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SPM Billiards Magazine Issue 32
Why Is Pool Practice Boring? HowCan It Become fun?
By Dominic Esposito, a.k.a., The Drill Instructor

Do you agree with the formula: Pocket Billiards + Practice = Boredom? You can be honest. Sure, most pool players would agree as well.
This month’s featured drill provides some tough challenges that can result in your making a lot more clutch shots with cue ball shape in the field:
Okay, then answer this, fellow pool shooter. How do you know for certain if your skills are improving overall? What if I can show you a way to make practice fun, even as you see yourself progressing toward increasing your average? I can. Want to know how? It’s through the time-tested method of training drills--fun drills, all, but they need to be done. I turned pro at a young age and used these drills and ones like them to get there.
Do you want to play better or not? I have the rudiments that will push you past the plateaus that seem to hold you back. Now stop your whining and let’s get to it, Pool Player!

Nothing increases your personal playing skills like solid practice drills. They develop your utmost in focused concentration, isolate effective shot making and establish your pace for technique and execution. Your overall player skill level will be improved through practicing my professional drills like the one below.
This month’s fun drill is called, Walking the Line.
This drill perfects your shot making skills for balls that are in the center of the table.
The Drill can be adjusted for Beginner to Advanced Level Players. We’ll start with Level 1 1. Start with ball-in-hand and from either end of the table as shown--your choice. 2. Shoot any ball in any of the six pockets on the table in any order. 3. Avoid hitting any of the other balls on each shot. If you miss a shot or hit another ball, reset the line, and start over.
Level 2 is for Advanced Players. 1. Start with ball-in-hand from either end of the table. 2. From the first ball pocketed, continue pocketing the balls (in any pocket) in their successive order as they are lined up the table. 3. Avoid running into any of the other balls on each shot. If you miss a shot or hit another ball, reset the line and start again. During your next match, as you survey the table layout, take notice as to how many shots resemble those shots from this month’s drill. You can then shoot the shots in the match with confidence like they are part of this drill! Sure, you’ll still miss pocketing a ball from time to time as a result of bad aim or a missed stroke--everyone does---but with your new focus on your drills, you won’t be the person you used to be at the table.

Did you like this drill? Visit DI-TV and join today. All the Pro Skill Drills table layout and videos are up there plus so much more. On the website, you can inquire about private lessons or attending a Boot Camp Pool School with The Drill Instructor.
Learning The Drill Instructor Way will make practice fun because you’ll be winning more than ever before.