Sport Executive August 15

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The offshore game

Is football only for a small elite?



SPORT EXECUTIVE The magazine is published by Tekstwerk, a Danish freelance bureau. Tekstwerk consists of journalist Lars Andersson and journalist Kristian Boye. Editor in chief: Lars Andersson. You can contact us by mail: Or phone: +4528201554. Design and layout: Søren Møller. Translation: Rachel Payne. Get our NEWSLETTER – sign up on Are you a journalist or photographer

Sport Executive – International is back. For the third time in English. As in the previous editions we delve deeper and ask the difficult questions – about the Sport Federations and human rights, british football going offshore, the big taboos, women in sport and much, much more. Why? Because it is essential. Because so few others are doing it. Because sport needs to be taken seriously, whether its being played for fun or at the top level. Therefore you have to read Sport Executive. And to support us! So tell your friends and colleagues about us. And maybe we will survive? Enjoy the read!

– and want to contribute? Contact Do you want to advertise? Contact or phone +4528201554. Follow us at, Facebook and Twitter. All rights reserved.

“If everybody turns right, turn left – that’s where you’ll find the stories to tell to your children!”

Team Tekstwerk, 2015.

TIL LÆSERE AF VOLLEYBALL MAGASINET: Helt som vanligt befinder DVF’s magasin sig bagest i dette magasin – på DANSK. TIL VORES DANSKE LÆSERE: Sport Executive er tilbage på dansk i september. Lars Andersson

CONTENT 4 Human rights

20 Art and sport

32 Comment

10 Premier League

26 Menstruation

16 Time bomb

28 Women in football


When sports fall in love

Offshore - and gross domestic product

Get active and happy

Frontpage photo: All Over Press

Women in the pool

The last sporting taboo

How to run a football club

Women’s sport in the media

Photo: All Over Press

Tell your story at

PlaytheGame2015 Global sport: reform or revolution? For the 9th time, the world conference Play the Game invites academics, journalists, sports officials and other stakeholders in sport to share their knowledge on crucial challenges to sport: •

The revolt against global events: A perfect storm for sport?

Governments vs. fixers: Will the rule of law beat the law of the jungle?

Good governance in sport: Setting standards, raising bars

A new World Code against doping: Anybody willing to comply?

The deadly disease of inactivity: Is the world ready for a cure?

Transfers and trafficking: The human cost of broken dreams

College sport in the USA: Unprotected amateurs in a billion-dollar business

Read more about the conference, the conference themes and submit your abstract no later than 13 May at

Photo credit: Mario Cliche



Aarhus Denmark



Human rights isn’t on the agenda in sports federations.

BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK Big sports are all about athletes competing. About people cheering. About humans enjoying life. It is sheer pleasure. Or is it? When the International Olympic Committee (IOC, ed.) and the sports federations point to a host for a major sport event it is big business. It’s a great fairy tale where a host must provide the best framework for a play that thrills the World and gets cool cash to the Sports World. It is there the countries come in. The countries that want to use sport to brand a nation and a regime. And the trend in the real world is that authoritarian regimes are bidding heavily for to host international sporting events to improve their image at home and abroad. They can spend exorbitant amounts of public funds largely unchecked, for example without regard for social rights, human rights and environmental concerns – while democratic states have to explain whether the rising costs associated with mega-events are worth the risk. The sports federations are a willing partner for the authoritarian



regimes despite human rights and despite dictatorships. 50 percent of the big sport events in the coming years in five big sports and the Olympics are going to take place in nations where regimes violate basic human rights – despite the Olympic Charter telling us otherwise (see box, ed.). NO POLITICAL AGENDA This is shown in an analysis Sport Executive made for the Olympics and the World Championships in athletics, cycling, football, gymnastics and swimming. But as Patrick Hickey, president of the European Olympic Committees (EOC), tells Sport Executive when he explains why Azerbaijan hosted the first European Games in 2015: “The EOC will not seek to impose any political agenda on a sovereign state or society. However, we have sought and received the assurance from the authorities in Azerbaijan that the principles of the Olympic Charter will be protected

throughout the European Games. These were the only criteria the EOC considered when selecting Baku as the host city of the European Games because they are the only criteria that the EOC, as a sports organisation, is qualified to consider.” IOC president Thomas Bach says the same in a letter to Human Rights Watch, dated 15 July 2015: “As a sporting organisation, we are not in a position to dictate the wider laws of any sovereign nation. This is not our role. Our role is that when it comes to evaluate Candidate Cities and to elect Host Cities, we have the necessary guarantees that there is no discrimination of any kind at the Games.” According to Thomas Bach’s words: That must be the case in Azerbaijan, China, Qatar, Russia and Brazil? Or? SPORTS IS COMPLICIT IN ABUSES Non-governmental organisations has apparently have a different view:

Drawings: Florence Weiser/Vicente Marques/Renate Moll/Oleg Loktyev/ Vladimir Kazanevsky/Darko Drljevici/Children Win



Photo: EOC

“International sports federations should require human rights impact assessments as part of the bid process and should also set up mechanisms to conduct meaningful, transparent monitoring of human rights in the course of countries’ preparations and hosting of events,” Jane Buchanan, director of the European and Central Asia Division in Human Rights Watch, says to Sport Executive. “We have documented serious abuses linked to major sporting events in numerous countries in recent years, including Russia, China and Qatar at the same time an increasing number of repressive governments who host mega



sporting events to burnish their reputations on the world stage. International sports federations are crucially placed to insist that host countries respect human rights throughout the preparations and hosting of sporting events. If they don’t set clear, nonnegotiable expectations in terms of human rights, sports federations seriously risk being complicit in abuses,” Jane Buchanan concludes.


‘Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles’. ‘The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity’. ‘The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practising sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play’. ‘Recognising that sport occurs within the framework of society, sports organizations within the Olympic Movement shall have the rights and obligations of autonomy, which include freely establishing and controlling the rules of sport, determining the structure and governance of their organizations, enjoying the rights of elections free from outside influence and the responsibility for ensuring that principles of good governance be applied’. ‘The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Olympic Charter shall be secured without discrimination of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status’. ‘Any person or organization belonging in any capacity whatsoever to the Olympic Movement is bound by the provisions of the Olympic Charter and shall abide by the decisions for the IOC’. SEE THE COMPLETE OLYMPIC CHARTER: charter_en.pdf

Photos: All Over Press



THE OLYMPIC GAMES: 2016: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2018: Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea. 2020: Tokyo, Japan. 2022: Beijing, China. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS: ATHLETICS: 2015: China. 2017: England. 2019: Qatar. 2021: USA. CYCLING ROAD: 2015: USA. 2016: Qatar. 2017: Norway. FOOTBALL MEN: 2018: Russia. 2022: Qatar. ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS: 2015: Scotland. 2017: Canada. 2018: Qatar. SWIMMING LONG COURSE: 2015: Russia. 2017: Hungary. 2019: Republic of Korea. Sources: IOC and the International Sports Federations.

BRAZIL: Democracy plagued with political corruption, economic crisis and poverty. At least 20,000 people have been forced out of their homes in the Favelas before the Olympics in Rio. Other issues: Police brutality, torture in prisons, lack of freedom of expression, discrimination against sexual minorities, forced and child labour and so on. Check out: CHINA: Dictatorship – and systematically curbs fundamental human rights, including freedom of expression, association, assembly, religion and so on. Check out: pdf QATAR: Dictatorship – violates systematically all fundamental human rights,and characterized by modern slavery. Check out: mde220102013eng.pdf RUSSIA: Democracy – violates systematically all fundamental human rights, including occupation of Crimea and support to insurgents in eastern Ukraine. Check out: russias-abusive-response-dagestan-insurgency

Photo: All Over Press


CLOSE YOUR EYES AND THINK ON SPORT Azerbaijan violates human rights.

BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK In June the first European Games was held in Baku, Azerbaijan. A country with a poor human rights record with around 100 political prisoners, no freedom of the press, massive corruption and fixed elections. In August the human rights defenders Leyla and Arif Yunus were sentenced to a staggering 8.5 and 7 years’ imprisonment – on politically motivated charges, including illegal entrepreneurship, tax evasion and fraud. Both suffer from serious health problems, which have sharply deteriorated after a year in detention. “These sentences are outrageous, and aimed purely at sanctioning the legitimate work of these two Azerbaijani human rights defenders. While the heavy sentences are



no surprise, they serve to further undermine Azerbaijan’s complete disregard for the international standards of fair trial and due process,” Souhayr Belhassen, the International Federation for Human Rights’ honorary president, says. “The unprecedented speed with which the Yunus trial was carried out is appalling and tells us a lot about its quality. The judgement is full of inaccuracies due to a total lack of examination of the evidence provided. Violations of international standards of the right to a fair trial were obvious,” Gerald Staberock, World Organisation Against Torture’s Secretary General, Gerald Staberock, adds. Sport Executive has previously described

the situation for the Yunus family, the crackdown of human rights in Azerbaijan and the European Olympic Committees’ views on human rights.

READ MORE: se_1_04_2015_sportex_uk_net/4http:// se_06_2015_sportex_net/4

CHECK OUT: tightening-screws/azerbaijans-crackdowncivil-society-and-dissent

Photos: Private



Manchester City tops the UK Offshore League. BY GEORGE TURNER, TAX JUSTICE NETWORK The Offshore Game has published the first edition of the Offshore Football League. The league ranks football clubs in the UK’s professional football leagues on an index based on the amount of finance they received from offshore and the secrecy of the finance they receive. In total the offshore league team found three billion pounds in loans and shares owned by companies based offshore in the UK’s professional leagues. This finance was found in 33 teams – 25 per cent of British professional football clubs. All levels of football were represented, from giants Manchester United to League 2 Shrewsbury Town, although clubs more heavily reliant on offshore finance tended to be in the English Championship and Premiership. The total finance figure breaks down into 1.1 billions pounds in debt and 1.8 billion pounds in equity. However, the equity figure is vastly dependent on three teams, Arsenal, Manchester United and Manchester City who between them have 1.5 billion pounds in equity held by offshore vehicles. Without these three teams the debt to equity ratio



is reversed to approximately 900 million pounds debt to 400 million pounds equity. Manchester United had the most offshore finance, accounting for third of the value of the league with just over one billion pound. That was made up of 882,922,000 pounds in shareholder funds at Red Football Limited, the largest company in their UK structure to present consolidated accounts. Red Football Limited is eventually owned by Manchester United PLC registered in the Cayman Islands. A further 171,497,000 pounds in debt was issued by their finance subsidiary MU Finance PLC. The loans come in the form of loan notes listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange NO BEACONS OF TRANSPARENCY However, not all offshore pounds are equal. To create the Offshore League the team also looked at the secrecy of offshore financial centres from where their money came from. To do this we used the Financial Secrecy Index developed by the Tax Justice Network. When we add secrecy it is Man U’s rivals Manchester City that top

the Offshore League. Manchester City has 445,770,264 pounds in finance coming from the United Arab Emirates. This is in the form of 435,262,000 pounds in equity owned by Abu Dhabi United Group Investment & Development Limited. A further 10,900,000 pounds has been loaned by Abu Dhabi United Group to Brookshaw Developments, one of Manchester City Football Club Limited’s subsidiary companies. The United Arab Emirates have a significantly higher secrecy score than both the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg - themselves no beacons of transparency. After Man City follows Bolton, Bournemouth and Spurs. Bolton and Spurs are owned by companies in Bermuda and the Bahamas. Bournemouth appears so far up the table because we were entirely unable to determine the jurisdiction where their parent company, AFCB Enterprises Limited was registered, never mind starting to assess its transparency. This article was first published in The Offshore Game in April 2015.

Photos: All Over Press

Team Offshore holding Jurisdiction Total Finance Offshore

Proportion Finance from Offshore Score Photos: All Over Press

1 Man City Abu Dhabi Utd Group Investment and Development Abu Dhabi UAE £445,770,264 69% 683 2 Bolton Fildraw Private Trust Company Limited Bermuda £151,305,001 70% 646 3 Bournemouth AFCB Enterprises Limited Unknown £20,815,394 59% 644 4 Spurs ENIC International Bahamas £116,661,250 51% 636 5 Man Utd Manchester United PLC Cayman Islands £1,054,419,000 66% 614 6 Sunderland Drumaville Limited Jersey £47,030,000 21% 575 7 Fulham Big Cat Holdings Ltd Bermuda £13,439,000 19% 570 8 Celtic Line nominees Gibraltar £16,426,389 20% 570 9 Rangers Blue Pitch Holdings Unknown £5,732,446 7% 569 10 QPR Tune QPR SND BHD Malaysia £165,684,001 80% 551 11 Coventry City Sconset LP Cayman Islands £43,976,553 93% 535 12 Arsenal KSE UK Inc USA £242,919,266 33% 512 13 Preston North End Wordon Limited IoM £30,406,000 73% 501 14 Dundee FC Football Partnership Scotland Unknown £277,253 28% 479 15 Liverpool UKSV I LLC USA £127,924,000 41% 470 16 Albion Rovers Clifton Ordinary Suspense Unknown £214,097 19% 469 17 Dumbarton Granada Enterprises Limited Belize £643,604 57% 465 18 Aston Villa Reform Acquisitions LLC USA £94,627,283 40% 463 19 Cheltenham Town CTFC Investments Unknown £180,153 6% 462 20 Wolves Bridgemere Investments Guernsey £7,486,500 17% 461 21 Birmingham Birmingham International Holdings Cayman Islands £3,847,001 12% 460 22 Southend United Mezcal Investments BVI £4,584,410 39% 440 23 Shrewsbury Town Jafreen Holdings BVI £3,370,495 24% 431 24 Derby General Sports Derby Partners LLC USA £26,706,665 46% 431 25 Millwall Chestnut Hill Ventures LLC USA £18,213,001 69% 421 26 Sheffield W UK Football Investments LLC USA £13,224,000 53% 413 27 Blackburn Rovers Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt Ltd India £38,997,444 51% 349 28 Charlton Staprix NV Belgium £20,559,000 48% 329 29 Watford Hornets Management SARL Luxembourg £24,077 0% 294 30 Leicester King Power International Thailand £117,761,001 90% 258 31 Ipswich Marcus Evans Investments Ltd Bermuda £75,437,001 79% 167 32 Sheffield United UTB LLC West indies £1 0% 84 33 Hartlepool Utd Dove Energy BVI £1 0% 66 Totals £2,956,752,552 42% 455



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THE OFFSHORE GAME The Offshore Game is a project set up by the Tax Justice Network to look at the role of offshore finance in sports. Modern sports are awash with money, and often than money ends up being washed, taken offshore and laundered through clubs, sponsorship deals, image rights, ticket deals and other means into the pockets of a small elite. One only has to look at the vast amount of money collected by FIFA, often extracted from countries tax free, and where it ends up, to conclude that not all is well in the financial governance of sport. In England and Scotland’s football leagues clubs have crashed in spectacular style after they were loaded up with debt and failed to perform. Often their owners, hiding behind secrecy jurisdictions can float away, lacking any accountability.

In the offshore game, the losers are always the fans. It is the fans that provide the funding through tickets, TV subscriptions and expensive sporting goods. If their club fails, they lose much more than just money. The Offshore Game is a group of researchers, journalists and people involved in the sports industry who believe that sport is far too important to be the plaything of an offshore financial elite. That sport is at its best when there is a fair competition. Financial as well as physical. Through our research we hope to shine a light on the scale of offshore finance in sports and some of its impacts. We want to give fans the tools to hold their teams to account, to help them understand who owns their dreams, and what they are doing with them.



FROM PREMIER LEAGUE TO SOCIETY The twenty best clubs still pay taxes and create a wide economic impact in Great Britain.

BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK 2.4 billion pounds in taxes. 100,000 jobs. 3.4 billion pounds to United Kingdom’s gross domestic product. Those figures were the Premier League’s contribution to British society in 2013/14, according to a study conducted by Ernst & Young (EY) on behalf of the league. “The success of the Premier League, which is grounded in the quality of the football competition, has created a ‘cycle of growth’,” Mark Gregory, EY’s chief


Average attendance: 36,691 Stadium utilisation: 95.9 % Number of homes broadcast to: 645 millions Countries broadcast: 175 Source: The Premier League. Economic, Impact Analysis. May 2015. Ernst & Young.



economist, says in the statement about the report. “These estimates show that the Premier League and clubs make a substantial contribution to the UK Exchequer, which in turn helps to fund a whole range of public services. To give some context, the 2.4 billion pounds in taxes that is directly and indirectly generated by the Premier League and clubs could pay the salaries for around 93,000 police constables,” Mark Gregory adds.

And the growth will continue. The trend remains decisively upwards – when the 20 teams for example will benefit from a new three years-year tv deal – alone in the UK worth 5.1 billion pounds – and including international right sales probably worth more than eight billion pounds. “This should help ensure that the significant contribution to the United Kingdom economy and society will continue to increase in years ahead,” Mark Gregory says.


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NEW SEASON 2015/16 AND THE CHAMPION IS? ENGLAND: Manchester City. SPAIN: FC Barcelona. GERMANY: Bayern München. ITALY: Juventus. FRANCE: Paris St. Germain.

BIG SIGNINGS IN EUROPE SPAIN ATLETICO MADRID: In: Stefan Savic, Fiorentina. FC BARCELONA: In: Aleix Vidal, Sevilla. REAL MADRID: In: Danilo Luix da Silva, FC Porto. GERMANY: BAYERN MUNICH: In: Arturo Vidal, Juventus. BORUSSIA DORTMUND: In: Gonzalo Castro, Bayern Leverkusen. VLF WOLFSBURG: In: Max Kruse, Borussia Mönchengladbach. ITALY: JUVENTUS: In: Mario Mandzukic, Atletico Madrid. AC MILAN: In: Alessio Romagnoli, Roma. INTER MILANO: In: Martin Montoya, FC Barcelona. NAPOLI: In: Pepe Reina, Bayern Munich. AS ROMA: In: Edin Dzeko, Manchester City. FRANCE: PARIS ST. GERMAIN: In: Angel Di Maria, Manchester United. AS MONACO: In: Ivan Cabaleira, Benfica. MARSEILLE: In: Abou Diaby, Arsenal. OLYMPIQUE LYON: In: Mathieu Valbuena, Dynamo Moskva. GET THE FULL PICTURE:




ARSENAL: In: Peter Cech, Chelsea. Out: Lukas Podolski, Galatasaray. CHELSEA: In. Radamel Falcao, AS Monaco. Out: Filipe Luis, Atletico Madrid. LIVERPOOL: In: James Milner, Manchester City. Out: Raheem Sterling, Manchester City. MANCHESTER CITY: In: Enes Unal, Bursaspor. Out: Micah Richards, Aston Villa. MANCHESTER UNITED: In: Bastian Schweinsteiger, Bayern München. Out: Robin van Persie, Fenerbahce. TOTTENHAM: In: Toby Alderweireld, Atletico Madrid. Out: Paulinho, Guangzhou Evergrande. GET THE FULL PICTURE: news/2015-16/summer-transfer-window-2015.html

TRANSFER RECORDS: Cristiano Ronaldo to Real Madrid 94.0 Gareth Bale to Real Madrid 94.0 Neymar to FC Barcelona 83.5 Luis Suarez to FC Barcelona 81.0 James Rodriguez to Real Madrid 80.0 Million euro.

Source: As at 19 August

Photo: All Over Press



Inactivity costs the European countries more than 80 billion euro each year. BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK One out of four adults in Europe is not moving enough – and it costs. According to the International Sport & Culture Association (ISCA) inactivity in the European Union is causing 500,000 deaths each year – and the bill for society is around 80 billion euro. These costs could be avoided if all Europeans were to achieve an average of 20 minutes per day of simple and inexpensive activities such as walking or running. Even interventions to bring just one-fifth of currently inactive Europeans up to the recommended levels of regular activity would yield benefits worth up to 16.1 billion euro. “Within a few decades, physical inactivity has become one of the leading risks to European citizens’ wellbeing and a growing challenge for European societies. We strongly believe it is time to respond to and act on our knowledge of physical inactivity as a pressing social issue in Europe. It is high time to defuse the inactivity time bomb and get Europe moving again,” Mogens Kirkeby, president of ISCA, says. READ MORE:



PROPORTION OF MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE INSUFFICENTLY ACTIVE: UNITED KINGDOM: Males: 32 Females: 42 ITALY: Males: 28 Females: 38 SPAIN: Males: 27 Females: 34 FRANCE: Males: 19 Females: 29 GERMANY: Males: 19 Females: 24 POLAND: Males: 14 Females: 24 EU-28: Males: 22 Females: 30 Per cent.

Photo: Adidas


WHO estimates that a quarter of European adults are insufficiently active. Across Europe, inactivity’s contribution to all-cause mortality amounts to over 500,000 deaths per year. Inactivity imposes economic costs of 80.4 billion euro per year to the EU-28. Looking ahead, this economic cost burden is set to rise – we conservatively estimate that 2030 could annual costs be as high as 125 billion euro (in 2012 prices). Within European nations, lower-income demographics tend to undertake physical activity less regularly than their counterparts from more affluent segments of society. Source: The economic cost of physical inactivity in Europe, ISCA/Cebr report June 2015.



Become happier – ride a bike.

BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK Do you want less stress at work? To eat healthier? To feel mentally healthier? Fever sick days? To drink and smoke less? Then ride a bike! Because they could be the results if you only cycle to work three times a week, according to a study by Cyclescheme/Cycle to Work in Great Britain. The organisation has surveyed 10,000 cycle commuters – and 48 percent tell that they eat healthier, 47 percent that they feel mentally healthier and 45 percent experience less stress at work (see box, ed.). “In 2015 cycling to work is more popular and more accessible than ever in United Kingdom with more than one in twenty (7 %, ed.) of the population choosing to commute by bike. And this cycling to work improves productivity, reduces staff turnover and decreases sick days. Research from 2014 shows that this can be quantified as saving the economy 83 million pounds in prevented sick days annually and increasing staff productivity by 15 per cent,” Richard Grigsby, founder of Cyclescheme, says. So ride your bike. READ MORE ABOUT THE ECONOMICS IN CYCLING:



THE AVERAGE CYCLIST IN UK The average cycle commuter in 2015 is 41 years. He cycles to work three times a week. He travels an average 6-10 miles per return journey. He has been cycling for 2-4 years. He spends 227 pounds on cycle clothing and equipment per year. He most likely reads The Guardian, BBC or Metro.

WHEN YOU RIDE TO WORK… 48 % eat healthier. 47 % feel mentally healthier. 45 % experience less stress at work. 42 % are ill less. 38 % try other exercise. 29 % drink less. 21 % smoke less. Source: Cycling 10:10 Report. Cycling to work 2005-2025; past, present, future. March 2015 by

Photo: All Over Press


WOMEN, WOME Sport Executive presents Jette Ladefoged. BY: LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK

Bodies in motion. Color that dazzles the eye. Impressions for all the senses. Sport has it. Art has it. Therefore artists have always been inspired by the human body, human strength and sports. Every artist with her or his personal expressions – from realism to abstract. All interpreting sport expression. One of them is the Danish autodidact painter Jette Ladefoged. A painter with color saturation and sensuality in an attempt to describe the female in motion in sports. “I always think about something when I paint. But every person understands a painting in different ways. When I paint the colors mean a lot. It’s all about harmony. But also about humor. My ladies in the pool just come to me because I swim a lot – and because I think a little outside the box,” Jette Ladefoged says to Sport Executive. You can enjoy her paintings here in Sport Executive.



YOU CAN SEE MORE OF JETTE LADEFOGED’S PAINTINGS HERE: SEE MORE ABOUT PAINTERS AND SPORTS: se_1_04_2015_sportex_uk_net/36 SEE MORE ABOUT FEMALE PHOTOGRAPHERS AND SPORTS: se_2_06_2015_sportex_uk3_net/8 se_2_06_2015_sportex_uk3_net/44









THE LAST GREAT SPORTING TABOO Does the menstrual cycle affect performance? A new study shouts about a great taboo. BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK In January Heather Watson broke the silence and talked about menstruation, when the British tennis player crashed out

“Too often in sport, doctors are men and they don’t understand. You need more women who understand to give more evidence.” Paula Radcliffe of the Australian Open. The statement by Watson was one of a very few statements out in the open about elite athletes’ periods. Now a new study by the Female Athlete Health Group – a collaborative project between St Mary’s University and University College London – has revealed some new



facts about the last great sporting taboo. The group has talked with 1,862 women, including 90 on an elite level, active in for example London Marathon, and 41.7 per cent said their menstrual cycle affected their performance. “It’s this big taboo. I found that awareness is so poor and people don’t know anything about it. By doing this research, we hope to raise more awareness and to encourage further examination of the subject,” Georgie Bruinvels says to BBC. She was leading the study by the Female Athlete Health Group and is at the same time a marathon runner and winner of Manchester Marathon 2015. “As a female athlete myself, I can see how much it impacts. So many elite coaches are male and it’s hard for them to understand,”

Georgie Bruinvels explains. Bruinvels is now using crowfunding to get to the next stage of her research in a field,

“Sport has not learned how to deal with elite athletes’ periods.” Paula Radcliffe which Dr Richard Burden, senior physiologist at the English Institute of Sport, describes with these words: “In elite sport, the research in that area is quite limited.” READ MORE: se_2_06_2015_sportex_uk3_net/24

Phto: All Over Press



Can a woman lead a football club? In Russia they say no. Sport Executive brings you the story of Olga Smorodskaya.

BY TOKE MØLLER THEILADE Moscow is unique in terms of its number of top quality football clubs. Five clubs from Russia’s capital competed in the Russian Premier League last season, and even though the matches in the city are not always well attended, the proud football history of the city is visible throughout the city. All over Moscow stickers with the logos of the five clubs, Torpedo, Spartak, CSKA, Dinamo and Lokomotiv can be found, just like statues of Soviet football legends, if you look in the right places. One example is the statue of the ‘Soviet Pélé’, Eduard Streltsov, that stands next to the old ZIL Plant close to the Avtozavodskaya Metro station. Near the former Lenin Stadium, the current Luzhniki, a statue of the ‘Black Spider’, Lev Yashin, can be found, while another is placed in front of the old Dinamo Stadium. The city is also filled with graffiti made by the different ultras groups, and while the graffiti in front of Eduard Streltsov Stadium, where Torpedo reside, is a beautiful tribute to the club’s history, some



of the walls painted by Lokomotiv’s fans is, at best, hostile. One place the words “You die, we dance” is placed next to a picture of the club president, Olga Smorodskaya, and another place a man wearing a balaclava is slitting Smorodskaya’s throat next to the red-green logo of the Railroaders. A MALE CONTROLLED WORLD To understand the background and reason for these extreme statements we need to go back to 2010, when Lokomotiv appointed Smorodskaya as the new president. The 59 year old Smorodskaya experienced the fans’ resistance immediately after her appointment as president for Lokomotiv. During the Soviet era Lokomotiv was owned by the Soviet Ministry of Transportation through what is today the Russian Railways. In the years prior to the Second World War they competed among the top Soviet clubs with the victory in the Soviet Cup in 1936 as the highlight. Despite the

early success the fans had to wait until 2002 before the club won its first league title. By then the Soviet regime was long gone, but the club was still sponsored and owned by the Russian Railways, and thus the Russian state. The man who raised the Red-Greens from the succumb they experienced before the fall of the East Bloc was Yuri Semin, a legendary Russian coach from the city of Orenburg, close to the Kazakh border. Semin coached Lokomotiv between 1992 and 2005 and again from 2009 to 2010 when Smorodskaya was hired. As a woman Smorodskaya experienced some expected trouble when she entered the male controlled football world, but it was actually her job history that created the biggest problems for her in the beginning as Stefano Conforti, editor-in-chief at the independent English Lokomotiv magazine ‘FCLM Magazine’ and Lokomotiv Moscow Network, told me: “As soon as Smorodskaya was appointed president, the fans started a campaign against her because of

Phto: All Over Press

WOMEN IN FOOTBALL her past with CSKA.” Smorodskaya worked for the CSKA Sports Society, not to be confused with the football, basketball or ice hockey clubs, and the fans were obviously not happy with her past at their rival. Before entering the world of sports Smorodskaya worked in the finance sector, where she was employed as vice-president at the government owned VTB-Bank, who now owns and sponsor Dinamo Moscow, and Rosbank. Furthermore, she worked in the administration of Moscow after being headhunted by the mayor Vladimir Resin. This gave Smorodskaya the needed contacts to get a high profiled football job, an industry which is notoriously difficult to break into for people without professional playing experience. Some people claim it was Smorodskaya’s close friendship with the Russian politician and former defence minister Sergei Ivanov, a close ally of president Vladimir Putin, which secured her the job at Lokomotiv since he recommended her to the boss of the Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin. It is however not certain that the story is this complicated, and as Lokomotiv Moscow expert at Russianfootballnews. com Ilya Solokov told me, Smorodskaya’s strong background in the banking sector as well as management experience from her time with CSKA made her an obvious choice. A TASTE OF NEPOTISM After overcoming the shaky start Smorodskaya sought to bring Lokomotiv back to the golden years during the first Semin era, but one of her first major decisions turned the last fans that supported her against her. At the end of November, only three months after she got the job, she sacked Semin when Lokomotiv only finished fifth, 20 points after the champions Zenit St. Petersburg, in the 2010 season. The dismissal of the club icon led to a scandal, as Conforti put it to me, and 2011 didn’t get



much better for the struggling Smorodskaya. In January Lokomotiv signed the Bosnian midfielder Senijad Ibricic from Hajduk Split, and Smorodskaya quickly announced that the new signing “was a top 5 midfielder in Europe”. A year and a half later Ibricic was sent on loan in Turkey with Gaziantepspor, and today the now 29 year old Bosnian represents FK Vardar from Macedonia. To make things even worse for Smorodskaya the signing was made by her son-inlaw Kiril Kotov, who she made head scout and later sports director, while refusing all accusations of nepotism by claiming he was simply the best for the job. Lokomotiv are, unfortunately, now infamous for their many terrible signings, and one of the worst being the Spanish midfielder Albert Zapater, who signed a five year contract in 2011. Zapater has only played six matches in the previous three seasons, and as Solokov put it “he is simply getting paid for attending the training sessions”. Smorodskaya’s courage to meet the press is one of the things that characterize her. “She knows that most people don’t like her. But she still gives many interviews. It is both her biggest strength and weakness, as she says many things that can make her look stupid,” Solokov says. The bold statements are often used by her critics to make her a laughing stock. In 2010 Smorodskaya, who the former Lokomotiv striker Dame N’Doye jokingly refered to as his mother because of the warmth she showed him during his stint in Moscow, claimed that she would raise the average attendance of Lokomotiv Stadium to 30,000, but in the previous season it barely reached 9,000. A GENDER INSULT It is however not all bad for Smorodskaya and Lokomotiv. During her time as president, a term that was extended in 2013, the club’s financial situation has been steady thanks to Smorodskaya’s strict financial

control, which also explains why they came relatively unharmed through the rouble crisis that hit Russia last winter. Furthermore, Smorodskaya has worked hard on changing the Russian laws on crowd trouble. Through her seat in the Executive Committee of the Russian Football Union (RFU), she has worked hard on making the matches the RFU has ordered played for closed doors as a punishment open for women and children to avoid playing matches without any atmosphere at all. Despite this, Lokomotiv has been a train wreck, pun intended, since Smorodskaya took office in 2010. Smorodskaya has alienated the fans, who have answered with insults and threats. Smorodskaya’s problem has not been her gender, but her lack of football knowledge. Even though her gender made the fans critical of her in the beginning, it is not the reason for the abuse. “The fans use her gender to insult her. But it is not the reason why they started the insults in the first place,” Solokov explains. During her time in office Lokomotiv has won the Russian Cup, or the Kubok as it is known, and their best result in the league is a third place. Lokomotiv have been unable to make good European campaigns, and last season they crashed out against a club from Cyprus after only two Europe League matches. Smorodskaya’s failures as Lokomotiv president has absolutely nothing to do with her gender, it is only related to her catastrophic lack of football knowledge, and her courage to act despite this. Even though the results haven’t been impressive Yakunin, head of the Russian Railways, still trusts Smorodskaya. Meanwhile 8.62 per cent of the users at the Russian website believe she is a CSKA saboteur sent by Ivanov to destroy the rival. Unfortunately, Smorodskaya has only confirmed the prejudices of those who claimed that a woman couldn’t lead a football club.

Phto: All Over Press


THE MEDIA HAVE TO PLAY THEIR PART Sport & Recreation UK’s CEO, Emma Boggis, comments here about women’s sport. And about the media’s role.

BY EMMA BOGGIS, CEO SPORT & RECREATION UK What role can and should the media play in women’s sport? If you start from a - probably unrealistic premise that the media cover the events of the day in an unbiased manner and then look at the media coverage of women’s sport you might logically conclude women were in a significant minority. Actually this approach would lead you to conclude that women were in fact just 7 per cent of the population because evidence from ‘Women in Sport’ shows that men’s sport coverage (93 per cent) still accounts for the vast majority of sports coverage across all media outlets. But of course women aren’t in a minority at all in this country - though their levels of participation remain significantly and stub-



bornly below that of men. So the question is are these two things - low levels of media coverage and low female participation - related? To some sense this is a chicken and egg question - in order to generate the media coverage you need the participation and to some extent the success of Great Britain athletes and teams. But we also know the media plays a huge role in galvanizing and promoting interest. Take the example of the London 2012 Paralympic Games. The BBC had the TV rights from the Olympics and it is probably fair to say many people thought that the coverage Channel 4 would give to the Paralympics wouldn’t be as extensive or impressive. But as soon as they released the “Meet the

Super humans” trailer and rather cheekily said of the Olympics, well that was the warmup now for the main event, everything changed. As a nation we became fascinated in the classification system and we became fans of “the Last Leg” which brought an irreverence and humour to a subject many of us were nervous and scared of for fear of causing offense. So my point is that sometimes the media does have to lead the way and in doing so generates something which excites and interests us. THINGS ARE CHANGING Sponsorship and media engagement are often of course linked. Coming back to women’s sport there has been a history of

Photo: All Over Press

COMMENT very limited commercial investment. Data from Havas Sports and Entertainment about the UK Sports sponsorship deals registered in The World Sponsorship Monitor in 2013 shows only 0.2 per cent were for women’s sports and only 13 per cent was for mixed sports. Although London 2012 did see spike in the interests of women’s sport – with the money invested going up five fold from 1 million pound to 5 million pounds – when comparisons are made to men’s sport the picture is still bleak. But the good news here is that things are changing. After years of struggling for recognition, the Women’s FA Cup is to receive sponsorship worth millions of pounds next year with a guarantee of the final at Wembley for the next four years. And there have been others such as

the recent partnerships between a South Korean car firm and women’s cricket and a banking group and women’s hockey. Indeed the sponsorship of the women’s Boat Race earlier this year when it moved to the Tideway in London and took place on the same day as the Men’s race was seen as so groundbreaking that Clare Balding missed the Grand National to commentate. Now if the Clare Balding effect isn’t a sign of progress I am not sure what is! Public appetite is of course important, even if the media cover more women’s sport do people want to hear or read about it? Coverage of the Women’s World Cup in Canada has given youngsters the opportunity to see high-class competition regularly on our TV screens. Netball is

a sport that now has dedicated satellite television coverage of its Superleague and in conscious change to normal practice the Women’s Finals will close out play at this year’s European Hockey Championships instead of the men. GROWING APPETITE All of these things signal an appreciation of the growing appetite for women’s sport. And – perhaps this is a mark of real progress - the ridiculously popular football video game FIFA will include 12 women’s national teams in its newest version, FIFA 16, due to fan requests. So yes we need more women playing sport but we also need the media to play their part.

EMMA BOGGIS Emma Boggis is Sport & Recreation UK’s Chief Executive. She is responsible for strategic guidance and also ensuring that we are working towards our vision of being at the heart of a worldleading sport and recreation sector. Before joining the Alliance in 2014, Emma worked in the Cabinet Office, where she was most recently head of the Olympic and Paralympic Legacy Unit, set up in 2012 to support Lord Coe in his role as the Prime Minister’s Legacy Ambassador. Emma Boggis’ previous roles have included Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, David Cameron, and Deputy Head of Mission in the British Embassy in Madrid. Given her background she plays a lead role in our engagement with government departments and policy makers. Her early career started in the British Army where she had operational tours in Northern Ireland and Kosovo. Emma is a keen sportswoman – with a number of marathons and triathlons under her belt along with a few long distance cycle rides.



Photo: Sport & Recreation UK

Photo: All Over Press


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Nummer 6, august 2015

Slut med sommer(ferie)

KOLOFON Volleyball Magasinet Dansk Volleyball Forbund Idrættens Hus 2605 Brøndby Volleyball Magasinet produceres af Dansk Volleyball Forbund – i et samarbejde med Sport Executive Magazines. Magasinet udkommer 6 gange om året som indstik i Sport Executive til alle abonnenter af Dansk Volleyball Forbunds nyhedsbrev samt Sport Executive. Du kan tilmelde dig nyhedsbrevet på Magasinet er gratis. Redaktion: Jakob Wärme Hansen, pressechef i Dansk Volleyball Forbund (ansvarshavende redaktør) Skribenter: Line Trans Hansen og Ace Asas (Volleywood) Kontakt: Billeder: Flemming Patulski Nielsen / Intofoto, Morten Olsen /, Klaus Sletting, Ane Qujaukitsoq, CEV, FIVB,, Instagram: @zaytsev_official, @rachdaquis13 Design og layout: Søren Møller Spørgsmål, kommentarer, ris, ros og gode forslag kan sendes til Annoncesalg: Kontakt Lars Andersson på 28 20 15 54 eller – og få et uforpligtende tilbud.

Velkommen til det første Volleyball Magasin på denne side af sommerferien. Ferie er måske så meget sagt, for det har været en travl sommer. Herrelandsholdet har siden starten af juli spillet ti kampe i European League med det bedste resultat nogensinde til følge. En flot 7. plads ud af 12 deltagende nationer blev det til. Og det er da værd at bemærke, at Danmark slog den senere finalist Makedonien. Hjemmekampene i Slagelse og Aarhus gav publikum nogle gode volleyballoplevelser og viste igen, at vi er nogle gode eventarrangører i Danmark. Der har også været gang i Danish Beachvolley Tour, som har budt på 16 turneringer lige fra Sønderborg til Bellevue ved København foruden tre vinterturneringer. DM-finalerne på Amager Strand blev et flot tilløbsstykke og et perfekt punktum på en god beachvolley-sæson herhjemme. Det var dejligt at se så mange mennesker på stranden i flotte omgivelser og med nogle særdeles spændende finaler om danmarksmesterskabet. Derudover har der været gang i forberedelserne af blandt andet den årlige Kidsklub-samling, kurser i vores internatonale CEV Development Center og meget mere. I dette Volleyball Magasin kan du læse, hvordan de nykårede danmarksmestre i beachvolley, Eva Mielskov Bang og Cecilie Køllner Olsen samt Oliver og Sebastian Venndt Kaszas, havde det, da de vandt DM. Magasinet runder også verdens nordligste beachvolleybane, Hall of Fame-medlem Dorthe Svenningen og European Games i Baku. God fornøjelse med Volleyball Magasinet. Erik Jacobsen, formand i Dansk Volleyball Forbund

INDHOLD 4 Kort om volley Vold, frieri og en af de mest sexede kvinder

6 Sådan føles det at… Blive dansk mester i beachvolley

10 DM i billeder

16 En for holdet

Sparinvest støtter landsholdet

18 Øjeblikket

Volleyherrerne sejrede i European League

Verdens nordligste beachvolleybane

26 Volleywood Det er World Cup år

20 Volley Challenge


Volley-udfordringer til børn og barnlige sjæle

14 Baku Bekendelser

22 Hall of Fame

Line Trans Hansen om European Games

24 Beachvolley på Grønland

Med Dorthe Svenningsen

Foto: Flemming Patulski Nielsen/Intofoto

Vi ses på Forsidefoto: Flemming Patulski Nielsen / Intofoto

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KORT OM DANSK OG INTE FRA GULDDRENG TIL OVERFALDSMAND World Leagues bedste spiller, franske Earvin Ngapeth, nåede nærmest kun lige at ryste guldkonfettien af sig, inden han i sidste måned blev anholdt af fransk politi. Ngapeth skulle angiveligt have overfaldet en togkontrollør på en station i Paris. Ngapeth havde bedt kontrolløren vente på, at et par af hans slægtninge kom ombord på toget. Det nægtede kon-

trolløren, da det ville forsinke toget. Ngapeth kvitterede med et slag, som flækkede kontrollørens øjenbryn – og dernæst en arrestation af den franske stjernespiller. Det er ikke første gang, at Earvin Ngapeth har været i klammeri med loven. I 2013 var han i slåskamp på en natklub. Ngapeth skal i retten til november. Foto: FIVB

SMUKT FRIERI I SANDET 1. og 2. dommeren stjal opmærksomheden forud for kvindernes bronzekamp ved EM i beachvolley i Klagenfurt. Efter at have præsenteret de to dommere annoncerede speakeren, at der var en særlig meddelelse fra 2. dommer, Jonas Personeni. Han fandt en mikrofon frem og vendte sig mod 1. dommer Nina Hobi: ”I dag, for præcis otte år siden,

lærte jeg dig, Nina, at kende her i Klagenfurt. Jeg forelskede mig i dig, og hver eneste dag siden da har været skøn. Derfor spørger jeg, om du vil gifte dig med mig, Nina?” Sidste del af frieriet blev nærmest overdøvet af et ellevildt publikum, men efter Nina Hobi var trådt ned fra dommerstolen og fik ringen på fingeren, lød et rungende ja. Foto: Screen shot fra FIVB

VRAGET ZAYTSEV SMIDER IKONISK HANEKAM Den italienske verdensstjerne Ivan Zaytsev ragede i løbet af sommeren uklar med det italienske landshold, efter at han sammen med et par holdkammerater var lidt for længe i byen forud for World Leagues Final 6 i Brasilien. Natteroderiet medførte i første omgang en direkte returbillet tilbage til Italien for spillerne, men Zaytsev, der udover sit fænomenale volleyballspil også er kendt for



sin hanekam, er gået skridtet videre og har barberet sin ikoniske hårpragt af. “Erase & rewind. Si riparte da ZERO. #IZ9″”, lød teksten på Zaytsevs Instagram-profil. ”Slet og spol tilbage. Det starter fra nul.” Det vides endnu ikke, hvornår, eller om, Zaytsev får comeback på landsholdet. Foto: Instagram: @zaytsev_official

ERNATIONAL VOLLEYBALL POLSK PROFIL LAVER EN LØKKE Den polske kantspiller Michal Kubiak var ikke en tilfreds mand, da han tidligere på sommeren var nødsaget til at flyve på Premium Class til World League i Brasilien. Premium Class er en mellemting mellem Economy og Business. ”Aftalen var, at vi skulle flyve på Business Class, men det blev ændret i sidste øjeblik, og vi blev sendt på Premium. Jeg ønsker ikke at være

den type spiller, som klager, men man bør flyve på Business på lange rejser for helbredets skyld. 12 timer i samme position er ikke komfortabelt for nogen, især ikke for atleter, som skal ud og vinde en kamp,” sagde Kubiak, som måler 192 cm og dermed langtfra er Polens højeste mand. Ingen andre på holdet beklagede sig. Foto: FIVB

ET BADEDYR OVER DEM ALLE Selv om sommeren er ved at være slut, så er det stadig tilladt at drømme lidt. Det kunne for eksempel være om denne oppustelige volleyballbane, som helt sikkert vil være en succes på enhver strand. Det oppustelige volleyballnet er faktisk ekstraudstyr til vandtrampolinen Supertramp 35, og sammen står de to badedyr i den nette sum af ca. 75.000 kr. For de

penge er bolden til gengæld også bundet fast til nettet, så du ikke skal i vandet hver gang modstanderen har smashet for langt. Du skal ikke forsøge at puste banditten op selv, da det nok tager det halve af din ferie. Hvis du allerede er ved at bestille et eksemplar, kan du forvente to-fire ugers leveringstid. Foto:

VOLLEYWOOD-IDOL BLANDT FHM’S MEST SEXEDE Den filippinske udgave af mandebladet FHM kårede i juli måned sin Top 100 over de mest sexede kvinder i landet. Helt i toppen af listen over smukke kvinder var såmænd en volleyballspiller, idet Rachel Daquis blev stemt ind på en 8. plads. Den 178 centimeter høje kantspiller er netop skiftet fra Philippine Army Lady Troopers til Petron Blaze Spikers i hjem-

landet og blev i 2014 kåret til Årets Volleywood Idol. Det er anden gang, at Rachel Daquis er nomineret i FHM’s Top 100. I 2013 blev det til en 86. plads, som altså blev markant forbedret denne gang. 1. pladsen over Filippinernes mest sexede kvinder gik til skuespiller og sangerinde Jennylyn Mercado. Foto: Instagram: @rachdaquis13


VINDE DM I BEACHVOLLEY FORTALT AF OLIVER OG SEBASTIAN VENNDT KASZAS, NYKÅREDE DANMARKSMESTRE Vi var favoritter i år, så der var et andet pres på os i forhold til sidste år, hvor vi var underdogs. Det var anderledes at have det ekstra pres på sig og stå i favoritrollen. Men vi kunne godt lide at være seedet som nummer et og bevise, at vi kunne vinde. Alle vil gerne slå dig, men de frygter dig måske også lidt mere. Det giver lidt ekstra til motivationen. Vi er et meget teknisk hold i forhold til de andre, som er mere fysiske. Vi er ikke så store og stærke. Det kan være, at det kommer på et tidspunkt. Vi var gode til at udnytte vores teknik og taktikken holdt også. Vi har fokuseret lidt mere på den mentale forberedelse i år. Også lidt mere på den fysiske. Det viste sig at give lidt mere overskud. Vi har været en smule mere fokuserede i kampene. Det var en fornøjelse at spille på Amager



Strand. Det var dejligt at se, at det igen er blevet et stort set up med mange tilskuere. Det gør heller ikke noget, at solen skinner. Det var super dejligt med så meget opbakning. Man føler virkelig energien, når man spiller. Sidste år spillede vi i regnvejr i 5 grader foran 25 mennesker gemt væk under paraplyer, fordi det stod ned i stænger. Der var en helt anden atmosfære i år. Finalen var ret spændende lige indtil sidste bold. Vi havde ikke følelsen af, at den var hjemme, før sidste bold var afg jort. Hvis vi var kommet ud i et tredje sæt, kunne alt ske. Vi var ret sikre, da vi vandt matchbolden. Vi er glade og lettede. Der var meget pres på os, så det var dejligt at kunne opfylde forventningerne. Det er en fantastisk måde at slutte sæsonen af på. Den sidste kamp i den sidste turnering kulminerede i

en sejr. Det har været en god sæson, hvor vi har taget én kamp ad gangen. Inden sæsonen turde vi ikke tænke langsigtet, men at stå her som danmarksmester er bare helt fantastisk og gør os super glade. Vi har vundet så mange andre turneringer i år. Når vi slutter af med endnu en sejr, føler vi, at vi ikke har kunnet gøre det bedre. Det er vi rigtig rigtig glade for. DM-titlen betyder rigtig meget. Det gør det hele lidt lettere. Det er fantastisk at kunne kalde sig danmarksmester. Vi havde ikke turdet håbe på, at vi kunne vinde for 2. år i træk. Det er ubeskriveligt.

- Oliver og Sebastian Venndt Kaszas vandt finalen 2-0 (21-18, 21-19) over Lars Mayland og Christopher Secher Hansen.

Foto: Dansk Volleyball Forbund


VINDE DM I BEACHVOLLEY FORTALT AF EVA MIELSKOV BANG OG CECILIE KØLLNER OLSEN, NYKÅREDE DANMARKSMESTRE Vi har gennem hele sommeren været meget fokuserede på at få en god træning og ikke spilde tiden. Vi har fået Karin Iversen, der vinder DM-bronze, som personlig træner, og vi har trænet meget med herrespillere. Nogle store mænd, som har givet os nogle tæsk. Vi skulle simpelthen ud og have nogle tæsk. Det har vi fået i de internationale turneringer og mod herrespillerne. Man lærer af at få tæsk. Af det høje pres. Man bliver straffet, når man ikke gør det godt nok. Man bliver nødt til at tage bolden højere hele tiden. Man får ikke noget foræret af herrespillere på damenet. Vi har fået meget mere selvtillid og erfaring sammen. Vi har spillet flere internationale turneringer og fået mange flere kampe på kontoen. Vi tror på os selv og tør sige, at vi tager den. Vi vinder DM. I år har det løftet os at være favoritter. Vi var også favoritter sidste år, men dér følte vi ikke selv, at vi var favoritter. Det



tyngede os. I år følte og sagde vi selv, at vi var favoritter. Vi troede på det. Det var fedt, at de andre hold også pegede på os som favoritter. Men det er selvfølgelig hårdt, at alle vil vinde over en og altid spiller super godt mod en, fordi de ikke har noget at tabe. Der var en verden til forskel på den ene banehalvdel og den anden. Vinden kom fra skråt bag tribunen, så der var læ på den ene side af banen, mens det var som at stå i en hvirvelvind på den anden side af banen. Det var svært at stå i medvindssiden. Serven dykkede, og man kunne ikke komme til modangreb. Det var som at gå rundt om et hjørne at skifte side. Det var rigtig vigtigt, at vi vandt lodtrækningen til 3. sæt, så vi fik den gode side først. Det gav lige lidt ro. Vi holdt det aggressive spil, selv om vinden drillede meget. Vi blev ved med at tro på det, trykke til og blev ikke bange for at spille med vinden. Det blæste op til sidst

og g jorde det svært at holde det spil, som vi plejer at spille. Men vi arbejdede godt med vinden og havde tålmodighed. Vi lå helt tæt. Da Cille tog Helle i blokken, og vi kom foran med to point 12-10, kunne vi mærke, at den var der. Dér fik vi momentum, og der var ikke mere, som kunne gå galt. Hele vejen indtil da havde vi været nervøse. Da vi vandt bolden til 12-10, så følte vi, okay, nu kan vi det hele. Vi vidste, at vi kunne gøre det. Vi havde ikke tabt en eneste kamp på dansk jord i år. Vi måtte bare ikke smide den væk til DM. Vi var nervøse. Det er for vildt at vinde DM. Det er en fed følelse og helt ubeskriveligt. Det er noget, vi har drømt om, siden sæsonen begyndte. Det er en forløsning, en lettelse. - Eva Mielskov Bang og Cecilie Køllner Olsen vandt finalen (22-20, 17-21, 15-11) over Line Trans Hansen og Helle Søndergård.

Foto: Dansk Volleyball Forbund


DANMARKS BEDSTE TIL BEACHVOLLEY Amager Strand lagde sand til DM-finalerne i beachvolley. Efter nogle intense dramaer kunne Cecilie Køllner Olsen og Eva Mielskov Bang samt brødrene Oliver og Sebastian Venndt Kaszas kalde sig danmarksmestre i beachvolley anno 2015.



Foto: Flemming Patulski Nielsen/Intofoto




Foto: Flemming Patulski Nielsen/Intofoto



Kom med et smut bag kulisserne ved European Games i Baku med Line Trans Hansen. Hun var sammen med fem andre danske beachvolleyspillere og cirka 6.000 atleter fra 49 europæiske lande i aktion ved det første europæiske OL nogensinde.

AF LINE TRANS HANSEN DAGENE INDEN TURNERINGEN Vi mødes klokken alt-for-tidligt i Kastrup Lufthavn. Dog ser vi andre atleter med samme puma rygsæk som vores og ved, at vi er på rette vej. Vi var lidt i tvivl, om vi skulle bryde vores trygge beach-boble og gå hen og sige hej. Det skete ved mellemlandingen i London, da vi helt automatisk blev nødt til at kommunikere med de andre, da vi farede vild i lufthavnen. Det var nervepirrende, men samtidig rigtig spændende at snakke med andre atleter om andre sportsgrene. Så havde vi ligesom brudt isen med de første atleter. Flyveturen var meget lang, og vi ankom endelig til Baku. Vi fulgtes sammen med alle de andre danskere, som ét stort hold, ud til busserne med alle vores ens Craft kufferter. Dejlig håndånd! Lige fra vi forlader lufthavnen, hænger der Baku-plakater, så langt øjet rækker. Hver en lygtepæl, blomsterbed og mange bygninger er svøbt ind i European Games. Vi var helt forblændet af al den opmærksomhed omkring European Games hernede. Det vænnede vi os nok først til efter en lille uges tid.

hvilket var meget relevant for os. Forholdene var virkelig gode; til hver træning var der: Bolde, boldvogne, håndklæder, parasol, iskoldt vand fra fryseboks og somme tider endda boldlangere, som hentede boldene for os ude i det brændende sand. Mums, det kunne vi godt vænne os til, blev vi enige om.

DE FØRSTE TRÆNINGER Vi skulle for første gang ned på banerne og træne. Der var fire træningsdage, inden turneringen startede. Det var vildt luksus. Vi plejer typisk kun at have én dag, inden kampene begynder. Her kunne vi træne to gange dagligt og få vænnet os til varmen,

UDE AF EUROPEAN GAMES Både Helle og jeg har lært enormt meget af turneringen og g jort os nogle uundværlige erfaringer, som vi kan bruge, når vi skal avancere yderligere på den internationale scene. Tusind tak for alle hep og hilsner hjemmefra – det betyder meget for os.



NOGET FOR SIG SELV Selve Athlete Village var også noget for sig selv. Hvert kvarter kørte der store turistbusser ud til de forskellige sportsarenaer, og man steg bare på og af. Busserne havde deres eget ’Baku 2015’-spor at køre i. Derudover havde vi politieskorte samt en politimand med inde i bussen, hver gang vi kørte – også selv om vi kun var to atleter i hele bussen!! Al anden trafik blev holdt tilbage, når vi kom kørende, og det g jorde vi jo ofte. Paradis. Det overraskede mig nok mest, at der var så meget opmærksomhed til denne begivenhed i hele byen. Lige meget hvor langt man var ude. Bybusser, taxaer, lygtepæle, dæksler i jorden og plakater var proppet med logoer fra European Games med teksten: ’Baku 2015’.

NEDERLAG TIL SCHWEIZ Vi tabte 2-0 (21-18, 21-17) i første puljekamp. Vi spillede en fin kamp med mange gode aktioner, men Schweiz var mere effektive og servede bedre. Vi bygger videre på det gode spil imod Rusland kl. 18 (dansk tid kl 15) - så viser vi bjørnen, hvor skabet skal stå! Kom så Danmark!! (R)ØV! Vi blev spist af den russiske bjørn. De var tårnhøje, og vi lod dem vokse sig endnu større undervejs i kampen. 2-0 (21-15, 21-11). Vi lover at rejse os til i morgen! Ps. Røven er lånt. UDE AF EUROPEAN GAMES Vi tabte vores sidste puljekamp til et stærkt hollandsk hold. Vi er skuffede over resultatet, men må også erkende, at de hollandske piger var super effektive og dygtige i deres spil. Vi var meget ivrige efter at score point (læs: nok lidt for ivrige), hvorfor vores spil blev for forceret og fyldt med fejl. Det var en satsning fra vores side, for vi vidste, at hvis vi skulle vinde, skulle vi turde satse. Vi turde!! Men det lykkedes bare ikke i dag. Tekst i boksene er fra Line Trans Hansen og Helle Søndergårds Facebook side:

Foto: CEV



De danske volleyherrer opnåede det bedste resultat nogensinde i dette års European League med en samlet 7. plads ud af 12 deltagende nationer. En del af forklaringen på succesen skal findes på maven af landsholdets spilletrøjer.

AF JAKOB WÄRME HANSEN Da Makedonien midt i august sikrede sig sølvmedaljer i European League i den polske by Walbrych, gav det anledning til et træk på smilebåndet hos sportsdirektør og landstræner Mikael Trolle. Tre uger tidligere havde de danske volleyherrer nemlig slået Makedonien 3-2 i gruppespillet. Endda i makedonernes egen hule. Den præstation, sammen med sejr over Israel og senest to stærke sejre over Østrig, sikrede Danmark deres bedste placering i European League nogensinde. Landstræner Mikael Trolle er ikke i tvivl om, at en del af æren for den flotte præstation skal tilfalde herrelandsholdets hovedsponsor, Sparinvest: ”Det er utroligt dejligt, at vi har kunnet fortsætte samarbejdet med Sparinvest og



bygge videre på succesen fra EM i 2013. Med deres støtte har landsholdet kunnet fortsætte på den internationale platform i European League,” siger Mikael Trolle.

giver Sparinvest en mulighed for at gøre opmærksom på, hvad de er og kan – en af de mest succesrige investeringsforeninger i verden,” siger han.

”Med dette års præstationer har vi med støtte fra Sparinvest vist, at landsholdet er berettiget til at spille med blandt den midterste del i Europa,” siger han. ”Sparinvest har nogle progressive ideer til gavn for begge parter, hvor de blandt andet trækker på lignende erfaringer fra anden topsport. Derfor er det et rigtig godt match mellem det elitære arbejde, vi laver med landsholdet, og deres profil,” siger Mikael Trolle. ”Vi er glade for at have Sparinvest på maven af landsholdstrøjen, så vi

Glæden ved samarbejdet med Dansk Volleyball Forbund er gengældt, fortæller Claus Bodenhoff, der er commercial sponsorhip og event manager i Sparinvest: ”I Sparinvest lægger vi naturligvis mærke til den flotte udvikling, herrelandsholdet er inde i. Vi har allerede haft mange fælles store oplevelser, som for eksempel EM i Parken for nogle år siden, og den spændende rejse, holdet er på, vil vi gerne fortsat være en del af. Så vi glæder os til det fortsatte gode samarbejde med Dansk Volleyball Forbund,” siger han.

Foto: Morten Olsen

Om Sparinvest

Danmarks resultater i European League

Sparinvest blev grundlagt i 1968 som en dansk investeringsforening, men er siden vokset til en international kapitalforvalter med aktiviteter i 15 europæiske lande. Sparinvest-koncernen forvalter en samlet kapital på godt 70 milliarder kroner for mere end 175.000 private og institutionelle investorer i ind- og udland. Sparinvest har kontorer i Taastrup og Randers i Danmark og i Luxembourg, Paris, Stockholm og London. Se mere på

1. runde 4.-5. juli (Antvorskovhallen, Slagelse): 4. juli: Danmark – Polen: 0:3 (22-25, 21-25, 14-25) 5. juli: Danmark – Polen: 0:3 (15-25, 19-25, 16-25) 2. runde 10.-11. juli: (Israel) 10. juli: Israel – Danmark 0-3 (19-25, 21-25, 23-25) 11. juli: Israel Danmark 3-0 (25-19, 25-16, 25-20) 3. runde 18.-19. juli: Danmark sidder over 4. runde 25.-26. juli: Makedonien – Danmark 2:3 (27-29, 25-18, 25-17, 22-25, 16-18) Makedonien – Danmark 3:1 (25-16, 22-25, 25-18, 26-24) 5. runde 1.-2. august: Estland – Danmark 3:0 (25-17, 25-16, 25-23) Estland – Danmark 3:1 (25-21, 30-28, 29-31, 25-19) 6. runde 8.-9. august (Ceres Arena, Aarhus): 8. august: Danmark – Østrig 3:2 (23-25, 22-25, 25-19, 25-23, 16-14) 9. august: Danmark – Østrig 3:2 (25-17, 23-25, 19-25, 25-21, 15-12)



De danske volleyherrer sluttede European League af på fornemmeste vis, da de på hjemmebane i Ceres Arena i Aarhus besejrede Østrig. Danmark vandt begge kampe 3-2 i nogle intense og medrivende dramaer. Dermed sluttede herrelandsholdet med fire sejre i alt og på en samlet 7. plads i European League, hvilket er Danmarks bedste placering i de fire år, landsholdet har deltaget i turneringen.



Foto: Morten Olsen /



Store som små lod shopping være shopping for en stund og prøvede sig selv og hinanden af på en eller flere af de 35 sjove udfordringer, da Volley Challenge omdannede SlotsArkaderne i Hillerød til et volleyland. AF JAKOB WÄRME HANSEN

Klask! Marcus Skovgaards højre hånd rammer pladen i en højde af 230 cm. Sammen med to kammerater har han været rundt i SlotsArkaderne i Hillerød, kigget lidt på nogle nye spil til Xboxen, men endte med at købe tre dvd’er på tilbud. Dagens indkøb bliver skyllet ned med to slags slush ice blandet sammen, den grønne med sport-smag og en smule hindbær på toppen. Da 13-årige Marcus Skovgaard kom forbi Store Torv, og da han så det store femkantede tårn, der i denne uge har tronet sig 360 centimeter op mod det store vinduesparti, blev han nødt til at udfordre sine to kammerater. ”Det var vildt sjovt. Vi havde en konkurrence, hvor vi skulle se, hvem der kunne hoppe højest. Jeg hoppede 230 centimeter. Det sjoveste var måske der, hvor man skulle hoppe op på skamlen. Der hoppede jeg helt op på den højeste på 60 centimeter,” siger Marcus Skovgaard. For alle aldre Hele ugen har Volley Challenge omdannet shoppingcentrets torve til en spændende verden af aktiviteter med 35 udfordringer. Volley Challenge går i al sin enkelthed ud på, at børn og barnlige sjæle på et hav af forskellige træningsstationer kan teste deres evner som volleyballspiller og udfordre hinanden, når de skal hoppe, blokere og



smashe, som rigtige volleyballspillere. En lille familie kommer forbi det høje tårn, hvor man kan teste sin springhøjde. Faderen skæver op mod en af smashhænderne og kan ikke lade være med at tage udfordringen op. Sønnen får moderens hånd at holde fast i, mens hun med den anden finder mobiltelefonen frem – klar til at tage billeder. Et afmålt tilløb og afsæt ser i første omgang ud til at skuffe ambitionerne om, hvor højt han kunne nå op. Men smilet afslører, at det trækker op til et nyt forsøg. Men samme resultat, 270 cm. ”Det sætter det lidt i relief. Når man ser det på tv, ser det så let ud. Men nu ser jeg, hvor sindssygt højt der er op til bare 280 centimeter. Og de professionelle blokkerer jo endnu højere. Det er jo vanvittigt,” siger Casper Larsen. Det blev kun til to forsøg for ham. Mens han trasker videre med familien, kommer en mor tilbage til sin datter og veninden, som hviler sig efter en tur på løbebanen, hvor de har løbet forskellige ruter frem og tilbage hurtigst muligt. ”Jeg har været ude og kigge på butikker, og pigerne har bare drønet rundt og prøvet tingene i mere end to timer,” siger Julie Johansen. ”Jeg var tilbage og se til dem et par gange, men de har været helt opslugte af udfor-

dringerne,” siger hun. Begge piger har prøvet at spille Kidsvolley i skolen, men de har aldrig gået i klub. De har gået til karate, spejder og badminton, men nu overvejer de at begynde til Kidsvolley, siger de begge. De sender hinanden et blik og smiler til Julie Johansen: ”Vi skal lige prøve Volley Dance én gang til.”

Fakta om Volley Challenge

Volley Challenge er inspireret af Dansk Volleyball Forbunds store succes Kidsvolley, som i 2014 blev spillet af mere end 38.000 elever i de danske skoler. Volley Challenge består af 35 udfordringer, blandt andet smashhøjde, blokadehøjde, springhøjde, Volley Bingo, Reflex Check og meget mere. Volley Challenge har allerede besøgt SlotsArkaderne i Hillerød og Borgen Shopping i Sønderborg. 7.-12. september gæster Volley Challenge Ishøj By Center, hvor landets første skolestævne i et bycenter blandt andet bliver afholdt. Mere information om Volley Challenge: Thomas Bjørn-Lüthi, ekstern Event Manager i Dansk Volleyball Forbund, tlf.: 6130 3941.

Foto: Klaus Sletting


DORTHE SVENNINGSEN Den jyske mester i fodbold fra ’Udkantsdanmark’ og medlem af dansk volleyballs Hall of Fame om hjemmesyede sandsække, sammenhold og kampen, hvor alt gik op i en højere enhed.

AF JAKOB WÄRME HANSEN Jeg var lige startet i 1. real. Det svarer til 8. klasse i dag. Der kom et par lærere, nogle rigtige ildsjæle, som introducerede os for det her volleyball. Jeg dyrkede atletik med skolen. Jeg spillede også meget fodbold i klub og nåede at blive jysk mester som juniorspiller. Det var både teknikken og fysikken i volleyball, der fangede mig. Jeg kunne godt lide at træne, teste springhøjde og udfordre mig selv fysisk. Jeg ville gerne blive bedre. Så når vi opdagede, at styrketræning rent faktisk g jorde, at vi kunne springe højere, så g jorde vi det med glæde. Volleyball kombinerede glæden ved spillet, det gode kammeratskab og udviklingspotentialet. Det sociale liv i klubben fyldte rigtig meget. Det sociale var ligeså stor en del af det at blive en god volleyballspiller som selve træningen. Vi startede med at træne én gang om ugen, så blev det to og tre gange om ugen og kamp i weekenden. Vi fandt ud af, at hvis vi ville være rigtig gode, skulle vi også lave styrketræning. Vi havde ikke noget fitnesscenter i Vestsalling, så vi syede vores egne sandsække og lavede fysisk træning med dem efter volleyballtræningen. Jeg kommer jo fra ’Udkantsdanmark’.



Så det var altid en oplevelse at komme til Rødovre og spille mod de store hold fra København. Når vi var der, skulle vi altid på sightseeing. Vi tog altid en tur på Christiania for at opleve hippiemiljøet og spise på vegetar-restaurant. Der var ungdomslandholdstrænere ude og se de her stævner. Noget tid efter fik klubben et brev, hvor der stod, at jeg var udtaget til ungdomslandsholdet. En af de største oplevelser var, da jeg var ungdomslandsholdsspiller. Vi skulle forberede os til de nordiske mesterskaber i to træningskampe mod Holland. Vi var klart undertippede, men vandt 3-2. Det var en kamp, hvor alt bare gik op i en højere enhed. Som hold præsterede vi over forventning. Folks engagement og gode spil smittede, og vi g jorde hinanden bedre. Vores spilletrøjer var lidt flippede. Vi havde ingen sponsorer dengang, så vi spillede i batik trøjer, som vi selv havde farvet. Der var lidt noget andet, end dem man ser i dag. Det var først, da jeg kom på landsholdet og til Norge at spille, at vi havde en tøjsponsor. Volleyball har været en stor del af mit liv. Man kommer meget tæt på hinanden og knytter nogle gode, lange venskaber. Jeg

har stadig meget kontakt med veninderne fra ASV Århus. Med Facebook er jeg kommet i kontakt med mange af de gamle holdkammerater fra Norge. Volleyball har været med til at udvikle mig til den person, jeg er i dag. Sporten har været med til at lære mig om samarbejde og fungere godt i pressede situationer. Det har fulgt mig, at man skal præstere noget og være vedholdende. Det er noget, som jeg har brugt senere hen i mit liv. Dyrk din sport, gør det med god samvittighed og brug tid på det. Det skal ikke alt sammen gå op i at få de høje karakterer i gymnasiet.

DORTHE SVENNINGSEN Født 13. april 1961. Aktiv fra 1975-1991 for Vestsalling UIF, Oslo VBK, VK Shima og ASV Århus med 1 dansk mesterskab og 1 pokaltitel til følge (1991). Ydermere norsk pokalmester anno 1982 såvel som toer i den norske liga samme år. En komplet volleyballspiller af høj international klasse. Optaget i dansk volleyballs Hall of Fame i 2014.

Foto: Privat


VERDENS NORDLIGSTE BEACHVOLLEYBANE Beachvolley forbindes normalt med sol, sommer og sydlige himmelstrøg. Men i Grønlands nordligste by, Qaanaaq, har Inughuit Volleyball Club lavet en beachvolleybane på stranden.

AF JAKOB WÄRME HANSEN Vi skal et godt stykke nordpå, inden vi rammer byen Qaanaaq på Grønland. 3.839 kilometer i fugleflugt fra København. Byen huser omkring 630 indbyggere, og de 10-20 turister, som årligt lægger vejen forbi landets nordligste by, kan blandt andet underholde sig med en autentisk tur på hundeslæde. Nu er der kommet en ekstra fornøjelse for både indbyggere og turister. Inughuit Volleyball Club har etableret en beachvolleybane på stranden. ”Vi har i weekenden sat et volleyballnet op på stranden ved byen. Det er et volleyballnet fra hallen, der ellers er ødelagt, men som nu bliver genbrugt,” siger Ane Qujaukitsoq, formand for Inughuit Volleyball



Club til Hun fortæller, at Qaanaaq-borgerne har vist stor interesse for beachvolleybanen, og at mange kigger forbi stranden for enten at spille eller bare se på i det gode sommervejr. I Qaanaaq betyder det, at temperaturen har sneget sig op på otte grader. ”Der har hele tiden været folk på beachvolleybanen, siden vi satte nettet op i søndags, og der har været rigtig godt vejr,” siger Ane Qujaukitsoq. Det er især om aftenen ved en 19-tiden, hvor vejret at blevet godt, at den nye beachvolleybane bliver brugt, fortæller formanden for Inughuit Volleyball Club. Ane Qujaukitsoq håber, at den nye beachvolleybane kan være med til at få flere til at

spille volleyball i hallen, når den åbner igen til efteråret. ”Folk, der normalt ikke dyrker sport eller ikke spiller volleyball, spiller beachvolley og har det sjovt,” siger hun. Nu håber Ane Qujaukitsoq, at interessen for sporten bliver så stor, at klubben kan stille op til de næste Grønlandsmesterskaber: ”Der har været volleyballspillere i lang tid i hallen, men uden det formål at deltage ved mesterskaberne. Nu har vi stiftet en volleyballklub, og vi vil gerne deltage ved næste Grønlandsmesterskab i volleyball,” siger hun. Inughuit Volleyball Club blev stiftet sidste år i oktober.

Foto: Ane Qujaukitsoq



Brasilien er som værter allerede kvalificeret til OL i 2016. Dermed er der to OL-billetter at kæmpe om for de resterende 12 hold, der spiller World Cup i Japan. Spørgsmålet er, hvem der snupper dem?

USA De regerende verdensmestre har endnu ikke vundet World Cuppen, men der er ingen tvivl om, at de er storfavoritter til at slutte turneringen på toppen af præmieskamlen. Verdensranglistens nummer 1 vandt i juli World Grand Prix og er i storform til at vinde endnu en guldmedalje. VÆR SÆRLIG OPMÆRKSOM PÅ Karsta Lowe. Den venstrehåndede kantspiller er i gang med sit første år på landsholdet, og hun har allerede sikret sig World Grand Prix-titlen samt en kåring som Mest Værdifulde Spiller.



Foto: CEV


KINA Landstræner Jenny Lang Ping fortsætter med at styrke sit hold efter sølvmedaljerne fra VM sidste år. Holdet har haft en god hvileperiode, og er det eneste hold i verden, som pt. er i stand til at slå USA. Desværre må Kina undvære Hui Ruoqi på grund af helbredsproblemer. VÆR SÆRLIG OPMÆRKSOM PÅ Den eneste ene Zhu Ting. Den fremadstormende komet fortsætter med at forbedre sit alsidige spil under landstræner Jenny Lang Ping. Zhu Ting er en af de bedste kantspillere i verden, og Kina er meget afhængige af hendes præstationer gennem turneringen.

RUSLAND Efter at have vundet sølv ved World Grand Prix ser det ud til, at Rusland endelig har fundet den grundstamme af spillere, som er fremtiden for russisk volleyball. I fraværet af Gamova og Sokolova er det et kærkomment gensyn med Kosheleva for Rusland. Hun forventes at score rigtig mange point sammen med holdkammeraten Goncharova. VÆR SÆRLIG OPMÆRKSOM PÅ Nataliya Goncharova, som blot er i gang med sin første landsholdssæson. Hvis hun fortsætter sin storform, slutter Rusland i Top 2.



Foto: CEV

JAPAN Det har altid været en kæmpe fordel at spille på hjemmebane for Japan. Efter et forfærdeligt World Grand Prix kan det være, at landstræner Manabe ikke længere vil benytte sig af sit særlige Hybrid 6-system, men i stedet vil have to deciderede centerspillere. VÆR SÆRLIG OPMÆRKSOM PÅ Saori Kimura. Vi har ikke set meget til Saori Kimura i denne sæson, men vi har en fornemmelse af, at hun endelig er i startopstillingen og klar til at føre sit hold til en Top 2-placering. Hun er den mest erfarne spiller på holdet, og hendes lederevner er afgørende for holdets World Cup.

SERBIEN Serbien har ikke vundet nogen stor turnering siden EM i 2011, og spillerne ser sultne ud efter snart at vinde noget igen. Deres spillestil er fantastisk, og Serbien er uden tvivl garant for et par overraskelser. VÆR SÆRLIG OPMÆRKSOM PÅ Tijana Boškovic. Uden Jovana Brakocevic på holdet på grund af graviditet, er det Tijana Boškovic, vi skal holde øje med. Hun spillede suverænt ved VM, og det er en fornøjelse at se hende tilbage, efter hun missede World Grand Prix. Vi ser frem til at se hende i direkte duel mod USA’s venstrehåndsspiller, Karsa Lowe.


VOLLEYLIGATID Volleyball Magasinet tager pulsen på den nye Volleyliga-sæson.


Foto: Morten Olsen /

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