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Leuven University Press Spring 2013 3

In this Spring 2013 catalogue we are pleased to present you our new and forthcoming titles from February 2013 until August 2013.

Contents Music


History l 17th Century


History l 19th Century and 20th Century


Art & Theory


Art l Philosophy




Society, Law & Economics


History l Medieval


Philosophy l Ancient & Medieval


Text & Literature


General Interest


Ordering Information


All our publications are published with care and attention to detail. Prior to publication, all manuscripts are assessed by an independent editorial board and external specialist readers to ensure the highest academic standards. For academic titles we support the Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content (gprc)-label.


Josquin des Prez and His Musical Legacy An Introductory Guide Willem Elders

A comprehensive guide for early music lovers and performers Josquin des Prez and His Musical Legacy is the most up-to-date contribution to the research on one of the most important and internationally famous composers of the Renaissance. This monograph offers factual informa­tion on the composer as well as insights into his 16th-century and modern reception, a survey of the sources of his music, and a discussion of the thorny issue of authorship. Willem Elders, one of the most dis­tinguished scholars of Josquin’s music, also discusses the influence of Gregorian chant as a source of inspiration and explains the various aspects of Josquin’s symbolic language. Each individual work (including some of those in the old Josquin edition now considered inauthentic) receives a short discussion of relevant contextual aspects and interesting musical features. Ranges and lengths are given for each work. The style is adapted to the professional musicologist as well as to the ‘music lover’ and performer.

willem elders is Professor Emeritus of Music History before 1600 at Utrecht University and General Editor of the New Josquin Edition.

‘This book is indispensable in the libraries of musicologists, music lovers and musicians and they should keep it close at hand! With every performance or listening to a work of Josquin they will want to spontaneously grab this publication.’ Ignace Bossuyt, Professor Emeritus in Musicology, University of Leuven Also of Interest


Guillaume de Machaut. Secretary, Poet, Musician Elizabeth Eva Leach € 49,50 / £44.00, isbn 978 90 5867 876 8, hardback Recevez ce mien petit labeur. Studies in Renaissance Music in Honour of Ignace Bossuyt. Mark Delaere, Pieter Bergé (eds) € 59,50 / £52.00, isbn 978 90 5867 650 4, hardback n

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€ 35,00 / £29.50 isbn 978 90 5867 941 3 April 2013 Hardback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 300 p. 45 figures, 90 musical examples English


Concise Cadence Compendium A Systematic Overview of Cadence Types and Terminology for 18th-Century Music Pieter Bergé, Nathan John Martin, Markus Neuwirth, David Lodewyckx, Pieter Herregodts

pieter bergé is Professor of Music History, Analysis and Theory at the University of Leuven. nathan john martin and markus neuwirth are postdoctoral researchers at the University of Leuven. david lodewyckx and pieter herregodts are doctoral researchers at the University of Leuven.

Indispensable pocket guide for music theorists and students of 18th-century music This compendium provides a systematic list and description of cadence types in 18th-century music. It includes Latin, Italian, French, German and English terminology, both from historical and contemporary sources. For each cadence type, the compendium presents a short definition, a textbook example, and some basic information on its historical context. As such, it is indispensable for music theorists and students of 18thcentury music. ‘The [Leuven Cadence Compendium] project represents the first systematic attempt to provide a comprehensive compendium of concepts and terminology associated with cadence, a project from which the scholarly community should benefit enormously.’ David Sears in Eighteenth-Century Music By the same author

Dies irae. Kroniek van het requiem Pieter Bergé € 24,50, isbn 978 90 5867 880 5, paperback Musical Form, Forms & Formenlehre. Three Methodological Reflections William E. Caplin, James Hepokoski, James Webster Pieter Bergé (ed.) € 24,90 / £21.90, isbn 978 90 5867 822 5, paperback n


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€ 19,90 / £17.00 isbn 978 90 5867 948 2 April 2013 Paperback, 10 x 15 cm ca. 250 p. English



Johann Sebastian Bach’s Art of Fugue Performance Practice Based on German Eighteenth-Century Theory Ewald Demeyere

A practical guide to the performance of the Art of Fugue With the Art of Fugue Bach delivered a polyphonic composition for key­ board of unprecedented proportions and complexity. Notwithstanding the vast existing literature on this brilliant work, a performer does not often find answers in it to practical questions such as ‘Why is this note not flatted?’ or ‘How can one make this peculiar voice-leading work during performance?’ This book by a leading Bach performer is designed to fill this void and provide a practical guide to the performance of the Art of Fugue. The first part contains an overview of four important Baroque topics related to the concept and performance of the Art of Fugue (rheto­ ric, metre, syntax, and keyboard technique). The second part basically demon­strates, with reference to the first four Contra­puncti, how the back­ ground presented in the first part often enables possible explanations for both text-critical and conceptual issues to be formulated. The final purpose is to achieve as eloquent a performance as possible of these pieces.

ewald demeyere (www.ewalddemeyere.be) is a harpsichordist, conductor, theorist and Professor at the Royal Conservatory Antwerp.

Also of Interest


Johann Sebastian Bach Christmas Oratorio. (bwv248) Ignace Bossuyt € 25,50 / £22.50, isbn 978 90 5867 421 0, paperback De Goldbergvariaties van J.S. Bach Ignace Bossuyt € 15,00, isbn 978 90 5867 861 4, paperback n


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€ 39,50 / £35.00 isbn 978 90 5867 940 6 March 2013 Paperback, 17 x 23 cm ca. 232 p. with separate sheet music booklet (34 p.) English

The palace on the Coudenberg around 1649. Van de Velde, J. Curia Brabantiae in celebri et populosa urbe Bruxellensis. (Published in Blaeu, J. Novum ac magnum Theatrum urbium Belgicae foederate. Amsterdam, 1649.)



One Foot in the Palace The Habsburg Court of Brussels and the Politics of Access in the Reign of Albert and Isabella, 1598–1621 Dries Raeymaekers. Translated by John R.J. Eyck

The splendour and enticement of the Archdukes’ Court in Brussels The Habsburg Court of Brussels remains one of the few early modern princely courts that have never been thoroughly studied by historians. Yet it offers a unique case, particularly with regard to the first decades of the seven­teenth cen­tury. Once home to the Dukes of Burgundy, the ancient palace on the Coudenberg hill in Brussels became the principal residence of the Habs­burg governors in the Low Countries and, in the period 1598–1621, that of Arch­duke Albert and his wife, the Spanish Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia. Eager to reassert the dynasty’s authority in these parts, the Archdukes ruled the Habsburg Netherlands as sovereign princes in their own right. Based on the author’s prize-winning dissertation, this book vividly brings to life the splendour of their court and unravels the goals and ambitions of the men and women who lived and worked in the palace.

dries raeymaekers is Assistant

Professor of Early Modern Politics at Radboud University Nijmegen.

Also of Interest

Conflicting Words. The Peace Treaty of Münster (1648) and the Political Culture of the Dutch Republic and the Spanish Monarchy Laura Manzano Baena € 39,50 /£35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 867 6, paperback Madrid y Bruselas. Relaciones de gobierno en la etapa postarchiducal (1621–1634) Alicia Esteban Estríngana € 28,00 / £24.50, isbn 978 90 5867 436 4, paperback n


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€ 59,50 / £49.50 isbn 978 90 5867 939 0 May 2013 Hardback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 440 p. 10 illustrations, 5 tables & 3 graphs English

architecture l history Regionalism and Modernity

Regionalism and Modernity

Regionalism and Modernity Architecture in Western Europe 1914 – 1940 Leen Meganck, Linda Van Santvoort, Jan De Maeyer (eds)

Architecture in Western Europe 1914-1940 Leen Meganck, Linda Van Santvoort & Jan De Maeyer eds

Leuven University Press

leen meganck is Senior Researcher on Architectural History at the Flanders Heritage Agency. linda van santvoort is Professor of Architectural History and Heritage at Ghent University. jan de maeyer is Professor of Church History at the University of Leuven, and director of kadoc (Documentation and Research Centre for Religion, Culture and Society, University of Leuven).

The complex and shifting relation between regionalism and modernity With its search for purity, honesty, modesty, and ‘fitness of purpose’, the late 19th and early 20th century concept of architectural regionalism is seminal to the modern movement. In later historiography, however, regio­ nalism in Europe was neglected and even labeled ‘backward’. The origins of this drastic change of perception can be traced to the 1930s, when regio­nalism as a positive form gradually turned into a ‘closed’ form of regionalism, a folding back on one’s own region as a defence mechanism in an economically and politically turbulent decade. In this book internationally renowned researchers investigate the relation between regionalism and modernity in the archi­tec­ture of Western Europe between the two World Wars, with a focus on Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and Great Britain. They demonstrate that regionalism cannot be separated from modernity, but is in fact a way of dealing with modernity and its contradictions. Rather than rejecting regionalism as an anti-modern phenomenon, the book’s contributors show that we should interpret regionalism as a striving for continuity within modernity. Contributors H. Doucet (University of Strasbourg), K. Krauskopf (Technische Universität Dresden), L. Meganck (Flanders Heritage Agency), B. Mihaïl (Police Museum Brussels), L. Missinne (Westfälische WilhelmsUniversität Münster), B. Rzoska (Groen), M. Sabatino (University of Houston), V. Vanden Berghe (University of East London), J. Van den Mooter (Kempens Landschap), E. Van­de­weghe (Ghent University), J-C Vigato (École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Nancy)

Previously published in the series kadoc-Artes

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€ 59,50 / £49.50 isbn 978 90 5867 918 5 February 2013 Hardback, 22,5 x 28 cm 240 p. 140 black & white illustrations English kadoc-Artes 14

Sources of Regionalism in the Nineteenth-Century. Architecture, Art and Literature Linda Van Santvoort, Tom Verschaffel, Jan De Maeyer (eds) € 49,50 / £43.00, isbn 978 90 5867 649 8, hardback, kadoc-Artes 9 n

special offer! Order both volumes on regionalism together and save € 10,00 or £6.50! You only pay € 49,50 or £43.00 per book.



Marie Elisabeth Belpaire Gender en macht in het literaire veld, 1900 – 1940 Geraldine Reymenants

De positie en invloed van Marie Elisabeth Belpaire in een literaire mannenwereld Naar aanleiding van haar 95ste verjaardag schreef de Vlaamse kunst­ criticus Jozef Muls dat Marie Elisabeth Belpaire ‘steeds de vrouw van goede smaak was gebleven. Zij zou haar wezen nooit ontsierd hebben door ambities of werk die niet van haar kunnen waren.’ Hoewel bedoeld als eerbetoon, deed hij haar met die woorden onrecht aan. Marie Elisa­ beth Belpaire was immers een van de weinige vrouwen die er in de eerste decennia van de twintigste eeuw in slaagde om de domi­nantie van mannelijke auteurs, redacteurs en critici in het literaire veld te door­ breken. Als eigenares en financier van het gezaghebbende literair-cultu­ rele tijdschrift Dietsche Warande & Belfort oefende ze een sterke invloed uit op de ideologische en redactionele lijn ervan. Ze werd de vertrou­wens­ ­­persoon van tal van (katholieke) schrijvers en kunste­naars, politici, pro­ fes­soren en religieuzen, en verwierf, mede door dat uitge­breide net­ werk, een niet onaanzienlijke macht in de katholieke Vlaamse (lite­raire) wereld. Aan de hand van een analyse van de positie van Marie Elisabeth Belpaire in het tijdschrift Dietsche Warande & Belfort en in de oorlogskrant De Bel­gische Standaard biedt Geraldine Reymenants in dit boek inzicht in het begin-twintigste-eeuwse discours over vrouwelijk schrijverschap en in de gegenderde machtsmechanismen die in het toenmalige literaire veld werkzaam waren.

geraldine reymenants studeerde geschiedenis (Universiteit Gent) en vrouwenstudies (Universiteit Antwerpen en Uni­ver­­siteit Utrecht). Momenteel werkt ze als stafmedewerker bij het Departement internationaal Vlaanderen (Vlaamse Gemeen­­schap).

Previously published in the series kadoc-Artes

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Strijd en inkeer. De kerk- en maatschappijkritische beweging in Vlaanderen, 1958­–1990 Bart Latré € 45,50, isbn 978 90 5867 892 8, paperback, kadoc-Studies 34 Rechts Vlaanderen. Religie en stemgedrag in negentiende-eeuws België Henk de Smaele In prijs verlaagd! Voor maar € 25,00 i.p.v € 39,50 isbn 978 90 5867 767 9, paperback, kadoc-Studies 33 n

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€ 39,50 / £35.00 isbn 978 90 5867 944 4 March 2013 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm 288 p. Nederlands kadoc-Studies 35

art & theory Heterogeneous Objects Intermedia and Photography after Modernism

Raphaël Pirenne, Alexander Streitberger (Eds)

Heterogeneous Objects Intermedia and Photography after Modernism Raphaël Pirenne, Alexander Streitberger (eds)

raphaël pirenne is a postdoctoral researcher at the Université catholique de Louvain (ucl) and editor of the art journal sic. alexander streitberger is Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at the Université catholique de Louvain (ucl) and director of the Lieven Gevaert Research Centre for Photography.

Exploring the influence of other media on contemporary photography Heterogeneous Objects provides various essays that explore the encounter of photo­graphy with other media since the 1960s. The essays offer new ways of thinking about photography beyond modernist notions of medium specificity and autonomy based upon the idea that a photograph does not rely on a coherent system of codes but is almost always encountered as a fragmented, partial object. Addressing recent debates in art history and photography theory, film studies, and media theory, the contributions cover a broad array of approaches, relating photography to issues of the panorama, sur­veillance, sculpture, transformation and processuality, and the development of new media categories. Rather than conceiving of photography as a medium, the aim is to reconsider the photograph as a historically, theoretically, and culturally embedded hete­ro­­­geneous object that is always related to, in contact with, or shaped by other media. Contributors Diarmuid Costello (University of Warwick), Steven Jacobs (University of Gent), Joanna Lowry (Univer­ sity of Brighton), Marcel Marburger (Universität der Künste, Berlin), Raphaël Pirenne (Univer­sité catholique de Louvain), Yvonne Spielmann (University of the West of Scotland), Alexander Streit­ berger (Université catholique de Louvain), Hilde Van Gelder (University of Leuven)

Previously published in the Lieven Gevaert Series

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€ 34,50 / £30.00 isbn 978 90 5867 943 7 April 2013 Paperback, 16 x24 cm 220 p. 40 images black & white, 1 colour section English Lieven Gevaert Series 15

In and Out of Brussels. Figuring Postcolonial Africa and Europe in the Films of Herman Asselberghs, Sven Augustijnen, Renzo Martens, and Els Opsomer T. J. Demos, Hilde Van Gelder (eds) € 29,50 / £25.00, isbn 978 90 5867 919 2, paperback Minor Photography. Connecting Deleuze and Guattari to Photography Theory Mieke Bleyen (ed) € 34,50 / £30.00, isbn 978 90 5867 910 9, paperback n



art & theory

Aïm Deüelle Lüski and Horizontal Photography Ariella Azoulay

Exploring radically new possibilities for contemporary photography by an internationally leading theorist This book is the product of a unique collaboration between Israeli artist and philosopher Aïm Deüelle Lüski and visual culture theorist Ariella Azoulay. In their longstanding working relationship, they research how to theorize the structure of the contemporary scopic regime and open a space for its civil transformation. On this occasion, Azoulay inter­prets a particular series of cameras built by Deüelle Lüski, along with photo­ graphs taken by these cameras. Unlike conventional cameras and their vertical photography, Deüelle Lüski’s cameras seek to generate new sets of relations between the camera and the world. Azoulay’s text unfolds four different ‘short histories’ of problems in photography, each of which deconstructs what otherwise might appear as a coherent photographic regime, yet which is shown to be based solely on principles of sovereignty and possession. Through and with Deüelle Lüski’s project Azoulay seeks to ‘potentialize’ the history of photography, that is, to recover long for­ gotten, un-materialized possibilities. The book contains 100 images and a conversation between the author and the artist.

ariella azoulay is an Israeli art curator, film-maker and theorist of photography and visual culture. She is Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Modern Culture and Media at Brown University and former Director of the Photo-Lexic Research Group at the Minerva Humanities Center, Tel Aviv University. aïm deüelle lüski is an Israeli artist and philosopher who invents cameras, each conceived especially for a particular phenomenon or event to be photographed at a specific historical moment.

Previously published in the Lieven Gevaert Series

Shifting Places: Peter Downsbrough, the Photographs Alexander Streitberger € 34,50 / £30.00, isbn 978 90 5867 872 0, paperback The Art of Strip Photography. Making Still Images with a Moving Camera Maarten Vanvolsem € 34,50 / £30.00, isbn 978 90 5867 840 9, paperback n


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€ 34,50 / £30.00 isbn 978 90 5867 949 9 June 2013 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm 200 p. 100 images English Lieven Gevaert Series 16

art l philosophy

Collection complete

Jean-François Lyotard écrits sur l’art contemporain et les artistes Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists n

seven volumes


previously unpublished material


original french texts with english translations


well-known lyotard specialists

The series Jean-François Lyotard: Écrits sur l’art contemporain et les artis­ tes / Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists consists of seven volumes that offer all the writings by Lyotard concerning contemporary art and artists, some of which have been published only in German, French or English. Others, from Lyotard’s personal archive, are being published here for the first time. Leuven’s seven volumes include the complete original French texts along with English translations on facing pages. Reproductions of the works discussed accompany the texts. All volumes include an introduction by Herman Parret and an epilogue by another Lyotard expert. Publications in the series Volume 1: Karel Appel, Un geste de couleur / Karel Appel, A Gesture of Colour € 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 756 3 Winner Flemish Prize for Best Designed Academic Book 2010 Volume 2: Sam Francis, Leçon de ténèbres / Sam Francis, Lesson of Darkness € 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 781 5 Winner Flemish Prize for Best Designed Academic Book 2011 & selected for the 2012 aaup Book Show, category ‘Scholarly Illustrated’ Volume 3: Les Transformateurs Duchamp / Duchamp’s trans/formers € 39,50/ £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 790 7 Republishes the version by Editions Galilée (Paris, 1977) and the English translation by the Lapis Press (Los Angeles, 1990) face to face Volume 4, I + II: Textes dispersés I & II / Miscellaneous Texts I & II € 109,00 / £89.00, isbn 978 90 5867 896 6 Two-volume set! Volume 5: Que Peindre? / What to Paint? Adami, Arakawa, Buren € 69,50 / £52.00, isbn 978 90 5867 792 1 Translated in English for the first time Volume 6: L’assassinat de l’expérience par la peinture, Monory / The Assassination of Experience by Painting, Monory € 49,50 /£43.00, isbn 978 90 5867 881 2 Final volume in the series - available May 2013 n



general editor Herman Parret (Institute of Philosophy, University of Leuven) associate editors Vlad Ionescu (University of Leuven), Peter W. Milne (Seoul National University) collaborating lyotard specialists Christine Buci-Glucksmann (University of Paris VIII), Dolorès Lyotard (Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale), Gérald Sfez (Khâgne, Lycée La Bruyère, Versailles), Dalia Judovitz (Emory University, Atlanta), Geoffrey Bennington (Emory University, Atlanta), Sarah Wilson (Courtauld Institute, London), Jean-Michel Durafour (Université Paris-Est, Marne-la-Vallée)




Visit the website www.lyotard.be for an overview of the series.


art l philosophy

L’assassinat de l’expérience par la peinture, Monory / The Assassination of Experience by Painting, Monory Jean-François Lyotard

Final volume

Edited and introduced by Herman Parret. Epilogue by Sarah Wilson Final volume in the series Jean-François Lyotard: Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists Lyotard met the French painter Jacques Monory in 1972, and the text on him published at that time was the first that Lyotard dedicated to contemporary art since Discourse, Figure. Lyotard’s interest in the plastic arts thus fits fully within the setting of his political pre­occupations. The artistprotagonist stages the recurring motifs that fascinate Lyotard: the scene of the crime, the revolver, the woman, the victim, glaciers, deserts, stars. The atmosphere of the essays on Monory is ‘Californian’. Monory’s imaginary repertoire goes well beyond the masters of modernity and is in line rather with a ‘modern contemporary surrealism’. Both Lyotard and Monory live the ‘dilemma of Americani­sation’, the America represented by cinema, fashion, novels, music. It is in this atmosphere that Lyotard and Monory will finally evoke their supreme experience of difference: desire and fear, exultation and a profound malaise. The plastic universe of Mono­ry and the aesthetic medi­­ta­tions of Lyotard are in perfect symbiosis. Sarah Wilson’s epilogue thoroughly outlines both the history of a friend­­ship and, at the same time, the intellectual and artistic climate of the nineteen-seventies.

order now the complete collection and receive the final volume for free! Buy the complete collection and you only pay € 297,00 or £246.00 (instead of € 346,50 or £289.00)

herman parret is Professor Emeritus of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Language at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Leuven.


€ 49,50 / £43.00


isbn 978 90 5867 881 2 May 2013 Hardback, 16 x 23 cm ca 336 p. Illustrated English / French


Jean-François Lyotard: Writings on

n n n n n

Contemporary Art and Artists 6 15

Wolfgang Müller-Funk – Ingrid Scholz-Strasser – Herman Westerink (eds)


Psychoanalysis, the sigmund freud

Monotheism museum symposia

and Morality 2009-2011

wolfgang müller-funk is Professor of Cultural Studies at the Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies (University of Vienna) and research coordinator of his faculty. inge scholz-strasser is Chairwoman of the Sigmund Freud Foundation and Director of the Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna. herman westerink is Assistant Professor of Psychology of Religion, Protestant Theological Faculty, University of Vienna.

Psychoanalysis, Monotheism and Morality The Sigmund Freud Museum Symposia 2009–2011 Wolfgang Müller-Funk, Inge Scholz-Strasser, Herman Westerink (eds) In collaboration with Daniela Finzi

International experts reflecting on psychoanalysis in relation to religion and morality In this volume renowned experts in psychoanalysis reflect on the relationship between psychoanalysis and religion, in particular presenting various controversial interpretations of the question if and to what extent monotheism semantically and structurally fits psychoanalytic insights. Some essays augment traditional religious critiques of Freudianism with later religio-philosophical theories on, for example, femininity. Others explore the relation between psychopathology and morality from the Freudian premise that psychopathology shows in an excessive way aspects or mechanisms of the human psyche that constitute our sub­jec­ tivity, and as such also our moral capacities and behaviour. Contributors Andreas De Block (University of Leuven), Fethi Benslama (University of Paris Diderot), Sergio Benvenuto (istc, Rome), Gohar Homayounpour (Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran), Felix de Mendels­ sohn (Sigmund Freud University, Vienna), Julia Kristeva (University of Paris Diderot), Lode Lauwaert (University of Leuven), Siamak Movahedi (University of Massachusetts), Wolfgang Müller-Funk (University of Vienna), Gilles Ribault (University of Paris Diderot), Céline Surprenant (University of Sussex), Inge Scholz-Strasser (Sigmund Freud Foundation), Herman Westerink (University of Vienna), Joel Whitebook (Columbia University), Moshe Zuckermann (Tel Aviv University).

Previously published in the series Figures of the Unconscious

A Non-Oedipal Psychoanalysis? A Clinical Anthropology of Hysteria in the Works of Freud and Lacan Philippe Van Haute, Tomas Geyskens € 34,50 / £30.00, isbn 978 90 5867 911 6, paperback Sexuality and Psychoanalysis. Philosophical Criticisms Jens De Vleminck, Eran Dorfman (eds) € 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 844 7, paperback n

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€ 39,50 / £35.00 isbn 978 90 5867 935 2 March 2013 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 220 p. English Figures of the Unconscious 12



society, law & economics

Li Minghuan

Li Minghuan is professor at the Institute of Population Studies at Xiamen University, China, and consultant at the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, China.

Stories and experiences of Chinese migrants This collection of essays by Li Minghuan, an early new migrant-scholar her­self, documents the extraordinary story of Chinese transnational migra­ ­­tion. The book represents over two decades of untiring empirical field research, going where the migrants go – the Netherlands, France, Canada – and where they come from – Wenzhou in Zhejiang, Mingxi in Fujian – in order to observe, and to listen, with an unwaveringly sympa­the­tic eye and ear, to what they, their families, their neighbours, their brokers, and their local officials have to say. Coupled with the historian’s craft of pain­ staking archival research, these village and community case studies not only cover an astounding geographical orbit of sending and receiving areas, but also a broad diversity and range of migrant types and situations both historical and contemporary, from illegal and refugee migration, to official labor export, to the migration of students and profes­sionals.

Seeing Transnationally How Chinese Migrants Make Their Dreams Come True


This volume of essays by Li Minghuan, an early new migrant-scholar herself, documents the extraordinary story of Chinese transnational migration. It represents over two decades of untiring empirical field research, going where the migrants go – the Netherlands, France, Canada – and where they come from – Wenzhou in Zhejiang, Mingxi in Fujian – in order to observe, and to listen, with an unwaveringly sympathetic eye and ear, to what they, their families, their neighbours, their brokers, and their local officials have to say. Coupled with the historian’s craft of painstaking archival research, these village and community case studies not only cover an astounding geographical orbit of sending and receiving areas, but also a broad diversity and range of migrant types and situations both historical and contemporary, from illegal and refugee migration, to official labor export, to the migration of students and professionals.


Between the early 19th century and the 1930s more than ten million Chinese coolies were shipped abroad to the European outposts and colonies of the tropical world. This great wave of Chinese mobility drew to a halt in the early 1950s after the midcentury years of war and revolution. However, since 1978, when China’s reform policy lifted the ban on migration, Chinese subjects from the People’s Republic have been on the move again. This time, the movement has been directed largely toward Europe and the western world itself.

Li Minghuan

Seeing Transnationally How Chinese Migrants Make Their Dreams Come True

Li Minghuan

ISBN 978-90-5867-901-7

9 789058 679017

li minghuan is Professor at the Institute of Population Studies at Xiamen University, China, and consultant at the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, China. Co-publication with Zhejiang University Press Worldwide selling rights excl. China

Also of Interest

The Global Horizon. Expectations of Migration in Africa and the Middle East Knut Graw, Samuli Schielke (eds) € 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 906 2, paperback n

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€ 59,50 / £52.00 isbn 978 90 5867 901 7 June 2013 Hardback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 328 p. Illustrated English

society, law & economics

Beyond Federal Dogmatics The Influence of EU Law on Belgian Constitutional Case Law Regarding Federalism Stef Feyen

stef feyen is Fellow with the Research Foundation – Flanders (fwo), affiliated with the Institute for Constitutional Law (University of Leuven) and promovendus with the Ius Commune Research School (Maastricht University).

Rethinking the relationship between EU law and Belgian national law The relationship between EU law and national constitutional law, inclu­ ding constitutional law in federalism matters, has been subject to an ongoing scholarly debate. This monograph contributes to this debate in two ways. The author argues for an approach to constitutional law that goes beyond the classic – coined dogmatic – understanding of constitu­ tional case law regarding federalism as expounded in Belgian academia. Building on that basis, he sets out to rethink the framework within which the connection between EU law and national constitutional law can be understood. The analysis delves into the relationship (and sometimes tension) between ‘rule-of-law’ values (which may serve as checks upon instru­mental forms of reasoning) and the toolbox deployed in constitu­ tional court case law to accommodate several rather pragmatic needs. ‘In this book the author confirms his reputation as an outstanding scholar. He combines a thorough knowledge of the law with a strong familiarity with legal theoretical literature. The book provides many fascinating insights, legal dogmatic as well as theoretical.’ Jan Velaers, Professor of Law, Antwerp University

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€ 39,50 / £35.00 isbn 978 90 5867 938 3 March 2013 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 300 p. English


society, law & economics

Spatial Data Infrastructures at Work Analysing the Spatial Enablement of Public Sector Processes Ezra Dessers

Must-read for professionals dealing with sdi and spatial enablement Spatial data, also known as geospatial data or geographic information, identifies the geographic location of natural and constructed features and boundaries on Earth, and has become increasingly important in various administrative practices. In order to facilitate access, use, and sharing of spatial data among organisations, information is brought together in clustered initiatives known as Spatial Data Infrastructures (sdis). In Spatial Data Infrastructures at Work, Ezra Dessers introduces spatial enablement as a key concept to describe the realisation of sdi objectives in the context of individual public sector processes. Drawing on four years of research, Dessers argues that it has become essential, even unavoidable, to manage and (re)design inter-organisational process chains in order to further advance the role of sdis as an enabling platform for a spatially enabled society. Detailed case studies illustrate that the process he describes is the setting in which one can see the sdi at work. This book is must-read material for academics, practitioners, and policymakers dealing with sdi and spatial enablement. By extension, the book will also be of great interest to anyone confronted with societal issues that call for an integrated approach, implying indepth cooperation between multiple organisations.

ezra dessers is a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Sociological Research of the University of Leuven.

Also of Interest

Geographic Data and the Law. Defining New Challenges Katleen Janssen, Joep Crompvoets (eds) € 39,50 / £35.00, isbn 978 90 5867 924 6, paperback n

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€ 49,00 / £40.00 isbn 978 90 5867 937 6 May 2013 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 370 p. 25 illustrations, 142 graphs & tables English

history l medieval

Paganism in the Middle Ages Threat and Fascination Carlos Steel, John Marenbon, Werner Verbeke (eds)

carlos steel is Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Philosophy and former President of the Institute of Medieval Studies, University of Leuven. john marenbon is Senior Research Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge and Honorary Professor of Medieval Philosophy at the University of Cambridge. werner verbeke is Professor Emeritus in Medieval History and former secretary of the Institute of Medieval Studies, University of Leuven.

Interdisciplinary study of pagan culture from late antiquity to the emergent Renaissance In this volume the persistence, resurgence, threat, fascination, and re­ pres­­sion of various forms of pagan culture are studied in an inter­disci­ plinary perspective from late antiquity to the emergent Renaissance. Con­tributions deal with the survival of pagan beliefs and practices, as well as with the Christianization of pagan rural populations or with the different strategies of oppression of pagan beliefs. The authors examine problems raised by the encounter with pagan cultures outside the Mus­ lim world and show how philosophers contrived to ‘save’ the great philosophers and poets from ancient culture notwithstanding their paga­ nism. The contributors also study the fascination of classic ‘pagan’ culture among friars during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and the imitation of pagan models of virtue and mythology in Renaissance poetry. Contributors Carlos Steel (University of Leuven), John Marenbon (Trinity College, Cambridge), Ludo Milis (University of Ghent), Marc-André Wagner † (Paris, Ministère de la Culture), Brigitte Meijns (University of Leuven), Rob Meens (University of Utrecht), Edina Bozoky (Université de Poitiers), Henryk Anzulewicz (Albertus-Magnus Institut, Bonn), Robrecht Lievens (University of Leuven), Stefano Pittaluga (Università di Genova), Anna Akasoy (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Visit www.lup.be for previously published publications in the series Mediaevalia Lovaniensia. This series is available on standing order. To sign up for a subscription or for more information, please contact info@lup.be.

n n n n n n n n

€ 59,50 / £52.00 isbn 978 90 5867 933 8 February 2013 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm 250 p. 4 b&w illustrations English, German, French, Italian Mediaevalia Lovaniensia 43


text & literature

The Mirror of Minds or John Barclay’s Icon Animorum Translated by Thomas May (1631). Edited by Mark Riley

The portrait of John Barclay which first appeared in Argenis, Editio secunda, Parisiis, Sumptibus Nicolaj Buon, 1622. The distich by H. Grotius says: ‘Scottish by race, French by birth, this is the man / Who taught Rome to speak in the Roman tongue.’ Photo courtesy of the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, California.

Original Latin text with English translation on facing pages In this essay from 1614 the Neo-Latin poet, translator, and commentator John Barclay describes the manners and mores of his European contem­ poraries. He derives the sources of an individual’s peculiarities of beha­ vior and temperament from the ‘genius’ – the individual character crea­ted by each person’s upbringing, time of life, and profession. Barclay like­wise describes each nation’s genius, its national character, and provides some of the geographical and historical background from which he claims this genius arose. The essay is a valuable study, not only for the illustration it offers of a pre-Romantic view of Europe, but for a glimpse into the con­ tinuities that mark European civilization. The introduction describes the Classical and Renaissance background to Barclay’s work, with a detailed biography of the author. The Latin text reproduces Barclay’s first edition, with the necessary corrections. The English translation (1631) is that of Thomas May, a skillful translator of Vergil, Lucan, and other classical authors, as well as a playwright in the manner of Ben Jonson. The book features illustrations of selected pages from early editions of the text, and includes contemporary portraits of Barclay and May.

New series

mark riley is Emeritus Professor of Classics at California State University, Sacramento. He has edited John Barclay’s Argenis, as well as several other Neo-Latin texts.

About the series Bibliotheca Latinitatis Novae The series Bibliotheca Latinitatis Novae, previously pubished by Van Gorcum, offers Latin literature from the later Renaissance and the Early Modern period. By combining each cri­ti­cal Latin text with an English translation, an historical introduction, and notes, Bibliotheca Latinitatis Novae makes texts accessible to specia­­lists and general readers alike. Editorial Board Jan Waszink (editor in chief) (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Corinna Vermeulen, Yasmin Haskell (The University of Western Australia), David Money (Wolfson College Cambridge), Christoph Pieper (Universiteit Leiden) and Wouter Kool (production editor) Submissions or questions can be sent by e-mail to publish@lup.be n

Advisory board Fokke Akkerman (Groningen University), Ann Moss (Durham University), Maurizio Campanelli (La Sapienza, Rome), Andreas Kinneging (Universiteit Leiden), Karl Enenkel (Westfälische WilhelmsUniversität Muenster), Marianne Pade (Aarhus Universitet), Philip Ford (Cambridge University), Chris Heesakkers (Universiteit Leiden), Dirk Sacré (University of Leuven)

n n n n n

This series is available on standing order. To sign up for a subscription or for more information, please contact info@lup.be.


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€ 75,00 / £65.00 isbn 978 90 5867 945 1 April 2013 Hardback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 350 p. Illustrated English, Latin Bibliotheca Latinitatis Novae

philosophy l ancient & medieval

Platonic Inspirations Plato and Platonism in Antiquity and Beyond

Elachista La dottrina dei minimi nell’Epicureismo

Jan Opsomer, Mark Beck (eds)

Francesco Verde

The most important aspects of Plato’s thought and influence on subsequent thinkers Although Plato is to this day one of the most widely read authors in the world, it is only in recent years that the study of his influence has begun in earnest. This volume focuses in a broad way on Plato and the Platonic tradi­ tion. While no single volume can ever hope to do justice to such a monumental author, Platonic Inspira­tions brings to­gether a selection of original contribu­tions, by some of the most eminent scholars in the field today. Each chapter engages the reader in an important aspect of Plato’s thought and influence on subsequent thinkers. This volume will be of use to all scholars and students who are interested in Plato and Platonic thought in anti­ quity and beyond. For a list of contributing authors (18) go to www.lup.be

The first monograph entirely devoted to the Epicurean doctrine of minimal parts The Epicurean doctrine of minimal parts (ta elachista) is a crucial aspect of Epicurus’s philosophy and a turning point compared to the ancient atomism of Leucippus and Democritus. This book consists of three chap­ters: a philological and theoretical analysis of the primary sour­ ces (Epi­curus and Lucretius), a reconstruction of its likely historical back­ground (Xenocrates, Aristotle, Dio­ dorus Cronus), and an examination of the deve­lopment of this theory within the philosophical school of Epicu­ rus. The examination of ancient sources, combi­ned with an analysis of the secondary literature, reveals the sig­ nifi­cant role played by minimal parts within the Epicu­ rean science of nature.

jan opsomer is Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Leuven. mark beck is Associate Professor of Classics at the University of South Carolina, Columbia.


€ 69,50 / £59.50

francesco verde is currently a post­doctoral researcher in the History of Ancient Philosophy at the Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee (iliesi-cnr/Rome).


isbn 978 90 5867 946 8 n May 2013 n Hardback, 16 x 24 cm n ca. 350 p. n English n Ancient and Medieval Philosophy – Series 1 47

€ 94,50 / £81.00

isbn 978 90 5867 947 5 March 2013 n Hardback, 16 x 24 cm n ca. 432 p. n Italian, with English Summary n Ancient and Medieval Philo­­sophy – Series 1 48


n n


Visit www.lup.be for previously published publications in the series Ancient and Medieval Philo­ sophy – Series 1. This series is available on standing order. To sign up for a subscription or for more information, please contact info@lup.be.

text & literature

Neo-Latin Commentaries and the Management of Knowledge (1400 –1700)

The Early Modern Cultures of Neo-Latin Drama Philip Ford, Andrew Taylor (eds)

Karl Enenkel, Henk Nellen (eds)

Profound study of one of the most important genres within Humanist scholarship Between 1400 and 1700 the political, religious, intel­lec­ tual, and geo­graphic landscape was profound­ly chan­ged by the Reformation, Huma­nism, the rise of empiri­cal science, the invention of printing techno­logy, and the discovery of the New World. The late medieval and early modern intellectuals felt a need to respond to the chan­ ges and embarked on a scholarly pro­gram­me of a quality and extent hitherto unknown: the whole body of the literature of antiquity, including the Bible, was to be reedited and furnished with com­mentaries. This book sheds light on the various ways in which classical authors and the Bible were commented on, the types of com­men­tary, the com­men­­ting strate­gies that were used, the various kinds of knowledge that were collec­ted, created, and trans­­­mitted. For a list of contributing authors (13) and the table of content go to www.lup.be.

The vitality and power of expression of Neo-Latin Drama The essays in this collection illustrate the vitality of NeoLatin drama in early modern Europe, arising from its combination of classical models with deep-rooted ver­ na­cular traditions. While the plays were often com­­posed in a school or university, the dramatists sel­dom neglec­ ted to appeal to a broad audience, inclu­ding non-Latin­ ists. Neo-Latin drama in all its forms offered a free­­dom of expression and form which is rare in other Renaissance literary genres. For a list of contributing authors (13) and the table of content go to www.lup.be. philip ford is Professor of French and Neo-Latin Literature at the University of Cambridge, a Fellow of the British Academy, Associate of the Belgian Royal Academy, and President of fisier. andrew taylor is College Lecturer in English at Churchill College, Cambridge, specializing in Tudor literature. He is Secretary of the Society for Neo-Latin Studies and the Cambridge Society for NeoLatin Studies.

karl enenkel is Professor of Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (wwu), Münster. henk nellen is Research Fellow at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands and Professor in the History of Ideas in the Early Modern Period at Erasmus University, Rotterdam.

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€ 79,50 / £69.50 isbn 978 90 5867 936 9 April 2013 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 528 p. English Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia 33

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€ 49,50 / £43.00 isbn 978 90 5867 926 0 February 2013 Paperback, 16 x 24 cm ca. 224 p. English Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia 32

Visit www.lup.be for previously published publica­ tions in the series Supplementa Huma­ nistica Lovaniensia. This series is available on standing order. To sign up for a subscription or for more information, please contact info@lup.be.

general interest

Tijd, evolutie en duurzaamheid Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw Pieter d’Hoine en Bart Pattyn (red.)

pieter d’hoine is docent antieke wijsbegeerte en intellectuele geschiedenis aan het Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte van KU Leuven. Hij is mee verantwoordelijk voor de ‘Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw’. bart pattyn is hoofddocent aan het Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte en directeur van het Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek van KU Leuven. Hij is coördinator van de lezingenreeks ‘Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw’.

Negentiende editie van een interdisciplinaire lessenreeks We beseffen dat tijd voorbijgaat omdat we kunnen nadenken over wat is geweest. Kunnen stilstaan bij wat is gebeurd, genereert tegelijk de moge­ lijkheid te denken aan wat zal komen. Daarom creëren we monu­menten, daarom doceren we geschiedenis. Architecten en historici lich­­ten dat in dit boek toe. Ze bevestigen wat Faulkner schreef: ‘The past is never dead. It’s not even past’. Wat in het verleden is gebeurd, drukt zijn stem­­pel op het heden. Tijd blijkt ook relatief. We denken tijdsverloop in men­­senmaat. De wetenschap ontdekte hoe futiel de tijd van mensen is in het licht van de tijd van het universum en van de evolutie. Toch blijkt de impact van mensen op de natuur ingrijpend. Niet alleen een men­sen­­­leven is fragiel, ook de biodiversiteit op onze blauwe planeet blijkt uiterst kwetsbaar. Daarom lijkt het de opdracht van deze tijd duur­zaam­heid te creëren. De thema’s in deze lessenreeks kruisen elkaar en zijn complementair. Tege­lijk vormt deze bundel een tijdsdocument. In de les­sen weerspiegelt zich de tijdsgeest, met zijn angst en hoop. Contributors bOb Van Reeth, Kaat Wils, An Goris, Kevin Verstrepen, Mathijs Lamberigts, Jan Hertogen, Helder De Schutter, Manuel Sintubin, Peter Tom Jones, Moritz Diehl, Oliver Honnay, Joris Vandenberghe, Erwin Ooghe, Marie-Christine Janssens De vorige edities Lessen voor XXIste eeuw, volumes 1 tot en met 18, zijn ook nog beschik­baar. Surf naar www.lup.be voor meer informatie.


€ 34,50

isbn 978 90 5867 942 0 Maart 2013 n Hardback, 16 x 24 cm n ca. 250 p. n Nederlands n n


Lessen voor de xxiste eeuw 19


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