Sport Executive September 15

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Game Changer Rugby World Cup 2015 could set a new agenda for professional sports: Players’ welfare.



SPORT EXECUTIVE The magazine is published by Tekstwerk, a Danish freelance bureau. Tekstwerk consists of journalist Lars Andersson and journalist Kristian Boye. Editor in chief: Lars Andersson. You can contact us by mail: Or phone: +4528201554. Design and layout: Søren Møller. Translation: Rachel Payne. Get our NEWSLETTER – sign up on Are you a journalist or photographer – and want to contribute? Contact Do you want to advertise? Contact

Sport Executive is back – in English and Danish. This time with players’ welfare, human rights, Fifagate, polo and much, much more. As always we deal with sport and society, politics, economics and culture. Please, take a look. Enjoy – criticize – and share it with your friends, colleagues and business partners. And yes – with your wife or husband too. We need all the support we can get. Thanks. Because serious journalism is not without financial cost. And Sport Executive is fighting – sometimes it even feels like a fight against Muhammad Ali, and nobody wants a walk in the ring with Ali. So share Sport Executive. You are welcome to send comments to the editor in chief Lars Andersson. Contact me at Read – weep – and share on social media. Thanks. Lars Andersson, editor in chief.

or phone +4528201554. Follow us at, Facebook and Twitter.

“If everybody turns right, turn left that’s where you’ll find the stories to tell your children.”

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4 Child Labour

16 Sport photos

38 Idræt og sind

50 Champions League

8 Human rights

20 Kick it out

42 Kommentar

54 Motion

10 Rugby World Cup

26 Football and politics

46 Et øjeblik

14 A glamorous life

30 Fifagate

48 Bomben under CAS

They buy and sell children

Dictatorships love big sports

A new agenda in professional sports

Women, polo and horses

So this is sport

Say no to homophobia, sexism and racism

Meet Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnya

Reforms and the old boys´ network

Frontpage photo: All Over Press. Forsidefoto på den danske udgave: Mikkel Bock Bonnesen

Idrætten kan forandre mennesker

Flere kvinder på toppen

Det er pengene, der bestemmer

Det kan betale sig

Du skal bevæge dig og være sund

Claudia Pechstein kæmper videre

Photo: All Over Press

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2015 Global sport: reform or revolution? 25-29 October, Aarhus - Denmark For the 9th time, the world conference Play the Game invites academics, journalists, sports officials and other stakeholders in sport to share their knowledge on crucial challenges to sport: •

The revolt against global events: A perfect storm for sport?

Governments vs. fixers: Will the rule of law beat the law of the jungle?

Good governance in sport: Setting standards, raising bars

A new World Code against doping: Anybody willing to comply?

The deadly disease of inactivity: Is the world ready for a cure?

Transfers and trafficking: The human cost of broken dreams

College sport in the USA: Unprotected amateurs in a billion-dollar business

Read more about the conference and the conference themes at

Photo credit: Mario Cliche


WE DON’T HAVE TO ABIDE BY THE RULES FC Barcelona is still in breach of FIFA’s ‘Rules on Minors’. BY: LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK On 20 August 2015 Matias Lacava from Venezuela and Fode Fofana from the Netherlands were banned from FC Barcelona’s academy, La Masia. The two youngsters were playing in FC Barcelona in breach of Article 19 of “FIFA’s Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players” (see box, ed.). Despite FC Barcelona on 30 December 2014 being given a period of 90 days to regularize the situation of all minor players in the club by the Court of Arbitration for Sport, CAS. A verdict FC Barcelona apparently not have been following. The incident with Lacava and Fofana caused panic in the Catalan club. 236 days after CAS dismissed FC Barcelona’s transfer ban appeal and confirmed that the club had breached the rules regarding protection of minors´ the club apparently wants to address the issue of minors in line with FIFA’s regulations. FC Barcelona won’t speak to Sport Executive but on the club’s website the following statement was



published on 20 August 2015: “FC Barcelona wishes to announce that as a preventative measure, it shall not be renewing the licenses of some of the players in the club’s academy. This is to avoid any interpretation that there has been any breach for FIFA regulations.” And it continues: “FC Barcelona, in coordination with FIFA, is immersed in a process of legalizing the situation of the players connected with the enquiry that led to the sanction.” Or in other words: FC Barcelona will obey the laws of FIFA and the verdict of CAS 146 days to late… Sport Executive would have liked to have discussed this situation with FIFA – but the federation hasn’t got the time (see box, ed.). But according to Sport Executive’s sources the La Masia spectacle has caused panic in FC Barcelona and FIFA. Another case with players in breach of “Rules on Minors” could mean that FC Barcelona faces the possibility of a new

transfer ban – and on the other it will further lower FIFA’s tormented brand. WE KNOW NOTHING Sport Executive would have also liked to have talked about that mess with FIFA. But we were met with “we will revert back to you asap”. We desired likewise to be informed about the situation in other Spanish clubs. In January 2015 FIFA confirmed to Sport Executive that the football federation was investigating several Spanish clubs for trading minors. “FIFA is currently gathering all the relevant information and documentation in order to be in a position to properly assess the matter. No formal disciplinary proceedings have been opened at this stage. No further information can be provided for the time-being,” a spokesperson for FIFA, who prefers to be anonymous said to Sport Executive back then. Eight months later nothing has happened…

Photo: All Over Press


THE QUESTIONS TO FIFA In August 2015 FIFA banned Matias Lacava, Venezuela, and Fode Fofana, Netherlands, from playing for FC Barcelona! How come FIFA had to wait until August 2015 to register those 2 players – playing in breach of ‘FIFA’s Rules on Minors’? Is it now certain that FC Barcelona is not fielding any players playing in breach of ‘FIFA’s Rules on Minors’? According to FC Barcelona’s website the club tells: “FC Barcelona wishes to announce that as a preventative measure, it shall not be renewing the licences of some of the players in the club’s academy. This is to avoid any interpretation that there has been any breach of FIFA regulations. FC Barcelona, in coordination with

FIFA, is immersed in a process of legalising the situation of the players connected with the enquiry that led to the sanction.” Can you tell me what this coordination between FIFA and FC Barcelona is about – in real terms? Can you tell me how many players are now banned in FC Barcelona? In January FIFA launched an inquiry in some other Spanish clubs to be in breach of ‘FIFA’s Rules on Minors’. Now it is September – how is this inquiry moving forward – and when are FIFA going to make a decision in this matter? It’s well known by all in international football that Real Madrid is buying players in

breach of ‘FIFA’s Rules on Minors’ and have been doing it for years. Why aren’t FIFA sanctioning Real Madrid – after 8 months of inquiry? FIFA’S ANSWERS: Good afternoon Lars, We have received your email and will revert back to you asap. Kind regards, Naoise King, FIFA Media department SPORT EXECUTIVE IS STILL WAITING.

FIFA ARTICLE 19 ON PROTECTION OF MINORS IN REGULATIONS ON THE STATUS AND TRANSFER OF PLAYERS 1. International transfers of players are only permitted if the player is over the age of 18. 2. The following three exceptions to this rule apply: a) The player’s parents move to the country in which the new club is located for reasons not linked to football. b) The transfer takes place within the territory of the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) and the player is aged between 16 and 18. In this case, the new club must fulfil the following minimum obligations: i. It shall provide the player with an adequate football education and/or



training in line with the highest national standards. ii. It shall guarantee the player an academic and/or school and/or vocational education and/or training, in addition to his football education and/or training, which will allow the player to pursue a career other than football should he cease playing professional football. iii. It shall make all necessary arrangements to ensure that the player is looked after in the best possible way (optimum living standards with a host family or in club accommodation, appointment of a mentor at the club, etc.). iv. It shall, on registration of such a player, provide the relevant association with proof

that it is complying with the aforementioned obligations. c) The player lives no further than 50 km from a national border and the club with which the player wishes to be registered in the neighbouring association is also within 50 km of that border. The maximum distance between the player’s domicile and the club’s headquarters shall be 100 km. In such cases, the player must continue to live at home and the two associations concerned must give their explicit consent. READ MORE: mm/document/affederation/administration/02/53/22/21/regulationsstatusandtra nsfer_e_2012_neutral.pdf

Photo: All Over Press


Dictatorships love big sports Democracy must settle with a love affair with smaller sports. BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK China, Qatar, Russia and other nations with a problematic relationship with democracy love sports. Big sports. Therefore authoritarian regimes are bidding heavily to host the big international sporting events to improve their image at home and abroad. In August Sport Executive showed that 50 percent of of events in the major

“I will say something which is crazy, but less democracy is sometimes better for organising a World Cup.” Jerome Valcke, FIFA secretary general. sports, football, athletics, swimming, cycling, gymnastics and the Olympics, in the coming years are going to take place in nations where regimes violate basic human rights – despite the Olympic Charter telling us otherwise (see box, ed.). But the percentage drop dramatically when you investigate all official sports in the Olympic movement. Here go to 24 percent of the sport events to ‘dictatorships’.



The trend is even clearer if you examine the biggest sport of them all, football. In the future the men’s World Cup goes to Russia and Qatar while the women’s World Cup with no money and no political value travels to France. RESPECT HUMAN RIGHTS A development human rights organisations is concerned about: “International sports federations should require human rights impact assessments as part of the bid process and should also set up mechanisms to conduct meaningful, transparent monitoring of human rights in the course of countries’ preparations and hosting of events,” Jane Buchanan, director of the European and Central Asia Division in Human Rights Watch, says to Sport Executive. “We have documented serious abuses linked to major sporting events in numerous countries in recent years, including Russia, China and Qatar at the same time an increasing number of repressive governments who host mega sporting events to burnish their reputations on the world stage. International sports federa-

tions are crucially placed to insist that host countries respect human rights throughout the preparations and hosting of sporting events. If they don’t set clear, nonnegotiable expectations in terms of human rights, sports federations seriously risk being complicit in abuses,” Jane Buchanan concludes.

“Holding the winter Olympics in China is to guarantee the people’s demand for winter sports. This human right has already been respected.” Wang Hui, China Olympic Committee’s spokeswoman. A worry the big sport federations do not appear to share… HOW WE DID: Sport Executive studied the world championships in all official sports in the Olympic movement, including the Olympics, on the organisations websites.

Photo: AllVicente Drawing: Over Press Marques/Children Win

OLYMPIC CHARTER ‘Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles’. ‘The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity’. ‘The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practising sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play’. ‘Recognising that sport occurs within the framework of society, sports organizations within the Olympic Movement shall have the rights and obligations of autonomy, which include

freely establishing and controlling the rules of sport, determining the structure and governance of their organizations, enjoying the rights of elections free from outside influence and the responsibility for ensuring that principles of good governance be applied’. ‘The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Olympic Charter shall be secured without discrimination of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status’. ‘Any person or organization belonging in any capacity whatsoever to the Olympic Movement is bound by the provisions of the Olympic Charter and shall abide by the decisions for the IOC’.



RUGBY’S GAME CHANGER Could the Rugby World Cup 2015 set a new agenda for professional sports? BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK Rugby has 2.56 million players worldwide. But most are kicking and fighting in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Pacific Islands, USA, Canada, Italy, France, Argentina and Japan. From 18 September to 31 October 620 of the best players will perform in England in an intense fight to get their hands on the ultimate trophy, the World Cup 2015. That could be the game changer for rugby. The moment World Rugby has been waiting for. The moment where football and other big sports are challenged. Because the Rugby World Cup 2015 is on track to become the best-attended, most-viewed, most-socially engaged, most-competitive tournament and the most-commercial success. Alone in the broadcast territories alone 207 nations will screen the tournament in more than 23,000 hours. “We will take Rugby World Cup to the largest audience ever,” Murray Barnett, World Rugby Head of Commercial, Broadcast and Marketing, states. TO BOOST THE ECONOMY But will rugby – despite its history – ever



challenge football? Experts say no: “Even though rugby’s marketing savviness is growing and, with that, international popularity and advertising revenue, football remains a much, much bigger sport and most corporate sponsors don’t want to stop supporting the FIFA World Cup,” Daniel Gavshon Brady, lead strategist at brand consultancy Wolff Olins, says to international media. However experts admit that rugby is on the rise: “On a macro-economic level rugby is nowhere near as powerful a beast as football, on a micro-economic stance, the Rugby World Cup actually being hosted in the UK will be very powerful,” Rob Sellers, managing director of GreyShopper London, says to international media. So maybe the World Cup 2015 in the UK won’t be the big game changer for the sport. But it can give a boost to the economy. According to a study by Ernst & Young the World Cup is expected to boost the economy in the UK by 2.2 billion pounds. And it will also boost GDP – directly and indirectly – by 982 million pounds.

“Forecast are based on a range of direct, indirect and induced benefits for Rugby World Cup 2015, from the investment that will be made in infrastructure to the ticket and tax revenues that will be generated. The tournament creates economic activity and employment throughout the supply chain, which can bolster the growth of the host cities as well as the UK,” Peter Arnold, the author of the report and director at Ernst & Young, says. The report tells that 41,000 jobs will be supported around the country, including 16,000 employees directly linked to the tournament and 12,000 along the supply chain. And the big winners will be the tourism industry, food and drink sector and advertising world when people from more than 80 nations will go to United Kingdom. London will earn the most – playing host to a total of 17 matches – taking in 197 million pounds, while Cardiff goes in as the second-highest earner, taking 74.2 million pounds. The rugby federations will gain economic success. Rugby World Cup 2015 will generate 400 million pounds in net rev-

Photo: All Over Press

WORLD CUP enue to the organisations. The host Rugby Union will keep a net revenue of 160 million pounds, with the rest going to World Rugby. This is in in contrast to the latest football World Cup, in 2014, where the host nation, Brazil, recorded a loss of around 3.58 billion pounds…

say on when the players are fit to feature again, not the medical teams of the participating nations. And the independent doctor will also be present at every match in the tournament.

THE NFL MOMENT World Rugby can probably not boost the sport to challenge big sports such as football – but the federation can make rugby a leading player in another area: Players welfare. For years concussions and brain damage has been a major theme in contact sports such as football, American football, hoc-

key and rugby. But while the NFL and NHL face lawsuits from former athletes looking for compensation for severe disabilities, rugby will enforce a player welfare program specific to head injuries in the World Cup: Players concussed during the World Cup will not return to action until they have been given the all-clear by an independent expert in the field, amongst other with the help of The Head Injury Assessment (HIA); a series of cognitive, balance and memory tests that rugby medics use to determine if a player has sustained a concussion. World Rugby has appointed a number of independent medical specialists to monitor affected players during the tournament with the use of HIA and video technology – and they will have the final






POOL A Australia, England, Wales, Fiji and Uruguay. POOL B South Africa, Samoa, Japan, Scotland and USA. POOL C New Zealand, Argentina, Tonga, Georgia and Namibia. POOL D France, Ireland, Italy, Canada and Romania. QUARTER-FINALS, SEMI-FINALS AND FINAL The first two teams in each pool will progress to the quarter-final round. This is a knock out round. Winners go to the semi-finals. And the winners here to the final. Rugby World Cup is kicks of with England-Fiji 18 September. The final will be played on the 31 October. The tournament will be played in England.

RUGBY DEVELOPMENT: development-investment RUGBY AT THE OLYMPICS 2016: MAPPING THE GLOBAL POPULARITY OF RUGBY: http://pulse-static-files. photo/2015/03/05/61b7a966-a65a4952-8b71-74bed89a8d7c/WR_2014_ Player_Numbers.jpg FOLLOW THE WORLD CUP 2015: WOMEN IN RUGBY: se_2_06_2015_sportex_uk3_net/4 WORLD RUGBY CONCUSSION GUIDE: http://playerwelfare.worldrugby. org/?documentid=133 GET INTO RUGBY:

NEW ZEALAND Reigning world champions. Number one at the world ranking. 89 per cent win record in 142 tests. 5/4 odds of winning the Rugby World Cup 2015.



“Everyone knows this is a very serious and important subject. And we have a series of sanctions at our disposal to act as a deterrent against non-compliance. It is a very important area for us,” Brett Gosper, CEO at World Rugby, says. According to Gosper World Rugby’s concussion program are among the most progressive and proactive in professional sport. “It’s been recognized by other federations that we are taking the lead in this area and

WINNERS: 1987: New Zealand 1991: Australia 1995: South Africa 1999: Australia 2003: England 2007: South Africa 2011: New Zealand The Rugby World Cup is a men’s rugby union tournament contested every four years between the top international teams. The tournament was first held in 1987, when the tournament was co-hosted by New Zealand and Australia. The road to England 2015 began in Mexico City on 24 March 2012 and reached its conclusion 932 days later in Montevideo. The tournament involved 83 nations and 203 matches. 20 nations are back and can win the World Cup in England 2015.

New Zealand Australia South Africa England Wales By 7 September.

many of them are coming to us to use our protocols and use the knowledge we’ve gathered,” he says. According to World Rugby concussions cannot be avoided, but the risk of longterm brain damage can be significantly reduced. According to medical professionals in the field a single concussive episode tends to resolve spontaneously in a few weeks. However, a second concussion before the brain has recovered from the first can have a far more serious repercussions. “If concussion is recognized and managed appropriately then it’s very unlikely to lead to any short-term or long-term damage. However, the brain is that bit more fragile, it’s taking time to reboot itself. To take another hit at that point can cause signifiPhoto: All Over Press

cant damage,” Dr. Andrew Murray from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow tells The Guardian. And this is what World Rugby is now taking actions against: “We know that we have to take concussion seriously, treat it as soon as possible, remove the player from the field of play and only allow them to return to the field once they have recovered,” Dr. Martin Rafferty, chief medical officer for World Rugby, says. IT HAS ITS FLAWS In other words World Rugby is trying – after years of burying its head in the sand – to be proactive. But there are still

concerns. The HIA tool is probably not enough, according to some experts. It has its flaws. Or as Barry O’Driscoll, former medical adviser at International Rugby Board, tells Daily Telegraph: “The HIA is absolutely meaningless. I have no doubt that World Rugby instructs the independent doctors to keep them (the players, ed.) off whether they pass the test or not – because otherwise they are heading for the most frightening potential scenario,” the uncle of Irish rugby icon, Brian O’Driscoll, says. But the safeguards of an independent specialist and video technology are a huge step in the right direction. So maybe the World Cup could be a game changer - for rugby – and for professional sport?



April Kent from Ireland tells about the little known sport of polo. About glamour, hard work and a never ending challenge. BY APRIL KENT Polo in Ireland is a little known sport. I myself with an equestrian background had no idea it existed really until I was about 18 years of age and a friend asked me to help her to exercise her polo ponies. I began playing competitively three years later. When I say to people that I’m a polo player they think and say one thing… “What a glamorous lifestyle!” I can tell you that for all the glamour that is associated with it there is a huge amount of work that goes with it. Polo is a sport and way of life that is labour intensive with it’s early mornings, late nights and whatever nature throws at you in terms of the weather. Polo is traditionally played in the sunshine. In Ireland we have a reputation for playing whatever the weather! We still do it because polo truly is one of the most incredible sports ever invented. What is key in polo are the horses. Polo horses are elite athletes. Good horses are finely tuned to be sensitive to the slightest of their riders body movements. “A polo pony has got to have the speed of a race horse, the tough, quick response of a



cow pony and the agility of a show jumper. Then he’s got to have more stamina than any of them,” as Cecil Smith, one of all times famous polo players (1904-99, ed.), tells us. NOT JUST HITTING THE BALL It truly is incredible the bond between a polo horse and their rider. Your horsemanship and how you ride is a major part of being a polo player too. I’ve been riding all my life but there is still a huge amount to learn. This is why I love this sport… The challenges are never ending. There’ so many different aspects to the game. It’s not necessarily about hitting the ball (everyone wants the ball, ed.), it’s about your positio-ning on the field, creating pressure by your position, riding off which is when you are side by side to an opposing player and you try to push them off the line of the ball. Playing polo is like driving a car on the road. The line of the ball is the track of the ball that has been hit. Players can’t cross that line. That’s the basics of it! There is a whole book of rules which are interpreted dur-

ing matches by umpires. Fouls are given accordingly. They can be spot hits, hits from the centre of the pitch, 60 yard, 40 yard or 30 yard shots at goal. You need ideally four horses per match. There are four quarters in a polo match. (In the faster polo matches you normally have eight chukkas so that means alot more horses, ed.). Each of these quarters is called chukkas and each are 7.5 minutes long. If you think of the amount of time that it takes to prepare, feed, shoe, exercise your horses, it takes up a huge amount of time and effort. Most people have grooms to help with their horses because of this aspect of the sport. Therefore polo is a small sport; also in Ireland! We have about seven operating clubs in Ireland. And a few of the players are women. But it’s a incredible sport… Thank you to http://www.sportswomen. ie and Sharon Hutchinson for the article. Check the website out. LEARN MORE ABOUT POLO:

Photo: All Over Press


Women have always been handicapped under the same system as the men until recently. The highest a woman has ever reached in men’s handicaps is five goals and the current best female polo player in the world is a lady called Nina Clarkin who has a handicap of four goals. The highest handicap a man has ever reached is a ten goaler. It’s like pitting a champion female sprinter against Usain Bolt. Women are physically different to men, have slower reaction speeds, less strength etc. So women have to work twice as hard to achieve the same handicap statuses as men. Will there ever be a woman ten goaler? A new women’s handicapping system was launched in Argentina and the USA that allowed women to have their own separate handicaps that would be solely used for women’s tournaments. Nina Clarkin is nine goals in this system. To date there has been no woman who has reached ten goals in women’s handicaps.


Women’s polo is growing all over the world with more and more women taking up the sport. In Ireland we have only a couple of women who travel for international women’s tournaments. The first tournament myself and another Irish player Siobhan Herbst travelled to and played together in was in France in 2012 for the 1st French Ladies Open tournament. We came 3rd that year, losing in the semi-final and winning the subsidiary final. Since then I’ve been lucky enough to play in Spain, Malaysia, Germany and Australia with both women’s and men’s teams. I spent winter 2014 in New Zealand working on a polo farm with young polo ponies which was an excellent experience. I for one would love to see more girls and women playing polo. As we know Irish women in sport have skills. Look at our fantastic camogie players, the Irish Women’s rugby team etc. and what has been achieved by Irish sportwomen throughout the decades. Yours April Kent


SO THIS I Sport comes in all shapes and colors. Sport Executive presents Buzkashi. BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK They ride on horses. And they drag a goat carcass across a field to a marked circle or goal line. This is Buzkashi. The national sport and passion in Afghanistan and also played by several Central Asian ethnic groups such as Kyrgyz, Pashtuns, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Hazaras, Tajiks and Turkmens. It is a harsh sport – and a game could traditionally last for several days. But in its more regulated tournament version it lasted 90 minutes. There are few rules, but you cannot whip a fellow rider intentionally or deliberately knock him off his horse. Enjoy the photos – let the game begin. Photo: All Over Press


The ground has a square layout with each side 400 meters long. Each team consists of ten riders. Only five riders from each team can play in a half. The total duration of each half is 45 minutes. You play two halves. There is only one 15 minutes break between the two halves. The game is supervised by a referee.




BUZKASHI Nr. 1: Eugenie Bouchard, Canada, tennis. Nr. 4: Missy Franklin, USA, svømning. Nr. 9: Katarina Johnson-Thompson, Storbritannien, atletik. Nr. 15: Lexi Thompson, USA, golf. Nr. 18: Mikaela Shiffring, USA, alpin skisport. Nr. 19: Alex Morgan, USA, fodbold. Nr. 23: Lydia Ko, Sydkorea, golf. Nr. 27: Marianne Vos, Holland, cykling. Nr. 30: Caroline Wozniacki, Danmark, tennis. Nr. 34: Ronda Rousey, USA, ultimate fighting. Nr. 44: Saina Nehwal, Indian, badminton. Nr. 47: Jessica Springsteen, USA, ridning. Kilde: SportsPro Foto: All Over Press





Lord Herman Ouseley, Chair of Kick It Out, tells us about his concern about the rise in both hate crimes and incidents, the underlying problem of prejudice, and the vulnerability of football as extreme groups and individuals try to regain ground they previously occupied. Football cannot win the battle without external help involving the rest of society, similarly engaged, particularly through education. BY LORD HERMAN OUSELEY, KICK IT OUT

When the legendary football manager, Bill Shankly, referred to football being more important to the followers of the game than the harsh realities of life and death, he was merely highlighting the manic tribalism and emotional capital invested in the game by the fanatical supporters. Such passion and fervour has an upside in its commitment to club loyalty but can be disadvantageous when its excesses get out of hand as it did at times over the following six decades. In that time, football’s traumas have included the disasters and human tragedies such as occurred at Heysel, Bradford and Hillsborough, corruption scandals, especially involving FIFA, violence and racial harassment at matches, the contrasting resources between those in the Premier League and those clubs at the bottom of the pyramid, the wildly different experiences of foreign ownership of professional clubs and the endemic discrimination and exclusion prevalent in the sport at all levels. Football has been slow in generating meaningful action to change its deep root-



ed culture, especially with action necessary to deal effectively with unacceptable behaviour and attitudes. It has maintained a position of denial for much of the time when challenged about racism, sexism and homophobia. It has only, in recent years, shown signs of getting realistic in its attempts to deal with the discrimination and exclusion which blights its image, and has become conscious of how poorly it is judged on equality and fair treatment objectives and achievements. Overall there is still today an over-riding perception and peddled view, that football reflects the good, bad and ugly that exists in the wider society and the issues of diversity, inequalities, and deprivation have to be addressed by the wider society for real change to be visible in the “beautiful game”. While that has a resonance of the challenge we all have to face up to as members of the society, football cannot afford to let slip the moderate progress made in recent years to make the game truly inclusive, diverse and free from discrimination and harassment. The moderate progress made

to date must not feed a complacency that will allow extremism, hatred and nastiness to re-enter the game, which will happen if there is any easing up of action to create equality, diversity and inclusion. FOOTBALL ON THE FRONT LINE Kick It Out, football’s independent, charitable equality and diversity organisation, has positioned itself in the front line to tackle discrimination and exclusion in football. But that is largely because football is already on the front line, having to cope with the behaviour of football fans, players, administrators and officials. It works within football, serves all interests across the entirety of the game at all levels and works totally for the benefit of the game, in collaboration and partnership with all other bodies and agencies. It also works with community and voluntary organisations with similar objectives in tackling inequalities, prejudice and discrimination. One of the main obstacles to achieving community and social cohesion in the United Kingdom is the trend towards

Photo: All Over Press

COMMENT hate-related incidents, including hate crimes. This is not a new phenomenon. But is adequate action being taken by the different authorities to counter this trend across the whole of society? How does its manifestation feature within professional and grassroots football? And is the explosion of social media activities both a help in identifying the extent of hate-based communications, as well as being detrimental to the well-being of those who are being vilified and abused? There is a fundamental issue of prejudice infecting our society now, evidenced through the use of modern, instant communications with people exercising their rights to freedom of expression but using this to insult others without care or any sense of responsibility about the consequences. Each one of us has our individual prejudices which we keep largely private and, in most cases, we work hard to avoid discriminatory treatment and the abuse of others. However, there are too many who use their prejudices to show intolerance or even hatred towards people they do not like. Sometimes their actions amount to hate crimes, which can result in criminal proceedings but, more often than not, they lead to hurt feelings and discriminatory treatment, arousing fear and terror for the victims and disrupting social cohesion and harmonious community relations. DOMESTIC TERRORISM Our prejudices are learnt and acquired early in life from those who influence us with their own attitudes and opinions. They include parents, families, friends and educators as well as public pronouncements and commentaries. Prejudice and bias become potent when intensified with misinformation and ignorance which can lead to hatred driven by xenophobia, racism, sexism, antisemitism and homophobia. Additionally, there is intolerance and abuse shown towards disabled and elderly people and on the grounds of religion or belief. During the latter part of the last century



we witnessed and experienced widespread instances of “Paki bashing”, and some minority ethnic groups of people living in fear of “domestic terrorism”, in the form of racist attacks and harassment in many parts of the United Kingdom. Domestic violence was as awful then as it is today, with women and children being the most adversely affected. Nowadays, domestic and “modern day slavery” have added the dimensions of greed, exploitation and hatred to the atrocities inflicted on fellow human beings. At that time, the police and the rest of the criminal justice system were regarded as impotent in curbing the worst excesses of such atrocities. In more recent times, however, legislation and greater police awareness and sensitivity have led to prosecutions and convictions. But in spite of such positive developments, continuing prejudiced attitudes fuelled by bigotry, ignorance and misinformation, are leading to stereotyping and the demonization of some groups of people. The harsh reality is that perpetrators of hate-related incidents and hate crimes feel empowered to do as they wish, particularly when they believe they will get away with it. They must be challenged and punished or helped to change their attitudes and behaviour. In 2013, there were 44,480 recorded hate crimes across the country, with the vast majority being race related. However, the crime survey for 2013/14 suggests that fewer than one in six hate crimes is reported across all discriminatory sectors, with the true figure being around 300,000, on average more than 800 a day. Statistics for 2015 show that reports of violence, property damage, abuse and threats against the Jewish community have more than doubled over the course of 12 months, with the Community Security Trust (CST) revealing that there were 1,168 antisemitic incidents – the highest level in 30 years of monitoring. In 2014, many police forces were reporting violent hate crimes towards the LGBT community, clearly surpassing the number for the previous year. Crown Prosecution

Service data shows over 4,000 incidents of disability abuse since 2007. Muslims across the United Kingdom are consistently the target of hate crimes with clear spikes in the number of incidents following high-profile terrorist attacks in different parts of the world. INCREASE OF 38 PERCENT Kick It Out has been gathering evidence of discriminatory incidents in football over the past two decades and recently introduced a highly successful reporting app to enable people to register complaints in a speedy and confidential manner. Its collaborative work with all the agencies and authorities associated with football, at all levels, has been helping to tackle unacceptable behaviour and discriminatory conduct. Kick It Out’s 2014/15 end of season data reveals that 393 reported discriminatory incidents were handled by the organisation, an increase of 38 percent over the previous year; 180 of these were in the professional game with the rest at the grassroots and on social media platforms. Between 2012/13 and 2014/15 there has been a 647 percent increase in reported incidents to Kick It Out via social media. The majority of incidents are about racial abuse, 57 percent, 17 percent were antisemitic and 13 percent related to sexual orientation. Increasing levels of hate crimes and incidents point to a rise in people’s confidence to report these but also a rise in tensions and extremism. Football is trying to get to grips with this but more concerted efforts are needed from all political, religious, community, social, corporate and community leaders to help counter this phenomenon from taking even stronger roots in our diverse communities. EDUCATION IS THE KEY Education is the key to countering the worst effects of prejudice. Education programmes can help to change negative, hate related and discriminatory attitudes and behaviour of those people who are

Photo: All Over Press

COMMENT inclined to use their prejudices in detrimental ways towards others and education and training have the capacity to engender positive attitudes and open minds, particularly among young people. Much of our daily news coverage contains controversial headlines that point to increasing intolerance and community tensions. Most recently the focus has been anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-eastern European, anti-poor, anti-rich, radicalisation and much more. News coverage is vital to keep us informed but inflammatory headlines often do not reflect the truth or the whole picture. Yet this can influence fertile minds, many of which may already be filled with bias, ignorance and bigotry. Prejudice should be prioritised for action to counter its harmful effects; this will require leadership action from all influencers of opinion and attitudes as well as substantial and meaningful consideration for inclusion in policy development and implementation. Similarly, formal and public education should proactively tackle prejudice, bias, and bigotry as part of teaching, learning and news output pro-

Photo: Kick It Out


grammes for a modern, diverse 21st Century Britain. Without such concerted action, all those people already actively involved in tackling individual and group prejudices will continue to experience difficulty in meeting the challenges posed by this growing phenomenon. Getting standards of individual conduct better regulated has made an impact and will continue to have the desired effects. However, no matter how much football does to address the fundamentals of this problem, and it is trying to do so, the wider effects of what is going on in society with regard to inequality, prejudice and hatred will require leadership from central and local government, corporate organisations, charities, faith based and community organisations on a proportionate and practicable scale, which will bring undoubted benefits for our increasingly diverse population. MORE TO BE DONE Football authorities and agencies, including Kick It Out, are doing what they can

Lord Herman Ouseley is a British parliamentarian, who has run public authorities, including local councils and is an adviser and reviewer of public services organisations. Lord Ouseley has expertise in equality and diversity issues and is the Chairperson of several charitable organisations as well as being a Patron for dozens of organisations. He has been at the forefront of challenging institutional racism in organisations and is an advocate on behalf of individuals from disadvantaged and deprived backgrounds. Lord Herman Ouseley is chairman of Kick It Out.



within their regulatory frameworks and through working in partnership with the police, clubs and fans groups, all promoting standards of conduct, but there is still more to be done. Those in leadership positions must commit to action aimed at ensuring that everybody can live without the fear of harassment, abuse and violence. It is known that hate crimes are under-reported. A more concerted effort must be directed at developing a better understanding of the support and guidance required of and available to victims to ensure they have the confidence to come forward to report incidents. Above all, there is a need for a substantial commitment to and investment in time and resources including through formal and public education to help prevent hate crimes being committed in the first place. Kick It Out intends to be in the forefront of educating and informing within football and urges others to take up the challenge to do likewise, both for the benefit of football and for the whole of the United Kingdom.


Kick It Out is football’s equality and inclusion organisation. Based in Great Britain. Working throughout the football, educational and community sectors to challenge discrimination, encourage inclusive practices and campaign for positive change, the organisation is funded by The Football Association (FA), the Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA), the Premier League and the Football League. A small independent charity, the “Let’s Kick Racism Out of Football” campaign was established in 1993 in response to widespread calls from clubs, players and fans to tackle racist attitudes existing within the game. Kick It Out was then established as a body in 1997 as it widened out its objectives to cover all aspects of inequality and exclusion.

Photo: All Over Press


FOOTBALL IN THE SHADOWS OF ISLAM AND POLITICS Meet Ramzan Kadyrov – president and a lover of the beautiful game in Chechnya.

BY TOKE MØLLER THEILADE One minute was played of the Caucasian derby of the Russian Premier League between Terek Grozny from Chechnya and Anzhi Makhachkala from the neighbouring republic of Dagestan, when the TV viewers received a nice panorama view of the VIP box, where the Chechen president, Ramzan Kadyrov, was naturally enjoying the match. On Akhmat Arena, a stadium named after Akhmat Kadyrov, Ramzan’s father and Chechnya’s first president, Ramzan Kadyrov stood holding a cat to his chest. Standing with his cat and two bodyguards, Kadyrov could easily have played the role as the villain in a James Bond movie from the time when the Russians were still the number one enemy of her Majesty’s Secret Service. IN PUTIN’S BACKYARD Kadyrov practically inherited his power



after his father who was assassinated in 2004. Akhmat Kadyrov was one of the leaders of the separatist forces who fought against Russia in the First Chechen War between 1994 and 1996, but before the Second Chechen War in 1999 he switched allegiance as he pledged his support to Russia. He was later rewarded for his loyalty with the title as the president, a position he used to enforce pro-Kremlin policies, while he also attempted to rebuild the war-torn Chechnya. Ramzan Kadyrov has in many ways continued his father’s work during the now eight years he has been in office. Kadyrov has spent exorbitant amounts of roubles on rebuilding especially Grozny, where he among other things built a top modern football stadium and finished the construction of the Akhmat Kadyrov Mosque his father started. Kadyrov has now

removed all signs of the terrible wars around Grozny, and one of the best examples of this is the football club Terek Grozny. The rebuilding of Chechnya has been done in close collaboration with Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, who has granted Kadyrov almost unlimited freedom and financial support in his mission of stabilizing the area. To do so Kadyrov has established a strict religious ruling that aims to follow the rules of Islam. Chechnya is primarily populated by Sunni Muslims, and in 2010 Kadyrov expressed his support for a group of vigilantes who attacked women who weren’t following the Islamic dress codes, with paintball guns stating on public television that they should be awarded with medals. There have also been plenty of reports about opposition politicians, activists and journalists who have

Photo: All Over Press


disappeared, and Kadyrov is often heavily criticized by human rights organisations working in the area. A year before the paintball attacks, Kadyrov imposed a law that made it mandatory for women working in the public sector to dress according to Islamic codes, and for school girls to wear the traditional kerchiefs. If they failed to do so, they would be kicked out of their job or education program. He has furthermore been accused of having his private army of socalled kadyrovtsy’s helping the separatists in the war in the Eastern part of Ukraine. A SYMBOL OF THE STATE Since Terek was promoted to the Russian Premier League in 2008 it has worked as a symbol of the new and stabile Chechnya Kadyrov has built. The club put itself on the Russian football map when it was the first team from outside Moscow or St. Petersburg to win the Russian Cup in 2004, and since then billions of roubles have been invested in the club. “In Chechnya the club serves as an important symbol of the reconstruction of Grozny, and Chechnya as a whole,” Manuel Veth, who has recently finished his PhD on the economics and politics of football in the Soviet and post-Soviet space, and furthermore is the editor in chief at, told me. “Also the club is often used by the Russian government as a showcase of stability, although that is a bit of a mirage, in the Caucasus region.” Kadyrov’s desire to show of the stability in Grozny has however been challenged by many fans of the bigger clubs in the north, who have from time to time boycotted away trips to both Terek and Anzhi, claiming they were not safe. Tensions between Slavic Russians and Muslim Russians from Caucasus are high, something that is best illustrated in the riots and demonstrations that emerged in Russia’s biggest cities following the murder of Spartak Moscow



fan Egor Sviridov that was committed by a group of migrants from the Caucasus republics. When Kadyrov became the president of Chechnya he also became the president of Terek, as the club is controlled and financed by the government of Chechnya. “Ramzan Kadyrov is Terek Grozny,” Manuel Veth says. “It is through the financial assets of the government of Chechnya that the club can be competitive at all, and with Kadyrov as the president of the Republic of Chechnya the club has unequalled access to money,” Manuel Veth continues. FRIENDS WITH CELEBRITIES Some of the Russian roubles have been invested in Terek’s stadium, a stadium with a total price of around 280 million US dollars. The construction work wasn’t without its controversies, as many workers claimed they were been forced to work for free on the construction through threats. Most of them were even expected to bring their own food and pay for their transportation. When the ground was opened in 2011 Kadyrov invited a team of world stars to face off his own all-star team where he featured together with the legendary Russian goalkeeper Rinat Dasayev among others. On the opposing team legends like Diego Maradona, Luis Figo and Franco Baresi played. Kadyrov has for a long time been known for getting international celebrities to Chechnya, and only three months before the opening of Akhmat Arena took part in an exhibition football game against a Brazilian all-star team, with World Cup winners like Romario, Dunga, Bebeto and Cafu. Kadyrov himself took the field in long pants like an African goalkeeper from the 1990s as he captained his team, and even though he scored twice he couldn’t save his native squad from losing 6-4 to the famous guests. At the same time Terek Grozny was

coached by the 1987 Balon d’Or winner and 1988 European Champion, Ruud Gullit, who was however sacked six months and only three victories later for his ‘party lifestyle’. AN UNCONTROLLABLE MAD DOG The many celebrity appearances in the poor Russian region have contributed greatly to what some people refer to as a persona cult that surrounds Kadyrov. Combined with Kadyrov’s strict religious rulings he has become quite popular around Chechnya despite his, to put it mildly, un-democratic and human rights hostile governance. Kadyrov stepped down as president of Terek Grozny in 2011, but he remains the honorary president of the club. This way UEFA cannot accuse him of mixing politics and football with his double role, but despite his resignation he is still very much involved with Terek Grozny, and he is seen at most home matches. Kadyrov, and Russia, have spent a lot of money on stabilizing Chechnya, and especially Grozny can today be deemed a safe city. The same, however, can not be said about the rest of the Chechen republic that is still poor, underdeveloped and war-torn, and Kadyrov’s methods has earned him a reputation around Russia and the rest of the world as an un-controllable mad dog. He is suspected to be implicated in the murder of the Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, an d he has almost established a state within a state with Grozny, where he showed that he is able to go against the rules of the Russian Federation, latest in the spring when he allowed a Chechen police chief to take a second wife despite the fact that polygamy is illegal in Russia. At the moment he is considered a necessary evil, and thus the billions keep flowing, which Terek Grozny can continue to exploit. So in Grozny football and politics do mix.

Photo: All Over Press


SOAP OPERA AT FIFA-STRASSE Could Francois Carrard be the man to reform FIFA? Or is the reform committee only strong on platitudes? You will get the answer on 26 February 2016. BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK “This man has been unfairly treated. And if we talk about corruption… I have the whole U.S. proceedings on my table. In the indictment, there is not one word against him (Sepp Blatter, ed.). Nothing.” These words came out of Francois Carrard’s mouth in the Swiss newspaper La Matin Dimanche. And the Swiss lawyer, former director general of the International Olympic Committee and now appointed to lead FIFA’s Reform Commission, continues: “The world football’s crisis only involved a few rogues.” This is the man who shall shall fight decades of corruption, nepotism, sexism, homophobia and human abuse in the world of football! He is the independent chair of FIFA’s 13-person reform committee. The rest come from the continental federations… The committee held its first meeting 2-3 September in Berne where they – according to Francois Carrard - enjoyed two days of “intense and fruitful” discussions. But any insight as into what had been discussed? No. “We are not at the stage of the proposals, we have covered, studied, reviewed and exchanged opinions on all areas,” Francois Carrard states – according to international media. However Carrard will have to offer a preliminary update on potential reforms to



the FIFA Executive Committee at its meeting on 24-25 September. And the final proposals to the FIFA Congress on 26 February 2016 in Zürich. Whether it will be pure cosmetics or real

”The institution is not corrupt.” “There is no corruption in football, there is corruption with individuals.” “I am sure people are realizing that the job I have done in FIFA is a good job.” “I have my conscience and I know I’m an honest man.” “I am clean.” “I am not a worried man.” Sepp Blatter reforms we don’t know? But according to experts there is no sign on the horizon for reforms in FIFA. The committee is too dependent on Sepp Blatter and the old boys´ network. According to Transparency International (IT), a global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption worldwide, an independent panel

of stakeholders rather than FIFA itself should be responsible for a clean-up in the scandal-ridden organisation. But that is not going to happen… Instead you have to let the clean and honest Sepp Blatter lead the way towards an extraordinary congress held on 26 February 2016. The man in charge of FIFA since 1981 as a general secretary and president… The next meeting of the 2016 FIFA Reform Committee is scheduled to be held 16-18 October in Berne. And in Berne, yes, so the 2016 FIFA Reform Committee can be independent of FIFA… READ MORE: publication/give_back_the_game_how_to_ fix_fifa


Chairman: Francois Carrard. Members: Ahmad Al-Sabah (AFC), Alasdair Bell (UEFA), Sarai Bareman (OFC), Mai Chen (OFC), Samir Gandhi (Concacaf), Kevan Gosper (AFC), Gianni Infantino (UEFA), Victor Montagliani (Concacaf), Hany Abo Rida (CAF), Constant Selemani (CAF), Wilmar Valdez (Conmebol) and Gorka Villar (Conmebol).

Photo: All Over Press


THE MAN ON THE BENCH Domenico Scala is proposing an eight-point plan to reform FIFA. But will he ever come onto the pitch?

BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK Francois Carrard is the man in charge of the reform process in FIFA. The man fighting decades of corruption in the world of football! But Domenico Scala will also reform FIFA. The Swiss-Italian was in appointed chairman of FIFA’s independent Audit and Compliance Committee May 2012. On 10 September 2015 Domenico Scala released his plan for reforms. Eight points with a mix of more rigorous integrity checks, terms limit for all senior personel, disclosure of precise compensation,

already-approved revised World Cup bidding rules, new rules for election of the Executive Committee and so on. Domenico Scala’s plan is largely in line with what governance experts have been suggesting. But in the real world Domenico Scala is powerless: Because Mr. Scala’s plan must first be considered by FIFA’s special task force on reforms; Mr. Carrard’s committee. Therefore Domenico Scala insisted on 10 September: “I am happy to feed into Carrard’s process”.

“It is absolutely my function to make views known. I have made a very stringent report about what the issues are and how they need to be addressed. If FIFA does not move, public opinion will not change,” he says – while he stressed: “Mr. Carrard and the reform group have my full support.” So Domenico Scala still hopes he at some point before February 2016 are coming on the pitch. He is probably the only one who thinks it will ever happen...


1 . Enhanced and centralised integrity checks. 2. Introduction of Term limits. 3. Direct election of FIFA Executive Committee members by the Congress. 4. Disclosure of individual compensations. 5. Increased efficiency and enhanced independence of Standing Committees. 6. Higher governance standards. 7. Revised World Cup bidding rules and procedures. 8. Improvements regarding FIFA’s organisation and structure.



Photo: All Over Press



And the winner is Michel Platini… BY LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK FIFA is going to get a new President on 26 February 2016. Sport Executive presents the candidates. Photo: All Over Press

MICHEL PLATINI Born: 21 June 1955 in France. Job: President, UEFA.

Photo: All Over Press

CHUNG MONG-JOON Born: 17 October 1951 in South Korea. Job: Businessman and former vice president, FIFA.



Photo: All Over Press

PRINCE ALI BIN AL HUSSEIN Born: 23 December 1975 in Jordan. Job: Chairman of Jordan’s Football Federation.

Photo: All Over Press

SEGUN ODEGBAMI Born: 27 August 1952 in Nigeria. Job: Author, journalist, football commentator and former player.


The election will take place 26 February 2016. 209 member federations can vote. Candidates have a deadline, 26 October 2015, to apply for the position. A candidate should have five nominations from national associations to seek the position as president.

Photo: Liberia Football Federation

MUSA BILITY Born: 6 April 1967 in Liberia. Job: President of Liberia Football Association.

Photo: Private

DAVID NAKHID Born: 15 May 1964 in Trinidad and Tobago. Job: Director at an international football school and former player.


For the election of the FIFA President, two-thirds of the votes of the members present and eligible to vote are necessary in the first ballot. In the second and any other requisite ballot, a simple majority (more than 50 %) of the valid votes cast is sufficient. If there are more than two candidates for the office of FIFA President, whoever obtains the lowest number of votes is eliminated as from the second ballot until only two candidates are left.

Photo: All Over Press

ARTHUR ANTUNES COIMBRA (ZICO) Born: 3 March 1953 in Brazil. Job: Football manager and former player.

Photo: All Over Press

THE DARK HORSE, JEROME VALCKE Born: 6 October 1960 in France. Job: Secretary general, FIFA.


BLOGPRISEN 2015 Aros Business Academy kårer hvert år Danmarks bedste blogs. En af de nominerede i 2015 er Sport Executives blog. Det er vi glade og stolte over – og vi håber da, at du stemmer netop på vores blog. Der er frist til 29. oktober. Tanken bag ’Blogprisen’ er at anerkende de bedste af danske bloggere.





Når idræt gør en forskel Idræt er meget mere end bare sved på panden. Læs reportagen om idræt og sind.

Nummer 7, september 2015

Foto: All Over Press


NÅR IDRÆTTEN ER ET FRIKVARTER FRA TANKERNE Hvert år samles knap 300 mennesker med psykiske vanskeligheder fra hele landet på Vejle Idrætshøjskole i tre dage for at konkurrere i al slags idræt. Festivalen har altid været en pejling for, hvordan idrætten har det for en målgruppe, hvor idrætten er meget mere end bare sved på panden. Reportage fra 20 års festival for sindet.

AF MIKKEL BOCK BONNESEN ”For pokker, det er hårdt,” siger Tom Jul Pedersen, da han løber forbi under crossløbet i Nørreskoven. Han er ved at nå toppen af den længste bakke og ser et øjeblik ud, som om han er ved at bukke under, da han stærkt foroverbøjet slæber sig op af den stejleste del af skoven i Vejle. Men i mål kommer han, faktisk blandt de første i den krævende disciplin. Det er langt fra første gang, at 53-årige Tom Jul Pedersen fra Aarhus deltager i festivalen, faktisk er han den deltager i år, som har været med næst flest gange – 19 gange er det blevet til. ”Jeg føler mig hjemme her og velkommen. Det er en lille landsby. Jeg kender mange i forvejen nu – det er nærmest en lille familie,” siger Tom Jul Pedersen. Det sociale spiller en stor rolle på festivalen – men hvor det tidligere har været det dominerende, og måske lidt for hyggeligt og omsorgsfuldt, så er der nu fuldt tryk på med triatlon, mountainbike, crossfit og altså det kuperede løb i skoven, som indleder festivalen. ”Det der cross-løb er rigtig godt, det er



ekstremt. Det er godt, at man skubber lidt til grænserne, at man prøver noget nyt,” mener Tom Jul Pedersen. I år bliver der også dyrket lidt mere klassiske idrætsgrene, som fodbold, volleyball og svømning, men ifølge næstformand i Danmarks Idrætsforbund (DIF), Preben Staun, som var med til at starte festivalen tilbage i 1994, er der sket noget. ”Jeg har løbende fulgt festivalen og kan se, at den har udviklet sig meget. Overliggeren er blevet sat højere og højere, så man på det idrætslige har hævet sig op, så det ikke kun er et spørgsmål om bare at bevæge sig. Der er kommet et stærkere idrætsligt sigte på det også,” siger Preben Staun og bakkes op af Mogens Damgaard, forbundsledelsesmedlem i Dansk Arbejder Idrætsforbund og redaktør på festivalavisen næsten alle årene. ”Før i tiden så vi nogle gange, at folk var ved at kollapse og knap nok kunne noget resten af ugen, efter at de havde gået 1,8 kilometer ved åbningsceremonien.” ET FRIKVARTER FRA TANKERNE I dag arrangerer DAI festivalen med støtte

fra DIF og Trygfonden, samt en gruppe frivillige, som lægger et stort stykke arbejde i at få dagene til at fungere. Deltagerne har typisk psykiske vanskeligheder som for eksempel depression, skizofreni eller angst, og derfor kan det være en stor overvindelse at komme på festivalen, hvor man skal omgås mange mennesker helt tæt på, som i øvrigt måske også har deres at slås med. Men her kan idrætten noget helt særligt. ”Jeg har mange tanker, og dem får jeg en pause fra gennem idrætten – et frikvarter. Jeg har det langt bedre nu end for fire år siden, da jeg kom her første gang, og jeg er meget glad for fællesskabet,” fortæller 22-årige Nanna Bargholz, der er taget til Vejle fra et bosted i Måløv nær København. Ifølge Sundhedsstyrelsen dør mennesker med psykiske vanskeligheder 15-20 år tidligere end gennemsnitbefolkningen, og det skyldes blandt andet livsstilssygdomme, som et mere aktivt liv kan være med til at forebygge. Fysisk aktivitet bliver da også i stigende grad brugt som behandling i psykiatrien, fordi det har en masse positive sideeffekter som sundere livsstil, nye venner og

Foto: Mikkel Bock Bonnesen

IDRÆT OG SIND mere selvtillid. Nanna Bargholz deltager på åbningsdagen i fodboldturneringen, og hun får i det hele taget ikke mange stille stunder undervejs i de tre dage, festivalen varer. ”Det kan godt være hårdt – det er ikke særlig meget frihed til at ligge og slappe af. Men det er en meget god øvelse at komme ud, ikke have sit eget værelse og have mange ting at se til. Jeg er helt bombet, når jeg kommer hjem torsdag, og jeg skal også sove i bussen på vej hjem, men til gengæld er jeg helt glad i låget”, siger Nanna Bargholz. TRÆNER ÅRET RUNDT I forlængelse af Idrætsfestivalen blev indsatsen ’Idræt for Sindet’ startet op i 1996. I dag, knap tyve år senere er ’Idræt for Sindet’ aktiv i 63 danske kommuner, hvor der er idrætstilbud til mennesker med psykiske vanskeligheder. I mange af kommunerne er der såkaldte IFS-foreninger, som fungerer som normale idrætsforeninger, og hvor psykisk sårbare driver foreningerne gennem bestyrelsesarbejde og arbejde som instruktører. Undtagelsen er dog som regel, at der også er brug for støtte fra kommunen i form af en idrætskoordinator, som kan støtte foreningen, når bestyrelsen for eksempel har en dårlig periode. ”Idrætsfestivalen afspejler den udvikling, der



har været på idrætsområdet i psykiatrien. Vi se, at folk træner i idrætsforeningerne året rundt og bliver bedre og bedre,” siger Mogens Damgaard fra DAI. ’Idræt for Sindet’ drives i dag af DAI og kører med støtte fra offentlige satspuljemidler og Danmarks Idrætsforbund. En af de store udfordringer for målgruppen er nemlig, at de ofte kan have rigtig svært ved at falde til i for eksempel en almindelig fodboldklub, fordi de psykiske vanskeligheder bliver for stor en barriere i forhold til bl.a. det sociale og det at møde stabilt op til træningen. ”I mine øjne har ’Idræt for Sindet’ meget stor betydning for en masse mennesker, som får øjnene op for, at de også kan dyrke idræt, og at de også godt kan være en del af vores fællesskab. Det er her, at ’Idræt for Sindet’, de idrætsforeninger, der kommer op rundt omkring, og det arbejde, som DAI laver, har betydning. Vores opgave er også at være noget for nogle særlige målgrupper og ikke kun for dem, der opsøger idrætten af sig selv,” siger Preben Staun fra DIF. OPTIMISME FOR FREMTIDEN For et par år siden var festivalen ved at lukke, fordi hverken økonomien eller deltagerne var der. Men de seneste par år er bøtten vendt, og festivalen har kunnet melde udsolgt et par måneder før åbningen. Samtidigt er det de seneste par år lykkes at

fordoble antallet af unge, så der nu er cirka 100 deltagere mellem 18 og 25 år. ”Jeg har altid været optimistisk, og vi har så meget at have den optimisme i fremadrettet. Der er simpelthen ikke råd til at lukke festivalen, når man kigger på, hvilken kæmpe forskel festivalen gør for deltagerne for forholdsvis beskedne beløb,” siger Mogens Damgaard. Men det kræver, at der kommer penge udefra, da deltagerne ofte er på kontanthjælp eller pension og ikke har råd til at betale så meget, som festivalen reelt koster. Hos Danmarks Idrætsforbund er man også helt bevidste om idrætsfestivalens værdi og ser gerne, at indsatsen fortsætter. ”Jeg håber på, at vi kan blive ved med at motivere nogle til at lave det store stykke arbejde, som det drejer sig om. Det er en målgruppe, hvor der skal komme nogle udefra og få sat det her op. Og her håber jeg også på, at DIF i fremtiden kan være en del af det og sammen med DAI finde midler til, at idrætsfestivalen kan lade sig gøre,” siger Preben Staun. Blandt deltagerne er der da heller ingen planer om at slippe idrætsfestivalen foreløbigt. ”Jeg kommer de næste 20 år – også selv om jeg måske sidder i rullestol til den tid, men så må jeg jo dyrke kuglestød og krolf,” griner Tom Jul Pedersen.

Foto: Mikkel Bock Bonnesen


VI SKAL HAVE FLERE KVINDER MED I TOPPEN AF DANSK IDRÆT Selvfølgelig vil kvinder gerne stilles op, vælges, uddannes og gøre karriere. Lotte Büchert fra DIF og Pia Holmen fra Dansk Svømmeunion stiller skarpt på ’kønskampen’ i idrættens verden – og ikke mindst de nødvendige nuancer i debatten.

AF LOTTE BÜCHERT OG PIA HOLMEN Som henholdsvis bestyrelsesmedlem i DIF, mangeårig formand i Dansk Petanque Forbund og direktør for DIFs næststørste specialforbund, Dansk Svømmeunion, har vi med interesse fulgt den evigt tilbagevendende debat i medierne om idrættens manglende ligestilling. Når man har været med i gamet længe nok, kan det ikke overraske, at debatten dukker op fra tid til anden. Faktuelt er der jo heller ikke meget at komme efter, idrættens top er domineret af mænd. Det gælder ledere, trænere og dommere. Men hvorfor er det altid mænd eller forskere, som interviewes, og som gør sig kloge på manglen på kvindelige ledere, trænere og dommere? Hvorfor spørger I ikke os, der rent faktisk g jorde det. Fik fremtrædende poster og job i dansk idræt? Vi har gode historier at fortælle, om men-



torer, om ligestillingsprojekter, kvinder med benhårde ambitioner og en vilje til at gå hele vejen. Og vi er så trætte af mændenes og til tider forskernes historie om, at kvinderne jo alligevel ikke gider, mangler ambitioner og i øvrigt hellere vil passe deres børn. Da DIF i 2007 lancerede sit treårige projekt ’Kvinder på toppen’, hvis formål var at få flere kvinder på idrættens poster indenfor bestyrelser, trænere, ledere og dommere - et projekt, som vi nu kan forstå anses for at have været en fiasko - gik Dansk Svømmeunions bestyrelse med formanden i front ind i projektet. Projektet var helt klart med til at initiere, at bestyrelsen i Dansk Svømmeunion siden da kontinuerligt har haft tre kvindelige medlemmer (ud af otte i alt). Vi har sågar en kvindelig næstformand. Da projektet begyndte, havde der ikke været et kvindeligt bestyrelsesmedlem

i årevis. Til gengæld var der en kvindelig direktør, og hun havde haft en god mentor i tidernes morgen – nemlig en tidligere formand i forbundet. Alene den opmærksomhed, der var omkring projektet skabte synlige muligheder for kvindelige talenter i svømmemiljøerne - og de greb den! ’Kvinder på toppen’-projektet introducerede også en mentorordning, og i denne ordning fik DIFs nuværende bestyrelsesmedlem en mentor i Dansk Svømmeunions formand. Han var en fremragende coach, mente det alvorligt, og han var drivkraften bag hendes kandidatur til DIFs bestyrelse. Et kandidatur, som hele Dansk Svømmeunions bestyrelse endte med at bakke op om. En ganske unik historie om en dygtig kvinde, der bare lige skulle have det sidste skub: Gå efter det! Der var kampvalg, og hun blev valgt. Og det var også historien

Foto: Adidas

om, at det ikke handler om at repræsentere et lille eller stort forbund, det handler om at finde de rette personer til de rette poster, det være sig kvinde, mand, ung eller gammel. Dansk Svømmeunions bestyrelse har på ingen måde glemt ’Kvinder på toppen’. De penge, som forbundet vandt for at være pioner i projektet, er gået til et nyt projekt i Dansk Svømmeunion, i øvrigt i samarbejde med DIF og flere andre forbund: ’Empowerment af kvindelige trænere’. Projektet lever dermed videre. For selv om ledelsen i Dansk Svømmeunion er blevet meget mere mangfoldig (unge ledere, både mænd og kvinder), så har vi stadig en udfordring, hvad angår kvindelige elitetrænere. Det er vi helt på det rene med, men vi savner anerkendelse af, at der rent faktisk sker noget. Her mangler journalister og forskere indsigt.

EN ANELSE MERE NUANCERET Vi har med udgangspunkt i DIF’s medlemstal fra 2014 undersøgt, hvordan kønsfordelingen i aldersgruppen 19 år – 60+ er i DIF i ni specialforbund (se boks 1. red.). Hvis vi sammenholder denne analyse med antallet af bestyrelsesmedlemmer i DIF og i de udvalgte ni specialforbund, så kan vi få et fingerpeg om, hvorvidt kønsfordelingen afspejler DIFs medlemmer. Kvinder bør ikke vælges eller udpeges, fordi de er kvinder, men derimod fordi idrættens bestyrelser og ledelser bør afspejle kønsfordelingen i de forskellige idrætter. Vi skal være sikre på, at alles interesser bliver varetaget, så vi sikrer mangfoldighed og inklusion. I den næste statistik (se boks 2, red.) har vi undersøgt antallet af medlemmer i bestyrelserne i de ovennævnte specialforbund, og vi har undersøgt kønsfordelingen.

Tallene viser, at billedet er en anelse mere nuanceret end de konklusioner, som på det seneste er lavet: At der mangler kvindelige ledere i toppen af dansk idræt. Golf har en fin repræsentation af begge køn, som afspejler medlemsfordelingen. Det samme gør sig gældende i skøjteløb. I gymnastik har man til gengæld nået en næsten ligelig fordeling af mænd og kvinder i bestyrelsen, og i fodbold står det ej heller så slemt til, da 13 procent kvindelig repræsentation i bestyrelsen passer udmærket med medlemstallet. Derudover er det vigtigt at huske på, at netop fodbold har en mere kompliceret organisationsstruktur bygget op om lokalunioner og regioner, og her bør der også kigges på, hvordan kønssammensætningen er, inden der drages forhastede ligestillingskonklusioner. Til gengæld er det interessant at studere softball, som har

KOMMENTAR overrepræsentation af kvinder, så her burde flere mænd vælges ind i bestyrelsen for at sikre ligestillingen. DIFs bestyrelse kan også forsvares, men endnu en kvinde ville ikke skade statistikken. Tallene viser imidlertid også, at vi i DIF og specialforbundene fortsat bør have fokus på at få rekrutteret flere kvinder, hvis vi ønsker at være mangfoldige. Vi anerkender, at kvinder er vanskelige at rekruttere, fordi traditionelt er idrætten ledelsesmæssigt mandsdomineret, og adskillige idrætsgrene appellerer nok mere til mænd end kvinder. Derfor er det naturligt for mændene at fortsætte ledervejen, når sportskarrieren lægges på hylden. Denne argumentation understøttes af, som det kan ses af ovenstående analyse, at de forbund, som er typiske kvindeidrætsgrene: Skøjteløb og gymnastik for blot at nævne nogle stykker, traditionelt har været overrepræsenteret af kvindelige ledere, trænere og dommere. Selvfølgelig vil kvinder gerne stilles op, vælges, uddannes og gøre karriere, men forbundene skal, som Dansk Svømmeunion, gøre en indsats for at spotte dem, prikke dem, udvikle dem, tro på dem og give dem


plads - ikke mindst. Debatten bør dog ikke kun fokusere på manglen på kvinder, for vi mangler i den grad også unge samt ledere med anden etnisk baggrund. LÆN DIG IKKE TILBAGE Desuden er der flere områder end idrætten, hvor manglen på kvinder er tydeligt - se på VL grupper, bestyrelserne i erhvervslivet med mere. Vi har i idrætten kvindelige direktører for specialforbund i DIF - senest gymnastik - og også i Team Danmark. Vi tror på, at kvinderne nok skal komme, da det senmoderne samfund viser, at flere og flere kvinder dominerer de lange videregående uddannelser, og det betyder, at de også vil komme til at få plads i ledelser, bestyrelser med mere. inden for de næste ti år. Derfor skal vi imidlertid ikke læne os tilbage - tværtimod! Men kære journalister og forskere, I skal være bedre til at researche og være mere nuanceret. Og kære mandlige idrætsledere, lad nu være med hele tiden at bruge argumentet: Kvinderne vil ikke, eller vi skal vel ikke vælges ind eller vælges til, fordi vi er kvinder. Nej, men kig nu i spejlet, og gør op

med jer selv, om ikke bestyrelses- og topposter også kan gives til kvinder, fordi de rent faktisk har kompetencerne. Med andre ord: drop undskyldningerne og bare kom i gang. OM SKRIBENTERNE: Lotte Büchert er bestyrelsesmedlem i DIF og tidligere formand for Dansk Petanque Forbund.

Foto: Privat

Pia Holmen er direktør i Dansk Svømmeunion.

Foto: Privat


KØNSFORDELINGEN BLANDT MEDLEMMER 19-60+ I DIF OG NI AF DIFS SPECIALFORBUND Specialforbund Medlemmer 19 år – 60+ Kvinder Mænd Badminton 56062 17427 = 31% 38635 = 69% Gymnastik 76064 53547 = 70% 22517 = 30% Fodbold 114758 15106 = 13% 99652 = 87% Golf 143465 48028 = 33% 95437 = 67 % Håndbold 33492 16976 = 51% 16513 = 49% Svømning 38654 24507 = 63% 14147= 37 % Petanque 3104 1346 = 43% 1758 = 57% Softball 419 158 = 38% 261 = 62 % Skøjteløb 250 190 = 76% 60 = 24% DIF 441778 185195 = 42% 256583 = 58%

ANTAL MEDLEMMER I BESTYRELSERNE I DIF OG NI AF DIFS SPECIALFORBUND Specialforbund Antal medlemmer i bestyrelsen Kvinder Mænd Badminton 14 1 = 7% 13 = 93% Gymnastik 13 7 = 54% 6 = 47% Fodbold 16 1 = 6% 15 = 94% Golf 7 3 = 43% 4 = 57 % Håndbold 12 1 = 8% 11 = 92% Svømning 8 3 = 37% 5 = 63 % Petanque 9 2 = 22% 7 = 78% Softball 7 5 = 71% 2 = 29 % Skøjteløb 5 4 = 80% 1 = 20% DIF 10 3 = 30% 7 = 70%


71 % af formændene i DGI’s idrætsforeningers bestyrelser er mænd – 29 % er kvinder. 66 % af næstformændene er mænd – 34 % kvinder. 51 % af de adspurgte i DGI’s undersøgelse om ’køn’ er enige i, at kvinder i højere grad end mænd bidrager med bløde værdier. 49 % er enige i, at kvinder i højere grad end mænd vægter det sociale liv i foreningerne. DGI’s hovedbestyrelse oplyser, at man gerne ser en yngre kvinde af anden etnisk baggrund opstille ved næste hovedbestyrelses-valg. Kilde: Udspil


93 % af topposterne i de 54 største børsnoterede danske virksomheder er besat af mænd – 7 % af kvinder. Blandt de administrerende direktører i disse 54 virksomheder hedder fire Anders – akkurat det samme antal, som der er administrerende direktører med kvindenavne. Kilde: Jyllands-Posten


DET ANGÅR KUN DIG ”Vi har nu det, vi kalder for et konkurrencesamfund, hvor velfærdssamfundet godt nok ikke forsvinder, men bliver til noget, der angår det enkelte menneske. Vi kommer ind i en ny slags konkurrence, som stresser os hele tiden, fordi vi skal overleve, skynde os og konkurrere med hele verden. I samme tidsrum bliver vi også sundhedsmæssige stressede, fordi vi konstant får at vide, hvor vigtigt det er, at vi hele tiden sørger for at bevæge os og holde os sunde.” Henning Eichberg, professor emeritus ved Center for forskning i Idræt, Sundhed og Civilsamfund, til Kristeligt Dagblad.



Foto: All Over Press



Jorden skælver stadig under CAS.

AF LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK Sportens internationale retssystem kan snart være fortid. Det er den tyske skøjteløber Claudia Pechstein, der har placeret den tikkende bombe under sportens uafhængige retssystem, hvis dømmende myndighed er Court of Arbitration for Sport, CAS. Claudia Pechstein afleverede unormale blodværdier i februar 2009 og blev efterfølgende idømt to års karantæne. Men den dom accepterede skøjteløberen ikke. Derfor anlagde hun sag mod det internationale skøjteforbund, ISU, ved den tyske Landsret (Oberlandesgericht München , red.). Den sag vandt Claudia Pechstein 15. januar 2015, men efterfølgende har ISU appelleret dommen til den tyske Højesteret (Bundesgerichtshof, red.). Dermed syntes kampen tabt for Pechstein, fordi hendes privatøkonomi ikke længere kunne holde til den opslidende tur igennem retssystemet. Men donationer fra private (30.000 euro, red.), den internationale spillerforening i fodbold, FIFPro, og det tyske politiforbund (Pechstein er politibetjent, red.) har nu sikret de 70.000 euro, der skal til for at føre sagen hele vejen igennem det tyske



retssystem. Ifølge Claudia Pechstein et nødvendigt initiativ, fordi atleters retssikkerhed er ikke eksisterende i sportens retssystem. OPSLIDENDE JURIDISKE SLAG En påstand, flere eksperter og altså Landsretten i Tyskland også giver Claudia Pechstein ret i. ”Internationale sportsorganisationer er monopoler. De har en afgørende indflydelse på, hvem der rent faktisk dømmer i CAS. Eller med andre ord: De kontrollerer markedet. Man kan sige, at Landsretten har identificeret to grundlæggende problemer i sportens retssystem: Den tvungne voldgift i CAS og manglen på uafhængighed i retssystemet,” har Antoine Duval, senior researcher og jurist med speciale i sportsret på Asser Institute, Centre for International & European Law i Holland, tidligere forklaret til Sport Executive. Derfor er Claudia Pechsteins kamp principiel: ”Uanset om Pechstein vinder eller ej, så må sportsorganisationerne og CAS reformere det juridiske system. Det er kun

et spørgsmål om tid. Den manglende uafhængighed vil hjemsøge CAS,” har Antoine Duval sagt med fortsættelsen: ”Hvis Claudia Pechstein får medhold i Højesteret, så er CAS’ domme ikke gældende i Tyskland og formentlig heller ikke i hele EU. Men selvfølgelig kan CAS og de internationale sportsorganisationer fortsætte, som om intet var hændt. Men deres domme vil jo i princippet ikke havde nogen effekt.” ”Det betyder nemlig, at dommene i CAS ikke længere vil kunne blokere for sagsanlæg fra atleter og klubber. Vel at mærke sagsanlæg i det almindelige borgerlige juridiske system. Det betyder selvfølgelig ikke, at atleterne vil vinde disse sagsanlæg, men disse sager vil køre i systemet, og det vil blive lange og opslidende sager. Og det er jo et meget farligt perspektiv for de internationale sportsorganisationer,” har Antoine Duval erklæret. Claudia Pechstein kræver 4.404.126,09 euro i skadeserstatning af ISU. Hvornår sagen kommer for Højesteret vides endnu ikke.

Foto: All Over Press



CLAUDIA PECHSTEIN Født 22. februar 1972 i Berlin, daværende Østtyskland. Ansat i det tyske politi. Den mest succesrige hurtigløber på skøjter ved OL. Vinder af 5 guld-, 2 sølv- og 2 bronzemedaljer ved OL. Blev i juli 2009 spærret i to år af det internationale skøjteløberforbund, ISU. Fordi hun i februar 2009 havde unormale blodværdier, der kan være tegn på bloddoping. HVIS DU VIL VIDERE: Claudia Pechstein: Von Gold und Blut – Mein Leben zwischen Olymp und Hölle. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, november 2010.

Court of Arbitration for Sport er i princippet en faglig voldgiftsret. Atleter, klubber og så videre er i princippet tvunget til at underkaste sig sportens eget juridiske system – og dermed i princippet forhindret i at få sagerne prøvet i det almindelige borgerlige retssystem. CAS blev oprettet i 1983. Dommerne udpeges efter følgende retningslinjer: 4 udpeges af de internationale sportsorganisationer. 4 udpeges af de nationale olympiske komitéer. 4 udpeges af IOC. De 12 ovennævnte udpeger yderligere 4 dommere. De 16 ovennævnte udpeger yderligere 4 dommere. Kilde: CAS







Hvem vinder Champions League 2015/16? Det gør en klub fra Spanien, England, Italien eller Tyskland.

AF LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK I tirsdags påbegyndte 32 håbefulde klubber marchen mod europæisk klubfodbolds ypperste trofæ, Champions Leaguepokalen. Men de fleste af klubberne kan godt glemme alt om at hæve den så eftertragtede pokal 28. maj 2016 på Stadio Giuseppe Meazza i Milano. For kun en gang i dette årtusinde, opg jort fra sæson 1999/2000 til 2014/15, har en klub udenfor the Big Four, La Liga, Premier League, Serie A og Bundesligaen, vundet Champions League, nemlig da portugisiske FC Porto tilbage i sommeren 2004 stod med trofæet. Ironisk nok også den eneste gang endnu en anden nation har sneget sig med i finalen, idet FC Porto dengang mødte franske AS Monaco fra Ligue 1.



Ellers har finalisterne været Spanien (10), England (8), Italien (6) og Tyskland (6). Eller med andre ord: Der er omkring 94 procents sandsynlighed for at begge finalister i sæson 2015/16 kommer fra Spanien, England, Italien eller Tyskland. Går man yderligere et årti tilbage er statistikken stort set lige så tydeligt. For godt nok formåede hollandske Ajax Amsterdam og franske Marseilles at blande sig i trofækampen, men man skal helt tilbage til sæson 1990/91 for at opleve en vaskeægte sensation i Champions League, da Crvena Zvezda fra Beograd erobrede trofæet. Men lige som med Ajax og Marseilles har man ikke hørt om serberne siden.

Lige så entydig statistikken er for en finaleklubs oprindelsessted lyder den i øvrigt også for at opnå en tur i semifinalerne i Champions League. Af dette årtusindes semifinalister kommer 94 procent således fra Spanien, England, Italien og Tyskland. Ironisk nok er den ellers så efterhånden skrantende Serie A den mest effektive liga, når en klub derfra når semifinalerne. Af otte semifinalister nåede seks, eller 75 procent, således finalen. Heraf tog de tre trofæet. Blandt håbefulde finalister viser klubber fra La Liga sig mest effektive, idet 70 procent af de spanske finalister også ender med at stå med pokalen. Så hvem sætter du dine penge på?

Foto: All Over Press

ANTALLET AF SEMIFINALISTER I CHAMPIONS LEAGUE I DETTE ÅRTUSINDE, NATIONER Spanien: 24 England: 18 Tyskland: 10 Italien: 8 Frankrig: 2 Portugal: 1 Holland: 1

ANTALLET AF FINALISTER I CHAMPIONS LEAGUE I DETTE ÅRTUSINDE, NATIONER Spanien: 10 England: 8 Italien: 6 Tyskland: 6 Frankrig: 1 Portugal: 1

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE 2015/16 GRUPPERNE A Shakhtar Donetsk, Malmö, Paris Saint-Germain og Real Madrid. B Manchester United, CSKA Moskva, PSV Eindhoven og Wolfsburg. C Atletico Madrid, FC Astana, Galatasaray og Benfica. D Juventus, Manchester City, Sevilla og Borussia Mönchengladbach. E Roma, Leverkusen, Barcelona og Bate Borisov. F Arsenal, Bayern München, Dinamo Zagreb og Olympiakos. G Chelsea, Dynamo Kijev, Porto og Maccabi Tel-Aviv. H FC Zenit, Gent, Olympique Lyon og Valencia. Kilde: UEFA

ANTALLET AF VINDERE AF CHAMPIONS LEAGUE, NATIONER Spanien: 7 England: 3 Italien: 3 Tyskland: 2 Portugal: 1 Beregningen er fra sæson 1999/00 til 2014/15.


Real Madrid 549,5 Manchester United 518,0 Bayern München 487,5 FC Barcelona 484,6 Paris Saint-Germain 474,2 Manchester City 414,4 Chelsea 387,9 Arsenal 359,3 Liverpool 305,9 Juventus 279,4 Mio. euro Kun Liverpool mangler i denne sæsons Champions League.

2015: FC Barcelona 2014: Real Madrid 2013: Bayern München 2012: Chelsea 2011: FC Barcelona 2010: Inter 2009: FC Barcelona 2008: Manchester United 2007: Milan 2006: FC Barcelona 2005: Liverpool 2004: Porto 2003: Milan 2002: Real Madrid 2001: Bayern München 2000: Real Madrid

Kilde: Deloitte

Kilde: UEFA




Foto: All Over Press



Motion på arbejdspladsen betaler sig. For den enkelte og for virksomhedens produktivitet.

AF LARS ANDERSSON, TEAM TEKSTWERK Træning i arbejdstiden er en god forretning. For den enkelte og for virksomheden. Det viser en ph.d.-afhandling af Just Bendix Justesen fra instituttet Idræt og Biomekanik på Syddansk Universitet. I to år har Just Bendix Justesen undersøgt

”Resultater fra flere lande, som f.eks. Canada, Sverige og England, er ganske overbevisende og giver et solidt grundlag for at sige, at fysisk form påvirker den enkeltes indtjening.” Michael Lechner, professor ved Swiss Institute for Empirical Research. effekten af træning i arbejdstiden blandt 400 kontoransatte i seks udvalgte virksomheder, såvel private som offentlige. Halvdelen af de ansatte trænede en time



ugentligt, mens de øvrige ikke trænede i arbejdstiden. Og resultatet var entydigt: ”Motion på arbejdspladsen kan halvere korttids-sygefraværet og få produktiviteten til at stige med ti procent,” konstaterer Just Bendix Justesen. ”Selvfølgelig er der udgifter forbundet med motion i arbejdstiden. Men medregner man forbedringer i korttids-sygefravær og produktivitets-stigningen, så får virksomhederne pengene tilbage,” forklarer Just Bendix Justesen. Forskeren fastslår dog, at det ikke er nok blot at sætte et motionstilbud i gang: ”Jeg kalder det, når cirkus kommer til byen. Sundhedsarbejdet skal ind i virksomhedens drift- og strategiarbejde. Det skal implementeres korrekt for at få en vedvarende effekt,” siger han. Derfor foreslår Just Bendix Justesen, at virksomhederne udpeger ’sundhedsambassadører’: ”En tæt kollega er bedre til at forankre sådanne tiltag, fordi der er større tillid mellem kolleger end til en chef eller en

sundhedsekspert,” erklærer Just Bendix Justesen. DEN TUNGE ENDE Just Bendix Justesens videnskabelige analyse omfatter kun seks virksomheders

”Det, vi kan fastslå med sikkerhed, er, at den indsats den enkelte gør for at være i god fysisk form, har betydning for, hvor produktiv man er i jobbet.” Peter Hermann, direktør for Forebyggelse & Sundhed i PFA Pension. kontoransatte, og det kan ikke umiddelbart overføres til samtlige arbejdspladser i Danmark, eksempelvis ’manden på gulvet’. Det erkender Just Bendix Justesen da også:

Foto: All Over Press

MOTION ”Det er selvfølgelig en sværere gruppe at arbejde med. Jeg mener dog, at implementeret rigtigt vil det også kunne give nogle unikke resultater. Det må tiden vise. Jeg kan ikke sætte tal på,” siger Just Bendix Justesen. Derfor er han også med i arbejdsgruppen bag ’Mit gode Liv’, der skal forbedre sundheden for medarbejdere på arbejdspladsen, også for ’manden på gulvet’. Foreløbig omfatter projektet de ansatte på fire friskvareterminaler i Arla, hvor medarbejderne pakker mælk og andre fødevarer døgnet rundt. I første omgang fokuseres der især på

lunge- og hjertesundheden, men på sigt skal sundhedsprojektet bredes længere ud. Det viser sig nemlig, at jo højere uddannelse, du har, jo større mulighed er der for at få tilbudt motion i arbejdstiden. Ifølge en analyse fra Idrættens Analyseinstitut (Idan) får hele 55 procent af medarbejderne med lang videregående uddannelse tilbudt motion i arbejdstiden, mens blot 28 procent af medarbejderne med en grundskole i bagagen får tilbudt det samme. Og denne skævhed skyldes ikke manglende interesse, snarere tværtimod. Blandt medarbejdere, som får tilbudt motion via arbejdspladsen, gør personer med højest en grunduddan-

DE DØR SOM FLUER I august påviste et studie fra the International Sport & Culture Association (ISCA), at manglende fysisk aktivitet koster 500.000 døde i Europa hvert år. Og samfundet i omegnen af 80 milliarder euro. Tal fra det medicinske magasin, The Lancet, gør nu de omkostninger endnu mere skræmmende på verdensplan. Ifølge The Lancet dør fem millioner mennesker hvert år på verdensplan på grund af fysisk in-aktivitet. Ifølge rapporten følger tre ud af ti over 15 år ikke anvisningerne om den nødvendige motion, der ellers er anbefalet af alle eksperter. Det svarer til 1,5 milliarder mennesker… Og endnu værre: Fire ud af fem 13-15-årige bevæger sig ikke nok! Også i USA ringer alarmklokkerne. En artikel, ’Regular Physical Activity Forgotten Benefits’, i Journal of Medicine, konkluderer således, at manglende motion nu udfordrer nationen i en sådan grad, at det koster samfundet 24 milliarder amerikanske dollar om året.



nelse bag sig faktisk mere brug af tilbuddet – end personer med længere uddannelse. Nærmere bestemt 40 procent mod 29 procent, viser undersøgelsen fra Idan. Og jo, der er også noget i det for dig – udover bedre sundhed. En undersøgelse fra Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit viser således, at øget motion og bedre sundhed giver en positiv effekt på lønsedlen…

Citaterne er hentet fra Agenda, DA’s Nyhedsbrev, 20. juni 2015. Inge-Lene Sundtoft Poulsen: Motion smitter af på lønnen.

SÅ MANGE FÅR TILBUD OM MOTION VIA ARBEJDSPLADSEN, UDDANNELSESLÆNGDE Grundskole: 28 % Gymnasiet: 31 % Kort videregående uddannelse: 41 % Mellemlang videregående uddannelse: 47 % Lang videregående uddannelse: 55 % Tallene er fra 2011. Kilde: Idan

Foto: Foto:All Jesper OverVinzent Press



Photo: All Over Press


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