 1 and somehow kicks the 1 in the far corner shot. I mean, if I was in the audience, I’d have been jumping out of my chair. Dancing in the aisles! :-D” – Jennie Ann reports of a shot earlier in the match, highlighting the level of play SVB elevated his game to, taking this epic title by storm, like a hurricane of billiards brilliance. “Karl Boyes now in the booth along with Jeremy Jones…Shane breaks and two balls drop…Down goes the 3, and he’s can see the peach-colored ball in the side. Down it drops. 4 ball can go in the side, I think. Can Shane pull out ahead by 2 games? Stay tuned.” – Jennie Ann continues. “Jeremy said he thinks Shane is working out the nerves. Karl says you can see Shane wants this badly. You can see it in his face. Shane getting closer to 13 with a 2-game lead. It’s now 8-6…A nice break by Shane, with two balls dropping. Shane has made 4 break-and-runs and Albin has had two break-and-runs in this final…Uh-oh. Shane got funny on the 2. Calls an extension. He snookers Albin…Albin attempts a soft kick and makes a good hit. However, it could be a 2-6 combo here. Nope. He plays safe. Safety battle in progress…Albin makes as great hit but leaves Shane a duck 2-ball. The big news is Shane is now at the table. Let’s see what
he can do. Man, my teeth hurt from grinding them from nerves. Shane surges forward, tightens his grip on the lead, 9-6…” – Jennie Ann. “Ooh! Shane breaks, 1 in the side, but the 2 lays funny…Shane calls an extension. A dicey shot on the 2. Oh, man, he makes it, but he’s only got a slight edge on the 3 in the opposite corner. He hits it sweet, like really sweet. Peach ball goes down. 4 balls left on the table. Shane is feeling every shot, so much body language. Each ball is just a little step towards the final stage of his journey to become a world champion. 10-6. Shane needs 3 for the win. 5 in a row for Shane.” – Jennie Ann. “Shane Van Boening closing in on his dream. A ball drops, but he has a horrible leave on the 1. It drops. Wow! … Shane is still on the move. Almost misses the 3 in the corner. It wriggles in, though, and he’s still shooting. Peach ball goes in the side. Shane is talking to himself. Jeremy thinks he’s still going through nerves. Two more balls to go, and away we go. It’s no 11-6. Shane on a roll… [Commercial break.]...Shane breaks, 1 in the side. He makes the 2. The 3 went in like it had eyes. Shane calls an extension. What a sweet shot on the peach ball in the corner. 4 balls to go…Shane is now on the hill, 12-6. My heart is pounding.” – Jennie Ann. 53
“Albin can only sit back and watch Shane run out. Shane is now chewing gum …Biggest shot of his life. Shane breaks on the hill…Albin gives it back. Shane shoots and leaves the 1 hidden, but it is a doable jump shot, I think…Karl says Albin is a big favorite to make the 1 ball, and he was right. Albin made it…Man overboard. White ball goes off the table. Shane has ball in hand…Destiny is calling. Five more balls to go…My heart is pounding…6 goes down. 3 balls left…Down goes the 7…OMG!...2 more balls to go…Please, please, please. 8 drops… Straight-in on the 9…Shane returns to his chair…He’s feeling the heat…Shane calls an extension…I’m crying already. Shane wins.” – Jennie Ann, concludes, giving such a detailed, playby-play of the event, documenting well SVB’s rise atop the pool world, and legendary player made the big-time on the world stage, the first time in 20 years a US player has won the event! Incredible! What a run! What a player! SVB now stands as arguably the greatest pool player in the history of the game with this landmark victory. Thanks to Jennie Ann for capturing it all for all the fans everywhere and agreeing to allowing us to quote her first-hand account here.
Shane Van Boening at the CSi/Predator Pro Billiards Event at the Rio Photograph by Daniel Krupinski
Jacoby Custom Cues: A Love Story ~ By Sharon Jacoby My husband once said that he fell in love with me because being with me made him want to be a better person. I strongly believe that, many years before, he fell in love with cue making for the same reason. It is rare to find someone so passionate about their art that it causes the person to extend beyond who they are.
happy. He will lay in bed sometimes working on drawing up a new design, messing with it until it is just right. It is the ultimate exercise in perseverance and patience. He basks in the excitement of seeing a design reach completion. Sometimes, with the enthusiasm of a kid who has lost their first tooth or learned to ride a bike without training wheels, Brandon will pull me into the shop to show me what he’s made. It is in cue making that Brandon is the ultimate perfectionist. It was shortly after we were married that we were sitting around a campfire — Brandon and Dave had taken cues that hadn’t made the cut and were using them to stir the fire. When in the shop, it astounds me what little imperfection will cause a cue to fail to meet their high standards. Cue making certainly taught Brandon and Dave both the importance of sacrifice. For many years, they both put in long hours at the shop before heading out on the road. But it was in working diligently when others would have gone home or out to a ballgame that they have become successful.
I think it is in design that Brandon is most
I have often heard the words, “you’ve got to make hay when the sun is shining.” After missing a cousin’s wedding, she noted that Brandon may have missed his own wedding if a tournament would have come up. 56
At the beginning of the business, there would be times when finances would be tight. Brandon and Dave would forgo taking their own paychecks so they could avoid laying anyone off. They have such a sense of responsibility for caring for their employees. This same passion for taking care of their own is the reason they don’t outsource. Owning the business with Dave has also fostered a more rich sense of family. We laughed when, at four, our son Alex told Brandon, “When I grow up, I’m going to work at the shop with you, and we’re going to drive each other nuts.” We teased that he must have been listening to Dad and Grandpa talking.
for each person in the building and really values who they are and their dedication. So, when Brandon told me that he fell in love with me because I made him want to be a better person, I guess I fell in love with him because being a cue maker already had.
Through the years, many cousins and friends have become part of the business family as well. As I look at the relationships in that building, it is amazing to me the love that they share. I think about the ways that everyone pours themselves into the business, and I also know the sacrifices they would and do make for me and for our family, and I am so grateful. I am continually amazed at the way Brandon pours his heart and soul into what he is doing. Even when he isn’t at the shop, I’m pretty sure that’s where his mind is. He works harder than anyone I know and makes sure that whatever he does is done right. He cares
The Next Generation Of Pool Has Arrived! By Emily Duddy
or anyone who loves pool it is easy to see (& feel) that 2022 is bursting with momentum, energy, money, talent, & tons of competition! Our 2 years of shutdown, with lots of at home practice (if possible), full of virtual events & watching tons of pool online, has paid off. Matchroom, Predator, The Pro Billiard Series & the WPBA lead the way with full calendars for professionals; however, the biggest shift for the sport of pool is the support of wild card players & juniors. I have had the pleasure of meeting & watching some of these players during my first 2 professional events of the year - WPBA Northern Lights mid-March in Walker, Minnesota & the WPBA/Predator Women’s & Men’s Las Vegas Open events a couple weeks ago. These young stars are another breed altogether & demonstrate many phenomenal traits including: * * * *
Personify positivity Dress like top athletes Rock solid fundamentals Support each other & the pool community
* Respect other players & veterans * Are hungry, but humble * THEY LOVE THE GAME! FACTORS THAT MAKE THE DIFFERENCE & ORGANIZATIONS THAT HAVE LAID THE GROUNDWORK It is important to take nothing away from the fantastic juniors that have been stars of pool throughout the last few decades, there is simply more access to opportunities present day. Personally I began shooting pool as a young girl (8) in the 90’s & didn’t have a great outlet as a junior. I remember my dad & I talking about competition when I was 11 (1994), but there were few events & nothing local. My first event would come at 18 & I would be all in the for the next 20 years (& for the rest of my life hopefully), but I wish I had started competing even younger. Another factor in the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s, was that pool still had a reputation as a game of gambling that was played by hustlers in a seedy environment. A reputation which hung around for far too long & however nostalgic, 59
It is important to take nothing away from the fantastic juniors that have been stars of pool throughout the last few decades, there is simply more access to opportunities present day. Personally I began shooting pool as a young girl (8) in the 90’s & didn’t have a great outlet as a junior. I remember my dad & I talking about competition when I was 11 (1994), but there were few events & nothing local. My first event would come at 18 & I would be all in the for the next 20 years (& for the rest of my life hopefully), but I wish I had started competing even younger. Another factor in the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s, was that pool still had a reputation as a game of gambling that was played by hustlers in a seedy environment. A reputation which hung around for far too long & however nostalgic, kept many parents from introducing their kids to the game at a young age. Thankfully the times have changed for the better in many ways, making it easier for our next generation to shine. The game of pool is in the process of a major rebranding movement & has been propelled to another
level of mainstream professional production, including marketing, equipment & prize money to boot. These variables include: 1. technology- making it easier to travel & find events 2. social media- has helped players find events, showcase new talent to be recruited, connect the pool community to fundraisers, create new sponsorship opportunities, introduce pool to a larger fanbase & more. 3. increase in the amount & caliber of events - help increase the amount of experience, seasoning & $ that young players can accumulate. Not only are these rising stars the next level of talent, they truly are a testament to the hard work of different organizations. The Billiard Education Foundation was founded in 1995 https://www.billiardeducation.org/ & the APA Junior Leagues (https://poolplayers.
Above: Professionals (L to R) Mike Masse, Allison Fisher, Darren Appleton, April Larson (junior at the the time), Johnny Archer, Taylor Hansen (junior at the time), Emily Duddy, Jennifer Barretta & LoreeJon Brown came together in Las Vegas 2015 to raise $ for juniors through the BEF) 60
com/) have done the leg work for decades to create the foundation that these juniors now catapult from. LET US MEET SOME OF THE RISING STARS OF POOL! SAVANNAH “THE ROAD RUNNER” EASTON (12 years old)
ou might recognize this young lady from the most recent cover of Sneaky Pete Mafia. Savannah “The Road Runner” Easton turned only 12 in February & is from Las Vegas, NV. Her parents are Larry & Tiffany were married at the Rio Hotel 16 years ago, where Savannah recently played in her 2nd Pro event (talk about full circle)! Her dad Larry is a pool player who started teaching her at the age of 4 (check out her cute photo!). She didn’t begin competition until the BEF Juniors in July of 2021, but quickly started to make a name for herself by going undefeated in a local event with adults in Las Vegas at the beginning of 2022. Her mom Tiffany is the social media manager & has created quite the following in a short period of time. I had the pleasure of meeting & spending time with Savannah, and her fantastic parents, at the last 2 WPBA events. She is tenacious, charming, funny, very bright & incredibly talented on the table. Originally Savannah shot with a side arm since she was so little when she started, even through her first competitions. Then her
parents told me that one day she came home after school & spent 3 hours correcting it herself! Talk about self-awareness & initiative at 12 years old. The first thing I noticed about Savannah when I watched her playing was how strong her fundamentals & pre-shot routine were. Definitely a future champion in the making!
SOFIA “PINK DAGGER” MAST (13 years old)n F ebruary & is from Las Vegas, NV. Her parents are Larry & Tiffany were married at the Rio Hotel 16 years ago, where Savannah recently played in her 2nd Pro event (talk about full circle)! Her dad Larry is a pool player who started teaching her at the age of 4 (check out her cute photo!). She didn’t begin competition until the BEF Juniors in July of 2021, but quickly started to make a name for herself by going undefeated in a local event with adults in Las Vegas at the beginning of 2022. Her mom Tiffany is the social media manager & has created quite the following in a short period of time. I had the pleasure of meeting & spending time with Savannah, and her fantastic parents, at the last 2 WPBA events. She is tenacious, charming, funny, very bright & incredibly talented on the table. Originally Savannah shot with a side arm since she was so little when she started, even through her first competitions. Then her parents told me that one day she came home after school & spent 3 hours 61
Junior player Sofia “Pink Dagger” Mast is from Tampa, Florida. She began shooting pool at 10 years old & in 3 short years has jumped to playing in her first invitational The WPBA/ Predator Las Vegas Open In March/April 2022. Sofia’s dad is a long time APA league player & was able to bring her along to his matches. She would play on the practice table while he competed & that’s when he noticed that she not only had the desire, but also the talent. He was able to get Sofia into an APA Junior’s League run by Hall of Fame Player Jeanette Lee “The Black Widow”. Sofia’s first competitions were at 11.5 years old in the Junior International Championships (JIC’S) where she played all stops & finished 1st or 2nd place in each of them. Then in 2021 she placed 2nd in the National BEF Qualifiers 18 & under division, but was unable to participate during Covid as they were held in Austria.
further blown away by her fundamentals & composure while competing at such a high level. When I interviewed Sofia about her goals with the game she said, “I want to hopefully learn and get better and hopefully become a pro one day.” Personally I believe Sofia Mast will fulfill her dream of turning Pro sooner than later.
When I met Sofia a couple weeks ago in Las Vegas, I was so impressed with her mature, fun, gracious & positive personality. I was able to watch her play in the event & was
RIKU ROMPPANEN (14) Although I have been able to compete & interact on a more intimate level with the female juniors, there have been 2 young stand out male stars who have taken the stage in 2022. The first is Riku Romppanen who is 14 years old from Finland. Riku recently was invited to compete in the Men’s Alfa Las Vegas Open in March of 2022, where he surprised many with his advanced pool skills. Riku earned lots of press for taking down top American Pro Skyler Woodward in the new exciting Predator Shootout format. The video of the defeat can be found on the Predator Pro Billiard Series Facebook page & has has a whopping 169,000 views. After beautifully executing the winning blow, he calmly shakes Woodward’s hand & has a crowd of enthusiastic fist pumps waiting from the onlookers! Definitely a rising star!
ERIC ROBERTS (19) Even though Eric Roberts is technically no longer a junior at 19 years old, his career as a junior makes him so seasoned at this young age we must talk about this phenomenal player! Eric is from Crossville, Tennessee & started competing at the age of 7! He already holds many junior & local titles. He recently had a stand out performance in the 2022 Predator World 10-Ball Championships
Riku Tomppanen 14 years-old from Finland
held in Las Vegas a couple weeks ago where he finished in the top 32 & in the $. His list of impressive victories in this field included - American Pro Max Eberle (8-4), Dutch Pro Niels Feijen (8-4), Pro Yukio Akagariyama (8-7), & Pro Roman Hybler (8-5). While his 2 losses were to world champion Thorsten Hohmann (4-8) & top pro Dennis Grabe (410). Eric is definitely a future champion to keep your eye on!
Only the Beginning... Hopefully these stars are only the beginning of many more juniors to become so involved & committed to the long journey of pool mastery. There have been many troublesome conversations that pool is a dying sport, but it will not be if the next generation carries it on. Let us remember to support the next generation through positive reenforcement, teaching, sponsorships & social media. Pool has so many wonderful qualities that can only help humans of any age, but especially growing children & teenagers! These include hand eye coordination, competitive drive, work ethic, social skills, travel skills, increasing attention span, body awareness, self-discipline, goal setting, connecting with the present moment, improving geometry & math skills, & so much more. In the end pool is all about bringing people together, no matter the skill level, that love the game! Thank you for reading, now go shoot more pool!
Harold Prine 1-509-671-1100
https://www.prinecustomcues.com/ 66
SPM TV Captures the Real Jayson Shaw with Lyno Liu and Mark White Lyno Liu and Jayson Shaw have captured the hearts of the billiards industry globally. Lyno is Only Six years old and already he has taken to the game and won a medal. Mark White CSI Commentator helps SPM TV in doing this wonderful interview with Jayson Shaw and Lyno Liu. Jayson ad Lyno have created a bond and Lyno remembers everything that Jayson has taught him. Lyno is doing Jump Shots on his own and you will be seeing more of this amazing young man in the future. Be sure to check out the Facebook page for Lyno Liu at https://www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100072617352330 or just go to Facebook and look up Lyno Liu! This is. a heartwarming story and SPM TV would like to wish Ara Shaw and Happy Liu and very special and happy Mother’s Day! I hope that you enjoy their story. Check out their story on www.sneakypetemafia.com Photos and videos of Lyno and Jayson courtesy of the 69
You can watch SPM Live Stream at Daniel currently runs Las Vagas Pool Report at https://www.youtube.com/ channel/UCUE1QgoByQpeZY-JPnmcOGQ Which will be going to SPM Live Stream
Photography by Daniel Krupinski
Cory Deuel 72
Tony Robles
Shane Van Boening 73
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2022 74
SPM Media’s market penetration includes the professional billiards community throughout the world on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, and of course www. sneakypetemafia.com. On average SPM Media has a combined reach of over 280,000 unique readers Monthly. We have the two Facebooks: Sneaky Pete Mafia Page, and the Sneaky Pete Mafia Family that you must join and become a member we have 11.3k memebers.
Meet Garrett Troop with billiards instructor and player, Jackie Karol
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2022 77
Psst! Hey you! What just happened out there?! I saw you killing it on the practice table, but you only played half as good once your match started! Well, this is where having a simple, easily repeatable, a simple easily repeated preshot routine with a consistent thought process can come in very handy. A legendary player who is no longer with us once told me that any time that you start to feel nervous while playing pool that it simply means that winning means something to you and that you should take a second to just breathe and then revert back to your routines. The reason that we practice the same routines during our training so that when the pressures of a match kick in we will have a system to fall back on. If you’re not currently using advanced systems like the Set Pause Finish (Freeze) method, then you should seek out the most qualified instructor in your area if you’d like to see tremendous improvements in your game fast than you could’ve imagined. Good luck and happy hitting ‘em!