Leuven University Press Fall 2012
In this Fall 2012 catalogue we are pleased to present you our new and forthcoming titles from September 2012 until January 2013.
Contents History
Lipsius Leuven – Popular Science Titles
Art & Theory
Art l Philosophy
Religion l History
Society, Law & Economics
Philosophy l Medieval Philosophy
Text & Literature
Ordering Information
All our publications are published with care and attention to detail. Prior to publication, all manuscripts are assessed by an independent editorial board and external specialist readers to ensure the highest academic standards. For academic titles we support the Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content (gprc)-label.
For more information about our titles and publishing policy, please visit our website www.lup.be
Staf Vos
DANS in België
Dans in België 1890–1940
Staf Vos
DANS in België 1890-1940
Pioniersstudie over dans in de Belgische kunstwereld Dans in België brengt het boeiende verhaal van vijftig jaar dansgeschiedenis. Lang vóór er sprake was van De Keersmaeker of Béjart dacht men in Brussel en Antwerpen al na over de plaats van dans tussen de kunsten. Terwijl dans in de late negentiende eeuw gebukt ging onder een kwalijke reputatie, ver overde de kunstvorm in de periode 1890–1940 een belangrijke plaats in het Belgische artistieke landschap. Staf Vos toont hoe buitenlandse dansers, van Isadora Duncan en Les Ballets Russes tot Rudolf von Laban, als voorbeeld dienden voor binnenlandse ini tiatieven. Daarnaast vertelt dit boek over filosofen, kunstenaars, pedagogen en politici die werden getroffen door de kracht van dans. De lezer krijgt hierdoor een originele kijk op het Belgische artistieke en intellectuele leven in de vroege twintigste eeuw.
staf vos promoveerde in 2009 tot doctor in de geschiedenis aan de KU Leuven. Sinds 2012 werkt hij als onderzoeker bij Het Firmament, expertisecentrum voor het erfgoed van de podiumkunsten (theater en dans).
Raadpleeg ook het bijhorende platform www.dansgeschiedenis.be met een blik op de inhoud van het boek, full text bronnenmateriaal en meer links over dans en geschiedenis! Van dezelfde auteur
De beiaard. Een politieke geschiedenis Marnix Beyen, Luc Rombouts, Staf Vos (eds) € 29,95, isbn 978 90 5867 753 2, paperback
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€ 39,50 isbn 978 90 5867 921 5 Oktober 2012 Paperback, 17 x 23 cm ca. 384 p. 72 illustraties Nederlands
Between Educationalization and Appropriation Selected Writings on the History of Modern Educational Systems by Marc Depaepe, with a Foreword by Marc Vervenne
marc depaepe is Professor of History of Education at the University of Leuven.
Advanced reader on the history of education Developments in educational systems worldwide have largely contri buted to the modernization and globalization of present-day society. However, in order to fully understand their impact, educational systems must be interpreted against a background of particular situations and contexts. This textbook brings together more than twenty (collaborative) contribu tions focusing on the two key themes in the work of Marc Depaepe: edu cationalization and appropriation. Compiled for his international master classes, these selected writings provide not only a thorough introduction to the history of modern educational systems, but also a twenty-five year overview of the work of a well-known pioneer in the field of history of education. Covering the modernization of schooling in Western history, the characteristics and origins of educationalization, the colonial experi ence in education and the process of appropriation, Between Education alization and Appropriation will be of great interest to a larger audience of scholars in the social sciences. By the same author
An Educational Pilgrimage to the United States. Travel Diary of Raymond Buyse, 1922. Un pèlerinage psycho-pédagogique aux États-Unis. Carnet de voyage de Raymond Buyse, 1922. Marc Depaepe, Lieven D’hulst € 29,95 / £26.00, isbn 978 90 5867 875 1, paperback, Studia Paedagogica 46 The Forgotten Contribution of the Teaching Sisters. A Historiographical Essay on the Educational Work of Catholic Women Religious in the 19th and 20th Centuries Bart Hellinckx, Frank Simon, Marc Depaepe € 29,50 / £26.00, isbn 978 90 5867 765 5, paperback, Studia Paedagogica 44 n
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€ 49,50 / £42.00 isbn 978 90 5867 917 8 October 2012 Paperback, 15,6 x 23,4 cm 496 p. Illustrated English
Trend en toeval Inleiding tot de kwantitatieve methoden voor historici Bruno Blondé, Isabelle Devos, Jord Hanus & Wouter Ryckbosch
Basishandboek historische statistiek Kwantitatieve methoden zijn fundamenteel voor het historisch denken en dus een onmisbaar onderdeel van het metier van de historicus. Ze helpen om samenhang te ontdekken tussen variabelen (ook al is die niet meteen zichtbaar) en maken intuïtief kwantitatief denken expliciet. Een goede kennis van historische statistiek stelt (toekomstige) historici in staat beweringen te toetsen, eventueel te weerleggen of om op basis van een selectie van bronnen toch uitspraken te doen over een groter geheel. Trend en toeval biedt een fundamentele basis voor al wie te maken heeft met historische statistiek. De auteurs brengen een helder overzicht van de methoden om historische gegevens te ordenen, weer te geven en te be schrijven. Daarnaast bevat dit handboek ook een inleiding tot de tijdreeks analyse en een eerste kennismaking met hypothesevorming en -toetsing. Met concrete historische voorbeelden illustreren de auteurs niet alleen de samenhang tussen de historische statistiek en de historische kritiek, maar ook de beperkingen die de bronnen vaak aan de gekozen kwantitatieve methoden opleggen.
Een Historische Inleiding
volledig herziene uitgave beschikbaar vanaf oktober 2012 Wijsbegeerte. Een historische inleiding. Gerd Van Riel € 19,50, isbn 978 90 5867 927 7, paperback
Gerd Van Riel m.m.v. Guy Claessens
bruno blondé is als onderzoeksprofessor verbonden aan het Centrum voor Stads geschiedenis van de Universiteit Antwerpen. isabelle devos is hoofddocent bij de Vakgroep Geschiedenis van de Universiteit Gent. jord hanus is als postdoctoraal onder zoeker van het Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen verbonden aan het Centrum voor Stadsgeschiedenis van de Universiteit Antwerpen. wouter ryckbosch is als postdoctoraal onderzoeker verbonden aan de Vakgroep Geschiedenis van de Universiteit Gent.
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€ 24,90 isbn 978 90 5867 922 2 Oktober 2012 Paperback, 17 x 23 cm 240 p. 57 grafieken en 57 tabellen Nederlands
Jan Van Impe
Historische wandelgids
Lipsius Leuven
jan van impe studeerde archeologie aan de KU Leuven. Hij heeft gewerkt als archeoloog en journalist en werkt sinds 1996 voor de Universiteitsbibliotheek, als informatiespecialist.
lipsius leuven
De Leuvense Universiteitsbibliotheek Historische wandelgids Jan Van Impe
Vernieuwde pocketgids met historische en architecturale notities én een rondleiding in en rond de bibliotheek De Universiteitsbibliotheek aan het Mgr. Ladeuzeplein te Leuven is niet alleen een prachtig gebouw en een moderne wetenschappelijke bibliotheek die jaar lijks door meer dan 100.000 lezers geconsulteerd wordt, maar ook een histo risch monument van formaat. Haar fundamenten zijn verankerd in de meest tragische episode uit de 20ste eeuw: de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Door de ver woesting van Leuven in 1914 brandde de bibliotheekvleugel van de Universi teitshal volledig af. Dankzij royale Amerikaanse schenkingen werd in 1921 een nieuw bibliotheekgebouw aan het Mgr. Ladeuzeplein opgericht. Voor iedereen die kennis wil maken met de ‘geschiedenis’ van dit opmerke lijke gebouw, of die een wandeling wil maken in en om de bibliotheek is deze gids een absolute aanrader!
Also available in English
The University Library of Leuven Historical Walking Guide Jan Van Impe
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€ 14,50 isbn 978 90 5867 920 8 September 2012 Paperback, 12 x 18 cm 132 p. Geïllustreerd Nederlands
Updated pocket guide with history, architecture, biographical notes and a walking tour in and around the library The University Library at the Mgr. Ladeuzeplein in Leuven is not only a beautiful building and a modern scientific library consulted by more than 100,000 readers a year, but also an important historical monument. Its foundations are rooted in that tragic episode in the 20th century, the First World War. In the mass destruction of Leuven in 1914 the library of the University was burned and completely destroyed. Thanks to generous American donations the new library building on the Mgr. Ladeuzeplein was established in 1921. For anyone who wants to learn more about the history of this remarkable building, or who wants to walk in and around the library, this guide is an absolute must! € 14,50 / £ 13.00, isbn 978 90 5867 925 3, September 2012, Paperback, 132 p., 12 x 18 cm, illustrated, English
lipsius leuven
Books about the University of Leuven Boeken over KU Leuven The roots of the University of Leuven go back six centuries. Discover the rich history of the oldest university in the Low Countries: De wortels van de Leuvense universiteit gaan zes eeuwen in de tijd terug. Ontdek de rijke geschiedenis van de oudste universiteit van de Lage Landen:
Album of a Scientific World. The University of Louvain around 1900 Album van een wetenschappelijke wereld. De Leuvense universiteit omstreeks 1900 Geert Vanpaemel, Mark Derez, Jo Tollebeek (eds) academic heritage leuven / academisch erfgoed leuven € 22,50 / £19.50, isbn 978 90 5867 803 4, Hardcover, 176 p., 78 illustrations, Nederlands/English n
Geleerd in de tropen. Leuven, Congo & de wetenschap, 1885-1960 Ruben Mantels Intrigerend portret van Lovanium, de universiteit onder de tropenzon! In prijs verlaagd! Voor maar € 25,00 i.p.v. € 29,50 isbn 978 90 5867 628 3, Paperback, 351 p., Nederlands n
The City on the Hill. A history of Leuven University 1968-2005 Jo Tollebeek, Liesbet Nys Richly illustrated hardcover (ook verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands) Now available at reduced price! Only € 35,00 instead of € 50,00 isbn 978 90 5867 570 5, Hardcover, 381 p., English
De stad op de berg. Een geschiedenis van de Leuvense universiteit 1968-2005 Jo Tollebeek, Liesbet Nys Bekroond met de ‘Provinciale prijs historisch onderzoek 2006’ van de provincie Vlaams-Brabant In prijs verlaagd! Voor maar € 20,00 i.p.v. € 25,00 isbn 978 90 5867 704 4, Paperback, 428 p., Nederlands
Leuven University Library, 1425-2000. Sapientia aedificavit sibi domum Chris Coppens, Mark Derez, Jan Roegiers (eds) Beautiful hardcover with an extensive chapter on the fire of Leuven during the First World War (ook verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands) Now available at reduced price! Only € 45,00 instead of € 90,00 isbn 978 90 5867 467 8, Hardcover, 543 p., more than 350 colour illustrations, English
Universiteitsbibliotheek Leuven, 1425-2000. Sapientia aedificavit sibi domum Chris Coppens, Mark Derez, Jan Roegiers (red.) Prachtige hardcover met uitgebreid hoofdstuk over de brand van Leuven tijdens de Grote Oorlog (also available in English) In prijs verlaagd! Voor maar € 45,00 i.p.v. € 90,00 isbn 978 90 5867 466 1, Hardcover, 543 p., meer dan 350 kleur illustraties, Nederlands
lipsius leuven
Tekenen en betekenen Opstellen over het architectuur instituut Sint-Lucas, 1862–2012 Rajesh Heynickx, Yves Schoonjans en Sven Sterken (red.)
rajesh heynickx doet onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van kunstfilosofie en architectuurtheorie in de twintigste eeuw. yves schoonjans doet onderzoek naar het negentiende-eeuwse eclecticisme en de ontwikkeling van de naoorlogse architectuur in België. sven sterken doet onderzoek naar de rol van architectuur in de naoorlogse Welvaartstaat, met een accent op sociale huisvesting en religieuze infrastructuur.
Een bijzonder verhaal van tekenklas tot Faculteit Architectuur In het najaar van 2012 staat de architectuurschool Sint-Lucas, met campussen in Brussel en Gent, voor een kantelmoment. Enerzijds viert de school haar 125 jarig jubileum, anderzijds promoveert Sint-Lucas op dat moment tot de nieuwe Faculteit Architectuur van de KU Leuven. Deze bundel onthult een reeks historische facetten van dit veelzijdige architectuurinstituut dat ooit startte als een kleine tekenklas, geleid door broeders. De 17 auteurs nemen zowel de ‘founding fathers’ als de criticasters van Sint-Lucas onder de loep, traceren de sporen die studiekringen en buitenlandse gastsprekers nalieten, peilen naar vormen van engagement in studententijdschriften en ontrafelen de logica van een lerarenkamer. Aan de hand van deze detailstudies verschaft Tekenen en betekenen inzicht in de manier waarop het architectuuronderwijs gedu rende de laatste anderhalve eeuw heeft ingespeeld op belangrijke maat schappelijke en culturele evoluties. Contributors Gideon Boie (Sint-Lucas & bavo), Thomas Coomans (KU Leuven), Jan De Maeyer (Kadoc, KU Leuven), Maarten Delbeke (Universiteit Gent & Universiteit van Leiden), Marc Dubois (Sint-Lucas), Wim Goossens (Sint-Lucas & Lava Architecten), Rajesh Heynickx (Sint-Lucas & Universiteit Antwerpen), Robin Schaeverbeke (Sint-Lucas), Yves Schoonjans (Sint-Lucas), Sven Sterken (Sint-Lucas), Eva Storgaard (Universiteit Antwerpen), Maarten Van den Driessche (Universiteit Gent & Sint-Lucas), Christoph Van Gerrewey (Universiteit Gent), Ellen Van Impe (Vlaams Architectuur Instituut), Dirk Vanderperre (Sint-Lucas), Guy Van Kerckhoven (Sint-Lucas & Ruhr), Wilfried Wouters (Sint-Lucas), Carl Wuytack (Sint-Lucas & TU Eindhoven)
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Sfeerbeeld van een tentoonstelling uit de jaren vijftig
€ 25,00 isbn 978 90 5867 931 4 Oktober 2012 Paperback, 17 x 23 cm ca. 170 p. 17 illustraties Nederlands
lipsius leuven
Dies irae Kroniek van het requiem Pieter Bergé (red.), met medewerking van Jan Christiaens
‘Best vormgegeven boek 2012’ in de categorie ‘business en wetenschap’! ‘Schoon, prachtig, schitterend gedaan. Moet er nog gestemd worden?’, vraagt een alert jurylid als ‘Dies irae. Kroniek van het requiem’ na de individuele keuring op de jurytafel wordt gelegd. De detaillering in de typografie, de ver zorgde afwerking, het zwarte blad dat geregeld terugkomt, rood op snee, en een strak, duidelijk en aantrekkelijk kaft: niets op aan te merken. Letterlijk!
pieter bergé is professor muziekgeschiedenis en -analyse aan KU Leuven. jan christiaens is professor muziek esthetica en muzieksociologie aan KU Leuven.
Het requiem spreekt tot de verbeelding. Ontstaan uit de gregoriaanse dodenmis, heeft het requiem heel wat grote componisten geïnspireerd tot het schrijven van prachtige muziek. In Dies irae wordt aan de hand van 25 belangrijke werken een overzicht geboden van de geschiedenis van het westerse requiem. Naast bekende werken van Mozart, Verdi, Brahms, Fauré en Britten komen ook de oude muziek van onder meer Orlandus Lassus en meer recente werken van componisten als Kurt Weill en Andrew Lloyd Webber aan bod. In dit prachtig vormgegeven bladerboek, geschreven in een zeer toegan kelijke stijl die geen muzikale voorkennis vereist, kan de lezer kennis maken met het requiem in vele facetten en uitvoeringen. ‘Uiteindelijk wil ‘Dies Irae’ een luistergids zijn. Per componist wordt daar om ook een referentie-opname vermeld, die vervolgens met exacte tijds aanduidingen wordt beschreven in de bijhorende tekst. Op die manier wordt de luisteraar echt bij de hand geleid: enerzijds om op een gerichte manier te leren luisteren naar de requiems, anderzijds om nieuwe referen tieopnames te ontdekken, die soms een beetje zijn ondergesneeuwd onder nieuwere uitgaven. Ook voor de doorwinterde liefhebber is dit kortom een enorm interessant boek. […] De kans dat internationaal gereputeerde mu sicologen dit werk beter hadden kunnen schrijven, is eigenlijk niet reëel. Bij de KU Leuven mogen ze trots zijn op een prachtige, enorm leerrijke publi catie als deze.’ – Hildegart Maertens, Kwadratuur, 27 maart 2012
Nu verlaagd in prijs! n n n n n
€ 24,50 i.p.v. € 34,50 isbn 978 90 5867 880 5 Paperback, 17 x 23 cm 320 p. Nederlands
art & theory t.j. de mo s & h i l de va n gel der (eds)
In and Out of Brussels Figuring Postcolonial Africa and Europe in the Films of Herman Asselberghs, Sven Augustijnen, Renzo Martens, and Els Opsomer
in and out of brussels
figur ing postcolonial afr ica and europe
in the Films of
Herman Asselberghs, Sven Augustijnen, Renzo Martens, and Els Opsomer
T. J. Demos and Hilde Van Gelder (eds.) From the film Spectres (2011), Sven Augustijnen
Outcome of the project In and Out of Brussels – book & DVD In and Out of Brussels examines four Brussels-based artistic projects that converge in critically investigating the figuration of Africa in the image economy of the West: Herman Asselberghs’s Speech Act (2011), Sven Augustijnen’s Spectres (2011), Renzo Martens’s Episode III – Enjoy Poverty (2008) and Els Opsomer’s Building Stories: That Distant Piece of Mine (2012). While each is a singular film, together they reveal Africa’s postcolonial imaginary to be a zone of crisis, situated between humanitarian emergency, financial pillage, and the politics of memory on the one hand, and the fictional – but nonetheless consequential – construction of European identity on the other. Just as dominant neocolonial narratives (which all too often cover over movements for independence and social justice) are critically played out and contested in these works, so too are documentary conventions creatively reinvented by Asselberghs, Augustijnen, Martens, and Opsomer. The resulting moving images emerge as a complex site of postcolonial haunting, self-reflexive performativity, researched analysis, archival reordering, and post-documentary cinematic affect. This book represents the outcome of an interdisciplinary and interna tional research project, that gathered theoreticians, art critics, curators, and artists over a two-year period (2010–2012). The conversations col lected and reprinted here look closely at the four films and examine their political, aesthetic, and historical implications. Contributors Herman Asselberghs, Sven Augustijnen, Filip De Boeck, Manon de Boer, Carles Guerra, T. J. Demos, Thomas Keenan, Sven Lütticken, Renzo Martens, Toma Muteba Luntumbue, Els Opsomer, Dirk Snauwaert, Hilde Van Gelder, Françoise Vergès.
hilde van gelder is Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at the University of Leuven. t. j. demos is Associate Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at University College London.
Visit the website www.lgseries.be for an overview of the series.
Recently published in the Lieven Gevaert Series minor photography
Connecting Deleuze and Guattari to Photography Theory
n mieke bleyen (ed.)
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Minor Photography. Connecting Deleuze and Guattari to Photography Theory, Mieke Bleyen (ed.) € 34,50 / £30.00, isbn 978 90 5867 910 9, paperback, Lieven Gevaert Series 13 Shifting Places: Peter Downsbrough, the Photographs, Alexander Streitberger € 34,50 / £30.00, isbn 978 90 5867 872 0, paperback, Lieven Gevaert Series 12
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€ 29,50 / £25.00 isbn 978 90 5867 919 2 September 2012 Paperback, 17 x 23 cm ca. 140 p., with dvd Illustrated English Lieven Gevaert Series 14
Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture
Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture Editors: Jeroen Poblome, Daniele Malfitana, and John Lund
Volume 1, 2012
Edited by
Jeroen Poblome Daniele Malfitana John Lund
new journal
For more information, visit the website www.herom.be.
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Published annually Volume 1 available December 2012 Online issn: 2294-4281 Print issn: 2294-4273 Volume 1: isbn 978 90 5867 928 4 Paperback, 15,2 x 22,9 cm ca. 300 p. English
Includes new and innovative studies on Hellenistic and Roman material culture in all relevant academic disciplines herom is an annual online journal presenting innovative contributions to the study of material culture produced, exchanged, and consumed within the spheres of the Hellenistic kingdoms and the Roman world. The journal publishes papers in the full range of the scholarly field and in all relevant academic disciplines within the arts, humanities, social sciences and environmental sciences. herom creates a bridge between material culture specialists and the wider scientific community, with an interest in how humans interacted with and regarded artefacts from the late 4th century bc to the 7th century ad. The journal seeks to provide more visibility for studies of material culture in many ways which are not necessarily covered by existing scholarly journals or conference proceedings. herom studies material culture in its totality, with a view to clarifying the complex wider implications of such evidence for understanding a host of issues concerning the econo足 my, society, daily life, politics, religion, history of the ancient world, among other aspects. A peer-reviewed online journal herom contains Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content (gprc), coordinated by a strong, global scientific committee, and implements up-to-date online publication strategies. The journal is open to international research submitted by individual scho足 lars as well as by interdisciplinary teams, and especially wishes to promote work by junior researchers and new and innovative projects. Challenging research themes can be explored in dedicated issues, and theoretical ap足 proaches are welcomed. Book reviews and review articles further screen the pulse of the field.
A Scientific Committee with years of expertise The journal and scientific committee build on their experience of facta. A Journal of Roman Material Culture Studies (2007–2011). Scientific Committee S.E. Alcock (Brown University), P.M. Allison (University of Leicester), M. Bonifay (Centre Camille Jullian – umr 6573, cnrs), R. Brulet (Université Catholique de Louvain), L. Chrzanovski (Interna tional Lychnological Association), F. D.’ Andria (Università di Lecce), A. Berlin (Boston University), I. Delemen (Istanbul University), M. de Vos (Università di Trento), K. Dunbabin (McMaster Univer sity), M. Feugère (Equipe tpc – umr 5140, cnrs), I. Freestone (Cardiff University), C. Gasparri (Uni versità di Napoli ‘Frederico II’), E. Giannichedda (Università degli Studi di Milano), A. Hochuli-Gysel (Fondation Pro Aventico, Avenches), S. Ladstätter (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut), M. Lawall (University of Manitoba), D. Manacorda (Università di Roma Tre), D. Mattingly (Univer sity of Leicester), D. Michaelides (University of Cyprus), M.D. Nenna (Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, Lyon), M. O’Hea (University of Adelaide), E. Papi (Università di Siena), D.P.S. Peacock (University of Southampton), F. Pirson (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Istanbul), N. Rauh (Purdue University), P. Reynolds (University of Barcelona), S. Rotroff (Washington University in St. Louis), K.W. Slane (University of Missouri-Columbia), V. Stissi (Universiteit van Amsterdam), M. Torelli (Università di Perugia), P. Van Dommelen (University of Glasgow), H. von Hesberg (Deut sches Archäologisches Institut Rome), S. Martin-Kilcher (Universität Bern), F. Slavazzi (Univer sità degli Studi di Milano), G.D.R. Sanders (American School of Classical Studies at Athens), A. Wilson (University of Oxford)
First volume available December 2012 Volume 1: The Material Culture of Pilgrimage Preliminary Table of Contents. Visit the website www.herom.be for a full table of contents. The Material Culture of Pilgrimage: An Introduction Troels Myrup Kristensen
Pagan Pilgrimage in Rome’s Western Provinces Philip Kiernan
Textiles, Tattoos and the Representation of Pilgrimage Troels Myrup Kristensen
Pilgrimage made Portable: A Sensory Archaeology of the Monza-Bibblio Ampullae Heather Hunter-Crawley
Sacred Movement to Labraunda Jesper Blid
Medieval Pilgrimage to Corinth and Southern Greece Amelia Robertson Brown
To sign up for a subscription, contact orders@lup.be.
Archaeological Evidence for Christian Pilgrimage in Ephesus Andreas Pülz
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Roman Bronze Lamps with Masks: Dionysos, Pantomime and Mediterranean Popular Culture Richard Green
Commentary Ann-Marie Yasin
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Subscription fees Institutional online only: € 150,00 Institutional online & print: € 175,00 For fees Institutional (multi site) please contact orders@lup.be Individual online only: € 55,00 Individual online & print: € 70,00 Non-subscribers pay-per-view online articles: € 15,00 Print copies: € 30,00 / £26.50 per individual print copy
Valerio Adami: MĂŠdĂŠe, 1984 / Shusaku Arakawa: On Air, 1973-74 / Daniel Buren: Seven Ballets in Manhattan, 1973
art l philosophy
Edited and introduced by Herman Parret, Epilogue by Gérald Sfez. Translations by Anthony Hudek, Vlad Ionescu and Peter W. Milne
The most important writings of Lyotard on contemporary art in English for the first time Seven writings assembled in the context of the philosophy of art that Jean-François Lyotard developed in the nineteen-eighties, at the time of the Differend (1983) and of the ‘Kantian turn’ leading to the Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime (1992), are here published for the first time in Eng lish translation. The texts focus on three artists with widely divergent aesthetic orientations: the colourist-draughtsman Valerio Adami, the conceptual metaphysician Shusaku Arakawa, and Daniel Buren, the ‘prag matist of the invisible’. These three protagonists share the notion that the interest in art does not lie in the simple denotation of a frame of refer ence, but in the connotations of material nuances, in flavours, in tones – in one word, the visual that is barely revealed in the anamnesis that guides the visible and provokes the essential inquietude of the aesthetic experience. What to Paint? Not reality or a ‘world’, nor a rich subjectivity, nor even the phantasms of dreams or ideals of being-together, but the act of painting itself, and, beyond the performance of the painter, the pres ence of matters, a presence that in Arakawa’s words is quite obviously blank, elusive. B[kl[d Kd_l[hi_jo Fh[ii
b oejWhZ ;Yh_ji ikh bÁWhj Yedj[cfehW_d [j b[i Whj_ij[i Mh_j_d]i ed 9edj[cfehWho 7hj WdZ 7hj_iji
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Jean-François Lyotard
@[Wd#<hWd e_i @[Wd#<hWd e_i boejWhZ
Que peindre? / What to Paint? Adami, Arakawa, Buren
Gk[ f[_dZh[5 7ZWc_" 7hWaWmW" 8kh[d M^Wj je FW_dj5 7ZWc_" 7hWaWmW" 8kh[d
B[kl[d Kd_l[hi_jo Fh[ii
herman parret is Professor Emeritus of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Language at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Leuven.
About the series Jean-François Lyotard: Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists This series collects all of Lyotard’s writing on contemporary art and artists. The volumes include the complete original French texts along with English translations on facing pages. Previously published Volume 1: Karel Appel, Un geste de couleur / Karel Appel, A Gesture of Colour € 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 756 3 Winner of the Flemish Prize for Best Designed Academic Book 2010 Volume 2: Sam Francis, Leçon de ténèbres / Sam Francis, Lesson of Darkness € 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 781 5 Winner of the Flemish Prize for Best Designed Academic Book 2011 & selected for the 2012 AAUP Book Show, category ‘Scholarly Illustrated’ Volume 3 : Les Transformateurs Duchamp / Duchamp’s TRANS/formers € 39,50/ £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 790 7 Volume 4: Textes dispersés I & II / Miscellaneous Texts I & II - two-volume set € 99,90 / £87.00, isbn 978 90 5867 896 6 n
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Future publication Volume 6: L’Assassinat de l’expérience par la peinture: Jacques Monory / The Assassination of Experience by Painting: Jacques Monory – Spring 2013
Visit the website www.lyotard.be for an overview of the series.
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€ 69,50 / £52.00 isbn 978 90 5867 792 1 October 2012 Hardback, 16 x 23 cm 512 p. Illustrated English/French Jean-François Lyotard: Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists 5
religion l history The Economics of Providence | L’ Économie de la Providence
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Economics of Providence
Maarten VAN DIJCK | Jan DE MAEYER | Jeffrey TYSSENS | Jimmy KOPPEN eds
L’ Économie de la Providence
Leuven University Press
maarten van dijck is Researcher at the Flemish Heritage Agency and Guest Lecturer at the University of Hasselt. jan de maeyer is Professor of Religious History at the University of Leuven and Director of kadoc, Documentation and Research Center for Religion, Culture and Society. jeffrey tyssens is Lecturer in Political History at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (vub). jimmy koppen is Researcher at the Freethinking Study, Archive and Documentation Centre ‘Karel Cuypers’.
The Economics of Providence / L’économie de la providence Management, Finances and Patrimony of Religious Orders and Congregations in Europe, 1773 – ca. 1930 Maarten Van Dijck, Jan De Maeyer, Jeffrey Tyssens, Jimmy Koppen (eds)
The wealth and patrimony of religious institutes During the French Revolution almost all monasteries and abbeys were suppressed and their possessions seized. Yet after the French Revolution many religious institutes were very successful in re-establishing them selves, sometimes accumulating large patrimonies, against the background of often hostile political forces. This book deals with the question of how the religious orders and congre gations rebuilt their patrimony, a necessary prerequisite for the growth of the number of religious, educational and charitable services. The authors discuss the (real or supposed) wealth, the financial structures, and the management and juridical foundations of the orders and congre gations in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Ireland, and the United Kingdom from the late eighteenth century to the 1930s. Contributors B. Bodinier (Université de Rouen), M. de Fátima Brandão (Universidade do Porto), M. Casta (Univer sité de Picardie Jules Verne), J. De Maeyer (kadoc - University of Leuven), X. Dusausoit (Centre Scolaire du Sacré-Coeur de Jette), J. Frith (capa International Education, London), G. Gregorini (Uni versità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia), J. Koppen (vsad Karel Cuypers), M. Luddy (University of Warwick), C. Mangion (Birkbeck, University of London), J. Oliveira (Universidade do Porto), P.M. Perluss (Université Pierre Mendes France Grenoble), R. L. Philippart (ucl et Directeur de l’Office National du Tourisme du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg), G. Rocca (Dizionario Degli Istituti di Perfezione), B. Truchet (Professeur retraitée), J. Tyssens (vub), M. Van Dijck (Flanders Heritage and UHasselt) and Fco. J. Fernández Roca (Pablo de Olavide University de Sevilla). Recently published in the series kadoc-Studies on Religion, Culture and Society
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€ 45,00 / £39.00 isbn 978 90 5867 915 4 November 2012 Paperback, 17 x 23,8 cm ca. 384 p. English/French kadoc-Studies on Religion, Culture and Society 11
Gender and Christianity in Modern Europe. Beyond the Feminization Thesis, Patrick Pasture, Jan Art (eds) € 39,50, isbn 978 90 5867 912 3, paperback Loci Sacri. Understanding Sacred Places, Thomas Coomans, Herman De Dijn, Jan De Maeyer, Rajesh Heynickx, Bart Verschaffel (eds) € 39,50, isbn 978 90 5867 842 3, paperback
religion l history
Piety and Modernity The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe, 1780–1920 Anders Jarlert (ed.)
Third volume in the series Dynamics of Religious Reform Piety and Modernity examines the dynamics of religious reform from the point of view of piety and devotional life between 1780 and 1920 in Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia, Germany, and the Low Countries. The ‘long’ nineteenth century saw the introduction of devotional organi zations as a means of channeling popular religion. This era also witnes sed the translation and publication of devotional books, journals, and pamphlets on a massive scale. This edited volume explores the nature of pious reforms in such areas as liturgy, saint cults, pilgrimage, confrater nities, hymns, and Bible translation, with an emphasis on the changing patterns in religious expression at the collective and individual level, the growing influence of home missions, and the relations between piety and print culture. The interaction of piety and modernity is an important theme. While individual piety was often connected with the authority of church lead ers and confessional teaching, the long nineteenth century gave rise to new forms of individualism, involving grassroots initiatives. This volume offers a rich overview of a range of interrelated national practices con cerning piety in the nineteenth century.
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anders jarlert is Professor of Church History at Lund University (Sweden) and Vice President of the Commission Internationale d’Histoire et d’Etudes du Christianisme.
Contributors Ingunn Folkestad Breisteinn (Ansgar College and Theological Seminary, Kristiansand), Mary Heimann (University of Strathclyde), Janice Holmes (The Open University in Ireland), Anders Jarlert (Lund Uni versity), F.A. (Fred) van Lieburg (University Amsterdam), Hugh McLeod (University of Birmingham), Peter Jan Margry (Meertens Institute, Amsterdam), Tine Van Osselaer (University of Leuven), Bern hard Schneider (Trier University), Johs. Enggaard Stidsen (University of Copenhagen). Previously published in the series Dynamics of Religious Reform
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The Churches, Paula Yates, Joris van Eijnatten (eds) € 69,50 / £60.50, isbn 978 90 5867 826 3, hardback, Dynamics of Religious Reform 2 Political and Legal Perspectives, Keith Robbins (ed.) € 69,50 / £60.50, isbn 978 90 5867 825 6, hardback, Dynamics of Religious Reform 1
€ 69,50 / £60.50 isbn 978 90 5867 932 1 November 2012 Hardback, 17 x 23,8 cm ca. 300 p. Illustrated English Dynamics of Religious Reform 3 Subseries of Kadoc Studies on Religion, Culture and Society (Editor-in-chief: Joris van Eijnatten)
society, law & economics
Geographic Data and the Law Defining New Challenges Katleen Janssen and Joep Crompvoets (eds)
katleen janssen is Postdoctoral Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ict (icri) of the University of Leuven and co-chair of the inspire Drafting Team on Data and Service Sharing. joep crompvoets is Senior Researcher at the Public Management Institute of the University of Leuven, and the Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructure and Land Administration of the University of Melbourne.
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A must-read for academics, practitioners and policymakers dealing with legal aspects of geographic data The increasing availability and use of geographic data in today’s society give rise to many legal barriers and pitfalls, which are often unknown to or underestimated by policymakers and stakeholders. Geographic Data and the Law stands at the forefront of current research on a topic of increasing urgency in the geographic information field: the legal challenges relating to spatial data information (sdi). The expert authors highlight current and emerging practices and trends in tackling these challenges, and showcase how law and policy can be used pro actively to stimulate the use of geographic data. In a three-part presentation, the book deals with open licensing and data lifecycle regulation; limitations on the availability of geographic data based on privacy, liability, and national security; and the interplay between the public and private sectors on the market for geographic data and informa tion products. Bringing together contributions from knowledgeable and well-known scholars and practitioners in the field, this book is must-read material for academics, practitioners, and policymakers dealing with any aspect of geographic data.
€ 39,50 / £35.00 isbn 978 90 5867 924 6 October 2012 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm 232 p. English
society, law & economics
The Return of the Deficit Public Finance in Belgium over 2000–2010 Etienne de Callataÿ & Françoise Thys-Clément (eds)
An in-depth analysis of Belgium’s public finance in the recent past Prior to the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008 Belgium’s fiscal bal ances and debt ratios seemed to be on a firm consolidation path. Today, however, Belgium is facing a major budgetary challenge, albeit to some extent lesser than that of other European countries. A proper understand ing of the current situation and the design of the most appropriate policy response always benefit from an in-depth analysis of the recent past. This book offers that closer look at the evolution of public finance in Belgium over the decade 2000–2010. The Return of the Deficit presents a collection of original essays written by the best public finance scholars in Belgium. It covers Belgium’s macroeconomic environment, its budgetary policy, changes to the tax system and social security, the evolution of public expenditure, debt manage ment, and fiscal federalism. This is the seventh volume in the authoritative History of Public Finance in Belgium published under the auspices of the Belgian Institute of Public Finance. It is introduced with a foreword by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council.
etienne de callataÿ is Chief Economist at Bank Degroof and Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (ucl) and at the University of Namur. françoise thys-clément is Emeritus Professor of Public Finance at the University of Brussels (ulb) and Honorary President of the Belgian Institute of Public Finance.
Contributors K. Algoed (Office of the Minister of Budget, Flanders), B. Cantillon (University of Antwerp), J. Deboutte (Public Debt Agency), E. de Callataÿ (Bank Degroof), A. Decoster (University of Leuven), F. Denil (Fede ral Ministry of Finance), G. De Smet (Federal Ministry of Budget), M. Gérard (Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve), N. Gilson (Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve), J. Hindriks (Catholic Univer sity of Louvain-la-Neuve), G. Langenus (National Bank of Belgium), G. Quaden (University of Liège), R. Savage (Federal Ministry of Finance), J. Smets (National Bank of Belgium), F. Thys-Clément (University of Brussels), C. Valenduc (Federal Ministry of Finance), F. Vandenbroucke (University of Leuven), A. Van de Voorde (Federal Ministry of Finance), L. Van Meensel (National Bank of Belgium), H. Van Rompuy (European Council) Also of Interest
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Beurzen van België. Een geschiedenis van het beurswezen 1801-1867 Hans Willems, Frans Buelens € 49,50, isbn 978 90 5867 856 0, paperback
€ 38,00 / £28.00 isbn 978 90 5867 923 9 November 2012 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 350 p. English
philosophy l medieval philosophy
The Science of the Soul The Commentary Tradition on Aristotle’s De anima, c. 1260 – c. 1360 Sander W. de Boer
sander de boer is Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Groningen (Faculty of Philosophy). He works mainly on the history of philosophical psychology.
The transformation of the science of the soul between 1260 and 1360 Aristotle’s highly influential work on the soul, entitled De anima, formed part of the core curriculum of medieval universities and was discussed intensively. It covers a range of topics in philosophical psychology, such as the relationship between mind and body and the nature of abstract thought. However, there is a key difference in scope between the socalled ‘science of the soul’, based on Aristotle, and modern philosophical psychology. This book starts from a basic premise accepted by all medieval commen tators, namely that the science of the soul studies not just human beings but all living beings. As such, its methodology and approach must also apply to plants and animals. The Science of the Soul discusses how philoso phers, from Thomas Aquinas to Pierre d’Ailly, dealt with the difficult task of giving a unified account of life and traces the various stages in the transformation of the science of the soul between 1260 and 1360. The emerging picture is that of a gradual disruption of the unified approach to the soul, which will ultimately lead to the emergence of psychology as a separate discipline. Visit www.lup.be for previously published publications in the series Ancient and Medieval Philosophy – Series 1. This series is available on standing order. To sign up for a subscription or for more information, please contact info@lup.be.
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€ 89,50 / £75.00 isbn 978 90 5867 930 7 November 2012 Hardback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 500 p. English Ancient and Medieval Philosophy – Series 1 - 46
text & literature
De rationibus quibus homines docti artem Latine colloquendi et ex tempore dicendi saeculis XVI et XVII coluerunt
Terence O. Tunberg
Study of conversational Latin and ex tempore expression in Latin The use of Latin for conversation and ex tempore discourse was a signifi cant element in the culture of learned people in the humanist age and the early modern era. This book explores that phenomenon and the considerable amount of evidence pertaining to it in the primary sources written in the period. The author takes into account the use of spoken Latin both inside and outside the academic world. Examining disputes over pronunciation and different views about ex tempore eloquence among Latin writers active in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the author shows that these ’conversations’ are not unrelated to much better known discussions and debates about the nature of Latin prose style and eloquence in an age when Latin was no one’s native language. The book thus reveals that understanding the role of conversation and ex tempore expression in Latin helps us to understand the early modern phenomenon of NeoLatin in general. All texts in this volume are in Latin.
terence o. tunberg is Professor of Latin Language and Literature at the University of Kentucky and is co-Director of the University of Kentucky Institute for Latin Studies. He is a member of the Academia Latinitati Fovendae.
Visit www.lup.be for previously published publications in the series Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia. This series is available on standing order. To sign up for a subscription or for more information, please contact info@lup.be.
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€44,50 / £37.50 isbn 978 90 5867 916 1 September 2012 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 140 p. Latin Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia 31
text & literature
Humanistica Lovaniensia Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LXI – 2012 Editorial Board: Dirk Sacré (General Editor), Gilbert Tournoy, Monique Mund-Dopchie, Jan Papy & Lambert Isebaert
dirk sacré is Professor of Latin and Neo-Latin at the University of Leuven. gilbert tournoy is Emeritus Professor of Classical, Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin at the University of Leuven. monique mund-dopchie is Emeritus Professor of Ancient Greek Literature and History of Humanism at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (ucl). jan papy is Research Professor of NeoLatin Literature and Renaissance Humanism at the University of Leuven. lambert isebaert is Professor of Latin and Linguistics at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (ucl).
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Leading journal in the field of Renaissance and modern Latin As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the annual journal Humanistica Lovaniensia is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin texts with translations and commentaries. Its systematic bibliography of Neo-Latin studies (Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum), accompa nied by critical notes, is the standard annual bibliography of publications in the field. The journal is fully indexed (names, mss., Neo-Latin neolo gisms). Please visit www.lup.be for the full table of contents. This series is available on standing order. To sign up for a subscription or for more information, please contact info@lup.be.
€ 80,00 / £69.50 isbn 978 90 5867 929 1 December 2012 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 400 p. English, French, German and Italian Humanistica Lovaniensia 61
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