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SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 34

‘I Want To Shoot All Their Livers Out!’ – Earl Strickland 2022 Mosconi Cup Exclusive!

By Patrick Sampey


What a treat we have for you today, pool fans! We at SPM have been lucky enough to get some answers to our questions to the Pearl, and what a gem he has produced for the game fans! Strap in players and fans of world 9 ball, Earl is pulling no punches, shooting from the hip, providing the collective pool world a show, and the billiards firepower to possibly prop the collective Northern American Continent by a pool proliferation of ‘Legends Of The Fall,’ quite simply, Strickland’s legacy in the game is tantamount to anything this Earth has ever witnessed – and the hits keep coming!

This Tallahassee Squirrel snuck in approximately 10 questions to the Pearl just moments before this year’s Cup begins tomorrow, with a press conference set by Matchroom Pool / Mosconi Cup here to kick off in a few hours, and we at SPM are clamoring to cover the story of stories, within the story, Strickland! Earl “The Pearl” Strickland, a pool player unlike any other you’ve ever seen play, a player that lets you know exactly how he’s feeling, and man, oh man, when his game is in top form, you better hope you play like Reyes in prime form and hope that’s enough to win the contest at hand players, fans of the game, figures in the game, witness the prowess of a pool playing professional, my personal number one pick of all times!!! Oh, yes, I’m definitely a fan of Strickland, a man on a mission to heave up the collective pool world of the USA on his back, if for one final push!!! I don’t have enough exclamation points for this article!!!

Okay, let me try to cool out for a minute, but back to the title of this article for a second: ‘I Want To Shoot All Their Livers Out!,’ that’s what that Pearl said, players! It’s on! Earl has called the US dogs on those European players, and he comes to sling mud on their collective championship shoes!

USA may be the “underdog,” but this dog has fight, bite, and we are coming for blood! With all due respect to team Europe, of course.

That was the last question I asked, “Who would you most like to beat 1v1 in the Cup?” Or something to that effect. Perhaps I misquoted myself, but that’s not the main point, the point is what Strickland said. He is coming for that cup, and that’s what I like to hear!

So, we have his “Dawg Pound,” namely SVB (Shane Van Boening), Woodward, Dominguez, and Styer – and they all need to perform well for the Pearl, to show respect for the greatest USA player to ever live, and show him there’s still hope for pool in USA, and to show them they don’t always need side pockets or jump cues, and let them shim in those pockets to 3 and ¾” size, and watch as that Pearl shoots the eyes outta them balls! Seriously, all jokes aside, we all know, worldwide, that Pearl is one of the absolute best, if not the best, to ever play the game – it is arguably the truth that is.

Earl "The Pearl" Strickland

Photo By Taka Wu of Matchroom Multiport

That Pearl has now garnered himself a new sponsor with JFlowers cues and cases I believe, and I want to see him break those cues in, unless he’s just got a case sponsorship, but either way, to see him represent his new sponsor with lights out run outs, and steamroller precision, to crush these brazen European ballers!

Now, without further adieu, the “ten” questions for Earl “The Pearl” Strickland:

to be a new sponsored player by JFlowers,

Q. How does it feel

and can you describe your interaction with their company?

Earl: I am very excited to be working with J. Flowers and what the future holds. All good

Q. How does it feel to be back in action representing the USA for the Mosconi Cup?

Team USA Mosconi Cup 2022

Photo by Matchroom Multisport's Taka Wu

Earl: It is hard to believe that I am back! I didn’t think this chance would come again at times. Maybe this will be my last chance. I am going to lay it all on the line. I am honored at my age to get this opportunity to represent the USA, especially after this year.

Q. How have you been training for this year’s Mosconi Cup?

Earl: A lot of hours of practice and hitting the gym at 6 am doing 500 pushups, 700 sit-ups & running 4 miles a day. Also playing a lot of endless hours of straight pool and making my training video “Straight Pool Earl’s way,” going on sale on December 5th on www. Earlstrickland.com for purchase as DVD or Digital download.

Q. Do you feel like the USA has a good chance of winning the Cup, with many placing team Europe as a strong favorite?

Earl: Hopefully, we can win! We are the underdogs, but we do have fight in us, and if we can

Photos courtesy of Matchroom Multisport by TakaImages.

play to our capability yes we can win.

Q. Do you feel like the crowd at the Cup is a big factor? How will you deal with tough fans and hecklers, if any, this year? Are you prepared for that if so?

Earl: The crowd is a huge factor, and we need to have a strong U.S.A Homefield presence to help combat the hecklers looking to stir me up! Of course, I know I need to wear my armor and be prepared to go to war!

Q. You are such an icon in pool, arguably the greatest player in USA history in pool. Do you feel like your experience and leadership will help the team win?

Earl: Yes

Q. You and SVB stand tied at 5 US Open wins a piece and are two of the most dominant forces the pool world has ever seen. Can you describe the contrast between your game and his, and perhaps talk a little bit about that, and perhaps other players in the game you respect or would like to say something about?

Earl: SVB is a great friend and a strong competitor, and I have a lot of respect for his game and determination to win

especially being the current 9-ball World Champion. Every time I play or he is at one of my exhibitions. He is there watching and supporting me.

Q. Everyone on team USA, I believe, has been on winning USA teams. How do you feel this helps the team as a whole, and what do you think Jeremy Jones needs to do to help the team get the “W” at the end of the event?

Earl: Jeremy has to be strong as a captain and keep the team together and be our leader. Even though we all have won before, that was the past, and this is the now. Hopefully, we have learned to deal with the pressure, which will allow us to play at our peak performance!

Q. How big would it be for you to be on another winning USA team? What would that mean to you? Can you please describe it in detail?

Earl: Everything to me. It would put me with the most wins of any professional player in the Mosconi cup. Who would of thought?

Q. Who on Team Europe would you most like to beat 1v1?

Earl: That’s a tough call. I want to shoot all their livers out!

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