HPSNZ Strategic Plan 2025 - 2028

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High Performance Sport New Zealand Strategic Plan 2025-2028

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Commitment Statement

Mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki

Mānawa maiea te ariki o te rangi

Mānawa maiea te Mātahi o te Tau

Whano, whano

Haramai te toki ata huakirangi

Haumi e Hui e Tāiki e!

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is Aotearoa New Zealand’s founding document. Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa is committed to upholding the mana of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the principles of Partnership, Protection and Participation.

We are committed to partnership with tangata whenua and the protection of Māori culture and taonga. We value the distinctiveness that tangata whenua bring to physical

Celebrate the rising of Matariki

Celebrate the lord of the skies

Celebrate the New Year

Unite� unite

And bring forth the dawn

Together in union� we are one�

activity and our success on a world stage. We believe a strong bicultural foundation is critical to our national identity and wellbeing.

Aotearoa New Zealand will realise its full potential in play, active recreation and sport when tangata whenua and all New Zealanders are able to participate and succeed as themselves.


We are delighted to share High Performance Sport New Zealand’s Strategic Plan for the next four years.

As we look towards the 2026 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Milano Cortina and the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Los Angeles, we have reflected on our role within the high performance system. We have asked ourselves and our partners how we can continue to support the system to be the best it can be, to achieve its aspirations and to continue to build pride, a sense of belonging and inspiration for all New Zealanders. We believe this strategy provides the roadmap that supports the success the system expects.

The past four years have been like no other and it has taken a special breed of resilience and fortitude for athletes and all those who support them to navigate the highs and lows and the pressures of training and competing in a disrupted and shortened cycle.

During the Paris Olympic and Paralympic cycle, there has been positive progress made against the key areas of strategic focus and it is critical in this next four year period we continue to build on that progress.

This 2025-2028 Strategic Plan marks phase two of the threephase delivery of the 2032 High Performance System Strategy. We will continue to work closely with our partners as they lead environments that enable all those in the high performance system to thrive. We continue to aspire to a system that is efficient, integrated and collaborative, that will deliver thriving athletes and sustained success.

We will also continue to ensure we look to the future, acknowledging that changing demographics, the realities of climate change and new trends in the way people engage with sport will challenge our traditional high performance models. We will need to be brave and evolve to maintain success.

Importantly, this is the first time we have presented a combined strategy for the Sport NZ Group. This outlines how High Performance Sport New Zealand (HPSNZ) and Sport NZ work in different but connected ways to contribute to the nation’s wellbeing across the entire physical activity and sport pathway.

As a group we acknowledge that the simplification, clarity and alignment of our outcomes and aspirations needs to underpin everything we do. New Zealand’s proven high performance sport system must collaborate, share knowledge and work effectively together to get all the critical pieces of the puzzle in the right place, at the right time, to deliver success.

As we move into a new strategic period and Olympic and Paralympic cycle, we should acknowledge and celebrate what we have achieved across the high performance system over the past four years, including the outstanding results in Paris. Thank you for your mahi as we work together to strive for the remarkable over the next four years.

Nga mihi,

Raelene Castle Group Chief Executive
Raewyn Lovett Board Chair

The value of high performance sport

HPSNZ contributes to the wellbeing of Aotearoa New Zealand by inspiring and uniting Kiwis. When this country’s athletes take to the world stage and achieve the remarkable, it brings us together to cheer, to hold our breath and to celebrate.



83% of New Zealanders believe high performance sport helps to instil a sense of pride in our country.1

Instils a sense of pride Inspire tomorrow's generation

84% of New Zealanders believe that the Olympic Games inspire tomorrow’s generation to participate in sport.2

Increased life satisfaction

When New Zealand athletes and teams win Olympic medals, there is a measurable increase in life satisfaction for New Zealanders. This Increase in wellbeing can be valued at $100 million for each medal.4

We as Kiwis take great pride when one of our own steps on the podium of a world stage. We share their success by our investment in their journey and struggle, maybe we know the town they are from or the school they went to, and we see it’s possible to go from our upbringing to world class.3

I find watching the Olympics to be an event that brings a whole community together.

Watching an athlete win a gold in their chosen field fills me with pride for my country but also for them, for such an amazing personal achievement.3

Gives NZ positive international exposure

High performance sport gives New Zealand positive international exposure, making significant direct and indirect contributions to the New Zealand economy.

High performance sport acts as a connector

It brings together people of diverse backgrounds, to support the same cause. There is this sort of intangible connection felt between two people who support the same high performance team.3

Sport NZ Group Strategy to 2032


Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora – Every body active, in their way, everyday

Play, active recreation and sport have the power to create a happier, healthier and more connected Aotearoa

New Zealand through enabling communities to be active and inspiring performances on the world stage


Empower everybody to realise their aspirations in play, active recreation and sport, whilst giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi

He Tangata

We stand for the people

We Lead

by maintaining the strength, resilience and integrity of the play, active recreation and sport system


Mahi Toa

We strive for the remarkable


We Partner with organisations to improve the provision of play, active recreation and sport


Mana Taurite

Foster a culture and environment that embraces and celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion

Mana Tangata

Empower communities, networks and hapori to lead and act for themselves

Mana Māori

Uphold the mana of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its principles


We’re better together

We Invest in our partners and others across the sector to achieve shared outcomes

Oranga Taiao, Oranga Tangata

Value the relationship between tangata and te taiao that supports physical activity, and reduce our impact on the natural environment

Mauri Ora

Promote and celebrate the value of physical activity and sport to individual and collective wellbeing

HPSNZ Strategy 2025-2028


Inspiring Performance Every Day

Performances that Connect

International performances that inspire and unite


New Zealanders, contributing to national pride and wellbeing


Increase the proportion of New Zealanders engaging with high performance sport

Tū te ihi

Performance Pathways

Pathways for athletes and coaches that enable them to develop and succeed now and in the future


Through partnerships we work to deliver a sustainable high performance system that enables New Zealand athletes to achieve repeatable success on the world stage. Our focus will be:

Tū te Wehi

Wellbeing and Engagement

High performance sport environments that empower individuals to thrive

Tū te Wana

Sustainable Investment

An efficient, integrated and collaborative high performance sport system enabling sustainable success Kia Pono, Kia Tika, Me Aroha

Support targeted athletes to succeed on the world stage


Enhance system capability to ensure that wellbeing is everyone's right and everyone's responsibility

Enhance collaboration, capability and sustainability of the high performance system

Build system capability to increase the use of quality data to support performance and investment decision-making

Athlete investment

Targeted NSO and campaign investment

Athlete Performance Support

Performance environments and facilities

Programmes and partnerships

Research and innovation

Intelligence and systems

Leveraging success

Enriching our strategic focus areas

HPSNZ and Sport NZ have a shared aspiration to create a happier, healthier and more connected Aotearoa New Zealand, Mauri Tu, Mauri Ora as highlighted in our Group Strategy on page 6.

The Māori concepts of Ihi, Wehi, and Wana are integrated in te ao Māori, particularly in the context of performances of physical feats and the expression of emotions and spiritual energy.

These concepts capture the dynamic interaction between performers, their audience and the spiritual or emotional impact of the performance.

The HSPNZ strategic plan draws on these concepts to bring strength to our strategic focus areas and support the outcomes we seek for all New Zealanders through the inspirational performances of Kiwi athletes, on the world stage.

Supporting the Performer — Ihi refers to the personal energy and magnetism that performers and groups exude. It is the mana that captivates and engages others around them or within their immediate environment and sport.

Supporting the Performing — Wehi is the awe, respect, and emotional response felt by an audience in watching an athlete express ihi while they perform. It is the cumulative feeling of being moved or inspired by the performance. Wehi can be observed in the interactions that occur in an athlete’s daily training environment that prepares them and their team for pinnacle events.

Supporting the Performance — Wana is the collective experience of the performance, the performer's support and the audience when Ihi and Wehi are in full effect. It is the shared energy and euphoria that emerges from the interaction between the performer's/group's ihi and the audience’s emotional response. Sustained performance, tū te wana, is supported through investing in and enhancing the mana of the high performance sector.

“ Ko ngā pae tawhiti, whāia kia tata.

Ko ngā pae tata whakamaua kia tina. The potential for tomorrow depends on what we do today.”

Tū te Wana

Our strategic priorities in action Support targeted athletes to succeed on the world stage


The international success of Kiwi high performance athletes benefits New Zealanders’ wellbeing and enhances the profile and brand of our country. By helping National Sporting Organisations (NSOs) to support their athletes, through financial investment, educational opportunities and specialist practitioner services, we help enable them to succeed on the world stage. A clear sport pathway for high performance athletes and coaches will help ensure that this success continues into the future.

What we will do

We will provide access to high performance training environments in the main cities and regions around the country. We will support our partner sports in the development and implementation of their athlete and coach high performance pathways. Our specialist practitioners will provide specialised performance support for athletes and our Goldmine team will lead the delivery of innovation, research and solutions to impact athlete performance.

Success outcomes

NSO targeted athletes have access to performance support and training environments that enable them to effectively train, compete and thrive.

NSO targeted athletes have access to an integrated athlete support package that includes financial support so they can effectively train and perform.

NSOs have the capability to deliver quality daily training environments to enable athletes and teams to progress and perform.

There are a sustainable number of talented athletes and quality coaches in NSO high performance pathways to achieve HPSNZ’s investment objectives at current and future pinnacle events.

Our strategic priorities in action

Enhance system capability to ensure that wellbeing is everyone’s right and everyone’s responsibility


Wellbeing is a performance enabler and goes hand in hand with performance. By enriching wellbeing in high performance sport environments we can enhance the ability of athletes and others in the high performance sport system to thrive and reach their potential.

By working system-wide in partnership with NSOs, we can grow people and ensure every individual is empowered to make choices and have their voice heard.

What we will do

We will support our partners to develop sustainable wellbeing best practice in their high performance environments and to enhance the effectiveness of athlete voice mechanisms in those environments. We will lead wellbeing assessment and accountability in the sector based on the Wellbeing Framework and Guidelines. We will invest in athlete wellbeing through Tailored Athlete Pathway Support, Prime Minister’s Scholarships and medical insurance, as well as provide investment into NSOs for bespoke wellbeing initiatives.

Success outcomes

People and organisations in the high performance system understand their rights and responsibilities to support the wellbeing of themselves and others.

Wellbeing best practice is embedded by NSOs within their high performance training and competition environments. Effective monitoring and response mechanisms safeguard the wellbeing of those in the high performance system.

The high performance system supports the healthy and successful transition of athletes in, through and out of the high performance pathway.

Our strategic priorities in action

Enhance collaboration, capability and sustainability of the high performance system


New Zealand’s high performance system is small by global standards. Our ability to connect and collaborate is a competitive advantage. We will support a range of programmes to develop capability and opportunities among coaches, leaders and women in high performance sport, with a focus on cross sport learning and collaboration opportunities. By building on our culture of collaboration we will enhance the sustainability of the high performance sport system into the future.

Success outcomes

The high performance system has aligned strategic intent, focus and priorities and achieves sustainable performances through collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and integrated performance insights.

HPSNZ partners effectively with NSOs and allocates resources to maximise impact.

What we will do

We will lead the delivery of coaching, leadership and Women in High Performance Sport programmes across the sector, strengthening networks and opportunities for collaboration. We will work with our partners to develop a climate change response for New Zealand’s high performance sport system.

There is a sustainable number of talented athletes and quality coaches in NSO high performance pathways to achieve HPSNZ’s investment objectives at current and future pinnacle events.

The high performance sport sector factors climate change into its decision making, seeks to limit its impact on the environment, and is building resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Our strategic priorities in action

Build system capability to increase the use of quality data to support performance and investment decision making


The margins in high performance sport are small yet significant, and the capture and use of quality, objective data to reveal performance insights and make decisions is increasingly critical to maintain and enhance our competitive advantage.

What we will do

We will work with NSOs to develop an enhanced systemwide intelligence framework to lead the delivery of integrated intelligence and insights. We will work with our partners to build sector-wide skills and capability to use better data to make better decisions that optimise athlete health and performance outcomes. We will develop frameworks to support the safe and effective integration of Artificial Intelligence in high performance environments.

Success outcomes

A trusted intelligence framework and accessible insights. Simpler athlete management systems and platform solutions for hosting multiple sources of trusted data securely.

People and organisations in the high performance system have high levels of data literacy, analytic understanding and trust in data.

Tools and systems are efficient in gathering and providing high performance system and invested NSO learnings.

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