World Class Sports Host 2011

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SPORTS HOSTS 2011 The SportBusiness International guide to the world’s greatest sporting destinations

YOUR SPORT OUR PASSION In Denmark we are passionate about hosting international sports events. We have the experience and the partners to stage a successful event. We recognize the importance of adding value to an event and its owner, and we always strive to do our utmost to exceed the expectations of all stakeholders. Visit


SPORTS HOSTS 2011 Welcome to the latest edition of World Class Sports



Big Debate What have been the most significant changes in bidding for and hosting major sports events?

Hosts, the guide to the cities, regions and nations that have made sport and sports events a cornerstone of their commercial and social strategies. 08 The practice of identifying, attracting and hosting

Event Maps The year ahead in major events

sports events has morphed from an art to a science.

World Class Sports Hosts 2011

Today the process is driven by a slavish adherence to achieving ROI. But what makes this such an interesting field is that the

Headliner Sheikh Saoud Bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, secretary general of the Qatar Olympic Committee




Clipper Round the World Yacht Race


Doha 2017 IAAF World Championships


New Zealand/Auckland

to select from a host of eager candidates from all over our changing world.



The cities and regions featured in this publication are among the most





important support services they provide to ensure the success of events.



We hope you find it both fascinating and useful.



Kevin Roberts, Editorial Director, SportBusiness Group








Québec City







return in question is not measured entirely in financial terms. In many markets, particularly the economically supercharged BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) nations, the Gulf states and the Stans (energy-rich former Soviet Union states), ROI is more likely to be seen in terms of social impact, international awareness or even geopolitical influence. For the biggest events, it has become a buyer’s market with federations able

focused, committed and professional in the field. Their profiles demonstrate not only capabilities in terms of venues and facilities, but the immensely

Editor Matt Cutler @mattycutler Editorial Director Kevin Roberts @krobsportbiz Design Jess Croome Publishing Director Phil Savage

Production Manager Craig Young Production Assistant Laura Head International Business Director Stuart Lewis Media Sales Cyril Dujacquier David Bull

Cover Photo: Getty Images Sport Published by: SportBusiness, a division of SBG Companies Ltd 33-41 Dallington Street, London, EC1V 0BB Printed in the UK by Pensord Press



GOING FOR GOLD His Excellency Sheikh Saoud Bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani tells Kevin Roberts how Qatar has taken its place at the top table of sport through a determined major event hosting strategy. Qatar’s victory in the contest to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup may have surprised much of the world and even some of the citizens of capital city Doha who partied into the night in a celebration of pride for their tiny nation and its new-found place at the top table of world sport. But there was less amazement among observers of the international sports scene who have watched as the gas-rich Gulf state has invested heavily and creatively to build a sporting infrastructure which has become the envy of the world. According to Sheikh Saoud Bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, secretary general of the Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC), winning the right to stage major regional and international competitions is a matter of planning and vision: “In Qatar our leaders believe that sport is the best possible tool for building society and that it is our best ambassador, both internally and worldwide. “As a nation Qatar has a clear view of its future outlined in our ‘Vision 2030’ strategy. And sport is one of the main elements of that strategy.”


In fact sport has been a key element of Qatari national policy for years and Doha already boasts a collection of world-class facilities that make it able to host many events without a need to consistently build new venues. Since staging a spectacular edition of the Asian Games in 2006, Doha has continued to host regional and international championships across a wide-range of sports and age groups, complementing a roster of regular international events that include European Tour golf, WTA (Women’s Tennis Association) and ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) tennis, Diamond League athletics and MotoGP. In short, Qatar’s success didn’t happen overnight. “It is part of our master plan to create the facilities we need to be able to host any event,” adds Sheik Saoud. “In many ways it is like a jigsaw puzzle and all the pieces have to come together and be completed in order to see the overall picture.” The mood in the country today is markedly different to that which existed when Doha’s bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games failed to


“ It is part of our master plan to create the facilities we need to be able to host any event. In many ways it is like a jigsaw puzzle and all the pieces have to come together and be completed in order to see the overall picture.” progress to the candidate city phase, despite receiving a more positive technical assessment than some of its rivals. At the time there was a tangible sense of injustice in the country and this was matched by a determination to get it right next time. A Doha bid for 2020 is now taking shape and will take advantage of the flexibility of the scheduling window left by the International Olympic Committee to ensure the comfort of athletes and spectators alike as Doha moves from the scorching heat of summer into the cooler winter months. “When we went into the bid for 2016 our leader, [crown prince] Sheikh Tamim, was aware that not all countries win the first time they bid. Look at PyeongChang [host of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games] who tried two times before winning and look at Rio de Janeiro which also bid a number of times,” says Sheikh Saoud. “We will bid again to show our commitment to sport and because we believe that the value of the legacy of staging the Olympics will be worth it.” Before 2020 however there is the little matter of a bid to host the 2017 IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) World Championships (see pp. 22-25), a contest in which Doha finds itself head-to-head with London. And while London works to resolve issues around the ongoing use of the Olympic Stadium – which would be the venue for the Championships if selected - the Doha bid, under the leadership of Sheikh Saoud, appears compelling and well-formed. Doha’s Khalifa Stadium will be air-conditioned and a number of events – including the marathon – will be held under lights at night, and Sheikh Saoud sees this as a chance to reinvigorate the event by staging it in the Gulf for the first time. “We have a long and close relationship with the IAAF as we have held Grand Prix and Diamond League competitions in Doha for many years,” he explains. “Most recently we staged the World Indoor Championships at the ASPIRE Dome which was an excellent event enjoyed by everybody involved. Now we would like to host the World Championships themselves and we are confident that we would stage a genuinely world-class event.” There is no doubt that Doha has the facilities for the job but Sheikh Saoud says there is more to the bid than that. Among the initiatives planned for the event is a marketing programme aimed at attracting fans to travel to the event. “We will have special deals available through Qatar Airways and will ensure that there is accommodation available to suit a

whole range of budgets,” he explains. “Bidding for the World Championships is part of a long-term strategy for Qatar. I know that sport really can make a difference to our people and to the way the world sees our nation. “When we won the [FIFA] World Cup bid I think all Qataris shared the pride and felt part of the success. Naturally staging such a big competition will provide its challenges but we are confident that we will succeed and that the World Cup will add value to the nation, just as the nation will add value to the World Cup.” Sheik Saoud’s pride in what his country has achieved on the international sporting stage is matched by his satisfaction with the success of some of the QOC’s programmes on the home front. For while major events and international stars may dominate the headlines, sport in Qatar is about taking part and not simply watching. “We are very focused on the health and social benefits of sport and are determined to encourage youngsters to get involved and adopt healthy lifestyles,” he says. “We are now beginning the latest edition of our ‘Schools Olympic Programme’ which involves the majority of schools in Qatar and the international community in the country. “Each year we focus on a particular theme – this year it is ‘Sports and the Family’ - and use sporting activities to engage with children and help them become interested in taking part and learning about the values and benefits of sport. Every year has been more successful than the last and through the Schools Olympic Programme we expect sport to become even more firmly established as a part of our national culture. “I would like the world to see us as a partner of sport. We are investing in sport and working to remove barriers and I would like to think that working with governing bodies and others we can achieve many goals and help move sport forward into an exciting future. I want them to be confident that we have the facilities and the skills to organise any event and for those events to leave a positive legacy for all concerned.” The country’s next opportunity to demonstrate its talent for staging major events comes in December when it hosts the Arab Games, a complex undertaking involving some 7,000 participants from 22 countries taking part in 32 sports. “History shows us that when Qatar hosts an event it delivers a positive legacy for all concerned and we are working hard to make sure that we have a positive impact on the Arab Games,” Sheik Saoud concludes.



LARS HAUE-PEDERSEN Managing Director, TSE Consulting

“‘Perfect organisation’ is already becoming a commodity and today’s host cites have become true co-organisers of major events.”

The process of bidding for major sports events and the process of – in the case of a successful bid – hosting major events are of course very different. This means that they have also developed in different ways in recent years. However, we do see some general trends in both areas: an increase in competition, an increase in sophistication and – not at least over the past few years – an increase in accountability. Traditionally strong sports events markets in North America, Europe and Australia have been facing increased competition over the past years. New, ambitious and well-financed cities and countries from other parts of the world have entered the market and have not only won spectacular bids, but have also raised the bar in terms of hosting these events. This has put even more pressure on current financially-troubled ‘old’ event markets and it could be even more difficult for them to compete in the coming years. Beginning right from the initial bidding process and all the way through to the post-event evaluation, every element has become more sophisticated – both on a strategic and on a tactical level. This also includes the use of more sophisticated technologies. The idea of ‘addedvalue’ has become very important in the efforts to win the bid but also when hosting the event. ‘Perfect organisation’ is already becoming a commodity and today’s host cites have become true co-organisers of the event. Partly as a result of the current financial crisis and partly because of recent controversies surrounding some bidding processes, we have experienced an increased demand for more accountability – and this will continue. There will continue to be increased pressure on justifying the use of public funds to finance bidding and hosting activities, including describing the benefits in a more convincing way using more quantitative measurements. These three trends will actually have a positive impact on the sports event industry. The more all sides will have to explain and justify – the better work we all do.


“In recent years what have been the most significant changes in the process of bidding for and hosting major sports events?” So what happened? It wasn’t that long ago when no-one was desperately keen on staging major sports events. In fact there were even times when even the International Olympic Committee began to wonder whether it could find a host; back in the mid-1980s there were those who seriously doubted whether the Olympics had a future after the financial nightmares suffered by cities such as Montreal which, having hosted the Games in 1976, has only just finished paying off its debt decades later. But all that has changed. Today sport has become sexy and staging any one of the world’s stellar events makes the host the coolest kid on the block. That’s due to a recognition, partly inspired by the Los Angeles Olympic Games of 1984, that it is not compulsory to run a major event at a loss and that even if you do, it is possible to set some of the costs against a positive and tangible legacy for sport, the community and the country. The other thing that’s happened is that the world has changed. The old world order is no more and the booming economies of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nations and others are choosing sport as a way of telling the world that they’ve arrived on the big stage. The Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 was like a ‘coming out’ party for an entire nation while the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa was designed to have the same effect and to help cement the ties that bind the Rainbow Nation. The events themselves become more sophisticated and spectacular with each new edition. Every host wants to make their mark and be recognised for making a positive contribution to the event and to the sport. Major events are worn like a badge of national and civic pride and each organising committee wants to be recognised as the best to date. Events are increasingly being used to drive other agendas. Sochi’s planning for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games has seen a tremendous and positive focus on areas such as the environment and inclusivity, both of which have been somewhat neglected over the years in a country that has had other priorities. In this way an event is helping bring genuine and positive change and setting an example for the world. We asked a panel of experts for their views on other significant changes.





Author, SportBusiness Ultimate Sports Cities report

Founder, Rushmans

Managing Director, Arena Group

“The huge sums of money now needed to bid for an event mean that cities are even more accountable in terms of making sure they get it right.”

“Technology is driving change…transforming notions of where events can and cannot be staged at a particular time of the year.”

“Significant developments in temporary overlay can now enable bidding cities to accomplish far more within tight budgetary restrictions.”

There is a greater degree of professionalism surrounding bidding for major events compared with a few years ago. Many cities and regions have formed their own specialised major events units and others are increasingly turning to outside consultancies for help and expertise. This is exemplified by the Victorian Major Events Company (VMEC) in Melbourne which is responsible for attracting not only sports but business and cultural events to the city and state. Victoria’s rationale is based on economic impact and legacy and VMEC’s scientific approach continues to set benchmarks for others. The huge sums of money needed to bid for an event mean that cities at this time of global recession are even more accountable in terms of making sure they get it right and therefore they recognise they need the best assistance possible. Today’s major bidding programmes are highly tactical campaigns targeting what remains a small electorate and circle of people who might influence them. Those who run them draw upon the same sort of tools and methodology which would be at home in any political election campaign – analysis of thorough research, detailed assessment of likely voting behaviour and the compilation of detailed dossiers on each voter, the issues that concern them and the subjects which interest them. Bidding for major events is no longer the preserve of old school ‘established’ cities and countries. The likes of Brazil, Russia and Qatar have shown that there is a role for emerging markets to play on the global sporting events stage. These states have powerful and growing economies which contrast strongly with those of parts of the ‘old world’ which are experiencing turbulent economic times. Some nations and cities use the bidding process as a chance to improve their standing among their more established peers and the world as a whole, and to ultimately increase their own chances of winning the right to host a prestigious event in the future when they have more experience of the bidding process.

There has been astonishing change in the world of bidding for and hosting major sports events in a relatively short space of time and much of it has been driven by nations, regions and cities that have burst onto the scene with a determination to learn from what has gone before and push the bar ever higher. In most cases the pattern reflects the changes to the global economy as Brazil, Russia, India, China and the Gulf states make their presence felt. In Qatar, for example, bids to stage major events are the result of far-sighted strategies that put sport at the heart of the nation. They have taken the long-term view of their relationship with sport and have invested significantly in creating the infrastructure they require to host events to the very highest standards. While it may be tempting for overseas suppliers, consultants and assorted other experts to believe that the Gulf will be a longterm source of demand for their talents, this is unlikely to be the case. Both Qatar and Abu Dhabi are determined to build their national talent base in the wide-ranging management skills and commercial disciplines required to successfully stage events and it will only be a matter of time before these states are actually exporting rather than importing expertise. Technology is already driving change and will continue to do so for years to come. Qatar’s successful FIFA World Cup bid was founded on the use of revolutionary cooling technologies which will ensure the comfort of players and fans alike when matches are played in the fierce heat of the Qatari summer. This technology – designed to have a neutral environmental impact – is a game-changer. In an instant it transforms notions of where events can and cannot be staged at a particular time of the year. It serves to liberate the world of sport and make it possible for new nations to stage events that had previously been closed to them.

We are clearly further down the supply chain than architects and construction companies when it comes to bidding cities communicating their aspirations for creating the infrastructure for major international sporting events, however there have been significant developments in the capabilities of temporary overlay suppliers in the past year that can now enable bidding cities to accomplish far more within tight budgetary restrictions. In these challenging economic times, having legacy venues that are under-utilised to anywhere near their capacity will become unacceptable in the future. Therefore key supply partners have a responsibility to engage all of the stakeholders to demonstrate how temporary overlay solutions can be integrated into wider plans. This will not only make hosting an event more financially viable, but also improve sustainability as the majority of the components have a long lifespan and can be reconfigured to fresh designs for subsequent uses. There are two key elements to Arena’s progress. Firstly, we are currently making a significant seven-figure investment in our global overlay stock. This is predominantly a combination of temporary structures/venues, and our proprietary ‘clearview’ system – the world’s first demountable seating system offering variable parabolic with one set of components. Secondly, we have grown our overlay design department to the point that we sit comfortably alongside architects, or can lead projects through the design process. We have a team of highly-skilled professionals who can undertake project management from consultation through design to delivery. We’re very excited about the high standards of sporting infrastructure that can be achieved through modern, high-tech temporary overlay, adding economic viability, flexibility and delivering design-led venues to bidding cities.




SIX NATIONS CHAMPIONSHIP February 4 – March 19, 2012 The annual rugby union international tournament involving Wales, England, France, Ireland, Italy and Scotland

OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC GAMES July 27 – September 9, 2012 The Greatest Show on Earth will take place in the English capital. London previously hosted the Games in 1908 and 1948

TOUR DE FRANCE June 30 – July 22, 2012 The 99th edition of cycling’s biggest event is scheduled to start in the Belgian city of Liège and finish in Paris’ Champs-Élysées

UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL May 19, 2012 The 20th finale of European football’s flagship competition will be played at Bayern Munich’s Allianz Arena

UEFA EUROPEAN FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP June 8 – July 1, 2012 Poland and Ukraine will host the quadrennial tournament for national European football



CAF CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL November, 2011 A place in FIFA’s World Club Cup is on offer to the winner of the continent’s premier football club competition

ALL-AFRICA GAMES September 3 – 18, 2011 The 10th edition of the quadrennial multi-sport event will take place in Maputo, Mozambique

AFRICA CUP OF NATIONS January 21 – February 12, 2012 The 28th edition of the football championship will be co-hosted by Gabon and Equatorial Guinea

FOUR NATIONS TOURNAMENT August to October, 2012 South Africa’s rugby union side will entertain New Zealand, Australia and newcomers Argentina in the first edition of the expanded Tri Nations tournament

SOUTH AFRICA-AUSTRALIA November 9 – 21, 2011 South Africa’s test cricket team begins its two game series against Australia at Cape Town





February 5, 2012

October 19 – 27, 2011

The 46th edition of American football’s most lucrative event will be staged at the Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis

Baseball’s premier competition sees the winners from the American and National Leagues play each other over seven games

US OPEN August – September, 2012 New York’s Flushing Meadows plays host to one of tennis’ four major grand slams

PAN-AMERICAN GAMES October 14 – 30, 2011 The multi-sport event in Guadalajara, Mexico, will attract 6,000 athletes from 42 nations across the Americas

THE MASTERS April 5, 2012 One of golf’s four major championships is held every year at the Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia





September 24 – October 1, 2011

Russia defends its title in only the third championship organised outside of Europe in Sao Paulo, Brazil

The basketball tournament will be held at Coliseo Álvaro Sánchez Silva in Neiva, Colombia, and will be the first championship to have 10 countries competing

WOMEN’S SOUTH AMERICA VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP September 27 – October 2, 2011 The continent’s best players meet in Callao, Peru

December 3 – 16, 2011

BRAZILIAN GRAND PRIX November 27, 2011 Formula One’s visit to South America at the Autódromo José Carlos Pace in Interlagos, Sao Paulo

FOUR NATIONS TOURNAMENT August to October, 2012 Newcomers Argentina will entertain South Africa, Australia and New Zealand in the first edition of the expanded Tri Nations tournament



DUBAI WORLD CUP March 31, 2012 The drama of the most lucrative horse race in the sport’s calendar unfolds at the Meydan Racecourse

SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX September 23, 2012 The only night race on the Formula One circuit at the Marina Bay circuit

SOUTHEAST ASIAN GAMES November 11 – 22, 2011 The 26th edition of the Games will take place in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia, making them hosts for the fourth time

PAN-ARAB GAMES December 9 – 23, 2011 The two-week festival of sport and culture in Doha, Qatar, will feature 30 sports and 8,000 male and female athletes from 22 countries

INDIAN PREMIER LEAGUE April 4 – May 27, 2012 The fifth edition of the Twenty20 cricket competition played across India



AUSTRALIAN OPEN January 16 – 29, 2012 Tennis’ first grand slam of the calendar year takes place in Melbourne Park in the middle of the Australian summer

FIH CHAMPIONS TROPHY December 3 – 11, 2011 Hockey’s 2011 Champions Trophy will take place in Auckland, New Zealand, after India was stripped of hosting rights in September

AUSTRALIAN GRAND PRIX March 18, 2012 The Formula One season-opener in 2012, the Australian grand prix is held annually at the Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit at Albert Park



November 2, 2011

September 9 – October 23, 2011

One of world’s richest turf races takes place at the Flemington Racecourse on the first Tuesday of November

The quadrennial international rugby union tournament’s seventh edition is hosted by New Zealand



CiTy SnaPSHOT Established as a fort in 1875 by a contingent of the North-West Mounted Police, Calgary has grown from a frontier settlement to a world-class city. Steeped in energy, optimism and a can-do attitude, the city is young, vibrant and home to more than one million people. • Population: 1,090,936 • Tourist Attractions: Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame, Canadian Rocky Mountains • Language: English


• Professional Sports Teams: Calgary Flames, Calgary Stampeders, Calgary Roughnecks

in Calgary, a passion for sport helps make our city one of the most dynamic destinations in Canada. Our sporting culture is unique; Calgary began carving out a reputation as a sport host city almost a century ago with the creation of the Calgary Stampede – an annual 10-day festival, exhibition and rodeo event that’s grown into the greatest outdoor show on earth. In 1988, Calgary hosted the Winter Olympic Games and put the city on the map as one of the world’s most consummate hosts. In 2005 the Calgary Sport Tourism Authority (CSTA) was founded. It is a dedicated group of community and business leaders passionate about bringing world-class events to Calgary. The City of Calgary officially approved the appointment of the CSTA as an independent authority to compete with other jurisdictions in the bidding for, and hosting of, national and international sport events.


Since then, Calgary has continued to develop a unique and critical mass of sporting infrastructure, programming, history and support that, we believe, doesn’t exist anywhere else in the country. We have a proven track record of successfully securing, hosting, and supporting a wide-range of regional, national and international sporting events. The ultimate goal is to build a balanced, sustainable and dynamic portfolio of events that produces a broad range of economic, sport and tourism benefits, branding and promotional opportunities, as well as meaningful legacies. We want to be Canada’s premier sport city. We’re committed to establishing Calgary as both an outstanding host city and a preferred sport tourism destination.




Calgary is home to hundreds of amateur sport and recreation facilities such as the Shouldice, Foothills, and Glenmore Athletic Parks, the Subway Soccer Centre, Athletic and Ice Complex and the Calgary Rugby Union. The city also boasts many world-class sport venues:

The city has earned a global reputation of excellence in hosting major events. Since 2006, the Calgary Sport Tourism Authority (CSTA) has supported 120 national and international events, attracting visitors from around the world:

The Scotiabank Saddledome


Built in 1983 and home to the National Hockey League’s Calgary Flames, ‘The Dome’ has played host to many indoor sporting events, including the 1988 Winter Olympic Games and 2006 World Figure Skating Championship.

Canada Olympic Park (COP) COP is Canada’s winter sport institution. Home to the only superpipe in North America within city limits, a 1,500-metre Olympic track for luge, skeleton and bobsleigh competition, freestyle aerials and moguls, ski jumping, and alpine slalom courses all built to international specifications. Additionally, the 500,000-square-feet Athletic and Ice Complex is the home of Hockey Canada, WinSport Canada and the head offices of many national and provincial sport organisations.

The Olympic Oval ‘The fastest ice in the world’, this world-class facility was the first covered speed skating oval in North America. Originally built for the 1988 Winter Olympic Games, the Oval is used today for training, recreation and competitions attracting athletes from around the world.

Spruce Meadows This internationally-recognised equestrian facility and host of renowned Spruce Meadows tournaments has attracted virtually every Olympic, World, European, and National show jumping champion.

World Va’a (Outrigger canoe) Sprint Championships Canadian Age Group National Swimming Championships Viterra Ironman 70.3 Calgary Canadian Track & Field Championships FIBT Bobsleigh and Skeleton World Cup IIHF World Junior Hockey Championships ISU World Sprint Speed Skating Championships Burton Canadian Open Snowboarding Championships FIS Canada Post Freestyle Grand Prix

2011 World Sledge Hockey Challenge FIL Junior Luge World Cup FIL Luge World Cup Rugby Canada National Championship Festival FIS Snowboard World Cup ISU World Allround Speed Skating Championships Viterra Ironman 70.3 Calgary National Dual Slalom Alpine Championship Canadian West Open Volleyball Championships Canadian Track & Field Championships FIS Canada Post Freestyle Grand Prix Highland Games Masters World Championship Burton Canadian Open Snowboarding Championships ATB Financial Classic Golf 18U National Club Water Polo Championships


McMahon Stadium Used for both the opening and closing ceremonies of the 1988 Winter Olympic Games, McMahon Stadium is home to the University of Calgary Dinos American football team, and the Calgary Stampeders, the Canadian Football League’s 2008 Grey Cup champions. The venue also hosted the 2009 Grey Cup Championship.

Lakes of Kastynstone/ Predator Bay Water Ski Club Just 30 minutes from downtown Calgary, this world-class water skiing site features two crystal-clear lakes with capacity of 8,000 spectators. The lakes of KastynStone are home to the Predator Bay Water Ski Club and have hosted many regional, national and world competitions, including the 2009 World Water Ski Championship Festival.

FIBT Bobsleigh & Skeleton World Cup Rugby Canada National Championship Festival Professional Squash Association Invitational FIS Snowboard World Cup Viterra Ironman 70.3 Calgary Canadian West Open Volleyball CCAA Men’s Basketball Championship FIS Canada Post Freestyle Grand Prix Burton Canadian Open Snowboarding Championships

2009 Canadian Squash Championships CN LPGA Canadian Women’s Open golf Canadian Football League Grey Cup and Festival Canada Superbike Championship Tim Hortons Brier Men’s Curling Championship World Water Ski Championship Festival Padel Tennis World Championship




Key StakEholders The CSTA has 11 members who are committed Calgary business leaders, volunteering from the public and private sectors on behalf of three primary stakeholder organisations: Tourism Calgary, The City of Calgary, and the Calgary Hotel Association (CHA). Tourism Calgary –Tourism Calgary is Calgary’s destination marketing organisation with a mission to bring more people to Calgary for memorable experiences. The City of Calgary – The City of Calgary provides a broad range of essential event services and funding opportunities to festivals and sport events hosted in Calgary. Calgary Hotel Association (CHA) – The CHA is a membership-based organisation that represents Calgary and the area’s hotels. It is a primary investor in Calgary’s sport event tourism strategy.

Highlights Calgary is located in Alberta, a province home to five of Canada’s 15 UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) World Heritage sites including the Canadian Rockies and Banff National Park. Other notable attractions are Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame, the Calgary Stampede, Spruce Meadows, Calgary Zoo, Fort Calgary, the TELUS World of Science, Canada Olympic Park, Military Museum, Heritage Park Historical Village, the Calgary Tower and over 8,000 hectares of parks, green spaces with the most extensive outdoor pathway system in North America.

There are many great reasons to host a sport event in Calgary, but here are our top 10: 1. C algary is a premier host of sport events with a rich history that includes hosting the 1988 Winter Olympic Games, as well as annual international events like the Calgary Stampede and Spruce Meadows’ show jumping tournaments 2. Calgary offers an exceptional combination of sports infrastructure, programming, and history, with many high-performance athletes and professionals calling Calgary home 3. The CSTA leads a vast event bidding and hosting network that ensures a high level of professionalism and accountability

“ We want to be Canada’s premier sport city. We’re committed to establishing Calgary as both an outstanding host city and a preferred sport tourism destination.” Contact Us Being a great host is what Calgary does best. We offer an exceptional combination of sporting infrastructure, programming, and history, with many high performance athletes and professionals calling Calgary home. To find out more about Calgary and the benefits of hosting your events on our world stage, go to or contact Jeff Daniels (Sales Manager, Sport at Tourism Calgary) at


4. As the basecamp to the Canadian Rockies, Calgary is rated among the best cities in the world to live (Mercer 2009) 5. C algary is designated as one of the safest and healthiest cities in the world (World Health Organisation, Mercer Human Resources Consulting) 6. N atural beauty, boasting the most sunny days of any major city in Canada 7. Over 8,000 hectares of parks, green spaces and the most extensive outdoor pathway system in North America 8. A well-established, efficient transit system and an international airport only 15 minutes from the city centre 9. W estern Canada’s business centre and Canada’s fastest-growing economic region, with the highest percentage of post-secondary educated citizens in Canada (Calgary Economic Development) 10. T he lowest unemployment and tax rates in the country coupled with the highest personal income level (Calgary Economic Development)

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If you’re an event rights holder looking for Canada’s consummate host city, trust in Calgary’s international reputation of sport event excellence. The Calgary Sport Tourism Authority is your gateway to Canada’s high-performance sport city with the experience and expertise to deliver podium-caliber events. To find out more about hosting your event in Calgary visit the Calgary Sport Tourism Aurthority at SportAccord 2012 or contact Jeff Daniels, Sales Manager, Sport

Tel 403.750.2389 Email



CONTACT US Neil Jenkinson Director of Partnerships and Sponsorship E-mail: Phone: 0239 252 6000

CLIPPER ROUND THE WORLD YACHT RACE A Unique Sponsorship Opportunity The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has become something of a phenomenon and is investing heavily in expanding its reach over the next decade. In July 2011, ten yachts representing international destinations and corporations set off from the UK’s south-coast for the eighth edition of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. More than 500 crew from all walks of life are participating in the 2011-12 40,000-mile challenge, which is now the world’s longest ocean race. For the best part of a year sponsors will access 15 markets on six continents to activate multi-level strategies for brand exposure, business development and cultural promotion. While some will be aiming to boost trade and tourism for their cities, regions and countries, others will have a corporate agenda to engage with customers and colleagues at the international ports. The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has a strong track record of delivery and is constantly developing its sponsorship programme


with fresh initiatives and new insights. For its founder and chairman, yachting legend Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, it is an achievement that ranks alongside his pioneering non-stop circumnavigation of the globe in 1968-69. “I established the race to enable people of all ages and backgrounds – many novices to sailing before embarking on our rigorous and comprehensive training programme – to experience the thrill of ocean racing and the opportunity to take on the greatest challenge, a circumnavigation,” he says. “More people have climbed Mount Everest than have raced around the world. I was determined to address that but I had to make it affordable; so we provided the boats, training, support, clothing, food and logistics. The only way to keep down the cost for crew was to attract sponsorship and our concept of the yachts representing global destinations has evolved over the last 15 years.”


The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race’s unique business model brings in revenue from crews and sponsors to create a powerful and sustainable platform for growth. The concept of an international yachting event, ‘raced by people like you’, has become a core USP which creates an accessible and inclusive formula for engaging public and private sector sponsors, spectators and media. Crew places on Clipper 11-12 sold-out and recruitment is well advanced for the next two races in 2013-14 and 2015-16, with over a hundred crew already signed up. Similarly, team sponsors, race hosts and fleet partners are fully allocated for the current race, including veterans such as Singapore and Qingdao in China who have returned for the fourth consecutive time, plus new ones such as DerryLondonderry in Northern Ireland, the Gold Coast on the east coast of Australia, New York State and De Lage Landen, a global provider of asset-based financing programmes headquartered in the Netherlands but with an international workforce of 5,000 people in 40 countries around the world. Inspired by the Clipper ethos, De Lage Landen hopes that the way the race crew faces challenges as one team, will provide many inspiring examples in everyday practice. “Partnership lies at the core of our company,” says Ronald Slaats, CEO of De Lage Landen. “Participating in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race allows us to leverage our partnerships with customers, employees and other stakeholders in a new and fascinating way. It didn’t take us long to realise that the philosophy behind this race relates directly to the way we like to do business.”

Derry-Londonderry is aiming to raise its profile and change perceptions in the lead up to becoming the UK’s first ‘City of Culture’ in 2013. “We’ve partnered with Clipper as we believe it provides a world-class opportunity to showcase the city internationally while supporting business, education and cultural links ahead of the UK City of Culture 2013,” says former mayor of DerryLondonderry, Councillor Colum Eastwood. “It’s an important building block in developing the city’s reputation as a location for international events. This is the catalyst project that will bring together public, private, education, sports and community interests to build a legacy for the maritime, tourism, business and cultural interests of the city.” In 2008-09 the city and county of Cork in Ireland reaped huge benefits from its participation in the last race, both in terms of global profile and economic impact from hosting the event, in addition to legacy with a waterfront infrastructure built in the heart of the city. Around 105,000 visitors boosted the local economy by spending €5.6 million according to a recent evaluation by tourism body Fáilte Ireland, Cork City Council and Cork County Council. The Cork entry reached a cumulative global media audience of 104 million people, with coverage valued at €26.5 million. “From a tourism perspective, the media coverage that Kinsale, Cork and the region received through the Clipper project will ensure that Cork is at top of people’s minds as a tourism destination in the coming years,” says Fiona Buckley, director of Fáilte Ireland.



“We are delighted to see that Cork achieved such strong economic impact, with global media exposure adding to the significant value returned on the investment of the three partners,” adds Clipper Ventures chief executive William Ward. “We are seeing time and again that destinations who think outside the box and look for creative ways to market themselves are the ones that prosper – particularly during these very tough economic times. “The low activation costs of the Clipper Race compared to other sports, along with our ability to make introductions to businesses and governments around the world, are key to the success we are very happy to share with our sponsors.” Other sponsors returning for Clipper 11-12 include Visit Finland, Edinburgh Inspiring Capital and Welcome to Yorkshire. The race start and finish of Clipper 09-10 was hosted by UK entry Hull & Humber, representing the country’s largest ports region. Around 150,000 visitors turned out to events over the start weekend, generating an economic impact of almost £10 million. There was a similar enthusiastic turnout for the race finish that attracted highprofile live television coverage in the UK on BBC and Sky, in addition to major network news and extensive overseas exposure using footage downloaded from Clipper by international broadcasters. Sports Marketing Surveys (SMS) measured a global media audience in excess of half a billion people during the ten-month Clipper 09-10 race. This is being enhanced substantially by a television series of six one-hour high-impact adventure documentary programmes being aired by Discovery Channel and other networks around the world. Capturing peak evening scheduling - rather than the usual graveyard slots of traditional sports sailing coverage - is testament to the engaging human drama captured on the high seas featuring characters international audiences can identify with. “The Clipper Race is a remarkable human adventure played out


on the high seas,” says producer John Nolan of North One Television. “Our team had unrestricted access to the crews to follow their incredible journey around the world. “The series provides a unique insight into the rollercoaster of emotions and experiences as novice sailors from all walks of life discover how they cope when Mother Nature throws everything she’s got at them. We’re delighted with the programmes and have received an enthusiastic reception from broadcasters such as Discovery Channel. It will be seen by millions of viewers around the world.” The race start for Clipper 11-12 from Southampton at the end of July was spectacular, with the Helicopter Carrier HMS Illustrious creating a focal point for a massive flotilla of spectator vessels as media helicopters buzzed around the skies. The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has evolved considerably in its first fifteen years and plans for the future continue to be ambitious. A new fleet of twelve state-of-the-art ‘Clipper 70s’, with an option for a further four, is already underway in preparation for Clipper 13-14 Round the World Yacht Race. Enhanced crew capacity aims to build on the sell-outs of the last two races and new programmes are being introduced to help sponsors be even more successful; current return on investment ratios average at around 7:1. “Over the last 15 years we have discovered the power of the race to change not only the lives of our crews, but we have also seen it transform perceptions and prospects of the participating global cities, regions and countries,” adds Sir Robin. “The Clipper Race creates a powerful platform at ports of call around the world where our destination sponsors and their partners can network together to develop international trade, promote tourism and celebrate culture. Britain has a rich heritage as a maritime trading nation. I can’t think of anything more appropriate than celebrating that fact by creating business opportunities between the international ports on the race.”


The Clipper 11-12 fleet parades to the race start on 31 July 2011 with an escort of HMS Illustrious and a flotilla of hundreds of boats

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is unique: The 2013-14 edition will see around 700 Crew from all walks of life, cultures and backgrounds put their lives on hold to take on the challenge of a lifetime – ordinary people doing something extraordinary. Twelve identical new 70 foot yachts, owned and operated by Clipper Ventures, will represent global destinations and companies. Together they sail a 12 month long 40,000 mile race track, the world’s longest, visiting key cities in major markets on six continents. Sponsors, partners and host ports are integral to this great human adventure which creates an effective platform for

building brands on a world stage; promoting global trade, tourism and culture; creating economic impact and stimulating community engagement. This is a powerful proposition for destinations and commercial brands alike. A partnership with the Clipper Race delivers at so many levels – whether it’s via a cumulative global media audience in excess of half-a-billion* people, exposure to consumers or one-to-one relationship building with opinion formers and decision makers. But while the returns are reassuringly high, the investment is not. So don’t miss the boat – the ninth edition of the biennial Clipper Race starts in Summer 2013. To discover more about becoming part of this unique global event, the benefits of sponsorship and hosting the race, contact: Neil Jenkinson on +44 (0) 2392 526000 or e-mail *source: SMS Clipper 09-10 media evaluation. 21 | WORLD CLASS SPORTS HOSTS




Doha 2017 is honoured to have the support of many national athletics federations from around the world. Join them in supporting Doha 2017 by visiting

Candidate City for the 2017 IAAF World Championships The Qatar Association of Athletics Federation (QAAF) and Qatar Olympic Committee (QOC) are proud to be bidding to host the 2017 IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) World Championships. The bid for the World Championships is an important part of Qatar’s 2030 ‘National Vision’, a vision that sees sport continue to develop as a fundamental pillar of society for Qatar. This prestigious event, therefore, is of great importance to Qatar, just as it is for the IAAF. This is why the key word of Doha’s 2017 bid is ‘partnership’.


The Doha 2017 bid has combined the Qatari capital’s vast experience in hosting major international events, its world-class facilities, its unwavering government support and its spirit of innovation to create an event plan that will exceed all expectations in 2017. Moreover, Doha 2017 is committed to working hand-in-hand with the IAAF to overcome barriers that currently face athletics in the region and around the world and as part of its commitment to hosting the World Championships in 2017, Doha will develop new solutions for the benefit of the IAAF and athletics federations everywhere.


Khalifa Stadium

Athletics City

Khalifa Stadium, the proposed venue for the 2017 IAAF World Championships, is part of Qatar’s innovative Aspire Zone. Rising to international prominence through the successful staging of the 2006 Asian Games, the Aspire Zone boasts some of the world’s finest sport stadia and venues and is also a sports medicine, research and education destination for the international sports industry. Khalifa Stadium will be newly renovated by 2017. The 40,000seat venue will be climate controlled, allowing athletes to compete to the best of their ability and fans to enjoy full days of exciting events. The cooling system has been developed to ensure that there is no interference with athlete performance and the solar panels used in the system to provide energy will contribute to an environmentallysustainable event. Doha 2017 doesn’t believe that climate should be a barrier for athletics and is therefore committed to finding sustainable solutions that will allow other countries that are restricted by climate – whether it is too hot or too cold - to host major athletics events in a sustainable way. Doha 2017 has also proposed a spectacular night marathon that will follow the opening ceremony along the shores of Doha’s waterfront. This will provide a fantastic setting with a new perspective for television.

Whether you are an athlete, a member of the media, a part of the IAAF family, an official or a fan, Doha 2017 will offer the very best in accommodation. With no shortage of quality accommodation options, everyone visiting Qatar will be welcomed with the utmost efficiency and professionalism. All accommodation will be within a maximum of 20 minutes from the competition venue. Qatar’s hospitality industry is unique in the world. With a total of 4,500 five-star, 3,000 four-star and 1,500-three star hotel rooms located within the boundaries of the capital city of Doha alone, proportionally Qatar offers one of the highest numbers of rooms per capita in the world. At a 2017 IAAF World Championships in Doha, there will be no shortage of hotel rooms, guaranteed. Doha 2017 is proposing a brand new and spectacular solution for athlete accommodation. Athletes will stay in a newly-built development called ‘Athletics City’ that will offer the best in accommodation, entertainment and catering right in the centre of Doha and steps away from the proposed location of the opening ceremony and marathon venue. Athletics City is a 35-hectare site, a ‘city within the city’, with apartments, hotels, retail shops, restaurants and cafés. It will transform the architectural centre of Doha, recreating a way of living that is rooted in Qatari culture.



A stronger future for athletics In 2017, Doha can and will organise a fantastic event for athletes, the athletics family, media and fans. But that simply is not enough. The goal is to also ensure that Doha 2017, in partnership with the IAAF, uses the World Championships to develop concrete solutions to many of the challenges that athletics faces. The sport that leaves Doha after 2017 will be a stronger sport ready to expand to new regions.

Like many places around the world, Qatar has faced challenges in hosting international sports events and in developing sport in its region. Investment, innovation and hard work however have allowed Qatar to overcome many of the barriers and challenges it has been faced with. This is why it is committed to further developing solutions and assisting others to do the same.










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Challenge Wanaka 2011 – Getty Images

NEW ZEALAND 100% Pure New Zealand: New Zealand is the place they always wanted to visit. Bring them here for the event you always wanted to run You’ll never hear a New Zealander say “it can’t be done”. We are known around the world for our unique approach to problem-solving and our ability to get things done to a very high standard within any given timeframe. This is why we are the event destination of choice for so many major international events and this is why so many international organisations leave our shores saying “this was the best event we have ever held”. New Zealand has become the place events go to take that next step up. Kiwis are natural hosts and will work to make your time here special from the moment you tell us you’re coming until the last visitor has left, and beyond. We’ll be there alongside you to make sure things go smoothly from start to finish.


But New Zealand isn’t just about great people. From spectacular winter sports competitions in the south to thrilling yacht races in the north and encompassing world-class golf courses, stadia and cycle trails; no other country in the world can boast New Zealand’s range of top event facilities nestled within such a wealth of natural beauty. Don’t just take our word for it, though – come on over and see for yourself. We’d love to show you around and have a chat about what we can do for your event. Come and discover what many of the world’s top events have discovered already: that once you try it the New Zealand way, your event will be changed for the better.




All eyes are on New Zealand this year as we host Rugby World Cup 2011. However, this is just the latest in a string of mega events held in the country. Auckland’s waterfront played host to the America’s Cup in 2000 and repeated the feat in 2003, while at the same time Wellington came alive for the world premiere of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. More recently, New Zealand hosted the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup in 2008. This was considered a great success by all involved and has had a direct impact in securing the FIFA U-20 Men’s World Cup in 2015.

New Zealand is an unforgettable mix of breath-taking, unspoilt landscapes and vibrant cosmopolitan centres, bursting with innovation and activity. It has a natural stadium for any outdoor event, be it snowboarding in Wanaka or sailing in Waitemata Harbour, cycling through native bush or golfing on one of our many world-class courses. It also lays claim to a string of world class indoor facilities, including traditional theatre, flexible performance spaces and high-quality conference venues, all within close proximity to New Zealand’s most sought-after attractions. Finally, the jewels in New Zealand’s crown are its stadia. Rugby World Cup 2011 is being played out in 12 stadia, many of which have been significantly upgraded in preparation for the event. The grandest of these is Eden Park in Auckland, which has been upgraded to accommodate 50,000 spectators and can be expanded to 60,000 during mega events.

Other events hosted in New Zealand include: 2008 World Bowls Championships 2008 Men’s Radial World Championships in sailing 2009 FIBA U19 World Championship for Men 2010 World Rowing Championships 2010 ISA World Junior Surfing Championship 2011 International Taekwon-Do Federation World Championships 2011 IPC Athletics World Championships 2011 Optimist Dinghy World Championships

New Zealand Winter Games – Getty Images

CONTACT US New Zealand Major Events is responsible for attracting, growing and retaining major events within New Zealand. For more information on hosting a major international event here, please contact: New Zealand Major Events PO Box 5640 Wellington 6011 New Zealand Email: Telephone: +64 (4) 978 3100 Website:



CONTACT US For more information on hosting your next major international event in Auckland, please contact:

AUCKLAND Auckland is an event location like no other. It lies at the narrowest part of New Zealand’s North Island and is nestled between three pristine harbours. The region offers so much to all those visiting and it is the perfect place for hosting sporting events. It’s no secret that events can dramatically alter the feel of a city – but in a smaller city the impact that events have on residents, spectators, competitors and organisers is unparalleled. While Auckland is a city of just 1.4 million people, it has a proven track record of hosting high-profile international sporting events as well as a number of annual international sporting events such as rugby union, rugby league, cricket, netball and tennis, as well as some of New Zealand’s largest cultural and entertainment festivals. It has been a conscious decision to secure such a broad range of events in the region. Auckland has the country’s largest supply of accommodation, public transport, and is New Zealand’s gateway to the world, with the vast majority of international connections via Auckland Airport.

Paul Dunphy, Manager - Event Prospecting and Bidding Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development Phone: +64 27 213 5607 E-mail:

Local and central government stability and a clean, safe, environment also provide assurance for sports federations. Auckland’s local governance has been restructured to provide a ‘one-stop shop’ for events to work with, from finding the right venue to providing media support. Auckland invests in internationally-renowned events to ensure success, and to attract future events of similar scale and calibre. This investment is particularly apparent as Auckland, along with the rest of New Zealand, hosts some of the largest sporting events in the world, including the 2011 Rugby World Cup and a Volvo Ocean Race stopover in 2012. Recent investment in infrastructure includes developing v a waterfront, bordering the central business district with open spaces and a new events centre, as well as enhancing Eden Park and North Harbour stadia. Auckland now has an even more amazing range of unique world-class venues, and facilities that maximise the region’s superior natural setting.

EVENTS As a region, Auckland’s event experience is unprecedented. Its impressive portfolio of major successes includes the following world-class events: 2010 ISA World Junior Surfing Championship 2010 FIA World Rally Championship, New Zealand round 2009 FIBA U19 World Championship 2009 Louis Vuitton Pacific Series 2008 FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup 2007 World Netball Championships 2005 British and Irish Lions series 2000 and 2003 America’s Cup regattas These events are complemented by the following annual fixtures: International rugby, cricket and rugby league games International tennis – ASB Classic and Heineken Open Auckland Cup Week – thoroughbred horse racing New Zealand Open golf tournament

In addition, we are getting set to host numerous other international events:


Rugby World Cup ITU Triathlon World Cup FIH Men’s Champions Trophy

2012 Volvo Ocean Race – Auckland stopover ITU World Championship Grand Final FIA World Rally Championship, New Zealand round

2013 UCI World BMX Championships ISF World Men’s Softball Championship

2015 ICC Cricket World Cup FIFA U-20 Men’s World Cup





HOST OF THE WORLD’S MAJOR SPORTING EVENTS Rugby World Cup 2011 • ITU Triathlon World Cup 2011 • Volvo Ocean Race 2011/12 World ITU Triathlon World Championships Grand Final 2012 World Rally Championships 2012 • World BMX Championships 2013 World Softball Championships 2013 • ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 FIFA U-20 Men's World Cup 2015

We’d love to host your next major sporting event. Let us show you why we’re a world-class destination for any sporting occasion. Paul Dunphy, Manager Event Prospecting and Bidding +64 27 213 5607 • 29 | WORLD CLASS SPORTS HOSTS

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21/09/11 2:26 PM


pHIladelpHIa as the birthplace of the United States, Philadelphia is dominated by history, but the city’s sports legacy is historic in its own right For a city that might be most famous for its local sandwich (the cheesesteak) and a gritty boxer (Rocky Balboa), visitors find it a pleasure to discover that Philadelphia has such an extensive cultural, historical and sporting legacy. Most Americans will remind you that Philadelphia, ‘the City of Brotherly Love’, is the birthplace of their nation. Philadelphia is where it all began for the United States and where ‘Land of the Free’ was born. And today, Philadelphia is an unmistakably modern American metropolis with an impressive skyline, a buzzing city centre and wonderful parks and recreation. Everywhere there are glimpses that the city has depth and a soul that beg you to come and explore. National Geographic Traveler magazine named Philadelphia ‘America’s Next Great City’ and Time magazine called it one of the four world cities to watch. And, of course, Philadelphia is annually ranked among the top sport cities in the nation. When Philadelphia was one of the finalist cities bidding to be the US candidate city to host the 2016 Olympic Games, USOC (United States Olympic Committee) chairman Peter Ueberroth praised the


destination for its forward progress: “This is a city that…is on a remarkable journey and it’s been noted around the world.” For the past decade, Philadelphia has enthusiastically embraced the prospect of growing as a major destination for international sport. The city is a unique combination of old and new, mixing a rich tradition of sport with state-of-the-art facilities - from the Schuylkill River (which has been hosting major competitive regattas for more than 175 years) and a variety of collegiate venues and newly-opened professional sports facilities with modern amenities and seating for up to 70,000 spectators. Home to the country’s fourth largest media market, the city is rarely at a loss for sports entertainment. Philadelphians have a rich appetite for sporting events of all kinds, and comprise a dedicated fanbase large enough to support ten professional sports teams and an array of annual sporting events that capture the attention of fans worldwide. These include the track and field Penn Relays, the Philadelphia International Cycling Championship, the college football Army-Navy Game, and a non-stop schedule of road races and regattas.


Sports Complex and Venues Philadelphia is the only North American city in which all four of the major professional sports teams play in one complex. The Sports Complex in South Philadelphia, just three miles south of Center City, has three major venues with a combined seating capacity of more than 136,000 (Lincoln Financial Field – 70,000; Citizens Bank Park - 45,000; Wells Fargo Center - 21,000) and bordering parking lots of more than 20,000 spaces, allowing for a myriad of configurations and uses. Reminiscent of an Olympic complex, and adjacent to one of the city’s largest parks, the Sports Complex is easily accessible via major highways and the city’s robust public transportation system, SEPTA

(Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority). Beyond the Sports Complex, the city has a vast network of venue options able to host a variety of sporting events, from international football matches, squash and table tennis to major international conferences and summits. The options can be customised to provide a compact and accessible complete package, whether planning for one thousand or one million. And one million was the number of people who gathered on Philadelphia’s famed Benjamin Franklin Parkway for the 2005 Live 8 concert – the only concert in North America for that international event.

Events Events Hosted in Philadelphia: 2011 Real Madrid vs Philadelphia Union 2011 US Open Squash Championships 2011 US Men’s National soccer team vs. Mexico 2011 NCAA Wrestling Championship 2011 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2011 USA Sevens Collegiate Rugby Championship 2011 and 2010 AT&T National PGA Tour event 2010 US Men’s National soccer team vs. Turkey 2009 NCAA Men’s Basketball first and second rounds 2009 Walker Cup golf tournament 2008 US Olympic team trials in gymnastics 2008 US Olympic team trials in table tennis 2007 NCAA Women’s Lacrosse Championship 2006 NCAA Men’s Basketball first and second rounds 2006 American Cup (gymnastics) 2005 and 2006 NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Championship 2005 US Men’s Amateur (golf tournament)

2004 and 2005 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament 2003 Senior PGA Championship 2003 FIFA Women’s World Cup 2002 NBA All-Star Weekend 2002 and 2001 ESPN X Games 2001 World Dragon Boat Racing Championships 2001 US Gymnastics Championships 2000 NCAA Women’s Final Four Future Sporting Events in Philadelphia: 2011 FIE Congress (fencing) 2011 Rugby League World Cup qualifier 2012 USA Curling National Championships 2012 NCAA Men’s Lacrosse quarter-finals 2012 USA Sevens Collegiate Rugby Championship 2013 NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Championships 2013 NCAA Men’s Basketball first and second rounds 2013 US Open (golf) 2014 NCAA Frozen Four


Sports B


Event Experience Philadelphia offers competitive advantages to event planners and their participants, spectators and sponsors. Centrally located in the heart of the US Eastern time zone and less than a four-hour drive from a quarter of the American population, Philadelphia provides unparalled access to attendees and viewers. Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) is the 18th-busiest airport in the world. These unique attributes play a major role in the success of events hosted in Philadelphia in the last 10 years, including numerous Olympic trials and national championships. Satisfied event organisers, athletes and spectators have been Philadelphia’s biggest assets as the city grows its international portfolio. “It really comes down to two important factors – partnership and confidence – and Philadelphia emerged in both categories as the leading city,” said Steve Penny,USA Gymnastics

president, speaking about the governing body’s 2008 Olympic trials in Philadelphia. Athletes, too, have their own rave reviews. “It was the best I have seen,” said Li Owens, competitor at the 2008 US Olympic trials for table tennis. “The hospitality was awesome and the crowds amazing.” Philadelphia is an unmatched home for the US National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA); the city will host six NCAA championships encompassing five sports over the next four years. “The region of Philadelphia has a remarkable fanbase and facilities,” said Greg Shaheen, NCAA interim executive vice-president of championships and alliances. “It is beyond compare to anything we see around the country. We are proud and excited to be in Philadelphia with regularity in the past, in the present and in the future.”

Contact Us Philadelphia – a city founded on the principles of diversity, tolerance and respect for all, a city whose very name means ‘Brotherly Love’ – is uniquely positioned to showcase the ideals of sport that bring the world together to celebrate competition, sportsmanship, fair play and respect for all. To find out more about Philadelphia, visit the Philadelphia Sports Congress, a division of the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau, at or contact Larry Needle on +1 215 636 3417.


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Welcomes the World Visit the Philadelphia Sports Congress at or contact Larry Needle at +1 215 636 3479 or


Jeppe Wikström


Stockholm is located right at the heart of the expanding Scandinavian and Baltic region. Multiple international airports and the busiest seaport of the Baltic Sea make getting to Stockholm supremely easy and convenient

STOCKHOLM In today’s world of sport, where green is the new black, the temptation to gloss over the real environmental issues with cosmetic sustainability efforts can prove almost irresistible. But real sustainability is not a quick fix - at least not in Stockholm, the first ever European Green Capital.

THE FIRST-EVER EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL Stockholm was the first-ever city to be designated European Green Capital 2010 by the EU (European Union) Commission. The main reason cited for the award was Stockholm’s integrated administrative system, which guarantees that environmental aspects are considered in budgets, operational planning, reporting and monitoring. In other words, just about everything that happens in Stockholm happens with sustainability in mind. The city itself is compact and cosy, so


getting around is safe and easy, with most venues and hotels within comfortable walking distance – alleviating the need for inconvenient and eco-unfriendly commutes.

NORTHERN EUROPE’S HOT SPOT FOR EVENTS Stockholm is a metropolitan city and over 20 per cent of the Swedish population lives here today. Add the 32 million people that live within a one-hour plane ride from Stockholm and you quickly realise that no sporting event is too big for the capital of Scandinavia. With over 10 mivvllion visitors, Stockholm is the largest city in Scandinavia and the natural place to which people from all over Scandinavia gravitate, whether it’s for business, sports, music or cultural events. All these factors combine to make Stockholm the undisputed event capital of Scandinavia.


FACILITIES Stockholm presents an amazing range of arenas for all types of sporting events, including the Ericsson Globe - the largest spherical building in the world - and the historical Stockholm Stadion. Built to host the 1912 Olympic Games, the Stockholm Stadion is the oldest Olympic stadium still in use and celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2012. That’s a real achievement because, after all, longevity goes hand in hand with sustainability. But this doesn’t mean that we’re resting on our laurels. On the contrary; two brand new arenas are presently under construction. The Swedbank Arena will have the honour of being home to Sweden’s national football team and will be the largest arena

in Scandinavia when it opens in 2012. The stadium will have a retractable roof, enabling events to take place all year around. The Stockholm Arena, located close to the Ericsson Globe, is modern, versatile and complete with a sliding roof. Hosting its first event in spring 2013, the arena will be used to host a variety of events including sport and concerts. Both of Stockholm’s new multi-purpose arenas will be built to last and, as is the norm in Stockholm, with a firm eye on sustainability. Don’t forget that Stockholm consists of one-third open water and one-third parks and green areas – offering almost limitless possibilities for creative outdoor sporting events.

WITH EXPERIENCE COMES PEACE OF MIND and companies that help event organisers pull off a multitude of international sporting events every year – all with traditional Scandinavian attention to detail, flexibility and efficiency. And as you may know, when it comes to events, there is no better feeling than having a professional and knowledgeable partner in your corner.

Volvo Ocean Race/ Rick Tomlinson

The fact that Stockholm is Northern Europe’s undisputed hot spot for events means that everything you need, as an organiser, is already in place and has been tried and tested over and over again. Not to mention the fact that when hosting an event in Stockholm, you get access to a whole network of vastly experienced organisations

Volvo Ocean Race – one of many events taking advantage of the fact that Stockholm is built on 14 islands and surrounded by water so clean that you can go swimming or fishing in the very heart of the city



STOCKHOLM Sweden’s national ice hockey team

CONTACT US The Stockholm Event Network make things easier for organisers. As a part of the Stockholm Visitors Board, we provide a freeof-charge service offering all the support you need to plan a successful event. If you want to know more about what we offer and why companies and organisations keep coming back to Stockholm, don’t hesitate to get in touch. For more information, send us an e-mail or give us a call. Stockholm Visitors Board Stockholm Event Network Phone: +46 8 508 28 592

ICE HOCKEY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN STOCKHOLM – TWO YEARS IN A ROW The goal for the IIHF Ice Hockey World Championships 2012 and 2013 is to attract some 600,000 spectators, which would set a new record. In order to achieve this, the organisers have done some outof-the-box thinking and come up with a revolutionary new idea: for the first time ever, the two consecutive championships will be shared by the same two countries, Sweden and Finland. Instead of 16 teams playing in one country each year, there will be two groups with eight teams in each. The home teams – Sweden and


Finland – will therefore get a chance to play preliminary and quarterfinal games before their home crowds, for two championships in a row. The finals will be played in Helsinki (2012) and Stockholm (2013). Another first is that the organisers of the event can bring in their own national commercial partners to complement the IIHF partners. Taking full advantage of this new financial opportunity, the organisers will set up a fanzone in Stockholm in the area between the Ericsson Globe and the ice stadium, Hovet.

arenas attraction audience accessibility experience

Stockholm Stadium – Olympic stadium 1912, celebrating its 100-year anniversary in 2012.

A worldclass city for events Stockholm is the largest city in Scandinavia, its economic and cultural centre, and in many ways the perfect place for large sporting events. It is also home to the historical Stockholm Stadium. Host to the 1912 Summer Olympics and the oldest Olympic stadium in the world still in use. Add the fact that most Scandinavians are positively sports crazy, and you quickly realise that no sporting event is too big for Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia. Stockholm Event Network makes it easy for you Together with our network of competent partners, we offer event organisers highly informed, accessible help and advice, with no costs whatsoever. Let us help you plan for your next upcoming event in Stockholm – The city where events come alive!


The The The The The


CONTACT US Sport event rights owners planning events in Toronto receive the full assistance of the Tourism Toronto Team. We’ve got your back! Robert Kawamoto Director of Sport Tourism Shelley Crawford, CSEE Account Director, Sport


Sonja Turek, CSEE Account Director, Sport

A promise of destination bidding and hosting excellence Toronto is Canada’s largest metropolitan area and its financial, cultural and tourism hub. The same is true for sport: with more than 200 venues and facilities, hosting a seemingly endless variety of both amateur and professional international sport Toronto has earned the reputation as a world-class sports destination as the city ramps up to host the 2015 Pan and Parapan American Games. Tourism Toronto is committed to making every event and visit an experience to be remembered. Our focus is on ensuring that all athletes have the best opportunity to perform to their highest abilities, and enjoy their stay without negative distractions. In order to accomplish our goal, we will help take care of the logistics behind the scenes, so that each athlete can focus on preparation and inspiration to achieve victory. We take care of the details and the athletes take care of the competition.


Tourism Toronto will become a trusted partner working with the bidding and hosting organisation from start to finish, providing our expertise in the areas of travel, accommodations, funding support, volunteers, media and liaison services with governments and sport organisations at every level. Toronto is an international travel hub. Our commitment is to ensure athletes, event organisers, officials, coaches and participants arrive in Toronto comfortably and efficiently by providing several direct travel options to North America from virtually anywhere in the world. After the competition is over, we invite everyone to stay a little longer or return another time to enjoy all the great attractions, museums, art galleries, festivals, shopping, nightlife, restaurants and cafés in a city popular with the young-at-heart and families alike. Toronto is expecting you!


FACILITIES Toronto’s wide variety of venues illustrates the city’s sporting diversity. Whether an event needs a grand stage or a more intimate, exclusive setting, Toronto has the ideal facility. Here is a listing of a few venues and facilities specific for sport available for hosting an event, not including the many outdoor fields, pitches, waterfront, lake, streets, conventions centres, schools, colleges, universities, gymnasiums and courts available across the city.

Existing The University of Toronto Varsity Centre is a brand new, state-of-theart facility that includes a 5,000-seat stadium, a 400-metre, eight-lane track, an artificial turf field and a dome for winter use The Rogers Centre, with its fully retractable roof, is an iconic part of the Toronto skyline as well as home of the Toronto Blue Jays (1992 and 1993 World Series Champions) and the Canadian Football League’s Toronto Argonauts. The Rogers Centre has a capacity of more than 55,000 for sport events, concerts, family shows, trade shows and conventions. The Hershey Centre is a 5,500-seat multi-purpose arena in Mississauga and home to the Ontario Hockey League (OHL)’s Mississauga St. Mike’s Majors. In addition, the Hershey SportZone features an indoor soccer field, two lit outdoor artificial soccer fields, six additional National Hockey League (NHL) and one Olympicsize community rink ice surfaces, a triple gymnasium, gymnastics centre and a portable FIBA (International Basketball Federation)-size basketball court. The Powerade Centre is Brampton, Ontario’s state-of-the-art facility offering four NHL-sized rinks, including a spectator rink that features a seating capacity of 5,000. The Powerade Centre is home to the OHL’s Brampton Battalion and the Ontario Lacrosse Association’s Brampton Excelsiors. The Ricoh Coliseum in downtown Toronto, on the grounds of the Exhibition Place, is the home of the American Hockey League’s Toronto Marlies and the Lingerie Football League’s Toronto Triumph. It is a 8,000-plus-seat arena that underwent a massive renovation in 2003. BMO Field, also located downtown at Exhibition Place, offers a seating capacity of 20,000 and is home of Canada’s national soccer team as well as Toronto FC, Canada’s first Major League Soccer team. Canada’s first soccer-specific stadium, the BMO Field was the main

venue for the third most watched sporting event in the world, the 2007 FIFA U-20 World Cup, which drew 260,000 people over 12 games. The Air Canada Centre is home to the NHL’s Toronto Maple Leafs, the National Basketball Association’s Toronto Raptors and the National Lacrosse League’s Toronto Rock. In the decade since the Air Canada Centre opened, it has received more than 25 industry awards and hosted over 26.8 million fans at close to 2,000 events. The Air Canada Centre is located in Maple Leaf Square, the epicentre of Toronto’s sports and entertainment district and home to the Real Sports Bar & Grill – voted North Avmerica’s number one sports bar in 2010 by ESPN. The Rexall Centre, an international tennis facility, is more than just a world-class sports venue. It was also built with the local community in mind, including a park-like setting that provides dining, shopping and interactive activities to add to the tennis experience. The Rexall Centre’s full-surround stadium seats 12,500 and includes 41 executive suites and hosts some of the tennis’ highest-profile events, such as the Rogers Cup WTA (Women’s Tennis Association) Tour and ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) World Tour event. The Mastercard Centre for Hockey Excellence is a 272,000-squarefoot facility containing three NHL rinks and one Olympic-sized rink.

Planned The Pan American Aquatics Centre (PAAC), Field House and Canadian Sport Institute Ontario (CSIO) is a high-performance aquatics and athletics facility that will be constructed on the University of Toronto Scarborough campus for the 2015 Pan and Parapan American Games. The Aquatics Centre consists of two 10-lane, 50-metre pools, a 5.5-metre diving tank and a seating capacity of approximately 8,000. Field House, which will have a maximum seating capacity of 3,000, will house a 200-metre indoor track, fitness facilities and approximately 1,800-square-metres of flexible gymnasium space for training and competition. The CSIO will serve as a national high-performance centre providing sport science, sport medicine, coaching and training facilities Also there are number of upgrades to retrofit the Etobicoke Olympium aquatic centre with Olympic-sized pools; resurfacing of the 400-metre track at Centennial Park and building of new throwing and jumping areas; resurfacing of up to 20 kilometres of Toronto roads for cycling; resurfacing of the 400-metre track at Birchmount



major EVENTS 2012 Ontario Summer Games Ontario Senior Games 2011 Skate Canada Synchronised Championships Honda Indy(Car) Toronto UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championships) 129 UFC 140 MasterCard Memorial Cup in junior ice hockey Beach Volleyball National Championships Taekwondo Canada Pan American trials North American Championship sailing Senior National Badminton Championships ITTF North American Championships in table tennis Mississauga Canadian Cup soccer Canadian Open Chess Championship World Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation Canada Cup swimming 2010 Skate Canada Synchronised Skating Championships Major League Soccer Honda Indy(Car) Toronto GWN Dragon Boat Challenge Asian Community Games Ontario Volleyball Association Beach Nationals Canadian Track and Field Championships U16 National Championships in field hockey RBC Canadian Open golf


NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) International Football Bowl Canadian Open Chess Championship National Karate Championships 2009 Honda Indy(Car) Toronto World Baseball Classic World Wushu Championships North American Roller Hockey Championships Canadian Track and Field Championships 2008 Canadian Dragon Boat Championship Canadian Junior National Judo Championships CCAA Men’s Volleyball National Championship ISKF World Shoto Cup Jack Donohue International Classic in basketball Major League Soccer All-Star Game NCAA International Football Bowl Ontario ParaSport Summer Games Ontario World Percheron Congress Churchill Cup in rugby union 2007 Commonwealth Fencing Veteran Championships Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) Vanier Cup Canadian Football League (CFL) Grey Cup U19 National Field Hockey Championships FIFA U-20 World Cup

TORONTO Hi, we’re Shelley and Sonja, your Tourism Toronto sports experts. If there’s a city that knows its sports, it’s Toronto. With world-class sports facilities and proven success in hosting major sports teams and events, Toronto is the perfect venue for both athletes and fans alike. To find out how we can make your job easier and your event remarkable, contact us at: Shelley (, Sonja ( or visit our website:

Shelley Crawford, Account Director, Sports | Sonja Turek, Account Director, Sports

Funding Provided by the Government of Ontario.



ARGENTINA A destination that suits all your needs Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world. Located in South America, it has very different geographical regions, it is home to a high biodiversity of species and a great variety of landscapes and climates. The Argentinean population has been influenced by native and European traditions, inherited during colonialism as well as major migration waves that took place by the end of the 19th century. This gave birth to a melting pot of cultures, where people are very opened to cultural diversity, with a unique identity. Tango, football, gastronomy, endless nightlife and much much more can all be found in this magnificent country. Geographically, Argentina is divided in six contrasting regions: Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Cuyo, Litoral, Norte and Patagonia. Across the six you will find over 30 destinations with a diversity of attractions


for incentive trips, and the best meeting infrastructure to host international congresses, trade fairs and sport events. Argentina’s Ministry of Tourism and the National Institute of Tourism Promotion (INPROTUR) is working to attract international conferences and conventions to the country. After the deployment of the ‘Meeting Industry Marketing’ plan by INPROTUR, Argentina shot up the ICCA (International Congress & Convention Association) ranking. Before this plan, the country was positioned between 40th and 36th; thanks to the plan and the work of different Argentine destinations and the AOCA (the Argentine Association of PCOs and Meeting Suppliers), the country reached 18th place as a world meeting destination, with 172 international events organised across the six Argentinean tourist regions.




Argentinean culture has a real passion for sport; football, polo, tennis, golf - you name it. You find famous Argentinean players all over the world in a variety of sports and all have a passionate following. As such, there are stadia and sporting venues all over the country to develop a manner of activities, both recreational and professional:

The Rally Dakar: Argentina-Chile has been taking place in the two countries since 2009, and the quality of the organisation and services provided by Argentina is reflected in the country being selected once again to hold the event in January 2012. In 2011, there were 663 competitors from 53 different countries driving 407 vehicles, an audience of one billion people worldwide, and the event raised $270 million in tourist revenues. The 2010 IRB Junior World Championship, the third edition of the international rugby union competition, took place in the Argentinean cities of Rosario, Santa Fe and Paraná. The 2011 version of the Copa América, the football competition that has been taking place since 1916, was hosted in eight Argentine cities. The competition constituted 12 national teams, 10 from South American countries and two invitational teams and experienced 700,000 attendees from across Latin America. The 2011 Pre-Olympic Basketball Tournament took place in the city of Mar del Plata. This event, organised by FIBA (International Basketball Federation) Americas, saw the participation of 10 national teams: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Panama, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and Venezuela. Coming soon, in 2013, is the 125th International Olympic Committee Session where the decision of the next host city of the Olympic Games, in 2020, will be announced. In 2015 the INTERSKI Congress, organised by the International Ski Instructors Association (ISIA), comes to Ushuaia. The city will host more than 2,500 ski instructors from across the world.

• Football is the main sport in the country and attracts a passionate crowd from both the young and older generations • Polo horses from Argentina are known as the best horses of the world, and local Argentinean teams are amongst the best in the world • There are over 300 golf courses across the country • There are eight modern ski centres on the Andes mountain range • The Patagonian lakes provide a breathtaking setting for fly fishing • Argentinean tennis talents compete with the best on the world stage • World famous car series, the TC 2000 Championship, has taken place in different settings of the country since 1979 • Rowing is traditional in Tigre, located on the Paraná River delta • Climbing is a widely-spread sport thanks to the Andes and in particular Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas • Both the national men’s and women’s hockey team are well-known abroad and are consistently competitive on the world-stage • Los Pumas, the Argentinean national rugby union team, has broken into the top-tier of world rugby AAP.

Secretaría de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.

Estancia de Cafayate Wine & Golf.

Argentina, a destination that suits all your needs. The experience and know-how you need to host your events. The National Institute of Tourism Promotion (INPROTUR) is your best ally when organizing International Sport Events. As part of its Meeting Industry Marketing Plan, INPROTUR will help you achieve a successful event. Argentina, a unique and exciting experience.




DENMARK Denmark has a long and solid tradition of staging major international sports events. With Sport Event Denmark leading the way, the relationships between national federations, international federations, host cities and Sport Event Denmark itself have developed over the years into strong and trusted partnerships. Throughout the event hosting process Sport Event Denmark works in close co-operation with event rights-holder, local organising committees and host cities to ensure the successful delivery of an event. Taking an active involvement right from the beginning – from the vital bidding process to the careful event planning and marketing until the event is flawlessly executed – Sport Event Denmark is a hands-on partner. In Denmark hosting a world-class event comes down to two main focus areas: partnerships and exceeding expectations.


PARTNERSHIPS For Sport Event Denmark, a key aspect of creating long-term relationships between host cities and international federations involves playing an active role in sports and sport events. Understanding key interests of each stakeholder gives Sport Event Denmark the ability to ensure the fundamental guarantee of an event budget that is both realistic and consistent with the needs of all parties. Having developed a strong reputation as a trusted partner, international federations and their sport events know that when they come to Denmark they are guaranteed that everything down to the last detail of organisation will be planned and reviewed in order to produce a professionally-organised event that benefits athletes, coaches, officials and international representatives from the world of sport.




Sport Event Denmark recognises the importance of adding value to every sporting event that comes to Denmark. We guarantee to deliver more. Whether it is providing an ideal setting for side events such as conferences, fanzones or innovative opening ceremonies – we ensure that every sports event is displayed in a new and creative way. Ultimately we want to grasp the passion of the sport and display the event in a unique way which will be talked about and shared throughout the world. We always strive to exceed expectations of our stakeholders.

2009 IOC Session and XIII Olympic Congress 2009 UEFA Congress 2009 FILA Wrestling World Championships 2009 World Taekwondo Championships 2010 UCI Track Cycling World Championships 2011 World Women’s Curling Championship 2011 UCI BMX World Championships 2011 UEFA European Under-21 Championship 2011 UCI Road World Championships 2011 BWF World Premier Super Series 2012 Giro d’Italia start 2012 European Table Tennis Championships 2013 European Volleyball Championships 2013 FEI European Jumping & Dressage Championships 2014 EHF European Men’s Handball Championship 2015 FITA World Archery Championships 2015 FIG Trampoline and Tumbling World Championships 2015 IHF World Women’s Handball Championship

CONTACT US Lars Lundov CEO, Sport Event Denmark Email:

YOUR SPORT OUR PASSION In Denmark we are passionate about hosting international sports events. We have the experience and the partners to stage a successful event. We recognize the importance of adding value to an event and its owner, and we always strive to do our utmost to exceed the expectations of all stakeholders. Your sport - our passion. Visit



The Race Of Champions at Düsseldorf’s ESPRIT arena – Sportstadt Düsseldorf

DÜssElDorF Each event at top level Many cities boast the title of being a sports city – Düsseldorf actually is one and has repeatedly proven it over the course of the past few years. Through hosting regular top events and continuously implementing fresh ideas and concepts, the sports city of Düsseldorf has increasingly garnered an international reputation. Düsseldorf’s repuation has been made possible, first and foremost, by the work of sportAgentur GmbH, the municipal enterprise that has channelled its activities into putting Düsseldorf into an ideal position through planning, implementing and marketing large-scale sports events ever since its foundation seven years ago. Christina Begale, managing director of sportAgentur, outlines the advantages of the company: “At sportAgentur, we serve the city of Düsseldorf and its 600,000 citizens. “Every year, we try to invest the funds available in a profitable manner to make the town more attractive through top-notch sports events. One important factor lies with the structure of our company offering a certain degree of independence so that decisions can be taken more swiftly.” Outstanding sports events such as the Race of Champions (2010, 2011), the World Heavyweight Boxing fight between

WorlD class SPORTS HOSTS | 46

Vladimir Klitschko and Eddie Chambers (2010), the FIS Cross Country Skiing World Cup (since 2002), the Judo Grand Prix (since 2009), the World Team Cup in tennis (since 1978) - and many other highclass events - benefit from the perfect infrastructure of sports facilities offered by Düsseldorf. During the past decade, over €140 million has been invested into such infrastructure, enabling the Rhineland town of Düsseldorf to host any conceivable event within the boundaries of the city at a top-notch level. In 2011, the first international triathlon took place in Düsseldorf. Against the attractive backdrop of the Düsseldorf Medienhafen and featuring top athletes such as Jan Frodeno, the 2008 Beijing Olympic champion, the event was a great success. Around 35,000 spectators lined the course and the athletes enthused about the atmosphere and the organisation of the event. This was sufficient motivation not only to repeat the triathlon again next year but, says Begale, “to further develop the competition and turn it into an internationally-renowned event.” Looking at Düsseldorf’s development over the past decade, this can be interpreted as a promise.


Dedicated to Olympic sports


Be it football, ice hockey, handball, basketball or tennis, for Düsseldorf’s sports enthusiasts – 112,000 amateur athletes are members of over 400 clubs - the city offers first-class professional sports entertainment throughout the year. But sportAgentur offers much more, and by founding and managing ‘Team London’, sportAgentur also focuses on sports that do not garner much attention in everyday life. The aim: providing support to Düsseldorf athletes who strive to compete in the Olympic Games in London next year. Local sponsors support the members of Team London during their preparation. Moreover, sportAgentur helps provide athletes with training equipment, negotiates event appearances and organises PR campaigns. With the help of sportAgentur, Düsseldorf’s Olympic hopefuls should be able to focus on their sport and reap the successes. Team London currently comprises 15 members, including renowned athletes such as the 13-time European table tennis champion and Olympic medal-winner Timo Boll. However the majority of the athletes in Team London – who compete in sports such as sailing (Constanze Stolz and Morten Bogacki), rowing (Lukas Müller and Robby Gerhardt) or taekwondo (Levent Tuncat) - are not famous even in Düsseldorf. “These athletes are grateful for all the support they can get,” says Begale. “If our modest assistance can help them qualify for the Games in London, we will have done everything right. “At the end of the day, they will not only represent Germany but also their hometown of Düsseldorf.”

The year 2011 alone was packed with top events – starting with international athletics’ sixth International Athletics PSD Bank Meeting in February. Today, this track and field meeting is a staple component of the Düsseldorf sports agenda: with 2,000 spectators it is always sold-out and is broadcast live on TV channel Eurosport. Moreover, athletics’ world governing body, the IAAF, named the event the second best indoor meeting of 2011. Messe Düsseldorf and CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf hosted the largest European sports business summit, SpoBiS, for the first time. In addition to the 2011 Judo Grand Prix, which has been staged at the Mitsubishi Electric Halle since 2009, the premiere T3 Triathlon was also highly anticipated. In retrospect, this event was a complete success, which was proven both by the 35,000 fans who turned out to line the track and the amount of media coverage it received. After the German national football team’s 2012 European Championship qualification match against Belgium at the ESPRIT Arena in October, an exciting 12 months of sports events in Düsseldorf will be topped off once again with the spectacular FIS Cross Country Skiing World Cup in December. SportAgentur is expecting more than 200,000 visitors for the tenth anniversary of the event. Sports and event venues ( ESPRIT arena – 66,000 seats ( ISS Dome – 13,400 seats ( Mitsubishi Electric Halle – 7,500 seats ( CASTELLO Düsseldorf – 3,500 seats ( CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf – capacity 15,000 (

SucceSS iS our BuSineSS Come and visit Düsseldorf at Deutsches Haus London 2012




MAnCHESTER Home of two footballing giants and with a wide variety of worldclass sporting venues, Manchester is well-placed ahead of next year’s Olympic and Paralympic Games. In the past year the city has hosted major events such as the UCI Track Cycling World Cup, the British Taekwondo Open and the ROWE British Squash Grand Prix. The UK’s biggest 10k road race, the Bupa Great Manchester Run, is held annually and in 2011 was part of the ‘Great Day of Sport’, along with the Great CityGames and Great Salford Swim. Manchester’s events strategy aims to maximise the benefits for its residents, businesses and visitors through the staging of worldclass sports events. This approach helped the city achieve the status as number one for Legacy in the SportBusiness ‘Ultimate Sports City’ awards in 2010. A recent example of this strategy came at the UCI Track Cycling World Cup, where the event legacy programme provided funds to buy 20 BMX bikes to be stored at schools close to the National Cycling Centre, helping to give children access to the brand-new indoor BMX track. As well as delivering established events, Manchester aims to offer new and innovative event solutions. In February 2011, Manchester City Council announced details of an historic agreement with the National Basketball Association (NBA) and USA Basketball that will bring a series of high-profile events to the city. The first of these


To find out more, contact the city’s Sports Events Team: Telephone: +44 (0)161 953 2795 E-mail:

events, WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association) Live – Manchester 2011, took place in May and pitted the Great Britain women’s team against professional WNBA side Atlanta Dream. In 2012, USA men’s and women’s teams will visit Manchester to take on Great Britain, and finally the city will host a pre-season NBA clash in 2013. Manchester is also playing a key role in the Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA)’s ‘Be Inspired’ Olympic offer in the build up to London 2012. Prior to the Games, USA Basketball, Swimming Australia and the Thailand Olympic team will train in Manchester. And during Games-time, Old Trafford will be hosting nine Olympic football matches. As we move towards the start of the Paralympic Games, Manchester will welcome the powerful Brazilian Paralympic team for its final training camp, along with the Great Britain Paralympic swimming team and the Thailand Paralympic team. This means that in August 2012 a total of 450 elite athletes will be training in Manchester, along with 100 additional support staff. Add to this the fact that Great Britain’s cycling, taekwondo and water polo Teams will all be preparing for the Olympics from their Manchester bases. The city is showing that whilst London will be the focus of the sporting world, Manchester will be playing its own part in what will be a momentous year for British sport.




In addition to regular English Premier League and UEFA Champions League football, Manchester hosts a wide selection of world-class sport:

There are exciting times ahead in East Manchester. This summer, the new state-of-the-art National Indoor BMX Centre at the National Cycling Centre opened to the public: this 2,000-seat facility is the training base for Great Britain riders such as Shanaze Reade, whilst offering a comprehensive track programme catering for groups from novice to elite level. The National Cycling Centre houses the BMX track and Velodrome, and is also home to British Cycling, the national governing body for the sport. The unique venue puts Manchester in a strong position to host future events across different cycling disciplines in years to come. Nearby, football club Manchester City is set to start work on the development of a world-leading training complex adjacent to the newly-renamed Etihad Stadium. Initial plans are in place for the 80-acre site to house 15 full-size pitches, a 7,000-seat mini-stadium, and accommodation for playing staff. Manchester City Council is working in partnership with Manchester City to maximise the potential for the city, with the goal of increasing accessibility to the new sports facilities for the entire local community. These plans will drive the ongoing regeneration of East Manchester, creating jobs, strengthening the area’s focus on sport, whilst confirming the city as one of the world’s best international sporting destinations.

2011 English National Badminton Championships British National Squash Championships UCI Track Cycling World Cup British Gas Swimming Championships Soccerex European Forum Bupa Great Manchester Run and Great CityGames BT Paralympic World Cup WNBA Live – Manchester 2011 England-Sri Lanka one-day cricket England-India Twenty20 Cricket Sky Ride Manchester 2011 ROWE British Squash Grand Prix British Taekwondo Open Engage Super League Grand Final Future 2012 – Olympic men’s & women’s football 2012 – USA-Great Britain men and women’s basketball 2013 – NBA pre-season game 2013 Rugby League World Cup 2015 IRB Rugby World Cup

Manchester world sport

Manchester is the world’s leading sport city, renowned for staging record-breaking, heart-stopping international sporting events. From our world class sports stadia to the city’s streets, Manchester has created a unique and innovative events programme. Manchester has it all. To check out the full sports programme visit





To find out more about Melbourne and what it can offer contact: Brendan McClements Chief Executive, VMEC 1 Albert Road Melbourne 3004 Victoria Australia Phone: +61 3 9868 4600 Fax: +61 3 9866 5460 E-mail:

WORLD’S EVENT CITY UPS THE ANTE In 2010 Melbourne was ranked, by SportBusiness, as the world’s ‘Ultimate Sports City’ for the third consecutive time. Not content to rest on its laurels, Melbourne continues to invest heavily in enhancing its existing infrastructure to continue to attract the world’s biggest events and deliver outstanding event experiences. The most recent addition to Melbourne’s unparalleled sporting infrastructure is the award-winning AAMI Park, a 31,000-seat rectangular stadium which opened in 2010 and has hosted international rugby, football and rugby league matches. A major A$363 million redevelopment of Melbourne Park, home of the Australian Open tennis grand slam, will be completed in 2015. The new-look Melbourne Park will feature an upgraded Margaret Court Arena with retractable roof and additional seating to increase capacity to 7,500, complementing the Rod Laver Arena (15,000 seats) and the Hisense Arena (10,500 seats), both of which also have retractable roofs.


The new Melbourne Park is welcome news for a range of sports including tennis, basketball, cycling, netball, dancesport and gymnastics. The iconic 100,000-seat MCG (Melbourne Cricket Ground) is also the subject of new investment. Following the A$465 million Northern Stand redevelopment for the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games, a commitment to infrastructure improvements to the Great Southern Stand has been made. These developments will see the ‘G’, as it is affectionately known, continue its reign as the stadium which hosts epic contests, great crowds and is the stage for outstanding sporting performances. Athletics has also been given a makeover, with a new home at the Lakeside Stadium. The Lakeside Stadium features IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations)-standard facilities and has become the official headquarters for Athletics Australia and other sporting associations.




• Melbourne Cricket Ground, a 100,000-seat stadium which has hosted football, rugby, cricket and Australian rules, as well as the 1956 Olympic Games and 2006 Commonwealth Games • Etihad Stadium, with a 55,000-seat capacity and retractable roof • AAMI Park, a 31,00- seat rectangular stadium • Melbourne Park, home of the Australian Open tennis, featuring the Rod Laver Arena (15,000-seat stadium with retractable roof) and Hisense Arena (multi-purpose, roofed 10,500-seat stadium suitable for track cycling, basketball, netball, tennis and gymnastics) • Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, the world’s first six-star green-rated conventions complex, including a 5,000-seat Plenary Hall (and home of the International Press Centre, badminton, weightlifting and boxing during the 2006 Commonwealth Games) • Lakeside Stadium, a 15,000-seat IAAF-standard athletics facility • State Netball and Hockey Centre, with five indoor netball courts (including a 3055-seat show court) and two international standard ‘wet’ hockey pitches with up to 1000 seats • Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre, multi-purpose venue featuring a 50m outdoor competition pool with seating for 3,000, a 75m indoor competition pool with seating for 2,000 and a 14-board diving facility; and • Melbourne’s iconic Sand Belt region, boasting world-renowned golf courses including Royal Melbourne, Kingston Health, Metropolitan and Victoria golf clubs • The planned State Basketball Centre, due for completion in 2011, will feature a 3,300-seat show court designed for world-class basketball tournaments.

Past 2010 UCI Road World Cycling Championships 2010 Bledisloe Cup - Australia v New Zealand (rugby union) 2009 FIH Champions Trophy (men’s hockey) 2008 IDSF World Latin Championships 2007 FINA World Swimming Championships 2006 ILS World Life Saving Championships 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games 2005-06 Volvo Ocean Race (stopover) 2005 FIG Artistic Gymnastic World Championships 2004 FAI World Hot Air Balloon Championships Present The Presidents Cup (golf) Australian Open (tennis) Formula One Australian grand prix and Australian MotoGP Melbourne Cup Carnival (horse racing) 2012 UCI Track Cycling World Championships Australian Masters and Women’s Australian Open (golf) International Rules – Australia v Ireland Jayco Herald Sun Tour (cycling) IDSF Asian Pacific and Australian Dancesport Championship ISAF Sailing World Cup and Festival of Sails (sailing regatta) Boxing Day Test, Twenty20 and one-day internationals (cricket) Superbike World Championship Rip Curl Pro (surfing) State of Origin – Game 1 (rugby league) Australian Goldfields Open – World Snooker Tour Melbourne Ironman


14-20 NOVEMBER 2011

“The World’s Ultimate Sports City” SportBusiness International 2006, 2008, 2010.

Contact Brendan McClements, CEO, Victorian Major Events Company Tel +61 3 9868 4600 Email



CONTACT US Red Bull Crashed Ice - Luc-Antoine Couturier


Denis Paquet Sport Events Development Manager Major Events Bureau – City of Québec 418-641-6411, ext. 2423 Hélène Pomerleau Director, Sales Services, and Tourism Media Relations Québec City Tourism 418-641-6654, ext. 5445

A world-class sports destination Régis Labeaume, mayor of Québec City, believes he knows the secret of why Québec City has become such a successful destination on the world’s sporting map: “The Québec City region and its people have decades of experience and know-how in hosting, organising and delivering successful events. “Today, their commitment to continuing to do so is stronger than ever. Top-level infrastructures and sports facilities, competent and versatile specialists, and an armada of enthusiastic volunteers are key ingredients that help make these events a success.” There’s little doubt in any local’s mind that Québec City is a world-class destination, and it’s an opinion that has been verified by readers of the prestigious US magazine Condé Nast Traveler, which in 2010 ranked Québec as the fifth-best destination in the


Americas and tenth-best destination worldwide. The Québec City Convention Centre was also given the acclaimed APEX Award for Best Convention Centre by the International Association of Congress Centres in 2006, a decade after its opening. Québec’s accommodation capacity and quality are second to none, as are the facilities on offer for competitors, spectators and administrators. There’s a rich 400 years of history in the city. Old Québec’s architecture and narrow, winding streets give current Québec City a unique charm. An unparalleled quality and variety of restaurants has also put Québec City on the gourmet map. Outdoor enthusiasts are always impressed to find nature at their doorstep with a wide variety of activities and breathtaking scenery on offer across all seasons of the year.




UCI World Mountain Bike World Cup (annually since 1991) FIS Snowboard World Cup (annually since 1996) Red Bull Crashed Ice (annually since 2006) ISU Short Track Speed Skating World Cup (2003 and 2007) IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship (2008) FIG Trampoline and Tumbling World Championships (2008) UCI Mountain Bike & Trials World Championships (2010) UCI World Tour Grand Prix Cycliste de Québec (2010 to 2014) ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final (2011) FIVB Beach Volleyball Swatch World Tour (2011 to 2012) SportAccord International Convention (2012) FIS World Cup Cross-Country Skiing – Sprint Free Technique (2012) FIS Snowboard World Championships (2013)

Québec City plays host to many national and international events across the region. Surrounded by mountains, lakes and rivers, the city and its outskirts offer picturesque scenery which presents the ideal setting for sporting events. Typically, winter sports have put Québec City on the map. Its downhill facilities allow it to host FIS (International Ski Federation) alpine races in downhill, giant slalom Super G, and slalom. An Olympic-standard half-pipe plays host to many different snowboard competitions. Every year, the city itself transforms into an awesome and extreme course as it hosts the Red Bull Crashed Ice race – the downhill skating event that takes place in an urban environment. These are but some of what Québec City can offer - but there’s more to Québec City than just world-class winter events. A CA$85 million expansion of the sports complex at Laval University is well underway. This new development will add a 50-metre ten-lane pool and a new 3,500-seater basketball and volleyball auditorium to the existing facilities. Along with other projects that are being studied at this time, it all adds up to making Québec City an ideal host for a vast array of sports events. And with Québec’s natural, breathtaking scenery – the city bills itself to tourists as the perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts who want to experience a healthy lifestyle. So too is it the ideal backdrop for TV coverage of the biggest events in the sports world.

Skier Alex Harvey - NordicFocus

FIRST PLACE, IN ALL CATEGORIES… When it comes to sports, Québec City Region takes the gold, hands down, for the sheer quality on offer. Sports facilities here are in a class by themselves, with accomodations no exception. As for the landscape, the fine cuisine, the culture, art and architecture, they’re happy extras worth their weight in gold. If your competition is national or international, whatever your sport may be (we’ve got skiing, cycling, ATVs, speed skating, ice hockey and more), you can count on Québec City Region for a big welcome. Our diligent, dedicated team is there to help you make your event a winner! CONTACT US TODAY: WE’LL LEAD YOU TO VICTORY!



CONTACT US The Richmond Sport Hosting Office provides a wide variety of services. Tell us about your event and we’ll match you with the facilities, amenities, local partners and volunteers you need to succeed. We also offer bid development support, sport hosting grants and more. To learn more about Richmond, British Columbia contact: Mike Romas Manager, Sport Hosting +1-778-296-1406

RICHMOND Bridging cultures as Canada’s premier West Coast sport destination A shining star on Canada’s beautiful Pacific Coast, the city of Richmond in British Columbia (BC) is rapidly becoming a destination of choice for international sporting events. BC’s fourth largest city, Richmond is internationally noted for its healthy lifestyles, natural beauty and multi-cultural diversity. Situated on a chain of islands in the mouth of the mighty Fraser Fiver, Richmond has been called “the pearl in the mouth of the dragon” by its many Asian newcomers. Indeed, Richmond has proudly preserved its natural beauty, while growing into a busy international economic hub with outstanding dining, shopping and business services and access to an unrivalled array of regional tourist attractions and activities. Centrally located in the Metro Vancouver region, Richmond boasts outstanding transportation connections. It is home to Vancouver


International Airport (YVR), one of the busiest and most popular airports in the world. The new Canada Line rapid transit service conveniently links Richmond City Centre and YVR and downtown Vancouver, and Richmond is also just 20 minutes by freeway from the US-Canada border. But what really sets Richmond apart is its people. Truly cosmopolitan, Richmond has the highest percentage of immigrants of any city in Canada. More than 50 per cent of Richmond’s residents were born outside of Canada. No matter where your event officials, participants and spectators come from, they will feel at home in Richmond. The enthusiasm, dedication, skill and experience of our volunteers and community is second to none and received international acclaim when Richmond served as an official Venue City of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.




Outstanding sport venues like the Richmond Olympic Oval, superior international and local transportation connections and a diversified hotel base of more than 4,500 rooms are the foundation of a premier centre for sport hosting. The Richmond Olympic Oval has been universally recognised as both the premier venue of the 2010 Olympics and the most outstanding sport legacy from those Games. While the Oval’s multi-faceted design makes it a lure for both summer and winter events, its only part of what Richmond offers event organizers. Other venues include one of North America’s largest all-weather turf complexes, two major ice centres, two aquatic centres, a martial arts centre, three tournament-class golf courses, an indoor multisport field house, additional all-weather turf fields, baseball fields, and a 400-metre outdoor running track. The Richmond Curling Club and University of British Columbia’s rowing boathouse are also home to elite-level sport competition. Richmond’s 25-plus hotels are clustered in the city centre within easy walking distance of the Canada Line, the Richmond Olympic Oval and several other major sport venues. Nearly 2,000 local Olympic volunteers are the foundation of a tireless and skilled army that can be mobilised for your event. Our community and sport group partners share an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for sport that give Richmond the hosting edge.

In February 2010 more than 100,000 fans from around the world flocked to the Richmond Olympic Oval to watch speed skating in the premier venue of the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. Richmond’s sports hosting success isn’t limited to the Olympic Games. A passionate sports city, Richmond regularly hosts elite competitions in a wide variety of winter and summer sports. In 2011 alone, Richmond has played host to the BWF World Senior Championships, Western Canadian Fencing Championship, Can-Am Wushu Martial Arts Championship and Royale Cup Canadian Junior Girls Golf Championship. The popular Yonex Open, Canada’s largest cash invitational badminton tournament, also returned to the Oval for its second successful year. Since opening in December 2008, the Oval alone has already hosted elite-level competitions in badminton, table tennis, fencing, speed skating, basketball, taekwondo, wheelchair basketball and wheelchair rugby. Provincial and national sports organisations have established centres of excellence for volleyball, table tennis and ice hockey at the Oval, with more agreements pending. The popular annual Richmond International Midget Hockey Tournament and the 2009 BC Seniors Games, which set a record for participation, are just some of the other major sport events recently held in Richmond. In 2012, Richmond will host the Canadian Sports Tourism Alliance’s prestigious Sports Events Congress, the first time this event has been held on Canada’s West Coast.

CONTINUINGto WELCOME THE WORLD From the world’s Games to your games, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada continues to welcome the world. Superb venues like the Richmond Olympic Oval—a 47,500 square metre multi-sport jewel on the banks of the Fraser River are waiting for you. Enjoy over 4,500 hotel rooms, shopping, dining, arts, culture, and nature—all within the heart of the city. Best of all, Richmond’s Sport Hosting office will work with you to create your winning Be bid and event. | +1.778.296.1406





EventScotland is the national events agency and is working to make Scotland one of the world’s leading event destinations. By developing an exciting portfolio of sporting and cultural events, EventScotland is helping to raise Scotland’s international profile and boost the economy by attracting more visitors. For further information about EventScotland, its funding programmes and latest event news visit

Setting the Pace as the Perfect Stage Scotland continues to move forward with pace and direction, both in terms of its event portfolio, the reach of events across the country and the rate at which the impact of its work has expanded. Looking back over the last 12 months, national events agency EventScotland has taken on a range of new projects such as Games for Scotland – a project involving all 32 local authorities in Scotland organising events to mark the Commonwealth Games flag handover to Scotland at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. Edinburgh staged three world championship level events in duathlon, archery and climbing - all of which showcased the stunning cityscape and modern facilities of Scotland’s capital city. Golf continues to be a strong delivering force for ‘The Home of


Golf’, exemplified by the Open Championship back in 2010, played at the Old Course at St Andrews. An independent study commissioned by the R&A (Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews) and EventScotland found that £100 million of economic and media profile had been generated for Scotland. This was up by 25 per cent on the 2005 figure - the last time the Open was played at St Andrews - and is further evidence of the increased interest and value of major events to Scotland’s economy and international profile. The sense of Scotland setting the pace is now being amplified by approaches from several international organisations taking a keen interest in the country’s work, looking to replicate what it does and learn from its experience when investing in and securing events.




As the year of Active Scotland draws to a close, it is an important time to look ahead and secure a continued portfolio of world-class sporting events in Scotland beyond the 2010 Commonwealth Games and the Ryder Cup in 2014. EventScotland is certainly forward-thinking and has already secured two major events for 2015. Glasgow will host the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in the new Scottish National Arena which opens in 2013. The World Orienteering Championships will be based in Inverness and will utilise the world-class terrain along the Moray coast and in the Cairngorms National Park. Other bidding processes are ongoing and Scotland has a strong line-up of golf events confirmed, including the Senior Open Championship that returns to Turnberry in 2012; the Women’s British Open being held in Scotland five of the next ten years (2011 was the first year); the Open Championship goes to Muirfield in 2013 and the Junior Ryder Cup comes back to Scotland in 2014. the country having hosted the event successfully in 2010. Over 125 events are being supported by EventScotland in 2011 through its range of funding programmes. Highlights include the return of cycling’s Tour of Britain, the European Tour’s Scottish Open in golf, the Tall Ships Races, the Touch World Cup and the Intercontinental Rally Challenge’s Rally of Scotland. This diverse range of sporting events across the country showcases Scotland’s credentials as a world-class events destination.

Facilities in Scotland are maintaining the pace of the events portfolio with several large construction projects underway that will be used before, during and after the 2014 Commonwealth Games. These include the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, which makes up part of the National Indoor Sports Arena. The Velodrome will host the 2013 UCI World Junior Track Cycling Championships and the National Indoor Sports Arena the World Youth Netball Championships, its first international event, in 2013. Furthermore, the Scottish Hydro Arena will welcome the 2014 Commonwealth Games gymnasts and netball teams for competition. Natural venues and facilities are also evolving. The Barclays Scottish Open moved to a new venue this year, Castle Stuart Golf Links, a two-year-old course that has received a high amount of praise. The Trump development in the same part of the country is expected to also garner high interest when it opens its doors. Edinburgh’s iconic Holyrood Park provided the backdrop to a snowy Great Edinburgh Cross Country and in the west of Scotland, Strathclyde Park held the Great Scottish Swim and the Strathclyde Park Triathlon. Moving north, the Rally of Scotland revels in the scenic-yet-demanding stages around Stirling and Perthshire; the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup continues to attract thousands of spectators each May in Fort William; and the Hebrides presents one of the toughest challenges for surfers in the Tiree Wave Classic. Each of these events attracts spectators, global media coverage and sporting fans - many of whom continue to make the journey to our shores to experience Scotland for themselves.

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The Perfect Stage EventScotland is working hard to establish Scotland as the perfect stage for world class events. With a wealth of both natural and built environments ready to host events from running to rowing, mountain biking to wind surfing, Scotland has both the ability and the expertise to bring any world class event to its shores. To find out more about EventScotland and what we do, visit



Mission Foods World Netball Championships 2011 Singapore

SINGAPORE In just a decade, the small island state of Singapore has emerged as the leading city for sports business in Asia. However, changes currently being driven by Singapore Sports Council (SSC) indicate that the next two decades are going to be even more exciting. The Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games confirmed the city’s standards of service, excellence and innovation set by the first night race in the history of Formula One, the SingTel Singapore grand prix, the 2009 Asian Youth Games and the Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore in 2010. “Sporting Singapore has never let our size stand in the way of delivering first-class sporting events,” says Mr Lim Teck Yin, SSC CEO. Coupled with a sporting eco-system and the rising influence in the region, Singapore, says Mr Lim, “is a natural draw for events sponsors and corporate investors aiming for a presence in the Asia-Pacific market.” A recent report by PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates the value of the region’s sports sector will hit $20.2 billion in 2013. Moreover, Singapore’s strategic location puts some three billion people in the Asia-Pacific region within a seven-hour flight radius of Changi International Airport. Supported by a businessfriendly government and world-class transportation and telecoms infrastructure, Singapore offers both a safe haven for athletes, investors and sponsors as well as an increasingly dynamic sporting culture. Last year, Singapore was named the Gold winner in the Sports City


Award at the International Sports Event Management conference, edging out heavyweight European contenders Manchester and Düsseldorf. This honour came shortly after Singapore finished second only to Melbourne in the SportBusiness ‘Ultimate Sports City’ Awards presented at the 2010 SportAccord International Convention in Dubai. “The awards are a tribute to a decade of sports development and strengthen our position as a leading global sporting destination,” adds Mr Lim. The SSC drives an integrated strategy for sports excellence, participation and industry. It is a holistic approach that generates a greater impact, provides more continuity and aligns sports events better with the national agenda. In July, the SSC, along with the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS), launched ‘Vision 2030’ – an initiative aimed at establishing a sports masterplan to best serve Singapore’s future needs through meaningful consultations with the public-private-people sectors. “We have seen tremendous advances in our sports industry development, our participation base and our athletic achievement,” says Mr Lim. “Vision 2030 is going to give to us a comprehensive strategy for the next two decades.” Singapore has a bustling sports scene: some 600 sporting events annually, including 40 marquee events with regional or international participation. In 2011, the highlights of Singapore’s international


calendar included: the Li Ning Singapore Open for badminton, the Mission Foods Netball World Championships, the Volkswagen Women’s World Cup for table tennis, the ICF Canoe Marathon World Championships and the Canon Lion City Cup in football. Singapore’s expanding events portfolio has opened the door for sports agencies and broadcast media companies to develop in Singapore. Among the firms with a significant presence in the city include World Sport Group, MP & Silva, Dentsu Sports Asia, ESPN and IMG Asia. This holistic approach has produced others dividends in the form of higher participation in sport and the development of local sporting events. For example, the Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2011, the nation’s marquee running event, will see a record-breaking 70,000 participants take to the streets this December. The Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games created an important legacy for Singapore as a world-class events host. However, the effects continue to be felt by Singaporeans more than a year later: the event was a catalyst to achieve the wider national objective of encouraging more people to get involved in sports. Celebrating the first anniversary of the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games recently, the city-state held the Singapore Youth Olympic Festival to help keep the Olympic spirit alive. In the coming years, Singapore will be launching a total of 28 sports satellite centres. Located across Singapore, the satellite centres will each feature one of the sports featured at the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games. Looking to the long-term, Singapore’s broad portfolio of international sporting events and holistic commitment towards sustaining a sports culture reflects the enduring strength of a thriving sports city.

High-performance training hub Singapore is fast becoming the choice of champions as a world-class training hub destination. Over the past few years, the island nation has hosted over 1,800 international elite athletes from 44 countries including swimmer Michael Phelps, world-class water polo teams from Australia, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Serbia and Spain and the 2008 Brazilian Olympic football team. In July 2011, Australian Olympic champions Stephanie Rice and Leisel Jones were in Singapore as part of their final training preparations en route to the FINA World Championships in Shanghai. “Singapore’s state-of-the-art training facilities are well-positioned in the heart of Asia-Pacific,” says Bob Gambardella, chief of the Sports Development Group at the SSC. “Our safe cosmopolitan environment, excellent transport, medical services and urban landscape make Singapore an ideal training venue for teams to acclimatise before major competitions in Asia.” And riding on the wave of Singapore’s exciting sporting calendar, the Singapore Sports Hub will add momentum to the Lion City’s rise as the sports capital of Asia-Pacific. The new hub will be a fully-integrated land-water sports venue, capable of hosting community, regional and international sporting action. From April 2014, the Sports Hub also will provide a new home for the SSC and the 64 national sports associations. The big buzz, for now, is hovering around the plans for the new 55,000-seat National Stadium. With a retractable roof and individually-cooled seats, the stadium will welcome internationalclass athletics, cricket, football and rugby.


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