SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 36

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Self-talk can influence how you think, feel, and behave in a particular moment and can change your beliefs and behaviors. The best players in the world use the voice in their heads to become more successful.


It’s quite simple, really. It’s always going to be better to talk to yourself in a positive way. Telling yourself how bad you are at something will always work against you. I’m sure that when someone tells you how well you are doing at something, it feels good and gives you a lift. Positive self-talk does the exact same thing.

To better understand why positive self-talk works, we must understand more about how the mind works.

The subconscious mind – where your memories are stored, triggers your emotions, feelings, and behaviors related to different situations. The subconscious mind can also be thought of as your “belief system”– a big factor in how motivated you are to improve and how you perform in tough situations.


The subconscious mind is always trying to predict problems or successes based on your past memories. It can either hold you back (in the form of fear and self-doubt) or give you a green light to get better. It is not only taking in everything you experience, but it’s also listening to what you tell it. For this reason, mental techniques such as self-talk and visualization can “program” your subconscious to change what you think and believe.

The stories you tell yourself every day are shaping your future. You can shape a better future

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and win more tournaments with better self-talk. SELF-TALK CAN TURN YOUR THOUGHTS INTO BELIEFS

Self-talk and thoughts are not the same things. You don’t have control over what thoughts appear in your mind, but you can choose your self-talk.

Even though we don’t have control over random thoughts appearing, with more mindfulness, we can choose which of those thoughts we turn into feelings, emotions, and behaviors. We also need to be aware of turning thoughts into self-talk. When you verbalize thoughts and feelings (either to yourself or out loud), they become part of who you are.


In pool, players can physically coach themselves with positive self-talk. Here are some examples:

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• If you are losing confidence, you might want to hear something motivational.

• If you feel tired, you might want to say something which raises your intensity.

• You might have some instructional self-talk which reminds you of what you need to consider doing mechanically.

• After a bad miss, you might need some compassionate self-talk, so you don’t react.


When you start to develop your script, it’s important that you think about what you would want to hear in a specific situation. Different words can trigger different emotions for different people. Imagine yourself in situations where positive self-talk might benefit you, and think about exactly what you want to hear from yourself.


You can motivate yourself and change limiting beliefs using positive affirmations. I make positive affirmations a part of my daily routine right before my practice sessions. Think of things that you know are great about you, that you should remind yourself of, and behaviors that you will need to change to achieve your goals. Here are some examples:

• I am a champion!

• I am focused on my pre-shot routine before every single shot.

• Winning is not a condition, it is who I am.

• I am an artist on the slate. I create shots in my mind and execute them perfectly.

• I play with intensity and confidence

• I love the game, no matter the results.

• I learn from every match.

• I am a big tournament player.

• I am intelligent, confident, and smooth.

Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool to help you change your mood, state of mind, and manifest changes in your pool game. There are studies that show that we can maintain our self-esteem and integrity by telling ourselves – affirming, positive thoughts. Affirmations are simple tools that can literally remove negative thoughts. Affirmations can assist you with self-regulation, self-worth, self-awareness, and selfconfidence.

Anthony Beeler is the current Billiards Instructor of the Decade and is a former BCAPL National Champion. He has numerous “Top 25” national finishes and is the primary author of the ACS National Billiards Instructor’s Manual. He has also authored the book Unstoppable! Positive Thinking for Pool Players. Anthony currently has the highest established Fargo Rating of any Master Instructor. He has won over 300 tournaments and has defeated numerous professional players in tournament competition.

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The Cue

Many moons ago, a King told His Swordsmen, “The Battle is imminent, Prepare for war! ”One of the Swordsmen replied, “We must prepare by sharpening our swords!” The King swiftly replied, “There is no time for sharpening your swords; it’s not the sword that wins battles; it’s your arm!”

That principle also applies to pool. It’s not so much the cue you play with but, more importantly, your stroke or swing.

The beauty and quality of today’s custom cues are more sought after than at any time in history. Pro shops, Billiard supply stores, Custom Cue Builders, and Magazine ads offer an astounding number of choices. Most cues are the best-built and best-playing cues available to any generation of pool players.

Players with just one cue are extremely rare. Most players add to their personal collection as they progress and become more knowledgeable about the sport.

Also, more popular now than ever are specific cue companies creating specialty shafts for many different brands of cues. Depending on your preference, these specialty shafts offer less deflection, more durability, or both than your traditional cue maker may offer. Add to this the new plethora of break cues, jump cues, and Break-Jump combinations, and you’ll find that cue cases are rapidly becoming close cousins to today’s Golf Bags.

The limitless variety makes cue buying and “The Game” so exciting. A single manufacturer might produce a dozen lines, with over half a dozen models in each line, all variations of color, wrap, inlay, joint, etc.

Some players believe the more prominent manufacturers will not make a custom cue. However, I know all the large cue makers are more than willing to create a cue to a customer’s specifications.

Custom Cue makers in the United States alone number in the hundreds, and several dozen are

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featured each year in booths at consumer shows, large tournaments, and even art galleries.

There are several factors in choosing the right cue:

1. Weight preference

2. Tip and taper

3. Joints and ferrules.

Let’s not forget length, weight, and balance.

The bottom line is, does the cue feel good, and does it offer a good solid hit? Also, do you feel comfortable shooting with it?

I personally believe the longer you play with “One cue,” the better you will become. It comes down to your stroke (Swing). If you don’t have a sound foundation like your prestance routine, no matter what kind of cue you choose or the cost, it will not help you if you are not stroking correctly.

My advice is to purchase the best cue you can afford and master that cue, make it an appendage of your arm, and I promise you will be delighted you stuck with it in time!

Until next time...

Happy Shootin’

From “The White Wolf”

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It’s been said over and over the game of pool is (50, 90, fill in the blank) percent mental. I don’t have a clue about the correct number, but I can assure you that without a strong mental game, you can’t possibly be playing at your highest level. We put a lot of effort into developing our physical game with stroke mechanics, aiming systems, and ball control, but when we enter into competition, if we aren’t mentally prepared, we are at a huge disadvantage. So what makes up a strong mental game, and how do we develop it?

Number one on my list is attitude. A positive, winning attitude makes winning much easier. By that, I mean entering competition with confidence (Not arrogance!) that you have the ability to win. That confidence comes from all the quality practice time you have put in. If you look at your opponent and think you can’t beat them, you probably can’t. Even if you have never beaten him or her, you must believe that today could be your day. Many a match has been lost while looking at the tournament chart and seeing who the next opponent is.

Another part of the mental game involves visualization. This process simply creates a complete mental video of exactly what you want to happen with your shot. By making a mental movie, you feed your desired results to your brain before you start your shooting process. Your brain directs all the physical activity with your body. When your brain knows what needs to be done, it will send signals to your hands, arms, legs, eyes, etc, with commands to accomplish the task at hand. It makes the shooting process as simple as standing up and walking across the room.

Finally, we need to train ourselves to focus. Studies have shown that the human brain is able to focus completely on one thing for about 10 seconds before other thoughts start to enter the picture. So our intense focus is necessary when we are in our shooting process. That 10 seconds between placing your bridge hand on the table and finishing your stroke is when you

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need focus. Our brain is divided into two sides. The left side is for analytical thinking. The right side is the creative side. We need the left brain to decide what we want to do and how we want to do it. Once we have done that, we need to turn off the left brain’s thinking side and let the right brain take over. We can give the right brain about 10 seconds to execute the shot before the left brain wants to get involved. Thoughts like “is this the right shot?” or “should I add more spin?” do not belong in your shooting sequence. Pool school offers some ways to help you make that transition successfully. We call them switches, or triggers, and they are designed to help get you and keep you in your “right mind” while you shoot.

When you learn to combine both the physical and mental aspects of your game, you will find yourself winning more. And while pool is fun, winning is even more fun!

As instructors, we have all become students of the game. We read, watch, and study at every opportunity. We work together with other instructors to gain more knowledge and get new ideas from each other. Our primary goal is to be the instructor that can successfully develop our students. We train each other, challenge each other, and sometimes push each other so you can receive the highest quality billiards education possible. Because when you succeed, we have succeeded.

Lastly, if you want to elevate your game or think you might like to become an instructor yourself, feel free to contact me at 980-253-0211, and let’s discuss your options.

ACS/PBIA Master instructor
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Interview with Serbian Prodigy Aleksa Pecelj

Aleksa was born in Smederevo, a city on the Dunabe river near Belgrade, Serbia’s capital city on 21st December 1999. He started seriously practicing pool when he was only ten years old with his father, Djordje Pecelj, a famous Serbian player and coach. I noticed his talent during the pool camp in Kladovo in 2011. The Billiard Federation of Serbia organized the camp for the most talented Serbian junior players.

Aleksa proved that he was one of the best in 2014 when he won his first junior national titles by winning both disciplines (9ball and 8ball) in which juniors compete. At 18 years old, he became the junior champion of Serbia.

In 2017 he won his first national championship title among seniors, and the same year he proved his talent in the European Championship in the category under 19 by winning a silver medal in 10ball and bronze in 9ball. He continued his success at the European Championships and won another silver medal in 2018.

In 2019 he showed that he is the best Serbian player by winning all four titles (8ball, 9ball, 10ball & 14.1), being only 19 years old!

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His best result in the junior category in European Championships was achieved at 23 yr. & under. He became the European Champion in 2021.

Among many national and international achievements, these are the most important:

His best result in the junior category in European Championships was achieved at 23 yr. & under. He became the European Champion in 2021.

Among many national and international achievements, these are the most important:

- 2019 Kremlin Cup, 3rd place

- 2021 Antalya Euro Tour, 2nd place

- 2022 UK Open, 5th place

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- 2023 World Pool Championship 9-ball, 9th place

After this last achievement, I conducted an interview for SPM and spoke with Aleksa in Belgrade.

What are your impressions regarding the 9-ball World Championship in which you made a great result – 9th place?

I had a great preparation. Three days before the World Championship I won the International Mezz Belgrade Open, beating the Romanian Champion Loan Ladanyi with a result of 11:2, and in the finals, I won a match against Bulgarian champion Georgi Georgiev with a result of 11:3.

I played well in my qualifications. My first test was in the knockout phase (best 64 players). I won a match against Roman Hybler (11:7) to get into the last 32, where ex-world champion Alex Pagulayan awaited me. Alex was in great form. He won 3 matches in a row against Filler, the last 2 here at The World Championship, so I felt a little pressured before this match. I gave my best and stayed focused, and by doing so, won this match 11:6. This led me to be in the top 16 players, where another ex-World Champion, Niels Feijen, waited for me. The lack of luck on my side and the great performance of Feijen stopped me in my attempt to win the World Champion Title.

At this World Championship, a new rack was introduced, and I can say that it was very interesting. That was the first time that I broke from the box.

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How was it to break from the box?

My break was great during the whole tournament. In every match, I had 5-6 breaks & runs. until the match with Feijen…

What is the difference between the new and classic break?

It’s much harder to pocket the ball and control the cue ball. I was trying to pocket 1 in the side pocket and keep the cue ball in the center of the table. The risk was losing the cue ball in the side pocket and the unknown position of the 2 ball, because the judge was racking randomly every time.

Were there some surprisingly interesting new players?

Two players stood out: Duong Quoc Hoang from Vietnam and Mohammad Soufi.

What were the reactions when SVB lost to Duong, how did the other players react to that at that moment?

We were all in shock and could not believe what had happened, especially because the last game at hill-hill was so intense. With that win, he draws attention to himself and got a chance to win the world championship.

How do you comment on Mohammad Soufi’s road to the finals, his style, and speed as well?

Soufi’s style is very attractive. An attacker that shows no fear. He is the only one that has no problem with the shot clock rule. He can tie shoelaces between shots without fear that time will pass.

In the finals, Francisco Sanchez Ruiz won against Soufi 13:10. What is it expected that Ruiz will continue winning the major tournaments, and that he can win the world championship as well?

With such strong competition, it is hard to guarantee that anyone will win the world championship but definitely, he got a lot of self-confidence from previous victories and he played this world championship very well. He deserved to win it!

I believe that the 9th place at the world championship gave you a great motivation to push forward. What are your plans for the near future?

My next stops are 22nd February: Vegas, Predator Las Vegas open and 27th February Predator world 10 ball championship also in Vegas.

Who are your supporters and sponsors?

My main sponsor is Predator and I play with Predator cues and I practice on Predator tables. I play for billiard club Radjevina, Krupanj, Serbia and they are great supporters of mine. Also, Barracuda gloves from Serbia are always with me.

You are an idol to many young players in Serbia and the whole Balkan region. Can you tell us

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how is to live the billiard life, and what would be your advice to young players?

Billiards requires a lot of renunciation, constant training, and maximum dedication. I am grateful to the sport of billiards for giving me the opportunity to travel the world, meet many good people, compete and secure a sports career.

I would advise young and unestablished players, if they have realized that they want to play billiards professionally, they should find a coach from the very beginning and learn to play billiards correctly, because it is very difficult to correct bad habits later on. Everything else depends on their personal effort and sporting luck. But, in the end, luck is earned through dedicated work and faith in what you do!

This is beautifully said. I wish you all the luck in the future and hope we’ll soon have another interview regarding your new achievements. Let’s repeat your last saying at the conclusion of our interview:

“Everything depends on personal effort and sporting luck, but in the end, luck is earned through dedicated work and faith in what you do!”

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“Kidz Klinik” in Denver Draws 40 Participants

February 14, 2023 (Denver, CO): On Sunday, February 12, 2023 Felt Billiards in Englewood, Colorado hosted a youth clinic which welcomed 40 young players and their families. The clinic, led by professional instructor Samm Diep, drew young players ranging from 8 to 16 from all over the state and even wyoming. The clinic was inspired by Sandy Kermoade, league operator for “Poolin’ Around Juniors League.” Among the dozen league players Sandy brought, the event also attracted a large

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group of competitive young players, as well as a large number of newbies. Sandys’ dedication to the juniors pool in the Denver metro area is unmatched. She drove 50 miles round trip on Sunday to pick up some of her players.

Predator Group and Salotto App were among the many generous businesses who donated prizes and giveaways. Participants who registered online each received a goody bag which included a piece of Predator chalk, Salotto swag and other fun items. Salotto and the BCA/ BEF also generously donated shirts that were awarded as prizes.

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Each participant received a unique Bingo card which they brought to one of 10 tables. Eight stations (tables) were set up with individual challenge shots based on the player’s skill level and two teaching tables were designated for video stroke analysis. The players went from station to station collecting Bingo punches to earn some amazing donated prizes. The format was received positively by families and Felt hopes to bring more events like this in the future.

Special Thanks to the many volunteers to helped organize the event, man stations and spread the word: our amazing photographer Ken Margetts, Sandy Kermoade, Zach Bryan, top player and instructor Chris McDaniel, top local player Marc Vidal, preeminent cue-maker Chris Byrne, Brooke Williamson, Cannon Russell, Greg & Brayden Gallegos, Jim Schultz, Mike Rowles, Central Park Menchies owner Lisa Smith, WPBA player Sara Miller, Ernie Castillo, and the friendly staff at Felt.

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Samm is a Master-level instructor certified with the PBIA (Professional Billiard Instructors Association) and the ACS (American Cue Sports), and a Senior-level Instructor with the Billiard University. She has nearly 20 years experience working with players of all ages and skill levels, from all over the world. She offers private and group instruction around the Denver metro area, as well as virtually to players from out of state.

Felt Billiards & Bar is the premier pool room, bar, and restaurant in the Denver Metro area! In addition to nearly 30 tournament-quality pool tables, they have Foosball, Skeeball, arcade basketball, pinball, and several video games. Enjoy the diverse liquor selection, including 10 beers on tap, with some of the best drink prices in town!

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Junior’s Rising The Weber Brothers

The Weber boys, Tucker Weber, 14, and Lincoln, 11, are two junior players new to the pool scene. The Weber boys are from St. Augustine, Florida, and have a strong family support system. The boy’s parents, Steve and Emily Weber, do everything they can to support Lincoln and Tucker to reach their ultimate playing level.

Recently the boys played at their third JIC Event at Break Time Billiards in Winston Salem, NC. They both made it to the third round at the last event. “Tucker’s safety game was on point! He has really been practicing that, and it showed,” stated Emily Weber. Lincoln Weber took second place with Bethany Tate in the Scotch Doubles. The boy’s next stop will be in Fairfield, Ohio, in May at Michaels Billiards! Which will be JIC #4!

Lincoln Weber is featured on the official Jayson Shaw Junior Open and the Francisco Sanchez Ruiz (FSR) Junior Open Posters! Emily Weber has filed the paperwork to get the boys their passports and is waiting for them to process so that she can pick them up! The boys will have

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the experience of a lifetime going to Europe and Spain for the Jr. Opens! They will attend the APA Junior Nationals in St. Louis and the BEF National Championship in Illinois, with more JIC stops in between. And from what Emily hears, the other APA Junior League will also start this month. So, with all this said, the boys will be very busy the rest of

the year! They will also get the boys back into the SVB Jr. Open when it comes around!

Although the sport of pool runs deep in the Weber family, and they have been playing at home for a while, the BEF qualifier was their first tournament, and the SVB Junior Open was their second event. These two events that they were able to participate in really kickstarted their path and passion for the next level of this sport. Then attending the US Open in Atlantic City and the Mosconi Cup in Las Vegas inspired them even more with goals and visions.

Both boys had the time of their life at the SVB Jr. Open and Mosconi Cup 2022! They got their Jerseys signed by all the great players, like Jayson Shaw, Shane Van Boening, Oscar Dominguez, Tyler Styer, Billy Thorpe, Shane Wolford, and so many more! Lincoln even got a signed glove from John Leyman, the official referee of Matchroom!

“We focused on getting local support with the lack of junior leagues and worked with two local APA leagues to get junior programs started. Mike and Kelly Moore with Jacksonville APA and Kevin and Ashely Morgan with First Coast APA were excellent to work with on building new Junior programs for North Florida. Their love and support for the sport and Juniors are much appreciated,” states Emily Weber.

The Weber house is a house divided with Tucker Weber playing with Cuetec Cynergy SVB Gen One playing cue, Breach Break Cue, a Cuetec jump cue, joint protectors, 12 in. extension, Predator Chalk and holder, Cuetec Glove and bridgehead, Claw cue holder keeping all of his equipment in the Cuetec Pro Line Ghost Edition! Lincoln is playing with a Predator Playing cue, break cue, jump cue, joint protectors, 12 in extension, predator chalk and holder, glove, bridgehead, claw cue holder, and always gum.

Then boys play Sundays for Jacksonville APA Juniors Division out of 9 Ball Heaven. “We also

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got the boys into a USAPL adult league to get them some consistent experience playing with different people of various skill levels,” states Emily. Now the boys also play out of Corner Pockets on the adult USAPL league on Mondays. There is another host location in the works for Juniors to play; all the details have not been ironed out yet!

The Weber boys joined the Junior International Championship Tour and have traveled nationwide to play in top-tier junior skill-level events. This is all for the experience and building the foundational pieces needed to reach that next level. The Weber boys first stop

was JIC #1 in January at Wolfs Den in Roanoke, Virginia. Then the boys played in February at Diamond Billiards in Cape Coral, Florida, for the JIC #2!

Training and practice have been key components in the progression of their skill levels. The Weber boys practice on an 8 ft. Diamond Pro AM Table at home. Both boys set monthly goals and dedicate at least 2-3 hours daily to practice and more on weekends. After the last JIC stop, they set a goal of 800 completed racks before the next tournament stop.

“We have a saying in our house that we only practice with purpose, and perfect practice makes perfect. Practicing bad habits without purpose can be detrimental and create incorrect muscle memory. We focus on the areas we identified that need improvement and some fun family competitions,” states Emily Weber.

Steve Weber, the boy’s dad, spends a lot of time at the table with them, playing, teaching, and coaching not just the fundamentals of the game but the strategy of why you choose the pattern, the shot, or the position play. The safety game is a huge focus in our house. How to control the table and when to choose to play offense or defense. Emily Weber stated, “My husband’s career requires him to travel for work sometimes, but there are no days off. Coaching and training continue in the evenings as he watches and coaches remotely using FaceTime or Zoom.”

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Both boys have a passion & love for the game and appreciate the dedication it takes to excel at it. This game doesn’t discriminate against the player. It’s a level playing field. Both opponents are playing the table and each other. You don’t need to be 6’5” and 200 lbs. to compete. But you need to be able to combine a chess player’s strategies and thought processes while physically needing to execute with the precision of marksmen. You need to have the mental and physical endurance to handle not only the long matches or tournaments but the stress that goes along with it.

Tucker and Lincoln Weber rencently played in a doubles tournament for the Jacksonville APA Junior leage. lincoln made a post on his Facebook page and said, “Had the chance to play with my dad and we took second place on a close finals match against Tucker Weber and D.j. Burke. Congrats to both of you for shooting great!”

The skills the boys are developing, and life lessons will assist them with handling the challenges throughout their lives. Yes, some tears and emotions come from this sport and

1st annual Jacksonville APA juniors doubles tournament

the pressure, but learning to handle it, channel it, and have the perseverance to continue is a testimony to the character of these young athletes.

Lincoln and Tucker Weber are sponsored by a new company called Barstool Cue Sports to assist in their journey. Barstool Cue Sports is dedicated to the next era and generation of the sport. Lincoln and Tucker were recently picked up by Onboard Sportswear, adding a new sponsor to their resume! The boys could use a great cue sponsor if anyone wants to step up to sponsor these two outstanding junior players!

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Lincoln Weber and Bethany Tate won 2nd place in the Scotch Doubles at the JIC# 3

How To Develop Consistency?

The Drill Instructor

Take your time but pace yourself. Your attention is on both the table and the shot!

What causes you to break and start running balls only to get horribly out of line on the winning ball?

What causes a player to dog the winning ball in the jaw of the pocket?

When are you finally going to get sick and tired of only being consistent at being inconsistent? If you’re response to my jabbing questions is, “I only play pool for the enjoyment of it. I’m not all caught up with having to practice and trying to become some kind of a pool champion.” You’re in luck! You don’t have to read any more of this article and you can go on to the next one.

On the other hand, If you want to learn a thing or two to change your inconsistencies, you need to roll up your sleeves and dig in to this lesson.

The first and most common problem inconsistent players suffer from is called, “Nopaceosis”. Meaning, they don’t benefit from their playing pace. It mostly benefits their opponent. We’ll examine two drills designed to establish a rock solid playing pace you can build up your game with.

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Practice Drill No. 1: Practice Drill No. 2:
1. Set up a full rack of balls on the bottom rail and leave the rack around them.
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2. Place one ball from the rack at the top end of the table and set up the cut shot with the SPM

cue ball as shown on both tables 1 and 2. Make it a simple 30 to 40 degree cut angle.

3. Shoot the ball into corner pocket A, like it is the final ball to win the U. S. Open. Be sure to chalk your stick and use you whole pre-shot routine to address every shot. Pocket the ball and cause the cue ball to lightly tap the rack at the other end of the table.

4. Walk ALL THE WAY AROUND THE TABLE from the same side you were shooting from). The balls stay in the rack so you can’t use your stick to slide the balls to you. This defeats the purpose of the drill.

5. As you come around to the rack, pick up another ball and the cue ball, walk back up to the top of the table and reset the shot and pocket the ball into the opposite pocket B.

6. Again, chalk your stick, use you whole address form, take sure aim and shoot this next ball into corner pocket B, like it too, is the final ball to win the U. S. Open.

7. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until you finish the entire rack.

Do Drills 1 and 2 a total of 5 times each day for 30 days. From this, you will develop a fluid and beneficial pace of playing as you’re at the table. Each rack should take no longer than 12 to 15 minutes. This will build your consistency.

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The Crystal Rises: An In-Depth Interview with Kristina Tkach

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The world of professional pool is brimming with immense talent, and one of the most promising rising stars is Kristina Olegovna Tkach, affectionately nicknamed “The Crystal.” Born in Russia, she has quickly made her mark on the global pool scene, winning numerous championships and garnering fans worldwide. Mark White, Predator Commentator, had the pleasure of sitting with Kristina for an exclusive interview for SPM Billiards Media. In their conversation, Kristina Tkach discussed her experiences, challenges, and aspirations in the world of professional pool.

Kristina recently played at the WPBA Fairfield Invitational and placed 4th! At the Predator Pro Billiard Series Alfa Coin, Kristina placed 5th. And at the Women’s Kamui World Championship, she won her first medal, placing third! In October of 2022, Kristina won the 14. American Straight Pool Championship 2022! In August 2022, Kristina and Fedor won the Scotch Doubles at the Texas Open! January 19th, 1999, Kristina became the 2017 WPA World Nine-ball Junior Champion defeating Korean player Woo-Jin Lee in the final nine six; she is a four-time European Champion, having won the Eightball event in 2016 - 2019 and the straight pool in 2017 and 2019.

Kristina plays with Predator Equipment; her playing cue is the Blak 4-5, the Break cue is the BK Rush, and her Jump cue is the Air Rush, and she loves the color black! Kristina has also been commenting on the Predator events; she is a natural behind the mic as she is on the table!

Early Beginnings

Kristina’s journey into pool began at a very young age thanks to her father who introduced her to the sport. What started as a hobby quickly developed into a full-fledged passion. Her natural talent was apparent from the outset, and she devoted herself wholeheartedly to mastering the game. Tkach attributes her success to the unwavering support of her family, who encouraged her to pursue her dreams and provided her with the necessary resources to thrive in the competitive world of pro-billiards. Kristina’s father has been her coach.

“I started because my dad took me to the pool room, and pool is a bit different back home because everybody plays Russian Pyramid, and obviously the Russian pyramid table is a little bit higher than a pool table and I was so short I couldn’t reach the table, and that’s how they decided I can try pool because it’s shorter my dad still had to build a platform around the table so I can walk because I couldn’t reach the table” stated Kristina Tkach in the Interview with Mark White.

Kristina’s father has been a very serious influence in coaching Kristina. Her father was a professional fighter back in the day. Kristina talks about her father, who fought Judo professionally, not boxing but Judo Krista states, “He was very good” He believed that you do something, you do it seriously; it’s not just for fun. With her father’s training and challenging practice, she won her first European championship at the age of around 16, which taught her that hard work pays off! Her father still plays a part in her training to this day, giving her advice and working on problem areas.

“Discover the making of a pool prodigy and her journey through the world of professional pool.”
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The Shot Clock Phenomenon

One of the most notable aspects of professional pool is using a shot clock during matches. Kristina believes that playing under a shot clock can significantly improve a player’s game over time. The shot clock can help players make better decisions and perform at their peak by preventing secondguessing and promoting a smoother rhythm. Though it may take time for players to adjust to the pressure of the shot clock, the benefits are apparent once they become accustomed to it.

Love and Pool: The Balancing Act

As many fans know, Kristina is in a relationship with Fedor Gorst, one of the world’s top pool players. While some may wonder if their relationship plays a role in their individual games, Kristina revealed that they prefer to separate their professional and personal lives. Though they occasionally practice together or discuss the game, they believe maintaining a balance between their relationship and pool careers is essential for their well-being and success.

Learning from the Best

Kristina Tkach firmly believes that playing against men has significantly influenced her growth as a player. She concurred with fellow professional pool player Kelly Fisher, who stated that playing against men can teach female players valuable lessons in decision-making and shot selection. Kristina has refined her game by watching and learning from male players and continuously improving her skills.

Life Beyond the Pool Table

Despite her dedication to pool, Kristina has developed interests outside of the sport. She is fascinated by psychology and has considered becoming a psychotherapist. Additionally, she is an animal lover and has

a solid connection to a more spiritual path, practicing yoga and meditation as part of her daily routine. These interests provide her a well-rounded life and counterbalance her intense focus on pool.

Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Players

When asked what advice she would give newcomers to the sport, Kristina emphasized the importance of dedicating oneself entirely to one aspect of their game at a time. By doing so, players can ensure that they give each area the attention it deserves. She also stressed the value of personal branding, mainly through social media. By building a solid presence online, players can attract sponsors and fans, ultimately contributing to their success in the sport.

The Origin of “The Crystal”

Kristina’s nickname, “The Crystal,” was born from a Facebook poll she conducted in 2019. Fans suggested the name due to its connection to her first name and the sparkling, radiant qualities it represents. Kristina embraced the nickname, which has since become synonymous with her presence on the professional pool circuit.

The Future of Professional Pool

Kristina is optimistic about the future of professional pool, expressing her hope that the sport will continue to grow and gain greater recognition. She envisions more televised tournaments and increased prize money, attracting more players and fans. Additionally, she would like to see more opportunities for female players in tournaments and sponsorship deals. Ultimately, she believes the key to the sport’s growth lies in increased promotion and widespread support from the pool community.

Dreams and Goals

As for her personal ambitions, Kristina is set

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on becoming the world’s number one pool player. She aims to win the prestigious titles of World Pool Masters, US Open, and World 9-Ball Championship. As a fierce competitor and dedicated athlete, she is determined to work tirelessly to achieve these goals. While she has already made a significant impact on the world of professional pool, there is no doubt that she will continue to reach new heights in the years to come.

A Force to Be Reckoned With

Kristina Tkach’s passion for pool and her drive for success shines through in the interview with Mark White. Her journey, marked by dedication and hard work, inspires aspiring players and fans alike. As “The Crystal” continues to make her mark in the world of professional pool, her star will only shine brighter. With her unique combination of talent, determination, and resilience, there is no limit to what she can achieve. As the interview wrapped up, it became clear that Kristina Tkach is a force to be reckoned with on the pool table and a remarkable individual off the table. Her sincerity, warmth, and genuine love for the sport will undoubtedly endear her to fans worldwide for years to come. We at SPM Billiards Media wish her the best of luck in her ongoing journey. We eagerly anticipate the many accomplishments that lie ahead for this rising star of the professional pool world. So, there you have it, folks—an intimate glimpse into the life and career of one of pool’s most promising talents, Kristina “The Crystal” Tkach. As she continues to break barriers and set new standards in the sport, it’s evident that her legacy is only just beginning. Keep an eye out for this dazzling gem as she continues to shine and inspire both on and off the pool table.

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Watch Mark White’s interview with Kristina Tkach
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2023 SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 36 43

Premier Pool: Eight Days at Morningside

On March 6th, 16 of the most exciting players in the world entered Morningside Arena for the Premier League Pool round-robin tournament, a Matchroom invitational event. Taken from the top world rankings and handpicked wildcards. Premier League Pool brought a dream fan spectrum of players to battle in races to five. Pool legend Earl Strickland. Born in North Carolina, this multiple world champion, who is also one of two players to hold 5 US Open titles, is still a threat to win at 61 with his almost mythical high gear. The defending champion Albin Ouschan, the Austrian native, is a two-time world champion, European champion, International Champion, and multi-time Mosconi Cup team member for Europe. Seo Seoa from Korea, ranked 11th in the world and recently finished 3rd in the World Championship, is an exciting young player and quickly becoming a hero to young women worldwide. Also, among the dozen countries represented here are Shane Van Boening, The South Dakota Kid, and the face of American Pool for the last 15 years. His pool pedigree, coming from a family of champions, is as pure as it gets. He is a World Champion, and the other holder of 5 US Opens along with Earl, a plethora of pool titles, and Mosconi Cup appearances. Another legend in the ranks was Alex “The Lion” Pagulayan. Alex’s list of accomplishments takes its own article. World Champion 9-Ball and holds all titles from the Derby City Classic, including the Master of The Table as well as titles in every discipline of pool, and he has won the Canadian Snooker title as well. Born in the Philippines and raised in Canada, Alex calls the world home and is welcomed anywhere in it. Then we have the hottest player in international play right now, Francisco Sanchez Ruiz. The favorite son of Spain is the current World Champion in both 8-Ball and 9-Ball; he has won the European Championship, Derby City, and World Cup of Pool and has been a member of Team Europe for the Mosconi Cup.

The event also saw fan-favorite Jayson Shaw from Scotland, along with the magic of Chris Melling representing the UK. Naoyuki Oi from Japan, who has been playing terrific pool and whom fans love to follow, was a no-brainer. Konrad Juszczyszyn a strong player from Poland, is always among the favorites to win, and he seems to get better in every event he plays in.

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9-Ball, and Chou Cheh Yu, the Women’s 9-Ball World Champion, were representing Taiwan. Luong Duc Thien from Vietnam has been making big waves in the last year and was one to keep an eye on in this event. Sanjin Pehlivanovic from Bosnia is another strong young European storming the pool world. Sanjin is only 21, and he continues to rise each year in international play and is a definite contender for the title. Rounding out the 16 invites is Khalid Alghamdi the young Saudi player and winner of the SVB Junior Open last was a fun invite, and he was ready to prove he will soon have a place on the world stage.

Day one highlights started with Defending Champion Albin Ouschan playing a tight match against Earl Strickland and taking the hill-hill victory by a hair. Shaw began his match with his friend Chris Melling by sinking 4 balls on the break but is unable to capitalize and Melling takes game 1. After being down to Chris early Shaw regrouped and came back to win a hillhill when Melling scratched in the deciding game giving Jayson ball in hand. Earl’s day did not get easier when after playing the defending champion, he came right back against Naoyuki Oi dropping a close one at 5-3 and then right back again against the hottest player currently, Francisco Sanchez Ruiz, closed the door for day one winning 5-1.

Sky Woodward struggled on day one, dropping matches to Albin Ouschan and Konrad Juszczyszyn. Shane Van Boening started the event off winning two thrilling hill-hill matchups against Wu Kun Lin and Khalid Alghamdi. Konrad Juszczyszyn had an incredible day one with impressive wins over Luong Duc Thien, Sky Woodward, and Naoyuki Oi. Francisco Sanchez Ruiz went 2-1 with wins over Strickland and Chou Chieh Yu before dropping one to the young phenom Sanjin Pehlivanovic.

Day two highlights saw SVB taking on Sky, with SVB taking the win over the star from SPM

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Kentucky. Chris Melling, however, delivered a loss to Shane with some brilliant play to finish with a score of 5-3. Earl Strickland found his form with a big win over Konrad Juszczyszyn. Konrad also fell to the young Sanjin as he continues to show no fear when he’s on the table. The Lion roared in with a 5-1 win over Chou Chieh Yu. Alex then dropped a heart-breaking hill-hill match to Chris Melling. SVB recovered from his loss to Melling as he defeated Luong Duc Thien with a great combination of shots and strategy. Oi defeated Albin Ouschan, as did Sanjin, as players continued to try to chip away at his title defense.

Day three began with Sanjin Pehlivanovic defeating Wu Kun Lin. He started his next match by taking a big lead on Seo Seoa, but the young lady was not going out without a fight, and she mounted a comeback but came up just a little short, losing 5-3. Seo Seoa proved her mettle by coming right back and defeating Albin Ouschan 5-3. Naoyuki Oi had a big win against Shane Van Boening 5-4, and he defeated the young junior champion Khalid Alghamdi 5-2 to complete his day. Albin Ouschan managed to get a little momentum back with a win over Luong Duc Thien to end the day 2-1.

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Day four saw Naoyuki Oi begin the day taking down Alex Pagulayan 5-3, but slipped when he went right back up against Wu Kun Lin and lost 5-2. Seo Seao lost a close match to Chou Chieh Yu. Sky Woodward regained some focus going 3-0 on the day with wins over Seo Seoa, Khalid Alghamdi, and Luong Duc Thien. Jayson Shaw also went 3-0, taking off the young Alghamdi 5-4, then defeating Konrad Juszczyszyn and Earl Strickland by identical 5-2 scores. Day five had Seo Seoa splitting early matches, losing 5-2 to SVB but defeating Melling 5-4. She then went on to defeat Earl Strickland 5-1 after an afternoon loss to Wu Kun Lin 5-3. SVB had two losses on the day and had one win over Earl and then 2 losses to Alex and Oi. In a day of big-name losses, Jayson Shaw lost 5-4 to Pagulayan, 5-3 to Sanjin and 5-3 to Luong Duc Thien.

On day six, Sanjin Pehlivanovic dropped to early hill-hill matches, while FSR continued to quietly move through opponents taking wins over Alex Pagulayan, SVB, and Wu Kun Lin. Konrad was 2-2 on the day, and SVB finished strong, defeating Alex 5-0.

Day seven began with us down to 10 players, and the competition heated up accordingly. Sanjin came out of the gate swinging, taking down Sky Woodward 5-2. He then fell 5-3 to Alex Pagulayan. Francisco had 2 early wins over Oi and Konrad. He then finished the day with 2 more over Shaw and Sanjin. Sky Woodward let an early lead slip but defeated Jayson Shaw hill-hill. Sky then defeated Alex Pagulayan 5-3. SVB also finished the day strong with wins over Naoyuki Oi and Wu Kun Lin. Jayson Shaw had wins over Alex and Sanjin.

On the final day, we were down to 6 players, and the early matches had Jayson Shaw winning 5-4 over Konrad. Naoyuki Oi defeated Sanjin Pehlivanovic 5-2, and Konrad dropped a hill-hill match to Alex Pagulayan. FSR took the win over Oi and then downed Shaw 5-0. Alex edged

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out Oi 5-4, and Sanjin blanked Konrad. FSR then defeated Sanjin 5-4 to finish the morning matches.

The afternoon session saw us with Jayson Shaw, Sanjin Pehlivanovic, Konrad Juszczyszyn, Naoyuki Oi, Francisco Sanchez Ruiz, and Alex Pagulayan left to compete. Everyone went 1-1 except Sanjin, who suffered two losses, and Konrad, who had two wins. After the final tallies, the final four were Shaw, FSR, Oi, and Pehlivanovic. Now with races to 7, Jayson Shaw beat Sanjin 7-4 while Francisco cruised to a 7-3 win over Oi.

Jayson Shaw won the lag but faced a very difficult first shot. After his miss on the jump combination, FSR took the first rack. Francisco went on to win game two, but Shaw won the next three before FSR evened the match up. At 5-4, a lengthy safety battle ensued, and finally, with some great shot-making and cue ball control, FSR stretched his lead to 6-4. With another early round of safes, Francisco Sanchez Ruiz won the rack to take game, set, match, and the Championship!

It was another great Matchroom production, and I hope the fans appreciated the play on the tables and the stories that went along with every player, and what their presence brought to an event like this one. I know this fan did.

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All Photos by Taka Wu of Matchroom Multisport
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Fairfield County’s Best: The Biggest Little Bar Box Tournament Around

EEvery year, just before spring, pool players descend on the city of Lancaster, Ohio, in Fairfield County. It’s time for The Fairfield County’s Best Bar Box 8-Ball Tournament. It’s one of the country’s largest single-day (24-hour) tournaments. This event has grown from a locals-only tournament, with a little over a couple of dozen players, to an open event that regularly draws over 200 players who come from all over Ohio, the US, and beyond.

Ohio has a rich history with billiards, and there have always been big events that everyone looks forward to each year, but only a select few come even close to matching Fairfield County’s best in tradition, size, and popularity. It’s a badge of honor for many to say that they have run this gauntlet and come out on the winning side.

The fields are very tough, often with two hundred-plus players, and there are at least one hundred and eighty of them are capable of winning. There are many recognizable names that have played in this event over the years. Tony Mougey, Ed Hancock, Billy Thorpe, Cody Myers, Nathan Wallace, Shane Albaugh, and Shane Jackson, to name a few.

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They also started a Ladies’ division several years ago, and they have had two junior events as well. Many of the ladies play in both divisions, and many juniors still enter with the adults. This year there were two hundred and thirty-eight players in the open division, with Nathan Owens, Fred Shelvey, and Tri Hinton taking the top 3 spots. Nathan is from West Virginia, Fred is from Ohio, and Tri lives in Ohio but plays out of West Virginia at The League Room. The main man behind this event is Chris Garey, and he was kind enough to sit down and answer a few questions about this incredible long-standing tournament.

KS; So, how long have you been involved in pool, and how did you get started?

CG: I was 15 years old, working with some friends every weekend. After work, I would go to their house and shoot pool for hours. I mostly lost. At 16 years old. I went into a local bar a few blocks from my house. I wasn’t supposed to be there. I gambled and won a couple of bucks. I really enjoyed playing pool competitively. I continued to play with friends throughout high school. I won my first tournament in 1991, in Groton, Connecticut, while serving in the Navy. I continued playing while in the Navy. I played in the Viking tour tournaments while in Connecticut and played all around Norfolk, Virginia.

KS: How did you get involved with the Fairfield County’s Best Tournament?

CG: Debbie Turner owned Main Street Café in Lancaster, Ohio. As far as I know, Debbie and Don Jeffers started Fairfield County’s Best. You had to live in or play a league in Fairfield County to play in this tournament. Whenever The Main Street Café, maybe 2000 or 2001? Joe Thompson told me he was going to take it over and asked if I would help. By this time, I had been learning how to set up and run a tournament. The first year we ran it (2001), I believe we

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had around 40 locals in the tournament. We held it at the Long Branch Saloon in Lancaster. Jimmy Southers had started running tournaments out of there.

KS: How long has the tournament been running, and can you give us a little history of its evolution?

CG: Joe decided it was too much and didn’t want to be involved with it anymore. It was a ton of work. I told Joe I would take it over. I asked Jimmy Southers to help. He could set up and run a board as good as anyone out there. He also played well while running the board. This is where it started to get exciting.

CG: Jimmy and I held it at the Longbranch for another year or two with the same amount of people. We were getting calls from all over to see if they could play. We then decided to open it up to anyone, but we have always excluded the pro players. We then had to find a building. We bought our first set of pool tables out of the Bronx in New York. Some of the tables had steel bars across the lockbox area. We bought 10 to start and never took money until we paid off the credit card. I also started Victory Billiards around that time.

CG: We have been running Fairfield County’s Best since 2001. 23 years strong. We moved from the Longbranch to our local Moose lodge and started using ten tables, setting up pool cue and supplies for sale. After the moose lodge, we found our way to the Amvets post-1985 where it has been ever since, except for one year when we tried it at the moose lodge again. The date was changed from the worse weekend for Ohio weather, the third week of January, to the first weekend in March for the last 13 years.

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CG: Since our first tournament, we have changed the basic rules a few times and eventually landed on valley rules. We have changed from winner breaks all the way through to loser breaks all the way through.

CG: Our numbers continued to grow for the first ten years until we got to the point where we couldn’t take any more players and had a waiting list. We used to have to mail out flyers, hand addressing the envelopes, and stamping them. Players would mail in checks. We would mail out around 300 flyers per year.

CG: Every year, our staff gets bigger, and we try our best to make everything run smoothly. Our tables have been upgraded through the years by using championship tournament edition felt and ridgeback rails. We now have a streaming, CompuSport app to manage the brackets and shirt vendors. I can’t remember when we added the women’s event, but it has grown from 10 to about 43 women per year, with some of the best women players in Ohio. We have run two junior events as well, with over 40 junior players.

KS: What has been the reaction of the players and community support to the event, and how has it grown over the years?

CG: Most players come back year after year. They still complain that it’s too long, the wait between matches is long, and the race is short. They are all correct, but we look forward to seeing them year after year. Our local pool players have helped support this tournament yearly; having a bigger event in your local area is nice.

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Rashell Kitts

KS: It’s one of the largest single-day events in the area; what challenges do you face trying to get through such large fields in 24 hours?

CG: Our biggest struggle is getting started. the players who want to get registered the day of the event. We try to register everyone before the event so we can have the board ready to be drawn and the money ready to go. We have had our struggles. One year the draw was in alphabetical order, by the time we realized it, the tournament had started. We continued with that board the way it was drawn.

KS: What’s the largest field that has entered the event?

CG: 260 players

KS: Do you have many players that have come year after year?

CG: Yes, we have some that come every year. Most new players come back. Butch Kitts and his daughter Rashell Kitts have been to everyone so far. I believe they live a couple of hours away.

[ I spoke with Rashell at the tournament, and she is a traveling nurse, but she makes sure she comes back every year, no matter where she is, to compete in this event with her father. This year she flew in all the way from California]

KS: What have been some highlights of the tournament itself in terms of the pool? Exciting

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Butch Kitts

finishes, name players, Cinderella stories…etc.?

CG: Every year seems to be exciting; everyone seems to be tired. But when the finals start, the remaining crowd is watching. My best is a second-place finish, losing only to Ed Hancock. Jimmy has a third-place finish. Billy Thorpe won when he was 16 years old, working his way through a very tough field. We have had players from all over the US and Canada and from Florida, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana play here annually.

KS: What does it take to get this event underway? When do you start preparing for it, and how has it been maintaining it year after year?

CG: We start in December before the tournament. We get our flyer ready, and we usually begin fielding phone calls about when the tournament is, how to register… etc. It’s the first Saturday in March every year. In January, we post out flyers online and distribute printed copies and begin to pre-register players and take early payments online. February, we continue to pre-register players and order felt and supplies for the tournament. Then, one week prior to the start, we get all the help we can confirm, set up tables and stop and check nightly on table set-ups and work on finishing setting up the hall itself. Two days before we take off work and complete the setup and get ready for the Friday night minis and finish up pre-registrations and payments and be the last to leave, hopefully before midnight.

CG: The day of the event, we are the first ones there at 6 AM. Finish last-minute registrations or cancellations and then jump into running the tournament. I’m the last to leave, sometimes as late as 8:30 Sunday morning.

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Tracvon Miles

KS: Have you been able to learn things from other events and adapt them to yours? Format? Streaming?

CG: We learn from every event we do and always try to make something better. The format has changed from boards to online programs like CompuSport, and streaming has come a long way, and we allow a streaming table in our event.

[The stream usually draws a good number of viewers from a very wide area]

KS: As pool interest is on the upswing, what do you see for an event like this, say in the next five years?

CG: I believe if we could get more room, we could double our numbers.

KS: What do you like to do when you are not running a large event like this one? What are some things away from pool that you enjoy doing?

CG: Jimmy and I run tournaments all over Ohio, mostly for the private clubs such as the moose lodge, Amvets, and the American Legion. I also built myself a pool cue last year, under the tutelage of Garten Bierbower. [Garten Bierbower is a well-known cue maker from the Port Washington, Ohio, area and was a terrific player in his day. He also is a great source of historical knowledge on pool]

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Steve Drumm

coach girls’ softball, 12u and high school rec league. I own and operate Victory Billiards supply store. I also do cue repair at home and at LB billiards.

CG: I want to thank everyone that helps us year after year. We couldn’t do it without the help and support of our friends and families.

Chris, I want to thank you for your time today and for all the work you put into running such a great event and keeping a long-running tradition alive in the state of Ohio.

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All photos by Keith Shaner
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It’s Magic! TAOM V-10

“TAOM chalk has revolutionised billiard chalk, it’s your friend at the table, stays on your tip, not on the balls but has the best grip I have ever experienced” — Mark White

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MMany chalks are out on the market today, and they all have their place. Cosmetic chalk came about in around 2010. Since there are so many great options out there, they all have their place. The purpose of chalk on your tip is to add a little friction to the tip when striking the cue ball.

The team at Taom has a goal and vision to create the best chalk on the market, with the key word being innovation and determination. The creation of V10 has changed the industry, and the change has been needed for a long time. I feel that the V10 set the bar for all other companies to compare their chalk. It’s decently priced, but more than that, it’s a good price for what you get.

Tony Ursin, the founder of Taom, has been playing since he was seven. Taom got its start with the magic Snooker chalk. In an old interview with Snookerzone, it is stated, “The problem desperately needed to be solved. From then on, he challenged himself to try to solve the problem by making a chalk that would provide the solution. The rest is history – as they say.” Retrieved from https://snookerzone.co.uk/interview-with-toni-ursin-of-taom-chalkfame/?fbclid=IwAR1tYhp_WN_vMHZ1F32ZELj9UvTwcZi17uj6FK6xh2hlZ6VdU8ETc3e49wc

What does the Taom logo mean?

The word Taom cleverly originates from the names of the company’s owners, T = Toni, A = Ali, O = Ohtonen, and M = Mika (see picture – Ursin is second from the right). And the word means attack in an ancient language, according to Ursin. His team is undoubtedly attacking the market! Ursin was initially surprised when the chalk began to fly off the shelves.

“Taom came onto the scene a few years ago and has had a few different renditions until they came up with the V10, which is their crown jewel. It comes in a lime green color. The chalk is a slightly smaller cylinder with a perforated logo around it to make it easy to reveal more chalk. Taom listened to their consumers and created chalk that doesn’t transfer to the cue ball. It doesn’t get tacky, and it last on your tip. I notice the pros usually chalk every shot anyways. This chalk goes on smoothly and doesn’t get cakey. They really did their R&D with this, and Mika Immonen is the Designing physicist behind the chalk and really puts in the work and makes a Great product”

The V10 feels like a cross between the grippiness of the Kamui counterpart without the tacky feeling that Kamui is known for. They are really supporting the players, and I feel that they are a great company to work with and listen to the players. The chalk fills the voids that other companies in the chalk game have struggled with. In my opinion, this chalk and the Kamui Kageki are the two leaders in the industry and will be for a long time as they have a hard beat to run up on. This chalk is fast becoming a very popular player choice in the industry. It’s really a great product.

There is really nothing bad I can say about this chalk. The value is cheaper than its competitors, and that is a greater value The chalk last a long time and lasts a long time on your tip.

The V10 retails for a $20 bill and is well worth that value any day of the week.

A good player will apply chalk every shot, but the best players will know where and how to apply the chalk to you maximize its effectiveness.

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Points, Venom, The Video & The Challenge

PPoints is here & Florian “Venom” Kohler agrees! It took 2 years from when I first came up with the game to having a professional explain and demonstrate the game on video.

Thanks to Garret Troop for helping me make contact with the 11x Guinness Book World Record holder & 2x World Trickshot Artist Champion. Florian has a wealth of knowledge & unique shot-making ability, which is displayed in the video.

Florian has now set a proven benchmark for all other professional pool players to compete against. His score of 81 points within the Points Heavyweight Division beats the previous

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score of 66 set by Professional Pool Player Max Eberle during the 2022 US Open. In his defense, Max did only play 3 racks. There really is no telling what he or any other professional pool player may score given some time with the game.

During my trip to this past Mosconi Cup in Las Vegas, my good friend & the inventor of the i-Cue Training Cue Ball, Thomas Van Eck, played 3 racks of Points & scored a 97, which places him in the top 6 highest scores as of this writing. I think Thomas scored so high because of his invention’s effectiveness. He consistently produces videos showing just how easy it is to run out & the i-Cue Training Cue Ball shows precisely where the tip strikes the ball! Seeing is believing!

The current Points Heavyweight Champion, Michael Harrison, is looking to defend his title & I want the opponent to be a professional pool player. His score of 179 is the highest single run that I personally have seen. I was his opponent & I kept score. Although the 179 is his best, he has not officially defended his title. So here we are...

The Challenge is being issued right here & now! It’s time to see the match that I want to see, Florian “Venom” Kohler vs. Michael Harrison for the “UNDISPUTED” Points Heavyweight Championship.

The match could be live streamed with a possibility of an actual PPV event featuring other Points matches prior to the main event. I have other players that score from the high 80’s & into the 100+ points range. Not many know who these remarkably talented players are, but that will change after this first major event.

When the dust settles & the first Undisputed Points Heavyweight Champion has been crowned, A new division will be introduced & a new champion will emerge. Coming soon! The Points Light-Heavyweight Tournament!

Points is growing in popularity as players begin to realize how much their overall pool games are improving just by playing Points. Shot elements such as banks, kicks, jumps, combinations & carom shots become second nature, and the player starts to see shots they would have never thought of in other billiards games.

I really want people to realize that Points is a different way to play billiards. Just like 8-ball is different from One Pocket & Rotation is different from Straight Pool, Points is its’ own discipline & after spending just one full day playing the game, players will start to understand why I call Points, The New Age of Billiards.

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Why You Should Play Points?

In pocket billiards, there are countless instances where you have multiple options other than defense. The problem is - you don’t see themPoints opens your eyes to offensive pocket billiards.

Efren Reyes was a master at taking massive risk & earning the subsequent reward for his successful effort. They call him the magician & he would always claim to have gotten lucky: fact is - if you never go for the shot… you’ll never be rewarded for the risk. In POINTS, you

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have nothing to lose.

Rotation can be monotonous. Boring. I’ve lost plenty of matches because instead of keeping things simple, I attempted a difficult shot to get perfect shape on the next ball- rather than taking what the table gave me. POINTS gives you the outlet for this style of play with none of that risk. If you miss: you simply line up the next attempt & fire away. It sharpens your offensive play - but it’s more than that. Your eyes will open to the plethora of options. I see people that play at a very high-level attempt POINTS & write it off mainly because they just don’t get it.

It’s really simple.

Each element of a shot is worth 5 points. A 1 rail bank is 5 points. If you bank off 2 rails & combo a ball in, that’s 15 points. If you have a ball next to the rail & you go “rail first“ with the cue ball & pocket the ball, it’s 5 points. Jump over a ball & pocket your object ball. It’s 5 points. If you carom a ball in, it’s 5 points. If you carom off 2 balls, it’s 10 points. If you have 3-4 balls lined up & you combo the last one in - that’s 5 points for each additional ball.

When I ran 179, my last 2 shots were worth 70 points. I went from 109 to 179 in 2 shots.

Now if you are shooting full table shots- the points double. It’s that simple. The game is played by not simply potting balls- but by inserting creative alternatives. Simply going rail first on a full table shot will earn you 10 points.

You must stop looking at it from the typical perspective. Simply pocketing a ball will give you a score of 1 point regardless of the difficulty. The only way to gain a high score is to find those shots you’d typically never attempt. What you gain is increased confidence in your creativity & shot-making ability.

That being said, I play POINTS because I enjoy it & it’s different. I get tired of 8 & 9 ball. I could play ‘one pocket’ or straight pool… even 15-ball rotation. There’s other options as well -however - I just enjoy playing POINTS. Not all the time. It’s simply another version of pocket billiards I’ve incorporated into my play.

I have the high run of 179 mainly because no one has stepped up & tried to beat the score with any significant effort. I’m sure various players in my area could beat that score. They haven’t because they’ve never tried. POINTS has never claimed to be better than other versions of pocket billiards. It’s just different. If you enjoy the same old thing, then by all means… do what you like. If you enjoy a challenge, I suggest you try it.

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