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SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 34
The Carbon Fiber Craze
By Garret Troop
As technology progresses and the industry rides the waves of the demand for Carbon Fiber, many companies have capitalized on this trend. Every company has its version of these shafts, which all have a different feel, just like their wood counterparts. You can get different tapers and shaft diameters, and any pin will fit. These shafts have many advantages, and I don’t see them going anywhere soon.
That said, some companies specialize in making carbon fiber shafts. For example, the Wheat State carbon fiber shaft is just that. So you can get a great combination of a beautiful butt with any carbon fiber shaft you like.
White carbon is a new arrival, and it has a unique feel. I played and won countless games with this shaft and have a good feel for what it can do. I had John Bartone get me an 11.75mm with a Kamui hard tip on it, and the shaft plays amazingly. Very low deflection and a great stiff hit. I need less energy with my stroke to get the ball to do what I need to do.
The shaft that I got was black, but they offer different colored shafts for those who are having trouble adjusting to the black trends of the industry. The shaft comes standard with a 16” pro taper. The shafts come with an “insert” that allows you to change the pin to another pin. It’s an incredible thought, but when I think about it, it’s solving a problem that doesn’t exist. I.E., if you have a different butt, you want to put the same shaft on. That doesn’t happen. From the consumer’s standpoint, it’s not as effective. But from the retailer’s standpoint, I can see the advantage of this. Say you’re buying from Alberto Trujillo from Fort Worth Billiards. He can buy a handful of the Whyte Carbon tubes and fit your cue with any insert you need to fit your threads. From a retailer’s standpoint, it’s excellent, so you don’t have to keep as much stock. Cool from that shaft point, but they took the average of every butt thread end diameter and ran with it. For the majority of pool players, that’s fine.
Talking with John Bertone, he explained that this entire shaft’s assembly takes place in Washington, DC, USA. They are about four to six weeks from when you order until it is delivered. The end of the year is coming, and I’ll get your order in soon. Just the end of the busy season for the slight wait but consider this is the busy season and all the trade shows. The way they make these shafts is a bit different as well. Most carbon fiber shafts are made on a mandrill; Whyte Carbon’s process is called fiber winding, where there is no seam. The marketing behind this is that the seam of a Mandrill-created shaft has a seam, and that “can” make for inconsistent playing. However, I feel this is more 21 marketing than anything else, but as far as the actual shaft, it plays excellent. I have never heard of any complaints about a seam on a carbon fiber shaft, but I know this shaft plays very consistently.
Whyte Carbon carbon fiber shafts come in an array of sizes: 11.75mm, 12mm, 12.25mm, 12.5mm, and 12.75mm. The insert is a grey color and goes along with their logo lettering. It’s a different contrast that you don’t see very much in the blackness of the carbon industry. This shaft cost the consumer $570. But it’s an investment in your future as a pool player. All in all, this is a feat shaft, and I love it. It’s stiffer than most I’ve played with, and I like that feature. The little grey ring at the bottom is a welcomed change from the black carbon shafts we all get. Looking at the pros and cons of this product, I’d say that they put a lot of R&D into the development, which is why it has the hearty price tag. I can’t wait to see what they come out with next, and I hope you keep up the excellent work. This product gets the SPM seal of approval.
You can buy from here. https://whytecarbon.com/

Whyte Carbon shaft
Photos taken by Garret Troop