While watching several pro matches on YouTube last weekend, I noticed something I thought I should highlight to help amateurs increase their accuracy when breaking the balls.
Shane Van Boening, arguably the biggest breaker on the circuit, was lining up to break the balls, and I couldn’t help but notice how controlled he strikes the break shot, even at very hard speeds. Sometimes it’s hard to believe he can be that accurate when delivering the cue ball with such power.
It made me think about the pool players I teach, who tell me how they struggle with control, only for me to see them try to murder the one ball striking it at what they would describe as 100 miles per hour. In this article, I will show you how to slow down your stroke and enjoy control with your break.
Although somewhat counter-intuitive, swinging hard and fast does not produce the perfect break. In fact, it’s the opposite. Stroke speed can often be your enemy, and it kills pinpoint accuracy no matter how strong or powerful you are. The transition from the back swing to the forward
swing will often ruin your natural stroke and prevent the cue from being released accurately into the cue ball. The break stroke must be accurate to achieve the best possible result.
Stroke inaccuracy starts when you don’t take the necessary time to aim. A good long set is very important. Also, it’s crucial to have a slow backswing and a smooth, powerful forward swing. There really is no need to strike the one ball as hard as you can. Seventy percent of your total break speed should be sufficient and will give you a lot more accuracy.
1. Keep your bridge arm slightly bent. During the break shot, you must shift your body forward into the shot. This will generate more power. Keeping your bridge arm slightly bent will allow you to transfer this shift in weight more effectively.
2. Use a more open stance. An open stance is also more conducive to shifting your weight. During the break shot, you will push off with your back foot, and therefore
the need for an open stance is crucial to players who want to generate power more power with less effort.
3. Don’t use the same underarm movement as your regular stroke. As you break the balls, your elbow should drop, and your forearm should extend. To avoid striking the table with your cue, you will need to jump up slightly. If you don’t jump there is a natural tendency for players to ding their cue on the table. I recommend using what I call a three-quarter break, where your stroke doesn’t come directly under as with all other shots. The three-quarter break is where your grip hand is delivered slightly (not fully) side armed during the
break. This will reduce the need to jump as high when delivering your stroke.
4. Shift your weight. Push off with your back foot. Extend your forearm and jump slightly to avoid hitting the table with your cue.
5. A good long set and a slow backswing are a must. A good long set is necessary for an accurate aim. A slow backswing will eliminate any unwanted jerk in your stroke and allow you to transition from the backswing to the forward swing smoothly.
6. A good follow-through with extension is very important. It’s also very important to have a good follow-through. Many of the
top pros will follow through well past the side pockets when delivering their break shot. Back in the 80s, Johnny Archer and Earl Strickland would follow through all the way to the one.
To achieve a pro-level break shot, you must practice. Be sure to check out my latest YouTube video on how to break
like a pro: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=GSCkeIsiRjQ
if you take these tips to heart, you’ll start seeing significant improvements in your break within a few weeks. Taking the time to improve your break will keep you at the table and give you the first opportunity to win the game.
Anthony Beeler is the current Billiards Instructor of the Decade and is a former BCAPL National Champion. He has numerous “Top 25” national finishes and is the primary author of the ACS National Billiards Instructor’s Manual. He has also authored the book Unstoppable! Positive Thinking for Pool Players. Anthony currently has the highest established Fargo Rating of any Master Instructor. He has won over 300 tournaments and has defeated numerous professional players in tournament competition.
One of the “Rule of Thumbs” in 14.1 (Straight Pool) is that you want to “Shrink Your Table” in Layman’s terms, this simply means you want to cut your table size down to Half Table, and most definitely the upper half of the table.
Once you keep ALL your balls within this area, your focus should be on the upper left and right corner pockets and the two side pockets as your key pockets for all or the majority of the object balls you run.
Try at all costs to avoid the two bottom corner pockets as they equal longer shots, which equals less cue ball control.
The best players I’ve ever seen would only shoot to the bottom corner pockets once, maybe twice, out of 100 or 125 Ball run.
Another “Biggie” in Straight Pool, is that you want to open up the rack. Just a little at a time. You never want to prematurely open up the rack and give your opponent an easy run-out.
You aim to make a ball and break out a ball or two before your next shot. Just imagine in your mind, just whittling away at the pile of balls in front of you while simultaneously spreading the Rack, allowing the rack to take on a more manageable shape to deal with, and allowing you an eventual Break Ball.
Managing the rack steady and slowly helps you keep the balls where they should be, at the upper end of the table. This also helps to not leave a wide-open table for your opponent should you happen to miss.
The First balls to attack should be the corner pockets on the lower end of the table if balls are lying in or near the pockets to clear the path for other balls closer to the center of the table that you may pocket. Then it’s time to begin opening any clusters or trouble balls.
If you can’t break them out immediately, devise an action plan when you can.
Third, you want to pocket all balls that are positioned near or on the rails. Once you get the pile of balls down to several, you are confident you can run. This is the time to determine a good breakout shot to run out and win the game.
A short game of Straight Pool is a fantastic way to warm up for a game of 8 ball or 9 ball because this game focuses on key areas, including cue ball control and pattern and position play.
It also assists in the Mental benefits of Patience and Proper planning. That’s All I got for now. Until Next Time, Happy Shootin’ from “The White Wolf”
The term cue ball control refers to the ability to get the cue ball to stop moving in a place that provides the best opportunity to make the next shot successfully. To do that, it is critical to know the natural tendency of the cue ball after it contacts an object ball. Some very absolute laws of physics determine this. An object in motion will stay in motion until acted upon by outside forces. Rotational and directional energy both affect energy transfer, as does velocity. Gravity and friction are also factors to consider.
Let’s start with the simple straight-in shot. The cue ball rolls straight toward the object ball. When they impact, some energy is immediately transferred to the object ball, setting it in motion. At that instant, the cue ball stops. If all of the energy is transferred to the object ball, the cue ball remains motionless. This happens when there is no
directional or rotational energy remaining within the cue ball. With a direct impact, all of the directional energy is transferred. However, if any rotational energy remains, the cue ball will start moving again.
So what is rotational energy? Quite simply, it’s the spinning of the ball as it moves. That spin can be sideways, backspin, or just natural forward roll, or any combination. The type of spin will determine where it goes, and the amount will determine how far. The only way to make the cueball stop is to have no backspin and no forward roll upon contact.
Place a striped ball on the table with the stripe facing side to side and shoot it down table. If you hit it above center, you can see it will have forward roll all the way down. If you hit it below center while staying on the vertical centerline, it will start with a backspin, which will decrease as it travels until it finally changes to a forward roll. This loss of backspin is a result of gravity and friction. The point where it changes is called the skid zone. At that point, it has neither forward nor backward roll or zero rotational energy.
On a straight-in shot, and ONLY on a straight-in shot, if the cue ball contacts the object ball while in the skid zone, the result will be a dead stop shot. You can push the skid zone further down the table by either increasing the speed of your shot, or striking the cue ball lower, or both. Again, you can only achieve a stop shot when shooting a straight in shot. Any cut angle will cause the cue to drift off in the opposite direction of the cut angle. Any forward roll will allow the cueball to follow the object ball, and any backspin will cause the cue ball to reverse direction and draw back.
Practice using the stripe ball exercise and varying the stroke speed or how much bottom spin you apply until you can accurately predict how far down table your skid zone will occur. Then set up straight in shots at different distances and learn to hit stop shots at different distances.
The stop shot is often considered to be the most important pool shot you can learn. Master it, and you’ve made the first step toward cue ball control.
Good luck!
Iwas fortunate enough to meet a player visiting our local area a while back, and not only is he a terrific player, but he is also a great person, and he was kind enough to agree to an interview and share some time with us. May I present to you Pijus Labutis.
KS: So, Pijus, tell us a little bit about yourself. What part of the world do you call home?
PL: I was born and lived all my life in Vilnius, Lithuania.
KS: How old are you now?
PL: Twenty-five.
KS: How long have you been playing pool?
PL: From twelve years old, so it’s been thirteen years, I have been playing pool. KS: Were there other sports that you enjoyed playing when you were younger?
PL: I played basketball for six years until I was twelve years old, and then I discovered pool.
KS: How did you get started playing?
PL: I don’t have any magic story here; I just went a few times to play with my father in the local club, and then I got thrilled about the excitement and adrenaline this game brings to you, and then I immediately wanted to learn more. My father wasn’t a player himself; it was just him who brought me to the pool hall to spend some son and father time.
KS: There’s a little magic in that story. Who were your early influences in the game?
PL: I would say probably from the pool scene, it was Niels Feijen, Efren, Bustamante, Ralf Souquet, Albin, and Shane. No particular player, just big stars of the game back in 2010. Also, I would mention snooker, which I was watching a lot on TV when I was a kid, and player like Ronnie, of course.
KS: When did you start to take the game seriously as a sport?
PL: Probably around 3 years after I took some coaching from few players, I started to travel around Europe and started to take it more and more seriously. I was around 15-16 years old then.
KS: When did you play in your first tournament?
PL: My first international tournament was probably Youth European Championship
back in 2013 or 2014 in Germany.
KS: What has been your most significant win?
PL: My first high finish was back in 2015 when I finished 3rd in the World Youth nine-ball championship in Shanghai, China. Later on, I won 2 youth EC gold medals in 2019, and also I managed to win the Ljubljana Open tournament in Slovenia, Ljubljana, the same year. These past 2 years, I had a few nice titles like in Tallinn Open 2022 and Florida Pro Cup Series 2023. I also have a few nice finishes in, but no big major tournament win yet.
KS: Can you tell us a little bit about the pool and billiard community in Lithuania?
PL: The Pool community in Lithuania is pretty small. All over the country, there are 40-50 players who are participating in local tournaments. Only a few players travel internationally, but also rarely. At the moment, I am the only one who is an active tour player. There are a few youngsters who are growing up and possibly can be a strong competition in the next few years. There were a few changes in our federation in past years, and I hope that will be good for the sport. The overall Lithuanian pool scene was at its peak 5-6 years ago, but a lot of good players quit because of different personal reasons, and just a few kept playing.
KS: Do you have private clubs and public clubs?
We have both. Mostly it’s public clubs, but I practice in a private club with two tables.
KS: How is the pool youth scene? Are there training centers where young players can get proper instruction?
PL: As I mentioned before, there are a few good youngsters who are growing up and can become really good in the next few
years. The biggest problem is that they have no particular place like a training center to practice in and not a lot of good players to compete with as well. We are all from different cities so it’s not so easy to travel all the time too. I grew up also same way, but I got my breakthrough only when I started to play internationally and compete with big guys more and more. I think that’s the only way to get better in a country like ours.
KS: You have played in several areas of the US in both major and regional events. What are some of the differences that you have seen between American players and players from Europe?
PL: Well, I would mention a few things here.
PL: First, I think a lot of medium-level American players are used to playing on Bar-box tables, which I would think is one of the reasons why the overall playing level in Europe is higher than in the U.S. ( in
Europe, bar-box tables are not so popular ). Also, I would say one of the reasons why the U.S. doesn’t have as many Top Tier players as Europe and Asia has is a lack of structure and discipline. But these things have definitely been changing past few years, and you can see that there are lots of super-talented and great young players in the U.S. who will have a big breakthrough in the next few years.
PL: Nevertheless, the skill level of U.S. players is not as high as in Europe. I think they are definitely more creative and innovative. Games like One Pocket, banks, etc., bring so much to your game, and it’s pretty sad these games are not popular at all in Europe. In my opinion, One Pocket is the game from which you can learn so much and sharpen different skills like kick shots, banks, speed control, carom shots, positional play, endurance, etc. So, every time I come to the U.S., I try to play One Pocket and Banks as much as I can, and I really see improvements in my game afterward.
KS: From a community perspective how is pool viewed in Europe by players and fans compared to how you see it treated in the US?
PL: Well, I think I pretty much answered this on the last question, but to add on, the community is definitely bigger in the U.S. I would think this is because, from a perspective of history - it is way richer in the U.S. than in Europe. It may also be because the U.S. has a lot of different kinds of leagues, which helps the diverse skill levels of players. Same about fans, I would say the fan community is way bigger in the U.S.
KS: Do you think that the common play on 7-footers here in the US has had an effect on the development of players here in the U.S.?
PL: I think that definitely, yes. Nowhere in the world are there so many 7ft
tournaments as in the U.S. It’s definitely positive for the growth of the pool community, but not so good for the overall playing skill level in the U.S.
KS: What have been some of your favorite events to play in and why?
PL: I love Derby City Classic. I played in it only two times, but the atmosphere and format is so exciting and so different from any other tournament. I just love it. I think it is mostly because of One Pocket and Bank Pool events. Action rooms add some excitement to this, too [Laughs} Besides Derby, I love to play in all the Matchroomorganized events. The atmosphere is always so different and professional. I don’t think you get that same feeling playing in any other event.
KS: What do you think of what Matchroom has been able to do so far, and how do you see pool with them in the next 5 years or so?
PL: Well, all of us can see they are doing something that makes the sport grow bigger. There were a lot of different opinions in the process between different Matchroom events, but everyone now can see where they brought our sport - prize money got bigger, there are 3 or 4 times more major tournaments with big prize money, and pool is getting more and more televised. Of course, it was not only Matchroom but also other organizations, but I think Matchroom was one of the main players here. So, I really think they are good for the sport. In 5 years or so, I believe they will get pool close to Snooker for sure.
KS: How is 2023 developing for you compared to last year, and what kinds of goals have you set for yourself this year?
PL: 2023 I think was the best year for me so far. I had a few nice runs in the tournaments but am not concentrating on the results. I changed my mindset and concentrate more on my mental game and mental preparation now. I have some small goals which I try to achieve in every tournament, and always try to enjoy and concentrate to the process.
KS: Who are some of the current players that you enjoy watching and playing against? Do you still enjoy watching pool?
PL: My idol for a long time was Wu Jiaqing. I just love his style of playing. Overall, I like watching a lot of these days pro players because they have become so good that they make pool look so easy. Besides rotation pool, I really admire Tony Chohan’s One Pocket game, and he is
definitely one of a kind in my eyes.
KS: I know you travel frequently, how difficult is it to get quality practice time?
PL: It is never easy. When I get some table time between tournaments, I only try to stay sharp for the next tournaments and only maybe improve things like breaks, kicks, and banks. I don’t try to change or improve anything from my technical side. I think while you are on the road, it is most difficult to stay mentally and physically sharp.
KS: What are some things you enjoy away from the table when you travel?
PL: I love to explore every new city I get to. When I have free time between matches or before/after the tournament, I just go for a run or a nice walk in or out of the city and get to know it just by exploring it. I also love to try different food in new places, I think that is a great way to feel the culture of different countries/areas.
KS: When you are home what do you do to relax and recharge?
PL: I am rarely at home these days [laughs], But when I find myself at home, I like to spend my time not sitting at home but doing something active - running, long walks, going to the gym, spending time with friends and family. The city I live in is pretty small, but there are definitely a bunch of different activities you can get yourself busy with.
KS: As a close, I would like to get your opinion on this thought.
KS: As pool is on an upswing and seems to be growing, especially at the youth level, I think we are still missing an important facet. I would like to see more marketing of players to the public rather than just the games and events. Some of the players have been doing it themselves, and Matchroom seems to be slowly edging into it. I just think giving fans a view of a player on a personal level helps them connect to the players in a way that will draw more casual fans.
PL: I agree with your thought, and I think that is a great way for people to get to know players and a little bit more of their casual side.
KS: Thank you, Pijus. You are certainly one of the players I hope the world gets to know well. A big thank you for taking the time to let us get a glimpse of your thoughts and perspectives on the game as a player and learn a little more about you, the person.
“I’d like to finish my career off in Asia. This is where snooker is more popular – like in China, Thailand, and Hong Kong.”
Ronnie O’SullivanIntroduction
Sometimes it is good to look forward and imagine what the snooker scene might look like in future years. Although Ronnie O’Sullivan is probably not the powerhouse he once was, he is still highly popular amongst the fans. He draws in a large audience wherever he goes and generates high ticket sales. Time may be running out for him this season to qualify for the Tour Championship, and he would have to win the WST Classic
to achieve this target as the cut-off point falls after this tournament. Admittedly he has played well in the World Six Red Championship but bear in mind that this is non-ranking.
The snooker world that O’Sullivan first started off in as a professional in 1992 has largely disappeared, and rather than one player dominating the season, it is now very hard to tell where the next champion will come from. Snooker has turned into a sport where so many players hunger for glory, and just because you are a topped ranking player doesn’t guarantee glory, only in the fantasy world of the bookmakers. Ronnie has adopted an approach where he picks and chooses his events and is far more relaxed when he loses. Of course, he can because he has won everything, and the only real goal is increasing his number of World Championship titles. Even his closest contenders, such as Judd Trump, Mark Selby, and Neil Robertson, have faded away somewhat this season, allowing Mark Allen to surge and Shaun Murphy to perform well.
It seems reckless to write off Ronnie O’Sullivan quite yet, and he has won the Hong Kong Masters and the Champion of Champions this season, no mean feat as it is hard enough to win just one tournament. I wouldn’t rule out him winning this year’s World Championship, just a few weeks away, as he always prepares well for Triple Crown events, especially the big one at the Crucible in Sheffield. A snooker marathon that he detests being backstage, the media attention, and the long slog of 17 days, having to remain mentally focused for so long. He does it because he doesn’t want to disappoint his fans and knows how many eyes are watching worldwide.
Ronnie probably has another 20 years of snooker in him and, at 47, is probably not quite ready to throw in the towel and retire
despite how many times he threatens to. He is a snooker force that is unique and is definitely the best player that has ever picked up a snooker cue. Yes, he is cocky and outspoken, and his media statements drive me crazy, but to the few that actually know him, not that I am saying I am one, he is actually a kind and generous person who takes friendship very seriously.
Without him, snooker would probably be a strange place and may cause some of the diehard Ronnie fans to stop watching Snooker, but it certainly wouldn’t be the end of the game. At the moment, you are seeing what this world could look like, and it would definitely have a larger number of newer players who perform well and are one course for titles. Just look at players such as Joe O’Connor and Stan Moody. They are the fearless future of snooker, unruffled and ready to take on anyone the draw throws at them.
When the Asian market does eventually open, and the match-fixing saga has been dealt with, the floodgates will open in China, and you will probably see more budding Chinese players outside the ones bedded in at academies in the UK, predominantly in Sheffield. This may take time and has taken a lot longer than most predicted. The futures of Yan Bingtao, Liang Wenbo, and Zhao Xintong remain in the balance. Still, the sport will always seek out new contenders, and I will praise Ronnie for congratulating any player that he sees as having a great future in the game, as he did most recently with Stan Moody and Joe O’Connor. These are English, but imagine if an equivalent could be found in the Chinese or Thai field.
Ronnie O’Sullivan is here to stay for some time. He may not perform well in every tournament and hoover up every trophy like he once did, but he still remains a constant danger for the other players on
the tour. He is a target that you want to beat, playing well or badly, a scalp that you can boast you have beaten. His escape is always running or the Eurosport studio. He feels much more comfortable running with the elements or the small Eurosport family than the trudge of the tour. He plays and gets out; he doesn’t hang around and mingle. A champion who just wants to get the job done because, after all being a professional snooker player is a job, and few have actually had a job outside snooker. This especially applies to Ronnie, who has been playing since he was a little boy. O’Sullivan remains the benchmark of excellence in snooker, and even when he finally does decide to retire, his legacy will always be present. He is the one snooker player that even a non-snooker fan can name. A force that can sell practically anything when his name is put to it and enthuses an audience to fever-pitch levels. A great who will always remain so, and even if you don’t like him, you can’t help
warming to him.
Welcome to Snooker Loopy, a blog created and inspired by my love of the game spanning over 32 years. My name is Elliott, and I remember the first time I watched a snooker game on TV way back in 1987, flicking through the four channels we had, and came across this wonderful game. I was mesmerized and couldn’t quite work out what was going on. But I knew I was hooked and wanted to learn more.
Thirty-two years later, I’m still here avidly following the tournaments and players, both on TV and around Europe.
Please enjoy my content and you can also follow me on Twitter @elliottwest87
Follow Elliott West at https:// greenbaize1972.blogspot.com/
In a 13-5 victory, 34-year-old Taiwanese professional pool player Ko Pin Yi won his first Maiden title in the World Pool Masters on May 13, 2023, in Brentwood, Essex, against Eklent Kaci. Ko Pin Yi is the Prince of Pool, by Matchroom Pool!
After congratulating Ko Pin Yi on his Maiden Title win at Matchroom’s World Pool Masters and then asking if the Championship win had sunk in, Pin Yi replied, “I still can’t believe that I am the champion of this competition. From the moment I first received this title until now, it feels like a dream.
The World Pool Masters may be a small field as an invitational; it has the strongest players in Matchroom’s world nineball tour. I asked Ko Pin Yi how an event like this compares to the WPA World NineBall Championship or US Open regarding preparation and intensity on the table. Ko Pin Yi stated, “There is no doubt that this tournament is the toughest in the world because it invites the top 16 players in
the current global rankings. Winning this championship makes me happier than any other competition.”
Ko Pin Yi played strategically and methodically. It was quite a treat to watch him play. Pin Yi sealed up the day against two-time Mosconi Cup champion Jayson Shaw. Ko was on fire as he moved into a 5-0 lead against Shaw. Shaw was able to pull it back to 5-1, but that was shortlived as Ko finished up the night in a 9-1 victory.
Asking Ko Pin Yi what preparation did it take to prepare for the World Pool Masters & how many hours a day are you training, and what was the main focus of his training?
Ko Pin Yi’s reply, “I have specifically strengthened my physical training before this competition.
I spend at least three hours every day on billiards training, with the majority of the
time practicing break shots.”
Keeping the topic on training, Ko Pin Yi and his brothers, Ko Ping Chung, the middle brother, and Ko Ping Han, the youngest, also picked up a sponsor that has gotten the Ko Brothers to work out in the gym. Ko Pin Yi stated,
“Yes, one of my sponsors provides us with free physical training, so we will go to exercise whenever we have free time in Taiwan.” I asked Ko Pin Yi if he feels that the physical exercise in the gym has helped improve his game. Ko Pin Yi, stated, “I feel that exercise has improved my performance a lot, allowing me to play
better when I am nervous.” The brothers also look forward to the hotel gyms during the upcoming tournaments!
Ko Pin Yi plays with a $30,000 Zen Custom Cue titled The Holy Cross with a Gold Ring and uses a Ko Tip, a Ko Jump Cue, and a BK Rush Break cue! He is playing with the same cue he played with when he won the Asian Open last year.
We always see the Ko Brothers together at all major tournaments; at the World Pool Master’s Ko Pin Yi came alone. I asked Ko Pin Yi what it was like being without his brothers at the World Pool Masters. Ko
Pin Yi stated, “It feels a bit boring without them, but that’s how athletes are. It’s not possible for us, all three brothers, to participate in every game. So, I still give my all to do what needs to be done.”
Recently in the Maldives, Ko Ping Chung won the Maldives 10-Ball championship. All three brothers played great, with Ko Pin Yi making it to the quarterfinals after beating his brother Ko Ping Han and Ko Ping Chung, being the victor in a great tournament. It is always exciting watching the three brothers play!
Here are some more questions that I asked Ko Pin Yi!
Q. What does it feel like to know you have beaten Jayson Shaw, SVB, James Aranas, and Eklent Kaci? Who was your toughest opponent?
A. These four players are all top international players, and it’s really exciting to win against them. Among the four matches, the one against James was the toughest as he was in the best condition. However, in terms of overall strength, they are all quite similar.
Q. You’ve achieved high success in the sport, beginning at a young age, winning two WPA World Nine-Ball. How were you first introduced to the game, and at what age?
A. I first got into billiards because of my father. He owned a billiards hall, so billiards has been a sport I grew up with.
Q. You have two brothers who are also high-level players. What was it like with the three of you when you were young, learning and competing?
A. We all three are not only the best teammates but also the best family. We constantly study and grow together.
Q. Is pool popular at home, what are the junior programs like there, and how
well are players supported in coaching/ instruction?
A. Billiards is not very popular in our hometown, but the training institutions for teenagers are quite good. Many schools have dedicated departments for billiards, allowing them to train while studying.
Q. Did you have a formal coach as a young player?
A. I don’t have a formal coach, but my father was my mentor in the early stages. I learned from many seniors during my growth but didn’t have a fixed coach.
Q. Who were some of the players who influenced your game as you grew up, and do you still have a coach who helps you “tune-up” for tournaments?
A. Efren Reyes from the Philippines has had the deepest influence on me as a player. His dedication to billiards earns my utmost respect and has made me value the sport even more. I don’t have a coach who adjusts for me; instead, my two younger brothers are more like my coaches. We constantly study and analyze our mistakes in matches.
Q. Do you think more players should have coaches like golf and tennis?
A. I believe it’s good to have a dedicated coach who can observe your mistakes during matches, but they must have a deep understanding of you. This will undoubtedly accelerate your progress.
Q. Do you and your brothers train together often, or do you have your own approaches to preparing for events?
A. We often train together, not just focusing on technical skills but also paying special attention to physical fitness and mindset for competitions.
Q. You were heavily impacted by COVID-19, with play and travel restrictions. Do you feel that now you are back to where you
were three years ago?
A. Yes, I feel like I have regained the form I had three years ago. Both in terms of skills and mentality.
Q. Which of the titles you have won means the most to you?
A. Yes, I feel like I have regained the form I had three years ago. Both in terms of skills and mentality.
Q. What is your favorite event to play?
A. I like any Matchroom events because they are excellently organized both in terms of venue and format, providing a comfortable environment for us to compete.
Q. Now that Matchroom is expanding its nine-ball tours and adding more events each year to the calendar, do you see pool’s popularity growing to a worldwide audience?
A. Yes, I believe that in the future, billiards will become a very popular sport, thanks to Matchroom’s active promotion. More and more people will love billiards.
Q. Would you be interested in seeing an event like the Mosconi Cup, which targets the growing fanbase, grow globally?
A. I am very interested and hope that Asia can have similar events soon.
I believe it will be very exciting, and everyone will enjoy it.
Q. Do you see yourself traveling more now and playing abroad more often?
A. Currently, I hardly have any time to travel. All my time is spent preparing for competitions and participating in tournaments.
Q. What do you think of the Derby City Classic and its three disciplines and the redraw buy-back format, and do you think that you will play in it in the future?
A. I think this is a very special format. Regardless of the format, everyone is under the same conditions. So, I think it’s great, and I would definitely participate if I have the opportunity.
Q. As the game continues to grow, what would be the ideal format and standards
for you, in terms of game, equipment, pocket size, format, field size, qualifiers... etc.?
A. Matchroom competitions meet the criteria you mentioned, so I really enjoy participating in their events. I feel extremely happy with their format.
Q. Would you like to see the pool tour mature to where it is something more akin to what snooker, with formal rankings, a Q-School, and qualifying events?
A. Of course, I hope that one day American pool will be as respected and noble as snooker.
Q. You’ve been a top draw in the sport since you won your first world junior title, and you are one of the most popular players in the world and here in the States. How do you think the players can connect more with the public and draw in more casual fans to themselves and the sport?
A. I think managing social media platforms is very important. It allows more people to see a different side of us and enables us to share valuable information through these platforms.
Q. What is your favorite game to play?
A. 9-Ball
Q. One-pocket is most popular here in the US, but more players worldwide have taken up the game over the years. What are your thoughts on it as a pool discipline, and will you play it more in the future?
A. I’m not very familiar with this discipline because I haven’t been exposed to it since I was young. In the future, I will take the time to learn more about this discipline.
Q. Who is your favorite opponent, someone you enjoy competing against?
A. My favorite player is Efren Reyes from the Philippines, and the player I enjoy
competing against the most is Shane Van Boening.
Q. Which match has been your favorite so far in your career?
A. My favorite match was the final of the Thailand Open in 2007. My opponent at the time was a Filipino player who was the world number one. I defeated him and won the championship, which made me extremely happy.
Q. Who are your favorite players to hang out with, go to dinner, talk to …etc.?
A. I get along well with Shane Van Boening. We often have meals together and chat. He even teaches me English!
Q. What are some of your interests away from the table?
A. I enjoy watching TV and playing games!
Q. Who are your Sponsors?
Zen cue
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Afew days ago, a player asked me if I could help him with his draw stroke. Within moments a group was standing around hanging on my every word. This overview of that session ended with one guy saying, “So that’s the secret of the draw stroke.”
I started out by placing an object ball on the break spot line, just one diamond off the side rail. Next, I placed the cue ball on the string line, one diamond off the side rail on the opposite side of the table. It was a long-dead straight-in shot. I fired the object ball into the corner pocket, and the cue ball drew straight back right into the corner pocket. It’s one of the rare times when a group of people collectively claps, awes, smiles, and cheers to see the cue ball go into the pocket.
Rising up form the shot, I removed the cue ball from the pocket, held it up, and said, “Would you like me to teach you how to draw a cue ball like that?” Everyone responded with an instantaneous, arousing yes. Then I asked the hard question, “Are you willing to put in the time and effort it takes to develop a draw stroke like that?” Honestly speaking, their yes to my second question didn’t have as much vim and vigor.
Advanced players, for the sake of all beginner players, please allow me to explain how a cue ball can draw back after colliding into an object ball; then I promise I will tell you the secret to the draw stroke.
Regardless of the size or shape of the tip on your cue, with a properly applied layer of chalk, stroking through the cue ball below the center line of the cue ball will cause
the cue ball to start out in a forward motion while back spinning. Depending on how low and at what speed the cue ball was hit will determine the distance the cue ball will travel and continue rotating with a reverse spin, a lot like throwing a hula-‐ hoop with backspin. However, at some point, the friction on the cloth will have its way, and the rotation of the cue ball will come to a Zero Spin—like a skid, then with its newfound traction, it will continue in a rolling forward motion.
The effect that causes the cue ball to draw back occurs when the cue ball makes contact with an object ball prior to it reaching the Zero Spin—skid position. The distance the cue ball draws back is determined by the amount of backspin that is happening at the time of the collision into the object ball. The more backspin at the time of collision, the more distance of drawback the cue ball will have.
And now I’ll present the secret of the draw stroke. Drum roll, please LOCK THE BACK ELBOW.
That’s it! Lock the elbow of your stroking arm in position so that at the time of the forward motion of your shot stroke, you don’t drop or raise the position of your back elbow. It stays put in position during all the pre-‐ strokes and all the way through the follow-through of the final shot stroke.
No matter the position of your chin when you’re down on the shot, meaning your back arm may be slightly raised, lower, or perfectly horizontal (like The Drill Instructor way), the starting and ending position of the elbow stays fixed all the time.
Now here is a drill to get you started on the path to perfecting your draw stroke. This drill builds your skills to draw the cue ball for simple and complex position accuracy. This drill comes from The Drill Instructor Training Book titled: 54 Cue Ball Drills for Speed and Position Control.
One final secret of the draw stroke, allow the tip of your cue to stroke through the lower portion of the cue ball like a hot knife going through butter. Not poking at the cue ball but allowing the shaft to move through the cue ball like it was spearing through it. A smooth full follow-through will result in some sweet cue ball draw. drill builds your skills to draw the cue ball for simple and complex position accuracy. This drill comes from The Drill Instructor Training Book titled: 54 Cue Ball Drills for Speed and Position Control.
Every pool tournament is unique, and the World Pool Masters is no exception. It may not quite hold the prestige of the World Championship or have as deep a history as the US Open or the grind and multiple disciplines that the Derby City Classic Master of The Table offers it does offer what can only be every pool fan fantasy - every match is a finals level event.
Grown out of the European Nine-Ball Championships, this invitational event is well-named. It is a best-of-the-best tournament. A tournament where only the top players make it through to the final sixteen is a dream come true, and that’s what the World Pool Masters offers.
It is a single-elimination event. There is no B-side, and there is no tomorrow. This event means every great shot, every small miss, every smart play, and every error and
fluke are amplified ten-fold on the match’s outcome. It can fray nerves, test your heart, and take the breath right out of you.
This year’s field may have been the strongest. Even though Fedor Gorst was absent due to an unfortunate visa issue, this was a star-studded field.
Day one saw Joshua Filler take on the legendary Terminator, Niels Feijen, and it was epic. An unfortunate miss in rack one after the break by Filler gave Niels an opportunity; he took full advantage of taking a 1-0 lead. Feijen then made a caromed three-ball after his successful break, only to scratch in the side and give Filler a chance to even the match 1-1. Then, with a 2-1 lead Joshua Filler had the first of what would be many golden breaks in this tournament, and it looked like all the momentum was on the Filler side. Joshua continued to build his lead to
5-1 in a race to 9. Suddenly though, Feijen took advantage of his next opportunity and worked his way through some difficult run-outs to not only even up the match at 5-5 but keep control and win 9-5! That’s starting off day one!
Max Lechner took on the World Championship runner-up Mohammad
Soufi. A golden break got things underway, and Lechner got out to an early 2-0 lead. Soufi returned to win rack three after Lechner’s scratch on the break. Some excellent offensive and defensive play and two more golden breaks saw Lechner take a 6-1 lead. Soufi, though is a player with no quit in him, and he fought back and got a golden break of his own, and cut the
lead to just three. At 8-4, an unusual miss by Soufi on the two allowed Lechner to take the day one match and move to the quarterfinals.
Next up was Jayson Shaw taking on Ko Pin Yi. A tough kiss on a safe by Shaw in the opening rack put the momentum on the side of Ko Pin Yi. Ko took full advantage to go up 5-0. Jayson got one back but was unable to keep control of the table, and Big Ko kept rolling, winning 9-1. Ko Pin Yi sending a message that he is back in form
and ready to win on the big stage again. Other first-round matches saw James Aranas, a wildcard pick taking on World Champion Francisco Sanchez Ruiz. FSR got off to a slow start with a foul in rack one and a miss in rack two giving Aranas the early opportunity to gain control of the match going up 3-0. Francisco took rack four, but a position error and poor safe moved the scales back to Aranas. Aranas on the hill at 8-7 closed out the match sending FSR to the sidelines.
The young sensation Wiktor Zielinski battled Zheng Xiao Huai right from the opening rack but managed to keep a slim lead until a miss and a golden break tied the match at 6-6. With both players struggling, Wiktor wins with a two-nine combination taking the match 9-6. Eklent Kaci stepped into the box against Albin Ouschan. After some setbacks and forth, Kaci found his rhythm first and got out to a 6-2 lead. Albin, however, was able to mount a comeback and take his first lead 7-6. A little more back and forth put Kaci on the hill first, and he closed out Albin at 9-7.
Next, in round one, Alex Kazakis faced Mario He. Mario was off to a tremendous start, quickly winning the first four games. An unforced error on the break let Kazakis see the table with a chance. At 5-2, another scratch by Mario on a jump shot gave Alexander another opportunity. He took full advantage and tied it up at 5-5. Mario He missed a tough cut on the five but left Kazakis hooked in the side pocket.
Alex tried to jump but gave ball in hand to Mario, who went on to get to the hill first and delicately ran out rack fourteen to win 8-5.
Shane Van Boening and the formidable David Alcaide locked horns in round one. Alcaide quickly won the first rack, but a little cat-and-mouse play in the second game made for some long play, with David getting a fluke nine off a terrible miss to go up 2-0. Then game three saw David scratch, and with ball in hand, Shane got himself on the board. Unfortunately, SVB saw himself scratch on the break in rack four, and it looked like David had an easy out, but coming up a little short on his position, Alcaide rattled the nine giving Shane a reprieve. SVB was first to the hill and defeated Alcaide 9-6.
The quarterfinals were a series of thrillers as the races moved to 11 with Eklent Kaci and Mario He matched momentum swings to arrive at 9-9. Kaci made a great shot with shape to run out and get
to the hill ahead of Mario, but he missed a combination on the 9 in the next rack letting Mario back to the table with an awkward shot on the eight. Mario makes a tremendous shot, shooting off the rail, and slices the eight in to make it hill-hill. In the deciding rack a slight miss on position for the four led to being hooked on the five. Mario made a good hit, but Kaci was able to cut the five in and take the rest of the rack to win 11-5.
Niels Feijen matched up with Max Lechner. His quarterfinal match. A series of tough opening racks did not lend itself to either player finding their early rhythm. Lechner did manage to find himself up 3-0, but Niels took rack four and four more to go up 5-4. Feijen continued to slowly build his lead up to 9-5. At 10-6, Lechner scratches on a near-golden break, and with ball in hand, The Terminator makes the two-nine combination to move to the semifinals.
James Aranas was up against Wiktor Zielinski next, and again we saw some
tough racks, tough shots, and struggles to start the match, with Wiktor getting the early lead, but Aranas came right back to tie things up 3-3. Nerves lost, and nerves held on both sides finally saw us get to James Aranas leading 9-5, with the man from the Philippines seemingly getting some momentum and control back. Mistakes again on both sides gave the next game to Zielinski, who came back with a golden break, another win, and another nine on the break to pull even at nine all. In rack nineteen, Wiktor fails to lock up the cue ball, and James makes a good shot on the five and runs out to get to the hill first. Wiktor showing no quit takes the next game for a hill-hill finish. The final rack was a safety battle that Aranas came out on top of, and he locked in his focus and ran out the final rack for the win.
Ko Pin Yi faced Shane Ban Boening in his quarterfinal match. Shane, a two-time winner of the event, took the opening rack but scratched, kicking in the next rack, and Ko Pin Yi evened it up at 1-1. A
golden break saw him quickly go up 2-1. SVB, however, took advantage of his own on a Ko miss and retook the lead at 3-2. In the next rack, Ko answered a safe by
Shane with a tough bank that he missed, but he fluked in the four-ball and lined the two up for an easy combination leading to another lead change. SVB made an early
nine to tie it up again 4-4. Ko refused to lose the lead and won the next three racks. Shane tied it again but couldn’t hold the advantage, and Ko went back up getting to the hill leading 10-7. SVB had a chance to mount another charge, but a miss on the four gave the table back to Big Ko, and we saw Shane exit in the quarterfinals.
The semifinals shaped up with Ko Pin Yi facing James Aranas and Neil’s Feijen up against Eklent Kaci.
Kaci and Feijen were up first, and again this was an exciting match. With the Terminator being the sentimental favorite, he got out to a 6-0 lead. Kaci, however, was not ready to concede, and he slowly worked himself back into the match one game at a time and tied Feijen at 6-6. He went in to go up 9-6. A miss by Kaci in rack sixteen let Niels back in and closed to within two games. Kaci got to the hill first at 10 seven but scratched on his final break. Feijen showed why he is an all-time great to win three in a row to go hillhill. An unfortunate dry break by The Terminator left a look at the one-ball on an open table, and Kaci takes the rack and the match to move into the finals.
Ko versus Aranas was up next, and it started off with a safety battle that Ko could control, and he kept control to go up 2-0. Aranas came right back to tie it up at 2-2. Ko took game five, but Aranas shot with a great eye and a clean stroke to keep pace. They stayed even again in the next two racks then Ko took two in a row to make it 6-4. Aranas then turned it on and took the lead at 8-6. A missed kick shot by James allowed Ko to take one back and cut the lead to one. Aranas took the next rack, but Ko playing with his usual calm focus, tied the match at 9-9 and went on to get to the hill first. In the next game, Ko missed a very tough long cut on the two-ball, but a fortunate roll left
James hooked for his first since he had the lead. A valiant try, but the ball in hand went to Ko, who, with poise and confidence, ran the table to close out the match and open the door to the finals against Kaci.
The final match was a race to thirteen, and both players were there for the first time. Kaci won the lag and broke the first rack, and dropped the one-ball but had a long shot on the two and not an easy path to the three-ball. Kaci shot it as well as could be and opened the three up. He drew first blood by taking the opening rack. In game two, the tight side pocket got him on the four, and Big Ko came to the table for the first time and evened the match at one all with an early six-nine combination. Ko then proceeded to get a four-nine combination in the next rack to take the lead. Kaci took advantage of a Ko miss, and even though he came up short on the nine, he sliced it in the corner for the win. The close back-and-forth battle continued until Ko broke away to win four in a row and go up 9-4. Kaci was finally given a look when Ko overcut the two-ball, and he was able to cut the lead to four games, but he scratched on the break in the very next rack. Ko capitalized and won this rack and the next three to win his first World Pool Masters title 13-5.
Ko Pin Yi has been an exciting player since he won his first Junior World Championship, and with a slowdown in play due to Covid-19, it is terrific to see him back in top form against the best in the world. There can be only one, and this time Big Ko was the one left standing among the masters.
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From May 18th through May 20th, Artistic Pool players from all over the US competed in the 2023 Premier Billiards Master’s Artistic Pool Championship at the familiar venue of The Clubhouse Sports Bar and Billiards in Lynchburg, Virginia. The field included veteran tour players as well as returning players. The tournament is broken down into two parts: The Preliminary rounds and the Playoff rounds. During the prelim rounds, players shoot a total of forty shots out of eight different categories or disciplines to seed themselves for the playoff rounds. An event title is awarded to the player who scores the highest in each discipline. The eight disciplines of artistic pool are: Trick & Fancy (set up shots), Special Arts (speed and timing shots), Draw, Follow, Bank/Kick, Stroke, Jump, and Masse. Each discipline has a maximum score of forty points.
Round one consists of Trick & Fancy and Special Arts. Returning player Steve “Philly Flash” Markle scored 39/40 to take the first discipline. Steve Markle is well known in the artistic pool/trickshot community but also has some mainstream
fame. Steve was “the man behind the cue” of the famous pool-themed Lincoln Nautilus commercial that starred Matthew McConaughey. Fans remember the scene where Matthew walks past a pool table and then executes an amazing masse shot. The commercial switches between shots of the car handling on the road with shots of the cue ball hooking around an object ball. It was one of the first times that a pool shot was featured in a mainstream commercial since the famous Miller Lite Commercial that Steve Mizerak did in the 70s. The Special Arts discipline was won by veteran player Jimmy “The General” Glanville with a score of 35/40. Jimmy needed overtime to win the discipline title as he tied local player Chris “Tricky Shot” Woodrum. After two sudden death tiebreaker shots, Jimmy prevailed.
Round two consists of the Draw and Follow disciplines. Just like in Special Arts, Draw had a tie for the title. However, three players scored 37/40 this time: Tim “The Dragon” Chin, Steve Markle, and Jamie “The Bayou Bullet” Moody. The initial tiebreaker shot is the ever-daunting “Circular Draw.” Both Steve and Jamie missed the
shot on all three attempts. On his final attempt, Tim Chin showed why he is one of the best in the business and drained the dreaded shot. Jamie Moody shot almost perfectly and won the Follow discipline title with a score of 39/40.
Round three consists of Bank/Kick and Stroke disciplines. Former World Bank/ Kick champion Jason “The Michigan Kid” Lynch showed why he is a multi-time World Bank/Kick champion and scored a
38/40 to win the Master’s Bank/Kick title. Former World Stroke discipline champion Tim Chin also proved his skill and won the Master’s Stroke discipline title with a score of 37/40. Day one was coming to a close, with all the standings tightening up. The top three scores after day one were: Jason Lynch (185), Abram “Too Tall” Diaz (181), and Tim Chin (170).
Round four consists of Jump and Masse, and the top three scoring players took to
The Dicispline Winners left to right is: Tim Chin, Jimmy Glanville, Abram Diaz, Jamie Moody, Steve Markle, Jason Lynch. Photo by Brenda Glanville
the stream table to showcase their skills. This is the round that everyone wants to see. Tim Chin continued to show that he is one of the best around and fired a perfect 40/40 to capture the Jump discipline title. Masse was not so cut and dry. Abram Diaz and Tim Chin shot 29/40 and went to another discipline tiebreaker. After four tiebreaker shots, Abram emerged as
the Master’s Masse discipline champion. This concluded the preliminary round and seeded all 11 players into a single elimination bracket, with the top 5 seeds getting a first-round bye.
The first round saw three matches in a “H.O.R.S.E.” style playoff format where players take turns picking shots. The goal
is to score points on your shot and have the opponent miss. The shots still have the same point value, and once a player is mathematically eliminated, the match is over. Chris Woodrum (6) beat Seattle’s Cary “That Trickshot Guy” Wallace (11) 5340. Brian “Superman” Pauley (8) got past Jimmy Glanville (9) 64-45. This match had some history behind it as Brian shot in Jimmy’s group 8 years previous in Brian’s first tournament. Since the player number is smaller than regular pool, sometimes players end up having multiple matches with the same player from tournament to tournament. This was apparent in the match between Jamie Moody (7) and New Jersey’s Andrew “The Driver” Sozio (10). Both players hit the 3-2-1, 1-2-3 shot, which is a ten-point speed shot in Special Arts, on the first try back-to-back, which drew a lot of cheers from the crowd. In the end, though, Jamie Moody bested Andrew 64-51.
The evening of night two saw the final eight players taking to the tables in an effort to get to “Championship Saturday” and a place in the semifinals. Veteran players Jason Lynch (3) and Chris Woodrum (6) got through their match quickly, with Jason winning 53-30. Last round, Jamie matched up with a familiar opponent in Andrew Sozio. In this round, Jamie matched up with another familiar opponent Tim Chin (2). After a back-andforth match, Tim continued his string of wins against Jamie with a score of 4833. The two youngest players of the field, Theo “Bloodshark” Mihellis (5) and Steve Markle (4), exchanged shots on the stream table after both had byes in the first round of the playoffs. Steve struggled to get going, and Theo dispatched the returning player 59-22.
The fourth match of the playoffs saw a barnburner of a match between numberone seed Abram Diaz and Brian Pauley. These two have played in two matches,
with Abram winning both. The players traded the lead back and forth early, but Abram got out to a sixteen-point lead. Brian took the sixteen-point lead to eight points in a string of three shots, then tied up, then an eight-point lead. Abram had the last shot of the match and was down eight points. He needed to come up with a high-point shot to either take the lead or tie the match. Abram picked the “Evel Knievel” Shot, a nine-point jump shot where a person jumps over seven balls spaced between the first and third diamonds along the long rail to make a combination/kiss shot that pockets a ball in the side and a ball in the upper corner. Abram missed his first attempt, making his second attempt worth eight points. He needed to make the second attempt to tie the match. If he missed his second attempt, the match would be over. In true Abram Diaz clutch fashion, he made the shot, tying the match at 65-65. Brian would win the match if he made the shot on any attempt. If he missed all three attempts, then the match would go to a sudden-death playoff. Brian connected with the combination on the first attempt but thinned the combo too much, and the upper corner ball did not reach the pocket. Brian lined up again and took his second attempt. He hit the second ball in mid-air and jumped the cue ball off the table. It came down to one last attempt. Calming down and focusing on the task at hand, Brian took aim and delivered the third attempt that made both balls. Brian yelled a loud “YES!!!” as the crowd in the room cheered. The final four were set for the final day of the tournament.
Day three, known as “Championship Saturday,” had the two semi-final matches and the finals. The first semi-final match was Brian Pauley (8) against Theo Mihellis (5). The two players had previously done three exhibition challenge matches, with Theo leading 2-1. This was the first time these two matched up “for real.” The
match was close from the beginning. Neither player had more than a ten-point lead until over halfway through the match. This match had conflicting styles, as Brian is known for more precision shots, and Theo has a monster stroke. Both played to their strengths, yielding missed shots from their opponent. Brian failed to capitalize on his first two wild card picks as Theo missed both of Brian’s picks. Theo picked two shots that Brian missed and jumped out to a 48-35 lead. With only three shots left (Theo one and Brian two), Brian needed to come up with something big. Brian picked a ten-point jump shot and made it on his first attempt. This brought the score to 48-45. Theo came up to the table and followed Brian’s first attempt,
make with a first attempt make of his own to extend the lead to 58-45. With Theo up thirteen points with only two shots left, he only needed to make an easy six-point shot on the first try to seal the match. Theo picked the popular “1-handed jump shot” and finished off the match 64-45.
The second semi-final match featured Jason Lynch (3) and Tim Chin (2). This was a rematch of the finals of the last artistic pool match held at the Clubhouse, with Tim getting the victory. This matchup was like the match between Brian and Theo, where Jason has the monster stroke with Tim being a more precision player. After three shots, Jason had a 24-0 lead on Tim. Tim is no stranger to coming
back from large deficits, and he had plenty of time to mount a comeback. Jason played smart and started shooting lower point shots to guarantee made shots and force Tim to come with big shots. Tim started to slowly chisel away as the match progressed at Jason’s lead. After making a nine-point stroke shot on the first attempt, with Jason missing all three attempts, Tim brought the match to a difference of 9 points. Unfortunately for Tim, that was as close as he could get, and Jason finished the match off 62-47. The stage was set for two power-stroke players to meet in the finals. The finals were everything you could want in a match. Both players started off strong with not a lot of missed shots. The match stayed close, with neither player gaining more than a shot lead for most of the match. The strategy was key in this match since both players have the same style. In Theo’s previous match, he pulled the
“Jump Masse” shot against Brian, knowing Brian struggles with this shot. However, it wouldn’t be the best pick for either Theo or Jason to pick this shot as both of them shoot the “Jump Masse” shot well. Jason chose classic shots from years before in hopes that Theo, who is still a newer player, didn’t know those older shots. That strategy paid off as Jason made “The Kiss and Kick shot,” a ten-point bank/ kick shot on the first attempt, while Theo missed all three attempts. This final match was very evenly matched. Theo got ahead with a ten-point stroke shot called “Open the Gate,” which proved to be a lead Jason could not overcome. Theo took down the match 62-42 and became one of the youngest people to win an artistic pool tournament. The stream matches can be found on the Clubhouse’s Facebook page. This event was sponsored by Premier Billiards, McDermott Cues, Navigator Tips, and Madison County NAPA.
There are many different ideas on what makes a good break cue, but ultimately there is a cue that feels good that is designed to break the balls and keep control of the cue ball. Some prefer a heavier cue that you need to use less power, and some are lighter, giving you a faster acceleration of the cue ball. The “Goldilocks” zone is around the 18oz to 19oz range.
Jacoby Custom Cues are in central Wisconsin and is known worldwide for its excellence in cue building and simple quality in the design and execution of Products. Now there is a great pool hall in central Wisconsin called the Ballroom. The owner Mike Ganz has a beautiful little place and loves the game. He contracted Jacoby to create the “BoomStick ‘’, which
is Mike’s design on a great well-balanced break cue that kicks like a mule.
Mike likes the heavy feeling of a break cue, and he designed a carbon fiber break cue with a 4” joint extension. This extension is designed for balance at the joint. The amazing break cue comes in at a whopping 25oz. And because of the heavyweight, you don’t need to break like you’re trying to kill the rack. I usually back off about 30% of my usual breaking speed when breaking with a heavier cue. This technique allows the cue to do the work. You keep the cue ball under control and can place it wherever you like on the table with a bit of practice.
The phenolic tip and carbon fiber shaft allow your stroke’s maximum power to transfer into the cue ball, ultimately splitting the rack and allowing you to run racks with it. I noticed that I must aim a little more center ball and not try and kill
the cue ball. The weight of the cue isn’t very forgiving but allows a person with a weaker stroke to maximize their break. The cue was designed for the players, but a pool hall owner and that speaks wonders.
The design of the cue comes with a couple of options. It comes with a joint extension and a weight bolt. That option is a lighterweight bolt that allows you to reduce the weight of the cue to compensate for the weight of the joint extension. I personally like the joint extension. This allows the weight and balance to be shifted a little forward and allows the cue to naturally do what is at its best. The BoomStick is all black and stands out in a world of color.
The cue is all heart and deserves a place, in your case, at the price point of. It’s a great cue for the price built by the world’s finest cue maker. The BoomStick smashes racks, and I play with a lighter break cue. I learned how to adapt to the weight and use
it to my advantage.
The cue comes with a 29” butt and a 29” shaft with a removable 4” joint extension. The tip is a phenolic with a 12.75mm. It retails for $600 in the standard length; with the LS joint extension, it’s an extra $125. All in all, it’s one hell of a break cue and worth the investment.
This thing is a beast, and I understand why they call it the “BoomStick.”
You need to find the cue that is right for you; for some people, it’s a lighter cue, and for others, it’s a heavier one. This cue, while to its Maximum weight allowed by the BCA, surely does the job if you don’t try to overpower the cue and let it do its work!
A pool cue may not weigh more than 25 oz per BCA rules. There is no maximum length specified. The tip may not be wider than 14 mm, and the ferrule may not be longer than one inch. Note that many intuitively feel that a heavier cue would break better, but such is not necessarily the case.”
It’s a great cue for those who have a weaker stroke and still looking to maximize their break. All in all, it is a great cue. It has benefits and drawbacks, and it is up to you to find the best break cue for you. This cue is a great investment.
Ireleased Points a year ago & look how far we’ve gone already! SPM Magazine picked up my story at the very beginning of my journey in issue #32. Thanks to them, you all have a chance to follow me along this quest I’m on to bring billiards back to its roots & back to mainstream television here in the U.S. This is true history in the making. Thank you, Garret Troop & Kat Day.
Points is now a year old & it’s time to take The New Age of Billiards to the next level. Welcome to “POINTS -THE SPORT OF BILLIARDS”
My goal has always been to help ensure that the game of billiards lives on for many generations to come. However, today billiards must compete with a far more complicated & technologically advanced society. There are already so many options for the next generation to choose from as activities & careers before they even think about being a Professional Billiards Player or ever trying the game. I have a plan to change that & so much more.
My plan will legitimize the sport & our athletes will have real corporate sponsorships & be compensated as they always should have been. We have the only so-called Professional athletes that work their entire lives perfecting their craft for almost zero compensation for that lifetime of dedication. All for our entertainment.
It’s time we change that. Don’t you think? I want the next generation to want to play & if we show them a way that they truly can be successful, they will want to try. That alone is our success.
Excitement & keeping the audience genuinely entertained must become our priority. Building a larger fan base means we have the best potential for continuing to bring in new players & build billiards into the sport we all want it to be.
Billiards players of the past had it pretty good. It was like the Golden Age back then & the professional players all had real personalities. Minnesota Fats was the King of Sharking & everyone worshiped him. Today’s players are missing this attribute & in my opinion, it needs to be returned to the game. We want attitude & real emotions on full display from our heroes of the clothed slate.
Without going too much into the technical details about how I will bring all of this together, let’s talk about the sport & how it will work. I modeled the sport after a very successful sports business, MMA. They hold Fights with title implications three weeks out of a month & PPV events once a month. Points will have the same formula except three weeks out of the month, we will hold #1 contender tournaments & our once-a-month PPV events will be guaranteed title matches!
Points will have seven different divisions or weight classes, with each champion having to defend their title twice a year. Below is the list of the seven different divisions. They are double-named for two reasons. First is the big, bold numbers signifying how many balls & shots you play with & the weight class name is to signify my bond with martial arts.
1. 15/16
2. 10/11
Light Heavyweight
3. 9/10
Middle Weight
4. 7/8
Welter Weight
5. 5/6
Light Weight
6. 3/4
Feather Weight
7. 1/2
Bantam Weight
Before any of you squawk & heckle at the notion of only using one ball as a division, I want you to realize that division is reserved for a very special bread of player. One that feels like no amount of pressure can phase them. The Bantam Weight division takes a certain kind of person to really be able to compete. Imagine, for just a minute, you are walking out to the TV table. The One Ball is on the spot & the Cue Ball is waiting for you in the kitchen.
The crowd erupts as you raise your cue in the air like a gallant knight stepping onto the battlefield... It’s just YOU out there... YOU & just two shots to make as many points as you can for the chance to win the
World Points Bantam Weight Title! Talk about PRESSURE!
That’s more pressure than even I am willing to attempt, but you know what... There WILL be players willing to make that walk & they will command respect. If you wear a 1/2 Patch, people will move out of your way! YOU are not just Points players; you are our bravest warriors & I bow.
All of this will take time, but I will not stop, for I see a better future for generations to come. Billiards needs a much bigger audience to ensure the game lives on. It belongs in schools If we are going to keep those institutions, then the sport should be offered just like little league or kids’ football or any other sport. Just imagine what two generations of Points players would look like.
In closing, I want you all to know that my passion for this game we all love so dearly runs through me like water flowing over Niagara. I understand how we have all grown up with the exact same games & that trying something new could mean we play those cherished games a bit less, but without growth, we are doomed. Without a real change, billiards could be gone within just two generations. Points breathe new life into the entire industry & our billiards family will have Great, Great Grandchildren who can live a life of a TRUE professional athlete!
Until next time...
Albert Charbonneau - Inventor - Author