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SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 32

Kaylee McIntosh 2022, A Breakout Year

By Patrick Sampey



Tuesday, August 30, 2022 – 24 year old Kaylee McIntosh just recently placed 4th in the WPBA Soaring Eagle Masters, and she has played in 5 WPBA events this year now, battling against some of the world’s best female pool players, as she tests her mettle against the field, and she is obviously doing quite well. Fourth place is well within striking distance to first, which is Kaylee’s ultimate goal, to hold up that first place trophy, and she lost to Fisher and Ouschan, who came in 2nd, and 1st, lost 8-5 to Fisher, just 3 racks away – close.

“I got through some tough players to get where I was at,” McIntosh concludes of her recent tournament performance.

“Any event I’m invited to, I’m going to try to be in,” McIntosh says of her desire to compete in as many WPBA sanctioned events she is able to attend.

Of Her pool gear, Kaylee says:“Billiards Livestream, they gifted me a

JFlowers break cue. I bought a Mezz cue off a guy I used to play league with. I also bought a Jacoby jump cue, so everything I’ve got, I either purchased myself, or it was given to me.” – McIntosh. Also, she has a Lucasi 4x8 soft case. And her Mezz playing cue features and “Ignite” carbon fiber shaft McIntosh also said.

Kaylee says Brittany Bryant is her favorite female player, and that to show how she respects the game and players, “I like how she’s helping the younger players out…she’s just trying to improve the sport,” Kaylee said. Her favorite male player is Efren Reyes, and you can’t go wrong with Reyes either.

Kaylee likes to fish, the outdoors, and playing golf. Golf and pool relate in some ways Kaylee and I agree as we continue the interview. Golf is a stroke and muscle memory, as is pool. Similarities of the Hobby she plays with golf, and her career choice in pool.

She has an AA degree, but don’t look for her to be returning to college anytime soon,


because she’s going all-in on this billiards gig, going after her dreams, and making moves in the women’s professional pool.

As far as pool instructors go, McIntosh flies solo, and is a self taught player, referencing YouTube videos of players like Niels Feijen – a Dutch professional pool player, nicknamed “the Terminator”, and in 2014 he won the WPA World 9-ball championship; it would appear that players like Feijen, Reyes, Bryant are the type Kaylee would most like to emulate if anyone. “Basically, I’m self taught, other than a few lessons here and there,” McIntosh concludes – mentioning that Jeanette Lee has given her a couple pointers at one point or another years ago.

Additionally, Kaylee plays 9 ball, 10 ball, and one pocket. “I honestly like one pocket. I don’t play it as often as I’d like to, but one pocket is a really interesting game, and it’s probably one of my favorites, even though I don’t play it that often,” Kaylee said.

As to upcoming WPBA tournaments, Kaylee mentioned events coming up in September, October, then December this year, and planning to enter those contests, as she continues to push forward to the next possible first place win.

Players get invited to WPBA events through emails, which they accept or decline the invitation. There are also WPBA qualifying events as well.



“I was able to play my first WPBA event because there was a regional qualifier down here in Florida, that I qualified for,” Kaylee says, of her road to being able to compete in the WPBA events.

Also, McIntosh believes that pool for juniors is doing well in the USA – that the future of the sport, the up and coming young players have a bright future, as does the game of pocket billiards.

She said the WPBA appears to be sending out more invites to junior players, which is great for pool – after all, the youth is the future. And Kaylee, though she is obviously an adult at 24, but a young adult, and also the future of the game – with many years, and wins, and WPBA events to play along the way.

“I think junior pool is doing pretty good right now. They’re building a future for pool, that’s for sure,” McIntosh said.

All in all, the interview with Kaylee went well. Hopefully this is another addition to the landscape of billiards at large, as we at SPM continue to cover all things pool and billiards.

Kaylee McIntosh is an up and coming player, 2022 has been her breakout year. Look for her for many years to come. Tallahassee Squirrel out for now. Until next time, keep hitting them balls.

From A Recent Facebook Post By Kaylee:“I’m happy to say I’ll be attending the WPBA Predator event in Michigan, September 21-25.

I’m also excited to play in a local Florida ladies event, September 3rd-4th. It’s been a while since I’ve played an event on a bar box so it’s going to be fun.

Big Thank You to my sponsors. I wouldn’t be able to do this without your help.

Iron City Billiards

TSP (Eric Nelson)

Billiard Live Stream

Capow Tips and Cue Repair (Nate Capo)”

– Kaylee McIntosh.


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