SportAccord Convention 2014 Event Guide

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Gold Partners:

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content Welcome to belek/antalya Mission & Vision Host City Information Venue Floor plan programmes SportAccord Convention official Schedule LawAccord Programme city forum Programme Conference Programme Sports Demo Zone programme Speaker Profiles gold partners’ welcome notes Exhibition Floor plan and Listings Exhibitor Information SportAccord Convention Partners host city partners and supporters SportAccord Convention delivery Partners SportAccord Convention Media Partners Contacts Memo

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welcome to belek/antalya

Akif Cagatay Kilic Gençlik ve Spor Bakanı’nın Mesajı Değerli konuklar; Sayın IOC Başkanı ve değerli IOC üyeleri, SportAccord Başkanı, ASOIF, AIOWF, ARISF, Yaz ve Kış Olimpiyat Oyunları ile Gençlik Olimpiyat Oyunları Organizasyon Komiteleri, Dünya Oyunları Organizasyonu ve değerli katılımcılar; sizleri SportAccord 2014 vesilesiyle, ülkemizde ağırlamaktan büyük mutluluk duyuyoruz, hoş geldiniz. SportAccord 2014’ün ülkemizde gerçekleşecek olması, son yıllarda spor adına büyük hamleler gerçekleştiren Türkiye için son derece anlamlıdır. Çünkü Türkiye, sporu yaşam biçimi haline getirmiş bir toplumu yakalamak hedefiyle ortaya koyduğu vizyon, bu vizyon çerçevesinde gerçekleştirdiği yatırımlar ve genç nüfusu ile günümüz spor dünyasında her geçen gün daha yukarıya tırmanan bir ülke konumundadır. Bu bağlamda, ülkemizin her köşesinde dev spor yatırımları gerçekleştirmekteyiz. Sadece birkaç yıllık zaman zarfında, yaklaşık 5 milyar TL’lik bir yatırımın sonucunda birer birer gerçekleşme aşamasına gelen 1000’in üzerinde spor tesisini hayata geçiriyoruz. Ülke çapında, gençlerimizi sistemli biçimde tarayarak, geleceğin şampiyonlarını bulmayı planladık. Hedef; 6 milyon genci taramadan geçirmek ve Türkiye adına sporda başarının mümessilleri olacak bu gençlerimize, dünya standartlarının ötesinde bir sportif performans ve eğitim sistemi sunmak. Bunun yanında; son yıllarda ülkemizde gerçekleştirdiğimiz büyük spor organizasyonları da, Türkiye’nin spor noktasındaki büyük gelişimine açıkça işaret etmektedir. Türkiye’nin başarıyla altından kalktığı, dünya çapında ve marka değeri yüksek birçok organizasyonun bulunduğu bu sürecin, gelişerek devam etmesini planlamaktayız. Gelecek dönemde umuyoruz ki Türkiye, yatırımı, tesisi, eğitimi, gerçekleştirdiği organizasyonlar ve genç nüfusunun spora adaptasyonuyla, tam bir spor ülkesi olmayı başaracak ve bu alanda da büyük başarıların ismi haline gelecektir. Ancak daha da önemlisi, bu çalışmaların sonucunda hedefliyoruz ki, spor toplum ile gerçek anlamda buluşacak, insanımız tarafından özümsenerek geleceğin sağlıklı Türkiye’sinin temelleri atılmış olacaktır. Ve biliyoruz ki; bu vizyonla yetişen ülkemiz gençliğinin dünya toplumuna da katkısı büyük olacaktır. Bu duygularla, Sport Accord 2014 toplantısının ülkemiz ve dünya sporu adına hayırlara vesile olmasını temenni eder, en kalbi saygılarımı sunarım.

Akif Çağatay Kılıç Gençlik ve Spor Bakanı

message From the turkish minister of youth and sport Dear President, the Executive Board and members of the IOC, President of SportAccord, ASOIF, AIOWF, ARISF, Organizing Committees of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games, the International World Games Association and esteemed participants; we are very pleased to host and welcome you in our country on the occasion of SportAccord 2014. That SportAccord 2014 convenes in Turkey, a country that has taken major steps in sports in recent years, is very meaningful. As Turkey, with its young population and its vision to create a society that has adopted sports as a way of life and with its investments towards that vision, has become a rising country in the contemporary sports world. Within this context, we are making massive investments for sport all around the country. Over 1.000 facilities are being effectuated through some 5 billion Liras of investment only within the last few years. We have planned to bring about the future champions through systematic scouting among the children and youngsters of the country. Our target is to screen 6 million youngsters and provide the ones to become Turkey’s representatives of accomplishment in sports with a sporting performance and training system above the world standards. The major sporting events that have been organized in our country in the near past also clearly indicate Turkey’s great progress in sports. We plan to evolve the process involving many world-class events with high brand value that Turkey had undertaken so successfully. We trust that in the next epoch Turkey will succeed to become a truly sporting nation and the name for achievement in sport thru its sporting young population, investments, facilities, training and the events hosted. However, engagement of the Turkish people with sports in a real sense to lay the foundation of a healthier Turkey, contributing ever more to the world sport with her sporting youth is our priority and goal. With these sentiments; I hope that Sport Accord 2014 meeting shall redound propitious results on behalf of world sports and offer my deepest respect.

Akif Cagatay Kilic Minister of Youth and Sport


Prof. Dr. Uğur ERDENER Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi Başkanı’nın Mesajı Dünya sporu Antalya-Belek’te buluşuyor. Yılın en önemli spor toplantısı olan SportAccord’u, önemli spor organizasyonlarına ev sahipliği yapan ülkemizde organize etmekten büyük bir mutluluk duyuyoruz. Dünya sporunun yöneticileri ve spora destek veren kuruluşların temsilcilerinin, özünde sporu ruhunda hisseden değerli dostların Belek’ten güzel anılarla ayrılacaklarına inanıyorum. Türkiye’nin gözde turizm merkezlerinden olan Belek aynı zamanda dünyanın önemli golf destinasyonlarından birisi ve her yıl bu alanda iyi bilinen sporculara ev sahipliği yapmakta. İnanıyorum ki, konuklarımız SportAccord süresince bu fırsatı da değerlendireceklerdir. Yine, birkaç yıl içinde Belek’in birçok spor dalında, gerek büyük organizasyonlara hazırlanma, gerekse o organizasyonların bizzat gerçekleştirilmesi konusunda da yeterli altyapıya sahip olacağını memnuniyetle ifade etmeliyim. SportAccord bu açıdan da katılımcıların bölgeyi tanıması için iyi bir fırsat yaratacaktır. SportAccord, Türkiye’yi ilk kez ziyaret edecek olan konuklarımızın ülkemizin genç potansiyelini tanıma ve değerlendirme fırsatını bulmalarının yanında, birçok uluslar arası spor yöneticisinin ve spora hizmet üreten kuruluş temsilcilerinin spor yöneticilerimiz ile bazı projelerini paylaşma olanağını da yaratacaktır. Bu önemli organizasyonun gerçekleştirilmesi için büyük destek veren Gençlik ve Spor Bakanı Sayın Akif Çağatay Kılıç’a teşekkürü bir borç biliyorum. Saygılarımla.

Prof. Dr. Uğur Erdener Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi Başkanı

MESSAGE FROM THE president of the turkish olympic committee The global sporting community is convening in Belek. We welcome them all and we are very pleased to organize the most important sports meeting of the year in our country, which has hosted many major sporting events. I am confident that the prominent leaders and administrators of world sport and the leading representatives from the sport industry, our dear friends feeling sport in their souls, shall depart from Belek with wonderful memories. Belek, one of the popular tourism centres in Turkey, is also one of the world’s best golf destinations, hosting distinguished golfers every year. I hope and trust that our guests shall make the best of that opportunity. I am proud to announce, with much satisfaction, that in a few years Belek will possess the infrastructure necessary to stage large scale sporting events. SportAccord Convention will present an excellent opportunity for the participants to get to know the region in that respect. SportAccord Convention will enable many international administrators and representatives of the businesses and service providers to world sport to discuss their projects with our administrators, and offer those visiting Turkey for the first time an opportunity to identify and to capitalize on the youth potential of this country. I take this opportunity to express our gratitude and thanks to the Youth and Sports Minister Hon. Akif Çağatay Kılıç for his support to make this prominent event happen. Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Uğur Erdener President, Turkish Olympic Committee


Yusuf Hacısüleyman aktob Başkanı’nın Mesajı Sayın Uluslararası Spor Ailesi Üyeleri, Uluslararası sporun liderlerini ve karar mercilerini bir araya getiren dünyanın en büyük ve en önemli uluslararası spor toplantısına hoş geldiniz. Uluslararası SportAccord Kongresi bu yıl ilk kez Türkiye’de düzenleniyor. 17 km’lik sahili, kendine özgü bitki örtüsü ve hayvan çeşitleri ile Belek benzersiz doğal güzelliği olan bir beldemizdir. Aynı zamanda, 500 ile 3500 arası kapasiteli ve üst düzey teknolojiye sahip 200’den fazla salonu olan olağanüstü kongre tesisleri ile Belek yıl boyunca medikal ve bilimsel kongreler ile incentive toplantılara ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Spor konusunda da Belek çok tercih edilen bir bölgemizdir. Büyük uluslararası karşılaşmaların düzenlenebileceği bir kapasiteye sahip Olimpik ve extrem sporlar için pek çok tesis mevcuttur. Her yıl burada pek çok sporun Dünya Şampiyonaları, Dünya Kupası karşılaşmaları ve 1000’in üzerinde futbol antrenman kampları düzenlenmektedir. Sporun gelişimine katkıda bulunmak amacı ile yeni ve modern spor tesisleri inşa edilmektedir. Ekim 2014 yılında açılışının yapılacağı Gloria Spor Arenası bu tesislerin en son örneğidir. Bunun yanında, aynı bölgede 15 farklı golf sahası konumlandırılmış olup, olumlu hava şartları ile Belek bir golf cennetine dönüşmüştür. Bu nedenle pek çok golf turnuvası Belek’te düzenlenmektedir. Bunlardan bazıları dünyaca ünlü golfçü Tiger Woods’un da katıldığı Türk Hava Yolları Dünya Final Turnuvası ve Türk Hava Yolları Ladies Open. 2013 yılı Eylül aynda ise Dünya Okçuluk Federasyonu’nun 50. Kongresi Belek ev sahipliğinde yapılmış olup, akabinde 47. Dünya Okçuluk Şampiyonası düzenlenmiştir. Şampiyonaya 69 ülkeden 441 sporcu katılmıştır. Kongre turizminin en önemli beldesi olarak Belek, dünya standartlarının ötesine geçme başarısını elde etmiş, profesyonel kadrosu ve her ayrıntısı düşünülerek tasarlanmış dünyanın en iyi SPA otellerine ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Güzel beldemizi onurlandırdığınız için teşekkür ederiz ve Beleğe tekrar hoş geldiniz.

Yusuf Hacısüleyman AKTOB Başkanı

message From the Chairman of aktob Dear Members of the International Sport Family, Welcome to the largest and most important gathering of international sports leaders and decision-makers in the world. SportAccord Convention this year for the first time is being held in Turkey. With a coastline of 17 km and its rich flora and fauna, Belek is a site of unequalled natural beauty. Providing extraordinary meeting and congress facilities with more than 200 congress halls offering capacities for groups of 500 to 3.500 people, simultaneous translation services and high technology audio-visual equipment Belek hosts medical and scientific congresses and meetings all year round. Belek has great facilities for Olympic & extreme sports, with the capacity of hosting major international sports events. World Championships, World Cups of numerous sports and more than 1000 football training camps are held every year. New modern sports venues are created for the development of sport. A Sports Complex, named Gloria Sport Arena is being built right now and will be inaugurated in October 2014. Fifteen different golf courses located in the same area and a favourable climate makes Belek a golfer’s paradise as well. Many major golf tournaments take place in Belek. Some of these are the Turkish Airlines World Finals Tournament, with the participation of Tiger Woods and many other world-famous golf players, and the Turkish Airlines Ladies Open. In September 2013, the 50th World Archery Congress was held in Belek, followed by the 47th edition of the World Archery Championships organised by World Archery, with 441 athletes from 69 nations. As a vital part of congress tourism, Belek offers exquisite spa and wellness centres, providing relaxation with authentic treatments from the Far East and Europe, and traditional Turkish Hammam pleasure that I personally recommend you to visit. Thank you for honouring our beautiful city and, again, welcome to Belek.

Yusuf Hacısüleyman Chairman of the Board, AKTOB


thomas bach Uluslararası Olimpiat Komitesi Başkanı’nın Mesajı Bu yılki SportAccord Kongresi’nin teması olarak belirlenen “Sporun Yeni Sınırları”, sporun günümüzdeki gerçekliğini çok iyi yansıtıyor. Önemli geleneklere saygı gösterir ve sporun ebedi değerlerine sıkı sıkıya bağlı kalırken, bir yandan da yüzümüzü daima geleceğe çevirmeliyiz. Sporun yeni sınırlarında dolaşmak, inovasyon ve esneklik gerektirir. Sporda eşitliği geliştirmek, sporun önemini sürdürmek ve sporun barış ve toplumsal gelişme için bir araç olarak kullanmak gibi hedeflerimiz doğrultusunda, yeni fikirlere ve yeni yaklaşımlara daima açık olmalıyız. Hayatın tüm alanlarındaki durumlar, olaylar ve gelişmeler spor üzerinde etkili olmakla birlikte, sporun geleceğini şekillendirmek için proaktif şekilde çalışmamız gereklidir. Uluslararası Olimpiyat Komitesi, 2020 Olimpik Gündemiyle ilgili çalışmalarını bu motivasyonla yürütüyor. Sporcuları Olimpik Hareketin merkezinde tutarak, yıl boyunca Olimpizmi destekleyerek, IOC’nin rolünü daha iyi tanımlayarak ve IOC’nin yapısını ve organizasyonunu iyileştirerek Olimpiyat Oyunlarının benzersizliğini korumanın yollarını arıyoruz. İşbirliği vazgeçilmez önemdedir ve SportAccord bu açıdan önemli bir rol oynuyor. Yılda bir kez düzenlenen bu toplantı, spor dünyasının tüm birimlerindeki paydaşlarımızın birbirleriyle ve devletin, iş dünyasının, akademik çevrelerin ve sivil toplumun temsilcileriyle fikir paylaşımında bulunması için bir fırsattır. Her zaman olduğu gibi, bu yılki Kongrede de Olimpik Hareket çok iyi temsil ediliyor ve IOC İcra Kurulu bu vesileyle bir kez daha bir araya gelmekten mutluluk duyuyor. Uluslararası Olimpik Yaz Sporları Federasyonları Birliği’yle, Uluslararası Olimpik Kış Sporları Federasyonları Birliği’yle, IOC tarafından tanınan Uluslararası Spor Federasyonlarıyla, Uluslararası Dünya Oyunları Birliği’yle, Uluslararası Ustalar Oyunları Birliği’yle ve bu yüksek düzeyli diyaloğun diğer tüm önemli katılımcılarıyla bir araya gelmek de IOC için büyük bir mutluluk olacak. Birlikte çalışarak, yeni sınırların spor ve toplumla ilgili hedeflerimize doğru ilerlemekte önemli bir geçit olmasını sağlayacağız.

Thomas Bach Başkanı, Uluslararası Olimpiat Komitesi

Message from the President of the International Olympic Committee The theme of this year’s SportAccord Convention, “Sport’s New Frontier”, captures the reality of sport today. We must always look to the future while respecting important traditions and adhering to the eternal values of sport. Navigating sport’s new frontier requires innovation and flexibility. We must remain open to new ideas and new approaches to goals such as promoting equality in sport, maintaining sport’s relevance and using sport as a tool for peace and social development. While context, events and developments in all walks of life have an influence on sports, we should proactively shape the future of sport. That is the motivation behind the International Olympic Committee’s work on Olympic Agenda 2020. We are examining ways to preserve the uniqueness of the Olympic Games, keeping athletes at the centre of the Olympic Movement, fostering Olympism year-round, better defining the role of the IOC, and improving the IOC’s structure and organisation. Collaboration is essential, and SportAccord plays an important role in that regard. This annual gathering is a time for stakeholders throughout the world of sport to share ideas with each other and with representatives from government, industry, academia and civil society. As always, the Olympic Movement is well represented at this year’s Convention, and the IOC Executive Board is pleased to once again meet on this occasion. The IOC is pleased to meet the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations, the Association of International Olympic Winter Sports Federations, the Association of IOC-Recognised International Sports Federations, the International World Games Association, the International Masters Games Association and all other important actors in this high-level dialogue. By working together, we will ensure that the new frontier is a gateway to progress in achieving our goals for sport and society.

Thomas Bach President, International Olympic Committee


marius L. VIZER SPORTACCORD KONGRESİ VE SPORTACCORD BAŞKANI MARIUS L. VIZER’DEN MESAJ Susesi Luxury Resort & Convention Centre’da yapılan bu 12. SportAccord Kongresi’nde siz değerli konuk ve katılımcılara hoş geldiniz demek benim için büyük bir mutluluktur. Önümüzdeki hafta çok yoğun ve renkli geçecek ve bu etkinlik sayesinde çeşitli kişilerle tanışma fırsatının yanı sıra çok çeşitli konularda konuşma fırsatından yararlanacağız, Dünya Spor Ailesinin büyümesi ve gelişmesine olanak sağlayacağız. Kongrenin spora böylesine bir tutkuyla bağlı olan bir bölgede yapılması ve uluslararası spor camiasının büyük bir dayanışma içinde bir araya gelerek sporun gerçek değerlerinin paylaşılmasına olanak vermesi bizim için bir onurdur. Size bu zamanı işbirliği ağınızı genişleterek, yeni bağlantılar kurarak ve paylaşım ve öğrenim için sunulan fırsatları değerlendirerek geçirmenizi içtenlikle öneriyorum. Son bir yıl boyunca bu yılki etkinliği düzenlememiz sırasında bizi destekleyen Türk dostlarımıza teşekkür etmek isterim. Başarılı bir Kongre daha düzenlenmesi yönündeki çabaları bizleri çok memnun etti. Tüm SportAccord Kongre ekibimiz adına, katılan bütün Uluslararası Federasyonlar, ASOIF, AIOWF, ARISF, AIMS, IOC ve SportAccord’un sağlamaya devam ettiği destek için teşekkür etmek istiyorum. Geçtiğimiz 12 yıl içinde gösterdikleri bağlılık ve aktif katılımları etkinliğimizin gelişimine ve başarısına büyük katkı sağlamıştır. Bu yıl bizimle birlikte bulunan çok sayıdaki Ortağımız ve Sergi Katılımcısına da teşekkür ediyorum. Hepsinin sağladığı destek ve SportAccord Kongresine olan inançları bu önemli toplantıya değer katmamızı olanaklı kılıyor, böylelikle de spor dünyasının bu son derece stratejik sektörü ile olan bağlantı korunmuş oluyor. Kongre katılımcılarımızı da unutmamalıyız. Hepsi alanlarında uzman olan bu değerli kişiler bize ilham vermek, bilgilerini ve fikirlerini bizimle paylaşmak için özellikle seçilmişlerdir. Katkılarından büyük yarar sağladık ve bunun için kendilerine teşekkür ediyoruz. Başkan olarak ilk SportAccord Kongremi yönetirken, Kongrenin dünya spor hareketinin gelişmesi ve büyümesine son derece hayati önem taşıdığına olan inancımla, tüm ilgili taraflara önümüzdeki yıllarda giderek artan değer ve fırsatlar sağlamaya söz veriyorum.

Marius L. Vizer SportAccord Kongresi ve SportAccord Başkanı


MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT, SPORTACCORD CONVENTION AND SPORTACCORD, MARIUS L. VIZER I take great pride in welcoming so many distinguished guests and participants to the 12th annual SportAccord Convention, here at the Susesi Luxury Resort & Convention Centre. We have a busy and engaging week ahead of us, which promises to provide unique opportunities to meet people, many avenues for conversation, and to foster growth and development within the World Sports Family. It is an honour for the Convention to be hosted in an area with such passion for sport, allowing the international sports community to gather and show their solidarity while collectively sharing the true values of sport. I urge you to use this time to expand your network, establish new relationships and to take part in the many opportunities provided for sharing and learning. I would like to thank our Turkish colleagues for their support over the past year as we organised this edition of our annual event. Their efforts in helping deliver another successful Convention are appreciated. On behalf of all of our SportAccord Convention team, I want to express our appreciation for the support we continue to receive from all participating International Federations, ASOIF, AIOWF, ARISF, AIMS, IOC and SportAccord. Their commitment and active involvement over the past 12 years has contributed greatly to the growth and success of this event. I would like to extend my thanks to the large number of Partners and Exhibitors joining us this year. Their collective endorsement and continued dedication to SportAccord Convention enables us to add value to this important gathering, providing an on-going link with this hugely important sector of the sports world. Recognition, too, must go to our many conference participants. They are all experts in their respective fields, and have each been chosen for their ability to inspire us, teach us, and share with us their considerable insight. We benefit tremendously from their involvement, and truly thank them for this. As I deliver my first SportAccord Convention as President, I am steadfast in my belief that the Convention is crucial to the growth and development of the world sports movement as I remain fully committed to providing increased value and opportunities for all involved, for years to come.

Marius L. Vizer President, SportAccord Convention and SportAccord




mission & vision 12

Our Mission and vision SportAccord Convention is the world’s top tier annual event at the service of sport, focused on driving positive change within the world sports movement, and dedicated to engaging rights holders, organising committees, cities, businesses and other organisations in the development of sport. SportAccord Convention, in its 12th year, continues as the premier sports gathering involving all of the International Sports Federation rights holders. Our mission is to nurture and develop the collaborative spirit within the World Sport Family, and to make SportAccord Convention synonymous with connecting people from around the globe and throughout the entire spectrum of sport. We take pride in listening, and aim to be a catalyst for collaboration and communication between people, business, sporting bodies and governments. With stakeholders consisting of ASOIF, AIOWF, ARISF, AIMS and SportAccord, the six-day event comprises the annual meetings of 108 International Olympic and non-Olympic Sports Federations and Organisations, two-and-a-half days of diverse conference sessions, an extensive industry exhibition, and a wide variety of scheduled networking opportunities throughout the week. To date, the International Olympic Committee has also held their spring Executive Board meeting at the Convention. Since 2003, when the event first took place in Madrid, the Convention has been held in Lausanne, Berlin, Seoul, Beijing, Athens, Denver, Dubai, London, Québec City, Saint Petersburg and this year in Belek/Antalya, Turkey. Currently there are several cities bidding to host SportAccord Convention 2015, with the Host City to be announced shortly. With over 2,500 delegates from all over the world, SportAccord Convention is the key industry event for members of the international sporting community wanting to liaise with colleagues, exchange ideas and knowledge, and meet potential new partners from all areas of the sports world.

Other facets of the SportAccord Convention portfolio include: yyThe popular SportAccord Convention After Hours Bar, one of the week’s key networking sites. This will be located at the Susesi Luxury Resort and will be open Tuesday 8 April to Thursday 10 April. yyThe Sports Demo Zone, which returns again this year, allowing various sports to showcase their disciplines live throughout the week. yyThe First Comers Breakfast, taking place on the morning of Tuesday 8 April, designed to give first-time attendees to SportAccord Convention a brief guide to making the most of their week with us. yyOur SportAccord Convention event publication, The Daily, will keep you up to date on all of the latest Convention news. The Daily is distributed free of charge every morning at the breakfast restaurant of each hotel and is also available on our new mobile app and website.


yyThe SportAccord Convention NetWorker has gone mobile and is now available on our event app, allowing attendees to identify and communicate with other delegates on their mobile devices or computers prior to the event, to connect and set up meetings with the people they most want to meet during the week. yyThe IF and City Directories, featured in our post-event SportAccord Convention Annual, provide a useful guide for matching up potential host cities with future international sporting events. yyThe annual IF Forum, which will take place from 3-5 November this year in Lausanne. This event is comprised of a series of private workshops and conference sessions designed by the International Federations themselves, exclusively for their members.

Marius L. VIZER, SportAccord Convention and SportAccord Arkady ROMANOVICH ROTENBERG, SportAccord Convention René FASEL, President, AIOWF Francesco RICCI BITTI, President, ASOIF Nis HATT, SportAccord Convention


sportaccord mission & vision

Maison du Sport International Avenue de Rhodanie 54 CH-1007 Lausanne Switzerland Phone: + 41 21 612 30 70 Fax: + 41 21 612 30 71 E-mail: Web:

Established in 1967, SportAccord is the union for 108 International Sports Federations and organisations. Its mission is to unite and support its Members and to provide them with addedvalue platforms and services; while continually striving to influence positive change in the sports community and society as a whole. Activities include the organisation of Multi-Sports Games; doping-free sport services; the .sport project, the Sports Hub, new information technology and media services; sports’ social/environmental responsibility and integrity initiatives; and the International Federations recognition process. Multi-Sports Games: The Multi-Sports Games by SportAccord are top-level events that unite Olympic and non-Olympic sports with common backgrounds and promote Members’ sports. These thematic events include the World Combat Games, World Mind Games, World Beach Games and World Urban Games. They feature world-class athletes and professional organisation standards, global broadcasting and media activities while encouraging diversity, integrity and participation. Doping-Free Sport: SportAccord supports the vision of a world where all athletes compete in a doping-free sporting environment. Today, SportAccord acts as a central point for knowledge sharing and consultation of the World Anti-Doping Code, International Standards Revision Process, and the new Athletes Biological Passport and Intelligence and Investigation requirements. SportAccord also provides at-cost operations and administrative services (i.e. testing, TUE, results management and education) to over 30 Members, including Associate Members organising multi-sports events, who are interested in outsourcing either whole, or part, of their anti-doping programmes. Mandates from Members for such services have increased by 66% over the last 12 months. Information Technology and (Digital) Media Services: Providing new information technology and (digital) media services to Members remain a priority for SportAccord. To this end, SportAccord is currently pursuing the acquisition of .sport extension in an effort to safeguard the interests of and generate income for the sport community. During the recent World Combat Games and World Mind Games, SportAccord provided IFs with a centralised news portal to disseminate authorised sporting content ( as well as post-event high-definition footage and photos from the event. SportAccord’s social media efforts have increased with greater presence on Facebook and Twitter, and more targeted management of the Sports Hub channels. In 2013 the Sports Hub attracted more than 40 million views, increasing by more than 100% the revenues redistributed to Members. SportAccord’s vision is to create value products for Members of the highest technological level while activating economies of scale with the scope of ensuring sports visibility to the masses. Social Responsibility: The international sports movement possesses considerable potential to contribute to positive social change. In this context, SportAccord advocates for “sport for development” in international working groups and relies on its strategic alliances such as Beyond Sport to maximise its efforts. SportAccord organises cultural and educational programmes in its Multi-Sports Games and provides support to Members aiming to leave a positive legacy through their events. Integrity: Awareness and understanding about the risks and responsibilities of the sports movement in relation to sports betting is central to safeguarding sports integrity. SportAccord develops prevention and education tools to support sport organisations in their regulation and governance policies and monitors international initiatives – intergovernmental, institutional, and academic – that address the role of sport in societies and public policies. SportAccord Convention: The SportAccord International Convention, created in 2003 by SportAccord/GAISF, ASOIF and AIOWF, is the place Where Sport Meets. It is the ultimate exchange and networking platform in sport and a key tool in uniting the global sports movement in one city on an annual basis. Council President Marius L. VIZER (AUT), IJF President (Judo) Vice-President Antonio ESPINOS ORTUETA (ESP), WKF President (Karate/Karaté) Vice-President Ron FROEHLICH (USA), IWGA President (World Games/Jeux Mondiaux) Member Marisol CASADO (ESP), ITU President (Triathlon) Member Raffaele CHIULLI (ITA), UIM President (Powerboating) Member Gian Franco KASPER (SUI), FIS President (Skiing/Ski) Member Espen Lund (NOR), WAKO Pro Tempore Acting President (Kickboxing) Member Pat McQUAID (IRL), UCI Former President (Cycling)


Welcome to Kazakhstan!

asoif mission & vision

Maison du Sport International Avenue de Rhodanie 54 1007 Lausanne Switzerland Phone: +41 021 601 4888 Fax: +41 21 601 4889 E-mail: Website:

Founded in 1983 by the 21 International Federations governing the sports included in the programme of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games, ASOIF was created to form a unifying and cohesive link between the summer Olympic IFs, the IOC, organisers of the Olympic Games and all global sports stakeholders. Today ASOIF has 28 member IFs who form the programme for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Tokyo 2020 and beyond. ASOIF’s role is to serve and represent the summer Olympic IFs in the most competent and professional manner on all issues of concern, effectively as the “House of Common Interest” of those Federations. Its mandate covers representation in particular with the summer Olympic Games, the Youth Olympic Games and all affairs within the Olympic and Sports Movement. It includes representation at the World Anti-Doping Agency and the Court of Arbitration for Sport and covers issues such as governance, the integrity of sport, the fight against illegal betting and corruption and all matters that affect its member Federations. Under the leadership of Francesco Ricci Bitti, who took up the presidency in 2013, ASOIF binds the summer Olympic sports together in a manner that promotes their unity for the collective enhancement of those sports and the Olympic Movement. The new presidency has seen a marked increase not only in ASOIF’s daily operations, but also in the scope of its representation and projects for the benefit of its members encompassing a fuller engagement in matters of common interest. ASOIF is administered by an executive body, its Council, which comprises the President and six other members. The ASOIF administration is located in Lausanne and led by Executive Director Andrew Ryan. Council PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER executive DIRECTOR

Francesco RICCI BITTI, ITF, President Pat McQUAID, UCI Hassan MOUSTAFA, IHF, President Sergey BUBKA, IAAF, Vice President Marisol CASADO, ITU, President Patrick BAUMANN, FIBA, Secretary General C. K. WU, AIBA, President Andrew RYAN

aiowf mission & vision

AIOWF Secretariat c/o Mr. Horst Lichtner Brandschenkestrasse 50 Postfach 1817, 8027 Zurich Switzerland Phone: +41 44 5622 200 Fax: +41 44 5622 239 E-mail:

The Association of International Olympic Winter Sports Federations was founded in 1976 during the Games in Innsbruck by the six International Federations on the Programme of the Olympic Winter Games at that time. The World Curling Federation was affiliated when it was included in the Programme of the Games in 1992. In principle the main purpose of AIOWF is to represent matters of common interest to the International Winter Sports Federations in its dealings with the International Olympic Committee, SportAccord and Organizing Committees of the Olympic Winter Games, respecting the autonomy of each of the members. The AIOWF Council is composed of seven members, representing each of the Member Federations. The secretariat is presently the General Secretary of the International lce Hockey Federation, Horst Lichtner.



René FASEL, IIHF, President (Ice Hockey) Ottavio CINQUANTA, ISU, President (Skating) Anders BESSEBERG, IBU, President (Biathlon) Josef FENDT, FIL, President (Luge) Gian Franco KASPER, FIS, President (Skiing) Kate CAITHNESS, WCF, President (Curling) Ivo FERRIANI, FIBT, President (Bobsleigh/Tobogganing) Horst LICHTNER, IIHF, General Secretary (Ice Hockey) Fredi SCHMID, ISU, General Secretary (Skating)

arisf mission & vision

Association of IOC Recognised International Sports Federations Maison du Sport International 54, Av. de Rhodanie CH-1007 Lausanne Switzerland Phone: +41 21 318 8243 Fax: +41 21 318 8242 E-mail: Website:

ARISF is the Association of IOC Recognised Sports and actively supports and represents the interests of those International Sports Federations which have been granted recognition by the International Olympic Committee as per the Olympic Charter Rule 26. ARISF ensures that millions of athletes across the planet - from the grassroots to the elites benefit from the recognition which the IOC grants to their sports and campaigns to have the recognised sports fully integrated into the structures which govern and administer sports at the national level. The passion for sport unites ARISF and its 34 Member International Sports Federations in the pursuit of common goals. Between all of them, they convey several relevant messages to the world at large: Recognised sports contribute to the diversity, universality and timelessness of the sporting landscape. Recognised sports belong to the community of world sport. Recognised sports are an integral part of the Olympic Movement. Millions of athletes across the planet practice recognised sports and aim to make the world a better place through sport. ARISF is represented on IOC Commissions and provides valuable input reflecting the views of the Member International Federations: by assuming a key role in the periodic review of the Olympic Sports Programme, representing the recognised sports which are eligible to feature in the Olympic Games of the future and assisting them in their efforts to secure broad social recognition for their sports as well as for the sportsmen and women who practice them at all levels. council PRESIDENT Secretary General Vice President Director Director Director

Dr. Raffaele CHIULLI, Powerboating (UIM) Riccardo FRACCARI, Baseball Softball (WBSC) Fernando AGUERRE, Surfing (ISA) Keith CALKINS, Racquetball (IRF) Molly RHONE, Netball (INF) Harald VERVAECKE, Lifesaving (ILS)

aims mission & vision

Alliance of Independent members of SportAccord, AIMS, are an informal group consisting of all the IFs members of SportAccord but not yet IOC recognized. At the moment we have not established an association but function with a working group executing the key priorities defined in the AIMS strategy. Espen Lund WAKO Acting President SportAccord Council Member E-mail: Website:

Vision: To create a strong group within SportAccord and make all sports equal and valuable. Mission: The mission of AIMS is to support and promote the work of its Members and to obtain recognition of its Members as the specific world governing bodies of their sports by the National and world Sports Authorities. In doing so, AIMS seeks to obtain the benefits of such recognition for the millions of sportsmen and sportswomen that the AIMS Member Federations collectively represent. Objectives: The AIMS will support and assist the IFs in achieving and developing within the service area of SportAccord, creating good governance and policies and that will strengthen the position of each IF. The AIMS will assist the IFs to commit the Sport Authorities and/or National Olympic Committees to recognise the national associations of the IFs. The AIMS will encourage and assist its IFs to also work and develop in the principle of social responsibility. The AIMS will, in dialogue with SportAccord and the IOC, assist its member federations in their objective to be included in various International Games inside and outside SportAccord. the aims working group chairman Espen Lund, Kickboxing (WAKO) Julie Gabriel, Savate (FiSav) Mike Haslam, Dragonboat (IDBF) Gerhard Zimmermann, Minigolf (WMF)


host city information


A Pearl at the Turkish Mediterranean Coast With a coastline of 17km and its rich flora and fauna, Belek is a site of unequalled natural beauty. Green pine forests, home to more than 100 bird species and exceptionally clean beaches awarded with the Blue Flag, home


to the endangered Caretta Caretta sea turtles, together with a variation of luxurious hotels addressing every taste and an average of 300 days sun attract every year millions of visitors from all around the globe.

But Belek is more than just sea, sand and sun... Providing extraordinary meeting and congress facilities with more than 200 congress halls offering capacities for groups of 500 to 3,500 people, simultaneous translation services and high technology audio-visual equipment, Belek hosts medical and scientific congresses and meetings all year round. Belek has great facilities for Olympic & extreme sports, with capacity of hosting major international sports events. World Championships, World Cups of numerous sports and more than 1,000 football training camps are held every year. New modern sports venues are created for the development of sport. A Sports Complex, named Gloria Sport Arena is being built right now and will be inaugurated in March 2015. Fifteen different golf courses located in the same area and a favourable climate make Belek a golfer’s paradise as well. Many major golf tournaments take place in Belek. Some of

these are the Turkish Airlines World Finals Tournament, with the participation of Tiger Woods and many other worldfamous golf players and the Turkish Airlines Ladies Open. In September 2013, the 50th World Archery Congress was held in Belek, followed by the 47th edition of the World Archery Championships organised by World Archery with 441 athletes from 69 nations. In 2014, Belek will be the host of SportAccord International Convention, which is one of the largest and most important gatherings of international sports leaders and decision-makers in the world. We are very excited and our team is ready to welcome the members of this great sport family in one of the most qualified convention and meeting centers of the Mediterranean, which provides high technology equipment and an experienced team.



susesi luxury resort Susesi Luxury Resort, which was built thanks to an investment by İÇDAŞ, Turkey’s largest iron, steel and energy company, opened in August 2007 following a two-year construction project costing US$150 million. From its very first day, Susesi Luxury Resort has been ranked among Turkey’s top-level hotels. Located on a spectacular site only 40km from Antalya International Airport and 3km from the centre of Belek, Susesi Luxury Resort is one of the best equipped hotels in the Mediterranean region and features the largest Convention Center in the Belek region. Featuring 13 rooms, with the largest one covering an area of 2,000 m2, the Convention Center offers a Foyer area of 3,600m2. Quality is a high priority in the business world. Quality is a must in terms of service, product, management and of course human resources. These are all main principles of Susesi Luxury Resort. Susesi Luxury Resort offers the services required by its guests and has an awareness of the necessary quality requirements thanks to its professional and dedicated team and state-ofthe-art technology. Each phase of the service process – from seating order to lighting design and from installation of a sound system through

to preparation of menus – Is shaped with this awareness. National and international meetings, congresses, seminars or product launching events… Whatever the requirement is, Susesi Luxury Resort is there to conclude each service with a smile on your face. With 534 rooms, the hotel is large enough for you to accommodate all of your team. All rooms have been delicately designed for the comfort of guests. A total of 374 rooms out of 412 rooms in the main building are standard rooms. In addition, there are 46 standard rooms in the terrace residence. The remaining rooms have been designed for the demands and requirements of our guests who seek more luxury and comfort, and they are categorized as family rooms, lake suites and Royal suites. While we offer a festival of taste for our guests in the main restaurant ‘Turkuaz’ and in six different a la carte restaurants, where elegant flavors of world cuisines are served, we also host our guests in 12 different bars with high quality beverage selections. The magical atmosphere of the ‘LA CALISSE SPA’ center will be one of the main memories that you will bring home from Susesi Luxury Resort, with its 7,500m2 pools and the feeling of comfort and luxury that has been finely designed down to every detail.


venue floor plan Ground Floor 26 25 24

Key Office facilities Meeting rooms


feature areas


conference rooms
























4 OD


INF nd
















5 5
















-1 Level

Sports Demo Zone

SportAccord Convention CafĂŠ




Recharging Zone


WC The Mind Games


30 31

Internet Lounge

The Studio


Main Auditorium


ground floor 1 Accreditation Desk 2 Organizer Office & Daily Office 3 Hotel Desk 4 SportAccord / SportAccord Convention President Office 5 IOC Offices 6 IOC EB Meeting Room 7 Aggreko Media Suite 8 JTA Business Club 9 ASOIF/AIOWF Staff Office 10 Press Working Room 11 SportAccord Staff Office 12 SportAccord Convention After Hours Official Bar 13 IF Meeting Room 14 ASOIF President Office 15 Combat and Strength Sports Confederation Meeting Room 16 Contemporary Group Meeting Room 17 PwC Meeting Room 18 Sport Event Denmark Meeting Room 19 ICSS Meeting Room 20 Penceo Sport Meeting Room 21 IOC Meeting Room 1 22 IOC Meeting Room 2 23 IOC Meeting Room 3 24 IOC Meeting Room 4 25 IOC Offices 26 IOC Offices -1 level 27 Press Briefing Room 28 SportAccord Convention Meeting Room 1 29 SportAccord Convention Meeting Room 2 30 SportAccord Convention Meeting Room 3 31 Speaker Ready Room




sportaccord convention 2014 Susesi Susesi Susesi Convention Convention Convention Centre, Centre, Centre, Belek/Antalya, Belek/Antalya, Belek/Antalya, Turkey Turkey Turkey SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY, 6 APRIL 6 APRIL 6 APRIL MONDAY, MONDAY, MONDAY, 7 APRIL 7 APRIL 7 APRIL 06:30 06:30 06:30 07:00 07:00 07:00 07:30 07:30 07:30

Social Social Social Activities/ Activities/ Activities/ Cultural Cultural Cultural Programme Programme Programme


08:30 08:30 08:30

General General General Annual Annual Annual LawAccord LawAccord LawAccord

10:00 10:00 10:00 10:30 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:30 11:30 11:30 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:30 12:30 12:30 13:00 13:00 13:00 13:30 13:30 13:30 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:30 14:30 14:30 15:00 15:00 15:00

ARISF ARISFARISF Council Council Council Meeting Meeting Meeting 15:00 15:00 - 15:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 18:0018:00IWGA IWGAIWGA ASOIF ASOIFASOIF18:00 Meeting Meeting Meeting Council Council Council Council Council Council 16:30 16:30 16:30 Room Room 2 Room 2 2 Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting 16:00 16:00 - 16:00 16:00 16:00 - 16:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 18:00 18:0018:00 20:00 20:0020:00 Meeting Meeting Meeting IOCIOC EB EB IOC EB 17:30 17:30 17:30 Room Room 1 Room 1 1 Meeting Meeting Meeting Room RoomRoom

ARISF ARISFARISF General General General Assembly Assembly Assembly 13:30 13:30 - 17:30 13:30 - 17:30 - 17:30 MainMain Main Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium

15:30 15:30 15:30

18:00 18:00 18:00

IMGA IMGA Gen. IMGA Gen. Gen. Assembly Assembly Assembly 17:30 17:30 - 19:00 17:30 - 19:00 - 19:00

18:30 18:30 18:30

Press Press Briefing Press Briefing Briefing Room RoomRoom

19:00 19:00 19:00 19:30 19:30 19:30 20:00 20:00 20:00

Dinner Dinner Dinner ASOIF ASOIF Council ASOIF Council Council 20:30 20:30 20:30 Members Members Members 20:00 20:00 - 21:00 20:00 - 21:00 - 21:00

21:00 21:00 21:00 21:30 21:30 21:30

Departure Departure Departure fromfrom eacheach from hotel hotel each lobby hotel lobbylobby

Departure fr Departu De

AIMS AIMSAIMS First-Comers First-Comers First-Comers Breakfast Breakfast BreakfastPlenary Plenary Plenary 08:00 08:00 - 08:30 08:00 - 08:30 - 08:30 Session Session Session The The Studio Studio The Studio 08:00 08:00 - 12:00 08:00 - 12:00 - 12:00 Press Press Briefing Press Briefing Briefing ASOIF ASOIFASOIF Room City-to-City City-to-City ARISFARISFCity-to-City RoomRoomARISF General General General Council Council Council 09:00-10:30 09:00-10:30 09:00-10:30 Assembly Assembly Assembly The Studio The The Studio Studio Meeting Meeting Meeting 09:00 09:00 - 13:00 09:00 - 13:00 - 13:00 09:00 09:00 - 12:00 09:00 - 12:00 - 12:00 (By invitation (By invitation (By invitation MainMain Main only)only) only) Meeting Meeting Meeting Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium Room Room 2 Room 2 2

IOCIOC EB/ASO IOC EB/A Joint Meetin Join Joint Me 09:00 09:00 - 10:30 09:0 -1

Press Press Briefing Pres Brie Room RoomRoo

IOC IOC EB/AIOWF EB/AI IOC JointJoint Meeting Join Mee 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:0 - 12 IOC IOC EB Meeti EB IOC M Room RoomRoo

Lunch Lunch Lunch 12:00 12:00 - 13:30 12:00 - 13:30 - 13:30 Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Area AreaArea Lunch Lunch Lunch ASOIF ASOIF Members ASOIF Members Members 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 13:00 - 14:00 - 14:00

IMGA IMGA Board IMGA Board of Board of of Governors Governors Governors 19:00 19:00 - 19:30 19:00 - 19:30 - 19:30 Meeting Meeting Room Meeting Room 1 Room 1 1 SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord ARISF/IWGA ARISF/IWGA ASOIF ASOIFASOIFARISF/IWGA Dinner Dinner DinnerDinner Convention Convention Convention DinnerDinner 20:00 20:0020:00 20:0020:00 20:00AfterAfter Hours After HoursHours (Drinks (Drinks as(Drinks ofas of(Invitation as (Invitation of (Invitation Official Official Bar Official Bar Bar 19:00) 19:00)19:00)only)only) only)19:00 19:00 - 23:30 19:00 - 23:30 - 23:30 (Invitation (Invitation (Invitation only)only) only)

IAAFIAAF IAAF Q&A Q&A Session Session Q&A Session 12:4512:45 - 13:30 -12:45 13:30- 13:30 Internet Internet Lounge Internet LoungeLounge

Forum CityCity Forum City Forum 13:30 - 17:30 13:30 - 17:30 13:30 - 17:30 Press Briefing Room Press Briefing Press Briefing Room Room ASOIF ASOIFASOIF AIOWF AIOWF AIOWF General General General General General General Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly 14:00 14:00 - 17:00 14:00 - 17:00 - 17:00 14:00 14:00 - 17:00 14:00 - 17:00 - 17:00

AIOWF/ASO AIOWF/A AIO Councils Councils Cou Meeting Meeting Mee 12:00 12:00 - 13:30 12:0 -1

Meeting Meeting Mee Room Room 1 Roo 1

IOCIOC EB EB IOC 14:00 14:00 - 18:00 14:0 -1

IOC IOC EB EB IOC Meeting Meeting Room MeeR

MainMain Main Meeting Meeting Meeting Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium Room Room 1 Room 1 1

Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Showcase Showcase Showcase Cocktail Cocktail Cocktail 17:00 17:00 - 18:30 17:00 - 18:30- 18:30 Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition AreaArea Area

IOC IOC Press Press IOC Brie

TBCTBC 18:30 18:30 TBC - 19 SportAccord Convention SportAccord Convention SportAccord Convention PressPress Briefing Briefin Press Ro Opening Ceremony Opening Ceremony Opening Ceremony 18:30 - 22:00 18:30 - 22:00 18:30 - 22:00 SportAccord SportAccord Convention Convention Convention Susesi Luxury Resort Susesi Luxury Resort SportAccord Susesi Luxury Resort After After Hours After Hours Official Hours Official Bar Official Bar Bar Location to be Location be confirmed Location to confirmed betoconfirmed 19:00 19:00 - 23:30 19:00 - 23:30 - 23:30

22:00 22:00 22:00 22:30 22:30 22:30 23:00 23:00 23:00


Morning Morning Mo Ru 06:30 06:30 - 07:3 06: -0

SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30 SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30 SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30

Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium

SportA ccord C onvention Exhibition Decoration 08:00 - 20:00 SportA ccord C onvention Exhibition Decoration 08:00 - 20:00 SportA ccord C onvention Exhibition Decoration 08:00 - 20:00

09:30 09:30 09:30

Meeting Meeting Meeting08:30 08:30 - 12:00 08:30 - 12:00 - 12:00 08:00 08:00 - 12:30 08:00 - 12:30 - 12:30 Press Press Briefing Press Briefing Briefing MainMain Main Room Room Room


Morning Morning Run/Walk Run/Walk Morning Run/Walk 06:30 06:30 - 07:30 - 07:30 06:30 - 07:30

Departure Departure Departure fromfrom eacheach from hotel hotel each lobby hotel lobbylobby

08:00 08:00 08:00

09:00 09:00 09:00


Morning Morning Morning Run/Walk Run/Walk Run/Walk 06:30 06:30 - 07:30 06:30 - 07:30 - 07:30








Susesi Convention Centre, Belek/Antalya, Turkey SUNDAY, 6 APRIL MONDAY, 7 APRIL


Social Activities/ Cultural Programme


Morning Morning Morning Run/Walk Run/Walk Run/Walk 06:30 08:30

Departure from each hotel lobby

06:3006:30 - 07:30 06:30 - 07:30 - 07:30

Departure from each hotel lobby




Morning Run/Walk Morning Run/Walk Morning Morning Run/Walk Run/Walk 08:00 - 08:30 Session 06:30 - 07:30 06:3006:30 - 07:30 06:30 - 07:30 -- 07:30 The Studio 08:00 12:00

Main Main Main IFs Meeting IFs IFs Meeting Meeting Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium RoomRoom Room

SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30

Meeting Meeting Meeting 10:0010:00 - 13:30 10:00 - 13:30 - 13:30 10:30 -10:30 12:00 10:30 - 12:00 - 12:00

SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30 SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30

SportA ccord C onvention Exhibition Decoration 08:00 - 20:00

Cafe CafeCafe

SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30 SportA ccord C onvention Exhibition Decoration 08:00 - 20:00

Departure from eachDeparture hotelDeparture lobby Departure from Briefing each from from hotel each each lobby hotel hotel lobby lobby Press ASOIF City-to-City ARISF Room General Council 09:00-10:30 Room Assembly The Studio Meeting First-Comers09:00AIMS IWGA - 13:00 09:00 - 12:00 (By invitation Breakfast Main Plenary only) Meeting General 08:00 - 08:30Auditorium Session Room 2 Annual LawAccord The Studio 08:00 - 12:00 Meeting 08:30 - 12:00 Press Briefing 08:00 SportAccord SportAccord ASOIF IOC EB EB - 12:30 Press BriefingSportAccord IOCIOC EB IOC EB IOCIOC EBARISF EB City-to-City Room Main Convention Convention Convention 09:0009:00 - 13:00 09:00 - 13:00 - 13:00 General 09:0009:00 - 13:00 09:00 -Council 13:00 - 13:00 09:00-10:30 Room Conference Conference Conference IOC EBIOCIOC EBAuditorium EB Assembly IOC EBIOCIOC EB Meeting EB The Studio 09:00 -09:00 09:30 09:00 - 09:30 - 09:30 Meeting Meeting Room Meeting Room Room 09:00 - 13:00 Meeting Meeting Room Meeting Room Room 09:00 - 12:00 (By invitation SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord Main only) Meeting SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord Convention Convention Convention Auditorium Room 2 Council Council Council Main Auditorium

SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30 SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30

SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30 SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30

SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30

07:00 Departure from each hotel lobby Departure Departure from each from hotel each lobby hotel lobby 09:00 07:30 09:30 08:00 10:00 08:30 10:30 09:00 EB/ASOIF IOC EB/ASOIF IOCIOC EB/ASOIF y -City SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord Joint Meeting Joint Joint Meeting Meeting 11:00 0 10:30 Convention Convention Convention 09:30 09:00 09:00 10:30 09:00 10:30 10:30 o udio Conference Conference Conference Press Press Briefing Press Briefing Briefing on tation 09:00 -09:00 09:30 09:00 - 09:30 - 09:30 11:30 10:00 RoomRoom Room SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord Convention Convention Convention 12:00 Cafe CafeCafe 10:30 12:30 10:00 -10:00 11:15 10:00 - 11:15 - 11:15 11:00 IOC EB/AIOWF IOCIOC EB/AIOWF EB/AIOWF Main Main Main Joint Meeting Joint Joint Meeting Meeting 13:00 Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium 11:00 -11:00 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 - 12:00 11:30 IOC EBIOC Meeting IOC EB Meeting EB Meeting 12:00 -12:00 13:00 12:00 - 13:00 - 13:00 13:30 Room Room Room 12:00 Main Main Main AIOWF/ASOIF AIOWF/ASOIF AIOWF/ASOIF Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium 14:00 Councils Councils Councils 12:30 Meeting Meeting Meeting nssion 12:0012:00 - 13:30 12:00 - 13:30 - 13:30 14:30 13:30 0 13:00 LunchLunch Lunch Meeting Meeting Meeting nge Lounge RoomRoom 1 15:00 Room 1 1 13:0013:00 - 14:00 13:00 - 14:00 - 14:00 ARISF Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Area Area Area 13:30 Council 15:30 Meeting 14:00 SportAccord SportAccord IOC EB IOCIOC EB EB SportAccord om SportAccord SportAccord 15:00 -SportAccord Doping-Free Doping-Free Doping-Free 14:0014:00 - 18:00 14:00 - 18:00 - 18:00 Convention Convention Convention 16:00 18:00 IWGA Sport Unit Sport Unit Sport Unit ASOIF 14:30 IOC EBIOCIOC EB EB Conference Conference Conference Session Session Session Meeting Council Council Meeting Meeting Room Meeting Room RoomChallenges - 17:00 14:00 -14:00 17:00 14:00 - 17:00 16:30 “The “The Challenges “The Challenges Room 2 Main Main MainMeeting 15:00 of Meeting Education” of Education” of Education” ARISF 16:00 16:00 Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium -14:00 16:00 - 16:00 14:00 - 16:00 17:00 14:00 Council 18:00 Press Briefing Press Briefing Press Briefing 20:00 15:30 Room Room Meeting IOCMeeting EB Room invitation (By (By invitation 17:30 (ByMeeting 15:00 - invitation Room 1 16:00 ASOIF only) only) only) 18:00 IWGA Room Meeting 18:00 Council Council 16:30 Meeting Room 2 Meeting 16:00 18:3016:00 on 17:00 20:00 18:00Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition se Showcase Showcase Showcase Meeting 19:00 IOC EB l Cocktail Cocktail 17:30 Room 1Cocktail Meeting 18:30 0 17:00 - 18:30 17:00 -17:00 18:30 - 18:30 Room 19:30 on Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition 18:00 Area AreaArea 20:00 SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord IOC Press Briefing IOCIOC Press Press Briefing Briefing Dinner 18:30 TBC 18:30 -18:30 19:00 TBCTBC 18:30 - 19:00 - 19:00Convention Convention Convention ASOIF Council Press Briefing Room Press Press Briefing Briefing Room Room Executive Executive Executive Board Board Board 20:30 Members 19:00 Meeting Meeting Meeting 20:00 20:00 - 21:00 18:30 -18:30 18:30 - 20:00 - 20:00 21:00 IFs Meeting nvention ntion IFs Meeting IFsRoom Meeting Room Room 19:30 Bar ial Bar 21:30 SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord Convention Convention Convention 20:00 Dinner After Hours After After Hours Official Hours Official Bar Official BarBar 22:00 ASOIF Council - 23:30 19:00 - 23:30 - 23:30 20:30 Members19:00 19:00 20:00 - 21:00 22:30 21:00 23:00 21:30

Morni 06:30

Main Auditorium

Q&A Session 12:45 - 13:30 Internet Lounge

Lunch ASOIF Members 13:00 - 14:00

Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Area Area Area Main Briefing Meeting Briefing 13:00 Briefing -13:00 13:30 13:00 -Forum 13:30 - 13:30 13:00 - 14:00 City LunchLunch Lunch ARISF/WADA ARISF/WADA ARISF/WADA

Auditorium ARISF Room 1 Room Press Briefing Press Press Briefing Room Briefing Room 13:30 - 17:30 13:3013:30 - 14:30 13:30 - 14:30 - 14:30 Anti-Doping Anti-Doping General Anti-Doping IOC Press IOCIOC Briefing Press Press Briefing TBC Briefing TBC TBC Room SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord Press Briefing Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition FoyerFoyer Foyer Coaching/ Coaching/ Coaching/ Assembly IOC EB IOCIOC EB EB ASOIF 14:00 14:00 14:30 14:00 14:30 14:30 AIOWF Convention Convention 14:0014:00 - 17:00 14:00 - 17:00 - 17:00 13:30 - 17:30 Training Training Training Convention Press Briefing Press Press Briefing Room Briefing Room Room General General Conference Conference Conference IOC EBIOCIOC EBMain EB Session Session Session 14:00 -14:00 Assembly Assembly 15:15 14:00 - 15:15 - 15:15 Meeting Meeting Room Meeting Room Room13:3013:30 Auditorium - 17:30 13:30 - 17:30 - 17:30 14:00 17:00 14:00 - 17:00 Main Main Main SocialSocial Social Main Press Press Briefing Press Briefing Briefing Auditorium Auditorium Auditorium Meeting Exhibition Auditorium Activities/ Activities/ Activities/ Room 1 RoomRoom Room Showcase Cultural Cultural Cultural (By invitation (By(By invitation invitation Cocktail Programme Programme Programme only) only) only) IMGA Gen. 17:00 - 18:30 Assembly Exhibition Area 17:30 - 19:00




Departure from eac

IOC EB Joint M 09:00 -

Press B Room

IOC EB/ASOIF Joint Meeting IOC EB/A Joint Me 09:00 - 10:30

11:00 - 1 Press Briefing IOC EB M Room Room

12:00 Joint Meeting 11:00 - 12:00 Meetin Room 1 IOC EB Meeting Room

AIOWF/ASOIF Councils IOC EB Meeting 14:00 12:00 - 13:30 IOC EB Meeting Room 1


IOC EB 14:00 - 18:00 IOC EB Meeting Room

Sp D Sp Se “T of 14 Pr Ro (B on

Press Briefing IOC Pres Room TBC 18:3 SportAccord Convention Exhibition Press Brie Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Showcase Opening Ceremony IMGA Board of Showcase Showcase Showcase Cocktail Governors 18:30 - 22:00 Cocktail Cocktail Cocktail - 19:30 IMGA Gen.19:00 17:00 - 18:30 SportAccord Convention Meeting Room 118:30 Susesi Luxury Resort 17:00 17:00 18:30 17:00 18:30 Assembly Exhibition After Hours Official Bar Exhibition Exhibition Exhibition Location to be confirmed Area 17:30 - 19:00 Area AreaArea 19:00 - 23:30 IOC Press IOCIOC Briefing Press Press Briefing Briefing ARISF/IWGA SportAccord ASOIF Press Briefing IOC Press Briefing S TBC 18:30 - 19:00 C 18:30 -18:30 19:00 18:30 - 19:00 - 19:00 DinnerRoom Dinner Convention SportAccord Convention Press Briefing Room E 20:00 Press Briefing Press Press Briefing Room Briefing Room Room After Hours 20:00 Opening Ceremony Board of (DrinksIMGA as of M Official Bar (Invitation Governors 18:30 - 22:00 19:00) 1 SportAccord SportAccord Convention Convention Convention 19:00 - 19:30 19:00 - 23:30 only) SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord Convention Convention SportAccord Convention SportAccord Convention Meeting Room 1Hours Susesi Luxury Resort IF (Invitation After After After Hours Official Hours Official Bar Official Bar Bar Closing Event Closing Event Closing Event After Hours Official Bar only) 19:0019:00 - 23:30 19:00 - 23:30 - 23:30Location to be confirmed

19:0019:00 - 22:30 19:00 - 22:30 - 22:30 SusesiSusesi Luxury Susesi Resort Luxury Resort Luxury Resort ARISF/IWGA SportAccord ASOIF Dinner Dinner Location Location to be to confirmed to be confirmed Convention Location be confirmed 20:00 (Drinks as of 19:00) (Invitation only)

20:00 (Invitation only)

19:00 - 23:30

Spo Afte 19:0

After Hours Official Bar 19:00 - 23:30

22:00 22:30

Morning Run/Wa 06:30 - 07:30

General General General Assembly Assembly Assembly AIOWF Lunch 10:0010:00 - 13:00 10:00 - 13:00 - 13:00 Counci 12:00 - 13:30Main Main Auditorium Main Auditorium Auditorium Meetin IAAF Exhibition Area IOC EB/AIOWF

City Forum 13:30 - 17:30 Lunch Press Briefing Room 12:00 - 13:30 ASOIF AIOWF IAAF Exhibition Area General General Q&A Session LunchLunch Lunch Assembly 12:45 - 13:30 Assembly SportAccord SportAccord SportAccord Internet Lounge 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch 14:00 14:00 17:00 14:00 17:00 Convention Convention Press -Press Press ASOIF Members Convention

ARISF General Assembly 13:30 - 17:30

WEDNESD SportAccord Convention Exhibition 08:30 - 18:30

General Social Morning Morning Morning Run/Walk Run/Walk Run/Walk Morning Run/Walk Annual Activities/ LawAccord 06:30 07:30 06:30 - 07:30 - -07:30 06:3006:30 - 07:30 Meeting Departure from each hotel lobby Cultural 08:30 - 12:00 Departure Departure Departure from each from from hotel each each lobby hotel hotel lobby lobby 08:00 - 12:30 Press Briefing Programme


Morning Run/Walk 06:30 - 07:30

Morning Run/Walk 06:30 - 07:30





EXHIBITION PRESS CONFERENCE/OTHER  Please note this schedule is subject to change and times indicated are in local time.



Times Times Times indicated indicated indicated are in areare local in in local time. local time. time.


lawaccord programme 2014 Press Briefing Room, Susesi Convention Centre

08:30 – 12:00 Monday, 7th April, 2014

‘LEGAL CHALLENGES FOR INTERNATIONAL SPORTS ORGANISATIONS’ International sports organisations’ legal practitioners (in-house and external counsel), non-lawyers, sport professionals with an interest in sports law. LawAccord 2014 offers the opportunity to examine the most pressing and relevant legal issues for the international sports movement. Indeed, sport faces increasingly complex legal challenges in various jurisdictions around the world. While each sport or organisation has its own unique priorities and parameters, many legal issues are common to all. LawAccord 2014 will be the place to make connections, share experiences and broaden the understanding of sports law. Sports leaders and lawyers will offer insight on best practices for dealing with legal issues in sport. For the 2014 edition of LawAccord, SportAccord wanted to design a programme that addresses the specific areas of operation and concern for its Members. To that end, we solicited the input of our Members through our LawAccord Survey. The results were then analyzed and used to specifically tailor the programme and topics to the current areas of legal activity for Members. The Programme is designed to provide workshop style, interactive sessions to allow panelists and participants to share their views on the session topics. We invite all SportAccord Members, legal advisors, sport professionals and service providers as well as SportAccord Conference delegates to attend the 2014 LawAccord conference. We look forward to a productive and interactive discussion.


08:30 - 09:00

Meet and greet (refreshments)

09:00 - 09:15

Welcome and opening Addresses

09:15 - 09:30

Opening speech by SportAccord Director General Vlad Marinescu Introduction by LawAccord 2014 Chairman Stephen Townley Introduction Session International Federations legal challenges – insights and concerns LawAccord 2014 Survey Results & programme development

09:30 - 10:20

10:20 - 10:40 10:40 - 11:15

Session 1: Host Agreements Host Agreements for SportAccord Members’ events allocate risk between an IF and Host. In this session, panelists and participants will explore some of the challenges in risk sharing, whether in relation to commercial programmes or dispute resolution and liability. Sub-topics include: striking the right balance, due diligence and guarantees, taxation, cancellation, and residual IP.

Break (refreshments)

Session 2: Insurance The availability and cost of insurance is of increasing concern at all levels of sport and in part because of the globalization of sport calendars. SportAccord Members are facing challenges relating to medical and injury insurance all the way up to liability insurance for cancellation, curtailment and media exposure. This session will explore the challenges SportAccord Members face in relation to ensuring appropriate insurance is available and in place for their respective members, officials, participants and athletes as well. It will also look at whether a sport’s commercial partners should undertake their own insurance or contribute to that of a federation.

11:15 - 11:55

Session 3: Competition Rules, Event Regulation and Disciplinary Procedures The development and enforcement of Competition Rules and Event Regulations represent a significant area of activity for SportAccord Members’ legal department and advisors. SportAccord Members must ensure that disciplinary procedures are responsive to evolving competition rules and event regulations. This session will explore Members’ challenges with respect to Competition Rules and how Disciplinary Procedures (whether through internal or external entities) are designed to support the sporting goals while at the same facing new developments in sport (equipment, new disciplines or competitions etc.).

11:55 - 12:00



city forum programme 2014 Press Briefing Room, Susesi Convention Centre

13:30 – 17:30 Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

Sport’s new frontier 13:30 - 13:35


13:35 - 14:00

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Major Event Objectives The Commonwealth Games is one of the biggest multi-sport events on the world stage, and the Ryder Cup is golf’s premier biennial competition. How is Scotland, with a population of five million, meeting the challenges of hosting both of these events in the same year, and seizing the opportunities they offer for both host city locations, and Scotland as a whole? Can a major event really help to achieve big-picture economic and social objectives? Shona Robison MSP, Minister for Commonwealth Games and Sport, Scottish Government

14:00 - 15:00

PANEL SESSION: Sharing the bidding process and responsibilities With the hosting of major events becoming ever more costly and complex, sharing the burden between host countries is increasingly viewed as an option. What are the practical realities of getting this sort of co-operation off the ground – and making it successful? MODERATOR: David Eades, Journalist & Anchor, BBC World Susan Sawbridge, Manager Event Prospecting and Bidding, ATEED (Aukland Tourism, Events and Economic Development) H.U. (Henk) Stokhof, Head of Sports Department, City of Amsterdam Rick Traer, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance

15:00 - 15:30


coffee break

15:30 - 15:35


15:35 - 16:00

EVENT WATCH: The First European Games Azerbaijan is compiling an impressive profile in international sport, and has become a nation with a clear vision for what sport can do for their country economically, socially, and politically. We hear from one of the key figures behind the first European Games, taking place there in 2015. Azad Rahimov, Minister of Youth and Sport, Azerbaijan Republic, CEO, Baku European Games Operation Committee

16:00 - 17:00

PANEL SESSION: Establishing New Markets Sport is taking events to new countries and cities, enabling them to develop as future destinations, and youth-oriented events are leading the way in this phase of globalizing sport. What are the key requirements in becoming credible and successful as a host location? How can locations enter the market and make an impact quickly? MODERATOR: Michael Cunnah, Chairman, iSportconnect Yusuf Hacisuleyman, Chairman, Mediterranean Association of Touristic Hoteliers Kosta Iliev, 3x3 Sports Director, International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Gernot Leitner, Chairman & Partner, Masterconcept Prof. Nikolay Peshin, Pro Rector, Russian International Olympic University Gideon Sam, President, South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC)

17:00 - 17:25

CASE STUDY: Hitting New Target Audiences Although based in France, FISE Action Sports, aimed at young audiences and participants, has been bringing events to countries all over the world - Morocco, Costa Rica, Algeria, Dubai, Italia -- with many glowing reports about the social impact it has, and participation levels from youngsters going through the roof. Action sports are attracting a new demographic in cities all over the world. Here’s a look at some of the benefits cities can reap by focusing on a new target audience. Olivier Pascal, Founder, FISE World Series

17:25 - 17:30



conference programme 2014 09:00 – 17:00

Susesi Convention Centre

Day 1: Wednesday, 9th April, 2014

Sport’s new frontier 09:00 - 09:30


10:00 - 10:15

Welcome, Introductions

10:15 - 11:15

KEYNOTE ADDRESS and Interview Main auditorium Grinding through the gears: The Challenge of Restoring Confidence in International Cycling and Lessons for the Sporting Family

sportaccord convention CAFÉ

Join Ed Hula, from Around The Rings, for coffee, croissants, and highlights of the latest news and views from the Olympic Family.


No sport has been placed under the critical microscope more constantly and more damagingly than cycling. The explosion of the Lance Armstrong affair, and the sweeping away of the UCI’s previous leadership, leaves cycling’s international governing body with the responsibility of rebuilding a reputation tarnished by doping, cheating, and a lack of transparency. As the new President of the UCI, Brian Cookson has the task of transforming the image and practices of international cycling. He will address the challenges he and his team face – and how the rigours placed upon the UCI should be recognised by all IF’s if the sporting world is to be taken seriously in an evermore commercial and sensitive environment. Brian Cookson, President, Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI)

12:00 - 13:00

A WOMEN’S WORLD: The journey towards sporting equality


Join a panel of leading women from the sports industry for a frank discussion on how to create better sporting equality – on the field of play, in the media, in sponsorship spend, and on the boards of national and international sports governing bodies. MODERATOR: Charmaine Crooks, CM, President, NGU Consultants, Inc. Amanda Bennett, Head Coach England Women U20 Team, Rugby Football Union Marzena Bogdanowicz, Managing Director, b-focused ltd Donna de Varona, President, DAMAR Inc. Neşe Gündoğan, Secretary General, Turkish National Olympic Committee Lisa Lazarus, Chief of Business Development & Strategy, Féderation Equestre Internationale (FEI)


14:00 - 15:00

PLENARY PANEL SESSION: The New Face Of Leadership


A changing of the guard has been taking place around the world of sport, with new leaders assuming guiding roles in many organisations. This panel brings together several of the most influential people who have recently taken leadership positions. What are their goals? What are the common challenges and opportunities shared by their organisations? What are the possibilities for co-operation? MODERATOR: David Eades, Anchor and Journalist, BBC World Helena Alterby Nordstrom, Chairman, Ladies European Tour Brett Gosper, Secretary General, International Rugby Board Vlad Marinescu, Director General, SportAccord Andrew Parsons, Vice President, International Paralympic Committee

16:00 - 17:00

THE RULEBREAKERS AND GAME CHANGERS MAIN AUDITORIUM Successful sports are often the ones that are most open to reinventing themselves continually, adapting to changing appetites and circumstances. In this session, participants will have the chance to rewrite the rules of sport. If you could change the rules of one sport, what would you do? The session will hear updates from IFs and sports who are doing just that, as well as from audience members with opinions of their own. Come with a rule-change to propose, and be prepared to make your case. INTRO: Marius L. Vizer, President, SportAccord, SportAccord Convention MODERATOR: David Eades, Anchor and Journalist, BBC World Adrian Christy, Chief Executive, BADMINTON England Andrew Craig, President, The Craig Company LLC Brett Hasell, Marketing Coordinator, International Hockey Federation (FIH) Nenad Lalovic, President, International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA) Sarah Lewis, Secretary General, International Ski Federation (FIS)


conference programme 2014 09:00 – 15:15

Susesi Convention Centre

Day 2: Thursday, 10th April, 2014

Sport’s new frontier 09:00 - 09:30


10:30 - 11:00

RE-DISCOVERING THE SOUL OF SPORT: MAIN AUDITORIUM A perspective from 007 to the inner city

sportaccord convention CAFÉ

Ease into your morning with some coffee and banter with SportBusiness, as they present their Ultimate Sport City Awards 2014.

Sébastien Foucan achieved global fame for his breath-taking escapades in ‘Casino Royale’ alongside Daniel Craig’s 007. Behind this extraordinary physical activity called ‘freerunning’ lies a conviction about the true value of sporting exercise and achievement. Sébastien will discuss what he believes is the root to achievement, enjoyment and fulfilment in sport. And will issue a challenge to those who see sporting success in purely commercial terms. Sébastien Foucan, Freerunning Founder/Instructor & Public Speaker

11:00 - 12:00

youth club


The average age of the TV viewer for the Olympic Games is now 50. So where is the younger generation? What are they watching, how are they watching and what inspires them to switch on - or over? A panel of young people explain, demonstrate and share their thoughts on what they like – and don’t like – about sport. This is a chance for IFs, sponsors, broadcasters from all sporting directions to tap in to the younger audience - who will dictate successful sports coverage in the years ahead. MODERATOR: Prof. Andy Miah, Director of the Creative Futures Institute, University of the West of Scotland Nick Butler, Reporter, Megan Harris, Paralympic Athlete and Former Bath Rugby Player Katinka Hosszu, FINA Swimming World Champion Alessia Trost, High Jumper, IAAF


14:00 - 15:00


main auditorium

Without the rules, sport loses its true meaning. Holding on to the integrity of sport, however, appears more challenging every year. This session will tackle the scale and breadth of cheating in sport, from doping to match-fixing to gamesmanship. It will address the challenges facing IFs and sponsors alike. It will also draw on the expertise of the integrity police in search of a way forward. Can the ultimate sporting crisis be averted? MODERATOR: David Eades, Anchor and Journalist, BBC World John Amaechi OBE, Managing Director, Amaechi Performance Systems Chris Eaton, Director of Sport Integrity, ICSS Andreas Krannich, Managing Director Strategy and Integrity, Sportradar Gianni Merlo, President, AIPS Sir Craig Reedie, President, WADA Friedrich Stickler, President, The European Lotteries

15:00 - 15:15


main auditorium


sports demo zone programme Presented by

TUESDAY, 8 april 06:30

wedneSDAY, 9 april 06:30

FIVB – Federation International de Volleyball 08:00

08:30 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30

FMJD - World Draughts Federation


12:00 12:15 12:30 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00



IJF - International Judo Federation

FIAS - International Federation of Sambo

FIBA International Basketball Federation



10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:45 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00

ThurSDAY, 10 april 06:30

IFMA – International Federation of Muaythai Amateur


FIVB – Federation International de Volleyball

ISA International Surfing Association


IPC - International Paralympic Committee

WKF - World Karate Federation

FMJD World Draughts Federation Cocktail

FINA - Fédération Internationale de Natation 08:00 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:15:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:45 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00

FMJD - World Draughts Federation

WTF - World Taekwondo Federation

tbc Lunch

FIE - Fédération Internationale d’Escrime

FIAS - International Federation of Sambo



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speaker profiles

Helena Alterby Nordstrom was born in 1978 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Helena’s father first took her and her sister to the golf course at the age of eight, and she has been passionate about the game ever since. She played as an amateur for many years while getting her Masters degree in Computer Science. Her first step towards a professional golf career was through the Swedish Golf Tour, where she played two full seasons. At the Solheim Cup 2003 Helena was an assistant for a television production company and discovered that the superstars playing the tournament did not hit the ball further than she did. Later that year, she qualified to the Ladies European Tour (LET) and played there on a full-time basis until 2007. She has also played tournaments on the Australian Golf Tour, Asian Golf Tour and South African Golf Tour. She has been a member of the Board of Directors for LET from 2007 and was elected Chairman in 2013. Helena now works as a banker at SEB in Sweden and is happily married with two children. This summer she is looking forward to playing some golf with her eldest son and her father.

Helena Alterby Nordstrom Chairman, Ladies European Tour

John Amaechi OBE is a psychologist, organisational consultant and a high-performance executive coach. He is also a New York Times best-selling author and a former NBA basketball star. Since retirement from sport, John has worked with organisations in the US and Europe, from the business, educational, sporting and philanthropic fields, to help them assess, manage, maximise and retain their human capital. John is also sought-after for his contribution to helping brands understand how to energise and use cause marketing and corporate social responsibility as a client and personnel engagement tool. John’s approach to organisations is to analyse personnel and strategy, facilitate intraorganisational communication and tackle problems that diminish cohesion and performance. He uses a unique diagnostic process that allows clients to quickly get to the heart of their challenges and set new targets.

John Amaechi OBE Managing Director, Amaechi Performance Systems


In the UK, John has his own charitable sports and community centre with more than 2,500 young people per week going through its doors receiving schooling in sport, leadership and life skills.

Amanda has been involved in rugby for 30 years as an international player, international coach, a founder member and Vice President of Saracens and all possible volunteer positions available in the game from club to national Executive Committee. She is currently Head Coach to the England U20 Women having previously coached the Wales national team and England ‘A’ who won the European Championships in 2007. Amanda has also coached in the US and in rural Rwanda. Having left UK Sport as Head of Governance in June 2013, Amanda now runs her own company, providing expertise and guidance to sports governing bodies in the areas of governance, strategic planning, equality and leadership. She was Chair of European Women and Sport (2009-11) and has developed internationally recognised programmes to enhance equality and women’s leadership in sport.

Amanda Bennett Head Coach England Women U20 Team, Rugby Football Union Director, Fairplay Enterprises Ltd

Marzena Bogdanowicz is a sports marketing and sponsorship expert with over 25 years of experience. She runs her own marketing consultancy, b-focused ltd, which specialises in sport sponsorship, commercial consultancy, marketing and project management. She is passionate about sport and the value it plays in all our lives. Currently a Non-Executive Board Member of Volleyball England, Marzena was also the Team Manager for the GB Women’s Beach Volleyball team at the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games – the first appearance for both the sport and a GB team. Marzena has also been involved at local club level in both volleyball and triathlon. Having spent three years at both the Squash Rackets Association and the Test and County Cricket Board (now England and Wales Cricket Board), Marzena went on to spend 10 years as Director of Marketing at the British Olympic Association where she developed a lasting legacy with the introduction of the internationally recognised Team GB brand, representing the Great Britain Olympic Team. The brand has since grown from strength to strength, even more so after London 2012 with Team GB now front of mind during any Olympic Games.

Marzena Bogdanowicz Managing Director, b-focused Ltd

Marzena has worked with many brands and rights holders in defining their marketing and sponsorship strategies. In addition she has led the management and coordination of largescale projects and events such as the London 2012 Live Sites Network, 2008 Visa Handover in The Mall, London and the 2004 Olympic Torch Relay, London.


Nick Butler has spent the last eight months as a reporter for in his first job since graduating from university. He studied history at Durham University followed by an MPhil in International Relations at the University of Cambridge - where he cut his journalistic teeth by also being sports editor of The Cambridge Student Newspaper. In those eight months Nick has travelled to a variety of major global sporting events, including the Asian Youth Games in Nanjing, the 125th IOC Session in Buenos Aires and the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. In that time he has written about subjects ranging from sponsorship to doping, on people ranging from gold medals winners to International Federation Presidents, and on issues spanning “How to cover the Olympics without any rights” and “What role does alcohol play in sport today.” He combines a love for writing and world affairs with a passion for following sport - and a rather less successful passion for playing it - so is thoroughly enjoying getting to grips with the Olympic Movement.

nick butler Reporter,

Adrian Christy has been Chief Executive of BADMINTON England since 2006 and has led the modernisation and transformation of English badminton through a vision to ‘consistently develop Olympic champions and get the nation playing badminton’. He also leads the GB Olympic badminton programme on behalf of the four home nations. Adrian led the bids for England to host the European Team Championships in 2009, European Individual Championships in 2010 and the World Championships in 2011, one of the most exciting pre-Olympic major event schedules in the UK and has seen this strategy drive considerable commercial success for BADMINTON England. Adrian is currently leading the largest project in the history of English badminton with the redevelopment and relocation of the National Badminton Centre to a state-of-the-art, elite and community sports facility. Prior to joining BADMINTON England, Adrian worked in local authority Sport Development and Sports Coach UK before moving into National Governing Bodies, first with the Lawn Tennis Association and then onto England Squash & Racketball.

Adrian Christy Chief Executive, Badminton England


He is a member of the Skills Active Board and the MK Sports Board.

Brian Cookson was elected President of the International Cycling Union (UCI) in September 2013 at its Congress in Florence by 24 votes to 18, after campaigning on a manifesto to restore trust and lead change at the UCI. For over 40 years cycling has touched Brian’s life, both as a rider and administrator. His cycling experience spans senior level positions within local, national and international cycling and he has a proven track record of delivering change and success. In 1996 Brian was elected President of British Cycling, a position he held unopposed until his election as UCI President. Upon becoming British Cycling President, the organisation was near bankrupt and sporting success was modest. All that changed over the next 15 years with British Cycling experiencing unprecedented sporting and commercial success.

Brian Cookson President, Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI)

Between 1986 and 2009 Brian gained significant international cycling experience: he was a UCI International Commissaire at the 1992 Olympic Games, multiple World Championships and international stage races. In 2009 he became a member of the UCI Management Committee, was President of the UCI Road Commission [2011-13] as well as the Cyclo-Cross Commission [2009-11]. Since becoming UCI President, Brian is focused on delivering his manifesto pledges to rebuild trust in the UCI, transform the way anti-doping is dealt with, grow the sport globally, develop women’s cycling, overhaul elite road cycling and strengthen cycling’s credibility and influence within the Olympic Movement. Born in 1951 and married with three children, Brian still cycles most days.

After an early career with Nestle, Andrew Craig moved to sport when he joined the management team at ISL Marketing in Switzerland in 1983. Craig’s responsibilities included work on the FIFA World Cup prior to focusing on the successful development of the International Olympic Committee’s global marketing programme. In 1994 Craig was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Championship Auto Racing Teams in the USA. Craig executed a successful IPO for the company on the New York Stock Exchange in 1998. He remains active in motorsport and has recently been appointed as the Permanent Representative in North America for the fast-growing FIA World Endurance Championship. He also serves as Vice President of the FIA Touring Car Commission and as a Member of the FIA Endurance Racing Commission.

Andrew Craig President, The Craig Company LLC


Craig has extensive involvements in the Olympic world. He served as a Senior Advisor on three winning Olympic bids - Vancouver 2010, London 2012 and Sochi 2014. He served as an Advisor to the International Golf Federation on its campaign to become an Olympic Sport and as Senior Advisor to the International Federation of Wrestling Styles on its highly successful campaign for reinstatement on the Olympic programme. He served as Senior Advisor to the European Olympic Committees (EOC) on the successful development of the European Games to be launched in 2015 in Baku, Azerbaijan and now serves a member of the EOC European Games Coordination Commission. Additionally The Craig Company provides strategic council to sports federations and corporations active in sports. Andrew Craig graduated with an MBA from the University of Liverpool, England. He is a British citizen currently resident in the USA.

Charmaine Crooks, C.M is a Member of the Order of Canada, a Five-Time Olympian and Olympic silver medalist. She is President of NGU Consultants Inc, a global consultancy and management company and is a freelance TV presenter, speaker and member of several corporate and charitable Boards. Elected a Member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) 1999-2004. There she served on the IOC Athlete’s Commission, the IOC Ethics Committee and the IOC Cultural and Education Commission. She is currently a member of the IOC Press Commission. Charmaine was one of the founding Members of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter and Paralympic Games Bid and a Board of Director from the bid phase right through to the successful Games. A long-standing member of the Canadian Olympic Committee Executive Board, Honorary President of Olympians Canada and past Vice President of the World Olympians Association 2007-2011. She was also the first Chairman of the Pan American Athletes Commission.

Charmaine Crooks, CM President, NGU Consultants INC.

She was awarded the 2006 IOC “Women and Sport Trophy” in recognition of her efforts towards supporting gender equity in sport.Inducted into the BC Sports Hall of Fame (2003) and the University of Texas at El Paso Sports Hall of Fame (2006) as the first female inductee. In 2009, she was recognised with the Jack Diamond Award as BC’s Sports Personality of the Year and has been named one of the “Top 50 Women of Power” in Canada. Charmaine is actively involved in various national and global health and sport related charities. These include The Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation, Big Sisters of the Lower Mainland, the Canucks Autism Network (CAN), Champions for Peace and was a founding International Board Member of Right to Play.

Michael Cunnah is Chairman of iSportconnect, the world’s largest network of sports business executives. iSportconnect has developed a niche in the market for connecting executives, keeping them updated about news and commercial opportunities and for hosting very successful networking and Masterclass events. Michael is also CEO of Stadium Management Systems Ltd, a company which has developed the only comprehensive, integrated stadium operations management software in the world. Venues using this software can demonstrate compliance and best practice in all aspects of their operation and reduce costs through increased efficiency. Previously Michael personally managed the re-development of Wembley National Stadium, was COO at Aston Villa FC and was Finance Director of The Football Association. Before entering the sports sector Michael held senior finance roles in blue-chip companies such as Unilever, Diageo and Coca-Cola.

MICHAEL CUNNAH Chairman, iSportconnect


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DONNA de VARONA President, DAMAR Inc.

Donna de Varona, President of sports marketing, production and consulting company DAMAR Inc., is a double Olympic gold medal-winner and a former swimming world record-holder. By the time de Varona retired from her sport at the age of 17 she had established over 18 world records and fastest times and competed in two Olympics, the first as a 13-year-old. Since de Varona’s retirement from active competition the sporting and educational landscape has changed considerably in part due to de Varona’s relentless work on behalf of students and athletes in the USA and internationally. In the USA, de Varona has served on the United States Olympic Committee Board and Foundation; the United States Soccer Foundation; the International Special Olympics Executive Board and is an Advisor to the US Department of State Empowering Women through sport program. Named to five terms on the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, she has been an Advisor to the US Senate on most Olympic initiatives as well as landmark legislation, including Title IX of the equal education Amendments Act which made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex in any educational institution or program that receives federal funding. In the mid1970s, de Varona joined other elite women athletes in establishing the Women’s Sports Foundation, serving as its first President and Chairman. Internationally, de Varona is also recognized for her work as an award-winning news and sports journalist. Appointed by IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch to the IOC Women in Sport Commission, President Jacques Rogge reappointed de Varona until his retirement. In 1999, de Varona served as Chairman of the 1999 FIFA Women’s World Cup. She continues to work with many NGOs including Generations for Peace and Peace and Sport, and she is currently on the Executive Board of the LA2015 Special Olympics Global Games Organizing Committee. This year she served as the Lead Advisor in creating the International Women Athletes Business Network.

David Eades is a News Presenter for BBC World TV and for BBC Radio 4 and for more than two decades has covered major news and sports stories for the corporation. David has worked as Europe correspondent, Ireland Correspondent and ultimately Sports News Correspondent, reporting on some of the most momentous events of our times; from the death of Princess Diana to the Good Friday Agreement. He has covered the last three World Cups (Japan/Korea, Germany and South Africa) as well as the Olympic Games in Athens, Ryder Cups, and key Congresses at the IOC, FIFA and UEFA. He has also worked closely with organisations such as UK Sport, the FA, LTA and several Olympic sports in their communications programmes. David is a seasoned moderator of conferences, working in the sports, energy and communications sector. He reported and presented every day throughout the London Olympics from the Olympic Park for the BBC.

DAVID EADES Journalist & Anchor, BBC World


With over 40 years’ experience in the field of international law enforcement, security and integrity - including senior roles at FIFA, INTERPOL and the Australian Federal Police - Chris Eaton is one of the leading international experts in the area of sport integrity and sportsresults manipulation. Since joining the ICSS in April 2012, Chris has put together a specialist team of global experts and investigators who offer a range of integrity services in sport. As Director of Sport Integrity at the ICSS, Chris’ primary role is to promote integrity reform in the sport industry and support the creation of international measures to combat integrity threats to sport. As a recognised figure in the field, Chris has spoken out against a number of international issues including match-fixing in English and African football, the need for governmental involvement in sport integrity and general corruption in sport.

CHRIS EATON Director Of Sport Integrity, International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS)

Born in France in 1974, Sebastien Foucan is the founder of Freerunning. He is well known for his views on the philosophy behind Freerunning, and is an ambassador for the discipline in many countries across the globe. In the late 1980s in Lisses (France) Sebastien and his friends began to develop an obstacleled style of play which they named ”Parcours” after the military training, ”parcours du combattant”. After leaving school, Sebastien went into military service as a firefighter and during that time began to see the limitation of his practice. In 2001 he developed his own way called “Freerunning”.

SEBASTIEN FOUCAN Freerunning Founder/Instructor Public Speaker


Sebastien came to prominence in the UK after the Channel 4 documentaries, Jump London, and Jump Britain. He appeared in the music videos for Madonna’s singles, Jump and Hung Up, and went on to accompany her on the 2006 Confessions Tour. He also made his acting debut that year, starring as Mollaka in the 21st James Bond film, Casino Royale. Following this, he went on to star in The Tournament (2009) playing the role of assassin Anton Bogart. Sebastien’s book, Freerunning - Find Your Way highlights his philosophy and how the values of freerunning can be applied to daily life. Throughout his career, Sebastien has been sought after for product promotion and endorsements and has been sponsored by Nike and Fila. He starred in the Nike Angry Chicken and Toyoya Scion TV commercials, and helped K-Swiss to launch the Ariake. BET Networks also used Sebastien in their Follow the Leader ad campaign. Sebastien now focuses on being a public speaker and is dedicated to his role as an ambassador of Freerunning. He set up his Academy and works closely with Parkour UK (UK national governing body for the disciplines of Parkour and Freerunning), and together they are creating an International Federation called FIADD to bring more global recognition to this sport.

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Brett Gosper is the Chief Executive Officer of the International Rugby Board (IRB), the Managing Director of Rugby World Cup Limited and a former advertising executive and rugby player. Prior to his appointment to the IRB in July 2012, he had a successful international career in advertising which included being CEO of Euro RSCG Wnek Gosper London, CEO of TBWA New York, CEO of McCann Erickson New York and President of McCann Erickson USA. Most recently as the President and CEO of Europe, Middle East, Africa for McCann Worldgroup, the world’s largest advertising network. During this time he was also a member of the McCann Worldgroup Executive Committee and Board Executive responsible for global accounts including L’Oreal, Nestle, Unilever, Sony Ericsson and InterContinental Hotels Group. Brett also had successful playing career in rugby career including representing Australia U21, Victoria and Queensland and playing nine seasons with leading French team the Racing Club where in the year they reached the French final Brett was awarded Best Club Player (1987). He also represented the French Barbarians again st the All Blacks in 1986 and Italy in the Monaco Sevens in 1986.

BRETT GOSPER Secretary General, International Rugby Board

Nese Gundogan was born in Istanbul. She competed in middle distance running and was a member of the Athletics National Team between 1977 and 1982. She graduated from May 19 Youth and Sports Academy in 1984, Ankara. Following her graduation, Gundogan worked as the athletics coach at ENKA Sports Club for seven years. In the meantime she got her MA degree in Exercise Physiology at Marmara University, School of Physical Education and Sports and delivered lectures on athletics. Later she got her MA and EdD in Sports Management in Philadelphia Temple University in the USA. Her doctorate dissertation was on the management and marketing strategies of basketball clubs in the USA. While she was in the USA, she served as the Sports Competitions Planning Director Assistant in 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games Organizing Committee (ACOG). She worked as a volunteer in several sports organizations like New York Marathon, Penn Relays as well as charities working for women and children.


Gundogan was appointed as the sports director at Turkish Olympic Committee in 1996 and took part as an NOC official at the 2000 Sydney, 2004 Athens, 2008 Beijing and 2012 London Summer Olympic Games. She became the first woman member elected to the Executive Committee of Turkish NOC in 2001 and the first woman secretary general in 2003.

Secretary General, Turkish Olympic Committee

Gundogan, having written articles on “Woman and Sports in Turkey” and “Contributions of Olympic Games for a Nation”, serves in Turkish Athletics Foundation with the purpose of increasing the participation of children and youth to the athletics and increasing the technical capabilities of coaches.


Chairman of the Board of the Mediterranean Association of Touristic Hoteliers, Yusuf Hacısüleyman has spent the last three decades working in and serving tourism. His career as professional hotelier began in 1981 in Istanbul. Since then, he has occupied leading positions in some of the most important touristic organizations of the region, such as POYD (Association of Professional Hoteliers), SKAL International, BETUYAB (Belek Tourism Investors Association), TUYED (Association of Tourism Writers and Journalists), just to mention a few. Yusuf Hacısüleyman is also Chairman of the Board of Antalya, the Destination (Antalya Tanıtım A.Ş.), founded with the aim to promote the entire Antalya region and ViceChairman of the Antalya Chamber of Commerce.

Yusuf Hacısüleyman

The Mediterranean Association of Touristic Hoteliers (AKTOB) unites a capacity of around 350.000 hotel beds of Antalya in one organisation and at the same time, issues essential touristic publications such as the RESORT Magazine with a monthly run of 11.000. AKTOB moreover, creates a platform for important names of the sector with the annual RESORT Tourism Congress which takes place every year in November.

Chairman of the Board, Mediterranean Association Of Touristic Hoteliers

Megan is a rower hoping to compete in the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games. A keen sportswoman, she played a variety of sports until she went to university in Bath where her love for rugby took off. After a few months playing in the city, Megan joined Bath Rugby Ladies squad as a centre/winger. Unfortunately in her final game before graduating, she received a neck injury resulting in nerve damage in the left side of her body. A few weeks later Megan began working in Athlete Services at London 2012, a role that sparked her passion for the Olympic movement. Whilst there, it was suggested that her injury would make her eligible for Paralympic sport and she was soon on the search for the right sport. Whilst doing this, Megan was working in the Media and Communications department at Leicester Tigers, her home club and second favourite place in the world (behind her family home).

MEGAN HARRIS Paralympic Athlete and Former Bath Rugby Player

Presently, Megan is training to compete in the Mixed Coxless Four boat at Rio 2016 under coach John Gill, Director of Coaching at Scottish Rowing. Supporting her to on the ‘Road to Rio’ is The Matt Hampson Foundation, a charity that inspires and supports young people seriously injured through sport. Alongside this, she is working in the Marketing and Communications Department at RedTorch Ltd, delivering MarComms for events such as the IRB World Rugby Conference and Exhibition and SportAccord Convention.


Brett Hasell is a digital media purist - a true believer in delivering to fans what they want and when they want it. He has worked in Australia’s largest telecommunication company with the latest consumer technology and is always looking for ways to improve the experience of every sport. Like many people, he loves technology and sees technology at the core of sports entertainment in the future. Brett is all about delivering the perfect media mix which is why he lives, breathes, builds and advocates ‘cool’ content, because at the end of the day this is what separates fact and entertainment. Brett is a specialist in digital/social media and currently works for the International Hockey Federation whilst also having worked with the WSF, ICF, ICC and the IOC on various digital projects.

BRETT HASELL Marketing Coordinator, International Hockey Federation (FIH)

Born in Pécs, Hungary on May 3rd 1989, Katinka Hosszu started swimming at age five in Baja, Hungary. Since her international debut in 2004, she has gained the nickname “Iron Lady” for her impressive versatility, excelling in practically all swimming strokes. Her first medal, a bronze, was awarded for the 200m individual medley during the 2004 European Short Course Championships launching her swimming career. She won a gold and two bronze at the 2009 FINA World Championships in Rome, Italy and competed at the 2012 London Olympic Games, placing fourth in the 400m individual medley. During the 2013 FINA World Championships, Katinka Hosszu won two gold medals (200m and 400m individual medleys). Twice a winner of the FINA Swimming World Cup (2012 and 2013), Katinka Hosszu set six world records during the 2013 event under coach and husband Shane Tusup. She covered 4,000m at each location of the 2013 FINA world Cup series, 700m more than Michael Phelps during his historic performance in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

KATINKA HOSSZU FINA Swimming World Champion


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After finishing his professional basketball career, Kosta Iliev became a Secretary General of the Bulgarian Basketball Federation from 1995 to 2000. He founded and acted as a General Manager of the South European Basketball league for men and women clubs in the period 2001 – 2002. He became a Sports Director of FIBA Europe in 2003 and was responsible for running the most important European competitions for national and club teams until 2010. Since 2011 he has been part of the team responsible for the development of one of the most important projects of FIBA – 3x3. The last two years have been dedicated to the development of more attractive specific rules for 3x3, the organisation of a World Tour and World Championships for different age categories and establishing a Global Competition Network.

KOSTA ILIEV 3x3 Basketball Sports Director, International Basketball Federation (FIBA)

Andreas Krannich (47) worked for 10 years for the German Football Association (DFB) and the German Football League (DFL) in marketing and media licensing. As a specialist in technology and business development he was also in charge of betting-related issues. Andreas joined Sportradar in April 2008 as Managing Director Strategy and Integrity.

ANDREAS KRANNICH Managing Director Strategy & Integrity, Sportradar AG


Nenad Lalovic, from Belgrade, Serbia, was elected as the seventh president of FILA at a special Congress in Moscow on May 18, 2013. He had been Acting President since February 16, 2013, after the resignation of FILA President Raphael Martinetti. The 55-year old Lalovic joined the FILA Bureau in 2006 and was re-elected in 2012. He’s the former president of the Serbian Wrestling Federation and served on the Bureaus of CELA, the European Wrestling Federation, and the Serbian Olympic Committee.

NENAD LALOVIC President, International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA)

Nenad Lalovic was a key figure in Serbian sports after the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. After the war his son Milos started to wrestle at a local club and he became involved with the small club as well as the national federation. He became president of the Serbian Wrestling Federation a year later and helped shape the new nation’s sports history. When he became President, the nation’s top wrestlers worked out in the Secretary General’s small apartment that served as national office and a gym. From that small start Lalovic helped transform the organisation into a professional federation with new offices and an infrastructure and it began organising international competitions that laid the groundwork for building international respect. Mr Lalovic was then chosen by CELA to be in charge of the European Cup team competitions. In 2004, he was named to the CELA Bureau, and in 2006 at the world championships in Guangzhou, China, he was elected to the FILA Bureau. In 2012 in London, he was re-elected to the Bureau in the first round. He has also served as a member of FILA’s Legal and Ethics Committee.

Lisa F. Lazarus is currently Chief of Business Development & Strategy for the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) with responsibility for overseeing all of the commercial activities of the FEI, including media, sponsorship, and licensing & merchandising. She also advises the CEO on strategic matters relating to the growth of equestrian sport globally. Lisa was the FEI’s General Counsel from May 2009 to August 2013. In that role, she was responsible for all of the legal activities of the FEI, including commercial negotiations, equine and human anti-doping programmes, regulatory matters, and all cases before the FEI Tribunal and the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Lisa was also responsible for all legal matters on behalf of the FEI in the lead up to and during the London 2012 Olympic Games.

LISA LAZARUS Chief of Business Development & Strategy, Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI)

Prior to joining the FEI, Lisa was Senior Director of Partner Development for NFL International in London responsible for overseeing business and partner development in and around the NFL’s initiatives in the UK. She focused predominantly on launching the commercial programme around the NFL International Series London Game at Wembley Stadium. From January 2007 to January 2008, Lisa was Senior Director of Business Affairs for NFL International, serving in a dual business and legal role focusing on the NFL’s international business. From November 2005 to December 2006, she was NFL counsel, with primary legal responsibility for the NFL’s international media business.


Gernot Leitner, an architect by education and former Austrian Volleyball National Team Player in the early 1990s, is the founder and chairman of the Masterconcept group of companies. The group has professionalized a multi-disciplinary approach for major sporting events as well as city planning and transport solutions. Having been in the leadership of two Olympic Winter Games bids, Gernot has been advising numerous international event organisations, with the Sochi 2014 Games as the latest large mandate.

GERNOT LEITNER Chairman & Partner, Masterconcept

Sarah Lewis has been involved with skiing on both a competitive and administrative level for over 30 years. She was a member of the British Alpine Ski Team from 1982-1988 and competed in the 1987 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships and 1988 Olympic Winter Games, as well as many FIS competitions including World Cup and Continental Cups. After 10 years of working in the ski industry both during and after her competitive career, Sarah took over as Alpine Director of the British Ski Federation from 1990-1994 during which she served as the Alpine Skiing team captain at two World Championships and two Olympic Winter Games. In this period she also spent two years as a member of two FIS Alpine Committees. Sarah began working for FIS in 1994 and for four years served as Coordinator for the Continental Cups covering the series in Europe, North America, Far East, South America and Australia New Zealand. She became FIS Director in 1998, before being appointed Secretary General by the FIS Council at its meeting in Melbourne in 2000.

SARAH LEWIS Secretary General, International Ski Federation (FIS)


Sarah served as Secretary General of the Association of International Winter Sports Federations (AIOWF) from 2000 to 2004 and has been the AIOWF delegate in the steering group of SportAccord Convention since 2002. At the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing (CHN) she chaired the World Anti-Doping Agency Independent Observers. She lectures on a regular basis to the International Academy of Sports Science and Technology (AISTS) and the World Academy of Sport. In 2006, Sarah was awarded the “Femme en Or prize� for her achievement of holding a leading position in the largest international winter sports federation.

2014 is an exciting year for Scotland as the country gears up to host the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and The Ryder Cup at Gleneagles. Looking ahead, Scotland has secured major sporting & cultural events with bids beyond 2015 already in progress. For more information please visit and follow @EventScotNews


Vlad Marinescu comes from an international background having been born in Romania, raised in the United States of America and obtained his higher education in Budapest from Oxford Brooks University. His connection with martial arts started as soon as his first steps. This was the beginning of a life molded by sport and for sport. He practiced and studied several types of martial arts having won several titles, including having been seven times American Champion. He started his career in international sport seven years ago when he became European Judo Union Assistant to the President. After two years, he accompanied Marius Vizer, assisting him in the Presidency of the International Judo Federation, later becoming Director of the Presidential Office of the International Judo Federation. During these years, he was deeply involved in all activities of the Federation including TV, sponsorship, marketing and the organisation of more than 50 Major Judo Events amongst which Grand Prix, Grand Slams, World Masters, World Championships and Olympic Games. Since July 2013, he has been Director General of SportAccord.

VLAD MARINESCU Director General, SportAccord

Gianni Merlo is the International Sports Press Association (AIPS) President - a role he has served since 2005 when he was elected to the post. The AIPS, which was founded in 1924, seeks to enhance the cooperation between its member associations in defending sport and the professional interest of their members. AIPS and its continental affiliates in America, Asia, Africa and Europe seeks to ensure the best possible working conditions for the members and strengthen the friendship, solidarity and common interests between sports journalists of all countries. Currently AIPS has 153 member Associations and over 9,500 members worldwide. He is also a renowned Sports Journalist who still corresponds for Italy’s leading sports daily “Gazzetta dello Sport” where he has specialized in Track and Field writing, Skiing and Olympics politics for the 40 years he has worked for the newspaper. He has covered 20 Summer and Winter Olympic Games and over 30 European and World Championships in Athletics in his illustrious journalism career which stretches back to 1967.



Prior to ascending to the Association’s Presidency Gianni served as the president of the AIPS European section,UEPS, from 1984 to 1988. He has also served as Chairman of the Athletics commission since 1986 and has led the IAAF press commission since 2004. Gianni is also a member of the IOC press commission. In 2008 Gianni co-wrote the book “Dream runner” with Oscar Pistorius.

Professor Andy Miah, Ph.D. (@andymiah), is Director of the Creative Futures Institute ( & Chair of Ethics and Emerging Technologies in the Faculty of Business & Creative Industries at the University of the West of Scotland. He is also Global Director for the Centre for Policy and Emerging Technologies, Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, USA and Fellow at FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, UK. He is author of ‘Genetically Modified Athletes’ (2004 Routledge) and co-author with Dr Emma Rich of ‘The Medicalization of Cyberspace’ (2008, Routledge), Editor of ‘Human Futures: Art in an Age of Uncertainty’ (2008, Liverpool University Press and FACT) and coauthor with Dr Beatriz Garcia of ‘The Olympics’ (2012, Routledge). Professor Miah’s research discusses the intersections of art, ethics, technology and culture and he has published broadly in areas of emerging technologies, particularly related to human enhancement.

PROFESSOR ANDY MIAH, PH.D. Director of Creative Futures Institute, University of the West of Scotland

He has published over 100 academic articles in refereed journals, books, magazines, and national media press on the subjects of cyberculture, medicine, technology, and sport. He has also given over 100 major conference presentations and he is often invited to speak about philosophical and ethical issues concerning technology in society. Professor Miah regularly interviews for a range of major media companies, which have included BBC’s Newsnight and Start the Week with Andrew Marr, ABC’s’ The 7:30 Review and CBC’s The Hour. He often publishes essays for media outlets, which have included the Huffington Post, Wired, Washington Post, the Guardian, and The Times. He is currently part of a European Commission project called Digital Futures 2050 and has previously been involved with a number of international projects on technological convergence and ethics.

Born on February 10th 1977, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Andrew Parsons is currently Vice President of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and President of the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB). With a strong communication and marketing background, he started his career in the sport movement in the Communication Department of the CPB in 1997. Soon Andrew became head of communication and in 2001 he was promoted to Secretary General. After eight years in that position, he was elected president of CPB in 2009 and reelected unopposed in 2013. In the international environment, Andrew was elected president of the Americas Paralympic Committee in 2005 and successfully oversaw the preparations for the Rio 2007 Parapan-American Games, the first Paralympic regional competition ever organised backto-back with its able-body version. In 2009, Andrew was elected member-at-large of the IPC Governing Board and in November 2013 elected Vice President of the organisation.


He is a member of the IOC Coordination Commission for the Tokyo 2020 Games, of the IOC Radio and Television Commission and of the Rio 2016 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Vice President, International Paralympic Committee

In the Brazilian Paralympic Committee, Andrew implemented a professional management system, which led the Brazilian Paralympic Team from ninth in the Beijing 2008 medal table, with 16 gold medals; to seventh at London 2012 with 21 gold medals. Another achievement was the constant and successfully coverage and broadcasting of Paralympic sport by Brazilian TV channels, including the last three Paralympic Summer Games editions and the last Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi.


Olivier Pascal is the International Development Director of HURRICANE Action Sports Company, one of the leading event organizer specialized in Action Sports (BMX, Skateboard, Roller, Mountain Bike and Wakeboard). After receiving his Economics degree, he joined HURRICANE and served as Partnership Manager (key partners include FIAT, SKULLCANDY and OAKLEY). Passionate about sports involving adrenaline and always up for a challenge, Olivier went to the Middle East and developed numerous action sports events (RED BULL FMX Show Lebanon, Nokia FISE Dubai, FISE Kuwait, Dew Tour Oman Sultanate). Upon his return to France he created the French championship FISE XPERIENCE Series, a six-date tour across France. In 2012, he moved into a new challenging role and launched the FISE WORLD SERIES (FWS), the first international championship gathering top international athletes and amateurs, hundreds of thousands of spectators and worldwide media. The FWS will be made up of four stages in 2014 and will continue to grow from 2015 with seven stages taking place around the world!

OLIVIER PASCAL Founder, Fise World Series

Nikolay Peshin is Pro-Rector of the Russian International Olympic University and Professor of Constitutional, Municipal and Sports law at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. During his career in academia, Professor Peshin has had more than 50 scientific documents published, including 10 monographs and textbooks. Many of these studies have been undertaken at the request of public organisations such as the Moscow City Government, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly. His research interests include the economic basis of state power and local self-government in the regions of the Russian Federation and the constitutional, legal and municipal regulation of relations in the field of physical culture and sport and sport management regulation. Professor Peshin’s expertise has also led to his involvement in helping to develop a number of federal laws, statutes and regional laws. His personal interest in these areas stems from his choice of PhD thesis, completed in 1998, which focused on the legal regulation of the financial system of local government in the Russian Federation.


In 2007, Professor Peshin completed his doctoral dissertation on the power of the state and local self-government in Russia, which analysed the problems in the development of constitutional and legal models and relationship practices. Both his PhD thesis and his doctoral dissertation were undertaken at the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Pro Rector, Russian International Olympic University

Professor Peshin has also headed up Project Implementation Units on a number of municipal legal acts, including the Statute of the city of Norilsk in Krasnoyarsk Krai, and the Monchegorsk Statute for the town of Monchegorsk, situated in the Murmansk Oblast.


The Minister for Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azad Rahimov, is a passionate and committed advocate for driving the progress in sports in the country. Minister Rahimov is a true believer when it comes to sport. He understands the benefits of sport for youth, how athletes and serve as inspirers and ambassadors for the country, and how sport is important to national morale. He also sees sport as being crucial for the health and well-being of the nation, and welfare of young people. As Vice President of the Azerbaijan National Olympic Committee, Minister Rahimov shares his country’s passion for sport, especially Olympic sport.

AZAD RAHIMOV Minister for Youth and Sport, Azerbaijan Republic CEO, Baku European Games Operation Committee

He has been a driving force behind Azerbaijan’s two previous Olympic Games bids, and the country’s emergence as a new international destination for sport and major events. He has worked closely with Government officials and sporting federations to bring some of the biggest sporting events to the capital, Baku, including the 2015 Baku European Games, Europe’s first multi-sport event for all 49 European Olympic countries, which will also serve as a qualifying event for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. The Minister is also convinced that the European Games will leave a long-term legacy of social, economic, infrastructure, and knowledge and information change and benefits for the youth, families and communities of Azerbaijan.

Sir Craig Reedie has enjoyed a long career in Sports Administration. A former President of the Scottish Badminton Union and the International Badminton Federation, he was responsible for the admission of his sport to the Olympic Programme in 1985. In 1992 he became Chairman of the British Olympic Association and led the organisation through the Olympic Games of Atlanta, Sydney and Athens and the Olympic Winter Games of Lillehammer, Nagano and Salt Lake City. He was a leading member of the London 2012 Bid Team which won the right to host the 2012 Olympic Games and is a Non-Executive Director of the London Organising Committee. He became a member of the International Olympic Committee in 1994 and has served on many different IOC Commissions including the Evaluation Commissions of 2001 and 2009, the Co-ordination Commissions for the Games in Athens and Beijing, the Marketing Commission, the Programme Commission and the Ethics Commission. He was elected as a member of the IOC Executive Board in October 2009 and became a Vice President in July 2012. He was Chair of the IOC Evaluation Commission for the 2020 Olympic Games.



Formerly Chairman of the Finance and Administration Committee and a member of the Executive Committee and Foundation Board of the World Anti-Doping Agency, he was elected President of WADA in November 21013 Educated at Stirling High School and Glasgow University he has also held other sports appointments including membership and Deputy Chairmanship of UK Sport. For many years he was Senior Partner in the Glasgow Firm of Financial Advisers D.L.Bloomer and Partners.

Shona Robison was born in Redcar in 1966. Educated at Alva Academy, she went on to graduate from Glasgow University with a Social Sciences MA and Jordanhill College with a Postgraduate Certificate in Community Education. Previously she worked for Glasgow City Council’s Social Work Department. She was MSP for the North East from 1999-2003 and elected MSP for Dundee East in 2003. Latterly she was Shadow Minister for Health and Social Justice and a member of the Parliament’s Health Committee before being appointed Minister for Public Health in the Scottish Government formed after the May 2007 election. In February 2009 she additionally took responsibility for the sport remit when she became Minister for Public Health and Sport. After the May 2011 election she became Minister for Commonwealth Games and Sport. She is married to Stewart Hosie MP, with a daughter and lives in Dundee.

SHONA ROBISON MSP Minister For Commonwealth Games & Sport, Scottish Government

Born on 19 August 1949 in Cape Town, Gideon Sam is a qualified teacher by profession and holds a variety of academic qualifications. These include: Bachelor of Arts – History and Languages and Bachelor of Education, University of Fort Hare and Bachelor of Arts in Sports Management, University of Johannesburg. Gideon’s passionate involvement in sports stretches over more than three decades. He was an athlete at school and college level and played rugby at school, college, university, club and district levels.

GIDEON SAM President, South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC)

Gideon’s variety of sports administration portfolios include: President of the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) – a position he currently holds; President/General Secretary/Committee member at club/provincial and national level at the Victoria East Rugby Union; Victoria East Council of Sport; Amateur Swimming Association of Border; Golden Lions Rugby Union; South African Rugby Union; National Sports Council; South African Sports Commission; Swimming South Africa; Triathlon South Africa, National Lotteries Distribution Fund; Vice President of the Commonwealth Games Federation and IOC Commission member of Sport and Environment. He believes that it is SASCOC’s task to ensure that Team South Africa performs consistently at all high level competitions and that we create a structured, concise pathway from grass-roots level upwards to ultimate sporting excellence, culminating in world-class results at the Olympic Games; Paralympic Games; Commonwealth Games; World Games; Commonwealth Youth Games; Olympic Youth Games and other multicode events.


Susan is the Manager Event Prospecting & Bidding for Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development (ATEED). ATEED is Auckland’s economic growth agency and the local government entity responsible for Major Events bidding, sponsorship and delivery. Susan’s events career began with a focus on the connection between tourism and events, providing a link between those sectors for Auckland’s regional tourism organisation. It was with this lens that Susan worked on New Zealand’s successful hosting of the Rugby World Cup 2011. Susan has been involved from bid stage through to post event evaluation of many of the events hosted by Auckland before and since then, including the UCI BMX World Championships, Volvo Ocean Race Auckland Stopover and the ITU World Championship Grand Final. In 2015 Auckland, via ATEED, will share in the hosting of the multi-city FIFA U-20 World Cup and the joint hosting of the ICC Cricket World Cup with Australia. An athlete at the “enthusiast” end of the competitive scale, Susan has a keen personal interest in how Major Events can shape communities and influence sustainable behaviour.

SUSAN SAWBRIDGE Manager Event Prospecting & Bidding, Ateed (Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development)

Friedrich Stickler is Member of the Board of Austrian Lotteries since 1986. In June 2009 he was elected President of European Lotteries (EL – the umbrella organisation of state lotteries) and re-elected in June 2011. As EL President Mr Stickler is at the forefront of defending the integrity of sport. In this position he represents interests of the European lottery sector towards the Commission and the European Parliament and is fighting for the preservation of the lottery model based on Sustainability. During his more than six years period as President of the Austrian Football Association, Austria, in cooperation with Switzerland, was awarded the organisation of UEFA EURO 2008.

FRIEDRICH STICKLER President, The European Lotteries


Born in the City of Amsterdam, Henk Stokhof (1956) worked as a sports teacher during the 1980s. He specialised in working with children with severe behaviour problems and developed skills that are useful to him up until now. Majoring in Sociology at the University of Amsterdam, he became a manager for the city in a variety of areas. Consecutively, he was the head of the city departments for integration, education, diversity, art and culture and finally - sports, where his skills, experience and interests all came together perfectly. Henk is often quoted as saying: “It is a joy to stimulate the people to do sports, helping to develop programmes both for elite sports and sports for all and to promote a profitable sports infrastructure with state of the art contemporary sports facilities.”

H.U. (Henk) Stokhof

Amsterdam being the responsible capital of the Netherlands, Henk always felt the urge of working closely with other cities on a national level. Together with the city of Rotterdam, Amsterdam explored an Olympic bid for 2028. As the national government of the Netherlands put the bid to ‘sleep’, Henk still is a strong promoter of ‘togetherness’ at the level of national government, the Dutch national Olympic Committee and they largest cities and provinces in the Netherlands. Always with an open eye for international cooperation. Henk said: “Our joint presence ‘Holland Moves’ at SportAccord Convention demonstrates the need and urgency of working together to achieve greater goals.”

Head of Sports, Department City of Amsterdam

Rick Traer is the Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance (CSTA), a tourism industry driven organization whose mission is to increase Canadian capacity to attract and host sport events. He joined the CSTA in November, 2000 from the Marketing and Sponsorship Division of the National Capital Commission (NCC) in Ottawa where he managed a portfolio of blue chip corporate clients. Prior to his involvement with the NCC, he spent approximately 15 years in the national and provincial sport systems, including nine years as Executive Director of Basketball Canada (1989-1997). A graduate of the University of Ottawa with a Masters degree in Sport Administration, Rick has an extensive background in international sport. He served two terms as President of FIBA Americas from 2000-2006, the governing body for basketball in the Americas with 44 member countries, whose headquarters are based in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He also served as Vice President of the Association of Pan American Sport Confederations from 2003-2007 and as a member of the Canadian Olympic Association from 1993-1997.

RICK TRAER Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance


Under his leadership, the CSTA has increased its membership from 18 founding municipal members to over 400 members today, including 150 municipalities, 200 national and provincial sport organizations and a variety of suppliers to the industry. Rick has led the development of several internationally recognized leading edge industry tools and has consulted widely on the development of a variety of federal, provincial and municipal sport tourism strategies.

Dedicating his life to judo and sport in general, Mr. Marius L. Vizer was elected as President of SportAccord in May 2013. Combat sports have been the building blocks of Mr. Vizer’s career. At an early stage of his life, he became a Judo Player and having developed a particular interest in judo, he later acted as a Judo Coach achieving exceptional results with his athletes, including medals at World and European Championships as well as top places at the Olympic Games. His remarkable performance was acknowledged by the different judo organizations appointing him to the leading position of his National Judo Federation and then as President of the European Judo Union. Furthermore, Mr. Vizer serves as President of the International Judo Federation since 2007. He has implemented several reforms in judo, which led to a considerable development of the sport. Mr. Vizer was decorated with special medals and orders for his lifetime achievements in sport. Moreover, he is also an experienced and successful businessman.

marius l. vizer

As President of SportAccord, Mr. Vizer aims to evolve SportAccord into a world-renowned organization that will support the engine of sport in a very clear and transparent way.

President, SportAccord and SportAccord Convention

Born: Pordenone, Italy, 8 March 1993 (1.88m / 68kg) Club: Fiamme Gialle National team appearances : 2 Owing to her outstanding physical qualities, Alessia has long been considered a great prospect in the high jump. At the start of the 2009 schools season, she equaled the national indoor record with 1.87m and went on to complete a perfect season with an unprecedented hat-trick of golds: IAAF World Youth Championships (Bressannone), EYOF (Tampere) and Gymnasiade (Doha). Her big rival at these competitions was her Russian peer, Mariya Kuchina, who took a partial revenge in 2010 at both the European Youth Olympic Trials in Moscow and the Youth Olympic Games in Singapore. After a 2011 season overshadowed by personal and family problems, Alessia returned to the limelight just missing a medal at the European Juniors in Tallinn. Alessia was then training under her father, Rudi, an amateur runner, but in August she moved to the stable of coach Gianfranco Chessa.


At the end of 2011 Alessia was recruited by the Fiamme Gialle club, and the year after she graduated from high school. She is currently a student at the Faculty of Modern Languages in Udine, where she studies English and German. In 2012 she added to her list of achievements with the gold medal at the IAAF World Junior Championships in Barcelona. At the beginning of 2013, still only 19 years old, she recorded another huge jump in performance, recording 1.98m in Udine in her first meet of the season, and then, nine days later, reaching the mythical 2m mark at the indoor meeting in Trinec ( Czech Republic). Elite career : NC : 2 ( 13 ind . 13) ; WJC : 2012 (1) ; EJC : 2011 ( 4); WYC : 2009 (1 ) YOG : 2010 (2) ; Eyot : 2010 (2) , EYOF : 2009 (1) ; Gymn : 2009 (1 ) EIC : 2013 ( 4); ECup : 2013 (2), U23 ECh : 2013 ( 1).


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gold partners’ welcome notes

Timur Kulibayev Combat and Strength Sports Confederation

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Members, Combat and Strength Sports Confederation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the first time this year became a Gold Partner of the SportAccord Convention. We are very pleased to receive this honour as this partnership opens up new ways of cooperation and will provide us the opportunity to meet and negotiate with leaders of International Federations directly in order to promote Olympic sports that are part of the Confederation. Strengthening of international cooperation is one of the key aspects of our organization. Combat and Strength Sports Confederation was established in 2012 and is an alliance of five National Olympic Sports Federations, which includes sports of boxing, wrestling, judo, taekwondo (WTF) and weightlifting. Our main goal is to unite all efforts to achieve the highest results of our athletes. Our slogan: Confederation - merge strengths for Kazakhstan wins! Kazakhstan has always been known for its hospitality. We look forward to seeing you at the Convention and you


are welcome to visit our stand No. 99. All guests can get information on the activities of the Confederation and ongoing projects, as well as information on the achievements of Kazakhstan athletes! In the coming year Kazakhstan will host major sport events. In 2014, the city of Almaty will host the IWF World Weightlifting Championships and our capital city Astana will host the Asian Greco- Roman, Freestyle and Women’s Wrestling Championships, World Judo Grand Prix and the World Taekwondo Grand Prix (WTF). Next year, Astana will host the World Judo Championships. We are very pleased that this year the right to host SportAccord Convention was awarded to Belek - a city with a rich history and beautiful nature. I hope that all delegates will have an unforgettable time in Turkey and wish them great success in the realization of their plans!

Timur Kulibayev

President, Combat and Strength Sports Confederation

contemporary group The Contemporary Group would like to officially welcome everyone to this year’s event in Turkey; an event that serves as a focal point and gathering place for us and our colleagues across the sport event industry. As the Contemporary Group enters our 10th year as a Gold Partner of SportAccord Convention, this also signifies the conclusion of another Winter Games of which many of you were directly involved in or attended. Concluding our involvement as an Official Supplier of Event Services to the Sochi 2014 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games, we are excited about this year’s event and the continued opportunity in building relationships with clients and colleagues, participating in promoting Sport and discussing enhancement in the delivery of major events worldwide. We look forward to seeing everyone at the 2014 SportAccord Convention. A unique forum that continues to inspire us, provides an atmosphere filled with great energy, and offers the opportunity to meet and network with hundreds of people that share the same mission of Sport. It is great to see you all again, welcome to Turkey!

‘we are excited about this year’s event and the continued opportunity in building relationships with clients and colleagues’

The Contemporary Group


World Cup


Stage 1 Shanghai

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Stage 2 Medellin

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Stage 3 Antalya

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José Tavares Macau Sport Development Board Dear all, Welcome to SportAccord Convention 2014! Macau Sport Development Board is proud to return to this annual prestigious sporting event for the 8th year running. Since its inauguration, SportAccord Convention has become an iconic fixture on the worldwide sporting calendar, where leading experts and representatives from the sport industry gather to build relationships and work together to share and develop innovative ideas which are beneficial for the sporting community. Our continuous partnership with SportAccord Convention has not only enhanced Macau’s profile as an active sport city, but has also given us the opportunity to make significant contributions to the positive social, economical and political growth and development in the global sport industry. We look forward to seeing old friends as well as meeting new ones at our stand, and we wish you all an enjoyable stay here in Belek!

‘Since its inauguration, SportAccord Convention has become an iconic fixture on the worldwide sporting calendar’

José Tavares

Acting President Macau Sport Development Board


robert gruman pricewaterhousecoopers On behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers, I am pleased to welcome you to Turkey for SportAccord Convention 2014 in Belek. PwC is extremely proud to be serving as a Gold Partner of SportAccord Convention for the second year in a row. As our positive experience at SAC 2013 in Saint Petersburg last year proved, SportAccord Convention is both a showcase and a workroom floor for the business of sport. It is an honour for us to have a chance to meet with sport industry players and speak to them about the issues critical to their success. With the business of sport growing increasingly complex, we believe that it’s more important than ever for organizations and individuals to get the professional business advice they need. This is why we are raising our game in sport.


We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with over 184,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. And within our network we have established the PwC Global Sports Mega-Events Centre of Excellence, which brings together PwC specialists working on projects in sport around the world. Our delegation to SAC 2014 includes people from Switzerland, the US, Russia, Qatar, Japan and right here in Turkey. We look forward to speaking with you, sharing our experience and finding out what’s important to you. Have a great Convention!

Robert Gruman

Managing Partner, PwC Global Sports Mega-Events Centre of Excellence

lars lundov Sport Event Denmark Dear Colleagues, Delegates and Friends, Welcome to Sportaccord Convention 2014! Sport Event Denmark is pleased to once again be a Gold Partner for this unique and important event. Since the first edition in 2003 Sport Event Denmark has participated as a Partner in SportAccord Convention and for the last five years as a Gold Partner. This loyal partnership underlines the satisfaction with SportAccord Convention and the talented people behind the Convention, as well as the fact that in our view it is still an absolute must participate event on the global stage if we want to brand Denmark as an active and ideal sports event nation. Also we want to share and disseminate useful event information between all global event operators, irrespective of whether it concerns events in Denmark or somewhere else around the world. As an active member of the global sports community - and in cooperation with the Host Cities, the National Federations and the International Federations - Sport Event Denmark hosts a wide variety of major international sports events each year.

Over the past few years, the rights owners of a huge number of major sports events, including World Championships, European Championships and World Cups as well as prestigious sports congresses, have chosen Denmark as their host. We invite you to visit our stand in the exhibition area where we will engage in discussions on the theme More than a Host: #MoreThanaHost. We would be delighted to discuss this theme in relation to major events with you and to demonstrate Denmark’s unparalleled potential to meet your needs and show our passion about your sport. Come and share your experiences with us! We look forward to sharing another successful Convention with you all! Sincerely,

Lars Lundov

Chief Executive Officer, Sport Event Denmark



exhibitor list and floorplan 127 16th FINA World Championships 2015 in Kazan 106 AGGREKO 105 AISTS - Mastering Sport 8 ARENA GROUP 48 ARISF 125 Around The Rings 36 Astana Presidential Professional Sports Club 83 Atos 115 AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND 35 Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games 37 CAT ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES 12 China Interactive Sports 117 CIES - INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR SPORT STUDIES 30 City of Berlin 99 Combat And Strength Sports Confederation 94 Commonwealth Games Federation 90 Conceptum Sport Logistics 103 Connor Sport Court International 65 Contemporary Group / Contemporary International 95 Edmonton Events 69 EventScotland 121 Federation Of International Bandy 47 FEI Fédération Equestre Internationale 61 FIBA 96 FINA 111 First European Games, Baku 2015 126 GEM Technology 82 Holland Moves 26 IFBB International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness 62 Infostrada Sports 113 International Belt Wrestling Federation Koresh 44 International Centre For Sport Security (ICSS) 13 International e-Sports Federation 5 International Federation of Muaythai Amateur 71 International Orienteering Federation 56 International Sambo Federation (FIAS) 49 International Tchoukball Federation 14 International University Sports Federation 23 Japan Sport Council 43 Korea’s Dream Together Project in Sports 28 Lausanne - Canton De Vaud 104 Lima 2019 Pan American Games Organising Committee





100 Macau Sport Development Board 79 Malaysia Major Events 66 Marsh 55 Masterconcept Ltd 76 Melbourne - Victorian Major Events Company 18 Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative Sports Award 39 MTD - Leaders in Event Plumbing 1 Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee 60 New Taipei City 114 New Zealand 42 Nussli 124 Qatar Olympic Committee 57 QUÉBEC CITY / VILLE DE QUÉBEC 40 Rider Levett Bucknall 119 Russian International Olympic University 72 Sport Event Denmark 108 SportAccord 68 SportBusiness Group 21 SPORTCAL 118 Sports Nevada U.S.A. 120 Sweet Spot Sweden 27 Switzerland - Nation Of Sport 116 Taishan Sports Industry Group 102 The Republic of Bashkortostan 3 The World Games Wroclaw 2017 64 Transperfect Translations 34 TSA (Total Sports Asia) 9 UAE National Olympic Committee 59 UK Sport Gold Event Series 84 UK Trade & Investment 19 Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne 7 Wales 32 World Academy of Sport 110 World Skateboarding Grand Prix 50 World Triathlon Series 51 Gloria Sports Arena 31 World Bowling 109 TSE Consulting Turkey 101 Serenas Group 92 Turkish Olympic Committee 93 World Archery 98 Regnum Carya Golf & SPA Resort 91 Host City




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Press Briefing Room

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The Studio

Main Auditorium


Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee



Address: 228-1, Yangtze Avenue, Nanjing 210019, China Phone: +86 25 88866888 Website: The slogan of the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games is “Share the Games, Share our Dreams”. Nanjing 2014 aims to:  Boost self-understanding, active participation and creativity in young people both in the sports arena and in everyday life  Promote understanding of other cultures, build up friendships, and help young people to appreciate responsibility in a mature way  Advocate fair competition and respect for the rules  Build awareness of a healthy lifestyle and protection of the environment  Boost self-confidence of young people.

The World Games Wroclaw 2017



Address: Plac Nowy Targ 1-8, 50-141 Wroclaw, Poland Phone: +48 71 777 9445 Website: Wroclaw – in the heart of Europe, where people meet and pure emotions come alive! Proud host city of very successful UEFA EURO 2012™ matches, repeating this success by presenting a great multi-sport event - The World Games 2017! An upcoming European Capital of Culture in 2016, filled with creative minds, dynamic growth and world-class arenas hosting international mega-events. Built on 12 islands, famous with iconic landmarks, where 1,000 years of multicultural history intertwine with modern development. Take this spectacular location, fresh ideas filled with passion and topped with authenticity…a blend that’s hard to resist. Taste for yourself and love –WrocLOVE!








International Federation of Muaythai Amateur



Address: Jewellery Trade Center Building, (33H) 33rd floor, 919/416, Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Phone: +66 2 6303361 Website: The International Federation of Muaythai Amateur is the IF for the sport of muaythai, recognised by SportAccord since 2006. IFMA has 128 member countries worldwide, and five continental federations operating under a unified regulatory body. Muaythai is a martial art originating from Thailand where fighters execute strikes using eight points of contact: fists, shins, knees and elbows. IFMA participates in the World Combat Games, TAFISA, Asian Indoor Martial Arts Games and holds many muaythai events including annual World Championships, Junior World Championships and the various Continental Championships. In April 2012, IFMA marked the official launch of the Muaythai towards IOC recognition campaign and lodged its formal application in December 2012. IFMA was voted in as a member of the IWGA in May 2013.





Address: Major Events Unit, QED Centre, Main Avenue, Treforest Industrial Estate, Pontypridd, CF37 TR, Wales Phone: +44 300 061 6130 Website: The Welsh Government Major Events Unit (MEU) oversees the delivery of Event Wales, Wales’ first Major Events Strategy which was launched in 2010. Event Wales aims to build Wales’ position as a world-class destination for major events. The MEU works with a wide range of regional, national and international partners to develop a portfolio of events which enhances Wales’ reputation and the wellbeing of its people and communities. In the coming years, Wales will host prestigious events like the Senior Open Championship, Rugby World Cup and Volvo Ocean Race.

arena group



Address: 4th Floor, 85 Newman St., London W1T 3EU, United Kingdom Phone: +44 207 484 5003 Website: Arena group provides event overlay services, designing and delivering complete temporary environments from our extensive inventory of products, all aimed at maximising the “spectator experience” whilst minimising any environmental impact; the perfect example being clearview, our patented parabolic demountable seating system. Arena’s history includes Commonwealth Games in New Zealand, Delhi and Glasgow, and Olympic Games in Beijing, Vancouver, London and Sochi. Sustainability lies at the heart of our approach, whether we’re designing and delivering full turnkey solutions or designing and delivering commodities; our pragmatic approach to safety, cost effectiveness and open communication is highly regarded by clients, sponsors and host cities.

UAE National Olympic Committee



Address: P.O. Box 4350 Dubai Phone: +9714 2369999 Website: The United Arab Emirates National Olympic Committee, registered December 19, 1979, is a non-profit governing body for sports in the UAE, including 36 Federations and Associations of both Olympic and non-Olympic sports. Under the Presidency of Shaikh Ahmed Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum and through an integrated series of initiatives and programs, the UAE NOC is spreading the Olympic Spirit throughout the Emirates. The UAE NOC’s mission is to develop, strengthen and protect the Olympic Movement in the UAE, support and enrich the UAE sports in accordance with the fundamental principles of the Olympic Charter towards the achievement of excellence in sports.


China Interactive Sports



Address: 8 Tiyuguan Rd., Beijing, China Phone: +86 10 6715866 Website: Targeted at building the biggest digital sports interactive platform of China and established in 2003, China Interactive Sports (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (China Interactive Sports) is a completely market-oriented sports internet service company which is jointly funded by China Sports Publications Corporation, Zhejiang Daily Media Group Co., Ltd., Chinese Olympic Committee (COC), All-China Sports Federation (ACSF) and Everbright Zhexin Investment Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China Interactive Sports (CIS) dedicates itself to building a “comprehensive, advanced and profound” as well as authoritative and professional sports portal website (, serving numerous sports fans and practitioners of sports industry, developing core sports clients and offering excellent service to different sports associations and sports organizers. You are welcome to join us as partners and coordinators as well as advisors. Please contact Ms. Zhang Xiuping, Project Manager/Deputy Chief Editor at 0086-10-67158866 / 008613621345707 or

International e-Sports Federation



Address: 12F, #1215, World Cup North Road 402 (1601 Sangam-dong), Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 121-913 Phone: +82 2 6393 5214 Website: IeSF (International e-Sports Federation) is the sole international federation in the e-Sports discipline. e-Sports is a new type of sports, combining the electronic and sport industries. e-Sports has considerable potential to provoke the interest of the young generation and to lead global electronic enterprises. IeSF and its 47 member countries have played a role as a hub between online game and sport market, hosting IeSF World Championship annually and supervising e-Sports programs in various multi-sport events.

International University Sports Federation



Address: MSI - 54 Avenue de Rhodanie, Lausanne, CH-1007, Switzerland Phone: +41 21 6130810 Website: The International University Sports Federation (FISU) is responsible for the organization and governance of worldwide competitions for student-athletes between the ages of 17 and 28. It was founded in 1949 as the world governing body of national university sports organizations and currently has 167 member associations from five continental regions. Being the only IF with more than 50 sports on its competition program, FISU stages its events every two years. They include two Universiades (Winter & Summer) and 37 World University Championships. FISU permanently links the academic world with sports by hosting a number of educational events – conferences, forums and seminars. These events closely assist in promoting sport as one of the main components of the educational system.


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Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative Sports Award



Address: P.O. Box 9888, Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone: +971 4 324 4446 Website: The Award reflects the thoughts and philosophy of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. The idea behind the Award is to honor Individuals, Teams and Organizations with the significant contributions to the sports movement, thus encouraging them to make yet further creative achievements promoting sports not only in the UAE and Arab world but also worldwide. For this year’s International Category for the 6th Edition 2014 of the Award exclusively under the umbrella of Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) who applied creativity for smart initiatives supporting sports.

Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne



Address: Stade Louis II, Entreé E, 13 av des Castelans, 98000, Monaco Phone: +377 9777 8555 Website: Modern Pentathlon was included in the Olympics in Stockholm 1912 by Pierre de Coubertin, who believed that it “tested a man’s moral qualities as much as his physical resources and skills, producing the most complete athlete”. Pentathletes compete in five disciplines: fencing, swimming, horse riding, shooting and running. The sport celebrated its 100-year anniversary in London 2012. Modern Pentathlon has undergone several changes that have made it more spectacular with the introduction of the laser pistol and the combined run/shoot event which determines the overall winner in an exciting, down-tothe-wire finish.




Address: Allington House, 25 High Street, Wimbledon Village, London, SW19 5DX, United Kingdom Phone: +44 208 944 8786 Website: Only Sportcal can bring you truly independent global sports market news and intelligence in more sports than anyone else. Sportcal is the essential resource for anyone in the business of sport. We are the most comprehensive provider of sports market intelligence worldwide. If you need the latest global news, data, insight and analysis covering media, sponsorship, events and bidding then you need a Sportcal subscription. Sportcal will give you and your business a competitive edge, reduce your research time and ultimately make you money. We help our clients to stay ahead of the game.


japan sport council



Address: 10-1, Kasumigaoka-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0013, Japan Phone: +81 3 5410 9161 Website: The Japan Sport Council is the national organization responsible for the development of sport in Japan. Managing the Sports Promotion Fund and Lottery, JSC invests both in local community and elite-level athletes to develop society through sport. Conducting research and support for elite-level athletes at Japan Institute of Sports Sciences, JSC also owns and operates sporting facilities such as the National Stadium and Yoyogi National Gymnasia, tangible legacies from 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. The Stadium will undergo a complete redevelopment in 2019 and will host matches at the Rugby World Cup 2019 and Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

IFBB International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness



Address: Dublín, 39-I, 28232 Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain Phone: +34 91 535 28 19 Website: IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) was founded in 1946. IFBB has currently 189 countries and organizes on a yearly basis over 1,400 events worldwide in fitness and bodybuilding. In 2014 Bodybuilding will participate as medallist sport at the Asian Beach Games, in Phuket (Thailand), being as well present as invitational sport at the 2015 1st European Games in Baku (Azerbaijan). World Fitness Championships will be held in Montreal (Canada) this year and the World Bodybuilding Championships in Brasilia (Brazil). IFBB is member of SportAccord, International World Games Association, UNESCO, ICSSPE, ECSS (European College of Sport Science), amongst many other prestigious international bodies, being recognized as the sole International Sport Federation for the sport of Bodybuilding and Fitness in full compliance with the WADA Code.

Switzerland Nation of Sport



Address: Federal Office of Sport, Grand Rue, 2532 Macolin, Switzerland Phone: + 41 32 327 6163 Website: The Federal Office of Sport FOSPO in Magglingen promotes sport and physical exercise in Switzerland and its positive, useful and necessary role in society. It is a centre for services, education and training for Swiss sport and a sport scientific centre of excellence. Furthermore it establishes optimum conditions for sports facilities of national importance. Our key objective for participating at SportAccord Convention is the promotion of Switzerland, which has a long tradition of, and considerable experience in, hosting major regular and one-off national and international sporting events.


Lausanne Canton De Vaud



Address: Ch. des Grandes-Roches 10, 1018 Lausanne, Switzerland Website: Lausanne, and the surrounding Canton de Vaud, is proud to call itself home to the International Olympic Committee and a vast network of over 50 international sports organisations. Now is the time to make Lausanne your home to benefit from its unique international sporting network that links International Federations, sports businesses and sport technology and research institutions.

city of berlin Sports Metropolis



Address: City of Berlin, Klosterstr. 47, Berlin, 10179, Germany Phone: +49 30 90223 2930 Website: Berlin is Germany’s political capital and one of the most vibrant cities, with a world-class reputation. Several awards are proof that Berlin is also one of the leading sports cities in the world. Berlin has hosted a variety of major sporting events, such as the opening game of the 2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup and the 2009 World Championships in Athletics, where the famous Olympiastadion Berlin took centre stage. In 2014, Berlin will again be the site of other high-calibre events. One particular highlight will be the LEN European Swimming Championships.

World Academy of Sport



Address: Stanlo House, 52 Granby Row, Manchester M1 7AY, UK Phone: +44 161 639 0950 Website: The World Academy of Sport is World Sport’s Education Partner, delivering sport and event-specific educational programmes and creating long-term partnerships for the benefit of sport and partner organisations. The World Academy of Sport primarily services its International Sporting Federation partners and over 800 of their member National Federations, but also welcomes executives and administrators from the wider global sporting community. The Academy’s engaging range of educational services includes intensive residential programmes, flexible on-line training, tailored closed programmes, Government training, through to the highly coveted Postgraduate Certificate in Sport Management.



TSA (Total Sports Asia)



Address: Level 20-1, CP Tower, No. 11, Jalan 16/11, 46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Phone: +60 3 7626 8000 Website: TSA is Asia’s global leader in sports content and branding solutions, representing major international rights in Asia and worldwide including ITTF, Barcelona TV, Barclays Premier League (audio rights), TNA Wrestling, Ladies European Tour Golf, Badminton Europe, PSA, WSA & WSF Squash, LFL & also the GLORY World Series. Our core business is media rights distribution, TV production, sponsorship/licensing, events management and consulting. Glory World Series: The GLORY World Series has a long history in kickboxing and has always been at the pinnacle of a sport that is one of the fastest growing in the world. With 95% of the top kickboxers signed up, no one provides the star names and the best fights like GLORY does. The series is growing every month, providing more programming than ever before with broadcasters covering almost every nation in the world already signed up. IT’S TIME FOR GLORY.

Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games



Address: Juncal 1662, Buenos Aires, Argentina (CP 1062) Phone: +541148191700 Website: Buenos Aires 2018 is the organisation responsible for overseeing the planning and development of the 3rd edition of the summer Youth Olympic Games in the Argentinian capital city in 2018. Buenos Aires 2018 is a not-for-profit entity that includes representatives from the Argentina National Olympic Committee, the Buenos Aires City Government and other public authority figures. Buenos Aires won the right to host the 2018 Youth Olympic Games following a vote by International Olympic Committee Members at the IOC Extraordinary Session in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 4th July 2013.

Astana Presidential Professional Sports Club



Address: 707, 8/B Kunayev Street Astana, Kazakhstan 010000 Phone: +7 7172 279400 Presidential professional sports club “Astana” was initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and established in December 2012. It is a modern sports association meeting the latest trends of sports results and sport management. Presidential professional sports club “Astana” brings together under its own brand best sports club in Kazakhstan, a worldclass cycling Astana pro team, basketball and football clubs, ice hockey club Barys, boxing club Astana Arlans, motorsport team, judo team, rugby and water polo team. Also the club included athletes - ambassadors, two-times Olympic champion on heavy weightlifting – Ilya Ilyin and holder of bronze medal in figure skating Sochi 2014 – Denis Ten.





Address: 500 World Commerce Pkwy, St Augustine, Florida 32092, United States Phone: +1 904 494 1160 Website: Cat® Entertainment Services, a global provider of temporary power generation and temperature control equipment, brings the highest quality Cat equipment and technical services to the playing fields, the race tracks, the fairways - and to the broadcast compounds. Around the world, live sports rely on CES for complete, turnkey solutions: Twin 300-, 350and 400-kVA generators along with UPS technology and one of the largest inventories of power distribution and cable to handle any configuration or voltage. An industry leader in the development of clean technologies, CES values environmental sustainability, utilizing renewable energy sources wherever and whenever practical to reduce the carbon footprint.

MTD - Leaders In Event Plumbing



Address: Clara Zetkinweg 4, Tilburg, 5032 ML, The Netherlands Phone: +31 8877 55000 Website: MTD has her headquarters in Tilburg – The Netherlands and a subsidiary in Amsterdam, London, Brussels, Berlin and Sao Paulo. We provide our unique plumbing services and water products worldwide. With 25 years’ experience and with motivated and skilled employees, MTD has become the world market leader in her field. MTD offers customers a broad, a full-service organization for the installation of temporary water infrastructures and water treatment facilities, with the full assurance of a safe drinking water supply and full pumping wastewater away. Innovation, expertise and quality are what keeps MTD ahead as a company. MTD is driven by passion, not by the market.

Rider Levett Bucknall



Address: 60 New Broad Street, London, EC2M 1JJ, United Kingdom Phone: +44 1892 833199 Website: Rider Levett Bucknall is the leading specialist cost management company in the major sports event sector. Through our 100 offices worldwide we work with Organising Committees, Bid Teams and the world’s leading sports architects to provide: 1. Cost management of major international sporting events 2. Cost advice for Cities and Federations bidding for international sports events 3. Cost management of stadium and arena construction We provided full cost management services to LOCOG for the London 2012 Games and are assisting other Bid and Organising Committees to ensure they understand and control cost.





Address: Hauptstrasse 36, Hüttwilen, 8536, Switzerland Phone: +41 52 748 2211 Website: NUSSLI is a leading, globally operating supplier of temporary structures for events. Key products are grandstands, modular stadia, stages and pavilions. NUSSLI also provides planning and overlay works for events. The wide-ranging services and products combined with in-house planning and production capabilities make NUSSLI unmatched in events around the globe. The combination of long-standing expertise, in-depth know-how and an international network ensures focused, cost-efficient realization of customer specifications. NUSSLI’s success is driven by its reliability and commitment to excel. The company delivers individually tailored, integrated solutions whose hallmarks are high quality and quick turnaround time – from concept to final implementation.

Korea’s Dream Together Project in Sports



Address: Building 153 Room 316, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, South Korea Phone: +82-2-880-2984~5 Website: As part of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism’s ODA (Official Development Assistance) project, Dream Together offers an opportunity for developing countries to learn from Korea’s expertise and knowhow in sports it has acquired in the process of becoming one of the sporting powerhouses of the world. Dream Together consists of three programs: (1) educating sports administrators (through the Dream Together Master Program), (2) educating sports coaches, and (3) training invited athletes at the Jincheon National Training Center. The Dream Together project focuses on promoting sport development through educating and supporting those in countries where sport is underdeveloped.

International Centre For Sport Security (ICSS)



Address: P.O. Box 64163, Al Markhiya Street , Doha, Qatar Phone: +974 443080000 Website: The ICSS is an international, independent and non-profit organisation. With an aim to improve security, safety and integrity throughout the world of sport; the ICSS works with governments, federations, clubs, leagues and event organisers. The ICSS provides expertise, services and global knowledge - advising on event and venue safety, strategic security and investigations into corruption in sport. In 2012, the ICSS partnered with the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne to create the Sorbonne-ICSS Research Programme on Sport Integrity. The results of the Research Programme’s Final Report will be released in May 2014 and will provide an in-depth assessment of the scale and scope of sport corruption, sport betting and betting fraud. For more details please visit:


FEI - Fédération Equestre Internationale



Address: HM King Hussein I Building, Chemin de la Joliette 8, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland Phone: +41 21 310 47 47 Website: The FEI, founded in 1921, is the international body governing equestrian sport recognised by the IOC. Equestrian sport has been on the Olympic programme since 1912 with three disciplines: Jumping, Dressage and Eventing. The FEI is based on the principle of equality and mutual respect between all 132 affiliated National Federations, without prejudice to race, religion or internal politics. We are the sole controlling authority for all international events in Dressage & Para-Equestrian Dressage, Jumping, Eventing, Driving & Para-Equestrian Driving, Endurance, Vaulting, and Reining. We promote equestrianism in all its forms and encourage the development of the FEI equestrian disciplines throughout the world, keeping the welfare of the horse at the heart of all our activities. The FEI’s President is HRH Princess Haya.

ARISF – Association of IOC Recognised International Sports Federations



Address: Maison du Sport International – 54, Av. De Rhodanie – CH-1007 Lausanne, Switzerland Phone: +41 21 318 8243 Website: ARISF is the Association of IOC Recognized Sports and actively supports and represents those International Sports Federations (IFs) which have been granted recognition by the International Olympic Committee. ARISF is represented on IOC Commissions and provides valuable input reflecting the views of the Member Ifs, assuming a key role in the periodic review of the Olympic Sports Programme, representing the recognized sports which are eligible to feature in the future Olympic Games and assisting them in their efforts to secure broad social recognition for their sports and for the athletes who practice them at all levels.

International Tchoukball Federation



Address: No.74, Daode St., Luzhu Township, Kaohsiung County 821, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Phone: +886 7697 5784 Website: FITB is the International Federation for Tchoukball. Invented by Dr Herman Brandt of Switzerland in 1970, the sport seeks to show that “the aim of physical activities is not to create champions, but to contribute to the building of a more harmonious society.” Also known as a Sport for All, Tchoukball is easy to learn, yet fast and spectacular at higher level. The Tchoukball Charter emphasises Sportsmanship and Fairplay, seeking to remove unfair plays and useless aggressiveness. Today under FITB’s leadership, people everywhere are learning about Tchoukball. Talk to us if you are interested to transform your community through Tchoukball.


World Triathlon Series



Address: Maison du Sport International, Av de Rhodanie 54, Lausanne - CH - 1007, Switzerland Tel: + 41 21 614 60 30 Website: The International Triathlon Union is the world governing body for the Olympic sport of Triathlon and all related multi-sport disciplines including Duathlon, Aquathlon, Cross Triathlon and Winter Triathlon. It has maintained its headquarters in Vancouver, Canada since then and also has offices in Lausanne, Switzerland and Madrid, Spain. It now has over 167 affiliated National Federations on five continents and is the youngest International Federation in the Olympic Games. Triathlon is also featured in the Asian Games, Pan American Games and Commonwealth Games. Paratriathlon will make its Paralympic debut in Rio 2016.

Masterconcept Ltd



Address: Ganshofstrasse 18a, 5020 Salzburg, Austria Phone: +43 662 82 45 98 Website: Masterconcept Consulting ltd. is an international multi-disciplinary consulting and engineering association that works on the basis of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and special interfaced applications throughout all areas of project development. We specialise in three main areas: Public Transport Planning and Intermodal Simulations; Major Event bidding, planning and delivering; Mountain Masterplanning, resort development and architecture. Masterconcept has earned the mandates in the above fields for more than 50 projects over the past five years in Russia, Ukraine, China and Austria.

International Sambo Federation (FIAS)



Address: 54 Avenue de Rhodanie, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland Phone: +41 21 601 7015 Website: FIAS is a non-governmental public non-commercial organisation uniting national SAMBO federations and the only acknowledged international organisation guiding SAMBO development worldwide. SAMBO (which is an acronym for Russian name “SAMozaschita Bez Oruzhiya”, (self-defense without weapons) is not only a type of martial art, but also a system of upbringing that encourages the development of a person’s moral qualities, patriotism and civic consciousness. SAMBO availability, spectacularity and high efficiency as a martial art allowed it to gain wide international recognition. Today SAMBO develops in more than 80 countries of the world, with National Federation-members of FIAS in 84 countries.


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History in tHe making the First european Games

baku2015 BakuGames2015

the First european Games will take place in Baku, capital of azerbaijan in June 2015. all 49 national olympic committees of europe will participate in the Games – more than 6,000 athletes will compete in 20 new or refurbished competition venues, across 19 sports


+Baku2015 baku2015




Address: 399, rue Saint-Joseph Est, Quebec, G1K 8E2, Canada Phone: +1 418 641-6411 Website: Québec City is home to over 515,000 residents and has a metropolitan population in excess of 765,000, making it the second largest economic hub in the province of Québec and the seventh in Canada. Every year, the city welcomes nearly 8.5 million visitors. Québec’s capital city has a proven track record when it comes to hosting major sporting events. In addition, the city offers the perfect setting and facilities to host conventions. In a city with four distinct seasons, a packed calendar of sporting, artistic and cultural events keeps things humming all year round.

UK Sport Gold Event Series



Address: 40 Bernard Street, London, WC1N 1ST, England, UK Phone: +44 207211 5100 Website: UK Sport is the national high performance agency responsible for investment and strategic support for Great Britain’s Olympic and Paralympic sports. The UK places great value on elite sport and our backing helped British athletes become a real source of inspiration at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Through our Gold Event Series, we are also committed to providing IFs with a world-class environment to host their major events and to build a lasting legacy from London 2012. Passionate fans, excellent transport links, thousands of experienced volunteers, a strong TV and sponsor market, plus a proven track record in hosting major events makes the UK a perfect host for international sport.

New Taipei City



Address: Rm. 306, 20, Chu-Lun St., Taipei 104, Taiwan Phone: +886 911229629 Website: There are 29 districts in New Taipei City with diverse folk cultures and natural landscapes. The change of seasons helps mark local festivals and celebrations, and accent the city’s various kinds of scenery. The cultural and natural assets in the city have become a rich resource necessary for the development of tourism. The magnificent natural scenery and culture are good reason for you to approach. You may enjoy the romantic mountains, sea, and rivers, and appreciate local culture, famous delicacies and food, especially the friendly people. This is a vibrant and attractive city. We are ready to host the 2020 Asian Beach Games and 2023 Asian Games!





Address: 5, route Suisse – P.O Box 29, 1295 Mies - Switzerland Phone: +41 22 545 00 00 Website: FIBA, the world governing body for basketball, is an independent association formed by 213 National federations of basketball throughout the world. FIBA is recognized as the sole competent authority in basketball by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). As a non-profit making organization in principle it does not pursue any objective of economic character for its own gains. FIBA establishes the Official Basketball Rules, the specifications for equipment and facilities, and all internal executive regulations that must be applied to all international and Olympic competitions, for which FIBA also establishes the system of competition. It also controls and governs the appointment of international referees as well as regulates the transfer of players from one country to another.

Infostrada Sports



Address: Binnenwal 2, 3432 GH Nieuwegein, The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)30 600 71 71 Website: Infostrada Sports is a leading full service sports and media company. Infostrada Sports is active in collection, production, distribution and publication of sports data, information and video across multiple platforms. Among others, Infostrada Sports’ global partners consist of sports federations, event organisers, media publishers and rights agencies.

TransPerfect Translations



Address: 330 Bay Street, Suite 501, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2S8, Canada Phone: +1 416 703 0050 Website: For 20 years, the most respected names in the sporting industry have turned to TransPerfect for the highest-quality language solutions and the latest in localization technologies. Our full range of services includes translation, website globalization, multicultural marketing, translation management systems, and more. Equipped with an ISO 9001:2008 and EN 15038:2006 certified quality management system, 24/7 client support, and the world’s most rigorously tested linguists, we provide superior service that is custom-tailored to the sporting industry. And with 85 global offices, TransPerfect serves bid cities, federations, large sporting events, professional sports teams and other related industries worldwide.


Contemporary Group/ Contemporary International



Address: 106 – 480 Smithe Street, Vancouver, BC, CAN V6B 5E4, Canada Phone: +1 604 687 2483 Website: / The Contemporary Group, a collection of companies developed over the past four decades, provides world-class event support that can reduce the workload and investment associated with assembling and disbanding major elements of an event organization. Its dedication to the event industry has resulted in a suite of knowledge, systems and experienced personnel available on-demand for clients of all sizes. Through its involvement in super events such as the Olympic Games, The Contemporary Group has developed an acute appreciation of how culture, language and other factors must be considered in the overall process. The range, volume, and calibre of its events and venues projects are second to none, providing exemplary services to millions of patrons and guests per year.




Address: Tour Ariane - La Défense 9, Paris La Défense Cedex, 92088, France Phone +33687608080 Website: World-class sport and events demand world-class advice. Events such as the Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, World Championships and the role of Federations and Governing Bodies in sport have a complex risk profile. Marsh’s Global Sports and Events Practice has experienced specialists who understand the risk management and insurance needs of this industry. With a continuing focus on risk management and the controls for safety and emergencies, effective event management is increasingly becoming a top focus and a significant concern for event owners and organizers. Our mission is to create and deliver integrated risk solutions and services that makes our sport and events clients more successful.

SportBusiness Group



Address: 33-41 Dallington Street, London, EC1V 0BB, UK Phone: +44 20 7954 3515 Website: Launched in the mid-1990s, SportBusiness Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Electric Word Plc, a public company quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. As one of the most trusted sources of market information, SBG provides analysis and intelligence about the business of sport through a number of the market’s leading brands, including SportBusiness International which, in combination with its new sister service SportBusiness Knowledge Centre, provides news, features and in-depth analysis on all sectors of the industry. Two other brands - TV Sports Markets and Sports Sponsorship Insider - provide unique insight and data on the trading of commercial rights in the media and sponsorship sectors. SportBusiness Intelligence, the group’s market intelligence and advisory arm, works with clients to provide bespoke information solutions to help their critical business and strategy decisions.


“solutions partner for exhibitions and congress� area setup congress podium direction welcome desk poster board country pavilion count special desing stand octonorm stand digital printing audio - light systems


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Address: 5th Floor, Ocean Point One, 94 Ocean Drive, Edinburgh EH6 6JH, Scotland Phone: +44 (0) 131 472 2313 Website: EventScotland is the national events agency, and was established in 2003 with the aim of strengthening and promoting Scotland’s events industry. EventScotland does this by attracting, generating and sustaining a portfolio of world class sporting and cultural events in Scotland. 2014 is the year that Scotland welcomes the world by playing host to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games and The Ryder Cup at Gleneagles. Later this year, EventScotland will be re-launching the national events strategy which will lead Scotland’s events industry into and beyond 2020.




Address: Radiokatu 20, FIN-00093 VALO, Finland Phone: +358 40 558 1817 Website: • World governing body for foot orienteering, mountain bike orienteering, ski orienteering and trail orienteering • Founded in 1961 and recognised by the International Olympic Committee in 1977 • Headquarters in Helsinki, Finland, with 76 member federations on five continents • Member of SportAccord, ARISF, IWGA and IMGA • Collaboration with CISM and FISU • The international event calendar comprises World Championships for seniors, juniors and masters, World Cups, Regional Championships and World Ranking Events • Orienteering is included in The World Games and the World Masters Games and ski orienteering in the CISM World Winter Games and FISU Winter Universiade 2019.

Sport Event Denmark



Address: Broendby Stadion 20, Broendby, Copenhagen, DK-2605, Denmark Phone: +45 43 26 21 00 Website: Sport Event Denmark is the Danish national sports event organization with the aim to attract and host major international sports events, especially World Championships, European Championships and World sports congresses in different/selected sports. Sport Event Denmark is established by the Danish Government and the National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark.


Melbourne - Victorian Major Events Company



Address: 1 Albert Road, Melbourne Victoria 3004, Australia Phone: +61 3 9868 4600 Website: The Victorian Major Events Company, (VMEC), is a world-leading event acquisition group which has created an exceptional and unrivalled calendar of international major events for Melbourne and Victoria, Australia. Melbourne offers event owners outstanding facilities in unparalleled locations, a strong commercial market, a highly skilled workforce as well as large and enthusiastic audiences. We invite you to consider Melbourne, Victoria, for your next major event and look forward to seeing you at SportAccord.

Malaysia Major Events



Address: Suite 5.1A, Level 5, Menara IMC, No. 8, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala, Lumpur, Malaysia Phone: +603 2034 2090 Website: Malaysia Major Events (MME) is a division of the Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), an agency under the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Malaysia. Created under the Prime Minister’s Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), MME facilitates significant events that help boost Malaysia’s economic growth. It focuses on identifying and supporting major event bids for sports, arts, lifestyle and entertainment events. MME also provides assistance to home-grown and home-hosted events, as well as other cluster events that strengthen Malaysia’s global appeal as an international avenue for major events. As a conduit between public and private sector, it’s a one-stop centre which facilitates and liaises with diverse event stakeholders to ensure seamless processes and successful events. For more information, please visit

holland moves



Address: PO Box 63470, 2502 JL, The Hague, Netherlands Phone: +31 70 3705 374 Website: Being compact, highly accessible, having a great sports infrastructure and enthusiastic fans, Holland offers a fantastic destination for elite sport events. We have been hosting the best athletes over the last years and have the ambition to do so for the upcoming decades. With many European and World Championships coming up in the next few years, we are setting the pace from grassroots events to elite sporting events. Come join us at stand 82 and we will tell you everything about our legacy and future ambitions. And while you’re there, we challenge you to play a game of shuffle board with us!


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Address: Avda Diagonal 200, 08018 Barcelona, Spain Phone: +34 93 486 18 18 Website: Atos is an international information technology services company with annual revenue of EUR8.8 billion and 77,100 employees in 52 countries. Atos, the Worldwide IT Partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, is one of the world´s leading technology companies in the sports industry providing a full range of integrated solutions and services required to stage any events: from Games Management, Real-Time Results Management through to Information Diffusion and multi-platform Video Player. Atos serves organizing committees, federations, clubs and broadcasters driving innovation to improve performance of athletes and enhance fan experience.

UK Trade & Investment



Address: 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET, United Kingdom Phone: +44 20 7215 4003 Website: UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is the UK Government Department responsible for supporting UK companies trading internationally and those overseas businesses seeking to set up or expand in the UK. If you are looking for UK partners, goods or services in the sports events sector, UK Trade & Investment can help. For more information visit UK Trade & Investment also has a dedicated website that can help you identify UK companies and their world-class capabilities. For details visit

Conceptum Sport Logistics



Address: Hessenring 13a, 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf, Germany Phone: + 49 6105 40 80 0 Website: Conceptum Sport Logistics (CSL) – passionate experts in the areas of Transport and Logistics. Our profound expertise in sports has allowed us to provide individual solutions, as individual as our clients are. The athlete is our ultimate customer. CSL, with own offices in Switzerland, Brazil, Canada, Germany, England and Russia, was launched to reflect knowledge without barriers, composed by experts from the transport industry, tourism and members of the olympic movement. Our young and proactive team with extensive personal sports background has gotten sports equipment and athletes of all types around the world – and back home again.


Commonwealth Games Federation



Address: 2nd Floor, 138 Piccadilly, London W1J 7NR, United Kingdom Phone: +44 20 7491 8801 Website: The Commonwealth Games is a unique, world-class, multi-sports event that is held every four years. It is often referred to as the ‘Friendly Games’. The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) is the organisation that is responsible for the direction and control of the Commonwealth Games. The next Games will be held on 27 July - 3 August 2014 in Glasgow. The Commonwealth Youth Games will follow in Samoa in 2015 and then it is on to the Gold Coast to host the 21st Commonwealth Games in April 2018. The bidding process for the 2022 Commonwealth Games will begin in 2014 with candidate cities, through their Commonwealth Games Associations (CGAs), notifying the Commonwealth Games Federation of their intention to bid.

edmonton events



Address: #1 Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton, T5J 2R7, Canada Phone: +1 780 442 5311 Website: / Edmonton is a city ready to embrace every opportunity that comes its way. Our experience and remarkable history proves that we are a great host with a passion for sports like no other community. Our economy is strong and predictable and weathers financial storms stronger than most. More importantly, our ability to listen, plan and exceed your goals will help make your event stand out to the world. We can make your game an event, your event an Experience! Our Goal is to make your event the most successful ever.




Address: Avenue de l’Avant Poste 4, CH - 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland Phone: +41 21 310 47 10 Website: FINA (Fédération International de Natation): the worldwide governing body for the Aquatic Sports: Swimming, Diving, Synchronized Swimming, Water Polo, Open Water Swimming and Masters. FINA together with 203 member National Federations, provides leadership for the aquatic disciplines and promotes globally the universal, positive values of sport. FINA has experienced tremendous growth over the past decades to become a leading global sport and cornerstone member within the Olympic Movement. Now FINA looks forward to achieving the next breakthrough by strengthening its ability to forge long-term partnerships and engage with a global audience. In the world of Aquatics there is always opportunity for common values.


Combat And Strength Sports Confederation



Address: 18, Turan Ave, 701 Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan Phone: +7 (7172) 280 994 Website: Combat and Strength Sports Confederation consists of five national federations of Kazakhstan (boxing, taekwondo, judo, wrestling and weightlifting). The main purpose of the Confederation is to create the most favorable conditions for the dynamic development of the five sports and enhance the prestige of Kazakhstan in the international arena by consolidating resources and experiences, and by optimizing the use of financial and logistical resources. Kazakhstani athletes successfully compete in international tournaments at the highest level, including World Championships, Olympic Games and Asian Games. Kazakhstan has hosted major international competitions thanks to the support of the Confederation, as well as projects on the improvement of sports infrastructure and academic support processes for the preparation of athletes.

Macau Sport Development Board



Address: Av. Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, s/n, Forum de Macau, Bloco I, 4 andar, Macau Phone: +853 2858 0762 Website: Macau Sport Development Board (MSDB) coordinates sustainable sport development in Macau by funding competitive sport and sports for all activities. Simultaneously MSDB hosts major sport events designed to increase quality of life, drives tourism impact and boosts international exposure of Macau’s international sport facilities. The Macau 2014 calendar not only includes the International Dragon Boat Races, FIVB Women’s Volleyball World Grand Prix, Macau Golf Open, Macau Grand Prix, International Marathon and Macau International Kart Grand Prix, but also Kumpoo Macau Open Badminton Grand Prix Gold, 2014 Macau China International Open Tenpin Bowling Championships and ABF Tour – Macau, China, The 11th Asian Dragon Boat Championships and 2014 Macao Asian Cities Athletics Invitational.

Connor Sport Court International



Address: 5445 W. Harold Gatty, Salt Lake City UT, 84116 USA Phone: +1 801 972 0260 Website: Connor Sport Court is the world’s leading manufacturer of courts for sport. We manufacture permanent and portable floors for indoor and outdoor facilities. With wood and synthetic materials we craft safe, high performance single sport or multi-purpose courts to protect your athletes and improve your events and facilities. Over a century of manufacturing experience, ISO certified quality and over 100,000 installations spread over all 7 continents, you can trust Connor Sport Court products. Official Technical Supplier to the FIBA Basketball World Cup, our courts are approved by international federations and our customers include the NBA, NCAA, Singapore Youth Olympic Games, FIBA 3x3 Championships, and other leading leagues and organizations.


St. Petersburg Vienna



International multi-disciplinary Master Planning and Professional Consulting with special focus on Geographic Data based solutions.


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E-Mail: Web:

AISTS - Mastering Sport



Address: Innovation Park, Bâtiment C, EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Phone: +41 21 693 85 93 Website: The AISTS is an academic centre of excellence for education and applied research in sport founded in 2000 by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) among other prestigious institutions. It forms a unique network of multi-field expertise in technology, management, economics, medicine, law, and sociology. The mission of AISTS is to Master Sport by positively contributing to sports management through a multi-disciplinary approach to education and sciences and by remaining at the forefront of the sports industry’s development and the Olympic movement. /OBS

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Address: Aggreko House, Cannock, WS11 8XP, United Kingdom Phone: +44 8458 24 7 365 Website: Aggreko is the global leader in the rental of power and temperature control services providing 24/7 service support with more than 5,000 employees operating from over 190 locations. Our custom-built generators and temperature control units, low on both noise and emissions, have been specifically designed to meet the demands of the event industry. From powering the Beijing, Vancouver and London Olympics to Football, Golf Majors, Cricket and Rugby World Cups, our track record of powering and cooling world-class events is second to none.




Address: Maison du Sport International, Avenue de Rhodanie 54, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland Phone: + 41 21 612 30 70 Website: SportAccord is the union for 108 International Sports Federations and organisations. Its mission is to unite and support its Members and to provide them with added-value platforms and services; while continually striving to influence positive change in the sports community and society as a whole. Activities include the organisation of Multi-Sports Games (World Combat Games, World Mind Games, World Beach Games, World Urban Games); dopingfree sport services; the .Sport project, the Sports Hub, new information technology and media services; sports’ social/environmental responsibility and integrity initiatives; and the International Federations recognition process.


World Skateboarding Grand Prix



Address: 1911 Douglas Blvd Ste 85-235, Roseville, CA 95661, USA Phone: +1 916 945 1747 Website: World Skateboarding Grand Prix and the World Skateboarding Federation’s mission is to provide a positive activity that inspires youths, gets them active, keeps them off the streets, away from crime, and creates a new generation of athletes. Our goal is to bring skateboarding to communities around the world and work in partnership with local governments and entities to leave permanent skate parks behind.

First European Games, Baku 2015



Address: 203 Heydar Aliyev Avenue, AZ 1029, Baku, Azerbaijan Phone: +994 12 599 1234 Website: The City of Baku, the National Olympic Committee and the Government of Azerbaijan are getting ready to host the inaugural European Games in June 2015. The European Olympic Committees (EOC), the rights-owner of the European Games, received overwhelming support from the European Sports Federations and the European National Olympic Committees to bring this event to the sporting calendar and Baku is getting ready to host Europe’s best athletes and celebrate the Olympic values. In parallel, Baku is increasing its presence in the international sports world by hosting a series of major sporting events. Visit our stand to learn more about the preparations for the European Games and one of Europe’s fastest growing cities, Baku.

International Belt Wrestling Federation Koresh



Address: 28a, Nkolaya Ershova Str., Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, 420073, Russian Federation Phone: +7 843 273 54 92 Website: The International Belt Wrestling Federation Koresh was founded on the 9th of September, 2009. The main purpose of its activity is to survive, develop and popularize the unique sport of Koresh. The Federation, with its President Mr. Zaudat Minnakhmetov, works very actively in the international field: 2009 – World Championship was held in Siauiai (LT) and European Championship in Vilnus (LT); 2010 – World Championship was held in Kazan (RU); 2011 – Partnership Agreement was signed with FILA, Asian Championship was held in Mashhad (IR); 2012 – World Junior Championship was held in San-Paolo (BR); 2013 – Belt Wrestling Koresh was included in the program of the XXVII Summer Universiade in Kazan (RU).


new zealand



Address: PO Box 1473, 33 Bowen str., Wellington, New Zealand Phone: +64 4 470 2509 Website: New Zealand Major Events – Investing in World Class Events. The New Zealand Government works in partnership with the event sector to support New Zealand’s growing reputation as an attractive destination for major events of global significance.




Address: Level 8, 139 Quay Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand Phone: +64 9 365 0500 Website: UCI BMX World Championships 2013, V8 Supercars ITM 400 Auckland 2013, Ironman 70.3 Auckland Asia-Pacific Championships, Volvo Ocean Race Auckland Stopover 2012, ITU World Triathlon Grand Final 2012 and of course IRB Rugby World Cup 2011 - just some of the events recently held in Auckland, New Zealand, supported and/or delivered by the Major Events arm of Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED). ATEED is the economic growth agency for Auckland, facilitating tourism, major events, business and industry sector development and activities to grow international awareness of Auckland as a desirable place to visit, live, work, invest and do business.

Taishan Sports Industry Group



Address: 124 Jingshi Road, Sports Center, Jinan, Shandong Province, China Phone: +86 531 8209 5888 Website: Taishan Sports Industry Group, the navigator of the Chinese sports industry, has nine subsidiary corporations and focuses on professional sports equipment, sports turf, national fitness, composite materials, polymer materials, leisure sports, electronic sports, Internet operations, and many other related industrial fields. We are the largest sports equipments supplier of the 2008 Olympic Games, the intercontinental and other comprehensive Games supplier and one of the leading global professional artificial turf manufacturers. The value of our Brand “TAISHAN” is $2.2 billion.





Address: Avenue DuPeyrou 1, Neuchâtel, 2000, Switzerland Phone: +41 32 7183900 Website: The International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES) is an independent study centre located in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. It was created in 1995 as a joint venture between the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the University of Neuchâtel, the City and State of Neuchatel. Using a multi-disciplinary approach CIES provides research, top-level education and consulting services to the sports world with the aim of understanding the complexities of sport in today’s society and improving how it is governed and managed across all sports. As an international centre, CIES has a qualified and diversified staff and continually expands its partnerships with individuals, universities and sports organisations around the globe.

Sports Nevada U.S.A.



Address: 1325 Airmotive Way Suite 290, Reno, NV 89502 Phone: +1 775 622 3345 Website: The Reno Tahoe Winter Games Coalition (also operating as Sports Nevada USA) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting the region as a world-class sports tourism destination and to advance the Olympic Movement throughout the area. The RTWGC hosts, facilitates and supports competitions and events throughout the State of Nevada in support of these objectives. The Coalition includes board members and volunteers from the public and private sectors of Nevada and California.

Russian International Olympic University (RIOU)



Address: 23 Novoslobodskaya Street, Moscow, 127055, Russia Phone: +7 495 956 2430 Website: Russian International Olympic University (RIOU) is a research and educational center dedicated to sport business education. The University is based in Sochi - the host city for the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games – and offers educational programmes infused with Olympic values and experiences. RIOU’s activities cover the main aspects of sports education: venue and infrastructure management, competitions, mass communications, diplomacy and administration, and career management. We concentrate on training a new generation of effective sports executives for the Russian and international sports industry, the Olympic and Paralympic Movements.


Sweet Spot Sweden



Address: Idrottens Hus, Södra Fiskartorpsvägen 15, Stockholm, 11473, Sweden Phone: +4686996226 Website: Sweden has a unique sports movement based on a huge level of commitment that has led to astounding successes. Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Jämtland/Härjedalen and the Swedish Sports Confederation have joined forces to market Sweden as a excellent choice for major sports events in the international arena. The venture is called Sweet Spot Sweden and aims to feature Sweden as a unique and efficient organizer of major sports events. Sweet Spot Sweden enables us to demonstrate a winning combination of Sweden as a competent organizer and the great values of the Swedish sports movement; the basis for truly special events.

Federation Of International Bandy



Address: Box 91, SE 826 23 Söderhamn, Sweden Phone: + 46 70 3232698 Website: The Federation of International Bandy, FIB, is the world governing body for bandy formed in 1955. FIB has presently 25 member National Federations throughout the world. FIB organizes World Championships for men and women and for Youth 19, 17 and 15, World Cup for Club Teams and other international tournaments. Bandy got its modern shape at the end of the 18th century in England. The game is played on ice with a small ball and stick, it is a very entertaining game, fast, dynamic, not rough and easy to understand. The key event for the bandy world is its recognition by the International Olympic Committee. Bandy is a candidate for being included in future Winter Olympics programme.

Qatar Olympic Committee



Address: West Bay, QOC Tower, 21st floor, Doha, Qatar Phone: +974 4494 4411 Website: The Qatar Olympic Committee was established in 1979. Its mission is to become a leading nation in bringing the world together through sustainable sport development. It oversees the implementation of the Sports Sector strategy which forms part of the National 2030 Vision. The Qatar Olympic committee has overseen the successful management of attracting major sporting events to Qatar such as the 2006 Doha Asian Games and 2011 Arab Games. It has also been at the main driver of community focused sporting events.


around the rings



Address: 1776 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 436 North Atlanta, Georgia 30309, US Phone: +1 404 874 1603 Website: Around the Rings has been the global leader in news about the Olympics for more than 20 years. Unparalleled access to IFs and NOCs make it a must-read. Accurate, incisive, unparalleled.

GEM Technology



Address: Heroja Pinkija 95, 21 000 Novi Sad, Serbia Phone: +39 0322 44252 Website: GEM is an integrated IT solution composed of twenty functional modules working within the central database for sharing and exchanging information. Accreditation, arrivals and departures, accommodation, transport, fees payment, workforce, medical, security and others are modules ready to be used. GEM provides the communication and integration platform for the Event Organizer in the most logical, efficient and secure manner. The GEM solution is scalable - It can be applied to small single sport events with few hundred participants or to large multi-sport events with thousands of participants, multiple stakeholders and various event locations and venues. GEM brings together over 20 years of experience in the major events industry and in developing automated IT solutions, with the objective to provide the complete management solution for successful event organization.


16th FINA World Championships 2015 in Kazan



Address: Main Informational Centre, 35, Universiade Village, Kazan, Russia, 420010 Phone: + 7 843 222 07 00 Website: Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, third capital of Russia; it’s one of the largest economic, scientific and cultural centers in the country. 16th FINA World Championships 2015 will be held from July 24 to August 9 in Kazan. Championship competitions will be held in facilities built for the 27th Summer Universiade 2013 also hosted in Kazan. Kazan has now developed the most advanced sporting infrastructure in all of Russia and has one of the most advanced Aquatic facilities in the world. These facilities are already built for the 2013 Summer Universiade, providing sustainable economic impact for decades to come and for local and international events.

Lima 2019 Pan American Games Organizing Committee



Address: Av. Cesar Vallejo 290, Lince, Lima Peru Phone: +51 1 2015140 Website: / Over the years, Peru has built a unique event organising experience by hosting some of the largest continental and international sport events and global conferences in the world. From the FIFA U-17 World Cup (2005), the FINA World Junior Swimming Championships (2012), the IWF World Weightlifting Championships (2013), the IOC Sport for All Conference (2013) to the upcoming Pan American Games (2019) Peru is rapidly becoming a new sports hub in Latin America. Combined with the energy of Lima, its fun, cosmopolitan and coastal capital city, bringing your next event to Peru will provide an unforgettable experience.


sportaccord convention partners

sportaccord convention partners gold partners

silver partners

bronze partners


host city partners

host city supporters


sportaccord convention delivery partners Official Content Distribution Partner

Official Digital Communications Partner

Official Integrity Partner

Official Logistics Partner

Official Mobile App Partner

Official Sports Marketing Research Partner

Official Sports Surfacing Partner

official sustainability & legacy partner

Official Television Production Partner

Official Temporary Structures Partner


sportaccord convention media partners Anadolu Agency (AA) Phone: +90 312 999 20 00 Email: Website: As a global news agency, Anadolu Agency (AA) is one of the ten most influential agencies in the world. With 93 years of strong experience, AA provides thousands of news, data and information to its subscribers worldwide as a “Reliable Source of News.” Beside its effective partnership with the leading news agencies (AP, ITAR-TASS, Kyodo) and their global distribution network (Getty Images, AFP Image Forum, DPA Picture Alliance, Contacto, Scanpix), AA is set to become one of the “five most influential news agencies in the world” until 2020 by broadcasting in seven different languages. In addition to its large global network of correspondents and photo-journalists, AA provides its thousands of subscribers with fast, objective and ethical news from its offices in fifty-seven countries. For more information, please visit the Anadolu Agency website at

Around the Rings Phone: +1 404 874 1603 Email: Website: Around the Rings has been the global leader in news about the Olympics for 20 years. No other Olympic publication can claim that longevity. No other publication can claim the access to leaders in world sport or the respect that ATR commands. Accurate, incisive, unparalleled; Phone: +44 1908 263387 Email: Website: is the No.1 Olympic news website in the world. We break the news as it happens 24/7/365. We bring you the latest, most up-to-date news and interviews from the worlds of Olympic, Paralympic, Commonwealth, University, Youth and Continental Games. Recognised as the leading authoritative independent guide to the Olympic bid process and the Olympic Movement, is read daily by leading decision-makers and influential opinion-formers from around the world. Free subscription. Free content to all. No user name or password required. We lead. Others follow.


media partners iSportconnect Phone: +44 20 3239 5400 Email: Website: iSportconnect is the world’s largest private network for sports business professionals. Digital: is the one-stop platform for members of the sports industry with all the latest news, features, community discussions, jobs and market place opportunities. iSportconnect TV is the first online TV channel for the worldwide sports business industry. Events: iSportconnect Directors’ Club and iSportconnect Masterclass are exclusive, members-only events consisting of high level sports business individuals who run and finance the sports industry in major cities in the world. Business Solution: iSportconnect uses its expertise in Translation, Capital and Media Training to provide high level solutions.

Sport Business Consulting Phone: +7 985 773 78 57 Email: Website: Sport Business Consulting is a research and information magazine about people, knowledge and technologies in sports business industry. We consolidate numerous experts all over the world to provide relevant and sapid information about financial viability and investment prospects of the sports market.

Sport Business group Phone: +44 207 954 3479 Email: Website: Launched in the mid-1990s, SportBusiness Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Electric Word Plc, a public company quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. As one of the most trusted sources of market information, SBG provides analysis and intelligence about the business of sport through a number of the market’s leading brands, including SportBusiness International which, in combination with its new sister service SportBusiness Knowledge Centre, provides news, features and in-depth analysis on all sectors of the industry. Two other brands - TV Sports Markets and Sports Sponsorship Insider - provide unique insight and data on the trading of commercial rights in the media and sponsorship sectors. SportBusiness Intelligence, the group’s market intelligence and advisory arm, works with clients to provide bespoke information solutions to help their critical business and strategy decisions.


Sportcal Phone: +44 208 944 8786 Email: Website: Only Sportcal can bring you truly independent global sports market news and intelligence in more sports than anyone else. Sportcal is the essential resource for anyone in the business of sport. We are the most comprehensive provider of sports market intelligence worldwide. If you need the latest global news, data, insight and analysis covering media, sponsorship, events and bidding then you need a Sportcal subscription. Sportcal will give you and your business a competitive edge, reduce your research time and ultimately make you money. We help our clients to stay ahead of the game.

SportsFeatures Phone: +1 813 228 0408 Email: Website: Sports Features CommunicationsÂŽ (SFC) is a US-founded media corporation targeted to an international sports audience with special reference to the Olympic Movement and elite sports and is followed regularly worldwide in over 227 countries. The concept was idealized after 11 years of working inside the Olympic Movement managing the official European Olympic Committees (EOC) magazine SportEurope and doing media monitoring for the Rome 2004 and Turin 2006 Olympic bids. The SFCPressPoint is the only press release distribution service targeted to sports media worldwide working in all platforms. The system covers over 100 sports and its use is fast, easy and cost effective for businesses large and small. The SFCPressPoint was launched and releases are listed in Google News and numerous other online news systems. SFC PressPoint reaches out to more than 20,000 news sources.

SportsPro Media Ltd Phone: +44 2075 493 250 Email: Website: SportsPro has served the global sports industry since 2008, providing high-level content on the commercial, political and organisational aspects of global professional sport, across a variety of platforms. Its acclaimed monthly Magazine, available in print and via a dedicated app, offers expert commentary and opinion, and is established as the industry leader for high-level profiles, features and in-depth interviews. Nothing else is as comprehensive. is an unrivalled source of up-to-the-minute news, deals and insight, while the DailyDeal e-bulletin has become an essential start to the sport industry day for thousands of executives and insiders around the world. And the sports industry can now keep abreast of the latest headlines, news and analysis whilst on the move, courtesy of the recently-launched official SportsPro smartphone app. Experts in identifying trends, providing context and showcasing many of the industry’s leading figures, companies, brands, and events; SportsPro gets you inside the industry in more ways than ever before.




Local Organising Committee Ali Kiremitçioğlu

Advisor of the President Turkish Olympic Committee Olimpiyatevi, 4. Kısım Sonu, 34158 Ataköy – Istanbul, Turkey P: +90 212 560 07 07 F: +90 212 560 00 55 E-mail:

sportaccord convention Lausanne Office

John Hewitt, MSA

David Eades

1007 Lausanne, Switzerland

P: +41 (0) 21 601 75 87

P: +41 (0) 21 601 27 56

P: +41 (0) 21 601 75 87

F: + 41 (0) 21 601 75 69

M: +41 (0) 79 922 14 48


Christina Bouziouri

Maison du Sport International Avenue de Rhodanie 54

Onsite number: +90 53 0303 5054

Event Operations Manager, Communications

Conference Programme Development Manager

Jay Stuart

Head of Media Relations

Event Operations Executive

Nis Hatt

M: +44 (0)77 4780 5075

Managing Director

P: +41 (0) 21 601 75 87

M: +41 (0) 79 260 75 48

P: +41 (0) 21 601 27 28

Lia Luzzi

M: +41 (0) 79 126 62 28

Nicolet de Zwart

Event Operations Manager, Logistics

Holly Norton

Conference Manager

Event Coordinator

P: +44 (0) 15 2521 7875

M: +44 (0) 77 6845 5285

P: +41 (0)21 601 75 87 M: +41 (0)79 202 81 00

P: +41 (0) 21 601 27 30 M: +41 (0) 79 126 09 29

London Office

Tim Kilpatrick

Aleksandra Sersniova

Farringdon, London



M: +44 (0) 207 036 8082

M: +44 (0) 207 036 8086

Carolyn Johnson

Andrea Hurst

82 Clerkenwell Road

P: +44 (0) 207 036 8086

Alex Ross

Head of Sales & Marketing

M: +44 (0) 207 036 8083

Adam Barker

Partnerships Manager

M: +44 (0) 207 036 8085


Sales Manager

Account Manager

Marketing Manager

Operations Manager - Exhibition

M: +44 (0)207 036 8088

Megan Harris

Marketing Executive

M: +44 (0) 207 036 8089

M: +44 (0)1892 263806

Official Content Distribution Partner


Address: L’Ancienne-Route 17A, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland Phone: +41 22 717 20 49 Website:

Official Digital Communications Partner


Address: 5A, chemin du Pont de ville, 1224 Geneva, Switzerland Phone: +41 22 777 12 47 Website:

Official Integrity Partner


Address: P.O. Box 64163, Al Markhiya Street , Doha, Qatar Phone: +974 4430 8051 Website:

Official Logistics Partner


Address: DHL Logistics (Switzerland) Ltd. , Trade Fairs & Events, P.O. Box 77, CH-8058 Zurich-Airport, Switzerland Phone: + 41 44 829 56 04 Website: /

Official Mobile App Partner

Baku 2015

Address: 203 Heydar Aliyev Avenue, AZ 1029, Baku Azerbaijan Phone: +994 12 599 1234 Website:

Official Sports Marketing Research Partner


Address: REPUCOM Deutschland GmbH, Luxemburger Str. 299, 50939 Köln, Deutschland Phone: +49 221 43073 166 Website:

Official Sports Surfacing Partner

Connor Sport Court

Address: 5445 W. Harold Gatty, Salt Lake City UT, 84116 USA Phone: +1 801 972 0260 Website:

official sustainability & legacy partner

CH2M Hill

Address: Elms House, 43, Brook Green, Hammersmith, London W6 7EF, United Kingdom Phone: +44 203 479 8252 Website:

Official Television Production Partner




Official Temporary Structures Partner

Magic Sky®

Address: Grombacher Str. 70, 75045 Walzbachtal, Germany Phone: +49 7244 7202 60 Website:












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