SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 35

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Throughout the past 37 years, I’m confident that I have either made or witnessed every mistake possible in pool. When it comes to attitude on the pool table, it is critical to have a balanced view. While this might sound simple, I can guarantee that maintaining a positive attitude will be a very difficult thing to do under given circumstances. Every pool player in the world could use help in this area.

Finding the balance between caring too much and not enough might look different for everyone. We each bring our own personalities to the table. However, I know that leaning too far in either direction does not usually work out in the long run.

All of you know this by now, a tournament takes a long time to play. Each round usually has its own unique challenges. If I had to pinpoint one of my biggest flaws as a player, I reacted too heavily based on the result of each game.

Losing a game or two might send me into a panic – suddenly, I’m walking faster and worrying about what my next mistake might be. Conversely, an early runout or two might have me feeling a bit too good, wondering just how well I was going to play.

Be mindful that there is no such thing as perfection. We are humans, and it’s impossible to control our emotions completely. There are still matches where I am a little more erratic than others, but I know I’m doing far better than I used to. Additionally, after being around top-level players, I can tell you that they very rarely show emotion.

On the other end of the spectrum, there is a desire to go on “tilt” when the going gets tough. I used to play a very unproductive game against myself. Let’s say my first match was a disaster; I might say to myself, “Oh, just forget about this tournament.” And then, all the sudden, after 4 good matches, I might say, “You know, I’ve got a shot to win this thing.”

There are always opportunities to bail out or say to yourself, “I don’t care what happens.” Often, I find pool players do this as a defense mechanism. We’re scared to find out just how badly we might play if we keep trying.

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This extreme doesn’t work either. If you are going back and forth between caring and not caring, you lack the consistency to win.

Somewhere between not caring and caring too much is the right balance. It generally can be achieved by committing to the following process:

• Use the PASS formula before every single shot. Look for POTENTIAL PROBLEMS, then determine the ANGLE of the shot, the SPEED the shot needs to be struck with, and the necessary SPIN that must be applied to attain the desired position on your next shot. Be sure to think at least 3 shots ahead. Professional players usually think through their entire turn. If you don’t think far enough ahead, then you won’t be successful.

• Commit to your shot.

• Have a pre-shot routine.

• Execute the shot subconsciously.

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• Evaluate the results. If it is a good result, internalize the success. If it’s not what you had hoped for, determine what went wrong and why.

If you can commit to going through a similar process before every single shot, you will become a better pool player.

Each shot you stroke is an independent event. All shots cumulatively influence your overall success, but I find it’s best to approach each shot as a new, different circumstance. It will help you make better strategic decisions, and more importantly, help you departmentalize your emotions. Again, this is all much easier said than done! Nobody does this correctly 100 percent of the time.

Anthony Beeler is the current Billiards Instructor of the Decade and is a former BCAPL National Champion.

He has numerous “Top 25” national finishes and is the primary author of the ACS National Billiards Instructor’s Manual.

He has also authored the book Unstoppable! Positive Thinking for Pool Players.

Anthony currently has the highest established Fargo Rating of any Master Instructor. He has won over 300 tournaments and has defeated numerous professional players in tournament competition.

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Developing a Sound Pre-shot Routine

Wolf” Prince

One of the most critical aspects of Your game takes place before you ever take the shot.

It’s Your Pre- Shot routine. It’s so simple that most players often skip over it in favor of the more tangible or challenging aspects of the game.

Just imagine this, you’re in a money match with an opponent who ran four racks on you right out of the gate! The opponent finally misses a tough bank shot and leaves you a shot.

You’ve been sitting in your chair for four racks, so your reaction is to jump out of your

chair and Shoot that shot so that you feel like you’re Back in the Game!

But “ Woah Nellie”!!!... Not So fast!

Before the Uncontrollable urge to shoot overwhelms you, Step Back a second and Take a Deep Breath. This is the time when you’re Pre- Shot routine should kick in. Your routine will do a few things for you. It will Bring Comfort to your body and give Confidence to your mind, promoting Familiarity and Consistency.

The Pre- Shot routine starts in your brain,

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allowing you to analyze the table and the situation at hand. Pool is, in fact, a lot like chess; you don’t have the luxury of thinking just one move at a time! Success is determined by how well thought-out your coordination of moves is applied.

Before you ever get down on the shot, you must have a sound plan. Remember, Indecision equals Disaster!

Now, the 9-Ball strategy is somewhat different (easier) in some respects than other cue sports simply because the table dictates the next shot.

Others Don’t afford such luxuries because the patterns are virtually limitless, and naturally, some patterns are better than others. That’s where your experience and knowledge of the different cue sports come into play.

The following are the 7 Steps to my Pre-Shot Routine, and if you follow these simple steps, I’ll guarantee you a successful Pre-Shot routine.

1. Step up to the table and chalk up really good.

2. Carefully Observe the pattern and all the options dictated by the lay of the Balls.

3. Make a firm decision where you are going to put both the Object Ball and the Cue Ball.

4. Visualize the shot happening along with all its related table activity.

5. Now, Step into the Shot!

6. Put All your Focus on pocketing the ball with Confidence that the cue ball will end up in the exact location you had visualized.

7. Now Shoot that Shot like you Own it, With Confidence!

Now, these 7 Steps will produce Better results After you’ve Mastered the Proper Fundamentals.

Grip, Stance, Bridge selection, Rhythm, and Timing should all be determined before taking your Pre-Shot Routine!

These simple steps will help you up your game to its maximum!

Until Next Time, Happy Shootin’

From “ The White Wolf”

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Aim, Spin, Speed Know Your A.S.S. Find Thomas Van Eck on Facebook! i Cues ABC /Clock Ball - $35.00 ABC /Clock Measles Ball - $55.00 Red Circle Ball - $45.00 Magnetic Ball - $45.00 Black Ball/English Pool 1 7/8” - $35.00 Snooker Ball 2 1/16” - $35.00 Free Shipping in USA Practice Smarter Play Better 847-630-3103 Call Me... icueclinic@gmail.com Raise your Pool iQ in 2023 Over 5,000 iCues being used! SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 35 12

Why Do I Want an Instructor?

25 years ago, I was a pretty decent pool player. I played in our local weekly tournaments and did pretty well. I won a few and cashed out in even more. But when I started entering some regional tour stops, I quickly learned that I wasn’t at the level I needed to be. So I practiced more (or I THOUGHT I was practicing.) I read books, watched videos, and put more hours in at the table. But no matter what I did, I seemed to be stuck. I hit a plateau and couldn’t get past it.

At that point, I admitted to myself that I wasn’t going to get it on my own. I contacted a couple of instructors and ended up in a 3-day school held by my (now) good friend Randy Goettlicher. I went into the class thinking I might get some tips to get on track. Boy, was I wrong! Those three days changed my pool game completely! Seeing the results of that weekend made me want to become an instructor, so I could help other players find the same kind of improvement that I had found. Randy’s knowledge and ability to see

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and correct flaws in my mechanics handed me the opportunity to develop into a solid player and, more importantly, led me to work on becoming the best instructor I could be. Today, I am a triple-certified Level 4/Master instructor. All because I attended a 3-day pool school.

So why do you need a professional instructor? The obvious answer is because you want to become a better player. And by working with a qualified instructor, you can do it with far less work, time, and frustration. A qualified instructor can observe what you do, and how you do it. We have learned to see those pesky little flaws that have been holding you back. We also can help you correct those issues and develop a program that will put you on the fast track to excellence. Most of the problems happen outside of your field of vision. When you are shooting, your visual focus is on the table in front of you. The problems often occur behind you, so you are unable to see what’s going wrong, and often end up wondering why you missed a shot. If you become aware of all you are doing, it’s easier to understand what went wrong, and what action to take to correct the problem. That’s what a good instructor can do for you. So who needs a professional instructor? Almost everyone! Obviously, a beginner to the game, or the lower skill level players need help to build a solid foundation for their game. Solid fundamentals and routines will help develop the ability to deliver the cue ball accurately. The intermediate-level player may need help fine-tuning those things, or developing other skills, like table mapping, reading a table, and more accurate cue ball control. And even the highest level players rely on instructors and coaches as observers to point out those things they may not even be aware are happening. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It’s simply a way of ensuring that your performance at the table will always be the best it can be. And taking every available opportunity to learn more every day will keep you ahead of the players who try to go it alone.

As instructors, we have all become students of the game. We read, watch, and study at every opportunity. We work together with other instructors to gain more knowledge and get new ideas from each other. Our primary goal is to be the instructor that can successfully develop our students. We train each other, challenge each other, and sometimes push each other so you can receive the highest quality billiards education possible. Because when you succeed, we have succeeded.

Lastly, if you want to elevate your game or think you might like to become an instructor yourself, feel free to contact me at 980-253-0211, and let’s discuss your options.

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Kamui has been a leader in innovation in the billiards industry for a long time. They may release new products infrequently, but R & D takes time to produce a good product when they do. The chalk they have on the market now has its advantages and disadvantages. Everyone loves how grippy it is and that the whole point of the chalk is to be able to take and maximize the grippiness allowing you to put more English on the cue ball and get the exact precession that you need with every stroke. The chalk sticks on the tip more, giving it its grip. These are all the beautiful attributes of the chalk, and it has gained a cult following for them.

Voiced opinions have come from the players on needed improvements with the chalk. People’s opinions state that the chalk gets cakey, and when over-chalking occurs, there is a transfer from the chalk that gets caked on the tip to the cue ball. These “clumps” of chalk will cause a “skid.” That’s where you put English on the cue, and it will skip across the table a bit on the caked-up chalk marks on the cue ball. With the issues being described. The 0.98 is the softer of the two traditional chalks released. The other variation was the 1.21, which is a little harder and needs to be applied more frequently than the 0.98.

Kamui’s answer to this very vocalized

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problem was the release of the Roku. This was a different approach to their first design of much softer chalks. The Roku needs to be applied more frequently, and you need a healthy base layer to get it started. This answered the public’s cry out for less cakey chalk. The Roku solved some of the problems but created another. The chalk was too hard and hard to apply, and it didn’t want to stick to the tip when applied.

With all the input, Kamui has listened to the customers and outdone themselves this time with the release of the new Kageki chalk. According to Kamui on the site, it states, “A muchawaited technologically advanced pool cue chalk is finally here. RADICAL grip co-developed with Florian Kohler, aka Venom Trick Shots.” This Chalk is the voice of what the consumer public has been requesting for years. The chalk does not cake up on the tip. Does not transfer massive amounts of chalk to the cue ball, eliminating Skid. It’s less soft than either the 0,98 or the 1.21. It’s only offered in a grey color until more feedback comes in upon the customers’ request for what they want. The chalk will put Kamui to a new height when the masses get a hold of it. Kageki chalk is the best of both worlds. It sticks to your tip and doesn’t get tacky. I know that over time it will only get better.

I usually have pros and cons in all these reviews. This review speaks for itself, and I want the readers to know that I try and give an honest opinion and review. Efren Reyes can beat most of us with a #2 pencil and a piece of Master chalk. With that said, I also believe in stacking the odds in your favor and using every advantage available to you at your disposal. A good chalk should help you apply consistent English on the cue ball. It will help a poorer stroke and allow a little forgiveness on the table. The cons of this chalk are that it still gets on the table a bit, but it’s going to be well received by the pool hall owners on their tables, then the 0.98 and the 1.21. I don’t believe that the perfect chalk will ever be created as we advance as a sport because we all want super grippy chalk but one that does not make a mess and transfer on the cue ball.

The big thing that needs to be worked on is that there is still a small mess on the table, but that is an inevitable problem. I will say that it’s getting much better. The simple fact is that players want a chalk that will go on easily and doesn’t cake up on the tip or cue ball. It needs to be grippy but not leave a mess on the table or cue ball, and it simply doesn’t exist. So, we’re all searching for that perfect piece of chalk, and while Kamui isn’t the perfect chalk, it’s damn near. It retails for $33, which is what the market is at. Here is where you can buy the chalk.


The chalk market is growing in our industry, and everyone is working to make the next best product. Kamui is growing and improving to get to the top. Their customer service is on par, and I’ve known John Bertone for years, and he’s the best at what he does.

Kamui is always doing good things in the players’ name, and they listen to the voice of the players and try to produce what the masses require. The KAGEKI chalk is Kamui’s best chalk yet and gets the SPM Seal of Approval.

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From the US Open to the Mosconi Cup to the Derby City Classic, Points is on the Move!

My trip to the US Open was amazing! I met some of the world’s finest professional billiards players and others in the industry. Many works behind the scenes, but the show wouldn’t be possible without them.

Mike Lafond was a lifesaver for me. We met while waiting for the doors to open to the Matchroom on day 2. It was a stroke of luck that he decided to come up and talk to me, and if it weren’t for him, I would never have made it into the Matchroom for the finals. Thank you again, Mike!

Max Eberle and I have been internet friends for over ten years and finally got the chance to meet at the US Open. That was like reuniting with a long-lost brother. Max was kind enough to play with Mike and me at the Atlantic City Billiards Club and gave Points a try. He scored a 66 after just three attempts.

Shane Van Boening signed one of my rule books, and I also ensured he got a copy. Chris Reinhold was the first pro to get the rules, and I think he will be a very important person moving forward in this journey.

The US Open event was quite the spectacle, and again, thanks to Mike, I had some of the best seats in the house. Both semi-final matches went hill-hill, which may have been a first for the US Open. Francisco Ruiz played like a master and took home the 2022 US Open title.

My next stop was Las Vegas for the Mosconi Cup. I didn’t intend to attend the event, but as fate would have it, another stranger decided I should be there. David Arseneault sent me a PM, and thanks to him, my good friend Daniel Krupinski and I got to attend day two!

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saved me in more ways than one during my Mosconi trip, and I will never forget everything he did for me. A place to stay along with rides wherever I needed to go and just being a good friend made this trip much better. Thanks, Dan!

Most of my time in Vegas was spent at two of the best pool halls in the city. Good Timez Billiards & The amazing Griff’s Billiards. By sheer fate, the first person I ran into at Griff’s was the first pro I met at the US Open, Chris Reinhold. He recognized me right away & he even remembered my name. I cannot wait to run into him again at the next big event. Mark Griffin a true legend of the sport. I was heartbroken to hear of his passing & I know we all will miss him dearly.

I ran into Shane Van Boening at Griff’s, and I got the chance to show him how Points is played. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the time to try the game, but I’m sure we will make it happen soon.

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The great Thomas Van Eck, the inventor of the iCue training cue ball, and the YouTube sensation Shalae Brewster were hanging out at Griff’s. Thomas gave Points a few tries & scored a 95 on his third attempt! He beat my personal best score after just three tries! I can only imagine his score after a month of playing Points.

My next stop was the Derby City Classic in Indiana at the end of January 2023. I watched Max Eberle, Shane, Efren Reyes, Chris Reinhold & many other top professional players up close and personal. I liked the venue. It had a great fan-friendly atmosphere.

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I also had the pleasure of playing at an awesome pool hall in Louisville, Ky. Railyard Billiards is a super clean establishment with 30 Diamond tables and nice tight pockets. The food was delicious, with friendly staff and 7 & 9-foot tables. Yeah. Railyard Billiards is definitely one of my new favorite happy places!

I have four trips planned for this year as I continue my journey to bring billiards back to its roots and back to mainstream television here in the US.

I want to see Points and all billiards sports become the legitimate sport we all know they should be. Points have it all! I modeled the game after other professional sports like boxing, wrestling & MMA. Points have scoring for every shot, including penalties, and seven different weight classes or divisions with seven different champions. Points have enough excitement to keep the fans coming back week after week!

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All I ever ask of any player is to give the game one full day before passing judgment. That’s usually all it takes for people to understand why I call Points the New age of Billiards!

All the rules for Points can be found on my Facebook profile page. Thank you all for your continued love & support.

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Albert Charbonneau - Points game inventor. Derby City Classic in Indiana


The Wonderpool World of Molina Mike

“38-year-old Michael Ortiz is a 2nd generation American living in Corpus Christi, Texas with his four girls.”

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Iwould describe Mike as a pool insider, the go-to guy when you want to know what’s going on in the pool world. If Mike doesn’t know what the chances are, neither does anyone else. I first met the Texan on a podcast I was presenting with Joey Ryan called ‘The Booth Brothers’, for those of you that don’t know Joey, he’s the man that has over 30 great one-onone interviews on his YouTube channel ‘Pool Player Podcast’. Mike became the third Booth Brother during the big lockdown, and when travel and tournaments started again in 2021, the triplets got together in Las Vegas at the CSI Expo, a friendship that was always going to happen owing to the passion for this sport we all share equally.

It’s obvious, though, that Mike’s real passion is one pocket. I get the feeling that it could have something to do with the fact that the bigger money matches take place in the game of one pocket and it’s no secret he loves to see a couple of one-pocket masters going at it for the big bucks.

I asked Mike whether or not he thinks these money matches have a place in pool, and he is quick to respond with a yes. I guess it takes us back to the old days of anonymous players on the road going from pool room to pool room, playing their way around the states, but of course, with the introduction of the internet that basically put an end to hustling as it was

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known, you only have to google names now like Cesar Morales, Juan Antonio Robles and our good friend Michael Ortiz and they will flash up straight away as numbers 1, 2, and 3 on the Hustlers most wanted list.

I have mixed feelings on this issue, and my opinion hasn’t been a popular one. I have a huge passion for all cue sports, particularly pool, but my passion is equally as strong against wads of Benjamin’s spread out on the table and the victorious gladiator at the end struggling to wrap his talented hands around bricks of bucks. I don’t have a dislike of gambling per se, come on, I’m from London, I gamble every time I cross the roads, but on a serious note, I also believe these big money matches could be good for the sport if they are conducted in a controlled environment, not hidden away, that then gives people like myself, to perceive them as underground seedy goings on. Let’s do it the modern way; let’s embrace it, guys you have bank accounts, televise the battles like a big boxing match, 100,000 or 200,000 in the middle, or whatever players can afford to play for. You see what you have done, Ortiz; you got me started...

Talking to Molina Mike, you cannot help but warm up to him, his passion is up there with mine, believe me, but the man from Texas does have a life outside of pool; he loves nothing more than spending every free moment with ‘’His Girls,’’ and when asked if any of them are showing any interest in the game that is obviously in Mike’s DNA, he tells me that one of them loves to go with Daddy and even hit balls from time to time, but would he want any of his kids getting involved in pool and making it a career? ‘’Of course, if that’s what they want to do’’. Other interests include making jump cues with his good friend James Hanshew, and you will often see him raffling them off on his Facebook page.

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Mike also acquired a company called ‘1Pocket’ an apparel company producing cool stuff, including t-shirts, and hats (They are really cool, by the way), amongst other items for the one pocket fanatics, which he owns with Joey Ryan.

Mike loves the thrill of interacting with his many fans online and at the events as much as possible, he certainly clocks up a few air miles traveling around the states to feel that buzz for real whenever possible and whip out his mic and video camera at every opportunity and bring pool lovers into the arena to experience the action they wouldn’t usually see unless they were at the events.

He can always be found posting up the runners and riders for upcoming tournaments and giving the punters a chance to earn a few dollars, and at weekends, you’ll find him slamdunking a few greenbacks on the basketball and American football.

I see a lot of myself in Molina Mike; we both gave up a weekly paycheck for a dream of not so much making a living but merely surviving by doing something we love. Mike is a lot braver than I as he has a family to support, but that, I think, is why he does the amount of hard work he does. You could say he has ‘Fingers in many pies,’ he has a good recipe, a nice mix of ingredients that come together perfectly, and with the pool scene getting hotter and hotter, he will continue to feed our hunger for some more tasty treats that will satisfy our appetite for action whatever the cue sport.

Interview on SPM TV
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Molin Mike
with Mark White and Kat Day sitting in.

To Stream or Not to Stream

That is the question. But what does it mean? It’s the common term we use for broadcasting over the internet. For pool, it can mean a few different things. For me I think of it in terms of photography. Many of you know I am a photographer, and in photography, there is a difference between a snapshot and a photograph. One is a nice picture, and the other one engages people and tells a story. It’s the same in videography. One kind shows some action taking place, and the other engages a viewer and tells a story. In other words, one has personal value to an individual or small group of people, and the other has value to a wide audience and tells a story. Something that makes people think and see beyond the frame.

First, I want to say that pool’s identity is not singular. There are many perspectives on it. In fact, these days, it’s practically suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. You have the Room Owner perspective. They want casual players, serious players, tournaments, and a home for league teams. They want to sell Food, Drinks, Table Time, and a pleasant night out experience, even to people who stop in to watch and chat. You also have the League Operator perspective. They want players and teams to get as many as possible so they can maximize league fees and grow their brand and amateur events. Then there are The Player

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perspectives, Serious Amateur, The Casual, The Road Player, and The Professional. Don’t forget The Promoter perspective. Each one has their own agenda, their own goals, and ideas. They may overlap in some cases, others maybe not. Some goals may help one, not affect another and hurt yet third. It’s not a simple answer.

For me, I play pool and billiards, and I’m a fan of the sport and its players. I write about cue sports and players. I research its history. I’ve collected memorabilia. I take photos and try to promote players, rooms, and events. I’ve even hosted a small and modestly successful tournament. So, I have looked through the many eyes of pool’s multiple personalities and worn its many hats, even if just in a small way.

My goal is to see pool grow as a sport. I would like to see it reach the heights of at least darts and snooker. Pool was once a bigger sport. Ralph Greenleaf was on the same level as Babe Ruth in pay and media attention. I think if it grows as a sport from the ground up, it can become reciprocal, helping leagues, youth programs, and room owners grow, and it, in turn, creates fans, support, and growth for the sport as a whole.

Golf gets compared to pool quite a bit. Pro golfers once struggled financially. Amateurs were celebrated, and Professionals weren’t even allowed in the clubhouse. They often needed to be house pros, instructors, trick-shot exhibitionists, or take jobs outside the sport to make ends meet. Sound familiar?

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Photos by Keith Shaner

Now, what about streaming? What value does streaming have for pool and billiards? From my main perspective, streaming has value because it can help tell the player’s story. It can be a presentation platform to the outside world. Streamers can showcase the highlights of the sport, and they can present players to the public through interviews with room owners, players, and fans.

Now they actually have to do those things in order to have real value for growing; otherwise, they are just taking videos and not documenting and presenting the story to the outside world.

This doesn’t mean it has no value. It’s just not valuable in terms of promotion to the public. It may have tremendous value to an amateur player for instruction, none to a professional, and it could, in theory, hurt a road player by attention or a room owner by keeping potential customers at home. Depends on the situation and conditions.

Fans follow players and teams. Pool has players, but no one knows them. They have stories but not enough people to tell them. Snooker and Darts do because Matchroom has been so good at it, and it’s why I like Matchroom. I don’t want to sell pool to pool players. I want to present the story of pool and its players to the general public. I want people to recognize and relate to players as people. I want them to follow them, no matter what event or game. I want people to know players like people know golfers, fighters, and race car drivers. Names, backgrounds, and hobbies. Things that make them relatable and likable to people. Maybe in some cases rivals to someone else. Things that make them watchable.

I hear all the time “pool is boring,” well the same can be said for many sports. The same can

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be said for Darts, Snooker, Golf, and Baseball… need I go on? You’ve all heard someone say it. Do you think that every sports fan is or was a player? Do you think every NFL fan sees the guard pull or the DE hold his ground for the reverse? Do you think every MLB fan sees the shift or knows why a pitcher threw a particular pitch when the count was 0-2 with a man on? Or did they see the subtle move to freeze a defender in the NBA or how a guard attacked the lead foot side to drive to the hole? No, they do not. So, the technical understanding of everything in pool does not have to be deeply understood for someone to be a fan and a viewer. It just needs to be presented well. Also, remember that not all players are fans.

We are a niche sport, so we will not reach the levels of the major sports, but we can do better than we are now. Look at what the UFC did. Look how they started, look how they grew, look at where they are now, and then taking in the fact, they had to compete with an established mainstream sport like boxing. Darts and Snooker are paying nearly a half million for first place in their world championships and are shown on TV. Why? Because they have viewers, sponsors, and organized support. How did they get it?

They grew their fanbase! They learned how to present their sport and, more importantly, their players. They made them relatable to people, particularly the youth. They collected a demographic that they could then present to sponsors and the media, and boom. Now they have an organization, professional marketing, TV contracts, professional publications, and sustainable prize money.

A casual fan who watches for even half an hour is just as valuable as a hard-core player who watches for four. Why? Because it is long enough for a commercial or two to be presented. It’s not that pool is boring, it’s not that it’s hard, and it’s not that it’s a niche sport. It’s not that it’s impossible. Others have done it. Other cue sports like Snooker have done it. It’s that its story doesn’t get told often, isn’t presented in the right way, and is not being told to the right people.

A good videographer with the right motivation, presentation, and vision to connect it in the right way may very well be a big steppingstone for gaining growth and support for our sport. Pool may not grow as much as I hope for, but for it to fail through lack of trying, infighting, and plain ignorance is an even bigger shame.

Something to think about…

All Photography by Keith Shaner

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Drill of the Month The Annual Player Skills Evaluation Drill

If you could increase your playing skills next year as much as they increased this past year, would you be happy with that amount of progress? Answer: Yes or No

How do you know that your skills have increased? You can’t answer the question if you had no basis point to start from. This Official Annual Drill is designed to determine your skill-building progress.

I give you the chance to affirm and confirm that your next pool year (and each year thereafter) can prove that your pool playing skills have grown and by how much.

The Drill Instructor is officially challenging you with The Happy New Year Annual Playing Skills Evaluation article. It’s structured, so you can start right now. Is this your first year? Great!

This is the Official Annual Evaluation Drill. Use this drill skills evaluation anytime, regardless of your game-playing preference. Doing this same drill year by year will prove your consistency.

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This is the official Drill Session Record Keeper card. Copy this to use as a personal journal. Get the complete Practice Record Keeping Journal https://thedrillinstructor.us/Shooters-Journal. html from the website. Be sure you keep score to see your true Pro Skill Drills growth.

The pool table setup below is position and execution specific for your Player Skill Level Evaluation. It will work for any game format you normally play. This setup challenges your ball-making, position-play, and complex shot skills in open and closed-table situations. Each time you shoot this Player Skill Level Evaluation, be sure to flip the entire table layout over. This puts each shot into an opposite-side format.

You may execute kick shots, long and short bank shots, combination shots, carom shots, jump shots, and whatever else you need. This drill evaluates your Pro Skill Drills level regardless of what game you normally play.

8 Ball Players Do 10 Attempts Using Option A or B: Option A: Only play Solids or play only Stripes for all ten attempts. Option B: Play the Solids 5 times, then switch and Play the Stripes 5 times.

1. Start each rack attempt from Ball-In-Hand.

2. Select Solids or Stripes, then begin your run out.

3. Do Not Miss any shots; however, you may make legal contact with any other balls.

4. Should you miss pocketing a ball, STOP THE DRILL. Make a note of how many balls you successfully ran before the missed shot. Mark the score right away.

5. After marking your score, re-set the drill and start your next attempt out of 10.

9 and 10 Ball Players Do 10 Attempts:

1. Start each rack attempt from Ball-In-Hand.

2. Run the rack out completely in Rotation through the 9 or 10 Ball.

3. Do Not Miss any shots; however, you may make legal contact with any other balls.

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4. Should you miss pocketing a ball, STOP THE DRILL. Make a note of how many balls you successfully ran before the missed shot. Mark the score right away.

5. After marking your score, re-set the drill and start your next attempt out of 10.

Your Pro Skill Drills Ratings are made up of two scores. The First Score you must track.

How many times out of 10 attempts you successfully completed the drill without missing a ball.

This answer is your Pro Skill Drills Player Rating.

The Second Score you must track.

Add up the total number of balls that you successfully pocketed during each of the 10 attempts.

Divide the total number of pocketed balls by 10. This answer is your Pro Skill Drills Run Rating.

The following are examples of a player’s overall PSDR (Pro Skill Drills Rating):

1. 8 Ball: 6 Successful Runouts out of 10 Attempts = 60% PSDPR (Pro Skill Drills Player Rating)

65 total balls were pocketed during 10 attempts. 65/10 = 6.5 PSDRR (Pro Skill Drills Run Rating)

2. Rotation Games: 5 Successful Runouts out of 10 Attempts = 50% PSDPR

70 total balls pocketed during 10 attempts. 70/10 = 7 PSDRR

As often as you take this exam use the same performance exercises to know you did get better and by how much.

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Darren Appleton Roars Back Like a Tiger

In 1998 Darren Appleton became the World #1 at English 8 Ball. Before that point in his life, he was interested in Soccer and Boxing. Then in 1992, he was spotted in a local bar playing pool with his brother and was asked by the owner to join and play in the local league. This was where it all began for Darren Appleton, and his career in billiards has grown, making him one of the most valued players in the game.

Darren Appleton is a professional pool player with an amazing career. In the period of 10 years since Appleton switched from English 8 ball, he’s won everything possible in the game, such as the US Open, a Gold Medal at the World Games, World Championships, the Mosconi Cup 7 times, and the youngest to be Inducted into The Billiards Congress of America HALL OF FAME to name a few of Appleton’s accomplishments. He is a multiple World Champion in every American Pool discipline.

Darren suffered a heart attack that almost got the better of him on December 19th, 2022. Kinga Rauk, his business partner, best friend, and manager, rushed him to the hospital after Darren told her he was not feeling okay, and once she got him in her car, he lost

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consciousness. That scared Kinga, and she probably broke every driving rule rushing him to the hospital. Kinga told me things became a blur once she pulled up to the ER and started screaming for help. Later Darren was transferred to another hospital that could give him the care he needed. Even when Appleton’s memory was not in full force after his surgery and on the mend, he would try to get out of bed and find his cues, which is part of the confusion that comes with stopping a heart. Darren’s will to live and his passion for pool have kept him alive, and he is now on the mend.

Since Darren’s release from the hospital and having had time to get settled back home with his two dogs, family, friends, and a new nephew, he has made major changes and decisions. Darren had recently announced that he would be leaving Predator after 16 fantastic years with Predator Cues. In a Facebook post, Darren stated, “After starting my American pool career with predator cues around 16 years ago, it’s now come to an end. We depart on good terms and hope to work with them in some capacity in the future. I will always support whatever they do. They have done more for pool than anyone else in the industry, and we all should be grateful to them!”

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Photo by Taka Wu of Takaimages

I asked for a quote from Darren Appleton, and this was his reply: “This year, I’m looking forward to getting back to full health. Obviously, I’ve had my problems recently with the cardiac arrest. I’m on the mend, hoping to be back to full strength, let’s say, April - back playing and traveling. It’s gonna be a new chapter in my life and a new chapter in my career, so starting that journey with the new sponsor is perfect. It gives me that motivation and the support, which is what I needed and what I’ve got from Tiger. I’m really looking forward to being successful on and off the table, and I will take each day as it comes.”

Tiger is proud to announce that Darren will represent more than just Tiger Tips! He

received a package from Tiger Products, and it is official! Just check out What’s in his bag!

Cue: HD Series Model 2B with Fortis Carbon Fiber Shaft in LD (Shaft comes standard with the Tiger Sniper Tip)

Impakt Break Cue with First ever Carbon Break Shaft

Wings Jump/break cue

Tiger Chalk

Tiger Gloves- Both TG and TGX Models

Tiger X Bridgehead

Tiger Kimsah Bridgehead

Tip Scuffer/Shaper

Tiger Smoother

Tiger Xtension

Tiger Case 3x6

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Tony Kalamdaryan sent a statement to add to the article on Darren and his new union with Tiger Products: “Darren has been a part of the Tiger family for several years now as we’ve been working with him in our Tiger Tip category. He’s always been the utmost professional and has brought so much to the sport as a whole. It felt like a really natural progression for him to join Team Tiger as an official Tiger Player,” said Tiger CEO, Tony Kalamdaryan.

“We are very intentional with whom we bring on as a Pro Player. We believe in the power of Tiger and our products, so when we do bring someone on board, it’s because we truly believe in them 1000%, and we know that they believe in our products 1000%,” said Tiger CEO Tony. “With Darren, we know the best is yet to come for him and are thrilled to be on this journey with him.”

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Darren’s manager, Kinga Rauk, has also gone on board with Tiger Products, and she also got an amazing bag of Tiger Products! What’s in Kinga’s bag?

Playing Cue: Butterfly Series Cue | B-4O (orange)

Shaft: Tiger Fortis PRO® Carbon Fiber 12.00mm

Tip: Onyx

Break Cue: Impakt® SEV Break Cue

with Tiger® Break high-performance shaft 29”

Cue tip - Icebreaker Jump/Break 13.00mm

Jump Cue: Wings by Tiger, 29.5” shaft Icebreaker cue tip

Case: Vintage Cue case 3x6

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Since we are talking about sponsors, as everyone knows, Darren Appleton proudly represents Taom Billiards! Joonas added a few words to the article! “Taom Billiards will always stand behind their players, and we hope quick recovery for Darren; he is a true fighter” Kind regards, Joonas Ohtonen.

Francisco Sanchez Ruiz just won the World Pool Championship, and on DAZN after the game, Ruiz spoke up and said, “I want to dedicate this title for “One Guy; he had a heart attack last month, Darren Appleton.” He had a heart attack last month, He’s a fighter, and he’s an inspiration for everyone, so this title is for him.”

The billiard community is a close network. We see players play against each other, and when it all comes down to the nitty gritty after the game, everyone remains close and cares about the welfare of each other, remaining friends after the game. Competition is one thing, but after everything is said and done, they help each other and have great friendships.

I recently talked with Kelly Fisher, and here are a few words from her for Darren, “Darren is and has always been a great ambassador to our sport. Not only has he won most all major events and been ranked at the top of the game, but he has also done a lot for our game off the table… from coaching to running his own tour, fundraising, and now opening his own billiard store! This in of itself shows his passion and determination to achieve highly in everything he does!

Partnering with Darren a few times has taught me many things, not only on the table, but it

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gave me an insight to how much of a fierce competitor he is, with so much heart to win. He gives 100% always! He is a top sportsman and a true gentleman. Darren will help anyone if he can, and I am blessed to call him not only my teammate but my friend. I am so happy that he has pulled this terrifying time, but he is strong and has the heart of a lion!”

In May of 2022, in a previous interview with Jayson Shaw, Lyno Liu, Mark White, and myself. Mark White asks Jayson, “how good was it to play Darren Appleton in the final? I mean, you couldn’t right that, could you? Like two years ago, you’d never have thought you’d be playing Darren Appleton in the final of a big tournament.

Jayson Shaw’s reply was high praise to Darren! Jayson stated, “No, you know what? He has obviously had a tough time. Everything he went through with his mom, and you know his marriage and all that kind of stuff, you know, and he’s got to look after his dad and stuff. So, there’s a lot of stuff that went on, and you know, it’s hard to play when your mind’s not in it, and you’re half-hearted. He has always had that determination to grind and be a champion. He’s probably the most successful pool player. As far as winning big tournaments, he’s won every single tournament there has to be, World 9-Ball, World 8-Ball, World 10-Ball, Chinese 8, Olympic Games, Back-to-back US Opens, World Pool Masters, Mosconi Cups, ESPN Challenger Champions. He’s won it all. So, it’s all about just putting the time in and trying to get back to his best and I think he’s close to being back to his best. Yeah, it was fun to play him in the final, and it was good to see him back in the final, but I knew I could just pip him. I was playing really good myself.”

I asked Kinga some questions to get the word out to let the people know what Darren and Kinga have been working on and starting up their new business, “Dynamite Billiards.” If people need billiard supplies, they can help support Darren by going to Dynamite Billiards for their billiard needs. They can also go to Darren Appleton’s Go Fund Me Page. Emily Frazer has also set.

1. How did you and Darren meet?

Darren and I met over three years ago at GB9 in England. We crossed paths a few times in the previous ten years but never actually got to know each other. When we met in 2019, it was shortly after Darren’s mum passed away. He moved back to England, and around that time, he started renting office space which he converted into his private pool room. I was his first student in his new space in December 2019.

We stayed in contact, and a few months later, the lockdown and covid happened. Darren started recording more and more YouTube videos, and I offered my help with editing. It was very rough at the start, but in 3 years of posting videos once-twice a week and taking numerous courses, I think I got better :) It kept us busy and sane during the lockdown and all that craziness.

We got along straight away. Even though we come from different cultures and backgrounds, we understand each other and share many similarities, which lead us to become best friends. In January 2021, my husband and I moved to Sheffield (we lived in London for six years prior) and planned to do so for a couple of years. Sheffield is only about 40 min drive from Pontefract, where Darren lives.

2. Tell me about how Dynamite Billiards came to be?

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After I moved to Sheffield, we started practicing a lot together. I also found helping Darren with pool-related tasks very enjoyable and easy. I play pool myself a little bit, so it is also my passion. Darren always dreamt of having his own business, so we started talking more about it how he sees it and potentially creating a company and working on it full-time. We’ve been slowly preparing during the year, but everything kicked off in October, just before Darren’s two months of travels to the USA, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. In the last 2-3 months, the idea was coming to life and became real when we registered the company, made a logo, and started ordering supplies.

3. What type of supplies will Dynamite Billiards be selling?

In a nutshell, Dynamite Billiards will be a dealer for other companies and will also have its own line of cues, merchandise, personalized accessories, expos, exhibitions, etc. For example, just a few of the products they will sell are Taom products and their Chalk. Other products they will be selling will be Tiger products, as they are both sponsored by Tiger. Kinga stated they would also be selling cues from companies like McDermott and maybe Peri and Jacoby, but nothing has been settled yet! There will also be other exciting announcements coming out here soon!

Darren hopes to bring on his own line of cues, but this will be coming in the next year and a half or earlier.

4. What is the main goal of the business?

The main goal is to popularize cue sports even more, and one of Darren’s big ambitions is helping and coaching the next generations of champions.

5. Will you and Darren also be offering to coach? Yes, most definitely.

6. How long before you see the business ready to open its doors to the public, and will it be just online ordering or a walk-in shop?

Definitely as soon as possible, but the focus right now is Darren’s health, so we will prepare everything properly and will launch very soon. Right now, only online, but walk-in is definitely in the cards in a few months.

7. What would you like people to know about Dynamite Billiards?

We want to create a space for professionals and amateurs to try the equipment out because that’s something that is missing. We look forward to opening the business and providing the best quality products and services.

8. With Darren’s medical leave due to his heart attack, how long will Darren be in recovery before he can play professionally again?

Hard to predict, but let’s hope he will be back and stronger in a few months.

9. With the current circumstances, what are Darren and your goals for 2023?

The main goal will be getting Darren back to full health and strength and constantly working on the business and growing it. Personally, I want to make sure he’s got a clear mind and no stress and he can get back on his feet as soon as possible, so I will make sure everything with business runs smoothly. I can’t talk for Darren, but I’m sure he wants to get back to practicing

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and playing big events as soon as the doctor gives him green light. I would also like to return to consistent practice since the pandemic; it has slowed down for me massively.

10. Kinga, how long have you been Darren’s manager?

It happened naturally; I started doing more and more for Darren, which eventually developed into a passion and a job as I’ve been in a pool environment since I was born (my parents own a pool hall). Officially I’m starting this month :)

11. What would you like the billiards community to know about Darren’s current situation and how people can help?

As most of the pool community probably knows, last month Darren had a heart attack, and his heart stopped for 45min and a few times more in the following days. His willingness to live and strong mind helped him get through it. There’s a long road ahead of him, but I have no doubt he will come back stronger than ever. The amount of support has been overwhelming. It would be amazing If people could support his business by spreading the word, buying his products, supporting his YouTube channel, or participating in the upcoming raffles. Darren’s brother Craig has set up a go fund page for him as he won’t be able to play and travel for some time, cutting his main income, so these donations will help cover his medical expenses and bills. If anyone still wishes to donate, that would be much appreciated.

12. Where do you see Dynamite Billiards going in five years?

We are starting small, but in the next year, we would like to grow the business and get more and more products and Darren’s line of cues. In the future, maybe some pool camps, exhibitions, and shows. The possibilities are endless, and we would like to keep some of them a secret.

15. What were Darren’s achievements in 2022?

2nd Place World Team Championships GB

•2nd Place GB9 Tour

•3rd place DCC One Pocket

•5th Placed World 10-Ball Championship

•9th Place World 9-Ball Championship

•2nd Place SBE 10-ball Players Championship

16. What were your achievements in 2022?

I took a step back as I moved in January 2022, and all year have been renovating the house, so pool was in the background. But near the end of the year, one of my dreams came true, and I got a table in my living room. In 2023 I plan to practice hard whenever I can, and who knows what can happen, especially with the coach I have!

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Photo by Taka Wu of Takaimages
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Kinga’s Table

Darren made an announcement on how Excited he is to join the Tiger Products Team! In his statement Appleton said:

“I’m delighted to join Team Tiger, probably the most excited I’ve ever been about any sponsor I’ve had before. I’ve had a great relationship with Tiger CEO Tony for a good 10 years and have always liked Tiger products. I’ve used Tiger Tips for years but never got the opportunity to play with their products full time until now,” said Appleton.

“Darren has been a part of the Tiger family for several years now as we’ve been working with him in our Tiger Tip category. He’s always been the utmost professional and has brought so much to the sport as a whole. It felt like a really natural progression for him to join Team Tiger as an official Tiger Player,” said Tiger CEO, Tony Kalamdaryan.

Follow Darren at: https://www.facebook.com/darren.appleton.9

Dynamite Billiards : https://www.facebook.com/dynamitebilliards

website: www.dynamitebilliards.com

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/dynamitebilliards

Darren’s linktree https://linktr.ee/darrenappleton

The website is under constructions and will be up soon but the domain is correct! Stay tuned to get your products from Dynamite Billiards!

SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 35 50

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Sponsor A Junior The future of Billiards! 2023
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SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 35 51

Derby City Classic, The Mecca of the Pool World

The Derby City Classic is an event all its own, with many calling it the “Mecca” of the pool world. Born out of the long-standing tournament in Johnson City, Illinois, Derby is a mix of tournament play and action for cash. The Derby City Classic is a grueling nine-day event composed of three different main event tournaments. Those three tournaments are 9 ball banks (referred to as bank pool), one pocket, and 9 ball. A player can choose to play in any one of these events, or they could also play in all three events. Players that compete in all three events are eligible for the Master of the Table title, which also comes with a $20,000 prize. Points are given to players by what round they finished in the tournaments.

The Derby is truly an open event where anyone who pays the entry can play. It’s like your local pool tournament and homeroom, with about 50-plus professional players and hundreds of above-average players. Some amateur players play at the derby to see where their game is. Some play in hopes of drawing a big name and the opportunity to play against their heroes in a tournament setting. Some play with the hopes of cashing. Anyone that gets to the 5th round gets paid. With the luck of the draw format, an amateur player can dodge the shark-infested waters long enough to where their tournament entry fee is paid for. The entry fee for each tournament is low enough that it doesn’t hinder amateurs from playing, just $160.

Derby City has a very distinct format not used by any other major tournament, the buyback system. The tournaments at Derby are technically single elimination; however, a player has the option to buy back into the next round of the tournament for $100. To accommodate this format, there are no brackets for these tournaments. Each round is a different “shake of the jar.” There is a scrolling list of matches that players watch all day long to see who they play, what table, and when, hoping not to get the “dreaded” TBD. There are possibilities of two high-level pro players having to play in the early rounds. There is also a chance that players may have to play each other two rounds in a row. It isn’t common, but it does happen. I

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remember one year I had to play Brandon Shuff in round 2 of the 9-ball event. This was the year after Brandon made the Mosconi Cup, and he was playing well. After losing in round 2, I bought back to stay in the event. Once the round 3 draw happened, I saw that I was matched up with Brandon again with the same result. The draw is completely random. There is some excitement in not knowing who you play in the next round. The downfall of not having a bracket is not knowing when you play. With bracket tournaments, one could plan out when to go get food and rest between matches. That is not always the case at Derby, which adds to the grind.

Derby City is where unknowns come to become known, and history can be made. History was made this year in more ways than one. The 24th installment of the Derby starts with a side event known as the Diamond Bigfoot 10 Ball Challenge. This event is played on a 10foot Diamond table, and it features 16 pro players, all ponying up $1,000 to play in this single elimination race to 11. This event was started in 2013, and it is a favorite amongst fans. This year Diamond decided to even the playing field and set the pockets to 4 1/8 inches. This didn’t seem an issue to most of the players as they still proved why they are the best in the world at what they do. At the end of the day, Shane Van Boening took down the title for the third time. He is tied with Jayson Shaw with the most Bigfoot wins with three.

While the Bigfoot tournament is going on, the first of the three main tournaments, 9 ball banks, kicks off. 9 ball banks, also called short rank banks, may not be popular in all the US, but in the Midwest where Derby is held, it is a very popular game. Players must bank every ball with no caroms or kisses. All balls have to go clean, and players must call the number of rails. The first one to bank five balls in wins the game in a race to three match. Last year’s winner Fedor Gorst was eyeing a back-to-back win, while 528 other players were looking for that title. Gorst showed why he won the bank pool event last year as he mowed down the

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Derby City Classic Photo Credit Red Door Den Training Center

competition round after round. Players at home got the opportunity to watch all of Fedor’s matches on his YouTube channel, except matches on the TV table being streamed by AccuStats. After four days of competition and 12 rounds of competition, Fedor found himself in the finals again. Not only was he in the finals, but he was also unbeaten. Evan Lunda had already used his buy-back so if Fedor won the first match, it was over. Evan played very well and handed Fedor his first loss of the tournament and sent Fedor to the buy-back window. Fans were treated to a double-set final. Fedor came back from the break and reclaimed his title as Derby City Bank Pool Champion.

Day three of Derby starts the second of the main event tournaments in One Pocket. One Pocket is the very definition of chess on a pool table. One Pocket may not be the most popular game around the country, but at Derby City, it is a favorite amongst players. Like with all tournaments, there are storylines that come up. The first storyline was Fedor Gorst going out of the one pocket in round 6. Fedor would need to win big in the 9 ball to keep his hopes of going back-to-back Master of the Table champion. The other storyline of the One pocket event was how deep the GOAT Efren Reyes was going without losing. The later the rounds were going, Efren was still there undefeated. Efren is no stranger to success in one pocket. He has won that tournament a record of six times and even a stretch of four events in a row, which is why he is in the one pocket hall of fame. After six days of play through the record

Derby City Classic
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Photo Credit Red Door Den Training Center

423 players, only three players were left: Efren Reyes, Tony Chohan, and Johnathan Pinegar. The last day of Derby saw “T-Rex” Tony Chohan vs. “The Magician” Efren Reyes in a semi-final match that packed the TV arena. It was the old lion vs. the young lion. At 68 years old, what Efren was doing was nothing short of amazing. Almost an hour later, the young lion outlasted the old lion in a match for the ages, with Tony Chohan advancing to the finals against Pinegar. The two Derby City veterans battled back and forth for over an hour. When the dust settled, Tony Chohan captured the most coveted title for any one pocket player.

The last of the main events is the ever-popular 9-ball tournament. Just like the banks and the one pocket, the 9-ball event had a record amount of entries at 527. The usual names were advancing to the late rounds that set up some amazing matches to work. Due to longer matches from the one pocket and even the 9-ball event, mostly from the decreased pocket size to 4 ¼ inches, the 9-ball tournament was almost a day behind. It became an endurance grind. Match after Match with no stopping. Once it was determined that the tournament would end that night, no matter the time, players found food and rest whenever they could. The hours kept turning later and later. Fedor kept winning and winning. Trying to join a select few players to go back-to-back All Around Champion. In the early morning hours of the next day, the finals of the 9 ball were set. Fedor Gorst vs. Shane Van Boening. Both players were visibly spent and missing shots you would not expect these players to miss. When the last 9 ball fell, Gorst was the winner at around 9:00 am the next day. Gorst enters some elite company with his performance. Gorst became only the second person in Derby City history to win all three main career events. It took him only three tries to do it. He is the only person to win two of the three events in back-to-back years. For years Derby was dominated by Efren Reyes. That baton passed to Shane Van Boening. It looks like the baton could be passing again. Still in his early 20s, Fedor will definitely be making history at the Derby City Classic for many years to come.

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Derby City Classic Photo Credit Red Door Den Training Center
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Credit: Taka Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport

The US At The World Championships –Day One

Well, as I write this, day one of the World 9-Ball Championship is just about complete. Kielce Poland is playing host this year to the event and once again Matchroom and the host country seem to have set up a wonderful venue to present our sport to the public. In addition to the venue, Matchroom is offering one premium stream by subscription and 2 free streams on their YouTube channels.

Eleven players from the United States were scheduled to play at this year’s event, unfortunately, two were unable to make it. Sky Woodward got caught in a winter ice storm and was unable to make his flight and in the case of Greg Hogue, a backlog caused a delay in the issuance of his passport and he too was too late to make it to the venue. I feel for both of these players, but I am confident that they will ride this glitch out and be back better than ever.

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Credit: Taka Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport

So, for the nine players that did make the trip, how did day one go? Well, the defending World Champion Shane Van Boening came out with a strong statement that he is not giving up his title easily. He faced Masato Yoshioka and after losing the first game he won the second and then broke and ran five in a row to go up 6-1 and eventually won 9-2. He had an 85% break-and-run rate, and he missed only one ball in the match. He will play Mats Schjetne on Thursday.

Shane Wolford, a rising star and Mosconi Cup hopeful, took on Pia Filler in the first round and secured a 9-4 victory. Meanwhile, Hunter Lombardo gained a win over Dimitri Jungo 9-5. Shane moved into the second round where he was up against the formidable Eklent Kaci. It was a tough match going hill-hill but Kaci was able to secure the win, knocking Shane into the one-loss side. He will play again Thursday. Hunter’s second-round test was against Aleska Pecelj and he came up just a bit short losing 9-7.

Two of the US players had to play each other in the first round, Tyler Styer and Mason Koch. Someone had to win, and Tyler came out on top in this exchange, and Mason was knocked into the one-loss side. Both players will play again tomorrow, with Tyler going up against Alexis Kazakis and Mason will face Erik Hjorleifson.

Oscar Dominguez, having secured a Mosconi Cup spot last year, came out strong in his first match, winning 9-4. He will play Ali Nasser Al Obaidli tomorrow and he will be looking to go deep in this event so he can build up the early ranking points this year.

Joey Tate, a young star coming from the Junior ranks, has had a lot of eyes on him for the

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Credit: Taka Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport

past year. While no stranger to attention, since his close match last year with the current world champion, coming to this event on foreign soil has to be a mix of excitement and a want to prove himself. Joey stands up to pressure very despite his young age and while he came strong winning the first two games, his opponent Jose Alberto Delgado refused to give him many opportunities and Joey found himself in the chair for long stretches. Even though he lost the match 9-4 to move to the B side, Joey took the loss like a professional and I would not count this young man out just yet. He will see Chris Alexander in his second match on Thursday.

Billy Thorpe started the day off going into the lion’s den facing the always dangerous David Alcaide. Alcaide, knowing that you cannot give Billy a foothold, took control of the match and refused to let Billy get loose. David won the match 9-5 and Billy will join the players on the B side, where he will play Chetan Chhabra.

So, we had 5 wins in round one with SVB, Shane Wolford, Hunter Lombardo, Oscar Dominguez, and Tyler Styer. All of the players remain in after day one and will see action on Thursday. Hopefully, we will see a positive and productive performance from everyone.

Good luck and best of rolls!

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Credit: Taka Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport
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Matchroom’s World Pool Championship ~Wrap Up~

The World Pool Championship was held in Targi Kielce, Kielce in, Poland, on February 1 thru 5, 2023! Shave Van Boening came to defend his 2022 title, but the tournament was full of excitement and unexpected wins.

Matchroom was calling the World Pool Championship the stuff that Fairy tales are made of with the amazing performance from Mohammad Soufi, playing such an amazing game and became a player to look out for in the future!

Many of the players you would have expected to win did not, while others rose above and beyond in the different matches! One player that surprised everyone was Alex Pagulayan, who had beaten Joshua Filler three times in the week. Once at Derby City. Then twice at The World Pool Championship. Due to Ice Storms in Texas, Skyler Woodward could not make it to the games.

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Shane Van Boening was almost knocked out of the match by Aloysius Yapp, but SVB got his momentum back and achieved the win. In a Matchroom article on February 4, 2024, it was reported, “Van Boening started the day looking to replicate what only Earl Strickland has done before by successfully defending his title, but Hoang had other ideas as his dream week continued.” Retrieved from https://matchroompool.com/news/historic-afternoon-seesdefending-champion-out-of-world-pool-championship-2023/

Vietnam’s Duong Quoc Hoang beat SVB in an exciting hill-hill thriller 11-10, taking Duong to the final eight and a plethora of unexpected wins to keep the crowd cheering and the people at home watching on the edge of their seats.

Unexpectedly, Kun Lin Wu beat the man that took SVB out of the race, and Mohammad Soufi got the win from Albin Ouschan in the Quarters, then from Kun Lin Wu in the Semifinals. The commentators call the tournament the games that Fairy Tales are made of! Mario He and Francisco Sanchez Ruiz remained throughout the matches. Only two can remain for the final, and after an amazing performance from Mohammad Soufi and FSR, they became the final two!

If Fairy Tales are real, it does not get more real than this, with Soufi winning second to FSR in a valiant game of the two remaining players. What a performance from the two pro players.

Matchroom announced that Mohammad Soufi had earned a place at The World Pool Masters, which will take place in May in the UK. Matchroom also announced the Baltic Tour.

Matchroom keeps getting better and more exciting!

Photo Credit Taka Wu/ Matchroom Multisport
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Credit: Taka Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport
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Credit: Taka Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport
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Credit: Taka Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport

Congratulations to Mohammod Soufi! A Fairy Tale come true! You are now established and have an invitation the the World Pool Masters along with the other champions! Keep practicing and playing SPM looks forward to watching you grow in the sport!

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Credit: Taka Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport

Francisco Sanchez Ruiz you played an amazing tournament and your words at the end reached thousands of viewers! You have a heart of gold! You have acheived so much in the last year and half it will be exciting to see the what the future brings!

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A word from the Editor!

As the Editor in Chief and Content Creator of SPM Billiards Magazine I cannot thank Taka Wu and Matchroom Multisport’s Matt Lynch enough for the great photos! The World Pool Championship was an exciting event and I have probably already said this but if you love pool as much as I do and the players and watching the sport grow then you learn to appreciate every person that aids in one way or another to help you get a magazine together!

I want to thank all of the writers that help and any additional help thaat they give, it is much appreciated! A special thank you to Keith shaner for all of his assistance and great articles! Thank you to Brian Pauley, Mark White, Steve Jennings, Anthony Beeler, Dominic Esposito, and a special thanks to Rick “White Wolf” Prince! I am still waiting on you to come to Kansas City!

All my best to Darren Appleton and many thanks to Kinga Rauk for all of her help!

SPM Billiards Magazine is always seeking great writer’s, players to interview and stores to tell!

Get ahold of me on the SPMMediaBilliards Page on Facebook.

Happy Hittin’ the pockets!

Kat Brown Day

SPM Billiards Editor in Chief/Content Creator

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