SPM Magazine Issue 4

Page 22

Op Ed: The Evolution of Pool & Billiards

by Alvin Nelson

The central idea that seems to be most important is promoting others in the industry and promoting Pro and amateur billiards is on a swing in the the top pros ability’s and value while promoting right direction. That is the mindset that I want our individual cause. I believe one of the key to program into the mass collective and begin elements to unlocking this door is for us all to materialize A Golden Age for billiards right take a vow to help thy neighbor here in the pool from our own thoughts. I am responsible for the World as much as we can. The step up to positive industry as it is now. My mind is a reflection thinking is ultra important. of the outward appearance. As soon as I can change my mind the World will change around The common mind of someone in the Billiards me. This is the end result of ten years in the pro industry is that of an outside the box thinker— pool world, owning responsibility for everything intelligent, and understanding of how difficult it is to make something out of yourself in the and that is powerful. pool world. They are focused and strong minded This article will bring accounts of several top of for sure. The focus needs to move from separate the industry pro Players who have been in the interests only to unification of support. professional levels of the industry for many years as well and attempt to inspire us all to take our All companies and players in the pool World are working for the limited amount of money and game and sport to the next level. products that can be used to trade for advertising I feel that with Live Streaming, the alternative and player expenses. I believe the key is to really media, and platforms like Facebook, Youtube, pump up your advertisers who support you and Ustream, SneakyPeteMafia, NYCGrind, and others. Sell their products well and that will build InsidePool, we are beginning to build a strong a stronger ad base for the industry to give back. foundation to set our palace to pool and billiards The common wrong thought system is: “ I just need to get my expenses paid.” From here the among the stars. mindset needs to move to: “What can I do to help this advertiser make more money than what they put out of pocket to get me to this event?” From there it is very important to really represent their investment in you, and go out of your way to put that product or person on a pedestal for the people and media. The next sensitive subject is that we need to remove the Rose colored glasses is the road player enigma we all watch, and follow. The public view of Gambling and the hustler rubber stamp, although romantic and exciting, in its current manifestation leads this game on a downward spiral. Until the entire aura of that mindset changes the World will not view Pool properly. The way in which this activity is done is the key. Most important is professionalism and appearance when out in the field, and being low key about gambling. Throwing money around with a big smile, rolling in cash on a pool table Sneaky Pete Mafia Magazine - September 2014


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