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Liberty Lake hosts traveling wall, soldier banners
Herb Sennett, a West Palm Beach resident and U.S. Army veteran who served in Vietnam, bows in front of the section of the Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall that bears the name of a buddy and fellow soldier. The exhibit was on display at the Hilton Palm Beach Airport in June and went on display in Liberty Lake on Sept. 15 and will remain in the Eastern Washington city through 8 a.m. Sept. 19.
Moving Vietnam Memorial Wall visits Liberty Lake this month
This panel, which accompanies the Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall, sums up the contents of the wall in Washington, D.C.
The Moving Wall, a complete version of the Vietnam Wall that travels the country, will be at Liberty Lake’s Pavilion Park through 8 a.m. Sept. 19.
It officially went on display here Sept. 15. Viewing the wall can be done around the clock and is free to the public.
Veterans, family members, and anyone else is invited to visit, honor and remember those who sacrificed it all and the impact of those sacrifices on those who returned home.

A banner for the Liberty Lake Military Hometown Heroes Banners project.
Phase 1 includes 50 heroes
The City of Liberty Lake, the Liberty Lake Centennial Rotary Club and Avista are honoring local veterans, past and present, with banners placed on light standards along Country Vista Road west of Liberty Lake Road.
The first 25 banners were installed prior to the arrival of the Moving Vietnam Memorial Wall to Pavilion Park on September 15.
Since the banners are an ongoing project, nominations can still be submitted. Do you have a veteran, with Liberty Lake connections, that you would like to honor? Go to libertylakehometownheroes.com for information and applications.
Organizers will be adding 25 more banners to complete the 50-banner plan for Phase 1 of the Liberty Lake Hometown Heroes Banner Program.