Webinar - Connected Devices and the Live Sport Experience

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Connected Devices & The Live Sport Experience

me and my mobile... What do consumers expect...

Get information and updates pre-game Use my mobile as a ticket Purchase my food and drink without standing in a queue Be offered exclusive offers whilst the event Not worry about slow networks or non-existent coverage Enhance the live experience - augmented reality, video replays, betting

Virtual games, social media interaction and sophisticated Apps are now the norm

live sports... challenges Excuses..!

Mobile network coverage... Poor WiFi... Mobile revenue just doesn’t stack up to the investment needed... It only works for certain types of sports and demographics... not ours! It’s a cost and we’re strapped for cash... Content isn’t up to scratch... Not mobile / tablet optimised...

live sports... challenges Opportunities

Better brand engagement... New revenue streams... Justify live experience... Create new communication channels... Proximity marketing Supports the community and marketing onjectives...

how? To create an integrated mobile and other connected device experience you need some key bits to the jigsaw... Objectives and realistic expectations Connectivity that works for your audience Content that genuinely inspires and makes the customer engage Suppliers and partners (merchants) that will support the new monetisation opprtunities To create bridges across the silos of IT, marketing, mobile, operations, concessions and sales To accept real feedback from fans, in real-time and to respond Balls... test the market, invest and review

tools in the arsenal... If the objective is to create dialogue and closer access to the team then don’t try to sell stuff at every opportunity - treat it as customer relations and engagement. Social Media SMS, MMS and mobile web Apps WiFi Location based Concierge services Payment gateways Vouchers / coupons Content downloads Augmented reality POS RFiD and cashless Behaviourial tracking and targeting Betting

targeted social media Social media... AKA Facebook has got some challenges... It’s called Facebook... not ‘my team’ it doesn’t have a payment gateway with you as the merchant it’s not branded as your team You don’t control the advertising It doesn’t add features if you’re at the live game You can’t support your brand partners properly Monetisation... where is it. Vouchers and coupons...not properly supported at POS Who’s data is it...?

targeted social media YuuZoo's platform contains including a forum, live chat, message board, notifications, profiles and settings, content sharing (video & photo’s) the YuuZoo platform also has a number of unique functions including: On-line store with fully integrated internal payment system Live video streaming Social+ feature Targeted advertising Stronger corporate branding Administrative access for 24/7 moderating Ability to directly market to the members of the network They’re your fans so you own the data

RFiD It’s not new or scary...it’s old tech nicely packaged. Radio Frequency Identification Key Benefits Lanyards, cards, wristbands... all formats Access control and security Cashless environments 2D barcodes Real-time transactional data Integrated into payment gateways (kiosk, mobile, ePOS) Personalisation Brand Support

WiFi Innovations

Smaller more robust units Networks designed for multi-cast content and massive usage per AP Local Area Media Networks - not backhaul Integrated into Social Media ‘App’ or mobile internet - not just internet access Better stadium design - AB Wireless Less power consumption or more sustainable energy / batteries WiFi built for mobile - authentication, handover, interference issues WiFi used for behaviourial tracking and security

live sport in the future Social media will be a two-way platform for teams Cashless environments will become the norm - NFC, Mobile WiFi designs will support ‘connected everywhere’ NFC - RFiD will dominate ticketing Content will not just be downloads - video, augmentation of live In-game betting, questionnaire’s and instant messaging will grow exponentially on the back of better networks Marketing will stop working in silos - merchandise, ticket sales, mobile content, vouchers and F&B will be channels of revenue Real-time ticket offers... smaller clubs need bums on seats The relationship between team, stadium fans and arm-chair fans will get stronger through technology and gaming

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