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1) Face the Shot and Set the Stance- Part 1 of looking like a pro. Go stand behind the shot as if it was straight in, then return to the cue ball and take a good look at the shot at hand. Set yourself with the following steps.

2) Proper Footwork- The back foot should never be positioned across the shot line. The traditional American stance has the toe of the back foot positioned 90 degrees to the shot line; however, as long as the foot does not cross the shot line, the angle of the back foot can be smaller. The front foot should be positioned in front of the back foot, just past shoulder width apart, and the big toe of the front foot pointing toward the targeted object ball.


3) Strong Balance- Balance comes from the proper distribution of weight. Create a triangle of weight using your back foot, front foot, and bridge as the corners. Each corner of your triangle should hold approximately 33% of the body weight. No one should be able to push you over.

6) Slow backswing- The backswing of the stroke controls the accuracy of the followthrough. Work with precision. Pull the cue back slowly and follow through accurately. Wherever you start, should be wherever you finish.

7) Stay Down- Part 2 of looking like a pro. Finish your shot well and freeze on the follow-through. Don’t jump up and watch the stroke finish strong.

Applying this type of list can keep any player calm, collected, and in control of the situation at hand. The road to glory starts here for any player. Think of the star players on top of their game currently. Players such as FSR, Gorst, Van Boening, Woodward, Feijen, and Styer all have some type of routine before the shot, during the shot, and after the shot. Create purpose in your game by starting here and creating a better game for your future!

Eric believes, “All students are all capable of being great, and through hard work and determination, we can surpass our current situation to obtain a better one.” If you are currently looking for instruction, Eric currently resides in the Pontiac, Illinois area and can be reached through his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ g1billiards

Or you can email him at: ericnaretto@gmail.com

Playing pool at a competitive level is an extremely difficult task. There are two major categories that pool players fall into in our world: amateur and professional. These categories may have many sub-categories, such as standard, open, advanced, and master, while others use handicaps ratings such as Fargo and APA.

Professional runs a category of its own, with players having sponsorships and traveling across the world, representing their respective homelands in grand competitions.

There are many differences between an amateur and a professional player. According to Malcolm Gladwell, who authored the book “Outliers,” it takes 10,000 hours to master any craft. Well, according to many rankings among pool players, there are a couple of steps above what we

As an instructor, I teach my students how to organize their thinking. I work with my students to create different “checklists” they can use to help maintain their composure in order to execute their goals. The most important checklist that I teach is the fundamental checklist. Today, I share this 7-step checklist with you to hopefully help increase your execution rates on the pool table.

4) Proper Clearance- In order for the cue stick to move the straightest, the cue stick must be away from the body. We keep the cue away from the body by making sure the backhand holding the cue is placed directly under the elbow.

5) Handshake grip- A proper handshake won’t crush a hand, but it won’t let the other person walk away, either. This handshake grip is the appropriate amount of energy used to hold the cue. Not too loose and not too tight.

SPM Media’s market penetration includes the professional billiards community throughout the world on platforms such as Facebook Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube and of course www.sneakypetemafia. com. On average SPM Media has a combined reach of over 290,000 unique readers Monthly. We have the two Facebooks: Sneaky Pete Mafia Page, and the Sneaky Pete Mafia Family that you must join and become a member we have 12.7k memebers and growing daily.


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